May 1, 2016

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Monday, May 2, 2016

11:30 A.M.
Louis Parma
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
**No Mass**
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
11:30 A.M.
Dennis & Retta Parma
6:30 P.M.
Childrens Mass
(Crowing of Mary)

Monica Chapman
Thursday, May 5, 2016
11:30 A.M.
Helen Flowers
Friday, May 6, 2016
11:30 A.M.
McHugh Family
Saturday, May 7, 2016
6:00 P.M.
Rev. Francisco R. Planchett
Sunday, May 8, 2016
7:30 A.M.
Trey & Amy Psencik
9:00 A.M.
Miguel Renteria
10:30 A.M.
Our Parish Family
12:00 P.M.
Nolan Chiongson
Happy Birthday

MAY 1, 2016

Praying for Vocations


Praying for vocations is so important

in todays world. A vocation is a gift.
Our prayers give those being called
to the priesthood or religious life the
courage and strength to say yes!
The harvest is abundant but the
laborers are few; so ask the master
of the harvest to send out laborers
for his harvest. (Luke 10:2)
Please come and pray for vocations
the 1st Wednesday of the month,
May 4, 2016 8 am to 7pm in the
Chapel Benediction and Exposition
of the \Blessed Sacrament begins @
6pm. There is reading material for
prayer in the Chapel. Please stop by
and ask God to help someone who is
discerning, His call is all that is

Monday, May 2, 2016

Belize Meeting-Vizzone Conference
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
SVDP Meeting-Parma Room
Altar Guild Meeting-Scott Room
Baptism Class-Parma & Scott Room
Noon Choir rehearsal-In the Church
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
5:00 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation-Chapel
5:30 PM
Armada Blanca Childrens Rosary
Group-Fatima Garden
6:00 PM
Children's Choir Rehearsal-In the church
Holy Hour for Vocations with
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Edge-Popes Room
Religious Education Sessions (K through
5th & RCIA youth)-Religious Education
Knights 1st Degree Ceremony-Parma
RCIA-Scott/Jupe Room
10:30 Choir rehearsal-In the church
Thursday, May 5, 2016
LFH Core Meeting-Vizzone Conference
Friday, May 6, 2016
Divine Mercy Meeting-Parma Room
Divine Mercy Devotion-In the Church
9:00 Choir rehearsal-In the Church
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Coping Skills session-Religious
Education Building
Sacrament of Reconciliation-Chapel
Sunday, May 8, 2016
No Life teen
RCIA Middle & High School-Vizzone
Conference Room
6:30 PM
Pro Life Rosary-Fatima Garden/Chapel

Sponsored by the Catholic

Daughters Court #2596
of Our Lady of Fatima

The Sanctuary Light on the Main

Altar this week Sunday, May 1st
through Saturday,
May 7th is lit for
Eileen Skinner
Happy Birthday
Requested by James Skinner

The Sanctuary Light in the Chapel

the week of Sunday,
May 1st through Saturday,
May 7th is lit for
George & Ione Krueger
64th Wedding Anniversary

Please pray for those who are sick and in need of healing
Baptista, Michael
Behrend, Mary
Belanger, Pam
Birbeck, Jennifer
Couling, Jesse & Doris
Dacus, Jill
Easterday, Kevin
Echavarria, Jesus E.
Filidei, Barbara
Flores, Enrique
Garcia, Cindy
Garcia, Sofia
Garza, Guadalupe
Gentie, Sebastian
Gonzalez, Presilla
Gude, JoAnn
Hernandez, Josie
Hernandez, Juan F.
Jewett, Kristen

