SS2016 Student Handbook

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St ud e n t Han d b ook


En g lish Lan g uag e Ce n t r e

Un iv e r sit y of Man it ob a

Welcome to the English Language Centre

Dear Student,
Thank you for choosing the English Language Centre (ELC) at the University of Manitoba! We are
excited to assist you with your pursuit of your English and degree studies.
The English Language Centre staff and instructors are experienced in assisting international
students with all aspects of studying and living abroad. We value all individuals and recognize the
strengths and experiences that you bring which enriches our program and builds our knowledge.
We are proud of our quality instructors and programs, and of the services we offer to students.
The staff of the ELC looks forward to helping you meet the English language requirement of the
University of Manitoba and to prepare you to succeed in your future degree study.
Please read this entire handbook. It has many important policies and procedures that you need to
know and that we follow at the ELC and at the University of Manitoba. It also provides you with
practical advice for living and studying in Canada. You will review some of these topics during the
orientation process, and it is important for you to look at while you are studying with us. If you
have any questions not answered in this book, please talk to your instructors or go to the English
Language Centre Office at 520 University Centre.
This orientation handbook will help you get the most out of your time with the ELC and will assist
you as you adjust to or continue your life as a student:
Academic Life What to expect as you study at the University of Manitoba
Student Life What extra-curricular activities are available?
Canadian Culture What you need to know to live in Canada

Life at ELC
During the first three weeks of a term, ELC staff provides various orientation activities that help students
become acquainted with fellow students and their instructors so that the transition to a new university,
new classes, and a new culture becomes easier. These activities are fun, social, and interactive, as well as
informative. It is recommended that students participate fully in orientation activities because it can impact
a students academic success.

Daily Routine, Schedule, and Term Structure

The ELC has classes Monday to Friday during a term of 14 weeks (See semester structure below). Class
schedules will be provided at the beginning of each term, along with room numbers. Students may be
expected to move to different classrooms throughout the day.
The schedule for classes on the early schedule is:

The schedule for classes on the late schedule is:





8:30-11:20 a.m.
11:30 - 12:30
12:30 2:20 p.m.
8:30-11:20 a.m.
11:30 1:00 p.m.
1:00 2:20 p.m.

1:30 - 2:30pm
2:30 5:20 p.m.
11:30-12:50 a.m.
1:00 2:30 p.m.
2:30 5:30 p.m.

There are three terms per year (7 weeks of class, a one week break, followed by another 7 weeks of class).
The first few days of the term consists of orientation activities outside and inside the classroom. Then the
core curriculum begins, leading toward a mid-term exam. After this, students have a week off. Then the
following seven weeks, students continue with the curriculum and may work towards larger, more
demanding projects, as well as a CanTEST and/or final exam.
Booking Flights Before booking flights around midterm break or end of term, students should check with
instructors that they are not missing any exams.

Attendance (Absences and Lateness)

Class attendance is especially important in an intensive academic program. Therefore, students must not
miss more than 10 classes in a course in a single term. For level 5, the slot D class is only allowed 6
absences. Three (3) lates count as one (1) absence.
If any student misses 15 minutes or more of any class, they will be marked absent. Students should attend
class every day. If students miss class due to illness, they must contact their instructor and get any
assignments they may have missed.

Student Cards
You should pick up your student identification card during the first week of class, and keep it with you at all
times. Your student card is used to check out books at the library and to have access to all other student
services on campus. To take the photo and get your card, you can go to room 400 University Centre (Photo
ID Centre). If there is a problem getting your card, please go to our main office (520 University Centre) for
assistance. If your student ID card is lost or stolen, go to 400 University Centre. It costs $17 to get a new

University of Manitoba E-mail

All students are eligible for a UM email/Internet computer account. All UM students must activate their ID
and receive a myumanitoba email account. The university/ELC will only use your U of M email account to
send emails to you. The university will not email your personal e-mail account.
To create your UM email account, please go to the website and watch the tutorial video on how to get your
new account:
You must have an activated student card to access your email.

At the end of every term, students who meet the program requirements for marks and attendance will
receive a certificate. Awards are given for outstanding academic achievement.
If you will be out of town at the time that certificates are being given out and you want a friend or family
member to pick up your certificate for you, you must fill out a Consent Form in advance at the ELC office,
520 University Centre.
Level 5 Graduation
All students who receive a passing grade in Level 5 will receive their certificates at a formal graduation
ceremony at the end of the term. All students are welcome to attend.

Academic Life
Marks and Transcripts
Students can access their attendance and marks on UMLearn. These marks may not be updated daily but
will be submitted each month. Please consult your instructor for these submission dates. We do not issue
letters or transcripts with course marks, as we are a Pass/Fail recognized course only. It is your
responsibility to print any marks in UMLearn if you would like to keep them on record. Your marks are for
your information only. Only you and your instructor know them.
The ELC does not issue transcripts, so if you want an official transcript, you may go directly to the
Registrars Office at 400 University Centre. Please note that the University of Manitoba transcript will only
show if you passed, failed or voluntarily withdrew (VW) from your ELC course. The transcripts do not show
course grades. Official transcripts cost $13.00 per copy which can be received within two business days. If
you would like the transcript the same day as your request, the cost is $25.00.

If you would like a Confirmation Letter, because you need to show proof of study in the English Language
Centre to give to another institution, please contact our front office. This may take up to two business days
to process.

Voluntary Withdrawal
If you know you will not pass your course and you do not wish to see a fail (F) on your transcript, then you
have the option to voluntarily withdraw (VW).
Please know that there are many consequences when you VW, including:

You cannot attend class

This may affect your ability to reapply for study permit
You may be asked to leave Homestay
You are not eligible for a refund for tuition fees
You will not be eligible to write the end of term CanTEST

Please consult the CIC website for all rules on reapplying or renewing your study permit:
It is important to talk to your Program Coordinator if you need help making the decision to stay in class or
VW. If you still wish to VW, then you need to do so before the deadline. You cannot VW after you have
failed due to absences. To VW, you will need to make an appointment with the Program Coordinator by
going to the front office in 520 University Centre. You will also have to make an appointment to see the
Homestay Coordinator if you are currently in Homestay.

If a student fails, either by absences or by final course grades, the student still has the opportunity to write
the end of term CanTEST to be promoted to a higher level. However, if a student fails, an F will still appear
on their transcript for that term, even if they have been promoted.

Repeating a Level
Students who fail the same level twice cannot study the same level for a third consecutive term. Therefore,
they must be promoted to a higher level to study at the ELC the following term. If they are not promoted,
they must study in a different program for one term. In order to return to the ELC, students must speak
with the Program Director for permission to study in the same level for a third time.

