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Literature Review 2

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Literature Review

Much work is done on variations in water quality with reference to physicochemical & biological
parameters in Cauvery River& Its Tributaries over a period of 1 year. Water temperature, water
level turbidity & transparency were measured as per international standard method. Dissolved
O2&biological O2 demand were determined by the Winklers method. pH &Conductivity was
measured by pH & Conductivity meter. Physicochemical &heavy metal analysis was carried
This Research work was related with water quality parameters such as pH, electrical
conductivity, total hardness, Ca, Mg, total alkalinity, Cl- salinity &Fluoride. Twenty samples of
water from dam ponds were analyzed. pH was measured by pHMeter; EC was measured by
Conductivity Bridge. Total hardness, Ca, Mg, total alkalinity, Cl- salinity were determined by
titration method. Researcher was not mentioned fluoride determination method. According to
researcher Dam water was safe for drinking as well as for irrigation purpose.2
In a study of Geochemical effect on physicochemical properties different sources of water and its
parameters in Nagpur Municipal area of Maharashtra such as ground water, lake water, well
water, &Bore water were compared. Cl ,was determined by titration with AgNO3 using K2CrO4,
F-was determined by ion selective electrode method, hardness by titration with EDTA& EBT
indicator , pH using pH meter, EC

using conductometer , DO by titrating with sodium

thiosulphate using starch indicator. Researcher found that lake water was suitable for human
being. Bore water & well water was not suitable for drinking.3
In another research work a study on Boron & other trace Elements in ground water of
Nar war block (shivpuri, M.P.) was carried out. Researcher studied 44 ground water samples.
Samples were analyzed for boron, Mn Fe, Cu by spectro photo metrically. In this research work
researcher classified water samples on the basis of electrical conductivity in to 4 groups. In each
class average, minimum, maximum concentrations of all elements were determined.EC values
were measured using Systronics Ec meter. B varied from0.0 mg/ml to 0.013mg/ml, Fe varied
from0.0 mg/ml to 0.201mg/ml, Mn varied from0.0 mg/ml to0.081mg/ml, and Cu varied from0.0
mg/ml to0.069mg/ml.4

A comprehensive environment study of metals on the soil- water- Plant system at west chrompet
area, Chennai, India, was carried out this research work includes metal contamination of soil
water-plant where concentration of tanneries and industries were more. Soil , water& edible parts
of plant samples were analyzed for Cu,Ni,Mn,Co,Pb,Zn,Cr by AAS instrument. Researcher
compared Values of their concentrations with WHO prescribed limit. Researcher found that
water &plant bodies were not much affected, although highly soil was highly polluted.5
A study of ground water quality of Dabra Municipal area Gwalior M.P. was carried out. In this
research work researcher studied 18 water sample collected from Dabra Municipal area in pre
monsoon season6and analyzed for PH, TA, TH, Mg+2, Ca+2, Na+, K+, Cl-, So4--, No3-, Ec and
TDS. PH of water was measured using PH meter, Ec was measured by Ec meter, and TA was
determined by titrating with N/SO H2So4 using phenolphthalein and methylbromin as indicator.
TH was determined by titration with EDTA using erichrome black. T as indicator, CT was
determined by titrating against AgNo3 using K2CrO4 as indicator. Na, K, by flame photometer,
No3_and SO4-2. Using U.V.visible spectrophotometer. Researcher found that PH of water was
In the study of the quality of drinking water in Dhakuakhana Sub division of Lakhimpur
district, Assam, India researcher analyzed 30 water samples from study area for P H , total
hardness, fluoride nitrate, arsenic, Na, K and Fe y using Std method such as APHA-AWWAWPCF 1995. Researcher found that concentration of all parameters were within permissible limit
expect Iron7
In another research study work A study of distribution pattern of some water quality parameters
in Dhakuakhana Sub division of Lakhimpur district, Assam, India was carried out.. In this
research work researcher carried out comprehensive study with reference to water quality
parameters such as PH, As, F, Fe, Cl, SO4--, No3- in ground water of study area. All parameters
were studied using Std methods. Sample data were subjected to statistical treatment. Statistical
observations show that all parameters show non uniform distribution. Thus the inherent quality
of water is low due to unsymmetrical distribution of various parameter in the study area. 8

