Draft Guide For The Interpretation of Gases in Oil Immersed Transformers
Draft Guide For The Interpretation of Gases in Oil Immersed Transformers
Draft Guide For The Interpretation of Gases in Oil Immersed Transformers
Sponsored by the
Transformers Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society
Copyright 2004 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Three Park Avenue
New York, New York 10016-5997, USA
All rights reserved.
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(This introduction is not part of PC57.104, Draft Guide for the Interpretation of Gases in Oil Immersed
Transformers. )
This revised IEEE guide for the interpretation of gases generated in operating oil-immersed transformers
presents to the operators and manufacturers of oil filled transformers an improved routine surveillance oil
sampling program and procedures for detecting the presence of combustible gases in the equipment during
service that indicate faults which if not detected in the very early or incipient stages may eventually lead to
failure of the transformer. The detection methods presented here frequently provide the first available
indications of a malfunction. They employ consensus guidelines that allow operators of transformers of any
age which are absent any significant gas data or operators of transformers with established gas databases to
ascertain by surveillance sampling whether the transformer is generating normal quantities of gas,
increasingly abnormal quantities in the caution range, or dangerous quantities in the warning range. A
procedure is given for the statistical development of surveillance norms from a gas database and a detection
procedure is given for transformers that employ norms from units with identical design and service
conditions. Sampling intervals and operating guidelines are suggested for each range and generating rate.
A Key gas screening procedure is given to permit an estimate of a gas generating mechanism, called a fault,
in the caution range between normal and warning levels. A ratio procedure is also provided for refined
diagnoses in the warning range which provides empirical but reliable diagnoses of internal problems and the
use of graphical trends is suggested to further refine the diagnoses. The revised guide suggests preference
for the statistical development of detection norms jointly acceptable to user and manufacturer for units
under warranty and between user and insurer for units beyond manufacturing warranty. These revisions
provide the transformer user with an earlier and clearer picture of his operating options and shorten the time
required to evaluate the current status and make more timely and appropriate operating decisions.
This Guide was prepared by the Insulating Fluids Subcommittee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society.
At the time this Guide was completed, the Working Group had the following membership:
F.W Heinrichs, Chair
J. Corkran
A. Darwin
J. Goudie
T. Haupert
F. Jakob
J. Kelly
D. Kim
R. Ladroga
J. Lackey
S. Lindgren
T. Lundquist
S. McNelly
P. McShane
T.V. Oommen
T. Prevost
T. Rouse
J. Smith
The following persons were members of the balloting group that approved this document for submission to
the IEEE Standards board as a recommended practice.
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... ii
1. Overview .....................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Scope .....................................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Limitations.............................................................................................................................................6
2. References ...................................................................................................................................................6
3. Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................7
4. General decomposition theory .....................................................................................................................8
4.1 Cellulose decomposition........................................................................................................................8
4.2 Mineral oil decomposition .....................................................................................................................8
5.0 Combustible gas generation in equipment .................................................................................................9
5.1 Thermal fault .........................................................................................................................................9
5.2 Thermal faults involving cellulose.........................................................................................................9
5.3 Electrical faults ......................................................................................................................................9
5.4 Sampling and laboratory procedures....................................................................................................10
5.5 Variability and precision of analysis....................................................................................................10
6. Detection and operating guidelines............................................................................................................10
6.1 Detection procedure for transformers in Type 1 category ...................................................................12
6.2 Detection procedure for Type 2 transformers ......................................................................................13
7. Diagnosis of transformer faults..................................................................................................................14
7.1 Analysis in the caution surveillance range ...........................................................................................15
7.2 Diagnosis in the warning surveillance range........................................................................................15
7.3 Diagnosis of cellulose decomposition..................................................................................................16
8.0 Trend and graphical analysis ...................................................................................................................16
