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International Food Research Journal 19(4): 1337-1350 (2012)

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Mini Review

Applications of inulin and probiotics in health and nutrition

Miremadi, F. and *Shah, N. P.
School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Victoria University, Werribee Campus, P.O.
Box 14428, Victoria 8001, Australia

Article history


Received: 6 October 2011

Received in revised form:
3 January 2012
Accepted:3 January 2012

Interest in consumption of prebiotics and probiotics to improve human gastrointestinal health

is increasing. Consumption of beneficial probiotic bacteria combined with oligosaccharides
may enhance colonic bacterial composition and improve internal health. The objectives of
this article are to review existing literature concerning the effect of synbiotic foods on the
composition and activity of the colonic microbiota, and efficiency of functional attributes of
synbiotic foods in formulation and development of new dairy products.

internal health

It is well documented that the large intestine
is one of the most densely populated ecosystem
in nature consisting of over 500-1,000 different
species of bacteria (Xu and Gordon, 2003; Meyer
and Stasse-Wolthuis, 2009) of which bifidobacteria
are generally considered to be health promoting and
beneficial (Kimura et al., 1997). The equilibrium of
the ecosystem is dynamic and may be negatively
affected by aging, daily diet and other environmental
factors (Collins and Gibson, 1999). It is believed that
the maintenance of the gastro-intestinal bacterial
population, which mainly contains beneficial species,
is important for overall gastro-intestinal health and
wellbeing (Crittenden, 1999). Recently, research
has focused on the ability of probiotic bacteria to
ferment prebiotics and produce short-chain fatty
acids (SCFA) which is thought to be beneficial to gut
health (Collins and Gibson, 1999; Kaur and Gupta,
2002). Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients
that pass through the upper gut unchanged and are
selectively fermented by colonic bacteria (RamirezFarias et al., 2009). This leads to specific changes in
the composition and activity of the gut microbiota
that confers benefits upon host health (Cummings et
al., 2001). The dietary fructans are particularly well
studied prebiotics as they have the potential to increase
bifidobacterial population in the colon without being
utilized by other intestinal bacteria (Roberfroid et al.,
*Corresponding author.
Email: [email protected]

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1998; Gibson et al., 2004; Macfarlane et al., 2006).

Major classes of dietary fructans found in higher
plants include inulin, levan, and graminan (Chalmers
et al., 2005), with inulin being significant by its unique
molecular structure, which confirms the bifidogenic
effect of inulin as a functional food ingredient. Inulin
naturally occurs in several plant foods including
onion, garlic, chicory, artichoke and leek (Gibson et
al., 1994). Inulin is composed of a series of oligoand polysaccharides of fructose with (21) linkages,
where the terminal sugar in most chains is glucose.
The configuration of the anomeric C2 in fructose
monomers prevents fructans from digestion and
this is responsible for its reduced caloric value and
dietary fibre effects (Coussement, 1996; Kaur and
Gupta, 2002). Some of the functional effects of inulin
in the gastro-intestinal tract include modulation of
microbial fermentation, reducing fat and cholesterol
absorption, and pH reduction; these therefore have
a direct effect on reducing intestinal disturbances,
constipation, hyperlipidaemia, hyperglycemia and
intestinal cancer (Ziemer and Gibson, 1998; Kaur and
Gupta, 2002). This review presents an overview of the
effects of prebiotic and probiotic combination on the
composition and activity of the colonic bacterial flora,
and discusses about functional attributes of synbiotic
foods in development of new dairy products.
Biomarkers for gut health
The gut flora are the micro-organisms that


Miremadi and Shah/IFRJ 19(4):1337-1350

normally live in the digestive tract and can perform a

number of useful functions for their hosts. The average
human body consists of about 10 13 (ten trillion)
cells, but has about ten times more than that number
of microbial cells in the gut (Kaur and Gupta, 2002;
Meyer and Stasse-Wolthuis, 2009). Different studies
have confirmed the significant role of gut microflora in
human health through their ability to ferment unused
energy substrate, improve the immune system, digest
food ingredients, prevent growth of harmful species
and produce vitamins(such as Biotin and vitamin K)
for the host (Kolida and Gibson, 2007).
The colon is the most heavily populated part
of the gastro-intestinal tract, consisting of over
500-1,000 different species of bacteria (Xu and
Gordon, 2003; Lopez-Molina et al., 2005; Meyer
and Stasse-Wolthuis, 2009). The intestinal bacteria
can be divided into three categories including a)
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium; b) potentially
pathogenic bacteria, such as certain species of
clostridia, and c) other bacteria such as bacteroides,
which may have both positive and negative effects
(Gibson, 2004; Lopez-Molina et al., 2005). It is
assumed that Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus are
primarily carbohydrate-fermenting bacteria; whereas
Bacteroides and Clostridium are mainly proteolytic
and amino acid fermenting (Meyes and StasseWolthuis, 2009).
The first part of the colon is mostly responsible
for fermenting substances that cannot be digested
by the host in the upper gut (such as resistant
starch, non-digestible carbohydrates like inulin and
oligosaccharides), while in the lower part of the
colon proteins and amino acids are broken down
(Kolida and Gibson, 2007). The two main types of
fermentation that are carried out in the colon are
saccharolytic and proteolytic (De Preter et al., 2011).
Saccharolytic fermentation is more preferred to the
host than proteolytic because of the types of metabolic
end products (Kilda and Gibson, 2007; De Preter et
al., 2011). The main end product of carbohydrate
fermentation in the colon is the generation of shortchain fatty acids (SCFA), predominantly acetate,
propionate, and butyrate (Topping and Clifton, 2001;
De Preter et al., 2011). Most of the SCFA formed by
the intestinal bacteria are absorbed and metabolized,
thereby contributing towards the host energy gain.
Acetate is metabolized in a systemic area such as
muscle and used to produce adenosine-5-triphosphate
(ATP), whereas propionate can be transported to the
liver for gluconeogenesis. Butyrate is an important
source of energy for the colonocytes and has antitumour properties. It inhibits cell proliferation and
stimulates cell differentiation in epithelial cell lines

of neoplastic origin in vitro (De Preter et al., 2011).

