CWA LOCAL 1104 Cross Talk Spring 2010
CWA LOCAL 1104 Cross Talk Spring 2010
CWA LOCAL 1104 Cross Talk Spring 2010
orioritized. Should we need members' help have access to health care who have scheduling center where they do not have
io attract attention to this matter' I am quite effectively been blocked for years by the a clue about how a vacation schedule
sure members are ready to make all the insurance comPanies. Still' the works or what is in the contract' Then'
noise needed! ! Reoublicans and Tea Baggers vo$' to techs are sent to Buffalo to do routine
Throughout the State, members have repeal this legislation. As a matter- of work. It would have been smarter to not
shown their support for the SB-RA Union fact, senator John Mccain is quoted as lay off techs and give them an option to
contract fight as we have made sure SUNY having said, "There will be no
work in Buffalo. How about temporarily
Chancellor Zimpher and her administrators cooperation between now and the end of transferring techs from one department
do not forget about their unfinished the year." Wow, who knew that what to another department and then back to a
business their responsibility to martial they were doing was cooperating? All different department? The District can't
SUNY's shadow agencies to deal fairly and along, I thought theY were being keep up with all the moves that take
negotiate with our membership. Together, obstructionists. plaie. We also have people loaned in
we will deliver as upcoming RAbargaining One thing that is glaring to me is the irom Suffolk. They don't want to be here
sessions proceed. lack of personai responsibility that and the ComPanY won't Put FiOS into
At the time we go to print, it seems that surrounds us in all aspects of our lives' the town of Brookhaven.
our advocacy for SUNY and its Research Whether it's the people in the news' or Verizon has a sales department that
Foundations has moved the legislative our Senate and Congress. it seems that just can't sell FiOS or correct the billing
conversations about the Chancellor's there's an attempt to either cover up or problems five years later' The Company
proposed Public Higher Education ignore the facts and pretend that we have has decided to put every tech on N-days
b.npo*"t*ent and Innovation Act no ownershiP to our behavior' This and night tours to save money' but won't
(PHEEIA) away from the most detrimental extends to our behavior and treatment of dispatch a tech out to the customer's
proposals. However, we cannot take our fellow workers as well. house until the customer argues enough
unyifring for granted. Sadly, PHEEIA's For example, let's take a work location with them.
immediately proceeding "plan," UB 2020' in which there is not a regular or constant Now let's talk about all the poles that
presence of management we are not
looks like it may be under consideration to - need to be replaced. The Company only
be launched as a pilot program at the quasi-managers. And though we may
does this work when the Public Service
witness behavior that may cause us to be
University at Buffalo. Convincing the Commission harasses them. This work
Buffalo area legislators and their disturbed, it's a manager's job to identify should be done every day to maintain a
increasingly sympathetic colleagues from that improper behavior, and if warranted safe plant for the public and employees'
Long Island will be key to opposing these to take action. It is not for us to sit in Who came uP with the crazY
changes and winning. We cannot express judgment of one another. By feeding into number of 1041 surplus field techs?? It
our opposition strongly enough! the situation we only exacerbate the is easy to write a number down when
We continue to fight to restore funding situation. you're sitting in an office in New Jersey
to SUNY in ProPosed State budgets' (continued on Puge 4)
(continued on Page B)
(continued on Page 8)
coNTRACT, CONTRACT, Just when you think You've seen it CAN HELP SAVE A JOB?
CONTRACT, where is the contract? all, Verizon comes along once again and
pulls the rug out from under its employees Do you get a paper phone bill in the
This is what everyone has been asking
and our union members. mail? Do you mail your payment in or
lately. How come the Union hasn't given
With just a few weeks notice, Facilities pay online? Everything has a cause and
it to us yet? What is the Company/Union
Specialists from Wantagh, Brooklyn and effect. The Accounting Department, both
hiding from us? Let me set the record
Upstate and Downstate, is affected by
straight. Ifyou look in the contract books Queens were told to "pack their bags" -
that you currently have and turn to Page their new work location was -soin-s to be your day-to-day decisions. The
Lynbrook. The forced transfers to L1 nbrook Do\\'nstate Accounting -eroup prints and
93, Article 39 Copies of Contract, it
"Effective with this Agreement the have caused quite a hardship for many of mails the phone bills associated with the
these union members. Many of them who New York and New England areas. The
COMPANY shall be resPonsible for
were forcedherefromBrooklyn andQueens Upstate Accounting group handles the
providing a copy of the contract to each
rely on public transportation to get to and payments for those bills. We cannot
Union-eligible employee." Now I will
from work. The move to LYnbrook has depend on the Company to look out for
explain the process of distribution. The
added many additional hours to their daily us, so we need to look out for each other.
