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Research Article

Ensuring the security and privacy of information in

mobile health-care communication systems
Ademola O. Adesina1
Kehinde K. Agbele1
Ronald Februarie1
Ademola P. Abidoye1
Henry O. Nyongesa1
Department of Computer
Science, University of the
Western Cape, Cape Town,
South Africa
Correspondence to:
Ademola Adesina
[email protected]
Postal address:
Private Bag X17, Bellville
7535, South Africa
Received: 03 Nov. 2010
Accepted: 08 Apr. 2011
Published: 02 Sept. 2011
How to cite this article:
Adesina AO, Agbele KK,
Februarie R, Abidoye AP,
Nyongesa HO. Ensuring
the security and privacy
of information in mobile
health-care communication
systems. S Afr J Sci.
2011;107(9/10), Art. #508,
7 pages. doi:10.4102/sajs.

2011. The Authors.

Licensee: AOSIS
OpenJournals. This work
is licensed under the
Creative Commons
Attribution License.

The sensitivity of health-care information and its accessibility via the Internet and mobile
technology systems is a cause for concern in these modern times. The privacy, integrity and
confidentiality of a patients data are key factors to be considered in the transmission of medical
information for use by authorised health-care personnel. Mobile communication has enabled
medical consultancy, treatment, drug administration and the provision of laboratory results to
take place outside the hospital. With the implementation of electronic patient records and the
Internet and Intranets, medical information sharing amongst relevant health-care providers
was made possible. But the vital issue in this method of information sharing is security: the
patients privacy, as well as the confidentiality and integrity of the health-care information
system, should not be compromised. We examine various ways of ensuring the security and
privacy of a patients electronic medical information in order to ensure the integrity and
confidentiality of the information.

Before the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in health-care delivery
systems, some of the problems faced were the incorrect recording of diagnoses, unavailability of
patient information, delays in accessing the information, space limitations for record-keeping
and insufficient personnel for patient monitoring. The paradigm shift in health information
technology has enabled a reduction in these hurdles and a more personalised service to be
delivered. Through the acceptance of the Internet as a tool for health-care providers, medical
organisations are establishing websites. In addition to being reservoirs of descriptive information
about the facilities and services of the organisations, these websites allow patients global access
to their medical information, such as clinical laboratory reports, appointment information, health
and prevention reports, billing information and other components of their patient record, via the
Acceptance of the Internet as a tool by health-care providers has not only enabled a transformation
from paper-based records to electronic patient records (EPRs), but has also facilitated the use of
sensor networks for remote patient monitoring, which allows for easy accessibility of medical
information by health-care practitioners. For example, Intels Integrated Digital Hospital
combines mobile point-of-care and other information technology concepts to integrate patient
and administrative information into a comprehensive digital view of a patients health.3 The
corollary for global access is that electronic use (from medical terminologies to networking
protocols) must be standardised. Another consideration when using this technology to enhance
health-care delivery is the need for security and privacy, so as to maintain fundamental medical
ethics and social expectations. Such considerations include data access rights; where, when and
how data are stored; security during transmission; data analysis rights; and governing policies.
In this paper, we examine various ways of implementing data security measures in a mobile
health-care environment when data are being transmitted and where they are stored in the
database repository. Data encryption, digital watermarking and steganography are various ways
to protect the integrity of the data (which may be in the form of text, image, video or audio) in
noisy communication channels during the transmission of patient data. Security for the database
server and central monitoring system (in the case of sensor networks or telemedicine) is necessary
to protect the integrity of the stored data in a mobile health-care communication system. We
also present the theoretical background to the issues of privacy and data protection and discuss
dynamism in health-care delivery systems, the storage of patient records and the transformation
from eHealth (electronic health) to mHealth (mobile health). Some real-life scenarios regarding
the privacy and security of patient records are given and recommendations for the improvement
of database security and privacy are discussed before we offer our conclusions.