Increased SCFA synthesis in the colon creates
a more acidic environment in the gut (Scheppach
et al., 2001) which enhances the colonization
resistance against pathogenic bacteria (Topping
et al., 2003), reduces the formation of secondary
bile acids which has been implicated in colonic
carcinogenesis (Nagengasti et al., 1988; Zampa
et al., 2004) and impairs the activity of specific
enzymes such as proteases (Macfarlane et al., 1998).
Furthermore, SCFAs have been shown to possess
anti-inflammatory capacities affect satiety hormones
and play a role in insulin resistance. A role for SCFA
in prevention of some human pathological conditions
such as ulcerative colitis and colon carcinogenesis
has been presumed although conclusive evidence is
still lacking.
Therefore, saccharolytic fermentation of inulin
by Bifidobacteria spp. in the gut will result in increase
in their numbers, thus shifting in the gut microbiota
balance towards a healthier composition. However,
it is important to note that alterations in a single
biomarker cannot provide explicit proof of a health
benefit or reduced risk of disease and more consistent
data on various gut biomarkers and their effects on
gut health is required (Meyer and Stasse-Wolthuis
Synbiotic foods
Synbiotic food is defined as a mixture of
probiotics and prebiotics that beneficially affects the
host by 1) improving the survival and implantation
of live microbial dietary supplements in the gastrointestinal tract, and 2) selectively stimulating the
growth and activity of one or a limited number of
health-promoting bacteria, and thus improving host
health and welfare (Gibson and Roberfroid, 1995).
The synbiotic concept is a promising trend in the
functional food sector as the combination of probiotics
and prebiotics may confer greater benefits to using
individual ingredients. It is expected that adding
prebiotic would benefit the survival of bifidobacteria
during the shelf life of the dairy products (LourensHattingh and Viljoen, 2001). The effect of synbiotics
on faecal microflora of experimental animals is
demonstrated by increasing the total anaerobes,
aerobes, lactobacilli, and bifidobacteria counts and
decreasing in Clostridia, Enterobacteriaceae and
Escherichia coli counts in the colon of rats (Suskovic
et al., 2001). In humans, Bouhnik et al. (1996)
reported an overall increase in faecal bifidobacterial
numbers in healthy volunteers after the consumption
of synbiotic mix of inulin and Bifidobacterium spp.
Kiebling et al. (2002) also observed the significant

Miremadi and Shah/IFRJ 19(4):1337-1350

decrease in LDL/HDL cholesterol ratios after

long-term consumption of synbiotic yoghurt (L.
acidophilus and B. longum plus inulin), similar to the
previous observation of Schaafsma et al. (1998).
Synbiotic products often are composed of a
combination of inulin-type fructans, bifidobacteria,
and lactulose in conjunction with lactobacilli
(Lourens-Hattingh and Viljoen, 2001). Currently,
only limited variety of synbiotic products such as
probiotic yoghurt and dairy drinks are available in
the market. Future market of synbiotic foods not only
depends on their effectiveness on human health but
also the increase of consumers awareness about the
consumption of these products.
A review of probiotics and prebiotics
Over the last 20 years, there has been a significant
interest, by both consumers and food manufactures in
the production and consumption of prebiotics in daily
diet (OSullivan, 2001; Bruno and Shah, 2004) as
consumers are becoming more aware of maintaining
their internal health by modifying gastro-intestinal
microflora. Probiotics are live micro-organisms
which when administered in adequate amounts in the
diet, deliver health benefits to the host (Fuller, 1991;
Bruno and Shah, 2004). Probiotic bacteria are able
to suppress potentially pathogenic micro-organisms
in the gastro-intestinal track and improve the balance
in favour of beneficial micro-organisms (Ibrahim
and Bezkorovainy, 1993). The beneficial impact of
the probiotic approach on the gastro-intestinal health
can be defined by provision of the protection against
diet-related diseases (Fuller, 1991; Bruno and Shah,
The human gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) is
composed of a complex ecosystem of anaerobic and
aerobic micro-organisms (Bruno and Shah, 2004),
of which the large intestine contains over a hundred
distinct strains of anaerobic bacteria (>10 11 CFU per
gram of colonic content) (Gibson et al., 1994; Bruno
and Shah, 2004). Among these bacteria, bifidobacteria
are believed to have the most beneficial effects for
improving the gastro-intestinal health (Bruno et al.,
2002). Bifidobacteria can improve the host immune
functions by suppression the activity of harmful
bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Clostridium
perfrigens (Yaeshima et al., 1997) and protect the
GIT against colon tumourigenesis by mutagenic
and carcinogenic factors (Singh et al., 1997).
Bifidobacteria are consumed as a part of fermented
foods such as yoghurt, soy yoghurt, or as dietary
supplements. Some previous studies have shown that
dairy products may not be an ideal medium for the
maintenance of bifidobacteria due to reduced viability


