JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation Guide Applications Release 9.2 With Tools Release 9.2.x PDF

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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Standalone Client Installation Guide

Applications Release 9.2 with Tools Release 9.2.x

December 2015

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation Guide Applications Release 9.2 with Tools Release
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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ vii
Audience...................................................................................................................................................... vii
Documentation Accessibility .................................................................................................................... vii
Related Documents .................................................................................................................................... vii
Conventions ............................................................................................................................................... viii

1 Introduction

Microsoft Windows Security.....................................................................................................
Minimizing Locked Files ...........................................................................................................


2 Understanding the Standalone Client Installation


Understanding Installation Steps .............................................................................................

Understanding the Destination Paths of Oracle Products ....................................................
Important Notes ..........................................................................................................................
Downloading and Extracting the Standalone Client Installer..............................................
Installing Compiler, Linker, and Software Development Kit (SDK)...................................
Understanding the Requirements for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ..............................
Obtaining and Installing Visual Studio and the Microsoft Windows SDK ...............


3 Installing the Application Server: Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3


Installing a JDK for WebLogic Server ...................................................................................... 3-1

Obtaining WebLogic Server ...................................................................................................... 3-2
Installing WebLogic Server ....................................................................................................... 3-7

4 Installing the Oracle Local Database


Oracle Database 12c Considerations ........................................................................................

Prerequisites to Running the OEE12Setup.exe Program ...............................................
Specifying the Oracle Home User and Oracle Base Directory ......................................
Manually Creating Oracle Home User .............................................................................
Using InstallManager to Install a Local Database..................................................................



5 Working with the Oracle Database Client


Obtaining the Oracle Database Client...................................................................................... 5-1

Installing the Oracle Database Client....................................................................................... 5-6
Working with the Microsoft Windows PATH Environment Variable ............................ 5-12
Working with the impdp.exe and expdp.exe Programs .................................................... 5-13
Copy the tnsnames.ora File .................................................................................................... 5-13

6 Installing the Standalone Client


Installing the Standalone Client................................................................................................ 6-1

Installing the EnterpriseOne Web Client for WebLogic Server (WLSH4A).................... 6-10

7 Starting the Standalone Client


Post Installation - Set Up Media Object Queues.....................................................................
Troubleshooting Standalone Client Startup Errors ...............................................................
General ..................................................................................................................................
Cannot Connect to the Security Server.............................................................................
Still Cannot Connect to the Security Server.....................................................................


8 Starting the Standalone Web Client


Troubleshooting Standalone Web Client Startup Errors ......................................................
General ..................................................................................................................................
Cannot Connect to the Security Server.............................................................................


9 Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component

10 Uninstalling the Standalone Client
11 Uninstalling the Oracle Local Database
12 Troubleshooting the Installation Process
Log Files .................................................................................................................................... 12-1
Standalone Client.............................................................................................................. 12-1
Web Client ......................................................................................................................... 12-2
OEE Local Database ......................................................................................................... 12-3
Microsoft Firewall .................................................................................................................... 12-4
Microsoft Windows IPv4 Requirement ............................................................................... 12-4

13 Troubleshooting the Standalone Client

Understanding Error Messages .............................................................................................
Report Batch Process ........................................................................................................
Environment Issues ..........................................................................................................
Data Source Setup Problems ...........................................................................................



Error Message Details ......................................................................................................
Error Messages Generated by Applications .................................................................
Frequent Generic Error Messages ..................................................................................
Memory Violations ...........................................................................................................
Form and Grid Add Failures...........................................................................................
Communication Failure ...................................................................................................
Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Production Mode) .............................................
Understanding Standalone Client (Production Mode) Troubleshooting.................
Troubleshooting a Standalone Installation of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ......
Troubleshooting Printing Problems........................................................................
Performing Preliminary Troubleshooting.....................................................................
Troubleshooting Interactive Application Problems ....................................................
Troubleshooting Batch Processes Resulting in No Data .............................................
Troubleshooting Batch Processes Displaying Errors on the Report..........................
Troubleshooting Batch Processes Displaying Unexpected Data on the Report ......
Troubleshooting Local Data-Availability Problems ....................................................
Troubleshooting .DLL Problems on a Standalone Client ...........................................
Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Development Mode) .........................................
Understanding Standalone Client (Development Mode) Troubleshooting.............
Troubleshooting .DLL Problems on a Standalone Client (Development Mode) ....
Troubleshooting Event Rule Problems........................................................................
Troubleshooting Business Function Problems ...........................................................
Troubleshooting Global Table Problems.....................................................................
Working with the Standalone Client Log Files..................................................................
Understanding the Standalone Client Log Files ........................................................
Logic Processing Logs.............................................................................................
Batch Processing Log ..............................................................................................
Application Development Logs ............................................................................
Object Management Workbench Transactions ...................................................
Viewing Log Files ...........................................................................................................
Configuring Logging Options ......................................................................................
Setting Up the Standalone Client jde.log.....................................................................
Setting Up the Standalone Client jdedebug.log .........................................................
Setting Up the Batch Process Log .................................................................................
Using Logs to Troubleshoot Issues ..............................................................................
Standalone Client jdedebug_xxx_mmddyy.log ..................................................
Batch Process Log ....................................................................................................
Compile Error Log..........................................................................................................
jdecpy.log .........................................................................................................................


A Working with ReconfigDB.exe


Understanding the ReconfigureDB.exe Program.................................................................. A-1

Encrypting and Decrypting the Password of the Local Database ...................................... A-4

B Understanding Executable Files on the Standalone Client


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Linked Executable Files ........................................................... B-1


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Self-Contained Executable Files.............................................. B-2

C Installing a Standalone Client from the Command Line

D Uninstalling a Standalone Client from the Command Line
E Manual Cleanup of an Uninstalled Standalone Client
F Manual Cleanup of an Uninstalled Oracle Database
G Working With SnapShot on the Standalone Client


Understanding SnapShot.......................................................................................................... G-1

Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................... G-4
Using SnapShot on the Standalone Client.............................................................................. G-4
Starting SnapShot................................................................................................................ G-5
Saving a Snapshot............................................................................................................... G-5
Restoring a Snapshot.......................................................................................................... G-6
Deleting a Snapshot............................................................................................................ G-7
Renaming an Environment....................................................................................................... G-8
Manually Backing Up Files and Settings.............................................................................. G-10
Set Logging for SnapShot Using the Registry...................................................................... G-10
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................... G-11
Examining the Log File .................................................................................................... G-12
Error Handling .................................................................................................................. G-13
Locked Resources Prevent Directory Renaming................................................... G-13
Other Causes of Directory Renaming Failure ....................................................... G-16
Remedial Actions .............................................................................................................. G-16
Examples of Healthy Environments ....................................................................... G-17
Simple Fixes................................................................................................................ G-20

Welcome to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation Guide.

This guide is intended for end users that install the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Standalone Client.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing

Related Documents
You can access related documents from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Release
Documentation Overview pages on My Oracle Support. Access the main
documentation overview page by searching for the document ID, which is 876932.1, or
by using this link:
To navigate to this page from the My Oracle Support home page, click the Knowledge
tab, and then click the Tools and Training menu, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, Welcome
Center, Release Information Overview.
This guide contains references to server configuration settings that JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne stores in configuration files (such as jde.ini, jas.ini, jdbj.ini,
jdelog.properties, and so on). Beginning with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Release 8.97, it is highly recommended that you only access and manage these settings
for the supported server types using the Server Manager program. See the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Server Manager Guide.


The following text conventions are used in this document:





Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated

with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for

which you supply particular values.


Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code

in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.


This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 1.1, "Overview"

Section 1.2, "Certifications"

Section 1.3, "Microsoft Windows Security"

Section 1.4, "Minimizing Locked Files"

1.1 Overview
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client contains components that run as
standard Microsoft Windows programs (for example, Active Console, Forms Design
Aid (FDA), and Report Design Aid (RDA)) and components that run in a web browser.
Note: This document uses the following terminology when
discussing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne clients:

Windows Client
Contains components that run as standard Microsoft Windows

Web Client
Contains components that run in a web browser.

Standalone Client
Composed of components that run as standard Microsoft
Windows Client and also components of the Web Client that run
in a web browser.




Note: Another JD Edwards EnterpriseOne product is the

Development Client (also known as a Web Development Client, "Fat"
Client, Administrative Client, Windows client, or Workstation). The
Development Client is installed as part of an entire JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne environment. It requires other EnterpriseOne
components such as Deployment Server, Enterprise Server, and
Database Server.

The functionality of the Development Client and the Standalone

Client are similar in many respects. Whereas the Development Client
requires the other above-mentioned EnterpriseOne discrete
components to be installed separately on different machines, the
Standalone Client is self contained. This is possible because the
Standalone Client installation includes these bundled components to
run locally, which is not a supported configuration in a production
environment, but can be useful for other purposes. Like the
Development Client, the Standalone Client also includes a local Oracle
database and an Oracle WebLogic application server and some other
non-EnterpriseOne products. Unlike the Development Client, the
machine on which the Standalone Client is installed does not require a
network connection, making it truly standalone.
The Standalone Client supports only the Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) application
server and the Oracle Enterprise Edition (OEE) database. For Oracle WebLogic Server,
you should install the supported version as indicated by the Certifications for the
Development Client. The version of the Web Client that is installed on WLS is
WLSH4A (WebLogic Server HTML for Applications) also known as the Web Client.
Refer to the Glossary in this document for definitions of terms and acronyms.
Microsoft Windows Slash Characters. Microsoft Windows
syntax allows either a slash or backslash to separate directory names.
If you are specifying directory names from this document, you may
use either slash character.


Note: This document uses the terms "deinstall " and "uninstall"
interchangeably. The terms are synonymous and describe the removal
of a product from your workstation.

1.2 Certifications
Customers must conform to the supported platforms for the release as detailed in the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Certifications. In addition, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne may
integrate, interface, or work in conjunction with other Oracle products. Refer to the
following link for cross-reference material in the Program Documentation for Program
prerequisites and version cross-reference documents to assure compatibility of various
Oracle products.

1-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

Microsoft Windows Security

The installed prerequisites for the Standalone Client are the

same as those for the Development Client with the exception that
Oracle WebLogic Server is the only supported Application Server.


Refer to the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support and search for this product:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client

For additional information on using Certifications, refer to this document on My

Oracle Support (https://support.oracle.com):

Certifications FAQ for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne [Article ID 1525328.1]

1.3 Microsoft Windows Security

When installing, uninstalling/deinstalling, or running any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
product on Microsoft Windows operating systems, be sure to follow the below
guidelines. This includes saving or restoring or deleting snapshots of EnterpriseOne
using the SnapShot program. Not following these guidelines may cause unexpected
errors to occur.

Registry and directory permissions

Be sure that the user account into which you are signing into Microsoft Windows
is in the Administrators group or a similar group that provides permissions to
write to and read from registry hives (for example, HKEY_LOCAL_
MACHINE\SOFTWARE) and disk subdirectories (c:\Windows) that are restricted
from standard Windows users.


Remote Desktop connections

When connecting to a remote Microsoft Windows computer using Microsoft's
Remote Desktop, run Remote Desktop with the "/admin" flag. Not running with
this setting may cause subtle, hard-to-explain errors in the program. You can do
this using these steps:

Right-click on the Remote Desktop shortcut.


Select properties.


Click on the Shortcut tab.


At the end of the Target field, add a space, a forward slash, and the string
admin to the end of the Target. The screen shot sample below illustrates this



Minimizing Locked Files

1.4 Minimizing Locked Files

To minimize the possibility that the Standalone Client's installer or uninstaller or
SnapShot might fail due to locked files, follow these guidelines:

Exit from all running programs. You can use Microsoft Windows Task Manager to
verify that the programs are stopped. In particular, be sure that EnterpriseOne,
JDeveloper, and SQL Developer are stopped, but other programs may also need to
be stopped. Exceptions to this rule include the database service(s) which should be


Verify that no files in the Standalone Client installation directory or subdirectories

are open in any file editors.


Verify that neither the installation directory nor any of its subdirectories are open
in Microsoft Windows Explorer.


Verify that no Command Prompt window has as its current working directory
either the Standalone Client installation directory or any of its subdirectories.

1-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

Understanding the Standalone Client

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 2.1, "Understanding Installation Steps"

Section 2.2, "Understanding the Destination Paths of Oracle Products"

Section 2.3, "Important Notes"

Section 2.4, "Downloading and Extracting the Standalone Client Installer"

Section 2.5, "Installing Compiler, Linker, and Software Development Kit (SDK)"

2.1 Understanding Installation Steps

Installation of the Standalone client involves the following sequential steps, each of
which are described in the following sections and chapters:

Understanding the Destination Paths of Oracle Products, also called Oracle Homes


Understanding Important Notes


Download the Standalone Client installer


Installing Prerequisites for the Standalone Client


Compiler, linker, and Software Development Kit (SDK)


Application server




Database client



With the exception of the browser, the other components listed above are covered
in this document. The specific versions of these products are specified in the
Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Certifications (refer to the section of this guide
entitled: Section 1.2, "Certifications").

2.2 Understanding the Destination Paths of Oracle Products

Each Oracle product that is installed on a machine is installed into an Oracle Home
directory or path. This is a directory that contains most of the files associated with the
product. This path has a user-supplied name as well. You can specify a name that is
intuitive so you do not have to remember the path. The parent directory of the Oracle
Home directory is called the Oracle Base directory or path.
Understanding the Standalone Client Installation


Important Notes

The following table shows some examples these terms for the installations of an Oracle
WebLogic Server, an Oracle database and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone

Oracle Product Installation Directory


Oracle Base

C:\Oracle\Middleware\WLS_Home C:\Oracle

Oracle Home Path

Oracle Home

C:\Oracle\Middleware\WLS_Home WebLogic_Home

Oracle database C:\Oracle2\E1Local




JD Edwards





During the installation of an Oracle product, OUI copies the files from the package to
subdirectories under the Oracle Home path and then performs the necessary
configurations. In addition, it places a copy of OUI into the Oracle Home Path.
OUI also creates a submenu of items in the Start / All Programs menu. This submenu
is named "Oracle - <Oracle_Home_Name>" where <Oracle_Home_Name> is the name
that the user specified during the installation. This submenu will include links to some
of the products programs and the submenu Oracle Installation Products. Oracle
Installation Products includes a link to the copy of OUI that is in the Oracle Home
Path. Although you can run other copies of OUI to uninstall (remove) the
EnterpriseOne Standalone Client, it is safest to uninstall using the link in this

2.3 Important Notes

Refer to the following important notes regarding the overall installation of a
Standalone Client.
Please verify all Certifications for supported versions of
third party software. See the section Section 1.2, "Certifications".



OUI installs its own Java Runtime Environment (JRE) so one is not required to be
present before OUI is run. However, OUI will attempt to use any Java-related
Microsoft Windows environment variables that are set before it is run. Examples of
some Java environment variables are JAVA_HOME, JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS,
and _JAVA_OPTIONS. If any of these are set to invalid values, OUI may fail to
run, or it may fail during the installation. Be sure to either validate these
environment variables or delete them before running OUI.
It is very important to understand that the JRE that OUI
uses is separate from the one that the Standalone Client uses. The one
used by the Standalone Client must be downloaded and installed
prior to installing either WebLogic Server or the Standalone Client.



Microsoft Visual Studio is not required unless you are building business functions
on the Standalone Client. If you plan to build business functions, you will need the
compiler and additional libraries that Visual Studio and Windows Software
Development Kit (SDK) provides.

2-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

Installing Compiler, Linker, and Software Development Kit (SDK)


Verify that all previous releases of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (Standalone and

Development) Clients have been completely uninstalled or saved via SnapShot
before installing a new Standalone or Development Client. For instructions on
how to uninstall the Standalone Client, refer to the section of this guide entitled:
Section 10, "Uninstalling the Standalone Client".


The Standalone Client does not require Software Protection Codes (SPCs; that is,
an EnterpriseOne license) to run so you will not need to perform the steps for
applying SPCs that previous EnterpriseOne releases required.


Applications Release 9.2 supports only Oracle Enterprise Edition (OEE) as the
local database.


If you previously had installed a local Oracle 12c database for the Standalone
Client and you are reinstalling the Standalone Client, you do not have to uninstall
the database first. However, if you need to reinstall the OEE database for some
reason, follow the instructions in the appropriate section of this guide entitled:
Section 4, "Installing the Oracle Local Database".


If you need to install the OEE database and the Microsoft Windows environment
variable ORACLE_HOME exists, the OEE installer will delete it during the

2.4 Downloading and Extracting the Standalone Client Installer

You can obtain the appropriate disk images from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud or
Update Center for the Standalone Client and the local database.
Note: Both the Standalone Client installer and the local database
installer are bundled together on the Software Delivery Cloud or
Update Center.

After the disk images are downloaded onto the machine on which you will install the
Standalone Client, log on to that machine as a user with Administrator rights.
Ensure that the Administrator account name that you use
does not contain any special characters.


Use a program such as 7-Zip or WinZip to expand all disk images to be under a
common directory called Disk1 on your Standalone Client. For example:

2.5 Installing Compiler, Linker, and Software Development Kit (SDK)

This section describes these topics:

Section 2.5.1, "Understanding the Requirements for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne"

Section 2.5.2, "Obtaining and Installing Visual Studio and the Microsoft Windows

2.5.1 Understanding the Requirements for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

As with previous releases of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, you must install specific
versions of the Microsoft Visual Studio runtime libraries or the Visual Studio product
Understanding the Standalone Client Installation


Installing Compiler, Linker, and Software Development Kit (SDK)

itself before you can run the installer for the Standalone Client. Visual Studio runtime
libraries provide the support files for C and C++ based programs to run. The Visual
Studio product includes these runtime libraries as well as a compiler and linker which
can be used to build JD Edwards EnterpriseOne business functions.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools (foundation) and Applications (business functions)
are built with different releases of Visual Studio; hence, they each require specific
installations of the Visual Studio runtime libraries or product.

As of the GA release of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release 9.2, the required

version of Visual Studio runtime libraries is 2010. (The Visual Studio product is not
needed for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release because customers do not
rebuild this JD Edwards EnterpriseOne component.)
As of the GA release of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Release 9.2, the
required version of Visual Studio runtime libraries and product is 2013.
Tip: The net of this discussion is that for a typical Standalone Client
installation, both versions of Visual Studio runtimes are required at a
minimum (VS/2010 and VS/2013). Further, if building business
functions on the Standalone Client then the full product version of
Visual Studio 2013 and the freely-available Windows SDK are also

You should check Oracle Certifications for the most current specifications for
supported releases of Visual Studio and the Windows SDK for your Tools Release and
Applications Release. Refer to Section 1.2, "Certifications" in this guide.
The Visual Studio runtime libraries (which are partial products with no development
tools) for each supported release of Visual Studio are freely available from the
Microsoft Download Center. The complete Visual Studio product (which includes the
runtime and the compiler and associated tools) must be purchased and licensed from
Microsoft. The Windows SDK is also free from the Microsoft Download Center.
Note: Only 32-bit versions of Visual Studio runtime libraries are
supported for use with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. Note these
Microsoft product attributes:

The Microsoft Download Center designates 32-bit versions of

software with the term x86.
The Visual Studio product comes with both 32- and 64-bit versions
of the runtime libraries.
When searching the Microsoft Download Center for a particular
product, you may need to use these search terms: Visual Studio
or Visual C++.

