Romeo and Juliet Study Guide Act III - Answers-2
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide Act III - Answers-2
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide Act III - Answers-2
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10. When Benvolio relates to the Prince what happened, what does he say Romeo tried to do
before Mercutio was killed?
Benvolio tells the Prince that Romeo tried to the stop the fight. He also tells the Prince that he
tried to use the penalty imposed by the Prince as a means to stop the fight.
11. What does Lady Capulet accuse Benvolio of doing? Why?
Lady Capulet accuses Benvolio of lying to the Prince. She accuses him of this because he is
part of the Montague family.
12. What is Romeos punishment for killing Tybalt?
The Prince decides that Romeo should banished to Mantua. The Prince also states that should
Romeo return to Verona that he will receive the penalty of death.
13. Summarize the scene.
Opens with Mercutio and Benvolio, hot day, tempers easily flare
Tybalt arrives with other Capulets, Mercutio taunts him they fight, he is stabbed
Romeo retaliates
Scene II:
1. Why does Juliet become so impatient waiting for the nurse to return?
It is the wedding night and she is waiting for nightfall when Romeo will climb the rope ladder
to her room. She is becoming more impatient as time passes slowly. The nurse is bringing
Juliet more news that she hopes will help her prepare for the night.
Scene III:
1. Explain Romeos reaction to the news of his banishment.
Romeo is devastated at the news of his banishment. IN this scene he threw himself on the
floor and his crying loudly and equating his banishment to a life in hell. Romeo would rather
be dead than banished from Verona.
2. Romeo tells Friar Lawrence that the priest cannot know or understand how Romeo feels.
Romeo tells the priest he cannot understand his sorrow because the priest has not been in
love nor has he ever been married. Romeo tells the Friar if you were young, and in love with
Juliet, had just been married, and then killed a man, that he too would be in the same position
as him.
3. What argument does Friar Lawrence use to prevent Romeo from killing himself?
Friar Lawrence tells Romeo that he has a great deal to live for and that he should be thankful
first for being alive. He then tells Romeo that he has Juliet to be thankful for and should do his
best to live for her.
4. What does the nurse give to Romeo?
The nurse gives Romeo a ring from Juliet to show him that she still loves him.
5. Summarize the Scene.
Scene IV:
1. Why does Capulet think Juliet is so sad?
Capulet thinks that Juliet is saddened by the death of her cousin Tybalt.
2. Who is at the house? Why is he there?
Paris arrived at the house that night and is again asking Capulet to marry Juliet.
3. Capulet believes that Juliet will do whatever he tells her to. Is this true, why or Why not?
Capulet may believe this; however, it is up to you to decide how Juliet will react to the news
of the arranged marriage.
A way to stop the sadness in the household after the death of Tybalt
Scene V:
1. As Romeo is preparing to leave Juliet, what argument does she use to convince him to stay?
Juliet tells Romeo that it was Nightingale that he heard singing in the tree. She tells him it
only sings at night and therefore, he has plenty of time to stay with her until the morning.
2. Later, why does Juliet think Romeo should leave?
Juliet realizes that she is mistaken that it was in fact the Lark that was singing its harsh
song in the trees. She tells Romeo he must go to avoid being seen and captured.
3. Just as Romeo is about to descend the rope ladder and leave Juliet, what does Juliet say
about the way Romeo looks?
Juliet tells Romeo that he looks dead at the bottom of a tomb, and she mentions that he
looks pale. This is a good example foreshadowing.
4. Why does Lady Capulet think Juliet is crying?
Lady Capulet thinks that she is still crying over the death of her cousin Tybalt.
5. When Lady Capulet threatens to send someone to Mantua to poison Romeo, What does
Juliet say?
Juliet tells Lady Capulet that she would mix the poison herself.
6. After Lady Capulet breaks the news about Paris, what is Juliets response?
Juliet tells her mother that she will not marry Paris, that she would rather marry Romeo
instead before ever considering the wedding her father has planned.
7. If Juliets mother does not arrange to delay the marriage, what will Juliet do?
Juliet tells her mother that if she does not delay the marriage that she will kill herelf.
8. What is Capulets reaction to Juliets threats?
Both Capulet and Lady Capulet tell Juliet what they expect from her, if she chooses not to
obey, they will both disown her and throw her out of the house.