Sandra E. Moriarty
University of Colorado
Keith Kenney
University of South Carolina
-A Working DraftI. Basic Visual Communication References, Textbooks
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Weschler, Judith. "Caricature, Newspapers, and Politics--Paris in the 1830s." Studies in
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VIII. Communication Studies
Motley, Michael T. "Facial Affect and Verbal Context in Conversation: Facial Expression as
Interjection (ya gotta read beyond the title!)." Human Communication Research. (September,
1993): 3-40.
VIII A. Rhetoric/Myth/Persuasion
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Eco, Umberto. Towards a Semiotic Inquiry into the Television Message. Working Papers
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Feld, Steve and Carroll Williams. Toward a Researchable Film Language. Studies in
Visual Communication. 2 (Spring 1975): 25-32.
Gross, Larry. "Life vs. Art: The Interpretation of Visual Narratives." Studies in Visual
Communication, 11:4 (Fall, 1985): 2-11.
Hall, Stuart. Encoding/decoding. In Culture, Media, Language. (London: Hutchinson,
1980): 128-138.
Hasenmueller, C. Panofsky, Iconography, and Semiotics. Journal of Aesthetics and Art
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Cultural Studies. 3 (Autumn 1972): 89-101.
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de Lauretis, Teresa. Alice Doesnt: Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema. (Bloomington: Indiana
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Lotman, Jurij. Semiotics of Cinema. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1976).
Lupton, Ellen. Reading Isotype. In Victor Margolin (Ed.) Design Discourse: History,
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Seiter, Ellen. Semiotics and Television. In Robert C. Allen, (Ed.) Channels of Discourse:
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Press, 1987): 17-41.
Shapiro, M. On Some Problems in the Semiotics of Visual Art: Field and Vehicle in ImageSigns. Semiotica. 1 (1969): 223-242.
Shaw, David. "Getting to the Pulp of It: Sinead O'Connor and the Iconolastic Pulpit." Speech
Communication Association Conference, New Orleans, 1994.
Solomon, Jack. The Signs of Our Times. (Los Angles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1988).
Swenson, Jill Dianne. "Rodney King, Reginald Denny, and TV News: Cultural Reconstruction of Racism." Journal of Communication Inquiry. 12:1 (Spring 1995): 75-88.
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Verba, Stephen M. and Carl Camden. "Barthes' The Fashion System: An Exploration at the
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Woollacott, Janet. Messages and Meanings. In Michael Gurevitch, T. Bennett, J. Curran
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Worth, Sol. "The Development of a Semiotic of Film." In Larry Gross (Ed.) Sol Worth:
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IX Cultural/Critical Studies
IX A. Sociology/Anthropology
Adams, M. Commentary. Looking Beyond the Photographic Image. Visual Resources. 4
(1987): 273-281.
Chaplin, Elizabeth. Sociology and Visual Representation. (New York: Routledge, 1994).
Chiozzi, Paolo. Photography and Anthropological Research: Three Case Studies. Visual
Sociology. 4:2 (Fall 1989): 43-50.
Chiozzi, Paolo. Reflections on Ethnographic Film with a General Bibliography. Visual
Anthropology. 2:1 (1989): 1-84.
Clarke, Alfred C. and Timothy J. Curry. Introducing Visual Sociology. (Dubuque, IA:
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Collier, John, Jr. and Malcolm Collier. Visual Anthropology: Photography as a Research
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Cowling, M. The Artist as Anthropologist: The Representation of Type and Character in
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Crawford, Peter and David Turton, (Eds.) Film as Ethnography. (Manchester: Manchester
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Critios, Costas and Tim Quinlan. Community Video: Power and Process. Visual
Sociology. 6:2 (Fall 1991): 39-52.
Critios, Costas and Tim Quinlan. Communication That Doesnt Work? Postmodernism and
Community Video: A Reply to Deacon. Visual Sociology. 8:2 (Fall 1993): 67-69.
Curry, Timothy. Form Follows Function in Photography. Visual Sociology. 1:2 (Fall
1986): 20-22.
Damico, Sandra B. The Two Worlds of School: Differences in the Photographs of Black
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Danzker, Jo-Anne Birnie. Robert Flaherty/Photographer. Studies in Visual
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Deacon, Roger. Power, Knowledge and Community Video Revisited. Visual Sociology.
7:2 (Fall 1992): 39-48.
Desmond, Jane. Ethnography, Orientalism and the Avant-Garde Film. Visual
Anthropology. 4:2 (1991): 147-160.
Edwards, Elizabeth. Photographic Types: The Pursuit of Method. Visual Anthropology.
3:2-3 (1990): 235-258.
Edwards, Elizabeth. Anthropology & Photography 1860-1920. (New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1992).
Elsass, Peter. Self-Reflection or Self-Preservation: A Study of the Advocacy Effect.
Visual Anthropology. 4:2 (1991): 161-173.
Faccioli, Patrizia and Andrea Pitasi. A Portrait of Italian Visual Sociology. Visual
Sociology. 10:1 (1995): 50-60.