2.5.2 Obtaining and Installing Visual Studio and the Microsoft Windows SDK
You should only install Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 on operating systems supported
both by Microsoft Visual Studio and Oracle JD Edwards. Refer to the Oracle
Certification system on support.oracle.com for the latest service packs, releases, and
operating systems supported with Visual Studio 2013 (the information will be under
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client products).
As of the GA of Tools and Applications Release 9.2 these links and navigation to the
microsoft.com web site are valid:

2-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

Installing Compiler, Linker, and Software Development Kit (SDK)

Visual Studio 2010 Redistributable

Microsoft.com > Downloads > Search > Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable
Package (x86)
Tip: Some Microsoft Windows systems may already have the Visual
Studio 32-bit 2010 redistributable installed, either manually or by
some other Microsoft product installation. Users can determine if this
version already exists in Control Panel > Programs and Features >
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable.

Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable

Microsoft.com > Downloads > Search > Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable
Package (x86)
Visual Studio 2013 Download and Windows SDK
Note: You need the Visual Studio 2013 download, which is a licensed
product from Microsoft, if you plan on building business functions on
the Standalone Client. An additional build requirement is the
Windows SDK, which is a freely available program from Microsoft.

Visual Studio Download

Microsoft.com > Downloads > Search > Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Download
Windows Software Development Kit for Windows 8.1
Note: Although the SDK download is labeled as Microsoft Windows
8.1, the same download is applicable to both Windows Client 8.1 and
Windows Server 2012. This SDK is specifically required for any
Windows-based machine that is building JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
business functions.

Microsoft.com > Downloads > Search > Windows Software Development Kit for
Windows 8.1

Understanding the Standalone Client Installation


Installing Compiler, Linker, and Software Development Kit (SDK)

2-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

Installing the Application Server: Oracle
WebLogic Server 12.1.3

The Web Client part of the EnterpriseOne Standalone Client requires that an
application server is installed. An application server processes requests from a browser
and returns results to the browser to be displayed to the user.
The Standalone Client supports only the Oracle WebLogic Server application server.
This chapter describes how to install WebLogic Server.
Note: This document covers installations for WebLogic Server
version 12c (also known as 12.1.3). Follow the Oracle Certifications to
determine which version is supported for your particular

This chapter contains the following tasks:

Section 3.1, "Installing a JDK for WebLogic Server"

Section 3.2, "Obtaining WebLogic Server"

Section 3.3, "Installing WebLogic Server"

3.1 Installing a JDK for WebLogic Server

Before you can install WebLogic Server itself, you must have a Java Development Kit
(JDK) installed on your Standalone Client. You should always refer to the Oracle
Certifications for the current specifications for the versions of WebLogic Server and its
required JDK on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client.
Tip: When downloading the JDK installer, choose the installer for
Windows x86 as this is the installer that contains the requisite 32-bit

For example, if the supported version of the JDK is 1.7.y, follow these steps to
determine if you have a 32-bit 1.7.y JDK:

Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features.


Scan the list of installed programs for this listing:

Java SE Development Kit X Update Y
where X is the major version of the JDK (for example, '7) and Y is the update
Installing the Application Server: Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3 3-1

Obtaining WebLogic Server

The terminology for the version of Java JDKs is not consistent between versions of
Java. The important things that must be present in the installed program
description are defined by these rules:

If 64-bit is not stated, the JDK is a 32-bit version.

An installed JDK is designated with this text:

Java SE Development Kit

The first number of the JDK version (for example, the number 1 in 1.7.0.y) is
dropped in the Programs and Features list.
In the JDK version 1.7.0.y, the y is specified as the Update number in the
Programs and Features list.

As an example of the above rules, a 32-bit JDK will be designated as:
Java SE Development Kit 7.0 Update 60

If the correct JDK is not installed, you must download and install one.

3.2 Obtaining WebLogic Server

Use this procedure to download the WebLogic Server installer from the Oracle
Software Delivery Cloud.

Go to this web site:



Review the site usage license agreement and click the Accept button to continue.

3-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Obtaining WebLogic Server


On Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, in the Filter Products By list of checkboxes,

be sure Programs is checked.


In the Product field, enter this string:

Oracle WebLogic Server, Standard Edition


On Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, in the Select Platforms pulldown, select this
Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)


Click the Continue button.

Installing the Application Server: Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3 3-3

Obtaining WebLogic Server


Expand the entry Oracle WebLogic Server Standard Edition by clicking the arrow
to the left of the release name.

3-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Obtaining WebLogic Server


For Available Release, turn off all checkboxes except for the highest version Oracle
WebLogic Server.


Click the Continue button.

Installing the Application Server: Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3 3-5

Obtaining WebLogic Server

10. On Oracle Standard Terms and Restrictions, read the license agreement, click the

checkbox if you accept, and click the Continue button.

3-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing WebLogic Server

11. On the File Download screen, click the link for the Oracle WebLogic Server.
12. Save the downloaded file to your computer.
13. Extract the contents of the downloaded file. For WebLogic Server 12.1.3, the

download should consist of this file or a similar version number:


3.3 Installing WebLogic Server

Prior to installing WebLogic Server, ensure an appropriate
JDK is installed. For details, refer to the preceding section entitled:
Section 3.1, "Installing a JDK for WebLogic Server".


This procedure assumes you followed the instructions in the previous

section of this chapter for obtaining the WebLogic installer and that
you extracted the download.
To install WebLogic Server on the Standalone Client:

Open a command prompt window with Run as Administrator.


Run this command in the command prompt window to change directory:

cd <Java_installation_dir>\bin
where <Java_installation_dir> is the directory where you installed the JDK.
For example:

For more details on supported versions of the JDK, refer to the section of this
chapter entitled: Section 3.1, "Installing a JDK for WebLogic Server".

Run this command in the command prompt window to launch the WebLogic
Server installer:
java -jar <path_to_wls_file>\fmw_12.
For example:

Installing the Application Server: Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3 3-7

Installing WebLogic Server

The Java command executes and displays the Welcome screen for the Oracle
Fusion Middleware.


On Welcome, click the Next button.

3-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing WebLogic Server


On Installation Location, in the Oracle Home field, enter or browse to a path into
which you want to install WebLogic Server.
Note: You can choose any install location; however, using a location
that contains "space" characters in the path may cause problems.


Click the Next button.

Installing the Application Server: Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3 3-9

Installing WebLogic Server


On Installation Type, select this radio button:

WebLogic Server


Click the Next button.

3-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing WebLogic Server


On Prerequisite Checks, verify the installer checks complete successfully.

10. Click the Next button.

Installing the Application Server: Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3


Installing WebLogic Server

11. On Installation Summary, review the summary information.

12. Click the Install button.

The installer displays the Installation Progress as a percentage in the progress bar.

3-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing WebLogic Server

13. On Installation Progress, the installation is complete when the progress bar

indicates 100%.
14. Click the Next button.

Installing the Application Server: Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3


Installing WebLogic Server

15. On Installation Complete, turn off this checkbox:

Automatically Launch the Configuration Wizard

16. Click the Finish button.

There is no additional manual configuration of the WebLogic Server. The

remainder of the requisite configuration is handled programmatically by the
WLSH4A installer.

Note: Troubleshooting. If after you click the Finish button you

receive a screen asking you to Create a new domain or Update an
existing domain, you did not turn off the checkbox in the previous
screen. To proceed you can simply click Cancel button to exit.

3-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing the Oracle Local Database

Complete this chapter to install the local Oracle Enterprise Edition (OEE) database that
the Standalone Client will use.
This release of the Standalone Client requires that the local
Oracle database version is 12c.


For the Standalone Client machine, the Oracle database 12c and the
previously supported release (Oracle 11g) cannot coexist. If 11g is
installed, before you install the 12c version of the Oracle database, you
must uninstall the Oracle 11g version using the instructions as
described in the chapter of this guide entitled: Section 11,
"Uninstalling the Oracle Local Database".
If you encounter errors during the installation process, refer to these troubleshooting

Section 4.1, "Oracle Database 12c Considerations"

Section 4.2, "Using InstallManager to Install a Local Database"

Caution: It is very important that no files exist in the E1Local
subdirectory when you attempt to install the OEE database. If any
files do exist, the OEE installation will probably fail.

Be sure to follow the guidelines in the preceding sections of

this guide entitled:


Section 1.3, "Microsoft Windows Security"

Section 1.4, "Minimizing Locked Files"

If you have not already installed the database engine and a database called E1Local
does not exist on your Standalone Client, use the procedures in this section to install
these requisite components before installing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Standalone Client. If the local database engine is already installed and an E1Local
database exists, you can skip this chapter.

Installing the Oracle Local Database 4-1

Oracle Database 12c Considerations

You can run the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program

InstallManager to install the local database into any location. However
it is strongly recommended that you not choose a directory that
contains space characters in the directory name. Avoiding such
directory names will avoid the possibility of issues arising later due to
known issues with such directory names.


Note: For instructions on launching InstallManager to install the

local Oracle database with default parameters, refer to the section
entitled: Section 4.2, "Using InstallManager to Install a Local

This section discusses these topics:

Section 4.1, "Oracle Database 12c Considerations"

Section 4.2, "Using InstallManager to Install a Local Database"

4.1 Oracle Database 12c Considerations

Starting with Oracle Database 12c, Oracle supports the use of an Oracle Home User
who will own the install of the database. This user must not have Microsoft Windows
Administrator (admin) rights. Note that in this context, the user is the local Microsoft
Windows user, not a database user.
Caution: Do not install the Oracle Database 12c into an existing
Oracle Base directory. For example, do not install into this directory if
it already exists:

If you attempt to install to an existing Oracle directory, the
OEE12Setup.exe installer will likely fail. Later releases of this installer
may be able to programmatically resolve this issue.
This section discusses these topics:

Section 4.1.1, "Prerequisites to Running the OEE12Setup.exe Program"

Section 4.1.2, "Specifying the Oracle Home User and Oracle Base Directory"

Section 4.1.3, "Manually Creating Oracle Home User"

4.1.1 Prerequisites to Running the OEE12Setup.exe Program

The OEE12Setup.exe program is used to install the local Oracle 12c database. This
program is called from the InstallManager program when you click on this link:
EnterpriseOne Database Engine
Prior to installing the database, ensure that this Microsoft Windows system variable
either does not exist, or if it does that it points to a valid JDK:

4-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Oracle Database 12c Considerations

Otherwise, the OEE12Setup.exe program will fail to execute and return an error stating
the JDK is invalid.
Note: For instructions on launching InstallManager to install the
local Oracle database with default parameters, refer to the section
entitled: Section 4.2, "Using InstallManager to Install a Local

4.1.2 Specifying the Oracle Home User and Oracle Base Directory
When you launch the OEE12Setup.exe program with no switches (this is the default
operation when launched from the link on InstallManager) an OEESetup GUI is
displayed prompting for Oracle Home User login and Oracle Base Directory

4.1.3 Manually Creating Oracle Home User

If you cannot use the OEE12Setup.exe program to create the Oracle Home User, you
can create the user manually using the steps described in this section.
To create a Microsoft Windows user, launch Local Users and Groups management
console using this navigation:
Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > System Tools >
Local Users and Groups


On Local Users and Groups (Local)\Users, in the left pane, select Users.


Right click and select New User.

Installing the Oracle Local Database 4-3

Using InstallManager to Install a Local Database


On New User, complete these fields:

User name:
Enter a name for the user. For example, e1dbuser.

Password and Confirm Password

Enter and confirm the password for the user.

Ensure this checkbox is not checked:

User must change password at next logon


Click the Create button.

4.2 Using InstallManager to Install a Local Database

Perform the following steps to install the local database.

If you have not already done so, obtain the appropriate disk images from Oracle
Software Delivery Cloud or Update Center for the Standalone Client and local


Log on to the Standalone Client as a user with Administrator rights.

Ensure that the Administrator account name that you use
does not contain any special characters.



If you have not already done so, expand all disk images to be under a common
directory called Disk1 on your Standalone Client.


Right-click on the InstallManager.exe program in Disk1 and select Run as


4-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Using InstallManager to Install a Local Database

For Microsoft Windows, you must right-click on the

executable and select Run as Administrator from the drop-down.
Likewise, if you have a shortcut assigned to InstallManager.exe, you
must either configure the shortcut to always run as administrator or
right click the shortcut and choose Run as Administrator.



On JD Edwards Install Manager, select this link to install the local OEE database:
EnterpriseOne Database Engine


On User Account Control, click the Yes button to launch the OEE12Setup.exe

Installing the Oracle Local Database 4-5

Using InstallManager to Install a Local Database


If you receive an Install Manager - Security warning dialog with the message "The
publisher could not be verified", click the Run button to continue the execution of
the OEESetup12.exe program to install the local Oracle database.


On OEESetup, in the Oracle Home User section, you must select an Oracle Home
User. For security purposes, Oracle recommends that you specify a standard
Windows user account (that is, an account that is not in the Administrator group
of the computer). The OEE12Setup.exe program will not allow you to specify an
account that has Administrator privileges. Valid choices are:

Use existing Windows User

4-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Using InstallManager to Install a Local Database

Choose this option if you want to use an existing account for a Windows user.
This user must not have Administrator privileges. You must specify a valid
User Name and associated Password for the user.
For instructions on how to manually create an Oracle Home User, refer to the
section entitled: Section 4.1.3, "Manually Creating Oracle Home User".

Create New Windows User

Choose this option if you want OEE12Setup.exe to create an account for a
Windows user without Administrator privileges. You must specify a valid
User Name and associated Password and Confirm Password for the user. Be
sure to record and remember this password.
Note: OEESetup Fails to Create the User. If the OEE12Setup.exe
program fails to create the user it might be because the password does
not meet the password complexity policy requirements of your
computer. You can try again with a more complex password, or exit. If
you are unable to create the user using the OEE12Setup.exe interface,
you should try to create it manually and rerun OEE12Setup.exe. Refer
to the next section entitled: Section 4.1.3, "Manually Creating Oracle
Home User".

Tip: Password Complexity Policy. The Administrator user of the

Microsoft Windows machine determines the password complexity
policy for each machine. Additionally, such policies vary according to
the server or client version of Microsoft Windows. The
OEE12Setup.exe program cannot programmatically determine and
return these policy requirements. Therefore it is beyond the scope of
this documentation to guide the end user to determine the exact
policy requirements for user names and their associated passwords.

Use Windows Built-in Account

This selection is equivalent to legacy JD Edwards EnterpriseOne functionality
for releases prior to Tools Release 9.2.
For strongest security, Oracle recommends that you do not
use the Windows built-in user account. To provide optimal security,
you should install and configure with a Windows User Account with
limited privileges. For additional details on the Oracle policy
regarding Supporting Oracle Home User on Windows, refer to this


If you choose this selection, you are presented with the following dialog where
you must confirm that you understand the security impact of this selection.

Installing the Oracle Local Database 4-7

Using InstallManager to Install a Local Database

Click the Yes button to confirm and continue, or the No button to exit the
OEE12Setup.exe program.

On OEESetup, in the Oracle Base Directory section, enter the path where you want
to install the local Oracle database. You can accept the default location or specify a
location. If you accept the default location (which is c:\Oracle), some auxiliary
files are installed in that location while the local Oracle database itself is installed
in the following location:
Caution: Do not install the Oracle Database 12c into an existing
Oracle Base directory. For example, do not install into this directory if
it already exists:

If you attempt to install to an existing Oracle directory, the
OEE12Setup.exe installer will likely fail. Later releases of this installer
may be able to programmatically resolve this issue.

Do not include the string E1Local in the path. For example,

if you specified C:\Oracle\E1Local as the base install path, the local
Oracle database would be installed in this location:


10. On OEESetup, click the OK button to accept the selected values. If the values are

valid the OEE12Setup.exe program proceeds to install the local Oracle database.
You must reboot your machine before continuing with the
installation of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client as
described in the section in this guide entitled: Chapter 6, "Installing
the Standalone Client".


4-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Working with the Oracle Database Client

If you installed OEE on a 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows, you must also install a
32-bit version of the Oracle database client and then copy your tnsnames.ora file to a
subdirectory under the database client installation directory.
64- vs. 32-bit Oracle database drivers. Because JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne is a 32-bit program, it needs to load 32-bit Oracle
database driver DLLs; however, you must install a 64-bit Oracle
database in the section of this guide entitled: Chapter 4, "Installing the
Oracle Local Database". Therefore, you also need to install 32-bit
Oracle database driver DLLs. These 32-bit DLLs are provided by a
32-bit Oracle database client.


This chapter discusses these topics:

Section 5.1, "Obtaining the Oracle Database Client"

Section 5.2, "Installing the Oracle Database Client"

Section 5.3, "Working with the Microsoft Windows PATH Environment Variable"

Section 5.4, "Working with the impdp.exe and expdp.exe Programs"

Section 5.5, "Copy the tnsnames.ora File"

5.1 Obtaining the Oracle Database Client

To obtain a 32-bit Oracle database client:

Download the 32-bit Oracle 12c database client from the Oracle Software Delivery
Cloud located at this link:


Click through the license agreement if you accept the terms of the Oracle site

Working with the Oracle Database Client


Obtaining the Oracle Database Client


On Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, in the Filter Products By list of checkboxes,

be sure Programs is checked.


In the Product field, enter this string:

Oracle Database Enterprise Edition

5-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Obtaining the Oracle Database Client


On Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, in the Select Products pulldown, select this
Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)


Click the Continue button.

Working with the Oracle Database Client


Obtaining the Oracle Database Client


On the results screen, expand the entry Oracle Database Enterprise Edition by
clicking the arrow to the left of the release name.


Under the expanded entry for Oracle Database Enterprise Edition, uncheck all
checkboxes except this:
Oracle Database Client


Click the Continue button.

5-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Obtaining the Oracle Database Client

10. On Oracle Standard Terms and Restrictions, read the license agreement, click the

checkbox if you accept, and click the Continue button.

Working with the Oracle Database Client


Installing the Oracle Database Client

11. On File Download, click the link for the Oracle Database Client for Microsoft

Windows (32-bit).
12. Save the downloaded file to your computer.
13. Extract the contents of the downloaded file.

5.2 Installing the Oracle Database Client

To install a 32-bit Oracle database client:

In the directory where you expanded the download in the previous step in this
chapter, run this setup file to start the Oracle database client installer:


On Step 1 of 6, select the Administrator radio button and click the Next button.

5-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing the Oracle Database Client


On Step 2 of 6, select the English language from the list of Available languages
and click the Next button.

Working with the Oracle Database Client


Installing the Oracle Database Client


On Step 3 of 8, you can accept the default value which is:

Use Windows Built-in Account
Note: Unlike the installation of the database where Oracle
recommends not using the built-in account, this option for the
database client is acceptable.


