No Bullshit Guide To Social Media: WWW - Thedrum.Co - Uk
No Bullshit Guide To Social Media: WWW - Thedrum.Co - Uk
No Bullshit Guide To Social Media: WWW - Thedrum.Co - Uk
No bullSHIT guide
to social media
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THE DRUM MAR.05.10 no bull guide03
The no bullshit guide to
successful social marketing
Welcome to The Drum’s No Bullshit this latest marketing alter. to your audience.
Guide to Social Media. The fact that it costs peanuts to In fact, as we also find through the
There is perhaps a need to publish establish a social media channel and pages of this supplement, more rules
such a guide due to the overwhelming enter this arena is, no doubt, one may even need added. Not only must
quantity of bullshit being pedalled reason for the rapid success of social a brand now be able to listen and
about Social Media currently. media. But while it might cost little to react to an audience, It must do it
Like all new trends, experts are add this weapon to the marketing quickly too. Brands must interact and,
clambering over one another to armoury, that is no reason to avoid above all, be social.
proclaim their gravitas in the field, real investment in this latest No longer can brands hide behind
setting up their stall before the bubble communications tool. slick advertising campaigns and
bursts. For brands looking to operate within canny PR messages. Social media
But this bubble looks far from this social media sphere, traditional can make or break a brand. And
bursting. And many of these experts rules should not be broken. To be without due care and investment, it is
are offering little more than common successful you must adhere to your certainly easier to break than make.
sense and social awareness. markets brand values while So, over the following pages find out
Yet brands are already evangelising maintaining true to your own. You what it is these social animals have
the power of social media, having must present a unified brand learnt through working day-to-day on
required very little preaching to message, be creative in your campaigns for clients in the social
convert their commercial prayers to communications and listen and react sphere. Without the added bullshit.
Please send all your news, views and opinions to [email protected]
WHAT is social meDIA? can it work for everyone?
Code Computerlove 09
“Social media requires simple rules of engagement. “Creative thinkers along with the geniusnous of techno
MARCH 2010 The difficult and complicated part is producing an bods, need to be engaged to explore the realms of
integrated digital experience that engages with possibilities, the ideas, thoughts and attitude has to
No Bullshit Guide to Social Media consumers where, when and in a way they want.” be driven from marketing and creative strategy.”
s a phenomenon not unfamiliar with hype,
acronyms and of course a bit of bullshit it’s “Social media requires simple rules of engagement.
easy to see how social media got swept up
in the same way. So much fluff has been written on
The difficult and complicated part is producing an
the topic, so many articles blogged, tweeted and re-
integrated digital experience that engages with
tweeted by social media ‘experts’, most based on consumers where, when and in a way they want.”
the same misguided idea that social media is a bolt
on to other communication activity. It’s quite boring, Remember one of social media’s advantages is that on what you use; Facebook connect, live twitter streams
unhelpful and clogging up my search results with it offers direct engagement with smaller more defined on blogs/sites (a good example of this is the New York
rehashed bullshit. groups of people. Unless you’re targeting kids or Times) or access via mobile.
Instead advice needs to be based on integrating bands for example, there is no need to have a profile
social media into agency culture and thinking. Social on MySpace. The new guidelines to creativity: If you want messages
media isn’t the phenomenon - the shift in society, to work in social spaces they need to fit with the
behaviour and the way we advertise because of What should you consider? behaviours acceptable online: think honesty, playful,
social media is. Social media requires really simple rules of engagement. raw, experimental, unguarded, helpful, collaborative and
The difficult and complicated part is producing an personal. A good example of a brand’s social activity
What mistakes integrated digital experience that engages with employing these themes is Mini Coopers’, Mini Space.
are being made? consumers where, when and in a way they want.