of these organisms (Medina and Jordano, 1994; Dave

and Shah, 1998). Loss of viability of bifidobacteria
has been observed in fermented milk rather than in
unfermented milk due to acid injury to the organism.
Lankaputhra and Shah (1997) observed that
viability of Bifidobacterium infantis in skim milk
(12% total solids) at pH 4.3 was reduced by 30%
and 82% after 12 and 24 days of storage at 4C,
respectively. Although more recent study by Bruno et
al. (2002) has shown that with addition of prebiotics
particularly hi-maize in fermented milks, the viability
of bifidobacteria could be improved. However, more
research needs to be carried out in order to investigate
the effect of consuming capsules containing freezedried bifidobacteria supplemented with a prebiotic on
gastro-intestinal health in the average healthy adult
Prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrate
substrates in the diet that are the preferred foods
for bifidobacteria and lactobacilli and result in their
increased number in the large intestine (Gibson and
Roberfroid, 1995; Ziemer and Gibson, 1998). The
definition of prebiotics overlaps significantly with
the dietary fibre definition; with the exception of
its selectivity for certain species of the gut bacteria.
According to Salminen et al. (1998) and Gibson
(2004), in order to being considered as an effective
prebiotic, any food ingredient must demonstrate the
following characteristics:
-Non-digestibility and non-absorption in the GIT
-Fermentability by the gut microflora
-Selective stimulation of the growth and activity
of one or a limited number of colonic bacteria
-An ability to increase the number of saccharolytic
species and decrease putrefactive microorganisms
such as Clostridia in order to alter the colonic
microflora balance towards a healthier composition.
The concept of prebiotic is to improve the gut
microflora through dietary means. According to
Saxelin et al. (2003), while the large intestine contains
several hundred strains of anaerobic bacteria, the
prebiotic concept assumes that there is already
favorable microflora in the GIT and therefore, the
prebiotics only need to stimulate the growth and
metabolic activities of those bacteria. The most
important functional effects of prebiotics on the gut
microflora include (1) gut microflora modification, (2)
maintaining the intestinal mucosa with the capacity
to prevent pathogen activation, (3) modification
of dietary proteins by the intestinal microflora, (4)
reducing the risk of tumour induction by improving
the bacterial enzyme activity, and (5) improving gut
mucosal permeability (Salminen et al., 1996).
Using prebiotics in food formulation process


Miremadi and Shah/IFRJ 19(4):1337-1350

has some advantages over the probiotic strategy

as they could reduce the problem of keeping the
organisms alive during transit through upper gastrointestinal tract as well as during storage (Crittenden,
1999). Thus, the prebiotic approach involves the
interaction of a non-digestible food ingredient and
beneficial micro-organisms such as bifidobacteria
and lactobacilli in the human colon.
The most researched prebiotics are non-digestible
oligosaccharide molecules, containing 3 to 10
monosaccharide residues connected by glycosidic
linkages (Niness, 1999). Most of them occur naturally
as native components in plants e.g. raffinose and
stachyose in beans and peas, oligofructose (OF)
and inulin in chicory, garlic, artichoke, onion and
leek (Van Loo et al., 1995). Inulin is a prebiotic for
which sufficient data has been generated to allow
an evaluation of its classification as a functional
food ingredient. Inulin includes native inulin,
enzymatically hydrolyzed inulin or oligofructose,
and synthetic fructooligosaccharides (De Leenheer
and Hoebregs, 1994).
Inulin - chemistry and nomenclature
Inulin belongs to a category of carbohydrates
known as fructans. In general, fructan is a term used
for any carbohydrate in which fructosyl-fructose
linkages constitute the majority of the glycosidic
bonds (Kaur and Gupta, 2002). Fructans are linear
or branched fructose polymers, which are either 2
1 linked inulin or 2 6 linked levan (Kaur and
Gupta, 2002). In comparison to starch and cellulose,
which are large glucose polymers, fructans are not
large molecules and only include a small proportion
of plant polymer chains exceeding 50 fructose units
(Roberfroid et al., 1998). Fructans are known as
storage polymers in many plants such as Cichorium
intyubus (chicory), Innula helenium (elecampane),
and Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem artichoke). It
is believed that the synthesis and storage of these
molecules usually occur in the plant vacuole (Vijn
and Smeekens, 1999).
In higher plants, major classes of fructans are
found and they include inulins (linear; G1-2F1-2Fn;
2 1), levans (linear; G1-2F6-2Fn; 2 6),
graminans (branched; mixed levans; 2 6 and 2
6) (Chalmers et al., 2005).
Inulin (C6n H10n+2 O5n+1) has been described as a
polydisperse carbohydrate, comprised of linear chains
of 1, 2- linked--D-fructosyl units bound to a terminal
glucose molecule (Roberfroid and Delzenne, 1998).
It is distinguished among the fructan family by its
unique molecular structure which not only confirms
inulins status as a soluble dietary fibre but also

qualifies it as an effective prebiotic. It is mainly of

plant origin, whereas some fungi and many bacteria
are important producers of inulin (Fuchs, 1991).
Inulin usually found in plant species belonging to
the order Asterales, such as chicory and Jerusalem
artichoke (Vijn and Smeekens, 1999). Schematically,
the molecular formula of inulin is GFn and Fm, where
G is glucosyl unit, F is fructosyl unit and n indicating
the number of fructose units linked to the terminal
glucose unit, and m is an integer number of fructose
units linked to each other in the carbohydrate chain.
Inulin is a mixture of GFn molecules with 2 < n <
60 while OF as a subgroup of inulin is composed of
GFn and Fm with 2 n, and m 10 (Niness, 1999;
Franck, 2000). The term OF was initially introduced
as a synonym for fructo-oligosaccharide in 1989
for labelling purposes (Coussement, 1996). OF is
manufactured by two different processes which lead
to slightly different end-products. Those produced
via partial enzymatic hydrolysis of inulin contain
both fructose chains (Fm) and fructose chains with
terminal glucose units (GFn), whereas OF produced
via transfructosylation of sucrose contains only
GFn. The number of saccharides in the fructans
molecule is commonly referred to as the degree of
polymerization (DP). The DP of plant inulin is rather
low and depends on plant source, growing stages,
climatic conditions and the duration and conditions
of post-harvest storage. Native inulin which refers
to inulin extracted from fresh roots/tubers without
fractionation procedure has an average DP of 10-12
while inulin from which smaller oligosaccharides
have been removed has an average DP of 27-29 (De
Leenheer and Hoebregs, 1994).
For synthesis of the linear inulin at least two
enzymes are required (Vijn and Smeekens, 1999):
sucrose: sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase (1-SST)
initiates fructan synthesis by catalysing the transfer
of a fructosyl residue from sucrose to another sucrose
molecule, leading to the production of a trisaccharide
1-kestose (glucosyl-1, 2-fructosyl-1, 2-fructose)
(Figure 1) (Roberfroid et al., 1998). Chain elongation
is mediated by the second enzyme, fructan: fructan
1-fructosyl transferase (1-FFT), leading to forming
the inulin molecules (Flamm et al., 2001). 1-FFT
transfers fructosyl residues from a fructan molecule
with a DP>3 to another fructan molecule or to starch
(Vijn and Smeekens, 1999).
Although this model of inulin synthesis was
proposed by Edelman and Jefford in 1968 (Van
Laere, 2002), it took more than 30 years before it
was shown to be correct. In 1996, results of several
studies also confirmed that the interaction of this set
of fructosyltransferases with starch resulted in the

