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V9.0 (2016)
Frank G. Yanowitz, MD
Professor of Medicine
University of Utah School of Medicine
Director, IHC ECG Services
LDS Hospital & Intermountain Medical Center
Salt Lake City, Utah
[email protected]

Dedicated To:

This booklet is dedicated to the memory of Alan E. Lindsay, MD (1923-1987) master
teacher of electrocardiography, friend, mentor, and colleague. Many of the excellent
ECG tracings illustrated in this learning program are from Dr. Lindsay's personal
collection of ECG treasures. For many years these ECG's have been used in the training of
medical students, nurses, housestaff physicians, cardiology fellows, and practicing
physicians in Salt Lake City, Utah as well as at many regional and national medical
2012 Intermountain Healthcare. All rights reserved.
The materials presented in the Introduction to ECG Interpretation Booklet are for your information only. All of the
materials are provided "AS IS" and without any warranty, express, implied or otherwise, regarding the materials'
accuracy or performance. You accept all risk of use of, and reliance on, the materials contained in the Booklet.

It is an honor to be able to provide this booklet as well as an interactive ECG website on

the Internet in recognition of Dr. Lindsay's great love for teaching and for
electrocardiography: This document and the ECG website offer an
introduction to clinical electrocardiography.
ECG terminology and diagnostic criteria often vary from book to book and from one
teacher to another. In this document an attempt has been made to conform to
standardized terminology and criteria, although new diagnostic concepts derived from
the recent ECG literature have been included in some of the sections. Finally, it is
important to recognize that the mastery of ECG interpretation, one of the most
useful clinical tools in medicine, can only occur if one acquires considerable
experience in reading ECG's and correlating the specific ECG findings with the
pathophysiology and clinical status of the patient.
The sections in this booklet are organized in the same order as the recommended stepwise approach to ECG interpretation outlined in Section 2 (p7). Beginning students
should first go through the sections in the order in which they are presented. Others
may choose to explore topics of interest in any order they wish. It is hoped that all
students will be left with some of the love of electrocardiography shared by Dr. Lindsay.

1. The Standard 12 Lead ECG (p. 4)

7. Atrial Enlargement (p. 58)

2. A "Method of ECG Interpretation (p. 7)

8. Ventricular Hypertrophy (p. 60)

3. Characteristics of the Normal ECG (p. 12)

9. Myocardial Infarction (p. 64)

4. ECG Measurement Abnormalities (p. 14)

10. ST Segment Abnormalities (p. 76)

5. ECG Rhythm Abnormalities (p. 17)

11. T Wave Abnormalities (p. 80

6. ECG Conduction Abnormalities (p. 46)

12. U Wave Abnormalities (p. 86)

Basic Competency in Electrocardiography

(Modified from: ACC/AHA Clinical Competence Statement, JACC 2001;38:2091)

In 2001 a joint committee of the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart
Association published a list of ECG diagnoses considered to be important for developing
basic competency in ECG interpretation. This list is illustrated on the following page and
is also illustrated on the website with links to examples or illustrations of the specific
ECG diagnosis. Students of electrocardiography are encouraged to study this list and
become familiar with the ECG recognition of these diagnoses. Most of the diagnoses are
illustrated in this document.

Basic Competency in Electrocardiography


Normal ECG


Lead misplaced


Sinus rhythm
Sinus tachycardia
Sinus bradycardia
Sinus arrhythmia
Sinus arrest or pause
Sinoatrial block, type I
Sinoatrial block, type II


PAC's (nonconducted)
PAC's (conducted normally)
PAC's (conducted with aberration)
Ectopic atrial rhythm or tachycardia (unifocal)
Multifocal atrial rhythm or tachycardia
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial flutter
Junctional prematures
Junctional escapes or rhythms
Accelerated Junctional rhythms
Junctional tachycardia
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia


Ventricular escapes or rhythm
Accelerated ventricular rhythm
Ventricular tachycardia (uniform)
Ventricular tachycardia (polymorphic or torsade)
Ventricular fibrillation


1st degree AV block

Type I 2nd degree AV block (Wenckebach)
Type II 2nd degree AV block (Mobitz)
AV block, advanced (high grade)
3rd degree AV block (junctional escape rhythm)
3rd degree AV block (ventricular escape rhythm)
AV dissociation (default)
AV dissociation (usurpation)
AV dissociation (AV block)


Complete LBBB, fixed or intermittent

Incomplete LBBB
Complete RBBB, fixed or intermittent
Incomplete RBBB
Left anterior fascicular block (LAFB)
Left posterior fascicular block (LPFB)
Nonspecific IV conduction delay (IVCD)
WPW preexcitation pattern


Right axis deviation (+90 to +180)

Left axis deviation (-30 to -90)
Bizarre axis (-90 to -180)
Indeterminate axis
Low QRS voltage frontal plane (<0.5 mV)
Low QRS voltage precordial (<1.0 mV)


Left atrial enlargement

Right atrial enlargement
Biatrial enlargement
Left ventricular hypertrophy
Right ventricular hypertrophy
Biventricular hypertrophy


Early repolarization (normal variant)

Nonspecific ST-T abnormalities
ST elevation (transmural injury)
ST elevation (pericarditis pattern)
Symmetrical T wave inversion
Hyperacute T waves
Prominent upright U waves
U wave inversion
Prolonged QT interval

MI PATTERNS (acute, recent, old)

Interior MI
Inferoposterior MI
Inferoposterolateral MI
Posterior MI
Anteroseptal MI
Anterior MI
Anterolateral MI
Extensive anterior MI
High lateral MI
Non Q-wave MI
Right ventricular MI


Chronic pulmonary disease pattern

Suggests hypokalemia
Suggests hyperkalemia
Suggests hypocalcemia
Suggests hypercalcemia
Suggests digoxin effect
Suggests digoxin toxicity
Suggests CNS disease


Atrial-paced rhythm
Ventricular paced rhythm
AV sequential paced rhythm
Failure to capture (atrial or ventricular)
Failure to inhibit (atrial or ventricular)
Failure to pace (atrial or ventricular)


The standard 12-lead electrocardiogram is a representation of the heart's
electrical activity recorded from electrodes on the body surface. This section
describes the basic components of the ECG and the standard lead system used
to record the ECG tracings.
The diagram illustrates ECG waves and intervals as well as standard time
and voltage measures on the ECG paper.

ECG WAVES AND INTERVALS: What do they mean?

P wave: sequential depolarization of the right and left atria

QRS complex: right and left ventricular depolarization
ST-T wave: ventricular repolarization
U wave: an electrical-mechanical event at beginning of diastole
PR interval: time interval from onset of atrial depolarization (P wave)
to onset of ventricular muscle depolarization (QRS complex)
QRS duration: duration of ventricular muscle depolarization (width of
the QRS complex)
QT interval: duration of ventricular depolarization and repolarization
PP interval: rate of atrial or sinus cycle
RR interval: rate of ventricular cycle


It is important to remember that the 12-lead ECG provides spatial information about the
heart's electrical activity in 3 approximately orthogonal directions (think: X,Y,Z):
Right Left (X)
Superior Inferior (Y)
Anterior Posterior (Z)
Each of the 12 leads represents a particular orientation in space, as indicated below (RA =
right arm; LA = left arm, LL = left leg):
Bipolar limb leads (frontal plane):
Lead I: RA (- pole) to LA (+ pole) (Right -to- Left direction)
Lead II: RA (-) to LL (+) (mostly Superior -to- Inferior direction)
Lead III: LA (-) to LL (+) (mostly Superior -to- Inferior direction)
Augmented limb leads (frontal plane):
Lead aVR: RA (+) to [LA & LL] (-) (mostly Rightward direction)
Lead aVL: LA (+) to [RA & LL] (-) (mostly Leftward direction)
Lead aVF: LL (+) to [RA & LA] (-) (Inferior direction)
Unipolar (+) chest leads (horizontal plane):
Leads V1, V2, V3: (mostly Posterior -to- Anterior direction)
Leads V4, V5, V6: (mostly Right -to- Left direction)

Behold: Einthoven's Triangle! Each of the 6 frontal plane or "limb" leads has a negative
and positive pole (as indicated by the '+' and '-' signs). It is important to recognize that
lead I (and to a lesser extent aVL) are right -to- left in direction. Also, lead aVF (and to a
lesser extent leads II and III) are superior -to- inferior in direction. The diagrams on page 6
further illustrate the frontal plane and chest lead hookup.

Note: the actual ECG waveform in each of the 6 limb leads varies from person to person
depending on age, body size, gender, frontal plane QRS axis, presence or absence of
heart disease, and many other variables. The precordial lead sites are illustrated below.

Precordial lead placement

V1: 4th intercostal space (IS) adjacent to right
sternal border
V2: 4th IS adjacent to left sternal border
V3: Halfway between V2 and V4
V4: 5th IS, midclavicular line
V5: horizontal to V4; anterior axillary line
V6: horizontal to V4-5; midaxillary line
(Note: in women with large breasts, V4-6 leads
should be placed under the breast surface
as close to the 5th IS as possible)


This "method" is recommended when reading 12-lead ECG's. Like the approach to doing a
physical exam, it is important to follow a standardized sequence of steps in order to avoid
missing subtle abnormalities in the ECG tracing, some of which may have clinical importance. The
6 major sections in the "method" should be considered in the following order:
1. Measurements
2. Rhythm analysis
3. Conduction analysis
4. Waveform description
5. ECG interpretation
6. Comparison with previous ECG (if available)

1. MEASUREMENTS (usually made in frontal plane leads):

Heart rate (state both atrial and ventricular rates, if different)

PR interval (from beginning of P to beginning of QRS complex)
QRS duration (width of most representative QRS)
QT interval (from beginning of QRS to end of T)
QRS axis in frontal plane (see "How to Measure QRS Axis" on p 8)


State the basic rhythm (e.g., "normal sinus rhythm", "atrial fibrillation", etc.)
Identify additional rhythm events if present (e.g., "PVC's", "PAC's", etc)
Remember that arrhythmias may originate in the atria, AV junction, and ventricles


"Normal" conduction implies normal sino-atrial (SA), atrio-ventricular (AV), and

intraventricular (IV) conduction.
The following conduction abnormalities are to be identified if present:
2nd degree SA exit block (type I, type II, or uncertain)
1st, 2nd (type I or type II), and 3rd degree AV block
IV blocks: bundle branch, fascicular, and nonspecific blocks
Exit blocks are blocks just distal to the sinus or an ectopic pacemaker site


Carefully analyze each of the12-leads for abnormalities of the waveforms in the order
in which they appear: P-waves, QRS complexes, ST segments, T waves, and. Don't
forget the U waves.
P waves: are they too wide, too tall, look funny (i.e., are they ectopic), etc.?
QRS complexes: look for pathologic Q waves, abnormal voltage, etc.
ST segments: look for abnormal ST elevation and/or depression.
T waves: look for abnormally inverted T waves or unusually tall T waves.
U waves: look for prominent or inverted U waves.


This is the conclusion of the above analyses. Interpret the ECG as "Normal", or
"Abnormal". Occasionally the term "borderline" is used if unsure about the
significance of certain findings or for minor changes. List all abnormalities.
Examples of "abnormal" statements are:

Inferior MI, probably acute

Old anteroseptal MI
Left anterior fascicular block (LAFB)
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)
Right atrial enlargement (RAE)
Nonspecific ST-T wave abnormalities
Specific rhythm abnormalities such as atrial fibrillation

Example of a 12-lead ECG interpretation (see below ECG tracing):

HR=67 bpm; PR=0.18 s; QRS=0.09 s; QT=0.40 s; QRS axis = -50 (left axis
Normal sinus rhythm; normal SA, AV, and IV conduction; rS waves in leads II,
III, aVF (this means small r waves and large S waves); SIII > SII
Interpretation: Abnormal ECG: 1) Left anterior fascicular block (see p.16)


If there is a previous ECG in the patient's file, the current ECG should be compared
with it to see if any significant changes have occurred. These changes may have
important implications for clinical management decisions.


INTRODUCTION: The frontal plane QRS axis represents the average direction of
ventricular depolarization forces in the frontal plane. As such this measure can inform
the ECG reader of changes in the sequence of ventricular activation (e.g., left anterior
fascicular block), or it can be an indicator of myocardial damage (e.g., inferior
myocardial infarction). Determination of the QRS axis requires knowledge of the
direction of the six individual frontal plain ECG leads. Einthovens triangle enables us
to visualize this.
In the diagram below the normal range is shaded grey (-30 to +90). In the adult
left axis deviation (i.e., superior, leftward arrow) is defined from -30 to -90, and
right axis deviation (i.e., inferior, rightward arrow) is defined from +90 to +180.
From -90 to 180 is very unusual and may be due to lead placement error.

QRS Axis Determination:

First find an isoelectric lead if there is one; its the lead with equal QRS forces in
both positive and negative direction (i.e., above and below the baseline). Often this
is also the lead with the smallest QRS complex.
The correct QRS axis is perpendicular (i.e., right angle or 90 degrees) to that lead's
orientation (see above diagram).
Since there are two possible perpendiculars for each isoelectric lead, one must chose
the one that best fits the direction of the QRS forces in other ECG leads.

More likely axis

Less likely axis



If there is no isoelectric lead, there are usually two leads that are nearly isoelectric,
and these are always 30 apart on the diagram. Find the perpendiculars for each
lead and chose an approximate QRS axis within the 30 range.

Occasionally each of the 6 frontal plane leads is small and/or isoelectric. An axis
cannot be determined and is called indeterminate. This is a normal variant.

Examples of QRS Axis Determination:

An axis in the normal range (-30 to +90):

Analysis (see above)


Lead aVF is the isoelectric lead (note: equal forces positive and negative).
The two perpendiculars to aVF are 0 and 180.
Note that Lead I is all positive (i.e., moving to the left).
Therefore, of the two choices, the axis has to be 0.

Left Axis deviation (LAD):



Lead aVR is the smallest and nearly isoelectric.

The two perpendiculars to aVR are -60 and +120.
Note that Leads II and III are mostly negative (i.e., moving away from the + left leg)
The axis, therefore, has to be -60 (LAD).
The differential diagnosis of LAD is listed on p16.

Right Axis Deviation (RAD):


Lead aVR is closest to being isoelectric (but slightly more positive than negative)
The two perpendiculars to aVR are -60 and +120.
Note that Lead I is mostly negative; lead III is mostly positive.
Therefore the axis is close to +120. Because aVR is slightly more positive, the axis is
slightly beyond +120 (i.e., closer to the positive right arm for aVR, ~ +125)
5. The differential diagnosis of RAD is listed on p16.

Indeterminate QRS Axis:

1. In some normal subjects each of the 6 frontal plane leads have QRS forces above and
below the baseline and all 6 look somewhat isoelectric; this is called an indeterminate
QRS axis, and if the rest of the ECG looks normal, this is a normal variant.



It is important to remember that there is a wide range of normal variation in the 12
lead ECG. The following "normal" ECG characteristics, therefore, are not absolute. It
takes considerable ECG reading experience to discover all the normal variants. Only
by following a structured "Method of ECG Interpretation" (p7) and correlating the
various ECG findings with the patient's particular clinical status will the ECG become
a valuable clinical tool.

