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Naval Education and

Training Command

July 1993

Training Manual

Aviation Structural
Mechanic (H& S) 3 & 2

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MECHANIC (H & S) 3 & 2


1993 Edition Prepared by

AMCS Edward W. Biel, USN,
AMHC (AW) Gary L.Humrichouser, USN,
and AMHC Bruce A. Ervin, USN

This Training Manual (TRAMAN) and the associated Nonresident Training
Course (NRTC), NAVEDTRA 82338, form a self-study package that will enable
ambitious Aviation Structural Mechanics H or Aviation Structural Mechanics S to
help themselves fulfill the requirements of their ratings.
Prior to the development of this manual, studies and surveys were conducted by
Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity (NETPMSA), and Navy Occupational Development
and Analysis Center (NODAC). These studies and surveys revealed a high degree
of commonality between the AMH and AMS occupational standards and have
resulted in the development of one TRAMAN and one NRTC, Aviation Structural
Mechanic (H&S) 3&2. One TRAMAN and one NRTC should not imply that the
separate ratings should be combined or will be combined in the near future.
Designed for individual study and not formal classroom instruction, this
TRAMAN provides subject matter that relates directly to the occupational standards
for the AMH and AMS ratings at the E-4 and E-5 paygrades. The NRTC provides
the usual method for satisfying the requirements for completing the TRAMAN.
With the combining of two ratings into a single TRAMAN, you may come across
some terms or phrases that are unfamiliar. If that happens, you should refer to the
glossary and TRAMAN references listed in the appendices of this TRAMAN.
Recommended reading lists can also be found at the end of the chapters. The
occupational standards used as minimum guidelines in the preparation of this
TRAMAN can be found in the Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel
Classifications and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068 (series).
This Training Manual was prepared by the Naval Education and Training
Program Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Florida for the Chief of Naval
Education and Training.

1993 Edition

Stock Ordering No.


Published by



The United States Navy is responsible for maintaining control of the
sea and is a ready force on watch at home and overseas, capable of strong
action to preserve the peace or of instant offensive action to win in war.
It is upon the maintenance of this control that our countrys glorious
future depends; the United States Navy exists to make it so.


Tradition, valor, and victory are the Navys heritage from the past. To
these may be added dedication, discipline, and vigilance as the watchwords
of the present and the future.
At home or on distant stations as we serve with pride, confident in the
respect of our country, our shipmates, and our families.
Our responsibilities sober us; our adversities strengthen us.
Service to God and Country is our special privilege. We serve with


The Navy will always employ new weapons, new techniques, and
greater power to protect and defend the United States on the sea, under the
sea, and in the air.
Now and in the future, control of the sea gives the United States her
greatest advantage for the maintenance of peace and for victory in war.
Mobility, surprise, dispersal, and offensive power are the keynotes of
the new Navy. The roots of the Navy lie in a strong belief in the future, in
continued dedication to our tasks, and in reflection on our heritage from the
Never have our opportunities and our responsibilities been greater.




1. Aircraft Construction and Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

2. Aircraft Hardware and Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...2-1
3. General Aircraft Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1
4. Hydraulic Contamination and Related Servicing/Test Equipment . .4-1
5. Hose Fabrication and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1
6. Tubing Fabrication and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-1
7. Basic Hydraulic/Pneumatic and Emergency Power Systems . . . . 7-1
8. Basic Actuating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...8-1
9. Fixed-Wing Flight Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-1
10. Rotary-Wing Flight Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1
11. Aircraft Wheels, Tires, and Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1
12. Landing Gear, Brakes, and Hydraulic Utility Systems . . . . . . 12-1
13. Aircraft Metallic Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...13-1
14. Aircraft Nonmetallic Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1
15. Nondestructive Inspections, Welding, and Heat Treatment . . . . 15-1
I. Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. AI-1
II. References Used to Develop the TRAMAN . . . . . . . . . . AII- 1
INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INDEX-1


The following are trademarks used in this training manual.
Teflon and Kevlar are registered trademarks of E.I. DuPont DeNemours and
Company. Teflon is DuPonts registered trademark for its fluorocarbon resin.
Kelvar is DuPonts registered trademark for its structural grade fiber.




Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a basic working
knowledge of aircraft construction, structural stress, and materials used on both
fixed- and rotary-wing airfraft.

surfaces, landing gear, arresting gear, and catapult


One of the requirements of an Aviation Structural

Mechanic is to be familiar with the various terms related
to aircraft construction. Aircraft maintenance is the
primary responsibility of the Aviation Structural
Mechanic H (AMH) and Aviation Structural Mechanic
S (AMS) ratings. Therefore, you should be familiar with
the principal aircraft structural units and flight control
systems of fixed and rotary-wing aircraft. While the
maintenance of the airframe is primarily the responsibility of the AMS rating, the information presented in
this chapter also applies to the AMH rating. The
purpose, locations, and construction features of each
unit are described in this chapter.

The fuselage is the main structure or body of the
aircraft to which all other units attach. It provides spare
for the crew, passengers, cargo, most of the accessories,
and other equipment.
Fuselages of naval aircraft have much in common
from the standpoint of construction and design. They
vary mainly in size and arrangement of the different
compartments. Designs vary with the manufacturers
and the requirements for the types of service the aircraft
must perform.

Each naval aircraft is built to meet certain specified

requirements. These requirements must be selected in
such a way that they can be built into one machine. It is
not possible for one aircraft to have all characteristics.
The type and class of an aircraft determine how strong
it will be built. A Navy fighter, for example, must be
fast, maneuverable, and equipped for both attack and
defense. To meet these requirements, the aircraft is
highly powered and has a very strong structure.

The fuselage of most naval aircraft are of all-metal

construction assembled in a modification of the
monocoque design. The monocoque design relies
largely on the strength of the skin or shell (covering) to
carry the various loads. This design may be divided into
three classes: monocoque, semimonocoque, and reinforced shell, and different portions of the same
fuselage may belong to any of these classes. The
monocoque has its only reinforcement vertical rings,
station webs, and bulkheads. In the semimonocoque
design, in addition to these the skin is reinforced by
longitudinal members, that is, stringers and longerons,
but has no diagonal web members. The reinforced shell
has the shell reinforced by a complete framework of
structural members. The cross sectional shape is derived
from bulkheads, station webs, and rings. The longitudinal contour is developed with longerons, formers,
and stringers. The skin (covering) which is fastened to
all these members carries primarily the shear load and,
together with the longitudinal members, the loads of
tension and bending stresses. Station webs are built up
assemblies located at intervals to carry concentrated
loads and at points where fittings are used to attach
external parts such as wings alighting gear, and engine
mounts. Formers and stringers may be single pieces of
built-up sections.

The airframe of a fixed-wing aircraft consists of five

principal units. These units include the fuselage, wings,
stabilizers, flight control surfaces, and landing gear. A
rotary-wing aircraft consists of the fuselage, landing
gear, main rotor assembly, and tail rotor. A further
breakdown of these units is made in this chapter. This
chapter also describes the purpose, location, and
construction features of each unit.

Learning Objective: Identify the principal
structural units of fixed-wing and rotary-wing
There are nine principal structural units of a
fixed-wing (conventional) aircraft: the fuselage, engine
mount, nacelle, wings, stabilizers, flight control


Figure 1-1.-Semimonocoque fuselage construction.

The semimonocoque fuselage is constructed

primarily of aluminum alloy; however, on newer aircraft
graphite epoxy composite material is often used. Steel
and titanium are found in areas subject to high
temperatures. Primary bending loads are absorbed by
the "longerons," which usually extend across several
points of support. The longerons are supplemented by
other longitudinal members, called stringers.
Stringers are lighter in weight and are used more
extensively than longerons. The vertical structural
members are referred to as bulkheads, frames, and
formers. These vertical members are grouped at
intervals to carry concentrated loads and at points where
fittings are used to attach other units, such as the wings,
engines, and stabilizers. Figure 1-1 shows a modified
form of the monocoque design used in combat aircraft.
The skin is attached to the longerons, bulkheads, and
other structural members and carries part of the load.
Skin thickness varies with the loads carried and the
stresses supported.

On fighters and other small aircraft, fuselages are

usually constructed in two or more sections. Larger
aircraft may be constructed in as many as six sections.
Various points on the fuselage are heated by station
number. Station 0 (zero) is usually located at or near the
nose of the aircraft. The other fuselage stations (FS) are
located at distances measured in inches aft of station 0.
A typical station diagram is shown in figure 1-2. On this
particular aircraft, station 0 is located 93.0 inches
forward of the nose.
Quick access to the accessories and other equipment
carried in the fuselage is through numerous doors,
inspection panels, wheel wells, and other openings.
Servicing diagrams showing the arrangement of
equipment and the location of access doors are supplied
by the manufacturer in the maintenance instruction
manuals and maintenance requirement cards for each
model or type of aircraft. Figure 1-3 shows the access
doors and inspection panels for a typical aircraft.

There are many advantages in the use of the

semimonocoque fuselage. The bulkheads, frames,
stringers, and longerons aid in the construction of a
streamlined fuselage. They also add to the strength and
rigidity of the structure. The main advantage of this
design is that it does not depend only on a few members
for strength and rigidity. All structural members aid in
the strength of the fuselage. This means that a
semimonocoque fuselage may withstand considerable
damage and still remain strong enough to hold together.

Engine mounts are designed to meet particular

conditions of installations, such as their location on the
aircraft; methods of attachment; and size, type, and
characteristics of the engine they are intended to
support. Although engine mounts vary widely in their
appearance and in the arrangement of their members,
the basic features of their construction are similar. hey
are usually constructed as a single unit that may be
detached quickly and easily from the remaining
structure. In many cases, they are removed as a complete


Figure 1-2.-Typical fuselage station diagram.

Figure 1-3.-Access doors and inspection panels.


Figure 1-4.-Wing construction.

spars and stringers running spanwise, and ribs and

formers running coordwise (leading edge to trailing
edge). The spars are the main structural members of the
wing, and are often referred to as beams.

assembly or power plant with the engine and its

accessories. Vibrations originating in the engine are
transmitted to the aircraft structure through the engine

One method of wing construction is shown in figure

1-4. In this illustration, two main spars are used with ribs
placed at frequent intervals between the spars to develop
the wing contour. This is called two-spar construction.
Other variations of wing construction include
"monospar (open spar), multispar (three or more spars),
and box beam. In the box beam construction, the
stringers and sparlike sections are joined together in a
box-shaped beam. Then the remainder of the wing is
constructed around the box.

In single-engine aircraft, the power plant is mounted
in the center of the fuselage. On multiengined aircraft,
nacelles are usually used to mount the power plants. The
nacelle is primarily a unit that houses the engine.
Nacelles are similar in shape and design for the same
size aircraft. They vary with the size of the aircraft.
Larger aircraft require less fairing, and therefore smaller
nacelles. The structural design of a nacelle is similar to
that of the fuselage. In certain cases the nacelle is
designed to transmit engine loads and stresses to the
wings through the engine mounts.

The skin is attached to all the structural members

and carries part of the wing loads and stresses. During
flight, the loads imposed on the wing structure act
primarily on the skin. From the skin, the loads are
transmitted to the ribs and then to the spars. The spars
support all distributed loads as well concentrated
weights, such as a fuselage, landing gear, and nacelle.
Corrugated sheet aluminum alloy is often used as a
subcovering for wing structures. The Lockheed P-3
Orion wing is an example of this type of construction.

The wings of an aircraft are designed to develop lift
when they are moved through the air. The particular
wing design depends upon many factors for example,
size, weight, use of the aircraft, desired landing speed,
and desired rate of climb. In some aircraft, the larger
compartments of the wings are used as fuel tanks. The
wings are designated as right and left, corresponding to
the right- and left-hand sides of a pilot seated in the

Inspection and access panels are usually provided

on the lower surface of a wing. Drain holes are also
placed in the lower surfaces. Walkways are provided on
the areas of the wing where personnel should walk or
step. The substructure is stiffened or reinforced in the
vicinity of the walkways to take such loads. Walkways
are usually covered with a nonskid surface. Some
aircraft have no built-in walkways. In these cases
removable mats or covers are used to protect the wing
surface. On some aircraft, jacking points are provided

The wing structures of most naval aircraft are of an

all-metal construction, usually of the cantilever design;
that is, no external bracing is required. Usually wings
are of the stress-skin type. This means that the skin is
part of the basic wing structure and carries part of the
loads and stresses. The internal structure is made of


typical of trailing edges, a composite construction

material is used.

on the underside of each wing. The jacking points may

also be used as tiedown fittings for securing the aircraft.
Various points on the wing are located by station
number. Wing station 0 (zero) is located at the center
line of the fuselage. All wing stations are measured in
inches outboard from that point, as shown in figure 1-2.


The flight control surfaces are hinged or movable
airfoils designed to change the attitude of the aircraft
during flight. Flight control surfaces arc grouped as
systems and are classified as being either primary or
secondary. Primary controls are those that provide
control over the yaw, pitch, and roll of the aircraft.
Secondary controls include the speed brake and flap
systems. All systems consist of the control surfaces,
cockpit controls, connecting linkage, and other
necessary operating mechanisms.

The stabilizing surfaces of an aircraft consist of
vertical and horizontal airfoils. These are known as the
vertical stabilizer (or fin) and the horizontal stabilizer.
These two airfoils, together with the rudder and
elevators, form the tail section, For inspection and
maintenance purposes, the entire tail section is considered a single unit of the airframe, and is referred to
as the "empennage."

The systems discussed in this chapter are

representative of those with which you will be working.
However, you should bear in mind that changes in these
systems are sometimes necessitated as a result of later
experience and data gathered from fleet use. Therefore,
prior to performing the maintenance procedures
discussed in this chapter, you should consult the current
applicable technical publications for the latest
information and procedures to be used.

The primary purpose of the stabilizers is to stabilize

the aircraft in flight; that is, to keep the aircraft in straight
and level flight. The vertical stabilizer maintains the
stability of the aircraft about its vertical axis. This is
known as directional stability. The vertical stabilizer
usually serves as the base to which the rudder is
attached. The horizontal stabilizer provides stability of
the aircraft about the lateral axis. This is longitudinal
stability. It usually serves as the base to which the
elevators are attached.

Primary Flight Control Systems

The primary flight controls are the ailerons,
elevators, and rudder. The ailerons and elevators are
operated from the cockpit by a control stick on fighter
aircraft. A wheel and yoke assembly is used on large
aircraft such as transports and patrol planes. The rudder
is operated by rudder pedals on all types of aircraft.

At high speeds, forces acting upon the flight

controls increase, and control of the aircraft becomes
difficult. his problem can be solved through the use of
power-operated or power-boosted flight control
systems. These power systems make it possible for the
pilot to apply more pressure to the control surface
against the air loads. By changing the angle of attack of
the stabilizer, the pilot maintains adequate longitudinal
control by rotating the entire horizontal stabilizer

The ailerons are operated by a lateral (side-to-side)

movement of the control stick or a turning motion of the
wheel on the yoke. The ailerons are interconnected in
the control system and work simultaneously, but in
opposite directions to one another. As one aileron moves
downward to increase lift on its side of the fuselage, the
aileron on the opposite side of the fuselage moves
upward to decrease lift. This opposing action allows
more lift to be produced by the wing on one side of the
fuselage than on the other side. This results in a
controlled movement or roll because of unequal forces
on the wings. The aileron system can be improved with
the use of either powered controls or alternate control

Construction features of the stabilizers are in many

respects identical to those of the wings. They are usuall y
of an all-metal construction and of the cantilever design.
Monospar and two-spar construction are both commonly used. Ribs develop the cross-sectional shape. A
"fairing" is used to round out the angles formed between
these surfaces and the fuselage.
The construction of control surfaces is similar to
that of the wing and stabilizers. They are usually built
around a single spar or torque tube. Ribs are fitted to the
spar near the leading edge. At the trailing edge, they are
joined together with a suitable metal strip or extrusion.
For greater strength, especially in thinner airfoil sections

The elevators are operated by a fore-and-aft

movement of the control stick or yoke. Raising the
elevators causes the aircraft to climb. Lowering the
elevators causes it to dive or descend. The pilot raises


the elevators by pulling back on the stick or yoke and

lowers them by pushing the stick or yoke forward.

operates the power crank. The crank moves the

push-pull tubes, which actuate the ailerons. In the event
of complete hydraulic power failure, the pilot may pull
a handle in the cockpit to disconnect the latch
mechanisms from the cylinder and load-feel bungee.
This places the aileron system in a manual mode of
operation. In manual operation, the cable sector actuates
the power crank.

The rudder is connected to the rudder pedals and is

used to move the aircraft about the vertical axis. If the
pilot moves the rudder to the right, the aircraft turns to
the right; if the rudder is moved to the left, the aircraft
turns to the left. The pilot moves the rudder to the right
by pushing the right rudder pedal, and to the left by
pushing the left rudder pedal.

This lateral control system incorporates a load-feel

bungee, which serves a dual purpose. First, it provides
an artificial feeling and centering device for the aileron
system. Also, it is an interconnection between the
aileron system and the aileron trim system. When the
aileron trim actuator is energized, the bungee moves in
a corresponding direction and actuates the power
mechanism. The power mechanism repositions the
aileron control system to a new neutral position.

Power control systems are used on high-speed jet

aircraft. Aircraft traveling at or near supersonic speeds
have such high air loads imposed upon the primary
control surfaces that the pilot cannot control the aircraft
without power-operated or power-boosted flight control
systems. In the power-boost system, a hydraulically
operated booster cylinder is incorporated within the
control linkage to assist the pilot in moving the control
surface. The power-boost cylinder is still used in the
rudder control system of some high-performance
aircraft; however, the other primary control surfaces use
the full power-operated system. In the full poweroperated system, all force necessary for operating the
control surface is supplied by hydraulic pressure. Each
movable surface is operated by a hydraulic actuator (or
power control cylinder) incorporated into the control

FLAPERON. -As aircraft speeds increased, other

lateral control systems came into use. Some aircraft use
a flaperon system. The flaperon, shown in figure 1-5, is
a device designed to reduce lift on the wing whenever it
is extended into the airstream. With this system, control
stick movement will cause the left or right flaperon to
rise into the airstream and the opposite flaperon to
remain flush with the wing surface. This causes a
decrease of lift on the wing with the flaperon extended
and results in a roll.

In addition to the current Navy specification

requiring two separate hydraulic systems for operating
the primary flight control surfaces, specifications also
call for an independent hydraulic power source for
emergency operation of the primary flight control
surfaces. Some manufacturers provide an emergency
system powered by a motor-driven hydraulic pump;
others use a ram-air-driven turbine for operating the
emergency system pump.

SPOILER/DEFLECTOR. -Many aircraft use a

combination aileron and spoiler/deflector system for
longitudinal control. The ailerons are located on the
trailing edge of the outer wing panel and, unlike most
aircraft, can be fully cycled with the wings folded. The
spoiler/deflector on each wing operates in conjunction
with the upward throw of the aileron on that wing. They
are located in the left- and right-hand wing center
sections, forward of the flaps. The spoiler extends
upward into the airstream, disrupts the airflow, and
causes decreased lift on that wing. The deflector extends
down into the airstream and scoops airflow over the
wing surface aft of the spoiler, thus preventing airflow
separation in that area.

Lateral Control Systems

Lateral control systems control roll about the
longitudinal axis of the aircraft. On many aircraft the
aileron is the primary source of lateral control. On other
aircraft flaperons and spoilers are used to control roll.
AILERON. -Some aircraft are equipped with a
power mechanism that provides hydraulic power to
operate the ailerons. When the control stick is moved,
the control cables move the power mechanism sector.
Through linkage, the sector actuates the control valves,
which, in turn, direct hydraulic fluid to the power
cylinder. The cylinder actuating shaft, which is connected to the power crank through a latch mechanism,

A stop bolt on the spoiler bell crank limits

movement of the spoiler to 60 degrees deflection. The
deflector is mechanically slaved to the spoiler, and can
be deflected a maximum of 30 degrees when the spoiler
is at 60 degrees. The spoilers open only with the upward
movement of the ailerons.



Wing fold flaperon interlock switch

Flaperon control linkage
Right wing flaperons
Flaperon actuator (right wing)
Flaperon pop-up valve


Wing-fold interlock mechanism

Flaperon pop-up mechanism and cylinder
Left wing flaperons
Flaperon control linkage

11. Flaperon actuator (left wing)

12. Crossover cables
13. Pushrods
14. Throttle quadrant

Figure 1-5.-Flaperon control system.

Longitudinal Control Systems

transmits the movement to the power mechanism

through the control linkage. In turn, the power
mechanism actuates a push-pull tube, which deflects the

Longitudinal control systems control pitch about the

lateral axis of the aircraft. Many aircraft use a conventional elevator system for this purpose. However,
aircraft that operate in the higher speed ranges usually
have a movable horizontal stabilizer. Both types of
systems are discussed in the following text.

elevators up or down. If the hydraulic system fails, the

cylinder can be disconnected. In this condition the
controls work manually through the linkage of the
mechanism to actuate the elevators.


conventional elevator control system is operated by the
control stick in the cockpit, and is hydraulically powered
by the elevator power mechanism.

SYSTEM. -Horizontal stabilizer control systems are

given a variety of names by the various aircraft
manufacturers. Some aircraft systems are defined as a
unit horizontal tail (UHT) control systems, while others

The operation of the elevator control system is

initiated when the control stick is moved fore or aft.
When the stick is moved, it actuates the control cables
that move the elevator control bell crank. The bell crank

are labeled the stabilator control system. Regardless of

the name, these systems function to control the aircraft
pitch about its lateral axis.


1. Control stick
2. Flap drive gearbox
3. Trim transmitter
4. Artificial feel bungee
5. Stabilizer shift mechanism
6. Walking beam


Load-relief bungee
Stabilizer actuator
Stabilizer support shaft
Stabilizer position transducer


Negative bobweight
Clean and dirty switches
Electrical trim actuator
Static spring
Stabilizer shift mechanism cables

Figure 1-6.-Stabilizer control system.

Figure 1-7.-Wing sweep control system (F-14).

The horizontal stabilizer control system of the
aircraft shown in figure 1-6 is representative of the
systems used in many aircraft. The slab-type stabilizer
responds to fore-and-aft manual inputs at the control
stick and to automatic flight control system inputs

introduced at the stabilizer actuator. The actuator can

operate in three modes: manual, series, or parallel.
Manual Mode. -In this mode, pilot input alone
controls the power valve.


Series Mode. -In this mode, input signals from the

automatic flight control system (AFCS) may be used
independently or combined with manual inputs to
control stabilizer movement.
Parallel Mode. -In this mode, input signals from the
AFCS alone control stabilizer movement.
Directional Control Systems
Directional control systems provide a means of
controlling and stabilizing the aircraft about its vertical
axis. Most aircraft use conventional rudder control
systems for this purpose. The rudder control system is
operated by the rudder pedals in the cockpit, and is
powered hydraulically through the power mechanism.
In the event of hydraulic power failure, the hydraulic
portion of the system is bypassed, and the system is
powered mechanically through control cables and
linkage. When the pilot depresses the rudder pedals, the
control cables move a cable sector assembly. The cable
sector, through a push-pull tube and linkage, actuates
the power mechanism and causes deflection of the
rudder to the left or right.
F-14 Flight Control Systems
The F-14 flight control systems include the rudder,
the stabilizer, and the spoiler control systems; the wing
surfaces control system; the angle-of-attack system; and
the speed brake control system. Because of the
complexity of the F-14 flight control systems, only a
brief description is presented.

Figure 1-8.-Wing oversweep position-manual control (F-14).

SPOILER CONTROL (LATERAL AXIS). Spoiler control is provided through the control stick
grip, roll command transducer, roll computer, pitch
computer, and eight spoiler actuators (one per spoiler).
The spoilers, when used to increase the effect of roll-axis
control can only be controlled when the wings are swept
forward of 57 degrees. Right or left movement of the
control stick grip is mechanically transferred to the roll
command transducer, which converts the movement to
inboard and outboard spoiler roll commands.


wing surface control system controls the variablegeometry wings to maximize aircraft performance at all
speeds and altitudes. The system also provides high lift
and drag forces for takeoff and landing, and increased
lift for slow speeds. At supersonic speeds, the system
produces aerodynamic lift to reduce trim drag.
The wing sweep control, initiated at the throttle
quadrant, provides electronic or mechanical control of
a hydromechanical system that sweeps the wings. See
figure 1-7. The wings can be swept from 20 degrees
through 68 degrees in flight. On the ground, mechanical
control allows awing sweep position of 75 degrees. See
figure 1-8. This position is used when flight deck
personnel spot the aircraft or when maintenance
personnel need to enable the wing sweep control


the spoilers and horizontal stabilizers to increase aircraft
vertical descent rate during landings without changing
engine power.

Electronic Control. -Wing sweep using electronic

control is initiated at the throttle quadrant. Four modes
are available: automatic, aft manual, forward manual, or
bomb manual. Selection of these modes causes the air


control, which affects the yaw axis, is provided by way
of the rudder pedals. Rudder pedal movement is
mechanically transferred to the left and right rudder
servo cylinders by the rudder feel assembly, the yaw
summing network, and a reversing network.


data computer to generate wing sweep commands

consistent with the aircrafts speed, altitude, and
configuration of the flaps and slats. If the automatic
mode is used to apply the commands, the wings are
positioned at a rate of 7.5 degrees per second.
Mechanical Control. -When wing sweep is in the
mechanical control mode, the wing sweep handle uses
the wing sweep/flap and slat control box to position the
wings. Because minimum wing sweep limiting is not
available in the mechanical control mode, the wings can
be swept to an adverse position that could cause damage
to the wings. Mechanical control is used for emergency
wing sweep and wing oversweep.
Secondary Flight Controls
Secondary flight controls include those controls not
designated as primary controls. The secondary controls
supplement the primary controls by aiding the pilot in
controlling the aircraft. Various types are used on naval
aircraft, but only the most common are discussed here.

Figure 1 -9.-Types of flaps.

TRIM TABS. -Trim tabs are small airfoils recessed

in the trailing edge of a primary control surface. Their
purpose is to enable the pilot to neutralize any
unbalanced condition that might exist during flight,
without exerting any pressure on the control stick or
rudder pedals. Each trim tab is hinged to its parent
control surface, but is operated independently by a
separate control.
The pilot moves the trim tab by using cockpit
controls. The tab on the control surface moves in a
direction opposite that of the desired control surface
movement. The airflow striking the trim tab causes the
larger surface to move to a position that will correct the
unbalanced condition of the aircraft. For example, to
trim a nose-heavy condition, the pilot sets the elevator
trim tab in the down position. This causes the elevator
to be moved and held in the up position, which, in turn,
causes the tail of the aircraft to be lowered. Without the
use of the trim tab, the pilot would have to hold the
elevator in the up position by exerting constant pressure
on the control stick or wheel.
Construction of trim tabs is similar to that of the
other control surfaces, although greater use is being
made of plastic materials to fill the tab completely.
Filling the tab improves stiffness. Tabs may also be
honeycomb filled. Tabs are covered with either metal or
reinforced plastic. Trim tabs are actuated either
electrically or manually.

rollout. They are also used to assist in landing in small

or obstructed areas by permitting the gliding angle to be
increased without greatly increasing the approach
speed. In addition, the use of flaps during takeoff serves
to reduce the length of the takeoff run.
Most flaps are hinged to the lower trailing edges of
the wings inboard of the ailerons; however, leading edge
flaps are in use on some Navy aircraft. Four types of
flaps are shown in figure 1-9. The PLAIN flap forms
the trailing edge of the airfoil when the flap is in the up
position. In the SPLIT flap, the trailing edge of the
airfoil is split, and the bottom half is so hinged that it can
be lowered to form the flap. The FOWLER flap
operates on rollers and tracks. This causes the lower
surface of the wing to roll out and then extend
downward. The LEADING EDGE flap operates
similarly to the plain flap. It is hinged on the bottom side
and, when actuated, the leading edge of the wing
actually extends in a downward direction to increase the
camber of the wing. Leading edge flaps are used in
conjunction with other types of flaps.
SPOILERS. -Spoilers are used for decreasing wing
lift; however, their specific design, function, and use
vary with different aircraft.
The spoilers on some aircraft are long, narrow
surfaces hinged at their leading edge to the upper wing
skin. In the retracted position, the spoiler is flush with
the wing skin, In the extended position, the spoiler is
pivoted up and forward approximately 60 degrees above
the hinge point. The spoilers disturb the smooth flow of
air over the wing so that burbling takes place. The lift is

WING FLAPS. -Wing flaps are used to give the

aircraft extra lift. Their purpose is to reduce the landing
speed, thereby shortening the length of the landing


Figure 1-10.-Typical landing gear system.

introduced into the air layer moving over the top of the
wing. This is known as boundary layer control.
Boundary layer control is primarily used during
operations from carriers; that is, for catapult takeoffs
and arrested landings. Boundary layer control can also
be accomplished by a method of directing high-pressure
engine bleed air through a series of narrow orifices
located just forward of the wing flap leading edge.

consequently reduced, and considerable drag is added

to the wing.
Another type of spoiler in common use is a long,
slender, curved and perforated baffle that is raised
edgewise through the upper surface of the wing forward
of the aileron. It also disrupts the flow of air over the
airfoil and destroys lift. These spoilers are actuated
through the same linkage that actuates the ailerons. This
arrangement makes movement of the spoiler dependent
upon movement of the aileron. The linkage to the aileron
is devised so that the spoiler is extended only when the
aileron is raised. In other words, when the aileron moves
downward, no deflection of the spoiler takes place.

AILERON DROOP. -The ailerons are also

sometimes used to supplement the flaps. This is called
an aileron droop feature. When the flaps are lowered,
both ailerons can be partially deflected downward into
the airstream. The partial deflection aIlows them to act
as flaps as well as to serve the function of ailerons.

SPEED BRAKES. -Speed brakes are hinged,

movable control surfaces used for reducing the speed of
aircraft. Some manufacturers refer to them as dive
brakes or dive flaps. They are hinged to the sides or
bottom of the fuselage or to the wings. Regardless of
their location, speed brakes serve the same purpose on
all aircraft. Their primary purpose is to keep aircraft
from building up excessive speed during dives. They are
also used in slowing down the speed of the aircraft prior
to landing. Speed brakes are operated hydraulically or

The landing gear of the earliest aircraft consisted
merely of protective skids attached to the lower surfaces
of the wings and fuselage. As aircraft developed, skids
became impractical and were replaced by a pair of
wheels placed side by side ahead of the center of gravity
with a tail skid supporting the aft section of the aircraft.
The tail skid was later replaced by a swiveling tail wheel.
This arrangement was standard on all land-based
aircraft for so many years that it became known as the
conventional landing gear. As the speed of aircraft
increased, the elimination of drag became increasingly
important. This led to the development of retractable
landing gear.
Just before World War II, aircraft were designed
with the main landing gear located behind the center of
gravity and an auxiliary gear under the nose of the
fuselage. This became known as the tricycle landing
gear. See figure 1-10. It was a big improvement over the

SLATS. -Slats are movable control surfaces

attached to the leading edge of the wing. When the slat
is retracted, it forms the leading edge of the wing. At
low airspeed, the slat improves the lateral
control-handling characteristics and allows the aircraft
to be controlled at airspeeds below the normal landing
speed. When the slat is opened (extended forward), a
slot is created between the slat and the leading edge of
the wing. The slot allows high-energy air to be


Figure 1-11.-Main landing gear.

conventional type. The tricycle gear is more stable

during ground operations and makes landing easier,
especially in crosswinds. It also maintains the fuselage
in a level position that increases the pilots visibility.
Nearly all Navy aircraft are equipped with tricycle
landing gear.

essentially of two telescoping cylinders filled with

hydraulic fluid and compressed air or nitrogen. Figure
1-12 shows the internal construction of a shock strut.
The telescoping cylinders, known as cylinder and
piston, form an upper and lower chamber for the
movement of the fluid. The lower chamber (piston) is
always filled with fluid, while the upper chamber
(cylinder) contains the compressed air or nitrogen. An
orifice is placed between the two chambers through
which the fluid passes into the upper chamber during
compression and returns during extension of the strut.
The size of the orifice is controlled by the up-and-down
movement of the tapered metering pin.
Whenever a load is placed on the strut because of
the landing or taxiing of the aircraft, compression of the
two strut halves starts. The piston (to which wheel and
axle are attached) forces fluid through the orifice into
the cylinder and compresses the air or nitrogen above it.

Main Landing Gear

A main landing gear assembly is shown in figure
1-11. The major components of the assembly are the
shock strut, tire, tube, wheel, brake assembly, retracting
and extending mechanism, and side struts and supports.
Tires, tubes, and wheels are discussed in chapter 11 of
this TRAMAN.
The shock strut absorbs the shock that otherwise
would be sustained by the airframe structure during
takeoff, taxiing, and landing. The air-oil shock strut is
used on all Navy aircraft. This type of strut is composed


Figure 1-12.-Shock strut showing internal construction.

gear to be retracted or extended by directing hydraulic
fluid under pressure to the actuating cylinder. The locks
hold the gear in the desired position, and the safety
switch prevents accidental retracting of the gear when
the aircraft is resting on its wheels.
A position indicator on the instrument panel
indicates the position of the landing gear to the pilot. The
position indicator is operated by the position-indicating
switches mounted on the UP and DOWN locks of each
landing gear.

When the strut has made a stroke to absorb the energy

of the impact, the air or nitrogen at the top expands and
forces the fluid back into the lower chamber. The slow
metering of the fluid acts as a snubber to prevent
rebounds. Instructions for the servicing of shock struts
with hydraulic fluid and compressed air or nitrogen are
contained on an instruction plate attached to the strut, as
well as in the maintenance instruction manual (MIM)
for the type of aircraft involved. The shock absorbing
qualities of a shock strut depends on the proper servicing
of the shock strut with compressed or nitrogen and the
proper amount of fluid.


extending the landing gear in the event of normal system
failure vary with different models of aircraft. Most
aircraft use an emergency hydraulic system. Some
aircraft use pneumatic (compressed air or nitrogen),
mechanical, or gravity systems, or a combination of
these systems.


have electrically actuated landing gear, but most are
hydraulically actuated. Figure 1-11 shows a retracting
mechanism that is hydraulically actuated. The landing
gear control handle in the cockpit allows the landing


Figure 1-13.-Nose gear assembly.

addition to serving as a steering mechanism, automatically subdue shimmy and center the nosewheel.
For more information concerning landing gear
components (shock struts, shimmy dampers, power
steering units, and brakes), you should refer to chapter
12 of this TRAMAN.

Nose Gear
A typical nose gear assembly is shown in figure
1-13. Major components of the assembly include a
shock strut, drag struts, a retracting mechanism, wheels,
and a shimmy damper.
The nose gear shock strut, drag struts, and retracting
mechanism are similar to those described for the main
landing gear. The shimmy damper is a self-contained
hydraulic unit that resists sudden twisting loads applied
to the nosewheel during ground operation, but permits
slow turning of the wheel. The primary purpose of the
shimmy damper is to prevent the nosewheel from
shimmying (extremely fast left-right oscillations)
during takeoff and landing. This is accomplished by the
metering of hydraulic fluid through a small orifice
between two cylinders or chambers.
Most aircraft are equipped with steerable nosewheels and do not require a separate self-contained
shimmy damper. In such cases, the steering mechanism
is hydraulically controlled and incorporates two
spring-loaded hydraulic steering cylinders that, in

A carrier aircraft is equipped with an arresting hook
for stopping the aircraft when it lands on the carrier. See
figure 1-14. The arresting gear is composed of an
extendible hook and the mechanical, hydraulic, and
pneumatic equipment necessary for hook operation. The
arresting hook on most aircraft is mechanically released,
pneumatically lowered, and hydraulically raised.
The hook is hinged from the structure under the rear
of the aircraft. A snubber, which meters hydraulic fluid
and works in conjunction with nitrogen pressure, is used
to hold the hook down to prevent it from bouncing when
it strikes the carrier deck.


Figure 1-14.-Arresting gear installation.

Figure 1-15.-Nose gear launch equipment.

allows the aircraft to be secured to the carrier deck for
full-power turnup of the engine prior to takeoff. The
holdback tension bar separates when the catapult is fired
and allows the aircraft to be launched with the engine at
full power.
For nose gear equipment, a track is attached to the

Carrier aircraft are equipped with facilities for
catapulting the aircraft off the aircraft carrier. This
equipment consists of nose-toe launch equipment. The
older aircraft have hooks that are designed to

deck to guide the nosewheel into position. See figure

1-15. The track also has provisions for attaching the nose

accommodate the cable bridle, which is used to hook the

aircraft to the ships catapult. The holdback assembly


Figure 1-16.-H-3 helicopter.

words-heliko, which means screw or spiral, and pteron,

which means wing. The word helicopter is the
combination of these two words.

gear to the catapult shuttle and for holdback. In

comparison with the bridle and holdback pendant
method of catapult hookup for launching, the nose gear
launch equipment requires fewer personnel, the hookup
is accomplished more safely, and time is saved in
positioning an aircraft for launch.

A helicopter employs one or more power-driven

horizontal airscrews, or rotors, from which it derives lift
and propulsion. If a single rotor is used, it is necessary
to employ a means to counteract torque. If more than
one rotor is used, torque is eliminated by turning the
rotors in opposite directions.

Learning Objective: Recognize the construction features of the rotary-wing aircraft
(helicopter) and identify the fundamental
differences as compared to fixed-wing aircraft.

The fundamental advantage the helicopter has over

conventional aircraft is that lift and control are
independent of forward speed. A helicopter can fly
forward, backward, or sideways, or it can remain in
stationary flight (hover) above the ground. No runway
is required for a helicopter to take off or land. The roof
of an office building is an adequate landing area. The
helicopter is considered a safe aircraft because the
takeoff and landing speed is zero.

The history of rotary-wing development embraces

500-year-old efforts to produce a workable directlift-type flying machine. Aircraft designers early
experiments in the helicopter field were fruitless. It is
only within the last 30 years that encouraging progress
has been made. It is within the past 20 years that
production line helicopters have become a reality.
Today, helicopters are found throughout the world.
They perform countless tasks especially suited to their
unique capabilities. Helicopters are the modem-day
version of the dream envisioned centuries ago by
Leonardo da Vinci.

The construction of helicopters is similar to the

construction of fixed-wing aircraft.


Like the fuselage in fixed-wing aircraft, helicopter

fuselages may be welded truss or some form of
monocoque construction. Many Navy helicopters are of
the monocoque design.

Early in the development of rotary-wing aircraft, a

need arose for a new word to designate this direct-lift
flying device. A resourceful Frenchman chose the two


Figure 1-17.-Rotary-wing blade.

A typical Navy helicopter, the H-3, is shown in

figure 1-16. A flying boat-type hull provides this
helicopter with water-operational capabilities for
emergencies only. The fuselage consists of the entire
airframe, sometimes known as the body group.

Retractable landing gear is not a feature common to

all helicopters or even a majority of them. The H-3 is
discussed here because it is one of the Navys latest
helicopter designs. The H-3 has emergency
water-operational capability.

The body group is of all-metal semimonocoque

construction, consisting of an aluminum and titanium
skin over a reinforced aluminum frame.

Tail Landing Gear

The H-3 tail landing gear is nonretracting and full
swiveling. It serves as an aft touchdown point for
ship/land-based operations only. An air-oil type of
shock absorber cushions the landing shock.


The landing gear group includes all the equipment
necessary to support the helicopter when it is not in
flight. Conventional landing gear consists of a main
landing gear and a nonretractable tail landing gear plus
sponsons. See figure 1-16. The sponsons house the main
landing gear during flight. They also aid in stabilizing
the aircraft during emergency operation on the water
when the aircraft is floating.


The main rotor (rotary wing) and the rotor head are
discussed under the rotor head section because their
functions are closely related. Neither has a function
without the other.
Rotary Wing

Main Landing Gear

The main rotor or rotary wing on the H-3 has five
identical wing blades. Other helicopters may have two,
three, or four blades. A typical wing blade is shown in
figure 1-17.

Each main landing gear is composed of a shock strut

assembly, dual wheels, a retracting cylinder, an uplock
cylinder, and upper and lower drag braces. The wheels
retract into a well, recessed into the underside of the
sponsons. The dual wheels, equipped with tubeless tires
and hydraulic brakes, are mounted on axles. They are
part of the lower end of the shock strut piston.

The rotary-wing blade is made of aluminum alloy,

except the steel cuff by which the blade attaches to the
rotor hub. The main supporting member of the blade is
a hollow, aluminum alloy extruded spar, which forms
the leading edge. The steel cuff is bolted to the root end
of the spar.

The main landing gear is extended hydraulically. In

case of hydraulic failure, an emergency system of
compressed air lowers the gear. Should the air system
fail, the pilot actuates a valve to allow the gear to fall by
its own weight.

Twenty-three individual pockets constructed of

aluminum ribs, aluminum channels, and aluminum skin
covering are bonded to the aft edge of the spar. The tip


end of the blade contains a readily removable tip cap.

Screws fasten the spar and tip pocket rib together. The
root pocket of the blade is sealed at its inboard end by
an aluminum alloy root cap that is cemented and riveted
to the pocket.
A stainless steel spar abrasion strip is found at the
leading edge of the spar. It starts at blade pocket No. 10
and extends along the entire leading edge, which
includes the tip cap. The blade shown in figure 1-17 is
fitted with a ice guard. The guard is composed of fine
wire braid heating elements. It is interwoven in bands
and embedded in a rubber strap, to which is bonded a
stainless steel strap. The guard is bonded to the leading
edge of the spar, and is molded to the contour of the

1. Pitch link
2. Rotary rudder blade
3. Spindle

4. Pitch control beam

5. Rotary rudder hub
6. Pylon

Rotor Head
Figure 1-18.-Tail rotor group.
The rotary-wing head is splined to and supported by
the rotary-wing shaft of the main gearbox. The head
supports the rotary-wing blades. It is rotated by torque
from the main gearbox, and transmits movements of the
flight controls to the blades.
The principal components of the head are the hub
and swashplate. The hub consists of a hub plate and
lower plate. It has hinges between each arm of the plates
and sleeve-spindles, which are attached to the hinges.
There is also a damper-positioner for each wing blade.
The swashplate consists of a rotating swashplate and
stationary swashplate. Other components of the
rotary- wing head are anti flapping restrainers, droop
restrainers, adjustable pitch control rods, and rotating
and stationary scissors.
The swashplate and adjustable pitch control rods
permit movement of the flight controls to be transmitted
to the rotary-wing blades. The hinges allow limited
movement of the blades in relation to the hub. These
movements are known as lead, lag, and flap. Lead
occurs during slowing of the drive mechanism when the
blades have a tendency to remain in motion. Lag is the
opposite of lead, and occurs during acceleration when
the blade has been at rest and tends to remain at rest.
Flap is the tendency of the blade to rise with high-lift
demands as it tries to screw itself upward into the air.
The damper-positioners restrict lead and lag motion and
position the blades for folding. Sleeve-spindles allow
each blade to be rotated on its spanwise axis to change
the blade pitch. The antiflapping restrainers and droop
restrainers restrict flapping motion when the
rotary-wing head is slowing or stopped.


The tail rotor group has helicopter components that
provide the aircraft with directional control. See figure
1-18. These components are the pylon, rotary rudder
blades, and rotary rudder head. The rotary rudder head
includes such items as the hub, spindle, and pitch control
The pylon, shown in figure 1-18, is of aluminum
semimonocoque construction. It has beams, bulkheads,
stringer, formers, and channels. Various gauges of
aluminum skin located on the sides of the box structure
are part of the primary pylon structure. Reinforced
plastic fairings in the leading and aft surfaces form the
airfoil contour of the pylon and are secondary structures.
The pylon houses an intermediate gearbox and a tail
gearbox. The pylon is attached on the right side of the
aircraft to the main fuselage by hinge fittings. These
hinge fittings also serve as the pivot point for the pylon
to fold alongside the right side of the fuselage. Folding
of the pylon reduces the overall length of the H-3
helicopter by 7 1/2 feet, thereby aiding shipboard
Rotary Rudder Head
The rudder head is usually located on the left side
of the pylon. It produces antitorque forces, which may
be varied by the pilot to control flight heading. The


Figure 1-19.-Five stresses acting on an aircraft.


rotary rudder head is driven by the tail gearbox. Change

in blade pitch is accomplished through the pitch change
shaft that moves through the horizontal shaft of the tail
gearbox. As the shaft moves inward toward the tail
gearbox, pitch of the blade is decreased. As the shaft
moves outward from the tail gearbox, pitch of the blade
is increased. The pitch control beam is connected by
links to the forked brackets on the blade sleeves.
A flapping spindle for each blade permits flapping
of the blade to a maximum of 10 degrees in each

Learning Objective: Identify the five basic

stresses acting on an aircraft.

