Uv Absorber
Uv Absorber
Uv Absorber
Date: 10/01/10
Supersedes: 01/12/09
Phone: (770) 449-9066
BNX 2000
Hydroxyl Amine Antioxidant & Stabilizer
Material Description:
Hydroxyl amine
Chemical Name:
Empirical Formula:
Chemical Structure:
Physical Properties:
Molecular Weight:
Melting Range:
Specific Gravity:
White powder
115 - 125C
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Mayzo, Inc.
3935 Lakefield Court
Suwanee, GA 30024
Date: 10/01/10
Supersedes: 01/12/09
Phone: (770) 449-9066
BNX 2000 is available in a 25-kg (55.1 lbs.) drum, net weight, with an
inner PE liner.
Toxicity &
This material is not intended for use in products for which prolonged
contact with mucous membranes or abraded skin, or implantation within
the human body is specially intended, unless the finished product has been
tested in accordance with the Food and Drug Administration and/or other
applicable safety testing requirements. Because of wide range of such
potential uses, Mayzo, Inc. is not able to recommend this material as safe
and effective for such uses and assumes no liability for any such uses.
Read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheet before using or
handling this product.
The information contained herein is believed to be reliable. However, Mayzo, Inc. makes no warranty, whether expressed
or implied, including warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, for the product or products
referred to herein. No statements or recommendations contained herein are to be constructed as inducements to infringe
any relevant patent, now or hereafter existence. Under no circumstances shall Mayzo, Inc. be liable for incidental,
consequential, or other damages from alleged negligence, breach of warranty, strict liability, or any other legal theory,
arising out of the use of handling of the product or products referred to herein. The sole remedy of the buyer and sole
liability of Mayzo, Inc. for any claims shall be limited to the buyers purchase price of the product which is subject of the
claim or the amount actually paid for each product, whichever is less. Technical advice furnished by seller shall not
constitute a warranty, which is expressly disclaimed, all such advice being given and accepted at the buyers risk.
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