I. Normal MEASUREMENTS (in adults)

Heart Rate: 50 - 90 bpm (some ECG readers use 60-100 bpm)

PR Interval: 0.12 - 0.20s
QRS Duration: 0.06 - 0.10s
QT Interval (QTc >0.36s, and < 0.45s in men; >0.36s, <0.46s in women)
Poor Man's Guide to the upper limit of QT: @ 70 bpm, QT 0.40s; for every
10 bpm increase above 70 bpm subtract 0.02s, and for every 10 bpm decrease
below 70 bpm add 0.02s. For example, normal QT is:
QT 0.38 @ 80 bpm
QT 0.42 @ 60 bpm
Frontal Plane QRS Axis: +90 to -30 (in the adult)

II. Normal RHYTHM: Normal sinus rhythm

III. Normal CONDUCTION: Normal Sino-Atrial (SA), Atrio-Ventricular (AV),
and Intraventricular (IV) conduction

P Wave: It is important to remember that the P wave represents the sequential

activation of the right and left atria, and it is common to see notched or biphasic P waves
of right and left atrial activation.
P duration < 0.12s
P amplitude < 2.5 mm
Frontal plane P wave axis: 0 to +75 (i.e., P must be up or + in I and II)
May see notched P waves in frontal plane, and biphasic P (+/-) in V1
QRS Complex: The normal QRS represents the simultaneous activation of the right
and left ventricles, although most of the QRS waveform is derived from the larger left
ventricular musculature.
QRS duration 0.10s
QRS amplitude is quite variable from lead to lead and from person to person.
Two determinates of QRS voltages are:
Size of the ventricular chambers (i.e., the larger the chamber, the
larger the voltage; often seen in young aerobic trained athletes)
Proximity of chest electrodes to ventricular chamber (the closer, the
larger the voltage; seen in tall, thin people)
Frontal plane leads:
The normal QRS axis range (+90 to -30) implies that the QRS
direction must always be positive (i.e., up going) in leads I and II.
Small "septal" q-waves are often seen in leads I and aVL when the
QRS axis is to the left of +60, or in leads II, III, aVF when the QRS
axis is to the right of +60.
Precordial leads:
Small r-waves begin in V1 or V2 and increase in size up to V5. The
R-V6 is usually a little smaller than R-V5.


In reverse, the s-waves begin in V6 or V5 and increase in size up to

V2. S-V1 is usually smaller than S-V2.
The usual transition from S>R in the right precordial leads to R>S
in the left precordial leads is V3 or V4.
Small normal "septal" q-waves may be seen in leads V5 and V6.

ST Segment: In a sense, the term "ST segment" is a misnomer, because a discrete

ST segment distinct from the T wave is often not seen. More frequently the ST-T
wave is one smooth, continuous waveform beginning with the J-point (end of QRS),
slowly rising to the peak of the T and followed by a more rapid descent to the
isoelectric baseline or the onset of the U wave. This gives rise to asymmetrical T
waves in most leads. The ST segment occurs during Phase 2 (the plateau) of the
myocardial cell action potentials. In some normal individuals, particularly women, the
T wave looks more symmetrical and a distinct horizontal ST segment is present.

The ST segment is often elevated above baseline in leads with large S waves
(e.g., V2-3), and the normal configuration is concave upward. ST segment
elevation with concave upward appearance may also be seen in other leads;
this is called the early repolarization pattern, and is often seen in young,
male athletes (see an example of "early repolarization" in leads V4-6 in the
ECG below). J-point elevation is often accompanied by a small J-wave in the
lateral precordial leads. The physiologic basis for the J-wave is related to
transient outward K+ current during phase I of the epicardial and midmyocardial cells, but not present in the subendocardial cells. Prominent J
waves can also be seen in hypothermia (aka: Osborn waves)



1. PR Interval (measured from beginning of P to beginning of QRS in the frontal
Normal: 0.12 - 0.20s
Differential Diagnosis of Short PR: < 0.12s
Preexcitation syndromes:
WPW (Wolff-Parkinson-White) Syndrome: An accessory pathway
(called the "Kent" bundle) connects the right atrium to the right
ventricle (see diagram below) or the left atrium to the left ventricle,
and this permits early and slow activation of the ventricles (a delta
wave) and a short PR interval (see diagram below for example).

LGL (Lown-Ganong-Levine) Syndrome: An AV nodal bypass track

into the His bundle exists, and this permits early activation of the
ventricles without a delta-wave because the ventricular activation
sequence is unchanged; the PR interval, however, is short.

AV Junctional Rhythms with retrograde atrial activation (inverted P

waves in II, III, aVF): Retrograde P waves may occur before the QRS
complex (usually with a short PR interval), within the QRS complex (i.e.,
hidden from view), or after the QRS complex (i.e., in the ST segment). It all
depends upon the relative timing from the junctional focus antegrade into
the ventricles vs. retrograde back to the atria.
Ectopic atrial rhythms originating near the AV node (the PR interval is
short because atrial activation originates closer to the AV node; the P wave
morphology is different from the sinus P and may appear inverted in some
leads); they are sometimes called coronary sinus rhythms.
Normal variant (PR 0.10 - 0.12s): seen in children and adolescents


Differential Diagnosis of Prolonged PR: >0.20s

First degree AV block (PR interval is usually constant from beat to
beat); possible locations for the conduction delay include:
Intra-atrial or inter-atrial conduction delay (uncommon)
Slowed conduction within the AV node (most common site of
prolonged PR)
Slowed conduction in His bundle (uncommon)
Slowed conduction in one bundle branch (when the contralateral
bundle is totally blocked; i.e., 1st degree bundle branch block)
Second degree AV block (some P waves do not conduct to ventricles
and are not followed by a QRS; other PR intervals may be normal or
Type I (Wenckebach): Increasing PR until a nonconducted P
wave occurs
Type II (Mobitz): Fixed PR intervals plus nonconducted P waves
AV dissociation: Some PR's may appear prolonged or normal, but the P
waves and QRS complexes are unrelated (i.e., not like a couple, but like
strangers passing in the night).

2. QRS Duration (duration of QRS complex in frontal plane):

Normal: 0.06 - 0.10s
Differential Diagnosis of Prolonged QRS Duration (>0.10s):
QRS duration 0.10 - 0.12s
Incomplete right or left bundle branch block
Nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay (IVCD)
Some cases of left anterior or left posterior fascicular block
QRS duration 0.12s
Complete RBBB or LBBB
Nonspecific IVCD (i.e., generalized slowing of conduction)
Ectopic rhythms originating in the ventricles (e.g., ventricular
tachycardia, accelerated ventricular rhythm, pacemaker rhythm)
3. QT Interval (measured from beginning of QRS to end of T wave in the frontal
plane; corrected QT = QTc = measured QT sq-root RR in seconds; Bazets formula)

Normal QT is heart rate dependent (upper limit for QTc = 0.46 sec)
Long QT Syndrome: LQTS (based on corrected QTc: QTc 0.45 sec for
males and 0.46 sec in females is diagnostic for hereditary LQTS in the
absence of other causes of long QT):
This abnormality may have important clinical implications since it usually
indicates a state of increased vulnerability to malignant ventricular
arrhythmias, syncope, and sudden death. The prototype arrhythmia of the
Long QT Interval Syndromes (LQTS) is Torsade-de-pointes, a polymorphic
ventricular tachycardia characterized by varying QRS morphology and
amplitude around the isoelectric baseline. Causes of LQTS include the
Drugs (Class I and III antiarrhythmics, tricyclics, phenothiazines,
and many others)
Electrolyte abnormalities ( K+, Ca++, Mg++)
CNS insults (especially subarachnoid hemorrhage, stroke, head
Hereditary LQTS (at least 7 genotypes are now known)
Coronary Heart Disease (some post-MI patients)


Short QT Syndrome (QTc <0.36 sec; range 220-360): Newly described

hereditary disorder with increased risk of sudden arrhythmic death. The QTc criteria
are vague as many people with QTc <360 ms are not at risk.

4. Frontal Plane QRS Axis

Normal: -30 degrees to +90 degrees

Abnormalities in the QRS Axis:

Left Axis Deviation (LAD): > -30(i.e., lead II is mostly 'negative')

Right Axis Deviation (RAD): > +90 (i.e., lead I is mostly 'negative')

Left Anterior Fascicular Block (LAFB): rS complex (i.e., small r, big S)

in leads II, III, aVF, small q in leads I and/or aVL, and -45 to -90
(see ECG on p 8); in LAFB, the S in lead III is > S in lead II, and the
R in aVL is > R in aVR. This differentiates LAFB from other causes of
LAD with rS complexes in II, III, aVF (e.g., COPD)
Some cases of inferior MI with Qr complex in lead II (making lead II
Inferior MI + LAFB in same patient (QS or qrS complex in II)
Some cases of LVH
Some cases of LBBB
Ostium primum ASD and other endocardial cushion defects
Some cases of WPW syndrome (large negative delta wave in lead II)

Left Posterior Fascicular Block (LPFB): rS complex in lead I, qR in

leads II, III, aVF (however, must first exclude, on clinical basis,

causes of right heart overload; these will also give same ECG picture
of LPFB)
Many causes of right heart overload and pulmonary hypertension
High lateral wall MI with Qr or QS complex in leads I and aVL
Some cases of RBBB
Some cases of WPW syndrome
Children, teenagers, and some young adults

Bizarre QRS axis: +150 to -90 (i.e., lead I and lead II are both

First, consider a limb lead error (usually right and left arm reversal)
Some cases of complex congenital heart disease (e.g., transposition)
Some cases of ventricular tachycardia



Arrhythmias may be seen on 12-lead ECGs or on rhythm strips of one or more leads.
Some arrhythmias are obvious at first glance and don't require intense analysis. Others,
however, are more challenging (and often more fun)! They require detective work, i.e.,
logical thinking. Rhythm analysis is best understood by considering characteristics of
impulse formation (if known) as well as impulse conduction. Here are some things
to consider as originally conceptualized by Dr. Alan Lindsay:

Descriptors of impulse formation (i.e., the pacemaker or site of

impulse formation)

Site of origin - i.e., where does the rhythm originate?

Sinus Node (e.g., sinus tachycardia; P waves may be hidden in
the preceding T waves at very fast rates)
Atria (e.g., PACs, ectopic atrial rhythms, etc.)
AV junction (e.g., PJCs and junctional rhythms)
Ventricles (e.g., PVCs)
Rate (i.e., relative to the expected rate for that pacemaker location)
Accelerated - faster than expected for that pacemaker site (e.g.,
accelerated junctional rhythms @ HRs 60-100 bpm)
Slower than expected (e.g., marked sinus bradycardia, 38 bpm)
Normal (or expected) (e.g., junctional escape rhythm, 45 bpm)
Regularity of ventricular and/or atrial response
Regular (e.g., paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia - PSVT)
Regular irregularity (e.g., ventricular bigeminy)
Irregular irregularity (e.g., atrial fibrillation or MAT)
Irregular (e.g., multifocal PVCs)


Onset (i.e., how does arrhythmia begin?)

Active onset (e.g., PAC or PVC, PSVT)
Passive onset (e.g., junctional or ventricular escape beats or

Descriptors of impulse conduction (i.e., how does the rhythm

conduct through the heart chambers?)

Antegrade (forward) vs. retrograde (backward) conduction

Conduction delays or blocks: i.e., 1st, 2nd (type I or II), 3rd degree blocks
Sites of potential conduction delay
Sino-Atrial (SA) block (one can only recognized 2nd degree SA
block on the ECG; i.e., an unexpected failure of a sinus P-wave
to appear, resulting in a pause in rhythm)
Intra-atrial delay (usually recognized as a widened P wave)
AV conduction delays (common)
IV blocks (e.g., bundle branch or fascicular blocks)

The Many Rhythms In Our Lives

Site of



Slow Rates
(<50 bpm)

(50-99 bpm)

Fast Rates (100



Normal sinus rhythm

Sinus tachycardia

Ectopic atrial rhythm,

Atrial fibrillation,
Atrial flutter (e.g.,
4:1 block)

Paroxysmal SVT,
Atrial fibrillation,
Atrial flutter (2:1 block),
Ectopic atrial
Multifocal atrial


AV Junction
(AVN, His)

J- escape

J- escape
(~40-50 bpm)

J- rhythm
(~55-100 bpm)

Junctional tachycardia,
Paroxysmal SVT:

(Wide QRS)


V- escape
(~35-45 bpm)

V- rhythm
(~50-100 bpm)

Ventricular tachycardia,
Torsade de points,
Ventricular fibrillation

Now let's continue with some real rhythms..


I. Supraventricular Arrhythmias (origin is above the bifurcation of HIS

Premature Atrial Complexes (PAC's)

Occur as single or repetitive events and have unifocal or multifocal origins.

The ectopic P wave (often called P') is often hidden in the ST-T wave of the
preceding beat. (Dr. Henry Marriott, master ECG teacher and author, likes to
say: "Cherchez le P" which, in French, means: "Search for a P (on the ST
or T wave), and it's clearly sexier to search in French!)
The P'R interval can be normal or prolonged if the AV junction is partially
refractory at the time the premature atrial impulse enters it.
PAC's can have one of three different outcomes depending on the degree
of prematurity (i.e., coupling interval from preceding sinus P wave), and the
preceding cycle length (i.e., the RR interval). This is illustrated in the
"ladder" diagrams where normal sinus beats (P) are followed by three
possible PACs (labeled a,b,c,d in the diagram below):

Outcome #1. Nonconducted (or blocked) PAC; i.e., no QRS

complex because the early PAC finds the AV node still refractory
to conduction. (see PAC 'a' in the top diagram, and the
nonconducted PAC in ECG shown below (red arrow); note that
its hidden and slightly distorts the ST-T wave)


Outcome #2. Conducted with aberration; a PAC conducts into

the ventricles but finds one of the 2 bundle branches or one of the
LBB fascicles refractory. The resulting QRS is usually wide, and is
sometimes called an Ashman beat (see PAC 'b' in the top diagram
on p19 (labeled 1) and the V1 rhythm strip below showing a PAC
with RBBB aberration; note the PAC hidden in the T wave (arrow). A
detailed discussion of aberrant conduction begins on p30.

Outcome #3. Normal conduction; i.e., similar to other QRS

complexes in that ECG lead. (See PAC 'c' and d in the diagram on

In the ladder diagram (p19), labeled 2, the cycle length has increased (i.e.,
heart rate is slower). This results in increased refractoriness in all the ventricular
conducting pathways. PAC 'b' now can't get through the AV node and is
nonconducted; PAC 'c' is now blocked in the right bundle branch and results in
a RBBB QRS complex (aberrant conduction); PAC 'd' occurs later and conducts
normally. RBBB aberration is generally more common because the right bundle
normally has a slightly longer refractory period (RP) than the left bundle. In
diseased hearts, however, either bundle branch or a left bundle fascicle may
have the longest RP and account for the particular aberration in QRS waveform.

Therefore, the fate of a PAC depends on both 1) the coupling interval

or distance from the sinus P wave, and 2) the preceding cycle length or
heart rate.

The pause after a PAC is usually incomplete; i.e., the PAC can enter the sinus
node and reset its timing, causing the next sinus P to appear earlier than
expected. (PVCs, on the other hand, are usually followed by a complete pause
because the PVC usually does not disrupt the sinus node timing; see the next
ECG rhythm strip (p21) and the diagram on p29.)


Incomplete pause: The sinus PP interval surrounding the above PAC is less than
2 preceding normal PP intervals (because the PAC reset the sinus timing)
Complete pause: The PP interval surrounding the above PVC is equal to 2
normal PP intervals because the sinus continued to fire at its regular rate even
though it didnt conduct to the ventricle (see the sinus P hidden in the T wave of the

Premature Junctional Complexes (PJC's)

Similar to PAC's in clinical implications, but less frequent.