Company is supposed to send the
commute. The Company has made itnearly We are losing work to technology. If you
amendments to a printer so the National
impossible for our members with child and do not receive a paper bill or pay online,
Union can review them for errors. Once
elder care issues to attend to them. This is make the switch. By receiving a paper
that is done, the Company then prints
copies for each member. Then they give
hou'Verizon rervards members who have bill you can help save someone's job.
given some thirty plus years of service to Please get the word out to your friends
the copies to the Union and the Union
them. and neighbors who don't realize that this
distributes them to each member. So
They have turned a cold shouider to the work is done by proud CWA members.
what's the holdup? The holdup, from what
union members who helped build the Please remember to wear RED on
I have been told, is the Company wanted
Company and make it as profitable as it has Thursdays.
to use a non-union Printer and the
Union is opposed to this. I would like to thank the Bellmore and
The contracts that You currentlY Freeport Field Techs who donated blood on
have are still in effect nothing in that
book has changed (except for the ACP
March 3 I , 2010. Thanks for helping to save
many lives.
part which is in arbitration). Now what
has been added is as follows:
1. Wages effective 8/01/ 10
- How You Look At It
3.7 5Vo increase; ( corttinued .from page 2 )
2. COLA - 8/01/10 increase; do your actions walk a different talk?
3. CPS Award - minimum $700; When was the last time You thought
about how your actions related to the We all need to take responsibility for
4. Pension Band increase 10/01/
our contributions and actions in a situation
l0 3.7 57o,
outcome of whathappens? Are you voicing
-5. Pension LumP Sum Payout or expressing objective crilicism. or are because we are either part of the problem or
Pension distribution options remain in you just complaining or obstructing part of the solution. Which are you?
progress? Do your actions build or In solidarity.
(corttirtuerl ort page 8) contlibute to the positive growth of unity or
Local 1104 has a Scholarship Fund for the benefit of its members Member, for the purpose of these Scholarship Awards, means:
and their families. The number of scholarships awarded each year is 1. Active member: Member in good standing at the time the
determined by the Executive Board based on the funds available. This application is submitted and thereafter.
year we will award thirteen scholarships - ten fbr active members and 2. Retired member: Member in good standing at the time of
their families ($1000 each); two for the retirees and their families retirement.
E. PatMyers Memorial, ($1000each);and one in memory olBob Lilja
- 3. Deceased member: Member in good standing at the time of
($2000), open to active and retired members and their families. death.
There may be only one winner per family per year. An individual The applicant must be either:
may win only once. 1. A college student working tull time toward an undergraduate or
associate degree (matriculating) at an accredited college or
To be eligibte for a regular Local 1104 Scholarship Award you
must be:
1. An active member of CWA Local 1104. 2. A high school student or graduate who has been accepted at an
accredited college or university.
2. Thespouse or child of an active memberof CWA Local 1 104.
Scholarship Fund Application Instructions
For the E. Pat Myers Scholarships you must be: 1. Fill our Section A. Answer all questions.
1. A retired member of CWA Local 1 104' 2. Take or mail form, along with your letter of acceptance or other
2. The spouse, child, or grandchild of a retired or deceased documentary proof from the college or university where you
member of CWA Local 1104. have been accepted or are presently attending, to CWA Local
1104 Headquarters, One Florgate Road, Farmingdale, NY
For the Bob Lilja Memorial Scholarship you must be:
I 1735 between 8:00am and 5:00pm weekdays and have a Local
1. An active member of CWA Local 1104.
2. The spouse orchild of an activememberof CWA Local 1 104' Officer fill out Section B.
3. Final determination on the eligibility of any application will be
3. A retired member of CWA Local 1104.
made by the Local I104 Scholarship Committee. The deadline
4. The spouse, child, or grandchild of a retired or deceased
for applications to be received at the Union Office is 5:00 pm on
member of CWA Local 1104.
