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G.R. No. 165433



- versus -





February 6, 2007
x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x



Before Us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules

of Civil Procedure, assailing the Decision1[1] of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R.
SP No. 76198, dated 19 July 2004, which dismissed Philippine National
Construction Corporations (PNCCs) Petition for Review of the Decision 2[2] of the
Construction Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC) Arbitral Tribunal awarding
herein respondent MCS Construction and Development Corporation (MCS) the
amount of P6,352,791.33, with interest at the rate of 6% per annum from 6 June
1999 up to the date of award and an interest rate of 12% per annum as of the date
the decision becomes final and executory until fully paid.

A contract for the construction of the Philippine Merchant Marine

Academys (PMMAs) Replication Project located in San Marcelino, Zambales, was
entered into between the PNCC and PMMA. Included in the scope of works for
the Replication Project was the construction of a gymnasium building. The
construction of said gymnasium was subcontracted by PNCC to MCS under a
1[1] Penned by Associate Justice Rodrigo V. Cosico with Associate Justices Rosalinda
Asuncion-Vicente and Aurora Santiago Lagman, concurring. Rollo, pp. 27-32.
2[2] CIAC Case No. 33-2002, promulgated on 10 March 2003. Id. at 153-160.

Subcontract Agreement dated 28 September 1998 for a consideration in the

amount of P19,483,572.65.

In a Certificate of Acceptance dated 6 April 2000, PNCC certified that MCS

had satisfactorily completed the construction of the gymnasium building based on
the plans, drawings, and specifications thereof on March 1999. However, despite
several demands made by MCS, PNCC failed to pay the balance of the contract
price left after deducting the partial payments made by the latter.

Hence, on 6 September 2002, MCS filed with the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal a
Request for Adjudication praying for the award of various sums of money,
including interest and damages, against PNCC in the total amount of
P24,988,597.44. MCS maintained that notwithstanding the fact that the
construction of the gymnasium had been satisfactorily completed as early as 1999,
PNCC still failed to fully satisfy its obligation to pay the price of the construction
project under the Subcontract Agreement despite several written demands.

For its defense, PNCC alleged that the request for arbitration was premature,
as MCS had no cause of action against PNCC since the latter is still in the process
of paying its obligation to MCS. Furthermore, PNCC claimed that although its
payments were made in installments, said payments were made regularly, contrary
to the claim of MCS that said installment payments were irregular and took a very
long period of time.

In a preliminary conference held on 4 December 2002, the parties defined the issues to be
resolved in the proceedings before the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal as follows:

1. Was the filing of this case before CIAC premature for lack of cause of action?

1.1 In the event this case is proven to have been prematurely filed, is
Respondent entitled to its claim to be compensated for the alleged
bad reputation suffered? If so, how much?
1.2 If the filing of the case is not premature, is Claimant entitled to its
claim for the balance of the contract price, damages and interest?
If so, how much?

2. Who between the parties is entitled to attorneys fees?

3. Who between the parties shall shoulder the cost of arbitration?3[3]

On 10 March 2003, the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal rendered a Decision in favor of MCS, the
decretal portion of which reads:

PNCC contends that Article IV of the Subcontract Agreement (Exhibit A)

shows that MCS cause of action is premature because the corresponding
payments from PMMA had not been received. The pertinent portion of Article IV
reads as follows:

Manner of Payment
3[3] Id. at 76-81.

4.1. The price referred to in Article 111 above shall be paid by PNCC to
Subcontractor in the following manner and subject to receipt by
PNCC of corresponding payment/s from PMMA:
PNCC submitted in evidence a summary of the accounts payable to MCS
and the payments made thereunder as of October 10, 2002 (Exhibit 14).
Unfortunately for PNCC, the same document also listed down the payments it had
received from PMMA on the gymnasium building project the very same building
for which MCS has been engaged to construct on behalf of PNCC.
Exhibit 14 clearly showed that PNCC had received a total of
P31,249,223.30 from PMMA on the gymnasium building, with a further balance
of P6,972,043.44 still due from PMMA. Parenthetically, PNCC did not submit in
evidence in these proceedings any copy of its contract or contracts with PMMA.
Other than Exhibit 14, PNCC did not submit any evidence to show that the
payments made to it by PMMA had reference to other accounts between PMMA
and PNCC, or that said payments were inadequate to warrant PNCCs payment in
full of the amounts due MCS.
On the contrary, having already received a total of P31,249,233.30 from
PMMA on the gymnasium building project, PNCC saw fit to consider the same
sufficient to justify payment to MCS of only P9,965,465.98 (as adjusted by this
arbitral tribunal). Since there still appeared a receivable of P6,972,043.44 from
PMMA, PNCC chose to relegate such receivable to the payment of the balance
due MCS, in the amount of P6,352,791.33. In other words, PNCC opted to reap
and enjoy its margins from the PMMA contract before satisfying its obligations to
its sub-contractor MCS. This, the arbitral tribunal finds to have been done in bad
faith on the part of PNCC.
Noteworthy also is the fact that PNCC did not raise this defense in its
answer nor among the special and affirmative defenses included in said answer.
PNCC merely invoked its financial difficulties in trying to justify its belated
payments due MCS.
The arbitral tribunal therefore holds that MCS cause was not prematurely
filed, and that its claim for payment of the balance of the contract consideration
made in these proceedings was proper.
Aside from the said unpaid balance, to what other amount or amounts is
MCS entitled arising from PNCCs breach in bad faith?