Social media channels and related tools need to be Monitoring: Just as you would conduct consumer
used to execute an overall communications strategy. The main fundamentals when research offline, online insights should be constructed
They are not stand-alone nor should they be a set of considering social media are: from online research of what your consumers actually
tick boxes. do and say online. You could pay for access to
Think of social media this way and you’ll end up with Exchange Value of Content: People in networks monitoring tools such as Radian 6 or BrandWatch, but
a Facebook page that says nothing about your brand, exchange ‘stuff’ called social currency. This can be in our opinion you need to use more than one tool to get
isn’t in keeping with the overriding brand strategy or knowledge, links, images, jokes, videos, widgets, the best out of them.
other media campaigns at that time, doesn’t have gossip; you name it, but people need something to
remotely interesting content but is just promoting last share. It gives them a reason to commune and kudos Offline importance: Don’t forget online campaigns can
season’s products, doesn’t really give users a want or within their network. Make sure you have content your start offline. Worrying about content? Crowd source
need to join and therefore remains a lifeless exhibition social network wants to share and make it easy for videos from stunts or events, get them to capture
of how unpopular and un-innovative your brand is for them to do so, ‘share this’ buttons are a basic solution something meaningful, or get the users to do something
the world to search, view and comment on. It would to this. offline that will make them share online.
probably be better if you hadn’t had bothered.
Likewise trying to exist in every social network out Integration: Make sure that all digital activity This advice can bode you well in social media, but the
there will have a similar result (never trust a company comes together as a flawless digital experience that real skill is coming up with a strategy for a client that uses
that has a long list of social media badges displayed complements any offline activity. Integration among any social media in the most unique and innovative way, and
on their site). digital channels you use is also a good idea depending which fits in with an overall digital experience.
THE DRUM MAR.05.10 no bull guide05
’ve worked in digital since 1999 and I’ve seen many • New traffic sources
things change. The thrill of learning a new way to • New marketing opportunities
reach customers, and the desire to produce tangible • New PR opportunities
ROI for clients, hasn’t changed since those first days. • New revenue opportunities
This passion is what makes digital marketers want to • New ways to increase your market share
use new platforms such as social media. We are used to
applying those learning’s to the benefit of our clients. 3. It’s risk free
According to Wikipedia (Malcolm Gladwell) it requires Hell no! There are plenty of high profile stories about
10,000 hours of experience to be counted an expert social media blunders the most recent of which is
at anything; no one has had enough time to do this the Vodafone twitter sensation. However most of us
in social media marketing, meaning there truly are no are likely to face less exciting problems;
experts. Anyone who claims to be such is misleading
themselves and their clients. 1.You might not like the conversation -
I recently visited a top 100 UK brand whom I won’t
So who can I trust? name who have been encouraged to ‘do it’ by
A good online marketing professional or agency can their agency and have launched a Facebook page.
use the skills and experience they already have to work However they are finding that around 50% of the Bloom Media’s Alex Craven says: “There is
with you on a profitable and productive social media interactions are customer service issues. Instantly no such thing as a social media expert.”
campaign. As agencies we need to be up front with this has soaked up around 2 weeks per month of their Below: Bloom won awards for its social
media work for Anglian Home Improvements
our customers, we need to be open about this being digital team’s time dealing with these complaints.
new, what our experience really is and that we need The lesson here is to look before you leap, get your
‘brave’ clients who are prepared to learn with us. strategy and resource ready for what will come.
It is possible to smell a social marketing bullshitter,
just look for the following 3 common lines; 2.You don’t really have the time –
I think the biggest risk for most companies dipping
their toe in social media marketing is just this, they
1. Everybody’s doing it only dipping their toe. Reaching a critical mass in
As far as we’re concerned there are only two reasons the campaign can take time and a lot of effort. A
to “do” social media; lot of companies will be ‘too busy’ to see through
Money their aspirations. What engagement they achieve
Reputation in the early stages will wane as they are distracted
If a social media campaign isn’t going to increase your elsewhere and the campaign will peter out.
bottom line, or your company’s reputation, it’s just fluff.
And potentially expensive and detrimental fluff at that. How can I avoid the bullshit?