Friday, August 13, 2010.
If you have any questions, please call Ed Connelly at the Union
Office (516) 420-1104.
Applicatiott on Page 7
Home Address:
(street) (city) (state) (zip)
Home Address:
(street) (city) (state) (zip)
Work Location:
lf selected for this scholarship award, I fully agree to adhere to the rules and decisions that are made by the Local 1104
Scholarshio Fund Committee.
This is to certify: is:
( ) An active member of CWA Local 1 104;
( ) The spouse or child of an active member of CWA Local 1104;
( ) A retired member of CWA Local 1 104;
( ) The spouse, child, or grandchild of a retired or deceased member of CWA Local '1104.
or 140 West St. If those people lived here from the Covert Avenue Garage. George
settled within four-hour period. Hopefully,
and saw how bad the plant really is, that was known to many as "Noodles." He
it will free up our lawyers so our members
number would probably be a lot smaller or was a well-liked guy, a gentle giant who
don't have to wait these long periods of
even a plus to bring back laid-off employees. affected the lives of the people he worked
time to get their long suspensions and
The Company has decided to use safety with every day. The Field Techs in the
dismissals heard. But this process is a
as a new tool to discipline the techs. Since Covert Avenue Garage and the rest of his
"Trial," so we'll have to see if this will
this is the case, every tech should go through CWA family will miss him. George, we
become a permanent part of our grievance
procedure. I do wantto thankthose involved every safety procedure every day on every will never forget you and may your spirit
job. There is no reason to cut comers on a live on.
with these cases. Team efforts from
job because accidents will be documented. Also, Frank Goldsmith, known to
Stewards, Chiefs and Business Agents have
Don't be a fool. Think safetY first. many as "Chip," passed away on March
resulted in these wins. I'll say again, the
The list of issues is so long I only gave 24,2010.Chip worked out of the Wantagh
preparation for grievances starts on the
a handfttl for you to read about. While the and Bellmore Garages. I know that Chip
shop floor with our Chiefi and Stewards.
The importance of gathering the pertinent employees come to work every day to eam will be deeply missed, and CWA lost a
a paycheck and work on customer service. good friend on March 24. Chip, may you
information and writing a detailed grievance
Verizon has decided to take a different rest in peace and may your spirit live on.
is paramount in achieving success.
approach. Drive the employees ctazy and Our deepest condolences to both of the
On a lighter note, I would like to send
treat the customers badlY. families.
thanks to those involved with the St.
Patrick's Day Parade. As a Local, we Ivan, go on (Jndercover Boss and see
Mike's Message Work safelY, be
participated in the parade on March 20, what really is going on in this Company ! ! -
safe, and ifthejob is unsafe, it doesn't
2010 in Rockville Centre. It was a great get done. We are not refusing to workl
SAFETY TIP: Do all safety procedures
day, with beautiful weather, and it was a we just don't want to be Placed on a
every day!!
real joy to be a paft of it. I'm alreadY
Safetl' Compliance steP.
looking forward to next year. I rvould love Chris's Quote: Verizon, rl'here are the
to see more of our members turn out for a new contracts??
nice event.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the
families of three Local 1 1 04 members who
recently passed away - Field Techs George
ToAll The Other Contracts
Jones and Frank "Chip" Goldsmith, and Companies I RePresent (continuecl .from pttge 4)
also Retiree Bilt Barci. May they rest in (continued fi'om page 3) contract with no change in the language
To the members of OHS Technologies,
by which the amount is calculated,
available at any time, for the length of
I am bargaining rvith the owners as of
the contract:
this writing and hope to have something
to put to a vote in the next ferv weeks.
6. Medical;
1. Verizon Business issues;
Campus Battlefront Also, I am starting to bargain with
8. 401k. Roth IRA;
(continuetl fron page 2) Creative Cabling and Communications
Installation Corp. We also have just sent
9. Commercial issues (Business
advocating responsible revenue generation Office);
out the new contracts for ALSAB.
over slashing-and-burning economic Let's hope this economy opens uP
10.Accounting issues;
development prospects which SUNY is and makes all of our lives better. 1 l.
