Test of Admission

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University of Munich

Department of Economics
M.Sc. in Economics - Test of Admission (Example Problem Set)

A Microeconomics
1. Optimization
A monopolist produces the good x with costs of c for each unit of x. The inverse
demand function is given by p(x) = a bx (with a, b > 0).
a) The monopolist has to pay a tax t (with 0 < t < 1) on his profits. What
is the monopolists optimization problem? Calculate the profit maximizing
price and quantity from the first-order conditions.
b) Now suppose that the monopolist has to pay the tax t not on his profits
but on his revenues. What is now the monopolists optimization problem?
Again, calculate the profit maximizing price and quantity from the firstorder conditions.
c) Suppose the relevant tax regime is the one from question b). How does
the monopolists profit change with a marginal increase in the tax rate t?
Calculate the quantitative effect (i.e. the derivative) of an increase in t on
profits and indicate the qualitative effect (i.e. whether profit increases or
d) Which theorem can be used in question c) that simplifies the calculation
and allows to disregard the indirect effects of a tax increase on the value
function (i.e. the optimal profit function)?
e) Now suppose that, due to a drop in the supply of input factors, the monopolist can now produce a maximum quantity of x =



the tax regime from question b). Prove that the restriction x is binding for


2. Adverse Selection
Consider the market for coffee machines. There are 200 risk-neutral buyers and
160 risk-neutral sellers. Each buyer wants to buy at most one coffee machine;
each seller owns exactly one coffee machine.

There are two types of coffee machines: high quality and low quality machines.
High quality machines have a failure probability of 0.2, whereas the low quality
machines have a failure probability of 0.75.

The utility that a buyer derives from a coffee machine without failure amounts to
400 (measured in monetary terms). If the coffee machine has a failure the utility
of the buyer decreases by the amount of the repair costs to 200.

Assume that 25% of the coffee machines are of high quality. Each seller has a
reservation price of 300 for a high quality machine and a reservation price of 240
for a low quality machine.

a) Derive a buyers maximum willingness to pay for a high quality and a low
quality coffee machine.
Suppose that sellers know the quality of their machines, whereas the buyers cannot distinguish between high and low quality machines (asymmetric information).
b) Derive aggregate supply and aggregate demand as a function of the market
c) Characterize the market outcome. Comment briefly on its efficiency.
d) How large may the failure probability of the low quality machines maximally
be, so that there is just no partial market breakdown?

B Macroeconomics
Please highlight the correct answer. For each question there exists one correct
1. An open economys goods market is described by the following equations:
Consumption function:
C = a + b(Y T ) with 0 < b < 1 and a > 0
Tax revenue:
T = tY with 0 t < 1
Investment and government spending are exogenous: I = I0 , G = G0 . Net
export function:
X = g mY with 0 m < 1 and g > 0
Let m = 0 and b = 0.9. An increase in the tax rate t from 0 to 0.3
(a) should increase the investment multiplier


by around 73%.

(b) should reduce the investment multiplier by around 73%.

(c) should increase the government spending multiplier


by around

(d) should reduce the government spending multiplier by around 33%.
(e) should reduce both the investment and government spending multipliers by around 33%.

2. Suppose an open economy is described in the short run by the following

standard IS-LM model:
IS-curve (goods market equilibrium condition):


a + e + g + G 1 b(1 t) + m

Y with 0 < b < 1 and 0 t < 1


LM-curve (money market equilibrium condition):


+ Y

M is the money supply, G is government spending, P is the price level. The

remaining parameters a, e, g, n, d, m, k, h are all positive.
An expansionary monetary policy,
(a) decreases the equilibrium output Y.
(b) reduces the investment demand.
(c) is more effective (in terms of output changes), if there is a higher tax
rate t.
(d) is more effective (in terms of output changes), if consumers have a
lower propensity to consume (low b).
(e) is more effective (in terms of output changes), if investment demand
is more sensitive to interest rate changes (high d).
3. Let Y = 7700 7P represents an aggregate demand curve. If potential
GDP were 7000, the price level that would produce aggregate demand just
supporting that potential would be
(a) 110
(b) 100
(c) 90
(d) 105
(e) 75

4. Suppose an economy is described by the aggregate demand curve:

Y = 2000 + 1.25 G + 2.5


If Y (the potential output) is equal to 6000, G = 1200, and P = 1, what

must M equal to generate GDP , which is 3% lower than the potential.
(a) 1072
(b) 1000
(c) 982
(d) 928
(e) impossible to calculate

5. Suppose that the share of GDP paid to capital was always equal to 25%
and the remaining 75% was going to labor. That is,
Yt = At Kt0.25 L0.75
where At is total factor productivity. If, over the course of 20 years, the
capital stock had been growing at 2% per year, the labor force had been
growing at 3% per year, and GDP had been climbing at a 3% per year,
then total factor productivity must have been
(a) growing at 7% per year.
(b) growing at 5% per year.
(c) growing at 0.25% per year.
(d) falling at 5% per year.
(e) falling at 0.75% per year.

