The Bangladeshi English Essay Book (Robin Upton)
The Bangladeshi English Essay Book (Robin Upton)
The Bangladeshi English Essay Book (Robin Upton)
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Purpose........................................................................................................... 1
Introduction to Essay Books .......................................................................... 1
Impact of Essay Books ................................................................................... 2
Inaccuracy ...................................................................................................... 4
Grandiloquence/bombast (long words) .......................................................... 5
Exaggeration .................................................................................................. 6
Repetition ....................................................................................................... 7
Oversimplification /Over-Generalisation....................................................... 8
Obscurity/Obsolescence ................................................................................ 9
Waffle........................................................................................................... 10
Pointlessness ................................................................................................ 12
Tackling ‘Essay Book Style’........................................................................ 14
Introductions ................................................................................................ 15
Reasoning..................................................................................................... 16
Conclusions .................................................................................................. 17
Overcoming Bad Essay Writing Habits ....................................................... 18
Epilogue: In Praise of Banglish Essays........................................................ 19
Bibliography................................................................................................. 21
Appendix: Some Essays ............................................................................... 22
This paper is intended primarily for English teachers in Bangladesh who wish to improve their
students’ essay writing. After introducing Bangladeshi essay books, it describes their main flaws,
places them in context and suggests methods for helping students whose English has been affected.
Due to the high volume of errors in Bangladeshi Essays, this paper will not follow use ‘(sic.)’ to alert the reader to
deliberately quoted mistakes, since their prevalence would prove disturbing to the reader. Efforts have been made to quote
the Bangladesh essays faithfully, errors and all.
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Impact of Essay Books
Mass producing fixed length essays on a narrow set of topics may seem logical to the command
hierarchy of business, but such an activity undermines the essay as a means of self-expression by the
individual. The low quality, mass produced nature of most Bangladeshi Essay books does at least
warn the reader of the devalued and deadened the material they contain. Nevertheless, parents,
teachers and publishers alike encourage students to learn these essays by rote, especially for
examinations. Bangladeshi English exams typically ask for an essay of at least 200 words on one of
the standard essay book titles.
For students with a natural aversion to rote learning, books have a variety of other strategies to
encourage the use of essays as models. One such is to present questions and answers one below the
other, a common feature of Bangladeshi school textbooks:
“Write a paragraph about your idea of a good teacher. Think of a particular teacher you have
known. In your paragraph include the following points.
? Kescribe some of his qualities,
? specially his behaviour with the students,
? his general nature, and
? how he helps the students with their lessons
A good teacher is the person who is committed to work for building a nation. I know a good teacher
named Mr. N. Haq. His is B.A. B-Ed. He is fond of his young children. An ideal or a good teacher is
fond of his young learners and helpful to them in making their lesson interesting and preparing their
house work. He always keeps them busy in the class and helps them enjoying playful games too. He or
she advises them to follow the foot prints of the great mean. Teaching is a noble and honourable
profession and he lives ideal lives.
Note how the subject shifts from a particular teacher (supposedly chosen by the student) to the general
case of ‘an ideal teacher’. The real and the imaginary are blurred, a recurring phenomenon of
‘personal accounts’.
Another section of this book is entitled ‘Writing paragraph Using Key Words’:
Inclusion of the proper name ‘Kamal’ gives a clue as to the amount of personal input expected from
students. The ‘Accordance with the given model’ section demonstrates to students how to produce an
essay on a supposedly personal topic without making any semantic modification of one of the
prepared essays:
p.7 (Paragraph 13, My Idea Of A Good Teacher), Mannan
p.69 (Paragraph 20, Your best friend in Class), Mannan
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Read the following paragraph about “Kamal’s Hobby” and follow it to write a
paragraph about “Your Hobby”
My Hobby
I have a hobby my own. It is gardening. It is my favourite hobby. I spend my leisure time in my
garden. Every early in the morning I go to my garden. I loose the soil with a spade and weed out the
grasses and then I water the little plants. I also put fence around my garden so that children and
cattle can do no harm to the garden. Every morning my mind fills in joy to see the garden full of
various kinds of flowers. Besides, the work, which I do in my garden, helps to make my body
strong and active. 4
Repeated from an early age, such base exercises undermine students’ perception of essays, removing
the essential value from writing, degrading it to a purely technical exercise. Many students have a
similarly subverted perception of what it means to learn English – as an activity which requires no
creativity and offers no scope for self-expression. Although most essay books have a nominal
indication of the level, precious little difference is obvious aside from progression in vocabulary.
Unlike those from Kolkata 5 or further afield, the language and spelling of Bangladeshi essay books of
all levels is very variable, but even the most accurate are rife with minor errors such as misspelled
words, missing articles or capitals letters, incorrect pronouns etc. Such errors are normally referred to
as ‘careless mistakes’, although in this case they may stem from lack not only of care but also of
exposure to conventional English.
In the absence of access to material produced by native speakers6, ‘essay book style’ is an almost
universal feature of Bangladeshi students’ written English. It has a host of interrelated aspects, of
which we shall look in depth at the following:
• Inaccuracy
• Grandiloquence (big words)
• Exaggeration
• Repetition
• Oversimplification/Overgeneralization
• Obscurity/Obsolescence
• Waffle
• Pointlessness
p.87 (Accordance with Given Model 7 , From Kamal’s Hobby to my Hobby), Mannan
Whilst their style is reminiscent of Bangladeshi essay books, the grammar of those from Kolkata are far superior. Many
of them are often almost completely free of grammatical mistakes.
Internet usage rates in Bangladesh are very low but rapidly increasing. It will be interesting to see whether this will
significantly affect students’ English.
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The language and material of the essays suggests that some were originally written prior to the 20th
century. If re-copied every few years since then, this would amount to dozens of copyings, not
necessarily even by English speakers. Mistaken transcription and correction are a pair of processes
that, unchecked, gradually devolve essays to a lowest common denominator, explaining the
prevalence of errors, particularly spelling mistakes and the omission of small words etc.
The practice of writing a thing is a good way of knowing a subject and a language.
Because writing makes a man perfect.7
Perhaps the commonest errors in Bengali English are omitted articles or prepositions and incorrect
sentence formation (e.g. sentences starting with ‘And’, ‘But’ or ‘Because’). See the essay on ‘Value of
Time’ for a more spectacular demonstration of the same process.
Proofreading appears to be almost unknown. The complexity of grammar employed makes the
transcription process error prone:
All the greatmen of all ages earned name and fame by dint of perseverance. They might
have come out successful again and again, but they did not lose heart.9
Inaccurate transcription mutates words, as spelling errors are ‘corrected’ incorrectly. Sometimes it is
possible to guess the original text; ‘Boring’ was probably ‘boredom’ in the below, a very common
mistake in Bangladeshi English.
Mutation of words is not the only factor that creates contradictions. Crass oversimplification of is
another. The second sentence, below, probably once began with the word ‘avoiding’:
Unemployment is a great social evil. It is imperative for the peace and prosperity of social
Spellcheckers have sped up of the process of ‘correction’ of errors, and allowed it to be carried adding
another sort of error to the mix:
Measures should be taken against draught and heavy rainfalls. River beds should be
depend against floods.”12
Automated ‘correction’ forms an unholy alliance with unusual grammar and grandiloquent expression
to degenerate the original authors’ sentiment into a bizarre and tragic linguistic wreck.
p.36 (Essay 14, How To Learn English Well), Ullah
p.302 (Composition 26, The Flood Affected People of My Locality), Shahidul Islam
p.119 (Essay 113, Perseverance), Bhattacharyya & Hoque
p.192 (Essay 11, Television), Mannan
p.284 (Essay 91, Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh), Mannan
p.148 (Essay 139, Grow More Food), Bhattacharyya & Hoque
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“Seize the day”, cried Horace about two thousand years ago. But time and tide wait for
none. Time passes and passes. Nobody can stop time’s ever-busty frigate for even a second.
It passes away throwing everything into the dark mysterious cavern of the past. Yet, it can
be made full use of.13
Language learnt from essay books is used by subsequent generations of essay writers who have either
looked up the denotation or grasped it intuitively, but who have no sense of its connotations.
