T.Building Exam Uae
T.Building Exam Uae
T.Building Exam Uae
[b.] Wind Design Loading on structures according to ASCE7-05.
[3.] Lateral Load Resisting Structural System:
Identify the common types used as lateral load resisting structural system. Also
identify the structural behavior and characteristic of dynamic response of each
of them under both seismic excitation and wind flow.
Flat slab frame system: flat slab with columns, flat slab with shear walls,
or flat slab with both columns & shear walls.
Coupled shear walls and beams system.
Rigid frame system.
Cantilever core supported structure.
Shear wall frame interaction system.
Framed tube system.
Tube in tube system: perimeter frame tube and internal core wall.
Exterior diagonal truss tube system.
Modular/Bundle tubes, and spine wall systems with outrigger and belt walls.
Eccentric or concentric braced steel frame system.
Staggered truss steel system.
... etc.
[4.] Art of seismic design and detailing of reinforced concrete elements accordi
ng to ACI318-08, Chapter 21.
Seismic details for Ordinary Moment Frames (OMF) -knowledge is required-.
Seismic details for Intermediate Moment Frames (IMF) - knowledge is required
Seismic details for Special Moment Frames (SMF) - knowledge is optional -.
Seismic details for Special structural Walls and Coupling Beams - knowledge
is optional -.
Seismic details for Foundation - knowledge is optional -.
Seismic details for Diaphragm and Flat Slab in moderated seismic zones - kno
wledge is required -.
Minimum seismic details required for members not considered as a part of lat
eral load resisting system.
[5.] Professional utilization and advanced knowledge in 2D & 3D analysis softwar
Sample of required knowledge -but not limit to- :
Meaning of mode shapes, and how to deal with and control them.
Meaning of modal mass participation ratio.
Distinguish between Ritz and Eigen vectors.
Distinguish between SRSS and CQC modal combination.
Concept of P-Delta analysis, and how to identify the input parameters for bo
th Non-Iterative and Iterative analysis.
Concept of Sequential Construction analysis, and how to identify the input p
How to identify the In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Stiffness Modifiers.
How to deal with Linear and Non-Linear Link/Support elements.
Distinguish between Rigid and Semi-Rigid diaphragms.
How to identify and perform Response Spectrum and Time History analysis.
Meaning of Eigen value parameters: frequency shift and cutoff.
How to perform the design of concrete frame and shear wall elements.
How to perform static nonlinear pushover analysis -knowledge is optional-.
How to perform Nonlinear Tension Release (Allow Uplift) analysis in SAFE.