Click the Next button.

5-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing the Oracle Database Client


On Step 4 of 8, enter path values for the Oracle base and Software location.


Click the Next button.

Working with the Oracle Database Client


Installing the Oracle Database Client


On Step 6 of 8, verify the Global Settings and click the Install button.

5-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing the Oracle Database Client


On Step 7 of 8, the installer displays the Progress.

Working with the Oracle Database Client 5-11

Working with the Microsoft Windows PATH Environment Variable

10. On Step 8 of 8, the installer indicates the installation was successful. Click the

Close button to exit the installer.

5.3 Working with the Microsoft Windows PATH Environment Variable

Note: This section provides important instructions on working with
the PATH environment variable as it relates to the Oracle database
and the Oracle database client.

If you installed the 64-bit Oracle database, the installer placed the path to the database
(for example, c:\Oracle\E1local\bin) at the start of the Windows PATH environment
variable. Then when you installed the 32-bit Oracle database client, the installer placed
the path to the database client (for example, c:\Oracle\product\12.1.0\client_
1\bin) at the start of the Windows PATH environment variable.
When EnterpriseOne runs, it looks for database drivers in each directory from start to
finish in the PATH. The first occurrence of a driver DLL that EnterpriseOne finds will
be loaded. This means that the path to the 32-bit Oracle database client must come
BEFORE the path to the 64-bit Oracle database.
If you installed the 64-bit database and 32-bit database client in that order, the order in
the PATH should be correct. However, if you installed them in the opposite order, you
need to correct the order in the PATH.

5-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Copy the tnsnames.ora File

To reverse the order of the 64-bit database and 32-bit database client paths in the
Windows PATH, follow these steps:

From the Start button, select Control Panel and then System.


On the left side of the window that comes up, click Advanced system settings.


Click the Advanced tab.


Click the Environment Variables button.


In the System variables box, highlight the variable path and click the Edit


In the Variable value field, cut the 32-bit database client's path including the
trailing semicolon. For example:


Paste the client's path and semicolon at the start of the Path value.


Click the OK button.


Click the OK button to exit from the Environment Variables window.

10. Click the OK button to exit from the System Properties window.
11. Close the Control Panel system window.

5.4 Working with the impdp.exe and expdp.exe Programs

There is a known issue with the Oracle 12c 32-bit database client programs that import
(impdp.exe) and export (expdp.exe) JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data and spec
databases during installation of the Standalone Client. To work around the problem,
you can force the system to use the impdp.exe and expdp.exe in the Oracle 12c 64-bit
database \bin folder for importing and exporting data. This resolves the issue because
the 64-bit version of these files do not exhibit the known issue that is observed with
the 32-bit version.
After you install the 32-bit database client, you must either delete or rename these files
(so they are not executable) within the \bin folder of the 32-bit client:



For example, you could change the extension on these files (so they are not executable)
using these commands:
cd <32-bit_db_client_install_dir>\bin
rename impdp.exe impdp.exe.bak
rename expdp.exe expdp.exe.bak

5.5 Copy the tnsnames.ora File

In order for your Oracle database client to function properly, you must copy the
tnsnames.ora file:

Working with the Oracle Database Client 5-13

Copy the tnsnames.ora File

<32-bit Oracle Client Install Dir>\network\admin

5-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing the Standalone Client

This chapter describes installing the Standalone Client. Optionally, the Web Client may
be installed during the Standalone Client installation or during a separate installation.
As described earlier in this document, the Web Client uses an application server that
processes requests from a browser and then returns the results back to the browser.
The application server must be the Oracle WebLogic Server.
This chapter discusses these topics:

Section 6.1, "Installing the Standalone Client"

Section 6.2, "Installing the EnterpriseOne Web Client for WebLogic Server

6.1 Installing the Standalone Client

The InstallManager program is the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne front-end program
used to launch the OUI installer for the Standalone Client. Locate and run this
program as described below.

Installing the Standalone Client


Installing the Standalone Client


Run this program:

<extracted_files_standalone_client_location>\Disk1\OneWorld Client
Caution: You must right-click on the executable and select Run as
Administrator from the drop-down. Likewise, if you have a shortcut
assigned to InstallManager.exe, you must either configure the
shortcut to automatically Run as Administrator or right click the
shortcut and choose Run as Administrator.

6-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing the Standalone Client


Click the option to install the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client:

EnterpriseOne E920 Client


On Welcome, click the Next button.

Installing the Standalone Client


Installing the Standalone Client


On Specify Home Details, you must specify an Oracle Home path and a name for
that path. For example:



Each Oracle product that is installed on a machine has what is termed an Oracle
Home path. This path contains all the files for each Oracle product. This path has a
user-specified name as well.
Caution: Do not specify the same Oracle Home name or path into
which you installed the local OEE database; however, you can specify
a path that has the same parent path as the OEE database's Oracle

Note: The OUI installer appends a number to the ends of the default
Oracle Home name and path. This number is initially "1." If an Oracle
Home already exists with the given default name and path, the OUI
installer increments this number in both the name and path.

You do not have to take the default values; you can enter your own
name and path values.

6-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing the Standalone Client

Note: If you have an existing installation of a Standalone Client or

Development Client and you want to perform another installation on
the same machine, you have several options:

Uninstall the existing Standalone Client or Development Client before

installing the new one.


Run SnapShot and save the existing Standalone Client or Development

Client before installing the new one.


Click the Next button.


On Package Selection, select the Demo package for the Standalone Client.


Click the Next button.

Installing the Standalone Client


Installing the Standalone Client


On Install Mode, select the type of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (E1) objects to


These are needed if you plan to modify E1 objects such as business functions,
applications, forms, etc.

Select this type if you do not plan to modify E1 objects.


Click the Next button.

6-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing the Standalone Client

10. On Specify JRE Home Location, enter the directory of a Java Runtime

Environment (JRE) that is compatible with the Standalone Client. The installer will
provide a default JRE directory if it detects that one exists.
In order to proceed, you cannot leave this value blank and you must specify an
existing valid location and the JRE in that location must be a 32-bit version. If you
accepted the default value for installation path when you installed the 32-bit Java
Runtime Environment, the location will be in a directory under:
c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk<version>
Note: When you install WebLogic Server (which is a prerequisite for
the Standalone Client), you are also required to specify an existing
JDK location. A JDK contains a JRE. The JRE that you specify above
can be the same one associated with the JDK for WebLogic Server;
however, it does not have to be the same one. If you followed the
recommendation in the chapter of this guide entitled: Chapter 3,
"Installing the Application Server: Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3",
you installed the requisite 32-bit JDK/JRE for WebLogic.

In any case, you should always refer to the Oracle Certifications for JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Clients (which have the same
Certifications as the Standalone Client) for additional details and
supported vendors and releases of JREs for your platform and
operating system.
The installer validates the specified location and the bitness. Then it copies the JRE
to a location where it can be used by the runtime processes of the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Standalone Client.
Installing the Standalone Client


Installing the Standalone Client

11. Click the Next button.

12. On Summary, verify that what will be installed is what you expect.

The "Space Requirements" in the upper half of the window show the space
that OUI requires for its support files. This space does not include the size of
the package that you selected.
The "Package Disk Space Requirements" shown in the lower half of the
window are for the package being installed.

13. Click the Install button.

6-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing the Standalone Client

The above screen is displayed near the end of the installation, At this point, the
Standalone Client installer spawns the WLSH4A installer. As the Configuration
Assistants spawned installer runs, the OUI installer displays the name of the log
file at the bottom of the screen in "Details (see full log at ...". If you do not note the
location of the log before the message or screen closes, you can find the installation
logs in this directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Inventory\logs
When you display that directory using Windows Explorer, you should sort the
contents by date. The results of each installation will be logged in three files, all
with the same date_time in their names, but with different file extensions:




For information about the WLSH4A installer, refer to the section of this guide
entitled: Section 6.2, "Installing the EnterpriseOne Web Client for WebLogic Server

Installing the Standalone Client


Installing the EnterpriseOne Web Client for WebLogic Server (WLSH4A)


Verifying the jde.ini File for Visual Studio.

Although this setting should be set by default, if you installed Visual

Studio 2013 in order to build packages on the Standalone Client, you
should ensure this section and setting exists and is correct in the
jde.ini file on the Standalone Client.

No other settings for Visual Studio need to be applied in the jde.ini


6.2 Installing the EnterpriseOne Web Client for WebLogic Server

As noted earlier, the EnterpriseOne Web Client for WebLogic Server (WLSH4A) will be
installed as a feature included in the installation package, although it can also be
installed manually.
When installed as a feature, the Standalone Client installer would have already
prompted for the installation location (that is, the Oracle Home path and name). This
information is passed to the WLSH4A installer so there will not be a prompt asking
again. In this case, the installer will go straight to the Step 4 in the following
If you run the WLSH4A installer manually, you will need to perform the following

Right-click on the following program and select Run as Administrator.

<extracted_standalone_client_files_location>\OneWorld Client Install
For Microsoft Windows, you must right-click on the
executable and select Run as Administrator from the drop-down.


6-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing the EnterpriseOne Web Client for WebLogic Server (WLSH4A)


On Welcome, click the Next button.

Installing the Standalone Client 6-11

Installing the EnterpriseOne Web Client for WebLogic Server (WLSH4A)


On Specify Home Details, click either one of the drop downs and select the same
name or path as the Standalone Client. When you select a path or name from one
of the drop downs, the corresponding name or path will automatically be
displayed in the other field.
It is imperative that you select the Oracle Home Name and
Path where the Standalone Client is installed. If you do not do this, the
installation will fail or the resulting installation will not be runnable.



On WebLogic Admin Server Information, you are prompted for information that is
necessary to access and configure the local WebLogic Server, which is already
installed on the Standalone Client. Using these credentials the WLSH4A installer is
able to create and configure a WebLogic Admin user and domain.
Note: It it not necessary for users to know any of this information for
an existing WebLogic Server Admin user or installation because this
installation process deletes any such existing information and
recreates the required components using the information entered on
this screen.

6-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing the EnterpriseOne Web Client for WebLogic Server (WLSH4A)

The Admin user is required by the WLSH4A installer during

the installation. Although not normally needed by users on the
Standalone Client, you may need to sign into the WebLogic Server
Administrative Console (for example, to perform administrative
tasks). In that case, you will need to provide this same Admin user
and its password when signing in. Therefore you should record or
remember these Admin user and password credentials.


Complete these fields:

Admin User Name

Enter the name of the WebLogic administrative user account to be created.
The value you enter here can be any value that contains valid characters as
allowed by the WebLogic application server.

Admin User Password:

Enter the password for the WebLogic administrative user account to be
This password must meet the password security policy for WebLogic.
Tip: Password Complexity Policy. The Password Validation
provider in WebLogic determines the password complexity policy for
the WebLogic Admin user. The default policy requires that the
password be a minimum of 8 characters. The OUI installer cannot
programmatically determine and return these policy requirements.
Therefore it is beyond the scope of this documentation to guide the
end user to determine the exact policy requirements for user names
and their associated passwords.

If the password you enter here does not meet the WebLogic password
policy on your machine the WLSH4A installer will fail later in the
installation process. To recover, you must determine a valid value for
your WebLogic Server and re-run the WLSH4A installer and enter a
valid password.

Confirm Password
Re-enter the password to confirm it.

Admin Server Port

Enter the port number for the WebLogic Server Administrative Console. In
most cases you can accept the value that defaults into this field. You should
not change this value unless you understand the impact of doing so.

Managed Server (E1Server) Port

Enter the port number for the instance of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
server (called E1Server) that is created on WebLogic. This server is a
scaled-down JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Server that is used by the
Standalone Client to service the web client.


Click the Next button.

Installing the Standalone Client 6-13

Installing the EnterpriseOne Web Client for WebLogic Server (WLSH4A)


If the installer detects an existing WLSH4A configuration, it displays the above

screen informing you that the existing configuration will be deleted before the new
configuration is created.
In the unlikely case that you have data in that location that
you want to save, you should do so before you proceed.


The directories to save are:



Note: Multiple WebLogic Servers. It is possible for your machine to

have multiple installations of WebLogic Server (perhaps because they
are different versions). If so, the WLSH4A installer will prompt you to
specify which version you want to use for this installation. Select the
one that you want and click the Next button to proceed.

6-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing the EnterpriseOne Web Client for WebLogic Server (WLSH4A)


On Summary, click the Install button.


The installer displays a progress screen.

Installing the Standalone Client 6-15

Installing the EnterpriseOne Web Client for WebLogic Server (WLSH4A)


If running as a feature in a package, you will see the End of Installation screen.
Click the Exit button to complete the Standalone Client installation and return to
the OUI installer.
Otherwise, if you are running the WLSH4A installer manually, you will not see the
End of Installation screen.

10. On the Exit dialog, click the Yes button to exit the OUI installer.

If you encounter errors during the installation process, refer to these troubleshooting
chapters in this guide:

Chapter 12, "Troubleshooting the Installation Process"

Chapter 13, "Troubleshooting the Standalone Client"

6-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Starting the Standalone Client

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 7.1, "Overview"

Section 7.2, "Post Installation - Set Up Media Object Queues"

Section 7.3, "Troubleshooting Standalone Client Startup Errors"

7.1 Overview
To start the Standalone Client

Launch the Standalone Client by double clicking the shortcut EnterpriseOne

Solution Explorer either on your desktop or under this navigation: Start > All
Programs > Oracle - JDE_Standalone_Home where JDE_Standalone_Home is the
name of the Oracle Home that you designated when installing the EnterpriseOne
Optionally, you can run the program activConsole.exe from this path:
Note: When running activConsole.exe and UAC is turned on, you
must right click on the executable and select Run as Administrator.
Shortcuts created by the installer are configured to automatically run
with Run as Administrator so you have to simply double-click on an
EnterpriseOne shortcut.

Starting the Standalone Client 7-1



On JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Login, enter the default user ID, which is DEMO
and the default password, which is also DEMO. If the environment and role fields
are shown, you can accept the defaults, which are environment DEMO920 and
role *ALL.


If you have installed any Oracle Business Accelerators (OBA), click the Options
button to display the environment and role fields. In this case, you should enter
the role: DEMOROLE and take the default environment: DEMO920.


Click the OK button to log in to the Standalone Client.

Note: Startup Time. You should allow sufficient startup time for the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne background process jdenet_n.exe, which
acts as the security server on the Standalone Client. Ensure this
program has completed its initialization steps before you click OK on
the logon screen.

Depending on machine resources, you may have to wait up to 30

seconds before signing in. If you get an error indicating failure to
connect to the Security Server, exit from EnterpriseOne and then retry
running activConsole.exe giving a bit more time before clicking OK
on the logon screen.

7-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

Post Installation - Set Up Media Object Queues

7.2 Post Installation - Set Up Media Object Queues

Table F98MOQUE contains the path to media objects; however, this table is shipped
with generic paths. The table must be manually updated to include the correct paths
for your installation. If this table is not updated, you will receive errors when
attempting to access media objects.
To set up media object queues:

Launch the Standalone Client and log in.


Run the EnterpriseOne application P98MOQUE.


On Work With Media Object Queues, click the Find button.

Starting the Standalone Client 7-3

Troubleshooting Standalone Client Startup Errors

Most of the records found should be prefixed with the string below in the Queue
path On-Line column:

You must manually replace the string \\SERVERNAME\E920 in Queue path On-Line
with the installation path of the Standalone Client. For example, if one of the
entries is:
And the installation directory is c:\E920_1, change the entry to:


Click the Close button to exit the application.

7.3 Troubleshooting Standalone Client Startup Errors

This section describes these troubleshooting tasks:

Section 7.1, "Overview"

Section 7.2, "Post Installation - Set Up Media Object Queues"

Section 7.3, "Troubleshooting Standalone Client Startup Errors"

7.3.1 General
If you have any trouble running the Standalone Client, turn on additional logging and
rerun the Standalone Client.

7-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

Troubleshooting Standalone Client Startup Errors


Run the Microsoft Windows Task Manager.


Click the Processes tab.


If the column titled PID is not displayed, use this procedure to turn it on:
a. In the menu, go to View > Select Columns
b. Turn on the check box next to PID (Process Identifier).
c. Click OK.



Kill these processes if they are running:




Edit this file:



In the [DEBUG] section, change the value of the Output key to FILE, as shown


Note the names of the log files specified for the JobFile and DebugFile keys in the
Debug section so you can locate them when needed. If no directory is specified,
the files will reside in the root directory.


Run activConsole.exe from this directory:



Attempt to sign into the Standalone Client.

Logs are generated in the directory specified by the JobFile and DebugFile keys in
the [DEBUG] section of the jde.ini. However, the names of the files will be of the
forms jde_pid_mmddyy.log and jdedebug_pid_mmddyy.log where:

pid is the ID of the process generating the log.

mmddyy is the month, day, and year in which the log was generated.

You can determine which process ID belongs to each EnterpriseOne process by

noting the process IDs and names shown in the Microsoft Windows Task Explorer
and by examining the first few lines of the generated logs.

7.3.2 Cannot Connect to the Security Server

You get an error (either in a pop-up window or in the logs) indicating that the
Standalone Client could not connect to the security server.
Try the following:

Try again to sign on. The security server (process jdenet_n.exe) may have simply
been slow in starting causing the activConsole.exe to time out.

Starting the Standalone Client 7-5

Troubleshooting Standalone Client Startup Errors


By default, the Standalone Client attempts to start the web client at the same time
that activConsole.exe starts. This could cause the security server (process
jdenet_n.exe) to take too long to start causing the activConsole.exe to time out.
You can specify that the web client should start only when you attempt to bring up
the Web menu (described in the next section entitled: Still Cannot Connect to the
Security Server). To do so, follow these steps:

Run the Microsoft Windows Task Manager.


Kill these processes if they are running:



Edit the c:\windows\jde.ini file.


Change the value of the StartAppServer key in the [LOCALWEB] section to

ONDEMAND. For example:


Rerun activConsole.exe.

7.3.3 Still Cannot Connect to the Security Server

After doing the above, you again get an error (either in a pop-up window or in the
logs) indicating that the Standalone Client could not connect to the security server.
Verify that the local database services are running using this procedure:

Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.


Verify that the statuses of these services are Started:



If not, for each stopped service click Action > Start in the menu.

Try to sign in again by following these steps:


Run the Microsoft Windows Task Manager.


Kill these processes if they are running:



Rerun the activConsole.exe program.

7-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

Starting the Standalone Web Client

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 8.1, "Overview"

Section 8.2, "Troubleshooting Standalone Web Client Startup Errors"

8.1 Overview
To start Standalone Client Web Applications

Follow the steps in this section of this guide entitled: Chapter 7, "Starting the
Standalone Client".


From the menu on the main screen, select Tools > EnterpriseOne Menu.

The Standalone Client should automatically sign you into the Standalone Web Client.

