Energy and Exergy Analysis of Coal Fired Power Plant
Energy and Exergy Analysis of Coal Fired Power Plant
Energy and Exergy Analysis of Coal Fired Power Plant
International Journal
Technology & Science(IJIRTS)
Increasing demand of power has made keen interest of study to improve the efficiency of power
plant. From the energy Scenario we see that approximately 57% of energy is generated from coal
fired power plant. It is the major source of energy
production. The energy analysis is carried out for
32MW coal fired thermal power plant. Increasing
demand of power has made keen interest of study
to improve the efficiency of power plant. The
energy assessment must be quality and quantity.
The aim of the study is to identify the location and
magnitude of useful energy lost during the process
at various components of power plant.
The losses at various components are calculated
using the energy and exergy balance equation.
The first law thermodynamics and second law of
thermodynamic efficiencies of power plant has
been calculated. The analysis shows that the exergy efficiency is low at each components of power
plant, the major loss occur in power plant are Boiler, Turbine and Heat Exchangers. There is 42%
loss in boiler and 38% loss in Turbine. The overall
plant efficiency is 30%. Comparison of energy and
exergy loss where the useful energy is loss is identified and improves the efficiency of the component by making the necessary arrangements to the
system components.
Electrical energy is universal energy, electric energy can be converted into all forms of energy, and
hence the demand for electric energy is increase.
Hence more no of power plant are placed, where
75%of power is generated by burning coal. The
Energy conservation in a coal fired power plant
is one of the important aspects to reduce the rate of
consumption of fossil fuel, with rapid growing of civilization
consumption of energy is also
increasing rapidly. Energy security and co2
emission reduction are the major concerns of todays
world. Our earth crust has abundant amount of coal,
the coal is spread over the world, the quality of the
coal may vary some part have high calorific value
coal and some have low calorific value coal.
Energy consumption is one of the most important
Energy and Exergy Analysis of Coal Fired Power Plant
Case study on thermal power plant, major components of power plant of are listed, points are selected
carefully such that it measure the temperature, mass
flow rate, pressure is noted down at each inlet and
outlet of components of the system. At full load condition parameter reading is noted down. For these
points enthalpy and entropy value is noted from the
steam table. Individual energy and exergy analysis is
calculated for each components of the system.
Exergy destruction at each point is calculated and the
loss is determined with location and magnitude. The
energy and exergy efficiency is also calculated and
to identify the loss occurring in power plant
Energy balance for
2 2 = [ 3 3 + 4 4 +
5 5 + +
5 5 + 17 17 = 6 6 +
18 18 + () (3)
Energy balance for Condenser pump
6 6 +
= 7 7 +
Energy balance for Low pressure Heater
7 7 + 4 4 = 8 8 +
Energy balance for Deaerator
3 3 + 8 8 = [ 9 9 +
Energy balance for boiler feed pump
9 9 + = [ 10 10 +
] (7)
Energy balance for Economizer
10 10 + 11 11 = [ 1 1 +
12 12 + ](8)
Energy balance for Air Pre Heater
12 12 + 16 16
= [ 13 13
15 15 + ]
1 1 + 13 13 + (14 14)] =
Exergy balance for Turbine
2 2 = [ 3 3 + 4 4 +
5 5 + + ] (12)
Exergy balance for Condenser
5 5 + 17 17 = 6 6 +
Exergy balance for Condenser pump
6 6 +
= 7 7 +
Exergy balance for Low pressure Heater
7 7 + 4 4 = 8 8 +
Exergy balance for Deaerator
3 3 + 8 8 = [ 9 9 +
Energy balance for boiler feed pump
9 9 + = [ 10 10 +
Exergy balance for Economizer
10 10 + 11 11 = [ 1 1 +
12 12 + ](18)
= [ 13 13 +
Boiler =49%
Condenser Pump=86%
Low Pressure Heater=87%
Deaerator= 67%
Boiler feed Pump =95%
Air Pre Heater=71%
I am grateful to Prof. P.P. Revankar Associate Professor, for the help extended during my project take
shape and proceed in a uniform disciplined manner.
Prof. Revankar rendered his invaluable help in channelizing my efforts in the right direction. My special
thanks and respect to him.
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Energy and Exergy Analysis of Coal Fired Power Plant