Success in social media marketing needs you to be
upfront and honest, so you need your agency to exhibit
2. It’s easy this also. Ask what experience do they really have? Make
A social media campaign requires your company to be them talk through the detail, speak to the clients they are
out there talking to your customers, whether that’s via talking about, and get their side of the story too.
an agency or directly. Internal resource is nearly always We have been running social media marketing
essential. Any agency that doesn’t make it clear that campaigns for our clients for almost 4 years now, but
you will need one or all of the following, is not telling really only in earnest for the last 18 months. Last year we
you the whole story; won an award for ‘best use of social media’ but I’m going
• Change to job descriptions to tell you straight, we aren’t experts yet. We are probably
• New HR policies one of the most experienced Social Media marketing
• New staff agencies in the UK but this still feels very new.
• New customer service processes Understanding the possibilities of the technology in
• New cross departmental working practises social media marketing is one thing but implementing an
• New software to understand actual campaign is totally different. Given how few clients
• New jargon have really made headway in social media marketing,
• New KPI’s to report on there seems to be a disproportionate number of ‘experts’.
• New budget required It is the client experience that counts.
06no bull guide MAR.05.10 THE DRUM
Is blogging all
just hot air ?
Blogs play a “big, fat part” in any social media strategy,
but build it and they will not always come... Is a loyal
human following always the key to a successful blog?
Equator’s Martin Jordan looks at the key behind a good
blog and how to make it work best for your brand.
What is its aim? And do you have a plan?
ocial Media has definitely become the simple websites made well
buzz phrase of the moment. A big, fat part There are a number of key aspects to blogs that
of that social media sphere is blogging. give them longevity and strength. At their most basic
And for those who’ve slept through the level, they offer the user a really fast and simple way
last few years, it’s up there with Twitter, to get a web presence. A quick visit to Wordpress or
Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, SecondLife and a whole Blogger and you can have your own basic website
lot of other things too contrived to mention. So, if up and running in 5 minutes. No need for hosting,
you’re sitting pondering whether Social Media is for domain repointing or FTPing - just a simple interface
you or for the dustbin, let’s take a hot air balloon ride that allows anyone to get a web presence. They are
through blog country. easy to build, easy to administrate and easy to dress
up. Wordpress has dozens of different ‘themes’ to
big numbers give the blog a nice look and, if you choose to host
Well, seeing as how we’re floating above reality for the blog on your own server with the free Wordpress
a bit, we should start by looking down on the big software, then you can customise it down to the finest
numbers that make blogging a buzzword of the detail. And when you consider that some of the FREE
moment. There are 200 million blogs in existence in themes out there could pass for megabucks websites,
the world. the low-cost, high-speed attraction of blogs suddenly
Ok, that’s a lie. becomes fiscally tangible.
Given that another commonly held stat tells us that
there’s 120,000 new blogs being created every day, search engines
that number is fast becoming a piece of history. so who’s right? like a good blog
Estimates reckon that there are 1.4 million blog It’s no surprise that many are cynical about many aspects Secondly, the structured way in which blogs are
posts created every day and that too is a lot of new of internet trends. We all remember how Second Life was technically designed makes them fine fodder for the
content. going to be the next big thing and we were all running search engines. Everything about a blog is generally
But there’s also the people that’ll tell you that a around in our virtual world looking like a virtual Adonis SEO friendly... they are content-rich, they are structured
huge proportion of these blogs lie dormant, twiddled buying virtual sneakers from a virtual Nike store with real into hierarchical themes, information is tagged and
with by a curious user and then dropped like a stone. money. Everyone from IBM to Accenture wanted to have collated and, at a technical level, the HTML that
Secondly, there’s also a whole lot of people out there a presence there to join the 2 million plus users. Now, they’re built from is well-ordered and Google friendly.
who valiantly start a blog and religiously add to it every there’s typically only 50,000 people on there. Is blogging So, getting a blog (or blogs) out there guarantees you
day and yet nobody comes visiting. Inevitably, they too going to turn into another vast virtual landscape to sink a presence somewhere on the search engines pretty
throw in the towel when they realise they’re presenting your real money into, only to find there’s no-one there? quickly. At Equator, we regularly use blogs as a core
to an empty theatre. Well, thankfully not. Not quite anyway... part of our SEO strategy, both on and off the client’s
THE DRUM MAR.05.10 no bull guide07
The Curious Fellow: One of the Equator blogs compiled by creative boss James Jefferson
“if you are not delivering anything tangible, be it information, news, social
commentary or even just links to other sites,then you’ve got nothing worth
reading and nothing worth interacting with...”
