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Project Proposal 9th

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A Proposal submitted to the School of Engineering

in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirement of the
award of a Degree in Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineering of University of Eldoret.

We hereby declare that this is our original work and has not been presented in this or any other
university for the award of a degree, diploma or certificate.



This work has been submitted with our approval as the candidates supervisors.


( Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.)



( Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.)


Executive Summary

Biodiesel is currently produced from crop feedstock, waste oil and animal fats which are
not sufficient to cope with the growing demand for alternative fuel requirements. Cultivation of
algae has the potential to provide for the need of producing renewable, affordable fuel without
compromising food production. An algal cultivation system such as open ponds is the means
used for algae production. Through this project an experimental small scale, low cost algae
cultivation system will be designed. It will comprise selecting an algae strain and designing a
cultivation system all the way from inputs to the biodiesel output.

Table of Contents

1. Problem Statement
It has long been known that the planets fossil fuel stocks would not meet our energy requirements
forever. As stocks diminish, prices will continue to rise. Furthermore, harmful emissions from the
combustion of fossil fuels contribute to climate change (EIA). Both of these factors mean that
there is great interest in finding a low-cost, renewable alternative to fossil fuels.
Biodiesel is a cleaner burning fuel than conventional diesel, and produces fewer greenhouse gas
emissions. Biodiesel blends of any concentration can be used in any diesel engine. The only
disadvantage is that in cold temperatures, biodiesel tends to lose viscosity, particularly in blends
with a high concentration of biodiesel. This has already begun to be addressed, however, with the
use of fuel additives and engine block or fuel filter heaters and storing vehicles indoors (OEE).
Furthermore, algal biodiesel has a lower melting point than other biodiesels, and thus possesses
better cold climate properties. Technology producing and using biodiesel has been available for
over 50 years (Chisti 2007). Therefore, biodiesel is potentially an ideal alternative to fossil fuel use.
Microalgae is an ideal feedstock for the following reasons. Many species of microalgae are extremely
rich in oil (Rodolfi et al.). An oil content of 20-50% by weight on a dry mass basis is easily attainable.
Microalgae also reproduce very quickly, and commonly have doubling times of 24 hours or less. They
are largely a non-food resource. Microalgae production can also take place on non-productive land,
such as desert land, that is of too poor quality for conventional crops (NREL).

They can utilize brackish or saline water as well as sequester waste CO 2 from other processes
(NREL). Ideally, microalgal biodiesel would be carbon neutral. All the power needed to produce
the algae would come from biodiesel or from methane produced by the anaerobic digestion of
biomass residue left after the oils had been extracted from the algae.

Microalgae is thus an ideal feedstock for the production of biodiesel. The remaining problem is that
it is not currently available to the general public. This is because it is not yet cost-effective from an
industry perspective.

The potential for the use of algae as a source of renewable fuel is therefore quite considerable.
However serious research on this application of algae is fairly recent. Among the new prospects,
there exists the possibility of improving lipid productivity through nitrogen deprivation as will be
explained subsequently on this report. It would therefore be interesting to investigate the design
of an algae cultivation system with this idea in mind.

2. Objectives and Scope

The objective of this project is to design and fabricate a small-scale algae cultivation system to
produce biodiesel. This project will therefore adopt a systems approach to optimize both biomass
production and oil content of the algae cells. Not only must the system be productive, it must also
try to be cost and energy efficient. This project will attempt to achieve this end by the use of a open
pond system which takes into account the full cycle of producing the biodiesel.
Another objective of this project is to determine the efficiency of this system by conducting an
energy balance. The initial cost and the added cost of production (fixed and variable cost) will be
compared to the present cost of diesel in order to compare the cost of this method of production
compared to the current price of diesel.
Finally, the greatest sign of success from this project would be to build it and prove that the system
is functional. This could perhaps also serve as the basis for a larger scale open pond system in the
future. A brief analysis will therefore also be conducted to see if the design could be scaled-up to
an industrial level from the initial small scale.