Falconer, John. Ethnographical Photography in India: 1850-1900. The Photographic
Collector. 5:1 (1984): 16-46.
Fischer, John. "Art Styles as Cultural Cognitive Maps." American Anthropologist, 63 (1): 7993.
Flaes, Robert M. (Ed.) Eyes Across the Water: The Amsterdam Conference on Visual
Anthropology and Sociology. (Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 1989).
Flaes, Robert M. Boonzajer and Douglas Harper (Eds.) Eyes Across the Water II.
(Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 1993).
Fleming, Paula Richardson and Judith Luskey. The North American Indians in Early
Photographs. (New York: Harper and Row, 1986).
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Harper, Douglas. Visual Sociology at the University of Amsterdam: Personal Notes and
Recollections. Visual Sociology. 5:2 (Fall 1990): 34-40.
Heider, Karl. Ethnographic Film. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1976).
de Heusch, Luc. The Cinema and Social Science: A Survey of Ethnographic and
Sociological Films. Visual Anthropology. 1 (1988): 99-156.
Hirsch, Julia. Family Photographs: Content, Meaning and Effect. (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1981).
Hockings, Paul. Ethnographic Filming and the Development of Anthropological Theory.
In Paul Hockings and Yasuhiro Omori, (Eds.). Cinematographic Theory and New
Dimensions in Ethnographic Film. (Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology 24, 1988):
Hockings, Paul (Ed.) Principles of Visual Anthropology. (The Hague: Mouton, 1975).
Homiak, John P. Melville J. Herskovits: Motor Behavior and the Imaging of Afro-American
Culture. Visual Anthropology. 3:1 (1990): 11-29.
Husmann, Rolf. The Anthropological and Sociological Film: Production Strategies in the
Next Decade. Visual Sociology. 4:2 (Fall 1989): 14.
Im Thurn, E. Anthropological Uses of the Camera. Journal of the Anthropological
Institute. 22 (1893): 184-203.
Inglesby, Pamela. Button-Pressers Versus PictureMakers: The Social Reconstruction of
Amateur Photography in the Late 19th Century U.S. Visual Sociology. 5:1 (Spring
1990): 18-25.
Jacknis, Ira. "Franz Boas and Photography." Studies in Visual Communication. 10:1 (Winter,
1984): 2-60.
Jacknis, Ira. Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson in Bali: Their Use of Photography and
Film. Cultural Anthropology. 3:2 (1989): 160-177.
Jacknis, Ira. James Mooney as an Ethnographic Photographer. Visual Anthropology. 3:2-3
(1990): 179-212.
Jackson, Bruce and Diane Christian. Editing Reality. Visual Sociology. 9:1 (Spring 1994):
Jansen, Margriet. Better Little Than Too Much. Visual Sociology. 6:1 (Spring 1991): 1323.
Jenkins, Paul. The Earliest Generation of Missionary Photographers in West Africa: The
Portrayal of Indigenous People and Culture. Visual Anthropology. 7:2 (1994): 115-145.
Jhala, Jayasinhji. Power and the Portrait: The Influence of the Ruling Elite on the Visual
Text in Western India. Visual Anthropology. 6:2 (1993): 171-198.
Kaplan, Flora S. Some Uses of Photographs in Recovering Cultural History at the Royal
Court of Benin, Nigeria. Visual Anthropology. 3: 2-3 (1990): 317-341.
King, Graham. Say Cheese! Looking at Snapshots in a New Way. (New York: Dodd,
Mead & Co., 1978).
Kirkpatrick, Joanna. "The Painted Rickshaw as Culture Theater." Studies in Visual
Communication. 10:3 (Summer, 1984): 73-85.
Koloss, H. J. The Ethnographical Film as a Medium of Documentation and as a Medium of
Research. In N. C. Bogaart and H. W. Ketelaar, (Eds.) Methodology in Anthropological
Filmmaking. (Gottinger: Edition Herodot, 1983).
Kotkin, Amy. "The Family Photo Album as a Form of Folklore." Exposure (March, 1978): 48.
Kriznar, Nasko. Visual Symbols of National Identity. Visual Sociology. 8:1 (Spring 1993):
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Krouse, Susan Applegate. Photographing the Vanishing Race. Visual Anthropology. 3: 2-3
(1990): 213-233.
Kulick, Don and Margaret E. Willson. Echoing Images: The Construction of Savagery
Among Papua New Guinean Villagers. Visual Anthropology. 5:1 (1992): 143-152.
Kunt, Erno. Photography and the Peasant. New Hungarian Quarterly. 24:96 (1983): 1320.
Lansing, Stephen. The Decolonization of Ethnographic Film. Visual Sociology. 4:2 (Fall
1989): 10-18.
Larson, Heidi. Photography That Listens. Visual Anthropology. 1:4 (1988): 415-432.
Lester, Paul M. Looks Are Deceiving: The Portraits of Christopher Columbus. Visual
Anthropology. 5:2 (1992): 211-227.
Levine, Robert M. (Ed.) Windows on Latin America: Understanding Society Through
Photographs. Special issue South Eastern Latin Americanist. (Coral Gables, FL: NorSouth Center, University of Miami, 1987).