C Empirical Economics
1. Hypothesis testing in the linear regression model
You analyze a data set with 222 observations on the salaries of university professors and a few explanatory variables. Specifically, the data set contains these

Annual salary in $1000


Work experience (after PhD graduation) in years


Work experience (after PhD graduation) in years, squared

PRIVATE Dummy variable:

= 1 if the professor is affiliated with a private university
= 0 if the professor is affiliated with a public university
Observations are indexed by i = 1, . . . , N , with N = 222.
Consider the following regression model:
SALARYi = 0 + 1 YEARSi + 2 PRIVATEi + ui


Suppose that the standard assumptions of the linear regression model with multiple explanatory variables are satisfied. In particular, assume that the error term,
ui , satisfies the conditional independence assumption E(ui |YEARSi , PRIVATEi ) = 0.
(a) How can you test the hypothesis that two additional years of work experience have the same effect on the annual salary as being affiliated with
a private university? Write down the null hypothesis and the name of the
statistical test you would use.
(b) You are interested in the difference in annual salaries between private and
public universities. How can you use the results from estimating regression
model (1) to compute the difference in the average salaries in private and
public universities? Briefly explain your answer.

Next, consider a different regression model:

SALARYi = 0 + 1 YEARSi + 2 YEARS2i + ui


Suppose that the standard assumptions of the linear regression model with multiple explanatory variables are satisfied in this model. Assume now that there is
no salary difference between private and public universities. Thus, you may assume that the error term, ui , satisfies the conditional independence assumption
E(ui |YEARSi , YEARS2i ) = 0.
You run the OLS regression with standard software and obtain the following
OLS using observations 1222
Dependent variable: SALARY
Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors



Std. error

t-statistic p-value















(c) Compute the average salary of a university professor with 10 years of work
experience. (You should be able to perform this calculation without using
a pocket calculator! You may round to full dollars in intermediate steps,
provided you write down these calculations.)

2. True/false statements
Please indicate whether each statement is true or false by checking the appropriate

2.1 Linear regression model with one explanatory variable

The following statements refer to the linear regression model with one explanatory
variable, i.e.
Yi = 0 + 1 Xi + ui .
Observations are indexed by i = 1, . . . , N , where N is the sample size.
We denote the parameter values estimated by OLS by b0 and b1 .
The residual of observation i is defined as u
bi = yi b0 b1 Xi .
Please assume that the standard assumptions of the linear regression model hold,
in particular, the error term satisfies the conditional independence assumption
E(ui |Xi ) = 0. However, do not assume that the error term is normally distributed.
(a) The OLS estimator b1 is unbiased even when the error term is not normally
[ ] true

[ ] false

(b) The OLS estimator b1 is consistent in small samples.

[ ] true

[ ] false

(c) The sum of the residuals,

[ ] true



bi , is always equal to 0.

[ ] false

(d) The larger the variance of X, the more precisely can b1 be estimated.
[ ] true

[ ] false

(e) The error term, u, includes all variables that influence X.

[ ] true

[ ] false

2.2 Linear regression model with multiple explanatory variables

The following statements refer to the linear regression model with multiple explanatory variables, i.e.
Yi = 0 + 1 X1i + + k Xki + ui .
Observations are indexed by i = 1, . . . , N , where N is the sample size.
We denote the parameter values estimated by OLS by b0 and b1 , . . . , bk .
(a) The OLS estimator b1 is consistent if only if X1 is uncorrelated with all the
other explanatory variables (X2 , . . . , Xk ).
[ ] true

[ ] false

(b) It is not possible to calculate the OLS estimators b1 , . . . , bk if one of the

explanatory variables is a linear function of the remaining explanatory variables.
[ ] true

[ ] false

(c) In case of heteroskedasticity, it is not possible to calculate t-statistics.

[ ] true

[ ] false

(d) The OLS estimator b1 is inconsistent if the explanatory variable X1 is correlated with the error term u.
[ ] true

[ ] false

(e) The difference between the coefficient of determination, R2 , and the adjusted coefficient of determination (which is often denoted by R2 ) becomes
smaller as the sample size increases.
[ ] true

[ ] false

D Mathematical Methods
1. Differentiation and Integration
Differentiate the following functions with respect to x:
a) f (x) =

x2 +3

b) f (x) = 5x

c) f (x) = e x2 +lnx
d) F (x) =



Calculate the following integrals:





ex dx


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