Miremadi and Shah/IFRJ 19(4):1337-1350

formation of inulin with a polymer length of up to

20 fructosyl residues (Vijn and Smeekens, 1999; Van
Laere, 2002). The cDNAs encoding 1-SST has been
cloned from Jerusalem artichoke (Pan et al., 2009),
chicory (Vijn et al., 1998), artichoke (Hellwege et al.,
1998), and onion (Vijn et al., 1998), whereas 1-FFT
has been cloned only from Jerusalem artichoke and
artichoke (Hellwege et al., 1998). In terms of inulin
chain length, it has been suggested that the size of
the fructosyl polymers produced by a plant mainly
depends on the enzymatic activity of their 1-FFTs
(Hellwege et al., 1998).
In comparison, fungal or bacterial inulin generally
has a much higher degree of polymerization (DP up
to 150) and less structural diversity than plant inulin
(Vijn and Smeekens, 1999). Fungal inulin is generally
assumed to be synthesized by sequential transfer of
fructosyl residues from fructosyl donor (sucrose) to
the growing inulin. Chain elongation is mediated
by inulosucrase (sucrose 1F- fructosyltransferase)
without the presence of any trisaccharide as
intermediate. Thus, inulin synthesis in bacteria is
simpler than plant inulin biosynthesis because only
a single biosynthetic enzyme is involved (Vijn and
Smeekens, 1999).
As discussed above, inulin is a mixture of polyand oligosaccharides of fructose units linked with
(21). Inulin is indigestible in the gastrointestinal
tract of all higher animals (Coussement, 1996) due
to lack of degradation in digestive tract. Inulin would
be able to selectively enhance the proliferation of gut
bifiobacteria, decrease pH and lower the oxidationreduction potential in the gastrointestinal tract
(Gibson, 1994).
Plant sources of inulin
Approximately 15% of flowering plant species
(e.g. Liliaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Gramineae, and
Compositae) produce fructans in significant amounts
(Vijn and Smeekens, 1999) and store them as a
reserve in at least one of their organs during their
lifecycle (Vijn and Smeekens, 1999; Kaur and Gupta,
2002). Inulin is present in roots and rhizomes of a
number of regularly consumed vegetables, fruits, and
cereals, including leek, onion, garlic, wheat, chicory
(Roberfroid, 1993) and in a wide range of bacterial
species (Vijn and Smeekens, 1999). Despite the high
inulin content of the aerial parts of many Gramineae
(e.g. grains), only a limited number of these plant
species are suitable for industrial food applications
(Fuchs, 1999). This may be due to presence of some
interfering components in these plants which inulin
cannot be easily extracted and processed to purified


Inulin content can vary with some plants being

quite low in inulin (banana, around 0.5% of root
dry weight) and other plants being very high in
inulin (raw-dried onion around 18.3% of root dry
weight, dried garlic 28.2% of root dry weight) (Vijn
and Smeekens, 1999). In chicory, inulin is stored
as a reserve carbohydrate in the fleshy tap root and
constitutes about 42% of root dry weight (Kaur and
Gupta, 2002). Some important sources of inulin
together with their inulin content (g/100g dry weight)
are shown in Table 1.
Inulin as a dietary fibre
Dietary fibre are components of edible plant
cells and classified as carbohydrates which are
resistance to digestion by small intestine enzymes
but are fermented by the bacteria in the large bowel
(Roberfroid, 1993). Because of the -(21) fructosylfructose linkages, inulin is classified as a storage
carbohydrate (oligo-and polysaccharides) that resists
digestion by mammal digestive enzymes in the upper
gastro-intestinal tract but fermented by the colonic
microflora. By increasing faecal biomass and water
content of the stools, inulin improves bowel habits.
For all these reasons, inulin can be considered as
dietary fibre (Roberfroid, 1993).
Inulin presents in significant amounts in several
edible fruits and vegetables like wheat, chicory,
onions, banana, garlic, and leek (Flamm et al., 2001).
The average daily intake of inulin has been estimated
to be 3-11 g/person/day in Europe and 1-4 g/person/
day in the United States.
However, no such study has been made in India,
Asia and Middle East (Kaur and Gupta, 2002). The
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) study by
Moshfegh et al. (1999) showed that the mean intake
of inulin varied by gender and age group, with a
range from 1.3 g/day for young children to 3.5 g/day
for teenage boys and adult males. Per 1000 calories,
the daily mean intake of inulin ranged from 0.9 to
1.5 g/day in the American diet. The primary sources
of inulin in the American diet include wheat, onion,
garlic and banana with the contribution percentage of
69%, 23%, 3% and 3% to the average daily intake of
inulin, respectively (Moshfegh et al., 1999).
Initially, inulin and other fructan-containing
foods were not consumed for the health benefits per
se, due to availability, cost and personal preferences
(Kaur and Gupta, 2002). A series of conferences held
in Japan in 1982, 1984 and 1986 and more recent
studies have linked nutritional health changes in
humans resulting from eating inulin to changes in the
numbers and varieties of intestinal micro-organism
(Roberfroied and Delzenne, 1998; Flamm et al.,


