Sailendra Bhuyan
Sailendra Bhuyan
Sailendra Bhuyan
Focusing on the excellence in academics alone undoubtedly result in lopsided development of personality.
In order to bring about the improvement in the quality of education and the wholesome development of
the child, evaluation process should pay adequate importance on both scholastic and non-scholastic
areas of development. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) refers to a school based system
of assessment that covers all aspects of students development. It helps in improving student performance
by identifying his/her learning difficulties at regular intervals right from beginning of the academic
session and employing suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning performance. By
facilitating all round development of students, providing all the students the same opportunity to display
their individual potential, helping the teachers to realize the effectiveness of teaching learning process,
continuous and comprehensive evaluation technique proves to be boost to the students. At the same time it
also shows the shortcomings of the teachers. In this study an effort has been to analyse the present
position CCE in the secondary level in some selected English Schools.
Introduction: The purpose of evaluation is necessarily to improve the teaching learning process
and be able to review the objectives that have been identified for different school stages by
gauging the extent to which capabilities of the learners have been developed. It also points out
the abilities as well as shortcomings of the learners. Examination plays an important part in ones
educational career. The present examination system is predominately focus on the intellectual
MAR-APRIL 2016, VOL-3/23
Page 1742
skills mainly and the present society also supports it. The psychomotor and affective domains of
holistic learning have not received due importance. But the true aim of education is the balanced
development of the whole child. Holistic education demands development of all aspects of
individuals personality which includes cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. The life
of the students becomes very stressful in the present days because of excessive importance on
cognitive domain at the cost of affective and psychomotor domains. Teachers professional self
esteem, promotions etc. are measured with the scholastic achievements of the students.
Research Questions
Are the students who are studying in Private English Medium schools in Sivasagar
Is there any difficulty faced by the secondary level students studying in Private English
What are the views and opinions of the teachers working in Private English Medium
What are the difficulties faced by the teachers working in Private English Medium
To study opinions of the secondary level students about CEE studying in Private English
To study difficulties faced by secondary level students due to CEE who are studying in
To study the opinions of the teachers about CEE who are working in Private English
To study the difficulties faced by the teachers due to CEE who are working in Private
To suggest ways and means for further improvement of CEE in Private English Medium
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Sample: By using simple random technique 300 studying at the secondary level in Private
English Medium schools and 100 teachers working in Private English Medium schools in
Sivasagar District of Assam were selected from 10 schools for the study.
Tools Used for the Study: Two questionnaires, one meant for the teachers and the other for
students were used for the study. Before administering the Questionnaire, content validity was
established in consultation with experts.
Analysis of data: The Questionnaire were analysed with help of frequency and percentage.
Efforts were also made for qualitative analysis form the descriptive questions.
Findings of the study
89% students were in favour of CEE. The reasons for their support CEE are-
The students secure good complements from their parents, which was another reason.
11% students opined that the system of CEE creates ample pressure in their mind.
Students neither get extra time for themselves nor for their parents. They dont get extra
All the presentations, seminars and project works are time consuming and actually
A large number of home works reduces time for study, creates mental pressure, compels
to study only for marks, no time for play, always remain tired, do not get time for practicing
different hobbies.
The students are of the opinion that they get very less time for co-curricular activities. On
an average they get 15-20 minutes for it which they feel insufficient.
The teachers opined that due to CEE the students acquire more knowledge and they
It increases the level of concentration of students and make easy to comprehension the
The teachers get feedback and it becomes easy for them for remedial teaching.
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Under CEE, a student has to undergo a number of tests and through can rectify their own
After school hours also the teachers need to keep busy in evaluation works.
They dont get sufficient time for themselves because they need to check large number of
Due to pressure of too many tests and copy checking and very less number of off periods
provides them very less time for preparation for the class.
With regard to further improve of CEE according to teachers arei.
Too much burden should not be given to the students. There must be a proper planning
To break monotony to both teachers and students a variety of co-curricular activities need
to organize in schools.
The intake capacity in each class should be of optimum size so as to enable the teachers
upper Primary Schools of Kerala, MIER Journal of Educational Statistics, Vol.2, No.2.
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