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Theoretical background to the issues

of privacy and data protection
The United Nations guidelines encourage countries to
enact legislation that will accord personal information an
appropriate measure of protection and also to ensure that such
information is collected only for appropriate purposes and
by appropriate means. In 1995, the Data Protection Directive
was enacted to provide some level of protection for citizens
during the free flow of personal data within the European
Union. The directive stated that the flow of personal data can
be only within the boundaries of the member countries that
can guarantee an adequate level of protection.4
The Southern African Law Reform Commission recognises
that privacy is a valuable aspect of personality. Its protection
forms an element of safeguarding a persons right to privacy
and providing legal protection on personal information
that is collected, stored, used or communicated by another
person or institution. The meaning of information protection
varies in different declarations and laws; basically it means
that personal information should be dealt with according to
a specific principle known as the Principle of Information
The promulgation of information protection laws in South
Africa has resulted in the amendment of South African
legislation, most significantly the Promotion of Access to
Information Act 2 of 2000, the Electronic Communication
and Translations Act 25 of 2002 and the National Credit
Bill of 2005.4,5,6 The preliminary recommendations of the
Commission, as set out in the Bill, can be summarised as
1. Privacy and information protection should be regulated
by a general information protection statute, with or without
sector specific statutes, which will be supplemented by codes of
conduct for the various sectors and will be applicable to both the
public and private sector.
2. General principles of information protection should be
developed and incorporated in the legislation. The Bill gives
effect to eight core information protection principles: processing
limitation, purpose specification, further processing limitation,
information quality, openness, security safeguards, individual
participation and accountability.
3. A statutory regulatory agency should be established.
Provision has been made for an Independent Information
Protection Commission to direct the work of the Commission in
implementation of both the Protection of Personal Information
Act and the Promotion of Access to Information Act of 2000. Data
subjects will be under an obligation to notify the Commission of
any processing of personal information before they undertake
such processing.

Dynamism in health-care delivery

Health-care providers have explored information technology
opportunities to reduce the overall costs of health-care
delivery without compromising the quality of health-care
service.7,8 This dynamism has brought about scenarios
in which health care is decentralised and distributed,

Research Article

and responsibility is shared among different health-care

providers to render optimal medical, psychological and
social help to patients.9 These scenarios make it important
for a practitioner to be able to search the medical records of
a patient and establish the history of their ailment, as well
as previous diagnoses and treatment in order to provide
current treatment.
Monitoring the health of a patient in a remote area is
achievable through the use of a mobile device (e.g. a cellular
phone), local server and remote patient monitoring system. A
periodic report from the sensors is sent to the system server
by means of wireless communication, such as Bluetooth
within the patients house, which is connected to the central
monitoring station. A final response (the appropriate
treatment or interpretation of the sensor signals) is received
from the central monitoring station if the signals are beyond
what the local server can interpret. Internet connection
facilitates the link between the two ends the patients
environment and the central monitoring station.
With the sophistication of health-care facilities improving,
the likelihood is that fewer personnel will cater to more
patients, whilst still delivering prompt services and efficient
patient care by making judicious use of limited time, which
thus allows for more time for clinical activities. Building
an ecosystem that relates different aspects of the hospital
management system could bring about precise results,
minimise costs and improve the efficient management of a
Figure 1 represents the proposed dynamism in health-care
delivery system architecture as a block diagram of a generic
form of a health-care delivery information system in which
the patient is the centre point that all departments or units
concentrate their services on. It is a form of ecosystem
that gives priority to the patient over all other facets of the
hospital management system. There is a need for information
flow in this particular system, for example, the laboratory
information system should make available laboratory
results to the surgery unit before any surgical procedure can
commence, the pharmacy dispensing a drug is dependent
on the recommendation of the orthopaedic department,
and radiology will present the report of their findings to
the orthopaedic unit. In this system, the various forms
of information have to be made available for the proper
treatment of the patient.
The health-care delivery information system is an interwoven
relationship. It is clear from Figure 1 that interaction between
the patient and different departments is inevitable. There is
a need to ensure the security of the transmission between
patients and departments within the domain because vast
amounts of data are constantly being generated electronically.
Other benefits of hospital-care delivery systems include:
enabling hospitals and skilled professionals to render
better services to their patients
improving the quality of patient care in all areas of the
hospital system from the laboratory to the pharmacy, and
even bed management systems
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information system