site. This approach ensures we can develop quality so where can you go wrong? like-minded thinkers. And if you are not delivering anything
links to the site and it also extends the client’s site. With all this opportunity and ease with blogging, why is it that tangible, be it information, news, social commentary or
Ok, so we don’t set out to expect humans to read there remains so many blogs that are left abandoned and even just links to other sites, then you’ve got nothing worth
every post every day but benefit the search engines so many corporate and consumer blogs gathering dust in reading and nothing worth interacting with – the crux of the
and users is great. A number of our bloggers are a dark corner of the web? It comes down to their strongest whole social media thing.
becoming personalities in their own right as the blogs point being their weakest. Their innate ease of setup and Now, if you’re also pondering Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
get followed by readers with a genuine interest in what ease of use means they can become throwaway. People or anything else in the social media world, you might want to
we’re blogging about! get a blog, build it and start to dump content on it without consider those questions all over again. What is often wrong
thinking what the ultimate purpose of it. If you’re just going with blogs are often what is wrong with everything in Social
blogs can genuinely to get on there and tell everyone what you had for breakfast, Media. Someone tells you that you NEED a facebook page,
extend your site what got on your nerves or how great your company is, it’s you NEED a blog and why everyone else is doing it. But
For all people who want to rank in Google, everyone not going to get traction. Equally, if your blog has no obvious does anyone stop to tell you WHY you need it and WHY
knows content is king. And this can sometimes or consistent topic, it’s never going to rank for anything. the world needs you to give it to them! Get Social but PLAN
be hard to achieve with a typical commerce site. To genuinely make blogging work for you, you need to it first!
Realistically, you want to present the customer with the give it AND yourself a solid objective. What purpose does
information they need to buy the product in a sales- the blog serve? Who (or what) is your audience? What is
focused fashion and piledrive them into the buying the point you are trying to make? If it’s intended for humans,
engine. It often doesn’t give you a lot of space to add what benefit do you expect to give them?
the content you need to get ranked. Staple a blog to If you can’t answer these questions don’t bother starting.
the side of your site and all of a sudden you have a The only thing worse than not having a blog is having a
place to add rich content that can be linked back and bad / empty one. Talking about your day does not court
forth to the main content of your site. As well as this, controversy and social interaction unless your life does that
the blog can take a conversational and informal tone on its own. Roaming on and off topic makes it hard to read
that would be inappropriate to your main site and help and hard to follow – it doesn’t give a reader any reason to Martin Jordan is the marketing
give your brand the personality it needs. follow you and you wont build up a circle of followers and director for Equator
08no bull guide MAR.05.10 THE DRUM
ast week I tried not once, but twice, to buy a
DVD from WH Smiths. Given the hammering that “once a business begins conversing with its
the High Street has taken in the last 18 months
you would have thought they wanted to sell it to me.
customers it can use the channel for whatever it
Apparently not.
likes: sales, news, promotions, customer services,
Twice I took the DVD from the shelf to the counter insight. Providing it handles all of those aspects
where one of the staff would then have to run back correctly, fairly and in a transparent manner the
upstairs only to return five minutes later to tell me that permanency of the internet guarantees that PR
they were “sorry, but we don’t have that DVD”. I tried
my best to remain calm though questions like “If you
collateral for years to come.”
don’t have it, why on earth is it on the shelf?” and “Not
only that, but it’s number 1 in your DVD chart, so what I was impressed. Through acknowledging my understand the medium. It’s not enough to use social
gives?” kept forming in my mind. complaint, I’d be validated as a customer. Further to media as a ‘push only’ channel because that only does
Aware of the huge queue behind me, I left the store that they wanted to know what the problem was and the same job as a press advert or a billboard site. Having
and instead of complaining there decided that I’d ask how they could help. More tweets were exchanged and the conversation adds an extra dimension to your
Smiths’s Twitter instead. Smiths said they would look in to the issue for me. Simply communications. What is that extra dimension? It’s PR.