Academic Integrity: Academic Honesty

ELC students are expected to demonstrate academic integrity, or what is also called academic honesty. This
means that any ideas that are not the students ideas should be cited and referenced properly for the
purposes of research papers, debates, seminars, or any other assignment that requires research. This is
because these ideas are understood as the authors property.
Information from other students, the Internet, articles, magazines, books and so on, must be have an APA,
MLA, or other citation format. Students cannot copy, in part or in full, any information from any source
without citation. This is called plagiarism, and in Canadian universities, it is NOT allowed. The rules of

citation are explained in classes and students are required to learn this information. If they are unsure, they
should ask their instructor for further advice.
Plagiarism or cheating has penalties at The University of Manitoba. They range from resubmitting the
assignment to failing a class and even expulsion from the university.
In the booklet used by Student Advocacy, entitled Cheating, Plagiarism and Fraud, students can avoid
plagiarism if they:

Know the rules, including the specific rules for the specific assignment.
Do not work with a fellow student on any assignment unless authorized to do so. It is
called inappropriate collaboration if you exceed the amount of group work expected
by the professor.
Acknowledge all assistance received, including help from friends or others in terms of
proofreading, suggestions or information.
Do not submit work that is not entirely yours i.e., use of another students essay, use of
a downloaded essay from the Net (Internet), use of an assignment purchased from a
Do not cite in your bibliography any books, articles or other sources e.g., including the
World Wide Web, which you have not used for the assignment in question.
Do not lend your work to other students unless you feel certain they will not use it
Keep a photocopy of all assignments, essays, and reports you hand in to be graded.
Keep rough copies and notes until your final grade is received. Notes and rough copies
can constitute valuable evidence that your work is your own.
When saving electronic files, save the drafts of assignments/papers under different
versions. This maintains a record of your work as it develops to the final version.
If you submit an assignment by sliding it under an instructors office door (not
recommended), confirm the next day or as soon as you can that the assignment was
received. Make a note of the actual time and date of submission.
The assignment you prepare for one course should not be used for a different course.
This is called duplicate submission.
When in doubt about any practice, ask your instructor. Do not rely on friends, relatives
or fellow students for information about what is acceptable academic practice in a
particular course or discipline.
When material you read impresses you, be particularly careful to use you own words.
Use quotation marks and cite sources whenever you use the words of another, even
phrases only one or two words in length. Acknowledge all sources of information and
inspiration. (pp. 6-7)

Language Translators
Students in the ELC are studying intensive academic English, and to prove they are ready to transition to the
next level, or to university, they must demonstrate their language skills through assignments, quizzes, and
exams. Therefore, students must NOT use translators to complete in-class or out-of-class assignments,
tests, quizzes without the permission of their instructor. If students use translators without permission,
administration will view this as plagiarism (cheating) and the students will receive a zero on that
assignment. In addition, students should not be using translators to read content in their first or preferred
language either, as this does not help students gain proficiency in English.

Rules for Tests and Exams

Do not sit near your friends.

Cover your answer sheet so others cannot see it.
Do not look around the room while writing a test or exam.
Do not communicate with any other student during a test or exam. Communicate only
with the instructor. Only speak English while taking a test or exam.
Arrive on time. Hand in all papers as required.
If you hear of anyone obtaining information about a test or exam in advance, report it to
the instructor without delay.
Report to the instructor any suspicious behavior of other students writing in the exam.
If you have any concerns about the administering or supervising of a test, please let
instructors or other authority know your concerns.
Do not take any notes, books or any other items into a test or exam, except those which
are authorized. If you are unsure of what is permitted, always ask.
IMPORTANT: Students cannot have a phone on their person while writing
exams, even if they do not turn it on or use it at all. All cell phones or other
electronic devises must be placed in their school bags at the front of the room.

If students are caught cheating, they may receive a failure on their exam (this means a grade of
zero). Students are reminded before and at the beginning of exams of this rule. It is the
students responsibility to understand this policy and follow this expectation.

Procedure for Academic Dishonesty

Academic honesty is taken very seriously in the ELC and the University of Manitoba. If a student is caught
cheating, there is a set procedure instructors will follow:

In the first case of academic dishonesty, the student will first be informed by their instructor that
they have been caught and will be provided proof of their cheating. Then the instructor will write a
report of the situation for the Program Coordinator and a meeting will be set up between the
Program Coordinator and the student. Proof of academic dishonesty will be provided by the
instructor for the Program Coordinator. The student may receive a zero on the assignment or
might have a chance to redo the assignment. The act will be recorded on the students academic
If the student has a second instance of academic dishonesty, the student must go through a similar
procedure as the first case of cheating. The student will again need to see the Program Coordinator,
and the act will again be recorded on the students academic history. The student might be given
the severe consequence of failing the course or expulsion from the program. Being removed from
the program will depend on the seriousness of the situation.

Classroom Expectations
It is important for students to understand these basic guidelines for their classes:
During the first week of classes, introduce yourself by telling your instructors some of your interests
and academic goals.

Instructors expect students to participate in class and ask questions, so make sure you are listening
in class and asking or answering questions. Instructors welcome questions and comments from
students, so do not be afraid to ask questions if you are unsure of something in the lesson or wish
to share your opinions or ideas.
If you are sleeping in class or coming to class late, this is disrespectful and disruptive to your
classmates and instructor.
It is policy of the ELC to speak only English in the classroom. This is so everyone in the classroom, no
matter their original language, feel included and involved. Speaking only English during class time
helps you learn faster and it creates a respectful relationship between you, your classmates and
your instructors.
Students should always be prepared for each class by having a pen and all papers put into a binder.
Students must have their homework and assignments for each day completed before class time
(Pages are printed, stapled, and ready to hand in). When prepared, students will often participate
better and achieve higher marks than those who do not complete their homework.
If you cannot attend a class, you should let your instructors know by emailing them a few days
beforehand or on the missed day before class, explaining your reasons for being absent. You
should ask your instructors if there is any homework you missed or will miss, and if you can do the
homework for the next class.
Contacting your instructors before class is important, especially if you have an assignment due,
have a test, or a presentation. If you do not contact your instructor before class begins, you will not
have the opportunity to make up missed marks.
Instructors are always glad to talk with their students, but may not have time during or after class
to do so. If you need to discuss something with your instructor that may take some time, ask your
instructor if you can set up an appointment to meet them outside of class time.

Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy

Students must abide by the University of Manitoba Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy when
attending IAEP class and on fieldtrips.

Student Concerns and Resources

If students have a concern about their class, marks or anything related to their educational experience and
success they should:
1. Speak to their instructor as soon as there is an issue.
2. If the concern remains, then students can make an appointment to speak to their Program
Coordinator. Level 1-4 Coordinator is Morgan Klachefsky and Level 5 Coordinator is Kimberly Lenz.
3. If the concern continues, their Program Coordinator will guide them through the next steps.
The Program Coordinators can refer students to other supports including the ELC Student Advisor (406
Education), the Student Counselling and Career Centre (474 University Centre), the International Centre for
Students (541 University Centre).