8.2 Troubleshooting Standalone Web Client Startup Errors

This section discusses these troubleshooting topics:

Section 8.2.1, "General"

Section 8.2.2, "Cannot Connect to the Security Server"

8.2.1 General
If you have any trouble running the Web Client, look at the Web Client logs.

In Microsoft Windows Explorer, drill down to the location of the Web Client logs.
By default, the logs are located in this directory:



Examine any logs that were recently created, especially logs that are prefixed with



If you do not find any logs with the above prefixes, the logs may be in another
folder. Use this procedure to determine the location of those logs:

In Microsoft Windows Explorer, drill down to this directory:



Edit the file jdelog.properties.

Starting the Standalone Web Client 8-1

Troubleshooting Standalone Web Client Startup Errors

Note: The information at the top of the jdelog.properties file

explains the uses and possible values of all the keys in the file.

Search through the file and note the value of the FILE key. In each of the
sections that describe a log file there are section headers that are enclosed in
square brackets ([ and ]). If a section header or the FILE key is commented out
with a pound or hash sign (#), you can ignore that section. For example:
# [E1LOG]
# File=log\jderoot.log
The value of the FILE key in each section is the name and path of a log file
associated with that section. For example:
The actual file name will be the value of the FILE key with an underscore and
the current date appended. For example:
If a log file name and path starts with a drive letter followed by a colon and
slash, the path is absolute. This means that the log file will be located on the
specified drive in the specified directory. For example:
If a log file name and path starts with a slash, the path is also absolute. This
means that the log file will be located on the drive on which the E1 Standalone
Client is installed and in the specified directory. For example:
If a log file name and path start with neither a drive letter nor a backslash, the
path is relative to this folder:
For example, if the value for the FILE key is log\jas.log and the Standalone
Client is installed in C:\E920_1, the log file is written to:
C:\E920_1\system\ JAS\EA_JAS_80.ear\webclient.war\log

8.2.2 Cannot Connect to the Security Server

After starting the Standalone Web Client from the Standalone Client, you get an error
on the screen indicating that the Web Client could not connect to the security server.
Verify that the local database services are running using this procedure:

Go to Start > Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services.


Verify that the statuses of these services are Started:



8-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

Troubleshooting Standalone Web Client Startup Errors

If not, for each stopped service click Action > Start in the menu.

Try to sign in again by following these steps:


Exit from the Standalone Web Client and Standalone Client.


Run the Microsoft Windows Task Manager.


Wait for these processes to die:





Rerun activConsole.exe to restart the Standalone Client, sign in, and start the
Standalone Web Client by selecting Tools > EnterpriseOne Menu from the
Standalone Client main screen.

Starting the Standalone Web Client 8-3

Troubleshooting Standalone Web Client Startup Errors

8-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Tools Release Component

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Release 9.2/Tools Release 9.2 Standalone

Client is shipped with a specific release of the Tools component, for example, 9.2. (The
Tools component of the Standalone Client is also known as "system" or "foundation"
code.) You can determine this particular release by examining the contents of this file:
If Global Customer Support instructs you to update the Tools component to a newer
release, follow the instructions in this chapter.
Notes: Because you are replacing files that the Standalone Client
installer uses, you will need to download the installer from the
Update Center and then expand the downloaded files.

For the following instructions, it is assumed that the folder where the
expanded Standalone Client installer resides is:

To Replace the Tools component


If EnterpriseOne is running, stop it.


Use Task Manager to verify these processes are stopped:




If any of these processes are running, either wait for them to finish or kill them via
Task Manager.

Download the appropriate Tools Release WINCLIENT from the Update Center.
The download is transferred to your machine as a .par file. This file may be
opened with the standard 7-Zip or WinZip program.
Improper Unzipping. You should not open the .par file by
double clicking on it. It is a self-extracting file that is normally
installed on a deployment server. If you double-click on it, it will
assume that your workstation is a deployment server and attempt to
install it in an incompatible manner.


Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component



Open the .par file with 7-Zip or WinZip.


Inside the .par file are multiple .CAB files in the Disk1\System folder. The files are
called SystemX.CAB where X is either nonexistent or a whole number. Extract these
.CAB files into the "system" folder where you placed the temporary installation
directory (for example, \Standalone_9.20\system).


You can either:


Uninstall the existing Standalone Client and reinstall using the new
foundation, or


Backup the existing system directory and reinstall the Standalone Client in the
same Oracle Home path.

If you are backing up your existing system directory in your installed Standalone
Client, simply rename the system directory. For example, rename C:\E920_
1\system to C:\E920_1\system_old.
Note: Unable to Rename. If Microsoft Windows does not allow you
to rename the directory, one or more running java.exe processes may
have the directory locked. In this case, either reboot your machine or
use Microsoft Windows Task Manager to kill the java.exe process(es).

Follow the instructions in Section 6, "Installing the Standalone Client".


After reinstalling the client, it is best to clear the cache in your browser using these
browser-dependent procedures:
Microsoft Internet Explorer

Go to Tools > Internet Options.


On the General tab, click the Delete Files... button.


Click the OK button.


Click the OK button.


Exit Internet Explorer.

Mozilla Firefox



Go to Tools > Options.


On the Network tab and in the Cache section, click the Clear Now button.


Click the OK button.


Exit Mozilla Firefox.

Launch EnterpriseOne by following the instructions in the section of this guide

entitled: Chapter 7, "Starting the Standalone Client".

9-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

Uninstalling the Standalone Client

This chapter describes how to uninstall the Standalone Client. This uninstall is
interactive. If you want to perform a silent uninstall by running OUI from the
command line, refer to the instructions in Appendix D, "Uninstalling a Standalone
Client from the Command Line".
Be sure to follow the guidelines in the preceding sections of
this guide entitled:


Section 1.3, "Microsoft Windows Security"

Section 1.4, "Minimizing Locked Files"

Note: This document uses the terms "deinstall " and "uninstall"
interchangeably. The terms are synonymous and describe the removal
of a product from your workstation.

To uninstall the Standalone Client:


Navigate to Oracle - Oracle_Home_Name > Oracle Installation Products > Universal

where Oracle_Home_Name is the name of the installation directory that you
provided when installing the Standalone Client. There can be multiple Oracle_
Home_Names if you installed multiple Standalone Client Packages or multiple
Oracle products. Each of these homes is associated with a particular product and
has a unique setup and association for uninstalling using the OUI installer. It is
important that you navigate to and run the correct OUI installer for the specific
product you want to uninstall.


Highlight the Universal Installer, right click and choose to Run as administrator.

Uninstalling the Standalone Client 10-1


On Welcome, click the Deinstall Products button.

10-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide


On Inventory, turn on the check box next to the Oracle Home for the Standalone
Client that you want to uninstall.
Note: At this step, you should select only the Oracle Home that is
associated with this particular OUI. That is, the Oracle Home name
that you select on this screen should match the Oracle Home name
that you navigated to in Step 1.


Click the Remove button.

Uninstalling the Standalone Client 10-3


When prompted for confirmation, click the Yes button.


If you get the pop-up message box shown above, you can ignore it. Click the OK


After the uninstallation is complete, exit the OUI installer.


Verify that the installation directory (Oracle Home) for the uninstalled Standalone
Client has been deleted. If it still exists, you should manually delete it.

10-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Uninstalling the Oracle Local Database

Note: This document uses the terms "deinstall " and "uninstall"
interchangeably. The terms are synonymous and describe the removal
of a product from your workstation.

With one small exception, the steps are identical to uninstall either the Oracle 12c or
Oracle 11gR2 local database from the Standalone Client. The exception is noted in the
steps below.
When the Oracle Enterprise Edition (OEE) database was installed, it was installed into
a subdirectory called E1Local under a base directory. By default, this base directory is
C:\Oracle. This means that the database was installed into C:\Oracle\E1Local by
default.This path is used in the uninstall steps listed below.
Follow these steps to uninstall the OEE local database.

Stop the database services from Control Panel:




Be sure no Oracle processes from the C:\Oracle\E1Local directory are running.


Open a command prompt window with Run as administrator.


Run this program:

It is important that you do not "cd" to any directory below
C:\Oracle to run this command. If you do make one of these
directories the current directory, the OUI deinstaller will not be able to
delete that directory.


During installation, the OEE12Setup.exe program should have created several files
in the C:\Oracle\E1Local\deinstall directory. If the files were successfully
created, the deinstall.bat program will not prompt for any input from the user.
If for some reason the files were not created, the deinstall.bat program prompts
the user for information needed to uninstall the database. You can take the default
values (shown in square brackets) for most of the prompts. These are the prompts:

Specify all Single Instance listeners that are to be de-configured [LISTENER]:

Uninstalling the Oracle Local Database



Specify the list of database names that are configured in this Oracle home


Specify the type of this database (1.Single Instance Database|2.Oracle Restart

Enabled Database) [1]:


Specify the diagnostic destination location of the database



Specify the storage type used by the Database ASM|FS []:

This prompt requires a response. Enter FS.


Specify the list of directories if any database files exist on a shared file system.
If 'E1LOCAL' subdirectory is found, then it will be deleted. Otherwise, the
specified directory will be deleted. Alternatively, you can specify list of
database files with full path [ ]:


Specify the flash recovery area location, if it is configured on the file system. If
"E1LOCAL" subdirectory is found, then it will be deleted. []:


Specify the database spfile location [ ]:


Do you want to continue (y - yes, n - no)? [n]:

This requires a response. Enter "y".
Important: If you go through the above prompts, you also need to delete the


When the uninstall finishes, be sure that the following directories do not exist. If
they do, you will need to manually delete them.
Oracle 12c and 11gR2
Oracle 12c only
It is very important that no files exist in the above directory
or directories (as applicable) when you next attempt to install the OEE
database. If any files do exist, the OEE installation will probably fail.


If the database does not uninstall cleanly for some reason, you will
need to manually remove it. Follow the instructions in the Appendix
of this guide entitled: Appendix F, "Manual Cleanup of an Uninstalled
Oracle Database".

11-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Troubleshooting the Installation Process

This section contains the following topics:

Section 12.1, "Log Files"

Section 12.2, "Microsoft Firewall"

Section 12.3, "Microsoft Windows IPv4 Requirement"

12.1 Log Files

One of the first things that you should do when an installation finishes-whether
successfully or not-is to examine the log files. Not all errors are propagated up to OUI
where the main Graphical User Interface can display an error message box.
Open OUI log files in a text editor and search for these words:

SEVERE - This indicates that an error occurred that should not be ignored.
Exception - Some of these may be ignored. You have to determine if they are
serious enough to warrant concern. For example, an exception that occurs when
copying a file may not be of concern to you because you will not run the
Standalone Client's functionality that uses that file. If you are in doubt whether or
not you can ignore an error, contact Oracle's Global Customer Support.

This section contains the following topics:

Section 12.1.1, "Standalone Client"

Section 12.1.2, "Web Client"

Section 12.1.3, "OEE Local Database"

12.1.1 Standalone Client

Because the Standalone Client's installer runs as a 32-bit program, its installation logs
on 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows are located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\inventory\logs
Three files will be created in the above directory:




where <date_time> is the date and time that the installation started.

Troubleshooting the Installation Process 12-1

Log Files

Determining which logs belong to a particular OUI installer.

Because OUI is used for multiple 32-bit Oracle products (for example,
OEE database client, E1 Standalone Client, WebLogic Server Web
Client (WLSH4A), and others), the logs directory will contain
installation files for multiple products. To determine which installer
created a set of files (.log, .err, and .out), you should edit the
installActions<date_time>.log. The first line of the log has this

Using paramFile: <installer_directory>\oraparam.ini

For example:
Using paramFile: <extracted_standalone_client_files_
location>\Disk1\OneWorld Client Install\install\oraparam.ini
Use the path of the oraparam.ini file to determine the installer. In the
above example, note that the installer is in this directory:
Client Install\install
This indicates that the set of .log, .err, and .out files with the given
time stamp were created by the Standalone Client installer.
When the installation completes, the logs relevant to the current installation are copied
to the directory
For example:
Additional logs are located in subdirectories under:
For example:

12.1.2 Web Client

The EnterpriseOne Web Client for WebLogic Server (WLSH4A) installer is also based
on a 32-bit version of OUI, so the logs (.log, .err, and .out) are also located in this
C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\inventory\logs
Three files will be created in the above directory:




where <date_time> is the date and time that the installation started.

12-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Log Files

Determining which logs belong to a particular OUI installer.

Because OUI is used for multiple 32-bit Oracle products (for example,
OEE database client, E1 Standalone Client, WebLogic Server Web
Client (WLSH4A), and others), the logs directory will contain
installation files for multiple products. To determine which installer
created a set of files (.log, .err, and .out), you should edit the
installActions<date_time>.log. The first line of the log has this

Using paramFile: <installer_directory>\oraparam.ini

For example (one contiguous line):
Using paramFile: <extracted_standalone_client_files_
location>\Disk1\OneWorld Client
Use the path of the oraparam.ini file to determine the installer. In the
above example, note that the installer is in this directory:
Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature\WLSH4A\install
This indicates that the set of .log, .err, and .out files with the given
time stamp were created by the WLSH4A installer.
When the installation completes, the logs relevant to the current installation are copied
to the directory
For example:
Additional logs are located in subdirectories under:
For example:

12.1.3 OEE Local Database

The log for OEE12Setup.exe which spawns the OEE database installer (OUI) is
Because the OEE installer runs as a 64-bit program, its installation logs on 64-bit
versions of Microsoft Windows are located in this directory:
C:\Program Files\Oracle\inventory\logs
When the installation completes, the logs relevant to the current installation are copied
to this directory:
For example:
Additional logs are located under:
Troubleshooting the Installation Process 12-3

Microsoft Firewall

Where <Oracle_Base_dir> is the parent directory of the E1Local directory. For
Note that this cfgtoollogs directory is at the same level as the E1Local directory.

12.2 Microsoft Firewall

The WLSH4A installer hangs and the bottom of the installation log shows an error
indicating an attempt to connect to Node Manager (WebLogic) timed out. The
installation log is located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\inventory\logs
The Windows firewall blocked the connection to using port 5556, which is the
default port used by WLSH4A to connect to the Node Manager of WebLogic.
Temporarily turn off Windows firewall and re-run the installer.

12.3 Microsoft Windows IPv4 Requirement

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client requires Microsoft Windows
Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) for connectivity to the OEE database. It cannot
function with OEE using IPv6.
If your Standalone Client installation is not working as expected, use this procedure to
determine if the problem is due to your Windows machine using IPv6 and if so, to

After installing the local Oracle database, use a text editor to open the log.xml file
which is typically located in this directory
C:\Oracle\diag\tnslsnr\[MACHINE NAME]\listener\alert\.


Examine the contents of the log.xml file for indicators that the machine is using
IPv6 addresses.
IPv6 addresses can be distinguished by alphanumeric digits separated by colons,
rather than periods as in IPv4 addresses.
One example is if you see host_addr='::1'>. This indicates an IPv6 address,
which in this case is the machine's local loopback address, whose equivalent IPv4
address is
Another example that indicates the use of IPv6 is if this string exists:


If you see references to IPv6 addresses in the logs after installing the Oracle local
database, then you may need to uninstall the Standalone Client and Oracle
database as described in the chapters of this guide entitled: Chapter 10,
"Uninstalling the Standalone Client" and Chapter 11, "Uninstalling the Oracle
Local Database".

12-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Microsoft Windows IPv4 Requirement

Also, you may possibly need to perform additional cleanup for the Standalone
Client and Oracle Database as described in the appendices of this guide entitled:
Appendix E, "Manual Cleanup of an Uninstalled Standalone Client" and
Appendix F, "Manual Cleanup of an Uninstalled Oracle Database".

After the uninstall and cleanup is complete, you must apply a software patch from
Microsoft to disable IPv6 before reinstalling the Standalone Client and the Oracle
local database. The Microsoft patch for disabling IPv6 is at the following link:
How to disable IPv6 or its components in Windows
On the above Microsoft web page, click the link labeled Disable IPv6 (Microsoft
Fix it 50409).


After you apply the Microsoft patch to disable IPv6, you can reinstall the Oracle
database and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client using the procedures
in this guide.


Important: Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is a mandatory part of

Windows Vista and later versions. We do not recommend that you
disable IPv6 or its components, or some Windows components may
not function. For more information, see the "What are Microsoft's
recommendations about disabling IPv6?" question in IPv6 for
Microsoft Windows: Frequently Asked Questions at this link:

Troubleshooting the Installation Process 12-5

Microsoft Windows IPv4 Requirement

12-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 13.1, "Understanding Error Messages"

Section 13.2, "Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Production Mode)"

Section 13.3, "Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Development Mode)"

Section 13.4, "Working with the Standalone Client Log Files"

13.1 Understanding Error Messages

Use this section as a general guide for basic troubleshooting techniques on the Oracle
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client. To troubleshoot problems, you will
need a thorough understanding of the interactive error messages, Oracle's
EnterpriseOne Work Center, logging process, and associated log files.
This section provides solutions to these problems that you might encounter on the
Standalone Client:

Section 13.1.1, "Report Batch Process"

Section 13.1.2, "Environment Issues"

Section 13.1.3, "Data Source Setup Problems"

Section 13.1.4, "Error Message Details"

Section 13.1.5, "Error Messages Generated by Applications"

Section 13.1.6, "Frequent Generic Error Messages"

Section 13.1.7, "Memory Violations"

Section 13.1.8, "Form and Grid Add Failures"

Section 13.1.9, "Communication Failure"

13.1.1 Report Batch Process

You might encounter these issues when running a batch process:

Report displays no data.

It displays only the report headers and the text No Data Selected.

Batch process displays errors on the report.

Batch process gives unexpected data on the report.

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client 13-1

Understanding Error Messages

13.1.2 Environment Issues

You might encounter these environment issues:

For store-and-forward operation, data entered to the local database is not moved
to the server as expected.
Tables are missing.

13.1.3 Data Source Setup Problems

You might encounter these problems with the data source setup:

Data is displayed incorrectly on the interactive form or batch report.

See Also:

"Running the Object Configuration Copy Report" in the JD

Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Configurable Network Computing
Implementation Guide.

13.1.4 Error Message Details

When you encounter an error in a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application, right-click
the error message in the error message window and select Detail to provide additional
information about the error. This information provides the source file and the source
line that caused the error.
For example, if you try to set up an Item/Branch record in P41026 with an invalid item
number, you will receive error number 0267 (Item Number Invalid).
When indicating the source file that generated the error, the system provides the entire
path of the source location.
In this hypothetical example, the source file is C:\E920_1\DEMO\source\X4101.C, and
business function X4101 created the error. The other pieces of the path are directory
names. The important information in this example is the file with the .C extension
If the detail for the error includes the name of the source file, you can identify the
process that the file performs to determine what might occur to cause an error. For
example, the name of the source file might include a system code that indicates the
process performed by the file. The process might attempt to run in a module that is not
fully functional. The cause of the error might be a constant set to perform a function
that is currently unavailable. When you disable the constant, you avoid the error.
If you see a source file description that begins with C:\E920_
1\SYSTEM, the error did not occur through a business function.
Possibly, the error occurred through an event rule or the tool, while
automatically triggering a data dictionary edit.