8.1 Construction of a 3 D graph.................................................................................................................17
9.0 Detection and analysis of gases in gas space, relay or other fixed or portable devices............................18
Annex A (Normative) TCG detection and operating procedure ....................................................................19
1. Overview
The detection of certain gases generated in an operating mineral oil-filled transformer in service is
frequently the first available indication of abnormalities called faults that may eventually lead to failure if
not corrected. Electrical faults such as arcing, low energy sparking and partial discharge (previously called
corona) are described. Thermal faults such as severe overloading, cooling pump failure, and overheating in
the insulation system are described. These conditions occurring singly, or as several events can result in
decomposition of the insulating materials and the formation of various combustible gases dissolved in the
insulating oil, in the inert gas space above the oil, or in gas collecting devices. The procedure for detection
of faults for transformers of any age or design but with no significant gas history, defined as Type 1
transformers, is given in clause 6.1. Detection procedures for transformers that have been operating long
enough to have a gas history or database, defined as Type 2 transformers, are given in 6.2. Detection in
Type 1 or Type 2 transformers begins with regular surveillance sampling and analysis to determine whether
the gas concentrations have reached normal, caution, or warning surveillance ranges. Guidelines for
typical gas concentrations in the normal, caution and warning surveillance ranges for type 1 transformers
are offered in Table 1. For Type 2 transformers where sufficient data exists, statistically derived norms are
preferred. They should ultimately be agreed upon by the manufacturer and user in transformers under
warranty or by manufacturer, insurer, or transformer operators beyond warranty as appropriate. The
increasing order of the surveillance ranges reflect fault severity. Surveillance involves regular oil sampling
or other testing and monitoring procedures, which are subject to errors. The norms found in Table 1 for
Type 1 transformers are current reported values based on industry experience. Special applications and
service requirements may be considered in establishing the initial sampling interval. For instance, operators
of small transformers in very critical applications may choose shorter sampling intervals than they would for
larger units in a less demanding application. However, the guide suggests a preference for the statistical
development of norms as soon as sufficient data is available. In any case, detection and the resulting
adjustment of sampling interval and operating procedure requires an evaluation of the quantities of
generated gases present and determination of their rates of generation. A Key gas diagnostic screening
procedure is given for use in the caution range. A Ratio procedure for diagnosis in the warning range is
given to indicate the possible fault mechanism and its source. These procedures may reveal the source of
the disturbance based on an empirical relationship between generated combustible gas species and fault
types. Trends and graphical analysis may further refine diagnoses. It should be noted that normal operation
of the transformer might also result in the formation of small quantities of combustible gases. In fact, it is
possible for some transformers to operate throughout their useful life with even larger quantities of
combustible gases present although it is not a normal occurrence. Proper application of the step-by-step
procedures described in this guide can provide the operator with the earliest indication of a developing
problem and positive useful information on the serviceability of his equipment.
1.1 Scope
This guide applies to operating mineral oil immersed transformers that are newly energized and have no
previous combustible gas history; and to operating mineral oil immersed transformers that have been
operating long enough to develop a combustible gas database. The guide addresses: General Theory,
Sampling and Laboratory Procedures, Variability and Precision Detection, Operating Guidelines,
Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
Development of Norms, Diagnostic Techniques, Fixed and Portable Monitoring Devices, Normative
1.2 Limitations
The scientific principles of hydrocarbon and cellulose decomposition and the analytical procedures
described in this guide are well established. However, application of these principles to the determination
of faults in transformers was established by empirical studies relating measured combustible gas
concentrations with observed disturbances and failures. The empirical nature of these studies confers a
degree of variability and uncertainty that must be recognized particularly in numerical fault diagnosis. The
variables involved are equipment type, the materials involved in the fault, and the extraction and analytical
procedures themselves. Equipment variables are transformer design, location, service and operating
temperatures. Material variables are solubility related to oil, degree of saturation and the types of materials
involved at the fault. Analytical variables associated with the sampling, extraction and measuring process
affect to some degree the confidence in diagnostic procedures especially between laboratories. Also, gas
concentrations below 10 times the minimum detection level may invalidate Ratio (numerical) diagnosis.
Replicate samples are recommended before developing an operating decision or fault diagnosis. Because of
this inherent variability, it is difficult to obtain a consensus on guidelines for detection norms or diagnostic
Ratios. Exact fault types or degrees of fault intensity may not be inferred from a single gas concentration,
or even after repeated sampling. Rather, development of concentration trends will give more reliable
insight into developing faults. In addition, diagnosis of the primary or failure-initiating fault from a sample
taken after failure is invalid because of the saturation quantities of all gas species that are generated by the
heat released from the transformer failure itself.
