Khutba Iftikharia
Khutba Iftikharia
Khutba Iftikharia
Sermon of Glorification
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
It is narrated from Asbagh bin Nabata , “Moula Ali (saw) delivered this
sermon in Kufa”
I am the brother of RasoolAllah (saw) and the inheritor of His knowledge, the
treasurer of His wisdom, and the one who shares in His secrets. There is not a single
word which Allah has revealed in His books that He did not bestow the knowledge of
upon Me. Allah has entrusted unto Me all of the knowledge regarding every happening
from the beginning of creation until the Day of Judgment. And unto Me Allah has
given a thousand keys of knowledge and from each key a thousand doors of knowledge
is opened. The knowledge of the destinies of all things has been given unto Me.
Verily! This process of knowledge shall continue in My Successors after Me for as long
as the day follows the night and the night follows the day and until all of creation is
returned back to Allah. Verily! Allah is the Best of Inheritors. I have been blessed with
the title of Sirat (true path), Mizan (scale), Lawa (flag), and Kausar. I am the one who
will bring the children of Adam to accountability on the Day of Judgment and I am the
one who will bestow upon them that which they have earned. Verily! I am the one
who will punish the people of hell. Verily! These are all the blessings bestowed upon
Me from My Lord. Anyone who denies that I shall return back upon the earth over and
over or denies that I shall reappear after Rajat has denied Us. And anyone who denies
Us has denied Allah. And I am the one who summoned you. I am the Lord of your
prayers and supplications. I am the Lord of retribution. I am the Owner of the Proofs
of the Essence of Allah. I am the Lord of the wondrous Signs of Allah. I have
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
knowledge of all of the mysteries of creation. I am the destroyer of the enemies of
Allah. I am the one who commands the Angels. I am the one who took the oath of
allegiance from your souls on the day of creation and I am the one who on that day
asked by the will of Allah, the Self Subsisting “Am I not your Lord”? (Alast bay
rabbekum) I am the word of Allah (Kalimatullah) amongst His creation. I am the one
who took the promise of prayer (salat) from all of the creation. I am the caretaker of
widows and orphans, I am the door to the city of knowledge, and I am the source of
patience. I am the pillar of Allah. I am the standard bearer of Lawa Hamd (flag which
will be raised on the day of Judgment). I am the bestower of unlimited bounties and
grace of Allah. If I were to inform you of all that I am, you would undoubtedly
disbelieve Me. For I am also the one who slays the oppressors. I am the depository of
all divine blessings in this world and in the hereafter. I am the master of Momineen,
the one who guides those in search of the true path. I am the absolute truth and
Imam of Muttaqeen (pious). I am the first to recognize the religion and I am the
strong rope which shall never be separated from Allah. I am the one who will bestow
justice upon this world by My sword the way it had previously been filled with
oppression. I am the Lord of Gibrael (as), and I am the one who orders Mikael. I am
the tree of guidance and the essence of piety. I am the one who gathers the whole of
creation towards Allah through that kalima (word) which is the cause of the gathering
of the creation. I am the one who has been given the Luminous Pen and the Crimson
Camel (during the time of Rajat it shall appear with the army of Yemen). I am the
gate of yaqeen (certainty), Ameerul Momineen, and Master of Khizr (as). I am the
Lord of Yadh Bayza. I am the slayer of the enemies of Allah in every era. I have always
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
been in existence. I am the Siddiq e Akbar (Most Trustworthy). I am the Farooq e Az m
(Greatest Honor). I speak with divine inspiration. I am the governor of the stars.
