Pollution Essay
Pollution Essay
Pollution Essay
Pollution is the contamination of the natural environment which exists around us and helps in normal
living. Any type of pollution in our natural surroundings and ecosystem causes insecurity, health
disorders and discomfort in normal living. It disorganises the natural systems and thus disturbs the
natures balance.
The pollutants or elements of pollution are foreign substances or waste materials created by the
human beings and pollute the natural resources like air, water or soil etc. The chemical nature,
concentration and long persistence of the pollutants continually disturbs the ecosystem for years.
The pollutants can be poisonous gases, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, noise, organic
compounds and radioactive materials.
Environmental pollution is the condition when the natural cycle of our environment gets disturbed
and harms us. Some harmful environmental contaminants created by us in the form of smoke, solid
or liquid wastes get intermingled into the environment and pollute it. It is only human who can check
the environmental pollution by limiting their bad activities. Each and every person here is responsible
for the environmental pollution in indirect way. Unknowingly we all are creating problems and
challenges to the environment.
Some bad chemical compositions which we use on daily basis get intermingled into the environment
and disturb its natural functioning and natural processes which directly affect our health. Human
beings are considered as the most intelligent living being on the earth however it never means that
they should interfere with the natures law of ecological balance. Our environment and we, both are
incomplete without the helps of each other. We should try our best to maintain the healthy
environment in order to continue the natural processes easily.
because of the new technologies growth and development. Many new companies are opening in the
industry and do more to grow their business in the competitive field.
Environmental pollution is not the problem only one country however it is the issue of whole world,
so it needs effort by all of us together to correct it. If it is not taken under control, it may affect the
whole universe to a great extent in the future. Environmental pollution is getting big by increasing
level of pollution of water, air, sound and land. Increasing in the number of vehicles on the roads
causes air pollution, increasing in the number of factories causes water pollution and land pollution.
So, it needs limitation over all the causes of the environmental pollution.
of the usage of the petrol and diesel increases the risk of air pollution as petrol and diesel spread
heavy amount of poisonous gases in the environment such as carbon monoxide, sulphur-dioxide,
hydrocarbons, and many more gases are polluting the air. Now-a-days, a major threat to the life is
due to the development of nuclear sciences.
The polluted air we breathe goes to our whole body and affect all the systems especially respiratory
functions. It becomes the reason of origin of many diseases like cancer, respiratory problems, lungs
disorders, bronchitis, asthma and many more. The increasing competitions of the nuclear
experiments all over the world are creating the big threat of atmospheric balance destruction as this
process releases lots of harmful chemicals, poisonous gases, and dust into the air which falls back
again to the earth through acid rains and harms the growth of crops and life. This acid rain causes
various harmful diseases to the human fraternity worldwide. Water pollution is increasing because of
the direct drainage of industrial liquid wastes into the water of ocean, lakes, rivers, ponds and other
water bodies. This water is used by the farmers in growing crops which we eat and disturb our
physiological functioning.
energy into the environment. Some other habits like open burning of household garbage, etc are
also worsening the air quality. Air pollution causes respiratory disorders including lung cancer among
human being and animals.
Water pollution is also a big issue directly affecting the marine life as they only depend on the
nutrients found in the water for their survival. Gradual disappearance of the marine life would really
affect the livelihood of human beings and animals. The reason of the water contamination is harmful
wastes from factories, industries, sewage systems, farms, etc which are directly dumping into the
main source of water like rivers, lakes and oceans. Drinking contaminated water causes serious
health disorders to us.
Soil pollution is caused by the use of fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and other organic
compounds. It indirectly affects our health as we eat eating materials produced in the soil. The
source of noise pollution is the noise created from the heavy machinery, vehicles, radio, TV, speaker,
etc which causes hearing problems and sometimes deafness. We should take care of our
environment to maintain the natural ecosystem. It requires a joint effort from everyone to get control
over the pollution so that we can get a healthy and unpolluted environment.
decreasing number of plants may cause such a big problem which is not our only mistake. We are
doing lots of such mistakes daily and it should not be a big surprise for us that one day the chance of
life existence would be finished on this planet.
Still we have time, the get together effort of all of us may save the earth, environment and the life
here. Environmental pollution needs a global level awareness and every one of us needs to
understand our all mistakes, causes of pollution, ways to solve the problems created by it and most
importantly how to stop the negative environmental changes and environmental pollution.