Primary factors in aircraft structures are strength,

weight, and reliability. These three factors determine the
requirements to be met by any material used in airframe
construction and repair. Airframes must be strong and
light in weight. An aircraft built so heavy that it could
not support more then a few hundred pounds of
additional weight would be useless. In addition to
having a good strength-to-weight ratio, all materials
must be thoroughly reliable. This reliability minimizes
the possibility of dangerous and unexpected failures.
Numerous forces and structural stresses act on an
aircraft when it is flying and when it is static. When it is
static, gravity force alone produces weight. The weight
is supported by the landing gear. The landing gear also
absorbs the forces imposed during takeoffs and
During flight, any maneuver that causes
acceleration or deceleration increases the forces and
stresses on the wings and fuselage. These loads are
tension, compression, shear, bending, and torsion
stresses. These stresses are absorbed by each component
of the wing structure and transmitted to the fuselage
structure. The empennage, or tail section, absorbs the
same stresses and also transmits them to the fuselage
structure. The study of such loads is called a stress
analysis. The stresses must be analyzed and considered
when an aircraft is designed. These stresses are shown
in figure 1-19.

Rotary Rudder Blades

The blades are on the rotary rudder head. Each blade
consists of the following:
Aluminum spar
Aluminum pocket with honeycomb core
Aluminum tip cap
Aluminum trailing edge cap
Abrasion strip
In addition, those blades that have deicing provisions have a neoprene anti-icing guard, embedded
with electrical heating elements. The root end of the
blade permits attaching to the rotary rudder head
spindles. The abrasion strip protects the leading edge of
the blade from sand, dust, and adverse weather
conditions. The skin is wrapped completely around the
spar, and the trailing edge cap is installed over the edges
of the skin at the trailing edge of the blade, The tip cap
is riveted to the outboard end of the blade.




Tension may be defined as pull. It is the stress of

stretching an object or pulling at its ends. An elevator
control cable is in additional tension when the pilot
moves the control column. Tension is the resistance to
pulling apart or stretching, produced by two forces
pulling in opposite directions along the same straight

All materials arc somewhat elastic. A rubberband is

extremely elastic, whereas a piece of metal is not very
All the structural members of an aircraft experience
one or more stresses. Sometimes a structural member
has alternate stresses. It is under compression one
instant of time and under tension the next. The strength
of aircraft materials must be great enough to withstand
maximum force of varying stresses.



If forces acting on an aircraft move toward each
other to squeeze the material, the stress is called
compression. Compression is the opposite of tension.
Tension is a pull, and compression is a push.
Compression is the resistance to crushing, produced by
two forces pushing toward each other in the same
straight line. While an airplane is on the ground, the
landing gear struts are under a constant compression

You should understand the stresses encountered on

the main parts of an aircraft. A knowledge of the basic
stresses on aircraft structures helps you understand why
aircraft are built the way they are. The fuselage of the
aircraft encounters the five types of stress-torsion,
bending, tension, shear, and compression.
Torsional stress in a fuselage is created in several
ways. An example of this stress is encountered in engine
torque on turboprop aircraft. Engine torque tends to
rotate the aircraft in the direction opposite to that in
which the propeller is turning. This force creates a
torsional stress in the fuselage. Figure 1-20 shows the
effect of the rotating propellers. Another example of
torsional stress is the twisting force in the fuselage due
to the action of the ailerons when the aircraft is
When an aircraft is on the ground, there is a bending
force on the fuselage. This force occurs because of the
weight of the aircraft itself. Bending greatly increases
when the aircraft makes a carrier landing. This bending
action creates a tension stress on the lower skin of the
fuselage and a compression stress on the top skin. This
bending action is shown in figure 1-21. These stresses
are also transmitted to the fuselage when the aircraft is
in flight. Bending occurs due to the reaction of the
airflow against the wings and empennage. When the
aircraft is in flight, lift forces act upward against the
wings, tending to bend them upward. The wings are
prevented from folding over the fuselage by the resisting
strength of the wing structure. This bending action
creates a tension stress on the bottom of the wings and
a compression stress on the top of the wings.

Cutting a piece of paper with a pair of scissors is an
example of shearing action. Shear in an aircraft structure
is a stress exerted when two pieces of fastened material
tend to separate. Shear stress is the outcome of sliding
one part over the other in opposite directions. The rivets
and bolts in an aircraft experience both shear and tension


Bending is a combination of tension and

compression. Consider the bending of an object such as
a piece of tubing. The upper portion stretches (tension)
and the lower portion crushes together (compression).
The wing spars of an aircraft in flight undergo bending

Torsional stresses are the result of a twisting force.
When you wring out a chamois skin, you are putting it
under torsion. Torsion is produced in an engine
crankshaft while the engine is running. Forces that cause
torsional stresses produce torque.

Learning Objective: Recognize and identify the

properties of the various types of metallic and
nonmetallic materials used in aircraft


Figure 1-20.-Engine torque creates torsional stress in aircraft fuselages.

Figure 1-21.-Bending action occurring during carrier landing.

An aircraft requires materials that must be both light
and strong. Early aircraft were made of wood.
Lightweight metal alloys with a strength greater than
wood were developed and used on later aircraft.
Materials currently used in aircraft construction maybe
classified as either metallic or nonmetallic.

Magnesium, the worlds lightest structural metal, is

a silvery-white material weighing only two-thirds as
much as aluminum. Magnesium is used in the
manufacture of helicopters. Magnesiums low
resistance to corrosion has limited its use in conventional aircraft.
Titanium is a lightweight, strong, corrosionresistant metal. It was discovered years ago, but only
recently has it been made suitable for use in aircraft.
Recent developments make titanium ideal for
applications where aluminum alloys are too weak and
stainless steel is too heavy. In addition, titanium is
unaffected by long exposure to seawater and marine


The most common metals in aircraft construction
are aluminum, magnesium, titanium, steel, and their
alloys. Aluminum alloy is widely used in modern
aircraft construction. It is vital to the aviation industry
because the alloy has a high strength-to-weight ratio.
Aluminum alloys are corrosion-resistant and comparatively easy to fabricate. The outstanding characteristic of aluminum is its lightweight.

An alloy is composed of two or more metals. The

metal present in the alloy in the largest portion is called


the base metal. All other metals added to the alloy are
called alloying elements. Alloying elements, in either
small or large amounts, may result in a marked change
in the properties of the base metal. For example, pure
aluminum is relatively soft and weak. When small
amounts of other elements such as copper, manganese,
and magnesium are added, aluminums strength is
increased many times. An increase or a decrease in an
alloys strength and hardness may be achieved through
heat treatment of the alloy. Alloys are of great
importance to the aircraft industry. Alloys provide
materials with properties not possessed by a pure metal

Figure 1-22.-Reinforced plastic.

Alloy steels that are of much greater strength than

those found in other fields of engineering have been
developed. These steels contain small percentages of
carbon, nickel, chromium, vanadium, and molybdenum.
High-tensile steels will stand stresses of 50 to 150 tons
per square inch without failing. Such steels are made
into tubes, rods, and wires.

materials (graphite epoxy or boron epoxy). These

materials are mechanically fastened to conventional
substructures. Another type of composite construction
consists of thin graphite epoxy skins bonded to an
aluminum honeycomb core.

Another type of steel that is used extensively is

stainless steel. This alloy resists corrosion and is
particularly valuable for use in or near salt water.

Learning Objective: Identify properties of
metallic materials used in aircraft construction.


Metallurgists have been working for more than a

half century improving metals for aircraft construction.
Each metal has certain properties and characteristics that
make it desirable for a particular application, but it may
have other qualities that are undesirable. For example,
some metals are hard, others comparatively soft; some
are brittle, some lough; some can be formed and shaped
without fracture; and some are so heavy that weight
alone makes them unsuitable for aircraft use. The
metallurgists objectives are to improve the desirable
qualities and tone down or eliminate the undesirable
ones. This is done by alloying (combining) metals and
by various heat-treating processes.

In addition to metals, various types of plastic

materials are found in aircraft construction. Transparent
plastic is found in canopies, windshields, and other
transparent enclosures. Handle transparent plastic
surfaces with care, because this material is relatively
soft and scratches easily. At approximately 225F,
transparent plastic becomes soft and very pliable.
Reinforced plastic is made for use in the construction of radomes, wing tips, stabilizer tips, antenna
covers, and flight controls. Reinforced plastic has a high
strength-to-weight ratio and is resistant to mildew and
rot. Its ease of fabrication make it equally suitable for
other parts of the aircraft.

You do not have to be a metallurgist to be a good

AM, but you should possess a knowledge and understanding of the uses, strengths, limitations, and other
characteristics of aircraft structural metals. Such
knowledge and understanding is vital to properly
construct and maintain any equipment, especially
airframes. In aircraft maintenance and repair, even a
slight deviation from design specifications or the
substitution of inferior materials may result in the loss
of both lives and equipment. The use of unsuitable
materials can readily erase the finest craftsmanship. The
selection of the specific material for a specific repair job

Reinforced plastic is a sandwich-type material. See

figure 1-22. It is made up of two outer facings and a
center layer. The facings are made up of several layers
of glass cloth, bonded together with a liquid resin. The
core material (center layer) consists of a honeycomb
structure made of glass cloth. Reinforced plastic is
fabricated into a variety of cell sizes.
High-performance aircraft require an extra high
strength-to-weight ratio material. Fabrication of
composite materials satisfies the special requirement.
This construction method uses several layers of bonding


metals used in making wire and tubing. Ductile metals

are greatly preferred for aircraft use because of their
ease of forming and resistance to failure under shock
loads. For this reason, aluminum alloys are used for
cowl rings, fuselage and wing skin, and formed or
extruded parts, such as ribs, spars, and bulkheads.
Chrome-molybdenum steel is also easily formed into
desired shapes. Ductility is similar to malleability.

demands familiarity with the most common properties

of various metals.
This section is devoted primarily to the terms used
in describing various properties and characteristics of
metals in general. Of primary concern in aircraft
maintenance are such general properties of metals and
their alloys as hardness, brittleness, malleability,
ductility, elasticity, toughness, density, fusibility,
conductivity, and contraction and expansion. You must
know the definition of the terms included here because
they form the basis for further discussion of aircraft

Elasticity is that property that enables a metal to
return to its original shape when the force that causes
the change of shape is removed. This property is
extremely valuable, because it would be highly
undesirable to have a part permanently distorted after an
applied load was removed. Each metal has a point
known as the elastic limit, beyond which it cannot be
loaded without causing permanent distortion. When
metal is loaded beyond its elastic limit and permanent
distortion does result, it is referred to as strained. In
aircraft construction, members and parts are so designed
that the maximum loads to which they are subjected will
never stress them beyond their elastic limit.

Hardness refers to the ability of a metal to resist
abrasion, penetration, cutting action, or permanent
distortion. Hardness may be increased by working the
metal and, in the case of steel and certain titanium and
aluminum alloys, by heat treatment and cold-working
(discussed later). Structural parts are often formed from
metals in their soft state and then heat treated to harden
them so that the finished shape will be retained.
Hardness and strength are closely associated properties
of all metals.

NOTE: Stress is the internal resistance of any

metal to distortion.


A material that possesses toughness will withstand

tearing or shearing and may be stretched or otherwise
deformed without breaking. Toughness is a desirable
property in aircraft metals.

Brittleness is the property of a metal that allows little

bending or deformation without shattering. In other
words, a brittle metal is apt to break or crack without
change of shape. Because structural metals are often
subjected to shock loads, brittleness is not a very
desirable property. Cast iron, cast aluminum, and very
hard steel are brittle metals.

Density is the weight of a unit volume of a material.
In aircraft work, the actual weight of a material per cubic
inch is preferred, since this figure can be used in
determining the weight of a part before actual
manufacture. Density is an important consideration
when choosing a material to be used in the design of a
part and still maintain the proper weight and balance of
the aircraft.

A metal that can be hammered, rolled, or pressed
into various shapes without cracking or breaking or
other detrimental effects is said to be malleable. This
property is necessary in sheet metal that is to be worked
into curved shapes such as cowlings, fairings, and wing
tips. Copper is one example of a malleable metal.

Fusibility is defined as the ability of a metal to
become liquid by the application of heat. Metals are
fused in welding. Steels fuse at approximately 2,500F,
and aluminum alloys at approximately 1, 110F.

Ductility is the property of a metal that permits it to

be permanently drawn, bent, or twisted into various
shapes without breaking. This property is essential for


five basic stresses that metals may be required to

withstand. These are tension, compression, shear,
bending, and torsion. Each was discussed previously in
this chapter.

Conductivity is the property that enables a metal to
carry heat or electricity. The heat conductivity of a metal
is especially important in welding, because it governs
the amount of heat that will be required for proper
fusion. Conductivity of the metal, to a certain extent,
determines the type of jig to be used to control expansion
and contraction. In aircraft, electrical conductivity must
also be considered in conjunction with bonding, which
is used to eliminate radio interference. Metals vary in
their capacity to conduct heat. Copper, for instance, has
a relatively high rate of heat conductivity and is a good
electrical conductor.

The relationship between the strength of a material
and its weight per cubic inch, expressed as a ratio, is
known as the strength/weight ratio. This ratio forms the
basis of comparing the desirability of various materials
for use in airframe construction and repair. Neither
strength nor weight alone can be used as a means of true
comparison. In some applications, such as the skin of
monocoque structures, thickness is more important than
strength; and in this instance, the material with the
lightest weight for a given thickness or gauge is best.
Thickness or bulk is necessary to prevent buckling or
damage caused by careless handling.

Contraction and Expansion

Contraction and expansion are reactions produced
in metals as the result of heating or cooling. A high
degree of heat applied to a metal will cause it to expand
or become larger. Cooling hot metal will shrink or
contract it. Contraction and expansion affect the design
of welding jigs, castings, and tolerances necessary for
hot-rolled material.

Corrosive Properties
Corrosion is the eating away or pitting of the surface
or the internal structure of metals. Because of the thin
sections and the safety factors used in aircraft design and
construction, it would be dangerous to select a material
subject to severe corrosion if it were not possible to
reduce or eliminate the hazard. Corrosion can be
reduced or prevented by using better grades of base
metals; by coating the surfaces with a thin coating of
paint, tin, chromium, or cadmium; or by an
electrochemical process called anodizing. Corrosion
control is discussed at length in Aviation Maintenance
Ratings Fundamentals, and it is not covered in detail in
this TRAMAN.

The selection of proper materials is a primary
consideration in the development of an airframe and in
the proper maintenance and repair of aircraft. Keeping
in mind the general properties of metals, it is now
possible to consider the specific requirements that
metals must meet to be suitable for aircraft purposes.
Strength, weight, and reliability determine the
requirements to be met by any material used in airframe
construction and repair. Airframes must be strong and
as light in weight as possible. There are very definite
limits to which increases in strength can be accompanied
by increase in weight. An aircraft so heavy that it could
not support more than a few hundred pounds of
additional weight would be of little use. All metals, in
addition to having a good strength/weight ratio, must be
thoroughly reliable, thus minimizing the possibility of
dangerous and unexpected failures. In addition to these
general properties, the material selected for definite
application must possess specific qualities suitable for
the purpose. These specific qualities are discussed in the
following text.

Working Properties
Another significant factor to consider in the
selection of metals for aircraft maintenance and repair
is the ability of material to be formed, bent, or machined
to required shapes. The hardening of metals by
cold-working or forming is called work hardening. If
a piece of metal is formed (shaped or bent) while cold,
it is said to be cold-worked. Practically all the work you
do on metal is cold-work. While this is convenient, it
causes the metal to become harder and more brittle.
If the metal is cold-worked too much (that is, if it is
bent back and forth or hammered at the same place too
often), it will crack or break. Usually, the more
malleable and ductile a metal is, the more cold-working
it can withstand.

The material must possess the strength required by
the demands of dimensions, weight, and use. There are


Joining Properties


Joining metals structuraly by welding, brazing, or

soldering, or by such mechanical means as riveting or
bolting, is a tremendous help in design and fabrication.
When all other properties are equal, material that can be
welded has the advantage.

Almost all steel is hot-worked from the ingot into

some form from which it is either hot- or cold-worked
to the finished shape. When an ingot is stripped from its
mold, its surface is solid, but the interior is still molten.
The ingot is then placed in a soaking pit, which retards
loss of heat, and the molten interior gradually solidifies.
After soaking, the temperature is equalized throughout
the ingot, which is then reduced to intermediate size by
rolling, making it more readily handled.

Shock and Fatigue Properties

Aircraft metals are subject to both shock and fatigue
(vibrational) stresses. Fatigue occurs in materials that
are exposed to frequent reversals of loading or
repeatedly applied loads, if the fatigue limit is reached
or exceeded. Repeated vibration or bending will
ultimately cause a minute crack to occur at the weakest
point. As vibration or bending continues, the crack
lengthens until complete failure of the part occurs. This
is termed shock and fatigue failure. Resistance to this
condition is known as shock and fatigue resistance. It is
essential that materials used for critical parts be resistant
to these stresses.

The rolled shape is called a bloom when its sectional

dimensions are 6 x 6 inches or larger and approximately
square. The section is called a billet when it is
approximately square and less than 6 x 6 inches.
Rectangular sections that have width greater than twice
the thickness are called slabs. The slab is the
intermediate shape from which sheets are rolled.
HOT-ROLLING. -Blooms, billets, or slabs are
heated above the critical range and rolled into a variety
of shapes of uniform cross section. The more common
of these rolled shapes are sheets, bars, channels, angles,
I-beams, and the like. In aircraft work, sheets, bars, and
rods are the most commonly used items that are rolled
from steel. As discussed later in this chapter, hot-rolled
materials are frequently finished by cold-rolling or
drawing to obtain accurate finish dimensions and a
bright, smooth surface.

The preceding discussion of the properties and

qualities of metals is intended to show why you must
know which traits in metals are desirable and which are
undesirable to do certain jobs. The more you know about
a given material, the better you can handle airframe

FORGING. -Complicated sections that cannot be

rolled, or sections of which only a small quantity is
required, are usually forged. Forging of steel is a
mechanical working of the metal above the critical range
to shape the metal as desired. Forging is done either by
pressing or hammering the heated steel until the desired
shape is obtained.


When metal is not cast in a desired manner, it is
formed into special shapes by mechanical working
processes. Several factors must be considered when
determining whether a desired shape is to be cast or
formed by mechanical working. If the shape is very
complicated, casting will be necessary to avoid
expensive machining of mechanically formed parts. On
the other hand, if strength and quality of material are the
prime factors in a given part, a cast will be
unsatisfactory. For this reason, steel castings are seldom
used in aircraft work.

Pressing is used when the parts to be forged are large

and heavy, and this process also replaces hammering
where high-grade steel is required. Since a press is slow
acting, its force is uniformly transmitted to the center of
the section, thus affecting the interior grain structure as
well as the exterior to give the best possible structure
Hammering can be used only on relatively small
pieces. Since hammering transmits its force almost
instantly, its effect is limited to a small depth. Thus, it is
necessary to use a very heavy hammer or to subject the
part to repeated blows to ensure complete working of
the section. If the force applied is too weak to reach the
center, the finished forging surface will be concave. If
the center is properly worked, the surface will be convex

There are three basic methods of metal working.

They are hot-working, cold-working, and extruding.
The process chosen for a particular application depends
upon the metal involved and the part required, although
in some instances you might employ both hot- and
cold-working methods in making a single part.


Figure 1-23.-Cold-drawing operations for rod, tubing, and wire.

hard that it is difficult to continue the forming process

without softening the metal by annealing.

or bulged. The advantage of hammering is that the

operator has control over the amount of pressure applied
and the finishing temperature, and is able to produce
parts of the highest grade.

Since the errors attending shrinkage are eliminated

in cold-working, a much more compact and better metal
is obtained. The strength and hardness as well as the
elastic limit are increased, but the ductility decreases.
Since this makes the metal more brittle, it must be heated
from time to time during certain operations to remove
the undesirable effects of the working.

This type of forging is usually referred to as smith

forging, and it is used extensively where only a small
number of parts are needed. Considerable machining
and material are saved when a part is smith forged to
approximately the finished shape.

While there are several cold-working processes, the

two with which you are principally concerned are
cold-rolling and cold-drawing. These processes give the

Cold-working applies to mechanical working
performed at temperatures below the critical range, and
results in a strain hardening of the metal. It becomes so

metals desirable qualities that cannot be obtained by



and other favorable properties, can be economically

extruded to more intricate shapes and larger sizes than
is practicable with many other metals. Extruded shapes
are produced in very simple as well as extremely
complex sections.

COLD-ROLLING. -Cold-rolling usually refers to

the working of metal at room temperature. In this
operation, the materials that have been hot-rolled to
approximate sizes are pickled to remove any scale, after
which they are passed through chilled finished rolls.
This action gives a smooth surface and also brings the
pieces to accurate dimensions. The principal forms of
cold-rolled stocks are sheets, bars, and rods.

A cylinder of aluminum, for instance, is heated to

750F to 850F, and is then forced through the opening
of a die by a hydraulic ram. Many structural parts, such
as stringers, are formed by the extrusion process.

COLD-DRAWING. -Cold-drawing is used in

making seamless tubing, wire, streamline tie rods, and
other forms of stock. Wire is made from hot-rolled rods
of various diameters. These rods are pickled in acid to
remove scale, dipped in lime water, and then dried in a
steam room, where they remain until ready for drawing.
The lime coating adhering to the metal serves as a
lubricant during the drawing operation. Figure 1-23
shows the drawing of rod, tubing, and wire.

A substance that possesses metallic properties and
is composed of two or more chemical elements, of
which at least one is a metal, is called an alloy. The
metal present in the alloy in the largest proportion is
called the base metal. All other metals and/or
elements added to the alloy are called alloying
elements. The metals are dissolved in each other while
molten, and they do not separate into layers when the
solution solidifies. Practically all the metals used in
aircraft are made up of a number of alloying elements.

The size of the rod used for drawing depends upon

the diameter wanted in the finished wire. To reduce the
rod to the desired wire size, it is drawn cold through a
die. One end of the rod is filed or hammered to a point
and slipped through the die opening, where it is gripped
by the jaws of the draw, then pulled through the die. This
series of operations is done by a mechanism known as
the drawbench, as shown in figure 1-23.

Alloying elements, either in small or in large

amounts, may result in a marked change in the properties
of the base metal. For example, pure aluminum is a
relatively soft and weak metal, but by adding small
amounts of other elements such as copper, manganese,
magnesium, and zinc, its strength can be increased many
times. Aluminum containing such other elements
purposely added during manufacture is called an
aluminum alloy.

To reduce the rod gradually to the desired size, it is

necessary to draw the wire through successively smaller
dies. Because each of these drawings reduces the
ductility of the wire, it must be annealed from time to
time before further drawings can be accomplished.
Although cold-working reduces the ductility, it
increases the tensile strength of the wire enormously.

In addition to increasing the strength, alloying may

change the heat-resistant qualities of a metal, its
corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, or
magnetic properties. It may cause an increase or
decrease in the degree to which hardening occurs after
cold-working. Alloying may also make possible an
increase or decrease in strength and hardness by heat
treatment. Alloys are of great importance to the aircraft
industry in providing materials with properties that pure
metals alone do not possess.

In making seamless steel aircraft tubing, the tubing

is cold-drawn through a ring-shaped die with a mandrel
or metal bar inside the tubing to support it while the
drawing operations are being performed. This forces the
metal to flow between the die and the mandrel and
affords a means of controlling the wall thickness and the
inside and outside diameters.


The extrusion process involves the forcing of metal
through an opening in a die, thus causing the metal to
take the shape of the die opening. Some metals such as
lead, tin, and aluminum may be extruded cold; but
generally, metals are heated before the operation is

A wide variety of materials is required in the repair

of aircraft. This is a result of the varying needs with
respect to strength, weight, durability, and resistance to
deterioration of specific structures or parts. In addition,
the particular shape or form of the material plays an
important role. In selecting materials for aircraft repair,
these factors, plus many others, are considered in
relation to their mechanical and physical properties.

The principal advantage of the extrusion process is

in its flexibility. Aluminum, because of its workability


Table 1-1.-SAE Numerical Index


Type of steel

















testing is a factor in the determination of the results of
heat treatment as well as the condition of the metal
before heat treatment. There are two commonly used
methods of hardness testing, the Brinell and the
Rockwell tests. These tests require the use of specific
machines and are covered later in this chapter. An
additional, and somewhat indirect, method known as
spark testing is used in identifying ferrous metals. This
type of identification gives an indication of the hardness
of the metal.

Among the common materials used are ferrous metals.

The term ferrous applies to the group of metals having
iron as their principal constituent.
If carbon is added to iron, in percentages ranging up
to approximately 1.00 percent, the product will be vastly
superior to iron alone and is classified as carbon steel.
Carbon steel forms the base of those alloy steels
produced by combining carbon with other elements
known to improve the properties of steel. A base metal
(such as iron) to which small quantities of other metals
have been added is called an alloy. The addition of other
metals is to change or improve the chemical or physical
properties of the base metal.
classification of the Society of Automotive Engineers
(SAE) is used in specifications for all high-grade steels
used in automotive and aircraft construction. A
numerical index system identifies the composition of
SAE steels.

Spark testing is a common means of identifying

ferrous metals that have become mixed. In this test, the
piece of iron or steel is held against a revolving stone,
and the metal is identified by the sparks thrown off. Each
ferrous metal has its own peculiar spark characteristics.
The spark streams vary from a few tiny shafts to a
shower of sparks several feet in length. Few nonferrous
metals give off sparks when touched to a grinding stone.
Therefore, these metals cannot be successfully
identified by the spark test.

Each SAE number consists of a group of digits, the

first of which represents the type of steel; the second,
the percentage of the principal alloying element; and
usually the last two or three digits, the percentage, in
hundredths of 1 percent, of carbon in the alloy. For
example, the SAE number 4150 indicates a
molybdenum steel containing 1 percent molybdenum
and 50 hundredths of 1 percent of carbon. Refer to the
SAE numerical index, shown in table 1-1, to see how
the various types of steel are classified into four-digit
classification numbers.

Wrought iron produces long shafts that are a duIl

red color as they leave the stone, and they end up a white
color. Cast iron sparks are red as they leave the stone,
but turn to a straw color. Low-carbon steels give off
long, straight shafts that have a few white sprigs. As the
carbon content of the steel increases, the number of
sprigs along each shaft increases, and the stream
becomes whiter in color. Nickel steel causes the spark
stream to contain small white blocks of light within the
main burst.


anticorrosive degree is determined by the surface

condition of the metal as well as by the composition,
temperature, and concentration of the corrosive agent.

Types, Characteristics, and

Uses of Alloyed Steels
While the plain carbon type of steel remains the
principal product of the steel mills, so-called alloy or
special steels are being turned out in ever increasing
tonnage. Let us now consider those alloyed steels and
their uses in aircraft.

The principal part of stainless steel is chromium, to

which nickel may or may not be added. The corrosionresisting steel most often used in aircraft construction is
known as 18-8 steel because of its content of 18 percent
chromium and 8 percent nickel. One of the distinctive
features of 18-8 steel is that its strength maybe increased
by cold-working.

CARBON STEELS. -Steel containing carbon in

percentages ranging from 0.10 to 0.30 percent are
classed as low-carbon steel. The equivalent SAE
numbers range from 1010 to 1030. Steels of this grade
are used for making such items as safety wire, certain
nuts, cable bushings, and threaded rod ends.
Low-carbon steel in sheet form is used for secondary
structural parts and clamps, and in tubular form for
moderately stressed structural parts.

Stainless steel may be rolled, drawn, bent, or formed

to any shape. Because these steels expand about 50
percent more than mild steel and conduct heat only
about 40 percent as rapidly, they are more difficult to
weld. Stainless steel, with but a slight variation in its
chemical composition, can be used for almost any part
of an aircraft. Some of its more common applications
are in the fabrication of exhaust collectors, stacks and
manifolds, structural and machined parts, springs,
castings, and tie rods and cables.

Steels containing carbon in percentages ranging

from 0.30 to 0.50 percent are classed as medium-carbon
steel. This steel is especially adaptable for machining or
forging and where surface hardness is desirable. Certain
rod ends and light forgings are made from SAE 1035


made of approximately 0.18 percent vanadium and
about 1.00 percent chromium. When heat treated, they
have strength, toughness, and resistance to wear and
fatigue. A special grade of this steel in sheet form can
be cold-formed into intricate shapes. It can be folded and
flattened without signs of breaking or failure. SAE 6150
is used for making springs; and chrome-vanadium with
high-carbon content, SAE 6195, is used for ball and
roller bearings.

Steel containing carbon in percentages ranging

from 0.50 to 1.05 percent are classed as high-carbon
steel. The addition of other elements in varying
quantities adds to the hardness of this steel. In the fully
heat-treated condition, it is very hard and will withstand
high shear and wear and have little deformation. It has
limited use in aircraft. SAE 1095 in sheet form is used
for making flat springs, and in wire form for making coil

CHROME-MOLYBDENUM STEELS. -Molybdenum in small percentages is used in combination with

chromium to form chrome- molybdenum steel, which
has various uses in aircraft. Molybdenum is a strong
alloying element, only 0.15 to 0.25 percent being used
in the chrome-molybdenum steels; the chromium
content varies from 0.80 to 1.10 percent. Molybdenum
raises the ultimate strength of steel without affecting
ductility or workability. Molybdenum steels are tough,
wear resistant, and harden throughout from heat
treatment. They are especially adaptable for welding,
and for this reason are used principally for welded
structural parts and assemblies. SAE 4130 is used for
parts such as engine mounts, nuts, bolts, gear structures,
support brackets for accessories, and other structural

NICKEL STEELS. -The various nickel steels are

produced by combining nickel with carbon steel. Steels
containing from 3 to 3.75 percent nickel are commonly
used. Nickel increases the hardness, tensile strength, and
elastic limit of steel without appreciably decreasing the
ductility. It also intensifies the hardening effect of heat
treatment. SAE 2330 steel is used extensively for
aircraft parts such as bolts, terminals, keys, clevises, and
CHROMIUM STEELS. -Chromium steels are
high in hardness, strength, and corrosion-resistant
properties. SAE 51335 is particularly adaptable for
heat-treated forgings that require greater toughness and
strength than may be obtained in plain carbon steel. It is
used for such articles as the balls and rollers of
antifriction bearings.

The progress of jet propulsion in the field of naval

aviation has been aided by the continuous research in
high-temperature metallurgy. This research has brought
forth alloys to withstand the high temperatures and

STEELS. -These are corrosion-resisting metals. The


0.096 inch in thickness; however, some of the larger

aircraft use sheet stock that may be as thick as 0.0356

velocities encountered in jet power units. These alloys

are chemically similar to the previously mentioned
steels, but may also contain cobalt, copper, and
columbium in varied amounts as alloying elements.

One disadvantage of aluminum alloy is the

difficulty of making reliable soldered joints. Oxidation
of the surface of the heated metal prevents soft solder
from adhering to the material; therefore, to produce
good joints of aluminum alloy, a riveting process is
used. Some aluminum alloys are also successfully


The term nonferrous refers to all metals that have
elements other than iron as their principal constituent.
This group includes aluminum, titanium, copper,
magnesium, and their alloys; and in addition, such alloy
metals as Monel and Babbitt.

The various types of aluminum maybe divided into

two classes-casing alloys (those suitable for casting in
sand, permanent mold, and die castings) and the
wrought alloys (those that may be shaped by rolling,
drawing, or forging). Of the two, the wrought alloys are
the most widely used in aircraft construction, being used
for stringers, bulkheads, skin, rivets, and extruded
sections. Casting alloys are not extensively used in

Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys

Commercially pure aluminum is a white, lustrous
metal, light in weight and corrosion resistant. Aluminum
combined with various percentages of other metals
(generally copper, manganese, magnesium, and
chromium) form the alloys that are used in aircraft
construction. Aluminum alloys in which the principal
alloying ingredients are either manganese, magnesium,
or chromium, or magnesium and silicon, show little
attack in corrosive environments. On the other hand,
those alloys in which substantial percentages of copper
are used are more susceptible to corrosive action. The
total percentage of alloying elements is seldom more
than 6 or 7 percent in the wrought aluminum alloys.

WROUGHT ALLOYS. -Wrought alloys are

divided into two classes-nonheat treatable and heat
treatable. In the nonheat-treatable class, strain
hardening (cold-working) is the only means of
increasing the tensile strength. Heat-treatable alloys
may be hardened by heat treatment, by cold-working, or
by the application of both processes.
Aluminum products are identified by a universally
used designation system. Under this arrangement,
wrought aluminum and wrought aluminum alloys are
designated by a four-digit index system.

TYPES, CHARACTERISTICS, AND USES. Aluminum is one of the most widely used metals in
modern aircraft construction. It is vital to the aviation
industry because of its high strength/weight ratio, its
corrosion-resisting qualities, and its comparative ease of
fabrication. The outstanding characteristic of aluminum
is its light weight. In color, aluminum resembles silver,
although it possesses a characteristic bluish tinge of its
own. Commercially pure aluminum melts at the
comparatively low temperature of 1,216F. It is
nonmagnetic, and is an excellent conductor of

The first digit of the designation indicates the major

alloying element or alloy group, as shown in table 1-2.
The lxxx indicates aluminum of 99.00 percent or
greater; 2xxx indicates an aluminum alloy in which
copper is the major alloying element; 3xxx indicates an
aluminum alloy with manganese as the major alloying
element; etc. Although most aluminum alloys contain
several alloying elements, only one group (6xxx)
designates more than one alloying element.

Commercially pure aluminum has a tensile strength

of about 13,000 psi, but by rolling or other cold-working
processes, its strength may be approximately doubled.
By alloying with other metals, together with the use of
heat-treating processes, the tensile strength may be
raised to as high as 96,000 psi, or to well within the
strength range of structural steel.

In the 1xxx group, the second digit in the

designation indicates modifications in impurity limits.
If the second digit is zero, it indicates that there is no
special control on individual impurities. The last two of
the four digits indicate the minimum aluminum
percentage. Thus, alloy 1030 indicates 99.30 percent
aluminum without special control on impurities. Alloys
1130, 1230, 1330, etc., indicate the same aluminum
purity with special control on one or more impurities.
Likewise, 1075, 1175, 1275, etc., indicate 99.75 percent

Aluminum alloy material, although strong, is easily

worked, for it is very malleable and ductile. It may be
rolled into sheets as thin as 0.0017 inch or drawn into
wire 0.004 inch in diameter. Most aluminum alloy sheet
stock used in aircraft construction ranges from 0.016 to


Table 1-2.-Designations for Aluminum Alloy Groups

In the 2xxx through 8xxx groups, the second digit

indicates alloy modifications. If the second digit in the
designation is zero, it indicates the original alloy, while
numbers 1 through 9, assigned consecutively, indicate
alloy modifications. The last two of the four digits have
no special significance, but serve only to identify the
different alloys in the group.
The temper designation follows the alloy
designation and shows the actual condition of the metal.
It is always separated from the alloy designation by a

Greater strength is obtainable in the heat-treatable

alloys. They are often used in aircraft in preference to
the nonheat-treatable alloys. Heat-treatable alloys
commonly used in aircraft construction (in order of
increasing strength) are 6061, 6062, 6063, 2017, 2024,
2014,7075, and 7178.
Alloys 6061, 6062, and 6063 are sometimes used
for oxygen and hydraulic lines and in some applications
as extrusions and sheet metal.
Alloy 2017 is used for rivets, stressed-skin
covering, and other structural members.

The letter F following the alloy designation

indicates the as fabricated condition, in which no
effort has been made to control the mechanical
properties of the metal,

Alloy 2024 is used for airfoil covering and fittings.

It may be used wherever 2017 is specified, since it is
Alloy 2014 is used for extruded shapes and
forgings. This alloy is similar to 2017 and 2024 in that
it contains a high percentage of copper. It is used where
more strength is required than that obtainable from 2017
or 2024.

The letter O indicates dead soft, or annealed,

The letter W indicates solution heat treated. Solution
heat treatment consists of heating the metal to a high
temperature followed by a rapid quench in cold water,
This in an unstable temper, applicable only to those
alloys that spontaneously age at room temperature,
Alloy 7075 may be ordered in the W condition.

Alloy 7178 is used where highest strength is

necessary, Alloy 7178 contains a small amount of
chromium as a stabilizing agent, as does alloy 7075.
Nonheat-treatable alloys used in aircraft
construction are 1100, 3003, and 5052. These alloys do
not respond to any heat treatment other than a softening,
annealing effect. They may be hardened only by
cold- working.

The letter H indicates strain hardened, cold-worked,

hand-drawn, or rolled. Additional digits are added to the
H to indicate the degree of strain hardening. Alloys in
this group cannot be strengthened by heat treatment,
hence the term nonheat-treatable.

Alloy 1100 is used where strength is not an

important factor, but where weight, economy, and
corrosion resistance are desirable. This alloy is used for

The letter T indicates fully heat treated. Digits are

added to the T to indicate certain variations in treatment.


workable of all the common commercial metals. It can

be fabricated readily into a variety of shapes by any
conventional method; however, formability varies a
great deal with the alloy and temper.

fuel tanks, fairings, oil tanks, and for the repair of wing
tips and tanks.
Alloy 3003 is similar to 1100 and is generally used
for the same purposes. It contains a small percentage of
manganese and is stronger and harder than 1100, but
retains enough work ability that it is usually preferred
over 1100 in most applications.

In general, the aircraft manufacturers form the

heat-treatable alloys in the -0 or -T4 condition before
they have reached their full strength. They are
subsequently heat-treated or aged to the maximum
strength (-T6) condition before installation in aircraft.
By this combination of processes, the advantage of
forming in a soft condition is obtained without
sacrificing the maximum obtainable strength/weight

Alloy 5052 is used for fuel lines, hydraulic lines,

fuel tanks, and wing tips. Substantially higher strength
without too much sacrifice of workability can be
obtained in 5052. It is preferred over 1100 and 3003 in
many applications.
Alclad is the name given to standard aluminum
alloys that have been coated on both sides with a thin
layer of pure aluminum. Alclad has very good
corrosion-resisting qualities and is used exclusively for
exterior surfaces of aircraft. Alclad sheets are available
in all tempers of 2014, 2017, 7075, and 7178.

Aluminum is one of the most readily weldable of all

metals. The nonheat-treatable alloys can be welded by
all methods, and the heat-treatable alloys can be
successfully spot welded. The melting point for pure
aluminum is 1,216F, while various aluminum alloys
melt at slightly lower temperatures. Aluminum products
do not show any color changes when heated, even up to
the melting point. Riveting is the most reliable method
of joining stress-carrying parts of heat-treated
aluminum alloy structures.

CASTING ALLOYS. -Aluminum casting alloys,

like wrought alloys, are divided into two groups. In one
group, the physical properties of the alloys are
determined by the elements added and cannot be
changed after the metal is cast. In the other group, the
elements added make it possible to heat-treat the casting
to produce desired physical properties.

Titanium and Titanium Alloys

The casting alloys are identified by a letter preceding the alloy number. This is exactly opposite from
the case of wrought alloys, in which the letters follow
the number. When a letter precedes a number, it
indicates a slight variation in the composition of the
original alloy. This variation in composition is made
simply to impart some desirable quality. In casting alloy
214, for example, the addition of zinc, to increase its
pouring qualities, is designated by the letter A in front
of the number, thus creating the designation A214.

Titanium and titanium alloys are used chiefly for

parts that require good corrosion resistance, moderate
strength up to 600F, and lightweight.
TYPES, CHARACTERISTICS, AND USES. Titanium alloys are being used in quantity for jet engine
compressor wheels, compressor blades, spacer rings,
housing compartments, and airframe parts such as
engine pads, ducting, wing surfaces, fire walls, fuselage
skin adjacent to the engine outlet, and armor plate.
In view of titaniums high melting temperature,
approximately 3,300F, its high-temperature properties
are disappointing. The ultimate and yield strengths of
titanium drop fast above 800F. In applications where
the declines might be tolerated, the absorption of oxygen
and nitrogen from the air at temperatures above 1,000F
makes the metal so brittle on long exposure that it soon
becomes worthless. Titanium has some merit for
short-time exposure up to 2,000F where strength is not
important, as in aircraft fire walls.

When castings have been treated, the heat treatment

and the composition of the casting are indicated by the
letter T and an alloying number. An example of this is
the sand casting alloy 355, which has several different
compositions and tempers and is designated by 355-T6,
355-T51, and A355-T51.
Aluminum alloy castings are produced by one of
three basic methods-sand mold, permanent mold, and
die cast. In casting aluminum, in most cases, different
types of alloys must be used for different types of
castings. Sand castings and die castings require different
types of alloys than those used in permanent molds.

Sharp tools are essential in machining techniques

because titanium has a tendency to resist or back away
from the cutting edge of tools. It is readily welded, but
the tendency of the metal to absorb oxygen, nitrogen,
and hydrogen must never be ignored. Machine welding


ALLOYS. -Aluminum is one of the most readily


BRONZES. -Bronzes are copper alloys containing

tin. The true bronzes have up to 25 percent tin, but those
below 11 percent are most useful, especially for such
items as tube fittings in aircraft.

with an inert gas atmosphere has proven most

Both commercially pure and alloy titanium can
absorb large amounts of cold-work without cracking.
Practically anything that can be deep drawn in
low-carbon steel can be duplicated in commercially
pure titanium, although the titanium may require more
intermediate anneals.

Among the copper alloys are the copper aluminum

alloys, of which the aluminum bronzes rank very high
in aircraft usage. They would find greater usefulness in
structures if it were not for their strength/weight ratio as
compared with alloy steels. Wrought aluminum bronzes
are almost as strong and ductile as medium-carbon steel,
and possess a high degree of resistance to corrosion by
air, salt water, and chemicals. They are readily forged,
hot- or cold-rolled, and some react to heat treatment.


metal, pure or alloyed, is easily identified. When
touched with a grinding wheel, it makes white spark
traces that end in brilliant white bursts. When rubbed
with a piece of glass, moistened titanium will leave a
dark line similar in appearance to a pencil mark.

These copper-based alloys contain up to 16 percent

of aluminum (usually 5 to 11 percent) to which other
metals such as iron, nickel, or manganese maybe added.
Aluminum bronzes have good tearing qualities, great
strength, hardness, and resistance to both shock and
fatigue. Because of these properties, they are used for
diaphragms and gears, air pumps, condenser bolts, and
slide liners. Aluminum bronzes are available in rods,
bars, plates, sheets, strips, and forgings.

Copper and Copper Alloys

Most commercial copper is refined to a purity of
99.9 percent minimum copper plus silver. It is the only
reddish-colored metal, and it is second only to silver in
electrical conductivity. Its use as a structural material is
limited because of its great weight. However, some of
its outstanding characteristics, such as its high electrical
and heat conductivity, in many cases overbalance the
weight factor.

Cast aluminum bronzes, using about 89 percent

copper, 9 percent aluminum, and 2 percent of other
elements, have high strength combined with ductility,
and are resistant to corrosion, shock, and fatigue.
Because of these properties, cast aluminum bronze is
used in gun mounts, bearings, and pump parts. These
alloys are useful in areas exposed to salt water and
corrosive gases.

Because it is very malleable and ductile, copper is

ideal for making wire. In aircraft, copper is used
primarily for the electrical system and for instrument
tubing and bonding. It is corroded by salt water, but is
not affected by fresh water. The ultimate tensile strength
of copper varies greatly. For cast copper, the tensile
strength is about 25,000 psi; and when cold-rolled or
cold-drawn, its tensile strength increases, ranging from
40,000 to 67,000 psi.

Manganese bronze is an exceptionally highstrength, tough, corrosion-resistant copper zinc alloy

containing aluminum, manganese, iron, and
occasionally nickel or tin. This metal can be formed,
extruded, drawn, or rolled to any desired shape. In rod
form, it is generally used for machined parts. Otherwise
it is used in catapults, landing gears, and brackets.