[Science] has given man various death-weapons like missiles, atomb bombs, various types
of fire-arms, modern fighter-planes and what not.14
The discussion on pointlessness mentions the topic of personal or commercial interests. Most
essayists, however, have an agenda which extends little further than the absolute necessity of school
and essay books, subservience to authority and discipline in general. This seems to affect a lot of they
write, even on apparently unrelated topics.
Physical exercise means the movement of the limbs with the help of rules.15
Facile topics in which the essayist is not really conveying any information promote sloppiness in
thinking, while an overemphasis on grammar and vocabulary inevitably mean that less attention is
paid to the exact meaning of what is written:
Atom and hydrogen bombs are invented with the use of nuclear energy.16
We are living in a fast changing environment. Everything old is being removed by the
mighty gust of remorceless change. If we, for relevant reasons, want to survive and
advance, we must keep up with the gorgeous procession of change toward ameleoration
and development.17
In one sense, of course, longer words do represent real progress – essay book users often have
surprising abilities at comprehension. However, this striving for an appearance of competence is a
cause of real problems. The long words in Bangladeshi Essay Books are often incorrectly spelled, of
inappropriately high register, or have other problems such as unwanted connotations. Such swollen
vocabularies often increase students’ comprehension at the expense of their ability to make
themselves understood in speech (or sometimes, even in writing). Such verbiage is of little use to
p.? (Value of Time?), Chowdhury & Hossain?
p.131 (Essay 29, Is Science A Blessing or Curse?), Zakir
p.32 (Paragraph 25, Physical Exercise), Shahidul Islam
p.568 ( The Wonders of Modern Science, The Blessings of Modern Science or Science in Everyday Life), Chowdhury &
p. 245 (Essay 65, Mass Media), Zakir
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those who flout conventions of grammar, collocation etc. At least as far as native English speakers are
concerned, those raised on grandiloquent essay books sometimes lack the ability to make themselves
understood not in spite of but because of their clumsily increased vocabularies.
[The teacher] dispels the darkness of ignorance from the minds of his students and
enkindles the light of education in them.18
What is merely bizarre or quaint in written form can be unintelligible in speech, where foreign accents
also hamper comprehension19. Whilst its effect on learners is mixed, grandiloquence is worse for the
essays themselves, where it is frequently used to conceal other problems such as the shallowness or
partisan nature of arguments.
The path of success and victory is not only steep but also difficult and thorny. It is the
crushed flower that gives forth the richests, sweetest, and rarest fragrance. pangs,
sufferings, misfortunes and adversities sublimate our soul and ripen our judgement.20
Some of the essayists are so poetic that to try to look too hard for logic may be to fundamentally
misunderstand them, just as certain plot devices require a suspension of disbelief. Many essays are
bombastic throughout, but especially so in the prescriptive rhetoric of conclusions.
Everyone should keep himself aloof from inhuman, unsocial, irreligious works. Unlawful
activities should be discouraged from all walks of life. The lady killer or lady hunter should
be severely punished and fined at any cost. Everybody’s target should be to build up a fine
heritage of lofty idealisms.21
Exaggeration sometimes occurs almost accidentally from the casual use of language:
It is often mixed with over-generalisation in a desperate effort to add interest to the bland essays on
uninspiring topics.
Whilst obvious out of context, wild exaggeration is a natural property of the oversimplification and
bombast that is such a common feature of Bangladeshi essays. It is common at the end of paragraphs,
as if the writer uses the preceding sentences to work himself up into a fervour, and especially common
in concluding statements of an essay.
p.? (?), Chowdhury & Hossain?
The commonest sound in English, the schawa, is unknown to most Bangladeshis, in whose language it does not feature.
p.329 (Essay 163, Sweet are the uses of Aversity), Rohel
p.235 (Essay 115, Violence Syndrom in the World), Rohel
p.252 (Essay 17, Air Pollution), Bhattacharyya & Hoque
p.43 (Essay 24, The Use of Radio in our Day to Day Life), Ullah
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With the help of computer we can solve any complex problem within a minute or two. In
our modern life we canno’t think of a day without it. It is not a fashion but a necessity.24
It is at its most pronounced when advancing the interests behind the essay books, such as the necessity
of obedience to the social order in general, and the importance of school in particular.
Patriotism is pure love. It is more than human love for other individual human beings. 25
Of all the stylistic weaknesses of essay book style, repetition is the most obvious for Bangladeshis to
spot and the easiest for them to correct. The more repetitive an essay is, the easier it is to learn off by
heart, so the more popular with students and teachers alike. Like waffle, repetition stems mainly from
the artificial construct of having to write a minimum number of grammatically correct words, of never
being corrected on style, and of having nothing of moment to say in the first place.
Tutul, you want to start a poultry farm. So you have to do something to start a poultry farm.
At first you should take a training on poultry farm. There are many training centre under
the “Juba Unnayan Sangstha”. You may visit one of those. Then you have to manage some
money for attending the training. Next you will need some more money to start a poultry
farm and then you may contact with the Agricultural bank for a loan. After that you can
start a poultry farm with the money given by the Agricultural bank. Finally, after
establishing you poultry farm up to a good position you have to pay the loan.26
Repetition is rarely as blatant as the above. In fact, grandiloquent paraphrasing is often used to hide it
from the uncritical reader. Occasionally however, entire sentences are repeated verbatim in the course
of an essay. Such cases of provide a useful chance to check the accuracy of the copying; note below
how careless transcription has changed ‘lost time’ at the first mention into ‘loss time’ in the second,
and a comma has mutated into a full stop:
We can make up the loss of money by industry, the loss of health by medicine, but the loss
of time is never found again. Everybody ought to make proper use of time. Because lost
time is never found again. We can make up the loss of money by industry, the loss of health
by medicine. But loss time is never found again. An active man is conscious of the proper
use of time. It is sure that he who makes proper use of time is sure to prosper in life. We
should not misuse time. Because the misuse of time would be a great loss for life. We must,
therefore, make the right use of time. Success in life depends on the right use of time. An
industrious man, who does not loss time, is sure to reach of the goal of life.27
Repeated words or syllables, such as shonge shonge, khaowar daowar or fushpush are a regular and
welcome part of the melody of Bengali, so the native speaker may well not realise that such
repetitions usually create a negative impression in English. The desire to pack sentences with long
words naturally leads to complicated and repetitive expression of simple ideas:
Bangladesh can never develop with her rural areas undeveloped or underdeveloped.28
p.21 (Essay 47, Learning Computer Education), Shahidul Islam
p.74 (Essay 12, Patriotism), Zakir
p.96 (Methodological Paragraph 13, Training on a Poultry Farm), Mannan
p.196 (Value of Time), Mannan
p.? (Development of Bangladesh?), Zakir Hasan?
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Oversimplification /Over-Generalisation
Complex issues are best discussed with language capable of framing debate and communicating
chains of thought in sufficient detail. Doing this in simple sentences is not easy. To argue that the
language itself presents sufficient challenge, and that young learners should not also be presented with
interesting content at the same time is to believe that the two can successfully be separated.
Tree plantation means planting trees more and more. Trees are very essential for our
existence. We cannot think of our existence without trees. Trees are closely related with our
life. They are our best friends. They help us in many ways. They are a great source of food,
vitamins and furniture. They go a long way to solve our economic crisis.29
The depth of discussion which can be undertaken in only a couple of hundred words is necessarily
limited. Moreover, from the publishers’ point of view, the best essays are ones that can be presented
to any age group, perhaps explaining the facile nature of so many of the arguments.
When there is no hope left for the young, they generally become addicted to drugs for
temporary pleasure. It carries them to an unreal world of dreams. But slowly it leads them
to death. As a result a large number of the rosy possibilities of our young are nipped in the
bud. Moreover, the addict often feels drowsy and loses appetite. It may also damage their
brains and all the internal functions of their body and ultimately lead them to death.30
Publishers naturally prefer essays they can sell to as wide a range of people as possible and that do not
go out of date, so the general is preferred to the specific, the timeless to the ephemeral. In a country in
which few have faith in the justice system to protect them31, it is also important not to make powerful
enemies, so the few essays on contemporary or specific topics generally treat them in a highly
superficial fashion. Throughout these essays, obeisance is made to authorities of all kinds.