Look for conditional statements that determine whether to activate the error message.
Look for table names to determine whether the program attempts to retrieve data.
Look for other programs that the program might call. Also, read the programmer
comments that are included in the source, which might provide a literal explanation
for why the code issues an error.
Also look at the data item that caused the error. The data item represents a control on
the form. If you get a Blanks Invalid error without an indication of what field you left

13-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Understanding Error Messages

blank, look at the data item in this error detail box to see which control triggered the
error. The field that contains the error might be a hidden field. For example, if you
process a transaction that requires a supplier number determined by an Item/Branch
combination decided by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (not by a value that you define on
the form) but no supplier number exists for the Item/Branch combination, the
software returns the Blanks Invalid error. The field for supplier number does not
appear on the form, so the cause of the error is not readily apparent. The data item
might alert you to the hidden field and help you resolve the error.

13.1.5 Error Messages Generated by Applications

These error messages are maintained in the data dictionary and are intentionally set to
inform the user of a problem. The error message might indicate that the setup is
incorrect or that the user is attempting an invalid action. Examples of these kinds of
error messages include Record Invalid and Blanks Invalid. Some generic errors lack
applicable descriptions; techniques for troubleshooting these errors are discussed in
this chapter.

13.1.6 Frequent Generic Error Messages

Some error messages are too generic to immediately explain an error. Examples are
Null Pointer and File Can Not Be Accessed. The full descriptions of these error
messages do not provide much information as to how to resolve the problem.
To troubleshoot generic errors, retrace the exact steps that led to the original error. The
goal is to reproduce the error. If you cannot duplicate an error condition, then the
application is accessing different lines of code than it did when the error occurred.
Also look at the information in the error detail box, such as the source file, the source
line, and the data item.

13.1.7 Memory Violations

Memory violations occur when you encounter memory leaks in an application. A
memory leak is a bug that prevents a program from freeing memory that the program
no longer needs. The program continues to consume more memory until no memory
remains, and the program crashes. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications set aside
memory while they run. When the application no longer needs that memory, the
application should free the memory for other applications to use. When an application
does not properly free memory or when an application attempts to use invalid
memory, you receive a memory violation.
Use these techniques to troubleshoot these errors:

Look at the jdedebug.log to find information about the processing that occurred
at the time of the error, such as programs called and tables accessed.
Follow the exact steps that led to the error to reproduce the memory violation.
If you cannot duplicate the violation, then the application is accessing different
lines of code than it did when the violation occurred. Also look at the information
in the error detail box, such as the source file, the source line, and the data item.
For UBEs, if the UBE uses a business function that causes memory violations, the
UBE will simply stop. In this case, the UBE log is the only way to find out what

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client 13-3

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Production Mode)

13.1.8 Form and Grid Add Failures

The two error messages that follow indicate that an attempt to add a new record to the
database failed. The first message indicates that an add within a fix/inspect form
failed. The second message indicates that an add within a grid failed. If you receive
these errors, you could be attempting to add a duplicate record.

Attempt to add form record failed.

Attempt to add grid record failed.

The jde.log is a helpful reference when these errors occur. In general, it includes
detailed information about the table into which the user attempted to add a duplicate

13.1.9 Communication Failure

When submitting batch processes, you might receive an error telling you that a
communication failure has occurred.
When you submit a batch job to a server, you are first asked whether you would like to
install the specifications. If the job is submitted successfully, JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne reverts to the initial form.

13.2 Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Production Mode)

This section provides a troubleshooting overview of a Standalone Client operating in
production mode and discusses how to:

Perform preliminary troubleshooting

Troubleshoot interactive application problems

Troubleshoot batch processes resulting in no data

Troubleshoot batch processes displaying errors on the report

Troubleshoot batch processes displaying unexpected data on the report

Troubleshoot local data-availability problems

Troubleshoot .DLL problems

Troubleshoot data source setup problems

13.2.1 Understanding Standalone Client (Production Mode) Troubleshooting

The troubleshooting procedures that you use for a Standalone Client depend on
whether the Standalone Client is operating in production or development modes.
Production modes contains only JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications, so the scope
of problems that can occur is limited. In addition to containing prebuilt applications,
development mode uses JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and third-party tools. These tools
enable developers to create, modify, compile, generate, and troubleshoot JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne applications.
As a system administrator, you can perform preliminary troubleshooting for
production mode to verify the nature of the problem. You will also want to isolate
problems to a particular environment.
In general, when you are running an interactive application, the system displays errors
at the bottom of a form. The system highlights the fields with errors in red. You can
select Details on an error message to see information about where the error was set.

13-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Production Mode)

For example, if the error resulted from within a business function, the system displays
the business function and line number where the error was set.
If the errors cannot be resolved through the error messages that are received in the
application, check the error messages in the log files for additional information.
A user might encounter several problems when attempting to run a batch process. For
example, the output might display only the report headings or it might print a
message such as "No Data Selected." If the result of a batch process is no data, several
factors could be causing the problem.
Some batch processes will give error messages directly on the report. These messages
should include both the short description and error message number. You can view the
full description of the error by opening the message in Data Dictionary Design.
If errors are received when you are attempting to sign in to a JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne environment, a possible cause is an incorrect data source setup on the
Standalone Client. Some indications of incorrect setup are:

A form continues to request a user ID, a password, and a data source even after
valid ones are entered.
Data is displayed incorrectly on an interactive application.
Messages in the logs refer to problems connecting to data sources or concerning
incorrect passwords. Troubleshooting a Standalone Installation of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

If you find that you cannot perform a force checkout on a PC running a standalone
installation of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, it is because the software cannot determine
the system name for a standalone installation.
The solution is to disable the DNS name in Microsoft Windows. Troubleshooting Printing Problems

Most printing errors are written to the batch process log. However, some errors might
appear on reports or be visible in another form. For example, the report prints an error
message, prints in the wrong font, or prints landscape instead of portrait.
These printing problems can occur:

The batch application produces error messages on the report, for example, Invalid
Company Number.
The report batch process displays the wrong font on the report.
Check the report properties of the version that you just ran. Also, for the section
that is not printing the correct font, check the section properties for the font. If the
font is correct, then try printing to a different printer. Otherwise, try using another
machine to see whether the font that is being sent to the printer is not interpreted

The report batch process prints portrait instead of landscape or landscape instead
of portrait.
Check the report properties of the version that you just ran and verify that the
properties are correct.

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client 13-5

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Production Mode)

See Also:

"Understanding the Package Build Process" in the JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne Tools Package Management Guide.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Workflow Tools Guide.
"Using the Universal Table Browser" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools System Administration Guide.
"Running the Object Configuration Copy Report" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Configurable Network Computing
Implementation Guide.

13.2.2 Performing Preliminary Troubleshooting

To perform preliminary troubleshooting:

Determine whether you can consistently duplicate the problem.


If you can duplicate the problem, restart the current application.


If the error recurs, restart JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.


If the error recurs, reboot the Standalone Client.

These steps clear any memory or caching problems with the Standalone Client.

13.2.3 Troubleshooting Interactive Application Problems

To troubleshoot interactive application problems:


Select one of these to see the text of the message:

Display Errors from the Help menu selection.

Display button on the toolbar.

Press F8.

To see the full description of an error message, right-click and select Full
The system displays a full glossary of the error and includes information for
resolving the issue.

13.2.4 Troubleshooting Batch Processes Resulting in No Data

This task provides a solution to previously discussed problems.
To troubleshoot batch processes resulting in no data:

Verify that the data selection on the batch process is appropriate and that data
should result.
Data selection on an item that has no data, such as an inactive company, or an
incorrect value will result in a batch process with no data.


Check the Work Center to see whether the batch process resulted in an error.
Most error messages are not printed on the report but are sent as an email message
to the user who submitted the report.
These messages will give the user an example of why the batch process ended
without producing the desired results. For example, when the system runs a GL

13-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Production Mode)

post that ends in error, the report will print only the report headings. All error
messages are sent to the Work Center.
Upon quitting the Work Center, the user receives error messages and a glossary
description that indicate why the batch process resulted in no data. Some error
messages include hot links that link the user directly to the appropriate interactive
application to correct the error.

If checking the data selection and correcting any errors does not resolve the issue,
activate the applicable logs and continue with these steps.


Run the batch process and locate the batch process log for the report that you ran.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne names this log with these conventions:
report name_version_other identifiers.log

This log is located in the local directory under \E920_1\PrintQueue. If you ran
report R04431, it would appear in the local directory, \E920_1\PrintQueue, like

View the log file using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Log Viewer or an ASCII
editor such as Notepad or Wordpad.
Inspect the log for errors or failures of any kind. Also examine the SQL statements
that were created by the batch process and verify that they should result in data on
the report. The batch process log is the main source for debugging batch processes.
However, you can look in the jde.log and jdedebug.log for errors or failures of
any kind.


Verify that data exists in the tables for the database that you are accessing.
Use the Universal Table Browser tool to view the database table.

13.2.5 Troubleshooting Batch Processes Displaying Errors on the Report

Access Error Messages from the Data Dictionary Design menu (GH951).
To troubleshoot batch processes displaying errors on the report:

On Error Messages, complete the Glossary Group field.


Complete these optional fields:



Alpha Description

On the grid, enter values in the Data Item field and click Find to narrow the search
to the particular error code.
For example, enter 0002 to search for the data item that is associated with the
Record Invalid error condition.


To see an extended description of the error, select Glossary from the Row menu.

13.2.6 Troubleshooting Batch Processes Displaying Unexpected Data on the Report

To troubleshoot batch processes displaying unexpected data on the report:

Verify that the data selection on the batch process is correct and should result in
the data output that is expected.

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client 13-7

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Development Mode)


Activate the batch process log and run the report.


Examine the report process flow and SQL statements to see why the data output
on the report is selected.

13.2.7 Troubleshooting Local Data-Availability Problems

Inspect the local database to verify that data exists in the tables that the batch
application is accessing.
To troubleshoot local data-availability problems:

To find the calling SQL statement, open the batch process log.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne names this log using these conventions: report name_
version_other identifiers.log. This log is located in the local directory, \E920_


Highlight the SQL statement, right-click, and copy the contents to the clipboard.


To view data in the local database, open the Universal Table Browser (UTB) and
retrieve the table that the batch application is accessing from the local data source.


Use the information that you copied from the SQL statement to query the table in
If this action causes the expected records to be found, the data that you specified in
the data selection matches the SQL statement, which means that data selection is
not the cause of the problem.

13.2.8 Troubleshooting .DLL Problems on a Standalone Client

Problems with Standalone Client .DLL files are indicated if you receive an error
message such as this:
CALLBSFN.DLL Load Lib failed

Such a message might indicate that the object does not exist on the Standalone Client.
Use a tool such as Windows Explorer to verify whether the file exists. You can find
consolidated .DLLs in the \E920_1\demo\bin32 directory.
If the .DLL does not exist on the Standalone Client or if it exists but you continue to get
the error even after restarting JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, you can get the correct
parent .DLL by reinstalling JD Edwards EnterpriseOne on the Standalone Client.
Another option is to copy the parent .DLL from another functioning Standalone Client.
This option will be successful if the business functions that are built into the parent
.DLL are the same on the Standalone Client that you are copying to as they are on the
one that you are copying from. Use caution when copying .DLLs. A Standalone Client
reinstallation is the preferred method.

13.3 Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Development Mode)

This section provides a troubleshooting overview of the Standalone Client operating in
development mode and discusses how to troubleshoot:

.DLL problems on a Standalone Client

Event rule problems

Business function problems

Global table problems

13-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Development Mode)

This section discusses these topics:

Section 13.3.1, "Understanding Standalone Client (Development Mode)

Section 13.3.2, "Troubleshooting .DLL Problems on a Standalone Client
(Development Mode)"

Section 13.3.3, "Troubleshooting Event Rule Problems"

Section 13.3.4, "Troubleshooting Business Function Problems"

Section 13.3.5, "Troubleshooting Global Table Problems"

13.3.1 Understanding Standalone Client (Development Mode) Troubleshooting

The troubleshooting procedures that you use on a Standalone Client depend on
whether the Standalone Client is operating in production or development mode.
Production mode means that only JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications are
involved, so the scope of the problems that can occur is limited.
When troubleshooting in development mode, you can use many of the same
techniques and gathered information as in production mode and detailed in
Section 13.2, "Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Production Mode)". In addition
to containing prebuilt JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications, development mode
operations include JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and third-party tools. These tools
enable developers to create, modify, compile, generate, and troubleshoot JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne applications. Because of these additional tools on a Standalone Client in
development mode, you are better equipped to track down and resolve issues than on
a Standalone Client operating in production mode.

13.3.2 Troubleshooting .DLL Problems on a Standalone Client (Development Mode)

Problems with Standalone Client .DLL files are indicated if you receive an error
message such as this:
CALLBSFN.DLL Load Lib failed

Such a message might indicate that the object does not exist on the Standalone Client.
Use a tool such as Windows Explorer to verify whether the file exists. You can find
consolidated .DLLs in \E920_1\demo\bin32 and E920_1\system\bin32.
If the .DLL does not exist on the Standalone Client or if it does exist but you continue
to get the error even after restarting JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, the Standalone Client
has a problem with the build of one or more consolidated .DLLs. You can rebuild
libraries or .DLLs using the Busbuild application from Microsoft Windows Explorer.
The path to Busbuild.exe is \E920_1\system\bin32\Busbuild.exe.
If you are receiving the error on a specific business function that cannot be found in
the parent .DLL, use this procedure:

Verify that the correct parent .DLL for the business function that is being run is
referenced when you receive the error.


If the wrong parent .DLL is referenced, run Busbuild and select Synchronize
JDEBLC from the Tools menu within Busbuild to correctly synchronize the parent


Attempt to rebuild the business function from within Busbuild.

The rebuild should include the business function in the parent .DLL.

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client 13-9

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client (Development Mode)


To verify which business functions are part of a parent .DLL, select Dumpbin from
the Tools menu within Busbuild.
This option lists all of the business functions that are included in the parent .DLL.

13.3.3 Troubleshooting Event Rule Problems

When you encounter problems with event rules on an interactive or batch application,
several tools are available to help resolve the problem.

Review the event rules that are attached to the application or batch process for
obvious problems such as disconnected assignments or incorrect parameters that
were passed to business functions.
When the system generates the application, a compile error log is generated,
which documents errors in the event rules.
Review this log for errors within the Event Rules.

The ERDebugger application within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne enables you to

debug the event rules for an application or batch process.

13.3.4 Troubleshooting Business Function Problems

You might be having business function problems if you are getting unexpected results
or getting a .DLL error when you run a business function.
Microsoft Visual C++ enables you to debug a business function. You can use this tool
to step through the logic and inspect variables, which often helps you detect the error.
See Also:

"Troubleshooting Business Function Processing Problems" in the

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Configurable Network Computing
Implementation Guide.

13.3.5 Troubleshooting Global Table Problems

Each JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client uses global tables (glbltbl.xdb
and glbltbl.ddb) to write disk cache files containing internal session-specific and
Standalone Client-specific information. For example, information about data
dictionary tables and business views is cached in these files. By maintaining a history
of this cached session information, individual workstations will improve runtime
performance based on their usage.
If you are doing application development, you might need to delete the global tables
to see the results of your changes. This is because the system looks first to the disk
cache to read certain table information. The information that is contained in the disk
cache might not be synchronized with your current development modifications. You
cannot edit the contents of the disk cache.
Oracle recommends that normal startup of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne not include the
deletion of these global tables. These files should be deleted only as a troubleshooting
technique or a development aid.
If the global table files do not exist when JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is started, they
will be created. If they do exist, they will be appended, not overwritten. The files are
located in the \E920_1\demo\spec directory.

13-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Working with the Standalone Client Log Files

13.4 Working with the Standalone Client Log Files

This section provides an overview of the Standalone Client log files and discusses how

View log files

Configure Logging Options

Use Logs to Troubleshoot Issues

This section discusses these topics:

Section 13.4.1, "Understanding the Standalone Client Log Files"

Section 13.4.2, "Viewing Log Files"

Section 13.4.3, "Configuring Logging Options"

Section 13.4.7, "Using Logs to Troubleshoot Issues"

Section 13.4.8, "Compile Error Log"

Section 13.4.9, "jdecpy.log"

13.4.1 Understanding the Standalone Client Log Files

You should be familiar with the various logs that are used to troubleshoot problems on
the Standalone Client. By using these logs and the procedures outlined in this chapter,
you can troubleshoot problems with interactive applications, batch applications, or
business functions running on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client.
Note: Determine whether you can duplicate the problem
consistently or whether it is intermittent.

Do not leave the debugging logs active when the logs are not in use. The logs consume
disk and processor resources, and therefore affect performance.
If you do not use data replication in the configuration, ignore error messages that refer
to these tables in the jde.log and jdedebug.log:






In general, on JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workstations, logs are classified in these


Logic processing.

Batch processing.

Application development (compiling and generating).

Object Management Workbench transactions.

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client


Working with the Standalone Client Log Files Logic Processing Logs

You use two major log file sources for troubleshooting processing faults on the
Standalone Client:

This log displays fatal errors. The jde.log can track any fault that might occur
within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

This log tracks API calls and SQL statements as well as other messages. You can
use this file to determine the point in time when normal processing stopped. The
system does not use jdedebug.log to track errors. Instead, this log is used to track
the timing of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne processes. Batch Processing Log

You can use this batch process log to identify faults in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
processing that are related to batch processes. This file is located in the \E920_
1\PrintQueue directory and has the same base name as the UBE that created it Application Development Logs

For JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workstations in application development
environments, you can use these logs to identify faults in processing that are related to
compiling and generating applications and business functions:

The compile_error.log contains compilation errors for event rules. You can use
this log to view event rules that might not properly compile and run. These
include Named Event Rules, Table Event Rules, and event rules that are embedded
in applications.

This log is produced each time you run the copy table program (cpytbl.exe).
Copy table error messages and IDs are logged. This log also indicates whether any
inserts failed that could indicate a possible error. Object Management Workbench Transactions

To be supplied.

13.4.2 Viewing Log Files

You can view JD Edwards EnterpriseOne log files from within any JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne application. If you want to view log files outside of JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne, you can use a text editor like Notepad or Wordpad.
To view log files:

From within any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application, right-click to open the

pop-up menu.


On the pop-up menu, select the View System Log option.


On Log Viewer, select File, Open to locate and open a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
log file.
You can also use the View menu selection to select log files. If you have viewed log
files previously, the File menu keeps a history of those files.