Levine, Robert M. Images of History: Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Latin
American Photographs as Documents. (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1989).
Levy, Michael. Time Frames. The Meaning of Family Pictures. (New York: Pantheon
Books, 1980).
Loizos, Peter. Innovation in Ethnographic Film: From Innocence to Self-Consciousness,
1955-1985. (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1993).
Lutkehaus, N. Excuse Me, Everything is Not All Right. On Ethnography, Film, and
Representation. An Interview with Filmmaker Dennis ORourke. Cultural
Anthropology. 4:4 (1989): 422-437.
Lutz, Nancy and J. Collins. The Photograph as an Intersection of Gazes: The Examples of
the National Geographic. Visual Anthropology Review. 7 (1991): 134-150.
Lyman, C. M. The Vanishing Race and Other Illusions: Photographs of Indians by Edward
S. Curtis. (New York: Pantheon, 1982).
MacDougall, David. Beyond Observational Cinema. In Paul Hockings, (Ed.) Principles of
Visual Anthropology. (Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975): 109-126.
MacDougall, David. Ethnographic Film: Failure and Promise. Annual Review of
Anthropology. 7 (1978): 405-425.
MacDougall, David. Photo Hierarchicus: Signs and Mirrors in Indian Photography. Visual
Anthropology. 5:1 (1992): 103-129.
MacDougall, David. The Subjective Voice in Ethnographic Film. In Leslie Devereaux
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Maio, Mark. Buffalos Old First Ward: A Photographic Study. Visual Sociology. 6:2 (Fall
1991): 53-77.
Malmsheimer, Lonna M. Imitation White Man: Images of Transformation at the Carlisle
Indian School. Studies in Visual Communication. 11:4 (1985): 54-75.
Malmsheimer, Lonna M. Photographic Analysis as Ethnohistory: Interpretive Strategies.
Visual Anthropology. 1:1 (1987): 21-36.
Margolis, Eric. "Images in Struggle: Photographs of Colorado Coal Camps. Visual
Sociology. 9:1 (Spring 1994): 4-26.
Marr, Carolyn. Taken Pictures: On Interpreting Native American Photographs of the
Southern Northwest Coast. Pacific Northwest Quarterly. 80:2 (1989): 52-61.
Matthews, Thomas and Hind. Problems and Solutions in Using the Video Camera for Field
Work. Visual Sociology. 2:2 (Fall 1987): 11-15.
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Quinney, Richard. A Sense Sublime: Visual Sociology as a Fine Art. Visual Sociology. 10
(1995): 61-84.
Reid, John Edgar, Jr. The Television Archive: A Source for the Sociological Study of
Culture. Visual Sociology. 7:1 (Spring 1992): 80-88.
Rieger, Jon H. Visual Sociology: A Practical Pedagogy. Visual Sociology. 6:1 (Summer
1991): 38-43.
Rollwagen, Jack R. "The Role of Anthropological Theory in 'Ethnographic' Filmmaking," In
Jack R. Rollwagen (Ed.) Anthropological Filmmaking. (Chur: Harwood, 1988), 287-315.
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Rosenblum, Barbara. "Style as Social Process." American Sociological Review. 43 (1978).
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Ruby, Jay. "Is an Ethnographic Film a Filmic Ethnography?" Studies in Visual
Communication. 2:2 (Fall, 1975): 104-111.
Ruby, Jay. Frank Boas and Early Camera Study of Behavior. The Kinesis Report. 3:1
(1980): 6-11, 16.
Ruby, Jay. Exposing Yourself: Reflexivity, Anthropology and Film. Semiotica. 30:1/2
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Ruby, Jay. "Beyond Realism/Formalism: Toward a New Role for Film in Anthropology."
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Ruby, Jay. Ethnography as Trompe lOeil: Film and Anthropology. In Jay Ruby, (Ed.) A
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Ruby, Jay. The Future of Anthropological Cinema--A Modest Polemic. Visual Sociology.
1:2 (Fall 1986): 9-13.
Ruby, Jay (Ed.). The Cinema of Jean Rouch. Special issue of Visual Anthropology. 2:3-4
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Russell, Catherine. Beyond Authenticity: The Discourse of Tourism in Ethnographic and
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Scherer, Joanna Cohan. "Pictures as Documents: Resources for the Study of North American
Ethnohistory." Studies in Visual Communication 2:2 (Fall, 1975): 65-66.
Scherer, Joanna Cohan. "You Can't Believe Your Eyes: Inaccuracies in Photographs of North
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Scherer, Joanna C. Historical Photographs as Anthropological Documents: A Retrospect.
Visual Anthropology. 3 (1990): 131-156.
Schwartz, Dona. "Doing the Ethnography of Visual Communication: The Rhetoric of Fine
Art Photography." Research in Language and Social Interaction. 21 (1987).
Schwartz, Dona. Visual Ethnography: Using Photography in Qualitative Research.
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Signorile, Vito. With a Little Bit of Luck It Always Takes Longer. Visual Sociology. 1:2
(Fall 1986): 18-20.