In the light of these variables, this guide is offered as an advisory document, providing guidelines to assist
the transformer operator and manufacturer in deciding on the status and continued operation of a
transformer that exhibits combustible gas formation.
This guide applies only to operating transformers. It does not include transformers where arcing switch
contacts or expulsion tubes are exposed to the main oil volume. No attempt should be made to relate these
guidelines to new transformers during factory temperature rise tests. Finally, the operators development of
a combustible gas database accompanied by actual confirmation of predicted fault by failure investigation
will allow each individual operator to establish his own norms unique to his size and type of transformer
and operating conditions.
2. References
This guide shall be used in conjunction with the following standards. When the following standards are
superseded by an approved version, the revision shall apply.
ASTM D2945-90 (2003) e1, Standard Test Method for Gas Content of Insulating Oils1
ASTM D3305-95 (1999) e1, Standard Practice for Sampling Small Gas Volume in a Transformer
ASTM D3612-2002, Standard Test Method for Analysis of Gases Dissolved in Electrical Insulating Oil by
Gas Chromatography
ASTM D3613-1998, Standard Practice for Sampling Insulating Liquids for Gas Analysis and Determination
of Water Content
ASTM publications are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor
Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, USA (http://www.astm.org/).
Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
ASTM D3284-1999, Standard Test Method for Combustible Gases in the Gas Space of Electrical
Apparatus Using Portable Meters
ASTM D 2759-2000, Standard Practice for Sampling Gas from a Transformer under Positive Pressure
IEC 60599-1999 Mineral oil impregnated electrical equipment in service- Guide to the interpretation of
dissolved and free gases analysis2
IEEE Std C57.12.80-2002, Terminology for Power and Distribution Transformers3
3. Definitions
3.1 Caution surveillance range: Combustible gas concentrations above the normal surveillance range and
below the warning surveillance range.
3.2 Dissolved gas analysis (DGA): The extraction, detection and analysis of gases dissolved in oil.
3.3 Fault diagnosis: A numerical diagnostic procedure using Rogers ratios to determine specific
transformer fault types for combustible gas concentrations at or above the warning surveillance range.
3.4 Key gas: A characteristic combustible gas generated in oil filled transformers can be used for
qualitative determination of fault types based on gases, which are typical or predominant at various
3.5 Minimum detection level (MDL): The lowest level at which a gas can be detected in oil; described in
ASTM D3612.
3.6 n% Probability norm: A statistically determined value, which signifies the probability that n% of all
normally operating transformers have individual or total combustible gas concentrations at or below that
3.7 Normal surveillance range: A combustible gas concentration level at or below which individual or
total combustible gas concentrations in transformers are considered normal.
3.8 Partial discharge (PD): An electric discharge which only partially bridges the Insulation between
conductors, and which may or may not occur adjacent to a conductor. Depending on intensity, Partial
discharges are often accompanied by emission of light, heat, or sound, separately or in combination. The
term Corona has also been used to describe partial discharges. This is a non-preferred term since it has
other non-related meanings.
3.9 Screening diagnosis: A diagnostic procedure using Key gases to obtain a preliminary estimate of lowlevel incipient fault development in the caution surveillance range.
IEC publications are available from the Sales Department of the International Electrotechnical
Commission, Case Postale 131, 3, rue deVaremb, CH-1211, Genve 20, Switzerland/Suisse
(http://www.iec.ch/). IEC publications are also available in the United States from the Sales Department,
American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA
IEEE documents in the reference list are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA.
Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
3.10 Total combustible gas (TCG): The sum (%) of all combustible gases including carbon monoxide and
excluding oxygen reported as a % of the transformer gas space.
3.11 Total dissolved combustible gas (TDCG): The sum of all combustible gases that are dissolved in the
insulating oil.
3.12 Type 1 Service category: Type 1 Transformers have never received DGA before or do not have
significant gas databases.
3.13 Type 2 Service category: Type 2 Transformers have had previous DGA tests or have a gas database
large enough for statistical derivation of surveillance norms. Type 2 transformers may also have been
assigned surveillance norms because of their similarity to other Type 2 transformers in design and loading.