13-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Working with the Standalone Client Log Files

13.4.3 Configuring Logging Options

Note: Although the names of the Job File (jde.log) and Debug File
(jdedebug.log) logs are specified in the jde.ini (as described in the
below sections), the value of the Output flag can alter those log file

If the value of Output in the DEBUG section of the C:\Windows\jde.ini file is NONE,
output from all EnterpriseOne processes will be written to the jde.log file.
If the value of Output in the DEBUG section of the C:\Windows\jde.ini file is other
than NONE, a new Job File and Debug File will be created for each EnterpriseOne
process that is started on the Standalone Client. In these cases, the Windows process
ID (PID) and date will be inserted into the log file names immediately before the dot.
For example, if we use the default file names (jde.log and jdedebug.log), Output is
set to FILE, activConsole.exe is run, and the PID of activConsole.exe is 123, two
new logs will be created:



where _101315 indicates the date that the log was created in mmddyy format.
Similarly, if a new Busbuild.exe process is started with process ID 456, the logs
associated with Busbuild.exe would be jde_456_101315.log and jdedebug_456_
101315.log. Because the process ID is generated anew when a process first starts,
restarting activConsole.exe or Busbuild.exe in this example would result in new
sets of jde_xxx_mmddyy.log and jdedebug_xxx_mmddyy.log files for these processes
(where "xxx" is the ID of the new process and "mmddyy" is the date).

13.4.4 Setting Up the Standalone Client jde.log

You can use the Standalone Client jde.log (or jde_xxx_mmddyy.log and jdedebug_
xxx_mmddyy.log if Output in the DEBUG section of C:\Windows\jde.ini is other than
NONE as described in the previous section) as a general purpose log to track fatal
errors that are generated by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne processing. The jde.log tracks
any fault that might occur within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. When you are looking
for startup errors, you should read the jde.log from the top down. For other errors,
you should read from the bottom up.
The Standalone Client jde.log is created (if it does not exist) or overwritten (if it
already exists) at the start of every JD Edwards EnterpriseOne session.
To set up the Standalone Client jde.log:

Locate the Standalone Client jde.ini file.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation program places this file in the working
Microsoft Windows directory; for example, C:\Windows\jde.ini. If you are unsure
of the Standalone Client's working Microsoft Windows directory, use the Find
command to locate the jde.ini file.


Use an ASCII editor (like Notepad or Wordpad) to open the file.


In the [DEBUG] section, verify or change this setting for the JobFile variable:

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client


Working with the Standalone Client Log Files




Specifies the location and name of the jde.log file. The default value is
Note: You can disable the jde.log on the Standalone Client by specifying a blank
or invalid value for JobFile. If you delete or disable (comment out) the JobFile
parameter, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne automatically creates and writes to a log
file called jde.log in the C:\ directory of the Standalone Client.


Save the changes and close the jde.ini file.

Note: If you get the error Access denied when trying to save the
jde.ini, you may need to exit from your text editor, discarding your
changes, and restart the editor with Run as administrator.

13.4.5 Setting Up the Standalone Client jdedebug.log

To set up the Standalone Client jdedebug.log:

Locate the Standalone Client jde.ini file.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne setup program places this file in the working
Microsoft Windows directory, for example, C:\Windows\jde.ini. If you are unsure
of the Standalone Client's working Microsoft Windows directory, use the Find
command to locate the jde.ini file.


Use an ASCII editor (like Notepad or Wordpad) to open the file.


Verify or change this setting for the DebugFile variable.




Specifies the location and name of the jdedebug.log file. The default value is


Enable or disable the logging of events to the jdedebug.log file through this
setting in the [DEBUG] section:




Valid values are:

NONE: No trace information is written to jdedebug.log.

FILE: Database and runtime trace information is written to the file that is
specified by the DebugFile= parameter in the [DEBUG] section.
EXCFILE: Runtime trace information is written to the file that is specified
by the DebugFile= parameter in the [DEBUG] section.
BOTH: Trace information is written to both jde.log and jdedebug.log.

13-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Working with the Standalone Client Log Files

The primary method of disabling the jdedebug.log is by using

the Output parameter. However, if you set Output=FILE and you
leave the DebugFile value blank (or specify an invalid location), JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne still performs debug tracing but does not
write the results to any jdedebug.log file. If you delete or disable
(comment out) the DebugFile parameter, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
automatically creates and writes to a log file called jdedebug.log in
the C:\ directory of the Standalone Client.

See the Note at the start of section Section 13.4.3, "Configuring

Logging Options" for more information about how changing the value
of the Output setting affects the name of the log files.

Set the level of debugging information that you want written to the jdedebug.log
The debug level is determined by this parameter in the [DEBUG] section:




Specifies the debug level. You can specify any combination of allowable values
using commas as delimiters. The default setting is LEVEL=BSFN,EVENTS.
Valid values are:












For example, LEVEL=SF_CONTROL. In addition, you can specify multiple system

functions by separating them with commas. For example, LEVEL=SF_GRID,SF_
CONTROL. You can also specify numeric values:
1: Traces critical errors. This is the default level. That is, whether you specify this
value or not, the system will always trace critical errors.
2: Also traces critical errors.
3: Traces statements as the software enters and exits each event. Specifying this
value is the equivalent of specifying the EVENTS value.
4: Traces main messages that the software sends to a controlling parent of a child.
These messages concern the processing functions such as the grid.
5: Provides a detailed trace report of every function that the software calls in the
interactive runtime module. This setting is applicable only to developers of the
runtime module.

Save the changes and close the jde.ini file.

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client


Working with the Standalone Client Log Files

Note: If you get the error Access denied when trying to save the
jde.ini, you may need to exit from your text editor, discarding your
changes, and restart the editor with Run as administrator.

13.4.6 Setting Up the Batch Process Log

To set up the batch process log:

Locate the Standalone Client jde.ini file.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne setup program places this file in the working
Microsoft Windows directory, for example, C:\Windows\jde.ini. If you are unsure
of the Standalone Client's working Microsoft Windows directory, use the Find
command to locate the jde.ini file.


Use an ASCII editor (such as Notepad or Wordpad) to open the file.


Set the level of batch report debugging information that you want written to the
batch process log file, and set whether you want the file to be saved.
These settings are controlled by these parameters in the [UBE] section:




Specifies the level of UBE debug logging. The default value is 0,

and values are:

0: No message in a log file.

1: Error messages, and log entry and section level messages.

2: Object level messages (plus Level 1 messages).


3: ER messages and database mapping messages (plus Level

1 and 2 messages).
4: SQL statements (plus Level 1, 2, and 3 messages).
5: Batch process function calls and printed output values
(plus Level 1, 2, 3, and 4 messages).
6: Batch process function calls and printed output values
(plus Level 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 messages).

Specifies whether the <batch_report>.log file will be saved.

Values are:

0: The <batch_report>.log file is not saved.

1: The <batch_report>.log file is saved in this Standalone
Client JD Edwards EnterpriseOne print queue directory


Save the changes and close the jde.ini file.

Note: If you get the error "Access denied" when trying to save the
jde.ini, you may need to exit from your text editor, discarding your
changes, and restart the editor with Run as administrator.

13.4.7 Using Logs to Troubleshoot Issues

You can create a normal (successful) set of logs by logging on to JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne and then immediately logging off. Use this set of logs of successful
startup statements to compare against logs that have a problem.
13-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Working with the Standalone Client Log Files

If you know the problem is not related to startup, you can clear and save the logs
without quitting JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. When you recreate the problem, the
contents of the logs should contain only errors that occurred since you cleared the logs.
You can also rename the logs to indicate the kind of problem. For example, you might
delete the logs and then run an application that causes an error condition. You could
group the set of logs in a common directory such as C:\P01012_error_logs_run_1.
Another alternative is to add comment lines to a log indicating the sequence of events
that you are performing. For example, you might be running an application that you
know causes an error. Just before you run the application, you could edit the jde_xxx_
mmddyy.log to add a comment line stating that you are about to start the suspect
Most error messages in the jde.log have a unique number assigned to them. You can
view an extended description of the error, including possible causes and resolutions,
by searching on the error number in the Error Messages application (P92002).
This section discusses these logs:

Section, "Standalone Client jdedebug_xxx_mmddyy.log"

Section, "Batch Process Log" Standalone Client jdedebug_xxx_mmddyy.log

The Standalone Client jdedebug_xxx_mmddyy.log file contains messages relating to
API calls and SQL statements, as well as other messages. You can use this file to
determine the point in time when normal processing stopped. The system does not use
jdedebug_xxx_mmddyy.log to track errors. Instead, it uses this log to track the timing
of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne processes.
You can use jdedebug_xxx_mmddyy.log to determine where a process has ended. For
example, log data can include the SQL statement that was being run for a specific table
and whether memory has been freed.
If the process failed and you have logging turned on, look in the jdedebug_xxx_
mmddyy.log for these messages:

Not Found


Also, look at the end of the log to see what commands or tasks ran last. In general,
important lines in the log are:

The SELECT lines indicate which table you are selecting. The log tells you in
which environment the table resides. You should verify that the selected libraries
and environments are correct. Batch Process Log

You can use the batch process log to identify faults in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
processing that are related to batch processes. The batch process log resides in the
\E920_1\PrintQueue directory. The log file name is composed of the report name,
version name, date, and time suffixed by the extension .log.
Based on the setting of the UBESaveLogFile parameter in the [UBE] section of the
jde.ini file, this log file is deleted or saved on successful completion of batch
processes. This log file displays different types of messages that can help in tracking
errors in the batch process. The messages are:

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client


Working with the Standalone Client Log Files

Section Level Process

Object Level Process

ER Level Process

DB Level Process

The batch process log can contain ER references, batch process flow, and SQL
statements, among other messages. You can use the batch process log file to determine
when normal processing stopped.
The batch process log file displays the process flow in batch processes. This flow is
completed in these steps:

When batch processes complete a section, starting with the INIT section, a
business view is opened.
After the INIT Section log, you should see a SQL statement.


After INIT Section, the batch engine calls Adv Section to retrieve a record.


After the retrieve, batch engine processes the Do Section Processing.


From Do Section, each object is processed in Init Object - Do Object - End Object


After Do Object message, you should see Printed value in the log.
ER events are logged in a different event level.

13.4.8 Compile Error Log

For JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workstations in development environments, use this
log to identify faults in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne processing that are related to
compiling and generating applications and business functions. This log for compiled
event rules provides an account of event rules (Named Event Rules, Table Event Rules,
and applications) that do not properly compile and process. JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne generates this log file every time the BusBuild.exe is run and errors
occur with compiled event rules.
The <compile_error> portion of the log file name refers to a variable value for the
name of the event rules being compiled. For example, a name of a log file for
compiling NER N3200780 is N3200780.log. The error log from an application
containing compiled event rules replaces the first letter of the application name with
an E; for example, P0101 generates an error log named E0101.log.
Use this log when errors have occurred within the BusBuild.exe while you were
compiling an application, Named Event Rules, or Table Event Rules. When this
happens, a message box appears beneath the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Code
Generation form with the source member and the problem description. You can use
the log file to keep a record of such problems. The compile error log resides in the log
folder under the path code portion of the E920 directory tree, for example, C:\E920_

13.4.9 jdecpy.log
The system produces output for jdecpy.log each time the copy table program
(cpytbl.exe) is run on the Standalone Client. In general, the file contains records of
those tables that were successfully copied. This log also indicates whether any inserts
failed. Such failures indicate a possible error. This log is automatically stopped after
cpytbl.exe finishes.

13-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Working with the Standalone Client Log Files

The jdecpy.log resides in the root directory of the Standalone Client, usually in c:\.
This log is automatically generated by EnterpriseOne every time you run cpytbl.exe.
The log is created or overwritten each time it runs.
After you use jdecpy.log to determine that a copy table error has occurred, you
should refer to the jde.log. If a table does not copy properly, the detail of the error
text is written to jde.log. The jde.log contains the actual error message and message
ID. The message ID relates to the line prefix numbers in the jdecpy.log. This ID will
help you locate the applicable error text that was written to the jde.log.

Troubleshooting the Standalone Client


Working with the Standalone Client Log Files

13-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Working with ReconfigDB.exe

This appendix discusses these topics

Section A.1, "Understanding the ReconfigureDB.exe Program"

Section A.2, "Encrypting and Decrypting the Password of the Local Database"

A.1 Understanding the ReconfigureDB.exe Program

The installation of the Standalone Client delivers a utility called ReconfigureDB.exe.
This program can be used by a database superuser who for Oracle is the user for the
SYSTEM and SYS accounts. Only users of these accounts can encrypt and decrypt the
password for the local database on the Standalone Client. Throughout this text, the
term local database refers to the database that is installed directly on the Standalone
Client. The only supported local database is Oracle Enterprise Edition as specified in
the Certifications for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (refer to Section 1.2, "Certifications" of
this guide).
The local database password must be encrypted for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to run
on the Standalone Client. In order to provide security and uniqueness, JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne generates this password using a combination of the serial number of
the local C drive and a proprietary encryption algorithm. Therefore it is assured that
this password will not be the same on different computers.

Working with ReconfigDB.exe A-1

Understanding the ReconfigureDB.exe Program

With EnterpriseOne Tools Release and later and an

Oracle local database, the method of creating the password changed to
produce a more complex and secure password. In these notes and the
ReconfigureDB.exe program, the old method is referred to as using
Legacy encryption; whereas, the new method uses Enhanced

Important: Enhanced encryption is applicable only to an Oracle local

database when using Tools Release and greater. Legacy
encryption is used with an Oracle local database when using Tools
Releases prior to
Important: Prior to running JD Edwards EnterpriseOne on the
Standalone Client, you must ensure that the password of the
superuser of the local database is set to the relevant encryption using
ReconfigureDB.exe. This is done by selecting a program option
appropriate for your database and Tools Release:

Enhanced Encryption
You should use this option with the local Oracle database and
Tools Release and greater.

Legacy Encryption
You should use this option with Tools Releases prior to

Note: With Tools Release and greater, the program for
changing the password of the superuser of the local database is
ReconfigureDB.exe. The program allows these password options:

Plain Text

Enhanced Encryption

Legacy Encryption

Prior to Tools Release, the comparable program was called

ReconfigureMSDE.exe and provided only the options for plain text
and (Legacy) Encryption.
The ReconfigureDB.exe program runs in either interactive or silent mode. If no
command-line options are given, the program launches a Graphical User Interface
(GUI). If any command-line options are specified, the ReconfigureDB.exe program
runs silently. In both cases, output from the program is written to this log:
You can determine the functionality and command syntax of the ReconfigureDB.exe
program by executing the program with either the /? or -H options. For example:
ReconfigureDB.exe /?
ReconfigureDB.exe -H
When you execute the command with these options the output is not directed to the
console; instead the output is written to this file:

A-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Understanding the ReconfigureDB.exe Program

The contents of the ReconfigureDB.log file are shown below:

1) Changes the password for the database "superusers" for the LOCAL
EnterpriseOne database.
2) Can change to or from an encrypted password which is needed for E1 to run.
This password is generated based on the C drive's serial number and then
encrypted based on E1 proprietary algorithms; hence, this password will not
be the same on different computers.
3) Can also change to or from user-specified passwords.
4) The program works on the following local databases--and ONLY these
- E1Local
Type: Oracle Enterprise Edition (OEE)
Users: SYSTEM and SYS
Type: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (SSE)
User: SA

With EnterpriseOne Tools Release and later, the

method of creating the password changed to produce a more
complex and secure password.
In this program, the old method is referred to as using
"Legacy" encryption; whereas, the new method uses
"Enhanced" encryption.

!!! The superuser password must be set to the E1 encrypted password
!!! for E1 to work. Select "Enhanced" for Tools Release
!!! and later. Select "Legacy" for older Tools Releases.
ReconfigureDB [-options] [Old_Password|-E|-L] [New_Password|-E|-L]
- The log file is


- May be preceded by either a slash (/) or hyphen (-).
- May be either upper- or lowercase.
- Include one space before the slash or hyphen.
- The order of the options is important. The old password (or option -E or -L)
must come before the new password (or option -E or -L).
- If an old password (or option -E or -L) is given, a new password (or
option -E or -L) must be given.
- If no options are provided, a GUI will prompt for the type of database and
the passwords.
? or -H

- Writes this help to the log file.

- Optional.


- The database server instance type.

- Optional. If not specified, the default value is


- May be one of the following:

1) Old password
Working with ReconfigDB.exe A-3

Encrypting and Decrypting the Password of the Local Database

2) -E

3) -L


= Indicates that old password was created using

the ENHANCED (i.e., more complex) generation
= Indicates that old password was created using
the LEGACY (i.e., less complex) generation

- May be one of the following:

1) New password
2) -E = Indicates that new password should be created
using the ENHANCED (i.e., more complex)
generation algorithm.
3) -L = Indicates that new password should be created
using the LEGACY (i.e., less complex)
generation algorithm.

In this example, the password for the JDESSELocal database SA user will be
changed from "MyOldPassword" to a generated password that is then encrypted
with the new enhanced method:
ReconfigureDB -TSSE MyOldPassword -E

A.2 Encrypting and Decrypting the Password of the Local Database

When the local database is Oracle, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne uses an encrypted
password to connect to E1Local through the SYSTEM and SYS accounts.
To change the SYSTEM and SYS account passwords using the following steps.

Launch the ReconfigureDB.exe program located in this directory:

Note: You do not have to right click on ReconfigureDB.exe and
select Run as administrator. This is because this version of the
program is designed to automatically attempt to start with the
elevated permissions. If you are not signed into Windows with an
administrative account, you will be prompted to enter the credentials
for an administrative account.

If you do not specify any command line options, this program will launch in GUI
mode and you can proceed as described in the following steps in this section.
Optionally you can use command line options to execute ReconfigureDB.exe .
For details of syntax and command line options for
ReconfigureDB.exe , refer to the preceding section in this document
entitled: Section A.1, "Understanding the ReconfigureDB.exe

A-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Encrypting and Decrypting the Password of the Local Database


On the main ReconfigureDB screen, the Select the local database section lists the
types of local databases that are currently installed; options for database types that
are not installed will be inactive.

E1Local (Oracle Enterprise Edition - OEE)

This is the only valid option for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client.


In the Select the action for the E1Local database users section, the first column
titled Change from password indicates the old password; that is, the from
password that you want to change. Select one of the available options:

A plain text password

Specify the password in the input field if you know that it was not generated
with one of the two types of encryption. This would be the case if, for
example, you reset the password via SQLPlus. For security purposes, your
keystrokes are displayed as asterisks.

Enhanced Encryption
Click this radio button if the old password was encrypted with the enhanced
encryption that is applicable to a local Oracle database and Tools Release or greater. This option uses an enhanced encryption algorithm (relative
to prior releases) providing greater security for the local Oracle database.

Legacy Encryption
Click this radio button if the old password was encrypted with the legacy
encryption that is applicable to a local Oracle database and Tools Release prior
to (for example, if you have an older Standalone or Development Client
on the computer).
This option uses an older, less secure encryption algorithm (relative to later
releases) providing less security for the local database.

Working with ReconfigDB.exe A-5

Encrypting and Decrypting the Password of the Local Database


The second column titled To password indicates the new password; that is, to
what you want to change the password. Select one of the available options:

A plain text password

Use this option if you do not want to use either of the two types of encryption.
For security purposes, your keystrokes are displayed as asterisks.
If you select the plain text password option, ensure that
you re-encrypt the password before attempting to run JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne. If the password is not encrypted with the correct type
of encryption, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne will fail because it cannot
access the local database.


