Old English Core Vocab
Old English Core Vocab
Old English Core Vocab
This le is taken almost entirely unchanged from Christine Rauers list, which can be
found online at http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/cr30/vocabulary/. All length marks have been
added, and the list itself has been reformatted.
The list below presents some 500 Old English words which could be regarded as literary core
vocabulary. Some of the words are among the most frequent in Old English literature; some
are of particular importance on account of their literary or linguistic usage. The reference
poet. signals predominant usage of a word in poetry. The cognates in a number of related
languages (MnE = Modern English, MnG = Modern German, MnDu = Modern Dutch,
MnDa = Modern Danish, L = Latin, MedL = Medieval Latin, MedGr = Medieval Greek) are
intended to make memorisation of the words easier. A word signalled as hapax legomenon
is found only once in the entire Old English corpus, and was possibly coined for the passage
in question.
This list of Old English Core Vocabulary is intended as a teaching aid: the idea is that
students learn this list of words by heart. It can be used in undergraduate or postgraduate
Old English teaching, either for compulsory or optional assessments, or just for background.
Tests can be made easier or harder, depending on whether the examined translation is from
Old English to Modern English, or vice versa, or both, and depending on how much time
students are allowed to memorise the vocabulary.
I try to keep the word list as stable as possible; the insertion of updates and corrections is
limited to one week during the summer, when students are unlikely to be using it formally.
There are no plans for moving this page to another address. If you have any corrections,
comments, or questions, please feel free to contact me by emailing [email protected].
Christine Rauer, University of St Andrews
Last updated 26/02/16: typo corrected in entry for faran (with many thanks to Cal Umlauf for this
baldlice, adv., boldly
bana, noun, m., slayer (cp. MnE bane, poet.)
bnhs, noun, n., body (bone-house, 6 occurrences, poet.)
bnloca, noun, m., bone-enclosure, ?muscles,
?body (5 occurrences, poet.)
br, noun, m., boar
bt, noun, m., boat
baian, verb, to bathe
bc, noun, n., back
bcere, noun, m., baker
bl, noun, n., re, funeral pyre (poet.)
brnan, verb, to burn
b, noun, n., bath
be, prep., about, concerning
bacen, noun, n., beacon, sign
beadu, noun, m., battle (15 occurrences, poet.)
beadurinc, noun, m., warrior (3 occurrences,
beadurf, adj., bold in battle (8 occurrences,
bag, noun, m., circular ornament (around
neck, wrist, nger etc.), ring (cp. MnE bagel)
baggyfa, noun, m., ring-giver, lord (7 occurrences, poet.)
baggyfu, noun, f., ring-giving, generosity (hapax legomenon, poet.)
baghord, noun, n., ring-hoard, treasure (3
occurrences, all in Beowulf )
beran, verb, to carry, bear
berstan, verb, to burst
beswcan, verb, to deceive, ensnare
bet, adv., better
gebetan, verb, to improve, remedy
betwonan, prep., between (cp. MnE between)
betweox, prep., between
bdan, verb, to await, experience
biddan, verb, to ask, bid
gebiddan, verb, to pray
bian, verb, to shake (cp. MnG beben)
bgong, noun, m., practice, observance, worship
bill, noun, n., sword (poet., cp. MnG Beil)
bisgu, noun, f., occupation (cp. MnE busy)
btan, verb, to bite
blc, adj., pale (cp. MnE bleak)
blc, adj., black
bld, noun, m., glory
blwan, verb, to blow
bltsian, verb, to bless
bld, noun, n., blood
bc, noun, f., book
bodian, verb, to preach (cp. MnE to bode)
bolster, noun, n., pillow (cp. MnE bolster)
bricg, noun, f., bridge
brim, noun, n., sea (poet.)