Research study work on Arsenic9 content in drinking water of Lakhimpur district, Assam and its
impact on human health showed that in many locations in Assam Arsenic content was
determined. Assam. But there was no reporting of arsenocosis from study area. 9
Chemical analysis of ground water at some selected sites in Jaipur (Rajasthan) was carried out
with respect to PH, EC, Mg+2, Ca+2, Na+, K+, Cl-, So4--, No3-, HCo3--, F-, SiO2- and heavy metals
such as Fe, Co, Cu, Pb, Ni Zn, Mn, at 5 selected sites at Jaipur. Bicarbonate was determined by
acid-base titration using bromo cresol green indicator. Cl- was determined by titration with
AgNo3using K2CrO4 indicator . Ca+2 and Mg+2 were determined by EDTA, content of metal by
AAS. Na+ and K+ were determined by flame photometer. So4- gravimetrically. No3- by spectro
photo metrically using brucin method. It was found that concentration of No3- was high due to
fertilizers, human sewage deposited in septic systems and domestic and municipal waste water.10
Correlation analysis of ground water quality in and around shahzad nagar block of Rampur
District, Uttar Pradesh. was carried out. Results were compared with WHO USPH, EUROPEAN
& ICMR std. systematic correlation matrix study showed significant relation among different
pairs of water quality parameters11.
Correlation study on physicochemical parameters of ground water in and around costal area,
Tirunelveli district also. Water samples were analyzed for PH, EC, TDS, TH, Mg+2, Ca+2, Na+,
K+, Cl-, So4--, No3-, HCo3--, F-, Fe, SO4-, BOD, COD. It was found that most of the samples were
polluted because of sea water intrusion near costal area. and pollution was less towards inner
land.12 It was proved by significant +ve correlation of EC with ions. 12
Evaluation of water quality index for drinking purpose for ground water in and around Amalner
town (Maharashtra) was carried out. In this research paper researcher discussed the suitability of
ground water for human consumption based on computed water quality index values. Researcher
classified WOI values into five types: good, poor, excellent, unsuitable and very poor13. It was
found that WOI values were high. Water samples from these sites were unfit for drinking.13
In another research work Evaluation of surface water quality using multivariate statistical studies
in a part of Cauvery River Tamilnadu.was carried out. In this research work researcher evaluated
surface water chemistry and water pollution in a part of Cauvery River. Multivariable statistical

methods FA and CA and principle component analysis and interpretation of data, low high and
moderate pollutant groups were identified.14
In another research study work was done on Fluoride contents in ground water and fluorosis in
human population in Haffaganj, Katihar block Katihar15. In this research work researcher
analyzed ground water samples for fluoride content. Concentration of fluoride was determined
by ion selective electrode method. Analysis showed that fluoride ion level abnormal is between
0.7 to 0.10 mg / L.15
Fluoride contamination in water of Koshi region (Bihar) was also carried out. Fluoride
concentration values varied from 0.6 mg/l to 1.6mg/l. Due to this citizen were suffering from
different types of flurorosis16
Geochemical studies of fluoride and other water quality parameters of ground water of sikar
district (Rajasthan) was also carried out. Water samples were alkaline in nature. Chloride content
was found to be high. Fluoride concentration was found to be maximum. According to researcher
dilution of fluoride rich water with fluoride free water should be encouraged.17 Ground water
quality of coastal areas in Alappuzha district Kerala was carried out for analysis of bore and open
well water of costal areas. Std methods were used for all the analysis. It was found that 9.4%
open well water was hard and high alkalinity value. Fluoride concentration found to high in some
region. Also Na and K concentration was found to be high.18.
A study of drinking water quality of desert affected area of Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan. was
carried out to find out water pollutants and to test the suitability of water for drinking and
irrigation purpose in study area. PH, DO, TDS, TA were analyzed by using portable kit and rest
of the parameter were determined by Std.APHA method. It was found that nitrate fluoride, ClTDS, TH were higher. Water of study area was hard.19
In the study of Ground water quality evaluation for drinking purpose in some areas of Biyad
Sabarkatha district. Analysis was done using std. method. Results were analyzed graphically.
Researcher was found that concentration of So4- was high than WHO limits and concentration of
F- was high than WHO limit.20

A study was done on Ground water quality assessment at Malegaon region of Nanded in
Maharashtra and effect of seasonal variations. Researcher was found that seasonal changes in
ground water ware temperature dependent as increase or decrease in temperature is related to
atmospheric beat. Ground water samples show that there was high concentration of
physicochemical parameter in monsoon and low in summer season.21
Another study on