Signorile, Vito. Signs and Symbols: An Exploration of the Use of Visuals as Data. Visual
Sociology. 3:1 (Fall 1988): 9-14.
Signorile, Vito. Dis Course is About Pictures. Visual Sociology. 3:2 (Spring 1988): 22-24.
Signorile, Vito. Reflections on a Chinese Placemat: The Rational and the Real in Visual
Structure. Visual Sociology. 8:1 (Fall 1993): 52-57.
Singer, Andre. Disappearing World: Television and Anthropology. (London: Boxtree,
Skinningsrud, T. Anthropological Films and the Myth of Scientific Truths. Visual
Anthropology. 1:1 (1987): 47-53.
Stasz, Clarice. The Early History of Visual Sociology. In Jon Wagner (Ed.) Images of
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Steiger, Ricabeth. First Children and Family Synamics. Visual Sociology. 10 (1995): 2849.
Steiger, Ricabeth and Martin Taureg. Sleeping Beauties: On the Use of Ethnographic
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the World. (Aachen: Edition Herodot, 1987): 316-341.
Stevens, Mariska. Photography and the Imagined Body. Visual Sociology. 8:1 (Fall 1993):
Suchar, Charles. Photographing the Changing Material Culture of a Gentrified
Community. Visual Sociology. 3:2 (Fall 1988): 17-22.
Suchar, Charles. The Sociological Imagination and Documentary Still Photography: The
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IX A1. Cross-Cultural Studies
Banks, Ana. "Images Trapped in Two Discourses: Photojournalism Codes and the
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Bellman, Beryl L. and Bennetta Jules-Rosette. A Paradigm for Looking: Cross-Cultural
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Binnie-Dawson, J. L. M. and P. P. Choi. "A Study of Perceptual and Cultural Cues in
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Blackman, M. Copying People: Northwest Coast Native Response to Early
Photography. BC Studies. 52 (1982): 86-112.
Blinn, Lynn M. The Family Photo Assessment Process (FPAP): A Method of
Validating Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Family Social Identities. Journal of
Comparative Family Studies. 19:1 (1988): 17-35.
Deregowski, J. B. Illusions, Patterns and Pictures: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. (New
York: Academic Press, 1980)
Durden, Joan S. "The Hollywood Icon of the Cowboy Hero." In Roberts A. Braden, Darrell
G. Beauchamp, and Judy Clark Baca, (Eds.) Perceptions of Visual Literacy. 1989
Annual Conference Proceedings. 1990.
Ewen, Stuart. All Consuming Images--The Politics of Style in Contemporary Culture. (New
York: Basic Books, 1988).
Goffman, Erving. Frame Analysis. New York: Harper & Row, 1974
Griffin, Michael. "The Millstone of Popular Culture: Competing with the Commercial Mass
Production of Cultural Imagery." Visual Sociology, 8 (2): 21-27.
Gumpert, G. and R. Cathcart. "Media Grammars, Generations, and Media Gaps." Critical
Studies in Mass Communication. 2 (1985): 23-25.
Hammel, William M. (Ed.) The Popular Arts in America: A Reader. (new York, Harcourt
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Hill, Ronald Paul. "AIDs and the Arts." In Marin E. Goldberg, Gerald Gorn, and Richard W.
Pollay (Eds.). Advances in Consumer Behavior: Diversity in Consumer Behavior. Vol. 17
(1989): 294-297.
Morreale, Joanne. A New Beginning: A Textural Frame Analysis of the Political Campaign
Film. (Albany NY: State University of New York Press, 1991).
Newcomb, Horace. Television: The Critical View. 4th ed. (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1987)
Newcomb, Horace. TV: The Most Popular Art. (Garden City NY: Doubleday/Anchor
Books, 1975).
Metallinos, Nikos. "Approaches to Visual Communication Media Criticism and Their
Application to Television Genres." In Darrell G. Beauchamp, Roberts A. Braden, Robert
E. Griffin. (Eds.) Imagery and Visual Literacy. Annual Conference Proceedings, 1995.
Smith, C. Zoe. "Audience Reception of Diane Arbus' Photographs: A Q-Study." Journal of
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IX B1 Ideology/Bias
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IX B2. Gender & Racial Issues/Stereotyping
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Biren, Joan E. Lesbian Photography--Seeing Through Our Own Eyes. Studies in
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Butler, Rebecca P. and Ann Devaney. "Gender Perceptions in Instructional Technology."
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Damarin, Suzanne K. "The Ascendancy of the Visual and Issues of Gender: Equality
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Dyer, Richard. Now You See It: Studies on Lesbian and Gay Film (New York: Routledge,
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Darrell G. Beauchamp, Judy Clark Baca and Roberts Braden (Ed.) Investigating
Visual Literacy. IVLA Conference Proceedings, 1990 : 367-373.
Bryant, Garry. 10-50 P.I.: Emotion and the Photographer. Journal of Mass Media
Ethics. 2 (Spring/Summer 1987): 32-39.
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Literacy. Annual Conference Proceedings, 1995.