Controversy is eschewed; platitudes abound such as the necessity of avoiding AIDS, of loving ones
country or maintaining economic growth at all costs.
There is no man in this world but love his country. The man who has no love and regard
for his motherland is called a traitor. So we should love our country.32
Essays bereft of both details and opinions are barely worthy of the name. A desire to cover over their
flawed nature may help to explain why the creators of essay books (and of exams) include a lot of
desperately general topics, such as ‘Honesty’, ‘Hobbies’ or ‘The Value of Time’. Many essays are
infested with exaggerated generalisations, particularly in the introduction and concluding paragraphs:
Aim is a target. None can reach his destination without it. So everyone should consider the
pros and cons of everything before determining to choose any profession because man’s
future course of action depends entirely on his right choice.33
Exaggeration and oversimplification often seem to stem from wishful thinking on the part of the essay
writer, desperate to drum up passion about the hackneyed topics on which he has to write.
p.528 ( Tree Plantation), Chowdhury & Hossain
p.? (Drugs?) ,?
Bangladesh has been consistently last in the last few years in Transparency International’s ‘Perception of Corruption’
index, indicative of how likely people think they are to have a fair trial.
p.? (Patriotism? ), ?
p.312 (Essay 154, AIDS – A deadly Disease), Rohel
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Only students can make a nation great.34
The Bangladeshi talent for wishful thinking is even more important in essay books than in their
society; it replaces with equal efficacy arguments that are non-existent and those that are too lengthy
or complex for inclusion.
But if there were only one main goal of everyone – world-peace, then there would actually
be peace. No matter whatever the difference between various systems or philosophical
beliefs, we can all easily disregard it for a greater peaceful world. We have to ensure non-
proliferation and tolerance.35
The necessity of compulsory schooling is certainly the most frequent, but not the only agenda
advanced by the grossly simplistic arguments presented in essay books.
As most of the villagers are illiterate, they have no knowledge of health and sanitation.36
Both the information and its expression are often antiquated, perhaps going back as far as a hundred
years or more. The linguistic historian could find the provenance of Bangladeshi essay books to be a
topic worthy of investigation.
My final examination is knocking at the door. I am taking preparation in full swing. But
load shedding is hampering my study.37
A few books contain essays on modern topics such as Winter of 2003 in Bangladesh or Bangabandhu
Bridge39, but most are made up of older stock topics. Although the essays on stock topics are rewritten
to provide at least the pretence of being up to date, their antiquity is blatant on occasion.
Television is one of the latest inventions of modern science. The British Scientist J. L.
Baird invented it in 1926. It has given the world a new dimension in every sphere of life. It
is the most up-to-date means of broadcast.40
Determination to avoid obsolescence is itself damaging to essay book style, since it no doubt
contributed to the deliberate removal of any contemporary data. Where this is included, it naturally
becomes outdated.
p.54 (Essay 43, Duties of Students), Ullah
p.165 (Essay 39, War and Peace), Zakir
p.598 ( Rural Development), Chowdhury & Hossain
p.70 (Paragraph 57, Load Shedding Is A Curse To The Examinees), Shahidul Islam
p.263 (Essay 132, Evils Of Drinking), Rohel
This bridge across the Ganges was completed in 1998
p.31 (Essay 68, Television), Ullah
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Now the world has a population of about five hundered crores41.
Some material in essay books has been archaic for decades. Since the target customers are illiterate
Bengali parents or apathetic school authorities, book publishers may simply have decided that archaic
material is unlikely to discourage potential purchasers. However, the comparative rarity of such
material and the token efforts made at modernization of the content suggest that those who reprint
essay books may simply have failed to notice the obsolescence of some of the material.
In England there are poor law institutions maintained by the community. Those, who are
rendered unfit for work and have none to support, are removed to charitable institutions
like the Parish houses generally attached to the church and kept there as a charge on
society. There are vagrancy laws that make begging by the able-bodied, is a punishable
Lacking proper understanding of the texts, essay book compilers have a difficult job. If they adopt a
policy of never getting texts updated, all but the most general of essays become outdated. Conversely,
updating them too frequently is also unwise; like the incorrect ‘correction’ of spelling mistakes,
essays are sometimes updated so incoherently that the updating process decreases their relevance still
Where can we hunt the elusive golden-deer of peace? When we look at the developed countries, we
have little hope seeing that they are being tickled by arms-competition. 44
The minimum length requirement, artificial essay topics, lack of personal commitment and the quest
for an appearance of competence all contribute to students having not much to say but having many
words with which to so it, ensuring the ubiquity of waffle. Sentences tangential to the topic are
sometimes inserted from other essays:
…The country roads get covered with mud and many of them turn impossible. Outdoor
games and activites become difficult. My feeling was wonderful when I was thoroughly
drenched. Life in a Bangladeshi village is, as a rule, dull and monotonous. The village
people are simple, religious and conservative. They do not like to change with the changing
condition of the world. The villagers may be classified under three main heads the rich, the
middle-class and the poor labouring class.45[Italics added]
p.576 ( Population Problem of Bangladesh), Chowdhury & Hossain. [500 Crores = 5 billion]
p.193 (Essay 94, Beggars and Begging), Rohel
p.584 (Coumputer), Chowdhury & Hossain
p.164 (Essay 39, War & Peace), Zakir
p.30 (Paragraph 24, The Rainy Season), Shahidul Islam
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Blatant waffle, like blatant inaccuracy, is relatively easily highlighted and removed. In the long term,
the native speaker may be more upset by the constant low level of waffle, like an aggravating
background noise. The following introduction may illustrate this point:
Traffic jam is a common affair in the big cities and towns. It is one of the major problems
of modern time. The causes of traffic jam are many.46
Its effectiveness is bolstered in the context since it precedes a list of causes of traffic jams. It is not
waffle in the sense of off topic material that has been added. The regular reader of Bangladesh essays
will recognise it as one of the typical introduction formulae: “X is a common affair in Y. X is a major
{problem, blessing,…}. The {causes, kinds…} of X are many.” Much of what seems like waffle is a
necessary consequence of such an impoverished approach to essay writing – one that is fostered not
only by the formulaic nature of the essays themselves, but directly encouraged by the ‘Accordance
with the given model’ section shown above.
Wordiness abounds. Essays are replete with redundant words: ‘Summer season’ replaces ‘Summer’,
‘red colour’ replaces ‘red’, ‘big in size’ instead of ‘big’ etc. Unnecessarily verbose and obscure
grammatical forms are used when simpler alternatives exist.
Goats are small but of various kinds and colour. They are black, brown and of mixed
colours. They are two kinds in sex – he goat and she-goat.47
Many essays shun pronouns, linking phrases, and other ways of improving readability that might
damage the all important word count.
People who live in our society are known as neighbours. They are not alike. Some of my
neighbours are rich, some are poor; some are educated and some are illiterate. Their
occupations are not also alike. There are some government employees, teachers, doctors in
our village. Some of my neighbours are farmers, some are businessmen and some of them
are day labourers.48
As with repetition, a good strategy for tackling waffle is to ask the students to translate their essays
into Bengali – or even better to do it yourself, if possible. Sometime this has evoked gales of laughter,
indicating that students correctly identified the wasted words.
