UNKNOWN2011 - Ensuring The Security and Privacy of Information in Mobile Health-Care Communication Systems PDF
UNKNOWN2011 - Ensuring The Security and Privacy of Information in Mobile Health-Care Communication Systems PDF
UNKNOWN2011 - Ensuring The Security and Privacy of Information in Mobile Health-Care Communication Systems PDF
Research Article
The sensitivity of health-care information and its accessibility via the Internet and mobile
technology systems is a cause for concern in these modern times. The privacy, integrity and
confidentiality of a patients data are key factors to be considered in the transmission of medical
information for use by authorised health-care personnel. Mobile communication has enabled
medical consultancy, treatment, drug administration and the provision of laboratory results to
take place outside the hospital. With the implementation of electronic patient records and the
Internet and Intranets, medical information sharing amongst relevant health-care providers
was made possible. But the vital issue in this method of information sharing is security: the
patients privacy, as well as the confidentiality and integrity of the health-care information
system, should not be compromised. We examine various ways of ensuring the security and
privacy of a patients electronic medical information in order to ensure the integrity and
confidentiality of the information.
Before the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in health-care delivery
systems, some of the problems faced were the incorrect recording of diagnoses, unavailability of
patient information, delays in accessing the information, space limitations for record-keeping
and insufficient personnel for patient monitoring. The paradigm shift in health information
technology has enabled a reduction in these hurdles and a more personalised service to be
delivered. Through the acceptance of the Internet as a tool for health-care providers, medical
organisations are establishing websites. In addition to being reservoirs of descriptive information
about the facilities and services of the organisations, these websites allow patients global access
to their medical information, such as clinical laboratory reports, appointment information, health
and prevention reports, billing information and other components of their patient record, via the
Acceptance of the Internet as a tool by health-care providers has not only enabled a transformation
from paper-based records to electronic patient records (EPRs), but has also facilitated the use of
sensor networks for remote patient monitoring, which allows for easy accessibility of medical
information by health-care practitioners. For example, Intels Integrated Digital Hospital
combines mobile point-of-care and other information technology concepts to integrate patient
and administrative information into a comprehensive digital view of a patients health.3 The
corollary for global access is that electronic use (from medical terminologies to networking
protocols) must be standardised. Another consideration when using this technology to enhance
health-care delivery is the need for security and privacy, so as to maintain fundamental medical
ethics and social expectations. Such considerations include data access rights; where, when and
how data are stored; security during transmission; data analysis rights; and governing policies.
In this paper, we examine various ways of implementing data security measures in a mobile
health-care environment when data are being transmitted and where they are stored in the
database repository. Data encryption, digital watermarking and steganography are various ways
to protect the integrity of the data (which may be in the form of text, image, video or audio) in
noisy communication channels during the transmission of patient data. Security for the database
server and central monitoring system (in the case of sensor networks or telemedicine) is necessary
to protect the integrity of the stored data in a mobile health-care communication system. We
also present the theoretical background to the issues of privacy and data protection and discuss
dynamism in health-care delivery systems, the storage of patient records and the transformation
from eHealth (electronic health) to mHealth (mobile health). Some real-life scenarios regarding
the privacy and security of patient records are given and recommendations for the improvement
of database security and privacy are discussed before we offer our conclusions.
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information system
Appointment scheduling
information system
FIGURE 1: A depiction of the information sharing relationships (ecosystem) between patients and health-care services.
Patient records
A patient record may be defined as any relevant record made
by a health-care practitioner at the time of or subsequent to a
consultation and or examination or the application of health
management10. A patient record contains information about
the health of an identifiable individual recorded by healthcare professionals, either personally or at their direction.11
The patient record documents the trend of medical activities
over a particular period of time, including the treatments
prescribed for an ailment. An electronic medical record is the
record of the medical information of a patient for a specific
enterprise, such as a hospital, whereas the EPR contains
all the health-care-related information on one person, that
is, the integration of the patients health information from
diverse and disparate systems, as is practised in a distributed
Patient records can be kept in paper or electronic form. Paperbased records require significantly more storage space than
digital records. Patient records should be kept for a certain
number of years and such retention incurs a storage cost.
Paper-based records also require collation, especially when
parts are stored in different locations, whereas electronic
records do not. Another problem associated with paperbased records is that of poor legibility, which may result
in serious medical error. The interpretation of standard
medical jargon and the standardisation of abbreviations are
unreliable in paper-based records, whereas these issues are
automatically addressed in electronic records because of the
standardisation of forms, terminologies and abbreviations
used for the input of data electronically.
