Maf 630 CHAPTER 7
Maf 630 CHAPTER 7
Maf 630 CHAPTER 7
The word derivative implies they derive their value from something.
It originates from mathematics and it is a variable that derives from another variable.
Derivatives on its own have little value but when it derives from some other asset, known as
the underlying, hence, it has its value.
The underlying can be share prices, prices of commodity, indices and interest rates.
For example, a derivative of Air Asia shares will derive its value from share price of Air Asia
Similarly, a derivative contract on Crude Palm Oil depends on the price of palm oil and the
derivative of Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) will depend on the movement of the
A contract between two parties agreeing to carry out a transaction at a future date but at a
price determined today.
3 steps to a forward contract
1. Setting the price to be paid, exact specification of quality, quantity and delivery
logistics, such as time, date and place
2. Delivering the underlying asset from seller to buyer, and
3. Payment of cash from buyer to seller.
Exchange-traded form of forward contract
Basically to overcome 3 problems of forward contract
1. multiple coincidence needs,
2. unfair forward price and
3. counterparty risk
Standardized contract would have specified:
1. quantity (or the contract size),
2. quality (or the grade) of the underlying asset,
3. delivery date (or the expiry date) and
4. location of delivery
The speculative traders in the futures market provide the depth and volume of trading that
allows hedgers and others to enter or exit the market easily.
Three types of speculators:
1. Scalpers
look out for minimum price fluctuations on heavy (large) volumes taking
small profits at a time. They aim to make small profits on large volumes of
2. Day traders
do intraday trading and on small volumes of trade (to take long or short
positions of a few contracts and would close-out their positions later in the
day when the prices have moved)
3. Position traders
look for long-term price trends and may hold over weeks, or months before
getting out
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