We can further explore the uses of adversity in life. The world is very complicated. Our
interaction with the society and the environment is, consequently, vary sophisticated. Here,
we must proceed towards the future in light of the experience we gathered in the past. A
complete stranger in any time-bound socio-political system cannot but get shocked at the
crudeness of reality. That is why one needs to bravely face – and, if possible, overcome –
adversities. The manly confrontation of what we call adversity give us experience and
strength. Such experience produces in us an awareness of what may occur in life. Thus we
can get prepared in advance to take the challenge of any incident that may come later. The
result is inevitable; we can adapt ourselves to any kind of situation. 49
Waffle cannot be explained as wandering off the topic without assuming that some of the essay at
least has a coherency and purpose from which to wander. It is intimately connected to my deepest
p.270 (Essay ?, Traffic Jam), Chowdhury & Hossain
p.228 (Essay 112, Goats in Poverty Alleviation), Rohel
p.28 (Paragraph 50, Your Neighbours), Mannan
pp.257-258 (Essay 69, Sweet are the Uses of Adversity), Mannan
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personal objection to the Bangladeshi essays: their pointlessness. The truth is that language is used
largely for appearance’s sake, with an exceedingly casual relationship to reality. The essay above
The conducive effect of the experience of adversities extends itself to national life as a
whole. History promulgates the extraordinary success of those nations which have
undergone harsh realities and bravely faced them. It is, undoubtedly, their brave
confrontation of the adversities that has made them fit for the sweet results they are
enjoying now. 50
The frequency with which they state the obvious suggests that sentences are included to exemplify the
meaning of new words and phrases. As scaffolds on which to hang new words and phrases, essays are
basically exercises in language for its own sake.
Ours is a happy family and I wish it to prosper day in and day out.51
With no clear target audience, they are a monologue straight from the students to the classroom
dustbin. It is surely no coincidence that while most students are very interested in their marks, few are
interested in receiving essays back. Outside of the academic framework they have no purpose at all.
Even within it, since only grammar is marked, their meaning is utterly irrelevant. This, I believe,
teaches students a lesson more fundamental and more disturbing that the stylistic issues highlighted
above, any of which can be corrected for – or at least overlooked. It teaches them that they have
nothing to say which is of interest. It teaches them that writing essays is, in a word, pointless.
Of course the essay books themselves have a point, or they would not be produced and sold. The
interests of the following groups are all reflected in the Bangladeshi essay books:
Party Interest
Original authors (19 Century?) Moral education/indoctrination
Publishers/later authors/copiers Easy money
Officialdom in General Indoctrination of subservience
Fluent English Users Preservation of privilege
Advertisers Access to youngsters
Examiners Control, Ease of examination
Teachers Ease of teaching/marking
Parents Perceived benefit for children
Children Simplistic learning, Feeling of progress
The provenance of many of these essays is an interesting topic of investigation. The morally
improving subject and archaic turns of phrase suggest that a comparison of with UK essay books from
the Victorian era might prove informative. The titles of many of the essays give a clue to their original
purposes, as tools to instil upright thoughts in young minds: What I did for The Poor Villagers Last
Year, Humanity is a Great Virtue.
p.258 (Essay 69, Sweet are the Uses of Adversity), Zakir
p.52 (Essay 39, My Family), Ullah
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Obedience to officially sanctioned authorities is lauded in general, especially to school and country.
Topics include Necessity of Learning English, How to Become A Good Student, Obedience to Parents.
I love all the teachers and students of my class. I enjoy all the periods of my class. I also
love the environment and situation of my classroom. To me my classroom is the best one. I
must be aware about the rules and regulations of the class all the time.52
Whether or not the emphasis on discipline and moral improvement had the desired effect on the
children and on society at large, it seems to have made a deep impression on the writers (and re-
writers) of essay books. Essays are often imbued by crude but fervent, even fanatical efforts to imbue
students with a love of regularity, obedience and discipline.
If I want to prosper in life I must follow a daily time-table. Every human being has a daily
time-table of work. He should do my daily duties regularly. Nobody can prosper in life
without a time-table. I am a student of class ix. I want to do something special in my life, so
I follow a time-table regularly.53
During the time of British rule, fluency in English was a ticket to wealth and status for the Bengalis
who possessed it. What is more, it could also be passed down so descendants could also enjoy
privileged access to foreigners, provided of course that the skill did not become too widespread.
Whilst the precise political circumstances of Bangladesh have undergone violent change repeatedly
since the end of colonial rule, the basic pattern remains. Foreign favour is limited and extremely
lucrative, explaining some parties’ satisfaction with the current nature of Bangladeshi essay books.
Whilst the large vocabulary used allows hard working students to understand English instructions, the
practice of rote learning inaccurate essays hampers fluent self-expression in English whilst
undermining the desire to do so.
The inclusion of advertisers in the list of interested parties is admittedly somewhat speculative, but
would explain the appearance amidst some more traditional essays of a few highly partisan
paragraphs on such as Fantasy Kingdom, or How My Family Are Benfitted by NGO.
Memorising essays is a small but indicative part of the modern Bangladeshi school system, which is
rife with ‘opportunities for advantage’. Centring teaching on essay books opens up rich room for
discussion about which books, as well as decreasing the standard of English required for teachers, thus
increasing the options for who can be appointed whilst boosting demand for private coaching.
English amongst parents is rarely sufficient to allow them to appreciate the shortcomings of
Bangladesh essay books. Those with knowledge of English have little idea of niceties such as
collocation, connation or stylistic points. However, Bengali has a huge vocabulary, so familiarity with
long words and phrases is a skill that is well understood by Bangladeshi children, parents and
examiners alike. Even illiterate parents can tell the difference between short or long words, so to the
uncritical eye, Bangladeshi essay books appear to offer sufficient progression in teaching. They
represent a ‘lowest common denominator’ of English teaching.
Bangladeshis set great store by English, and essay books are firmly established in the popular
understanding as an important route to this exclusive skill. It is most unfortunate that their users have
no way of knowing the extent to which they mangle and abuse the conventions of English as used
outside of Bangladesh, or the extent to which they eclipse the most important function of essay
writing – developing the capacity for critical thinking and independent self-expression.
p.308 (Composition 28, My Classroom), Shahidul Islam
p.222 (?), Chowdhury & Hossain
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Tackling ‘Essay Book Style’
A good first step is to awaken students to the shortcomings of essay books. Flawed though they are,
the level of English in Bangladesh essay books often exceeds that of the teachers who rely on them, so
while aware of the occasional grammatical error, few students have any idea just how riddled with
mistakes most of the books actually are. Even more seriously, stylistic points are almost never picked
up on, at least at the school level. They could not be, since the majority of teachers, reared on essay
books themselves, are totally unaware of them.
By contrast, there is a lot of awareness of the problems of learning by heart, and of an exam-based
curriculum, as witnessed by the below essay from an essay book:
English that most students learn is very poor. Various studies have shown that most
university students of the country cannot write even a good paragraph in English… The
traditional curriculums of all levels up to the university are poorly constructed. Students
aim to pass rather than learn. Methods of student evaluation also lack merit because they
discourage learning and encourage selective memorizing.54
Students who have spent a lot of effort memorising Bangladeshi essays may feel a commitment to
them, so sensitivity is required when raising the issue of their shortcomings. Ironically, you may find
the traditional Bengali notion that ‘today’s teacher is always right’ gives you authority to challenge
these sacred cows. However, do not underestimate the difficulty of awakening the scepticism and
critical thinking needed to overcome years of indoctrination and begin to see essay books in a new
light. Memorising essays maybe as boring as it is demeaning, but it is also not intellectually
An adept choice of topics should help lead students away from old habits of relying on stock formulae
from half-remembered essays. The range of essay book titles is not broad, so familiarising yourself
with it should help you avoid inadvertently setting a trap for your students by giving them a topic
reminiscent of one they have learnt off by heart. In general, personal and contemporary topics are
more likely to lead them away from regurgitation of old material and towards the potentially exciting
new area of their own creative thinking.
pp.296-297 (Essay 84, The Status of Teaching and Learning English in Bangladesh), Zakir
The same essay claims that “lakhs [100,000’s] of coaching centres… are offering various courses in English.”
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The general approach of the Bangladeshi essay book separates the form of essays from their function.
One reflection of the essential pointlessness of these essays is the stilted nature of their introductions.
With no target audience, ‘introducing the topic’ becomes a nonsense. A standard recourse exists for
topics which consist of more than one word. This is to fall back on a trivial syntactic discussion:
This formula for padding out introductions is standard, even if it has minimal explanatory power or if
the meaning of the topic has already been clearly explained.
A reading room plays a vital role in the life of an educated person. Specifically, it is
mostly essential for the students. Without a reading room, a student cannot go on
studying in a planned manner.
Now, what is a reading room? A reading room is a specially separate room for a learner
where he can persue his studies to meet his thirst of knowledge.