3.14 Warning surveillance range: Combustible gas concentrations above the Caution surveillance range.
Combustible gas concentrations within this range generally result in failure of the transformer and should
result in immediate investigation.
development of the fault diagnostic procedures given in this guide. Some examples of these relationships
are: the presence of methane suggesting a relatively low energy discharge or thermal fault; and the presence
of acetylene suggesting that a high-energy arc has occurred. The thermodynamic approach has limits; it
must assume an idealized but nonexistent isothermal equilibrium in the region of a fault, and there is no
provision for dealing with multiple faults in a transformer. Much work has been done to correlate these
predictions from thermodynamic models with the actual behavior of transformers.
At oil temperatures from 150C to 300C relatively large quantities of the low molecular weight gases, such
as hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4), and trace quantities of the higher molecular weight gases ethylene
(C2H4) and ethane (C2H6) are produced by poor cooling or stray losses in winding or leads; between core
laminations or in core, tank or supporting structures. As the decomposition temperature in mineral oil
increases from 300C to 700C, the hydrogen concentration exceeds that of methane and is accompanied by
significant quantities of higher molecular weight gases, first ethane and then ethylene. Beyond 700C (the
upper end of the thermal fault range), increasing quantities of hydrogen and ethylene and traces of acetylene
(C2H2) may be produced. In general, non-electrical thermal faults produce temperatures below 700C;
however, welding on oil filled equipment or oily surfaces produces acetylene due to the very high
temperature. Also, thermal faults may evolve into electrical faults, which may be a source of error in
to assist the operator in applying this gas data to Type 1 transformers per clause 6.1 and Type 2
transformers per clause 6.2 following a step-by-step process described in the following Flow Chart Figure 1.
FIGURE 1 Flow chart
Derive 90%
Norms 6.2.1
Sample Compare to
Sample Compare to
Sample Compare to
Range Guidelines
Table 1, 6.1
Normal Range
Table 1
Key Gas
Table 3, 7.1.1
Caution Range
Warning Range
Table 1
Table 1
Ratio Diagnosis
Determine Sampling Interval
and Operating Procedure
Table 4, 7.2.1
Table 2, 6.1.2
The Flow Chart process begins with taking oil samples containing dissolved gases from Type 1 or Type 2
transformers during routine maintenance surveillance. The samples are sent to the laboratory where
dissolved gases are extracted and analyzed. The gas concentrations from Type 1 transformers are compared
per clause 6.1 to the guidelines in Table 1 to determine their surveillance range. Alternatively, the
concentrations from Type 2 transformers are compared per clause 6.2 to statistically derived norms or
assigned norms from similar units and their corresponding surveillance range is determined. Gas generation
rates are determined per clause 6.1.1 and the range and rate information is applied to Table 2 to determine
the guidelines for new sampling intervals and operating procedures.
mg/kg (ppm)
mg/kg (ppm)
100 to
120 to
2 to
50 to
65 to
350 to
700 to
mg/kg (ppm)
Rs = (St So )
6.1.2 Determining the operator guidelines from surveillance range and generation rate
Table 2 gives suggested operator guidelines for TDCG in the normal, caution and warning ranges found
from Table 1 for given rate limits. The gas concentrations for individual components can be substituted for
TDCG in column 2, Table 2 to determine operator guidelines from just the components.
TABLE 2 - Guidelines for surveillance range and generation rate
Suggested Operator Guidelines
mg/kg (ppm)
n rate Rs
> 1900
=> 3 < 7
= > 0.3
<= 0.5
< 0.3
700 to 1900
< 700
Operating Procedure
Extreme caution: Diagnostics
plan outage; Advise
manufacturer or insurer.
Caution; Screening diagnosis;
check load dependence.
Advise manufacturer or
Caution check load
Continue normal operation
Transformers with TDCG in the normal surveillance range with generating rates > 0.3% per day, have
reduced sampling intervals, therefore stricter operating procedures are suggested. If their generating rates
are < 0.3% per day the operator may continue with normal surveillance sampling and operating procedure.
In addition, with rates < 0.3% per day, normal transformers may have their normal maintenance sampling
intervals lengthened.
Transformers with TDCG in the caution or warning surveillance range will have reduced sampling intervals
and stricter operating procedures.
of equipment or service based on experience. Procedures for utilizing assigned norms are given in clause
6.2.1 Procedure for statistical development of surveillance range norms from a gas
A Statistically sufficient number of normal, fault free, transformers of similar design and service are
collected into a database.