ELC Student Advisor
The ELC Student Advisor helps ELC students to recognize and pursue their academic goals and to make
a successful transition into the University of Manitoba.
The Student Advisor will:
Provide information about a students short and long-term goals
Provide guidance regarding University of Manitoba policies, entrance requirements and help with
admission documents
Provide information about faculties and programs at the University of Manitoba
Help students to learn how and where to find academic information
Make referrals to other resources on campus
Identify potential social and/or cultural barriers and help students problem solve
Explore options based on brief credit assessment, transcript review, and personal interests
Coordinate faculty information sessions that ELC students may attend
Facilitate Socio-Cultural Training to help students improve communication skills
To see the Student Advisor, Helen Wang, students must make appointments at 520 University Centre.
For reasons of privacy, please expect to visit the Student Advisor by yourself (not with a friend).
Student Advocacy
The Student Advocacy Office provides confidential services for student academic complaints. This
centre serves as a general information source for students regarding their rights and responsibilities.
Students are assisted in the resolution of any problems or concerns resulting from academic and/or
discipline decisions. Students are advised of policies and procedures to follow, both informally and
formally through appeals. Where appropriate, referrals will be made to other campus resources. Some
examples of services by Student Advocacy include:
providing information on policies/rules
seeking out information regarding the process, the issues
obtaining documentation to support students request
setting up and attending meetings with students
all forms of communications
assisting with formal appeals
representing students at the appeal hearings
Student Advocacy Office: 520 University Centre / 204-474-7423 / [email protected] /
Student Accessibility Services
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) provides support and advocacy for students with disabilities of all

Mental Health
Temporary (such as breaks or sprains)
SAS acts as a liaison between students and the faculty and staff of the U of M as well as support
agencies within the province of Manitoba.
Student Accessibility Office: 520 University Centre / 204-474-7423 /
[email protected] /

Financial Support
Bursary Support for Level 5 Students
If you are a student beginning Level 5 and are in financial need, you can apply for the ELC Entrance
to Level 5 Bursary. Bursaries from $1000 to full tuition are available to students who need help
financially. To apply for the bursary, please go to the website at: and fill out the application form
for the Entrance to Level 5 bursary.
Once the form is filled out, you can hand it in at the ELC office, 520 University Centre. The bursary
committee will look at your application and let you know if you will be awarded a bursary. If you
have any questions about the bursary, please ask at the ELC registration desk.
For information on UM scholarships, awards and bursaries for international students please visit
the link

Applying to University
The University of Manitoba and English Language Centre use an online system called Apply Yourself for all
program applications. Most students will have already used this system to apply for Conditional Acceptance
to both the English Language Centre and the University of Manitoba for Undergraduate Studies. However,
some students who are currently only accepted to the English Language Centre may need to use this
system again to apply for further academic study at the University of Manitoba.
You may find this application at the following website:
More information can be found on either the Undergraduate Admissions or Graduate Admissions website.
If you need help with this, please go to 520 University Centre and make an appointment with the Student


Placement CanTEST
All new students are eligible to write the Placement CanTEST so that they can be placed into one of
our five levels. Direct entry to Level 5 requires a CanTest score of 3.5 Listening, 3.5 Reading, 3.5

End of Term CanTEST
Students in Level 1-3 are required to take the End of Term (EoT) CanTEST (it is optional for Level 4
students). There is no additional fee to take the EoT CanTEST, as this is part of your tuition fees.
EoT CanTEST is a way for students who fail to be promoted to a higher level the following term,
especially for those who have failed due to absences or course work. Placement into IAEP is
dependent on a combination of course marks, EoT CanTEST, and any other valid CanTEST scores
taken at the ELC. Based on this information, the student will be placed in whichever level is higher.
Open CanTEST
ELC Students in Level 1-4 are not eligible to write the Open CanTEST held in October and February.

Homestay Program
The Homestay program with the English Language Centre is intended to help international students learn
and practice English and to learn about Canadian culture and allows Canadian hosts to learn about you and
your culture.
Commitment to Homestay
In order to fully benefit from the Homestay experience and help you improve your English, you are
expected to stay with your Canadian host for a full term. The University of Manitoba has collected payment
from you in advance which will be used to pay your Homestay host each month. If you are having any
difficulty in your Homestay, it is very important to speak with the Homestay Coordinator who can help
resolve any problems. Our discussions will be confidential. We want to make sure that you are happy and
comfortable with your Homestay host. We encourage you to have open communication with your
Homestay members. Your Homestay host may not be familiar with your culture, so it is very important that
you help them understand your thoughts and feelings, and they will do their best to help you understand
Canadian culture. Most difficulties can be resolved by having respectful, open and honest communication.
If you are not happy in your Homestay, and the difficulties cannot be resolved, the Homestay Coordinator
can arrange for you to move to another Homestay. Homestay fees are not refundable.
Leaving Homestay- One Months Notice
When you decide to leave your Homestay, it is very important to give proper notice by informing your
Homestay and the Homestay Coordinator at least one month before you plan to move. We understand
that you may feel awkward about talking to your Homestay host about leaving their home. However,
Homestay hosts understand that students leave for a variety of reasons: going back to your country, moving
to another city, or moving into an apartment to be alone or with friends. It is important to let your host
know at this point what you have enjoyed about living in their home, and that your decision to move is not
a rejection of them. If you are honest and up-front about communicating with them, your Homestay host
will do their best to ensure that your last month with them will be enjoyable. If everyone agrees, you can
certainly continue to live in your Homestay longer than one term.
After the first term, you are still considered part of the Homestay program, but you are responsible for
making the monthly payment directly to the host at the beginning of each month. Some Homestay students
have lived with their Canadian family for 5 years!

Joining the Homestay Program
If you are not presently living in Homestay but are interested in the program, please see our website at or make an appointment to visit the Homestay Coordinator to talk about
the possibility of becoming part of the Homestay Program.
Homestay Coordinator: Ann Friesen - Office in the English Language Centre 520 University Centre. Phone:
204 474 6809, emergencies: 204 228 2280. [email protected]