Note: The password cannot contain any spaces. Spaces at the start or
end of the password will be removed.

Enhanced Encryption
Click this radio button if the new password will be encrypted with the
enhanced encryption that is applicable to a local Oracle database and Tools
Release The option uses an enhanced encryption algorithm (relative to
prior releases) providing greater security for the local Oracle database.

Legacy Encryption
Click this radio button if the old password will be encrypted with the legacy
encryption that is applicable to a local Oracle database and Tools Release prior
to (for example, if you have an older Standalone or Development Client
on the computer).
This option uses an older, less secure encryption algorithm (relative to later
releases) providing less security for the local database.


Click the OK button.


On Confirm Password, re-enter the password in the New password: field.

This is to confirm the new password for local database users which are SYSTEM
and SYS for an Oracle database.
The password value cannot contain a space character (blank). Attempting to do so
causes this error to be displayed

A-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Encrypting and Decrypting the Password of the Local Database


Click the OK button.

A dialog box indicates that the password was successfully changed. Click the OK
button to exit the dialog.

Watch the status bar at the bottom of the dialog for informational messages.
Tip: If changing the password fails, look in this log file for additional

Also, ensure you are using the correct password as perhaps the
password you are trying is not what you thought it was.
If neither of the above helps resolve a password failure, attempt to
stop and restart these database services:
Oracle Database



After the database services are stopped and restarted, you can retry

Working with ReconfigDB.exe A-7

Encrypting and Decrypting the Password of the Local Database

A-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Understanding Executable Files on the
Standalone Client

This appendix contains the following topics:

Section B.1, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Linked Executable Files"

Section B.2, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Self-Contained Executable Files"

B.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Linked Executable Files

This section provides a list of linked executable files (executables) that are in the
workstation system/bin32 directory.
Linked executables:

Are called by other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne programs.

Are called by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne kernel.

Have no value if they are run independently of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

Will not run unless they are called by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

This table includes descriptions and instructions for running the linked executable



Call Details


Displays spreadsheets in a dialog box.

This executable is obsolete and has no
function in SP10 and beyond.



Reads workstation JDEBLC spec files

and generate a text file with details
about each business function source file
that is listed in the spec file.



Takes a path and a text file name as

arguments and places the directory
name of the highest branch in the path
into the text file.

Called from makefiles that are

generated by BusBuild.


Used when generating Balance Auditor

functions in Tabular reports.

Called by the JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne UBE kernel.


Used to create a CID argument when

attempting to connect to a JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Data Source.

Called by the JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne kernel.

Understanding Executable Files on the Standalone Client


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Self-Contained Executable Files



Call Details


BusBuild uses this program to

determine whether the object files exist.

Called from makefiles

generated by BusBuild.


Used during sign-in to install update

packages if an update package is

Called by the JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne kernel.


Generates a list of exports for each dll.

Called from makefiles that are

generated by BusBuild.


Used by business partners only.

Do not use this program.

Builds resource files for language

translation. The risk is that the existing
resource files could be confused with the
newly generated files. The user would
have to intentionally continue through
multiple screens for this to happen.

Monitored long-running UBEs and

reported their completion. This program
is obsolete and was disabled in SP10.


Business View Design Tool creates

business views.

Called from Object Librarian

or Object Management
Workbench (OMW).


Not for direct customer use, although

the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne product
suite does use it.

Called by the JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne kernel.


Creates the win32 version information

for the build process.

Called by the JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne kernel.


Processing Option Design Aid used to

create processing options.

Called from OMW when you

design a processing option.


Report Design Aid used to create batch

reports (UBEs).

Called from OMW when you

design a batch application.
RDA can also be opened
without command line


Form Design Aid (FDA) used to create

interactive applications. FDA is
currently configured to run on a fat

Called from the design

window in OMW for an


Creates self-extracting.exe files.

JD Edwards internal tool.


Creates JD Edwards-compatible cabinet


JD Edwards internal tool.


An obsolete file that is not called by any Obsolete.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications.


Replaced by Busbuild.exe. It was used

to build the business functions.



Generates jdekrnl.xdb and jdekrnl.ddb

specs from the pristine database.

JD Edwards internal tool.

B.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Self-Contained Executable Files

You can run self-contained executable files directly from either the command line or
through Windows Explorer.

B-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Self-Contained Executable Files

This table includes descriptions and instructions for running the standalone executable



Sets up COM connections to

Run from the command line
the server using the COM
with a -regserver option.
Connector product and only
works in that context. Contact
Customer Support for full


Employs a user friendly

interface to view and modify
plain ASCII JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne files such as:






Manages multiple
workstation installations on
the same PC.

Run Instructions

Double-click the executable.

Exit JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne and then
double-click the executable.

See the appendix of this guide

entitled: Appendix G,
"Working With SnapShot on
the Standalone Client".

Displays, on one screen, the

properties of all the files in a
directory. The properties are
the same as those that are
displayed when you
right-click a file and select

Open a DOS window, change

the directory to the desired
target, and double-click the


Creates CORBA wrappers

around JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne business
functions. This is a command
line utility that requires a
script file as an input.


GenCORBA generates
CORBA interfaces for JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne
business functions.

For example:
GenCORBA /Cat /UserID
Devuser1 /Password
Denuser1 /Environment

Provides access to JD Edwards Run GenJava.

EnterpriseOne business
functions by generating pure
Java interfaces to them.
GenJava [options] [libraries]
For example:
GenJava /Cat /UserID
Devuser1 /Password
Denuser1 /Environment

Understanding Executable Files on the Standalone Client


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Self-Contained Executable Files



Run Instructions


Launches the UBE job

Double-click the executable or
stand-alone (not going
start using the command line.
through JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne). It replaces the
User Interface of


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ER You can launch JD Edwards

Compare tool used to
ER Compare tool from OMW
compare and merge Event
or from the command line.
Rules (ER) for JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications,
Reports, Table Conversions,
NERs (Named Event Rules),
and TERs (Table Event Rules).
It also can be used to compare
and merge C Business


Displays the records in tables. Type UTB in the

We also use it to view local JD EnterpriseOne Fast Path field
Edwards EnterpriseOne object or click the executable.


Modifies JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne tables.

On the Command Line, type

tda.exe -idtablename, where
tablename is the name of the
table that you want to modify.
For example, F0101.
You do not need to run JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne
before running tda.


The JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Table
Conversion Design Tool used
to design JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Table
Conversion batch

Double-click the executable,

or run it from the command
line using the optional
parameter idXXXX, where
XXXX is the name of an
existing Table Conversion


Can perform these functions:

Run from the command line.

Recreate a tam file.

Copy a tam file.

Print index information.

Print the index key.

Verify the tam file.

B-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Self-Contained Executable Files



Run Instructions


Backup utility in case

You must run tampack.exe
tamftp.exe does not work for from a DOS shell and pass in
the customer. tampack.exe has parameters.
about half the functionality of
tampack.exe is included with
the workstation and the
deployment server.
tampack.exe creates a
translated copy of TAM files
GBRSPEC.DDB, and so on) on
the PC.
The translated copies are
known as pack files. When the
program is finished, the user
can manually run ftp.exe to
transfer them to a remote
enterprise server. When the
pack files are on a remote
enterprise server, the user can
unpack them on the enterprise


Converts PDF files into files

Double-click the executable.
containing the printer-specific
protocol language for a
selected printer. This
application is intended only
for development to
troubleshoot problems with a
customer's JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne output. The
tool can help solve
configuration problems.


Main EnterpriseOne
interactive program.


Double-click the executable.



Builds business functions.



Builds business functions.

Double-click the executable.


Debug Event Rules (ER)

Called from the design

window in OMW for an














Set local database password.

Double-click the executable.


Monitored EnterpriseOne


Understanding Executable Files on the Standalone Client


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Self-Contained Executable Files

B-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Installing a Standalone Client from the
Command Line

Be sure to follow the guidelines in the preceding sections of

this guide entitled:


Section 1.3, "Microsoft Windows Security"

Section 1.4, "Minimizing Locked Files"

Instead of using the OUI-based installer in interactive mode for the Standalone Client,
optionally you can run the installation from the Microsoft Windows command line.
This may be more efficient if you have many Development Clients that you need to
The OUI installer for the Standalone Client is setup.exe, which is located in this
<extracted_standalone_client_files_location>\OneWorld Client
You can provide options to the setup.exe on the command line. Most of the options
are generic OUI options, but a few are specific to the EnterpriseOne Standalone Client
You can enter the following line to get a list of and descriptions of the generic OUI
<extracted_standalone_client_files_location>\OneWorld Client
Install\install\setup.exe -help
Below is an example command line string using some of the available options (which
are listed and described later in this section). The command should be entered on a
single contiguous line with no line breaks or returns:
setup.exe -debug -force PACKAGE_NAME=DEMO INSTALL_MODE=Compact ORACLE_
Below is a list of the most useful generic OUI options:





Installing a Standalone Client from the Command Line



Directory where EnterpriseOne will be installed


Must be of the form ORACLE_HOME=installation_directory

Case sensitive


Name of the Oracle Home directory


Must be of the form ORACLE_HOME_NAME=name

Case sensitive
Note: Any generic options other than those listed above have not
been tested with the EnterpriseOne Standalone Client installer.

The EnterpriseOne-specific options are specified as KEY=value pairs.

The keys are case sensitive.
The following table lists the command line options for OUI for the Standalone Client.
Value Case






EnterpriseOne user


Yes, if installing an
update package that
has XML specs stored
in the database.


EnterpriseOne user
password. Must be
generated or
specified per the E1_


Yes, if installing an
update package that PASSWORD=DEMO
has XML specs stored
in the database.


Encryption method
used to produce the







Valid values are

1 = DES 3 encryption
2 = STD encryption
3 = no encryption
When providing the
password in plain
text (most cases),
omit this key (uses
default value 3).

Name of package to

C-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide


Value Case






Specifies whether
package's files should
be copied to the




E1_INSTALL_MODE Indicates which

objects to include in
the installation.
Valid values are
Typical = include the
development and
production objects
Compact = include
the pathcode's
production objects

Valid values are

A string starting with
'N', 'n', 'F', or 'f' = do
not copy the files
Any other string =
copy the files
Useful if you are
repeating an
installation that
failed after all files
were copied to the
target machine.

Installing a Standalone Client from the Command Line


C-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Uninstalling a Standalone Client from the
Command Line

This appendix describes how to uninstall the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone

Client from the command line.
Be sure to follow the guidelines in the preceding sections of
this guide entitled:


Section 1.3, "Microsoft Windows Security"

Section 1.4, "Minimizing Locked Files"

Instead of using the OUI-based installer in interactive mode to uninstall the

Standalone Client, you can optionally perform a silent deinstall by running OUI from
the Microsoft Windows command line. This may be more efficient if you have many
Standalone Clients that you need to uninstall.
Although any copy of OUI that you have on your machine may be used for the
uninstallation, we recommend that you use the particular one that was automatically
copied to your machine when you installed the Standalone Client. This copy of OUI is
setup.exe, which is located in this directory:
To uninstall the Standalone Client using the command line:
Note: The local database of the Standalone Client may or may not be
running. When you use OUI as described in this procedure, it will
attempt to start the database if it is not already running.

Right-click on an icon to open a command prompt window and click "Run as



Enter and run the following command on one line:

"<location_of_OUI>\setup.exe" -deinstall -nowait -waitforcompletion
REMOVE_HOMES={"<Oracle_Home_directory_to_remove>"} -silent ORACLE_HOME_

<location_of_OUI> is the directory where setup.exe resides; for example,


Uninstalling a Standalone Client from the Command Line D-1

<Oracle_Home_directory_to_remove> is the directory of the Oracle_Home to

uninstall; for example, C:\E920_1
<Oracle_Home_Name_to_remove> is the name of the Oracle_Home to deinstall;
for example, JDE_E920_Client1
Notes: Be sure to include all punctuation (that is, double quotes and
curly braces) in the above command line except for the greater than
and less than signs that are used to delimit the variables.

The words REMOVE_HOMES and ORACLE_HOME_NAME must be capitalized.

There are no spaces in the option switches between the hyphen and
the name of the option switch (for example, -nowait).
For example, a command line entry to uninstall the Standalone Client might be:
"C:\E920_1\oui\bin\setup.exe" -deinstall -nowait -waitforcompletion
REMOVE_HOMES={"C:\E920_1"} -silent ORACLE_HOME_NAME="JDE_E920_Client1"

Examine the latest log file in this directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Inventory\logs


Verify that the Oracle_Home directory (for example, C:\E920_1) was deleted. If
not, delete it.

You can provide additional options to the setup.exe on the command line. Most of the
options are generic OUI options, but those listed above must be used at a minimum.
You can enter the following line to get a list of and descriptions of the generic OUI
<location_of_OUI>\setup.exe -help
Any options other than those listed above have not been tested
with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client installer or


D-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide

Manual Cleanup of an Uninstalled Standalone

To minimize the possibility that the Standalone Client's

installer or uninstaller or SnapShot might fail due to locked files,
follow these guidelines:



Exit from all running programs. You can use the Microsoft Windows Task
Manager to verify that the programs are stopped. In particular, be sure
that EnterpriseOne, JDeveloper, and SQL Developer are stopped, but
other programs may also need to be stopped. Exceptions to this rule
include the database service(s) which should be running.


Verify that no files in the Standalone Client installation directory or

subdirectories are open in any file editors.


Verify that neither the installation directory nor any of its subdirectories
are open in Microsoft Windows. Explorer.


Verify that no Command Prompt window has as its current working

directory either the Standalone Client installation directory or any of its

If the uninstallation of the Standalone Client fails for some reason, you need to
perform the manual steps in this procedure to completely remove the old installation
before reinstalling the Standalone Client.

Drop the OEE tablespaces.


Decrypt the database password by running this program:

Note: When running the program and UAC is turned on, you must
right click on the executable or shortcut and select Run as

Manual Cleanup of an Uninstalled Standalone Client E-1


On ReconfigureDB, near the top, select the type of local database, where
E1Local (Oracle Enterprise Edition - OEE) is the only valid option for JD
Edwards 9.2 Standalone Client.


Under Change from password, select Enhanced Encryption.


In the To password field, enter a password that you will remember.


Click OK.


Perform the below steps.

i. Open a command prompt window with "Run as administrator."
ii. Enter this command:
set ORACLE_HOME=c:\Oracle\E1Local
Be sure to specify the correct directory if you installed OEE
to a different location.


iii. Enter this command:

sqlplus sys as sysdba
iv. When prompted, enter the password that you specified in
v. Enter this command:
select unique tablespace_name from all_tables;
vi. Note the EnterpriseOne tablespace names.
vii. Repeat this command for each E1 tablespace:
drop tablespace <tablespace_name> including contents and datafiles;

E-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

viii. Enter this command:

ix. Enter this command:
x. Exit the command prompt window.

Delete the following registry keys, where <JDE_Client_Oracle_Home_Name> is the

name of the Oracle Home for the Standalone Client that you specified during


Delete the following registry keys:



Delete the installation directory for the Standalone Client (for example, c:\E920_
If you cannot delete the installation directory because a file in that directory is
locked, follow these steps:

Determine which file is locked and which process has the lock on the file. A
freeware program called Process Explorer can be helpful in determining this
information. You can obtain a free copy of Process Explorer from this web site:



Either kill the locking process with Process Explorer or Microsoft Windows
Task Manager or, if the process was started as a Microsoft Windows service,
change the Startup Type to Manual and reboot the computer.


Try again to delete the E1Local subdirectory.

Remove the 32-bit Oracle inventory entries.


With a text editor (such as Notepad), edit this file:

c:\Program_Files (x86)\Oracle\inventory\ContentsXML\inventory.xml


Delete any lines that start with:

<HOME NAME="JDE_Client_Home_Name"
where JDE_Client_Home_Name is the name that you gave the installation
directory when you installed the Standalone Client.


Save the file.

Remove the entry from the Windows PATH.


From Windows' Start button, go to Control Panel > System.


Click Advanced system settings on the left.


Click Environment Variables near the bottom.


In the System variables box near the bottom, highlight Path and click the
Edit... button.

Manual Cleanup of an Uninstalled Standalone Client E-3



In the Variable value field, delete <JDE_Client_Home>\system\bin32 where

<JDE_Client_Home> is the path that you specified when you installed the
Standalone Client. Be sure to remove the semicolon as well.


In the Variable value field, delete <JDE_Client_Home>\DEMO\bin32. Be sure to

remove the semicolon as well.


Click OK.

Remove the JDE_B9_ICU_DATA Windows environment variable.


Navigate to Control Panel > System.


Click Advanced system settings on the left.


Click Environment Variables near the bottom.


In the System variables box near the bottom, highlight JDE_B9_ICU_DATA

and click Delete.


Click OK.

E-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

Manual Cleanup of an Uninstalled Oracle

If the uninstallation of the OEE database fails for some reason, you need to perform
the manual steps in this procedure to completely remove the old installation before
reinstalling the database.

Uninstall the Standalone Client.

Be sure the Standalone Client is uninstalled before attempting to uninstall the
database. This should ensure that no EnterpriseOne tablespaces are imported
(attached) to the EnterpriseOne database.


Delete the following registry keys:

\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\(see Keys below)
Keys. Delete any keys with names that start with "Oracle" and contain "E1Local".


Delete this directory:

If you cannot delete the E1Local subdirectory because a file in that directory is
locked, follow these steps:

Determine which file is locked and which process has the lock on the file. A
freeware program called Process Explorer can be helpful in determining this
information. You can obtain a free copy of Process Explorer from this web site:



Either kill the locking process with Process Explorer or Microsoft Windows
Task Manager or, if the process was started as a Microsoft Windows service,
change the Startup Type to Manual and reboot the computer again.


Try again to delete the E1Local subdirectory.

Remove the 64-bit Oracle inventory entries.


With a text editor (such as Notepad), edit this file:

c:\Program Files\Oracle\inventory\ContentsXML\inventory.xml


Delete any lines that start with:

<HOME NAME="E1Local"


Save the file.

Manual Cleanup of an Uninstalled Oracle Database F-1


Remove the entry from the Windows PATH.


Navigate to Control Panel > System.


Click Advanced system settings on the left.


Click Environment Variables near the bottom.


In the System variables box near the bottom, highlight Path and click the
Edit button.


In the Variable value field, delete this value:

Be sure to remove the semicolon as well.


Click OK.

Remove the ORACLE_HOME Windows environment variable.


Navigate to Control Panel > System.


Click Advanced system settings on the left.


Click Environment Variables near the bottom.


In the System variables box near the bottom, highlight ORACLE_HOME and
click Delete.


Click OK.