broga, noun, m., terror, danger
bror, noun, m., brother
brcan, verb, to use, eoy, benet from (cp. L
fruor, MnG gebrauchen)
brn, adj., brown, black, purple, red (cp. MnE
csere, noun, m., emperor (cp. MnE Caesar,
MnG Kaiser)
ceald, adj., cold
gecapian, verb, to buy (cp. MnE cheap)
ceaster, noun, f., town (cp. L castrum, MnE
-chester, eg. Manchester, Winchester)
cempa, noun, m., warrior
cicen, noun, n., chicken
cirice, noun, f., church (cp. MedGr kuriakon)
clipian, verb, to call
clyppan, verb, to embrace (cp. MnE paperclip)
gecnwan, verb, to recognise, perceive, understand
cniht, noun, m., boy, youth
cringan, verb, to fall, perish (poet., cp. MnE
cuman, verb, to come
cunnan, verb, to know
cunnian, verb, to nd out
cwellan, verb, to kill
cwn, noun, f., woman, queen (cp. MnE gynaecology)
cwic, adj., alive (cp. MnE quick)
dd, noun, f., deed
dg, m., day
dl, noun, m., part, portion (cp. MnE deal)
dma, noun, m., judge (cp. MnE to deem)
deofol, noun, m. or n., devil
dop, adj., deep
dor, noun, n., wild animal (cp. MnE deer,
MnG Tier)
deorc, adj., dark
dgol, adj., secret
dm, noun, m., judgement (cp. MnE doom)
dn, verb, to do
dram, noun, m., joy, delight
drogan, verb, to suer (cp. MnScots adj.
dror, noun, m. or n., dripping blood (11 occurrences, poet., cp. MnE dreary)
drihten, noun, m., lord
dugan, verb, to be of use (MnG taugen,
dugu, noun, f., troop of seasoned retainers,
mature men (MnG taugen, tchtig)
durran, verb, to dare
duru, noun, f., door
gedwyld, noun, n., heresy, error
dre, adj., dear (cp. MnG teuer)
dyrne, adj., secret
dysig, adj., foolish (cp. MnE dizzy)
a, noun, f., river (cp. L aqua)
ac, adv., also
eadig, adj., blessed, happy (Ead-, cp. Christian
names Edward, Edwin)
eald, adj., old
ealdor, noun, m., leader, prince (cp. MnE alderman)
ealdor, noun, n., life, age
eallwealda, noun, m., all-ruler, the Lord
earfo, noun, n., work, hardship (MnE robot,
MnG Arbeit)
earm, adj., poor (MnG arm)
ce, adj., eternal
ecg, noun, f., edge, sword
eft, adv., again
ege, noun, m., fear
ellen, noun, n., courage, strength
engel, noun, m., angel
ent, noun, m., giant (cp. Tolkiens Ents)
eorl, noun, m., nobleman
faran, verb, to go, travel (cp. MnE farewell)
fder, noun, m., father
fger, adj., beautiful, pleasant (cp. MnE fair)
feax, noun, n., hair (cp. Tolkiens Shadowfax)
fela, pron., many
fond, noun, m., enemy
for, adj., far
feorh, noun, n., life
galan, verb, to sing (cp. MnE nightingale, to
gamol, adj., old, ancient (poet.) (cp. MnDa
gammel, MnG vergammeln)
gn, verb, to go
gr, noun, m., spear (poet., cp. Hrothgar in
Beowulf )
habban, verb, to have
hl, adj., safe, unhurt (cp. MnE whole)
hlig, adj., holy
hm, noun, m., home
ht, adj., hot
htan, verb, to command, order, call, name
(cp. MnG heissen)
hlan, verb, to heal
Hlend, noun, m., Saviour (cp. MnG Heiland)
hle, noun, m., hero (poet., cp. MnG Held)
hen, adj., heathen
hafod, noun, n., head
hah, adj., high
hearh, noun, m., heathen shrine (cp. placename Harrow)
heaorinc, m., warrior (poet.)
helm, noun, m., protection, cover, helmet
heofon, noun, m., heaven
heorot, noun, m., deer, stag (cp. MnE hart,
Heorot in Beowulf )
here, noun, m., army (cp. MnG Heer)
hergian, verb, to ravage (cp. MnE to harry)
hild, noun, f., battle (cp. Christian name
hlf, noun, m., bread (cp. MnE loaf )
hlford, noun, m., lord (cp. OE hlaf, bread,
hlaford=hlafweard, the one in charge of the
hlw, noun, m., mound, barrow (cp. placenames Lewes, Wilmslow, Ludlow)
hlo, noun, n., protection, shelter
holt, noun, n., wood, forest (cp. MnG Holz)
hord, noun, n., hoard
h, adv., how
hund, noun, m., dog (cp. MnE hound)
hs, noun, n., house
hw, pron., who
lof, adj., beloved, dear (cp. MnE love, MnG
loht, noun, n., light
lo, noun, n., song, poem, poetry (cp. MnG
lc, noun, n., body (cp. MnG Leiche)
lchama, noun, m., body (cp. MnG Leichnam)
lf, noun, n., life
lind, noun, f., shield (of lindenwood)
lof, noun, n., praise (cp. MnG Lob)
lofgeorn, adj., eager for praise (cp. Beowulf
lufu, noun, f., love
lyft, noun, f., air, sky, breeze (cp. MnG Luftwae)
ic, pron., I
ides, noun, f., lady (poet.)
ilca, adj. and pron., same (cp. MnE ilk)
sen, noun, n., iron (cp. MnG Eisen, Tolkiens
magan, verb, to be able, can, be competent (cp.