by engaging me in conversation, Smiths had restored The polite tone, the competency in dealing with
my faith in them as a company and a retailer I would use complaints, the ability to talk on a level platform with the
again. Because of this conversation I also didn’t mind customer - all of these things are doing a PR job. By
when this message appeared in my Twitter stream: clicking on to WH Smiths’s page anyone can instantly
see that Smiths presents itself as a friendly, professional
organisation that values customers. No story was needed
to create this impression, no pictures of charity events or
details of a new biodegradable plastic bag, simply the day-
to-day engagement of a business with its customer base.
And that’s the true value of social media for retail, to
understand that once a business begins conversing with
its customers it can use the channel for whatever it likes:
sales, news, promotions, customer services, insight.
Providing it handles all of those aspects correctly, fairly and
in a transparent manner the permanency of the internet
I posted this and began following them. To their credit, guarantees that PR collateral for years to come.
Smiths responded to me within 90 minutes. A few tweets may not seem like much, but given time
they’ll all add up to form an online profile of your business
that stands alongside your website, your press releases
and all your other marketing. Don’t get left behind, the
Smiths were running a competition through Twitter, not opportunity is there to chat to your customers right now
only that, it was directly linked to their half price Authors and open up a whole new marketing channel too.
of the Decade on-site promotion. Simply put, I was being
marketed to through a channel I’d been using for customer
This wouldn’t work with a phone call, nor through an
email exchange, but because of social media’s openness
and relatively passive nature, Smiths were able to deal with
an upset customer while running a promotional marketing
Smiths understand the trade-off of marketing through John Rivers,
social media, being that if someone asks you a question, Social Media Director, moolah
you respond. By getting involved and conversing you
THE DRUM MAR.05.10 no bull guide09
anity versus Sanity – the social media used correctly it can build,
phenomenon – quick spread the enter into dialogue, engage
word. and empower brands, create
So what if social sites have over loyalty, interaction and up
taken porn as the number one use sell messages, products and
of the internet? Why do we care? services, ensuring that it is
When porn was number one did we your brand firmly established in
all want to create a porn site to flog your audiences front of mind, in
our products and services? a relaxed and social setting. But
Everyone asks how can we get into never forget great messages can
social media, no one is asking why should we spread very quickly as can bad.
use social media. As my mum used to say, would easy hashtag or @ and create If you want to have a social page to
you jump off a bridge because someone else did? credible brands. let people know about social events, share your
Arguments dominate the domains with who But the real question is, is successes and updates, if you have time and energy
should ‘control social media’ – PR’s, strategists, social media the best way to to invest then why the hell not. But if you want to
in house, dedicated social media companies, reach your objective? use social media to your advantage then please look
digital agencies…What’s happened to marketing, Social media is not free, at the bigger picture before embarking on a social
integration, return on investment, measurability, setting up pages perhaps, but media rampage.
accountability and creativity? time, messaging, applications,
In a rush to jump on the social media bandwagon, moderating, responding is all Deliver
in a frenzy of tweets, fans and virals, ideas are being time if not money and engaging Any strategy is about looking at media and how it
shoehorned into fit 60” and 140 words, ads are with video or application content works, dwell time, messaging.
being thrown up on YouTube and VSS’s (Very Short needs to be both considered, executed well and How can we creatively deliver our brand to our
Sentences) tweeted every five mins. measured . Ask yourself why are you doing this? audiences in a surrounding that they feel comfortable
Social media is not social marketing and it is not a What is the over-arching objective? Is it the best way with. Social media is no different, if it fits with the plan
replacement for advertising or design and should not to communicate with your defined audience? then creative thinkers along with the geniusnous of
be used as such. The very purpose of social media Gaining insights into customers, creating ideas techno bods, need to be engaged to explore the
is to be social, so whilst hard sales pitches are a that work for them and gaining victories measured by realms of possibilities, the ideas, thoughts and
no-no, what you do get is an opportunity to share engagement and end results of actions – purchasing, attitude has to be driven from marketing and creative
more, build knowledge and nurture relationships in a persuading to choose a product/service or creating strategy. Creativity is about insights, informing,
relaxed environment. behavioural change. It’s not simply about click driving actions, thinking of the new with purpose,
But equally social media is not about ‘having a throughs, views, friends or followers who couldn’t solving problems.