BRASS. -Brass is a copper alloy containing zinc

and small amounts of aluminum, iron, lead, manganese,
magnesium, nickel, phosphorous, and tin. Brass with a
zinc content of 30 to 35 percent is very ductile, while
that containing 45 percent has relatively high strength.
Muntz metal is a brass composed of 60 percent copper
and 40 percent zinc. It has excellent corrosion-resistant
qualities when in contact with saltwater. Its strength can
be increased by heat treatment. As cast, this metal has
an ultimate tensile strength of 50,000 psi and can be
elongated 18 percent. It is used in making bolts and nuts,
as well as parts that come in contact with salt water.
Red brass, sometimes termed bronze because of its tin
content, is used in fuel and oil line fittings. This metal
has good casting and finishing properties and machines

Silicon bronze is composed of about 95 percent

copper, 3 percent silicon, and 2 percent mixture of
manganese, zinc, iron, tin, and aluminum. Although not
a bronze in the true sense of the word because of its small
tin content, silicon bronze has high strength and great
corrosion resistance and is used variably.
BERYLLIUM COPPER. -Beryllium copper is
one of the most successful of all the copper-based alloys.
It is a recently developed alloy containing about 97
percent copper, 2 percent beryllium, and sufficient
nickel to increase the percentage of elongation. The
most valuable feature of this metal is that the physical
properties can be greatly stepped up by heat


ores as dolomite and magnesite, from underground

brines, from waste liquors of potash, and from seawater,
With about 10 million pounds of magnesium in 1 cubic
mile of seawater, there is no danger of a dwindling

treatment-the tensile strength rising from 70,000 psi in

the annealed state to 200,000 psi in the heat-treated state.
The resistance of beryllium copper to fatigue and wear
makes it suitable for diaphragms, precision bearings and
bushings, ball cages, spring washers, and nonsparking

Magnesium is used extensively in the manufacture

of helicopters. Its low resistance to corrosion has been
a factor in reducing its use in conventional aircraft.


The machining characteristics of magnesium alloys

are excellent. Usually the maximum speeds of machine
tools can be used with heavy cuts and high feed rates.
Power requirements for magnesium alloys are about
one-sixth of those for mild steel. An excellent surface
finish can be produced, and, in most cases, grinding is
not essential. Standard machine operations can be
performed to tolerances of a few ten-thousandths of an
inch. There is no tendency of the metal to tear or drag.

Monel, the leading high-nickel alloy, combines the

properties of high strength and excellent corrosion
resistance. This metal consists of 67 percent nickel, 30
percent copper, 1.4 percent iron, 1 percent manganese,
and 0.15 percent carbon. It cannot be hardened by heat
treatment; it responds only to cold-working.
Monel, adaptable to castings and hot- or coldworking, can be successfully welded and has working
properties similar to those of steel. It has a tensile
strength of 65,000 psi that, by means of cold-working,
may be increased to 160,000 psi, thus entitling this metal
to classification among the tough alloys. Monel has been
successfully used for gears and chains, for operating
retractable landing gears, and for structural parts subject
to corrosion. In aircraft, Monel has long been used for
parts demanding both strength and high resistance to
corrosion, such as exhaust manifolds and carburetor
needle valves and sleeves.

Magnesium alloy sheets can be worked in much the

same manner as other sheet metal with one exceptionthe metal must be worked while hot. The structure of
magnesium is such that the alloys work harden rapidly
at room temperatures. The work is usually done at
temperatures ranging from 450F to 650F, which is a
disadvantage However, com-pensations are offered by
the fact that in the ranges used, magnesium is more
easily formed than other materials. Sheets can be
sheared in much the same way as other metals, except
that a rough flaky fracture is produced on sheets thicker
than about 0.064 inch. A better edge will result on a
sheet over 0.064 inch thick if it is sheared hot.

K-Monel is a nonferrous alloy containing mainly
nickel, copper, and aluminum. It is produced by adding
a small amount of aluminum to the Monel formula. It is
corrosion resistant and capable of hardening by heat
treatment. K-Monel has been successfully used for
gears, chains, and structural members in aircraft that are
subjected to corrosive attacks. This alloy is nonmagnetic
at all temperatures. K-Monel can be successfully welded.

Annealed sheet can be heated to 600F, but

hard-rolled sheet should not be heated above 275F. A
straight bend with a short radius can be made by the
Guerin process, as shown in figure 1-24, or by press or
leaf brakes. The Guerin process is the most widely used
method for forming and shallow drawing, employing a
rubber pad as the female die, which bends the work to
the sharpe of the male die.
Magnesium alloys possess good casting
characteristics. Their properties compare favorably with
those of cast aluminum. In forging, hydraulic presses are
ordinarily used; although, under certain conditions,
forging can be accomplished in mechanical presses or
with drop hammers.

Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys

Magnesium, the worlds lightest structural metal, is
a silvery-white material weighing only two-thirds as
much as aluminum. Magnesium does not possess
sufficient strength in its pure state for structural uses;
but when it is alloyed with zinc, aluminum, and
manganese, it produces an alloy having the highest
strength/weight ratio.

Magnesium embodies fire hazards of an

unpredictable nature. When in large sections, its high
thermal conductivity makes it difficult to ignite and
prevents its burning. It will not burn until the melting
point is reached, which is approximately 1,200F,
However, magnesium dust and fine chips are ignited

Magnesium is probably more widely distributed in

nature than any other metal. It can be obtained from such


Because different manufacturers design structural

members to meet various load requirements, you can
appreciate the importance of checking the specific
technical publication. Structural repair of these
members, apparently similar in construction, will thus
vary in their load-carrying design with different aircraft.
Structural repair instructions, including tables of
interchangeability and substitution for ferrous and
nonferrous metals and their specifications for all types
of aircraft used by the Navy, are normally prepared by
the contractor. Such instructions are usually contained
in the NA 01-XXX-3 manual covering structural repair
instructions for specific models of aircraft. Similar
information is also contained in General Manual for
Structural Repair, NA 01-1A-1.
Figure 1-24.-Guerin process.

Aerospace Metals-General Data and Usage

Factors, NA 01-1A-9, provides precise data on specific
metals to assist in selection, usage, and processing for
fabrication and repair.

easily; precautions must be taken to avoid this if

possible. If they are ignited, you should extinguish them
immediate y with an extinguishing powder such as
powdered soapstone, clean, dry, unrusted cast iron
chips, or graphite powder.


Always consult these publications and the NA

01-XXX-3 aircraft manual for the specific type of
aircraft when confronted with a problem concerning
maintenance and repair involving substitution and
interchangeability of aircraft structural metals. Be sure
you have the most recent issue of the aeronautic
technical publication.

Water or any standard liquid or foam

extinguisher causes magnesium to burn more
rapidly and may cause small explosions.


Learning Objective: Recognize hardness

testing methods, related equipments, and their

In selecting interchangeable or substitute materials
for the repair and maintenance of naval aircraft, it is
important that you check the appropriate aeronautic
technical publications when specified materials are not
in stock or not obtainable from another source. It is
impossible to determine if another material is as strong
as the original by mere observation. There are four
requirements that you must keep in mind in this
selection. The first and most important of these is
maintaining the original strength of the structure. The
other three are maintaining contour or aerodynamic
smoothness, maintaining original weight, if possible, or
keeping added weight to a minimum, and maintaining
the original corrosive-resistant properties of the metal.

Hardness testing is a method of determining the

results of heat treatment as well as the state of a metal
prior to heat treatment. Since hardness values can be tied
in with tensile strength values and, in part, with wear
resistance, hardness tests are an invaluable check of
heat-treatment control and of material properties.
Practically all hardness testing equipments now in
service use the resistance to penetration as a measure of
hardness. Included among the better known bench-type
hardness testers are the Brinell and the Rockwell, both
of which are described and illustrated in this section.
Also included are three portable type hardness testers
now being used by maintenance activities.


Figure 1-27.-Rockwell hardness tester.

Figure 1-25.-Brinell hardness tester.
inch) in diameter. A pressure of 3,000 kilograms (6,600
pounds) is used for ferrous metals and 500 kilograms for
nonferrous metals. Normally, the load should be applied
for 30 seconds. In order to produce equilibrium, this
period may be increased to 1 minute for extremely hard
steels. The load is applied by means of hydraulic
pressure. The hydraulic pressure is built up by a hand
pump or an electric motor, depending on the model of
tester. A pressure gauge indicates the amount of
pressure. There is a release mechanism for relieving the
pressure after the test has been made, and a calibrated
microscope is provided for measuring the diameter of
the impression in millimeters. The machine has various
shaped anvils for supporting the specimen and an
elevating screw for bringing the specimen in contact
with the ball penetrator. There are attachments for
special tests.

Figure 1-26.-Microscopic view of impression.


To determine the Brinell hardness number for a

metal, the diameter of the impression is first measured,
using the calibrated microscope furnished with the
tester. Figure 1-26 shows an impression as seen through

The Brinell hardness tester, shown in figure 1-25,

uses a hardened spherical ball, which is forced into the
surface of the metal. The ball is 10 millimeters (0.3937


Table 1-3.-Portion of Conversion Table Furnished with Brinell


The Rockwell hardness tester, shown in figure 1-27,
measures the resistance to penetration as does the
Brinell tester, but instead of measuring the diameter of
the impression, the Rockwell tester measures the depth,
and the hardness is indicated directly on a dial attached
to the machine. The more shallow the penetration, the
higher the hardness number.
Two types of penetrators are used with the Rockwell
testera diamond cone and a hardened steel ball. The
load that forces the penetrator into the metal is called the
major load, and is measured in kilograms. The results
of each penetrator and load combination are reported on
separate scales, designated by letters. The penetrator,
the major load, and the scale vary with the kind of metal
being tested.
For hardened steels, the diamond penetrator is used,
the major load is 150 kilograms, and the hardness is read
on the C scale. When this reading is recorded, the letter
C must precede the number indicated by the pointer. The
C-scale setup is used for testing metals ranging in
hardness from C-20 to the hardest steel (usually about
C-70). If the metal is softer than C-20, the B-scale setup
is used. With this setup, the 1/16-inch ball is used as a
penetrator, the major load is 100 kilograms, and the
hardness is read on the B scale.

the microscope. After measuring the diameter of the

impression, the measurement is converted into the
Brinell hardness number on the conversion table
furnished with the tester. A portion of the conversion
table is shown in table 1-3.

In addition to the C and B scales, there are other

setups for special testing. The scales, penetrators, major
loads, and dial numbers are listed in table 1-4. The dial

Table 1-4.-Standard Rockwell Hardness Scales


Figure 1-28.-Riehle portable hardness tester.

Before the major load is applied, the test specimen

must be securely locked in place to prevent slipping and
to properly seat the anvil and penetrator. To do this, a
load of 10 kilograms is applied before the lever is
tripped. This preliminary load is called the "minor load."
The minor load is 10 kilograms regardless of the scale
setup. When the machine is set up properly, it automatically applies the 10-kilogram load.

numbers in the outer circle are black, and the inner

numbers are red.
The Rockwell tester is equipped with a weight pan,
and two weights are supplied with the machine. One
weight is marked in red. The other weight is marked in
black. With no weight in the weight pan, the machine
applies a major load of 60 kilograms. If the scale setup
calls for a 100-kilogram load, the red weight is placed
in the pan. For a 150-kilogram load, the black weight is
added to the red weight. The black weight is always used
in conjunction with the red weight; it is never used alone.

The metal to be tested in the Rockwell tester must

be ground smooth on two opposite sides and be free of
scratches and foreign matter. The surface should be
perpendicular to the axis of penetration, and the two
opposite ground surfaces should be parallel. If the
specimen is tapered, the amount of error will depend on
the taper. A curved surface will also cause a slight error
in the hardness test. The amount of error depends on the
curvaturethe smaller the radius of curvature, the
greater the error. To eliminate such error, a small flat
should be ground on the curved surface if possible.

Practically all testing is done with either the B-scale

setup or the C-scale setup. For these scales, the colors
may be used as a guide in selecting the weight (or
weights) and in reading the dial. For the B-scale test, use
the red weight and read the red numbers. For a C-scale
test, add the black weight to the red weight and read the
black numbers.


In setting up the Rockwell machine, use the

diamond penetrator for testing materials that are known
to be hard. If in doubt, try the diamond, since the steel
ball may be deformed if used for testing hard materials.
If the metal tests below C-22, then change to the steel

The Riehle hardness tester is a portable unit that is

designed for making Rockwell tests comparable to the
bench-type machine. The instrument is quite universal
in its application, being readily adjustable to a wide
range of sizes and shapes that would be difficult, or
impossible, to test on a bench-type tester.

Use the steel ball for all soft materials-those testing

less than B-100. Should an overlap occur at the top of
the B scale and the bottom of the C scale, use the C-scale

Figure 1-28 shows the tester and its proper use. It

may be noted that the adjusting screws and the
penetration indicator are set back some distance from


the penetrator end of the clamps. This makes it

practicable to use the tester on either the outside or inside
surface of tubing, as well as on many other applications
where the clearance above the penetrator or below the
anvil is limited. The indicator brackets are arranged so
that it is possible to turn the indicators to any angle for
greater convenience in a specific application, or to
facilitate its use by a left-handed operator. Adjustment
of the lower clamp is made by the small knurled knob
below the clamp. The larger diameter knob, extending
through the slot in the side of the clamp, is used for actual
Each Riehle tester is supplied with a diamond penetrator and a 1/16-inch ball penetrator. The ball penetrator
should not be used on materials harder than B-100 nor
on a load heavier than 100 kilograms. This is to avoid
the danger of flattening the ball.
The diamond penetrator, when used with a
150-kilogram load, may be used on materials from the
hardest down to those giving a reading of C-20.

Figure 1-29.-Barcol portable hardness tester.

When the expected hardness of a material is

completely unknown to the operator, it is advisable to
take a preliminary reading on the A scale as a guide in
selecting the proper scale to be used.

the upper clamp. To remove a penetrator, there should

beat least 2 or 3 inches of space between the upper and
lower clamps so that one hand can be placed underneath
the upper clamp to catch the penetrator when it is
released. Two or three turns of the clamp screw will
release the penetrator. The two contact pins that extend
through the penetrator on either side of the point are
retained in the tester when the penetrator is removed.

Testing Procedure
The basic procedures for making a test with the
Riehle tester are as follows:
1. Apply a minor load of 10 kilograms.

To replace a penetrator, it must be turned so that the

flat side faces the clamp screw, and the locating pin on
the penetrator is in line with the slot provided to take the
pin. The contact pins should be guided into their
respective holes through the penetrator. With the
penetrator in place, it should then be clamped securely
by turning the clamp screw. Before you make an actual
test, one or two preliminary tests should be made to
properly seat the penetrator.

2. Set the penetration indicator to zero.

3. Apply a major load of 60, 100, or 150 kilograms
(depending on the scale), and then reduce the load back
to the initial 10-kilogram load.
4. Read the hardness directly on the penetration
The hardness reading is based on the measurement
of the additional increment of penetration produced by
applying a major load after an initial penetration has
been produced by the minor load. In reporting a
hardness number, the number must be prefixed by the
letter indicating the scale on which the reading was


The Barcol hardness tester, shown in figure 1-29, is

a portable unit designed for testing aluminum alloys,
copper, brass, and other relatively soft materials.
Approximate range of the tester is 25 to 100 Brinell. The
unit can be used in any position and in any space that
will allow for the operators hand. The hardness is
indicated on a dial conveniently divided in 100

Removal and Replacement

of a Penetrator
The penetrator is retained in the tester by means of
a small knurled clamp screw extending from the top of


Table 1-5.-Typical Barcol Readings for Aluminum Alloys

Alloy and temper

Barcol number





3003 -1/2H












Figure 1-30-Cutaway of Barcol tester.

hardness reading is instantly indicated on the dial.

Several typical reading for aluminum alloys are listed in
table 1-5. The harder the material, the higher the Barcol

Figure 1-30 is a cutaway drawing of the tester,

showing the internal parts and their general arrangement
within the case.
The lower plunger guide and point are accurately
ground so that attention need be given only to the proper
position of the lower plunger guide within the frame to
obtain accurate operation when a point is replaced.

To prevent damage to the point, avoid sliding or

scraping when it is in contact with the material being
tested. If the point should become damaged, it must be
replaced with a new one. No attempt should be made to
grind the point.

The frame, into which the lower plunger guide and

spring-tensioned plunger are screwed, holds the point in
the proper position. Adjustment of the plunger upper
guide nut, which regulates the spring tension, is made
when the instrument is calibrated at the factory.

Each tester is supplied with a test disc for checking

the condition of the point. To check the condition of the
point, press the instrument down on the test disc. When
the downward pressure brings the end of the lower
plunger guide against the surface of the disc, the
indicator reading should be within the range shown on

The position of this nut should not be
changed. Any adjustment made to the
plunger upper guide nut will void the
calibrated settings made at the factory.

the test disc.

To replace the point, remove the two screws that
hold the halves of the case together. Lift out the frame,
remove the spring sleeve, loosen the locknut, and
unscrew the lower plunger guide, holding the point
upward so that the spring and plunger will not fall out
of place. Insert the new point and replace the lower
plunger guide, screwing it back into the frame, Adjust
the lower plunger guide with the wrench that is
furnished until the indicator reading and the test disc
average number are identical. After the lower plunger
guide is properly set, tighten the locknut to keep the
lower plunger guide in place, This adjustment should be
made only after installing anew point; any readjustment

The leg is set for testing surfaces that permit the

lower plunger guide and the leg plate to be on the same
plane. For testing rivets or other raised objects, a block
may be placed under the leg plate to raise it to the same
plane. For permanent testing of this type, the leg maybe
removed and washers inserted, as shown in the drawing.
The point should always be perpendicular to the surface
being tested.
The design of the Barcol tester is such that operating
experience is not necessary. It is only necessary to exert
a light pressure against the instrument to drive the
spring-loaded indenter into the material to be tested. The

on a worn or damaged point give erroneous readings.





Figure 1-31.-Ernst portable hardness tester.

Transparent plastics, reinforced plastics, and composite materials are common materials used in aircraft
construction. Sandwich construction is used for
radomes as well as for structural areas where strength
and rigidity are important.


The Ernst tester is a small versatile tool that requires

access to only one side of the material being tested.
There are two models of the tester-one for testing
hardened steels and hard alloys and one for testing
unhardened steels and most nonferrous metals. It has a
diamond point penetrator, and it is read directly from the
Rockwell A or B or the Brinell scales, depending on the
Transparent plastic materials used in aircraft
model used. Figure 1-31 shows the Ernst portable
windshields, and other transparent enclosures
hardness tester and its proper use.
may be divided into two major classes, or groups,
The correct procedures for using the Ernst tester are
depending on their reaction to heat. They are the
as follows:
thermoplastic materials and the thermosetting materials.
1. Solidly support the metal being tested by placing
Thermoplastic materials will soften when heated
a bucking bar behind the metal. This will minimize
and harden when cooled. These materials can be heated
flexing of the metal and yield a more accurate reading
until soft, formed into the desired shape, and when
of hardness.
cooled, will retain this shape. The same piece of plastic
2. The handgrip must be pressed down with a
can be reheated and reshaped any number of times
steady, even force to ensure accurate readings.
without changing the chemical composition of the
3. Press down until the fluid column has stopped
moving. The hardness value is given at the point where
the fluid column has stopped moving on the scale.

Thermosetting plastics harden upon heating, and

reheating has no softening effect. They cannot be
reshaped after once being fully cured by the application
of heat. These materials are rapidly being phased out in
favor of stretched acrylic, a thermoplastic material.

As with other portable testers of similar type, the

material must be smooth and backed up so there will be
no tendency to sag under the load applied on the tester.
The test block supplied with each tester should be used
frequently to check its performance.

Transparent plastics are manufactured in two forms

of material-solid (monolithic) and laminated. Laminated plastic consists of two sheets of solid plastic
bonded to a rubbery inner layer of material similar to the
sandwich materials used in plate glass.

Learning Objective: Identify properties of nonmetallic and composite materials used in
aircraft construction.

Laminated transparent plastics are well suited to

pressurized applications in aircraft because of their


Table 1-6.-Transparent Plastics


Specification No.

Solid Thermoplastic
Modified acrylic
Stretched modified
acrylic (8184)
Polyester craze
resist ant
Laminated modified
acrylic (8184)



shatter resistance, which is much higher than that of the

stretched solid plastics.
Stretched acrylic is a thermoplastic conforming to
Military Specification MIL-P-25690. This specification
covers transparent, solid, modified acrylic sheet
material having superior crack propagation resistance
(shatter resistance, craze resistance, fatigue resistance)
as a result of proper hot stretching.
Stretched acrylic is prepared from modified acrylic
sheets, using a processing technique in which the sheet
is heated to its forming temperature and then
mechanically stretched so as to increase its area
approximately three or four times with a resultant
decrease in its thickness. Most of the Navys high-speed
aircraft are equipped with canopies made from stretched
acrylic plastic.

MIL-P-8257, a thermosetting polyester plastic, has a

bluish or blue-green tint; and MIL-P-5425, a heatresistant acrylic, is practically clear. In addition,
stretched acrylic sheets and fabricated assemblies are
permanently marked to ensure positive identification.
Plastic enclosures on aircraft maybe distinguished
from plate glass enclosures by tapping lightly with a
blunt instrument. Plastic will resound with a dull thud
or soft sound, whereas plate glass will resound with a
metallic sound or ring.
Storage and Handling
Transparent plastic sheets are available in a number
of thicknesses and sizes that can be cut and formed to
required sizes and shapes. These plastics will soften
and/or deform when heated sufficiently; therefore,
storage areas having high temperatures must be avoided.
Plastic sheets should be kept away from heating coils,
radiators, hot water, and steam lines. Storage should be
in a cool, dry location away from solvent fumes, such
as may exist near paint spray and paint storage areas.
Paper masked transparent plastic sheets should be kept
indoors as direct rays of the sun will accelerate
deterioration of the masking paper adhesive, causing it
to cling to the plastic so that removal is difficult.

Most transparent plastic sheet used in naval aircraft
is manufactured in accordance with various military
specifications, some of which are listed in table 1-6.
Individual sheets are covered with a heavy masking
paper on which the specification number appears. In
addition to serving as a means of identification, the
masking paper helps to prevent accidental scratching of
the plastic during storage and handling.

Plastic sheets should be stored, with the masking

paper in place, in bins that are tilted at approximately 10
degrees from the vertical to prevent buckling. If it is
necessary to store sheets horizontally, you should take
care to avoid chips and dirt getting between the sheets.
Stacks should not be over 18 inches high, and small

Identification of unmasked sheets of plastic is often

difficult; however, the following information may serve
as an aid. MIL-P-8184, a modified acrylic plastic, has a
slight yellowish tint when viewed from the edge;


original paper on relatively flat parts or apply a

protective coating on curved parts.

sheets should be stacked on the larger ones to avoid

unsupported overhead. Storage of transparent plastic
sheets presents no special fire hazard, as they are slow


Masking paper should be left on the plastic sheet as

long as possible. You should take care to avoid scratches
and gouges, which may be caused by sliding sheets
against one another or across rough or dirty tables.

Glass fiber reinforced plastic and honeycomb are

used in the construction of radomes, wing tips, stabilizer
tips, antenna covers, fairings, access covers, etc. It has
excellent dielectric characteristics, making it ideal for
use in radomes. Its high strength/weight ratio, resistance
to mildew and rot, and ease of fabrication make it
equally suited for other parts of the aircraft.

Formed sections should be stored so that they are

amply supported and there is no tendency for them to
lose their shape. Vertical nesting should be avoided.
Protect formed parts from temperatures higher than
120F. Protection from scratches may be provided by
applying a protective coating of masking paper or other
approved materials.

The manufacture of reinforced plastic laminates

involves the usc of liquid resins reinforced with a filler
material. The resin, when properly treated with certain
agents known as catalysts, or hardeners, changes to an
infusible solid.

If masking paper adhesive deteriorates through long

or improper storage, making removal of paper difficult,
moisten the paper with aliphatic naphtha, which will
loosen the adhesive. Sheets so treated should be washed
immediately with clear water.

The reinforcement materials are impregnated with

the resin while the latter is still in the liquid (uncured)
state. Layers or plies of cloth are stacked up and heated
under pressure in a mold to produce the finished, cured
shape. Another technique, culled filament winding,
consists of winding a continuous glass filament or tape,
impregnated with uncured resin, over a rotating male
form. Cure is accomplished in a manner similar to the
woven cloth reinforced laminates.

Aliphatic naphtha is highly volatile and
flammable. You should exercise extreme care
when using this solvent.

Glass fiber reinforced honeycomb consists of a

relatively thick, central layer called the core and two
outer laminates called facings. (See figure 1-22.)

Do not use gasoline, alcohol, kerosene, xylene,

ketones, lacquer thinners, aromatic hydrocarbons,
ethers, glass cleaning compounds, or other unapproved
solvents on transparent acrylic plastics to remove
masking paper or other foreign material, as these will
soften and/or craze the plastic surface.

The core material commonly used in radome

construction consists of a honeycomb structure made of
glass cloth impregnated either with a polyester or epoxy
or a combination of nylon and phenolic resin. The
material is normally fabricated in blocks that are later
cut on a band saw to slices of the exact thickness desired,
or it may be originally fabricated to the proper thickness.

NOTE: Just as woods split and metals crack in

areas of high, localized stress, plastic materials
develop, under similar conditions, small
surfaces fissures called crazing. These tiny
cracks are approximately perpendicular to the
surface, very narrow in width, and usually not
over 0.01 inch in depth. These tiny fissures are
not only an optical defect, but also a mechanical
defect, inasmuch as there is a separation or
parting of the material. Once a part has been
crazed, neither the optical nor mechanical
defect can be removed permanently; therefore,
prevention of crazing is a necessity.

The facings are made up of several layers of glass

cloth, impregnated and bonded together with resin. Each
layer of cloth is placed in position and impregnated with
resin before another layer is added. Thicker cloths are
normally used for the body of the facings, with one or
more layers of liner weave cloth on the surface.
The resins are thick, syrupy liquids of the so-called
contact-pressure type (requiring little or no pressure
during cure), sometimes referred to as contact resins.
They are usually thermosetting polyester or epoxy
resins. Cure can be affected by adding a catalyst and
heating, or they can be cured at different temperatures
by adjusting the amount and type of catalysts. Inspection

When it is necessary to remove masking paper from

the plastic sheet during fabrication, the surface should
be remasked as soon as possible. Either replace the


and repair procedures for reinforced plastic are covered

in chapter 14 of this TRAMAN.
Composites are materials consisting of a combination of high-strength stiff fibers embedded in a
common matrix (binder) material; for example, graphite
fibers and epoxy resin. Composite structures are made
of a number of fiber and epoxy resin laminates. These
laminates can number from 2 to greater than 50, and are
generally bonded to a substructure such as aluminum or
nonmetallic honeycomb. The much stiffer fibers of
graphite, boron, and Kevlar epoxies have given composite materials structural properties superior to the
metal alloys they have replaced.
Figure 1-32.-Sandwich construction.

The use of composites is not new. Fiber glass, for

example, has been used for some time in various aircraft
components. However, the term advanced composites
applies to graphite, boron, and Kevlar, which have
fibers of superior strength and stiffness. The use of these
advanced composite materials does represent a new
application for naval aircraft.

requirements of specific applications. However, these

materials are highly susceptible to impact damage, and
the extent of the damage is difficult to determine
visually. Nondestructive inspection (NDI) is required to
analyze the extent of damage and the effectiveness of
repairs. In addition, repair differs from traditional
metallic repair techniques. A more detailed explanation
of advanced composites and their inspection and repair
procedures are covered in chapter 14 of this TRAMAN.

Composite materials are replacing and supplementing metallic materials in various aircraft structural
components. The first materials were used with
laminated fiber glass radomes and helicopter rotor
blades. In recent years, the replacement of metallic
materials with more advanced composite materials has
rapidly accelerated. This has become particularly
evident with the advent of the F/A-18, AV-8B, SH-60B,
and CH-53E aircraft; and it is anticipated that composite
materials will continue to comprise much of the
structure in future aircraft. As a result, there is a growing
requirement to train you in the use of advanced
composite materials.

From the standpoint of function, sandwich parts in
naval aircraft can be divided into two broad classes: (1)
radomes and (2) structural. The first class, radomes, is
a reinforced plastic sandwich construction designed
primarily to permit accurate and dependable functioning
of the radar equipment. This type of construction was
discussed in the preceding section under Reinforced

There are numerous combinations of composite

materials being studied in laboratories and a number of
types currently used in the production of aircraft
components. Examples of composite materials are as
follows: graphite/epoxy, Kevlar/epoxy, boron polyamide, graphite polyamide, boron-coated boron
aluminum, coated boron titanium, boron graphite epoxy
hybrid, and boron/epoxy. The trend is toward minimum
use of boron/epoxy because of the cost when compared
to current generation of graphite/epoxy composites.

The second class, referred to as structural sandwich,

normally has either metal or reinforced plastic facings
on cores of aluminum or balsa wood. This material is
found in a variety of places such as wing surfaces, decks,
bulkheads, stabilizer surfaces, ailerons, trim tabs, access
doors, and bomb bay doors. Figure 1-32 shows one type
of sandwich construction using a honeycomb-like
aluminum alloy core, sandwiched between aluminum
alloy sheets, called facings. The facings are bonded to
the lightweight aluminum core with a suitable adhesive
so as to develop a strength far greater than that of the
components themselves when used alone.

Composites are attractive structural materials

because they provide a high strength/weight ratio and
offer design flexibility. In contrast to traditional
materials of construction, the properties of these
materials can be adjusted to more efficiently match the


General Advanced Composite Repair Manual, Tech

Another type of structural sandwich construction

consists of a low-density balsa wood core combined
with high-strength aluminum alloy facings bonded to
each side of the core. The grain in the balsa core runs
perpendicular to the aluminum alloy facings, and the
core and aluminum facings are firmly bonded together
under controlled temperatures and pressures.

Order 1-1-690, Secretary of the Air Force,

Washington, D.C., 1990.
Fabrication, Maintenance, and Repair of Transparent
Plastics, NAVAIR 01-1A-12, Naval Air Systems
Command Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1982.

The facings in this type of construction carry the

major bending loads, and the cores serve to support the
facings and carry the shear loads. The outstanding
characteristics of sandwich construction are strength,
rigidity, lightness, and surface smoothness.

Airspace MetalsGeneral Data and Usage Factors,

NAVAIR 01-1A-9, Naval Air Systems Command
Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1989.
Aircraft Radomes and Antenna Covers, NAVAIR
01-1A-22, Naval Air Systems Command
Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1990.


General Manual for Structural Repair, NAVAIR

01-1A-1, Commander, Naval Air Systems

NOTE: Although the following references were

current when this TRAMAN was published, their
continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore, you
need to be sure that you are studying the latest revision.

Command, Washington, D.C., 15 July 1969,

Change 11, 15 August 1989.




Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a working
knowledge of the various types of aircraft hardware and seals used in naval
aircraft and the procedures for maintaining their security.
important riveting is in the AM rate. A glance at any
aircraft will show the thousands of rivets in the outer
skin alone. Besides the riveted skin, rivets are also
used for joining spar sections, for holding rib sections
in place, for securing fittings to various parts of the
aircraft, and for fastening bracing members and other
parts together. Rivets that are satisfactory for one part
of the aircraft are often unsatisfactory for another
part. Therefore, it is important that you know the
strength and driving properties of the various types of
rivets and how to identify them, as well as how to
drive or install them.

Because of the small size of most hardware items,

their importance is often overlooked. The safe and
efficient operation of any aircraft is greatly dependent
upon correct selection and use of aircraft structural
hardware and seals. This chapter discusses these
various items. It also provides information that can
aid you in the selection and correct use of aircraft
structural hardware and seals. Aircraft hardware is
discussed in detail in the Structural Hardware
Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-8.
Aircraft hardware is usually identified by its
specification number or trade name. Threaded
fasteners and rivets are usually identified by AN (Air
Force-Navy), NAS (national aircraft standard), and
MS (military standard) numbers. Quick-release
fasteners are usually identified by factory trade names
and size designations.

Solid Rivets
Solid rivets are classified by their head shape, by
the material from which they are manufactured, and
by their size. Rivet head shapes and their identifying
code numbers are shown in figure 2-1. The prefix MS
identifies hardware that conforms to written military
standards. The prefix AN identifies specifications
that are developed and issued under the joint authority
of the Air Force and the Navy.

To obtain aircraft hardware from supply, the

specification numbers and the factory part numbers
are changed into stock numbers (NSN). This is done
by using a part number cross-reference index.

Rivet Identification Code

Learning Objective: Identify the various
types of structural hardware used in the
construction and repair of naval aircraft.

The rivet codes shown in figure 2-1 are sufficient

to identify rivets only by head shape. To be
meaningful and precisely identify a rivet, certain
other information is encoded and added to the basic

The term aircraft structural hardware refers to

many items used in aircraft construction. You should
be concerned with such hardware as rivets, fasteners,
bolts, nuts, screws, washers, cables, guides, and you
should be familiar with common electrical system
This section starts with a discussion of rivets used
in modern aircraft. The fact that there are thousands
of rivets in an airframe is an indication of how

Figure 2-1.Rivet head shapes and code numbers.


A letter or letters following the head-shaped code

identify the material or alloy from which the rivet was
made. Table 2-1 includes a listing of the most
common of these codes. The alloy code is followed
by two numbers separated by a dash. The first
number is the numerator of a fraction, which specifies
the shank diameter in thirty-seconds of an inch. The
second number is the numerator of a fraction in
sixteenths of an inch, and identifies the length of the
rivet. The rivet code is shown in figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2.Rivet coding example.

solution-heat-treated and cold-worked (T3) temper

after driving. The 2117-T4 rivet is in general use
throughout aircraft structures, and is by far the most
widely used rivet, especially in repair work. In most
cases the 2117-T4 rivet may be substituted for
2017-T4 and 2024-T4 rivets for repair work by using
a rivet with the next larger diameter. This is desirable
since both the 2017-T4 and 2024-T4 rivets must be
heat treated before they are used or kept in cold
storage. The 2117-T4 rivets are identified by a
dimple in the head.

Rivet Composition
Most of the rivets used in aircraft construction are
made of aluminum alloy. A few special-purpose
rivets are made of mild steel, Monel, titanium, and
copper. Those aluminum alloy rivets made of 1100,
2117, 2017,2024, and 5056 are considered standard.
ALLOY 1100 RIVETS. Alloy 1100 rivets are
supplied as fabricated (F) temper, and are driven in
this condition. No further treatment of the rivet is
required before use, and the rivets properties do not
change with prolonged periods of storage. They are
relatively soft and easy to drive. The cold work
resulting from driving increases their strength
slightly. The 1100-F rivets are used only for riveting
nonstructural parts. These rivets are identified by
their plain head, as shown in table 2-1.

ALLOY 2017 AND 2024 RIVETS. A s

mentioned in the preceding paragraph, both these
rivets are supplied in the T4 temper and must be heat
treated. These rivets must be driven within 20
minutes after quenching or refrigerated at or below
32F to delay the aging time 24 hours. If either time
is exceeded, reheat treatment is required. These rivets
may be reheated as many times as desired, provided
the proper solution heat-treatment temperature is not
exceeded. The 2024-T4 rivets are stronger than the
2017-T4 and are, therefore, harder to drive. The

ALLOY 2117 RIVETS. Like the 1100-F rivets,

these rivets need no further treatment before use and
can be stored indefinitely. They are furnished in the
solution-heat-treated (T4) temper, but change to the

Table 2-1.-Rivet Material Identification


Figure 2-3 shows a blind rivet that uses a mechanical

lock between the head of the rivet and the pull stem. Note
in view B that the collar that is attached to the head has
been driven into the head and has assumed a wedge or
cone shape around the groove in the pin. This holds the
shank firmly in place from the head side.
The self-plugging rivet is made of 5056-H14
aluminum alloy and includes the conical recess and
locking collar in the rivet head. The stem is made of
2024-T36 aluminum alloy. Pull grooves that fit into
the jaws of the rivet gun are provided on the stem end
that protrudes above the rivet head. The blind end
portion of the stem incorporates a head and a land (the
raised portion of the grooved surface) with an
extruding angle that expands the rivet shank.
Applied loads for self-plugging rivets are
comparable to those for solid shank rivets of the same
shear strength, regardless of sheet thickness. The
composite shear strength of the 5056-H14 shank and
the 2024-T36 pin exceeds 38,000 psi. Their tensile
strength is in excess of 28,000 psi, Pin retention
characteristics are excellent in these rivets. The
possibility of the pin working out is minimized by the
lock formed in the rivet head.

Figure 2-3.-Self-plugging rivet (mechanical lock).

2017-T4 rivet is identified by the raised teat on the

head, while the 2024-T4 has two raised dashes on the
ALLOY 5056 RIVETS. These rivets are used
primarily for joining magnesium alloy structures
because of their corrosion-resistant qualities. They
are supplied in the H32 temper (strain-hardened and
then stabilized). These rivets are identified by a
raised cross on the head. The 5056-H32 rivet may be
stored indefinitely with no change in its driving

Hi-Shear Rivets
Hi-shear (pin) rivets are essentially threadless
bolts. The pin is headed at one end and is grooved
about the circumference at the other. A metal collar is
swaged onto the grooved end. They are available in
two head stylesthe flat protruding head and the
flush 100-degree countersunk head. Hi-shear rivets
are made in a variety of materials, and are used only
in shear applications. Because the shear strength of
the rivet is greater than either the shear or bearing
strength of sheet aluminum alloys, they are used
primarily to rivet thick gauge sheets together. They
are never used where the grip length is less than
the shank diameter. Hi-shear rivets are shown in
figure 2-4.

Blind Rivets
In places accessible from only one side or where
space on one side is too restricted to properly use a
bucking bar, blind rivets are usually used. Blind
rivets may also be used to secure nonstructural parts
to the airframe.

Figure 2-4.Hi-shear rivet.


Lock-Bolt Fasteners
Lock-bolt fasteners are designed to meet
high-strength requirements. Used in many structural
applications, their shear and tensile strengths equal or
exceed the requirements of AN and NAS bolts.
The lock-bolt pin, shown in view A of figure 2-6,
consists of a pin and collar. It is available in two head
styles: protruding and countersunk. Pin retention is
accomplished by swaging the collar into the locking
grooves on the pin.

Figure 2-5.Sectional view of rivnut showing head and end


The blind lock bolt, shown in view B of

figure 2-6, is similar to the self-plugging rivet shown
in figure 2-3. It features a positive mechanical leek
for pin retention.

Hi-shear rivets are identified by code numbers

similar to the solid rivets. The size of the rivet is
measured in increments of thirty-seconds of an inch
for the diameter and sixteenths of an inch for the grip
length. For example, an NAS 1055-5-7 rivet would be
a hi-shear rivet with a countersunk head. Its diameter
would be 5/32 of an inch and its maximum grip length
would be 7/16 of an inch.

Hi-Lok Fasteners
The hi-lok fastener, shown in figure 2-7, combines the features of a rivet and a bolt and is used for
high-strength, interference-free fit of primary
structures. The hi-lok fastener consists of a threaded
pin and threaded locking collar. The pins are made of

The collars are identified by a basic code number

and a dash number that correspond to the diameter of
the rivet. An A before the dash number indicates an
aluminum alloy collar. The NAS528-A5 collar would
be used on a 5/32-inch-diameter rivet pin. Repair
procedures involving the installation or replacement
of hi-shear rivets generally specify the collar to be
The rivnut is a hollow rivet made of 6063
aluminum alloy, counterbored and threaded on the
inside. They are manufactured in two head styles, flat
and countersunk, and in two shank designs, open and
closed ends. See figure 2-5. Each of these rivets is
available in three sizes: 6-32, 8-32, and 10-32. These
numbers indicate the nominal diameter and the actual
number of threads per inch of the machine screw that
fits into the rivnut.
Open-end rivnuts are the most widely used, and
are recommended in preference to the closed-end
type. However, in sealed flotation or pressurized
compartments, the closed-end rivnut must be used.
Fasteners on aircraft are designed for many
different functions. Some are made for high-strength
requirements, while others are designed for easy
installation and removal.

Figure 2-6.Lock bolts.


Figure 2-7.Hi-lok fastener.

difficult riveting jobs when access to one side of the

work is impossible. The jo-bolt consists of three
factory-assembled parts: an aluminum alloy or alloy
steel nut, a threaded alloy steel bolt, and a
corrosion-resistant steel sleeve. The head styles
available for jo-bolts are the 100-degree flush head,
the hexagon protruding head, and the 100-degree
flush millable head.

cadmium-plated alloy steel with protruding or

100-degree flush heads. Collars for the pins are made
of anodized 2024-T6 aluminum or stainless steel.
The threaded end of the pin is recessed with a
hexagon socket to allow installation from one side.
The major diameter of the threaded part of the pin has
been truncated (cut undersize) to accommodate a
0.004-inch maximum interference-free fit. One end
of the collar is internally recessed with a 1/16-inch,
built-in variation that automatically provides for
variable material thickness without the use of washers
and without fastener preload changes. The other end
of the collar has a torque-off wrenching device that
controls a predetermined residual tension of preload
(10%) in the fastener.

Turnlock Fasteners
Turnlock fasteners are used to secure panels that
require frequent removal. These fasteners are
available in several different styles and are usually
referred to by the manufacturers trade name.

Jo-Bolt Fasteners
CAMLOC FASTENERS. The 4002 series
Camloc fastener consists of four principal parts: the
receptacle, the grommet, the retaining ring, and the

The jo-bolt, shown in figure 2-8, is a highstrength, blind structural fastener that is used on

Figure 2-8.Jo-bolt.


The Camloc high-stress panel fastener, shown in

figure 2-10, is a high-strength, quick-release rotary
fastener, and may be used on flat or curved inside or
outside panels. The fastener may have either a flush
or protruding stud. The studs are held in the panel
with flat or cone-shaped washersthe latter being
used with flush fasteners in dimpled holes. This
fastener may be distinguished from screws by the
deep No. 2 Phillips recess in the stud head and by the
bushing in which the stud is installed.

stud assembly. See figure 2-9. The receptacle is an

aluminum alloy forging mounted in a stamped sheet
metal base. The receptacle assembly is riveted to the
access door frame, which is attached to the structure
of the aircraft. The grommet is a sheet metal ring held
in the access panel with the retaining ring. Grommets
are furnished in two types: the flush type and the
protruding type. Besides serving as a grommet for the
hole in the access panel, it also holds the stud
assembly. The stud assembly consists of a stud, a
cross pin, a spring, and a spring cup. The assembly is
designed so it can be quickly inserted into the
grommet by compressing the spring. Once installed
in the grommet, the stud assembly cannot be removed
unless the spring is again compressed.

A threaded insert in the receptacle provides an

adjustable locking device. As the stud is inserted and
turned counterclockwise one-half turn or more, it
screws out the insert to permit the stud key to engage
the insert cam when turned clockwise. Rotating the

Figure 2-9.-Camloc 4002 series fastener.


Figure 2-10.-Camloc high-stress panel fastener.


stud clockwise one-fourth turn engages the insert.

Continued rotation screws the insert in and tightens
the fastener. Turning the stud one-fourth turn
counterclockwise will release the stud, but will not
screw the insert out far enough to permit
re-engagement. The stud should be turned at least
one-half turn counterclockwise to reset the insert.

come as separate units so the stud may be easily

installed in the access panel.

AIRLOC FASTENERS. Figure 2-11 shows

the parts that make up an Airloc fastener. The Airloc
fastener also consists of a receptacle, a stud, and a
cross pin. The stud is attached to the access panel and
is held in place by the cross pin. The receptacle is
riveted to the access panel frame.

The Airloc receptacle is fastened to the inner

surface of the access panel frame by two rivets. The
rivet heads must be flush with the outer surface of the
panel frame. When you are replacing receptacles,
drill out the two old rivets and attach the new
receptacle by flush riveting. Be careful not to mar the
sheet. When you are inserting the stud and cross pin,
insert the stud through the access panel and, by using
a special hand tool, insert the cross pin in the stud.
Cross pins can be removed by means of special
ejector pliers.

Two types of Airloc receptacles are available: the

fixed (view A) and the floating (view B). The floating
receptacle makes for easier alignment of the stud in
the receptacle. Several types of studs are also
available, but in each instance the stud and cross pin

DZUS FASTENERS. DZUS fasteners are

available in two types. A light-duty type is used on
box covers, access hole covers, and lightweight
fairings. The heavy-duty type is used on cowling and
heavy fairings. The main difference between the two
Dzus fasteners is a grommet, which is only used on

Figure 2-11.Airloc fastener.


the heavy-duty fasteners. Otherwise, their

construction features are about the same.

FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS AND COUPLINGS. A variety of clamping devices are used in

connecting ducting sections to each other or to
various components. Whenever lines, components, or
ducting are disconnected or removed for any reason,
you should install suitable plugs, caps, or coverings
on the openings to prevent the entry of foreign
materials. You should also tag the various parts to
ensure correct reinstallation. You should exercise
care during handling and installation to ensure that
flanges are not scratched, distorted, or deformed.
Flange surfaces should be free of dirt, grease, and
corrosion. The protective flange caps should be left
on the ends of the ducting until the installation
progresses to the point where removal is necessary.

