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Westfalia Separator


Westfalia Separator varipond

Reliably controlling solids concentration

Separation. Solution. Success.

Mechanical Separation / GEA Westfalia Separator


Discharge of
clarified liquid

Solids discharge

Westfalia Separator varipond

Thinks Automatically
Efficiency how to achieve maximum

Westfalia Separator varipond is a patented

ment plants can confirm. A sudden cloud-

benefit with minimum cost is one of

control and regulating system that guar-

burst, the sewers can scarcely contain the

the main objectives of technical systems.

antees and precisely ensures a constant

volumes of water, pumps and dewatering

Their purpose is to provide specific so-

concentration for downstream processes

systems have to work at full speed to

lutions for the applications for which

when decanters are used. For instance,

cope with the flood of water which car-

they were designed. Decanters from

to achieve a maximum gas yield when

ries considerable volumes of solids such as

GEA Westfalia Separator occupy a lead-

thickening sludge in digestion towers it

sand and other residues. This is precisely

ing position in the world in this respect.

is advisable for them to be supplied with a

where there is a need for systems with

The question: is it possible to achieve a

precisely defined concentration. This pro-

an immediate response which can adjust

further improvement in performance in

cess is regulated by Westfalia Separator

to changed conditions in an instant. This

the processes?


is where the strength of the leading tech-

GEA Westfalia Separator has extensively

Rapid response is required

is evident.

nology of Westfalia Separator varipond

considered precisely this point. It has

Its half time during an exiting game at

developed a control and regulating sys-

the football world cup. Water consump-

tem which automatically searches for the

tion rises rapidly and large numbers of

most efficient way of meeting the required

cisterns are flushed simultaneously, as any

objective: Westfalia Separator varipond!

employee of municipal waste water treat-

GEA Westfalia Separator

PID regulator




Waste sludge


Clarified phase
Concentration sensor


Digestion tower

Block diagram of the principle of Westfalia Separator varipond

Rapid response times are extremely im-

Reliable optical sensors measure the solids

is obvious, particularly for operators of

portant not only in municipal areas, but

content of the thickened sludge, compare

municipal waste water treatment plants.

also in waste water treatment plants that

it with the preset value and the regulat-

Westfalia Separator varipond permits

are responsible for waste water qual-

ing facility ensures that the concentration

operation with much lower energy, be-

ity. Wherever sewage sludges have to be

is kept constant completely automatic-

cause the adjustment of the g-force to

processed with centrifugal separation


the feed conditions and the related speed

technology perfect functionality also has

to be guaranteed, even under a wide range
of conditions.

reduction can reduce electrical energy by

Reduce energy input by up to

30 percent

up to 30 percent. Component wear is reduced and the service lives of the com-

The solids concentration remains constant

ponents are extended. In brief, Westfalia

Westfalia Separator varipond, which means

even at peak times, the disposal, storage

Separator varipond verifies the equation:

variable pond depth with a running

and energy costs of incineration can be

the larger the machine, the greater the

machine, regulates the liquid level in the

kept at a low level without processing

energy savings.

decanter bowl so precisely, even in con-

quality being affected. On the contrary,

junction with strong fluctuations in feed

Westfalia Separator varipond utilises exis-

concentration, that the concentration of

ting capacities so precisely that maximum

the thickened solids is adjusted to a con-

results can be achieved with minimum

stant level and can be met precisely.

input. The logistical and financial benefit

GEA Westfalia Separator

How it Works
Whenever the clarified liquid is discharged

Upgradeable at all times

With relatively low costs, upgrading with

from the decanter bowl a throttle plate

The control and regulating technology

Westfalia Separator varipond provides

moves along its axis and determines the

of GEA Westfalia Separator can be inte-

solutions to problems which in the past

gap width of the aperture. Intelligent sen-

grated smoothly in existing installations.

were only possible with a major financial

sor technology recognises the throughput

This means that Westfalia Separator

and labour-intensive investment. Also

volume necessary at any specific time and

varipond provides a customisable impro-

more precise concentrate values with

regulates the gap width as a function of

vement in efficiency for all areas of appli-

simultaneous cost reductions means the

the liquid level in the decanter bowl by

cation. No need to purchase new decant-

solution is definitely worthwhile.

moving the throttle plate to the optimum

ers, no long downtimes, no complete con-

position while the machine is running.


With Westfalia Separator varipond, decanters always operate with optimum effi-

Annular weir (rotating)

Throttle plate (not rotating, but
can move along axis)

ciency and with much lower operating and

maintenance costs. All downstream processes are thus optimised too.

Inlet tube
Bowl bearing
Bearing housing



Operation of the control in the decanter

GEA Westfalia Separator

Innovation award
for the liquid adjustment facility Westfalia
Separator varipond

All Advantages at a Glance

Stable discharge concentration
Accuracy 0.3% DS

Regulation while machine

Thickening possible

May be combined with

without polymers
Adjustable to 4%, 5%,
6%, 7%, 8% DS
Maximum throughput
capacity of the decanter

is running
advanced automation algorithms
Energy savings of up to 30%
Optimising of all downstream processes
Low wear, long life
No maintenance
Upgradeable at all times

GEA Westfalia Separator

Beverage Technology

Dairy Technology

Renewable Resources

Chemical/Pharmaceutical Technology


Fluids and Water
Second Hand Machinery
Cross-Flow Filtration

with Ceramic Elements

Original Manufacturer Service

The information contained in this brochure merely

serves as a non-binding description of our products
and is without guarantee.
Binding information, in particular relating to capacity
data and suitability for specific applications, can only be
provided within the framework of concrete inquiries.
Printed on chlorine-free bleached paper
9997-1234-010/1208 EN
Printed in Germany
Subject to modification

Mechanical Separation

GEA Westfalia Separator

Werner-Habig-Strae 1 59302 Oelde (Germany)
Phone +49 2522 77-0 Fax +49 2522 77-2950
[email protected]

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