ELCs Student Life Program

Student Life is a program that creates connections within the English Language Centre (ELC) and the greater
University of Manitoba community. Its mission is to promote and support students educational
experiences by responding to the social, cultural, and athletic needs of students. Therefore, the Student Life
Program seeks to provide ELC students with opportunities to interact with and participate in various
communities within the ELC, the University of Manitoba, and within Winnipeg.
Student Life Activities Include:
Language Partners
Sporting events
Social events
Field Trips
The Student Life Group Leaders develop and lead the social, sport, and cultural events and field trips for ELC
students. Since the leaders are current UM students, ELC students can take this chance to interact with
their leaders and learn more about Canadians, Canadian culture, and university life.
The Language Partner Program matches ELC students with various volunteers from the community who
give their time to help students practice their informal listening and speaking skills. In addition, Language
Partner volunteers provide cultural support to the student to adapt to life in Winnipeg.
Sporting events occur generally twice every month on a Friday afternoon. Students may participate in a
variety of sports, such as soccer, 3-on-3 basketball, or badminton tournaments. Sign-up sheets are
distributed in classes with information about time and place.
Social activities also happen throughout each term. The student life leaders schedule these social activities
and will inform students when they are happening. These opportunities are meant for students who are
interested in meeting other students while spending time together eating at a restaurant, going to the park,
and so on.
Field trips are part of the English Language Centre curriculum and give students an opportunity to practice
their English in different settings. Often they are settings that are social and informative about some aspect
of Winnipeg or Manitoba. Students can gain insight into Canadian culture. These field trips are mandatory.
Workshops are meant to educate ELC students on a range of topics and issues that relate to studying at the
U of M and to living in Winnipeg. Common topics include: health, nutrition and fitness; stress and mental
health; sexual health and relationships.

Attending Fieldtrips

Students will be required to attend 1-2 fieldtrips (or mixers) per term. In order to attend a fieldtrip,
students must have read the Fieldtrip Manual and signed the Release Waiver. Students must abide by
all safety regulations and policies specific to a particular destination/fieldtrip.
If students are not deemed to be prepared to attend a fieldtrip for safety reasons (Ex: not dressed
appropriately for outdoor activities), students can be sent home prior to departure at the discretion of
the Student Life Coordinator and will be marked absent for the trip.
Students must have a valid Manitoba Health Insurance card on their person when attending fieldtrips.
Students are forbidden from consuming any alcohol or narcotic drugs while attending IAEP classes,
attending fieldtrips, or optional weekend or evening events hosted by the English Language Centre.

Medical Conditions

Students are responsible for their own medical wellbeing including medical conditions or allergies.
Students must have any necessary medication required for their condition on their person and be able
to self-administer in the event of a medical emergency (Ex. Epi-pen). ELC staff and faculty are not
permitted to administer any medication; therefore, if a student is unable to do so, an ambulance must
be called.


Campus Life
University of Manitoba Mobile App
U of M Mobile App for iPhone, iPads, and Android devices is available for students to get informed about
news, events at the U of M, library searches, transit, and more. It is available for download:
iPhone -
Android device -

Student Visas
For immigration and visa forms, go to the International Centre for Students (ICS) at room 541 University
Centre. The main ELC office will provide a letter confirming your current enrolment. In order to get a
letter for next term, you will need to provide a $500 deposit towards next terms tuition.

Canadian Students
Since Canada is a multicultural country, international students can expect to meet students at the
University of Manitoba and in the city of Winnipeg who represent various cultural, religious, and ethnic
backgrounds. It is important that students respect these differences.

University of Manitoba Student Groups

The University of Manitoba Students' Union has a number of student groups. Below is a link directing you to
a list of all the current groups; however, many new groups are created throughout the year. Be sure to
check the UMSU website and office for the most up-to-date list of groups. All groups can be contacted
through the UMSU office at 474-6822. Information can also be found at the Student Group Resource Center
(Room 190 Helen Glass).

Bison Grocery Run

The Bison Grocery Run is a service offered to students requiring groceries on the weekend. A free shuttle
runs between University Centre and Superstore (on Bison Drive) on Saturday and Sundays between 12:00
pm-3:30pm. Students can just show up and transportation will be provided for them to and from the
grocery store.
Available during regular Session (September - April)
For general information, please phone: 204 474 6822 or email [email protected]

Want to save money and be environmentally friendly? The UMSU Carpool Registry connects you with other
University of Manitoba students in your area who also need to get to and from the university. This free
service is available at the Fort Garry and Bannatyne campuses. Visit

Safety on Campus

If you experience a crime on campus, the emergency phone number is 555, which can be dialed from any
campus telephone. To protect yourself, there are various programs to help keep you safe. Students can
request a Safewalk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A Student Patrol or a Constable will accompany students
from one university location to another, even to your bus stop or car. They can be reached at 474-9312.
The campus is regularly monitored by a Police Bike Patrol Unit. This highly effective crime prevention
program runs from May to October.
Throughout the university, there are Code Blue Stations and Red Phones. They have a blue light and the
word Emergency written on the side. These telephone stations are a direct line to Security Services.
Constables are immediately dispatched to your area.

Recreational Services
To access the campus recreation facilities you will need an active Recreation Services Student Membership.
You can sign up at the Active Living Centre or Max Bell Centre. Contact Recreation services for term rates
for ELC students. When you graduate ELC and join the University, your membership is included as part of
your tuition fees!
Membership includes: Access to training areas, track, swimming pools, ice rink, fitness classes, recreation
equipment, lockers, showers and more!

Parking on Campus
Student permits are effective from September 1 to April 30 (8 months) and are valid only in the assigned
area which is designated on the permit. Check the website for summer session and monthly parking.
Vehicles must be parked within the numbered stall structure of the lot (no parking beyond or between
rows). All reserved parking on campus is assigned by lot or area and there are no assigned parking spots.
The various reserved student areas are indicated on the parking map. When parking in these areas, the
driver must display their valid parking permit for that lot during weekdays from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Contact Parking Services for parking permits:
Welcome Centre Building, 423 University Crescent
Tel: 204-474-9483 8:00 4:30 pm
Email: [email protected]

Manitoba Telephone Systems provides international communication services, as does Rogers. YAK is a long
distance alternative that advertises five cents a minute to China, for example. Dial 10 10 925 + 1+ area code
+ number or 10 10 925 + 011 + country code + number. Check out for more information. There
are many other phone plans and phone cards available. Check out Best Time phone cards for rates of less
than five cents a minute to China. These phone cards are available at a variety of locations in Winnipeg,
such as convenience stores, grocery stores, as well as Answers on the first floor of University Centre.

Facsimile services are available at small businesses for a fee. The Digital Copy Centre at 118 University
Centre also provides international fax service.
Computers on Campus
There are nine computer labs on campus available for student use. Visit the University of Manitoba website
for locations:

Career Services
The Career Resource Centre is open Monday-Friday, 8:30-4:30 and is located at 474 University Centre. This
centre will help you establish a career direction and a plan for reaching your goal through workshops,
inventories, and personal counseling. For more information, call them at (204)474-9456.