The importance of a reading room cannot be denied. Reading makes a man perfect. And
it is the reading room that parves the way for studies, studies instill in human being the
quality of humanity. Without humanity a man is not a man in the reaj sense of the term.
So, a reading room for every human being is a must.58
This bombast covers over the waffle that besets these essays. Whilst lacking somewhat in coherence,
such introductions do at least give a flavour of the peculiar style that is to follow.
The world is a global village. It has an environment with many disasters. Human beings
are members of this globe. They want to have their suitable, natural and happy existence
here in the global world. The threat is prodigious that a singl country cannot tackle it.
The world is well aware of it and various measures are under way to cope up with any
unforeseen disaster.59
To the native speaker, such a formulation is as pompous and clichéd as it is unclear, but to an
audience of aspiring young English students, schooled on essay books and hungry to increase their
vocabulary, it is right on target.
p.16 (Paragraph 28, A Winter Morning), Mannan
p.19 (Paragraph 24, Load Shedding), Mannan
p.? (Essay?, Reading Room? ), Chowdhury & Hossain?
p.273 (Essay 136, A Threat to Global Security), Rohel
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Bangladeshi Essay books make efforts to follow the external appearance of English essays, whilst the
reality of their substance is often degraded. The convention of writing in paragraphs, for example, is
obeyed, but the paragraphs themselves often lack both coherence and logic. This aspect of essay book
style is so insidious that heavy exposure to essay books can render the native speaker almost
insensitive to it, since the natural tendency is to adjust ones expectations. One Bangladeshi
commentator makes the following helpful, if exaggerated remark about his compatriots’ style: When
they write any composition, they simply heap up their sentences in a jumbled way. As a result, their
composition always lacks in coherence. In fact, a composition is not a haphazard string of unrelated
AIDS is spreading like jungle fire all over the world and is taking its toll. The youngsters
of today are getting themselves addicted to drugs and pre-marital sex. Women are also
falling victims to this fatal and deadly disease for illegal sexual intercourse with others.
Lack of sexual knowledge is also responsible for AIDS. It is hard to cure AIDS.61
Sometimes the essayist’s craft is so debased that it is hard to tell whether or not a logical argument is
actually being put forward.
Trees have a great impact on climate. A country needs trees to ensure a cool and healthy
climate for her people. They induce rains and prevent air pollution. An area devoid of
forests and trees will go barren and turn into a desert in course of time.62
Other essays have a much more fluent structure of reasoning, with sentences that flow together and
even exhibit some notion of balance, or of a connection between syntax and semantics. The following
example is one such, most unusual in its convincing use of a rhetorical question:
Naturally, man is thirsty for peace. He believes in peace. Yet why do ways take place. Yet
why do wars take place? Maybe man acquired some amount of beastliness from the
struggles he had to do with wild animals and natural calamities in the ancient times. Or
maybe some people are inherently beastlike by birth. But whatever the reason, though they
want to disguise their beastlike nature under the costumes of modern education etiquettes
and modesty, their real nature at times get disclosed. Then we see the primitive
intransigent beast in him. Such people are always fond of destruction games. And war is an
inevitable consequent of their wilful thoughts and desires.63
Unusual fluency of sentences notwithstanding, one senses that the author may be less concerned with
expounding a logical argument than with the use of language for its own sake. This is a recurring
theme of the Bangladeshi essay.
p.i (Preface), Jaharul Islam
p.313 (Essay 154, AIDS – A deadly Disease), Rohel
p.50 (Composition 36, The Importance Of Trees In Our Life), Ullah
p.163 (Essay 59, War and Peace), Zakir
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Bengali culture does not favour the admission of failure or ignorance, so it is unsurprising that
reservations are unusual and open questions are extremely rare in Bangladeshi essays. As a
consequence, wishful thinking and – sometimes charmingly naïve – oversimplifications abound in the
concluding sections of essay books.
Only a few steps can save the country from the curse of traffic jam. By appointing more but
sufficient traffic police, applying strict traffic rules, allowing licenced vehicles and expart
drivers, making sufficient road, traffic jam can be solved.64
Echoing the essays themselves, conclusions are definitive and display an optimistic mood. No story is
too complex to be told within a couple of pages, no mystery too difficult to be solved. The preferred
content for conclusions is a summary of opinions to be held and actions to be performed. The
traditional style is so bombastic as to be more reminiscent of political rhetoric, as if the writer were
concluding a rousing speech, exhorting listeners to selfless furtherance of the greater good.
To conclude the roles of women in child development are crying needs. So they should be
allowed to develop themselves and their posterity will take over the reigns of the land and
the nation. We can under no circumstances neglect or deny the role of a woman in child
development. 65 [Italics added – ending in the title of the essay is a common cadence.]
Such admonishments are rarely found at the end of simple personal accounts, where generalisation
provides an alternative to such opinionated rhetoric. Summarising the main body of the essay is less
important than the use of climactic language. The ‘Journey By Bus’ essay starts with the claim that
“Bus is a wonderful invention of science and technology66” but provides no further reference to this
until the conclusion:
A journey by bus is both interesting and pleasing. It is not so costly. It is the speedy vehicle
on land. People can go to their goals so easily by bus. It is a blessing of science. However,
the impact of the journey will remain ever fresh in my mind.67
Their occurrence as titles of other essays explains the writers’ predilection for certain words and
phrases. Conclusions, alas, are not free of the low level of waffle that is such a feature of Bangladeshi
It is the loveliest of all the seasons, so visiting my village during the rainy season I enjoyed
a journey by boat from one place to another.68 [Italics added]
The final sentence of conclusions is somewhat less random than the others. Bangladeshi English
letters use a range of highly formal (and generally archaic) structures, and are often in the same books
as English essays. The assumption therefore, that essays must be concluded in a similarly formulaic
fashion is as natural as it is fallacious.
This visit to the moon will remain refresh in my memory for ever.69
p.270? (Essay ?, Traffic Jam) , Chowdhury & Hossain?
p.246 (Essay 121, The Role of Women in Child Development), Rohel
p.15 (Essay 8, A Journey by Bus), Rohel
p.16 (Essay 8, A Journey by Bus), Rohel
p.31 (Paragraph 24, The Rainy Season), Shahidul Islam
p.2 (Paragraph 1, Visit to the Moon), Shahidul Islam
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The most common concluding sentence for personal narrative is about how fresh the memory will
stay in the writer’s mind.
The journey in my heart I bore. It gave me much pleasure. It was one of the most
memorable days in my life indeed.70
Minor variations on this theme are allowed. The next essay in the book features a token effort in this
The journey in my heart I bore. It gave me much pleasure. It gave me much pleasure.
Indeed it was one of the most memorable days in my life.71
One positive side effect of emphasising accuracy is that this may serve to stem writers’ love of
grandiloquence. This, together with exaggeration stems in part from frustration with the menial
nature of the task, from its essential pointlessness. Escaping somewhat from the academic framework
is absolutely necessary here; if the work done has no function external to the student-teacher
relationship, its artificiality will inevitably frustrate any efforts to imbue it with real meaning. The
phrase ‘target audience’ is almost unknown, but will occur naturally once work done is enlivened
with any purpose other than mere training and grading of students. Since this requires relationships
with life outside of the educational institution, systematic advice on this would be unhelpful. Instead, I
offer an example: I encouraged my students to develop material of practical benefit for foreigners, so
that I could post it on the Internet72.
When writing from personal experience, students rarely use obsolete language, whilst obscurity too is
not a great problem if they maintain an awareness of writing for a particular purpose, rather than
writing for its own sake.
If motivated to do so, such as by imposing a maximum word limit, repetition is one of the easiest
problems for students to detect and tackle. The need to combine repetitive sentences can provide a
good motivation for grammatical teaching, giving students practical techniques with which to start to
overcome bad habits. Waffle is another obvious consequence of the minimum word limit, so a natural
approach is to set a maximum rather than a minimum length (provided, of course, that the problem of
pointlessness has been tackled).