Hydro geochemical studies of ground water in Salem district, Tamilnadu

(India) was carried out where industrial, agricultural and mineral deposits. 66 Water samples
were analyzed and results compared with IS1500-1991. Researcher was found that concentration
of TDS, TH, Cl- TA were high but water samples are suitable for irrigation and unsuitable for
drinking purpose.22
In Limn logical studies to assess the water quality of tali Pond at Muttai dist. Betul (MP)
researcher found that ponds were polluted by bathing washing, religious and recreational
In the study of major ion chemistry of river Bhagirathi and river kosi the uttarakhand Himalaya
researcher studied ionic distribution pattern of glacial origin and spring origin water quality of
rivers. According to researcher rain precipitation, chemical weathering in drainage basin and
anthropogenic in put were sources of major ions elements in river water. It was found that in
Bhagirathi HCo3-, SO4-, and Cl- anions and Ca++, Na+, Mg++ cat ions were present below
permissible limit.24
In the study of monitoring of toxic / trace metals in the surface water around Hyderabad lakes it
was found that lakes are major sources of drinking water. These lakes are filled by rain only.
Surface water samples were analyzed for Cr, Cu. Mg. Fe, Co, Ni, Cd, Pb, and Zn. It was found
that metal concentration of some lake were below the maximum contamination level (MCL)
where as some major water supplying lakes metal contamination was above MCL prescribed by
BIS. Hence lake water is not suitable for drinking purpose.25
In the study of Occurrence of fluoride in ground water and ground water quality in rural area of
Tirunelveli dist.researcher reported that in Tirunelveli district dental mottling was found.
Fluoride in drinking water caused dental fluorosis. It was found that concentration of fluoride in
study area was in range 1.0 to 4.3 ppm & 44% of the people were affected with dental fluorosis

and traces of skeletal fluorosis. Level of F- depends on OH- & HCO3-. Due to leaching of
minerals F concentration increased. PH of water samples changes from 6.3 to 8.37.26
In the study of Physico chemical characteristic of ground water in & around surat city water
samples from 32 locations were collected and analyzed for physic chemical characteristics- PH,
color, odour, hardness, Cl, Cod, TDS, SS, Fe, Cu, B. Cr. temperature and values of parameters
were compared with the std. prescribed by WHO. and ICMR. It was found that water samples in
Surat city possess concentration of TA, TH, CL, TDS & ground water requires treatment.27
In another study of Physicochemical analysis of drinking water quality of sardines Panchayat,
Bihar. It was found that concentration of Fe is more than 0.3 ppm. Beyond 0.3pp taste, colors
were affected and it promotes iron bacteria, water sample contain 958 ppm. Excess Fe causes
several complications. High values of alkalinity were observed. Hence such water is unfit for
irrigation purpose.28
In the study of Pollution status of Perennial river Tamiraparani with special reference to sewage
mixing and coli form bacteria. It was found that Industrial units were situated on bank of this
river. This river receives industrial effluents. Because of this water quality was altered due to
entry of sewage and domestic from waste. Also coli form density in river was found to be high in
December and minimum in May.29
In the Physico chemical analysis of ground water samples of Jamkhandi town in Bagalkot dist.
Karnataka ground water and municipal water samples from 5 locations in Jamkhand town were
selected. In this work researcher assessed physical chemical properties ground waters samples
and compared with municipal water using water quality index (WQI). It was found that water
from municipal water samples were within prescribed limits suggested by WHO & ISI. Where
other samples shows that all parameter values were lower than permissible limit.30
In Physico chemical analysis of river Gomati at Kerakat, Jaunpur (UP) physic chemical
parameters such as Ca+, Mg++,Fe-+, Cl-, were determined. It was found that concentration of Fe
and Cl-was high. High concentration of Cl- is harmful to metallic pipes and structures as well as
agricultural crops.31

