Arlecore Readme
Arlecore Readme
Arlecore Readme
ARLECORE is the console version of Arlequin"
-----arlecore <project file name (*.arp)> | <settings file (*.ars)>
| run_silent\n
The three arguments are optional. If no argument is provided
arlecore will look for the file arl_run.txt where the name of a
project file should be indicated. If it does not find the project
file defined in arl_run.txt, the present message is shown.
The argument <project file name> needs to be put within quotes if
it contains whitepaces
The argument <settings file (*.ars)> allows one to use
a specific setting file for the computations.
If no settings file is specified, it will use the default setting file
run_silent: if present on the command line, arlecore will not output
computation progress in the console
arlecore test.arp test.ars
This will analyse the file 'test.arp' using the settings defined in the
file 'test.ars'.
This will read the file 'arl_run.txt' to see which project(s) need(s) to
be analysed, and which setting file to use (arl_run.ars) or <project name>.
What is needed to run arlecore:
------------------------------ arlecore executable file under windows or linux
- a settings file (e.g. arl_run.ars) created with the windows version of arlequi
n (see below)
What is needed to properly view the html or xml result files:
- All the gif, js, xsl, and R files provided in the archive file arlecore*.zip
#This loop will analyse all files with the same settings file
for file in *.arp
echo "Processing file $file"
#Launch arlecore with the same settings for all files
./$arlecore $file $settingsFile run_silent
#The following loop would be an alternative to perform specific computatio
ns on each file
#assuming that there is a different setting file with the same name as the
project file, but with
#the extension *.ars
#for file in *.arp
# echo "Processing file $file"
# #Launch arlecore with project specific settings
# ./$arlecore $file ${file%.*}.ars run_silent
echo "Settings file $settingsFile does not exist. Aborting script."