Figure 2-12 shows the parts of a light-duty Dzus

fastener. Notice that they include a spring and a stud.
The spring is made of cadmium-plated steel music
wire, and is usually riveted to an aircraft structural
member. The stud comes in a number of designs (as
shown in views A, B, and C) and mounts in a dimpled
hole in the cover assembly.
When the panel is being positioned on an aircraft,
the spring riveted to the structural member enters the
hollow center of the stud. Then, when the stud is
turned about one-fourth turn, the curved jaws of the
stud slip over the spring and compress it. The
resulting tension locks the stud in place and secures
the panel.

In most cases it is mandatory to discard and

replace seals and gaskets. You should ensure that
seals and gaskets are properly seated and that mating
and alignment of flanges are fitted. This will prevent
the excessive torque required to close the joint, which
imposes structural loads on the clamping devices.
Adjacent support clamps and brackets should remain
loose until installation of the coupling has been

Miscellaneous Fasteners
Some fasteners cannot be classified as rivets,
turnlocks, or threaded fasteners. Included in this
category are connectors, couplings, clamps, taper and
flat-head pins, snap rings, studs, and heli-coil inserts.

Figure 2-12.Dzus fastener.


Some of the most commonly used plain-band

couplings are shown in figure 2-13. When you install
a hose between two duct sections, the gap between the
duct ends should be a minimum of 1/8 of an inch and
a maximum of 3/4 of an inch. When you install the
clamps on the connection, the clamp should be 1/4 of
an inch from the end of the connector. Misalignment
between the ducting ends should not exceed 1/8 of an

indicated on the coupling. Tighten all couplings in

the manner and to the torque value specified on the
clamp or in the applicable maintenance instruction
When you install flexible couplings, such as the
one shown in figure 2-14, the following steps are
recommended to assure proper security:

1. Fold back half of the sleeve seal and slip it

onto the sleeve.

Marman clamps are commonly used in ducting

systems and should be tightened to the torque value

Figure 2-13.Flexible line connectors.


Figure 2-14.Flexible line coupling.


Figure 2-15.Installation of rigid line couplings.


2. Slide the sleeve (with the sleeve seal partially

installed) onto the line.

NOTE: View B of figure 2-15 shows the

proper fitting and connecting of a rigid
coupling using a metal gasket between the
ducting flanges.

3. Position the split sleeves over the line beads.

4. Slide the sleeve over the split sleeves, and fold
over the sleeve seal so it covers the entire sleeve.

4. While holding the joint firmly with one hand,

install the V-band coupling over the two flanges.

5. Install the coupling over the sleeve seal and

torque to correct value.

5. Press the coupling tightly around the flanges

with one hand while engaging the latch.

RIGID COUPLINGS. The rigid line coupling

shown in figure 2-15 is referred to as a V-band
coupling. When you install this coupling in restricted
areas, some of the stiffness of the coupling can be
overcome by tightening the coupling over a spare set
of flanges and a gasket to the recommended torque
value of the joint. Tap the coupling a few times with
a plastic mallet before removing it.

6. Tighten the coupling firmly with a ratchet

wrench. Tap the outer periphery of the coupling with
a plastic mallet to assure proper alignment of the
flanges in the coupling. This will seat the sealing
edges of the flanges in the gasket. Tighten again,
making sure the recommended torque is not
7. Check the torque of the coupling with a torque
wrench and tighten until the specified torque is

When you install rigid couplings, follow the steps

listed below:

8. Safety wire the V-band coupling, as shown in

figure 2-16, as an extra measure of security in the
event of T-bolt failure. The safety wire will be
installed through the band loops that retain the T bolt
and the trunnion or quick coupler. A minimum of
two turns of the wire is required. Most V-band
connectors will use a T bolt with some type of
self-locking nut.

1. Slip the V-band coupling over the flanged

2. Place a gasket into one flange. One quick
rotary motion assures positive seating of the gasket.
3. Hold the gasket in place with one hand while
the mating flanged tube is assembled into the gasket
with a series of vertical and horizontal motions to
assure the seating of the mating flange to the gasket.

TAPER PINS. Taper pins are used in joints that

carry shear loads and where the absence of clearance

Figure 2-16.-Safetying a V-band coupling.


is essential. See figure 2-17. The threaded taper pin

is used with a taper pin washer and a shear nut if the
taper pin is drilled, or with a self-locking nut if
undrilled. When a shear nut is used with the threaded
taper pin and washer, the nut is secured with a cotter
FLAT-HEAD PINS. The flat-head pin is used
with tie rod terminals or secondary controls, which do
not operate continuously. The flat-head pin should be
secured with a cotter pin. The pin is normally
installed with the head up. See figure 2-17. This
precaution is taken to maintain the flat-head pin in the
installed position in case of cotter pin failure.
SNAP RINGS. A snap ring is a ring of metal,
either round or flat in cross section, that is tempered to
have springlike action. This springlike action will
hold the snap ring firmly seated in a groove. The
external types are designed to fit in a groove around
the outside of a shaft or cylinder. The internal types
fit in a groove inside a cylinder. Special pliers are
designed to install each type of snap ring.

its removal is necessary to provide clearance for the

end of the bolt. The tang is notched to break off from
the body of the insert, thereby providing full
penetration for the fastener.
The second type of insert used is the self-locking,
mid-grip insert, which has a specially formed grip coil
midway on the insert. This produces a gripping effect
on the engaging screw, For quick identification, the
self-locking, mid-grip inserts are dyed red.
Although thousands of rivets are used in aircraft
construction, many parts require frequent dismantling
or replacement. For these parts it is more practical to
use some form of threaded fastener. Furthermore,
some joints require greater strength and rigidity than
can be provided by riveting. Manufacturers solve this

Snap rings can be reused as long as they retain

their shape and springlike action. External snap rings
may be safety wired, but internal types are never
STUDS. There are four types of studs used in
aircraft structural applications. They are the coarse
thread, fine thread, stepped and lockring studs. Studs
may be drilled or undrilled on the nut end. Coarse
(NAS183) and fine (NAS184) thread studs are
manufactured from alloy steel and are heat treated.
They have identical threads on both ends. The
stepped stud has a different thread on each end of the
stud. The lockring stud may be substituted for
undersize or oversize studs. The lockring on this stud
prevents it from backing out due to vibration, stress,
or temperature variations. Refer to the Structural
Hardware Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-8 for more
detailed information on studs.
HELI-COIL INSERTS. Heli-coil thread
inserts are primarily designed to be used in materials
that arc not suitable for threading because of their
softness. The inserts are made of a diamond
cross-sectioned stainless steel wire that is helically
coiled and, in its finished form, is similar to a small,
fully compressed spring. There are two types of
heli-coil inserts. See figure 2-18. One is the plain
insert, made with a tang that forms a portion of the
bottom coil offset, and is used to drive the insert. This
tang is left on the insert after installation, except when

Figure 2-17.Types of aircraft pins.


Figure 2-18.Heli-coil insert.

problem by using various types of screws, bolts, and


except that numbers 7, 9, and 11 are omitted. Threads

are designated by the diameter, number of threads per
inch, thread series, and class in parts catalogs, on
blueprints, and on repair diagrams.

Bolts and screws are similar in that both have a

head at one end and a screw thread at the other, but
there are several differences between them. The
threaded end of a bolt is always relatively blunt, while
that of a screw may be either blunt or pointed. The
threaded end of a bolt must be screwed into a nut, but
the threaded end of the screw may fit into a nut or
other female arrangement, or directly into the material
being secured. A bolt has a fairly short threaded
section and a comparatively long grip length (the
unthreaded part); a screw may have a longer threaded
section and no clearly defined grip length. A bolt
assembly is generally tightened by turning its nuts.
Its head may or may not be designed to be turned. A
screw is always designed to be turned by its head.
Another minor but frequent difference between a
screw and a bolt is that a screw is usually made of
lower strength materials.

For example, No. 8-32NF-3 indicates a No. 8 size

thread, 32 threads per inch, national fine series, and a
class 3 thread. Also, 1/4-20NC-3 indicates a 1/4-inch
thread, 20 threads per inch, national coarse series, and
a class 3 thread. A left-hand thread is indicated by the
letters LH following the class of thread.

Many types of bolts are used on aircraft.
However, before discussing some of these types, it
might be helpful to list and explain some commonly
used bolt terms. You should know the names of bolt
parts and be aware of the bolt dimensions that must be
considered in selecting a bolt. Figure 2-19 shows
both types of information.

Threads on aircraft bolts and screws are of the

American National Standard type. This standard
contains two series of threads: national coarse (NC)
and national fine (NF) series. Most aircraft threads
are of the NF series.
Threads are also produced in right-hand and
left-hand types. A right-hand thread advances into
engagement when turned clockwise. A left-hand
thread advances into engagement when turned
Threads are sized by both the diameter and the
number of threads per inch. The diameter is
designated by screw gauge number for sizes up to 1/4
inch, and by nominal size for those 1/4 inch and
larger. Screw gauge numbers range from 0 to 12,

Figure 2-19.Bolt terms and dimensions.


The three principal parts of a bolt are the head,

thread, and grip. The head is the larger diameter of
the bolt and may be one of many shapes or designs.
The head keeps the bolt in place in one direction, and
the nut used on the threads keeps it in place in the
other direction.
To choose the correct replacement, several bolt
dimensions must be considered. One is the length of
the bolt. Note in figure 2-19 that the bolt length is the
distance from the tip of the threaded end to the head of
the bolt. Correct length selection is indicated when
the chosen bolt extends through the nut at least two
full threads. In the case of flat-end bolts or chamfered
(rounded) end bolts, at least the full chamfer plus one
full thread should extend through the nut. See figure
2-19. If the bolt is too short, it may not extend out of
the bolt hole far enough for the nut to be securely
fastened. If it is too long, it may extend so far that it
interferes with the movement of nearby parts.
Unnecessarily long bolts can affect weight and
balance and reduce the aircraft payload capacity.

The third and fourth bolt dimensions that should

be considered when choosing a bolt replacement are
head thickness and width. If the head is too thin or
too narrow, it may not be strong enough to bear the
load imposed on it. If the head is too thick or too
wide, it may extend so far that it interferes with the
movement of adjacent parts.
BOLT HEADS. The most common type of
head is the hex head. See figure 2-20. This type of
head may be thick for greater strength or relatively
thin in order to fit in places having limited clearances.
In addition, the head may be common or drilled to
lockwire the bolt. A hex-head bolt may have a single
hole drilled through it between two of the sides of the
hexagon and still be classed as common. The drilled

In addition, if a bolt is too long or too short, its

grip is usually the wrong length. As shown in
figure 2-20, grip length should be approximately the
same as the thickness of the material to be fastened.
If the grip is too short, the threads of the bolt will
extend into the bolt hole and may act like a reamer
when the material is vibrating. To prevent this, make
certain that no more than two threads extend into the
bolt hole. Also make certain that any threads that
enter the bolt hole extend only into the thicker
member that is being fastened. If the grip is too long,
the nut will run out of threads before it can be
tightened. In this event, a bolt with a shorter grip
should be used, or if the bolt grip extends only a short
distance through the hole, a washer maybe used.
A second bolt dimension that must be considered
is diameter. Figure 2-19 shows that the diameter of
the bolt is the thickness of its shaft. If this thickness
is 1/4 of an inch or more, the bolt diameter is usually
given in fractions of an inch; for example, 1/4, 5/16,
7/16, and 1/2. However, if the bolt is less than 1/4 of
an inch thick, the diameter is usually expressed as a
whole number. For instance, a bolt that is 0.190 inch
in diameter is called a No. 10 bolt, while a bolt that is
0.164 inch in diameter is called a No. 8.
The results of using a bolt of the wrong diameter
should be obvious. If the bolt is too big, it cannot
enter the bolt hole. If the diameter is too small, the
bolt has too much play in the bolt hole, and the
chances are that it is not as strong as the correct bolt.

Figure 2-20.-Correct and incorrect grip lengths.


Figure 2-21.Bolt heads.

head-hex bolt has three holes drilled in the head,

connecting opposite sides of the hex.

View F shows an external-wrenching head that

has a washer face under the head to provide an
increased bearing surface. The 12-point head gives a
greater wrench gripping surface.

Seven additional types of bolt heads are shown in

figure 2-21. Notice that view A shows an eyebolt,
often used in flight control systems. View B shows a
countersunk-head, close-tolerance bolt. View C
shows an internal-wrenching bolt. Both the
countersunk-head bolt and the internal-wrenching
bolt have hexagonal recesses (six-sided holes) in their
heads. They are tightened and loosened by use of
appropriate sized Allen wrenches. View D shows a
clevis bolt with its characteristic round head. This
head may be slotted, as shown, to receive a common
screwdriver or recessed to receive a Reed-and-Prince
or a Phillips screwdriver.

View G shows a hi-torque style driving slot. This

single slot is narrower at the center than at the outer
portions. This and the center dimple provide the slot
with a bow tie appearance. The recess is also
undercut in a taper from the center to the outer ends,
producing an inverted keystone shape. These bolts
must be installed with a special hi-torque driver
adapter. They must also be driven with some type of
torque-limiting or torque-measuring device. Each
diameter of bolt requires the proper size of driver for
that particular bolt. The bolts are available in
standard and reduced 100-degree flush heads. The
reduced head requires a driver one size smaller than
the standard head.

View E shows a torque-set wrenching recess that

has four driving wings, each one offset from the one
opposite it. There is no taper in the walls of the
recess. This permits higher torque to be applied with
less tendency for the driver to slip or cam out of the

BOLT THREADS. Another structural feature

in which bolts may differ is threads. These usually
come in one of two types: coarse and fine. The two
are not interchangeable. For any given size of bolt


Figure 2-22.Bolt head markings.

Figure 2-23 shows a breakdown of a typical AN

bolt part number. Like the AN rivets discussed
earlier, it starts with the letters AN. Next, notice that
a number follows the letters. This number usually
consists of two digits. The first digit (or absence of it)
shows the class of the bolt. For instance, in figure
2-23, the series number has only one digit, and the
absence of one digit shows that this part number
represents a general-purpose hex-head bolt.
However, the part numbers for some bolts of this class
have two digits. In fact, general-purpose hex-head
bolts include all part numbers beginning with AN3,
AN4, and so on, through AN20. Other series numbers
and the classes of bolts that they represent are as

there is a different number of coarse and fine threads

per inch. For instance, consider the 1/4-inch bolts.
Some are called 1/4-28 bolts because they have 28
fine threads per inch. Others have only 20 coarse
threads per inch and are called 1/4-20 bolts. To force
one size of threads into another size, even though both
are 1/4 of an inch, can strip the finer threads or softer
metal. The same thing is true concerning the other
sizes of bolts; therefore, make certain that bolts you
select have the correct type of threads.
BOLT MATERIAL. The type of metal used in
an aircraft bolt helps to determine its strength and its
resistance to corrosion. Therefore, make certain that
material is considered in the selection of replacement
bolts. Like solid shank rivets, bolts have distinctive
head markings that help to identify the material from
which they are manufactured. Figure 2-22 shows the
tops of several hex-head bolts, each marked to
indicate the type of bolt material.

AN21 through AN36clevis bolts

AN42 through AN49eyebolts
The series number shows another type of
information other than bolt class. With a few
exceptions, it indicates bolt diameter in sixteenths of


directives specify otherwise, every unserviceable bolt
should be replaced with a bolt of the same type. Of
course, substitute and interchangeable items are
sometimes available, but the ideal fix is a bolt-for-bolt
replacement. The part number of a needed bolt may
be obtained by referring to the illustrated parts
breakdown (IPB) for the aircraft concerned. Exactly
what this part number means depends upon whether
the bolt is AN (Air Force-Navy), NAS (National
Aircraft Standard), or MS (Military Standard).
AN Part Number. There are several classes of
AN bolts, and in some instances their part numbers
reveal slightly different types of information.
However, most AN numbers contain the same type of

Figure 2-23.AN bolt part number breakdown.


an inch. For instance, in figure 2-23, the last digit of

the series number is 4; therefore, this bolt is 4/16 of an
inch (1/4 of an inch) in diameter. In the case of a
series number ending in 0, for instance AN30, the 0
stands for 10, and the bolt has a diameter of 10/16 of
an inch (5/8 of an inch).
Refer again to figure 2-23, and observe that a dash
follows the series number. When used in the part
numbers for general-purpose AN bolts, clevis bolts,
and eyebolts, this dash indicates that the bolt is made
of carbon steel. With these types of bolts, the letter C,
used in place of the dash, means corrosion-resistant
steel. The letter D means 2017 aluminum alloy. The
letters DD stand for 2024 aluminum alloy. For some
bolts of this type, a letter H is used with these letters
or with the dash. If it is so used, the letter H shows
that the bolt has been drilled for safetying.

Figure 2-25.MS bolt part number breakdown.

MS Part Number. MS is another series of bolts

used in aircraft construction. In the part number
shown in figure 2-25, the MS indicates that the bolt is
a Military Standard bolt. The series number (20004)
indicates the bolt class and diameter in sixteenths of
an inch (internal-wrenching, 1/4-inch diameter). The
letter H before the dash number indicates that the bolt
has a drilled head for safetying. The dash number (9)
indicates the bolt grip in sixteenths of an inch.

Next, observe the number 20 that follows the

dash. This is called the dash number. It represents
the bolts grip (as taken from special tables). In this
instance the number 20 stands for a bolt that is 2 1/32
inches long.

Aircraft nuts differ in design and material, just as
bolts do, because they are designed to do a specific
job with the bolt. For instance, some of the nuts are
made of cadmium-plated carbon steel, stainless steel,
brass, or aluminum alloy. The type of metal used is
not identified by markings on the nuts themselves.
Instead, the material must be recognized from the
luster of the metal.

The last character in the AN number shown in

figure 2-23 is the letter A. This signifies that the bolt
is not drilled for cotter pin safetying. If no letter were
used after the dash number, the bolt shank would be
drilled for safetying.
NAS Part Number. Another series of bolts
used in aircraft construction is the NAS. See
figure 2-24. In considering the NAS 144-25 bolt
(special internal-wrenching type), observe that the
bolt identification code starts with the letters NAS.
Next, the series has a three-digit number, 144, The
first two digits (14) show the class of the bolt. The
next number (4) indicates the bolt diameter in
sixteenths of an inch. The dash number (25) indicates
bolt grip in sixteenths of an inch.

Nuts also differ greatly in size and shape. In spite

of these many and varied differences, they all fall
under one of two general groups: self-locking and
nonself-locking. Nuts are further divided into types
such as plain nuts, castle nuts, check nuts, plate nuts,
channel nuts, barrel nuts, internal-wrenching nuts,
external-wrenching nuts, shear nuts, sheet spring
nuts, wing nuts, and Klincher locknuts.
nuts require the use of a separate locking device for
security of installation. There are several types of
these locking devices mentioned in the following
paragraphs in connection with the nuts on which they
are used. Since no single locking device can be used
with all types of nonself-locking nuts, you must select
one suitable for the type of nut being used.
SELF-LOCKING NUTS. Self-locking nuts
provide tight connections that will not loosen under
vibrations. Self-locking nuts approved for use on
aircraft meet critical strength, corrosion-resistance,

Figure 2-24.-NM bolt part number breakdown.


and temperature specifications. The two major types

of self-locking nuts are prevailing torque and free
spinning. The two general types of prevailing torque
nuts are the all-metal nuts and the nonmetallic insert
nuts. New self-locking nuts must be used each time
components are installed in critical areas throughout
the entire aircraft, including all flight, engine, and fuel
control linkage and attachments. The flexloc nut is an
example of the all-metal type. The elastic stop nut is
an example of the nonmetallic insert type. All-metal
self-locking nuts are constructed with the threads in
the load-carrying portion of the nut out of phase with
the threads in the locking portion, or with a saw cut
top portion with a pinched-in thread. The locking
action of these types depends upon the resiliency of
the metal when the locking section and load-carrying
section are forced into alignment when engaged by
the bolt or screw threads.

PLATE NUTS. These nuts are used for blind

mounting in inaccessible locations and for easier
maintenance. They are available in a wide range of
sizes and shapes. One-lug, two-lug, and right-angle
shapes are available to accommodate the specific
physical requirements of nut locations. Floating nuts
provide a controlled amount of nut movement to
compensate for subassembly misalignment. They can
be either self-locking or nonself-locking. See
figure 2-27.
CHANNEL NUTS. These nuts are used in
applications requiring anchored nuts equally spaced
around openings such as access and inspection doors
and removable leading edges. Straight or curved
channel nut strips offer a wide range of nut spacings
and provide a multinut unit that has all the advantages
of floating nuts. They are usually self-locking.

PLAIN HEX NUTS. These nuts are available

in self-locking or nonself-lotting styles. When the
nonself-locking nuts are used, they should be locked
with an auxiliary locking device such as a check nut
or lock washer. See figure 2-26.

BARREL NUTS. These nuts are installed in

drilled holes. The round portion of the nut fits in the
drilled hole and provides a self-wrenching effect.
They are usually self-locking.

CASTLE NUTS. These nuts are used with

drilled shank bolts, hex-head bolts, clevis bolts,
eyebolts, and drilled-head studs. These nuts are
designed to be secured with cotter pins or safety wire.


nuts are generally used where a nut with a high tensile
strength is required or where space is limited and the
use of external-wrenching nuts would not permit the
use of conventional wrenches for installation and
removal. This is usually where the bearing surface is
counterbored. These nuts have a nonmetallic insert
that provides the locking action.


castle nuts, these nuts are castellated for safetying.
They are not as strong or cut as deep as the castle nuts.
CHECK NUTS. These nuts are used in locking
devices for nonself-locking plain hex nuts, setscrews,
and threaded rod ends.

Figure 2-26.Nuts.

Figure 2-27.Self-locking nuts.


support line clamps, conduit clamps, electrical

equipment, and access doors. The most common
types are the float, the two-lug anchor, and the
one-lug anchor. The nuts have an arched spring leek
that prevents the screw from working loose. They
should be used only where originally used in the
fabrication of the aircraft. See figure 2-28.
WING NUTS. These nuts are used where the
desired tightness is obtained by the use of your fingers
and where the assembly is frequently removed.
KLINCHER LOCKNUTS. Klincher locknuts
are used to ensure a permanent and vibrationproof,
bolted connection that holds solidly and resists thread
wear. It will withstand extremely high or low
temperatures and exposure to lubricants, weather, and
compounds without impairing the effectiveness of the
locking element. The nut is installed with the end that
looks like a double washer toward the metal being
fastened. Notice in figure 2-29 that the end that looks
like a double hexagon is away from the metal being

Figure 2-28.-Sheet spring nut.

generally used where a nut with a high tensile length
is required. These nuts are installed with a small
socket wrench. They are usually self-locking.

The most common threaded fastener used in

aircraft construction is the screw. The three most
used types are the structural screw, machine screw,
and the self-tapping screw.
STRUCTURAL SCREWS. Structura.l screws
are used for assembling structural parts. They are
made of alloy steel and are heat treated. Structural
screws have a definite grip length and the same shear
and tensile strengths as the equivalent size bolt. They
differ from structural bolts only in the type of head.
These screws are available in round-head,
countersunk-head, and brazier-head types, either

SHEAR NUTS. These nuts are designed for

use with devices such as drilled clevis bolts and
threaded taper pins that are normally subjected to
shearing stress only. They are usually self-locking.
SHEET SPRING NUTS. These nuts are used
with standard and sheet metal self-tapping screws to

Figure 2-29.Typical installations of the Wincher locknut.


Pan- and Truss-Head. Pan-head and trusshead screws are general-purpose screws used where
head height is unimportant. These screws are
available with cross-recessed heads only.
screw is one that cuts its own internal threads as it is
turned into the hole. Self-tapping screws can be used
only in comparatively soft metals and materials.
Self-tapping screws may be further divided into two
classes or groups: machine self-tapping screws and
sheet metal self-tapping screws.
Machine self-tapping screws are usually used for
attaching removable parts, such as nameplates, to
castings. The threads of the screw cut mating threads
in the casting after the hole has been predrilled. Sheet
metal self-tapping screws are used for such purposes
as temporarily attaching sheet metal in place for
riveting. They may also be used for permanent
assembly of nonstructural parts, where it is necessary
to insert screws in blind applications.

Self-tapping screws should never be used to
replace standard screws, nuts, or rivets in
the original structure. Over a period of
time, vibration and stress will loosen this
type of fastener, causing it to lose its
holding ability.

Figure 2-30.-Structural screws.

slotted or recessed for the various types of

screwdrivers. See figure 2-30.
MACHINE SCREWS. The commonly used
machine screws are the flush-head, round-head,
fillister-head, socket-head, pan-head and truss-head types.


Flush-Head. Flush-head machine screws are

used in countersunk holes where a flush finish is
desired. These screws are available in 82 and 100
degrees of head angle, and have various types of
recesses and slots for driving.

Washers such as ball socket and seat washers,

taper pin washers, and washers for internalwrenching nuts and bolts have been designed for
special applications. See figure 2-31.

Round-Head. Round-head machine screws are

frequently used in assembling highly stressed aircraft

Ball socket and seat washers are used where a bolt

is installed at an angle to the surface, or where perfect
alignment with the surface is required at all times.
These washers are used together.

Fillister-Head. Fillister-head machine screws

are used as general-purpose screws. They may also
be used as cap screws in light applications such as the
attachment of cast aluminum gearbox cover plates.

Taper pin washers are used in conjunction with

threaded taper pins. They are installed under the nut
to effect adjustment where a plain washer would

Socket-Head. Socket-head machine screws are

designed to be screwed into tapped holes by internal
wrenching. They are used in applications that require
high-strength precision products, compactness of the
assembled parts, or sinking of the head into holes.

Washers for internal-wrenching nuts and bolts are

used in conjunction with NAS internal-wrenching
bolts. The washer used under the head is countersunk
to seat the bolt head or shank radius. A plain washer
is used under the nut.


When aircraft cables are manufactured, each

strand is first formed to the spiral or helical shape to
fit the position it is to occupy in the finished cable.
The process of such forming is called preforming, and
cables made by such a process are said to be
preformed. The process of preforming is adopted to
ensure flexibility in the finished cable and to relieve
bending and twisting stresses in the strands as they are
woven into the cable. It also keeps the strands from
spreading when the cable is cut. All aircraft cables
are internally lubricated during construction.

Figure 2-31.Various types of special washers.

Aircraft control cables are fabricated either from

flexible, preformed carbon steel wire or from flexible,
preformed, corrosion-resistant steel wire. The small
corrosion-resistant steel cables are made of steel
containing not less than 17 percent chromium and 8
percent nickel, while the larger ones (those of the
5/16-, 3/8-, and 7/16-inch diameters) are made of steel
that, in addition to the amounts of chromium and
nickel just mentioned, also contains not less than 1.75
percent molybdenum.

A cable is a group of wires or a group of strands of
wires twisted together into a strong wire rope. The
wires or strands may be twisted in various ways. The
relationship of the direction of twist of each strand to
each other and to the cable as a whole is called the lay.
The lay of the cable is an important factor in its
strength, for if the strands are twisted in a direction
opposite to the twist of the strands around the center
strand or core, the cable will not stretch (or set) as
much as one in which they are all twisted in the same
direction. This direction of twist (in opposite
direction) is most commonly adopted, and it is called
a regular or an ordinary lay. Cables may have a right
regular lay or a left regular lay. If the strands are
twisted in the direction of twist around the center
strand or core, the lay is called a lang lay. There is a
right and left lang lay. The only other twist
arrangement-twisting the strands alternately right
and left, then twisting them all either to the right or to
the left about the coreis called a reverse lay. Most
aircraft cables have a right regular lay.

Cables may be designated 7 x 7, 7 x 19, or

6 x 19 according to their construction. A 7 x 7
cable consists of six strands of seven wires each, laid
around a center strand of seven wires. A 7 x 19
cable consists of six strands of 19 wires, laid around a
19-wire central strand, A 6 x 19 IWRC cable
consists of six strands of 19 wires each, laid around an
independent wire rope center.
The size of cable is given in terms of diameter
measurement. A 1/8-inch cable or a 5/16-inch cable
means that the cable measures 1/8 inch or 5/16 inch in
diameter, as shown in figure 2-32. Note that the cable
diameter is that of the smallest circle that would
enclose the entire cross section of the cable. Aircraft

Figure 2-32.-Cable cross section.


control cables vary in diameters, ranging from 1/16 of

an inch to 3/8 of an inch.
Cable ends may be equipped with several
different types of fittings such as terminals, thimbles,
bushings, and shackles. Terminal fittings are
generally of the swaged type. (The swaging process
is described in detail in chapter 9 of this manual.)
Terminal fittings are available with threaded ends,
fork ends, eye ends, and single-shank and doubleshank ball ends.
Threaded-end, fork-end, and eye-end terminals
are used to connect the cable to turnbuckles, bell
cranks, and other linkage in the system. The ball
terminals are used for attaching cable to quadrants
and special connections where space is limited. The

Figure 2-33.Types of cable terminal fittings.

single-shank ball end is usually used on the ends of

cables, and the double-shank ball end may be used at
either the ends or in the center of a cable run.
Figure 2-33 shows the various types of terminal
Thimble, bushing, and shackle fittings may be
used in place of some types of terminal fittings when
facilities and supplies are limited and immediate
replacement of the cable is necessary. Figure 2-34
shows these fittings.
A turnbuckle is a mechanical screw device
consisting of two threaded terminals and a threaded
barrel. Figure 2-35 shows a typical turnbuckle
assembly. Turnbuckles are fitted in the cable
assembly for the purpose of making minor
adjustments in cable length and for adjusting cable
tension. One of the terminals has right-hand threads

Figure 2-34.-Thimble, bashing, and shackle fittings.


Figure 2-35.Typical turnbuckle assembly.

and the other has left-hand threads, The barrel has

matching right- and left-hand threads internally. The
end of the barrel, with left-hand threads inside, can
usually be identified by either a groove or knurl
around the end of the barrel. Barrels and terminals
are available in both long and short lengths.

adopted as standard procedures by the services.

These methods are discussed later in this chapter.
Adjustable Connector Links
An adjustable connector link consists of two or
three metal strips with holes so arranged that they
may be matched and secured with a clevis bolt to
adjust the length of the connector. They are installed
in cable assemblies for the purpose of making major
adjustments in cable length and to compensate for
cable stretch. Adjustable connector links are usually
used in very long cable assemblies.

When you install a turnbuckle in a control system,

it is necessary to screw both of the terminals an equal
number of turns into the turnbuckle barrel. It is also
essential that all turnbuckle terminals be screwed into
the barrel at least until not more than three threads are
exposed. On initial installation, the turnbuckle
terminals should not be screwed inside the turnbuckle
barrel more than four threads. Figure 2-36 shows
turnbuckle thread tolerances.


After a turnbuckle is properly adjusted, it must be

safetied. There are several methods of safetying
turnbuckles. However, only two methods have been

Fairleads (rubstrips), grommets, pressure seals,

and pulleys are all types of cable guides. They are
used to protect control cables by preventing the cables

Figure 2-36.-Turnbuckle tolerances.


Figure 2-37.Typical cable guides.

Pressure Seals

from rubbing against nearby metal parts. They are

also used as supports to reduce cable vibration in long
stretches (runs) of cable. Figure 2-37 shows some
typical cable guides.

Pressure seals are used on cables or rods that must

move through pressurized bulkheads. They fit tightly
enough to prevent air pressure loss, but not so tightly
as to hinder movement of the unit.


Fairleads maybe made of a solid piece of material

to completely encircle cables when they pass through
holes in bulkheads or other metal parts. Fairleads
may be used to reduce cable whipping and vibration
in long runs of cable. Split fairleads are made for
easy installation around single cables to protect them
from rubbing on the edges of holes.


Pulleys (or sheaves) are grooved wheels used to

change cable direction and to allow the cable to move
with a minimum of friction. Most pulleys used on
aircraft are made from layers of cloth impregnated
with phenolic resin and fused together under high
temperatures and pressures. Aircraft pulleys are
extremely strong and durable, and cause minimum
wear on the cable passing over them. Pulleys are
provided with grease-sealed bearings, and usually do
not require further lubrication. However, pulley
bearings may be pressed out, cleaned, and


Grommets are made of rubber, and they are used

on small openings where single cables pass through
the walls of unpressurized compartments.


relubricated with special equipment. This is usually

done only by depot-level maintenance activities.


Pulley brackets made of sheet or cast aluminum

are required with each pulley installed in the aircraft.
See figure 2-38. Besides holding the pulley in the
correct position and at the correct angle, the brackets
prevent the cable from slipping out of the groove on
the pulley wheel.

These units are generally constructed in the form

of an arc or in a complete circular form. They are
grooved around the outer circumference to receive the
cable, as shown in figure 2-38. The names sector and
quadrant are used interchangeably. Sectors and
quadrants are similar to bell cranks and walking

Figure 2-38.-Control system components.


Figure 2-39.-Series 145 and 155 quick-disconnect couplings.

This action allows fluid to flow in either direction

through the coupling. When the coupling is
disconnected, a spring in each half closes the valve,
preventing the loss of fluid and entrance of air.
The union nut has a quick-lead thread that permits
connecting or disconnecting the coupling by turning
the nut. The amount the nut must be turned varies
with different styles of couplings. For one style, a
quarter turn of the union nut locks or unlocks the
coupling. For another style, a full turn is required.
Some couplings require wrench tightening; others are
connected and disconnected by hand. Some
installations require that the coupling be safetied with
safety wire; others do not require any form of
safetying. Because of these individual differences, all
quick disconnects should be installed in accordance
with the instructions in the applicable MIM.

beams, which are used for the same purpose in rigid

control systems.
Learning Objective: Identify the various
hydraulic hardware and seals used in naval
Hardware, such as the quick-disconnect coupling,
and seals and packings are used throughout the
aircraft. They are essential for safe and proper
operation of aircraft systems. You must be familiar
with the various types used on naval aircraft.

The series 145 and 155 (Aeroquip) couplings

make up one type of quick-disconnect coupling found
on naval aircraft. These couplings may be identified
by the part number (145 or 155) stamped on the face
of the union nut.

Quick-disconnect couplings provide a means of

quickly disconnecting a line without the loss of
hydraulic fluid or entrance of air into the system.
Each coupling assembly consists of two halves, held
together by a union nut. Each half contains a valve,
which is held open when the coupling is connected.

Each quick-disconnect coupling consists of two

halves, referred to as S1 half and S4 half. See figure 2-39.


(3) seals against leakage as the coupling halves are

joined. Positive opening of the valves occurs as the
halves are connected.

When disconnected, the union nut remains with the

S1 half. The S4 half has a mounting flange for
attaching to a bulkhead or other structural member of
the aircraft.

When the coupling halves are joined, the

protruding nose (6) of the S4 half contacts the sleeve
(4) of the S1 half. Simultaneously, the head of the
tubular valve (1) contacts the face of the poppet valve
(7), thus preventing air from entering the system.

All parts referred to in the following paragraphs

are identified in figure 2-39. The two halves of the
coupling may be connected by placing the tubular
valve (1) within the protruding nose (6) of the mating
half, and rotating the union nut in a clockwise
direction. The union nut must be rotated until its teeth
(5) fully engage the lock spring (8). A properly
tightened coupling will have compressed the lock
spring until a 1/16-inch minimum gap exists between
the inside lip of the spring retainer fingers and the
spring plate. Figure 2-40 shows the coupling both
properly connected and improperly connected.

Tightening the union nut pulls the coupling halves

together. This causes the nose of the S4 half to push
the sleeve into the S1 half, uncovering the ports to the
tubular valve. At the same time, the head of the
tubular valve depresses the poppet valve.

The locking action may be followed by referring

to figure 2-39. Positive locking is assured by the
locking spring (8) with teeth, which engage ratchet
teeth on the union nut (5) when the coupling is fully
connected. The lock spring automatically disengages
when the union nut is unscrewed. An O-ring packing

When the coupling halves are fully connected, the

sleeve and poppet valve have reached the positions
shown in the left-hand view of figure 2-40. The nose
of the S4 half has engaged the O-ring packing of the
S1 half, providing a positive seal.

Figure 2-40.-Quick disconnects properly and improperly connected.


Figure 2-41.-Series 320 (Aeroquip) quick disconnect.

The connection may be inspected by three

different methods as follows: If the nut can be turned
by hand in a clockwise direction, the coupling is not
locked. A slight tug on the hose will separate the
halves if the couplings are not locked. Inspect the
locking male hex on the bulkhead coupling half; if the
coupling is not connected, the red male hex of the
bulkhead half will be visible.

NOTE: Do not use a wrench to couple or

uncouple series 145 or 155 quick disconnects
unless a modified union nut is incorporated.
Modified union nuts may be identified by the
letter C preceding the part number on the nut.
On these modified union nuts, a wrench may
be used to assist in tightening the coupling.
Torque values for the various size couplings
may be found in the aircraft MIM, and should
be strictly complied within all instances.

Hydraulic seals are used throughout aircraft
hydraulic systems to minimize internal and external
leakage of hydraulic fluid. They prevent the loss of
system pressure. A seal may consist of more than one
component, such as an O-ring and a backup ring, or
possibly an O-ring and two backup rings. Hydraulic
seals used internally on a sliding or moving assembly
are normally called PACKINGS. Hydraulic seals
used between nonmoving fittings and bosses are
normally called GASKETS. Most packings and
gaskets used in naval aircraft are manufactured in the
form of O-rings.

A newer type of quick-disconnect coupling is the

series 3200 (Aeroquip). This is an improved version
and is simple to operate. This series is designed for
use in hydraulic systems up to 3,000 psi operating
pressure. Figure 2-41 shows the quick disconnect in
both the disconnected and connected positions. To
connect, align the tabular valve of the hose-attaching
half with the recess in the bulkhead-coupling half.
The nut is then brought forward to engage the threads,
and rotated in a clockwise direction until the hex nut
engages the hex on the coupling body. This may be
done in one continuous turn of the union nut, about
one-quarter of a revolution. The quick-lead Acme
thread allows the coupling to be connected by hand,
against pressures up to 300 psi.

An O-ring is circular in shape, and its cross

section is small in relation to its diameter. The cross
section is truly round and has been molded and


standard for systems where the operating

temperatures may vary from -65F to +275F.
Packings used in naval aircraft hydraulic
installations are manufactured from synthetic rubber.
They are used in units that contain moving parts, such
as actuating cylinders, selector valves, etc. Although
packings are made in many forms, the O-ring type is
most widely used. The U-rings, V-rings, and other
various types are obsolete in most cases and are not
discussed in this training manual.

Figure 2-42.-Hydraulic seals.

trimmed to extremely close tolerances. In some

landing gear struts, an elliptical seal is used. The
elliptical seal is similar to the O-ring seal except for
its cross-sectional shape. As its name implies, its
cross section is elliptical in shape. Both the O-ring
and elliptical seals are shown in figure 2-42.

The O-ring packing seals effectively in both

directions. This sealing is done by distortion of its
elastic compound. Views A and C of figure 2-43
show O-rings of the proper size and installed in
grooved seats. Notice that the clearance for the
O-rings is less than their free outer diameter. The
cross sections of the O-rings are squeezed out of
round prior to the application of pressure. In this
manner, contact is ensured with the inner and outer
walls of the passage under static (no pressure)
conditions. Views B and D of figure 2-43 show the
action of the O-rings when pressure is applied. You
should also observe, in views C and D of figure 2-43,
that backup rings are installed. In hydraulic systems
of 1,500 psi pressure or less, AN6227B, AN6230B,
and MS28775 packings are used. In such installations, backup rings are not required, although they are
desirable. In most modern aircraft with hydraulic
system pressures up to 3,000 psi, backup rings are
used in conjunction with the MS28775 packings.

Advances in aircraft design have made new

O-ring composition necessary to meet changing
conditions. Hydraulic O-rings were originally
established under AN (Air Force-Navy) specification
numbers (6227, 6230, and 6290) for use in fluid at
operating temperatures ranging from -65F to +160F.
When new designs raised operating temperatures to a
possible +275F, more compounds were developed
and perfected.
Recently, newer compounds were developed
under MS (Military Standard) specifications that
offered improved low-temperature performance
without sacrificing high-temperature performance.
These superior materials were adopted in the
MS28775 O-ring, which is replacing AN6227 and
AN6230 O-rings, and the MS28778 O-ring, which is
replacing the AN6290 O-ring. These O-rings are now

Gaskets are used in the sealing of boss fittings,

end caps of actuators, piston accumulators, and other

Figure 2-43.-Action of O-rings.


installations where moving parts do not come in

contact with the seal. Normally, the type of gasket
used is an O-ring. In some cases it might be the same
seal that is used as a packing in other installations, or
it may be one that is manufactured only for use as a
In hydraulic systems where the operating
temperature ranges from -65F to +160F, the
AN6290, MS28778, AN6230B-1 through -25,
MS28775-013 through -028, -117 through -149, and
-223 through -247 O-rings are intended for use as
gaskets. In systems where temperature limits range
from -65F to +275F, MS28778 and designated sizes
of MS28775 O-rings are used as gaskets. Normally,
O-rings designated as MS28778 should be used only
in connections with straight thread tube fittings, such
as boss fittings and end caps of check valves, etc.
Figure 2-44.O-ring package identification.
O-rings are manufactured according to military
specifications and are identified from the technical
information printed on the O-ring package. See
figure 2-44. The size of O-rings cannot be positively
identified by visual examination without the use of
special equipment. For this reason, O-rings are made
available in individual, hermetically sealed envelopes
labeled with all the necessary pertinent data.

Age limitation of synthetic rubber O-rings is

based on the fact that the material deteriorates with
age. O-ring age is computed from the cure date. The
term cure date is used in conjunction with
replacement kits, which contain O-rings, parts, and
hardware for shop repair of various components.
O-ring cure dates also provide bases for O-ring
replacement schedules, which are determined by
O-ring service life. The service life (estimated time
of trouble-free service) of O-rings also depends upon
such conditions as use, exposure to certain elements,
both natural and imposed, and subjection to physical
stress. Operational conditions imposed on O-rings in
one component may necessitate O-ring replacement
more frequently than replacement of identical O-rings
in other components. It is necessary to adhere to the
recommended replacement schedule for each
individual component. The age of O-rings in a spare
part is determined from the assembly date recorded on
the service or identification plate and/or on the
exterior of the container. All O-rings over 24 months
old should be replaced or, if nearing their age limit (24
months), should not be used for replacement.

NOTE: Colored dots, dashes, and stripes or

combinations of dots and dashes on the
surface of the O-ring are no longer used for
identification of O-rings. O-rings still found
with these color identification markings are
NOT to be used in naval aircraft hydraulic
systems or components and should be
depleted from stock.

Figure 2-44 shows the information printed on

O-ring packages that is essential to determine the
intended use, qualifications, and age limitations. The
manufacturers cure date is one of the more important
printed items listed on the package. This cure date is
denoted in quarters. For example, the cure date 2Q82
indicates that the O-ring was manufactured during the
second quarter of 1982. Synthetic rubber parts
manufactured during any given quarter are not
considered one quarter old until the end of the
succeeding quarter. Most O-ring age limitation is
determined by this cure date, anticipated service life,
and replacement schedule.

Proper storage practices must be observed to
prevent deformation and deterioration of rubber
O-rings. Most synthetic rubbers are not damaged by
several years of storage under ideal conditions.
However, most synthetic rubbers deteriorate when
exposed to heat, light, oil, grease, fuels, solvents,


Figure 2-45.Typical O-ring installation and removal tools.

thinners, moisture, strong drafts, or ozone (form of

oxygen formed from an electrical discharge).
Damage by exposure is magnified when rubber is
under tension, compression, or stress.
There are several conditions to be avoided, which
include the following:

to O-ring surfaces. Contamination can also be caused

by adhesive tapes applied directly to O-ring surfaces.
A torn O-ring package should be secured with a
pressure-sensitive, moistureproof tape, but the tape
must not contact the O-ring surfaces. O-rings should
be arranged so the older seals are used first.

. Deformation as a result of improper stacking of

parts and storage containers

Removal and Installation

. Creasing caused by a force applied to corners

and edges, and by squeezing between boxes and
storage containers

The successful operation of a hydraulic system and

the units within depends greatly upon the methods and
procedures used in handling and installing hydraulic
seals. These seals are comparatively soft and should not
be subjected to any nicks, scratches, or dents. They
should be kept free of dirt and foreign matter and should
not be exposed to extreme weather conditions. When
hydraulic seals are chosen for installation, they should
not be picked up with sharp instruments, and the
preservative should not be removed until they are ready
for installation.
During the installation or removal of hydraulic
seals, as well as other tasks, your best friend is the
correct tool. A variety of these tools may be used on
any given job. Suggestions for fabricating typical
tools for use in replacing and installing O-rings and
backup rings are shown in figure 2-45. These tools
should be fabricated from soft metal such as brass and

. Compression and flattening, as a result of

storage under heavy parts
. Punctures caused by staples used to attach
. Deformation and contamination due to hanging
the O-rings from nails or pegs
O-rings should be kept in their original envelopes,
which provide preservation, protection, identification,
and cure date. Contamination is caused by piercing
the sealed envelopes to store O-rings on rods, nails, or
wire hanging devices. Contamination may be caused
by fluids leaking from parts stored above and adjacent


Figure 2-46.O-ring removal.


aluminum; however, tools made from phenolic rod,

plastics, and wood may also be used.