The PJC focus in the AV junction captures the atria (retrograde) and the
ventricles (antegrade). The retrograde P wave may appear before, during,
or after the QRS complex; if before, the PR interval is usually short (i.e.,
<0.12s). The ECG tracing and ladder diagram shown below illustrates a
classic PJC with retrograde P waves occurring after the QRS.


Atrial Fibrillation (A-fib):

Atrial activity is poorly defined; may see course or fine baseline undulations (wiggles)
or no atrial activity at all. If atrial activity is seen, it resembles the teeth on an old
saw (when compared to atrial flutter that often resembles a new saw or a clean
saw-tooth pattern especially in leads II, III, and aVF).

Ventricular response (RR intervals) is irregularly irregular and may be fast (HR
>100 bpm, indicates inadequate rate control), moderate (HR = 60-100 bpm), or
slow (HR <60 bpm, indicates excessive rate control medication, AV node disease, or
AV nodal blocking drugs including beta blockers and digoxin). Recent studies indicate
that resting HRs <110 bpm may be tolerated in atrial fibrillation, although not

A regular ventricular response with A-fib usually indicates high grade or complete AV
block with an escape or accelerated ectopic pacemaker originating in the AV junction
or ventricles (i.e., consider digoxin toxicity or AV node disease). In the ECG shown
below the last 2 QRS complexes are junctional escapes indicating high-grade AV block
due (note: the last two RR intervals are the same indicating the escape rate).

Irregularly-irregular SVTs may also be seen in atrial flutter with an irregular

ventricular response and in multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT). The differential
diagnosis is often hard to make from a single lead rhythm strip; a 12-lead ECG is best
for differentiating these three arrhythmias (see the top of p23).


Atrial flutter with variable HR response (note also LVH and left anterior fascicular block, LAFB)

Atrial Flutter (A-flutter):

Regular atrial activity usually with a clean saw-tooth or picket-fence appearance in

leads II, III, aVF, and more discrete looking 'P' waves in lead V1. The atrial rate is
usually about 300/min, but may be as slow as 150-200/min or as fast as 400-450/min.
The above ECG also shows LVH and left anterior fascicular block (LAFB).

Untreated A-flutter often presents with a 2:1 A-V conduction ratio. This a commonly
missed arrhythmia diagnosis because the all the flutter waves are often difficult to find.
Therefore, always think "atrial flutter with 2:1 block" whenever there is a
regular SVT @ approximately 150 bpm! (You arent likely to miss it if you look for it.)
In the 12-lead ECG shown above varying ratios are seen.

The ventricular response may be 2:1, 3:1 (rare), 4:1, or variable depending upon AV
conduction properties. A-flutter with 2:1 block is illustrated in the rhythm strip below;
one of the flutter waves occurs at the end of the QRS (pseudo RBBB pattern). Atrial
rate =280 bpm, ventricular rate =140 bpm.

Ectopic Atrial Tachycardia and Rhythms

Ectopic, discrete looking, unifocal P' waves with atrial rates <250/min (not to be
confused with slow atrial flutter).
Ectopic P' waves usually precede QRS complexes with P'R interval < RP' interval (i.e.,
not to be confused with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia with retrograde P
waves shortly after the QRS complexes).


The above ECG begins with a sequence of 3 sinus beats followed a PVC and
one more sinus beat; after this last sinus beat note the onset of an ectopic
atrial tachycardia (HR >100 bpm) and different P wave morphology).
Ventricular response may be 1:1 (as above ECG) or with varying degrees of
AV block (especially in the setting of digoxin toxicity).
Ectopic atrial rhythms are similar to ectopic atrial tachycardia, but with HR <
100 bpm. The ectopic P wave morphology is clearly different from the sinus
P wave.

Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia (MAT) and rhythm

Discrete, multifocal P waves occurring at rates of 100-250/min and with varying P'R
intervals (one usually sees at least 3 different P wave morphologies in a given lead).
Ventricular response is irregularly irregular (i.e., often confused with A-fib).
May be intermittent, alternating with periods of normal sinus rhythm.
MAT is seen most often in elderly patients with chronic or acute medical problems such
as exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
If the atrial rate is <100 bpm, call it multifocal atrial rhythm.

MAT: Look at lead V1 for discrete multifocal conducted and nonconducted P waves, and how
other leads resemble atrial fibrillation (e.g., leads aVL and V4)


Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)

Basic Considerations: These arrhythmias are circus movement tachycardias that use
the mechanism of reentry; they are also called reciprocating tachycardias. The onset is

sudden, usually initiated by a premature beat, and the arrhythmia also stops abruptly - which
is why they are called paroxysmal tachycardias. They are usually narrow-QRS tachycardias
unless there is preexisting bundle branch block (BBB) or aberrant ventricular conduction (i.e.,
rate related BBB). There are several types of PSVT depending on the location of the reentry
circuit. The diagram below illustrates the mechanism for AV nodal reentrant tachycardia
(AVNRT), the most common form of PSVT.

AV Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia (AVNRT): This form of PSVT accounts for

approximately 75% of all symptomatic PSVTs. The above diagram illustrates the
mechanism involving dual AV nodal pathways, labeled alpha and beta, having different
electrical properties. In the diagram alpha is a faster pathway but with a longer
refractory period (RP); beta is a slower pathway but with a shorter RP. During sinus
rhythm alpha is always used because it is faster, and there is plenty of time between
sinus beats for alpha to recover. An early PAC, however, may find alpha still refractory
and conduct down the slower beta pathway to reach the ventricles. As it slowly
traverses beta, however, alpha has time to recover allowing retrograde conduction back
to the atria. The retrograde P wave (sometimes called an atrial echo) occurs
simultaneous with or just after the QRS and may not be easily seen on the ECG; but it
can reenter the AV junction because of beta's short RP and continue the tachycardia.


The above ECG begins with 2 sinus beats followed by PAC (black arrow) that initiates the
onset of PSVT. Retrograde P waves (red arrow) immediately follow each QRS (seen as a
little dip at onset of ST segment resembling a pseudo r )
If an early PAC is properly timed, AVNRT results as seen in the diagram on p25. Rarely,
an atypical form of AVNRT occurs with the retrograde P wave appearing in front of the
next QRS (i.e., RP' interval > 1/2 the RR interval), implying antegrade conduction down
the faster alpha, and retrograde conduction up the slower beta pathway.

AV Reciprocating Tachycardia (Extranodal bypass pathway): This is the second most

common form of PSVT and is seen in patients with the WPW syndrome. The WPW ECG, seen
in the diagram on p14, shows a short PR, a delta wave, and somewhat widened QRS.

This type of PSVT can also occur in the absence of the typical WPW pattern if the
accessory pathway only allows conduction in the retrograde direction (i.e.,
concealed WPW). Like AVNRT, the onset of PSVT is usually initiated by a PAC that
finds the bypass track temporarily refractory, conducts down the slower AV junction
into the ventricles, and reenters the atria through the bypass track. In this type of
PSVT retrograde P waves usually appear shortly after the QRS in the ST segment
(i.e., RP' < 1/2 RR interval). Rarely the antegrade limb for this PSVT uses the bypass
track, and the retrograde limb uses the AV junction; the PSVT then resembles a wide
QRS tachycardia and must always be differentiated from ventricular tachycardia.

Sino-Atrial Reentrant Tachycardia: This is a rare form of PSVT where the reentrant
circuit is between the sinus node and the right atria. The ECG looks just like sinus
tachycardia, but the tachycardia is paroxysmal; i.e., it starts and ends abruptly.

Junctional Rhythms and Tachycardias

Junctional Escape Beats: These are passive, protective beats originating from
subsidiary pacemaker cells in the AV junction. The pacemaker's basic firing rate is 40-60
bpm; junctional escapes are programmed to occur whenever the primary pacemaker
(i.e., sinus node) defaults or the AV node blocks the atrial impulse from reaching the
ventricles. The ECG below shows marked sinus arrhythmia with two junctional escapes
(arrows). Incomplete AV dissociation is also seen during the junctional escapes.


Junctional Escape Rhythm: This is a sequence of 3 or more junctional escape

beats occurring by default at a rate of 40-60 bpm. There may be AV dissociation, or
the atria can be captured retrogradely from the junctional focus. These rhythms may
occur normally (e.g., athlete) when the sinus rate slows (increased vagal tone) below
the escape rate of the junctional pacemaker). They may also occur in patients with
sick sinus node disease or who are on heart rate slowing drugs (e.g., beta blockers).

Accelerated Junctional Rhythm: This is an active junctional pacemaker rhythm

caused by events that perturb the pacemaker cells in the AV junction (e.g., ischemia,
inflammation, drugs, and electrolyte abnormalities). The rate is 60-100 bpm. The V1
rhythm strip shown below shows an accelerated junctional rhythm at ~70 bpm with
retrograde P waves in the ST segment. Clinically the question is: whats making the
junctional pacemakers angry?

Nonparoxysmal Junctional Tachycardia: This usually begins as an accelerated

junctional rhythm but the heart rate gradually increases to >100 bpm. There may be
AV dissociation, or retrograde atrial capture may occur. Ischemia (usually from right
coronary artery occlusion in inferior MI patients) and digitalis intoxication are the two
most common causes.

II. Ventricular Arrhythmias

Premature Ventricular Complexes (PVCs)

PVCs may be unifocal, multifocal or multiformed. Multifocal PVCs have different

sites of origin and different coupling intervals (from previous QRS complexes).
Multiformed PVCs usually have the same coupling intervals (because they
originate in the same ectopic site but their conduction through the ventricles
differs. Multiformed PVCs are common in digoxin intoxication, although digtoxicity is rarely seen today due to infrequent use and lower doses. PVCs can
occur as isolated single events or as couplets, triplets, and salvos (4-6 PVCs in a
row) also called brief ventricular tachycardias.
PVCs are almost always wide QRS complex arrhythmias (QRS 0.12s) because
they originate in either the right or left ventricle and conduct sequentially into
the other ventricle. Analyzing the direction of the QRS in various ECG leads
usually enables one to determine the ventricle of orgin.
Clinically, infrequent and even frequent PVCs may be seen in healthy subjects as
a result of external perturbations such as various stimulants or emotional stress
situations. They are also seen in all kinds of heart diseases and may be
precursors of malignant ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death episodes.


In the above diagram A illustrates single PVCs and PVC couplets; B illustrates interpolated
PVCs (sandwiched between 2 regular sinus beats without a pause; the PR interval after the PVC
is prolonged because the PVC retrogradely enters the AV junction slowing the subsequent
antegrade sinus conduction); C illustrates late or end-diastolic PVCs with and without fusion.
PVCs may occur early in the cycle (R-on-T phenomenon), after the T wave, or late in the cycle often fusing with the next QRS (called a fusion beat; see 2nd PVC in C above). R-on-T PVCs may
be especially dangerous in acute ischemic settings, because the ventricles are more vulnerable to
ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation. In the ECG strip below, late (end-diastolic) PVCs are
illustrated with varying degrees of fusion. For fusion to occur the sinus P wave must have
entered the ventricles to begin the ventricular activation sequence. Before ventricular activation is
completed, however, the "late" PVC occurs, and the resultant QRS looks a bit like the normal
QRS, and a bit like the PVC; i.e., a fusion QRS (see arrows). Also, see the second PVC with
fusion in strip C above.


The events following a PVC are also of interest. Usually a PVC is followed by a complete
compensatory pause, because the sinus node timing is usually not interrupted by the PVC; one
sinus P wave occurs in the ST-T of the PVC and cant get to the ventricles because the ventricles
are refractory after the PVC; the next sinus P wave occurs on time based on the basic sinus
frequency. In contrast, PACs are usually followed by an incomplete pause because most PACs
can reset the sinus node timing; this enables the next sinus P wave to appear earlier than
expected. These concepts are illustrated in the diagram below as well as in the example on p21.

Not all PVCs are followed by a pause. If a PVC occurs early enough (especially when the sinus
rate is slow), it may appear sandwiched between two normal sinus beats. These PVCs are
called interpolated PVCs as discussed on p28. The sinus P wave following the PVC usually has
a longer PR interval because of retrograde concealed conduction by the PVC into the AV junction
slowing subsequent conduction of the sinus impulse (see B on p28).
Rarely a PVC may retrogradely conduct all the way back to the atria and reset the sinus node
timing resulting in an incomplete pause. Often the retrograde P wave can be seen hiding in the
ST-T wave of the PVC.
A most unusual post-PVC event occurs when retrograde activation of the AV junction (or atria)
re-enters (or comes back to) the ventricles as a ventricular echo. This is illustrated below. The
"ladder" diagram under the short ECG strip helps us understand the mechanism. The P wave
following the PVC is the next sinus P wave, but the PR interval is too short for it to have caused
the next QRS. (Remember, the PR interval following an interpolated PVC is usually longer than
normal, not shorter!). The PVC must have conducted retrogradely into the AV junction (but not
the atria) and then reentered the ventricles resulting in a normal QRS complex (e for ventricular
echo). Note the timing of the sinus P waves is not interrupted. Amazing, isnt it?


PVCs usually stick out like "sore thumbs" or funny-looking-beats (FLBs), because they are wide
and bizarre in appearance compared to the normal QRS complexes. However, not all premature
sore thumbs are PVCs. In the example below 2 PACs are seen: #1 has a normal QRS, and #2
has RBBB aberrancy - which looks like an FLB. The challenge, therefore, is to differentiate
sore thumbs for what they are or are not; that's the next topic for discussion!

(The following section [pp 30-42] on Aberrant Ventricular Conduction was

originally written jointly by Drs. Alan Lindsay, Frank Yanowitz, and J. Douglas Ridges
in the 1980s. Slight modifications from the original have been made)


Aberrant ventricular conduction (AVC) is a very common source of confusion in interpreting 12lead ECGs and rhythm strips. A thorough understanding of its mechanism and recognition is
essential to all persons (and computers) who read ECGs.


Before we can understand aberrant ventricular conduction we must first review how normal
conduction of the electrical impulse occurs in the heart (Figure 1). What a magnificent
design! Impulses from the fastest center of automaticity (SA node) are transmitted through the
atria and over specialized fibers (Bachmanns bundle to the left atrium and three inter-nodal
tracts) to the AV node. The AV node provides sufficient conduction delay to allow atrial
contraction to contribute to ventricular filling. Following slow AV node conduction high velocity
conduction tracts deliver the electrical impulse to the right and left ventricles (through the His
bundle, bundle branches and fascicles, and into the Purkinje network). Simultaneous activation
of the two ventricles results in a NARROW, NORMAL QRS COMPEX (0.06-0.1 sec QRS
duration). Should conduction delay or block occur in one of the two bundle branches an
ABNORMAL WIDE QRS COMPLEX will be the result of sequential activation of the ventricles.
(A delay or block in a fascicle of the left bundle branch will also result in an abnormal QRS that is
not necessarily a wide QRS but of a QRS of different shape (e.g., a change in frontal plane QRS
axis) from the persons normal QRS morphology).