Manitoba Healthcare

Life in Winnipeg

Manitoba Health Insurance

The Manitoba Government includes International Students in the provincial health care plan. This health
insurance is free. Students must be on a study permit of longer than six months to receive this insurance.
Students must also live in Manitoba for at least six months in a 12 month period. Students who are not here
on a study permit will need to continue to purchase private health insurance.
Students must carry their Manitoba Health Card on them at all times in case of emergency or visiting a
doctor. This proves you have medical coverage. To receive your Manitoba Health Card, students need to fill
out the Manitoba Health registration form. During our orientation for new students, this topic will be
discussed and students will be given a copy of the registration form. Additional copies of the form can be
found at
Please apply for your Manitoba Health Card immediately.
The completed registration form must be submitted to Manitoba Health Registration and Client Services.
There are 3 ways to do this:
1) Take in person: the registration form, your study permit* (original) and passport to :
Manitoba Health Registration and Client Services
300 Carlton Street
2) Mail: the form and a photocopy of your study permit* to:
Manitoba Health Registration and Client Services
300 Carlton Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3M9
3) Fax: the form and copy of study permit* to:
Manitoba Health Registration and Client Services at (204) 783-2171
*Note: students whose study permit does not specify they are studying in an institution in
Manitoba will also require a letter from the ELC office confirming their enrolment.
*The preferred method of applying for your MB Health card is to take your registration in person;
this way you ensure that the application is received and that no personal documents are lost in
the mail.
Medical coverage commences as soon as you arrive to the destination on your study permit. To ensure
there are no expenses that must be paid up-front, it is important to apply for your Manitoba Health Card
immediately when you arrive.
It is important to keep your Manitoba Health Card up to date with your study permit expiry date and
current address. If you change your address, you must call Manitoba Health and update your address, then
they will send you a new card.
Helpful reminders when updating your study permit:
Apply for your new study permit 3 months prior to expiry to ensure that you receive your new
one before your current one expires.


Once you receive a revised/new study permit, you must take it to Manitoba Health to update
their records, so that your Manitoba Health Card matches the new expiry date on your study

If you have not applied for a study permit or you do not have your Manitoba Health card with you, you may
be denied treatment. However, the University Health Service on clinic will allow you to see a doctor. If you
are seeking treatment at a hospital, they will never deny you treatment. However, if you see a doctor
without proof of Manitoba Health insurance, you will be billed for the appointment. One visit at the
University Health Service on campus can cost anywhere from $50-$100 per visit and if you have to stay at a
hospital, it can cost thousands of dollars.
We highly recommend that you go to a walk-in clinic, not a hospital for all non-emergency situations so
that you do not have to wait a long time to see a doctor. A list of walk-in clinics is provided below and
there are clinics in every area of the city. It is very important that you carry your Manitoba Health Card
with you at all times in case of an emergency and you have to go to a hospital.

Health Services on Campus

Medical: University Health Service, 104 University Centre Tel: (204) 474-8411
The Health Service is staffed to address the health-related concerns of university students and staff.
Travel immunization service is available. A 24-hour on-call emergency service is available at (204)
474-8411. The services of University Health are covered by all provincial health plans and most
medical insurance plans. For same day appointments, you must call or visit the office at 8:30 am.
There are limited appointment spaces available for each day.
Dental: Campus Dental Centre, 100 University Centre Tel: (204) 474-7372
This office is available to staff, students, and the general public. Access to services is made by
appointment or on a walk-in basis. Evening and Saturday appointments are also available.
Pharmacy: University Centre Pharmacy, 111 University Centre Tel: (204) 474-9323.
The pharmacy provides dispensing service, patient counseling, and a variety of health care products.
Optometry: The Focal Point, 114 University Centre Tel: (204) 474-7090. Focal Point sells glasses and
sunglasses. You can also get repairs and adjustments to your glasses done here.

Health Clinics Nearby

Pembina Village Walk-in
2-2077 Pembina
MON-THURS until 4 pm
FRI-Until 11:00 am
Bus #72/78


Winnipeg Clinic (Richmond West) (Across from Sobeys)

130-2855 Pembina
MON-FRI until 6:30 pm
SAT/SUN until 3:30
Bus # 62

(204) 269-7755

Riverwood Medical (Beside Rexall Pharmacy)
1295 Pembina
MON-FRI (9:00 am 5:00 pm
*Walk-in Time 9:30-11:00 am

(204) 452-3345

Vista Medical
B-1633 St. Marys Rd
MON-FRI 9:00 am 9:00 pm, Sat 10:00 -4:00 pm

(204) 257-3328

Linden Ridge Medical

E-123 Scurfield
MON-FRI 5:00 7:00 pm, SAT 9:00 12:00
Manitoba Family Doctors Line
(to find a permanent family doctor while living in Winnipeg)

(204) 488-9988
(204) 786-7111

If you are unsure whether to seek medical care or not, you can call Health Links.
They are a 24-hour telephone information service staffed by nurses.
(204) 788-8200

Housing Options, Expectations and Responsibilities

The University of Manitoba's new Off-Campus Housing website provides links to accommodation listings,
advice about renting, and much more.
For Tenant and Landlord Responsibilities, please visit
If you are looking for an apartment off campus, check with the International Centre for Students (ICS) or
with your instructor to make sure that the apartment is located in a safe area of the city. To protect your
belongings in case of fire or theft, it is advisable to purchase insurance for the contents of you apartment.
To do this, you can go to Campus Insurance in 116A University Centre (phone: 204-261-7771).

Taxi Services
Unicity Taxi
Duffys Taxi
Blueline Taxi

(204) 925-3131
(204) 925-0101
(204) 925-8888

Taxi Cab Safety
Taking taxi cabs is generally safe, but if you follow these rules, you will reduce the risk of being mistreated
or overcharged:
1. Always sit in the backseat.
2. Never accept an invitation to the drivers home or anywhere else.
3. Look for an identification number in the cab; if you cant find it, ask the driver and write it down.
4. Know what time it is when the cab picks you up and what exact location you are at.
5. Make sure the meter is running when you enter the cab.
6. If something seems inappropriate or uncomfortable, ask the driver to pull over, and get out of the
car immediately. Always keep your cellphone on hand to call 911 if help is needed (dont put your
cellphone in the trunk of the car).

Winnipeg Public Transit

Using Winnipeg Public Transit (public bus system) you can affordably travel to University and
around the city.
Bus Stop Signs
Bus stop signs provide bus departure times for all buses servicing the stop. The signs display the
route number on the far left with the bus destination written out in the centre and the departure
time displayed on the right. The departure time is displayed two different ways. Buses that will arrive
in less than 15 minutes are displayed in minutes to next bus while buses that will arrive in more
than 15 minutes are displayed showing the actual time they will arrive.
Ride by Route Number
Winnipeg Transit identifies bus routes by a route number, route name and route destination, for
example, #75 Crosstown East to University of Manitoba. The route name is usually the major street
on which the bus travels. The route destination shows where the bus is going.
Plan your trip by entering your address and where you want to go. Navigo will help you plan which
buses you should take to get there!
Each bus stop sign in Winnipeg shows a five-digit bus stop number. When you call Telebus at (204)
287-7433 and enter the five digit bus stop number, a recorded message will tell you when the bus will
arrive at that bus stop.
Bus Pass
Using a Post-Secondary Pass, university students can purchase a reduced rate monthly bus pass by
showing their valid student ID card. These can be purchased at Answers in University Centre.