Miremadi and Shah/IFRJ 19(4):1337-1350

2001). In the future, inulin could be classified as a

functional food ingredient for disease risk-reduction
Prebiotic effects of inulin in the gastro-intestinal
Fructo-polysaccharides such as inulin are nondigestible carbohydrate substrates in the diet that
target certain components of the gut microbiota in
the human large intestine such as bifidobacteria and
lactobacilli (Kaur and Gupta, 2002).
Published results from in vitro studies and human
subjects (Gibson et al., 1995) have demonstrated that
inulin can stimulate the growth and/or activity of these
types of bacteria in the colon and this stimulation can
improve the intestinal flora composition, enhance the
immune system and thereby contribute to the health
of the host (Rao, 2001; Lopez-Molina et al., 2005).
Results from Kaur and Gupta (2002) have shown
that ingestion of inulin compared to other sources of
carbohydrate like sucrose, could significantly reduce
the count of pathogenic bacteria such as bacteroids,
fusobacteria and clostridia and increase the count of
positive microorganisms such as bifidobacteria (Kaur
and Gupta, 2002) (Table 2). Similar human studies
in European, Japanese and North American adult
populations looking for using different daily doses
of inulin have reported similar results (Gibson et al.,
1995; Klessen et al., 1997; Kruse et al., 1999). These
study results have suggested that the beneficial effect
of inulin could be due to the ability of bifiodobacteria
to inhibit the activity of detrimental bacteria, change
the colonic composition, obtain an adhesion sites on
the gut epithelium and finally stimulate the immune
system (Kaur and Gupta, 2002). The prebiotic effect
of inulin has been extensively confirmed by several
studies. Some of these studies are listed in Table 3.
Fermentibility of inulin in the upper gastrointestinal tract
Schematically, inulin molecule is comprised of
configuration between the two atoms of carbon
(C2) in its molecule (Kaur and Gupta 2002).
Several studies have shown that this configuration is
resistant to hydrolysis by human digestive enzymes
(-glucosidase; maltase-isomaltase; sucrase) which
is specific for its glycoside linkages (Roberfroid
and Delzenne, 1998; Flamm et al., 2001). The nondigestibility of inulin has been confirmed by several
studies conducted in vivo and vitro experiments
(Roberfroid and Delzenne, 1998). They have shown
that the stomach hydrolysis of inulin is likely to be
of limited physiological significance. The ingested
inulin remains unchanged for up to 1 or 2 h in the

different segments (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) of

rat or human small intestine which has been confirmed
by in vivo studies of rats and humans. Knudsen and
Hessove (1995) and Ellegard et al. (1997) have studied
the action of the upper gastrointestinal tract on inulin
in humans. To study the physiology of the digestive
system in humans and to quantify the amount of inulin
exiting the small intestine, they used the ileostomy
model in both studies. The ileostomy model serves as
the basis for the study of carbohydrate digestion and
carbohydrate effects in the human small intestine and
includes the surgical formation of an opening of the
ileum on the abdominal wall (Knudsen and Hessove,
1995). Different clinical studies have demonstrated
that this model is making the exact amount of
any substrate passing to ileostomy effluent easily
measurable (Cummings et al., 1996; Englyst et al.,
1996). Results of both above studies demonstrate that
86-88% of the ingested dose of inulin is recovered
in the ileostomy effluent. They concluded that inulin
proceeds undigested through the upper part of gastrointestinal tract into the colon, and further, there is no
evidence that inulin is absorbed to any significant
extent in the small intestine.
The small loss of inulin during the passage through
the small intestine could be due to fermentation by the
microbial population colonizing the small intestine
in individuals with ileostomies. This microbial
population is known to be up to 100 times greater in
the people with ileostomy than in normal individuals
(Flamm et al., 2001).
During passage through the gastro-intestinal
tract, inulin as a non-digestible carbohydrate never
produces fructose, glucose, lactic acid and short
chain carboxylic acid (the end products of glycolysis
and anaerobic fermentation) in the small intestine
(Reboerfroid et al., 1995). Knudsen and Hessov
(1995) conducted a case control trial among seven
subjects (six females and one male) with a median age
of 38 (range 22-73) years and measured the amount
of lactic acid and short chain acids before and after
inulin intake. The results have shown no difference
in total acids exiting the small intestine before and
after inulin intake.
They suggested that although no digestive process
appears to occur during the inulin intake in small
intestine however, there was a shift in the nature of
fermentation substrate from starch and non-starch
polysaccharide to inulin. This shifting trend could
lead to a decrease in the SCFA and an increase in
lactic acid amount in small intestine.
Thus it has been proposed to classify inulin as
a colonic food, which means a food entering
to and fermenting in the colon and serving as a

Miremadi and Shah/IFRJ 19(4):1337-1350

substrate for the endogenous bacteria to provide the

host with energy, metabolic substrate and essential
nutrients(Flamm et al., 2001).
Physiological effects of inulin fermentation in the
gastro-intestinal tract
Inulin is classified as a low calorie food ingredient
as it contains less than half amount of calorie content
of digestible carbohydrates, providing a calorie value
of 1.0-2.0 kcal/g (Kaur and Gupta, 2002). Therefore,
inulin can be used as a suitable food ingredient
substitute to lower the total calorie content of daily
diet especially for obese people.
In addition, animal in vivo studies have concluded
that a diet supplementation with inulin would reduce
the cecal pH by production of SCFA (end products of
colonic fermentation of inulin), increase the size of
the cecal pool for SCFA production, and increase the
wall thickness in the small intestine and in the cecum
which results in an increase in blood flow (Andersson
et al., 2001).
Effect of inulin on constipation
Constipation is a multi-factorial ailment often
encountered in elderly people. Different reasons may
contribute to the development of constipation such as
aging, medications, inadequate fluid intake, lack of
fibre-containing products in a daily diet, inadequate
physical activity, and decrease in intestinal motility.
Different human studied have suggested that
fermentation of carbohydrate stimulate colonic
motility (Roberfroid, 1993; Kleessen et al., 1997),
and therefore, administration of oligofructose and
inulin to a daily diet could improve constipation,
abdominal discomfort, and increase in stool
frequency. Hidaka et al. (1991) observed that the
administration of oligofructose relieved constipation
and inulin ingestion improved constipation in 9 of 10
subjects. Abdominal discomfort, mainly flatulence,
was reported rarely, and by only a few patients. A
significant increase in stool frequency was observed
in healthy volunteers having one stool every 23 days
by including inulin with DP more than 25 in the diet
(Hond et al., 2000).
Effect of inulin on mineral absorption
Some studies have suggested that chicory inulin
as a soluble fibre may increase the body absorption of
calcium, improve bone mineral density, and reduce
the risk of osteoporosis development. Delzenne et al.
(1999) have demonstrated that rats fed with inulin
absorbed more calcium and magnesium compared to
control rat, despite an increase in total faecal mass.
Increased calcium absorption could be due to