Figure 1 (note the left bundle branch also has a middle, or septal fascicle not shown
in the figure)
Figure 2 below illustrates a basic principle of AVC. AVC is a temporary alteration of QRS
morphology when you would have expected a normal QRS complex. Permanent bundle branch
block (BBB) is NOT AVC.
In this discussion we will concentrate on AVC through normal bundle branch and fascicular
pathways and not consider conduction through accessory pathways (e.g., as in WPW syndrome).
The ECG illustrated in Figure 2 from lead V1 shows two normal sinus beats followed by a
premature atrial complex (PAC, first arrow). The QRS complex of the PAC is narrow resembling
the normal QRS morphology of the sinus beats. After an incomplete pause, another sinus beat is
followed by a slightly earlier PAC. Now, because of this slightly increased prematurity (and the
longer preceding RR cycle), the QRS morphology is wide and different (rsR morphology of
RBBB). One who is not careful might mistake this wide funny looking beat (FLB) as a PVC and
attach a different clinical significance (and therapy). The diagram and examples on p19-20 also
illustrate the different fates of PACs. The key clues to recognizing AVC in Figure 2 are:
1. Finding the premature P-wave (P) or Cherchez le P (in French)
2. Recognizing the typical RBBB QRS morphology (rsR in lead V1)


Lead V1

Figure 2
A term that describes a temporary alteration of QRS morphology under conditions
where a normal QRS might be expected. The common types are:
1. Through normal conduction pathways:
Cycle-length dependent (Ashman phenomenon)
Rate-dependent tachycardia or bradycardia
2. Through accessory pathways (e.g., Kent bundle)
Five features or clues help identify AVC of the right bundle branch block variety, the most
common form. It should be emphasized that although RBBB morphology is the commonest form
of AVC, LBBB or block of one of its three fascicles may also occur, particularly in persons with
more advanced left heart disease or those taking cardiovascular drugs. In healthy people the
right bundle branch has a slightly longer refractory period than the left bundle at normal heart
rates and, therefore, is more likely to be unavailable when an early PAC enters the ventricles.
The second-in-a row phenomenon will be illustrated later in this section.
1. Preceding atrial activity (premature P wave)
2. rSR or rsR morphology in lead V1
3. qRs morphology in lead V6
4. Same initial r wave as normal QRS complex (in lead V1)
5. Second-in-a-row phenomenon
The Ashman Phenomenon is named after the late Dr. Richard Ashman who first described, in
1947, AVC of the RBBB variety in patients with atrial fibrillation. Ashman reasoned, from
observing ECG rhythms in patients with a-fib, that the refractory period (during which conducting
tissue is recovering and cannot be activated) was directly proportional to the cycle length or
heart rate. The longer the cycle length (or slower the heart rate) the longer the refractory period
is. In Figure 3 below a premature stimulus (PS) can be normally conducted if the preceding cycle
length is of short or medium duration but will be blocked if the preceding cycle length is long.
Ashman observed this in atrial fibrillation when long RR cycles were followed by short RR cycles
and the QRS terminating the short RR cycle was wide in duration (looking like RBBB).
Look at the ECG rhythm strips in Figure 3. Simultaneous Lead II and Lead V1 are recorded. The
first PAC (first arrow in V1) conducts to the ventricles with a normal QRS because the preceding
cycle was of normal or medium length. The second PAC (next arrow) conducts with RBBB (rsR
in V1) because the preceding cycle was LONGER. Both PACs have identical coupling intervals
from the preceding sinus P wave. Thus, a long cycle-short cycle sequence often leads to AVC.
Unfortunately this sequence helps us UNDERSTAND AVC but is not DIAGNOSTIC OF AVC.


PVCs may also occur in a long cycle-short cycle sequence. It is important, therefore, to have
other clues to the differential diagnosis of funny looking QRS beats (FLBs).

Figure 3
Years ago Dr. Henry Marriott, a master teacher of electrocardiography and author of many
outstanding ECG textbooks offered valuable guidelines regarding aberrant QRS morphologies
(especially in lead V1). These morphologies contrasted with the QRS complexes often seen with
PVCs and enhanced our ability to diagnose AVC. For example, if the QRS in lead V1 is
predominately up-going or positive (Figure 4) the differential diagnosis is between RBBB
aberrancy and ventricular ectopy usually originating in the left ventricle. A careful look at each of
the 5 QRS morphologies in Figure 4 will identify the Las Vegas betting odds of making the
correct diagnosis.

Figure 4
QRS #1 and #2 are classic RBBB morphologies with rsR or rSR triphasic QRS shapes. When
either of these is seen in a V1 premature beat we can be at least 90% certain that they are


aberrant RBBB conduction and not ventricular ectopy. Examples #3 and #4 are notched or
slurred monophasic R wave QRS complexes. Wheres the notch or slur? Think of rabbit ears. If
the notch or slur is on the downstroke of the QRS (smaller right rabbit ear in Example #4),
then the odds are almost 100-to-1 that the beat is a left ventricular ectopic beat (or PVC). If, on
the other hand, the notch or slur is on the upstroke of the QRS (smaller rabbit ear on the left in
Example #3), than the odds are 50:50 and not helpful in the differential Dx. Finally if the QRS
complex has just a qR configuration (Example #5) than the odds are reasonably high that the
beat in question is a left ventricular ectopic beat and not AVC. Two exceptions to this last rule
(#5) need to be remembered. Some normal ECGs do not have an initial little r-wave in the QRS
of lead V1 (i.e., just a QS morphology). If RBBB occurs in such a person the QRS morphology in
V1 will be a qR instead of an rsR. Secondly, in a person with a previous anterior or anteroseptal
infarction the V1 QRS often has a QS morphology, and RBBB in such a person will also have a qR
Now consider mostly down-going or negative wide QRS morphologies in lead V1 (Figure 5). Here
the differential diagnosis is between LBBB aberration (Example #1) and right ventricular ectopy
(Example #2). Typical LBBB in lead V1 may or may not have a thin initial r-wave, but will
always have a rapid descending S-wave as seen in #1. On the other hand any one of three
features illustrated in #2 is great betting odds that the beat in question is of ventricular origin
and not AVC. These three features are: 1) fat initial r-wave, 2) notch or slur in the descending
limb of the S wave, and 3) a 0.06 sec or more delay from the beginning of the QRS to the nadir
of the S wave.

Figure 5

Figure 6


Now, lets look at some real ECG examples of the preceding QRS morphology rules. We will
focus on the V1 lead for now since it is the best lead for differentiating RBBB from LBBB, and
right ventricular ectopy from left ventricular ectopy.
Figure 6 (above) illustrates two premature funny-looking beats (FLBs) for your consideration.
FLB A has a small notch on the upstroke of the QRS complex resembling #3 in Figure 4.
Remember, thats only a 50:50 odds for AVC and therefore not helpful in the differentiating it
from a PVC. However, if you look carefully at the preceding T wave, you will see that it is more
pointed than the other T waves in this V1 rhythm strip. There is very likely a hidden premature
P-wave in the T before A, making the FLB a PAC with RBBB aberrancy. Dr. Marriott likes to say:
Cherchez le P which is a sexy way to say in French Search for the P before the FLB to
determine if the FLB is a PAC with AVC. FLB B, on the other hand, has a small notch or slur on
the downstroke of the QRS resembling #4 in Figure 4. Thats almost certainly a PVC (and
originating in the left ventricle (because its moving in an anterior direction).
Alas, into each life some rain must fall! Remember life is not always 100% predictable. In
Figure 7, after 2 sinus beats with incomplete RBBB, a bigeminal rhythm develops. The 3
premature FLBs have TYPICAL TRIPHASIC RBBB MORPHOLOGY (rSR) and yet they are
PVCs! How can we tell? They are not preceded by premature P-waves, but are actually followed
(look in the ST segment) by the next normal sinus P-wave which cannot conduct because the
ventricles are refractory at that time. The next sinus P wave comes on time (i.e., a complete
pause). Well, you cant win them all!

Figure 7
The rhythm illustrated in the six leads of Figure 8 was actually interpreted as Ventricular
bigeminy in our ECG lab by a tired physician reading late at night. Try to see if you can do
better. The first thing to notice is that the two premature beats in lead V1 have RBBB (rsR)
morphologyalready a 10:1 odds favoring AVC. Note also that some the T waves of the sinus
beats look a little funny particularly in Leads 1, 2, and V2. They are small, short, and peak
too early, a very suspicious signal that they are, indeed, hidden premature P-waves in the T
waves (Cherchez-le-P).
The clincher, however, is that the premature beats are followed by INCOMPLETE
COMPENSATORY PAUSES. How can you tell in a bigeminal rhythm? One lead (aVF) has no
premature beats, so you can measure the exact sinus rate (P-P interval). Taking 2 sinus cycles
from this lead (with your calipers), you can now tell in the other leads that the P wave following
the FLBs comes earlier than expected suggesting that the sinus cycle was reset by the
premature P waves (a common feature of PACs, but not PVCs). The correct diagnosis, therefore,
is atrial bigeminy with RBBB aberration of the PACs.


Figure 8
As discussed on p29, the diagram now reproduced in Figure 9 helps us understand the difference
between a complete compensatory pause (characteristic of most PVCs) and an incomplete
pause (typical of most PACs). The top half of Figure 9 shows (in ladder diagram form) three
sinus beats and a PAC. The sinus P wave after the PAC comes earlier than expected because the
PAC entered the sinus node and reset its timing. In the bottom half of Figure 9 three sinus beats
are followed by a PVC. As you can see the sinus cycle is not interrupted, but one sinus beat
cannot conduct to the ventricles because the ventricles are refractory due to the PVC. The next
P wave comes on time making the pause a complete compensatory pause.

Figure 9


The top ECG strip in Figure 10 illustrates 2 PACs conducted with AVC. Note how the premature
ectopic P-wave peaks and distorts the preceding T-wave (Cherchez-le-P). The first PAC conducts
with LBBB aberrancy and the second with RBBB. In the second strip atrial fibrillation is initiated by
a PAC with RBBB aberration (note the long preceding RR interval followed by a short coupling
interval to the PAC). The aberrantly conducted beat that initiates atrial fibrillation is an example of
the second-in-a-row phenomenon which is frequently seen in atrial tachyarrhythmias with AVC.
Its the second beat in a sequence of fast beats that is most often conducted with AVC because of
the long-short rule (Ashman phenomenon).

Figure 10
In Figure 11 you can see Ashman beats at their finest. RBBB beats in lead V1 follow the long
cycle-short cycle sequence. Since the atria are fibrillating, you cant identify a PAC or preceding
atrial activity so you have to presume that all QRSs are conducted from the atria. Note that the
2nd Ashman beat in the top strip is followed by a quicker but narrow QRS beat the right bundle is
now responding to a short cycle-short cycle sequence and conducts normally. Dr. Ashman first
published this observation in 1947! His name has become a permanent icon in the ECG world.

Figure 11
If youre ready for some fun, consider the next ECG rhythm illustrated in Figure 12. This
unfortunate man suffered from palpitations and dizziness when he swallowed. What you see is the
onset of an ectopic atrial tachycardia (after the first 2 sinus beats) with intermittent RBBB aberrant


conduction. The arrows point to ectopic P-waves firing at nearly 200 bpm. Note how the PR
intervals gradually get longer until the 4th ectopic P-wave in the tachycardia fails to conduct
(Wenckebach phenomenon). This initiates a pause (longer cycle), and when 1:1 conduction
resumes the second and subsequent QRS complexes exhibit upright QRS complexes of atypical
RBBB. This is truly a cool ECG rhythm strip! The man was told to stop swallowing so much!

Figure 12 (Deglutition induced atrial tachycardia)

Bundle branch block aberration can occur during a critical rate change which means that AVC
comes with gradual changes in heart rate and not necessarily with abrupt changes in cycle length
as seen in the Ashman phenomenon. Think of a tired but not dead bundle branch. This is
illustrated in Figure 13 (lead II), an example of rate-dependent or acceleration-dependent AVC.
When the sinus cycle, in this instance 71 bpm, is shorter than the refractory period of the left
bundle then LBBB ensues. It is almost always the case that as the heart rate slows it takes a
slower rate for the LBBB to disappear, as seen in the lower strip.

Figure 13
Figure 14 shows another example of acceleration-dependent RBBB, this time in the setting of atrial
fibrillation. Even the normal beats have a minor degree of incomplete RBBB (rsr). At critically
short cycles, however, complete RBBB ensues and remains until the rate slows again. You can tell
that these are not PVCs and runs of ventricular tachycardia because of the typical RBBB
morphology (rsR in lead V1) and the irregular RR cycles of atrial fib.

Figure 14

Things can really get scary in the coronary care unit in the setting of acute myocardial infarction.
Consider the case illustrated in Figure 15 (lead V1) with intermittent runs of what looks like
ventricular tachycardia. Note that the basic rhythm is irregularly irregular indicating atrial
fibrillation. The wide QRS complexes are examples of tachycardia-dependent LBBB aberration, not
runs of ventricular tachycardia. Note the morphology of the wide beats. Although there is no
initial thin r-wave, the downstroke of the S wave is very rapid (see #1 in Figure 5, p34).

Figure 15
Finally we have an example in Figure 16 of a very unusual and perplexing form of AVC --deceleration or bradycardia-dependent aberration. Note that the QRS duration is normal at
rates above 65 bpm, but all longer RR cycles are terminated by beats with LBBB. What a paradox!
You have to be careful not to classify the late beats ventricular escapes, but in this case the QRS
morphology of the late beats is classic for LBBB (see #1 in Figure 5, p33) as evidenced by the
thin r-wave and rapid downstroke of the S-wave. This type of AVC is sometimes called Phase 4
AVC because its during Phase 4 of the action potential that latent pacemakers (in this case located
in the left bundle) begin to depolarize. Sinus beats entering the partially depolarized left bundle
conduct more slowly and sometimes are nonconducted (resulting in LBBB).

Figure 16
The actual rhythm in Figure 16 is difficult to recognize because sinus P-waves are not easily seen in
this V1 lead. P-waves were better seen in other leads from this patient. The rhythm was sinus
arrhythmia with intermittent 2nd degree AV block.
The ECG strips in Figure 17 summarize important points made in this section. In strip 1
intermittent RBBB is seen with atrial fibrillation. The first two RBBB beats result from an
accelerating rate (tachycardia-dependent RBBB) while the later triplet of RBBB beats are a
consequence of the Ashman phenomenon (long cycle-short cycle sequence). Strip 2 from the
same patient (in sinus rhythm) shows two premature FLBs. The first FLB has a QR configuration
similar to #5 in Figure 4 (p33) and is most certainly a PVC as the pause following it is a complete
compensatory one. The 2nd FLB has the classic triphasic rsR morphology of RBBB AVC (#1 in
Figure 4). The pause following this beat is incomplete which is expected for PACs.


Figure 17 (MCL1 is similar to standard lead V1)

Lets look at one more fascinating ECG (Fig 18) with funny-looking beats. On this 12-lead ECG
there are 4 PACs (best seen on the V1 rhythm strip at the bottom of the ECG). The arrows point to
each of the four PACs (three of which are hidden in the T waves). The first PAC conducts with a
qR complex in lead V1 indicating an atypical RBBB (#5 in Figure 4, p33). The lack of an initial rwave is because the other sinus beats in lead V1 also lack an initial r wave. Note also that in
leads I, II and III the QRS of this first PAC has marked left axis deviation (superior, leftward forces)
indicative of left anterior fascicular block AVC. The second PAC hidden in the preceding T wave has
a LBBB type of AVC (#1 in Figure 5) with a rapid downslope in the QRS complex. The third PAC
(also hidden in the T wave) does not have a QRS complex following it and is, therefore, a
nonconducted PAC. Nevertheless it resets the sinus node which accounts for the pause in
rhythm. (Remember: the most common cause of an unexpected pause in rhythm is a
nonconducted PAC.) The fourth PAC (seen after the T wave) conducts normally because its late
enough for the conduction pathways to be fully recovered. This 12-lead ECG is a wonderful
example of the three fates of a PAC: 1) normal conduction, 2) aberrant conduction, and
3) no conduction. It also illustrates that AVC can occur with different forms of aberrancy
including bundle branch as well as fascicular conduction delays.
An unrelated, but interesting finding in Figure 18 is the increased U-wave amplitude in leads V1-3
following the nonconducted PAC. This is because the first beat in these leads follows the long
pause after the nonconducted PAC. U-waves generally increase in amplitude at slower heart rates.
Notice how the U-waves for the 2nd QRS in V1-3 are somewhat smaller reflecting the shorter cycle
length. More about U-waves later. In other words, see U later!; and then you can say, nice
seeing U again!