Careful, critical reading exposes the oversimplification and overgeneralization in which so many
Bengali essays are steeped. The essays are especially dishonest about schooling and order in general,
so a couple of more crass examples should serve to alert students to the need to correct such problems
in their own writing.
p.564 ( A Journey by Boat), Chowdhury & Hossain
p.565 ( A Journey by Train), Chowdhury & Hossain
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The lives of all great men teach us to be punctual and do our respective duties in proper
Such habits will undoubtedly persist as long as students aim to write essays not to accurately reflect
reality, but to cover over its less palatable aspects. These matters are far from straightforward.
Bengalis may be slow to grasp that whilst it may be embarrassing to admit that a truth is of limited
use, it is still generally preferred in English essay writing that making exaggerated claims of its
The language of qualification is an essential tool to accompany such critical thinking. If they can
begin to say ‘one reason’ instead of ‘the reason’, and to insert warning phrases such as ‘mostly’,
‘generally’ etc. students are a long way towards tackling problems of oversimplification and sweeping
generalisation so common in their essays.
My village is not an ideal village, but day by day its economic and socio-cultural
conditions are improving. The memory of my childhood is inseparably tied with every
aspect of that village, especially with the nourishing nature and tonic environment. That is
why I love it with all its people very much. Above all, it is part of my life. 74
The shortcomings of the essay books all have their counterparts. Misspellings, for example, are only
misspellings by dint of newfangled notions that words have to be spelled in one way75. Similarly, the
oversimplification and inaccuracy of the Bangladeshi reflects a different world; the Western techno-
civilization project, to the Bengali, is needlessly complex and accurate. Some of the language in essay
books is as creative and florid as it is superfluous, so its blanket condemnation as ‘waffle’ would be
narrow minded and overly utilitarian.
Just as surely as they shape the English of the next generation of Bangladeshis, essay books
communicate the worldviews of the previous one. A collection of essay books of various vintages
would reward the socio-linguist. The modifications made by Bengalis to texts originally written by
English native speakers could provide a rich resource of information from which to observe a fusion
of two cultures.
The devoted visitor to Bangladesh will know of her people’s ability to sing about life, to experience it
in a more visceral, less cerebral fashion than the typical Westerner. Whilst not easily captured in
words at all, older rather than more modern English is certainly better suited for the task.
It came into my sight that many other big and small birds were singing to greet the spring
morning; with that melodious sound was mixing the rhythmic beats of the coconut leaves
p.? (Essay?, Punctuality), Chowdhury & Hossain
p.90 (Essay 16, My Village), Zakir
In Bengali, quite a lot of words have two or more common spellings, just as they used to in English in centuries past.
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that were blithely quivering in the air. I realized the truth that spontaneity has a specific
rhythm and rhyme of its own, and that natural emotion has a normal playful pace, though it
behaves like a wayward butterfly flying in a not-so- strong whirlwind. I realized that it is a
pleasure to sing out in unison with nature’s concert. I was beyond myself with ecstatic
I was only moving my eyes around, spell-bound, New sight adorned the environment all
around. There was a jovial vivacity in the eyes. I saw that innumerable bees were sharing
amorous hugs with thousands of wild flowers. Will they only gather honey today? No.
Perhaps some purposeless merry-making tickled them much during that golden morning.76
Amidst the poorly printed, inaccurately copied pages of Bangladeshi essay books lurk thoughts that
are unusual, even fey to the Western mind. The English essay books of Bangladesh can never be fully
understood in Western terms, and such a claim would be unworthy. Like the Banglish language itself,
they have become a law unto themselves.
pp.188 (Essay, A Spring Morning), Zakir
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1. The Status of Teaching and Learning English in Bangladesh, Zakir Hussain
3. Selected Essays for Stedents of Degree (Pass and Subsidiary) O Level, Intermediate and BCS
Exams (S.M. Zakir), 4th Edition, September 2003, Gyankosh Prokashoni, Dhaka
4. Selected Essays for Advanced Learners (Md. Safiur Rahman), 2nd Edition, October 2004,
Rohel Publications, Dhaka.
5. Computer 300 Words Compositions, Letters & Unseens for classes IX-X (M. Shahidul Islam),
Revised Edition, January 2004, Mizan Library, Dhaka
6. Essential Essay Letter Application & Paragraph (M. A. Mannan), Mousumi Prokahoni,
7. A Potential Communicative English Grammar & Composition for Classes-IX & X (Md. Khalil
Ullah), 5th Edition, March 2005, Shupti Prokashoni, Dhaka
8. My Essays and letters, with Paragraph Writing & Comprehension 250 Words, (P. C.
Bhattacharyya & Md. Nurul Hoque), Revised and Enlarged New Edition, Students’ Library,
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Appendix: Some Essays From Bangladeshi Essay Books
A Spring Morning 77
Normally, I do not become much astonished or thrilled at anything when I get up from bed, get tickled
by no extraordinary emotional appeal. Because as soon as I rise up, I loose my dreams; even the
remotest feeling of dreams wither away at the presance of too much consciousness. But as soon as I
woke up the other morning, I was startled. what an extraordinary feeling! Though I woke up, my
dreams, as it Were, were not gone. Various birds were chittering all around, doves were cooing,
cuckoos calling from amidst undetectably covered branches of trees. New leaves were visible suring
the winter. There was a smell of warmth in the air. Something seemed to have touched my heart, my
dreams, my imagination. I breathed out spontaneously:
O, what is this?
Mysterious and uncapturable bliss
That I have known, yet seems to be
Simple as a breath and easy as a smile,
And older than the earth.
Even after my awakening, I seemed to have entered into another dreamy realm of wakefulness. The
mango-trees were in bloom, The southern wind with its touching warmth came floating over the
garden on the other side. The inertis due to the long-lasted winter were gone. It was nothing but the
spring , I could easily understand.
In such a morning there should be no repentence even if one happens to wake up earlier by mistake.
Sleep can easily be sacrificed to enjoy such a beautiful morning. The much-familiar environment
around looked new. To which ever direction I looked, it seemed to me that some hidden initiatives
were being taken by someone stealthily to bring about a drastic change in nature. The sky was bathd
in vermillion. Lively freshness was was ostensibly visible on new green leaves. Thousands of flowers
adorned the morning all around. A mysterious reddish layer encircled the horizon. The sky held up an
upturned image of itselfon the transparent water of the nearby lake. Domestic animalswere wearing a
mask of mundane smile over their faces. Everything satisfied my eye.
All of a sudden I caught sight of several girls on the roof of a neighbour house. They wore yellow
sarees, some golden flowers woven in to their hair. Several yellow birds flew over their heads, calling
loudly – tee tee tee.
O, was that all a sight, or just a feeling! was that any reality, or just an accidental extrovert reflection
of my own imagination?
Slowly walked I down, like a bewitched soul; on my hypnotized legs. I took my stand in my garden.
So much sound! Such a wonderful combination of sounds of so many tones! That very morning was,
as it were, a poem, a full-fledged poem reflecting all the tenderest moments of the inner self. The
mind was perhaps awaiting something thrilling. Perhaps it took much delight in being startled.
suddenly there came into my hearing some sounds – Coo, Ku, Ku. I was startled really! Because I had
been awaiting this very event during the last part of the year.
It came into my sight that many other big and small birds were singing to greet the spring morning;
with that melodious sound was mixing the rhythmic beats of the coconut leaves that were blithely
pp.186-188 (Essay, A Spring Morning), Zakir
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quivering in the air. I realized the truth that spontaneity has a specific rhythm and rhyme of its own,
and that natural emotion has a normal playful pace, though it behaves like a wayward butterfly flying
in a not-so- strong whirlwind. I realized that it is a pleasure to sing out in unison with nature’s concert.
I was beyond myself with ecstatic feeling.
I was only moving my eyes around, spell-bound, New sight adorned the environment all around.
There was a jovial vivacity in the eyes. I saw that innumerable bees were sharing amorous hugs with
thousands of wild flowers. Will they only gather honey today? No. Perhaps some purposeless merry-
making tickled them much during that golden morning.
All of a sudden it occurred to me that I had my slipper on. I put them off. As soon as I put my bare
feet on the bedewed grass, it seemed top me as it the spring had touched me. There was something
human in that touch. That grass too had an emotion. I walked on it slowly. Why were the dew-drops
touching me like that? Never before had I felt such an intimate touch of nature. I could feel that
everything could be felt from within and from without.