Eaton, Marcia. "Truth in Pictures." Columbia University Forum 9 (1966): 1, 27-31.
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Katz, and Jay Ruby (Eds.) Image Ethics: The Moral Rights of Subjects in
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States. Newspaper Research Journal. 9 (Summer 1988): 1-12.
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Aesthetic Education. 23 (Fall 1989): 301-305.
Martin, Edwin. The Rights of Those Pictured. In Paul M. Lester (Ed.) The Ethics of
Photojournalism. (Durham: National Press Photographers Association, 1990): 28-34.
Michaels, Eric. A Primer of Restrictions on Picture-Taking in Traditional Areas of
Aboriginal Australia. Visual Anthropology. 4:4 (1991): 259-275.
Myers, Philip N. Jr. and Frank Biocca, "The Elastic Body Image: The Effect of
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Newton, Julianne. Why Ethics? In Paul M. Lester (Ed.) The Ethics of
Photojournalism. (Durham: National Press Photographers Association, 1990): 6-9.
O'Brien. "Eye on Soweto: A Study of Factors in News Photo Use." Journal of Mass
Media Ethics. 3: 2 (1991): 69-87.
Padgett, George. "Codes Should Address Exploitation of Grief by Photographers."
Journal of Mass Media Ethics. 1:1 (Fall/Winter 1985/86): 50-56.
Pinney, C. Other Peoples Bodies, Lives, Histories? Ethical Issues in the Use of a
Photographic Archive. Journal of Museum Ethnography. 1 (1989): 57-68.
Parsons, P. and W. Smith. R. Budd Dwyer: A Case Study in Newsroom Decision
Making. Journal of Mass Media Ethics. 3:1 (1988): 84-94.
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Ruby, Jay. The Ethics of Image Making. In A. Rosenthal (Ed.). Documentary
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Rynkiewitch, Michal A. and James P. Spradley, (Eds.) Ethics and Anthropology,
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(March, 19896): 12-13.
Schwartz, Dona. "To Tell the Truth: Codes of Objectivity in Photojournalism."
Communication. 13:2 (1992): 95-109.
Sherer, Michael. "Manipulating 'Forrest Gump.' Single Code of Ethics Would Better
Serve Press, Public." Quill. November/December, 1994: 34.
Smith, Conrad. "Oiled Otters, File Footage and Visual Symbolism: A Case Study in the
Ethics of Television News." Visual Communication 5, Breckenridge CO, 1991.
Steele, Robert M. Video Ethics: The Dilemma of Value Balancing. Journal of Mass
Media Ethics 2. (Spring/Summer 1987): 7-17.
Viera, John D. Images as Property. In Larry Gross, John S. Katz, and Jay Ruby (Eds.)
Image Ethics: The Moral Rights of Subjects in Photographs, Film and Television.
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1990): 135-162.
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Wischmann, Lesley. "Dying on the Front Page: Kent State and the Pulitzer Prize."
Journal of Mass Media Ethics. 2:2 (Sprint/Summer, 1987): 67-74.
Zemp, Hugo. Ethical Issues in Ethnomusicological Filmmaking. Visual Anthropology.
3:1 (1990): 49-64.
Davies, R. A., J. M. Farrell and S. S. Mathews. "The Dream World of Film: A Jungian
Perspective of Cinematic Communication." Western Journal of Speech. 46 (1982):
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Giannetti, L.D. Understanding Movies. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972).
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Jesionowski, J. E. Thinking in Pictures: Dramatic Structure in D. W. Griffith's Biograph
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Linton, James and G. Jowett. Movies as Mass Communication. 2nd ed (Beverly Hills,
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Mayne, J. Cinema and Spectatorship. (New York: Routledge, 1993).
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the University Film Association. 33 (1981): 53-56.
Montagu, Ivor. Film World: A Guide to Cinema. (Baltimore MD: Penguin Books, 1967)
Sauzier, Bertrand. "An Interpretation of 'Man with the Movie Camera'." Studies in Visual
communication 11:2 (Fall, 1985): 30-53.
Stephenson, Ralph and J.R. Debrix. The Cinema as Art. (Baltimore MD: Penguin Books,
X A2. Television/Video
Antin, David. "Video: The Distinctive Features of the Medium." In Ira Schneider and
Beryl Korot (Eds.) Video Art: An Anthology. (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
1976): 180.
Aufderheide, Patricia. "Vernacular Video." Columbia Journalism Review.
(January/February 1995): 46-48.
Baggaley, J. P., M. Ferguson and F. Brooks. Psychology of the TV Image. (New York:
Praeger, 1980)
Banks, Anna. "Frontstage/Backstage: Loss of Control in Real-Time Coverage of the War
in the Gulf." Visual Communication 5, Breckenridge, 1991; Also in Communication.
13:2 (1992); 111-119.
Barbatsis, Gretchen and Yvette Guy. "Analyzing Meaning in Form: Soap Opera's
Compositional Construction of 'Realness." Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic
Media, 35 (Winter, 1991): 59-74.
Barbatsis, Gretchen, Keith Kenney and Lori Owen. "Television Program Logos:
Pictorially Encoding Storytelling Themes." Speech Communication Association
Conference, Boston, November 1986.