F-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client Installation

Working With SnapShot on the Standalone

This section discusses these topics:

Section G.1, "Understanding SnapShot"

Section G.2, "Prerequisites"

Section G.3, "Using SnapShot on the Standalone Client"

Section G.4, "Renaming an Environment"

Section G.5, "Manually Backing Up Files and Settings"

Section G.6, "Set Logging for SnapShot Using the Registry"

G.1 Understanding SnapShot

The SnapShot program (note the terminology uses upper cases in the naming
convention for this program) manages multiple instances of the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Standalone Client on a single machine. Using this program you can
save and restore copies of an installed Standalone Client. A saved copy is called a
"snapshot" (note the terminology uses lower case in the naming convention for this
Below is an example of SnapShot managing multiple tools releases including E920 and
two installations of E910 (B9_Perf and E910_aaa).

Working With SnapShot on the Standalone Client G-1

Understanding SnapShot

The preceding image shows the JD Edwards main SnapShot window. The main
features of this window, from top to bottom, include:

Close (icon)
The Close icon is located in the upper right hand corner. Click this icon to exit

System (icon)
The System icon is located in the upper left hand corner. Click on this icon or
right-click on the title bar to display a drop-down menu that contains "About
EnterpriseOne SnapShot." Selecting this item displays version and build
information about SnapShot as shown below:

G-2 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable

Understanding SnapShot

Existing Version
This area contains these fields and buttons:

The existing installed Standalone Client. Initially, this is the release specified in
the installed package. After you save and then restore a SnapShot, this field
will be the name that you gave the SnapShot when you saved it.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation directory.

Save Button
Saves the installed JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to a snapshot.

Rename Environment Button

Renames the path code and environment names of the installed JD Edwards

Saved Versions
The Saved Versions area contains a field that lists saved versions (also called
snapshots). The example in this image shows the following versions: B9_Perf and

Restore Button
Restores a saved version (snapshot) to a runnable JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Delete Button

Working With SnapShot on the Standalone Client G-3


Removes a saved version (snapshot).

Log File
Displays the log file path and name.

Close Button
Exits SnapShot.

G.2 Prerequisites
Before saving or restoring a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation using SnapShot, be
sure that:

You are signed into Microsoft Windows using an account with sufficient privileges
(for example: read, write, execute) to the registry and to the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne installation and saved directories.
All JD Edwards EnterpriseOne programs are closed.
No applications (for example, Windows Explorer) have a file or subfolder open in
either the installation or the saved directory or one of their subdirectories.
The SnapShot.exe that you are running is not in either the installation or the saved
directory or one of their subdirectories.
The database(s) that both the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation and the
saved snapshot use is installed and running.
Ensure that the Oracle product JDeveloper is not running.

Additional considerations:

Before installing a new Standalone Client into a new Oracle Home, make sure you
do not have any previous versions in the Existing Version field of SnapShot. All
versions must be saved and should appear in the Saved Versions field.

G.3 Using SnapShot on the Standalone Client

To use SnapShot with multiple releases of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications,
you must use the most current version of SnapShot when switching between different
releases of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. For example, if you install the foundation code
for both JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Release 9.2 and Applications Release
8.12, you must use the version of SnapShot corresponding to the most current JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne tools release, in this case, Tools Release 9.2.
This section describes these tasks:

Section G.3.1, "Starting SnapShot"

Section G.3.2, "Saving a Snapshot"

Section G.3.3, "Restoring a Snapshot"

Section G.3.4, "Deleting a Snapshot"

G-4 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable

Using SnapShot on the Standalone Client

G.3.1 Starting SnapShot

Be sure to follow the guidelines in the preceding sections of
this guide entitled:


Section 1.3, "Microsoft Windows Security"

As noted in this section, you do not have to right click on the
SnapShot.exe icon and select "Run as administrator." This is
because SnapShot.exe is designed to automatically attempt to
start with the elevated permissions. If you are not signed into
Windows with an administrative account, you will be prompted
to enter the credentials for an administrative account.

Section 1.4, "Minimizing Locked Files"

The SnapShot utility is delivered with the installation of the JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne Standalone Client. It is located in this directory:
To run the most current version of SnapShot for multiple releases, you must copy the
SnapShot.exe program to a directory outside the Standalone Client installation
directory. For example, the installation directory might be c:\E920. If you attempt to
run SnapShot from within the Standalone Client installation directory (for example,
c:\E920), SnapShot will fail to rename the installation directory.
You can create a shortcut to SnapShot.exe, but you still must
copy SnapShot.exe to a location outside the original installation
directory where it was delivered.

G.3.2 Saving a Snapshot

To save a snapshot:

Working With SnapShot on the Standalone Client G-5

Using SnapShot on the Standalone Client


On the main SnapShot window, click the Save button.


On Make a New Snapshot, complete this field:

Snapshot Name
Enter a name for the snapshot that will be saved. You may choose any name
with the exceptions that the name cannot be empty and it cannot contain a
backslash ( '\' ). A recommended scheme is to make it release specific, for
example, Xe, B9, or E920.

New Folder Name

Provide a directory in which the snapshot will be saved. The directory should
start with a backslash and be a valid Microsoft Windows directory name. It
will be created on the indicated drive.


Click the OK button.

SnapShot saves a snapshot of the Standalone Client.

G.3.3 Restoring a Snapshot

To restore a snapshot:

G-6 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable

Using SnapShot on the Standalone Client


On the main SnapShot window and in the Saved Versions section, highlight the
saved instance that you want to restore.


Click the Restore button.

SnapShot restores the selected instance of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and makes it

G.3.4 Deleting a Snapshot

To delete a snapshot:

Working With SnapShot on the Standalone Client G-7

Renaming an Environment


On the main SnapShot window and in the Saved Versions section, highlight the
instance that you want to delete.


Click the Delete button.

SnapShot completely removes the saved instance from the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Standalone Client .

G.4 Renaming an Environment

You can use SnapShot to rename the installed JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment
and path code. An example of a use case for this functionality is when a JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne administrator needs to promote one path code/environment
combination to another.
Note: When you use SnapShot the program does not update the
database tables with the new path code and environment names.
Instead, it simply updates the path code directory name and
occurrences of the path code and environment in various files (for
example, jde.ini, jdbj.ini, jas.ini, and pathcode.inf). If the new
path code or environment does not exist in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne system tables, you will need to update those tables
yourself either through JD Edwards EnterpriseOne or by using a
database editing tool such as Oracle SQLPlus.

To rename an environment in SnapShot:

G-8 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable

Renaming an Environment


On the main SnapShot window, ensure that an existing version of JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne is active.


Click the Rename Environment button.


On Rename Environment, use the Select an installed path code to change

drop-down to select the path code that you want to rename.
Note: The Old Values section on the left side of the window displays
old path code and environment names.


In the New Values section of the window, enter the new names for the
environment you want to rename.


Click the OK button.

The section of the screen entitled Select a view to change to is
available only to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne internal application


Working With SnapShot on the Standalone Client G-9

Manually Backing Up Files and Settings

G.5 Manually Backing Up Files and Settings

Once you have saved a snapshot for the Standalone Client, it is a good idea to
manually backup the saved directory to ensure that your settings for that Standalone
Client are secure.
The files and subdirectories that need to be backed up are found in the folder of each
saved snapshot. You should backup these files and subdirectories only while the
SnapShot.exe program is not running. These files contain the information necessary to
restore registry values and settings for each snapshot.

G.6 Set Logging for SnapShot Using the Registry

The Tools 9.2 version of SnapShot always outputs the maximum amount of logging
information. Furthermore, by design there is no way to turn off logging. You can
specify the name and location of the log file that is generated by adjusting a single
registry setting.
Changes made to the Microsoft Windows registry happen
immediately, and no backup is automatically made. Do not edit the
Windows registry unless you are confident about doing so.


Microsoft has issued the following warning with respect to the

Registry Editor:
"Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious, system-wide
problems that may require you to re-install Windows to correct them.
Microsoft cannot guarantee that any problems resulting from the use
of Registry Editor can be solved. Use this tool at your own risk."
By default, the SnapShot log is located in the temp directory of the Microsoft Windows
user. This is the directory pointed to by the TEMP environment variable. You can
determine the value of this TEMP variable in a number of ways including:

Control Panel > System


In a command prompt window, enter this command:

echo %TEMP%


In the Address Bar of Windows Explorer, enter this string:


The default log file name is SnapShot_<date-time>.log.

Both the directory and name of the SnapShot log can be specified by editing the
registry; however, the date-time stamp will always be inserted immediately before the
To change the log file directory and/or name:

Open the registry by clicking on Windows Start button and entering regedit in
the search field.


Navigate to this node:

The first time that you run SnapShot, it creates a value (shown on the right-hand
pane in regedit) called LogFileName with the default value SnapShot.log. You

G-10 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable


can change this value or, if it does not exist yet, you can add the value with name
LogFileName, type string value, and the directory and/or file name of your

The rules listed below are used for determining the final log file directory and
name based on the value of LogFileName:

In all cases, the date and time that SnapShot.exe is run will be inserted
immediately before the period in the extension of the file name.
If the value of LogFileName does not contain any backslashes, the name
represents only the file name. The value of the Windows TEMP variable will
be used as the directory.
If the value of LogFileName contains backslashes but does not start with a
drive letter or a backslash, everything up to the last backslash represents a
subdirectory or hierarchy of subdirectories below the directory designated by
the Windows TEMP variable. Everything after the last backslash is the file
If the value of LogFileName starts with a backslash, it represents a
subdirectory below the root directory of the drive (that is, directory "\"). The
drive letter is derived from the drive specified in the Windows TEMP variable.
If the value of LogFileName starts with a letter followed by a colon and
backslash, the letter is considered the drive letter where the log will reside.
Any other applicable rule in the preceding rules above then apply.

The following are examples of values of the LogFileName registry entry and the
resulting log file path and name. In these examples, the assumed value of the
TEMP variable is C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp and assumes the log was
created on June 5, 2012, at 3:46:9 PM.
Value for LogFileName

Resulting Log File












Save the changes and exit the registry.

G.7 Troubleshooting
If SnapShot encounters a problem when trying to perform an action, it is designed to
attempt to rollback the actions performed up to the point of failure. This means that
during a save operation, SnapShot attempts to restore the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
instance back to a runnable state. If a failure occurs during a restore action, SnapShot
attempts to resave the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne snapshot so you can correct the
problem and then retry the action.

Working With SnapShot on the Standalone Client



If a second error occurs when SnapShot is attempting to

rollback changes, the error will likely result in either a non-runnable
instance of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne or a saved snapshot that is
corrupt. In either case, you will probably need to reinstall JD Edwards


This section describes these topics:

Section G.7.1, "Examining the Log File"

Section G.7.2, "Error Handling"

Section G.7.3, "Remedial Actions"

G.7.1 Examining the Log File

When an error is encountered in SnapShot, the first thing that you should do is to
carefully examine any on screen error messages for an indication of what went wrong
and why. If you are not able to determine the cause and possible resolution of an error
by examining the error message on the screen, examine the log file. As shown in the
preceding screen example, the location and name of the log file is specified in the Log
File section near the bottom of the main SnapShot window.

G-12 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable


Above is an example of a SnapShot log file. When troubleshooting within the

SnapShot log file, you should scan the Type column for a status of ERR, which
indicates an error. If the error message itself is insufficient to isolate the cause of the
problem, examine the messages immediately before and after the error for hints as to
the root cause.

G.7.2 Error Handling

This section discusses these topics:

Section G.7.2.1, "Locked Resources Prevent Directory Renaming"

Section G.7.2.2, "Other Causes of Directory Renaming Failure"

G.7.2.1 Locked Resources Prevent Directory Renaming

If an error occurs during a directory rename operation (for example, when saving or
restoring a snapshot), the following window may appear.

Working With SnapShot on the Standalone Client



The reason for the failure is displayed at the top of the window followed by some
suggested remedies. In a box immediately below that are some recommendations to
resolve the error. Another box lists processes running on the workstation that have one
or more resources (for example, files, directories, handles, and so on) locked that
prevented the directory rename action from succeeding-resulting in the Access is
denied error. Click on a process in the list to get a list of open resources for that
particular process.

G-14 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable


When you highlight a Process, the list of resources in the Resources that are open for
the selected process section at the bottom of the window shows the type as File for
both files and directories.
It is important that you follow these steps to resolve the file or directory locking

Attempt to gracefully close the programs that have a resource open. That is, close
the program in the normal manner such as selecting File > Exit from the program's
main menu. You can attempt to close just the resource, but many programs
continue to hold a lock on a resource (such as a file) even after closing that
resource. Freeing the resource may require closing the actual program. For
example, if Microsoft Word has a file locked, you may have to close Microsoft
Word instead of simply closing the file from within Microsoft Word.


If the program does not terminate, you may have to resort to forcefully
terminating it using Microsoft Task Manager.

Working With SnapShot on the Standalone Client




The SnapShot.exe program may appear in the list of active programs either by
itself or along with other processes that are locking resources. First, be sure that
you are not running SnapShot.exe from within either the installation or the save
directory or one of their subdirectories.


If the SnapShot.exe program is listed with other programs, try to close those other
programs and then click Retry.


If SnapShot.exe is the lone program listed, simply click Retry. Many times, the
rename action will continue after the second Retry.


Not all 64-bit programs are automatically shown in the list of locking processes.
You may need to examine all the running programs on your system to determine
which one may be preventing the rename action from succeeding.


If you cannot close the program(s) that holds the lock(s) on the necessary
resource(s) or determine which program(s) holds a lock, click Cancel, exit from
SnapShot, reboot the machine, run SnapShot and try the action again.

G.7.2.2 Other Causes of Directory Renaming Failure

Besides locked resources described in the preceding section, there are other reasons
that can cause a directory rename operation to fail.

The preceding window may appear during a directory rename operation (that is,
when saving or restoring a snapshot). In this case, either SnapShot could not
determine which processes hold locks on resources in the installation or save
directories or some other reason caused the directory rename to fail. For example,
perhaps the user did not have read or write permissions on one of the affected
directories or subdirectories.

G.7.3 Remedial Actions

In some cases, SnapShot may not be able to recover from errors that occur during a
save or restore action. You may be able to salvage either the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne installation or the saved instance. If these operations fail, you will need
to reinstall JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.
This section describes these topics:

G-16 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable


Section G.7.3.1, "Examples of Healthy Environments"

Section G.7.3.2, "Simple Fixes"

G.7.3.1 Examples of Healthy Environments

This section illustrates a healthy JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation and saved
snapshot directories and registry settings.

The preceding image shows the installation directory of a healthy JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne instance.

Working With SnapShot on the Standalone Client



In the preceding image example, note that when you save a snapshot of the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne installation, the highlighted files and subdirectory shown
above are created. Here are brief descriptions of the new files and subdirectory.

The subdirectory that is prefixed with STARTMENU is the folder in the Start menu for
the original installation.

The file that starts with DESKTOP is the shortcut to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne that
was on the desktop of the workstation.

The jde.ini file is the same file that was in the c:\Windows directory.


G-18 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable


The files that are prefixed with RegKeys are binary files that contain the saved
registry entries.

The preceding image shows the registry entries for a healthy JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Standalone Client installation.

Working With SnapShot on the Standalone Client



The preceding image shows the registry keys for a saved JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

G.7.3.2 Simple Fixes

Not all issues can be resolved by simple steps. However this section describes a few
simple fixes for these conditions:

Section G., "Missing Version Information"

Section G., "Missing Saved Version"

G-20 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable



Missing Version Information

If the Existing Version fields are empty when you run SnapShot.exe and you are
certain that a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne instance is active, it is likely that this file is
If you happened to save a copy of the jde.ini file when you last saved a snapshot of
this installation, you can copy that jde.ini file into the c:\Windows directory and
rerun SnapShot.exe.

Working With SnapShot on the Standalone Client




Missing Saved Version

If a saved snapshot is not listed in the Saved Versions field and you know that the
saved snapshot exists, some registry entries are probably missing or pointing to the
wrong directory.
To resolve this issue, perform these steps:

Edit the registry with regedit.exe.


Create a subkey under this path:

The name that you give for the subkey should be the name of the saved snapshot.


Click on the subkey that you just created.


Create a string value called SaveDir.


Set the value data for this to the directory where the saved snapshot is stored.


Create a second string value called InstallDir.


Set the value data for this to the installation directory (that is, the directory in
which the saved snapshot will be restored).

The following image illustrates properly configured registry entries.

G-22 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable


Working With SnapShot on the Standalone Client



G-24 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable

This glossary provides descriptions of terms and acronyms used in this document.
Database driver
A set of code used to connect to a database. Usually consists of one or more Dynamic
Link Libraries (DLLs) or JAR files on Windows.
Oracle Software Delivery Cloud
An Oracle site from which applications can be downloaded.
H4A (HTML for Applications)
The Standalone Web Client.
Install Manager
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program that starts the Standalone Client installer. The
actual program name is InstallManager.exe.
Java Development Kit (JDK)
A set of tools and Java code used to develop Java applications.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
A set of tools used when running Java applications. May be downloaded by itself or as
part of a JDK.
JDBC driver
A database driver that is used by Java programs to connect to a database. Consists of a
file with the extension .jar.
Local database
A database that resides on the workstation on which the Standalone Client is installed.
Minimum Technical Requirements (MTRs)
The minimum software and hardware requirements needed to install and run the
Standalone Client. These are referred to as Certifications and are posted on Oracle
Oracle Enterprise Edition (OEE)
A version of the Oracle database product. The particular version of OEE that is used
and installed by the Standalone Client is a stripped down version intended only for JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne client and deployment server installations.


Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)

Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)

A program that is used to install Oracle products. This version of the Standalone
Client is installed using OUI. OEE is also installed by OUI.
Root folder
The base-level folder of a computer drive whether that drive is a hard drive or a DVD.
It is designated by the drive letter, a colon, and a backslash or, if the drive letter can be
assumed, simply by a single backslash.
A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tool used to save and restore installations of JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne products such as the Standalone Client, Development Client, and
Deployment Server.
The SnapShot program (note the terminology uses upper cases in the naming
convention for this program) manages multiple instances of the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Standalone Client on a single machine. Using this program you can
save and restore copies of an installed Standalone Client. A saved copy is called a
"snapshot" (note the terminology uses lower case in the naming convention for this
Software Protection Codes (SPCs)
Encrypted alphanumeric strings used to designate the number and expiration date of
licenses used to run previous versions of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, including
Standalone Client, Development Client, and Deployment Server. This release of the
Standalone Client does not require SPCs.
Spec database
A database that contains information ("specifications" or descriptions) about JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne objects such as database tables, applications, and components
of applications (forms, event rules, etc.).
Standalone Client
A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Release 9.2/Tools Release 9.2 client that
does not require any of these associated EnterpriseOne servers:

Deployment Server

Enterprise Server (also known as host or logic server)

HTML Web Server

Database Server

Standalone Web Client

The web browser based component of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone
Tools component
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne component of the Standalone Client that provides
mid-level functionality to the EnterpriseOne applications. Also known as JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Release or "system" code or "foundation" code.


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