Insurance and contracts



Appointment scheduling


information system

FIGURE 1: A depiction of the information sharing relationships (ecosystem) between patients and health-care services.

increasing professionalism, such as physician and nurse

reducing the time spent by staff in filling out forms, thus
freeing resources for more critical tasks
improving the quality of care, procedures and service to
controlling the costs incurred by diagnosis-related groups.

Patient records
A patient record may be defined as any relevant record made
by a health-care practitioner at the time of or subsequent to a
consultation and or examination or the application of health
management10. A patient record contains information about
the health of an identifiable individual recorded by healthcare professionals, either personally or at their direction.11
The patient record documents the trend of medical activities
over a particular period of time, including the treatments
prescribed for an ailment. An electronic medical record is the
record of the medical information of a patient for a specific
enterprise, such as a hospital, whereas the EPR contains
all the health-care-related information on one person, that
is, the integration of the patients health information from
diverse and disparate systems, as is practised in a distributed
Patient records can be kept in paper or electronic form. Paperbased records require significantly more storage space than
digital records. Patient records should be kept for a certain
number of years and such retention incurs a storage cost.
Paper-based records also require collation, especially when
parts are stored in different locations, whereas electronic
records do not. Another problem associated with paperbased records is that of poor legibility, which may result
in serious medical error. The interpretation of standard
medical jargon and the standardisation of abbreviations are
unreliable in paper-based records, whereas these issues are
automatically addressed in electronic records because of the
standardisation of forms, terminologies and abbreviations
used for the input of data electronically.
EPRs take the current paper-based documents and convert
them to a digital format so that they are available in an
electronic form. When an EPR is initiated, information is
gathered from a patients record at a specific location and
the information is then shared via the Internet with the
authorised health-care practitioners who have the right to

access the database. The records include various types of

data, such as physicians notes, magnetic resonance images
and clinical laboratory results. Using EPRs allows real-time
access to health-care records, irrespective of the physical
location of the user. Physicians, nurses, insurance companies
and patients can access the records via the Internet. In
addition, EPRs can be more easily backed up than paperbased records, which prevents the possible loss of data.1
Accessing an EPR is easy because it is stored in the database,
which confines it within a particular location. Patient
information is exchanged across the server via the Internet
or other interfaces designed for presenting the records. EPRs
can also be continuously updated, irrespective of the location
of the health-care practitioner. The ability to exchange
records between different EPR systems would facilitate the
coordination of health-care delivery in non-affiliated healthcare facilities. Another advantage of the EPR is that data from
an electronic system can be used anonymously for statistical
reporting in matters such as quality improvement, resource
management and public health communicable disease
A major disadvantage of the EPR is its connection to
the Internet, which makes it vulnerable to hacking or
unauthorised access. Eavesdropping and skimming can also
occur when sensitive data for remote patient monitoring are
transmitted wirelessly. In contrast, patients need to appear in
person at a health-care facility in order to be monitored or to
access paper-based medical records in the traditional healthcare system, which restricts the number of personnel that
have access to their information. There is therefore a greater
challenge in ensuring data security and the integrity of the
EPR compared to traditional health-care systems.