Lopez, Carmen
Lopez, Ruben D.
McClellan, Fred
McHugh, Camille
Moreno, Josepha
Moreno, Robert
Pasquale, Thomas, Sr.
Paul, Kay Lynne
Perez, Estella Mae
Ramos, Sylvia
Regalado, Hortencia
Rev. Dan Majerus
Richter, Neal
Rutledge, Lucille
Skinner, Eileen
Skvorak, Ingeborg
Stolle, Janice
Valdez, Sonia
Vielma, Edmundo


works of
* feed the

MAY 1, 2016

The Earth is protesting for the wrong that we

are doing to her, because of the irresponsible
use and abuse of the goods that God has
placed on her. Pope Francis

Divine Mercy and Sacred Heart

Devotion at St. John Neumann

*give drink
to the thirsty
*clothe the
*shelter the
*visit the
*visit the
*bury the



Works of
*Counsel the
*Instruct the


2nd PMO for May
In addition to the Tour de Cure in May, a group from
our parish spearheaded by the CDA will be serving
dinner for approximately 50 people at the
SAMMinistries Transitional Living and Learning
Center (TLLC) on Blanco Road on May 26th. This
center assists homeless families with children. They
can work or attend school and can grow there for up to
24 months. They meet weekly with a case manager to
set goals, learn budgeting skills, and seek permanent
housing. Let us all continue to answer Gods call
through Pope Francis by praying for people in need,
engaging with them whenever possible, and fostering
an atmosphere of welcome and care in our midst.

Now that the weather is warming up we find ourselves doing Spring Cleaning; gathering
those unwanted items in and around our home and hauling them off to start a new season.
Let's make some time this Spring to not only clean our homes, but to learn Coping Skills
that will prepare us 4 Life's challenges. St. John Neumann will be providing educational
support groups that will focus on strategies to manage Anger, Increase Effective
Communication, Assist with Decision Making, Coping with Difficult Individuals, and Challenging
Yourself to Live a more Spiritually Focused Life. Spring into building your Emotional and Spiritual Self
this season, so you can foster a healthier living for yourself and those you Love. Come join us on May 7 th
to gain some strategies to make a better YOU. Begin the session with breakfast at 8:30am. Session will
begin at 9am-NOON. So bring yourself, friends, family, neighbors with you. They are welcome as long
they are 18 years of age or older. For further information call the church office (210) 654-1643.
Sessions conducted by Ceasar Garza
Licensed Professional Counselor -Family Mediator
The first of two Parish Monthly Outreach (PMO) Year of Mercy projects for
May will take place on Saturday, the 14th. This PMO is for everyone! Singles,
couples, young andnot so young, friends, families, including children are
welcome to volunteer and help out. Parents can bring along their young children
too: toddlers and babies in strollersall ages and sizes are welcome! St John
Neumann is partnering with the American Diabetes Association to support the
Saturday, May 14, 2016 25th Annual Tour de Cure cycling event. During this eventriders of all levels
Texas A&M San Antonio join forces in the fight to stop diabetes and raise critical funds for diabetes
One University Way,
research, education and advocacy in support of the American Diabetes
San Antonio, TX 78224 Association. The volunteer opportunities include the following:

*comfort the

Miracle Mile


Food Tent



*pray for the

living and
the dead

Friday May 6th is the next Divine Mercy

devotion in the St. J ohn Neumann Chur ch at
6:30 pm. We will celebrate with evening prayer,
adoration and the Chaplet in song with the very
talented Stephanie Guevara. Additionally, the
first Friday of each month was designated by
our Savior Himself as a day to be consecrated to
honoring His Sacred Heart. Please join us at
6:30 pm on May 6th as we pray these devotions
to the Heart of Jesus that overflows with
merciful love for us. Questions may be directed
to Evelyn Padalecki at 210-272-0252 or Deacon
Tom at 210-654-1643.

9:00 am 1:00 pm
12:00 pm 4:00 pm
10:00 am 2:00 pm
1:00 pm 4:30 pm
6:00 am 9:00 am
9:00 am 12:00 pm
12:00 pm 3:00 pm

Assist with children and family activities, supervise play area,

make inspirational posters and banners, and maintain neatness of
Assist with serving food, keeping area tidy and clean, disposing
of excess trash, and helping cyclist stay hydrated
Assist cyclists with their bikes during registration, restroom
breaks, and during photo shoots; handout water at the finish line

Please pick an activity and a time period youd like to help outand then just pass on your request to either
Salvador Ordorica: (210) 845-6695 [email protected] or Estella Medina: (210) 663-7574
[email protected] ...Thank you and God bless you for your support!