LiveSource issues;
uniquely positioned to deliver. 5 16-420-1104 if 12. Plant/TRG issues - These issues
Remember to call me
To get involved, contact us at -
you have any problems or questions.
were to create 70 new COEI positions and sign up for e-updates at which was done. Upstate - 24 new Field rgl cw a_l 104 I Tech positions, Molding Trial, Duct
join.html. Work Trail;
Fiscally Speaking 13. TRG Warehouse Issues;
(corttinuetl frottt Page | ) 14. Extend all existing District and
Local Agreements and adjust all dates.
In this edition of Cros'r Zalk you will For the most part, that is all that was
see the application for the Local added to the contract. If anyone has
SUPPORT Scholarships. The form is self- any questions regarding any of these
explanatory and the drawings will be items you can always call the Local Office
OUR TROOPS held in August. Good luck to all entrants.
Retirees Corner our health and benefit plan with Verizon sympathy of all our members goes out to
(continued from last page) and he fielded questions from those Bill's wife, Barbara.and the entire Barci
present. Pete does a greatjob at the Local family.
for both the active and retired 1 104 That's about enough of me for now. I
In addition to the doughnut hole members. In addition to Pete speaking, do hope to see you at one of our upcoming
changes within the next six months we had Patrick Inscrimb from the Nassau events in the near future "Chapter
alone, the- new law: County Veterans Affairs Office bring us Two" in May or the cruise -to the Statue
Provides a $5 billion reinsurance fund up to date on veterans' issues. of Liberty in August. Whateveryourplans
to help employers who provide health December brought the people from are, enjoy the spring and summer.
benefits to early retirees ages 55 to 64 David Lerner to speak to us. No, "Poppy" Be well and enjoy your retirement.
(goes into effect in 90 days); didn't come, but the team of people he
Eliminates pre-existing conditions for sent was very good in explaining the
non-dependent children up to age 26; various types offinancial tools available.
Prohibits insurers from placing lifetime With the start of the New Year, our
limits on coverage; next speaker spoke about a subject that
Restricts new plans' annual limits on
Is Ivan Surplus Too?
has been infiltrating our schools for some
(continued from page I )
coverage; time and increasing. Patricia Rykert from
Provides $5 billion to states to create the L.I. Council on Alcohol and Drug
a high risk insurance pool for those denied Dependence spoke on the increasing use of Directors in Verizon is right; Ivan just
insurance due to pre-existing conditions and availability of drugs in our schools. doesn't have it anymore. It seems his
and who have been without insurance for She also spoke about prescription drugs answer to everything is to cut jobs. I
6 months; and our dependence on them. guess at 63 Ivan is having difficulty
Prohibits rescission. or dropping At the membership meeting in remembering back when he was a
covera_se. u,hen individuals become sick: Februarl . \\'e \\'ere a captive audience to Splicer's Helper in the Bronx. Yes, that's
Creates a public health and wellness Nassau County Police Officer John right. he was a little guy once who was
fund. and requires new private insurance Doxwell. No, he wasn't giving out given the fast track, one where he sat at
plans to offer preventive services without parking tickets, but he did enlighten all the top of the manhole and did his
co-payments; of us on the many issues that the homework on Company time and left
Provides up to 35 7c tax credits to homeowner must be aware of and the almost everyday at,2:30 PM so he could
small businesses that offer health care work of your locai police force. go to school. Just think how times change.
coverage; and Finally. in March. we had Dr. Linda If you did this, you would be suspended
Creates a nerv and independent health Cocchiarella from the L.I. Occupational immediately or worse. Hey, Ivan, you
insurance appeals process for consumers. and Environmental Health Center. The need a walk down memory lane to remind
Of course. like anything else, this good doctor spoke about the many job- you what a dirty manhole looks like and
Bill rvill have its ups and downs and will related illnesses from asbestos, lead and what the little people have to do to make
have to have corrections made to it along high pitch tones that we have encountered ends meet.
the u'ay. But it is something that was over the many years as employees in the Recent negotiations fell apart because
badly needed. Bell System. Verizon wanted to crush the little people.