xxx MCS is entitled to interest, attorneys fees and reimbursement of the

costs of arbitration which (aside from its claims on the deterioration of the value
of the Phil. Peso) were all that MCS prayed for.
It is the ruling of this arbitral tribunal that, there having been unwarranted
and baseless delay in the payment required of the respondent PNCC, the claimant
is entitled to interest at the legal rate of 6% p.a. on the amount of P6,352,791.33
adjudicated in its favor, computed from the date of first extrajudicial demand,
which was on June 6, 1999 (Exhibit C). However, when the award herein
becomes executory, the amount thereof will then partake of the nature of a
forebearance of credit and will thereupon be entitled therefrom to the interest rate
of 12% p.a. until fully paid (Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals,
234 SCRA 78, 95-97 [1994]); reiterated in Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas vs.
Santamaria, G.R. No. 139885, Jan. 13, 2003, page 13).
In respect of the costs of arbitration, Sec. 5, Article XV of the Rules of
Procedure Governing Construction Arbitration states:
Decision as to Cost of Arbitration. In the case of nonmonetary claims or where the parties agreed that the sharing of
fees shall be determined by the Arbitrator(s), the award shall, in
addition to dealing with the merits of the case, fix the cost of
arbitration, and/or decide which of the parties shall bear the cost(s)
or in what proportion the cost(s) shall be borne by each.
Rule 142 of the Revised Rules of Court of the Philippines governing the
imposition of costs likewise provides the following:
Section 1. Costs Ordinarily follow the result of suit. Unless
otherwise provided in these rules, costs shall be allowed to the
prevailing party as a matter of course, but the court shall have
power for special reasons, to adjudge that either party shall pay the
cost of an action, or that the same shall be divided, as may be
Since the institution of this arbitration case was necessitated by respondent
PNCCs refusal to pay claimant MCS the amounts due the latter, this tribunal
holds that respondent PNCC should exclusively bear the costs of arbitration.
PNCC had refused to satisfy MCS valid and demandable claims; consequently,
MCS had been compelled to institute the present proceedings to protect its
interests. Furthermore, PNCC was in gross and evident bad faith in delaying the
payment of MCS claim. It is, therefore, only just and equitable that respondent
PNCC be ordered to pay the costs of arbitration and to refund to MCS all the

amounts the latter had advanced in instituting and pursuing these arbitration
The same aforementioned circumstances warranting the award of
arbitration costs in favor of the claimant likewise constitute justification for an
award of attorneys fees by way of damages, also in favor of claimant (Art. 2208
[5] and [11]. Considering the years of travail which claimant went through in
waiting and following-up the payment of the contract consideration to which
claimant was lawfully entitled, eventually culminating in these arbitration
proceedings, the arbitral tribunal finds that an amount equivalent to ten per cent
(10%) of the principal claim plus the interests accruing thereon up to the date of
payment is just; equitable and reasonable in the premises.
WHREFORE, arbitral award is hereby rendered in favor of claimant MCS
Construction and Development Corp. and against respondent Philippine National
Construction Corporation, ordering the latter to pay the former the following
(a) The principal claim of P6,352,791.33, with interest thereon at 6% per
annum computed from June 6, 1999 provided however that said rate shall be
increased to 12% per annum effective as of the date that the decision herein
becomes final and executory, until the aforesaid principal amount is paid in full;
(b) Attorneys fees equivalent to ten per cent (10%) of such principal claim
and the interests accruing thereon until all of such principal claim and interests are
paid in full; and,
(c) To reimburse the claimant the costs of arbitration paid and/or advanced
Respondents counterclaim is dismissed for lack of basis.4[4]

Asserting that the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal committed error in ruling that the
claim of MCS is not premature, PNCC filed a Petition for Review before the Court
of Appeals, which was dismissed by the appellate court in a Decision dated 19 July
2004. According to the Court of Appeals:

4[4] CIAC Decision, pp. 4-5, 7-8; id. at 156-157, 159-160.