Figure 18
Unfortunately the ECGs that you end up interpreting will not have arrows pointing at the interesting
findings. You just have to imagine where they should be!

The differential diagnosis of FLBs is intellectually challenging and has important clinical implications.
This section has provided clues that help distinguish wide QRS complexes that are supraventricular
in origin with AVC from ectopic beats of ventricular origin (PVCs and ventricular rhythms). When
looking at single premature FLBs always search for hidden premature P-waves in the ST-T wave of
the preceding beat (Cherchez-le-P). Measure with calipers the pause after the FLB to determine if
its compensatory or not. Remember the lead V1 morphology clues offered in Figures 4 and 5
(pp33, 34) that provide reliable (although not perfect) betting odds that a particular beat in
question is supraventricular or ventricular in origin. These morphology clues may be the only way
to correctly diagnose wide QRS-complex tachycardias.
Dont be fooled by first impressions.

Not all FLBs are ventricular in origin!

The next section focuses on ECG aspects of ventricular tachycardia and the differential
diagnosis of wide QRS tachycardias. Other ventricular rhythms are also briefly


Ventricular Tachycardia

Descriptors to consider when thinking about ventricular tachycardia:

Sustained (lasting >30 s) vs. nonsustained
Monomorphic (uniform morphology) vs. polymorphic vs. Torsade-de-pointes
(Torsade-de-pointes: a polymorphic ventricular tachycardia associated with
the long-QT syndromes characterized by phasic variations in the polarity of the
QRS complexes around the baseline. Ventricular rate is often >200 bpm and
ventricular fibrillation is often a consequence causing sudden cardiac death.)
Presence of AV dissociation (independent atrial activity) vs. retrograde atrial
Presence of fusion QRS complexes (also called Dressler beats) which occur
when supraventricular beats (usually of sinus origin) slip into the ventricles
during the ectopic activation sequence.

Differential Diagnosis: just as for single premature funny-looking beats, not all wide
QRS tachycardias are ventricular in origin (they may be supraventricular
tachycardias with bundle branch block or WPW preexcitation)!

Differential Diagnosis of Wide QRS Tachycardias

Although this is an ECG tutorial, let's not forget some simple bedside and
clinical clues to ventricular tachycardia:
Presence of advanced heart disease (e.g., coronary heart
disease and heart failure) favors ventricular tachycardia
Cannon 'a' waves in the jugular venous pulse suggests
ventricular tachycardia with AV dissociation. Under these
circumstances atrial contraction from on-going sinus rhythm may
sometimes occur when the tricuspid valve is closed causing
retrograde blood flow into the jugular veins (giant a wave).
Variable intensity of the S1 heart sound at the apex (mitral
closure); again this is seen when there is AV dissociation
resulting in varying position of the mitral valve leaflets
depending on the timing of atrial and ventricular systole.
If the patient is hemodynamically unstable, its probably
ventricular tachycardia and act accordingly!

ECG Clues:

Regularity of the rhythm: Sustained monomorphic (i.e., all QRSs look the same)
ventricular tachycardias are usually regular (i.e., equal RR intervals); an
irregularly-irregular wide-QRS rhythm suggests atrial fibrillation with aberration
or with WPW preexcitation.
A-V Dissociation strongly suggests ventricular tachycardia! Unfortunately AV
dissociation only occurs in approximately 50% of ventricular tachycardias (the
other 50% have retrograde atrial capture or "V-A association"). Of the V-tachs
with AV dissociation, it can only be easily recognized when the tachycardia rate is
<150 bpm. Faster heart rates make it difficult to detect the dissociated P waves.
Fusion beats or captures often occur when there is AV dissociation and this also
strongly suggests a ventricular origin for the wide QRS tachycardia.
QRS morphology in lead V1, illustrated in Figures 4 and 5 (pp33, 34), is often the
best clue to the origin, so go back and check out these clues! Also consider a
few additional morphology clues:
Bizarre frontal-plane QRS axis (i.e. from +150 degrees to -90 degrees or NW
quadrant) suggests ventricular tachycardia


Nonsustained VT (note the first beat in the run is a fusion beat, and the LV origin of the VT)

QRS morphology identical to previously seen PVCs suggests ventricular

If all the QRS complexes from V1 to V6 are in the same direction (either all
positive or all negative), ventricular tachycardia is likely
Mostly or all negative QRS morphology in V6 suggests ventricular tachycardia
Especially wide QRS complexes (>0.16s) suggests ventricular tachycardia
Also consider the famous Four-Question Algorithm reported by Brugada

et al, Circulation 1991;83:1649:

Step 1: Absence of RS complex in all leads V1-V6? If Yes: Dx is

ventricular tachycardia!
Step 2: No: Is interval from beginning of R wave to nadir of S wave
>0.1s in any RS lead? If Yes: Dx is ventricular tachycardia!
Step 3: No: Are AV dissociation, fusions, or captures seen? If Yes: Dx
is ventricular tachycardia!
Step 4: No: Are there morphology criteria (see p32) for VT present both
in leads V1 and V6? If Yes: Dx is ventricular tachycardia!
If NO: Diagnosis is supraventricular tachycardia with aberration!

The ECG shown below illustrates several features of typical VT: 1) QRS morphology in lead
V1 looks like #4 in Figure 4, p33; the notch is on the downstroke of the R wave; 2) the QRS
is mostly negative in lead V6; 3) bizarre northwest quadrant frontal plane QRS axis of -180
degrees (both leads I and II are predominately negative. This VT is most likely from the left
ventricle (note the direction of QRS forces is rightward and anterior; i.e., the QRS originates
in the leftward, posterior LV).

Left Ventricular Tachycardia


The ECG illustrated on the below shows another typical sustained monomorphic VT, but this
time originating in the right ventricle. Note the V1 QRS morphology has all the features of a
left ventricular VT origin (see Figure 5, p34) including 1) fat, little R wave; 2) notch on the
downstroke or the S-wave; and 3) >0.06 s delay from QRS onset to the nadir (bottom) of the
S-wave. The direction of QRS forces is leftward and posterior (i.e., coming from a rightward
and anterior RV)

Right ventricular Tachycardia

Accelerated Ventricular Rhythms (see ECG below)

An active ventricular rhythm due to enhanced automaticity of a ventricular pacemaker

site (reperfusion therapy or PCI Rx in acute MI is a common causal factor).
Ventricular rate can be 60-110 bpm (anything faster would be ventricular tachycardia)
Sometimes this is called an isochronic ventricular rhythm when the ventricular rate is
not too different from the basic sinus rate.
May begin and end with fusion beats (F), ventricular activation partly due to the normal
sinus activation of the ventricles and partly from the ectopic focus).
Usually benign, short lasting and not requiring any particular antiarrhythmic therapy.


Idioventricular Rhythm (a.k.a. Ventricular Escape Rhythm)

A "passive" wide QRS rhythm that occurs by default whenever higher-lever pacemakers
in AV junction or sinus node fail to control ventricular activation.
Escape rates are usually in the range of 30-50 bpm.
Seen most often in complete AV block with AV dissociation or in other bradycardia
The QRS morphology is clearly of ventricular origin (see Figures 4 and 5, p34).

Ventricular Parasystole

Parasystolic PVCs come from protected ectopic pacemaker cells in the ventricles that fire
at a fixed rate unrelated to the underlying basic rhythm (usually sinus). As a result they
appear as PVCs with varying coupling intervals, and, if late enough in the cardiac cycle
they may fuse with the next sinus beat).
These non-fixed coupled PVCs have inter-ectopic intervals (i.e., timing between PVCs)
that are some multiple (i.e., 1x, 2x, 3x, etc.) of the basic rate of the parasystolic focus
The PVCs have uniform morphology unless fusion beats occur
There is usually an entrance block around the ectopic focus, which means that the
primary rhythm (e.g., sinus rhythm) cannot enter the ectopic site and reset its timing
(unlike a PAC that can reset the sinus pacemaker).
May also see an intermittent exit block just distal to the parasystolic site; i.e., the output
from the ectopic site may occasionally be blocked or non-conducted (i.e., no PVC occurs
when one is expected).
Fusion beats (F) are common when the ectopic site in the ventricle fires while ventricles
are already beginning activation from sinus beats. In the rhythm below non-fixed
coupled PVCs are seen with fusion beats (F). When the PVC occurs late enough in the
sinus cycle they can partially fuse with the sinus beats.

Parasystolic rhythms may also originate in the atria (i.e., with non-fixed coupled PAC's)
and within the AV junction.

Pacemaker Rhythms

Pacemakers come in a wide variety of programmable features. The following ECG

rhythm strips illustrate the common types of pacing functions.

Atrial pacing: note small pacemaker spikes before every P wave followed by normal
QRS complexes (used mostly for sinus node disease and related bradycardias)


A-V sequential pacing with ventricular pacing (note tiny spike before each QRS) and
atrial sensing of normal sinus rhythm (note: pacemaker spikes are sometimes difficult to

A-V sequential pacing with both atrial and ventricular pacing (note pacing spikes before
each P wave and each QRS

Normal functioning ventricular demand pacemaker. Small pacing spikes (arrows) are
seen before QRS #1, #3, #4, and #6 representing the paced beats. There is marked
sinus bradycardia (thats the reason for the pacemaker), but when P waves are able to
conduct they do (see QRS #2 and #5). This is a nice example of incomplete AV
dissociation due to sinus slowing where the artificial pacemaker takes over by default.
Note also, in this V1 rhythm strip the morphology of the paced beats resemble QRS #2 in
Figure 5 (p32) indicative of a RV ectopic pacemaker focus (notched downstroke).


INTRODUCTION: This section considers all disorders of impulse conduction that may occur

within the cardiac conduction system (see diagram on page 29). Heart block can be
conceptualized in terms of three cardiac regions where heart block occurs and three degrees of
conduction failure in each region. The three regions of heart block include the sino-atrial
connections (SA), the AV junction (AV Node and His Bundle), and the bundle branches including
their fascicles. The three degrees include slowed conduction (1st degree), intermittent
conduction failure (2nd degree), or complete conduction failure (3rd degree). In addition, there
are two varieties of 2nd degree heart block: Type I (or Wenckebach) occurring mostly in the
Ca++ channel cells of the AV node and Type II (or Mobitz) usually found in the Na+ channel
cells of the bundle branches and fascicles. In Type I (2nd degree) block decremental
conduction is seen where the conduction velocity progressively slows beat-by-beat until failure
of conduction occurs. This is the form of conduction block in the AV node. Type II block is all or
none and is more likely found in the His bundle or in the bundle branches and fascicles. The
term exit block is used to identify a conduction delay or failure immediately distal to a


pacemaker site. Sino-atrial (SA) block, for example, is an exit block. The table below summarizes
the three degrees and three general locations of heart block.


2nd Degree SA Block: Although three degrees of SA block can occur only 2nd degree SA
block can be recognized on the surface ECG because the sinus discharge doesnt appear
on the surface ECG. (i.e., one can only see an intermittent conduction failure between
the sinus node and the right atrium). Two types of 2nd degree SA block have been
described but, unlike 2nd degree AV block, differentiating type I from type II is
unimportant. Also sinus arrhythmia makes the differential diagnosis a wasted time.

Type I SA block (SA Wenckebach): the following 3 rules represent the classic rules of
Wenckebach which were originally described for Type I 2nd degree AV block. The
rules are the result of decremental conduction where the increment in conduction
delay for each subsequent impulse gets smaller and smaller until conduction failure
occurs. For Type I SA block (in the absence of sinus arrhythmia) the three rules are:
1. PP intervals gradually shorten until a pause occurs (i.e., when the blocked
sinus impulse fails to reach the atria and a sinus P-wave isnt seen on the ECG)
2. The PP interval of the pause is less than the two preceding PP intervals
before the pause
3. The PP interval just following the pause is greater than the PP interval just
before the pause (not seen on the ECG example below). The dotted red
arrows point to an educated guess as to when the sinus fired before each P
wave. Note how it takes longer and longer to the P wave, and then a P wave
doesnt appear.


Differential Diagnosis: marked sinus arrhythmia without SA block. The rhythm

strip above illustrates SA Wenckebach with a ladder diagram to show the progressive
conduction delay between SA node and the atrial P wave. Note the similarity of this
rhythm to marked sinus arrhythmia. Note also that the PP interval of the pause is
less than the 2 preceding PP intervals. Also remember: the most common cause of
an unexpected pause in rhythm is a nonconducted PAC (see p19).

Type II 2nd degree SA Block:

PP intervals are fairly constant (unless sinus arrhythmia present) until conduction
failure occurs.
The pause is approximately twice the basic PP interval

Both Type I and Type II SA block indicate sinus node disease (intrinsic or drug induced).


Possible sites of AV block:

AV node (most common)
His bundle (uncommon)
Bundle branch and fascicular divisions (in presence of already existing bundle
branch block)
1st Degree AV Block: PR interval > 0.20 sec; all P waves conduct and are
followed by QRS complexes.


2nd Degree AV Block: The ladder diagrams below illustrate the differences
between Type I (Wenckebach) and Type II 2nd degree AV block.

In "classic" Type I (Wenckebach) AV block the PR interval gets longer and longer (by
smaller and smaller increments) until a nonconducted P wave occurs. The RR
interval of the pause is less than the two preceding RR intervals, and the RR interval
after the pause is greater than the RR interval just before the pause. These are the 3
classic rules or footprints of Wenckebach (described on p48 for the PP intervals in SA
Wenckebach). In Type II (Mobitz) AV block the PR intervals are constant (for at least 2
consecutive PR intervals) until a nonconducted P wave occurs. The RR interval of the
pause is equal to the two preceding RR intervals (assuming a regular sinus rate). In 2:1
AV block one cannot distinguish type I from type II block (because PR is fixed in both
cases). There are often other ECG clues to the correct diagnosis in 2:1 AV block:
Wide QRS complexes (BBBs) suggest type II; narrow QRS complexes suggest type I.
Prolonged PR intervals (conducted beats) suggest type I (Wenckebach).

Type I (Wenckebach) 2nd degree AV block (note the RR intervals in ms

duration illustrating the 3 classic rules):

NOTE: Type I AV block is almost always located in the AV node itself, which
means that the QRS duration is usually narrow unless there is also a preexisting
bundle branch block. Note also the 4:3 and 3:2 groupings of Ps and QRSs.
Group beating is common in type I 2nd degree AV block.


Type II (Mobitz) 2nd degree AV block: (note: the constant PR for two
consecutive PR's before the blocked P wave, and the wide QRS of LBBB)

Type II AV block there is almost always a preexisting bundle branch block (LBBB in
the ECG strips above and below), which means that the QRS duration is wide
indicating complete block of one bundle The nonconducted P waves are blocked in
the other bundle (i.e., a 2nd degree block in the right bundle branch). Also, in Type
II block several consecutive P waves may be blocked as illustrated below:

Complete (3rd Degree) AV Block:

Usually there is complete AV dissociation because the atria and ventricles are
each controlled by independent pacemakers.
Narrow QRS rhythms in 3rd degree AV block suggest a junctional escape focus
indicating that the AV block is proximal to the bifurcation of the HIS bundle.
Wide QRS rhythms suggest a ventricular escape focus (i.e., often called an
idioventricular rhythm). This is seen in ECG 'A' below; ECG 'B' shows the
treatment for this 3rd degree AV block; i.e., an artificial ventricular pacemaker.


