Annotated Bibliography of Animal Testing
Annotated Bibliography of Animal Testing
Annotated Bibliography of Animal Testing
The article showed that other alternatives and suggestions have been
recommended for scientists, but may not be as feasible. According to the article
The Save The Animals: Stop The Animal Testing article indicates that
animal testing is beneficial; it does help the humans to afford better technologies
and medicines. Yet, animal testing must be stopped and banned. The article
shows the reasons behind the requests of stopping animal testing. It is believed
and proven that animal testing violates the animal rights within the article.
The sad part that animals can not express themselves and declare their
opinion on the situation. Moreover, can not defend themselves. All what animals
can do, is set down there and feel pain in loneliness. So I believe animal testing
should be stopped and humans start using the other alternatives and develop
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Feder, Barnaby J. "Saving the Animals: New Ways to Test Products." The New York
Times. The New York Times, 2007. Web. 08 May 2016.
In this article, new techniques and methods to test products are given. The
new alternative method that is expected to reduce the usage of animal testing
method is kind of complex. The technology is called engineering tissue samples.
This technology requires developed computers and software. Most probably this
alternative will need huge budget, and takes time to be fully developed to give
accurate results.
The main reason of this attempt, the effort to shift to other method of
testing products is due to the many concerns that question the beneficial of the
animal testing. Lately the reliability of animal testing has been an issue, because
twenty five percent of the drugs that are being tested on animals have failed.
I believe bringing a new method to the table is way too good. However, I
am not looking for benefits to human in terms of money and better money
management. I am exploring the method from different perspective. I am looking
from the angle that looks for the benefit of animals. Such method would eliminate
animal testing or at least reduce animal testing. If someone is looking at the
situation in terms of money and gathered data it is also beneficial to shift. The
engineering tissue samples would deliver better results and better medicines that
are less expected to fail.