MAY 1, 2016

October 1, 2016
SJN Fall Festival Raffle Donors Needed
This year, the Festival Committee is planning to expand
the number of prizes for the raffle. To minimize the
expense to the Parish and maximize the potential profit of
the festival, we are seeking donors, who are willing to
sponsor 6 non-cash prizes, with values ranging from $250
to $600. The Parish will provide the front money for the
4 cash prizes. Donors for the 6 non-cash prizes will be
listed in the Festival Program, unless you would like to
remain anonymous. If you are interested in sponsoring
one or more prizes, please contact one of our festival cochairs: Louie Gallegos (210-367-4577) or Bob Dunk
(210-655-6352) by May 15, 2016, to allow sufficient time
to have tickets printed by June 1. May God Bless You
for your generosity!

The Plant Lady needs your help!

Our lovely plant lady (Dolores Dailey)
is in need of some supplies to care for
the plants sold at our annual fall festival.
Items needed: Plants, Pots, and potting
soil. All donations can be brought to
the parish office during normal business
hours. God bless you and thank you so
much for your continued support!


Join Us!


Sunday, May 15, 2016

St. John Neumann is hosting a Family Picnic on

Sunday, May 15, between 1p.m. through 5p.m. on the
church grounds. Food and drinks (non-alcoholic) will be
provided by various parish organizations. Also, there
will be numerous games and activities for the whole
family. To have a guesstimate head count for the
food, we are asking you to purchase a ticket for just $1
dollar, the monies collected from the ticket sales will
go toward door prizes. (Children two and under are
free). Tickets will be available after Mass or at the
church office. All parish organizations and parishioners
are invited to attend. Come join the fun!
Please patronize our sponsors on the inside and back page of the bulletin.
They generously provide this bulletin for our parish.

Sandra Murphy Interiors

6302 Brook Falls

Residential Commercial TBAE Certified
(210) 599-8688 Fax:(210) 653-0755


CCD Registration will

begin Wednesday, May
11th from 6:30pm to 7:00
pm in the Religious
Education building
Office. Registration in the
main office will be
Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 8:00am to 3:00pm.
Please make sure you
have a zero balance
before registering for the
new cycle.
Religious Education
Sunday, May 1, 2016


During April we welcomed 11 children
into Christs Church through water and the
Holy Spirit. Just as God gave these
children the gift of life when they were
born, Baptism gave them the gift of Faith
and Eternal Life. The Parents and
Godparents represented the entire Church and served
as the instruments through which God gave each
child faith. Let us, the parishioners of St. John
Neumann, celebrate these childrens Baptism and
encourage the lifelong journey of faith this
sacrament initiates.
Those baptized were:
Arce, Colton A.
Arnold-Olveda, Audrina
Flores, Isaac A.
Hawbecker, Delilah M.
Martinez, Gabriela
Mendoza, Jaxon A.

Morales, Adrian
Najera, Michelle A.
Puente, Khora B.
Romero, Nicholas L.
Winkler, Ryan P.

There are still openings for the May

Marriage Encounter Weekend (May
13-15) in San Antonio. Please
contact Rob and Cris Johnson now
at 361-537-4997 or register now at

If you would like to donate a

flower arrangement to decorate
our church for each week for
masses in honor of a Loved One,
or a special occasion. Their name
and who requested them will be
acknowledged in our Sunday
bulletin. The cost for the large altar floral arrangement
is $50.00, the parish pays the difference of the cost of
the arrangement. Please call the church office at
(210) 654-1643. Thank you for your help in making
our church look beautiful.

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