3. Justification of the study

Algal biomass contains three main components: carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids/natural oils.
Because the bulk of the natural oil made by microalgae is in the form of tricylglycerol (Figure 1),
which is the right kind of oil for producing biodiesel, microalgae are the exclusive focus in the
algae-to-biodiesel arena. In addition to biodiesel, microalgae can also be used to generate energy
in several other ways. Some algal species can produce hydrogen gas under specialized growth
conditions. The biomass from algae can also be burned similar to wood or anaerobically digested
to produce methane biogas to generate heat and electricity. Algal biomass can also be treated by
pyrolysis to generate crude bio-oil.

4. Significance of study
In addition to producing biofuel, algae can also be explored for a variety of other uses, such as
fertilizer and pollution control. Certain species of algae can be land-applied for use as an organic
fertilizer, either in its raw or semi-decomposed form (Thomas, 2002). Algae can be grown in ponds
to collect fertilizer runoff from farms; the nutrient-rich algae can then be collected and reapplied as
fertilizer, potentially reducing crop-production costs. In wastewater-treatment facilities, microalgae
can be used to reduce the amount of chemicals needed to clean and purify water.
In addition, algae can also be used for reducing the emissions of CO 2 from power plants. Coal is,
by far, the largest fossil energy resource available in the world.

5. Literature Review
Virgin Oil Feedstock
Rapeseed and soybean oils are most commonly used, mostly in U.S . They also can be obtained
from Pongamia, field pennycress, Jatropha, and other crops such as mustard, jojoba, flax,
sunflower, palm oil, coconut, and hemp. Several companies in various sectors are piloting
research on Jatropha curcas, a poisonous shrub-like tree that produces seeds, considered by
many to be a feasible source of biodiesel feedstock oil
Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO)
Vegetable oil is an alternative fuel source for diesel engines and for heating oil burners. The
viscosity of the vegetable oil plays an important role in the atomization of fuel for engines designed
to burn diesel fuel; otherwise, it causes improper combustion and causes engine collapse. The
most important vegetable oils used as fuel are rapeseed oil (also known as canola oil, which is
mostly used in the United States and Canada). In some places of the United States, the use of
sunflower oil as fuel tends to increase. Some island nations use coconut oil as fuel to lower their
expenses and their dependence on imported fuels. The annual vegetable oil recycled in the United
States, as of 2000, was in excess of 11 billion liters (2.9 billion U.S. gallons), mainly produced from
industrial deep fryers in potato processing plants, snack factories and fast food restaurants. If all
those 11 billion liters could be recycled, it could replace the energy equivalent amount of petroleum
. Other vegetable oils which can be used as fuel are cottonseed oil, peanut oil, and soybean oil.
Animal Fats
Animal fats are the by-product of meat production and cooking. These include tallow, lard, yellow
grease, chicken fat, and the by-products of the production of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil [33].
Oil yielding Plants like Salicornia bigelovii, a halophyte, is harvested using brackish water in
coastal areas where conventional crops are not feasible to be grown. The oil from Salicornia
bigelovii equal to the yields of soybeans and other oilseeds grown by freshwater irrigation
Multifeedstock biodiesel facilities produce high standard animal-fat based biodiesel. Currently, a 5million-dollar plant is being built in the USA, with the objective of producing 11.4 million litres (3
million gallons) biodiesel from the evaluated 1 billionkg (2.2 billion pounds) of chicken fat
produced annually at the local Tyson poultry plant .

Sewage Sludge
Sludge refers to the unused, semisolid material left from industrial wastewater or sewage
treatment processes. It can also refer to the settled suspension obtained from drinking water
treatment and other industrial processes. Sludge is generally produced by a poorly designed or
defective ventilation system, low engine operating temperatures or the presence of water in the oil.
The sewage-to-biofuel field process is developing interest from major companies like Waste
Management and startups like InfoSpi, which are challenging that renewable sewage biodiesel can
become modest with petroleum diesel on price.
Microalgae grow quickly and contain high oil content compared with terrestrial crops,
which take a season to grow and only contain a maximum of about 5 percent dry
weight of oil, (Chisti, 2007). They commonly double in size every 24 hours. During
the peak growth phase, some microalgae can double every three and one-half hours
(Chisti, 2007). Oil content of microalgae is usually between 20 percent and 50
percent (dry weight, Table 1), while some strains can reach as high as 80 percent
(Metting, 1996; Spolaore et al., 2006). This is why microalgae are the focus in the
algae-to-biofuel arena.