O-rings should be rejected for flaws that will affect

their performance.

When removing or installing O-rings, avoid using

pointed or sharp-edged tools that might cause
scratching or marring of hydraulic component
surfaces or cause damage to the O-rings. While using
the seal removal and the installation tools, contact
with cylinder walls, piston heads, and related
precision components is not desirable. With practice,
you should become proficient in using these tools.

Such defects are difficult to detect. One aircraft

manufacturer recommends using a 4-power
magnifying glass with adequate lighting to inspect
each ring before it is installed.
By rolling the ring on an inspection cone or
dowel, the inner diameter surface can also be checked
for small cracks, particles of foreign material, and
other irregularities that will cause leakage or shorten
the life of an O-ring. The slight stretching of the ring
when it is rolled inside out will help to reveal some
defects not otherwise visible. A further check of each
O-ring should be made by stretching it between the
fingers, but you must take care not to exceed the
elastic limits of the rubber. Following these
inspection practices will prove to be a maintenance
economy. It is far more desirable to take care
identifying and inspecting O-rings then to repeatedly
overhaul components with faulty seals.

Notice in view A of figure 2-46 how the

hook-type removal tool is positioned under the
O-ring, and then lifted to allow the extractor tool, as
well as the removal tool, to pull the O-ring from its
cavity. View B of figure 2-46 shows the use of
another type of extractor tool in the removal of
internally installed O-rings. In view C of figure 2-46,
notice the exterior tool positioned under both O-rings
at the same time. This method of manipulating the
tool positions both O-rings, which allows the
hook-type removal tool to extract both O-rings with
minimum effort. View D of figure 2-46 shows
practically the same removal as view C, except for the
use of a different type of extractor tool.

After inspection and prior to installation, immerse

the O-ring in clean hydraulic fluid. During the
installation, avoid rolling and twisting the O-ring to
maneuver it into place. If possible, keep the position
of the O-rings mold line constant. When the O-ring
installation requires spanning or inserting through
sharp threaded areas, ridges, slots, and edges, use
protective measures, such as O-ring entering sleeves,
as shown in view A of figure 2-47. If the
recommended O-ring entering sleeve (soft thin-wall
metallic sleeve) is not available, paper sleeves and
covers may be fabricated by using the seal package
(gloss side out) or lint-free bond paper. See views B
and C of figure 2-47.

The removal of external O-rings is less difficult

than the removal of internally installed O-rings.
Views E and F of figure 2-46 shows two accepted
removal methods. View E shows the use of a
spoon-type extractor, which is positioned under the
seal. After the O-ring is dislodged from its cavity, the
spoon is held stationary while simultaneously rotating
and withdrawing the piston. View F of figure 2-46 is
similar to view E, except only one O-ring is installed,
and a different type of extractor tool is used. The
wedge-type extractor tool is inserted beneath the
O-ring; the hook-type removal tool hooks the O-ring.
A slight pull on the latter tool removes the O-ring
from its cavity.

Adhesive tapes should not be used to cover

danger areas on components. Gummy substances left
by the adhesives are extremely detrimental to
hydraulic systems.
After the O-ring is placed in the cavity provided,
gently roll the O-ring with the fingers to remove any
twist that might have occurred during installation.

After the removal of all O-rings, it is mandatory

that you clean the affected parts that will receive new
O-rings. Ensure that the area used for such
installations is clean and free from all contamination.

Backup Rings

Each replacement O-ring should be removed from

its sealed package and inspected for defects such as
blemishes, abrasions, cuts, or punctures. Although an
O-ring may appear perfect at first glance, slight
surface flaws may exist. These are often capable of
preventing satisfactory O-ring performance under the
variable operating pressures of aircraft systems.

Backup rings are used to support O-rings and to

prevent O-ring deformation and resultant leakage.
Two types of backup rings are used in naval
aircraftTeflon single and double spiral.
Teflon rings are made from a fluorocarbon-resin
material, which is tough, friction-resistant, and more


durable than leather. Precautions similar to those

applicable to O-rings must be taken to avert
contamination of backup rings and damage to
hydraulic components. Teflon backup rings may be
stocked in individual sealed packages similar to those
in which O-rings are packed, or several may be
installed on a cardboard mandrel.

If unpackaged rings are stored for a long period of

time without the use of mandrels, a condition of
overlap may develop. To eliminate this condition,
stack Teflon rings in a mandrel of a diameter
comparable to the desired diameter of the spiral ring,
Stack and clamp the rings with their coils flat and
parallel. Then place the rings in an oven at a

Figure 2-47.-O-ring installation.


To install the Teflon backup ring (fig. 2-49), the

following steps should be used.
1. Examine the fitting groove for roughness that
might damage the seal.
2. Position the jam nut well above the fitting
groove, and coat the male threads of the fitting
sparingly with hydraulic fluid.
3. Install the backup ring in the fitting groove,
and work the backup ring into the counterbore
of the jam nut.

Figure 2-48.Teflon backup ring damages caused by

improper handling.

4. Install the gasket in the fitting groove against

the backup ring.

maximum temperature of 350F for a period of

approximately 10 minutes. The rings are then
removed and water quenched.

5. The jam nut is then turned down until the

packing is pushed firmly against the threaded
portion of the fitting.

NOTE: After this treatment, rings should be

stored at room temperature for a period of 48
hours prior to use.

6. Install the fitting into the boss, and turn until

the packing has contacted the boss. (The jam
nut must turn with the fitting.)

IDENTIFICATION. Backup rings are not

color coded or otherwise marked and must be
identified from package labels. Backup rings made
from Teflon do not deteriorate with age, and are
unaffected by any other system fluid or vapor. They
tolerate temperature extremes in excess of those
encountered in high-pressure hydraulic systems. The
specification number of a backup ring can be found
on the package label. This specification number is
followed by a dash (-) and a number. The number
following the dash indicates the size. In some cases,
this number is directly related to the dash number of
the O-ring for which the backup ring is intended to be
used. For example, the single spiral Teflon ring,
MS28774-6, is used with MS28775-006 O-ring; and
the double spiral Teflon ring, MS28782-1, is used
with the AN6227B-1 O-ring.

7. Hold the jam nut and turn the fitting an

additional one-half turn.
8. The fitting is then positioned by turning it not
more than one turn.
9. Hold the fitting in the desired position, and
turn the nut down tight against the boss.
When Teflon spiral rings are being installed in
internal grooves, the ring must have a right-hand
spiral. View A of figure 2-50 shows the method used
to change directions of the spiral. The Teflon ring is
then stretched slightly prior to installation into its
groove. While the Teflon ring is being inserted in
the groove, rotate the component in a clockwise
direction. This action will tend to expand the ring
diameter and reduce the possibility of damage to the

INSTALLATION. Care must be taken during

the handling and installation of backup rings. If
possible, backup rings should be inserted by hand and
without the use of sharp tools. The Teflon backup
rings must be inspected prior to reuse for evidence of
compression damage, scratches, cuts, nicks, and
fraying conditions, as shown in figure 2-48.

When Teflon spiral rings are being installed in

external grooves, the ring should have a left-hand
spiral. As the ring is inserted into the groove, rotate
the component in a clockwise direction. This action
will tend to contract the ring diameter and reduce the
possibility of damage to the ring.


Figure 2-49.-Properly Installed gasket and backup ring.


Figure 2-50.Installation of Teflon backup rings (internal).


Backup rings may be installed singly, if pressure

acts only upon one side of the seal. In this case, the
backup ring is installed next to the O-ring, opposite
the pressure force. See view A of figure 2-51. When
dual backup rings are installed, the split scarfed ends
must be staggered, as shown in view B of figure 2-51.
View C of figure 2-51 shows an improper dual ring

foreign matter from entering the system and scoring

internal surfaces. Wipers may be of the metallic
(usually copper base alloys) or felt types. They are
used in practically all landing gear shock struts and
most actuating cylinders. At times, they are used
together, the felt wiper being installed behind the
metallic wiper. Normally, the felt wiper is lubricated
with system hydraulic fluid from a drilled bleed
passage or from an external fitting.
Wipers are manufactured for a specific hydraulic
component and must be ordered for that application.
Wipers are normally inspected and changed, if

Wipers (scrapers) are used to clean and lubricate

the exposed portion of piston shafts. This prevents

Figure 2-51.Teflon backup ring installation (external).


Protective Closures

necessary, while component repair is in process.

Metallic wipers are formed in split rings for ease in
installation, and they are manufactured slightly
undersize to ensure a tight fit. One side of the
metallic wiper has a lip, which should face outward
upon installation. Metallic wipers must be inspected
for foreign matter and condition, and then installed by
sliding them over the piston shaft in the proper order,
as directed by the applicable MIM.

Contamination is hazardous and expensive. To

protect hydraulic systems from contaminants, use
protective closures. Two types of protective metal
closures are approved for sealing hydraulic
equipment. They are caps and plugs conforming to
appropriate military specifications. Guidelines for
selection and use of protective closures for hydraulic
equipment are as follows: Use caps and plugs of the
proper size and material. Never blank-off openings
with wooden plugs, paper, rags, tape, or other
unauthorized devices. Use closures of metal
construction conforming to specifications listed in
table 2-2 for sealing hydraulic system equipment,
lines, tubes, accessories and components.

The felt wiper may be a continuous felt ring or a

length of felt with sufficient material to overlap its
ends. The felt wiper should be soft, clean, and well
saturated in hydraulic fluid during installation.

Table 2-2.Protective Caps and Plugs


Figure 2-52.Typical blank-off plates.



Figure 2-52 shows typical blank-off plates. In all

cases where there is a choice between an internal or
external installation, use the external type of closure.
Use metal protective closures to seal open ports of all
hydraulic lines and accessories. Use metal protective
closures to seal new and reusable hydraulic tubing
and hose assemblies. Plastic closures may be used to
seal electrical fittings and receptacles or other
nonfluid openings where contamination is not
considered a problem. Keep all protective closures
clean, sorted by size, properly identified, and stored in
readily accessible bins. Check protective closures
visually for cleanliness, thread damage, or sealing
deformation before using.

Learning Objective: Recognize the difference

types of common electrical hardware used on
naval aircraft.
An important part of aircraft electrical maintenance is determining the correct type of electrical
hardware for a given job. These maintenance
functions normally require a joint effort on the part of
the AM and the AE/AT personnel. You must become
familiar with wire and cable, connectors, terminals,
and bonding and bonding devices.

Rubber, plastic, or unthreaded type of protective

closures designed to fit over open ends of bulk hose
and tubing should be used in accordance with design
function only. Do not use this type of protective
closure as a plug for insertion into open lines, hoses,
or ports of hydraulic equipment. Remove protective
closures before installing equipment. If an opening
normally requiring protection is found uncovered, the
part or assembly should be cleaned and checked
before installation or assembly.

For purposes of electrical installations, a wire is

described as a stranded conductor covered with an
insulating material. The term cable, as used in
aircraft electrical installations, includes the following:
. Two or more insulated conductors contained in
the same jacket (multiconductor cable)
. Two or more insulated conductors twisted
together (twisted pair)


to terminal studs. The terminals used in electrical

wiring are either of the soldered or crimped type.
Terminals used in repair work must be of the size and
type specified in the applicable maintenance
instruction manual. The crimped-type terminals are
generally recommended for use on naval aircraft.
Soldered-type terminals are usually used in
emergencies only.

l One or more insulated conductors covered with

a metallic braided shield (shielded cable)
. A single insulated conductor with a metallic
braided outer conductor (RF cable)
For wire replacement work, the aircraft
maintenance instruction manual (MIM) should be
consulted first. The manual normally lists the wire
used in a given aircraft.

The basic types of solderless terminals are shown

in figure 2-54. They are the straight, right angle, flag,
and splice types. There are variations of these types.

Connectors are devices attached to the ends of
cables and sets of wires to make them easier to
connect and disconnect. Each connector consists of a
plug assembly and a receptacle assembly. The two
assemblies are coupled by means of a coupling nut.
Each consists of an aluminum shell containing an
insulating insert that holds the current-carrying
contacts. The plug is usually attached to the cable
end, and is the part of the connector on which the
coupling nut is mounted. The receptacle is the half of
the connector to which the plug is connected. It is
usually mounted on a part of the equipment. One type
of connector commonly used in aircraft electrical
systems is shown in figure 2-53.

An aircraft can become highly charged with static
electricity while in flight. If the aircraft is improperly
bonded, all metal parts do not have the same amount
of static charge. A difference of potential exists
between the various metal surfaces. If the resistance
between insulated metal surfaces is great enough,
charges can accumulate. The potential difference
could become high enough to cause a spark. This
constitutes a fire hazard and also causes radio
interference. If lighting strikes an aircraft, a good
conducting path for heavy current is necessary to
minimize severe arcing and sparks.
When you connect all the metal parts of an
aircraft to complete an electrical unit, it is called

Since most aircraft wires are stranded, it is
necessary to use terminal lugs to hold the strands
together. This allows a means of fastening the wires

Figure 2-54.-Basic types of solderless terminals.

Figure 2-53.Connector assembly.


Static dischargers are commonly known as static
wicks or static discharge wicks. They are used on
aircraft to allow the continuous satisfactory operation
of onboard navigation and radio communication
systems. During adverse charging conditions, they
limit the potential static buildup on the aircraft and
control interference generated by static charge. Static
dischargers are not lighting arrestors and do not
reduce or increase the likelihood of an aircraft being
struck by lightning. Static dischargers are subject to
damage or significant changes in resistance
characteristics as a result of lightning strike to the
aircraft, and should be inspected after a lightning
strike to ensure proper static discharge operation.

Figure 2-55.Typical bonding link installation.

bonding. Bonding connections are made of screws,

nuts, washers, clamps, and bonding jumpers. Figure
2-55 shows a typical bonding link installation.
Bonding also provides the necessary
low-resistance return path for single-wire electrical
systems. This low-resistance path provides a means
of bringing the entire aircraft to the earths potential
when it is grounded.

Static dischargers are fabricated with a wick of

wire or a conductive element on one end, which
provides a high resistance discharge path between the
aircraft and the air. See figure 2-56. They are
attached on some aircraft to the ailerons, elevators,
rudder, wing, horizontal and vertical stabilizer tips,
etc. Refer to your applicable aircrafts MIM for
maintenance procedures.

Whenever you perform an inspection, both

bonding connections and safetying devices must be
inspected with great care.

Figure 2-56.Typical static dischargers.


more resistant to corrosion. Also, stainless steel

cotter pins may be used in locations where
nonmagnetic material is required. Regardless of
shape or material, all cotter pins are used for the same
general purposesafetying. Figure 2-57 shows three
types of cotter pins and how their size is determined.
NOTE: Whenever uneven prong cotter pins
are used, the length measurement is to the end
of the shortest prong.

Figure 2-57.Types of cotter pins.

Safety wire comes in many types and sizes. You

must first select the correct type and size of wire for
the job. Annealed corrosion-resistant wire is used in
high-temperature, electrical equipment, and aircraft
instrument applications. All nuts except the
self-locking types must be safetied; the method used
depends upon the particular installation.


Learning Objective: Identify the various
safety methods used on aircraft hardware.

Figure 2-58 shows various methods commonly

used in safety wiring nuts, bolts, and screws.
Examples 1, 2, and 5 of figure 2-58 show the proper
method of safety wiring bolts, screws, square head
plugs, and similar parts when wired in pairs.
Examples 6 and 7 show a single-threaded component
wired to a housing or lug. Example 3 shows several
components wired in series. Example 4 shows the
proper method of wiring castellated nuts and studs.
Note that there is no loop around the nut. Example 8
shows several components in a closely spaced, closed

You will come in contact with many different

types of safetying materials. These materials are used
to stop rotation and other movement of fasteners.
They are also used to secure other equipment that may
come loose due to vibration in the aircraft.
Cotter pins are used to secure bolts, screws, nuts,
and pins. Some cotter pins are made of low-carbon
steel, while others consist of stainless steel and are

Figure 2-58.Safety wiring methods.


geometrical pattern, using the single-wire method.

The following general rules apply to safety wiring:
1. All safety wires must be tight after installation, but not under so much tension that normal
handling or vibration will break the wire.

Annealed copper safety wire is used for sealing

first aid kits, portable fire extinguishers, oxygen
regular emergency valves, and other valves and levers
used for emergency operation of aircraft equipment.
This wire can be broken by hand in case of an

2. The wire must be applied so that all pull

exerted by the wire tends to tighten the nut.


3. Twists should be tight and even, and the wire

between nuts as taut as possible without overtwisting.
Wire between nuts should be twisted with the hands.
The use of pliers will damage the wire. Pliers maybe
used only for final end twist before cutting excess

When all adjusting and rigging on the cables is

completed, safety the turnbuckles as necessary. Only
two methods of safetying turnbuckles have been
adopted as standard procedures by the armed
services: the clip-locking (preferred) method and the
wire-wrapping method.

Figure 2-59.-Safetying turnbuckles: (A) preferred method; (B) wire-wrapped method.


end loop. Insert the straight end of the clip into the
aperture formed by the aligned slots. Bring the hook
end of the lock clip over the hole in the center of the
turnbuckle barrel and seat the hook loop into the hole.
Application of pressure to the hook shoulder at the
hole will engage the hook lip in the turnbuckle barrel
and complete the safety locking of one end. The
above steps are then repeated on the opposite end of
the turnbuckle barrel. Both locking clips may be
inserted in the same turnbuckle barrel hole, or they
may be inserted in opposite holes.

Lock clips must be examined after assembly for

proper engagement of the hook lip in the turnbuckle
barrel hole by the application of slight pressure in the
disengaging direction. Lock clips must not be reused,
as removal of the clips from the installed position will
severely damage them.
Wire-Wrapping Turnbuckles
First, two safety wires are passed through the hole
in the center of the turnbuckle barrel. The ends of the
wires are bent 90 degrees toward the ends of the
turnbuckle, as shown in figure 2-59.


Next, the ends of the wires are passed through the

holes in the turnbuckle eye or between the jaws of the
turnbuckle fork, as applicable. The wires are then
bent toward the center of the turnbuckle, and each one
wrapped four times around the shank. This secures
the wires in place.

NOTE: Although the following references were

current when this TRAMAN was published, their
continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore,
you need to be sure that you are studying the latest

When a swaged turnbuckle terminal is being

safetied, one wire must be passed through the hole
provided for this purpose in the terminal. It is then
looped over the free end of the other wire, and both
ends wrapped around the shank.

Structural Hardware, NAVAIR 01-1A-8, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,

Washington D. C., 1 January 1991.

Clip-Locking Turnbuckles

Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-17,

Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington D. C., 1 February 1992.

The clip-locking method of safetying uses an

NAS lock clip. To safety the turnbuckle, align the slot
in the barrel with the slot in the cable terminal. Hold
the lock clip between the thumb and forefinger at the

Aviation Hose and Tube Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-20,

Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington D. C., Rapid Action Change 3,
10 March 1993.




Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a working
knowledge of procedures and equipment used for the Tool Control Program. You
will have a basic knowledge of occupational awareness concepts, aircraft
drawings, techniques for troubleshooting, aircraft lubrication requirements,
aircraft weighing and balancing, aircraft hoisting and jacking, and fuel cell
construction and repair.

quickly ensure that all tools have been retrieved after a

maintenance action.

In this chapter we will discuss the various types of

routine aircraft maintenance performed by the AM
ratings. When performing any type of maintenance, it is
your responsibility to comply with all safety procedures
and tool control requirements. Because no one set of
rules applies to all aircraft, you should refer to the
maintenance instruction manual (MIM) for the tools,
materials, and procedures required for that particular
aircraft or piece of equipment.

The material control officer is responsible for

coordinating the TCP and for ensuring that tools are
procured and issued in a controlled manner consistent
with the approved tool control plan (TCPL). A TCPL
contains information that includes material requirements, tool inventories, and detailed instructions for the
implementation and operation of the TCPL for a specific
type/mode of aircraft. But the main responsibility relies
with the work center and quality assurance.



Learning Objective: Recognize the importance

of the Navy's Tool Control Program (TCP).
Major problems, such as aircraft accidents and
incidents, may result from tools left in aircraft after
maintenance has been performed. Tools out of place
may result in foreign object damage (FOD). To reduce
the potential for tool FOD-related mishaps, the Tool
Control Program (TCP) provides a means of rapidly
accounting for all tools after completing a maintenance
task on an aircraft or its related equipment.

The QA/A division is responsible for monitoring the

overall Tool Control Program in the command. While
monitoring the program or performing spot checks,
the QA/A division will ensure that tool control
procedures are being adhered to. Some of the special
requirements are to ensure the following:


2. That special accountability procedures are being

complied with for those tools not suitable for etching;
for example, drill bits (too hard) and jewelers
screwdrivers (too small).

1. That all tools are etched with the organization

code, work center, and tool container number.

The means by which tools can be rapidly

inventoried and accounted for is accomplished by using
silhouetted tool containers. All tools have individual
silhouetted locations that highlight a missing tool. These
containers are called shadow boxes. A shadow
(silhouette) of the tool identifies the place where the tool
belongs. The TCP is based on the instant inventory
concept and is accomplished, in part, through the use of
shadow boxes. See figure 3-1. On containers where
silhouetting is not feasible, a note with the inventory and
a drawing of the container is included. Either system
enables the work center supervisor or inspector to

3. That work center inventories are being conducted and procedures are being adhered to during work
center audits and periodic spot checks.
4. That all equipment, in the work centers/tool
control centers, requiring calibration is scheduled and
cali- brated at the prescribed interval.
5. That defective tools received from supply are
reported to the Fleet Material Support Office


Figure 3-1.Typica1 silhouette toolbox.

tool container contains, tool tags can be used to check

out tools from other tool containers in the work center
or from another work center. The following is a list of
additional responsibilities of the work center

6. That tools of poor quality are reported to

7. That VIDS/MAFs are annotated with a tool
container number and appropriate initials are obtained
following task completion/work stoppage.

1. Upon task assignment, note the number of the

tool container on copy 1 of the VIDS/MAF, left of the
accumulated work hours section. A sight inventory will
be conducted by the technician prior to commencement
of each task, and all shortages will be noted. Every
measure must be taken to ensure that missing tools do
not become a cause of FOD. Inventories will also be
performed before a shift change, when work stoppage
occurs, after maintenance has been completed, and
before conducting an operational systems check on the

8. That the departments tool control environment is

maintained when work is to be performed by contractor
maintenance teams or depot field teams. A QAR will
brief field team/contractor supervisor/ leader(s) upon
their arrival regarding the activitys TCP. Depot teams
working in O- or I-level facilities will comply with the
host activitys TCP.


2. When all tools are accounted for and all

maintenance actions have been completed, the work
center supervisor signs the VIDS/MAF, signifying that
maintenance has been completed and that all tools
have been accounted for.

All work center supervisors have specific

responsibilities under the TCP. All tool containers
should have a lock and key as part of their inventory.
The supervisor should be aware of the location of each
containers keys and have a way of controlling them.
When work is to be completed away from the work
spaces (for example, the flight line/flight deck),
complete tool containers, not a handful of tools, should
be taken to the job. If more tools are needed than the

3. If any tool is found to be missing during the

required inventories, conduct an immediate search


to the commanding officer. The chain-of-command

responsibilities are covered in OPNAVINST 5100.19B
and OPNAVINST 5100.23B.

to reporting the work completed or signing off the

VIDS/MAF. If the tool cannot be located, notify the
maintenance officer or assistant maintenance officer via
the work center supervisor and maintenance control to
ensure that the aircraft or equipment is not released.

Work center supervisors are responsible for training

work center personnel in the use of the MSDS.
Furthermore, they must ensure that personnel under
their supervision have been trained on the hazards
associated with the material and are equipped with the
proper protective equipment prior to using any
hazardous materials.

If the tool cannot be located after the maintenance

officers directed search, the person doing the
investigation will personally sign a statement in the
Corrective Action block of the VIDS/MAF that a lost
tool investigation was conducted and that the tool could
not be found. Subsequently, the normal VIDS/MAF
completion process will be followed.

All sections of the MSDS form are important, and

contain information to accomplish a task without
causing damage to equipment or personnel. Always
ensure that you are using the correct MSDS with the
material being used. You should check the MILSPEC,
part number, federal stock number, and the name of the
manufacturer. Never use the MSDS with different
manufacturers. The formula for a given product may
differ and still meet the specifications requirements. The
handling and safety requirements will effectively
change based on different manufacturers.

The flight engineer/crew chief (senior maintenance

man in the absence of an assigned crew chief) will
assume the responsibilities of the work center
supervisor applicable to the TCP in the event of in-flight
maintenance or maintenance performed on the aircraft
at other than home station.
Learning Objective: Identify sources of
information regarding hazards within the AM
rating and recognize terms applicable to
hazardous situations and materials.

Threshold Limit Value (TLV) in sections II and V

of the MSDS are established by the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
(CGIH). TLVS refer to airborne concentrations of a
substance and represent conditions that nearly all
workers may be exposed, day after day, without adverse
effects. You should know the effects of overexposure
and the emergency procedures required prior to using
any material.

Many different materials are used in the workplace.

Some are hazardous. You must know where to retrieve
information on these materials used in and around naval
aircraft. The MIMs give information on correct
maintenance practices, but may not always give
complete information regarding necessary safety

We have been taught about incompatibility, such as

the mixing of oil and oxygen. Section VI (Reactivity
Data) of the MSDS contains a list of materials and
conditions to avoid that could cause special hazards.
Prompt cleanup of spills and leaks will lessen the chance
of personnel and the environment being harmed. Section
VII (Spill or Leak Procedures) of the MSDS lists the
required steps to be taken for cleanup and proper
disposal methods.

The Navy Occupational Safety and Health

(NAVOSH) program was established to inform workers
about hazards and the measures necessary to control
them. The Department of Defense has established the
Hazardous Material Information System (HMIS),
which is designed to acquire, store, and disseminate data
on hazardous material procured for use. The primary
source for you to get the necessary information before
beginning any operation involving the use of hazardous
material is the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). The
MSDS, known as Form OSHA-20, is shown in figure
3-2. This nine-section form informs you of hazards
involved, symptoms of exposure, protective measures
required, and procedures to be followed in case of spills,
fire, overexposure, or other emergency situations.

You should familiarize yourself and comply with

section VIII (Special Protective Information) of the
MSDS. In doing so, you will protect yourself and others
from dangerous exposure. Some protective equipments
are complex and require special training in proper use
and care. Never use a respirator that you have not been
tit-tested to wear. Always check to see that the cartridge
installed meets the requirements of the MSDS. If you
use a respirator you have not been trained for or fitted
to, or with the wrong cartridge installed, it can be as
dangerous to your health as wearing no protection at all.

The maintenance of safe and healthful working conditions is a chain-of-command responsibility. Implementation begins with the individual sailor and extends


Figure 3-2.-Material safety data sheet.


Figure 3-2.-Material safety data sheetContinued.


Figure 3-3.-Line characteristics.

You need to be aware of word usage and intended

meaning as pertains to hazardous equipment and/or
conditions. These terms are used in most technical
manuals prepared for the Navy.

SHALL has been used only when application

of a procedure is mandatory.
SHOULD has been used only when application
of a procedure is recommended.

The following is a list of safety hazard words and

definitions as they appear in most naval aviation
technical manuals.

MAY and NEED NOT have been used only

when application of a procedure is optional.

WILL has been used only to indicate futurity,
never to indicate any degree of requirement for
application of a procedure.

An operating procedure, practice, or

condition, etc., that may result in injury or
death if not carefully observed or followed.

Learning Objective: Recognize basic steps used
in troubleshooting aircraft systems and various
sources of information available.

An operating procedure, practice, or

condition, etc., that may result in damage or
destruction to equipment if not carefully
observed or followed.

Much of the information contained in the various

manuals issued by the Naval Air Systems Command for
Navy aircraft and equipment is in the form of schematic,
block, and pictorial drawings or diagrams. In order to
understand how a system or component of the aircraft
functions, you must be able to read and understand these
drawings and diagrams.

An operating procedure, practice, or
condition, etc., that is essential to emphasize.


Figure 3-3.Line characteristics-Continued.

breaks in the line, and zigzags have meanings, as shown

in figure 3-3.

The alphabet of lines is the common language of the
technician and the engineer. In drawing an object, a
draftsman not only arranges the different views in a
certain manner, but also uses different types of lines to
convey information. Line characteristics such as width,

Schematic drawings are usually used to illustrate the
various electrical circuits, hydraulic systems, fuel


Figure 3-4


Figure 3-5.-Arresting gear system schematic.

Figure 3-5 is a schematic diagram that shows an
arresting gear system. Different symbols in the legend
indicate the flow of hydraulic fluid. The diagram also
indicates energized and nonenergized wires. Each
component is illustrated and identified by name. Arrows
indicate the movement of each component.

systems, and other systems of the aircraft. The

components of an electrical circuit are normally
represented by the standard electrical symbols shown
in figure 3-4. Look at this figure and notice the
electrical symbols for fuse, splice, ground, and


Figure 3-6


Figure 3-7.Pictorial drawing with expioded view


Block diagrams may be used to illustrate a system.

The nosewheel steering system in figure 3-6 is a good
example of the use of a block diagram.

One of the more important factors in troubleshooting a system logically is your understanding of the
components and how they operate. You should study the
information and associated schematics provided in the
MIM. The function of each component and possible
malfunctions can be used in the process of analyzing
actual malfunction symptoms.

In the block diagram, each of the components of

the system is represented by a block. The name of the
component represented by each block is near that
block. Block diagrams are also useful in showing the
relationship of the components. They also may show
the sequence in which the different components

A primary concern in troubleshooting an aircraft

hydraulic system is to determine whether the malfunction is caused by hydraulic, electrical, or mechanical failure. Actuating systems are dependent on the
power systems. Some of the troubles exhibited by an
actuating system may be caused by difficulties in the
power system. A symptom indicated by a component of
the power system may be caused by leakage or
malfunction of one of the actuating systems. When any
part of the hydraulic system becomes inoperative, use
the diagrams in conjunction with the checkout
procedures provided in the aircraft MIM. Possible
causes of trouble should always be eliminated
systematically until the pertinent cause is found. No
component should be removed or adjusted unless there
is a sound reason to believe the unit is faulty.

A pictorial drawing is a representation of both the

detail and the entire assembly. Figure 3-7 is an example
of a pictorial drawing. Another use of this type of
drawing is to show disassembly, or an exploded view.
This type of drawing enables the mechanic to see how
the parts of a particular piece of equipment are put
Orthographic drawings are used to show details of
parts, components, and other objects, and are primarily
used by the manufacturer of the object. Usually, two or
more views of the object are given on the drawing.
Detailed instructions on reading orthographic, as well
as all other types of drawings, are contained in Blueprint
Reading and Sketching NAVEDTRA 10077-F1.


Figure 3-8


Figure 3-9.Installation diagram of a motor-driven hydraulic pump.

within the system can be determined by noting which

lines lead into and out of the component.
Since many systems are electrically controlled, you
should be capable of reading the electrical portion of a
schematic diagram. Knowledge of the electrical
symbols and the use of a multimeter in making voltage
and continuity checks will contribute significantly to
efficient troubleshooting. If a malfunction is caused by
electrical problems, the assistance of AE personnel may
be required.
All electrical wiring in the aircraft is marked at
specified intervals with a wire identification code. These
identification codes are defined in the electrical
volume(s) of the MIM, and they are useful in tracing
wires throughout the aircraft. If an elusive malfunction
is reasonably traced to or considered to be of an
electrical nature, the electrical circuit should be checked
by a qualified AE. Many wires can give a good
continuity reading under a no-load or low-current
condition and still be malfunctioning when under a load

There are two classes of diagrams you will be

concerned with in gaining a complete knowledge of a
specific system. These are the schematic and installation
diagrams. A diagram, whether it is a schematic diagram
or an installation diagram, maybe defined as a graphic
representation of an assembly or system.
Schematic Diagrams
Figure 3-8 is another example of a schematic
diagram. Diagrams of this type do not indicate the actual
physical location of the individual components in the
aircraft. They do locate components with respect to each
other within the system. Various components are
indicated by symbols in schematic diagrams, while
drawings of the actual components are used in the
installation (pictorial) diagrams. The symbols used in
the schematic diagrams conform to the military standard
mechanical symbols provided in MIL-STD-17B-1 and
MIL-STD-17B-2. Most manufacturers improve upon
these basic symbols by showing a cutaway portion on
each component. These cutaways aid in clarifying the
operation of that component. You should be able to trace
the flow of fluid from component to component. On
most diagrams of this type, an uncolored legend or
different colors are used to represent the various lines.
The legend identifies the lines in relation to their purpose
and the mode of operation being represented. Each
component is further identified by name, and its location

NOTE: Electrical schematics are especially

useful in determining annunciator panel
Installation Diagrams
Figure 3-9 is an example of an installation diagram.
This is a diagram of the motor-driven hydraulic pump


Table 3-1 Troubleshooting Flight Hydraulic Power System

Probable Cause


Isolation Procedure


Reservoir fluid level low.

Check reservoir fluid level.

Service hydraulic system reservoir.


Indicator button not properly

Manually reset indicator button.

Operate hydraulic power system. If

normal operation results, no further
action required. If indicator button
pops, clean and/or replace filter


accumulator pressure gauge

Replace gauge with a known

operative gauge.

If normal operation results after

replacement, use replacement

Improper accumulator preload.

Deplete hydraulic system pressure,

then check accumulator pressure

Service accumulator preload.

Air filler valve.

Check air filler valve for leakage.

Retorque swivel nut or replace

defective O-ring, defective filler

Pneumatic lines.

Check pneumatic lines for leakage.

Retorque or replace faulty

pneumatic line section.

accumulator pressure gauge.

Replace gauge with a known

operative gauge.

If normal operation results after

replacement, use replacement


Check accumulator for leakage.

Replace defective O-rings or

defective accumulator.

Hydraulic lines.

Check hydraulic lines for leakage.

Retorque or replace faulty

hydraulic line section.

Pilots hydraulic pressure

Replace indicator with a known

operative indicator. (Refer to
NAVAIR 01-85ADA-2-5.)

If normal operation results after

replacement, use replacement

Replace transmitter with a known

operative transmitter. (Refer to
NAVAIR 01-85ADA-2-5.)

If normal operation results after

replacement, use replacement


Pressure transmitter.


Table 3-2.Troubleshooting Wheel Brake System

Probable Cause


Isolation Procedure
Brake accumulator does not become charged

Brake accumulator charge pressure


Check that pressure gauge reads

800 psi.

Charge brake accumulator.

Pressure gauge

Replace pressure gauge with one

known to operate properly. (Refer
to WP084 00.)

If trouble is corrected, discard

defective gauge.

Brake selector-valve rigging

Check selector-valve rigging.

(Refer to WP082 00.)

Rig selector valve.

Brake accumulator

Replace accumulator with one

known to operate properly. (Refer
to WP083 00.)

Brake cycles gauge

Replace gauge with one known to

operate properly. (Refer to
WP086 00.)

Thermal relief valve

Replace relief valve with one

known to operate properly. (Refer
to WP087 00.)

each aircraft generally provides troubleshooting aids

that encompass seven steps. The steps are conduct a
visual inspection, conduct an operational check, classify
the trouble, isolate the trouble, locate the trouble, correct
the trouble, and conduct a final operational check. The
various MIMs provide a variety of troubleshooting aids.
Table 3-1 shows a representative troubleshooting
table. The troubles in this table are numbered to
correspond with the step of the operational check
procedures where the trouble will become apparent.
Other MIMs use trouble analysis sheets to pursue a
trouble to a satisfactory solution by the process of
elimination. The symptom is defined in tabular form
with a remedy for each symptom. An example of trouble
analysis sheets is shown in tables 3-2 and 3-3. The sheets
used with the checkout procedures relate to checkout
procedures by direct reference or to discrepancies
occurring in flight or during ground operations. Each
table provides a remedy for each symptom.
When the remedy is as simple as replacing a
component or making an adjustment, this fact is so
stated. When the remedy requires further analysis, the
entry in the REMEDY column will be a reference to an
applicable paragraph, figure, or possibly another
manual. See tables 3-1 and 3-2.

installation. Installation diagrams show general

location, function, and appearance of parts and
assemblies. On some installation diagrams, letters on the
principal view refer to a detailed view located elsewhere
on the diagram. Each detailed view is an enlarged
drawing of a portion of the system identifying each of
the principal components for purposes of clarification.
Diagrams of this type are invaluable to maintenance
personnel in identifying and locating components.
Installation diagrams will aid you in understanding the
principle of operation of complicated systems.

Learning Objective: Recognize the definition of
troubleshooting, and identifiy the seven steps in
the troubleshooting procedures.
Troubleshooting/trouble analysis may prove to be
the most challenging part of system maintenance.
Troubleshooting is the logical or deductive reasoning
procedure used when you are determining what unit is
causing a particular system malfunction. The MIM for


Table 3-3.-Troubleshooting Emergency/Parking Brake System


mechanical, and/or electrical. Using the information

gained from steps 1 and 2, the AM determines under
which classification the malfunction occurs.

Each trouble analysis procedure provides

preliminary data, such as tools and equipment,
manpower requirements, and material. In the block type
of troubleshooting sheets, the procedure is arranged in
the order of most likely occurrence. The sheet contains
a NO-YES response to direct maintenance personnel
through a logical series of steps. These directed
responses assist in isolating the malfunction. When the
requirements of a step are satisfactory, you go to the
YES column and perform the referenced step. When the
requirements of a step are not satisfactory, you go to the
NO column and perform the referenced step. This
method is continued until the malfunction is isolated and
corrected. The original checkout procedure must then
be repeated to ensure that the malfunction has been

Something affecting normal flow of hydraulic fluid

would be classified under the hydraulic classification.
The flow of fluid may be affected by external and
internal leakage, total or partial restriction, or improper
Something affecting the normal flow of compressed
gases is classified as a pneumatic malfunction. This type
of malfunction stems from the same general sources as
hydraulic malfunctions mentioned in the previous
Most units that operate hydraulically or pneumatically incorporate mechanical linkage. If a discrepancy
in the linkage exists, it will affect the systems operation.
Mechanical discrepancies should be found during visual
inspections, and they are usually in one of the following
categories: worn linkages, broken linkages, improperly
adjusted linkages, or improperly installed linkages.

Troubleshooting procedures are similar in
practically all applications, whether they be mechanical,
hydraulic, pneumatic, or electrical. These procedures
are certainly adaptable to all aircraft maintenance, as
well as other types of installations. Auto mechanics use
these steps to find and repair malfunctions in
automobiles. You will use the same procedure to find
and repair malfunctions within aircraft systems.

Many hydraulic units incorporate electrical components to operate or control them. You must be able to
determine if the electrical system is functioning
normallyelectrical malfunctions will usually be a
complete power failure, circuit failure, or component

Clarification of the seven distinct troubleshooting

steps previously mentioned are as follows:

4. Isolate the trouble. This step calls for sound

reasoning, a full and complete knowledge of hydraulic
theory, as well as a complete understanding of the
affected hydraulic system. During this step, you must
use your knowledge and the known facts to determine
where the malfunction exists in the system. Usually the
trouble can be pinned down to one or two areas. This is
done by eliminating those units that could not cause the
known symptoms and those that can be proved to be
operating normally.

1. Conduct a visual inspection. This inspection

should be thorough and searching-checking all lines,
units, mechanical linkage, and components for evidence
of leaks, looseness, security, material condition, and
proper installation. During this visual inspection, the
hydraulic system should be checked for proper
servicing-reservoir for proper level, accumulators for
specified preload, etc.
2. Conduct an operational check. The malfunctioning system or subsystem is checked for proper
operation. This is normally accomplished by attaching
the support equipment to the aircraft, which supplies a
source of electrical power and pressurized fluid to
operate the hydraulic system. In some instances,
however, the aircraft may be ground checked by using
aircraft power and equipment. Whatever the case,
during movement of the malfunctioning unit, the AM
checks for external leakage, the correct direction of
component movement, its proper sequence of operation,
speed, and whether the complete cycle was obtained.

5. Locate the trouble. This step is used to eliminate

unnecessary parts removal, thus saving money, valuable
time, and man-hours. Often, you have determined what
unit or units in the system could have caused the
malfunction, thus verifying the isolation step.
Both hydraulic and pneumatic malfunctions are
verified in the same manner. You remove lines and
inspect them for the correct flow in or at the suspected
unit. Internal leaks may occur in valves, actuators, or
other hydraulic units. Any unit that has a line that could
carry fluid to return is capable of internal leakage.
Mechanical malfunctions are located by closely
observing the suspected unit to see if it is operating in

3. Classify the trouble. Malfunctions usually fall

into four basic categorieshydraulic, pneumatic,


Figure 3-10.A typical multimeter.

accordance with the applicable aircraft MIM.

Mechanical discrepancies are usually located during the
visual inspection in step 1.


Aircraft systems tests and operational checks
should be performed under conditions as nearly
operational as possible. Such tests or checks should be
performed in accordance with the instructions outlined
in the applicable MIM. Make the operational checks in
the sequence outlined in the MIM. Any discrepancies
you find when performing a step should be corrected
before proceeding. The operational check and the
troubleshooting charts have been coordinated so that
malfunctions can be isolated in an efficient manner. If
the troubleshooting aids do not list the trouble being
experienced, you will have to study the system
schematics and perform the operational check. Use logic
and common sense in pinpointing the cause of the
malfunction. The test stand to be used in performing the
operational check must be capable of producing the
required flow and pressure required for proper
operation. Check all electrical switches and circuit
breakers, as well as hydraulic selector valves, for proper
position. Perform this check before applying external
electrical and hydraulic power. Perform all maintenance
in accordance with the MIM. Observe all maintenance

Electrical malfunctions are located, with the

assistance of AEs, by tracing electrical power requirements throughout the affected system.
6. Correct the trouble. This step is accomplished
only after the trouble has been definitely located and
there is no doubt that your diagnosis is correct. Malfunctions are usually corrected by replacement of units
or components, rigging and adjustments, and bleeding
and servicing.
NOTE: Always check the applicable MIM for
concerning maintenance procedures.
7. Conduct a final operational check. The affected
system must be actuated a minimum of five times, or
until a thorough check has been made to determine that
its operation and adjustments are satisfactory.


Figure 3-11.A typical electronic multimeter.

voltmeter, and an ohmmeter, all in one package. Figures
3-10 and 3-11 show the faces of commonly used
multimeters. The applicable instructions should be
consulted prior to equipment operation.

precautions and requirements for quality assurance

Personnel involved in troubleshooting and performing operational checks should consult the records
maintained in maintenance control and/or the work
center register. Reference to records of previous
maintenance may show a progressive deterioration of a
particular system or a previous discrepancy. This
procedure could be helpful in pinpointing the cause of
the malfunction currently being experienced.

Learning Objective: Recognize the importance
of the proper torquing of fasteners and the
required torquing procedures.
Fastener fatigue failure accounts for the majority of
all fastener problems. Fatigue breaks are caused by
insufficient tightening and the lack of proper preload or
clamping force. This results in movement between the
parts of the assembly and bending back and forth or
cyclic stressing of the fastener. Eventually, cracks will
progress to the point where the fastener can no longer
support its designed load. At this point the fastener fails
with varying consequences.

Since practically all systems now have some
electrically controlled components, troubleshooting
must also include the related electrical circuits in many
instances. Although an AE is generally called upon to
locate and correct electrical troubles, you should be able
to check circuits for loose connections and even perform
continuity checks when necessary. Therefore, a
knowledge of electrical symbols and the ability to read
circuit diagrams is necessary. Figure 3-4 illustrates the
electrical symbols commonly found in schematic

For the nut to properly load the bolt and prevent
premature failure, a designated amount of torque must
be applied. Proper torque reduces the possibility of the
fastener loosening while in service. The correct torque
to apply when you are tightening an assembly is based
on many variables. The fastener is subjected to two
stresses when it is tightened. These stresses are torsion
and tension. Tension is the desired stress, while torsion
is the undesirable stress caused by friction. A large
percentage of applied torque is used to overcome this
friction, so that only tension remains after tightening.
Proper tension reduces the possibility of fluid leaks.