Petitioner PNCC avers that the claims of respondent MCS are not yet ripe for
court and/or legal action because petitioner PNCC has yet to violate the rights of
respondent MCS, since, before the filing of the complaint, petitioner was already
in the process of paying its obligations to respondent MCS. In fact, petitioner
PNCC argues that its last installment payment was made in July 2002 while
respondent MCS last written demand was in April 2002.
We disagree.
As alleged in the complaint of respondent MCS, in pursuance to the
agreement, the latter made billings for various amounts on different dates.
However, aside from making its payments irregularly, petitioner also took a long
time to make the payments, so much so, that even after the lapse of more [than]
three years from the time the gymnasium project was satisfactorily completed in
1999, petitioner has not been able to fully settle its obligation without lawful
It has been held that a cause of action is defined as an act or omission of
one party in violation of the legal rights of the other which causes the latter injury
(Rebollido v. Court of Appeals, 170 SCRA 800 [1989]).
In determining whether or not a cause of action exists the following
elements must be present: (1) a right in favor of the plaintiff by whatever means
and under whatever law it arises or is created; (2) an obligation on the part of the
defendant to respect or not violate such right; and (3) an act or omission on the
part of such defendant in violation of the right of the plaintiff or constituting a
breach of the obligation of the defendant to the plaintiff for which the latter may
maintain an action for recovery of damages (Relucio v. Lopez, 373 SCRA 578
In the instant case, respondent MCS has a right to be paid for its services
in constructing the gymnasium and petitioner PNCC recognized this right under
the Subcontractors Agreement. Notwithstanding several written demands made by
the respondent MCS and considering the lapse of a considerable period of time
since the project was completed, petitioner PNCC has not complied with its duty
to pay respondent for its services. Petitioner maintains that it was suffering from
financial difficulties but no evidence was shown to substantiate the same.
Well-settled is that rule that the cause of action does not accrue until the
party obligated refuses, expressly or impliedly, to comply with his duty (Summit
Guaranty and Insurance Company, Inc. v. De Guzman, 151 SCRA 389 [1987]).
Note should be taken on the arbitral tribunals finding of the existence of a
cause of action by respondent MCS. Thus:

Unfortunately for PNCC, the same document also listed down the
payments it had received from PMMA on the gymnasium building
project the very same building for which MCS has been engaged to
construct on behalf of PNCC.
Exhibit 14 clearly showed that PNCC had received a total of
P31,249,223.30 from PMMA on the gymnasium building, with a
further balance of P6,972,043.44 still due from PMMA. xxx Other
than Exhibit 14, PNCC did not submit any evidence to show that
the payments made to it by PMMA had reference to other accounts
between PMMA and PNCC, or that said payments were inadequate
to warrant PNCCs payment in full of the amounts due MCS.
(Rollo, p. 124)
Also, it has been held that where a contract is to be performed
periodically, as by installments, each failure to pay an installment constitutes a
cause of action and can be subject of a separate suit as the installment falls due, or
can be included in the pending or supplemental pleading (Larena v. Villanueva, 53
Phil. 923 [1928]).
The arbitral tribunal ruled that petitioner PNCC was guilty of gross and
evident bad faith in delaying payment of respondents claims, and as such, it was
only just and equitable that petitioner PNCC should bear the costs of arbitration.
In the instant case, the arbitral tribunal found that because petitioner
PNCC had unjustifiably refused to satisfy MCS valid and demandable claims,
notwithstanding the presence of sufficient funds at its disposal, respondent MCS
was compelled to institute the present action in order to protect its interests. xxx
Contrary to petitioners argument that the body of the decision of the
arbitral tribunal failed to state legal and factual bases for the award of attorneys
fees, the decision stated the following basis to justify the award of attorneys fees:
The same aforementioned circumstances warranting the award of
arbitration costs in favor of the claimant likewise constitute justification
for an award of attorneys fees by way of damages, also in favor of
claimant (Art. 2208 [5] and [11], Civil Code). (Rollo, p. 126)

In administrative or quasi-judicial bodies like the CIAC, a fact may be

established if supported by substantial evidence or that amount of relevant

evidence which a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to justify a

conclusion (MegaWorld Globus Asia, Inc. v. DSM Construction and Development
Corporation, et al., G.R. No. 153310, March 2, 2004).
We are convinced that the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal considered the evidence
at hand and the records clearly show that its decision is amply supported by
substantial evidence; thus, we find no reason to disturb the same.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is DISMISSED. The
Decision dated March 10, 2003 of the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal is AFFIRMED. The
motion for reconsideration assailing the October 1, 2003 Resolution of this Court
is likewise DENIED.5[5]

Aggrieved by the aforequoted Decision, PNCC filed the instant petition

raising as issues the alleged prematurity of respondents action and the impropriety
of the award of attorneys fees and arbitration fees.