Values for each component Combustible gas (H2, CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, CO) and their total (TDCG)
determined from each transformer in the database are tabulated and sorted in decreasing order. A
separate Frequency Distribution Chart (probability chart) is then constructed for each component and
TDCG for all the transformers in the database using well-known statistical procedures such as those
available in most spreadsheet programs. From the plotted frequency distribution for each component,
the 90% probability norm for that component is the unique 90% probability value for the database and
it signifies that 90% of all the normal transformers in this database have values at or below that value.
You now can construct a table similar to Table 1 in this guide for your own particular case using the
derived 90% norms for the normal surveillance range guidelines. The caution and warning values in
your new table will be proportional to those in Table 1.
This method of deriving individual norms from a transformer population will yield values, which are
statistically representative of that population and preferable to the survey values in Table 1. Continued
analysis of the database will refine the estimated norms and increase the users confidence in their reliability.
The reliability of derived norms depends on the number of transformers in the database.
6.2.2 Procedure using assigned norms
Referring to the Flow Chart Fig.1, the step-by-step procedure may employ assigned norms which are values
for the normal, caution and warning surveillance ranges that have been developed as part of a proprietary
surveillance plan; either from data developed within the operators company or from recommendations from
outside contractors. For example, banks of transformers of duplicate design and loading may all utilize the
same set of surveillance norms based on sound engineering judgment and agreement between user,
manufacturer and insurer.
Assigned norms are substituted for the values in Table 1. Then sample gas concentrations from
transformers with assigned norms are utilized to determine the surveillance ranges and calculated generation
rates which are then applied to Table 2 in the same manner as statistically determined norms in clause 6.2.1.
trouble. Generally, thermal faults produce lower temperatures and electrical faults except low-level partial
discharge produce higher temperatures. The diagnostic Ratios used in Table 4 are:
Ratio 1 (R1) = CH4 / H2
Ratio 2 (R2) = C2H2 / C2H4
Ratio 3 (R3) = C2H4 / C2H6
Graphical 2 or 3 dimensional plots of the three Rogers ratios provide an excellent physical representation of
the limit envelopes circumscribing each fault type. Ratio diagnosis applies to gases extracted from the oil.
For diagnoses of components extracted from the transformer inert gas space or relays see Annex B.
Thermal Oil
Electrical Low
Energy P.D.
Hydrogen and
(H2, C2H2)
Electrical High
Energy (arcing)
C2H2 (R2)
CH4 (R1)
C2H4 (R3)
< 0.01
< 0.1
< 1.0
=> 1.0
=> 2.0
< 0.01
=> 1.0
< 1.0
< 0.10
=> 1.0
< 0.2
=> 1.0
< 4.0
=> 4.0
Suggested Diagnosis
faults progress from relatively benign thermal faults into more critical electrical faults. It is suggested that
the report of a possible fault by either the Key gas procedure, or Ratio diagnosis, should include a numerical
value for an increasing or decreasing trend. The trend for the magnitude of CO to increase and CO2 to
decrease indicates advancing degradation of cellulose insulation.
Graphical analysis may be applied using two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) plots of the
values for the pertinent ratios. Two-dimensional plots are used to determine the correlation between the
ratio CH4/H2 on the x axis vs. the ratio C2H2/C2H4 on the y axis; or the ratio CH4/H2 on the x axis vs. the
ratio C2H4/C2H6 on the y axis with the coordinates for the Rogers ratio limits for particular cases.
However, the 3D plots are more revealing. Three-dimensional graphical analysis may be accomplished by
developing a three-dimensional composite plot of all five Rogers fault case envelopes from Table 4. A
simpler alternative is to develop separate envelopes for each of the five Rogers fault cases. Then gas ratios
from a transformer sample may be plotted for either the 2D or 3D representations. A repeated result within
a specific fault region or volume confirms a diagnosis. A trend for the results to move toward the
boundaries of the envelopes suggests another fault or more than one fault exists. For example, in the 3D
case say the three calculated ratios for a particular analysis converge at a point within a Case 3 fault case
envelope (Low temperature Thermal fault). Then, if the solution points for successive samplings show a
trend for the diagnosis to move out toward the boundaries of the Case 3 envelope, the conclusion may be
drawn that the fault is changing in intensity or it may be progressing to another fault type. An example
would be the progression of a thermal fault case into an electrical fault case that suggests the movement of
gas bubbles from a thermal fault location into nearby areas of high electrical stress.