its increased availability by transfer of calcium

from the small intestine into large intestine and the
osmotic effect of inulin that transfers water into
the large intestine, thus allowing it to become more
soluble (Kaur and Gupta, 2002). The improved
absorption was associated with decreased pH of
ileal, cecal and colonic contents, resulting in an
increased concentration of ionized minerals. Ohta et
al. (1994) reported that ingestion of inulin improved
calcium and magnesium absorption in normal rats,
although only magnesium absorption was increased
in cecectomized rats. This suggested that the effect of
fermentation in the cecum was particularly important
for calcium absorption. Other study by Coudray et
al. (1997) noted that inulin improved the absorption
of calcium but not of magnesium, iron and zinc in
humans. Mechanism by which ingestion of nondigestible carbohydrates improves mineral absorption
is not clear.
Effect of inulin on glycemia/insulinemia
The effect of inulin and oligofructose on glycemia
and insulinemia are not yet fully understood, and
existing data are contradictory, indicating that these
effects may be due to physiological nature of the
disease (Kaur and Gupta, 2002). Oku et al. (1984)
revealed 17% and 26% reductions in postprandial
glycemia and insulinemia respectively among rats
after feeding by a diet containing 10% short-chain
fructooligosaccharides (FOS) for 30 days. The
reduction in glycemic response to saccharose or
maltose is possibly due to reduction of disaccharidase
activity in the gastro-intestinal tract. Luo et al. (1996)
confirmed the previous results and showed that in
diabetic rats, ingestion of a diet containing 20%
oligofructose for 2 months decreased postprandial
glycemia, despite a lack of modification of the
glycemic or insulinemic response to a saccharose
or maltose load. However, the results from some
human studies are not consistent with above studies.
For example, Yamashita et al. (1984) showed that
in diabetic subjects, taking 8 g of FOS/day for 14
days in diabetic subjects led to a decrease in fasting
blood glucose (Yamashita et al., 1984). When 10 g of
artichoke inulin was added to 50 g of wheat-starch
meal in healthy human subjects, the blood glycemic
response was lower, despite no apparent interference
by inulin on starch absorption (Rumessen et al.,
1990). When rats are fed with 10% and 20% FOS in
their diet for 6 weeks, the tests showed that mouth
to anus transit time was shortened by 25 and 50%,
respectively. This reduction in transit time confirms
a dose-dependent effect (Oku et al., 1984), possibly
similar to other dietary fibres; inulin and oligofructose


Miremadi and Shah/IFRJ 19(4):1337-1350

influence the absorption of macronutrients, especially

carbohydrates, by delaying gastric emptying and
shortening small-intestinal transit time.
Boillot et al. (1995) have demonstrated the
reduced hepatic gluconeogenesis induced by inulin
intake could be mediated by the short-chain carboxylic
acids, especially propionate. Propionate given in
the diet of rats for 4 weeks reduced fasting blood
glucose and inhibited gluconeogenesis in isolated
hepatocytes, probably via its metabolic conversion
into methylmalonyl-coenzyme A (CoA) and
succinyl-CoA, both of which are specific inhibitors
of pyruvate carboxylase. In addition, propionate may
also influence hepatic glucose metabolism indirectly
by lowering plasma fatty acid concentration, a factor
known to be closely related to gluconeogenesis (Lee
et al., 1996).
Effect of inulin on lipid metabolism
Kaur et al. (1989) have shown that inclusion of
inulin in the diet of saturated fat fed rats significantly
reduced the high triglyceride content of blood and
liver. Delzenne and Kok (1999) suggested that
triacylglycerol (TG) lowering effect of oligofructose
occurs via reduction in very low density lipoprotein
(VLDL)-TG secretion from the liver as a result of the
reduction in the activity of lipogenic enzymes, and
in the case of fatty acid synthase via modification of
lipogenic gene expression. Oligofructose decreased
serum TG when it was included in the standard, fibre
free or high fat diet of rats. Addition of oligofructose
in a carbohydrate rich diet reduced the de novo
liver fatty acid synthesis (Delzenne and Kok, 1999).
Studies on incorporation of 14 acetate into TG in
hepatocytes isolated from control and oligofructosefed rats also supported the above results (Kok et al.,
1996). Hepatic glycerol-3- phosphate concentrations
were significantly higher in oligofructose fed rats
than in controls. This relative increase in glycerol3-phosphate content of the liver might be due to its
decreased utilization for fatty acid esterification.
Indeed, the administration of oligofructose slightly
but significantly, reduced hepatocyte capacity to
esterify 14 palmitate into TG (Fiordaliso et al.,
Prebiotics in food applications
Prebiotics are classified as food products
that contain prebiotic ingredients in sufficient
concentration, so that after their ingestion, the
postulated benefit is obtained (Saxelin et al., 2003).
The potential interest for using prebiotic in daily foods
is mainly due to its low calorie value, hypocariogenic
and bifidogenic properties, and dietary fibre effects

