Pre-K/LE HFW 4.1
Pre-K/LE HFW 4.1
Pre-K/LE HFW 4.1
Lesson 1
This resource is designed to allow your family to have time in Gods Word
BEFORE your children attend church. Because Gods plan is for parents to be
the primary spiritual nurturers of their childrens faith, we want YOU to be the
one to introduce this part of The Big God Story to them.
As our Good Shepherd, Jesus is concerned about our welfare and protection.
Your child may love to hear you retell stories of things he has done. As your child
is forming his identity, use these storytelling opportunities as a chance to weave
in the ways that God has given him unique talents and abilities.
You have made known to me the paths of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence.
Acts 2:28
2016 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church
and a national network of family and childrens ministry leaders. All rights reserved.
Sheep are among the most helpless animals on earth. They are completely
dependent on their shepherd to provide for and protect them.
After reading the Scripture passage, discuss the following together:
Why do you think Jesus wants us to follow Him?
What are some ways we can be sure we are following Jesus?
How does it feel to know that Jesus is guiding and protecting you?
A blessing can be a spoken prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or
words of encouragement and guidance over your child. For more information
about blessing your child, see the Blessing section in HomeFront: A Spiritual
Parenting Resource @
A blessing to pray over your child:
(Childs name), may you know that you belong to Jesus. May you rest in
knowing that He is with you and guiding you.