That spring morning was a symbol of youth, of the spring itself, of the matured emotions of the heart.
It had its beauty, smell, taste, its sound. As a result, it could be felt from within and from without.
Could be seen, heard, smelt, and touched. This multi-dimensionality of the morning is never to be
Value Of Time 78
We have a short span of life on thus earth. But we have a lot of things to do during this short time. So
we can do a lot of things only when, we make good use of our time. Proper use of time makes a man
happy and prosperous in life. So, we must not neglect or, while away our time in vain. Time once
gone is gone forever. Lost wealth may be regained by hard labour, lost knowledge by studying hard,
lost health by taking proper food and medicine but lost time can never be brought back by any means.
It always goes on its way and waits for none. Only by utilizing every moment of our time perfectly,
we can achieve success in any endeavour. If we leave anything for tomorrow, which we can do today,
there is no guarantee that we shall be able to do it tomorrow. Everything must be done at its proper
time. Otherwise it may never be done in the future. Days are passing out hastily and we are nearing
our graves. So, present in the best time for us to make good use of. The success and failure in life
depend largely on how we utilize our time. The lives of all great men teach us to be punctual and do
our respective duties in proper time. Anything contrary to it will bring total failure and misery in life.
An Ideal Teacher79
A teacher who devotes himelf to the task of teaching his students is called an ideal teacher. An ideal
teacher is a very important person in any society or, country. He dispels the darkness of ignorance
from the minds of his students and enkindles the light of education in them. He helps his students in
learning their lessons. Through his teachings he makes them clever and brings about a desirable
change in their behaviour by developing their latent potentialities He teaches them to follow the path
of truth and avoid the path of vice. An ideal teacher applies all his abilities and intelligence to build up
the character of his students and to make them good and useful citizens of the country. He is in fact, a
friend, philosopher and guide to the students. Moreover, he is thoroughly a sincere and an honest man.
That is why he is considered one of the most important persons of the society and of the nation. He is
also regarded as a guardian of civilization.
pp.? (Value of Time), ?
p.? (An Ideal Teacher), ?
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Violence Syndrom In The World80
Introduction: Violence results in misunderstanding might, power and a support by underground big
guns. It is a serious problem. Domestic violence is regarded as worldwide problem. All countries of
the world experience the barbarous coustom of violence perpetrated by boty men and women of all
calibres whether at home, workplace, street, primitive jungles, areas steeped in the wars.
The Violence Syndromic countries: The domestic violence mainly prevails in the countries like
Yugoslavia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and China. The prevailing situation is severe and
Reasons: The brutality against women in different societies and some of the methods of society. The
battered women have almost become an institution so vehement and obiquitions is the problem which
in most cases goes unreported and unresolved due to matrimonial ties involving subtle deterents like
withdrawl of financial support, shame and propagandas.
Circumstances faced by battered women: The battered women have to face the circumstances like
separation, surveliance, exhaustion and hunger, hostility and paranoia, chemical dependence, financial
depravation, discredit, insecurity, further battering, cycle of violence, sexual abuses, guilt and denial.
Different battering in different countries: Women have been battered, abused, murdered, beaten,
killed and what not for different reasons in the following countries- 95% abused in France, 60%
murdered in England, 62% murdered by their husband in Canada, in Bangladesh 50% women were
killed by men. In Beijing there is concern about the frequency of domestic violence, in Chinese
families amounting to two thirds of Chinese households.
Reasons behind domestic violence: There are a few reasons behind this violence syndrome. Man is
by nature sex-oriented, self-centred, greed, malicious and rapacious as well.. Some cohabit with more
than one woman or girl at a time. They find an interest when they find a chance of enjoying an
opposite sex physically. Dowry system and barbarious character lead them to commit violence
Nature of the violence syndrom: Violence syndrome or domestic violence does not belong to the
same category or nature. It differs from man to man, taste to taste, country to country on geographical
situations and climatic conditions. Rape is a common outrage against women and young girls and
even babies committed by fathers. In south Africa, one woman is raped every 90 seconds and six
women in the USA every six minutes. Sexual harassment is another favourite abuse. In the workplace
bosses demand sexual favours in exchange of career advancement or job security. In Asian countries
like India and Bangladesh women fall victims to homecide and infanticide because of poverty which
forces families to indulge in selective nurishment in favour of the boys who are used to work in the
fields by virtue of superior strength. In India, boys are preferred to girls and women are made ashmed
to bear girls.
Dangers of violence: Domestic violence is not at all danger-free. Excessive sexual abuse brings about
a heavy loss on character, finance and social status. It also creates health problems, treauma,
infections and uterine retention.
Solutions to domestic violence: Domestic violence is a worldwide problem. Its solution or
eradication is a crying need. To prevent domestic violence the following suggestions can be accepted.
Since man is a rational and considerate being, awareness of its danger should be created among men
of all nations. Everyone should keep himself aloof from inhuman, unsocial, irreligious works.
Unlawful activities should be discouraged from all walks of life. The lady killer or lady hunter should
be severely punished and fined at any cost. Everybody’s target should be to build up a fine heritage of
lofty idealisms. Spousal abuse should be stopped so that it cannot involve itself in humiliation,
economic problem and physical brutality. There should be no pressure to absort girls before prenatal
testing. Dowry death should be removed by making people conscious of it.
Conclusion: Domestic violence is a crime. It destorys peace and harmony. It should not be allowed to
cut across all racial, cultural, political and religious spectrums.
pp.233-235 (Essay 115, Violence Syndrom in the World), Rohel
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The Child is Father of Man (Wordsworth) 81
The purport of the above aphorism is that the potential and possibility of tomorrow’s man is latent in
today’s child. In other words, it is his childhood which shows what kind of a man the child will be in
the future.
Just as the morning shows the day, so the childhood shows the ensuing manhood.
The epigram can be interpreted in two ways. If a man is destind to be great or notorious in future, it
can be understood by observing his childhood behaviour; and the other possible interpretation is that,
the way a child is brought up determines what he will become in the future. Obviously, the two
interpretation is that, the way a child is brought up determines what he will become in the future.
Obviously, the two interpretations are based on two completely opposite angles of view, the first
being based on the beliefe in fate, and the second on the notion that man is the architect of his own
fate. Necessarily, we shall explore into both the angles of view.
Examples abound, with exceptions however, in support of the first point of view. That the greatest
prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) would be a prophet in the future had been implied by his childhood
conduct. Edison was the inventor Edison from his very boyhood. The poet Rabindranath demonstrated
himself in his early boyhood. Mdrconi and James Watt evinced great enthusiasm in seientific things
when they were children. The great composer Beethofen showed his creative talent in his early
boyhood. Thus many other examples can be cited in support of the claim that a great man begins to be
great from his very childhood.
The opposite point of view–that how a child is brought up determines what he will be in future–seems
to be more practicable and scientific. Man is the architect of his own fate. Not only that, what a man
will be or achieve largely depends on what input is instilled in him in the childhood. If, for example, a
child is brought up in an educated environment, where he is provided with all possible facilities to
exploit and flourish his talent fully, then, it may be hoped. He will become a very valuable and big
man in the future, if not in the extreme sense. If, on the other hand, he, instead of being brought up
that way, would be brought up in a crude environment full of crimes corruption haughtiness or such
inhumane situations, then most probably he would become a not-so-good or useless or harmful man,
if not notorious in the extreme sense. In these days of science and research, the truth of these
statements is proven, and they are not mere theoretical hypotheses. So we may repeat with emphasis
that we can expect a good man out of a well-brougth-up child. In fact, the child is father of the man.