(Roberfroid, 1993). Dairy products such as yoghurts,

yoghurt drinks, spreads, fresh cheeses, and milk,
and other emerging food products such as sport
products, functional waters, nutrition bars, weight
loss products, soymilk, and mineral supplements can
be supplemented with prebiotics (Niness, 1999; Kaur
and Gupta, 2002).
Bifidus promoting agents
Inulin-type fructans are amongst the wellestablished prebiotic ingredients. Their selective
stimulation of the growth of bifidobacteria and the
production of SCFA as end products of fermentation
has been confirmed in many in vitro and in vivo studies
(Gibson and Wang, 1994; Roberfroid, 2002). They are
increasingly used in functional foods, especially dairy
products and breads at typical amounts of 3-8 g per
serving to allow the bifidogenic claims (Coussement,
1999; Franck, 2000).
Compared to inulin, other types of non-digestive
oligosaccharides such as oligofructose are either
branched or composed of several types of glycosidic
bonds, which makes them less readily accessible for
bacterial hydrolysis (Roberfroid, 1998). However,
both inulin and oligofructose have been demonstrated
to be effective prebiotics (Menne et al., 2000). The
other commercially available prebiotic (Murphy,
2001; Cummings et al., 2001) and currently marketed
as bifidus factor for infant formula is lactulose. Its
ingestion contributes to the growth of gut microflora
in bottle-fed babies in the same way as breast-fed
babies (Strohmaier, 1998; Salminen et al., 1998).
Fibre enhancer
Another remarkable functionality of prebiotics
in food formulations is their roles as a dietary fibre.
The dietary fibre is defined as remnants of plant
cells resistant to hydrolysis by the human digestive
enzymes (Trowel and Burkitt, 1986). As discussed
previously, several prebiotic substances such as
inulin fall under this definition (Flamm et al., 2001).
Moreover, from a physiologic point of view the
effects of these prebiotics on intestinal function,
blood lipid parameters, and caloric value meet the
properties of dietary fibres (Roberfroid, 1993; Gibson
et al., 1995). These effects are related to reduce the
risk of coronary heart disease, colon cancer and other
colonic disorders.
Compared to insoluble fibre such as bran,
soluble prebiotic ingredients are more palatable and
have greater functional properties (Dreher, 1999).
Resistant starch is related to increased fibre content
in baked goods and pasta products without any
grainy appearance (Murphy, 2001). Supplementation

Miremadi and Shah/IFRJ 19(4):1337-1350

with inulin in baked goods allows not only fibre

enrichment, but also better moisture retention
properties and improved texture (Franck, 2000).
Their solubility also allows fibre incorporation in
drinks, dairy products, soup and table spread. Such
additions are in the range of 3-6 g per serving and
increase up to 10 g in extreme cases (Coussement,
Sugar replacer
Several types of non-digestive oligosaccharides
and polyols can be used as sugar replacers due to their
physiological characteristics such as having minimal
contribution to energy intake and performing bulking
properties (Frank, 2000).
Oligofructose delivers some functional properties
similar to glucose syrup and is often used to replace
sugar in various foods, mainly dairy and bakery
products such as chocolate filling biscuits, chewing
gums, confectionary, dairy desserts, and ice-cream
(Franck, 2000). In addition, oligofructose depresses
the freezing point of frozen desserts and acts as a
binder in nutrition bars, in much the same way as
sugar. The solubility of oligofructose is higher than
sucrose but its sweetness is about 30% of sucrose
(Angus et al., 2005). In combination with other
sweeteners such as aspartame, oligofructose can
provide a desired sweetness and better flavour profile
(Weidmann and Jager, 1997; Kaur and Gupta, 2002).
Lactulose carries out some flavour enhancing
properties similar to sucrose and therefore, it can be
used to replace sucrose in some foods such as yoghurt,
cookies and cakes (Schumann, 2002). However,
because of its laxative characteristics, lactulose is
often utilised in limited quantities in foods.
Sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol,
lactitol, and non-digestive oligosaccharides such as
oligofructose and lactulose contribute fewer calories
(1-2 kcal /g) than sugar (4 kcal /g) (Salminen et al.,
1998; Murphy, 2001) allowing the development
of sugar-reduced low-energy products. This is
particularly true in sugar-free confections such as
hard candies, chewing gums and marshmallows,
sugar-free added baked goods and ice-creams. More
importantly, these low-calorie ingredients offer
advantages over traditional digestible carbohydrates
such as sucrose, glucose and fructose in terms of
having low glycemic index (especially helpful for
those patients with diabetes, heart problems and
obesity (Hidaka et al., 1986; Schumann, 2002).
Fat replacer
Specific kinds of prebiotics such oligosaccharides
have been developed as fat replacers and texture