In Physico chemical characteristics of Kollong river water, Assam. Researcher analyzed 30 water
samples from 6 locations in different seasons for physic chemical parameters. Statistical analysis
was carried out. Researcher found that eutrophic status of river. But al parameters were within
manageable levels.32
In quality assessment of ground water resources in Banahatti and Rabakavi areas of Bagalkot
dist. Karnataka researcher carried out assessment of quality of drinking water in Rabakavi where
industries were not present and Banahatti where industries were present. Water samples from
Banahatti contain excess ion concentration due to dissolved salt and water quality in Rabakavi is
superior than Banahatti.33
In the Study on heavy metal contamination in ground water at outer skirts of kota city, Rajasthan
India. Researcher analyzed 72 ground water samples for determination of contamination level of
Fe, pb, Ca, Zn, Mn, Cr and data obtained was compared with ISI0500. It was found that Pb and
Cr concentration were high. Health effect f Pb and Cr were given by researcher.34
In the study of Spectro photometric and chemical analysis of ground water sample of Hand
pump from Belaua Municipal area (Gwalior, MP) researcher carried out analysis of ground
water for parameters PH, TA, TH, Mg+2, Ca+2, Na+, K+, Cl-, So4--, No3-, Ec and TDS
Concentration of No3- and So4 were established U.V.visible spectro photometer. Researcher
did not compare values of different parameter with WHO or IS.35
Study of Status of ground water quality in relation to some physicochemical parameter. in
Shivamogga city, Karnataka includes assessment of quality of drinking water. Water parameter
such as turbidity, PH,EC,DO, BOD,TH, TA,Cl, TDS, Ca. were studied. Observations compared
with WHO & ISI ICMR Std. According researcher Cl increases degree of eutrophication. It was
found to be high than WHO & ICMR range. This is due to increased sewage load in study area36
In study of physico chemical parameters of irrigation water, prantij Gujarat (India) researcher
assessed water quality for irrigation need. It was found that expect few samples TDS, EC, SAR,
(Sodium absorption ratio) were within safe limit. Ground water from study area was safe for
irrigation. It contains desirable level f SAR and TDS.37

In another research study work treatment on removal of turbidity & Fe rain water for drinking
purpose in rural sector was studied. Researcher explained quality of rain water. Rain water
consist of dissolved O2, Co2, and float in dust and when reaches to ground it absorb particles of
mud and several salts get dissolved Co3, So4--, Cl-, No3- ,Ca, Mg, Na, K. This gives alkalinity to
water. Turbidity can be removed by marine oleifera material which is coagulant. In this paper
drinks water quality standards were given.38
In study of Variation in calcium and Magnesium ratio with increasing electrical conductivity of
ground water from shallow basaltic aquifers of Maharashtra. 523 ground water samples were
analyzed for Ca & Mg ratio from Maharashtra. Other parameters were also determined. Samples
were classified according electrical conductivity in 4 zones. It was fond that by increasing EC,
Ca/Mg ratio decreases & by decreasing EC, Ca/Mg ratio increases. There was possibility of
percolation of domestic sewage and waste from cattle farming as Cl and No3- concentration were
In the study of water pollution from heavy metals in special region of Chhindwara city. research
work was carried out to determine concentration of heavy metals in water of study area. All
types of water bodies were included in this work. Concentration of metals was determined by
using AAS. Table showing concentration of heavy metals in different water samples was not
given. Karanja River was carried out in this research work. In Bidar dist. Sugar factories, pulp,
paper industries and distillery units are present. River receives effluents from these industries. A
simple comprehensive weighted arithmetic method was used for analyzing season wise water
quality index. Conclusion of this research work indicated poor water quality.41
In the study of water resource development and management an experience in rural hilly area,
researcher studies the prescribed area on different environmental condition and carried out water
quality assessment of different sources of water. All physic chemical parameters were within
limits. But bacteriological analysis showed that water samples from stream were bacteriological
positive due to unsanitary and unhygienic condition. Water conservation programs in study area
improve water availability. 42
Study of quality of effluent discharge by Tirupur textile dying units and its impact on river
Noyyal, Tamilnadu includes impact o industrial effluent on quality of river water. This work

showed that TDS, Cl-. levels were high in river water. Heavy metals were found in Dam
In the study of impact of textile dyeing industries effluent on ground water quality in Karur,
Amravati river. Due to continuous discharge of effluent water quality was deteriorated. Analysis
of river water showed that physic chemical parameters TDS, TA, TH, Ca, Cl-, So4exceeded
desirable limit. Study shows that these were severe impact on the ground water quality in
Study of Effect of red tide on physic chemical propertied of water and phytoplankton
Assemblage in Sepangor Bay, Sahah Malaysia presents comparative study of physic chemical
properties of water and phytoplankton during red tide & non red tide. During red tide
temperature was high. DO level was low due to increase in temperature high salinity level, high
PH permits algal bloom to develop.45
Study of Water analysis: Emerging contaminants & current issues focus on


development in water analysis & new trends of emerging contaminants including DBPs
(disinfectants byproducts), PFOA (Perfluoro non anonic acid) & other per fluorinated
compounds. Pharmaceuticals, hormones, chiral contaminants, sunscreen UV filters, pesticides
Degradation, arsenic, natural organic matter, nonmaterial used in cosmetic sunscreen, clothing,
The literature survey reveals that no water quality assessment studies are made in prescribed
study area so far. This study will be useful to assess and compare physical and chemical
characteristic properties of selected water bodies in prescribed study area which will throw light
on new emerging contaminants in water and possible problems with water in study area.

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