Through the command and knowledge of Allah I establish the orbits of the stars and
constellations. In My hand are the saffron and crimson colored flags. I am that unseen
whose unveiling is being awaited for a great purpose. I am the bestower and
withholder of blessings. No one can praise Me except Myself. I am the protector of the
I am the one who laid Him to rest. I am Wali of Allah. I am the Lord of Khizr (as) and
Haroon (as). I am the Lord of Musa (as) and Yusha bin Nun. I am the Lord of Jannah. I
am the one who causes the rain to fall, the earth to tremble, and the sun and moon
to be eclipsed. I am the one who shall slay the kufar (disbelievers). I am the Imam of
the Righteous. I am Bait ul Mamoor (highest point in the skies where the Throne i s
(unfathomable ocean). I am the hidden meanings of worship. I am the one who is the
helper for all of humanity. I am the one who holds the hidden knowledge of Allah. Is
there anyone with knowledge other than Me? If it was not for the word of Allah and
RasoolAllah (saw), then I would have slain you with My sword and destroyed all of you.
I am the meanings of Ramadan and the secret of Shab e Qadr (Night of Power). I am
the one who possesses the Book. I am the separator of truth from falsehood. I am Sura
the purpose of praying and fasting throughout the sacred months of the year. I am the
Lord of Resurrection and Judgment, the one who removes the burden which lies heavy
on the ummah of Muhammad (saw). I am that Gate which all who worship Allah must
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
pass through. I am the worshipper and am the one who is worshipped. I am both the
witness and the one who is witnessed to. I am the one who possesses the treasures of
jannah. I am the one who is remembered throughout the heavens and upon the earth.
I was the traveling companion of RasoolAllah (saw) unto the heavens. I am the Sacred
Book and Arc. I am the friend of Shees bin Adam. I am the helper of Musa (as) and
Adam (as). I am the source of all metaphors and analogies. I am the rain from the
heavens which causes every blade of green to grow. I am the hope for the dejected.
Be wary of My status! Who is there which is likened unto Me? I am the Ruler of the
Tides. I am the one who speaks to the sun. I am the one who sends the wrath of Allah
upon His enemies. I am the sanctuary for all of those who obey Allah. Verily Allah is
My Lord and there is no other Allah. Verily falsehood is but an illusion while haq
(truth) is everlasting. Verily I shall soon leave this world. Be wary! Be watchful against
the tests and trials caused by the Ummayyads. And after their passing the kingdom
will revert to the Abbasids who will bring forth both happiness and sorrows upon
mankind. And they shall erect a city called Baghdad which shall lie between the Tigris
and Euphrates. Anyone who shall make his abode there will be accursed. The
oppressors from amongst My people shall arise from them and they shall build palaces
for themselves and courts and shrines. They shall seek supremacy through trickery
and blasphemy. From the descendants of Bani Abbas two kings shall arise and from
their hands the earth will become filled with tyranny, injustice, and oppression. After
this has passed the Qaim (ajf) shall reappear upon the earth. Then I shall show My
Face (Rajat) from amongst man and it shall be as radiant as the moon and shining as
the stars. Be aware there are ten signs associated with My coming. The first sign shall
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
be an invading army which shall march in the bazaars of Kufa. The second sign is the
abandoning of prayer in the mosques. The third sign is abandoning of the observance
of Hajj. The fourth sign shall be the swallowing of the city of Khorasan by the earth,
the gathering of constellations, and the appearance of comets in the sky. There shall
be chaos, confusion, massacres, pillage, and robbery throughout the world. After the
passing of all of these signs, verily the Qaim (ajf) Himself shall reappear with haq
(truth). O’people! Do not associate human characteristics with Allah (Do not say Allah
is like this or like that). For every comparison of Him is false. Whosoever attempts to
limit the Creator by description or comparison has verily disbelieved in His book,
Then Moula (saw) said, “How great are the blessings bestowed upon those who love
Me and upon those who sacrifice their lives in My way and who become exiled because
of Me. They truly are those who are the trustees of the knowledge of Allah upon this
earth. They shall be free from the terrors of the Day of Judgment. I am the Noor of
Allah which can never be extinguished. I am that secret of Allah which cannot be
(Mashariqul Anwar , Kokab Durri, Najul Israr First Edition page no 128-134)
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)