Barker, David. "'It's Been Real': Forms of Television Representation." Critical Studies in
Mass Communication. 5:1 (March, 1988): 42-56.
Carey, James W. (Ed.) Media, Myths, and Narratives: Television and the Press.
Newbury Park CA: Sage, 1988).
Collins, W. A. and M. Wiens. "Cognitive Processes in Television Viewing: Description
and Strategic Implications." In M. Pressley and J. R. Levin (Eds.) Cognitive Strategy
Research: Psychological Foundations. (New York: Spinger-Verlag, 1983): 79-201.
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Ellis, John. "Broadcast TV as Sound and Image." In John Corner and Jeremy Hawthorne,
(Eds.), Communication Studies. (London: Edward Arnold, 3rd ed. 1989).
Feuer, Jane. "The MTM Style." In Horace Newcomb. Television: The Critical View. 4th
ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987)
Fiske, J. and J. Hartley. Reading Television. London: Metheum, 1978)
Gitlin, Todd. (Ed). Watching Television. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1987.
Hazard, Patrick D. (Ed.) TV as Art. Champaign IL: National Council of Teachers of
English, 1966).
Himmelstein, Hal. Television Myth and the American Mind. (New York: Praeger, 1984)
Kaminsky, Stuart with Jeffrey H. Mahan. American Television Genres. (Chicago:
Nelson-Hall, 1984).
Kinder, Marsha. "Music Video and the Spectator: Television, Ideology, and Dream."
Film Quarterly, 38 (Autumn, 1984): 2-15.
Kipper, Phil. 'Television Camera Movement as a Source of Perceptual Information."
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. 30 (1986).
Metallinos, Nikos. "Visual Literacy: Suggested Theories for the Study of Television
Pictures Perception." Journal of Visual Literacy, 12 (Spring 1992): 57-72.
Metallinos, Nikos. "Three Dimensional Video: Perceptual and Aesthetic Drawbacks." In
Roberts A. Braden, Darrell G. Beauchamp, and Judy Clark Baca, (Eds.) Perceptions
of Visual Literacy. 1989 Annual Conference Proceedings. 1990.
Metallinos, Nikos. "Computerized Television: New Developments in Television
Production Techniques." Journal of Verbal Visual Languaging 7 (1987): 21-32.
Metallinos, Nikos. "Empirical Studies of Television Composition." In J.R. Dominick and
J.C. Fletcher (Eds.) Broadcasting Research Methods. (Warton, MA: Allyn & Bacon,
Metallinos, Nikos "The Idiosyncracies of Television: An Overall View. Journal of Visual
Verbal Languaging. 5 (1985): 41-43.
Metallinos, Nikos. "Composition of the Television Picture: Some Hypotheses to Test the
Forces Operating Within the Television Screen." Educational Communication and
Technology Journal. 27 (1979): 205-214.
Metallinos, Nikos. "Asymmetry of the Screen: The Effect of Left Versus Right
Placement of Television Images." Journal of Broadcasting. 21 (1977): 21-33.
Olson, Alan M., Christopher Parr, and Debra Parr. Video Icons & Values. (Albany NY:
State University of New York Press, 1991)
Robinson, R. S. "Comprehension of Narrative Television: Factors of Visual Literacy."
Journal of Visual/Verbal Languaging. 8:1 (1988): 68-73.
Schwartz, Dona. "Superbowl XXVI: Reflections on the Manufacture of Appearance."
Visual Sociology, 8 (1): 23-33.
Vande Berg, Leah R. and Lawrence A. Wenner. (Eds.) Television Criticism. (New York:
Longman, 1991).
X A3. Film/TV Aesthetics/Language of Film
Barker, David. "Television Production Techniques as Communication." Critical Studies
in Mass Communication. 2:3 (September, 1985): 234-246; Also in Horace
Newcomb. Television: The Critical View. 4th ed. (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1987)
Baxter, Richard L., Cynthia De Riermer, Ann Landini, Larry Leslie, and Michael W.
Singletary. "A Content Analysis of Music Videos." Journal of Broadcasting and
Electronic Media. 29:3 (Summer, 1985): 333-340.
Maher, Daniel R. "MTV and Sesame Street: Visual Images and Language," In Darrell G.
Beauchamp, Judy Clark Baca and Roberts A. Braden, (Eds.) Investigating Visual
Literacy . IVLA Conference Proceedings, 1990:145-150.
Sherman, Barry L. "Perceiving and Processing Music Television." In Jennings Bryant
and Dolf Zilman (Eds.) Responding to the Screen. (Hillsdale NJ: Erlbaum, 1991)
Signorelli, Nancy, Douglas McLeod and Elaine Healy. "Gender Stereotypes in MTV
Commercials: The Beat Goes On." Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 38
(Winter 1994): 91-101.
Voelker, David H. and Gary R. Pettey. "Schema-Triggered Cognitive and Affective
Response to Music: Applying an Information-Processing Model to Rock 'N' Roll."
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Convention,
Washington D.C., 1989.