A good teacher is the person who is committed to work for building his nation. I know a good teacher
named Mr. N. Haq. His is B.A. B-Ed. He is fond of his young children. An ideal or good teacher is
fond of his young learners and helpful to them in making their lesson interesting and preparing their
house work. He always keeps them busy in the class and helps them enjoying playful games too. He
or she advises them to follow the foot prints of the great men. Teaching is a noble and honourable
profession and he lives ideal lives.
pp.259-260 (Essay 70, The Child is father of man - Wordsworth), Zakir
p.7 (My idea Of A Good Teacher), Mannan
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The Fantasy Kingdom83
Now-a-days, “The Fantasy Kingdom” is the dream world in children’s heart. Yesterday I went to
‘Ashulia’ where “The Fantasy Kingdom” is situated with my parents. There I watched so many
charming things that I could not count then in number. However, I can mention the names of few
things which fascinated me very much. They are planes, sports circle, the flying train etc. Riding on
the flying train was the best enjoyment for me. I lost myself in the air while I was riding on the flying
train. How jubilant I was in the fantasy Kingdom, can not be expressed in brief. My feelings of
amusement is unlimited. In our country children do not get. Attractive parks and enough facilities for
recreation according to their absolute demands. So, I think that the fantasy Kingdom is very effective
for the children. If a child visits, as per my opinion his hidden talent will be flourished. It was Friday.
So, we had no hasty. We stayed there for about three hours from 10am to 12.45 p.m. The enjoyment
of my visit to the fantasy kingdom will remain fresh forever in my memory.
NGO’s are playing an important role for the sustainable development of the country. Most of the
helpless, vulnarable and landless poor people of the coutry are the beneficiaries of the NGO’s of
Bangladesh. My father was a landless farmer and our family was a poor family. For this our family
falls in a target group of a NGO. There are many NGO’s in our locality, but our family gets the
benefit of Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC).
There is a branch of BRAC and a BRAC School in our village. The branch starts it activities from
1990. It has some community organizers. When BRAC sets up the branch in our village, the
community organizers offer the villagers to participate in its development activities. At first they
advised my father to form a five members group to be the beneficiary group or target group members.
My father forms such kind of group. After forming it, BRAC starts to provide its facilities.
BRAC is a welfare organization. As a welfare organization it provides some facilities to us. My first
primary education starts at BRAC Sattelite School. In 1992, I get myself admitted into this school.
BRAC School provides all the elements of my reading and writing. It gives me books, pen, chalk etc.
There I get a chance of three years reading facility.
My family gets some group facilities from BRAC. When my father forms a group to be the
beneficiary group, BRAC starts to provide micro-credit facility to my father. At first BRAC give my
father some 5000.00 Tk as loan. Taking this amount, my father sets up small shop infront our house.
In this way my father gets the facility of doing a small business.
BRAC also provides us housing loan. For this we get the advantage to build up our houses. It also
provides us sanitary latrine at free cost. In 1995 BRAC provides another 25 thousand taka as loan for
business purpose. My father takes it and expaned his shop. Now our shop has become a departmental
shop in our locality. It also becomes familiar and big shop. Now our family has become selfsufficient
family. BRAC has not finished its facilities programmes. It also supply’s the seeds of hybride paddy.
My father takes it from BRAC office with a low cost. BRAC has already started pisciculture in which
there is a support of BRAC programme.
BRAC has opened the door of the development of our family. My education, my fathers business and
to become selfsufficient of our family, there is a great contribution of BRAC. I hope that its
programmes should be expanded.
p.47 (Paragraph 38, The Fantasy Kingdom), Shahidul Islam
pp.268-269 (Composition 9, How My Family Are Benefitted By NGO), Shahidul Islam
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My School85
Everybody has some particular place or thing for which he is proud. I have also a lot of things for
which I am proud. My school is one of them. When I am alone and try to think about something my
school comes first. I am telling about my school here.
The name of my school is Dulai High School. It is situated in the Upazilla of Sujanagar under the
district of Pabna. It is a famous school of Pabna.
Our school was established in 1967. At first it was fully a tin-shed school. Later on it was built with
bricks. Now the school building is three storeyed and there are thirty rooms in the building. It’s an L-
shaped building.
There are two thousand students and thirty teachers in our school. All of our teachers are efficient,
qualified and experienced. Our Headmaster is a very wise man having vast knowledge and
administrative efficiency.
Our teachers are very careful to us. They enter into the class in time and teach us well. We learn
academic and extra academic lessons from them. Sometimes they make jokes in the class to make our
lessons enjoyable. When anyone of us is sick they become very anxious. They always try to make our
future glorious. We also respect them very much.
Our school compound is very nice. In front of it there is a big play ground. There are many big trees
around our school which make our school like a garden.
Actually, my school always attracts me. As we were out going batch, most of the time I think how I
will spend my time when I will leave my school. And I also think that my feelings about my school is
a sign of deep love to my school.
Hints: ¤Introduction ¤Love for the Country ¤Why Should We Love ¤What Does It Do ¤What We
Should Do to Our Motherland ¤Duty of a True Patriot ¤Conclusion
Introduction: Patriotism is a noble virtue. There is no man in this world but love his country. The
man who has no love and regard for his motherland is called a traitor. So we should love our country.
Love for the Country: We should all love our country. A man who does not love his own country is
an infidel. Everyone is familiar to the famous lines in which Sir Walter Scott says, “This is my own,
my native land.” A patriotic man loves his countrymen as brothers and sisters and if they are in
troubles, he feels pain and does all he can to relieve their sufferings.
Why Should We Love: We live in our mother country. We are born in this land. We have blood
connection with the country like mother. It also gives us food to eat so that we can live. For this we
should love our country.
What Does It Do: Patriotism inspires a man to sacrifice his life for the sake of the motherland. A man
without this quality is no better than a beast.
What We Should Do to Our Motherland: Love for the country is nothing but a vain sentiment if it
is not translated into action. For all round development of the country we need to be sincere workers
who are ready to sacrifice their comfort, happiness and even life.
Duty of a True Patriot: A true patriot has a great outlook. He loves his country more than his life.
He has sincere love for his country and a keen desire to promote its progress and happiness.
Conclusion: In conclusion, we can mention that everybody should sacrifice his life for his country.
Because it is our holy duty. For this we all have to be a patriot.
pp.300-301 (Composition 25, My School), Shahidul Islam
p.? (?, Patriotism), ?
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A Sleepless Night Before Examination87
It was a dark and gloomy night. The darkness gradually overshadowed everything just after the
sunset. At about 6.30 I went to my reading room and devoted myself fully in study. As my
examination was near at hand. I had been on my chair throughout the whole night in study. But I
could not go on with my study all the time. I dozed in my chair and passed a sleepless night. I felt
bored in my study. But as I was to sit for the examination the nextday, I was very anxious and
worried. So I tried to study again and again. At times I had tea so that I could be stimulated dor a
while to study for some more time. At last at 4.30 a.m. I could not keep myself awake and went on
bed for just one and half an hour to sleep.
I live in Dhaka. During the last rainy season I visited my village, and I saw the condition of nature and
life in a village during this season. At an interval of every two months, there appears a new season in
Bangladesh. They are summer, the rainy season, autumn, the late autumn, winter, spring. The months
of Asharh and Shraban indicates the rainy season. During this season the sky often remains cloudy.
Violent blasts of wind blow. The sun remains hidden behind the clouds and it rains in torrents.
Sometimes rain continues for days together. Tanks and pools that dry up in winter and summer are
filled up again. Rivers gradually rise till they overflow their banks. Some places remain under water
for the greater part of the season and appear to be vast sheets of water. Everywhere roads are covered
with mud. In many villages one has to go about in boats. The lamndscape appears green. Dry leaves
fall from trees and new ones sprout forth in their place. The country roads get covered with mud and
many of them turn impossible. Outdoor games and activities become difficult. My feeling was
wonderful when I was thoroughly drenched. Life in a Bangladeshi village is, as a rule, dull and
monotonous. The village people are simple, religious and conservative. They do not like change with
the changing condition of the world. The villagers may be classified under three main heads the rich,
the middle-class and the poor labouring class. During the rainy season the life of the poor labouring
class is miserable and the rich and middle-class pass time joyfully. The rainy season is the most
important and useful season in our country. It is the loveliest of all the seasons, so visiting my village
during the rainy season I enjoyed a journey by boat from one place to another.
p.43 (Paragraph 34, A Sleepless Night Before Examination), Shahidul Islam
p.30 (Paragraph 24, The Rainy Season), Shahidul Islam
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