2010 - Fourth Sunday of Easter

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Fourth Sunday of Easter

For This Youth Ministry Event Annual Bridge

'Youth Helping Youth' & Card Party
A Fund Raising Dinner for Covenant House Wed., May 5th - 7:00 pm
Next Saturday, May 1st - 6:30 pm - OLS Parish Hall Tickets: $10
SOLD OUT - Thank you for your support.
The CWL will be sponsoring this popular annual event on
Guest Speakers: Tara-Lee Corriveau (Runaway Prevention Wed., May 5th in the parish hall.
Program); Natalie Zinko (Covenant House Chaplaincy) Doors open at 6:30 pm. You can make up a table of 4 for
Bridge or Euchre. Gentlemen are invited. There will be
In celebration of our one year anniversary, the youth group raffles and table prizes. Everyone is Welcome!
will be cooking and serving our (non-youth) parishioners a Refreshments will be served after the card game.
three-course meal: to raise awareness about, and money Tickets: $10 payable at the door. For more information
for, Covenant House Toronto. Any parishioners who and to book tickets, please call Marguerite Doran,
would like to make a donation to Covenant House, are Convenor: 416-231-5446.
welcome to drop off an envelope at the parish office. Sorry - No Drop-Ins on this occasion.

If you have any questions or are willing to help out in any

way with this dinner, please contact Nick at Vocation Seeds
[email protected] On this Good Shepherd Sunday we celebrate the World
Day of Prayer for Vocations. Pray for an increase in
vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life -
Mass Intentions This Week especially for our diocese - that God will raise up good
April 26th - May 2nd shepherds in our midst. If God is calling you, contact Fr.
Please join us as we pray for the following, Hansoo Park at 416-968-0997.
in our “Announced Mass” Intentions

Mon.:(9 am) +Maria Estorba 11:00 am Chorale (Choir)

Tues.:(9 am) +Frances Hunt - Theresa & Leo Seeking Singers
Wed.:(9 am) +Paul Townsend - Jack & Sandy Lonergan The 11:00 am Chorale (Choir) is in search of singers
Thurs.:(9 am) +Jaroslava Gambati - Stepan Gambati interested in sacred music. The Chorale started this past
Fri.:( 9 am) +Ted Forma - Kathleen Stanley October and has been a great support in congregational
Sat.:(9 am) +Nicole Nardi - Family singing and in presenting repertoire from Renaissance
(5:15 pm) +Mary & Frank Ferkul - Pohole Family through to Contemporary. Please contact Music Director,
Sun.:(8:15 am) For Our Parishioners Gordon Mansell for more information: 416-571-3680 or
(9:30 am) +James Dickie - Family email [email protected]
(11 am) +Angelo Ciccale - Family
(12:30 pm) +Bill & Madeline Sullivan - Family
Weekend Retreat for Men
Exciting New Retreat - First Time Offered in Canada
Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice ‘ACTS’: Adoration, Community, Theology, Service
Queen of Apostles - May 27th - 30th
First Annual Mass in honour of the founder of the
Presentation Brothers and Christian Brothers - Wed., May This retreat will be facilitated by a retreat team from the
5th at 7 pm at Brebeuf College School. Guest Speaker & U.S.A. The goals are to renew yourself spiritually, to
Reception. RSVP: [email protected] or call 416- strengthen your faith and to apply it in your daily life. For
393-5508 - www.presentationbrothers100.yolasite.com information or to register call: 905-278-5229.
April 25, 2010

ShareLife Organ Concerts

The wonders of aging with dignity... May 3 - May 31: ORGANIX ‘10 is the yearly music
In our aging society, there is an increasing demand for festival featuring the magnificent pipe organ. Co-
support and services to help seniors live independently in the produced by Gordon Mansell and William O’Meara, the
community as long as they can. When that is no longer festival features international and emerging musicians
possible, they deserve the opportunity to live out their lives including Frederic Champion (France), James David
with dignity. Christies (USA) and Eugenio Fagiani (Italy). For more
information please contact Gordon Mansell: 416-571-
More than 45,000 seniors in the GTA took advantage of 3680 or visit www.organixconcerts.ca
programs and services offered by ShareLife agencies in
2009, enjoying the wonder-filled benefits of recreation, Sun., May 23, 3 pm at OLS. World renowned American
education and social interaction. In addition, 3,400 seniors organist James David Christie will perform The Art of the
in need of more personalized attention received in-residence Fugue by J. S. Bach. This concert is part of the yearly
services through ShareLife agencies. ORGANIX music festival co-produced by Gordon
Mansell and William O’Meara and is offered in support of
Your support will sustain the work ShareLife agencies the $ 50,000.00 maintenance project planned for the
do to address the needs of those seeking help and care. Our Lady of Sorrows organ. Admission is Free.
Please give generously. You can work WONDERS! Donations welcomed. For information contact Gordon
Mansell: 416-571-3680 or visit www.organixconcerts.ca
ShareLife Community Challenge
- Matching Gift Program Spread The Faith Retreat

A generous Archdiocesan donor has pledged to match all

For young women ages 15-23 - May 21-24 - Blessed
NEW and INCREASED gift amounts to the 2010 ShareLife
Sacrament Church, Kitchener - Learn how to defend the
campaign, up to a total of $500,000.
Catholic Faith, Mass, Adoration, guest speakers, music,
fun outings and more... Cost: $100. Visit
Help us to maximize the impact of your gift to ShareLife www.solisisters.ca
this year.

Liturgy Spotlight...
Scarboro Missions
(2685 Kingston Rd.) Presents
Eschatology is a theological term (from the Greek) we use
Understanding Judaism to refer to the last or end times. All of life and creation is
(Exploring Jewish Ethics) advancing toward a time of final fulfilment, of final glory,
Wednesdays from 7:00 - 9:00 pm of final return of all to God.
Admission Free - 416-261-7135 ext 244 or 296
Eschatology is not simply speculation about the end of
April 28th - March of Remembrance and Hope time or the fate of the individual beyond death. A
Opening the door to Mutual Understanding by Carla heightened awareness of eschatology brings about in us a
Wittes, VP, Programs - Canadian Centre for Diversity hope supplied by God’s promise to redeem and renew all
of humanity and creation.
May 5th - Tikkun Olam - Repairing the World by Avrum
Rosensweig, Director of Ve’ahavta, Canadian Humanitarian Reprinted from Liturgical Ministry 19 (Winter 2010) Used with
and Relief Org. permission.

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