Segment Reporting and Accounting Standards Board: A. January 2005 IASB Meeting
Segment Reporting and Accounting Standards Board: A. January 2005 IASB Meeting
Segment Reporting and Accounting Standards Board: A. January 2005 IASB Meeting
Board and Accounting
In the fall of 2002, Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and International
Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued memorandum of understanding called "The
Norwalk Agreement", a commitment for developing a high quality standards that could
be used for both domestic and cross-border financial reporting (FASB, 2006,1). Most of
the major differences between the two Boards have already been resolved, such as
Financial Accounting Standard (FAS) 154, Accounting changed and error corrections,
FAS 153, Exchanges of productive assets, FAS 151, Inventory, International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) 5, Non-current Assets Held for Disposals and Discontinued
Operations, and IAS 19, Employee Benefits. But the projects currently underway by
FASB are Financial Performance Reporting by Business Entities, Revenue
Recognition/Liability Extinguishment, Financial Instruments: Liabilities and Equity, and
Research and Development. IASB projects underway are IAS 12, Income Taxes, IAS 14,
Segment reporting, IAS 20, Government Grants, IAS 23, Borrowing Cost, IAS 33
Earnings per Share, and IAS 37, Provisions (IASPLUS, 2006,1). FASB has undertaken
six initiatives to further the goal of convergence of United States Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP) with International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS). Short term convergence project is one of the initiatives. Segment Reporting falls
under Short term convergence project which has been in the agenda for almost four
decades between the two standards. The differences of Segment Reporting is still an
unresolved issue and the two boards are continuing to remove the differences so that
convergence could be obtained, the exposure draft on this issue has been released as
expected in the 4th quarter of 2005. But the question arises is that, are the differences in
Segment Reporting material enough to delay the process?
Recent Board Meetings on Segment Reporting
a. January 2005 IASB Meeting
The Board considered reviewing the differences between IAS 14, Segment Reporting and
SFAS 131, Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information. Before
SFAS 131 was introduced the United States (US) standard was based on similar
principles as laid down by IAS 14. But SFAS 131 was given more preference by the
analyst because it provided more useful information reflecting the manner in which the
entity manages the business. But one concern about SFAS 131 is that it does not require
consistent accounting policies to be used between segment information and other
financial reporting information. The SFAS 131 was also developed in conjunction with
the Canadian standard setter and therefore it is already consistent with IFRS than most
US pronouncements. The Board has agreed to make few changes to the updated
pronouncement of SFAS 131.
b. March 2005 IASB Meeting
The staff recommended including non-public entities in the new proposed statement for
segment reporting but it was denied because the issue of non-public entities would be
considered when the boards deal with the Non-Publicly Accountable Entities (NPAE)
c. June 2005 IASB Meeting
The Board considered adding guidance similar to the standard issued by the Canadian
Emerging Issues Committee. But this was also denied by the Board and no conclusion
small, locally based, and non-diversified. Revised IAS 14, on the other hand was
applicable to only those entities which had publicly traded equity or debt securities.
Reasons to Change SFAS 14
SFAS 14 had some major issues which required to be solved since it was creating
inconvenience for the investors. One of the issues it had was, it did not provided any
guidelines for the disclosure of the information regarding different segments. Tyson
and Jacobs did a research on Segment reporting in the Banking Industry; they
determined that the descriptive headings of Segment reporting were different
including the position where it was disclosed. They found nine different headings
used by 10 homogeneous companies within the same industry. The other problem
with SFAS 14 was the proper definition of the segment. The 10 sample firms chose to
group geographic regions but with different segments consisting of different regions.