Transformation from eHealth to

There is no consensus on the definition of eHealth (or electronic
health) as it goes beyond the use of the ICT ecosystem. eHealth
is defined by Eysenbach15 as an intersection of medical
informatics, public health and business, referring to health
services and information delivered or enhanced through the
Internet and related technologies. eHealth involves patients
and stakeholders that deliver good-quality health-related
services at low cost.16 In addition, the term eHealth reflects
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not only the technical development of modern health-care,

but also a global attitude and commitment to improve health
care locally, regionally and globally by using ICT. eHealth
encompasses more than business transactions; it includes
medical diagnoses, digital data transmission of medical
signals and images, laboratory reports, patient histories,
purchase orders and insurance claims.17
Increasing development in mobile technology has positively
influenced mobile health (mHealth) delivery services.
mHealth is a new term for health-care practitioners who
use a mobile phone, a voice recorder, telehealth services,
patient monitoring devices, personal digital assistants
(PDAs) and other mobile devices in their practice.
mHealth forms part of an increasing movement towards
citizen-centred health-care delivery. mHealth involves
new technology, policies, devices, systems and standards
for communication between patients and health-care
providers, integration of applications and communicationenhanced disease management programmes, collaboration
and care coordination systems and much more. Expansion
in telecommunication networks and the use of smarter
handsets has transformed weak health systems and
assisted in combating health challenges ranging from
maternal and child illnesses and mortality to chronic and
infectious diseases.18 Mobile technology has enabled remote
and isolated communities to communicate in real time in
a way that was not possible before. mHealth takes into
account a patients literacy, clinician and staff education, a
strategy for wireless connectivity, an inventory of existing
medical applications and creates a management system
for incoming emails and text messages.19 Communicationenhanced health-care through mobile technology is a
paradigm for the future, but it may be inhibited by the costly
infrastructural requirements of sophisticated technology, a
lack of availability of highly skilled operators, unreliability
of Internet connectivity and the amount of training and retraining of available personnel.16 Despite these limitations,
mHealth is expected to bring a revolutionary change to
health-care delivery systems because of the exploding field
of mobile digital tools like PDAs, enterprise digital assistants,
tablet computers, smartphones and sensor gadgets.
mHealth requires mobile devices and other mobile
technologies that are not needed by eHealth systems.20 The
scaling up of technologies for implementation of mHealth
may be a most promising investment in developing
countries, especially in Africa, because of the support that
can be provided to health workers in remote locations.
The technology for mHealth can reach people anywhere
and at any time, because it is continually expanding with
sophisticated 3G networks and mobile broadband.21

Privacy and security concerns

Before now, health-care information system software vendors
and health-care providers have had the philosophy, make it
work first, then think about the security later,22 for most of
the technology installed. The revolutionary emergence of the
personal computer in 1980, coupled with inevitable systems

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of networking, has brought about todays data security. But

technological changes in both the computer world and the
health-care delivery information system have made securing
these systems a priority in order to protect the confidentiality
of information.
As advantageous as the technological aspects of an EPR are for
health-care delivery systems, the benefits need to be balanced
against the privacy and security concerns of the patients.
Information needs to be captured, stored and maintained
in a database such that the integrity and confidentiality of
the information are guaranteed. Patients are entitled to be
informed of their conditions, which necessitates ready access
to all relevant health-care information. The integrity of the
stored data can be compromised deliberately or through
carelessness on the part of the personnel. For instance, data
may be manipulated to gain advantage in an insurance policy
or claim, or for the benefit of gaining employment.
Securing data in a distributed environment over the mobile
network has been a greater challenge than doing so in a
centralised system, although the total failure of a central
system is more costly than one or more elements failing in
a distributed system. The mobility of data in the process of
distribution results in decentralisation and the spread of
data security concerns.23 Whereas, abuse of privilege is more
prominent in a centralised system, especially if a person
authorised to use the system illicitly gains access to restricted
security codes or measures.
There are three basic elements of data security to be
considered: confidentiality, integrity and availability. To
establish a level of confidence in the data, health-care
organisations must process all confidential data so that it is
not disclosed to those to whom it should not be, whether the
disclosure is accidental or malicious. There have been several
instances in which information about a patients health has
been leaked; such unauthorised disclosure, whether it be
the health information of a public figure or a private citizen,
can ruin a persons career, affect their insurability or destroy
their life. For example, the Sunday Times released the medical
report of Dr Manto Tshabalala-Msimang to the public in an
article entitled Manto: A drunk and a thief, published on
19 August 2007. A controversy erupted and the newspaper
was sued for divulging medical information. Surprisingly,
instead of querying the protection of a patients medical
information against unauthorised disclosure by hospital
staff, the attention was focused on whether the Sunday Times
had permission to publish such information. Thus technology
should be used and policies should be put in place to protect
the confidentiality of electronic health-care information.
Data integrity is not always associated with security,
particularly in the eyes of the general public. Protecting
the integrity of data means ensuring that the recorded
information is correct and is not in any way corrupted. A
corrupted patient record is a serious problem and could lead
to the death of a patient. The third and the last major aspect
of the data security concept is system availability. Computer
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systems or mobile devices should be available to users