Loose connections are located by checking all

connectors in the circuit. A connector that can be turned
by hand is loose and should be tightened hand tight.
A continuity check is simply a matter of
determining whether or not the circuit to the selector
valve, or other electrically controlled unit, is complete.
Continuity checks are made with the use of a multimeter.
The name multimeter comes from MULTIPLE
METER, and that is exactly what a multimeter is. It is a
dc ammeter, an ac ammeter, a dc voltmeter, an ac


Table 3-4.Recommended Torque Values (Inch-Pounds)


Tap Size





Tension type nuts

MS20365 and AN310
(40,000 psi in bolts)

MS20365 and AN310
(90,000 psi in bolts)

Shear type nuts

MS20364 and AN320
(24,000 psi in bolts)

MS20364 and AN320
(54,000 psi in bolts)


3/4- 16










The above torque values may be used for all cadmium-plated steel nuts of the fine or coarse
thread series which have approximately equal number of threads and equal face bearing areas.
*Estimated corresponding values.

The recommended torque values provided in table

3-4 have been established for average dry, cadmiumplated nuts for both the fine and coarse thread series of
nuts. Thread surface variations such as paint, lubrication, hardening, plating, and thread distortion may

alter these values considerably. The torque values must

be followed unless the MIM or structual repair manual
for the specific aircraft requires a specific torque for a
given nut. Torque values vary slightly with manufacturers. When the torque values are included in a


Figure 3-12.Torque wrenches.

first if possible. When space considerations make it
necessary to tighten the fastener by rotating the bolt
head, approach the high side of the indicated torque
range. Do not exceed the maximum allowable torque
value. Maximum torque ranges should be used only
when materials and surfaces being joined are of
sufficient thickness, area, and strength to resist
breaking, warping, or other damage.
For corrosion-resisting steel nuts, use the torque
values given for shear-type nuts. The use of any type of
drive-end extension on a torque wrench changes the dial
reading required to obtain the actual values indicated in
the torque range tables. See figure 3-12.

technical manual, these values take precedence over the

standard torque values provided in the Structural
Hardware Technical Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-8.
Separate torque tables and torquing considerations
are provided in NAVAIR 01-1A-8 for the large variety
of nuts, bolts, and screws used in aircraft construction.
You should use this manual when specific torque values
are not provided as a part of the removal/replacement
To obtain values in foot-pounds, divide inch-pound
values by 12. Do not lubricate nuts or bolts except for
corrosion-resistant steel parts or where specifically
instructed to do so, Always tighten by rotating the nut


Perhaps the only connection you have had with

lubrication was taking the car to the garage for greasing
and oil change. If your car ever burned out a bearing,
you have learned the importance of lubricants, The
proper lubrication of high-speed aircraft is very
important. You should be familiar with the various types
of lubricants, their specific use, and the method and
frequency of application.

When you are using a drive-end extension, the
torque wrench reading must be computed using the
following formula:


Lubricants are used to reduce friction, to cool, to

prevent wear, and to protect metallic parts against
corrosion. In the aircraft, lubrication is necessary to
minimize friction between moving parts. Only the
presence of a layer or film of lubricant between metal
surfaces keeps the metals from touching. As a result,
friction is reduced between moving parts. Prolonged
operating life is ensured when the lubricant keeps metal
surfaces from direct contact with each other. If the film
disappears, you end up with burned out or frozen
bearings, scored cylinder walls, leaky packings, and a
host of other troubles. Appropriate use of proper
lubricants minimizes possible damage to equipment.

S = handle setting or reading

T = torque applied at end of adapter
La = length of handle in inches
E a = length of extension in inches
If you desire to exert 100 inch-pounds at the end of
the wrench and extension, when L a equals 12 inches and
Ea equals 6 inches, it is possible to determine the handle
setting by making the following calculation:

You can get lubricants in three forms. hey are
fluids, semisolids and solids. Additives improve the
physical properties or performance of a lubricant. We
all know that oils are fluids, and greases are semisolids.
You probably think of graphite, molybdenum disulfide,
talc, and boron nitride as additives. In fact, they are solid
lubricants. A solid lubricants molecular structure is
such that its platelets will readily slide over each other.
Solid lubricants can be suspended in oils and greases.

S = 66.7 inchpounds
Whenever possible, attach the extension in line with
the torque wrench. When it is necessary to attach the
extension at any angle to the torque wrench, the effective
length of the assembly will be La + Ea, as shown in figure
3-12. In this instance, length Eb must be substituted for
length Ea in the formula.

There are many different types of approved

lubricants in use for naval aircraft. Because the
lubricants used will vary with types of aircraft and
equipment, it is impractical to cover each type. Some of
the more common types are described in table 3-5.

NOTE: It is not advisable to use a handle

extension on a flexible beam-type torque
wrench at any time. The use of a drive-end
extension on any type of torque wrench makes
use of the formula necessary. When the formula
has been used, force must be applied to the
handle of the torque wrench at the point from
which the measurements were taken. If this is
not done, the torque obtained will be in error.

Methods of Application
Different types of lubricants maybe applied by any
one of several methods. Common methods are by grease
gun, by oil/squirt cans, by hand, and by brush.
GREASE GUNS. There are numerous types and
sizes of grease guns available for different equipment
applications. The lever and one-handed lever guns are
two of the most common types in use. The grease gun
may be equipped with a flexible hose instead of a rigid
extension. Different nozzles can be attached to the

Learning Objective: Recognize different types
of lubricants, methods of application, and use
of lubrication charts.


Table 3-5.Common Military Lubricants and Their Use





[Grease, Aircraft,
Synthetic, Extreme

100 to 250F

Thickening agent, lowtemperature synthetic oils,

or mixtures EP additive

Actuator screws, gears, controls,

rolling-element bearings, general instrument use

[Grease, Aircraft,
Synthetic, Molybdenum Disulfide]

100 to 250F

Similar to MIL-G-23827
plus molybdenum disulfide

Sliding steel on steel heavily

loaded hinges, rolling element
bearing where specified

[Grease, Aircraft,
General Purpose, Wide
Temperature Range]

65 to 350F

Thickening agent and

synthetic hydrocarbon.
Has cleanliness requirements

O-rings, certain splines, ball

and roller bearing assemblies,
primarily wheel bearings in
internal brake assemblies and
where compatibility with rubber is required

[Grease, Pneumatic

-65 to 200F

Thickening agent and

blend of silicone and

Rubber to metal lubrication:

pneumatic and oxygen systems

[Grease, Helicopter
Oscillating Bearing]

65 to 160F

Thickening agent and

mineral oil

Lubrication of bearings having

oscillating motion of small

[Grease, Plug Valve,
Gasoline and Oil

32 to 200F

Thickening agent, vegetable oils, glycerols, and/or


Pump bearings, valves and

fittings where specified for fuel

[Grease, Aircraft Fuel
and Oil Resistant]

30 to 400F

Thickening agent and

fluorocarbon or fluorosilicone

Tapered plug and oxygen system valves; certain fuel system

components; antiseize

[Grease, Ball and
Roller Bearing,
Extreme High Temp.]

100 to 450F

Thickening agent and silicone fluid

Ball and roller bearing lubrication


Figure 3-13.Types of grease guns.

grease guns for different types of fittings. See figure
OIL/SQUIRT CAN. The oil/squirt cans are used
for general lubrication. Always use the specified oil for
the part being lubricated. Before using an oilcan, always
check to make sure the oil can contains the proper
HAND. This method of lubrication is generally
used for packing wheel bearings. It involves using
grease in the palm of your hand to pack the bearings.
BRUSH.This method of lubrication is used when
it is necessary to cover a large area, or for coating tracks
or guides with a lubricant.
Lubrication Fittings
There are several different types of grease fittings.
They are the hydraulic (Zerk fitting), the buttonhead pin,
and flush type of fittings. See figure 3-14. The two most
commonly used fittings in naval aviation are the
hydraulic- and flush-type fittings. These fittings are
found on many parts of the aircraft.
HYDRAULIC FITTINGS. This type protrudes
from the surface into which it is screwed, and it has a
rounded end that the mating nozzle of the grease gun
grips. A spring-loaded ball acts as a check valve. Figure
3-14 shows across-sectional view of a straight hydraulic

Figure 3-14.Types of lubrication fittings.


Figure 3-15.Lubrication chart.

fitting and an angled hydraulic fitting made for
lubricating parts that are hard to reach.

available and a substitution is not listed, request substitution through the chain of command.

FLUSH FITTINGS. This type of fitting sets flush

with the surface into which it is placed. It will not interfere with moving parts. Figure 3-14 shows a cutaway
view of a flush-type fitting and the adapter nozzle used
on the grease gun.

The lubrication requirements for each model of
aircraft are given in the General Information and
Servicing section of the MIM. In the MIM you will find
the necessary support equipment and consumable
material requirements. A table/chart similar to the one
shown in figure 3-15 lists all of the various types of
lubricants used in lubricating the whole aircraft.
Additional information, such as application symbols,
specification numbers, and symbols are provided in this
You should use the MRCs as a guide to the
lubrication of aircraft. Figure 3-16 shows the front and

How do you know what grease or oil to select for a
particular application? Lubrication instructions are
issued for all equipment requiring lubrication. You will
find that the MIM or MRCs provide you with lubrication
information. In the event that the exact lubricant is not


Figure 3-16.Typical lubrication MRC.


Figure 3-16.Typical lubrication MRC-Continued.



Guns, unusable fuel, oil, ballast, survival kits, oxygen, and any other internal
or external equipment not disposed of during flight and NOT listed in the Chart E.
Any Basic Weight Check List Record (Chart A) items which are missing from
the aircraft.
Crew, crew baggage, steward equipment, emergency equipment, special mission
fixed equipment, and all other nonexpendable items (such as fixed pylons and
racks) not in basic weight.
Usable Fuel
Payload items; such as cargo, ammunition, passengers, stores, disposable fuel
tanks. and transfer fuel.


Load items expended in-flight; such as fuel, stores, ammunition, cargo and

Figure 3-17.Weight terminology.

When you apply lubricants through pressure-type
fittings with a grease gun, make sure the lubricant
appears around the bushing. If no grease emerges
around the bushing, check the fitting and grease gun for
proper operation. You should make sure the grease gun
is properly attached to the fitting, and wipe up all excess
grease when done. If the flush-type fitting is being used,
the grease gun must be equipped with the flush-type
adapter. Hold the adapter perpendicular to the surface
of the fitting when you use the gun. A 15-degree
variation is permitted.

back of these cards, which cover one specific area of

aircraft lubrication. The top section of the card gives the
card number, MRC publication number, frequency of
application, time to do this section of cards, man-power
required, name of area being lubricated, and if you need
electrical/hydraulic power. The card illustrates the unit
to be lubricated, and the number and types of fittings.
The type of grease or oil to be used is listed with each
Prior to lubricating any parts, consult the MIMs or
MRCS for proper equipment and type of lubricant.
Consult the MSDS for any special safety precautions.
Remove all foreign matter from joints, fittings, and
bearing surfaces. A clean, lint-free cloth soaked with a
cleaning solvent may be used for this purpose. The
lubricant should be applied sparingly to prevent
accumulation of dust, dirt, and other foreign matter.


Learning Objective: Identify the various
methods of weighing aircraft, and recognize
the flight characteristics of the improperly
weighed or balanced aircraft.


Figure 3-18.Mobile Electronic Weighing System (MEWS).

maintenance, will have distinct effects on aircraft

performance and/or payload capability. Figure 3-17
shows the meaning of, and relationships between,
aircraft weight terminology. All aircraft are designed
with a number of weight limits. These limits are
determined by performance, control, and structural
restrictions. Exceeding these limits may result in a loss
of the aircraft, and is expressly forbidden.

Flight characteristics of aircraft are directly

dependent upon their weight and balance conditions. An
aircraft whose weight is greater than its allowable
maximum gross weight, or whose center of gravity (cg)
is located outside its prescribed cg limits, may
experience one or more unsatisfactory flight characteristics. Some of these conditions are longitudinal
instability, increase in takeoff distance, increase in
control forces, increase install speeds, decrease in flight
range, and a decrease in rate of climb. The requirements,
procedures, and responsibilities for aircraft weight and
balance control are defined in the technical manual,
USN Aircraft Weight and Balance Control, NAVAIR
01-1B-50. Additional requirements and/or procedural
instructions for specific TYPE/MODEL/SERIES
aircraft weight and balance control are specified in the
aircraft's NATOPS manuals and the technical manual,
Weight and Balance Data, NAVAIR 01-1B-40. In case
of conflicting requirements, procedures, or instructions,
OPNAVINST 4790.2 and the NATOPS manual shall
take precedence over this manual and NA01-1B-40, and
this manual shall take precedence over the NA
01-1B-40, pending mandatory resolution of the conflict
through the procedures described in the NA01-1B-50.

If the aircrafts actual weight exceeds the design

weight, the result is reductions in performance and/or
payload. An increase in gross weight increases takeoff
speed, stalling speed, and landing ground run. The rate
of climb, ceiling, and range decreases with increasing
gross weight. If the operating weight increases while
performance requirements remain the same, then the
payload and/or fuel load must decrease. The weight of
an aircraft is determined through a combination of actual
weighing, accurate record keeping, and proper use of the
aircrafts NAVAIR 01-1B-40.
Weighing Scales
A variety of scales and equipment maybe used for
weighing aircraft. At the present time, the method that
has become the standard is the Mobile Electronic
Weighing System (MEWS). Weighing systems now
being used to weigh Navy aircraft are the MEWS, the
heavy-duty portable scales, and the stationary pit-type

One of the basic elements of aircraft design is
aircraft weight and balance. The estimated weight and
balance of an aircraft is used in determining such design
criteria as engine requirements, wing area, landing gear
requirements, and payload capacity. Any weight
change, either in manufacturing, modification, or

MOBILE ELECTRONIC WEIGHING SYSTEM (MEWS). This system, shown in figure 3-18, is
designed to provide weight data and compute the center


Figure 3-19.Stationary pit-type scales.

Weighing Accessory Kit

of gravity of aircraft (as well as wheeled vehicles and

cargo loads). The complete system is portable and
includes a trailer for storage and transport, or it is
mounted on a single 88- by 108-inch pallet. Typical
installation setup time by two men is 30 minutes.

It maybe necessary to prepare special devices that

will aid in taking measurements and leveling specific
types of aircraft. To measure such data as lengths,
angles, and densities, weight and balance personnel
require accessories such as levels, plumb bobs,
measuring tapes, chalk lines, and hydrometers. Some
types of aircraft require special equipment. The
equipment will be assembled into a specific type of
aircraft kit.


system is designed to provide weight only. Wheeled
vehicles and cargo may also be weighed on these scales.
The complete system is portable and completely
self-contained. Platform size is small, but it may be
increased by connecting two scales with a factory
provided charnel. Because of the small platforms, you
must exercise care when using this system. Typical
installation setup time by two men is 10 minutes.

SPIRIT LEVEL. At least one spirit level is

required for leveling most aircraft. Two levels are
generally recommended. Use one 24-inch level for
spanning distances between leveling lugs. Use a 6-inch
level for use in places where sufficient space is not
available for seating a 24-inch level. The levels should
be a machinists bench type of first-class quality.


the large scales are of the stationary-beam and
lever-balance type. See figure 3-19. These scales are
commonly flush floor installations, although some are
used as surface-type portable scales. The flush floor
installation generally is in a permanent location, and the
aircraft must be taken to it. However, some flush floor
scales have the capability to be removed from their
installations, when necessary, and taken to the aircraft.
These scales are usually expensive and normally require
a special building or hangar.

LEVELING BARS. Several leveling bars of

varying lengths are needed for spanning the distances
between leveling lugs. One set of bars usually comes
with the weighing kit normally maintained by each
Naval Aviation Depot (NADEP).
PLUMB BOBS. Plumb bobs are used to project
points on the aircraft onto the floor for measuring
dimensions in a level plane. Each pIumb bob should
have a slot in the head so that excess string can be wound
around the neck. Plumb bobs are normally included in
the weighing kit.

Weighing with calibrated scales is the only sure

method of obtaining an accurate basic weight and center
of gravity location on an aircraft. The large stationary
pit-type scales must be calibrated or certified correct at
least once every 12 months. Heavy-duty portable scales
and MEWS scales must be calibrated at least once every
6 months.

STEEL TAPES. Use a steel tape 600 inches in

length and graduated in inches and tenths of inches. All
weighing dimensions must be read to one-tenth of an


case, unless specific instructions are in the aircrafts

Chart E, draining should be terminated when the fuel
flow becomes discontinuous or starts to drip.

inch, and are frequently read to one-hundredth of an

inch. Using this type of tape reduces the possibility y of
errors associated with converting common fractions to
decimals. These tapes are usually found in the weighing

Remove load items such as bombs, ammunition,

cargo, crew members, and equipment not having a fixed
position in the aircraft. They are not listed as a part of
the basic weight on the Chart A, Basic Weight Checklist
Record, DD Form 365A (DD Form 365-1), and should
not be in the aircraft when weighed. Check all reservoirs
and tanks for liquids such as drinking and washing
water, hydraulic fluid, anti-icing fluid, cooling fluids,
and liquid oxygen. Reservoirs and tanks should be
empty or filled to normal capacity before weighing. Oil
tanks are to be filled to normal capacity before weighing.
Calculations on the Aircraft Weighing Record, DD
Form 365-2, will resolve differences between the
as-weighed condition and the basic-weight condition.
All waste tanks must be empty.

CHALK LINE. This is a string, covered with

chalk, that is used to mark a straight chalked line on the
hangar floor. It is used between the vertical projections
of specified jig points. The string should be sturdy and
hard finished. It usually accompanies the weighing kit.
HYDROMETERS.- Use a hydrometer with a
calibration range from 5.5 to 7.0 pounds per US gallon
for determining the density of fuel. A transparent
container for holding fuel samples, a pipette at least 12
inches long, or some other similar device for
withdrawing samples from the tank, is necessary for use
with the hydrometer. You must take care not to damage
the glassware. To determine the density of a fuel sample,
you should carefully place the hydrometer into the fluid
within the transparent container. The hydrometer must
not touch the container when you are reading the
density, and you should take the reading at the lowest
fuel point.

Move the aircraft to the area where it will be

weighed. Do not set the aircraft brakes, for this may
induce side loads and thrust loads on the scales, which,
in turn, may give erroneous weighing results. The
aircraft must be weighed in a closed hangar or building
with no blowers or ventilating system blowing air upon
the aircraft.

NOTE: The hydrometer is used to determine

fuel density for full fuel weighing. Since full
fuel weighing is permitted only with specific
NAVAIR (AIR-5222) approval, a hydrometer
will not normally be apart of the weighing kit.

Conduct a Chart A inventory of equipment actually

installed in the aircraft. This inventory will be
accomplished under the supervision of the qualified
weight and balance technician (qualified by graduation
from one of the NADEP weight and balance schools)
responsible for weighing aircraft. A basic weight
without the correct associate inventory is of no value.

Weighing Procedure
A defined and orderly aircraft weighing procedure
lessens the chance of omitting necessary dimensional or
scale readings. The choice of alternative procedures
depends upon the equipment at hand and on the
circumstances under which the aircraft is to be weighed.
Always refer to the particular aircrafts Chart E loading
data. The following procedures have been used
successfully to accomplish proper aircraft weighing.

Correct the Chart C, Basic Weight and Balance

Record, DD Form 365-3, based upon the Chart A
inventory. Using such data as the current Chart C basic
weight, the Chart A inventory, and the Chart E loading
data, estimate an as weighed weight and moment. To
the current basic weight, add the oil (if not part of current
basic weight) and items weighed but not part of the
current basic weight, and subtract the items in the
basic weight but not in the aircraft.

Thoroughly clean the aircraft inside and out,

removing dirt, grease, and moisture. Allow the aircraft
sufficient time to dry before weighing. Assemble the
required weighing equipment, including scales, hoisting
equipment, jacks, cribbing, leveling bars, level,
measuring tape, plumb bobs, and chalk line, Drain fuel
in accordance with the aircrafts Chart E or other
applicable instructions. This draining is generally done
in the aircrafts normal ground attitude. Aircraft with
internal foam in their fuel tanks pose special problems,
since some fuel is always retained in the foam. In this

When weighing an aircraft with platform scales

such as the MEWS or stationary scales, assure that all
scales are within their calibration date. If the scales are
portable, set up the scales and level them. Attach the
cables from the platform to the readout. Warm up
electronic scales for a minimum of 20 minutes. Zero the
scales. Level the aircraft by servicing. Most aircraft can
be leveled in this reamer. See NAVAIR 01-1B-40 and


Figure 3-20.Wire rope slings.

NAVAIR 01-1B-50 for aircraft where this procedure is

not required or desired.

slings, and jacks. These items are included in the scale

reading, but are not part of the aircraft weight. Tare may
also include a scale correction factor. A scale correction
factor is used to modify scale readings because of
inherent inaccuracies of the scale. If the scale correction
factor is larger than the scale calibrated accuracy, the
scale should be repaired. Enter the tare on the Aircraft
Weighing Record, DD Form 365-2. Stow the

Tow the aircraft onto the scales. Do not apply the

aircrafts brakes, because they may bind the scales; this
would require rezeroing of the scales. Recheck the
aircraft level. Read the scales and make dimensional
measurements per Chart E instructions and NAVAIR
Make the applicable DD Form 365-2 entries and
verify the weighing results. If a large discrepancy is
noted, check to see where the error could have occurred.
If the source of the error is not found, reweigh aircraft
by removing and replacing the aircraft on the scales.

All aircraft must be weighed and balanced upon

completion of standard depot-level maintenance
(SDLM). Aircraft should also be weighed and balanced
under the following conditions:

Remove the aircraft from the scales. If the scale does

not return to zero after 10 minutes, reweigh the aircraft.
Be sure that the brakes are not used or applied.
Determine the tare per the appropriate scale instructions.
Tare is the weight of equipment necessary for weighing
the aircraft. Tare includes items such as shocks, blocks,

1. When service changes, modifications, or repairs

are accomplished and calculated, or actual weight and
moment data for these changes are not available
2. When recorded weight and balance data is
suspected of being in error


3. When unsatisfactory flight characteristics are

reported by the pilot that cannot be traced to a flight
control system malfunction or improper aircraft loading
4. When the Weight and Data handbook has been
lost or damaged
An aircraft is said to be in balance, or balanced,
when all weight items in, on, or of the aircraft are
distributed so that the longitudinal center of gravity (cg)
of the aircraft lies within a predetermined cg range. This
range is defined by the most forward and aft permissible
cg locations, which are called the forward and aft cg
limits, respectively. To determine if an aircraft is
balanced, the aircraft cg must be calculated and
compared to the forward and aft cg limits for that
particular configuration and gross weight.

Figure 3-21.Typical steel/aluminum sling.
Learning Objective: Recognize the different
types of slings and the hoisting requirements
for naval aircraft.

Wire Rope
Slings of this type employ wire rope or cable. The
wire rope sling is the most common type, and it
combines high strength, ease of manufacture, and a great
deal of flexibility for compact storage. There are two
basic types of wire rope slings. The simplest is a
multi-legged wire rope sling with an apex lifting link.
The other is one built with structural steel or aluminum
in combination with wire rope supports. See figure 3-20.

There are three main conditions that might require

you to hoist an aircraft or its components. They are
aircraft mechanical problems, ship mechanical
problems, and aircraft mishap afloat or ashore. Aircraft
lifting slings are specialized items of support equipment
whose function is to aid in the hoisting of aircraft and
aircraft components. Each airframe has structural lifting
points for the attachment of a sling designed to lift that
aircraft or aircraft subassembly. Slings are used to hoist
aircraft from the pier to carrier deck, clear crashdamaged aircraft, and to remove and install engines and
other components during maintenance operations. In
general, slings are hand portable and attach to a single
suspension hook of a crane or other hoisting equipment.

Fabric or Webbing
Fabric or webbing type slings are generally reserved
for lifting lightweight objects, or applications where
contact between wire rope and the component being
lifted could result in damage.


Structural Steel or Aluminum

Aircraft lifting slings are constructed in accordance

with Military Specification MIL-S-5944, and can be
classified under four types of construction or
combinations of type. The four types are the wire rope,
the fabric or webbing type, the structural steel or
aluminum type, and the chain.

Slings of this type are constructed with plates,

tubing, I-beams, and other structural shapes, and they
do not contain flexible components. See figure 3-21.
Structural steel and aluminum slings are generally
compact in size, and they are often used for lifting
aircraft subassemblies.


Figure 3-22.Combination wire rope and chain sling.

Devices for Aircraft and Related Components manual,

NAVAIR 17-1-114.

Chains are generally used in combination with one
of the other types of sling construction. See figure 3-22.
A chain with a chain adjuster provides a simplified
method of shifting the lifting point on a sling to match
the components center of gravity under a variety of
hoisting configurations.

Preinstallation Inspection
Prior to each use, or once a month as in the case of
emergency handling slings, a complete visual inspection
of the wire rope, fabric or webbing, structural steel or
aluminum, and chain slings must be performed.


Load-bearing cables, chains, straps, and other
structural members of hoisting and restraining devices
are subject to wear and deterioration. It is necessary that
these components be inspected and lubricated
periodically to ensure safe and proper operation. On
initial receipt of equipment or return of equipment from
depot-level repair, the aircraft intermediate
maintenance department will perform a visual
inspection of the hardware for missing or damaged
components. Upon completion of the inspection, they
tag all equipment in accordance with the Inspection and
Proofload Testing of Lifting Slings and Restraining

Slings failing to pass the inspections, or slings
suspected of having been used during
hoisting operations beyond the rated
capacity of the sling, will not be used under
any circumstance. Unserviceable slings are
forwarded to the applicable Aircraft
Intermediate Maintenance Department for
further analysis and disposition.


Figure 3-23.Cross sections of wire rope.

WIRE ROPE. To assist in understanding various

inspection criteria for wire rope, a basic knowledge of
wire rope construction is required. Each individual
cylindrical steel rod or thread is known as a wire. Each
group of wires twisted together forms a strand. A group
of strands twisted around a central core is known as a
wire rope or cable. A filler wire is a wire used to fill the
voids between wires in a strand and between strands in
a wire rope. They provide stability to the shape of the
strand or wire rope with little strength contribution. Wire
rope construction is designated by two numbers. The
first being the number of strands in a cable, and the
second being the number of wires in each strand. The
following wire rope constructions are used in the
fabrication of aircraft hoisting slings. See figure 3-23.

wires. The 7 x 7 construction is used on wire ropes

A 7 x 7 wire rope consists of six strands of seven

wires each twisted around a single core strand of seven

1. Diameter, The diameter of a wire rope is the

measuring 1/16 and 3/32 inch in diameter. Similarly,

7 x 19 wire rope is constructed with six strands of 19
wires each twisted about a core strand also containing
19 wires. The 7 x 19 wire ropes measure from 1/8 to 3/8
inch in diameter. A 6 x 19 independent wire rope core
(IWRC) cable consists of six strands each containing 19
wires twisted about a core that is of a 7 x 7 construction.
The 6 x 19 (IWRC) wire rope measures from 7/16 to 1
1/2 inches in diameter. During the inspection of a wire
rope, the measurements of the diameter and lay length
(pitch length) often lead to confusion. The diameter and
lay length are defined as follows:

diameter of a circle circumscribed around the cable


Figure 3-24.Measuring the diameter of a wire rope.

Figure 3-25.Cable lay length.

cross section. Figure 3-24 shows the proper method of

measuring the diameter of a wire rope.
2. Lay Length. The distance, parallel to the axis of
the cable, in which a strand makes one complete turn
about that axis is known as the lay length or pitch length.
Figure 3-25 shows the lay length of a wire rope.
Wire rope cables are visually inspected for knots,
fraying, stretching, abrasions, severe corrosion, and
other signs of failure. Of particular importance is the
detection of a cable in which a kink has been pulled
through in order to straighten the cable. The resultant
deformation is known as a bird cage. See figure 3-26. In
such a case, the sling should be discarded.
The presence of one or more broken wires in one
rope lay length or one or more broken wires near an
attached fitting is cause for replacement. If a broken wire
is the result of corrosion or if the cable is excessively
corroded, the cable must not be used regardless of the

Figure 3-26.Cable damage resulting from a pulled-through



number of broken wires. Replace cables exhibiting rust

and development of broken wires in the vicinity of
attached fittings. Replace wire ropes evidencing bulges,
core protrusions, or excessive reductions in rope
FABRIC OR WEBBING. Fabric or webbing
straps must be visually inspected for cuts, holes, severe
abrasions, mildew, dry rot, broken stitches, frays and
deterioration. Deterioration may be caused by contact
with foreign materials such as oil, fuel, solvents, caustic
fluids, dirt, and lye. The existence of any of the above
conditions renders the sling unserviceable. Twists,
knots, and similar distortions must be corrected before
Visually inspect all terminals, shackles, lugs, and
structural members for misalignment, wear, corrosion,
deformation, loosening, slippage, fractures, open welds,
pitting, and gouges. Examine slides and screw adjusters
for burrs, misalignment, and ease of operation. Inspect
sling attachment bolts and pins for elongation, wear,
deformed threads, and other signs of imminent failure.

Hoisting Restrictions
There are many restrictions to hoisting for each type
of aircraft. Most hoisting restrictions are the same as for
jacking aircraft. If you violate any of these restrictions,
there is a good chance that you will have an accident,
damage the aircraft, or injure someone. The restrictions
generally concern aircraft gross weight and
configuration. Some of the considerations are access
(stress) panels on or off, external stores on or off, and
wings, folded or spread.
There are many factors that can affect the safety of
the aircraft and personnel during hoisting operation. For
details on restrictions and for the proper installation of
any sling, consult the applicable MIM. Dont forget that
many squadrons have their own local standing
instructions for hoisting aircraft that contain additional
safety precautions and restrictions. You must know
them also.
Prior to carrier operation, aircraft hoist points are
inspected for serviceability and easy excess in an
emergency. For details on how to accomplish this
inspection on your aircraft, consult the applicable MIM.

CHAINS. Chains will be visually inspected for

stretched links, wear, gouges, open welds, fractures,
kinks, knots, and corrosion. Chain attachment fittings
and adjusters will be examined for security, wear,
corrosion and deformation.

Learning Objective: Recognize the procedures
for the safe raising and lowering of aircraft by
the proper use of aircraft jacks. Identify the
various types of jacks presently found in the
naval inventory.

Lubrication, Transportation, and

Storage Requirements
Examine and lubricate all slings once a month in
accordance with NAVAIR 17-1-114. When
transporting slings, they will be carried at all times.
Dragging slings over floors, runways, decks, and
obstructions can cut or severely abrade the material.
This malpractice results in an unserviceable sling.
Whenever possible, slings should be stored indoors in a
clean, dry, well-ventilated area so as to be protected
from moisture, salt atmosphere, and acids of all types.
In addition, slings constructed with nylon or other fabric
materials will be stored in such a way as to prevent
contact with sharp objects, high temperatures, and
sunlight. Fabric materials deteriorate rapidly from
prolonged exposure to sunlight or excessive
heatseverely reducing strength and service life. Where
practicable, slings will be securely fastened to overhead
storage racks to prevent accidental damage. Avoid
laying slings on ash or concrete floors.

The following text will familiarize you with the

various types of jacks, their use, and general safety
procedures. You will become familiar with jack
identification, preoperational inspections, and jacking
All aircraft hydraulic jacks are either axle or
airframe (tripod) jacks. These jacks use standard,
authorized aircraft hydraulic fluid. They have a safety
bypass valve that prevents damage when a load in excess
of 10 percent over the rated capacity is applied. For
example, the safety valve on a 10-ton jack will bypass
fluid at 11 tons of pressure.
Axle Jacks
Use axle jacks for raising one main landing gear or
the nose gear of an aircraft for maintenance of tires,


Figure 3-27.Types of axle jacks.

All model designations for axle jacks begin with the

letter A, for axle, such as A 10-1HC. The number
following the A shows the jack capacit y in tons, such as
10 for a 10-ton jack. This is followed by a dash (-) and
the specific jack identification number. Then comes two
letters that show the type of jack (HC = hand carried,
HS = horseshoe, TB = T-bar, and OR = outrigger).

wheels, and struts. There are four different types of axle

jacks and many different sizes (lifting capacity in tons).
Figure 3-27 shows the four types of Navy axle jacks.
The smaller hydraulic axle jacks are normally squadron
or unit permanent custody equipment. That means your
outfit is responsible for making sure the jacks are load
tested at the support equipment (SE) division of the
aircraft intermediate maintenance department (AIMD)
before being put into service, and annuall y thereafter.
Special inspections include 13 week inspections at
AIMD S/E, but a load test is not required every 13
weeks. A record of maintenance, inspections, technical
directives, and load testing is kept on OPNAV form

HAND CARRIED. These axle jacks are portable,

self-contained units, with single or double manually
operated pumps. They have carrying handles, pump
handles, reservoir vent valves, release valves, and safety
valves. The different model sizes vary from 4 3/4 inches
to 9 inches high (closed). Their weights vary from 26 to
120 pounds.




Figure 3-28.Airframe (tripod) jacks.

HORSESHOE. Horseshoe axle or crocodile jacks

consist of a lifting arm supported by two hydraulic
cylinders. The cylinders move up over the stationary
pistons when the manual pump operates. The A25-1HS
is a large jack, 5 feet long, 5 feet 8 inches wide, standing
2 feet 1 3/4 inches high, and weighing 900 pounds.

for jacking vary with the type of aircraft, and can be

found in the MIM for each type of aircraft.
There are two different types of tripod jacks-fixed
height and variable height, Both are mobile,
self-contained, hydraulically operated units. They
consist of three basic assemblies. These assemblies are
the hydraulic cylinder, the tubular steel wheel tripod leg
structure, and the hydraulic pump. The main difference
between the two types is that the tripod structure on a
variable height jack can be adjusted to different height
by adding leg extensions.

T-BAR. The T-Bar or alligator axle jack is

mounted within a T-shaped frame. A manual pressure
pump and a speed pump mount on opposite sides of the
towbar end of the frame. The jack weighs 235 pounds
and is 4 feet 2 1/2 inches long, 2 feet 3 inches wide, and
10 inches high (closed).

All model designations for tripod jacks begin with

the letter T, for Tripod, such as T10-2FL or T20-1VH5.
The number following the T indicates the jack capacity
in tons, such as 10 for a 10-ton jack. This is followed by
a dash (-) and the specific jack identification number.
Then comes two letters indicating the type of tripod jack
(FH = fixed height, or VH = variable height). The
number that follows the VH for variable height jacks
indicates the number of leg extension kits available for
that jack. Figure 3-28 shows a T20-1VH5 jack with only
two of five extension leg kits installed. Each leg
extension kit increases the effective height of the basic
jack by 18 inches. The airframe tripod jacks weight
varies from 275 pounds to 837 pounds.

OUTRIGGER. This cantilever axle jack is a very

large and heavy jack. It weighs 2,190 pounds and is
7 feet 3 inches long, 6 feet 8 inches wide, and 2 feet
3 inches high. A double (two-speed) pump mounts on
the left-hand side of the frame to operate the hydraulic
Airframe (Tripod) Jacks
Use airframe (tripod) jacks for lifting the entire
aircraft off the ground or deck. Airframe jacks are
commonly called tripod jacks. You may hear them
called wing, nose, fuselage, or tail jacks. These names
come from the jack placement on the aircraft. The points


Several safety features are built into the tripod jacks.

A locknut (also called a ring or collar) on the ram
mechanically locks the ram in position. The locknut
prevents the ram from settling in the event of hydraulic
failure or inadvertent lowering. A safety bypass valve
in the system bypasses fluid from the pump or ram when
excessive pressure is built up.
Airframe (tripod) jacks are normally checked out
from the SE division (AIMD) when needed. Since
transporting these heavy and cumbersome jacks is a
problem, they often remain in custody of an organization for a prolonged period of time. The organization
must be responsible for their care and cleanliness during
periods when not in use. As with axle jacks, these jacks
need to be load tested prior to being placed in service
and annually thereafter. Special inspections are
performed every 13 weeks at AIMD S/E and recorded
on the OPNAV form 4790/51.

jack may have been overloaded, and that the safety

bypass valve is malfunctioning.
With the filler plug air vent valve open and the
release valve closed, pump up the ram and check for
leaks and full extension. When the ram reaches full
extension, you will feel the pumping pressure increase.
Dont continue to pump or you may damage the internal
ram stops because there is no load on the jack.
Lower the ram and screw out the extension screw,
but dont forcibly overextend it past the internal stops.
Check to see that it is clean and oiled. If it is dirty, wipe
it clean and coat it with a light film of MIL-L-7870 oil.
On jacks equipped with wheels, check the wheels
and springs suspension assemblies to make sure theyre
in good condition. Towing or dragging these jacks
around with broken wheels will damage the frame or
Since many leaks in jacks will only appear when the
jack is under a load, be sure to watch for leaks when you
are jacking the aircraft. If you find a leak, or other
defects, during the preoperational inspection, do not
continue to use the jack Down or red line it, tag it as
bad, report it, and turn it into the SE division (AIMD)
for repairs. Dont leave a defective jack where someone
else may use it.

Your MIM will tell you what type of aircraft jack to

use at each position. When deployed, you may not be
able to get the jacks that are called for in your MIM. You
will have to refer to the index and Application Tables
for Aircraft Jacks, NAVAIR 19-70-46. It was prepared
under the direction of the Commander, Naval Air
System Command, by the Naval Air Engineering
Center. It contains a list of approved prime and alternate
jacks for all Navy and Marine aircraft.


Handling airframe jacks can be hazardous. The
jacks are heavyanywhere from 110 to 900 pounds-and
the wheels are free-swiveling and small. Directional
stability is poor, and pushing one into position around
an aircraft is no simple chore. Trying to move or position
a tripod jack by yourself is hazardous. If the jack is dirty
and covered with grease or fluid, its even more
hazardous. The jack footplates and wheels at the base of
the tripod stick out, and are notorious foot-crunchers
and shin-knockers. Its not hard to damage an aircraft
tire, wheel brake assembly, hydraulic lines, landing gear
door, or any other pact of an aircraft if youre not careful
and ram it with a jack.

The same basic safety precautions apply to all jacks.

Conduct a good preoperational inspection before you
use it. NAVAIR 19-600-135-6-1 is the general preop
maintenance requirements card (MRC) for all jacks.
Make sure that the jack has been load tested within the
last 13 weeks. Next, if the jack is dirty, take the time to
wipe it down. You can t see cracks or broken welds
under dirt. If the jack is covered with hydraulic fluid,
you can suspect it may be leaking. Inspect it more
Check the reservoir; it should be full with the jack
ram fully collapsed. If the reservoir is low, you can
suspect a leak somewhere. Fill the reservoir with clean,
fresh, hydraulic fluid. Check the filler plug vent valve
to make sure it is not clogged. If the plug is blocked, you
may get an air lock, and the jack may not operate
correctly. You could also get a pressure buildup in the
reservoir and a possible rupture. Check the pump handle
for bends and the pump rocker arm and link for
elongated or out-of-round holes. These are signs that the

Movement of jacks aboard ship when there is any

pitch or roll of the deck is extremely hazardous. Even
with a calm sea, a smart turn into the wind by the ship
while youre moving an airframe jack can be disastrous.
Movement of jacks from hangar to hangar, through
hangar bays, and across hangar tracks and ramp seams
can easily damage a jack and put it out of
commissionjust when you need it!


Transportation of jacks over longer distances

ashore, such as from the SE pool to a hangar on the other
side of the field, can be a real problem. If your SE
division (AIMD) has locally fabricated a special "jack
transporter" trailer, youre in luck. If any other type
trailer, truck, or flatbed is used, you must have sufficient
manpower available to safely get the jacks on and off
the vehicle. Jacks are heavy and cumbersome to handle.
Loading and unloading is hazardous even when you
have enough people. Usually, a locally fabricated sling
and some sort of hoist is necessary. Forklifts should
never be used to handle or lift jacks. The tripod cross
braces are not strong enough, and you will damage the
jack. The chances of dropping it are also high. Dont use
forklifts to handle jacks.

either the jack or aircraft socket if enough side load is

Side loads normally result when the jacks are not
raised at the same rate. This causes the aircraft to tilt or
pitch. When that happens, the distance between the
jacking points becomes closer in the ground planelike
the ends of a ruler will cover less distance across a desk
top as you raise one end. With the weight of the aircraft
holding the jacks in one place, that shrink in distance
between the jack points creates a tremendous side load
on the jacks and eventually they will break or slip. The
same thing happens if all the jacks arent lowered at the
same rate to keep the aircraft level or at the same attitude
it was in when jacking started.

The wheels on a tripod jack are not made for towing

the jack. They are small, allow only a couple of inches
of clearance, and are spring loaded. Bouncing over
uneven surfaces will usually cause the jack footplates to
hit the ground, and that can spin the jack around, tip it
over, or damage the tripod structure. Airframe jacks
dont have towbars, the wheels cant be locked in
position so they track, and there are no brakes. Dont try
to tow airframe jacks.

Lowering the jack can be very hazardous. The rate

of descent of a jack depends on how far the release valve
is opened. Control can be very tricky when youre trying
to coordinate three jacks at once. Usually, it takes only
a small amount of rotation on the valve to get a fast rate
of descent. If you tightened the valve hard before
jacking, it will take force to open it. That extra force can
cause you to open the valve more than you want, so be
very careful. The valves may vary in different jacks, so
get an idea of how your release valve reacts during the
preop check. But remember, it comes down a lot quicker
with a 30-ton load than with a 5-ton load.

Free swiveling casters and no brakes also mean that

jacks can move by themselves if not properly secured.
A loose, 900-pound tripod jack on a pitching hangar
deck could be disastrous. Jacks can also be moved by
jet or prop blast. Therefore, any jack that isnt tied down
can be a hazard. Since there are no tiedown rings on the
jacks, you must take care as to how you attach the
tiedown chains or ropes to prevent damage to the jack.
This is particularly true aboard ship where the jacks are
likely to be working against the tiedowns in rough

There is a safeguard to prevent you from lowering

the jack too fast-the safety locknut. The safety locknuts
on jacks are a very important safeguard in preventing
the aircraft from falling off the jacks in the event of jack
failure. However, using them during raising, and
particularly during lowering operations, is hazardous to
your hands and fingers. To be effective, the locknut must
be kept about one-half thread above the top surface of
the jack (top of ram cylinder or second ram, depending
upon the model jack). It is important to carefully keep
your fingers and hands clear of the area between the
locknut and cylinder head so they won t be pinched or
crushed. This will be easier for you to do while you are
raising the jack and rotating the locknut down. Variable
height jack rams have spiral grooves, which allow the
locknut to rotate down the ram by its own weight.
However, this means that when youre lowering the
jack, the locknut must be held up as you rotate it up the
ram. This makes it more dangerous. Depending upon the
height of the jack, it normally takes two people to
operate the jack and the safety nut. Dont try to do it by

General Hazards
The extension screws on jacks have a maximum
extension range. This range is stenciled on the jack. An
internal stop prevents overextending the screw. If you
forcibly overextend the screwwhich isnt hard to
do-you not only damage the internal stop mechanism,
but also make the jack unsafe and hazardous to use. An
overextended screw is very likely to bend or break off
from any side motion.
The extension screw on a jack is equipped with a
jack pad socket. The aircraft jack pad fits into this socket
and into a fitting or socket in the aircraft. The sockets
and pads are designed to take vertical loads but not much
horizontal pressure. The pads can shear or slip from


Jacking Restrictions
There are many restrictions to jacking for each type
aircraft If you violate any of these restrictions, there is
a good chance that you will have an accident, damage
the aircraft, or injure someone. The restrictions general] y concern aircraft gross weight and configuration.
Some of the considerations are fuel dispersion in
fuselage and wing tanks, engines in or out, and tail hook
up or down.
Details on restrictions and procedures are in the
MIMs, and you must know them and follow them
exactly. If you dont, you will be in trouble. Dont forget
that many squadrons will have their own local standing
instructions for jacking aircraft, which contain
additional safety precautions and restrictions. You must
know them also.
The jacking procedures vary for each aircraft type
and its configuration. The procedures that follow are
examples of what you could encounter. Fairly exacting
steps are given to provide clarity. Remember these steps
are from representative type aircraft, and are not
necessarily accurate for all. When actually jacking
aircraft, you must follow the exact procedures described
in your MIMs.

Figure 3-29.Carrier tiedowns for aircraft jacking.

example of carrier tiedown for aircraft jacking. Position

and extend wing and nose jacks until seated on wing jack
and tiedown adapters.
NOTE: Some aircraft require the extension of
the center screw to provide for clearance of the
gear doors.