The location of the block may be in the AV junction or bilaterally in the bundle
branches. Look carefully in B for dissociated P waves that are independent of the
pacemaker rhythm.

AV Dissociation (independent rhythms in atria and ventricles):

Not synonymous with 3rd degree AV block, although AV block is one of the causes.
May be complete or incomplete. In complete AV dissociation the atria and
ventricles are always independent of each other as seen in 3rd degree AV block. In
incomplete AV dissociation there is opportunity for either intermittent retrograde
atrial capture from the ventricles or antegrade ventricular capture from the atria.
There are three categories or situations where AV dissociation occurs (categories 1
& 2 always are incomplete AV dissociation):
1. Slowing of the primary pacemaker (i.e., SA node); a subsidiary escape
pacemaker takes over by default because the sinus rate is slower than the
escape pacemaker rate. In the following example of sinus arrhythmia two
junctional beats take over when the sinus rate falls below the junctional escape
rate. (Sinus P waves are hidden in the junctional escape beats.)

2. Acceleration of a subsidiary pacemaker that is slightly faster than the basic

sinus rhythm; i.e., takeover by usurpation. In the example below 2 sinus beats
are followed by an accelerated (or isochronic) ventricular rhythm (AVR). The
first beat of the AVR takes over just before the 3 rd sinus P wave would have
conducted. During the AVR occasional sinus beats sneak into the ventricles and
fusion beats may appear when the sinus beat and AVR beat merge in the


3. 2nd or 3rd degree AV block with an escape rhythm from a junctional or ventricular
In the example (below) of complete AV dissociation (3rd degree AV bock with a
junctional escape pacemaker) the PP intervals are alternating because of
ventriculophasic sinus arrhythmia (phasic variations in vagal tone depending on
the timing of ventricular contractions effect the sinus rate or PP intervals).


Intraventricular blocks involve one or more portions of the IV conduction system
including the bundle branches and their fascicles (see table on p47). Complete or 3 rd degree
blocks of the bundle branches will be considered first. The QRS complexes in complete BBB will
always be of wide duration (0.12 s) because the ventricles are depolarized sequentially rather
than simultaneously as in normal ventricular activation. The ventricle with the blocked bundle will
affect the 2nd half of the widened QRS. Remember, the right ventricle sits to the right of and
anterior to the left ventricle; the left ventricle sits to the left of and posterior to the right
ventricle. ECG leads that best reflect right vs. left and anterior vs. posterior are illustrated below:


First, consider left bundle branch block (LBBB) in the above figure. The vertical dotted lines
divide the QRS into two parts with the 2nd half representing the activation of the ventricle with
the blocked bundle branch. Since the left ventricle is to the left and posterior to the right
ventricle the 2nd half of the QRS is downgoing in lead V1 (posterior) and upgoing in leads I, aVL,
and V6 (leftward). Similarly in right bundle branch block (RBBB) the 2nd half of the QRS is
upgoing in lead V1 (anterior), and downgoing in leads I, aVL, and V6 (rightward). Note also the
first part of each QRS in BBB moves more quickly than the 2nd part because activation of the
ventricle with the intact bundle branch proceeds normally through the bundle branch and
subsequent Purkinje network. Activation of the ventricle with the blocked bundle is slower
because of the aberrant nature of the activation sequence.
Now lets consider the 12-lead ECGs of complete BBB.

Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB):

"Complete" RBBB has a QRS duration 0.12s (120 ms)
Close examination of QRS complex in various leads reveals that the terminal forces
(i.e., 2nd half of each QRS) are directed rightward and anterior because the right
ventricle is depolarized after the left ventricle in RBBB.
Terminal R' wave in lead V1 (usually see rSR' complex) indicating late anterior
forces (in uncomplicated RBBB the R in V1 should always be taller than the initial
r wave)
Terminal S waves in leads I, aVL, V6 indicating late rightward forces
Terminal R wave in lead aVR also indicating late rightward forces

The frontal plane QRS axis in RBBB is usually in the normal range (i.e., -30 to +90
degrees). If left axis deviation is present, one must also consider left anterior
fascicular block, and if right axis deviation is present, one must consider left
posterior fascicular block in addition to the RBBB (i.e., bifascicular block). ECG
criteria for the fascicular blocks are discussed later in this outline (pp55-57)
"Incomplete" RBBB has a QRS duration of 0.10 - 0.12s with the same 2nd half QRS
features. This is often a normal variant, but could be seen in people with RVH.
The "normal" ST-T wave morphology in RBBB is oriented opposite to the direction of
the late QRS forces or last half of the QRS; i.e., in leads with terminal R or R' forces
(e.g., V1) the ST-T should be downwards (negative); in leads with late S forces (e.g.,
I, V6) the ST-T should be positive. If the ST-T waves are in the same direction as
the terminal QRS forces, they should be labeled primary ST-T wave
abnormalities because they may be related to other conditions affecting ST-T
wave morphology (e.g., ischemia, drug effects, electrolyte abnormalities)


Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB)

"Complete" LBBB" has a QRS duration 0.14s (men) and 0.13s (women)
Close examination of wide QRS complex (see ECG below) in various leads reveals
that the terminal forces (i.e., 2nd half of QRS) are oriented leftward and posterior
because the left ventricle is depolarized later after the right ventricle.
Late S waves in lead V1 indicating late posterior forces
Late R waves in lead I, aVL, V6 indicating late leftward forces.
Mid-QRS notching or slurring should be seen in 2 or more leads. (Wide QRS
complexes resembling LBBB but without the notching or slurs represent
nonspecific IVCDs often in the setting of severe LVH)
QRS complexes in leads I, aVL, and V6 are monophasic meaning that there
should not be initial q-waves or terminal s-waves in these leads (just wide Rwaves with mid-QRS notches or slurs). The presence of q-waves and/or s-waves
in these leads may indicate scarred LV areas from old myocardial infarctions (or
nonspecific IVCDs).

The "normal" ST-T waves in LBBB should be oriented opposite to the direction of the
terminal QRS forces; i.e., in leads with terminal R or R' forces the ST-T should be
downwards (negative) (see I, aVL); in leads with terminal S forces the ST-T should
be upwards (positive) (see III, V1-3). If the ST-T waves are in the same direction
as the terminal QRS forces, they should be labeled primary ST-T wave
abnormalities. In the above ECG the ST-T waves are "normal" for LBBB; i.e., they
are secondary to the change in the ventricular depolarization sequence.
"Incomplete" LBBB looks like LBBB but QRS duration is 0.10 - 0.12s, with less ST-T
change. This is often the result of long standing LVH.

Left Anterior Fascicular Block (LAFB).. the most common intraventricular

conduction defect
Left axis deviation in frontal plane, usually -45 to -90 degrees
rS complexes in leads II, III, aVF (i.e., small initial r, large S)
S in III > S in II; R in aVL > R in aVR
Small q-wave in leads I and/or aVL
R-peak time in lead aVL >0.04s, often with slurred R wave downstroke
QRS duration usually <0.12s unless coexisting RBBB


Usually see poor R progression in leads V1-V3 and deeper S waves in leads V5 and
May mimic LVH voltage in lead aVL, and mask LVH voltage in leads V5, V6

In the above ECG, note -45 QRS axis, rS complexes in II, III, aVF, tiny q-wave in I,
aVL, S in III > S in II, R in aVL > R in aVR, and late S waves in leads V5-6. QRS
duration is normal, and there is a slight slur to the R wave downstroke in lead aVL.
This is classic LAFB!

Left Posterior Fascicular Block (LPFB). Very rare intraventricular defect!

Right axis deviation in the frontal plane (usually > +100)
rS complex in lead I, aVL
qR complexes in leads II, III, aVF, with R in lead III > R in lead II
Notch (or slur) in descending limb of R in lead III
q-wave III > q-wave in II or aVF
QRS duration usually <0.12s unless coexisting RBBB
Must first exclude (on clinical information or imaging) other causes of

right axis deviation including vertical heart (ectomorphic biotype), right

heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, large lateral wall MI, etc. because
these conditions can result in right axis deviation!

Left Septal Fascicular Block (LSFB): This new and somewhat controversial ECG
diagnosis has recently become a credible entity as there is increasing anatomical evidence
that the left bundle has three divisions that simultaneously initiate left ventricular activation
in three distinct areas. The following ECG criteria have been proposed (Perez Riera et al
Ann of Noninvasive Electrocardiol 2011; 16:196).
o QRS duration up to 0.11s
o Normal frontal plane QRS axis (unless additional LAFB or LPFB)
o Prominent anterior forces (PAF)
R wave voltage in V1 >5 mm)
RS ratio V1-2 >2
R wave voltage V2 >15 mm
o Intermittent PAF in setting of ischemia (acute MI or positive stress test)
o Transient PAF in an aberrantly conducted PAC
o Small q-waves V1-2, or V2-3
o Absence of q-waves in left precordial leads


New onset LSFB immediately following CABG (severe L-main and LAD disease). Note that PAF
was not seen in prior ECGs from this patient.

Differential diagnosis of prominent anterior forces (PAF) in right precordial leads

o Normal variant
o Misplaced precordial leads
o Septal fascicular block
o RBBB and incomplete RBBB
o Lateral (dorsal) myocardial infarction (formally called true-posterior MI)
o WPW preexcitation (Type A)

Bifascicular Blocks
RBBB plus either LAFB (common) or LPFB (uncommon) or LSFB (very uncommon)
Features of RBBB plus frontal plane features of the fascicular block (frontal plane axis
deviation, prominent anterior forces, etc.)
The ECG below shows classic RBBB (note rsR' in V1) plus LAFB (QRS axis = - 60, rS
in II, aVF; and small q in I and aVL).
Bifascicular blocks are clinically important precursors of complete (3rd degree) AV
block. Before 3rd degree block occurs there may be episodes of 2nd degree AV block
(Mobitz) indicating intermittent block in the remaining fascicle. These episodes
often cause symptoms of syncope or presyncope.


RBBB + LAFB (bifascicular Block

The ECG shown below is classic RBBB and LPFB (bifascicular block) in a patient with
chronic heart failure. Note the unusual frontal plane QRS axis of +150 (isoelectric lead
II), the rS complex in lead I, and the small q-waves in II, III, aVF. There is rsR in V1
indicative of RBBB.

RBBB + LPFB (bifascicular block)

Nonspecific Intraventricular Conduction Defects (IVCD)

QRS duration >0.10s indicating slowed conduction in the ventricles
Criteria for specific bundle branch or fascicular blocks are not present
Causes of nonspecific IVCD's include:
Ventricular hypertrophy (especially LVH)
Myocardial infarction (so called peri-infarction blocks)


Drugs, especially class IA and IC antiarrhythmics (e.g., quinidine, flecainide)

Severe hyperkalemia

Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) Preexcitation

Although not a true IVCD, this entity causes widening of QRS complex and,
therefore, deserves to be considered here.
The QRS complex represents a fusion between two ventricular activation fronts:
Early ventricular activation in the region of the accessory AV pathway (Bundle
of Kent). This is illustrated in the diagram on p14.
Ventricular activation through the normal AV junction, bundle branch system
ECG criteria include all of the following:
Short PR interval (<0.12s) due to early ventricular activation
Initial slurring of QRS complex (delta wave) representing early ventricular
activation into ventricular muscle in the region of the accessory pathway
Delta waves, if negative in polarity (see lead III, aVF, and V1 below), may
mimic infarct Q waves and result in a false positive diagnosis of myocardial
Prolonged QRS duration (usually >0.10s)
Secondary ST-T changes due to the altered ventricular activation sequence
QRS morphology, including polarity of delta wave depends on the particular
location of the accessory pathway as well as on the relative proportion of the
QRS complex that is due to early ventricular activation (i.e., degree of fusion).
The accessory pathway enables episodes of PSVT to occur (circus rhythm).

WPW Preexcitation (note short PR and delta waves best seen in I, V5-6)


Right Atrial Enlargement (RAE, P-pulmonale, Viagra P-waves)

P wave amplitude >2.5 mm in II and/or >1.5 mm in V1 (these criteria are not very
specific or sensitive)
Frontal plane P-wave axis 90 (isoelectric in lead I)
Better criteria can be derived from the QRS complex; these QRS changes are due to
both the high incidence of RVH when RAE is present, and the RV displacement by an
enlarged right atrium.


QR, Qr, qR, or qRs morphology in lead V1 (in absence of coronary heart disease)
QRS voltage in V1 is <5 mm and V2/V1 voltage ratio is >6 (Sensitivity = 50%;
Specificity = 90%)
Why are these P waves (see lead II below) sometimes called Viagra P-waves?

RAE: note also RAD (+110) and qR complex in V1 indicative of RVH

Left Atrial Enlargement (LAE. P-mitrale)

P wave duration 0.12s in frontal plane (usually lead II)

Notched P wave in limb leads with interpeak duration 0.04s
Terminal P negativity in lead V1 (i.e., "P-terminal force") duration 0.04s, depth 1
mm (i.e., area 1 small box)
Sensitivity = 50%; Specificity = 90%

Classic LAE in lead II and V1 (with 1st degree AV block)

Bi-Atrial Enlargement (BAE)

Features of both RAE and LAE in same ECG


P wave in lead II >2.5 mm tall and >0.12s in duration

Initial positive component of P wave in V1 >1.5 mm tall and prominent P-terminal

Bi-Atrial Enlargement with LVH

Introductory Information:

The ECG criteria for diagnosing right or left ventricular hypertrophy are very insensitive
(i.e., sensitivity ~50%, which means that ~50% of patients who have ventricular
hypertrophy cannot be diagnosed by ECG criteria). When in doubt.Get an ECHO!
However, the criteria are very specific (i.e., specificity >90%, which means if the ECG
criteria are met, it is very likely that ventricular hypertrophy is present).

I. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH)

General ECG features include:

QRS amplitude: voltage criteria; i.e., tall R-waves in LV leads (I, aVL, V5-6), deep Swaves in RV leads (V1-3).
Delayed intrinsicoid deflection in V5 or V6 (i.e., the time from QRS onset to peak
R is 0.05 sec)
Widened QRS/T angle (i.e., left ventricular strain pattern or ST-T waves oriented
opposite to QRS direction). This pattern is more common with LVH due to pressure
overload (e.g., aortic stenosis, systemic hypertension) rather than volume overload.
Leftward shift in frontal plane QRS axis (not necessarily in LAD territory)
Evidence for left atrial enlargement (LAE)
ROMHILT-ESTES Criteria for LVH ("definite" 5 points; "probable" 4 points)

+ECG Criteria
Voltage Criteria (any of):
a. R or S in limb leads 20 mm
b. S in V1 or V2 30 mm
c. R in V5 or V6 30 mm

3 points


ST-T Abnormalities:
On digitalis Rx
Not on digitalis Rx
Left Atrial Enlargement in V1
Left axis deviation -30
QRS duration 0.09 sec
Delayed intrinsicoid deflection in V5 or V6 (0.05 sec)

1 point
3 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
1 point

CORNELL Voltage Criteria for LVH, assuming correct precordial lead placement
(sensitivity = 42%, specificity = 95%)
S in V3 + R in aVL > 28 mm (men)
S in V3 + R in aVL > 20 mm (women)
Other Voltage Criteria for LVH (note that voltage criteria alone cant make a definite
ECG diagnosis of LVH)
Limb-lead voltage criteria:
R in aVL 11 mm or, if left axis deviation, R in aVL 18 mm
R in I + S in III >25 mm
R in aVF >20 mm
S in aVR > 14 mm
Chest-lead voltage criteria:
S in V1 + R in V5 or V6 35 mm
R + S in any leads > 45 mm

Example 1: (Limb-lead Voltage Criteria; e.g., R in aVL >11 mm, or R in I + S in III > 25 mm;
note downsloping ST segment depression in leads I and aVL).