whenever the need arises because they enhance information
sharing by health-care practitioners.
The protected transmission of confidential information is a
serious matter within the health-care system. Experts have
warned against the transmission of highly confidential
information, such as diagnostic test results, to avoid the
possibility that a patients privacy can be breached. Patients
have a right to the confidentiality and privacy of their medical
treatment. Ethical and legal guidelines state that health
workers must keep all patient information confidential unless
the patients consent is sought and that such information
cannot be divulged to a third or unauthorised person.24,25
The case of Mr McGeary is an example of an infringement
of patient rights. Mr McGeary needed an HIV test to apply
for a life insurance policy. His doctor performed the HIV
test, which was positive. His doctor told two other people (a
doctor and a dentist) of the result. Other people then learned
of Mr McGearys HIV status from these two people. Legal
action was instituted against the doctor for breaching Mr
McGearys legal and ethical rights to confidentiality.26,27
The revised guideline28 of the Health Professions Council of
South Africa a body that regulates the activities of health
professionals practising in South Africa is as follows:
No practitioner may divulge verbally or in writing any
information which ought not be divulged regarding the ailments
of a patient except with the express consent of the patient or in the
case of a minor, with the express consent of his guardian, or in the
case of a deceased patient, with the consent of his next-of-kin or
the executor of his estate.

Data security methods, like cryptography, digital

watermarking and steganography, employed in the
transmission of health information under a secured noisy
channel could be the panacea or better alternative for
ensuring the confidentiality of the health information. These
methods are discussed within the context of protecting
health information transmitted using ever-growing mHealth

Encrypting prevents a third person from understanding
patient information if it is intercepted. A patients record
can be digitally scrambled such that only authorised people
who possess the key to the encryption can transform the

Research Article

data to its original form. Encryption can be symmetric or

Symmetric encryption systems provide a two-way channel
for their users: A and B share a secret key and they can both
encrypt information to send to the other as well decrypt
information in the reverse manner. Authentication is genuine
as long as the message received was not fabricated by
someone other than the declared sender. The only challenge
in this scheme is how the secret key is sent to the recipient
and key distribution can be difficult, especially if there is
a need for another user. In general, n users who want to
communicate in pairs will need n(n 1)/2 keys. What this
means is that the number of keys needed increases at a rate
proportional to the square of the number of users.
Asymmetric encryption systems involve each user having
two keys that are unique to them a public key and a
private key. A trusted third party is used to facilitate secure
interactions between the two parties. The user may send the
public key freely because each key is used for only half of the
process. That is, one key decrypts the encryption made by
the other and vice versa. Only the corresponding private key
(presumably it is kept private) can decrypt what has been
encrypted with the public key.29
Table 1 shows a comparison between symmetric
and asymmetric encryption systems in terms of their
transformational speed, diffusion of information, propagation
of error and insertion of symbols.
Encrypting patient information before transmission can help
to protect the information, although anyone who obtains the
key can access the data. The key to the success of encryption is
to limit the number of personnel who have the key to encrypt
and decrypt the data, and to determine the most appropriate
length of the key.29,30