Table . Oil yields based on crop type.

Oil Palm

Oil yield

6. Methodology
6.1 Methods of Algae cultivation
Description of the Algal Cultivation System
A cultivation system for algae can therefore be seen as a process in which the process converts
inputs to outputs. An algae cultivation system can be described as a process in which inputs are
on the left and outputs on the right as shown by the following chart:

Figure 9 - Potentials of algal biomass: raw material, energy sources, products and
(Becker 1994)

Algal cultivation system using a two phase process.

An essential step for the design of the cultivation system is determining the method through which
it will be done: open pond.
Open pond systems
Open ponds were the first and the most studied method for the mass-cultivation of microalgae.
They usually consist of natural waters (lagoon, pond) or of artificial waters (containers, man-made
ponds). The following types of open air systems exist: shallow big ponds, tanks, circular ponds
and raceway ponds (Ugwa et al., 2007). The most popular type is the paddle-wheel raceway
pond, shown below, because it is the most productive open air system (Chisti 2007).

Figure - Raceway pond algae cultivation

The greatest advantage of this type of culture system is that it is the most economical system.
These systems have a very low cost (compared to other systems) and are fairly simple to

Due to the nature of open air systems, however, certain limitations exist. Temperature and light
intensity cannot be regulated. A deeper pond has the advantage of reducing the diurnal variation in
temperature, but would reduce the available light to the culture. Another limitation of this system is
the low concentration of algae in the pond which tends to make harvesting less cost effective.
They also demand a lot of land, which was one of the major problems with ethanol. Open ponds
cannot be built everywhere because if the place is too hot there is a lot of evaporation and
diffusion of CO2 . If it is constructed in a place that is too cold, ice can develop on top and the
temperature will be too low for the algae to reproduce (depending on the type of algae), which
drastically decreases the efficiency of the system.

It is important to note, however, that since a two-phase process is being examined, biomass
maximization is only the primary objective during one part of the growing process. During the second
phase of growth, the objective is rather to refine the composition of the existing biomass. Therefore,
the strictly controlled environment of the photobioreactor is not necessary. Phase II could thus take
place in an open air system, which is less costly. Nutrient and physical requirements of the algae are
to be met during Phase I as much as possible. In phase II, only nitrogen input will be purposely
depleted. There will be inputs of other nutrients and possibly CO2 .

The culture could be transferred, as a batch, from the photobioreactor to the open air system. This
would free up the photobioreactor to begin production of a new batch sooner than if Phase II took
place in the photobioreactor. Using batch culture has the advantage of periodically emptying out
the open air system. Since the open air system is vulnerable to contamination by other, hardier
strains of algae because it is open to the environment, regularly flushing it out prevents those other
strains of algae from taking root and choking out the desired strain (Borowitzka 2005).
Several parameters are taken into account when designing an open air system. Firstly, the depth
of the pond must be determined. The deeper the pond is, the less light filters through the culture,
and thus less light is available to the algae. However, as the pond becomes shallower, more land
surface is required to contain the same volume of culture, and one of the aims of the project is to
maximize algal output per unit of land base. Furthermore, increased pond area leads to increased
evaporation losses over the pond surface. (Borowitzka 2005). The following equation, determined
empirically (Oswald 1988), demonstrates the relationship between the depth of the pond and the
concentration of algae.