Willinsky, J. M. "The Rock Video: A New Frontier for Visual Literacy." Journal of
Visual Verbal Languaging. 5:2 (1985): 43-48.
X A7. New Media/Multi Media/Virtual Media
Borger, G. Ferwerda. The World of 3-D: A Practical Guide to Stereo Photography. 2nd
ed. (The Netherlands: 3-D Book Publication, 1987).
Braden, R. A. and J. F. Moore. "Interactive Video: A Delivery System for Electronic
Imagery." Journal of Visual Verbal Languaging. 3:2: 55-60.
Horibuchi, Seiji. (Ed.) Stereograms. (San Francisco: Cadence, 1994).
Jaber, William E. and Feng Hou. "Visual Resources on the Internet." In Darrell G.
Beauchamp, Roberts A. Braden, Robert E. Griffin. (Eds.) Imagery and Visual
Literacy. Annual Conference Proceedings, 1995.
Jones, Stephen. "A Sense of Space: Virtual Reality, Authenticity and the Aural." Critical
Studies in Mass Communication. 10 (September, 1993): 238-252.
Lloyd R. Scott. "An Introduction to Educational Holography." In Roberts Braden, Judy
Clark Baca, Darrell Beauchamp (Eds.) Art , Science. and Visual Literacy
(Blacksburg, VA: The International Visual Literacy Association, Inc., 1993).
Lockee, Barbara and Tom Hergert. "Learning Visual Design Through Hypermedia:
Pathways to Visual Literacy." In Darrell G. Beauchamp, Roberts A. Braden, Robert
E. Griffin. (Eds.) Imagery and Visual Literacy. (Blacksburg, VA: The International
Visual Literacy Association, Inc., 1995).
Mahoney, Diana Phillips. "Virtual Science." Computer Graphics World. (July, 1994): 2026.
McLellan, Hilary. "From Cubism to Holography." In Roberts A. Braden, Darrell G.
Beauchamp, and Judy Clark Baca, (Eds.) Perceptions of Visual Literacy.
(Blacksburg, VA: The International Visual Literacy Association, Inc., 1990)..
McLellan, Hilary. "Magical Stories: Blending Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence."
In Darrell G. Beauchamp, Roberts A. Braden, Robert E. Griffin. (Eds.) Imagery and
Visual Literacy. (Blacksburg, VA: The International Visual Literacy Association,
Inc., 1995).
McLellan, Hilary. "Avatars, Affordances, and Interfaces: Virtual Reality Tools for
Learning." In Darrel G. Beauchamp, Roberts A. Braden, Judy Clark Baca (Eds.)
Visual Literacy in the Digital Age. (Blacksburg, VA: The International Visual
Literacy Association, Inc., 1994).
McLellan, Hilary. "Virtual Reality: Visualization in Three Dimensions." In Roberts
Braden, Judy Clark Baca, Darrell Beauchamp (Eds.) Art ,Science and Visual Literacy
(Blacksburg, VA: The International Visual Literacy Association, Inc., 1993).
Metallinos, Nikos. "High Definition Television: New Perceptual, Cognitive and
Aesthetic Challenges." Canadian Journal of Educational Technology. 20 (1991):
Moore, David M. (Mike), Robert J. Myers, John K. Burton. "Multimedia: Promise,
Reality and Future." In Darrell G. Beauchamp, Roberts A. Braden, Robert E. Griffin.
(Eds.) Imagery and Visual Literacy. (Blacksburg, VA: The International Visual
Literacy Association, Inc., 1995).
Oppenheimer, Todd. "Exploring the Interactive Future." Columbia Journalism Review.
(November/December 1993): 34-37.
Reaves, Sheila. "The Unintended Effects of New Technology (And Why We Can Expect
More)." Visual Communication Quarterly. 2:3 (Summer, 1995): 11-15, 24.
Retzer, Martin. "Visualizing Cognitive Processes in Hypermedia Systems. In Judy Clark
Baca and Roberts Braden (Eds.) Investigating Visual Literacy. (Blacksburg, VA: The
International Visual Literacy Association, Inc., 1990).
Search, Patricia. "The Art and Science of Hypermedia." In Roberts Braden, Judy Clark
Baca, Darrell Beauchamp (Eds.) Art, Science. and Visual Literacy (Blacksburg, VA:
The International Visual Literacy Association, Inc., 1993).
Wyatt, Roger B. "Cinematic Thinking in the Age of Computing." In Roberts A. Braden,
Darrell E. Beauchamp, and Judy Clark Baca (Eds.) Perceptions of Visual Literacy,
(Blacksburg, VA: The International Visual Literacy Association, Inc., 1990).
X A8. TV Commercials
Barbatsis, Gretchen. "Negative Campaign Commercials and Media Rage: Understanding
that Pictures Cannot Lie," Speech Communication Association Annual Meeting,
Chicago 1990.
Gronbeck, Bruce E. "Mythic Portraiture in the 1988 Iowa Presidential Caucus Bio-Ads."
In Leah R. Vande Berg and Lawrence A. Wenner. (Eds.) Television Criticism. (New
York: Longman, 1991).