twitter profile’ and telling the world what your CEO care less and don’t interact – for that is vanity and And remember social media is not solus, it’s about
had for breakfast or having a page that is never not sanity, and a bit like having a turnover of several synergy and falls as part of an integrated mix. It’s no
updated or holds content that bores. It’s about million but a profit of zero. longer because we can, it’s about finding solutions
adding value. Does 1million YouTube hits from people who to what previously has been an impossible dream.
couldn’t care less about your brand work for you
Boundaries more than 100 who are actually potential customers/
Can social media work for everyone? listeners or advocates? Would you ignore creative
Creatively yes – there is a solution to all problems. strategy for a press advert, yet happily go tweeting
Technology does allow boundaries to be broken with no plan of what you are saying to whom and
and spread to be wider than ever before. Perhaps where? Technology is another tool, in the same way
an application that makes it easier to offset carbon print, out of home and broadcast are.
footprint, be aware of how much you are drinking. Yes it is vast, yes it is global, but if your message
Personalised support if you’re giving up smoking, or isn’t then a) why should you care b) why should
to be warned in the event of a flood. Social media they care. Social media needs to deliver more a
pages can become a hub for latest fashion trends, ‘ha ha that was good/funny/shocking’ it must have Vivid’s MD Rachel Emson says
entertainment or business news; they can save time, purpose. that social media still relies on
energy and improve knowledge & awareness in one Yes social media can be an incredible asset, creativity to be successful
10no bull guide MAR.05.10 THE DRUM
disruptive influence
The changing media environment means that our
brand toolkit has had to be restocked. Tools like
‘listening’ and ‘engaging’ are now more crucial to
the effective marketer than ever before. However,
argues Graham Freeman at Five By Five, social media
is not just about marketing, but about the way we
communicate across every part of our business.
he 60s and 70s were about products and
services marketed to ‘captive’ audiences “disruption of traditional marketing is just one way
in front of TVs watching set programmes that social media disrupts conventional brand
at set times. In the 80s and 90s, audiences
became segmented and brands gained
communication and in so doing necessitates different
balance sheet value. Then it all went digital with
attitudes and actions for brands to stay relevant. ”
access to information and on-line shopping. Now,
almost without us noticing, brands have gone social. In this environment social brands need to clearly
The trade-off for the exponential opportunity this differentiate through enduring compelling and
represents is loss of ability to control communication, true propositions; augmented by demonstrating
audiences and content. This is the new world we call openness, transparency and authenticity. Brand
social branding. currency is enhanced through detachable and user
Brands are still a central part of marketing generated content and uncontrollable user advocacy.
communications, so ‘sub-social’ brand investment Brand advocacy ‘people-powers’ social brands with
was worthwhile. But with everyone now contributing audiences, as if watching X-Factor, deciding whether
to brand reputation, good or bad, brand management propositions are really relevant – if not they bomb,
has become more complex, harder and uncertain. Graham Freeman, Brand Planner, Five by Five there’s nowhere to hide in this environment.