While petitioner does not dispute the fact that MCS has remaining
receivables from PNCC under the Subcontract Agreement, PNCC insists that such
obligation of petitioner to pay respondent the remaining balance of the contract
price is not yet ripe for court or legal action as no cause of action exists, since
PNCC has not yet violated the rights of respondent. PNCC maintains that before
the filing of the complaint for arbitration, petitioner was in the process of paying
its obligations with claimant, thus the complaint for arbitration filed by MCS was
5[5] CA Decision, pp. 4-7; id. at 30-33.

In its Memorandum, petitioner rationalizes its position that the Request for
Adjudication made by MCS before the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal is premature in
view of the fact that PNCCs last installment payment to MCS was in July 2002,
after the latters last demand for payment in April 2002. Petitioner further
highlights its efforts to fulfill its obligations to MCS by stressing the fact that it
had paid MCS a substantial amount under the Subcontract Agreement, inasmuch as
out of the contract price of P19,483,572.65, only the balance of P6,352,791.33
remains unpaid. PNCC argues that it has never refused, expressly nor impliedly, to
comply with its responsibility under the Subcontract Agreement, thus, MCS lacks
a cause of action as against petitioner.

Petitioners contention is without merit.

It is unmistakable that PNCCs obligation to MCS has not been discharged

by the amount it has already paid, no matter how substantial it may be.
Nevertheless, PNCC seems to insist that said obligation may not be a subject of a
court action as MCS is yet to attain a cause of action since PNCC still continues to
pay part of its obligation under the Subcontract Agreement. We cannot agree in
petitioners position as this will imply that PNCCs obligation to pay may not at all
become a proper subject of any court action as long as PNCC continues to tender
irregular installment payments, regardless of the amount, even to the prejudice of

A careful perusal of the Subcontract Agreement entered into by the parties

will reveal the clear manner of payment by which PNCCs obligation to pay MCS
for the construction of the PMMA gymnasium is to be made. According to Article
IV of said Subcontract Agreement:

Manner of Payment
The price referred to in Article 111 above shall be paid by PNCC
to SUBCONTRACTOR in the following manner and subject to receipt by
PNCC of corresponding payment/s from PMMA:
b. thru semi-monthly progress billings computed based on
accomplishment as approved/accepted by PNCC/Owner and the agreed
unit prices;6[6]

From the facts of the case, it is undisputed that the gymnasium building
project subject of the Subcontract Agreement had been satisfactorily completed by
MCS as early as March 1999 and correspondingly acknowledged by PNCC in a
Certificate of Acceptance dated 6 April 2000. It is also admitted by both parties
that in accordance with the provisions of the Subcontract Agreement, MCS had
sent PNCC, on several dates, billings for various amounts which petitioner paid on
installment basis. However, despite the lapse of more than three years from the
completion of the construction project, PNCC still failed to settle its obligation in
6[6] Id. at 147.

full, leaving an unpaid balance of P6,352,791.33 as of the time of filing of the

instant case.

PNCC justifies its failure to completely settle its obligation to MCS by

citing its financial difficulties. However, apart from failing to present any
competent evidence to substantiate its claim of financial difficulties, it has been
found by the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal that PNCC has already received a total of
P31,249,233.30 from PMMA on the gymnasium building project. Nonetheless,
PNCC only saw it fit to pay MCS P9,965,465.98. Evidently, PNCC lacks any
reasonable defense for its continued neglect of its obligations to MCS.

This conduct demonstrated by PNCC in refusing to expeditiously settle its

obligation to MCS, despite the latters satisfactory completion of its duties under
the Subcontract Agreement, is clearly violative of the Subcontract Agreement.
Under the pertinent portion of the said contract cited above, PNCC shall pay MCS
thru semi-monthly progress billings upon PNCCs receipt of corresponding
payments from PMMA. As found by the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal, based on the
evidence presented by PNCC itself, petitioner has already received from PMMA a
total of P31,249,233.30 for the construction of the gymnasium building. This
amount is evidently sufficient to pay the whole subcontract price in the amount of
only P19,483,572.65, and still leave PNCC the amount of P11,765,660.65 as
margin/profit from the contract.