Fig. 2a is an example of a 3D Rogers Ratio envelope for a Low Temperature Thermal fault (Case 3 Table
4). The line Xa represents the interval between 1.0, the minimum Table 4 value of R1, and 4.0 an arbitrary
maximum limit (see note) used for plotting the envelope. The line Ya represents the interval between 0, the
arbitrary minimum (see note) value of R3, and its Table 4 limit 1.0. The line Za represents the interval
between 0, the arbitrary minimum value of R2, and its Table 4 limit 0.10.
Fig. 2b is an example of a 3D Rogers Ratio envelope for a low energy discharge fault (Case 1 Table 4).
The lines Xb, Yb, and Zb represent the Table 4 intervals for plotting the Case 1 envelope. Arbitrary values
of 4.0 were used for maximum R2 and R3 limits for plotting the envelope.
Note: In order to describe a graphical envelope an arbitrarily chosen maximum limit was chosen for a Table 4 ratio that
does not contain a minimum limit. Zero values are not obtained with ratios.
9.0 Detection and analysis of gases in gas space, relay or other fixed or
portable devices
The on-site detection and determination of combustible gases in an operating transformer, using a portable
or on-line combustible gas meter can be the earliest and most easily obtained indication of a thermal or
electrical fault. And it may form the basis for further testing.
Other portable or on-line devices are useful for periodic testing of operating transformers without removing
them from service. These devices normally accept a small volume of oil or gas depending on the
technology used. They will provide a measurement of hydrogen or composite values of hydrogen and
carbon monoxide, or in the case of a portable GC, a measurement of all combustible gases.
Another type of gas monitoring system samples the transformer gas space at fixed intervals to provide a
measure of individual combustible gases. Periodically, a sample of the oil is pumped from the transformer
into the monitoring system that extracts the gases and passes them through a micro GC for measurement.
This system uses helium as the carrier gas so careful attention should be given to ensure proper operation.
Gases collected in the gas space or gas relays can be sampled per clause 5.4. ASTM Method, D-3612, can
determine the individual components of the gas samples. Since the sample is already in the gas phase the
extraction step in the ASTM method is not applicable.
Annex A describes a TCG procedure for evaluating the transformer operating procedure given TCG
percentages and generating rates. The procedure in Annex A is similar to the DGA procedure in Table 2
clause 6.1.2.
Combustible gases may be explosive. Strict precautions should be observed when sampling directly from
the transformer.
Annex B describes procedures for converting concentrations from gases from relays or sampled from gas
spaces into dissolved gas-in-oil equivalents that can then be diagnosed per clause 7.2.
Annex A (Normative)
TCG detection and operating procedure
When combustible gases are first found in the transformer gas space, sampling is repeated to determine the
rate of increase of % TCG per day. Then the % combustibles (TCG) and the rate of increase (%/day) are
applied to Table A1 to determine guidelines for sampling intervals and operating procedures in the normal,
caution and warning surveillance ranges similar to the procedures for dissolved gas. Table A1 utilizes
values for TCG % limits and generation rates which can be used to determine the surveillance ranges and
the suggested sampling intervals and operating guidelines similar to Table 2 in clause 6.1.2.
Table A1 TCG surveillance ranges and suggested guidelines
% TCG / day
.> .03
< .03
> 0.03
.01 to .03
< 0.01
< 0.01
Continue Normal
.5 to 5
< .5
Extreme Caution
DGA per 7.2a
Caution DGA per
Annex B (Normative)
TCG diagnosis of fault type
The gas sample taken from the transformer gas space may be separated into its components using gas
chromatography. Each component concentration multiplied by its Ostwald coefficient in Table B1 is the
dissolved gas equivalent. The dissolved gas equivalents may then be applied per the diagnostic procedure
in clause 7.2. Note that the transformer should be considered to be in the warning surveillance range for
TCG diagnosis by the equivalent DGA concentrations to be considered accurate.
Table B1 Ostwald coefficient for determining dissolved gas equivalent values
Ostwald Coeff.a
Coefficients are for 0.885 density oil at STP. Coefficients for different densities may be calculated
per ASTM procedure.