May 1, 2016
May 1, 2016
May 1, 2016
Monica Chapman
Thursday, May 5, 2016
11:30 A.M.
Helen Flowers
Friday, May 6, 2016
11:30 A.M.
McHugh Family
Saturday, May 7, 2016
6:00 P.M.
Rev. Francisco R. Planchett
Sunday, May 8, 2016
7:30 A.M.
Trey & Amy Psencik
9:00 A.M.
Miguel Renteria
10:30 A.M.
Our Parish Family
12:00 P.M.
Nolan Chiongson
Happy Birthday
MAY 1, 2016
Please pray for those who are sick and in need of healing
Baptista, Michael
Behrend, Mary
Belanger, Pam
Birbeck, Jennifer
Couling, Jesse & Doris
Dacus, Jill
Easterday, Kevin
Echavarria, Jesus E.
Filidei, Barbara
Flores, Enrique
Garcia, Cindy
Garcia, Sofia
Garza, Guadalupe
Gentie, Sebastian
Gonzalez, Presilla
Gude, JoAnn
Hernandez, Josie
Hernandez, Juan F.
Jewett, Kristen
Lopez, Carmen
Lopez, Ruben D.
McClellan, Fred
McHugh, Camille
Moreno, Josepha
Moreno, Robert
Pasquale, Thomas, Sr.
Paul, Kay Lynne
Perez, Estella Mae
Ramos, Sylvia
Regalado, Hortencia
Rev. Dan Majerus
Richter, Neal
Rutledge, Lucille
Skinner, Eileen
Skvorak, Ingeborg
Stolle, Janice
Valdez, Sonia
Vielma, Edmundo
MAY 1, 2016
*give drink
to the thirsty
*clothe the
*shelter the
*visit the
*visit the
*bury the
Works of
*Counsel the
*Instruct the
Now that the weather is warming up we find ourselves doing Spring Cleaning; gathering
those unwanted items in and around our home and hauling them off to start a new season.
Let's make some time this Spring to not only clean our homes, but to learn Coping Skills
that will prepare us 4 Life's challenges. St. John Neumann will be providing educational
support groups that will focus on strategies to manage Anger, Increase Effective
Communication, Assist with Decision Making, Coping with Difficult Individuals, and Challenging
Yourself to Live a more Spiritually Focused Life. Spring into building your Emotional and Spiritual Self
this season, so you can foster a healthier living for yourself and those you Love. Come join us on May 7 th
to gain some strategies to make a better YOU. Begin the session with breakfast at 8:30am. Session will
begin at 9am-NOON. So bring yourself, friends, family, neighbors with you. They are welcome as long
they are 18 years of age or older. For further information call the church office (210) 654-1643.
Sessions conducted by Ceasar Garza
Licensed Professional Counselor -Family Mediator
The first of two Parish Monthly Outreach (PMO) Year of Mercy projects for
May will take place on Saturday, the 14th. This PMO is for everyone! Singles,
couples, young andnot so young, friends, families, including children are
welcome to volunteer and help out. Parents can bring along their young children
too: toddlers and babies in strollersall ages and sizes are welcome! St John
Neumann is partnering with the American Diabetes Association to support the
Saturday, May 14, 2016 25th Annual Tour de Cure cycling event. During this eventriders of all levels
Texas A&M San Antonio join forces in the fight to stop diabetes and raise critical funds for diabetes
One University Way,
research, education and advocacy in support of the American Diabetes
San Antonio, TX 78224 Association. The volunteer opportunities include the following:
*comfort the
Miracle Mile
Food Tent
9:00 am 1:00 pm
12:00 pm 4:00 pm
10:00 am 2:00 pm
1:00 pm 4:30 pm
6:00 am 9:00 am
9:00 am 12:00 pm
12:00 pm 3:00 pm
Please pick an activity and a time period youd like to help outand then just pass on your request to either
Salvador Ordorica: (210) 845-6695 [email protected] or Estella Medina: (210) 663-7574
[email protected] ...Thank you and God bless you for your support!
MAY 1, 2016
October 1, 2016
SJN Fall Festival Raffle Donors Needed
This year, the Festival Committee is planning to expand
the number of prizes for the raffle. To minimize the
expense to the Parish and maximize the potential profit of
the festival, we are seeking donors, who are willing to
sponsor 6 non-cash prizes, with values ranging from $250
to $600. The Parish will provide the front money for the
4 cash prizes. Donors for the 6 non-cash prizes will be
listed in the Festival Program, unless you would like to
remain anonymous. If you are interested in sponsoring
one or more prizes, please contact one of our festival cochairs: Louie Gallegos (210-367-4577) or Bob Dunk
(210-655-6352) by May 15, 2016, to allow sufficient time
to have tickets printed by June 1. May God Bless You
for your generosity!
Join Us!
During April we welcomed 11 children
into Christs Church through water and the
Holy Spirit. Just as God gave these
children the gift of life when they were
born, Baptism gave them the gift of Faith
and Eternal Life. The Parents and
Godparents represented the entire Church and served
as the instruments through which God gave each
child faith. Let us, the parishioners of St. John
Neumann, celebrate these childrens Baptism and
encourage the lifelong journey of faith this
sacrament initiates.
Those baptized were:
Arce, Colton A.
Arnold-Olveda, Audrina
Flores, Isaac A.
Hawbecker, Delilah M.
Martinez, Gabriela
Mendoza, Jaxon A.
Morales, Adrian
Najera, Michelle A.
Puente, Khora B.
Romero, Nicholas L.
Winkler, Ryan P.