Hirschman, Elizabeth C. "Point of View: Sacred, Secular and Mediating Consumption
Imagery in Television commercials." Journal of Advertising Research. (December
1990/January 1991): 38-43.
Krugman, Dean M., Glen T. Cameron and Candace McKearney White. "Visual Attention
to Programming and Commercials: The Use of In-home Observations." Journal of
Advertising 24:1 (Spring, 1995): 1-13.
Moriarty, Sandra. "A Feature Analysis of Clio-Winning Ads, Journalism Quarterly,
57:2, Summer, 1980, pp. 321-323
Sayre, Shay. Images of Freedom and Equality: A Values Analysis of Hungarian
Political commercials. Journal of Advertising. 23:1 (March, 1994): 97-110.
Unger, Lynette S., Diane McOnocha and John A. Faier. "The Use of Nostalgia in
Television Advertising: A Content Analysis." Journalism Quarterly. 68:3 (Autumn
1991): 329-337.
Young, Charels E. and Michael Robinson. "The Visual Experience of New and
Established Product Commercials." In Rebecca H. Holman and Michael R. Solomon
(Eds.) Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 18 (1990): 545-549.
X B. Photography
Adams, Robert. Beauty in Photography: Essays in Defense of Traditional Values. (New
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Adams, R. C. Gary A. Copeland, Marjorie J. Fish and Melissa Hughes. Effect of Framing
on Selection of Photographs of Men and Women. Journalism Quarterly 57 (1980);
Ades, Dawn. Photomontage. rev. ed. (London: Thames and Hudson, 1986).
The American Image: Photographs from the National Archives. Introduction by Alan
Trachtenberg. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1979).
Arnheim, Rudolf. On the Nature of Photography. Critical Inquiry. 1 (1974): 149-161.
Barrow, Thomas f., Shelley Armitage and William E. Tydeman (Eds.). Reading into
Photography: Selected Essays, 1959-1980. (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico
Press, 1982).
Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. (New York: Hill and Wang.
Barthes, Roland. "The Photographic Message." In Peninah Petruck, (Ed.) The Camera
Viewed: Writings on Twentieth Century Photography. Vol. II. (New York: E. P. Dutton,
Bayer, Jonathan (Ed.). Reading Photographs: Understanding the Aesthetics of Photography.
(New York: Pantheon, 1977).
Bell, Desmond. Picturing the Landscape: Di Grune Insel. Tourist Images of Ireland.
European Journal of Communication. 10:1 (1995): 41-62.
Beloff, Halla. Camera Culture. (New York: Basil Blackwell, 1985).
Berger, John. "Understanding a Photograph." In A. Trachtenberg (Ed.) Classic Essays on
Photography. (New Haven CT: Leete's Island Books, 1980).
Berger, John. About Looking. (New York: Pantheon, 1980).
Bernard, Bruce. Photodiscovery: Masterworks of Photography 1840-1940. (New York:
Harry N. Abrams, 1980).
Bolton, Richard (Ed.). The Contest of Meaning. (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1989).
Bourdieu, Pierre. Photography: A Middle-brow Art. (Stanford: Stanford University Press,
Braive, Michael. The Photograph as Social History. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966).
Brook, James T. A Viewer's Guide to Looking at Photographs. (Wilmette, IL: Aurelian Press,
Burgin, Victor , (Ed). Thinking Photography, (London: Macmillan, 1992).
Burgin, Victor. "Seeing Sense." In Howard Davis and Paul Walton (Eds.) Language, Image
and Media. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983).
Byers, Paul. Still Photographs in the Systematic Recording and Analysis of Behavioral
Data. Human Organization 23:1 (1964): 78-84.
Byers, Paul. Cameras Dont Take Pictures. Columbia University Forum. 9 (Winter,
1966): 27-31.
Cavallo, Robert M. and Stuart Kahan. Photography: Whats the Law? 2nd. ed. (New York:
Crown Publishers, 1979).
Chernoff, George and Hershel B. Sarbin. Photography and the Law. 5th ed. (Garden City,
NY: Amphoto, 1975).
Cole, Bernard and Milton Meltzer. The Eye of Conscience: Photographers and Social
Change. (Chicago: Follett, 1974).
Coleman, A. D. Light Readings: A Photography Critics Writings 1968-1978. (New York:
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Culver, Kathleen B. "An Open Door With a Big Spring: Cameras in Federal Courts." Visual
Communication Quarterly. 1 (Spring 1994): 17-18.
Daniel, Pete. Official Images: New Deal Photography. (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian
Institution Press, 1987).
Darrah, William C. The World of Stereography. (Gettysburg: William C. Darrah, 1977).
Dyer, R. The Matter of Images. Essays on Representation. (London: Routledge, 1993).
Evenrden, Neil. "Seeing and Being Seen: A Response to Susan Sontag's Essays on
Photography." Soundings (Spring, 1985): 72-87.
Fehlner, Christine L. Faces in the News: Gender Comparisons of Magazine Photographs.
Journal of Communication. 36 (Autumn 1986): 70-79.
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