Dp = 6000 / Cc
Dp = depth of pond (cm)
Cc = concentration of algae (mg/L)
Secondly, the walls may be elevated concrete or excavated earthen walls. The earthen pond can
lead to insect contamination, and the sloping of the walls makes constant flow within the pond
more difficult to maintain. Concrete walls eliminate these problems, but are expensive and the
rough surface of concrete leads to increased friction, which reduces water flow. Concrete walls
also tend to deteriorate when the culture is grown in saline water. Whether saline or fresh water
is used is determined by the strain of algae chosen. Additionally, at a further cost, a liner may be
added to reduce seepage (Borowitzka 2005).
Thirdly, the pond may be mixed or unmixed. Mixing generally takes place using a paddlewheel,
because paddlewheels have been shown to be the most efficient and easy to maintain for the
purpose of mixing algal cultures. In unmixed ponds, the only mixing that takes place is caused by
the wind flowing over the surface of the pond. Mixing is an added cost, but it minimizes the
settling of algae cells, and prevents temperature and oxygen stratification within the medium.
Mixed ponds demonstrate yield rates of up to 10 times those of unmixed ponds. This higher
density of algae makes harvesting less costly (Borowitzka 2005).
Fourthly, CO2 may be added to the medium. This will result in increased growth, but may not be
cost-effective. The simplest way of increasing CO 2 in the medium is through passive transfer, by
increasing the contact area between the atmosphere and the surface of the pond (Becker
1994). As previously discussed, the cost-effectiveness of increasing pond area depends on the
cost of land and water. Addition of CO 2 may also occur by sparging gas bubbles into the
medium or by lining the pond bottom with plastic and pumping CO 2 under the plastic. The
plastic prolongs the contact between CO 2 and the medium (Vasquez and Huessler 1985).
Fifthly, a cover may be added to the pond to decrease the risk of contamination from other

6.2 Harvesting techniques

Harvesting has been, and continues to be, one of the largest obstacles in the commercial production
of microalgae. These difficulties arise primarily from 3 factors. Firstly, microalgae are very small in
size, generally measuring less than 25 micrometers in diameter. Many species of algae are so small
that sieves and filters cannot reliably strain them. Secondly, unlike many crops which are harvested
once or twice a year, microalgae must be harvested every 2 to 3 days. Rather than one harvest
yielding a significant crop, harvesting microalgae is a nearly continuous process with low yields per
Thirdly, as microalgae are aquatic and therefore harvesting involves concentrating a large volume of
water containing microalgae relatively little microalgae. For example, processing over 100 000 gallons
of this solution would yield less than 0.1 tons of biomass (dry weight basis). These 3 factors make
harvesting of microalgae either extremely costly, unreliable, or both.
The chief existing processes for microalgae harvesting are centrifugation, sand filtration,
microstraining, chemical flocculation, and bioflocculation:

Centrifugation delivers a pure, uncontaminated product, but is the most expensive

process, and is therefore preferred when microalgae is being used in the health food
industry. However, for use in the biofuels industry, the cost is prohibitively high.

Sand filtration is effective only for low concentrations of microalgae, and is therefore not
appropriate as a primary removal process.

Microstraining is effective either if the mesh size is very small or microalgae very large.
However, in the case of small mesh size, the cost is much higher.

Chemical flocculation is a harvesting method that causes algal cells to aggregate. When a
critical size is achieved, the algal masses, or flocs, either rises to the top of the pond or sink,
depending on their density. This flocculation is caused by the addition of chemicals. It is
therefore expensive, and results in polluted effluent water, requiring treatment.

Bioflocculation is the method that offers the most promises. During this process, the algal
cells spontaneously aggregate into flocs. When the flocs become large enough, they either

rise to the top of the pond or sink to the bottom, depending on their density. The sinking, or
rising, velocity, is calculated using Stokes Law:

V = /9 * g * r * ( ) /
V = velocity
g = acceleration of gravity
r = radius of particle

= density of particle
= density of medium
= absolute viscosity
The following observations have been made in scientific studies. First, senescent cultures usually
sink faster than actively growing cultures. This is because growing algae cells hold a negatively
charged surface layer and thus repel each other. Second, nutrient limited algae usually sink faster
than nutrient sufficient algae. Management and acceleration of this process could provide a low
cost and efficient method of microalgae harvesting. (Augenstein 1982)
The table below summarizes the reliability and cost of these 5 harvesting processes.
Table 6 - Comparison between harvesting processes