modifiers as they would be able to 1) reduce total

fat or partial fat content, 2) modify smoothness
and creaminess, 3) increase perception of body and
richness, 4) improve an overall eating quality and an
acceptable appearance.
Inulin is well-recognized prebiotic for its ability
to replace fat in the manufacturing of low-calorie
foods (Silva, 1996; Franck, 2000). When inulin is
mixed with water, it forms gels composed of a tridimensional gel network of insoluble sub-micron
crystalline inulin particles with large amounts of
immobilized water. This inulin gel provides the same
texture and
mouth feel as fat (Silva 1996; Franck
2000). The chain length of inulin plays a key role in
gel quality. A high DP inulin facilitates gel formation
at lower concentrations and can be formulated to
replace fat up to 100%. Fat replacement by inulin
is successfully applied in most water-based foods
such as dairy products, frozen desserts, dressings,
table spreads, sauces, soups and even meat products,
but not in dry foods such as snacks, bakery and
confectionery products (Murphy, 2001). Typically,
1 g of fat can be replaced by a 0.35 g of inulin in
most foods (Coussement 1999). Formulating foods
with inulin also helps to maximize freeze-thaw
stability and minimize emulsion separation phased
due to its ability to immobilize water and to work
with most gelling agents such gelatin, gellan gum,
and maltodextrin (Bishay, 1998). Inulin also gives
a richer texture to liquid products and spreads and
provides crispness and expansion to extruded snacks
and cereals. In addition to inulin, resistant starch is
also used as a fat mimetic and a texture enhancer
in low-moisture foods e.g. crackers and cookie. In
extruded cereals, the use of resistant starch improves
crispness and expansion (Murphy, 2001).
Health effects of probiotics
Probiotic cultures are described as live microbial
feed supplements that improve intestinal microbial
balance and are intended for maintenance of health
or prevention of disease (Fuller, 1991; Bruno and
Shah, 2004). Probiotic bacteria are able to suppress
potentially pathogenic microorganisms in the
gastro-intestinal track and improve the balance
in favour of beneficial microorganisms (Ibrahim
and Bezkorovainy, 1993). The scientific evidence
obtained through various studies on Lactobacilli and
Bifidobacterium spp. has strengthened the positive
effects of these micro-organisms on human health.
Such examples are presented in Table 4.
It is noted that no strain provides all the proposed
health benefits and strains of the same species often
exhibit distinct effects, therefore, the health properties


Miremadi and Shah/IFRJ 19(4):1337-1350

of each strain need to be investigated independently

(Doleyres and Lacroix, 2005). Strain of L. rhamnosus
GG (Valio) is the most extensively studied probiotic in
human clinical trials (Fonden et al., 2003), particularly
involving in the management of rotavirus diarrhoea,
and antibiotic-associated diarrhoea (Clostridium
difficile). Strains of L. acidophilus NCFB 1748, B.
lactis Bb 12, L. plantarum DSM9843 (299V), L.
reuteri (BioGaia Biologics), L. johnsonii La-1 and
L. casei Shirota (Yakault) are also well established
for the clinical effects (Fonden et al., 2003; Shah,
Application of probiotics bacteria in functional
The demand for probiotic foods is increasing
in Europe, Japan, Germany and the U.S, reflecting
the heightened awareness among the public of the
relationship between diet and health. Probiotics are
widely used in dairy products, particularly yoghurts
where the fermentation is often carried out with
strains of Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium
spp. (Fonden et al., 2003). In Germany, the mixture
of L. acidophilus and B. Bifidum were introduced
during the late 1960s for producing mildly acidified
yoghurts, later known as AB yoghurt due to their
expected adaptation to the intestine and the sensory
benefits. Later the trend has been to incorporate L.
casei in addition to L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium
as these strains are believed to act synergistically on
each other.
Typical examples of other probiotic products
available in the market are probiotic drinks including
drinking yoghurts, fruit juices, fermented soy products,
sour cream, buttermilk, ice-cream and frozen desserts,
spread, cheeses, and milk powders (Lourens- Hattingh
and Viljoen 2001). Currently, probiotic milk drinks
are manufactured in various ways. The bacteria may
be added without fermentation, so-called sweet milk
or the milk is cultured with probiotic bacteria such as
Yakault (Tamime et al., 2005).
Fermented milks containing B. longum or B.
breve have obtained foods for specific health uses
(FOSHU) approval in Japan (Champagne et al., 2005).
In recent times, probiotics have also been marketed
as dietary supplements consisting of freeze-dried
bacteria, mainly L. acidophilus in tablet, capsule or
powder form (Hamilton-Miller, 2005). Some of
the commercial companies producing such dietary
supplements include Blackmores Ltd. (Balgowlah,
NSW, Australia), Probiotics International Ltd.
(Stokesub- Hamdon, Somerset, UK) and Natren Inc.
(Westlake Village, CA, USA).
Industrial interest in developing probiotic foods

is driven by the market potential for foods that target

health and well-beings. To date, over 100 bifidusand acidophilus-containing products are available
worldwide (Tamime et al., 2005). In Japan, probioticcontaining foods have been launched since the 1920s
and more than 53 different types of milk products are
estimated to be on the market (Shah, 2006). Using
probiotic is largely restricted to the manufacturing
of yoghurt in Europe and acidophilus milk in the
USA. It was estimated that in 2000, Europeans spent
$899 million on probiotic yoghurts and milks and on
average the market share of probiotic yoghurts was
ca. 10% of the total yoghurts (Stanton et al., 2001).
In 2007, the Australian market for yoghurt and dairy
desserts accounted for 17% of dairy category sales
value with probiotic yoghurt a leader, growing up by
12 % (Dairy Australia, 2007).
As different studies have suggested, combining
probiotics and prebiotics in what has been called
a synbiotic could beneficially affect the host by 1)
improving survival and implantation of live microbial
dietary supplements in the gastro-intestinal flora, 2)
selectively stimulating the growth or activating the
catabolism of one or a limited number of healthpromoting bacteria in the GIT, and 3) improving the
gastro-intestinal tracts microbial balance. However,
the creation of a synbiotic food has not been
investigated. Combining probiotics with prebiotics
could improve the survival of the bacteria crossing
the upper part of the gastro-intestinal tract, thus
enhancing their effects in the large bowel. Moreover,
probiotic and prebiotic effects might be additive
or even synergistic. This has been the case when
combining the anti-carcinogenic effects of inulin and
bifidobacteria in experimental animals.
A large number of researches have focused on
the production and bifidogenic effects of inulin and
less on synbiotic foods. Hence, further research is
required to focus on the combination of prebiotics
and probiotics in development of new dairy products
on and the task for assessment of the viability of
commercial probiotic cultures in the presence of
these prebiotic compounds. The emergence of new
analytical techniques such as metabolite profiling
has revealed new pathways affected by dietary
intervention. However, an important challenge for
current and future research is to relate changes in
bacterial metabolism to concrete health benefits.
Potential targets and expected benefits have been
identified: reduced risk for the metabolic syndrome
and prevention of colorectal cancer.

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