Digital watermarking
Digital watermarking of data provides a means to protect
information in cases where access control to the information
may be compromised. It is the art of embedding data
(as a watermark) into a multimedia object, such that the
watermark can be detected or extracted later without
impairing the object. Watermarks are often inserted into
images that can be detected when the image is compared

TABLE 1: Comparison between symmetric encryption systems (stream algorithms) and asymmetric encryption systems (block algorithms).
Encryption type



Transformational speed is high because the symbol is encrypted without
(stream encryption algorithm) regard for any other plain text symbols each symbol is encrypted as soon
as it is read. Encryption algorithm is the factor that determines the time to
encrypt a symbol, but not the time it takes to receive the plain text.

(block encryption algorithm)

Diffusion is low: each symbol is enciphered separately. The symbols

information is contained in only one symbol of the cipher text.

Low error propagation: an error in the encryption process affects only that
character, because each symbol is separately encoded.

Malicious insertion and modification: the symbols are separately

enciphered, which allows the code to be compared with a similar or
previous message and allows a counterfeit or new message that may
look genuine to be transmitted in place of the original.

High diffusion: information from the plain text is diffused into several
cipher text symbols. One cipher text block may depend on several plain
text letters.

Slow encryption: all plain text symbols will have to be received

before the encryption process commences.

Difficulty in symbol insertion: enciphering is done based on blocks of

symbols therefore it is rather difficult to insert a single symbol into one
block, otherwise the length of the block will be incorrect.

High error propagation: if an error occurs in the block, it will spread

across the block and affect the block transformation.


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with the original. Watermarks used for copyright protection

are designed to identify both the source of the image as well
as its authorised users. Public key encryption, such as the
RSA algorithm (invented by Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir
and Leonard Adleman in 1977), does not completely prevent
unauthorised copying because of the ease with which images
can be reproduced from previously published documents.
All watermarked documents and images must be extracted
before they can be read and disseminated. Chang-Tsun et
al.31 presented a role-based access control framework using
data hiding techniques for combating security threats in a
picture archiving and communication system. Access to the
databases and the information contained in the pictures, in
this case mammograms, was controlled through the issuance
of a stego key and a watermarking key. Wilson et al.3
suggested using a steganographic filing system for storing
and accessing information that is distributed over different
medical records and in different locations. This filing system
was designed with the intention of concealing the existence
of the files and authorised users were required to be aware
of the existence of the file, then supply a file name and
associated password to access the desired file. This method
uses initialisation of the file system with several randomly
generated cover files. A newly created file is embedded
within a single cover file or a subset of cover files.

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The drawback of this form of steganography is that the

message sender is forced to make a text cover according
to a preset procedure, hence defeating the purpose of
steganography. Also, applying a brute force approach to
decoding will reveal the message.

Database security
Database security refers to security within the server,
excluding data transmission across the network. An
advantage of database technology is the ability to perform
data mining a technique that involves the use of analytical
tools to study corporate data in order to increase the efficiency
of the organisation. Data mining allows for information
sharing with other organisations.34 However, information
sharing has security implications and so restricting access to
the database is essential. Restricting access can be achieved
by a multilevel security database, for which access is
controlled by policies that are enforced and limit the sharing
of information to only those who are authorised.35 Undesired
data mining is resolved by getting an integral part of the
data mining with some guiding rules so as to make data
manipulations difficult for an unauthorised user36; applying
such rules will reinforce the security of the database.
Prevention of unauthorised data mining can be achieved by:

Steganography is the ancient art and science of hiding
information by embedding messages within other, seemingly
innocent-looking messages. The word steganography is
derived from a work by Trithemius (14621516) entitled
Steganographia a Greek word meaning cover writing.
Steganography (hiding the message being communicated)
differs from cryptography (obscuring the meaning of the
message). The communication medium is referred to as the
cover object, the stego object is the embedded message
and together they form the stegosystem. A stego key keeps
the operation secure and stego objects cannot be extracted
from cover objects within the stegosystem without the stego
key.32,33 Concealment of secret messages within a natural
language has been in existence as early as the 16th century.
However, the increase in digital information transmission
and distribution has resulted in the spread of steganography
from ordinary text to multimedia transmission. An example
of such communication is the null cipher.
The null cipher applies a series of characters and words
intended to confuse a hacker. The communication appears
as nonsense, but can be decoded to a meaningful message.
This is an ancient form of encrypted communication in
which a message is surrounded by a large number of
redundant characters (known as null ciphers). This form
of communication is, in fact, known to have been used by
the German army during World War II. The following is an
example of a null cipher form of steganography: Apparently
neutrals protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored.
Isman hard hit. Blockade issue affects pretext for embargo on
by-products, ejecting suets and vegetable oils. Decoding this
message by extracting the second letter in each word reveals
the message: Pershing sails from NY June 1.

Limiting access to the database. Eliminating grouping of

the database structure by higher-order digits or unique
identifiers. For example, grouping can be done with
reasonable reliability by location, sex or age.
Augmenting the data without altering its usefulness, if we
have pre-knowledge of the way the data are to be used.
Misleading data can then be added as they will only be
retrieved by inappropriate queries.
Auditing the database, which will discourage legitimate
users against the indiscriminate misuse of their privilege.
Although this approach does not enforce control, it does
detect misuse by legitimate users.34
Existing solutions to the problem of database security are:
Role-based access control: Because of the complexity of
security in a multi-user environment,27 control of a database
is restricted by the degree of the users involvement in the
patients treatment. For instance, a medical insurer will
not be given the same access to the patients treatment as
the physician; likewise the physician will not have access
to the financial matters of the patients care, whereas the
insurer will.
Encryption: Encryption is used to ensure security of the
data and help in protecting against eavesdropping and
skimming. It includes both software and hardware and it
is always better to use both forms to ensure the greatest
degree of security.
Authentication assurance or mechanisms: This solution
works by confirming that data are being received from
the person or entity claimed.37 Authentication algorithms
(such as passwords, digital signatures and challenge
response authentication protocols) play a major role in
this security measure being successful.
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Recommendations for improvement

on data security and privacy
Medical data in the new technological dispensation can
be secured within the database server and also during
transmission by doing the following:
Defining clear attributes for role-based access as the
systems are put into place.
Developing policies to protect the patients right to privacy
with regard to their medical data.
Defining the extent of medical data transmitted via the
Internet from patients homes to the central monitoring
station, and whether patients have partial or full control
of their data.
Specifying within data mining rules and technological
measures who has the right to analyse the data. As EPRs
are becoming widespread, more health organisations will
have databases that store patient information in a common
computerised format, allowing the sharing of data over
the communication network; hence the administration
of the particular part of the data in circulation has to be
secured or restricted.

Methods of protecting electronic health data have been
discussed and weaknesses in real-world applications
have been highlighted. Many of the existing data security
techniques are not yet robust enough to prevent detection
and removal of embedded data. Notably, the quality of the
media should not noticeably be degraded upon addition of a
watermark; watermarks should be undetectable even in the
presence of the payload of the message (or message content),
multiple watermarks in a payload should not interfere with
each other, watermarks should survive hacking attacks and,
most importantly, digital watermarks should not degrade the
payload message. Hence, it is suggested that implementation
of digital watermarking should be complemented with
data encryption mechanisms to improve the assurance and
integrity of the data stored, retrieved or transmitted across
electronic devices. It is vital that both patients and healthcare workers have confidence in the confidentiality and
integrity of the information and data, and the security of the
transmission channels.


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S Afr J Sci 2011; 107(9/10)

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