Removal reliability

Estimated cost (c/lb) in Kshs




Sand filtration






Chemical flocculation




Not established


(Augenstein 1982)

It should be noted that often these techniques are often not sufficient alone. They are a primary
harvesting process. Sun-drying is often used to complete the concentration process

7. Revised Objectives and Scope

After an extensive literature review of research conducted in the field of algae cultivation and open
pond design, it was found that a great number of projects have already been devoted to optimizing
algal cultivation unattainable.
The revised objective of this project is to design and fabricate a system in which microalgae will be
cultivated and turned into a biofuel. It will take all the steps into account, from the cultivation of the
algae to when the biodiesel is put in the car. This will be done through a two phase process of which
the first phase is the cultivation of the microalgae with an open pond in order to have a high biomass
yield. The second phase is the harvesting of the microalgae through the pond in order to gain a higher
oil and lipid content. The system will be on a small scale and any individual should be able to construct
it in their basement or backyard. The materials will be cheap and easy to obtain. The goal of this
project is not necessarily to make it efficient or cost-effective, but to show that it can be done on an
individual scale. The scale-up of biodiesel production from algae may not necessarily occur through
huge industries, but through the multiplication of small units in peoples backyards.

Since there are no biofuels made from algae on the market, it can only be produced on an
individual level. The cost will be of the materials and installation. There will also be operational
costs such as lighting and heating, depending on the climate of the area and whether the system is
indoors or outdoors. For the moment it is impossible to know whether the system is cost-effective.
If the cost of this system is more than the consumer would pay for traditional fossil fuels, the values
of the citizen come into play. Are they willing to put a monetary value on the conservation and
protection of the environment? Although the cost of production of biofuels through algae may be
higher than that of fossil fuel, it will be up to the consumer to decide what value the environment
has to them, and then to choose which one they will use accordingly.

8. Methodology
8.1 Design Approach
The first step taken was to define the problem statement. The next was to formulate an objective.
This objective was to optimize algal productivity within a small system. Research in literature on
algae biology and previous experimental designs was conducted in order to obtain background
knowledge involved in the design of algae cultivation systems.
To be precise, this involved reading articles in biotechnology journals as well as reading important
sections of biology books relevant to this topic. The design team also met several times with Dr.
Julius Kollongei, Eng Mulindi. The information gathered gave the design team preliminary ideas
about potential design paths. At this point, the system components (Phase 1, Phase 2,
Harvesting and Conversion to biodiesel) were established. The following step of the design
process was then problem refinement, in which the preliminary ideas were examined in more
technical detail.
After a considerable literature review and problem refinement, it was found that the initial objective
was vague and unrealistic. Due to the extensive research that has already been conducted in this
field, it was recognized that it was unlikely that this projects results could exceed those already
achieved in the literature.
Therefore, the problem of bringing biodiesel produced by algae to the general public was
addressed from a new angle. The revised objective is to design and fabricate a small scale system
that could be built and run by an individual, in his residence, to produce algae and convert it to
biodiesel. However it was decided that the two phase process would be retained. This objective
was deemed more appropriate to the time frame, budget, and level of expertise available.
Furthermore, its scale, potential building materials and construction techniques are much better

After continuing literature research, based on analysis of the gathered information, a choice will be
made about what types of system components to use, in terms of algal strain, photobioreactor,
harvesting system, oil extraction, and conversion to biodiesel process.
Based on the analysis, decisions will then be taken regarding the final design. The decision
process will likely involve making compromises about system efficiency and cost. Calculations
about component dimensions, flow rate, growth rate of the algae, nutrient requirements and
estimated outputs will have to be conducted. Various solutions to provide feedback from the
system will also have to be analyzed. The type of harvesting technique will have to be examined
according to feasibility and cost. Cost will also be taken into account when determining which
solution is best in terms of types of materials used and nutrient and energy requirements. A small
analysis of the potential scale-up of the system will also be conducted. An energy and cost analysis
will be performed on the system as a whole to determine whether the energy output is greater than
the energy inputs, as well as whether the system can be built at a cost that members of the public
would be willing to pay for.
The final decisions being made, the system will be ready for implementation. This will take the form
of design drawing and specifications done with the aid of CAD. Operating conditions for the system
as well as output predictions would also be provided. A physical model could also be constructed,
although time and budget constraints would make this difficult. However the design team is looking
forward to such an undertaking if it is feasible to do so.