Example 2: (ROMHILT-ESTES Criteria: 3 points for precordial lead voltage, 3 points for ST-T
changes; also LAE (possibly bi-atrial enlargement). This pattern is classic for LVH due to severe
LV pressure overload as seen in aortic stenosis.

II. Right Ventricular Hypertrophy

General ECG features include:

Right axis deviation (>90) in frontal plane
Tall R-waves in RV leads (V1-2); deep S-waves in LV leads (V5-6)
Slight increase in QRS duration
ST-T changes directed opposite to QRS direction (i.e., wide QRS/T angle)
May see incomplete RBBB pattern or qR pattern in V1
Evidence of right atrial enlargement (RAE)
Specific ECG features (assumes normal calibration of 1 mV = 10 mm):
Any one or more of the following (if QRS duration <0.12 sec):
Right axis deviation (>90 degrees) in presence of disease capable of causing
R in aVR > 5 mm, or
R in aVR > Q in aVR
(RI+SIII) (SI+RIII) <15 mm (Lewis Index)
Any one of the following in lead V1:
R/S ratio > 1 and negative T wave
qR pattern (see Example #1 below)
R > 7 mm, or S < 2mm, or rSR' with R' >10 mm
Other chest lead criteria:
R in V1 + S in V5 (or V6) 10 mm
R/S ratio in V1 >1 or S/R ratio in V6 >1
R in V5 or V6 < 5 mm
S in V5 or V6 > 7 mm
ST segment depression and T wave inversion in right precordial leads are usually
seen in severe RVH such as in pulmonary stenosis and pulmonary hypertension.


Example #1: RVH in patient with mitral stenosis. Note qR pattern in V1, marked RAD (+140),
large P-terminal force in V1 (LAE), slight increased QRS duration (incomplete RBBB), deep S
wave in V5-6.

Example #2: 18 yr. old patient with primary pulmonary hypertension. Note: marked RAD
(+140), R in V1 >7mm, prominent anterior forces in V1-3, increased P amplitude of RAE, and
the typical RV strain pattern in precordial leads (ST depression, T wave inversion)


Example #3: RVH in patient with an atrial septal defect. Note the incomplete RBBB pattern in V1
(rsR), and the slight RAD (+105).

III. Biventricular Hypertrophy (difficult ECG diagnosis to make)

In the presence of LAE any one of the following suggests this diagnosis:
R/S ratio in V5 or V6 < 1
S in V5 or V6 > 6 mm
RAD (>90)
Other suggestive ECG findings:
Criteria for LVH and RVH both met or LVH criteria met and RAD or RAE present

Introduction to ECG Recognition of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)

The ECG changes of ACS are the result of a sudden reduction of coronary blood flow to a
region of ventricular myocardium supplied by a coronary artery with a ruptured
atherosclerotic plaque and intracoronary thrombus formation. Depending on how quickly
the patient gets to the hospital for definitive treatment (usually percutaneous
revascularization or thrombolytic Rx) myocardial necrosis (infarction) may or may not
occur. The diagram below shows four possible ECG outcomes of myocardial ischemia in
the setting of an acute coronary syndrome. On the left side no myocardial necrosis (or
infarction) occurs (negative troponins) but there is either subendocardial ischemia
manifested by reversible ST segment depression or transmural ischemia manifested
by reversible ST segment elevation. On the right are two types of myocardial infarction
(with elevated troponins indicative of cellular damage), one manifested by ST segment
elevation (STEMI) and one without ST segment elevation (NonSTEMI). Either of these
can evolve into Q-wave or non-Q-wave MIs. Because Q waves may not appear initially,
early treatment decisions are based on the presence or absence of ST segment elevation,
and if revascularization is accomplished quickly Q-waves may never appear as the
residual damage or scar is small (time is muscle says the interventional cardiologist).



Non-Q MI
Non-ST elevation MI
ST depression or
T-wave changes or
Normal ECG

Subendocardial Ischemia
Transient ST ,
New onset angina

Transmural Ischemia
Transient ST ,
Variant Angina

Q-wave MI
ST elevation MI (STEMI)
Typical evolution of
ST-T changes

The following discussion will focus on ECG changes during the evolution of a STEMI

All MIs involve the left ventricular myocardium. In the setting of a proximal right
coronary artery occlusion, however, there may also be a component of right
ventricular infarction as well. Right sided chest leads are usually needed to recognize

In general, the more leads of the 12-lead ECG with MI changes (Q waves and/or ST
elevation), the larger the infarct size and the worse the prognosis (i.e., more damage).

The left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) and it's branches supply the anterior
and anterolateral walls of the left ventricle and the anterior two-thirds of the septum.
The left circumflex coronary artery (LCx) and its branches supply the posterolateral wall
of the left ventricle. The right coronary artery (RCA) supplies the right ventricle, as well
as the inferior (diaphragmatic) and posterior-lateral walls of the left ventricle, and the
posterior third of the septum. The RCA also gives off the AV nodal coronary artery in 8590% of individuals; in the remaining 10-15%, this artery is a branch of the LCX.

The usual ECG evolution of a STEMI with Q-waves is illustrated in the diagram below.
Not all of the 6 patterns may be seen; the time from onset of MI to the final pattern is
quite variable and is related to the size of MI, the rapidity of reperfusion (if any), and the
location of the MI. (This example might be seen in lead II during an acute inferior MI)
A. Normal ECG prior to the onset of plaque rupture
B. Hyperacute T wave changes - increased T wave amplitude and width; QT
prolongs; may also see some ST segment elevation
C. Marked ST elevation with hyperacute T wave changes (tombstone pattern)
D. Pathologic Q waves appear (cell necrosis), ST elevation decreases, T waves begin
to invert (this is also called the "fully evolved" phase)
E. Pathologic Q waves, T wave inversion (necrosis and fibrosis)


F. Pathologic Q waves, upright T waves (fibrosis)

(G). Q waves may get smaller or disappear with time

I. Inferior MI Family of STEMIs (Q-wave MI's); includes inferior, true posterior, and
right ventricular MI's

Inferior MI
Pathologic Q waves and evolving ST-T changes in leads II, III, aVF
Q waves (if they appear) are usually largest in lead III, next largest in lead aVF, and
smallest in lead II. Q wave 30ms in aVF is diagnostic.

Example #1: Acute inferior MI injury pattern. Note hyperacute T waves with ST elevation in II,
III, aVF (ST in III > ST in II suggests RCA occlusion); reciprocal ST depression is seen in I,
and aVL. ST depression in V1-3 represents posterior or lateral injury pattern and not a reciprocal
change (see posterior MI patterns below). The V4 and V5 electrode sites in this ECG are
interchanged (this is an ECG technician error; it doesnt alter the diagnosis however).


Example #2: Old inferior MI (note largest Q in lead III, next largest in aVF, and smallest in lead
II). Axis = -50 (LAD); T wave inversion is also present in leads II, III, and aVF

True posterior MI: (note, recent terminology renames this location as lateral)
ECG changes are seen in precordial leads V1-3, but are the mirror image of an anteroseptal
MI (because the posterior or lateral LV wall is behind the anterior wall)
Increased R wave amplitude and/or duration 40 ms in V1-2 (i.e., a "pathologic R wave"
is the mirror image of a pathologic Q on the posterior wall seen in V8 and V9)
PAF: R/S ratio in V1 or V2 >1 (i.e., prominent anterior forces; need to R/O RVH, LSFB,
Hyperacute ST-T wave changes: i.e., ST depression and large, inverted T waves in V1-3
Late normalization of ST-T with symmetrical upright T waves in V1 to V3
Often seen with an inferior wall MI (i.e., "infero-posterior MI")

Example #3: Acute infero-posterior MI (note tall R waves V1-3, marked ST depression V1-inferior
ST elevation in II, III, aVF)


Example #4: Old infero-posterior (infero-lateral) MI: Note tall, wide pathologic R in V1-3 (this
is a Q wave equivalent), upright T waves, and inferior Q waves with residual ST segment

Differential Diagnosis of PAF (Tall R waves in V1 or V2) (and narrow QRS

True posterior (lateral) myocardial infarction (see above)
Right ventricular hypertrophy (p60)
Left septal fascicular block (p55)
Normal variant (early transition)
Misplaced precordial leads
Example #5: Acute posterior (or lateral) MI due to LCx occlusion. This is a 15-lead ECG
with the addition of right precordial V4R (to diagnose RV MI), and posterior leads V8 and V9
placed on the back horizontal to leads V4-6. In this ECG one can see ST elevation in V8-9,
and slightly elevated ST segments in leads I and aVL. Note also the ST depression V1-6
indicative of lateral or dorsal transmural injury. The absence of ST elevation in V4R rules out
a right ventricular MI (see Example #6 below). The 15-lead ECG is useful in the differential
diagnosis of ST depression in the right precordial leads.


Right Ventricular MI (only seen with proximal right coronary occlusion; i.e., with inferior
family of left ventricular MI's)
ECG findings usually require additional leads on right chest; Criteria: ST elevation,
1mm, in right chest leads, especially V4r (see below).

Example #6: Acute inferior MI also involving the right ventricle; 15-lead ECG (adding V4r, V8,
V9). Note ST segment elevation in V4r indicative of proximal RCA occlusion causing right
ventricular infarction in addition to the acute inferior left ventriclar MI.

II. Anterior Family of STEMIs; includes anteroseptal, anterior, anterolateral, and

high lateral

Anteroseptal MI
Q, QS, or qrS complexes in leads V1-V3
Evolving ST-T changes

Example #7: Hyperacute anteroseptal MI; marked ST elevation in V1-3 before Q waves
developed (note convex-up ST elevation in V1-3)


Example #8: Fully evolved anteroseptal MI (note QS waves in V1-2, qrS complex in V3, resolving
ST elevation with deep inverted T waves)

Anterior MI (similar changes, but usually V1 is spared; if V4-6 involved call it

"anterolateral"; if changes also in leads I and aVL its a high-lateral MI.

Example 9: Acute extensive anterior injury; note tombstone ST elevation V2-6, I, aVL;
note reciprocal ST depression in II, III, aVF. This is a really big infarct!


Example#10: Same patient as above; 16 hours later (after LAD stent)

Note: new Q waves V2-4 and resolving ST changes indicative of successful reperfusion.
Comment: The precise identification (and terminology) of MI locations on the ECG is evolving
as new heart imaging (e.g., MRI) better defines the ventricular anatomy. New terminology has
been suggested (see Circulation 2006;114:1755). While not universally accepted, the following
new Q-wave MI patterns have been defined for left ventricular segments seen on MRI imaging:
Septal MI: Q (or QS) waves in V1-2
Mid-Anterior MI: Q waves in aVL, sometimes in lead I, V2, V3, but not in V5-6.
Apical-Anterior MI: Q waves in V3, V4, and sometimes in V5-6. No Q waves in I, aVL
Extensive Anterior MI: Combination of above 3 locations.
Lateral MI: Prominent R waves (PAF) in V1-2 (this replaces the true posterior MI
terminology; MRI imaging of the left ventricle shows no posterior wall). Q waves may
also be present in I, aVL, V5-6.
Inferor MI: Q waves in II, III, aVF, but without prominent R waves in V1-2
(It remains to be seen whether or not this new terminology of infarct location will become
accepted in the ECG literature of the future)

The ECG (Example #11) illustrated below is a tragic case of missed acute left main subtotal coronary occlusion. It was inappropriately diagnosed as a non-STEMI because of
the absence of typical ST segment elevation in 2 or more contiguous ECG leads.
Instead of proceeding to emergent coronary intervention, the patient was treated with
the non-STEMI protocol in the CCU for 12 hrs. until a disastrous cardiac arrest occurred.
The ECG findings of left main sub-total coronary occlusion seen in the following ECG
ST segment elevation in aVR > any ST elevation in V1
ST segment depression in 7 or more leads of the 12-lead ECG
This ECG represents circumferential subendocardial ischemia due to left main
coronary artery occlusion. Although technically a non-STEMI, the extent of
ischemia is sufficient to consider this a STEMI equivalent and Rxed emergently.


Example #11: Acute Left Main Coronary Occlusion (pay attention!):

Note: ST depression in at least 7 leads; ST elevation aVR > any ST elevation in V1.

III. MI with Bundle Branch Block

MI + Right Bundle Branch Block

Usually easy to recognize because the appearance of Q waves and ST-T changes in
the appropriate leads are not altered by the RBBB

Example #12: Inferior MI + RBBB (note Q's in II, III, aVF and typical rSR' in lead V1)


Example #13: Extensive anterior MI with RBBB + LAFB; note pathologic Q's in leads V1-V5,
terminal fat R wave in V1-4, fat S wave in V6 of RBBB). Axis = -80 (rS in II, III, and aVF:
indicative of left anterior fascicular block; RBBB+LAFB indicates bifascicular block!

MI + Left Bundle Branch Block

This is often a difficult ECG diagnosis because in LBBB the non-infarcted right
ventricle is activated first and left ventricular infarct Q waves may not appear at the
beginning of the QRS complex (unless the septum is involved).
Suggested ECG features, not all of which are specific for MI include:
Q waves of any size in two or more of leads I, aVL, V5, or V6 (See ECG #15
on p74: one of the most reliable signs and probably indicates septal
infarction, because the septum is activated early from the right ventricular
side in LBBB. When the septum is infarcted the electrically silent (dead)
septum results in early rightward QRS forces or Q waves in I, aVL, V6.
Reversal of the usual R wave progression in precordial leads
Notching of the downstroke of the S wave in precordial leads to the right of
the transition zone (i.e., before QRS changes from a predominate S wave
complex to a predominate R wave complex); this may be a Q-wave
equivalent appearing after the onset of the QRS.
Notching of the upstroke of the S wave in precordial leads to the right of the
transition zone (another Q-wave equivalent; see V4 in example #15)).
rSR' complex in leads I, V5 or V6 (the S is a Q-wave equivalent occurring in
the middle of the QRS complex)
RS complex in V5-6 rather than the usual monophasic R waves seen in
uncomplicated LBBB; (the S is a Q-wave equivalent).
"Primary" ST-T wave changes (i.e., ST-T changes in the same direction as
the QRS complex rather than the usual "secondary" ST-T changes seen in
uncomplicated LBBB); these changes may reflect an acute, evolving MI.
Exaggerated ST deviation in same direction as the usual LBBB ST changes in
LBBB (see leads V1 and V2 in Example #14)


Example #14: Acute anterior MI with LBBB. Note exaggerated convex-upwards ST elevation in
V1-3 with reciprocal increased ST depression in V-6.

Example #15: Old MI (probable septal location) with LBBB. Remember LBBB without MI should
have monophasic R waves in I, aVL, V6). This ECG has abnormal q waves in I, aVL, V5-6
suggesting a septal MI location. Note also the notching on the upslope of S wave (arrow) in V4
(sign of Cabrera) and the PVC couplet.

IV. Non-ST elevation MI (NSTEMI)

ECG changes may be minimal, or may show only T wave inversion, or may show ST
segment depression with or without T wave inversion.
Although it is tempting to localize the non-Q MI by the particular leads showing ST-T
changes, this is probably only valid for the ST segment elevation MIs (STEMI)
Evolving ST-T changes may include any of the following patterns:
ST segment depression in 2 or more leads (this carries the worse prognosis)
Symmetrical T wave inversion only (this carries a better prognosis)
Combinations of above changes


OR the ECG may remain normal or only show minimal change (this has the best

V. The Pseudoinfarcts

These are ECG conditions that mimic myocardial infarction either by simulating
pathologic Q or QS waves or mimicking the typical ST-T changes of acute MI.

