A Case Study of Serial Killers
A Case Study of Serial Killers
A Case Study of Serial Killers
The word homicide is derived from
the latin word homo and cide. Homo means
man and cide means I cut thus homicide is
causing death of a human being by a human
being. The word murder is defined under
Section 300 IPC wherein an injury is caused to a
person which is sufficient to cause death in the
ordinary course of nature, with the intention to
cause such injury, and if the bodily injury is
intended to be inflicted is likely to cause death,
it is labelled as culpable homicide under
Section 299 IPC [2]. Homicide or killing of
human being by act, procurement or omission
on another human being is as old as civilization
and is the common end point of different
behavioural pathways; it may be the argument
between the acquaintances, domestic violence,
robberies, drug addiction and terrorism and to a
large extent an intimate one [3].
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) defines serial murder as killing of several
persons in three or more separate incidents
over weeks or extended period and the
Behavioural Science Unit of FBI classifies serial
killings as:a. Disorganized: When there is little
evidence of extensive pre-crime
planning and the killers tend to be
far more violent seeming to kill for
the process of killing than the end
result. They often engage in
dismemberment or abuse of the
dead victim meaning the killing is
b. Organized: The killers tend to plan
out the crimes in great deal and
having elaborate disposal schemes
for the body. They kill the victim
quickly and efficiently and do not
as often as the
disorganized offender meaning the
killing is Act-Focussed.
Holmes and De Burger divide serial killers into
four categories as:
a. Visionary: They are out of touch
with reality, may be psychosis or
schizophrenics and the crime occurs
To establish the relationship between
the serial killer, the crime and the possible
cause or motive behind such heinous crimes, is