MnE may)
mn, n., crime
manig, adj., many
lc, noun, n., play, sacrice, oering (cp. MnE maelian, verb, to speak (poet.)
to lark)
mm, m., treasure
lf, noun, f., remnant, what is left (cp. MnE mg, noun, m., kinsman
to leave)
mgen, n., strength, power, army (cp. MnE
lagu, noun, f., law
lr, noun, f., teaching (cp. MnE lore)
mg, noun, f., maiden
l, adj., hateful, hostile (cp. MnE loathsome) mre, adj., famous, glorious, notorious (cp.
lne, adj., temporary, transitory, granted, lent MnG Mrchen)
las, adj., devoid of (cp. MnE -less)
mearc, noun, f., boundary, region, border (cp.
leax, noun, m., salmon (cp. MnSw gravad lax) MnE Denmark)
lode, noun, pl., people (cp. MnG Leute)
mearh, m., horse (cp. MnE mare)
ofer, prep., over
ofermd, noun, n., pride, arrogance, overcondence (cp. The Battle of Maldon 89)
orian, verb, to oer
oft, adv., often
onfn, verb, to receive, accept, take up (cp.
MnG empfangen)
ongan, adv., back, again
ongietan, verb, to understand, perceive
onginnan, verb, to begin
ord, noun, m., point, spear, vanguard
er, adj., other
o t, co., until
oe, co., or
sacu, noun, f., battle
samod, adv., together, too, at the same time
sr, adj., sore
srig, adj., sorrowful (cp. MnE sorry)
swol, noun, f., soul
s, noun, f. and m., sea
sceadu, noun, f., shadow
scealc, noun, m., man, warrior (cp. MnE
marshal=ocer of state)
scat, noun, m., surface, region (cp. MnE
sceatt, noun, m., money, payment (cp. MnE
scean, verb, to iure (cp. MnE scathing)
scawian, verb, to see, look at (cp. MnE to
show, MnG schauen)
scieppan, verb, to create (cp. MnG schpfen)
sculan, verb, to must, have to (cp. MnE shall,
s, so, t, pron., the
scan, verb, to seek
secg, noun, m., man, warrior (poet.)
secgan, verb, to say
sefa, noun, m., heart (poet.)
sele, noun, m., hall, house (poet.)
sellan, verb, to give, sell
sendan, verb, to send, throw, hurl, cause to go
son, verb, to see
gesib, adj., related (cp. MnE sibling)
sibb, noun, f., peace (cp. MnE gossip)
sge, noun, m., victory (cp. Christian name
Siegfried, MnG Sieg)
simle, adv., always
sinc, noun, n., treasure
singal, adj., perpetual
s, noun, m., journey, fate, lot, venture
sian, adv., since, afterwards, later
slan, verb, to strike, beat (cp. MnE slay)
smagan, verb, to think, examine
snottor, adj., wise (poet.)
sna, adv., immediately, soon
sorg, noun, f., sorrow, grief, trouble
s, adj., true (cp. MnE sooth)
spd, noun, f., success, quickness (cp. MnE
good speed, Godspeed, MnG sputen)
spell, noun, n., story, message (cp. MnE
gospel, OE god + spel=good message)
sprecan, verb, to speak (cp. MnG sprechen)
stn, noun, m., stone
stefn, noun, f., voice (cp. MnG Stimme)
stw, noun, f., place (cp. place-names Felixstowe, Walthamstow)
strl, noun, m. or f., arrow (cp. MnG Strahl)
twgen, num., two (cp. MnE twain, Mark wl, noun, n., slaughter, carnage (cp. MnE
two, noun, m., doubt, uncertainty
wstm, noun, m., fruit
yfel, adj., evil (cp. MnG bel)
ymb, prep., about, concerning
yrmu, noun, f., hardship
yrre, noun, n., anger
, noun, f., wave