WPW preexcitation (negative delta wave may mimic pathologic Q waves; see the
ECG below. This is an interesting ECG with intermittent WPW preexcitation. The
WPW pattern is seen only on the first half of the ECG, but disappeared when the
precordial leads V1-6 were recorded. Note the deep Q and QS waves in leads II, III,
and aVF. These are not really Q waves but negative (down-going) delta waves.
Note also the slurred upstroke of the QRS complex in leads I, and the first half of the
V5 rhythm strip (bottom channel). In the 2nd half of the ECG tracing the pseudo Q
waves in the lead II rhythm strip disappear and a qR wave QRS complex appears
indicating the return of normal conduction through the ventricles. Also the delta
wave in lead V5 goes away on the bottom channel during the 2 nd half of the ECG.
Finally, the PR interval is shorter during the 1st half of the ECG when preexcitation is

Intermittent WPW Preexcitation (1st half of ECG) with pseudo Q-waves II, III, aVF

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (septal hypertrophy may make normal septal Q waves

"fatter" thereby mimicking pathologic Q waves)
LVH (may have QS pattern or poor R wave progression in leads V1-3 (pseudo
anterior MI)
RVH (tall R waves in V1 or V2 may mimic true posterior or lateral wall MI)
Complete or incomplete LBBB (QS waves or poor R wave progression in leads V1-3)
Pneumothorax (loss of right precordial R waves)
Pulmonary emphysema and cor pulmonale (loss of R waves V1-3 and/or inferior Q
waves with right axis deviation)
Left anterior fascicular block (may see small q-waves in anterior chest leads)
Acute pericarditis (the ST segment elevation may mimic acute transmural injury)


Central nervous system disease (may mimic non-Q wave MI by causing diffuse ST-T
wave changes)

VI. Miscellaneous Abnormalities of the QRS Complex in the differential diagnosis of


Poor R Wave Progression arbitrarily defined as small, or absent r-waves in leads V13 (R <2mm, plus R/S ratio V4 <1). Differential diagnosis includes:
Normal variant (if the rest of the ECG is normal; frequently seen in women due to
inaccurate precordial lead placement (under the breast interspace lower)
LVH (look for voltage criteria and ST-T changes of LV "strain")
Complete or incomplete LBBB (also see increased QRS duration)
Left anterior fascicular block (should see LAD -45 in frontal plane)
Anterior or anteroseptal MI (look for evolving ST-T changes)
Emphysema and COPD (look for R/S ratio in V5-6 <1)
Diffuse infiltrative or myopathic processes
WPW preexcitation (look for delta waves and short PR)

Prominent Anterior Forces (PAF) - defined as R/S ratio >1 in V1 or V2. Differential
diagnosis includes:
Normal variant (if the ECG is otherwise normal)
True posterior MI (look for additional evidence of inferior MI; see Example 4, p64)
RVH (should see RAD in frontal plane and/or P-pulmonale; see Example 2, p60)
Complete or incomplete RBBB (look for rSR' in V1)
WPW preexcitation (look for delta waves, short PR)
Left septal fascicular block

10. ST Segment Abnormalities

General Introduction to ST, T, and U wave abnormalities
Basic Concept: the specificity of ST-T and U wave abnormalities is determined more by

the clinical circumstances in which the ECG changes are found than by the particular
changes themselves. Thus the term, nonspecific ST-T wave abnormalities, is
frequently used for ST segment depression and T wave abnormalities when clinical data
are not available to correlate with the ECG findings. This does not mean that the ECG
changes are unimportant! It is the responsibility of the clinician providing care
for the patient to ascertain the importance of the ECG findings.

Factors affecting the ST-T and U wave configuration include:

Intrinsic myocardial disease (e.g., myocarditis, ischemia, infarction, infiltrative or
myopathic processes)
Drugs (e.g., digoxin, antiarrhythmics, tricyclics, and many others)
Electrolyte abnormalities of potassium, magnesium, and calcium
Neurogenic factors (e.g., stroke, CNS hemorrhage, head trauma, brain tumor, etc.)
Metabolic factors (e.g., hypoglycemia, hyperventilation)
Atrial repolarization (e.g., at fast heart rates the end of the atrial T wave may pull
down the beginning of the ST segment; this is not a true ST segment change)
Genetic abnormalities of channel membrane proteins, called channelopathies.
Examples include hereditary long QT syndromes, and Brugada Syndrome.

Secondary ST-T wave changes are the result of alterations in the sequence of

ventricular depolarization (e.g., bundle branch blocks, WPW preexcitation and ventricular
ectopic beats or paced beats). These changes are not abnormalities; they are
appropriate in the setting of altered ventricular activation sequence. ST-T wave changes


are called primary if they are independent of the sequence of ventricular depolarization
(e.g., ischemic ST changes, electrolyte abnormalities, drug effects, etc.). These changes
are repolarization abnormalities.


Differential Diagnosis of ST Segment Elevation

Normal Variant "Early Repolarization Pattern": Traditionally this pattern consisted of

concave upwards ST segment elevation ending with symmetrical, large, upright T
waves in the lateral precordial leads (see ECG on p13). Recently, however, this
pattern has been redefined to include end-QRS notching or slurring with or without
ST segment elevation (JACC 2015; 66:470).
Ischemic Heart Disease (usually 1-2 mm convex upwards, or straightened ST
segments in 2 or more contiguous ECG leads); this is a manifestation of transmural
myocardial ischemia resulting from an acute total coronary occlusion.
Example: Acute anterior transmural injury anteroseptal MI

Note: Persistent ST elevation long after an acute MI suggests failure of reperfusion,

a ventricular aneurysm, or an akinetic scar resulting from a healed MI.
Reversible ST elevation may also be seen as a manifestation of Prinzmetal's (or
variant) angina which is caused by transient coronary artery spasm. Coronary
spasm can also occur as a result of cocaine overdose.
ST elevation during exercise ECG testing suggests an extremely tight coronary artery
stenosis or transient spasm (transmural ischemia).

Acute Pericarditis
Concave upwards ST elevation in most leads except aVR
No reciprocal ST segment depression (except in lead aVR)
Unlike "early repolarization", T waves in leads with ST elevation are usually lower in
amplitude, and heart rate is usually increased.
May see PR segment depression which is a manifestation of atrial injury.

Example: Post-op pericarditis; note diffuse, concave-upwards ST elevation, HR 100 bpm, PR

segment depression in leads I, V2, V3; PR segment elevation is seen in aVR.


Acute Pericarditis
The ECG changes of acute pericarditis evolve over time through the following stages (not
all stages are seen in every patient):
Stage I: concave upwards ST segment elevation in most leads with reciprocal ST
segment depression in aVR. During this stage there is also atrial injury represented
by PR segment depression in many leads and PR segment elevation in aVR (see
above example, p74).
Stage II: resolution of ST segment and PR segment changes
Stage III: diffuse T wave inversion in many leads
Stage IV: resolution of the T wave changes or persistent T wave inversion (chronic

Hypothermia: In this interesting condition the onset of the ST segment (called the Jpoint) turns into a wider J-wave as a result of increased transmural dispersion of
ventricular repolarization. The ECG below illustrates prominent J-Waves following most
of the QRS complexes (also called Osborn waves). This homeless person was found
comatose outdoors in a park in December. Note also atrial fibrillation.


Other Causes or ST segment elevation:

Left ventricular hypertrophy (seen in right precordial leads with large S-waves)
Left bundle branch block (seen in right precordial leads with large S-waves)
Advanced hyperkalemia (seen in multiple ECG leads with or without wide QRS

II. Differential Diagnosis of ST Segment Depression

Subendocardial ischemia: Example: During exercise ECG stress testing:
Subendocardial ischemia is the most common expression of ischemia during exercise and
is manifested as horizontal or downsloping ST depression mainly in the lateral precordial
leads. The progression of these changes is illustrated in the figures below. Transmural
ischemia is manifested by ST elevation. The leads showing the ST elevation often point
to a critical lesion (or spasm) in a particular coronary artery.

The above diagram illustrates possible ischemic ECG changes during treadmill
exercise testing as seen in lead V5; this is the best lead for identifying
subendocardial ischemia as demonstrated by the sequence C-D-E.
A. Normal V5 ECG at rest before exercise (note normal ST-T and U waves)
B. J-junctional ST depression due to increased HR (this is not an ischemic change, but
represents atrial repolarization extending through the QRS into the ST segment)
C. Early subendocardial ischemia (increased J-junctional depression, slowly upsloping ST)
D. Horizontal ST segment depression (1mm, horizontal, lasting 80 ms)
E. Downsloping ST depression (usually seen during recovery from exercise as HR slows)
F. ST segment elevation (this is a manifestation of transmural ischemia)
G. U-wave inversion (a very unusual manifestation of ischemia suggesting LAD or L-main
disease). When seen, it occurs during recovery when HR slows down.


ST segment changes of subendocardial ischemia during exercise and recovery (V5)

Other causes of ST segment depression:
Pseudo-ST-depression (wandering baseline artifact due to poor skin-electrode contact)
Physiologic J-junctional depression with sinus tachycardia (most likely due to atrial
repolarization and not a true ST change as seen in B in above figure)
Hyperventilation-induced ST segment depression (seen with anxiety)
Non ST segment myocardial infarction (Non-STEMI)
Reciprocal ST depression in STEMI (e.g., ST depression in I, aVL during an acute inferior
True posterior MI (ST depression in V1-3 reflects ST elevation in leads V8-9)
Strain pattern of RVH (right precordial leads V1-3) and LVH (left precordial leads V5-6)
Drugs (e.g., digoxin)
Electrolyte abnormalities (e.g., hypokalemia)
Neurogenic effects (in CNS disease)

11. T Wave Abnormalities

INTRODUCTION: The T wave is the most labile wave in the ECG. Abnormal T waves including
low-amplitude T waves and inverted T waves may be the result of many cardiac and non-cardiac
conditions. The normal T wave is usually in the same direction as the QRS except in the right
precordial leads (see V1-3 below). T waves in V1 may be inverted, but are usually upright in V2-6
in adults. Also, the normal T wave is asymmetric with the ascending half moving more slowly
than the descending half. In a normal ECG the T waves are always upright in leads I, II, V3-6,
and inverted in lead aVR. T waves in other leads are variable depending on the QRS axis and the
age of the patient. Children and adolescents may have inverted T waves from V1 to V3.

Normal ECG


I. Differential Diagnosis of abnormal T Wave Inversion

During the evolution of STEMI and non-STEMI MIs. The precordial leads shown below
illustrate the evolved stage of an anterior MI after resolution of ST segment elevation:

Subendocardial myocardial ischemia (e.g., during recovery from exercise testing)

Subacute or healed pericarditis (see stages of pericarditis, p74)
Myocardial contusion (from trauma; e.g., steering wheel accident)
CNS disease (neurogenic T wave changes) with long QT intervals (especially after a
subarachnoid hemorrhage; see ECG below with giant negative T waves and QT

Giant Negative T waves


Idiopathic apical hypertrophy (a rare form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with giant

negative T waves)
Mitral valve prolapse (some cases)

II. QT Interval Prolongation (increased probability of sudden cardiac death; see p15
for causes):

Example 1: Hereditary long QT syndrome (note the unusual bifid, humped T waves in V2-3)

Example 2: Drugs (azithromycin, levofloxacin) and Electrolyte (hypokalemia) induced

Long QT (note also RBBB)


Same patient as above with PVCs (R-on-T) and polymorphic VT

II. Miscellaneous ST-T Wave Change

Epsilon waves in Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (ARVC); these hard
to see tiny squiggles appear in the right precordial leads (arrows)

ARVC is a rare cause of sudden cardiac death in athletes. The disease usually involves the right
ventricular outflow tract; normal myocardium is replaced by fatty infiltration and fibrosis. ECG
manifestations include the very difficult to recognize epsilon wave as well as right precordial T
wave inversions as seen above.

Other causes of sudden cardiac death in young athletes include:

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (the most common cause in the U.S.). ECG findings in this
disease include diffuse T wave inversions, prolonged QT intervals, and left ventricular


Congenital coronary artery anomalies (e.g., anomalous origin of the left coronary artery
from the right coronary cusp). Sudden death is due to acute ischemic events.
Coronary artery disease
Hereditary channelopathies (long QT, short QT, Brugada syndrome, et al)

Electrolyte abnormalities
Hypercalcemia (abbreviated ST segment with short QT intervals
Hypocalcemia and hypomagnesaemia (long ST segment with prolonged QT intervals)
Hyperkalemia (peaked T waves, prolonged QRS duration; see ECG below)
Hypokalemia (usual triad of: ST depression, low T waves, and large U waves)
Digoxin effect: scooped ST depression, low amplitude T waves, short QT intervals.

Hyperkalemia: tall, pointed, narrow T waves (avoid sitting on them!)

Brugada type ECG is seen in the hereditary Brugada syndrome and the acquired
Brugada sign due to Na+ channel blockers such as flecainide and tricyclic
antidepressants. This unusual pattern consists of right precordial ST segment elevation
with or without T wave inversion. An example is seen in the ECG below. Note that leads
V1 and V2 might be misinterpreted as RBBB, but the QRS duration is not prolonged in
other leads. Like the long QT syndromes, there is an increased incidence of malignant
ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death in this condition.


Brugada ECG pattern

The ECG below illustrates resolution of the acquired Brugada sign due to an overdose of a
tricyclic antidepressant, a Na+ channel blocker (by Day 4 the ECG has returned to normal).


12. U Wave Abnormalities

INTRODUCTION: The normal U wave is thought to be the result of an electrical-mechanical
event occurring at the very beginning of diastole when the rapid inflow of blood into the empty
ventricles trigger small depolarizations. When abnormal and exaggerated these
"afterdepolarizations" can be a source of arrhythmias caused by "triggered automaticity"
including torsade de pointes seen in patients with long QT syndromes. The normal U wave
has the same polarity as the T wave and is usually less than one-third the amplitude of the T
wave. Normal U waves are usually best seen in the mid-precordial leads especially V2 and V3 and
at slower heart rates. The normal U wave is asymmetric with the ascending limb moving more
rapidly than the descending limb (just the opposite of the normal T wave).

Normal U waves are illustrated in the precordial leads below. Look closely after the T
waves in V2 and V3 and note the small upward deflections. Thats looking at U !!

Differential Diagnosis of U Wave Abnormalities

Prominent upright U waves

Sinus bradycardia accentuates the amplitude of U waves (this is a normal finding)
Hypokalemia (remember the triad of ST segment depression, low amplitude T waves,
and prominent upright U waves)
Various drugs including antiarrhythmics (e.g., sotolol)
LVH (may see prominent upright or inverted U waves in left precordial leads)
CNS disease and other causes of long QT (T-U fusion waves); see ECG below.


CNS disease with prominent U waves

Negative or "inverted" U waves

Ischemic heart disease (often indicating left main or LAD disease)
Myocardial infarction (in leads with pathologic Q waves)
During episode of acute ischemia (angina or exercise-induced ischemia; see
diagram on p75)
Post extrasystolic (i.e., after a PVC) in patients with coronary heart disease
During coronary artery spasm (Prinzmetal's angina)
Left ventricular hypertrophy

Nonischemic causes: some cases of LVH or RVH (usually in leads with prominent
R waves)
Some patients with LQTS (see below: Lead V6 shows giant negative TU
fusion wave in patient with LQTS; a prominent upright U wave is seen in
Lead V1)


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