We have entered uncharted territory – so what’s in So let me ask again, what’s in your brand tool kit
our brand tool kit has to change too. ever, need to be relevant and be trusted, whenever now? If it’s anything like ours, along with traditional
Differentiating, compelling and true propositions, and wherever, passive or active, always reliable in marcomms it will include some new goodies; strategies
consistently delivered in often unknown touch- delivering and exceeding expectations, but never for managing online reputation and engagement
points in this social world, are constantly under ever inaccessible, with influencer networks, brand outposts to put the
the ‘authenticity’ microscope. This uncontrollable People are now only one click away from perfect brand where audiences are and social currency to
audience focus drives our need for careful strategic jobs, ideal products and damning reviews. ‘Brand make our brand valuable in a new world. It includes
navigation rather than tactical reaction, otherwise our utility’, where the brand creates something useful ‘listen and engage’ measurement tools with real-
brands risk disappearing into a dark hole of oblivion. to you, has created new dimensions of connecting time dashboard modelling to make sense of this new
Social brands are about conversations; listening, people with friends and others who work, study rich vein of engagement, guiding informed decision
engaging and managing reputation. Communications and live around them (e.g., making on our brand’s journey. Importantly, we will
have leaped from one way traditional campaigns to aggregating product offerings and simplifying include an engagement programme for internal as
infinite relationships. The iconic enabling symbol of complexity (e.g. or well as external audiences because social branding
our age is the iPhone; not just a cool looking device, providing personal choice (e.g.’s is not just about ‘marketing’ it is about the way we
it’s about connectivity. And ownership tells everyone access to instant, simple and free music access). communicate across every part of our business.
you inhabit the connected world. A world where our This disruption of traditional marketing is just one Like it or not, we’re all on this social brand journey
brands need to live. way that social media disrupts conventional brand and our success will rely on making informed choices
Connectivity has unleashed the powerful new communication models and in so doing necessitates enabling us to build social currency and become
concept of social branding and its impact has only different behaviours, attitudes and actions for brands trusted sources of engagement. Scary or exciting?
just begun! To survive, brands, now more than to stay relevant. You choose. It’s your social brand’s future.
THE DRUM MAR.05.10 no bull guide11
12no bull guide MAR.05.10 THE DRUM
Freestyle Interactive’s Andy Wood has learnt valuable lessons in social media having worked across a number of client campaigns in the last 12 months
social media activity, targeting keywords relevant and environments that are most relevant and comfortable a crisis management plan in place to deal with these
important to your brand. for them, which probably doesn’t mean the corporate issues can significantly limit the damage done.
Like any analytics software, in the right hands, it can website. But that’s ok, you need to worry more about Policy, procedures, content, a plan for where to post
revolutionise your understanding. But remember, data creating the right content, then finding the right social this content, as well as a good understanding of who
is not the same as intelligence. It’s crucial that what’s environments to put this content so that it reaches the should be doing what can save you days of negative
measured empirically is backed up with desk research right people. publicity. Also, remember it’s pretty hard to hide from
and is brought together with your business objectives Don’t worry if you don’t have a branded blog a genuine mistake when the weight of consumer voice
by those people who know your brand and customers environment, chances are it’s not what your audience is against you. I have to say in the majority of cases
best. Though tools and automation can help resource want from you anyway. Remember, the really exciting where social communities are listening to negative
your social media efforts, human input into this process opportunity here is getting to hear all those quiet commentary about a brand, and a good number are
is key. consumer voices that up until now have been largely joining in, there’s usually substance to the criticism. In
unheard, you just need to know where to look and how these situations honesty is often the best policy, admit
Create the debate to listen. your mistakes and most importantly deal with them and
Social media channels provide a great opportunity to most of your customers will understand.
kick start the debates that are important to your brand. Develop a crisis Ultimately you must remember, you really have no
But remember, you don’t always need to own the management plan choice but to engage, because with or without you
environment where the debate takes place. Corporate All brands are afraid of negative social commentary, these online conversations will continue to go on.
systems are like Milton Keynes, efficient on the face of and with good reason. As a global extension of the
it with lots of well thought out signposting, but pretty traditional peer group word of mouth that could make Andy Wood is a Director at Freestyle Interactive.
boring and uninspiring when you get right down to it. or break a brand, social media channels have the power He’s worked in the digital industry since 1997, in-
Companies don’t do social media, people do. Even to severely damage your reputation over night. house and agency side. His core responsibility is
when your CEO is talking as the face of your company, The viral effects of social channels are great when the development of digital strategy for clients and
it’s the man we’re all listening to and that’s fundamentally things are going your way, but when the brand chucks the continued development of the agency offering.
different to all the other marketing channels your out a poor product, or your service falls short of His special focus is centered on helping clients find
business uses. expectations, the same word of mouth can spread bad the most effective way to integrate digital marketing,
It’s important to remember that people want to interact news very quickly indeed, ask anyone Googling Toyota including the complexities of social media, into their
with people, not marketers, and they want to use the over the past two weeks! In these situations having wider marketing communications plans.
