Imam Khaleel Mohammed'S Defense of Inter-Faith Marriage
Imam Khaleel Mohammed'S Defense of Inter-Faith Marriage
Imam Khaleel Mohammed'S Defense of Inter-Faith Marriage
(Note: This defense uses the example of a Muslim woman marrying a Chrisan man, but the
principles apply to marrying any non-Muslim man.)
"The verse that is tradi onally used by imams to prohibit an inter-religious marriage is Qur'an
5:5, which states: 'This day, all innately good things are lawful for you... Lawful to you are the
chaste women from among those who have been given the Book before you...' Tradi onal
imams contend that since women are men oned, and men are not, then it must be understood
that the marriage of Muslim women with non-Muslim men is forbidden.
This, however, is problema c. For the Qur'an is addressed, because of the custom of the me,
to men. It is for this reason that the Qur'an says, for example, "And when you divorce your
wives..." or "During the nights of fas ng [Ramadan] you may have sex with your wives..." What
do I mean by the custom of the me? In the tribal context, the woman, once married, accepted
the husband as master. He, in turn, accepted the religion of his tribal chief.
Given that reality, a whole host of issues arose for Muslim scholars -- issues that made them
oppose inter-religious marriages for women. One issue was, whereas Muslims honor the nonMuslim prophets, followers of the other two monotheis c religions do not honor Muhammad,
and that would put the Muslim woman in the terrible posi on of having her prophet
disrespected. Another issue was that most Chris ans see Jesus as God, and for a Muslim to
a ribute divinity to a human in unthinkable. Then, too, there was the problem of the children
from such a marriage, who would presumably be brought up in the religion of the male spouse.
But remember that all of these 'issues' assume the woman must take the faith of her nonMuslim husband, and that is clearly not the case in your rela onship. You live in a dierent me
and a dierent place.
To be sure, most Muslims would argue that the Qur'an is true for all me and all places. If we
go by that logic, then we must acknowledge that the Qur'an is s ll sympathe c to your dream
of marrying a Chris an man. Even though he is a Chris an, the Qur'an does not hold that
against him. For while men oning that there are Chris ans who take Jesus as God, Islam's main
document calls this 'kufr' (disbelief/ingra tude) rather than 'shirk' (polytheism). It's a significant
dis nc on because, in another verse, the Qur'an also states that Chris ans who do good deeds
have the right to enter heaven. Chris an creedal beliefs are the same for both male and female
followers of Chris anity, so how can the Qur'an allow marriage to the Chris an woman but not
to the Chris an man?