The location of your aircratt will determine what

you need for equipment. Jacking procedures on a ship
require tiedown procedures to prevent aircraft from
shifting on jacks. When tiedown chains are to be used,
position them in accordance with the MIM, so as not to
interfere with the landing gear during the drop check of
the gear. Jacking procedures on land do not require
tiedowns, except in high-wind conditions.

Raising Aircraft
Apply jack pressure on each jack without lifting the
aircraft, and check to see that the base of each jack is
evenly seated. Correct base position of jack, as required,
for firm base seating. For shipboard operations, all jacks
must be tied down before jacking aircraft with a
minimum of three tiedown chains per jack. The jack
must be tied down at the spring-loaded wheel caster
mounts, thus allowing the jacks to make small movements with the aircraft jack points. Release the aircraft
parking brake. Remove main landing gear chocks. Jack
aircraft evenly and extend tiedown chains while jacking.
Extension of tiedown chains must be coordinated in a
way that preload on each tiedown chain is partially
removed before jacking. Partial preload is maintained
with jacking of aircraft by rotation of the chain
tensioning grip.

Aboard ship, squadron maintenance controls will

request, through the carrier air group (CAG), permission
to place an aircraft on jacks. Check your MIM for
jacking restrictions, warnings, and cautions. Obtain the
support equipment required by the MIM, ensuring all
preoperational inspections have been completed. Make
sure that all protective covers and ground safety devices
are installed, as required by the MIM. The surrounding
area around the aircraft must be roped off during the
entire aircraft jacking operation, and signs posted stating
below and around the aircraft must be cleared of all
equipment not required for the jacking operation. Install
jack adapters, aircraft mooring adapters, and tiedown
chains as required by the MIM. Figure 3-29 shows an


Figure 3-30.Aircraft leveling.

Leveling Aircraft


An aircraft leveling technique is shown in figure

3-30. Jack aircraft at wing and nose jack point as
described earlier. Attach plumb bob and string to eye
bolt at FS 259 (fuselage station). Position the plumb bob
directly over the leveling plate on floor of aircraft. Level
aircraft laterally (left to right) by adjusting wing jacks
until plumb bob tip is directly above the center line in
the leveling plate. Level the aircraft longitudinaly
(forward and aft) by adjusting the nose jack until plumb
bob tip is directly above FS 259 line on the leveling

Use extreme care to raise wing jacks in

coordinated, small, equal amounts. Reload
on the tiedown chain is too high when
tensioning grip cannot be rotated manually.
Screw the leek collar down as each jack is being
extended. Jack the aircraft until its wheels clear the deck,
and set the lock collar handtight. Set each tiedown chain
to preload by manually rotating and tightening
tensioning grip.


plate. This procedure varies greatly with different types

of aircraft. You must use the applicable MIM to perform
a leveling procedure.
Lowering Aircraft
Make sure that landing gear safety pins are installed.
Make sure that the arresting hook is retracted. Install
arresting book safety pin, or verify that it is installed.
Verify that the landing gear handle in the flight station
is in the DN (down) position. Lubricate exposed
surfaces of the shock strut piston and nose oleo strut with
clean hydraulic fluid.

Airframe fuel system maintenance is the

responsibility of more than one work center. For
instance, ADs remove and install bladder and
self-sealing fuel cells. Personnel of the AM rating
perform the repairs on integral tanks. Personnel from the
AO rating usually help in the installation and removal
of external tanks (drop tanks).
To meet the particular needs of the various types of
aircraft, fuel tanks vary in size, shape, construction, and
location. Sometimes a fuel tank is an integral part of a
wing. Most often fuel tanks are separate units,
configured to the aircraft design and mission.

NOTE: Wiping down oleo struts with hydraulic

fluid helps to prevent them from sticking.
Apply jacking pressure and loosen the lock collar
on wing jacks and nose jack. Lower all jacks evenl y and
slowly, while maintaining preload on tiedown chains by
manually rotating tensioning grips. Lower jacks until
landing gear wheels are on deck and jacks are clear of
jack pads by a safe margin.

The material selected for the construction of a

particular fuel tank depends upon the type of aircraft and
its mission. Fuel tanks and the fuel system in general are
made of materials that will not react chemically with any
fuels. Fuel tanks that are an integral part of the wing are
of the same material as the wing. The tanks seams are
sealed with fuelproof sealing compound. Other fuel
tanks may be synthetic rubber, self-sealing cells, or
bladder-type cells that fit into cavities in the wing or
fuselage of the aircraft.
Fuel tanks must have facilities for the inspection and
repair of the tank. This requirement is met by installing
access panels in the fuselage and wings. Fuel tanks must
be equipped with sump and drains to collect sediment
and water. The construction of the tank must be such
that any hazardous quantity of water in the tank will
drain to the sump, so the water can be drained from the
fuel tank. The AM should be familiar with the different
types of fuel tank/cell construction, as described in the
following text.

Jacks should be promptly removed from the

aircrafts underside to prevent structural
damage to the aircraft in the event of settling.
Make sure that the aircraft main and nose
landing gear struts have settled to their
normal position prior to entering main or
nose landing gear wheel wells. Failure to
allow landing gear to settle could result in
personnel injury.

Self-Sealing Fuel Cells

A self-sealing cell is a fuel container that automatically seals small holes or damage caused during
combat operations. A self-sealing cell is not bulletproof,
merely puncture sealing. As illustrated in figure 3-31,
the bullet penetrates the outside wall of the cell, and the
sticky, elastic sealing material surrounds the bullet. As
the bullet passes through the cell wall into the cell, the
sealant springs together quickly and closes the hole.
Now some of the fuel in the tank comes in contact with
the sealant and makes it swell, completing the seal. In
this application, the natural stickiness of rubber and the
basic qualities of rubber and petroleum seal the hole.
This sealing action reduces the tire hazard brought about

Install chocks and apply parking brakes. Remove

jacks. Remove jack adapters and install/remove aircraft
mooring adapters and tiedown chains as required by the
MIM. Secure the aircraft, and ensure all protective
covers and ground safety devices are installed. Clean up
area and stow all equipment.
Learning Objective: Recognize the different
types of aircraft fuel cells and repair
procedures for integral fuel cells.


Figure 3-31.Bullet sealing action.

The Buna S is the most common type of synthetic

rubber. It is unsuitable for use as inner liner material
in fuel cells. It causes the petroleum fuels used in
aircraft to swell and eventually dissolve. The Buna N is
not affected by petroleum fuels, making it ideal for this
application. However, the Buna N is slightly porous,
making it necessary to use a nylon barrier to prevent
the fuel from contacting the sealant.

by leaking fuel. It keeps the aircrafts fuel intact so the

aircraft may continue operating and return to its base.
The most commonly used types of self-sealing fuel
cells are the standard construction type and the type
that uses a bladder along with the self-sealing cell. Of
the two, the standard construction cell is used the
most. It is a semiflexible cell, made up of numerous
plies of material.

The nylon fuel barrier is an unbroken film of nylon.

The purpose of the nylon fuel barrier is to prevent the
fuel from diffusing farther into the cell. The nylon is
brushed, swabbed, or sprayed in three or four hot coats
to the outer surface of the inner liner during

The combination bladder and self-sealing cell is

made up of two parts. One part is a bladder-type cell,
and the other part is identical to the standard
construction cell. It is designed to self-seal holes or
damage in the bottom and the lower portions of the
side areas. The bladder part of the cell (nonself-sealing)
is usually restricted to the upper portion. This type of
cell is also semi flexible.

The sealant material is the next material used in

fuel cell construction. It remains dormant in the fuel
cell until the cell is ruptured or penetrated by a
projectile. It is the function of the sealant to seal the
ruptured area. This will keep the fuel from flowing
through to the exterior of the fuel cell (fig. 3-31.)

CONSTRUCTION). There are four primary layers
of materials used in the construction of a self-sealing
cell. These layers are the inner liner, nylon fuel
barrier, sealant, and retainer. All self-sealing fuel cells
now in service contain these four primary layers of
materials. If additional plies are used in the
construction of the cell, they will be related to one of
the primary plies.

The mechanical reaction results because rubber,

both natural and synthetic, will give under the shock
of impact. This will limit damage to a small hole in the
fuel cell. The fuel cell materials will allow the projectile
to enter or leave the cell, and then the materials will
return to their original position. This mechanical
reaction is almost instantaneous.

The inner liner material is the material used inside

the cell. It is constructed of Buna N synthetic rubber.
Its purpose is to contain the fuel and prevent it from
coming in contact with the sealant. This will prevent
premature swelling or deterioration of the sealant.

The chemical reaction takes place as soon as fuel

vapors penetrate through the inner liner material and
reach the sealant. The sealant, upon contact with fuel
vapors, will extend or swell to several times its normal
size. This effectively closes the rupture and prevents
the fuel from escaping. The sealant is made from
natural gum rubber.

Buna rubber is an artificial substitute for crude or

natural rubber. It is produced from butadiene and
sodium, and is made in two types, Buna S and Buna N.


Figure 3-33.Bladder cell construction

Figure 3-32.Self-sealing fuel cell (standard construction).

Bladder-Type Fuel Cells
A nonself-sealing fuel cell is commonly called a
bladder cell. It is a fuel container that does not self-seal
holes or punctures. The advantage of using a bladder
fuel cell results from the saving in weight. Some of the
other advantages are the simplicity of repair techniques
and the reduced procurement costs over self-sealing fuel

The retainer material is the next material used in fuel

cell construction. The purpose of the retainer is to
provide strength and support. It also increases the
efficiency of the mechanical action by returning the fuel
cell to its original shape when punctured. It is made of
cotton or nylon cord fabric impregnated with Buna N

Bladder-type cells are usually made of very thin

material to give minimum possible weight. They require
100-percent support from a smooth cavity. The cell is
made slightly larger than the cavity of the aircraft for
better weight and distribution throughout the aircrafts
fuel cavity structure.


CONSTRUCTION). One variation from the standard
construction, self-sealing fuel cell previously discussed
is shown in figure 3-32. It has four primary layersan
inner liner, a nylon fuel barrier, two sealant plies, and
three retainer plies.

The thinner wall construction increases the fuel

capacity over the self-sealing cells, thus increasing the
range of the aircraft. Many of our aircraft that were
formerly equipped with self-sealing cells have been
changed to bladder-type cells.

The cords in the first retainer ply run lengthwise of

the cell. The cords in the second retainer run at a
45-degree angle to the first. The cords in the third
retainer run at a 90-degree angle to the second. The
outside is coated with Buns-Vinylite lacquer to protect
the cell from spilled fuel and weathering.

There are two types of bladder fuel cellsrubber

type and nylon type.
rubber-type bladder cells are made in the same manner
as self-sealing cells. They have a liner, nylon barrier,
and a retainer ply. The sealant layers are omitted. All
three plies are placed on the building form as one
material in the following order: liner, barrier, and
retainer. Figure 3-33 shows this type construction.

Baffles and internal bulkheads are used inside the

cell to help retain the shape of the cell and prevent
sloshing of the fuel. They are constructed of square
woven fabric impregnated with Buna N rubber.
Flapper valves are fitted to some baffles to control
the direction of fuel flow between compartments or
interconnecting cells. They are constructed of Micarta,
Bakelite, or aluminum.

The inner liner may consist of Buns N rubber, Buna

N coated square-woven fabric (cotton or nylon), or Buna
N coated cord fabric. The purpose of the inner liner is
to contain the fuel and provide protection for the nylon

These plies, baffles, internal bulkheads, and flapper

valves with the necessary fittings and combinations
make up a typical self-sealing fuel cell.


The nylon barrier consists of three to four coats of

nylon applied hot by brush, swab, or spray. The purpose
of the nylon barrier is to keep fuel from diffusing
through the cell wall.
The retainer consists of Buna N coated squarewoven fabric (cotton or nylon) or cord fabric. The
purpose of the retainer ply or plies is to lend strength to
the fuel cell and provide protection for the nylon fuel
NYLON-TYPE BLADDER CELLS (PLIOCEL). Nylon bladder cells differ in construction and
material from the Buna N rubber cells. This type of cell
may be identified by the trade name Pliocel stenciled
on the outside of the cell. The Pliocel construction
consists of two layers of nylon woven fabric laminated
with three layers of transparent nylon film.
The repair of this type of cell must be accomplished
by entirely different methods and with different
materials. The adhesive and Buna N rubber used to
repair the rubber-type bladder cell cannot be used on the
nylon-type cell.


Integral fuel cells are usually contained in the wing
structure; however, in some aircraft integral fuel cells
are built into the fuselage. An integral cell is a part of
the aircraft structure that has been built in such a reamer
that after the seams, structural fasteners, and access
doors have been properly sealed, it will hold fuel without
leaking. This type of construction is usually referred to
as a wet wing.

Figure 3-34.Sealing integral fuel cell screws and bolts.

The inspection of integral fuel cells consists mainly
of a check for external leakage around skin joints, rivets,
screws, and bolts on every preflight inspection. The fuel
cell fittings and connections should also be inspected for
evidence of leakage. Fuel cell leaks are classified in the
following categories: slow seep, seep, heavy seep, and
running leak.

Usually, the cell area is located between two spars,

and is capped on the ends by sealed end ribs. The skin
covering may be standard riveted sheet or may be milled
from a solid plate of aluminum alloy. The milled skins
are usually bolted in place instead of being riveted.
The wing mating surfaces are built to extremely
close tolerances to allow for proper sealing. The sealing
of these mating surfaces is attained by using gaskets or
sealants, or a combination of both. In most cases, the
perimeter of the cell is sealed by using a nonhardening
sealant that is injected into a groove machined in one
structural member along the mating surface. The
attachment screws and bolts are sealed by placing
O-ring seals under the heads. Protruding bolt heads are
sealed by special seals that consist of an O-ring
embedded in a metal washer. Figure 3-34 shows the
sealing of integral fuel cell screws and bolts.

SLOW SEEP. The least severe leak classification is the slow seep. This is a very slow fuel seepage
that wets a small area. Over a period of hours, the wetted
area may become larger. A slow seep, when wiped dry,
will not reappear in a short period of time.
SEEP. A seep is a fuel leak that reappears in less
than an hour (approximately) after it has been wiped dry.
HEAVY SEEP. A heavy seep is a fuel leak that
reappears immediately after it has been wiped dry.


RUNNING LEAK. A running leak is a fuel leak

that flows steadily.
Most aircraft structural repair manuals do not
classify a slow seep or seep in an open area (the surfaces
of the aircraft exposed to the airstream) as a flight
hazard. A slow seep or seep in an open area need not
be repaired before flight if structural integrity exists
and there is no danger of an increase in leak intensity
during flight. Slow seeps and seeps considered
acceptable for flight should be frequently inspected to
ensure the leak intensity does not increase prior to
Heavy seeps and running leaks are classified as
flight hazards, regardless of their location in the aircraft.
Any leak classified as a flight hazard must be corrected
before flight.


The bolt should not be completely removed because

of the possibility of cross threading during reinstallation. Cross threading could result in the loss of a
structural fastener by stripped threads on the nut plate
or by the threads locking and twisting.
REINFECTING SEALANT. If the leak is at the
perimeter of the tank, reinject the sealant. You should
use integral fuel tank groove injector compound and fill
the groove sealant injector gun.

NOTE: Be sure that the gun is filled in such a

manner that no air is trapped in the sealant.
Provide air pressure at the inlet of the gun
according to the gun manufacturers instructions.


Leaks are the most common trouble encountered

with the integral fuel cells. Slight leaks may sometimes
be repaired simply by retorquing (tightening) the bolts
or screws on either side of the leak. On others it is often
necessary to reseal the injection groove around the
perimeter of the wing, and replace the O-rings and
washers. Both of these procedures are described in the
following text.

The ability of the sealant compound to seal

depends upon its adhesion to metal. Oils and
greases are adhesion breakers and MUST be
completely removed from all sealing areas,
injection tools, and your hands when
operating or servicing the injection gun.
Some common contaminants are hair oils,
body oils, and protective hand creams.

RETORQUING. You should always retorque to

stop a fuel stain or seepage before attempting to reseal.
The first step in stopping a leak is to retorque the bolts
or screws for 6 inches on each side of the leaking area
according to the torque values given in the MIM for the
different size bolts and screws being used. Standard
bolts are used primarily in attaching wing skin and
should be torqued from the nut side according to
standard torque tables.

Remove the screws from the injection holes of the

area to be sealed, and place the sealant gun nozzle tip
into the countersink of the injection hole. See figure
3-35. Special fittings may be attached between the
gun tip and the barrel for use in areas of limited
accessibility. Hold the gun firmly in position and
depress the trigger until a plug of sealing compound
at least 1 inch in length flows out of the next adjacent
injection screw hole.

REPLACING SEALS. If, after retorquing, the

leak still persists around a bolt and washer seal, replace
the seal with a new one. Be sure to install a washer
between the bolt head and the seal or leakage will still
occur. Also, be sure to torque the bolts according to the
torque values listed in the MIM.

It is essential that the groove between
injection holes be filled by injection from one
direction only. If the sealant is forced into
these areas from two directions, it is possible
that air bubbles will be trapped in the groove.
When injection has been inadvertently made
from two directions, sealant should be
injected from one side until a plug of sealant
5 inches long has been extruded.

If the leak is around an O-ring seal, replace the

O-ring. First, loosen the bolt or screw with a steady
pressure. Back out the bolt only as far as necessary to
remove the O-ring over the head of the bolt or screw.
Use petrolatum (Vaseline) if desired. Install a new
O-ring and tighten the bolt to the required torque.


Figure 3-35.Injection of sealing compound.

NOTE: The trigger must be released

approximately every 30 seconds to allow the
gun piston to return before another cycle can


Do not use toluene for cleaning any surface

with a corrosion-resistant or fuel-resistant
coating. Toluene will remove the coating and
cause the loss of the coatings protective

Replace the screw in the hole that has just been

injected. Proceed in the same manner on the next
adjacent hole (the one from which sealant has protruded)
until the area to be resealed is completed. After all
injection hole screws have been installed, remove
excess sealing compound from the wing by scraping
with a wood or plastic blade. The area may be cleaned
with solvent.

If the sealant is exceptionally slow to inject, the tank

may be heated to 110F. Heating can be accomplished
by using electric blankets.




Do not heat the tank in excess of 110F to seal

the injection groove as higher temperatures
are considered as a fire hazard.

NOTE: Although the following references were

current when this TRAMAN was published, their
continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore, you
need to be sure that you are studying the latest revision.
Blueprint Reading and Sketching, NAVEDTRA
10077-F1, Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Florida,
July 1988.

The proper temperatures for sealing are 79 to 84F.

If the tank is exposed to temperatures below 50F, the
tank must be heated above 70F before sealing is
attempted. This may be accomplished in a heated hangar
or by using portable heating units or electric blankets.

Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education and

Training Program Management Support Activity,
Pensacola, Florida, July 1990.

NOTE: If the sealing compound does not

appear after approximately 4 to 5 minutes, you
may assume that the compound is too cold, the
groove is plugged, or the surface gap is
excessive. In this case, the injection should be
discontinued until the discrepancy is remedied.

Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST

4790.2 (series), Office of the Chief of Naval
Operations, Washington, D.C.
Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-17,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., 1 February 1992.
General Manual for Structural Repair, NAVAIR
01-1A-1, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D. C., 15 July 1969,
Change 11, 15 August 1989.

When an integral fuel cell has been repaired, it must
be pressure checked before it is filled with fuel. Since
the pressure testing procedure will vary with different
types of aircraft, you should always consult the
structural repair manual for the aircraft concerned for
the proper procedure. The following equipment is used
for pressure testing as system:

Technical Manual Structural Hardware, NAVAIR

01-1A-8, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D. C., 1 September 1980,
Change 24, 15 October 1987.
Naval Occupation Safety and Health (NAVOSH)
Program Manual For Forces Afloat OPNAVINST
5100.19A, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D. C., January 1983.

A source of nitrogen and a means of regulating

the nitrogen pressure

Naval Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH)

Program Manual, OPNAVINST 5100.23B,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., August 1988.

NOTE: The use of nitrogen for pressure testing

the fuel system is recommended since nitrogen
is an inert gas, and therefore presents no
explosive hazard when it is introduced into a
fuel cell containing fuel vapors. A source of dry
air is not recommended because it would
increase the ratio of oxygen to fuel vapor in the
cell, and the possibility of an explosion would
be increased.

Navy Support Equipment Common Basic Handling and

Safety Manual NAVAIR 00-80T-96, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D. C., 1
April 81, Change 1, March 1986.
Technical Manual Index and Application Tables for
Aircraft Jacks, NAVAIR 19-70-46, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D. C., 1
November 1989.

Suitable hoses and fittings to connect the testing

equipment to fuel the system
A0 to 5 psi pressure gauge installed downstream
of the nitrogen supply

Technical Manual USN Aircraft Weight and Balance

Control, NAVAIR 01-1B-50, Commander, Naval
Air Systems Command, Washington, D. C., 1
October 1990.

Miscellaneous plugs and caps for blocking

various lines and fittings


Technical Manual Procedural Instructions - Aircraft

Securing and Handling, NAVAIR 17-1-S37,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 June 1982.

Technical Manual Weight and Balance Data, NAVAIR

01-1B-40, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D. C., 1 October 1990.
Organizational, Intermediate, and Depot Maintenance
Inspection and Proofload Testing of Lifting Slings
and Restraining Devices for Aircraft and Related
Components, NAVAIR 17-1-114, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D. C., 1
January 1980, RAC4, 15 December 1988.

Technical Manual Maintenance Instructions

Organizational, Intermediate, and Depot, Aircraft
Fuel Cells and Tanks, NAVAIR 01-1A-35,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 July 1986.




Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you should have a working
knowledge of hydraulic contamination. You should be able to identify the support
equipment used in servicing, troubleshooting, repairing, and maintaining aircraft
hydraulic systems.
Hydraulic contamination in Navy and Marine
Corps aircraft and related support equipment (SE) is a
major cause of hydraulic system and component
failure. Every technician who performs hydraulic
maintenance should be aware of the causes and
effects of hydraulic contamination. You should follow
correct practices and procedures to prevent
contamination. Supervisory and quality assurance
personnel must know and ensure compliance with
accepted standards. Each maintenance level needs to
accept their applicable responsibility. Supervisory
personnel at each level of maintenance should
indoctrinate and train personnel and implement
procedures that apply to that level of maintenance.

All modern naval aircraft contain hydraulic

systems that operate various mechanisms. The
number of hydraulically operated units depends upon
the model of aircraft. The average operational
aircraft has about a dozen hydraulically operated
units. Aircraft hydraulic systems are designed to
produce and maintain a given pressure over the entire
range of required fluid flow rates. The pressure used
in most Navy high-performance aircraft is 3,000 psi.
The primary use of hydraulic fluids in aircraft
hydraulic systems is to transmit power, but hydraulic
systems perform other functions. Hydraulic fluid acts
as a lubricant to reduce friction and wear. Hydraulic
fluid serves as a coolant to maintain operating temperatures within limits of critical sealant materials, and
it serves as a corrosion and rust inhibitor. Critical
functions of hydraulic systems maybe impaired if the
hydraulic system fluid is allowed to become
contaminated beyond acceptable limits.

The Hydraulic Contamination Control Program is

defined in the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program
(NAMP), OPNAVINST 4790.2 (series). Within the
scope of this program, training must be consistent
with the objectives of an effective aircraft hydraulic
system contamination control program. At all maintenance levels, personnel must be trained in matters
pertaining to hydraulic systems contamination control
using Hydraulic Contamination Control Training
Device 4B38A or Videotape Number 802577DN.
The Hydraulic Contamination Control Program
requires you to follow the correct procedures during
fluid sampling, maintenance procedures, and

Hydraulic fluid contamination is defined as any

foreign material or substance whose presence in the
fluid is capable of adversely affecting the system
performance or reliability. Contamination is always
present to some degree, even in new, unused fluid.
Contamination must be below the level that adversely
affects system operation. Hydraulic contamination
control consists of requirements, techniques, and
practices that minimize and control fluid contamination. Remember the proverb, "An ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure."

Contamination measurement standards and
acceptability limits define and control hydraulic
contamination levels. The maximum acceptable
hydraulic fluid particulate level is Navy Standard
Class 5 for naval aircraft, and Navy Standard Class 3
for related SE. The contamination level of a
particular system is determined by analysis of a fluid
sample drawn from the system. Analysis is


Learning Objective: Recognize the Navy's

hydraulic contamination control program.


components, and fluids are requirements for each

maintenance level. Hydraulic fluid contamination
controls ensure the cleanliness and purity of fluid in
the hydraulic system. Fluid sampling and analysis is
performed periodically. Checks are made sufficiently
before the scheduled aircraft induction date so that if
fluid decontamination is required, it may be
accomplished at that time. The condition of the fluid
depends, to a large degree, on the condition of the
components in the system. If a system requires
frequent component replacement and servicing, the
condition of the fluid deteriorates proportionately.

accomplished at all levels of maintenance through the

use of Contamination Analysis Kit 57L414.
Hydraulic system fluid sampling is accomplished on a
periodic basis according to the applicable
maintenance instruction manual (MIM), maintenance
requirement cards (MRC), and rework specification.
Figure 4-1 shows the requirements for periodic fluid
You should perform analysis of hydraulic systems
if extensive maintenance and/or crash/battle damage
occurs. You should perform the analysis when a
metal-generating component fails, an erratic flight
control function or a hydraulic pressure drop is noted,
or there are repeated and/or extensive system
malfunctions. Analysis is performed when there is a
loss of system fluid, or when the system is subjected
to excessive temperature. Analysis is also performed
when an aircraft is removed from storage in
accordance with NAVAIR 15-05-500. You should
perform analysis of the hydraulic system anytime
hydraulic contamination is suspected.

Replacement of aircraft hydraulic system filter

elements takes place on a scheduled or conditional
basis, depending upon the requirements of the
specific system. A differential pressure flow check
and bubble point test are performed to properly
evaluate the condition of a cleanable filter element.
These two checks are done to verify that the element
is good before it is installed in a system or component.
Many filter elements look identical, but all of them
are not compatible with flow requirements of the

The general contamination control procedures

and testing of hydraulic systems, subsytems,

If the hydraulic system fluid is lost to the point

that the hydraulic pumps run dry or cavitate, you

Figure 4-1.Periodic fluid surveillance requirements.


service unit. Check to make sure that the hydraulic

fluid can is clean before it is installed. After use,
dispose of all empty hydraulic fluid cans and used
hydraulic fluid in accordance with Navy and local
hazardous material (HAZMAT) instructions. Keep
hydraulic fluid in a closed container at all times.

should change the defective pumps, check filter

elements, and decontaminate the system as required.
Check the applicable MIM for corrective action to be
taken regarding decontamination of the system. If
this action is not taken, the complete system could be
contaminated. Hydraulic systems and components
are serviced by using approved fluid dispensing
equipment only. Unfiltered hydraulic fluid should
NEVER be introduced into systems or components.

Keep portable hydraulic test stand reservoirs

above three-quarters full. Seal all hydraulic lines,
tubing, hoses, fittings, and components with approved
metal closures. You should not use plastic plugs or
caps because they are possible contamination sources.
Install quick-disconnect dust covers. Store unused
caps and plugs in a clean container.

All portable hydraulic test stands must receive the

required periodic maintenance checks. Make certain
that each unit is approved, and the applicable MIM is
readily accessible and up to date. When the portable
hydraulic test stand is not in use, it should be
protected against contaminants such as dust and
water. You should ensure that correct hoses are used
on each stand, and that they are approved for the type
of fluid being used. Properly cap hoses when they are
not being used. Hoses must be serialized and must
remain with the equipment. Make sure the hoses are
coiled, kept free of kinks, and properly stowed. Make
sure they are in satisfactory condition and are checked
periodically. Replace any hose that exhibits fluid
seepage from the outer cover or separation between
the inner tube and the outer cover. Portable hydraulic
test stands that show indications of contamination or
that have loaded (clogged) filters are removed from
service immediately and returned to the supporting
activity for maintenance.

Remove exterior contaminants by using approved

wiping cloths. Lint-free wiping cloths should be used
on surfaces along the fluid path. If possible, have the
replacement component on hand for immediate
installation upon removal of defective component.
Replace filters immediately after removal. If
possible, fill the filter bowl with proper hydraulic
fluid before you install it to minimize the induction of
air into the system. Do not reset differential pressure
indicators if the associated filter element is loaded and
in need of replacement. When cleanable filter
elements are removed from hydraulic systems, put
them in individual polyethylene bags and forward
them to the intermediate- or depot-level maintenance
activity for cleaning. Do not clean cleanable filter
elements by washing them in a container and blowing
them out with shop air. Cleanable filter elements
must be cleaned and tested according to applicable
procedures before they are reused. Clean all
connections, interconnect the pressure and return
lines of the stand, and circulate the hydraulic fluid
through the test stand filters before connecting
portable hydraulic test stands to aircraft.

Use only approved lubricants for O-ring seals;

incorrect lubricants will contaminate a system. Many
lubricants look alike, but few are compatible with
hydraulic fluids. The only approved O-ring seal
lubricants are hydraulic fluid MIL-H-5606, hydraulic
fluid MIL-H-83282, hydraulic fluid MIL-H-46170, or
a thin film of grease, MIL-G-81322.

NOTE: Do not use chlorinated solvents to

clean connectors. Use dry-cleaning solvent
P-D-680 or filtered hydraulic fluid.

Good housekeeping and maintenance practices

help eliminate problems caused by contamination. Be
careful if you work on a hydraulic system in the open,
especially under adverse weather conditions. Use
caution if you work on hydraulic equipment near
grinding, blasting, machining, or other
contaminant-generating operations. Often, you
cannot see harmful grit. Do not break into hydraulic
systems unless absolutely necessary (this includes
cannibalization). Use the proper tools for the job.
Use only authorized hydraulic fluid, O-rings,
lubricants, or filter elements. When dispensing
hydraulic fluid, make sure you use an authorized fluid

Store O-rings, tubing hoses, fittings, and components in clean packaging. Do not open or puncture
individual packages of O-rings or backup rings until
just before you use them. Do not use used or
unidentifiable O-rings. Replace seals or backup rings
with new items when they have been disturbed. Use
the correct O-ring installation tool when you install
O-rings over threaded fittings to prevent threads from
damaging the O-ring.


If packages of tubing, hoses, fittings, or

components are opened when received or found
opened, decontaminate their contents. Decontaminate the system if you suspect it is contaminated
(including water). Keep the working area where
hydraulic components are repaired, serviced, or
stored clean and free from moisture, metal chips, and
other contaminants. Perform required periodic
checks on equipment you use to service hydraulic
systems. Use hydraulic fluid MIL-H-46170 in
stationary hydraulic test stands.
Learning Objective: Identifiy the types of
hydraulic contamination found in naval

Table 4-1 shows the various classes of particulate

contamination levels.
Contamination of hydraulic fluid with particulate
matter is a principal cause of wear in hydraulic pumps,
actuators, valves, and servo valves. Spool-type
electrohydraulic valves have been used in particle
contamination experiments. The valves are easy to
control and respond rapidly to repositioning. In these
experiments, the valves were operated with both
ultraclean and contaminated hydraulic fluids. The
experiments proved that wear is accelerated by even
small amounts of contamination. Contamination
increases the rate of erosion of the sharp spool edges
and general deterioration of the spool surfaces.
Because of the extremely close fit of spools in servo
valve housings, the valves are particularly susceptible
to damage or erratic operation when operated with
contaminated hydraulic fluid.

There are many different forms of contamination,

including liquids, gasses, and solid matter of various
composition, size, and shape. Normally, contamination in an operating hydraulic system originates at
several different sources. The rate of its introduction
depends upon many factors directly related to wear
and chemical reaction. Contamination removal can
reverse this trend. Production of contaminants in the
hydraulic system increases with the number of system
components. The rate of contamination from external
sources is not readily predictable. A hydraulic system
can be seriously contaminated by poor maintenance
practices that lead to introducing large amounts of
external contaminants. Poorly maintained SE is
another source of contamination.
Contaminants in hydraulic fluids are classified as
particulate and fluid contamination. They may be
further classified according to their type, such as
organic, metallic solids, nonmetallic solids, foreign
fluids, air, and water.
The type of contamination most often found in
aircraft hydraulic systems consists of solid matter.
This type of contamination is known as particulate
The size of particulate matter in hydraulic fluid is
measured in microns (millionths of a meter). The
largest dimensions (points on the outside of the
particle) of the particle are measured when
determining its size. The relative size of particles,
measured in microns, is shown in figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2. Graphic comparison of particle sizes.


Oxidation of hydraulic fluids increases with

pressure and temperature. Antioxidants are blended
into hydraulic fluids to minimize such oxidation.
Oxidation products appear as organic acids,
asphaltics, gums, and varnishes. These products
combine with particles in the hydraulic fluid to form
sludge. Some oxidation products are oil soluble and
cause an increase in hydraulic fluid viscosity, while
other oxidation products are not oil soluble and form
sediment. Oil oxidation products are not abrasive.

Organic Contamination

Organic solids or semisolids are one of the

particulate contaminants found in hydraulic systems.
They are produced by wear, oxidation, or polymerization (a chemical reaction). Organic solid contaminants found in the systems include minute particles of
O-rings, seals, gaskets, and hoses. These contaminants are produced by wear or chemical reaction.

Table 4-1.Particle Contamination Level By Class














































Over 100





1. The class of contamination is based upon the total number of particles in any size range
per 100 ml of hydraulic fluid. Exceeding the allowable particle count in any one or more
size ranges requires that the next higher class level be assigned.
2. Class 5 is the maximum acceptable contamination level for hydraulic systems in naval aircraft.
Fluid delivered by SE to equipment under test or being serviced must be Class 3, or cleaner.
3. The Class 5 level of acceptability shall be met at the inspection interval specified for the
equipment under test.


dispersed in the hydraulic fluid. Also, contaminants

may enter the hydraulic fluid during maintenance
when tubing, hoses, fittings, and components are
disconnected or replaced. To avoid these problems,
all exposed fluid ports should be sealed with approved
protective closures.

These products cause system degradation because the

sludge or varnishlike materials collect at close-fitting,
moving parts, such as the spool and sleeve on servo
valves. Collection of oxidation products at these
points causes sluggish valve response.
Metallic Solid Contamination

Glass particles from glass bead peening and

blasting are another contaminant. Glass particles are
particularly undesirable because glass abrades
synthetic rubber seals and the very fine surfaces of
critical moving parts.

Metallic solid contaminants are usually found in

hydraulics systems. The size of the contaminants will
range from microscopic particles to those you can see
with the naked eye. These particles are the result of
the wearing and scoring of bare metal parts and
plating materials, such as silver and chromium. Wear
products and other foreign metal particles, such as
steel, aluminum, and copper, act as metallic catalysts
in the formation of oxidation products. Fine metallic
particles enter hydraulic fluid from within the system.
Although most of the metals used for parts fabrication
and plating are found in hydraulic fluid, the major
metallic materials found are ferrous, aluminum, and
chromium particles.

Hydraulic fluid can be contaminated by air, water,
solvents, and foreign fluids. These contaminants and
their effects are discussed in the following text.
Air Contamination
Hydraulic fluids are adversely affected by
dissolved, entrained, or free air. Air may be
introduced through improper maintenance or as a
result of system design. Air is sometimes introduced
when changing filters. You can minimize this kind of
contamination by putting hydraulic fluid into the filter
holder before reassembling the filter. By doing this,
you have introduced less air into the hydraulic
system. The presence of air in a hydraulic system
causes spongy response during system operation. Air
causes cavitation and erodes hydraulic components.
Air also contributes to the corrosion of hydraulic

Hydraulic pumps usually contribute the most

contamination to the system because of their
high-speed, internal movement. Other hydraulic
systems produce hydraulic fluid contamination due to
body wear and chipping.
Hydraulic actuators and valves are affected by
contamination. Large metallic or hard nonmetallic
particles collect at the seal areas. These particles may
groove the inside wall of the actuator body due to a
scraping action. Smaller particles act as abrasives
between the seals and the actuator body, causing wear
and scoring. Eventually, the fluid leaks and the seals
fail because the seal extrudes into the enlarged gap
between the piston head and the bore of the actuator
body. Once wear begins, it increases at a faster rate
because wear particles add to the abrasive material.
In a similar manner, metallic or nonmetallic parts may
lodge in the poppets and poppet-seat portions of
valves and cause system malfunction by holding
valves open.

Water Contamination
Water is a serious contaminant of hydraulic
systems. Corrective maintenance actions must be
taken to remove ail free or emulsified water from
hydraulic systems. Hydraulic fluids and hydraulic
system components are adversely affected by
dissolved, emulsified, or free water. Water may be
induced through the failure of a component, seal, line
or fitting, poor or improper maintenance practices,
and servicing. Water may also be condensed from air
entering vented systems.

Inorganic Solid Contamination

The inorganic solid contaminant group includes
dust, paint particles, dirt, and silicates. These and
other materials are often drawn into hydraulic
systems from external sources. The wet piston shaft
of a hydraulic actuator may draw some of these
foreign materials into the cylinder past the wiper and
dynamic seals. The contaminant materials are then

The presence of water in hydraulic systems can

result in the formation of undesired oxidation
products, and corrosion of metallic surfaces will
occur. These oxidation products will also cause
hydraulic seals to deteriorate and fail, resulting in
leaks. If the water in the system results in the


formation of ice, it will reduce fluid flow and impede

the operation of valves, actuators, or other moving
parts within the system. This is particularly true of
water located in static circuits or system extremities
and subject to high-altitude, low-temperature
conditions. Microorganisms will grow and spread in
hydraulic fluid contaminated with water. These
microorganisms will clog filters and reduce system

Learning Objective: Identify the procedures
for sampling hydraulic fluid and the
sampling point requirements.
A fluid sampling point is a physical point in a
hydraulic system from which small amounts of
hydraulic fluid are drawn to analyze it for contamination. Sampling points include air bleed valves,
reservoir drain valves, quick-disconnect fittings,
removable line connections, and special valves
installed for this specific purpose.

Solvent Contamination
Solvent contamination is a special form of foreignfluid contamination. The original contaminating
substance is a chlorinated solvent introduced by
improper maintenance practices. It is extremely
difficult to stop this kind of contamination once it
occurs. This type of contamination can be prevented
by using the right cleaning agents when performing
hydraulic system maintenance. Chlorinated solvents,
when allowed to combine with minute amounts of
water, hydrolyze to form hydrochloric acids. These
acids attack internal metallic surfaces in the system,
particularly those that are ferrous, and produce a
severe rustlike corrosion that is virtually impossible
to arrest. Extensive component overhaul and system
decontamination are generally required to restore the
system to an operational status.

Hydraulic fluid sampling points for most naval

aircraft are designated in the applicable MIM. Two
major factors determine if a sampling point is
adequateits mechanical feature and its location in
the system. To determine the contamination level, a
single fluid sample is required. This sample must be
representative of the working fluid in the system, and
it should be a worst case indication of the system
particulate level. The worst case requirement is
necessary because the particulate level in an operating
system is not constant throughout the system.
Instead, particulate levels differ because of the effects
of components (such as filters) on circulating
The mechanical features of a prospective
sampling point are evaluated on the basis of
accessibility and ease of operation. The sampling
point should not distort the particulate level of the
sampled fluid either by acting as a filter or by
introducing external or self-generated contaminants.
The latter point is particularly critical. You can
minimize the introduction of external or
self-generated contaminants before collecting a
sample by cleaning the external parts of the valve or
fitting and by dumping a small amount of the initial
fluid flow.

Foreign Fluids Contamination

Contamination of hydraulic fluid occurs when the
wrong fluids get into the system, such as oil, engine
fuel, or incorrect hydraulic fluids. Hydraulic oil
ceders, which are used in some aircraft, leak and
cause contamination of hydraulic fluids. If you think
that contamination has occurred, the system must be
checked by chemically analyzing fluid samples. This
analysis is conducted by the cognizant engineering
activity, which verifies and identifies the contaminant
and directs decontamination procedures.

Consideration must also be given to removal of

any static fluid normally entrapped between the actual
sampling point and the main body of the fluid to be
sampled. To do this, you dump an initial quantity of
the sampled fluid. Problems may be encountered
where a long line is involved, as in certain reservoir
drain lines. You should take the fluid sample from a
main system return line, pump suction line, or system
reservoir. Also, take the sample upstream of any
return or suction line filters that may be present. Do
not take reservoir samples in a system that has a
makeup reservoir, or if the reservoir is bypassed

The effects of foreign fluid contamination depend

upon the nature of the contaminant. The compatibility of the construction materials and the system
hydraulic fluid with the foreign fluid must be
considered when dealing with contamination. Other
effects of this type of contamination are hydraulic
fluid reaction with water and changes in flammability
and viscosity characteristics. The effects of contamination may be mild or severe, depending upon the
contaminant, how much is in the system, and how
long it has been in the system.


Contamination analysis is used to determine the

particulate level of a hydraulic system and the
presence of free water or other foreign substances.
The methods used to identify and measure
contamination are patch testing, electronic particle
count analysis, and halogen testing.

during SE-powered operation. A makeup reservoir is

a configuration in which all of the system return line
fluid does not pass through the reservoir. Fluid
exchange in the reservoir is limited, and results only
from the changes in fluid volume that occur elsewhere
in the system.
You should be able to use the sampling point after
an aircraft flight, without requiring the use of external
SE. Taking a sample with the aircraft engines turning
is satisfactory, provided no personnel hazards are
involved. You should be able to use the sampling
point when the system is being powered by external
SE, or immediately after such an operation.

NOTE: The President of the United States

has decreed that all production of
ozone-depleting substances will cease by
31 December 1995. NAVAIRSYSCOM is
striving to eliminate MIL-C-81302 (FREON)
much sooner. MIL-C-81302 has already been
eliminated in some of the geographical areas
that the Navy presently operates within.
MIL-T-81533 (TRIC) is also on the
hazardous material (HAZMAT) reduction list.
In the event these materials have been
eliminated in your command or geographical
areas, P-D-680 is the recommended solvent
for performing patch tests using the tans
standard. Before performing a patch test, it is
imperative that you check the NAVAIR
01-1A-17, Navy directives, and the Federal
and local HAZMAT regulations for the proper
material to use in your command and
geographical area. This note should be
applied to all references to the use of these
materials throughout this chapter.

The sampling point should be next, or reasonably

close, to the main body or stream of fluid being
sampled. A minimum amount of static fluid is
acceptable; however, purge it when you start the
sample flow. Do not take a sample from a point
located in an area of high sedimentation. If you
cannot avoid doing this, make sure sedimentation
effects are minimized by discarding an initial quantity
of the sample fluid drawn. Ideally, sample fluid
should be obtained from turbulent high-flow areas.
When you take a sample at the sampling point, do
not introduce significant external contaminants into
the fluid collected. If you preclean the external parts
of the valve or fitting and self-flush the valve or
fitting before the sample is taken, the background
level attributable to the sample point itself should not
exceed 10 percent of the normally observed
particulate level. The internal porting of the sampling
point should not impede the passage of hard
particulate matter up to 500 microns in diameter. The
sampling point should be accessible and convenient.
There must be sufficient clearance beneath the valve
or fitting to position the sample collection bottle.
Under normal system operating pressure, the sample
fluid flow rate should be between 100 and 1,000
milliliters per minute (approximately 3 to 30 fluid
ounces). The flow rate should be manageable, and the
time required to collect the required sample should
not be excessive. The mechanical integrity of the
sampling valve or fitting should not degrade because
of repeated use. When not in use, it is mechanically
secured in the closed position.

Patch testing is the primary contamination
measurement method used at all levels of maintenance.
The P/N57L414 contamination analysis kit (fig. 4-3) is
used to perform patch testing. In the patch test method,
a fluid sample of known volume is filtered through a
filter membrane of known porosity. When the fluid
passes through the filter, all particulate matter in excess
of a size determined by the filter characteristics is
retained on the surface of the membrane. The retention
of particulate matter causes the membrane to discolor
proportionally to the particulate level of the fluid
sample. Free water will appear either as droplets during
the fluid sample processing or as a stain on the test filter.
The typical color of contamination in any given
system is usually uniform. The degree of filter
membrane discoloration correlates to a level of
particulate contamination. By visually comparing the
test filter with contamination standards that represent
known contamination levels, the contaminant level of
the system can be determined.

Learning Objective: Recognize the analysis
methods used to identify and measure


Figure 4-3.P/N57L414 contamination analysis kit.

Accurate determination of hydraulic contaminant

levels requires proper sampling techniques, using
equipment and materials that are known to be clean.
If you allow any foreign matter to contaminate the
sample fluid or testing equipment, the results will be

The operational procedures discussed in the

following paragraphs are general in nature. For
specific information on the use of contamination
analysis kits, you should refer to NAVAIR 01-1A-17
and NAVAIR 17-15E-52. Table 4-2 lists the materials
required to perform the analysis.