Petitioners contention that its failure to fully pay MCS is because it still has
a receivable of P6,972,043.44 from PMMA is untenable. Notwithstanding this fact
that PNCC still has a receivable in an amount sufficient to fulfill its remaining
obligation to MCS, it is not adequate a reason to justify the irregular installment
payments PNCC has been making to MCS in light of the CIAC Arbitral Tribunals
finding that PNCC had already received more than a substantial amount from
PMMA to satisfy the whole of its obligation to MCS. As deduced by the CIAC
Arbitral Tribunal, this act of PNCC in opting to reap and enjoy its margins from
the PMMA contract before satisfying its obligations to its Subcontractor MCS is an
illustration of bad faith on the part of PNCC.

Having said all these, it is now apparent that MCS has a cause of action as
against PNCC for the full satisfaction of the remaining balance of the contract
price. As stated in the case of Navoa v. Court of Appeals:7[7]

A cause of action is the fact or combination of facts which affords a party a right
to judicial interference in his behalf. The requisites for a cause of action are: (a) a
right in favor of the plaintiff by whatever means and under whatever law it arises
or is created, (b) an obligation on the part of the defendant to respect and not to
violate such right; and, (c) an act or omission on the part of the defendant
constituting a violation of the plaintiffs right or breach of the obligation of the
defendant to the plaintiff. Briefly stated, it is the reason why the litigation has
come about, it is the act or omission of defendant resulting in the violation of
someones rights.8[8]

7[7] 321 Phil. 938 (1995).

8[8] Id. at 947-948.

In continuing to delay the full satisfaction of its obligation under the

Subcontract Agreement despite satisfactory completion by MCS of the gymnasium
project almost three years earlier and adequate payment by PMMA, PNCC has
clearly breached the provisions of the Subcontract Agreement, entitling MCS
resort to the courts for protection of its interest.

On the issue of the propriety of the award of attorneys fees and arbitration
costs, petitioner maintains that the Decision of the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal failed to
state the legal and factual basis for the same. We do not agree. As correctly stated
by the Court of Appeals, the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal Decision amply explained the
bases for the awards of attorneys fees and arbitration cost. As pointed out by the
appellate court, on the basis of its findings that PNCC exercised gross and evident
bad faith in delaying its payment of MCS claims and the law applicable in such
cases, the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal adjudged PNCC liable for attorneys fees and
cost of arbitration. Furthermore, we agree with the Court of Appeals when it said
that that there is no justifiable reason to disturb the findings of the CIAC Arbitral
Tribunal as said quasi-judicial body has considered the evidence at hand and the
records clearly show that its decision is amply supported by substantial evidence.

Petitioners argument that the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal should not have passed
upon the issue of attorneys fees as said issue is non-arbitrable under Section 2 of
Article IV of the Rules Governing Construction Arbitration is rejected. Under the
Section 2, Article IV of the Rules of Procedure Governing Construction

Section 2. Non-Arbitrable Issues Pursuant to Section 4 of Executive Order No.

1008, claims for moral damages, exemplary damages, opportunity/business losses
in addition to liquidated damages, and attorneys fees are not arbitrable except
when the parties acquiesce or mutually agree to submit the same for
arbitration and to abide by the decision of the arbitrator thereon. [Emphasis

While it is true that under the aforementioned provision of law, attorneys fees is
not an arbitrable issue, yet, the same also provides that it may be the subject of
arbitration if the parties agree to submit the same for arbitration. In the case it bar,
it must be underscored that under the Terms of Reference agreed to by the parties
during the arbitration proceedings, PNCC agreed that one of the issues to be
determined in the proceedings is who between the parties is entitled to attorneys
fees. Clearly, petitioner has acquiesced to the submission of the issue of attorneys
fees to arbitration. What's more, in petitioners very own Answer submitted before
the CIAC Arbitral Tribunal, petitioner asked for attorneys fees as part of its own
compulsory counterclaim. This act of petitioner clearly negates its further assertion
that it never agreed to submit the issue of attorneys fees for arbitration.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is hereby

DENIED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA G.R. SP No. 76198 dated
19 July 2004 is hereby AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.


Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Associate Justice Associate Justice


I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision were reached in

consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Courts

Associate Justice
Chairperson, Third Division


Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, and the Division
Chairpersons Attestation, it is hereby certified that the conclusions in the above
Decision were reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of
the opinion of the Courts Division.

Chief Justice

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