Ethical Marketing Theories

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2 Ethical theories
The next step is to use ethical theories to understand these moral issues. An ethical theory is a
systematic way of approaching ethical questions from a particular philosophical perspective. Western
moral philosophy has developed a number of ethical approaches.
Three ethical theories are commonly used in the consideration of marketing ethics: utilitarianism,
deontology and virtue ethics. Each may lead to a different conclusion when applied to the same ethical
Utilitarianism is concerned with the consequences of the decision. The quality of a marketing decision or
action is assessed by looking at the consequences of implementing that decision. In deciding whether it is
unethical the decision-maker will need to:

assess the likely costs and benefits for each stakeholder

make a decision based on what action produces the greatest benefit for all concerned.
This approach to ethical decision making is often used in public policy decisions where policy makers
have to take the course of action that is likely to produce the greatest overall benefit for the greatest
number of stakeholders (for example, all inhabitants of a region).
In our example, BAE Systems is faced with a dilemma. If it pays the bribe it wins the contract, ensuring
the growth and survival of the organization. However, paying it may be illegal and by doing so, BAE
Systems perpetuates corruption in an African state that ultimately ensures its citizens suffer from
misappropriation of their money. Yet not paying the bribe may result in redundancies and how would
these affect employees families?
Deontology is concerned not so much with the consequences of action but whether the underlying
principles of a decision are right. According to this view ethically good decisions are made by adhering to
key ethical principles such as honesty, truthfulness, respecting the rights of others, justice and so on.
Applying this theory to BAE Systems raises a number of issues. Bribery tends to be illegal so by paying a
bribe BAE Systems makes everyone in the organization indirectly implicit in an illegal act. Also if a bribe is
paid, where does the money go? Does it reinforce the status of a corrupt section of the wealthy and avoid
payment of taxes? In this example, a few people would benefit from the bribe to the detriment of the wider
majority of Tanzanian citizens.
Virtue ethics

Virtue ethics views marketing ethics from the perspective of the moral integrity of the individual(s)
involved in making the decision. A morally good decision is one that is based on the virtuous character of
whoever is making the decision. Moral virtues include honesty, courage, friendship, mercy, loyalty and
In our example, BAE Systems payment of the bribe lacks any virtue (effectively reinforcing corruption in
Tanzania) and little courage (paying bribes may appear to be unofficial organization policy).
It should be clear that making ethical judgments rarely involves clear decisions. Depending on the
viewpoint, different ethical principles may well lead to different decisions. Often it is appropriate to look at
an ethical question using different theories before making a decision.
Managers in public sector organizations will often have to make difficult decisions about which
stakeholder needs to satisfy when limited budgets mean not all needs and expectations can be met fully.
In many public sector and internal marketing contexts the customer or stakeholder has relatively little say
over the kind of service they receive. Thus, questions of an unequal distribution of power are more acute
in not-for-profit and internal marketing where one or both parties to an exchange are often locked into
existing arrangements and cannot walk away if they are dissatisfied with what they are receiving.2.2
Ethical theories The next step is to use ethical theories to understand these moral issues. An ethical
theory is a systematic way of approaching ethical questions from a particular philosophical perspective.
Western moral philosophy has developed a number of ethical approaches. Three ethical theories are
commonly used in the consideration of marketing ethics: utilitarianism, deontology and virtue ethics. Each
may lead to a different conclusion when applied to the same ethical dilemma. Utilitarianism is concerned
with the consequences of the decision. The quality of a marketing decision or action is assessed by
looking at the consequences of implementing that decision. In deciding whether it is unethical the
decision-maker will need to: assess the likely costs and benefits for each stakeholder make a decision
based on what action produces the greatest benefit for all concerned. This approach to ethical decision
making is often used in public policy decisions where policy makers have to take the course of action that
is likely to produce the greatest overall benefit for the greatest number of stakeholders (for example, all
inhabitants of a region). In our example, BAE Systems is faced with a dilemma. If it pays the bribe it wins
the contract, ensuring the growth and survival of the organization. However, paying it may be illegal and
by doing so, BAE Systems perpetuates corruption in an African state that ultimately ensures its citizens
suffer from misappropriation of their money. Yet not paying the bribe may result in redundancies and how
would these affect employees families? Deontology is concerned not so much with the consequences of
action but whether the underlying principles of a decision are right. According to this view ethically good
decisions are made by adhering to key ethical principles such as honesty, truthfulness, respecting the
rights of others, justice and so on. Applying this theory to BAE Systems raises a number of issues. Bribery
tends to be illegal so by paying a bribe BAE Systems makes everyone in the organization indirectly
implicit in an illegal act. Also if a bribe is paid, where does the money go? Does it reinforce the status of a

corrupt section of the wealthy and avoid payment of taxes? In this example, a few people would benefit
from the bribe to the detriment of the wider majority of Tanzanian citizens. Virtue ethics Virtue ethics views
marketing ethics from the perspective of the moral integrity of the individual(s) involved in making the
decision. A morally good decision is one that is based on the virtuous character of whoever is making the
decision. Moral virtues include honesty, courage, friendship, mercy, loyalty and patience. In our example,
BAE Systems payment of the bribe lacks any virtue (effectively reinforcing corruption in Tanzania) and
little courage (paying bribes may appear to be unofficial organization policy). It should be clear that
making ethical judgments rarely involves clear decisions. Depending on the viewpoint, different ethical
principles may well lead to different decisions. Often it is appropriate to look at an ethical question using
different theories before making a decision. Managers in public sector organizations will often have to
make difficult decisions about which stakeholder needs to satisfy when limited budgets mean not all
needs and expectations can be met fully. In many public sector and internal marketing contexts the
customer or stakeholder has relatively little say over the kind of service they receive. Thus, questions of
an unequal distribution of power are more acute in not-for-profit and internal marketing where one or both
parties to an exchange are often locked into existing arrangements and cannot walk away if they are
dissatisfied with what they are receiving.

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