8.2 Expected Results

The expected result of this project is a design for an open pond algae production system that will
produce algae to be used for transformation into biodiesel. The design should be able to operate
either indoor in controlled conditions or outdoors in a Tropical type of climate. The system should
be simple and cheap enough for anyone to build and operate. It will use cheap and easy to find
materials and should have an energy ratio output: input greater than 1. Energy output will be
calculated according to literature values for biomass yield, oil content, and conversion to
biodiesel. Since the needs of people are different from one another and the system will be
designed in order to produce a certain quantity of biofuel, tips on how to down size and scale-up
will be given.
It is expected that this innovative project will interest environmentally conscious people, who will all
be quite willing to invest in this system in order to conserve and protect the environment even
though it may cost them slightly more than gas.
The system will also be modeled either physically or by computer in order to show the
dimensions of the physical structure, but also to show the interactions within and between the
different components.

8.3 Cost Analysis

The cost of the design will be divided into fixed, capital costs and variable, operating costs. The
cost of designing the system will be neglected, as this is a project conducted by students, with the
primary objectives being education and interest.
The fixed costs will be composed of the costs of the building materials. The cost of all necessary
tools will be neglected, as it will be assumed that the builder possesses them. This will have been
taken into account when making design decisions, so that it can be considered a safe
assumption. The cost of the land will also be neglected, as it is assumed that the builder is
constructing the system on land he already owns.
Electrical costs, nutrient inputs, water inputs, and gaseous inputs will make up the variable
costs. An analysis of typical life spans of the materials used in the system will determine whether
or not maintenance and repair costs must also be included in the variable cost.
The cost of the labour involved in both the building and the operation of the system will be
neglected, as it is assumed that the owner of the system is undertaking the labour, and is donating
his time out of goodwill.
The cost analysis conducted will thus not be a direct comparison with the cost of purchasing fossil
fuels. This would be an inaccurate analysis, as it would not take into account the value people
place on environmental conservation. This value is highly individual, though an attempt at
assessing it may be made in order to determine what percentage of the population might be
willing to undertake such a project. Simply put, it is not expected that the system designed will be
economical. The hope is that it will be beneficial from an environmental perspective, and that a
certain subset of the population would be willing to pay for that benefit.

9. Work Schedule and Budget

9.1 Work Schedule
Table 7 - Work Schedule



Time allocation (hrs.)


Continue literature review

Discussion with professors/experts
Decide what strain of algae to use
Decide what the components of the
system will be, based on research



Design Phase I
Design Phase II
Design harvesting process
Design Conversion to biodiesel
Model system
Conduct energy balance analysis
Conduct cost analysis
Explore potential for scale-up
Compose final report
Develop final presentation
Deliver final presentation




9.2 Budget
Plain sheet
Steel tubes
Welding Rods
Outlet/Inlet valve

Total= KSH 5,500



Total= KSH 3,500


KSH 500
KSH 2,500
KSH 12,000

10. Conclusion
To date, an outline of a system is proposed. The aim of this project is to design and fabricate a
small scale system for algal cultivation and conversion to biodiesel. The system should be
simple and cheap enough for anyone to build and operate.
The solutions considered so far consists in a two phase process in which algal biomass would first
be maximized before undergoing nitrogen deprivation to increase lipid content. The aim is to first
model the system using CAD and perhaps making a physical model.
Further research and development of ideas may lead to modification of this preliminary design. The
design will continue to be developed and tested according to the method and schedule outlined in
sections 6 and 7.

We would like to express our gratitude towards the following people:

Dr. Julius Kollongei- Dean School Of Engineering

Eng Mulindi S. - Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering


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