For example one company grouped as one segments all of its business operations in
Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. The other company split the geographic
region into two segments, Asia/Pacific and "other regions". With SFAS 14 there was
lack of reliability, verifiability and neutrality (Jacobs and Tyson, 37). The lack of
such primary characteristics of financial information according to the conceptual
framework project, specifically SFAC No. 2 Qualitative Characteristics of
Accounting Information (FASB 1980), occurred preparers discretion and the many
ways disclosures presented by group of firms, resulting in lack of comparability and
also understandability and decision usefulness . Also in June 1995, a research done
by Wells, Thompson, and Phelps pointed out that practicing accountants perceived
Segment reporting as having negative impact on entities in United States to compete
internationally while the accounting educators, portfolio managers and chief
financial officers perceived it as having a positive impact (Wells, Phelps, and
Thompson, 35).
In September 1994, the American Accounting Association Financial Accounting
Standards Committee responded to the FASB discussion memorandum "Reporting
Disaggregated Information by Business Enterprises" mentioned that "the criteria
set forth in SFAS No. 14 for identifying reportable segments are too vague and
general. The notion of an "industry segment" lacks precision." The committee
recommended defining segment reporting as "Operating Segment." The first time
this was referred was in the position paper, "Financial Reporting in 1990s and
beyond" by the Association for Investment Management and Research. The
advantage for using "Operating Segment" approach was that the entities would
organize themselves into operating sub-units to represent risk, growth factors and
expected return. The entities would also manage the component operations in
different ways depending on the economy and competition in the market which
would identify the risk and return profile of each market segment. External data
sources for the investors to analysis an industry risk and future return prospects
such as Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes, which helps to compile the
industry and trade statistics, also required the Committee to take actions towards
the disclosure requirements of operating segments so that the data is compatible and
enhance usefulness to assess current market conditions. The Committee also
supported information of segmental data to be reported in interim basis (Barth,
Bell, Collins, Crooch, Elliott, Frecka, Imoff, Landsman and Stephens, 76).
Exposure Draft on Segment Reporting
In January 1996, FASB and Accounting Standards Board of the Canadian Institute
of Chartered Accountants issued an exposure draft, "Reporting Disaggregated
information about non-current assets excluding specified items and has required more
segment information for interim financial reports. (IASB, 2006, 2)
Drawbacks of the ED 8
The proposed draft does not require disclosing the measurement of profit or loss for
neither a segment nor it requires the measurement of profit and loss to be consistent with
the attribution of assets to the reportable segments. Also additional disclosure is required
by the new standard because segment reporting is a disclosure standard and therefore
does not affect the reconciliation of IFRS amounts to US GAAP. (IASB, 2006, 1)
Continuing research reveals that segment reporting is one of the most important
disclosures to users of financial statements. Radebaugh and Gray pointed out that U.S
firms are faced with the most extensive segment reporting requirements in the world
(Radebaugh and Gray, 1993). Surveys and interviews with representatives of various user
groups conducted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA):
Special Committee on Financial Reporting, the Association for Investment Management
and Research (AIMR): Financial Accounting Policy Committee, and the authors of the
Construction Industry Computing Association (CICA) Research Study on Financial
Reporting for Segments clearly indicated that users place a high value on Segment
reporting (Barth, Bell, Collins, Crooch, Elliott, Frecka, Imoff, Landsman and Stephens
80). The differences between the two standards have been resolved up to a great extent in
the new proposed exposure draft, but the accounting profession and the preparers of the
financial statements would not prefer the idea of extended disclosures required by the
new standard. Adoption of "Management Approach" would leak significant key analysis
and decision making notions of the entity to the competitors and increase risk in the
financial market for entities to compete. Also the increase in disclosure requirements for
the segment information for the interim financial reporting would also not be welcomed
by the prepares since it would create more work through out the year, but on the other
hand the users of financial statements would benefit from this new standard; since more
detail disclosure will be required by entities than it was in the past. Also proposed IFRS
would be cost effective for the preparers because it will reduce the cost of providing
disaggregated information for many entities, since it uses segment information that is
generated for management's use, but again the issue remains that is the new proposed
statement be more beneficial then the cost it would occur.