14no bull guide MAR.05.10 THE DRUM
Established in 1999, Equator is one of the UK’s leading full service digital marketing agencies. Its
award-winning creativity, blue chip marketing experience and technical expertise provides its
clients with a comprehensive skill set ranging from concept through to delivery. As a full service
digital agency Equator has the capabilities to offer its clients a completely integrated service. The
services that it offers span across many disciplines and are supported by a team that has the
expertise, depth of experience and proven track record to deliver results. With over 50 Employees
144 Elliot Street,
and a client base of both national and internationally recognised brands Equator’s reputation as a
Glasgow G3 8EX
leading digital agency is no surprise
CODE Computerlove
Manchester based Code Computerlove is one of the UK’s top independent digital marketing
Code’s social media services are an integral part of its brand communication strategies and
creative solutions for clients including Matalan, Durex, Original Source, Berghaus and First Group.
Its social media experts collaborate with planning, SEO, creative, user experience and delivery
teams to ensure its integrated campaigns travel through the social space for free and maximise Code Computerlove Ltd
the opportunities this interactive digital channel presents. Jutland House, 15 Jutland Street
The agency is also at the forefront of digital technologies, developing social networking Manchester M1 2BE
applications to enhance brands’ social presence.
T: +44 (0)161 276 2080
For more information visit W:
THE DRUM MAR.05.10 no bull guide15
Vivid is a boutique full-service creative agency delivering the big idea that works cross media;
• Planning and insights,
• Creative strategy, design & digital
• Campaigns that communicate above, below, on and through-the-line Vivid
We listen, question, understand, encourage & listen again. We create solutions. We change 5 Century Street, Deansgate Locks
perceptions. We drive actions to promote & position, products, places & policies Manchester M3 4QL
Our biggest asset is our clients! The clients that we love to work with and have been sharing happy T: 0161 819 5140
and successful campaigns with recently are; Northwest Regional Development Agency, Environment W:
Agency, Science in Sport, The Library Theatre Company, Smokefree North West, Our Life and Visit Email: [email protected]
Chester and Cheshire ( just to name a few!) Twitter: @vividmanchester
moolah is a results focussed social media agency from the Lucre PR Group. With experience
ranging across retail, travel, entertainment, financial services and telecoms, moolah is dedicated
to helping maximise the opportunities and ROI from social media channels. We work in a friendly,
easy-to-understand way that helps you clarify the best social media approach for your business.
With teams based in both London and Leeds we have clients across the UK.
To help you make more moolah why not give John a call on 07584 148169
or email him on [email protected].
T: 0113 243 6086
T: 07584 148169
E: [email protected]
Twitter: @johnrivers
five by five
Five By Five create content that engages people, because bold ideas make profitable brands.
Graham Freeman, brand planner at Five By Five’s role is to provide insight and strategic brand
positioning to guide our creative output. In his career Graham has worked on both sides of the Five by Five
Atlantic for national and international B2B and B2C clients including telecoms, financial services, 4&5 Grosvenor Square
retail and automotive. Graham’s agency history included Brand Union and Fitch both WPP Group Southampton SO15 2BE
companies where he worked on accounts for Motorola, Vodafone, Rolls Royce, Reuters, Corus,
Prudential, Vodafone and GNER. T: +44 (0)23 8082 8525
E: [email protected]
Twitter: @FbFdigital
freestyle interactive
Freestyle Interactive is one of the largest full service digital agencies in the UK, and the largest
in the Midlands. We bring together digital strategy and straight forward business logic to deliver
tangible results for businesses and brands. We provide strategic planning, creative design and
technical build across a full range of digital services. Freestyle Interactive
Harwoods House, Ashorne,
Warwickshire CV35 0AA