Bus Fare Pricing

Full Fare*






Max 5 (Weekday Pass)


SuperPass (Mon-Sun Pass)


Monthly Pass


Post-Secondary Monthly Bus Pass


Post-Secondary bus passes must be shown with a valid student ID card to the bus driver.
*Fares may change. Please check with for current rates.
If you use bus tickets, not a bus pass, ask for a transfer when you pay your fare on the bus. Transfers
are valid on the date they are issued. They allow you to transfer to other buses until the expiry time
shown on the transfer (1 full hour). This includes a return trip on the same route if within the valid
Remember to keep your bus pass and receipt for a rebate from the government when you file your income
tax, as you will get 15% back.
On holidays, Saturdays, and Sundays, transit services are limited, so be sure to check bus schedules. Also,
during university exams and spring/summer sessions, many bus routes have fewer buses.
Manitoba Drivers License
For information to obtain a Manitoba drivers license, you can visit the Manitoba Public Insurance website.
The test is available in 26 languages! You must be a minimum of 16 years old to apply, and consent of either
a parent or legal guardian is required for anyone under 18 years of age.

Safety in Canada
By international standards, Canada is generally a safe country. There are many systems in place to provide
this level of safety: police and fire departments, safe roads, and bright streets all help to reduce crime.
However, crime does still happen in Canada, and students need to take steps to protect themselves and
their belongings.

Personal Safety around Winnipeg:

On the street, particularly at night, tell your Homestay family or friends where you are going. Its
important to always be alert of your surroundings and walk with confidence. Know where you are
going and trust your instincts. Walk on well-lit, busy streets and try to walk with someone you
know. Avoid isolated areas, such as parks, leave uncomfortable situations immediately, and never
hitchhike (take transportation from a stranger). Also, walk facing traffic instead of the same
direction of traffic so you can clearly see the vehicles around you and avoid accidents.
Do not carry large amounts of money and leave your passport in a safe location at home.
Never carry any kind of weapon they are illegal and may be used against you.
Never share bank pin (password) numbers with other people.
If you rent an apartment, never let (buzz) people into the building you do not know and refer
them to the manager. Look through the peephole in your door before opening it. Lock your door,
especially when you leave, even for a short time.
If you are in trouble or see a crime in progress, call 911, which phones police, fire, and ambulance.
You do not need coins to call this number from a pay phone. Try to relax and tell the operator your
language. Interpreters in 140 languages are available.

Safety on Campus
University Security can always be called, 24-hours a day at 1-204-474-9312.
Be sure not to leave any valuables (cell phone, laptop, back packs) unsecured when studying on campus in
the libraries or empty classrooms. When studying at night or during quiet times on campus, find
somewhere safe to study which is well-lit and has other people around. Study with a friend and always tell
your friends where you are going.
Safewalk Program
When on the University Campus, students can use the Safewalk program to have someone to walk
with you to your car, bus or bus stop. The Student Patrol consists of students from The University
of Manitoba who work on a part-time or volunteer basis. The patrols work in pairs and can be easily
identified by their blue 'Safewalk' jackets/shirts with yellow lettering and picture I.D. cards. The
patrol teams are in constant contact with the Security Services via two-way radios.
Code Blue Stations
Emergency telephone stations have been installed in several key remote areas of both the Fort
Garry and Bannatyne Campuses. These stations consist of a 9 foot high pole that will provide area
lighting, project a visible blue light 24 hours a day, and provide instant two-way voice
communication with the Security Services Department, if the emergency button on the pole is
pushed. The Code Blue Poles are a welcome sight when walking alone at night. These poles are
highly visible and strategically placed at various locations throughout the campus. When a Code
Blue alarm is activated, Security Guards will be priority dispatched to the location and, in most
cases, will arrive in under 2 minutes.

Laws: Basic Rights and Freedoms

Some of the basic rights and freedoms that will be outlined in this section may not be something we agree
about on a religious basis but we must all be aware of what the government and laws in Manitoba and

Canada require of us. The following are a list of the basic rights and freedom we are to extend to our fellow
residents in Manitoba and Canada.
A) All employees are to be treated appropriately within the law, and the employers decisions are based
on whether or how to serve a customer is based on that persons merits, without regard for ancestry,
color, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, source of
income, political belief, or disability.
B) People are protected from differential treatment based on a persons actual or presumed sexual
orientation or his or her association with a person who is gay, lesbian or bisexual.
C) People are protected from unreasonable discrimination arising from a persons actual or perceived
physical or mental disability.
D) Women cannot be unreasonably discriminated against in any aspect of employment because of
pregnancy, the possibility of pregnancy or circumstance related to pregnancy.
E) Everyone has the right to equality of opportunity. Individuals are not to be harassed because of a group
to which they belong.
F) Discrimination is prohibited when it is based on a persons physical or mental disability, actual or
perceived. This includes protection from discrimination that is based on a person having AIDS or HIV
G) Employers, landlords and businesses are required to reasonably accommodate the special needs of
individuals where these needs stem from the group factors specified in the Manitoba Human Rights

Domestic Violence & Abuse

Abuse is defined as any kind of verbal, physical or sexual assault on a person, causing emotional or physical
injury. Manitoba has a zero tolerance policy towards domestic abuse. This means that violence in the home
is not tolerated. Abuse towards partners (spouse, common-law spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, or other
intimate partner past or present) is against the law and is treated very seriously by justice officials. This
also applies to child abuse and abuse of the elderly. When any person is at risk of being hurt, everybody has
a legal obligation to report this to the authorities.

Sexual Harassment & Assault

Sexual harassment is one of the types of conduct that is prohibited under the Human Rights Code. It is not
allowed in areas of employment, housing, education and services. Sexual harassment is defined as a course
of abusive, unwelcome conduct or comment made on the basis of gender, or any sexual solicitation
or advance that is unwelcome, especially if it may reasonably be seen to be putting a condition on
employment, success in education, or the receiving or withholding of any benefit or service.
Sexual harassment can be one of the following:
Unnecessary physical contact, such as a touching, patting or pinching
Demands for sexual favors in return for a promise of a reward or reprisal
Unwelcome sexual remarks or jokes that denigrate (degrade) ones gender
Displaying derogatory materials such as pictures, cartoons or printed matter
Sexual assault, or rape, is when someone forces or pressures you to have sex or touch you in a sexual way
when you do not want to be touched. When we think about sexual assault, many of us think about a

stranger attacking in a secluded area. Most sexual assaults occur with someone we know (a date, a friend, a
housemate, a tutor). You have the right to say NO, no matter what has happened.
What is Sexual Assault?

an act of violence or aggression involving a sexual attack either verbal, emotional or

unwelcome sexual comments, harassment or threats that make you feel uncomfortable,
violated or under attack.
touching in a sexual way without permission.
forced kissing or fondling.
forced oral, anal or vaginal intercourse (rape)
Without consent, it is Sexual Assault.
What is Consent?

