Resmen Bio Primerospuntos

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Reproduction and sexuality:

Human reproduction is sexual and has two characteristics:
-The new individual is formed from only one cell which is called
-A zygote is formed from an union (fertilization) of two gametes
(sexual cells).
The reproductive system is formed by the organs responsable of the
function of reproduction, although male and female ones are different, boths
of them have gonads that are the organs which produce gametes and
sexual hormones. They also have an exit conduct called the reproductive
Women gametes are called ove (eggs) and men gametes are called sperm.
1 .Humans like all mamals have internal fertilization; procces that occurs
inside the female reproductive system.
2. The development of the embryo takes part inside the mothers body
(viviparus), this means more protection for the embryo, more possibilities of
surviving and it also create a stronger bond.
3. Genetic information of the parents is united so the new being wont be
identical to his parents; which means more genetic variability of the species
and also more chances of survival.
4. After the birh, the baby develops until it becomes an adult able to
produce gametes.
*Sexuality: is the capacity of humans to have erotic experiences and
2. Changes during our reproductive life
2.1. Puberty:
It begins in men with the first ejaculation (spermache) and in women wen
the first menstruation takes place (menarche). This occurs due to the
increased secretion of pituitary hormone, follicle stimulating (FSH) hormone
and luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulate the production of gametes.
Puberty lasts 3-4 years; in girls it begins when they are between 10-13 years
and in boys when they are between 12-14. Hormone secretion pruduces
anatomical,physiological and even psychological changes that transform the
boy or girl into an adolescent.
2.2. Adolescence:
During this stage many physical and pysichological changes occur. This
prepares the individual to develope their sexuality and make them able to
reproduct. In women this changes are the consequence of the release of ova
and sexual hormones (estrogen and progesteron) from the ovaries. And in
men happen because of the release of spermatozoids and sexual hormones
(testosterone) from the testicles.
3.3. The end of reproductive life:

Ovaries usually stop working when women are 50 years old and testicles
stop working like they used to also when men are 50 years old moreless.
This produce several physical and psychological changes known as
menopause (in women) and andropause (in men).

3. The reproductive system

3.1 The male reproductive system:
Its formed by the tesitcles, the penis, the reproductive tract and male
accessory glands.
3.1.1 The testicles:
They are the organs that produce male gametes or spermatozoids. They
have an oval shape an have several seminisferous tubes inside them. In the
walls of the seminisferious tubes are the cells that produce spermatozoids,
and in between those cells are the cells that produce male sexual hormones
Testicles are outside the body and are covered by a layer of skin called
3.1.2. The reproductive tract
Are the ducts that collect the spermatozoids and carry them to the exterior:
-Epididymis: where spermatozoids mature until they are ready for
-Ductus deferens: is a tube thats the continuation of the epididymis and
carry spermatozoids to the interior of the abdomen. Its use to store
spermatozoids before they exit the body.
-Urethra: its also a part of the urinary tract; the end of the urethra is
located inside the penis.
3.1.3. The penis
Its the male copulatory organ; its formed of two spongy tissues (erectile
-Corpora cavernosa: located at the top of the urethra.
-Corpus spongiosum: surround the urethra and widdens at the end forming
the glans penis, whicha are covered by a fold of skin called foreskin.
*During copulation, arteries inject the blood at a high pressure in the
corpora cavernosa making them increase in size, pruducing an erection.
3.1.4. Accessory glands
*Semen: the mixture of sperm and the substances segregated by the
accessory glands.
*Substances segregated by the glands as well as creating semen facilitate
penetration during sexual intercourse (sexual relations).

-Seminal vesicles: located behind the bladder, they secrete spermatic fluid
containing glucose, a nutrient for sperm.
-Prostate: located below the bladder. Secrete prostatic fluid that contains
substances which protects sperm from the acidity of the vagina.
-Cowper glands: located at the base of the penis; secrete a lubricating fluid
which facilitates penetration.
Semen (contains spermatozoids)= 10% sperm+ 90% nutrients for sperm,
substances of prostatic fluid and mucus lubricant.

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