EPRs take the current paper-based documents and convert
them to a digital format so that they are available in an
electronic form. When an EPR is initiated, information is
gathered from a patients record at a specific location and
the information is then shared via the Internet with the
authorised health-care practitioners who have the right to
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Encrypting prevents a third person from understanding
patient information if it is intercepted. A patients record
can be digitally scrambled such that only authorised people
who possess the key to the encryption can transform the
Research Article
Digital watermarking
Digital watermarking of data provides a means to protect
information in cases where access control to the information
may be compromised. It is the art of embedding data
(as a watermark) into a multimedia object, such that the
watermark can be detected or extracted later without
impairing the object. Watermarks are often inserted into
images that can be detected when the image is compared
TABLE 1: Comparison between symmetric encryption systems (stream algorithms) and asymmetric encryption systems (block algorithms).
Encryption type
Transformational speed is high because the symbol is encrypted without
(stream encryption algorithm) regard for any other plain text symbols each symbol is encrypted as soon
as it is read. Encryption algorithm is the factor that determines the time to
encrypt a symbol, but not the time it takes to receive the plain text.
(block encryption algorithm)
Low error propagation: an error in the encryption process affects only that
character, because each symbol is separately encoded.
High diffusion: information from the plain text is diffused into several
cipher text symbols. One cipher text block may depend on several plain
text letters.
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Database security
Database security refers to security within the server,
excluding data transmission across the network. An
advantage of database technology is the ability to perform
data mining a technique that involves the use of analytical
tools to study corporate data in order to increase the efficiency
of the organisation. Data mining allows for information
sharing with other organisations.34 However, information
sharing has security implications and so restricting access to
the database is essential. Restricting access can be achieved
by a multilevel security database, for which access is
controlled by policies that are enforced and limit the sharing
of information to only those who are authorised.35 Undesired
data mining is resolved by getting an integral part of the
data mining with some guiding rules so as to make data
manipulations difficult for an unauthorised user36; applying
such rules will reinforce the security of the database.
Prevention of unauthorised data mining can be achieved by:
Steganography is the ancient art and science of hiding
information by embedding messages within other, seemingly
innocent-looking messages. The word steganography is
derived from a work by Trithemius (14621516) entitled
Steganographia a Greek word meaning cover writing.
Steganography (hiding the message being communicated)
differs from cryptography (obscuring the meaning of the
message). The communication medium is referred to as the
cover object, the stego object is the embedded message
and together they form the stegosystem. A stego key keeps
the operation secure and stego objects cannot be extracted
from cover objects within the stegosystem without the stego
key.32,33 Concealment of secret messages within a natural
language has been in existence as early as the 16th century.
However, the increase in digital information transmission
and distribution has resulted in the spread of steganography
from ordinary text to multimedia transmission. An example
of such communication is the null cipher.
The null cipher applies a series of characters and words
intended to confuse a hacker. The communication appears
as nonsense, but can be decoded to a meaningful message.
This is an ancient form of encrypted communication in
which a message is surrounded by a large number of
redundant characters (known as null ciphers). This form
of communication is, in fact, known to have been used by
the German army during World War II. The following is an
example of a null cipher form of steganography: Apparently
neutrals protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored.
Isman hard hit. Blockade issue affects pretext for embargo on
by-products, ejecting suets and vegetable oils. Decoding this
message by extracting the second letter in each word reveals
the message: Pershing sails from NY June 1.
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Methods of protecting electronic health data have been
discussed and weaknesses in real-world applications
have been highlighted. Many of the existing data security
techniques are not yet robust enough to prevent detection
and removal of embedded data. Notably, the quality of the
media should not noticeably be degraded upon addition of a
watermark; watermarks should be undetectable even in the
presence of the payload of the message (or message content),
multiple watermarks in a payload should not interfere with
each other, watermarks should survive hacking attacks and,
most importantly, digital watermarks should not degrade the
payload message. Hence, it is suggested that implementation
of digital watermarking should be complemented with
data encryption mechanisms to improve the assurance and
integrity of the data stored, retrieved or transmitted across
electronic devices. It is vital that both patients and healthcare workers have confidence in the confidentiality and
integrity of the information and data, and the security of the
transmission channels.
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