Consent is a freely given, enthusiastic and clear communication of agreement between two
people before participating in each sexual encounter and sexual activity.
Consent can be withdrawn at any time by any person.

Consent is NOT obtained when a person:

is intoxicated or drunk
is sleeping
is unconscious
is silent
is not fighting back
says no
There are many self-defense classes that women can take to learn physical skills to protect themselves.
Security Services offers a R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) Program which students can register for and it
teaches strategies and skills for personal safety. For more information on R.A.D. please contact
[email protected].
If you think you have been sexually assaulted we encourage you to contact Klinic Community Health
Centre (204) 786-8631 (Open 24 hrs a day).
You can also contact the Student Counselling Centre on campus, at 474 University Centre 204 474-8592
If you experience discrimination, sexual harassment, or personal harassment on campus or at any
University related events, contact the Confidential Intake Officer to schedule an appointment at the
Universitys Human Rights & Advisory Services (HRAS), 406 University Centre, 204 474 6348,
[email protected].
After following the processes outlined by the HRAS office, if you feel that youve been treated unfairly you
can also contact Languages Canada, 5886 - 169A Street, Surrey, BC, V3S 6Z8, phone: 604 574 1532.


Canadian Culture
Canada is a country which is made up from immigrants, and it is very diverse. People celebrate
their heritage, and they are very proud of being Canadian. Even though Canada is very close to the
United States, Canadians are not American, and they may be offended if someone says that they
are the same. Canadians see themselves as being polite and fair. Canadians can be conservative,
including what information they will share or with how they dress. In Winnipeg, people consider
themselves to be friendly and helpful to others. Canadians value individuals being independent
and responsible for themselves.
Communication and gestures
Communication styles are different from culture to culture. Canadians usually communicate in a direct way.
When communicating, it is important to be polite and respectful. Students are encouraged to ask questions
to their teachers, Homestay families and classmates. If you do not understand an answer, it is very
acceptable to ask for an explanation. This is the best way to avoid misunderstandings.
In Canada, strangers will often smile at you or say hello. Someone who does not know you well, might
ask you, how are you, to be polite. Usually, this is just a greeting. It is polite to use words like, excuse
me, thank you, and youre welcome, in conversations or to ask questions. When having a
conversation, most Canadians prefer to make eye contact, as this is a sign of interest and respect, but this is
not the case for all cultures within Canada or in all situations.

Privacy and personal boundaries

Canadians value their privacy and personal space. Canadians do not usually talk about personal matters
such as how old they are or how much money they make with people they do not know well. Canadians
usually keep a distance between themselves and others as they talk and when they stand in line. Canadians
do not hug or kiss unless they know someone very well.

Roles of men and women

The roles of men and women in Canada are not as strongly defined as they may be in other countries.
Therefore, women work in positions that in some places are traditionally filled by men. This is the same for
families. For example, many men cook and clean as much, or even more, than women do. Women and
men are viewed as equals in Canadian society.

Personal grooming and hygiene

Most Canadians shower every day, sometimes twice if they are participating in physical activity or if it is
very hot weather. Canadians use deodorant to reduce body odours. Many public places and faculties on
campus, have scent-free policies. People are encouraged to not wear strong smelling lotions, perfumes or
colognes as they make some individuals sick or contribute to breathing issues. In winter, the air tends to be
dry, so it is important to have non-fragrance body lotion to keep skin hydrated.

Climate and Clothing
There are four distinct seasons. There are significant temperature variations throughout the year, ranging
from highs of +35 degrees Celsius (+95 degrees Fahrenheit) to lows of -40 degrees Celsius (-40 degrees
Fahrenheit). In extreme weather, winter and summer, your physical safety is a concern. The average annual
precipitation is approximately 535 millimeters (21 inches) per year, of which about 125 millimeters (5
inches) falls as snow.
The city is the sunshine capital of Canada, with over 2,300 hours of sun annually. The weather can vary
from day to day as well, so it is recommended that you check the forecast daily so you know how to dress:
Spring & Fall:
Spring and Fall are a little cooler. It is good to dress in layers. Bring a jacket that can be worn over a
Summer is hot and it can be humid. Most Manitobans wear shorts and short sleeved shirts or tank
tops in summer. In professional situations, it is expected that long pants or skirts be worn. In the
summer, it is important to:
Use sunscreen
Wear a hat or use an umbrella
Use mosquito repellant in the early morning or evening.
Bring the warmest clothes that you own. You can buy winter boots and other clothing once you are in
Winnipeg. Layering clothing is very important in maintaining body temperature and in remaining dry.
Four thin garments may offer greater flexibility.
Inner layer of Clothing: The best materials for underwear, long-johns, tights or undershirts are
polypropylene, silk, Coolmax, or other synthetic materials.
Middle Layer of Clothing: This layer should trap heat but keep wind and water out (Example:
Head: earmuffs, hood, balaclava, headband, toques (hat).
Neck/Face: scarf.
Core/leg: jacket and pants.
Hands: mittens, gloves.
Feet: boots.
If you dress warmly, you can keep active and enjoy snow sports, such as cross-country skiing,
downhill skiing, tobogganing, and more.

The perception of what constitutes reasonable discipline has been changing in Manitoba and it may be
quite different from practices in your country. The law in Manitoba discourages parents from using corporal
or physical punishments, and it is not acceptable to punish so harshly that you leave marks on a childs
body. Children also must not be left at home unattended.

Culture Shock
Culture shock refers to a natural psychological strain that happens to most people who leave their
country of origin and go to live in a foreign country for an extended period of time. It occurs because
people are unfamiliar with the new country, the behavior of people, the language, gestures, traditions, and
so on. For this reason, it is of particular relevance to international students. You will probably find that over
time, you will experience culture shock in four main stages:
1. The Honeymoon Stage: In the beginning, you are likely to feel excited. You are interested in the
new country and find people to be helpful and friendly. You feel excited about the future.
2. Problems: After some time goes by, you begin to feel that everything you do is difficult, such as
shopping, school, and communicating. It seems hard to make friends, you begin to feel homesick,
and begin criticizing the new country and stereotyping the people in it. This is what is commonly
referred to a culture shock.
3. Recovery: As you begin to use the new language fluently, everything becomes easier. You begin
to feel hopeful again.
4. Stability: You begin to feel at home in your new country. You have friends, you feel settled, and
find humor in prior situations. You are participating in some social and cultural activities, for
example, and are comfortable.
Remember that the variety of feelings you experience living in a new culture are normal and not everyone
experiences culture shock in the same way or for the same length of time. Talking to a trusted friend and
keeping focused on the positive things and less on the negatives is one way to cope with the change.
To help reduce Culture Shock, it is important to take care of your mind, body and soul. Examples of staying
healthy include:
Eating nutritious meals
Exercising regularly
Drinking lots of water
Making time to relax and enjoy time with friends
Talking to friends and family about any feelings of sadness and homesickness
If you would like to talk to a counsellor, you can also make an appointment to one at the Student
Counselling and Career Services, in 474 University Centre.