Chapter members will be going to see So, as you see, we have had a variety They offered some people a little money,
the play "Chapter Two" in May and we of guest speakers at our meetings. And, kept some of their pets, and wanted to
will take our annual cruise down to the of course, our master chefs always continue contracting out our work. They
Statue of Liberty in August. prepare a good lunch before we send you wanted us to agree to bargain away our
For those of you who haven't been to on your way. jobs for the present and the future, and
any of our Chapter meetings lately, you So stop by, we meet the first Monday then threaten us with massive layoffs
have missed out on some very good guest of each month at 10 AM at the same spot, this year. The press release they have put
speakers. the Knights of Columbus Hall in out is far from the full story and only
At our October meeting, we had two Levittown. those who are self-serving would ever
speakers, one from the L.I. Blood Finally, in February, we lost one on believe it's true.
Services to remind us that many of us are our original charter and committee Your union is in the business of
still eligible to give blood and the members. Bill Barci passed away after a representing people and putting them to
importance of giving back to our long illness. Bill was our V.P. at Large work, not giving away their jobs. Stand
community. We were also fortunate to and served in that capacity from the very strong, stand tall, and tell them if you
have a U.S. Postal Inspector talk to us beginning of this Chapter. When Leo want to negotiate, bring us a deal like you
regarding fraud in the mail and what to Dick was installed as the first President gave Ivan when he was one of the little
do to prevent this. In November, we also of this Chapter, the first person he tapped people. He is still little, but he's very rich
had two speakers, Pete Cirillo from the to be on the board was Bill. He served our because the people he worked for gave
Local spoke to us regarding changes in Chapter well over many years. The him a break.
Sold My Soul low-wage workers receive the same works for everyone. Eventually we need
(contintted from page
prevention and options for their to eliminate the employer-based
5 )
healthcare services? If you are wealthy healthcare model;I just wish it was sooner
This all sounds ludicrous, right? Is it enough to afford extra services, great for rather than later. In order to level the
that far off from the healthcare plans that 1'ou and your family, but everyone playing field with corporate interests,
are currently offered? Who gets rvhat deserves proper and robust healthcare. there mnst be a massive uprising led by
and how much? If you are wealthy After all. aren't all men and women the labor movement with support from
enough, it doesn't matter you will created equal? A lot ofour elected leaders all social and progressive movements.
always buy what you need and want (and like to talk about their faith. Ifthey truly Publicly-funded elections would be a
then some). So what happens to the rest were faithful servants, then they know in catalyst to achieving fairness in our
of us? We fight every day for something their hearts that universal coverage is electoral and legislative process. Until
that should be a fundamental right of noble and godly. Unfortunately, the faith that balance is restored, we will all
er ely human being . . . maintaining our
they really have is in capitalism, and they continue to beg for our healthcare and
health I
play the role of obedient servant to the our lives at the "company store."
free market.
Our salary and work title should not
determine our healthcare options. \\-hr The public option is a good start to With great pleasure we welcome three
is a day-care worker's iife ri'orth less be-sin untangling the mess that is our new advertisers to Locai 1104: Mr. John
current healthcare system. Providing Carbonara, a Certified Financial Planner
than a CEO's? A day-care riorke r per fiom Securities America, Inc., and Dr.
hour creates more utilitl for :ocieir in competition and an affordable, dynamic
William J. Mitrus, a Chiropractor. Their
relation to his/her u a-ue ihan anr one in a healthcare option for the American people
ads appear on this page. John Fielding,
corporate boardroom. \\'hr shouldn't should help lead us to a system that Tim Cheriaparampil and Patrick Gunther,
of David Lerner Associates' ad appears
on oage 6.
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Eera ir JCSll.lXIPJ.aseFS com
i!w* NXTPbaseF fancr:lSeryre; conl
President George K. Bloom
Executive Vice Presidents:
Telecommunications Div. Thomas Benedetto
Operator Services Div. Kim Young
Education Div. Kathleen Sims
S ecretary/Treasurer Edward W. Connelly