Physical Fitness
Physical Fitness
Physical Fitness
Carlito Ramos
2. Skill Related Components: Those aspects of fitness which form the basis
for successful sport or activity participation. These refer to body
a. Speed: The ability to cover a distance in a short period of time.
b. Agility: The ability of the body to change position and direction quickly
c. Balance: The ability to maintain an upright posture or equilibrium while
still or moving
d. Coordination: ability to use the senses together.
e. Reaction Time: Amount of time it takes to get moving.
f. Power: The product of strength and speed
3. Physiological fitness - includes non-performance components of physical
fitness that relate to biological systems that are influenced by one's level of
habitual physical activity.
a. METABOLIC FITNESS -The state of metabolic systems and variables
predictive of the risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
b. MORPHOLOGICAL FITNESS -A non-performance component of physical
fitness related to body composition factors such as body circumferences,
body fat content and regional body fat distribution.
c. BONE INTEGRITY (Bone Strength)-A non-performance component of
fitness related to bone mineral density. Bone integrity is related to
habitual physical activity.