Additional Information:
There are many banks near the University of Manitoba. The University of Manitoba has a CIBC interact
machine (located on first floor of University Centre and in the Fletcher Argue Building) so if you plan to
make many interactions at the University of Manitoba, CIBC may be your bank of choice. Your bank of
choice here should be compatible with your international banking needs.
Most INTERAC and Credit Cards have $500.00 - $1000.00 limits. This means that in one day, you can only
spend that amount, even if you have more money in your account. If you plan to spend larger amounts on
a regular basis, talk to your bank or Credit Card Company.

Winnipeg has several shopping malls. The largest malls are St. Vital Centre, located on St. Marys Road just
off Bishop Grandin Boulevard (take bus #75, #76, or #51,) and Polo Park, located on Portage Avenue (take
bus #78). Winners is also a popular clothing/home dcor store with five locations in the city, the closest
one to the university is on Pembina Highway.
There are also many small specialty boutiques and restaurants areas in Winnipeg that young people enjoy:
Osborne Village - located between Corydon Avenue and Roslyn Road (just north of Pembina) (take
bus #60 from the U of M)
Corydon Avenue (also known as little Italy)
Exchange District - located just north of Portage Avenue, starting at McDermot Avenue (take bus
#60 to Corydon Avenue and transfer to #16 or #18)
Stores Close to Campus:
Best Buy and Staples are popular destinations for many of the ELC students. They both contain
office and electronic items such as computers, printers, and much more.
WAL-MART, Safeway, Sobeys and Superstore contain house items such as groceries, clothing,
furniture, hardware, pharmacy, and school supplies.
Ikea and JYSK sell furniture and home dcor.
Dollarama is a good place to purchase inexpensive items for approximately $1-$2 each.
ING Supermarket is a grocery store with many Asian food items

Traveling to the United States

If you plan to travel to the U.S., you must bring your passport and you may require a visa. You must also
keep your Manitoba Health insurance card (or other Health Insurance Card, if not eligible for MB Health)
with you in case of an illness or other emergency.
It is also suggested that you purchase Travelers Health Insurance when travelling outside of Canada. While
travelling within Canada, students with Manitoba Health Care coverage are covered for emergency doctor
services and hospital visits to the same extent any other Manitoba resident would be. Most provinces
have reciprocal insurance with each other.
Outside of the country, such as in the United States, Manitoba Health Care would cover any incurred
medical costs to the same rate that would be paid in Manitoba. Cost above this amount would be the
students responsibility to pay. Travel insurance is recommended because the costs covered by Manitoba
Health are usually only a fraction of the overall costs.

Manitoba is in the Central Daylight Time zone (GMT -5 hours). To accommodate Daylight Saving Time,
which allows for more daylight hours in the evening and less in the morning, we change our clocks twice a
1. Second Sunday in March move clocks forward one hour
2. First Sunday in November move clocks back one hour
Cellphone and Internet companies in Manitoba will automatically change the time so you dont have to.

Websites on Winnipeg
History of Winnipeg
City of Winnipeg homepage:
Things to Do in Winnipeg:
Entertainment in Winnipeg
Concerts, Theatre & Ballet:
Venue for hockey games, concerts, and other performances:
Winnipegs football team:
Movie theatres:
Tourist site:

A calendar of events will be provided at the beginning of orientation. Keep in mind that during many
holidays, fewer services are available. However, essential services, like hospitals, are open.
January 1st
3rd Monday in February
Monday preceding May 25th
July 1st
1st Monday in September
Second Monday in October
November 11th
December 25th
December 26th

New Years Day

Louis Riel Day
Victoria Day
Canada Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Remembrance Day
Boxing Day


204 474 8592

On Campus:
Fort Garry Campus:
Non Emergency Help:
Cell Users
(MTS and Rogers users)

Chaplains Office
102Y University Centre

204 474 8721

Counseling Services
474 University Centre

204 474 8592

Psychological Service Centre

161 Dafoe Building

204 474 9222

555 or 204 474 9341

204 474 9312

Off Campus:
City Police
Non Emergency (Police)
Klinic Suicide Crisis Line
204 786 8686
Health Links
204 788 8200
(Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, staffed
with registered nurses)

Human Rights & Advisory Services 204 474 7491

406 University Centre
The equity office provides advice and assistance with
human rights, sexual harassment, and discrimination.
Gambling Help Line

204 944 6382

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I have to attend field trips? Yes. It will count as an absence in class, if you do not attend.
2. How can I join a group of people who speak English and have fun together? Either through the
student life events at ELC, Language Partner program, events hosted by the International Centre
for Students 541 University Centre, or by joining an UMSU student group.
3. Have I applied to university? Check your application status at 520 University Centre.
4. Where can I get my Manitoba health insurance card? If you are eligible to apply for Manitoba
Health Insurance you must apply at the Manitoba Health Registration and Client Services at 300
Carlton Street, Winnipeg.
a. When can I get my health insurance card? Please apply for your Manitoba Health Card as
soon as possible when you arrive in Winnipeg.
5. Can I go to the doctor without my insurance card? Yes you can. Some clinics may refuse you if you
do not have it. Hospitals will always treat your medical needs but it may be a long wait time. We
recommend the clinic located at 104 University Centre. You will be billed for expenses if you do
not have a valid Manitoba Health Card.
6. Where can I get a bus pass? You can buy your bus pass from Answers. Its an information booth
located on the first floor of University Centre (Beside GPAs grocery store)
7. When do I get my student card? You can get your student card from room 400 University Centre
about 1 week after your start your program.
a. Why cant I use my student card? You might have an unpaid fee, or administrative hold.
Please ask at 520 University Centre.
8. I have some problems with my homestay. What should I do? Try talking about your problem with
your host family. If you are still having problems, make an appointment with Ann Friesen in 520
University Centre.
9. Where can I renew my visa? Visit the International Centre for Students (ICS) to get more
information about renewing your visa or study permit.
10. When should I pay my tuition fees for next term? Tuition fees are due 1-2 months before the next
term begins. If you do not pay on time, you may not be able to study next term.
11. I want to change my level, what do I do? After youve attended 2 full days of classes, you can
make an appointment with the Program Coordinator at 520 University Centre.



English Language Centre

520 University Centre
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2
Telephone: 204 474 9251
[email protected]

ELC Student Life Office

Telephone: 204 474-6722
[email protected]

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