Table 4-2.Materials Required for Contamination Analysis



Dry Cleaning Solvent

P-D-680, Type I

Cleaning Compound, Solvent (Freon)

MIL-C-81302A, Type II

1,1,1-Trichloroethane Solvent


Wiping Cloths, disposable

Can, Metal, 1 gallon
Can, Safety, 5 gallon


Kit, Hydraulic Fluid Contamination Analysis

P/N 57L414


The components of the contamination analysis kit
are shown in figure 4-4. Look at this figure as you
read about the procedure you should follow to prepare
hydraulic fluid for contamination analysis.
The Millex point-of-use filter unit consists of two
threaded half-sections and an internal support screen.
Use forceps to place one 25-mm solvent filter on the
gridded plastic surface of the filter holder.
NOTE: Packaged filter membranes are
separated by blue separator discs. Remove
separators before installing solvent filter in
the filter holder.
Position the perforated support screen on top of
the solvent filter to provide support for both sides of
the solvent filter. Reassemble the two halves of the
filter holder fingertight Fill the wash bottle (with
short spout) with an approved solvent. Trichlorotrifluoroethane Solvent MIL-C-81302A, Type II
(Freon), is the preferred solvent because it evaporates
rapidly and is compatible with materials used in the
analysis kit. MIL-T-81533 (1,1,1-trichloroethane
solvent) is an alternative solvent. However, when
using this sol vent, sufficient drying time must be
allowed. Dry-cleaning solvent, P-D-680, is also a
suitable substitute. As with the 1,1,1 trichloroethane
solvent, sufficient drying time must be allowed.
MIL-C-81302 evaporates rapidly and will
displace oxygen. Use only in a wellventilated area. MIL-C-81302 should not be
used in large volumes, and all containers
must be closed when not in use. A standby
safety observer must be present during test
to ensure the person performing the test is
not overcome by fumes. Failure to observe
proper safety precautions could result in
personal injury or death to personnel.

is flammable. Keep it away from open

flame. Failure to observe proper safety
precautions could result in personal injury
or death to personnel.
Fill the wash bottle (with long spout) with
dry-cleaning solvent P-D-680 to flush sampling
points. Replace their screw caps. Attach the filter
holder to the wash bottle with the short spout. Make
sure the tip of the wash bottle is not damaged by
forcing the filter holder on too tightly. If damaged,
the other wash bottle may be modified by carefully
cutting off the tip so that the filter holder will fit. The
damaged wash bottle may then be used for flushing
fittings and sampling points.
Clean the required number of sample bottles
before use by rinsing and flushing them with filtered
solvent. Fill the bottle to be cleaned approximately
half full. Replace the cap on the opening, shake the
sample bottle several times, remove the cap, and
dump the contents. Repeat this operation three or
more times to remove residual hydraulic fluid. When
the bottle is considered clean, flush down the external
threads of the sample bottle and the internal threads of
the bottle cap with filtered solvent. Replace the cap
on the bottle.
Sample Taking
Samples taken from aircraft hydraulic systems
and SE should be representative of the fluid in the
system under test. Aircraft samples should be taken
immediately after flight. If postflight samples cannot
be obtained, the system is cycled according to
directions in the applicable aircraft MIM or MRC
before drawing a sample. Before sampling SE
hydraulic systems, recirculate the fluid for a
minimum of 5 minutes at full flow rate or for a
proportionately longer time at a lower flow rate.
Remove external contaminants from the sampling
point by flushing it with solvent and wiping the
sampling point with clean, disposable wiping cloths.
When the sampling point is visibly free of
external contaminants, subject it to a final solvent
flush. Sampling points not adequately cleaned before
use may produce test results that needlessly cause the
rejection of the system under test. Begin the flow of
fluid to be sampled, by appropriate means, allowing
an initial quantity to flow into a waste receptacle.
This procedure serves to flush away any contaminant
in the sampling line and any contaminants generated
by mechanical operation. Without interrupting the

When MI L-C-81302 is not available,

MIL-T-81533 or P-D-680 may be used only
when an immediate demand exists.
However, if either solvent is used,
appropriate precautions must be observed
due to their toxicity and flammability. In the
event that either MIL-T-81533 or P-D-680
must be used, use only in a well-ventilated
area and avoid inhalation of vapor. P-D-680


Figure 4-4.Contamination analysis kit components.

label on the bottles that identifies the aircraft or

equipment sampled and the specific sampling point
that was used.

flow of fluid, take the required sample by placing a

clean sample bottle under the fluid stream. You
should take two samples at this time. In the event the
first sample is rejected, you will have another sample
readily available. End the flow of sample fluid after
the sample bottles are full, and it is removed from the
stream. Install the caps on the bottle, and put a tag or

Sample aircraft filter assemblies by removing the

filter bowl and transferring the fluid contents of both
the bowl and the element to a clean sample bottle.


The amount of fluid obtained varies, depending on the

type of filter assembly.
Sample Processing
Before the sample is processed, the fluid to be
tested is examined visually for evidence of possible
free water. Water can be found in hydraulic fluid
samples as droplets that usually settle to the bottom of
the sample bottle. Allowing the fluid sample to
remain motionless for 10 minutes or longer may make
it easier to see visible droplets, if water is present. If
fluid samples are hazy or pink, water may be present.
Another identical sample bottle filled with a standard
of unused fluid can be used for comparison. If water
is observed, take another sample from the system to
verify the indication before rejecting the system under
Before you can process a sample, get the
equipment ready. Remove the filter holder assembly
from its storage position in the kit. The funnel and
holder support are assembled and stored in an
inverted position in the vacuum flask. To prepare the
funnel and holder support for use, remove them from
the vacuum flask, invert them, and reinstall them in
the vacuum flask. If it is difficult to remove the
holder support from the vacuum flask, insert the back
end of forceps into the slot (present on some holder
supports) and pry the holder support from the vacuum
You should use the tube and adapter to connect
the syringe to the small opening located on the side of
the holder support. Wash down the inside wall of the
funnel with filtered solvent to flush any surface
contamination present. Make sure that the holder
support screen, now located at bottom of funnel neck,
is also cleaned with filtered solvent.

and place it on top of the screen of the holder support.

Make sure that the blue separator discs are not
installed with the test filter. Reinstall the funnel on
the holder support, and secure it by rotating the outer
knurled ring in a clockwise direction until it is fully
seated. Use filtered solvent to repeatedly rinse the
inside of the graduate to remove all possible
contaminants. Pour out any residual solvent.
Measure out approximately 15 milliliters of the
filtered solvent, using the cleaned graduate, and pour
the solvent into the funnel to prewet the filter
Shake the bottle of sample fluid. This action
distributes the particulate content. Remove the cap
from the sample bottle and pour exactly 100
milliliters of fluid into the graduate. Discard any
remaining fluid. Pour the contents of the graduate
into the funnel, on top of the previously introduced
filtered solvent. Allow the contents of the graduate to
drain completely into the funnel. Use the filtered
solvent to wash down the inside surface of the
graduate until it contains approximately
100 milliliters of solvent.
Operate the syringe by slowly pumping it, which
draws a vacuum, until sustained filtration of the fluid
is indicated by a steady drop of the fluid level in the
funnel. When the fluid level in the funnel drops
enough to allow addition of approximately
50 milliliters of solvent, pour half of the contents of
the graduate into the funnel as filtration continues. If
necessary, operate the syringe again to maintain
sufficient vacuum for filtration. Carefully watch the
filtration process in the funnel, and note the
decreasing fluid level. When the fluid level drops to
the narrow neck of the funnel, pour the remaining
contents of the graduate into the funnel.
NOTE: Pour the contents so they flow down
the inside of the funnel, making sure that the
solvent is not poured directly onto the test

NOTE: Rapid evaporation of the filtered

solvent may result in the condensation of
atmospheric moisture on the funnel surface.
The moisture can cause inaccurate indications
of free water in the sample under test.
Carefully inspect for condensation on the
funnel surface. If condensation is present,
move equipment to an air-conditioned

When filtration is complete, inspect the test filter

surface. If the central area shows a pinkish color, it
indicates that the test filter still has a residue of
hydraulic fluid. Direct a stream of filtered solvent
against the walls of the funnel until fluid reaches the
top of the tapered portion. Operate the syringe again
to initiate filtration and allow all of this fluid to pass
through the test filter. If free water is indicated, test to
see if the water originated from the hydraulic fluid
sample and not from the rinsing solvent. Perform an

Remove the funnel from the holder support by

rotating the outer knurled ring in a counterclockwise
direction until it disengages, and lift it upwards. Use
forceps to carefully remove a single 47-mm test filter,


additional analysis, but omit the solvent rinses.

Water, if present, will still appear on the surface of the
filter membrane, but will now tend to spread out
rather than to appear in discrete droplet form.
Examine closely.

Filter Bowl Contents Analysis

Hydraulic fluid samples obtained from filter
bowls and/or elements cannot be used to determine
system contamination levels. The following
combination of factors makes the filter bowl sample
useless when determining the systems level of
contamination: sedimentation, functional location,
and/or an inability to obtain the required
100 milliliters of fluid. Filter bowl residue analysis
may be used to monitor hydraulic system degradation,
monitor for suspected impending component failure,
or isolate a cause for continued contaminant

NOTE: If 1,1,1-trichloroethane or dry-cleaning

solvent is used as the filtered solvent, the
filter must be dried thoroughly prior to being
placed in petri slide. Either these solvents, or
their fumes, will craze and cloud the
polystyrene petri slides.

Test Filter Analysis

Evaluate filter bowl patch residues by following

the procedures in applicable manuals. As you gain
experience about normal contaminates for specific
aircraft systems and hours of operation, you will be
able to evaluate filter bowl patch residue. Through
experience, analysis of main pressure line and case
drain filter bowl residues is useful in verifying failure
of the upstream hydraulic pump, as large amounts of
metal usually show up in these particular assemblies.
Residue in other filter assemblies is affected by so
many other components and factors that analysis is
difficult. Filter bowl residues should be analyzed
only as a means of identifying or verifying suspected
component failure. Examine residue from those filter
assemblies directly downstream from the component.

After you process the fluid sample, visually

compare the test filter or patch with the contamination
standards. To determine the particulate contamination level, compare the shade and color of the test
patch with the corresponding colors of the
contamination standards. If the test patch displays a
rust or tan color, use the tan standard patch. If the test
patch is gray, use the gray standard patch. In any
case, you should follow the operating instructions
contained in the contamination standards. Tan
patches occur when rust or iron chlorides are formed
in the system, or the system contains abnormal
amounts of silica (sand). Gray patches are typical of
systems containing normal proportions of common
wear materials and external contaminants.



The maximum acceptable particulate level for

naval aircraft is Navy Standard Class 5. For related
SE, the maximum acceptable particulate level is Navy
Standard Class 3. If visible free water is present in
either the sample bottle or on the surface of the test
filter (at completion of filtration), the system under
test is rejected. A stain on the test filter membrane
may be an indication of the presence of free water.
When a stain is seen on the test filter, obtain a second
fluid sample from the system under test and process it
so that water content can be confirmed prior to system
rejection. Make sure that observed water is not a
result of atmospheric condensation during the
sampling process.

Electronic particle counters, such as the HIAC

Contamination Test Center, Model C-600-1, or Royco
Electronic Particle Counters, are used to determine
counts of the number of particles in the various size
ranges. The counts obtained are compared with the
maximum allowable under Navy Standard Class 5.
Counts that exceed the maximum allowable in any
size range make the fluid unsuitable for use in Navy
The test results obtained by using automatic
particle counters and the contamination analysis kit
are not always precisely the same. Both are
authorized for fleet use, and you may use either one.
Automatic particle counters optically sense particles
contained in the fluid sample and electronically size
and count them. Most fleet equipments are calibrated
so that the smallest particle counted has an effective
diameter of 5 microns. Particles smaller than 5
microns, although always present, do not affect the

If the system under test fails to meet the Navy

Standard Class 5 particulate requirement or if it
exhibits free water, the system must be decontaminated according to the procedures listed in the
applicable MIM.


particle count. The contamination analysis kit uses a

patch-test method in which the fluid is filtered
through a test-filter membrane. The sample causes
the membrane to discolor proportionally to the
particulate level. The test filters used have a filtration
rating of 5 microns (absolute). However, they also
retain a large percentage of those particles less than 5
microns in size. The contamination standards
provided with the contamination analysis kit are
representative of test indications that result if the fluid
sample has a particle size distribution (number of
particles versus size) typical of that found in the
average naval aircraft. Samples from aircraft systems
having typical particle size distributions will,
therefore, show good correlation if tested using both
particle count and patch test methods.
Some operating hydraulic systems have peculiar
design characteristics, so they produce a particle size
distribution different from that found in typical naval
aircraft. Fluid samples from these systems generally
contain an abnormally large amount of siltlike
particles smaller than 5 microns in size. Experience
has shown that this condition results from inadequate
system filtration or from using hydraulic components
that have abnormally high wear rates. It is this type of
fluid sample that could produce different results when
tested, using both particle-counting and patch-test
methods. The difference is caused by the particle
counter not counting those particles smaller than 5
microns, while many of them are retained by the
patch-test filter membrane, causing it to discolor
proportionately. When test results conflict, the
equipment tested is considered unacceptable if it fails
either test method. The equipment should then be
subjected to decontamination.

from a slow ticking sound to a loud squeal, to indicate

the level of the vapor concentration.
You can determine the acceptability of unknown
hydraulic fluid samples by using the HDL-440 leak
detector. To do this, you compare the vapor level of a
known hydraulic fluid to that of the unknown
hydraulic fluid and determine whether the unknown
sample contains more or less than 200 ppm (parts per
million) of chlorinated solvents. The calibration
standard used in the HDL-440 is hydraulic fluid
MIL-H-5606 or MIL-H-83282, which contains a
known amount (200 ppm) of MIL-C-81302.
Learning Objective: Recognize decontamination methods used on naval aircraft and
identify their purpose.
System decontamination is a maintenance
operation performed when a system contains fluid
that is unacceptable because of contamination. The
fluid may be contaminated with foreign matter or it is
not considered acceptable for service for some other
reason. The purpose of decontamination is to remove
foreign matter from the operating fluid or to remove
the contaminated fluid itself. Before you can
decontaminate an affected system, replace any failed
or known contamination-generating components.
Other components of the system are not to be
disturbed, unless required.

You need to recognize that the differing test

results may indicate system deficiencies and justify a
request for an engineering investigation of the
equipment. Poor correlation between particle counts
and patch tests can result from improper
sample-taking procedures, incorrect particle counter
calibration, or faulty test procedures. These
possibilities must be carefully investigated if a
correlation problem is encountered.
The halogen leak detector (fig. 4-5) is used to test
hydraulic fluid samples for MIL-C-81302A (Freon)
or other chlorinated solvents. The detector is a
battery-powered, self-contained instrument. The
instrument provides an audible indication, varying

Figure 4-5.HDL-440 halogen leak detector in operation.


the filter clogs. The filters have a large dirt-holding

capacity in the portable test stands used for this
purpose. In a single fluid pass, these filters remove
all particulate matter larger than 3 microns, and a high
percentage of the other particles down to submicron
size. Recirculation cleaning is effective in removing
hard particulate matter from hydraulic fluid that is
otherwise serviceable. It must be recognized that the
filters are not capable of removing water, other
foreign fluids, or dissolved solids. Therefore,
recirculation cleaning is limited to decontamination
of systems found to have a particulate level in excess
of Navy Standard Class 5, whose fluid is considered
otherwise acceptable. For specific procedures on
recirculation cleaning, you should refer to the
applicable MIM.

There are four basic methods used to decontaminate
aircraft hydraulic systems. The methods are recirculation cleaning, flushing, purging, and purifying.
Recirculation Cleaning
Recirculation cleaning is a decontamination
process in which the system to be cleaned is powered
from a clean external power source. The system is
cycled so it produces a maximum interchange of fluid
between the powered system and the SE used to
power it. When decontaminating a system, the
contaminated fluid is circulated through the hydraulic
filters in the aircraft system and in the portable
hydraulic test stands.

Use recirculation cleaning to remove excessive

particulate matter that results from normal component
wear, limited component failure, or external sources.
Clean the system by powering it with an external
portable hydraulic test stand. Operate the aircraft
systems so maximum interchange of fluid is produced
between the aircraft and the test stand. View A of figure
4-6 shows a flow diagram for recirculation cleaning.

Decontamination that uses the recirculation

cleaning method is a filtration process. It can remove
only that foreign matter that is retained by the filter
elements normally found in the equipment. A key
factor in recirculation cleaning is the use of
high-efficiency, 3-micron (absolute) filter elements.
Absolute filter elements have no fluid bypass when

Figure 4-6.-Fluid flow during decontamination.


Test stands used for recirculation cleaning must

be equipped with 3-micron (absolute) filtration.
Before connecting the test stand to the aircraft, the
stand itself must be recirculation cleaned and
deaerated, and its contamination level verified to meet
the Navy Standard Class 3 cleanliness level. If the
system has a makeup reservoir, drain and reservice
the system reservoir prior to recirculation cleaning.
Makeup reservoirs have a single fluid port similar to
an accumulator; therefore, little or no fluid exchange
takes place during recirculation cleaning.
If contamination is severe, or if aircraft filters are
suspected of being loaded or damaged, or if
differential pressure indicators have been activated,
install new (or cleaned and tested) filter elements in
the aircraft before you begin cleaning. Set up and
operate the test stand in a manner compatible with the
requirements of the specific aircraft and system being
powered. Adjust the test stand output pressure and
low volume for normal operation of the aircraft
system being recirculation cleaned.
Operate all circuits (actuators) on the system
undergoing decontamination a minimum of 15 complete
cycles, or according to procedures in the specific MIM
or MRCs. Give particular emphasis to the operation of
large displacement actuators, such as those associated
with landing gear and wingfold, when powered by the
affected system. Continuously monitor all filter
differential pressure indicators, both on the aircraft and
on the portable hydraulic test stand, during the cleaning
process. Replace any loaded fiber elements.
Sample and analyze the system after the cycling
of components. If the contaminant level shows
improvement but is still unacceptable, repeat the
recirculation cleaning process. If no improvement is
observed, attempt to determine the source of
contamination. System flushing may be required.
When successful recirculation cleaning is complete,
service the system, as required, to establish the proper
reservoir fluid level and to eliminate entrapped air.
Flushing is a decontamination method in which
contaminated system fluid is removed to the
maximum extent practicable and then discarded. It is
a draining process that is generally accomplished by
powering the aircraft system with a portable hydraulic
test stand. See figure 4-6. The contaminated
return-line fluid from the aircraft is then allowed to
flow overboard into a suitable receptacle for disposal.
In effect, filtered fluid from the portable hydraulic test


stand is used to displace contaminated fluid in the

system and to replenish it with clean serviceable fluid.
The amount of fluid removed and replaced during
system flushing varies. It depends upon such factors
as the nature of the contaminant, layout of the system,
and the ability to produce flow in all affected circuits.
Portions of operating systems are often dead ended.
Fluid found in these portions is static and not affected
by the normal system fluid flow. Remove
contaminated fluid in these circuits and associated
components by partially disassembling the unit.
Drain and totally flush the unit.
Generally, system flushing continues until anal ysis
of the return line fluid from the system being
decontaminated indicates that the fluid is acceptable. If
there is severe contamination, considerable quantities of
hydraulic fluid may be expended, making it important to
closely monitor the portable hydraulic test stand
reservoir level, and replenish it as required. Flushing
effectively decontaminates systems containing water,
large amounts of gelatinous-type materials, or fluid that
is chemically unacceptable (containing chlorinated or
other solvents). This type of fluid contamination or
degradation cannot be remedied by conventional
filtration. In severe cases of particulate contami- nation,
such as those that result from major component failure,
flushing techniques may more easily correct the
problem than will recirculation cleaning.
Detailed procedures for flushing hydraulic systems
are found in the aircraft MIMs. The basic procedures
are discussed in the following text, and will give you
some idea of the procedures used when flushing aircraft
hydraulic systems. Remember, use the MIM for the
specific procedures to use when flushing hydraulic
systems. Use flushing to decontaminate systems that
cannot be cleaned by recirculation cleaning or purifying.
Normally, flushing requires you to remove fluids that
are found to be chemically or physically unacceptable,
or fluids contaminated with water, other foreign fluids,
or particulate matter not readily filterable because of its
nature or the quantity involved. Use an external portable
hydraulic test stand to power the contaminate system
and accomplish flushing. Allow return fluid from the
aircraft to flow overboard into a waste container for
disposal. Aircraft subsystems should be operated to
produce maximum displacement of aircraft fluids by
cleaned, filtered fluid from the portable test stand. View
B of figure 4-6 shows fluid flow during system flushing.
Test stands used for system flushing must be
equipped with 3-micron (absolute) filtration and must
have a minimum internal reservoir of 16 gallons. The
stand itself should be recirculation cleaned and
deaerated before it is connected to the aircraft. Drain,

extent practicable and the removed fluid discarded.

Then, a suitable cleaning agent is introduced into the
hydraulic system and circulated as effectively as
possible to dislodge or dissolve contaminating substances. The cleaning operation is followed by
complete removal of the cleaning agent, and then
replace it with new hydraulic fluid. After purging the
system, flushing and recirculation cleaning is
performed to ensure adequate decontamination.
Purging aircraft hydraulic systems is performed only
upon recommendation from, and under the direct
supervision of, the cognizant engineering activity.
The cognizant engineering activity is responsible for
selecting the required cleaning agents, providing
detailed cleaning procedures, and performing tests
upon completion of purging to ensure satisfactory
removal of all cleaning agents. Whenever possible,
purging operations should be accomplished at a naval
aviation depot (NADEP).

flush, and service the reservoirs or other fluid storage

devices in the contaminated system before system
flushing. If you know that the contamination originated at
an aircraft pump, drain and flush the hoses and lines
directly associated with the pump output. Case drains
should be drained and flushed separately.
If the aircraft filters are suspected of being loaded,
install new or cleaned and tested filter elements in the
aircraft hydraulic filters before flushing. Test stands
must be set up and operated in according to the
requirements of the specific aircraft and the system
being flushed. Adjust the test output pressure and the
flow volume for normal operation of the aircraft system
being flushed. Monitor the reservoir level in the
portable test stand continuously during the flushing
operation. Use approved fluid-dispensing equipment to
replenish the reservoir before the level decreases to the
half-full point. Depletion of the SE reservoir fluid may
result in cavitation or failure of the test stand pump.
Operate all the circuits (actuators) on the system
undergoing decontamination until the amount of fluid
collected from the aircraft return line is equivalent to
approximately three times the fluid capacity of the
affected system. Give particular emphasis to the
operation of large displacement actuators, such as those
associated with landing gear and wingfold when
powered by the affected system. Continuously monitor
all the filter differential pressure indicators on the
aircraft and in the SE. Replace any loaded filter
elements. Sample and analyze the system after cycling
of the components. If contaminant level shows
improvement but is still unacceptable, continue the
flushing operation. If no improvement is observed, try
to find the source of contamination and correct it. If
extensive system flushing fails to decontaminate the
affected system adequately, request assistance from the
cognizant engineering activity.
Upon successful completion of system flushing,
recirculation clean it for a minimum period to
eliminate possible residual debris and to ensure that
the system is in acceptable condition. Sample the
system after recirculation cleaning to verify that
contaminant level is satisfactory. If an unsatisfactory
condition is again indicated, repeat the flushing or
recirculation cleaning operation as required. Upon
successful completion of system decontamination,
service the system to establish proper reservoir fluid
level and to bleed entrapped air.

NOTE: Organizational and intermediate

maintenance activities are not authorized to
perform system purging.
purification is the process of removing air, water,
solid particles, and chlorinated solvents (MIL-C-81302
and MIL-T-81533) from hydraulic fluids. Contaminated fluid going to the purifer tower is first filtered
by a 25-micron (absolute) filter. The vacuum applied to
the tower removes air, water, and chlorinated solvents
from the contaminated fluid. As fluid comes out of the
tower, it is filtered through a 3-micron (absolute) filter to
remove solid particles. See figure 4-6. This cycle is
repeated until a desired level of cleanliness is attained.
For systems contaminated with air, water, and
chlorinated solvents MIL-C-81302 and MIL-T-81533,
you can use a purifier to clean the aircraft and support
equipment (SE) to reduce the consumption of fluid and
replace the need for flushing.
The type of contamination present in a system
determines the method by which a system is
decontaminated. Normally, recirculation cleaning is the
most effective decontamination method, considering
maintenance man-hours and material requirements.
This method should be used whenever possible.
However, if a system is contaminated by some
substance other than readily filterable particles, it may
be necessary to flush the system, or in certain very

Purging is a decontamination process in which the
aircraft hydraulic system is drained to the maximum


extreme cases, to purge it. Refer to table 4-3. The table

contains information to help you select an appropriate
decontamination method. The table refers to chemical
analysis and particle counting, as well as to the normally
performed patch testing and visual tests. You may request
chemical analysis and actual particle counts of fluid
samples from the NADEP materials engineering
laboratories. You may use these test results to select a
decontamination method.
System decontamination is one operation of a
contamination control sequence that includes

hydraulic fluid sampling and analysis. Decontamination is performed when the results of sampling
and analysis indicate an unacceptable contamination
level. Then, additional testing determines when an
acceptable level is reached.
There are many operations required during the
contamination control sequence, and these operations
interact during the sequence. Figure 4-7 is a basic
contamination control sequence chart for aircraft
system decontamination. It is a guide for decontaminating all naval aircraft and portable hydraulic
test stands. The procedures outlined in the chart
reflect basic requirements of periodic maintenance,

Table 4-3.Aircraft Decontamination Requirements




Free Waterstanding or droplets


Dissolved Waterpinkish fluid, not clear


Gelatinous Substances


Visible Gross Particulate Matter


Oxidationdark fluid, not clear


Excessive Particulate-exceeds Class 5

SE Recirculation

Water Droplets or Stains



SE Recirculation

Gross Particulate Matterextreme

contamination from component failure or
external sources


Particle Count

Excessive Particulate Matterexceeds Class 5

SE Recirculation

Chemical Analysis (Depot)

Viscosityout of limit (*) centistokes @ 100F


Flash Pointless than 180F


Waterin excess of(*) ppm


Neutralizationin excess of 0.8 mg KOH/g



Chlorinated Solventsexceeds (*) ppm


Visual Inspection

Patch Test

(*) Acceptable limits to be determined by the cognizant engineering activity.

** Fluid purifiers may be used instead of flushing when purifying equipment is available.


Figure 4-7


periodic aircraft rework, and maintenance performed

as a result of actual or suspected malfunctions.
Learning Objective: Identify the types of
hydraulic fluid used in naval aircraft and
support equipment.
Aircraft hydraulic systems are capable of reliable
unattended operation for long periods of time, but
some periodic service is generally required. Such
service will either be fluid servicing or air bleeding.
Hydraulic fluids MIL-H-5606, MIL-H-83282, and
MIL-H-81019 are used in automatic pilots, shock
absorbers, brakes, control mechanisms, servo control
systems, and other hydraulic systems using seal
materials compatible with petroleum-based fluids.
The primary use for hydraulic fluid MIL-H-46170 is
as a preservative fluid for hydraulic systems and
components storage.
MIL-H-5606 was the principal hydraulic fluid
used in naval aircraft before MIL-H-83282 was
introduced. MIL-H-5606 consists of petroleum
products with additive materials to improve viscosity
(temperature characteristics), inhibit oxidation, and
act as an antiwear agent. The oxidation inhibiter was
included to reduce the amount of oxidation that
occurs in petroleum-based fluids when they are
subjected to high pressure and high temperature, and
to minimize corrosion of metal parts due to oxidation
and resulting acids. The temperature range of
MIL-H-5606 is between 65F to +275F. It is dyed
red so it can be distinguished from incompatible
fluids. Hydraulic fluid MIL-H-5606 is compatible
with hydraulic fluid MIL-H-46170.
MIL-H-83282 is the principal hydraulic fluid
used in military aircraft. MIL-H-83282 replaces
MIL-H-5606. It is dyed red so it can be distinguished
from incompatible fluids. MIL-H-83282 has a
synthetic hydrocarbon base and contains additives to
provide the required viscosity and antiwear
characteristics, which inhibit oxidation and corrosion.
It is used in hydraulic systems having a temperature
range of40F to +275T. Flash point, fire point, and
spontaneous ignition temperature of MIL-H-83282,
which is fire resistant, exceeds that of MIL-H-5606
by more than 200F. The fluid extinguishes itself
when the external source of flame or heat is removed.
Hydraulic fluid MIL-H-83282 is compatible with all
materials used in systems presently using

MIL-H-5606. It maybe combined with MIL-H-5606

with no adverse effect other than a reduction of its
fire-resistant properties. MIL-H-83282 is now
required in the main systems of all fleet aircraft
previously using MIL-H-5606. MIL-H-83282 is not
used in some viscous dampers due to its
low-temperature characteristics.
MIL-H-81019 is an ultra-low temperature
hydraulic fluid. It is used in aircraft when extremely
low surrounding temperatures are expected.
MIL-H-81019 consists of petroleum products with
additive materials to improve its viscosity
(temperature characteristics), increase its resistance to
oxidation, inhibit corrosion, and act as an antiwear
agent. It is dyed red so it can be distinguished from
other incompatible hydraulic fluids. In extreme
emergencies, it is interchangeable with hydraulic
MIL-H-5606 and
MIL-H-81019 is designed to operate in hydraulic
systems having a temperature range between 90F to
The primary use of MIL-H-46170 is as a
preservative fluid for hydraulic systems and
components storage. Components serviced with this
preservation fluid should be drip drained and filled
with MIL-H-83282 prior to being installed. This fluid
should not be mixed under any other condition. It is
also used as a testing medium in stationary test stands
that have a temperature range between 40F to
+275F. It is dyed red so it can be distinguished from
incompatible fluids.
When mixing or combining
hydraulic fluids, the aircraft logbook or S/E
logs and records need to be annotated when
this is done.
Learning Objective: Identify the support
equipment used to service and test aircraft
hydraulic systems and components.
Fluid servicing consists of adding new filtered
hydraulic fluid to a system, which replaces fluid lost
through leakage, system maintenance, or malfunction.
The type of support equipment varies, depending on
the type of aircraft youre working on. As an AM,
you must know this equipment and know how to


operate it. Hydraulic SE is used to service and test

hydraulic systems and components. To use the
equipment, you must understand each piece of
hydraulic SE so you can maintain aircraft hydraulic
systems. The maintenance and operation of specific
SE units are described in applicable manufacturers
operation and service instructions manual (listed in
the NAPI, under "Test Equipment, 17 series group),
and in the maintenance instructions peculiar to the
specific aircraft.

pumps, actuators, motors, valves, accumulators, and

gauges. Typical component test stands consist of
adjustable sources of hydraulic and shaft-driven (for
pump drive) power, with associated regulator and
indicating devices that let you monitor performance
under simulated operating conditions. Stationary
hydraulic test stands are used at the intermediatemaintenance level, ashore and afloat, and for
depot-level maintenance.


All maintenance levels use SE. General types of
hydraulic SE are portable hydraulic test stands,
hydraulic fluid dispensing equipment, and stationary
hydraulic test stands.

There are specific procedures for checking

hydraulic fluid levels in each model of aircraft. These
procedures must be followed to make sure the system
operates at the required fluid level. Fluid level is
generally determined by an indicating device at the
system reservoir. The type of indicator used varies
with the aircraft model. Sight-glass, gauge, and
piston-style indicators are commonly used.

Portable Hydraulic Test Stands

Portable hydraulic test stands are mobile sources
of external hydraulic power. They can be connected
to an aircraft hydraulic system to provide power
normally obtained from the aircraft hydraulic pumps.
The test stands provide a means of energizing the
aircrafts hydraulic systems. SE is used on the flight
line and in hanger work areas. In addition, portable
test stands are important tools for hydraulic contamination control. They are the primary means of
aircraft hydraulic decontamination. Several types of
portable stands are available. Their primary
difference is their prime power source (electric motor
or engine driven), functional features, and maximum
flow capability.

There is close tolerance between the operating

parts of equipment used in aircraft hydraulic systems
and the level of hydraulic fluid contamination;
therefore, do not introduce foreign matter into a
system being serviced. All servicing must be
accomplished by qualified personnel using authorized
fluid-dispensing equipment.
The information contained in this section gives
general guidance and requirements to follow when
fluid servicing hydraulic systems and components.
Remember, you need to follow the procedures
contained in the applicable technical manuals when
you actually service hydraulic systems and
components. When you service these systems, use
approved fluid-dispensing equipment that is equipped
with 3-micron (absolute) filtration. Maintain
equipments according to the applicable MIM and
MRC. Keep hydraulic fluid dispensing equipment
clean. Store it in a clean, protected environment.
Service this equipment on a periodic basis, including
filter servicing. Protect all fittings or hose ends with
approved metal closures when not in use.

Hydraulic Fluid Dispensing Equipment

Hydraulic fluid dispensing units are portable.
They are used to replenish hydraulic fluid lost or
otherwise removed from a system. They provide a
means of dispensing new filtered fluid under pressure,
in a manner that minimizes the introduction of
external contaminants. Several different types of
hydraulic fluid dispensing equipment are available.

Use the correct fluids for each piece of

fluid-dispensing equipment, and mark the equipment
to indicate the type of fluid. Use the specified
hydraulic fluid to service hydraulic systems. Take
precautions to avoid accidental use of any other fluid.
Do not leave hydraulic fluid in an open container any
longer than necessary, particularly in dusty
environments. Exposed fluid will readily collect
contaminants, which could jeopardize system

Stationary Hydraulic Test Stands

Stationary hydraulic test stands are permanently
installed equipment used for shop-testing hydraulic
system components. Except for specialized equipment, such as hose burst test stands, they are
general-purpose equipment capable of performing a
variety of tests on components such as hydraulic


Table 4-4.Approved Hydraulic Fluid Dispensing Equipment




H-250-1 (Note 1)

1 gal

NAVAIR 17-15BF-57

HSU- 1

3 gal

NAVAIR 17-15BF-60

Hydraulic Fluid Servicing Cart


10 gal

NAVAIR 17-600-67-6-1

Hydraulic Check and Fill Stand


5 gal

NAVAIR 17-15BF-26


5 3/4 gal

NAVAIR 17-15BF-503


7 1/2 gal

NAVAIR 17-15BF-508


7 1/2 gal

NAVAIR 17-15BF-35

Hydraulic Fluid Servicing Unit


Portable Hydraulic Test Stand (Note 2)


NAVAIR 17-15BF-55
NAVAIR 17-15BF-39
NAVAIR 17-15BF-65
NAVAIR 17- 15 BF-56


NAVAIR 17- 15 BF-40

NAVAIR 17-15 BF-66
Hydraulic Fluid Dispenser


NAVAIR 17-15BF-89
55 gal

NAVAIR 17-15BF-87

1. H250-1To dispense MIL-H-5606 fluid only.
2. This equipment is intended primarily for system check and test (refer to Section VII) but have
approved fluid dispensing capability.


performance. With the exception of fluid cans or

drums installed in approved dispensing units, open
cans of hydraulic fluid are prohibited. Containers for
disposal of used fluid must be prominently marked
and identified. Empty fluid containers must be
destroyed or returned to supply as appropriate.
Do not reuse hydraulic fluid drained from
hydraulic equipment or components. Dispose of
drained fluid immediately so it wont be accidentally
reused. In the event hydraulic fluid is spilled on other
parts of equipment on the aircraft, remove spilled
fluid using approved wiping materials and
dry-cleaning solvent P-D-680.

table; they are not authorized unless specifically

approved for use by the aircraft controlling custodian,
cognizant engineering activity, NADEPs, or NAVAIRSYSCOM. All SE must be fitted with 3-micron
(absolute) filtration in the fluid discharge line. SE
construction must not expose fluid contents to either
internally generated or external contamination.
Model H-250-1 Hydraulic Servicing Unit
The Model H-250-1 hydraulic servicing unit is a
1-gallon servicing unit (fig. 4-8). It provides a way of
servicing systems by hand-pumping filtered fluid
directly from the original container without exposing
the fluid to open air or to other atmospheric
contamination. The unit accepts the standard,
l-gallon container, which, when installed, serves as a
reservoir. The servicing unit has 3-micron (absolute)
filtration to prevent particulate contamination of a
system by new fluid that may not meet the prescribed
cleanliness prior to packaging. While contamination
in new fluid is rare, its occurrence has been reported.


Several approved types of fluid-dispensing
equipment are available for use in servicing hydraulic
systems. The primary difference between the types of
equipment is their fluid-holding capacity. As you read
this section, refer to table 4-4, which lists the different
types of fluid-dispensing equipment. Do not use any
fluid servicing equipment other than that listed in the

Figure 4-8.Insertion of can into Hydraulic Servicing Unit H-250-1.


Figure 4-9.Model HSU-1 fluid service unit.

The original fluid container serves as a reservoir
for the H-250-1 servicing unit. This container is not
opened until it is placed in the unit, and the handle
assembly pressed into a locked position. When the
handle is locked, the can is sealed into the unit by
cleanly piercing its top and bottom. This action
automaticallyy destroys the cans potential for reuse.
The H-250-1 servicing unit is equipped with a top
piercing pin, which is drilled to provide the can with
atmospheric venting through a 5-micron filter. Also,
it has a check valve to minimize airborne particulate
and moisture contamination. The lower piercing pin
is drilled so the hydraulic fluid can reach the pump
through a passage in the base casting and a 3-micron
filter. The filter is a nonbypass type. When it
becomes loaded, the unit is inoperative. The filter
housing is designed so that the pump wont operate if
a filter element has not been installed.


A pressure gauge, an air trap, and a manual air

bleed valve are attached directly to the pump
assembly base. The air trap automatically removes
any air present in the fluid at the pump chamber and
retains it in a separate trap. Air collected in the trap is
vented from the unit by manually operating a
spring-loaded, air bleed valve.
The H-250-1 servicing unit has an 8-foot service
hose that is equipped with a 3-micron, in-line filter
connected at the discharge end, which prevents
reverse flow contamination through the hose. There
are several types of disconnect fittings on the
reservoir service units of naval aircraft. There are no
mating fittings provided with the unit. Each activity
must procure and install the disconnect fitting
required for compatibility with the aircraft supported.
Both male and female fittings are procured so that
half can be installed on the hose end and half on the
bracket provided. The bracket-mounted fittings will

provide a contamination-free means of stowing the

discharge end of the service hose when the equipment
is not in actual use.

assembly. It is provided with a spring-loaded latch to

lock the handle in the closed position. In addition to
the carrying handle itself, the handle assembly
contains an upper can piercer, a vent check valve, and
a filter. A vent hose is connected between the top of
the reservoir (sight gauge) and the upper can piercer.
Fluid is delivered by a single-action, piston hand
pump that displaces 1.5 fluid ounces per full stroke at 0 to
250 psi. The pump is operated with a sliding pump
handle, which is held in the extended or retracted position
by a spring-loaded ball detent. A replaceable 3-micron
(absolute) disposable filter on the pump base removes
particulate contamination from the hydraulic fluid being
delivered to the suction side of the pump. The filter
unseats a shutoff valve, which closes the suction port
whenever the filter element is being replaced
The HSU-1 service unit is equipped with a 7-foot
service hose connected to the units fluid output port at
the pump assembly. The hose assembly ends with a
short bent-tube assembly for direct connection to fill
fittings on the aircraft or components being serviced. A
3-micron, in-line filter is located between the hose end
and the tube. This prevents reverse-flow contamination
and serves as a final filter. When the fluid service unit is
not in use, it is stored by wrapping the hose assembly
around the can holder assembly and fastening the tube
end to the hose storage fitting on the base.

Model HSU-1 Fluid Service Unit

The Model HSU-1 fluid service unit (fig. 4-9) is
operated similarly to the H-250-1 unit, except that it
has a fluid-holding capacity of 3 gallons. Like the
H-250-1 servicing unit, the HSU-1 accepts a standard
1-gallon container and uses it as a fluid reservoir.
Additionally, it contains an integral 2-gallon reservoir
assembly. Three-micron filtration is incorporated to
ensure delivery of contamination-free fluid.
The integral 2-gallon reservoir assembly is made
of anodized cast aluminum and (along with a hand
pump assembly) is mounted to a cast aluminum base.
The lower can piercer is mounted on top of the
reservoir and allows fluid to flow from the installed
1-gallon container into the reservoir, automatically
replenishing it. A sight gauge indicates the fluid level
of the reservoir. It reads from 0 to 2 gallons, in
1/4-gallon increments. An indicated level of 2 gallons
or less means that the 1-gallon container is empty and
can be removed for replacement. A capped deaeration
port is located on top of the reservoir to permit
bleeding the air from the pump and output hose.
Can holder and handle assemblies are mounted
above the 2-gallon reservoir. The can holder positions
the installed 1-gallon fluid container directly above the
reservoir, and also provides a means of placing the
handle assembly over the container top. The handle
assembly is hinged to a bracket on the can holder

Model 310 Fluid Service Cart

The Model 310 fluid service cart (fig. 4-10) is a
hand-propelled, mobile unit designed to service

Figure 4-10.Model 310 fluid service cart.


trap assembly contains a manual bleed valve for

venting collected air and a 0- to 300-psi pressure
gauge for monitoring output pressure. Fluid is
delivered to the system or component being serviced
by a 15-foot service hose. A 3-micron, in-line filter
assembly is located near the discharge end of the
service hose to ensure against system contamination.

aircraft hydraulic systems with fluid obtained directly

from the 10-gallon container. It can be operated by
one person, and it is used in those applications where
the fluid capacity of the H-250-1 servicing unit
(1 gallon) or HSU-1 servicing unit (3 gallons) is
inadequate. The hand pump is used to deliver
3-micron (absolute) filtered fluid.
The main frame assembly of the fluid service cart
consists of a two-wheel dolly having a tubular handle
extending outward so you can hand push (or pull) the
cart. The frame contains an inner bridle, which, with
the cart in its upright position, may be positioned
around and secured to a 10-gallon fluid drum without
lifting the drum. Once it is installed in the bridle, you
can move the drum using the dolly, or tilt it back
90 degrees from vertical to the operating position.


Several different models of portable hydraulic
test stands are currently used in the fleet. The primary
function of these stands is to provide external ground
power to aircraft hydraulic systems. The stands vary
as to fluid-flow capabilities, source of prime power,
and manufacturer. A complete description of specific
operating instructions for portable hydraulic test
stands is not contained in this section. However,
some of the common test stands are discussed, so you
will have some knowledge of portable hydraulic test

Hydraulic fluid is removed through a swivel

fitting installed in a 2-inch hole. The swivel fitting is
connected by a flexible hose to a single-action pump
that has a displacement of 2 fluid ounces per stroke at
0 to 250 psi. A replaceable 3-micron (absolute)
disposable filter installed at the pump assembly base
removes particulate contamination from the fluid
being delivered to the suction side of the pump. A
check valve in the filter assembly prevents operation
without an installed filter element.

NOTE: The AHT-64 test stand is being

replaced by the A/M27T-5 test stand;
therefore, it is not covered in this chapter.
A/M27T-3 Portable Hydraulic Power Unit

Filtered fluid from the hand pump is routed to an

air trap assembly, which contains a special chamber
that removes any free air present in the fluid. The air

The A/M27T-3 power unit is designed to be

directly connected into the aircraft hydraulic system,

Figure 4-11 .A/M27T-5 portable hydraulic power supply, rear and right-hand side view.


and it provides the means to accurately check out the

operating characteristics of the hydraulic system and
components at pressures up to 4,500 psi. This can be
accomplished without running the aircraft engine.
The power unit is used at the organizational level for
all aircraft where requirements for hydraulic fluid
flow are not significant.
The power unit consists of an electrically
powered, pump impelled, hydraulic system housed in
an aluminum frame structure and mounted on casters.
The structure is mounted on two swivels and two
fixed casters, and is equipped with a manual tow bar
for ease of mobility. It also has a hand-operated brake
to prevent unintended movement of the power supply.
The control panel is mounted on one end of the
power unit. Other controls and components are
accessible through removable side panels. The power
unit is equipped with an electrical cable and hydraulic
hoses that are stored on a rack attached to one end of
the unit when they are not in use. The power unit
consists of two basic systems: a hydraulic system and
an electrical system. Hydraulic and electrical
schematics are provided on etched plates permanently
attached to the unit.
For a more detailed description of this power unit
and its operating procedures, refer to the NAVAIR

it is capable of operating on 220/440-volt,

three-phase, 60-Hz (cycle) current. The motor is a
double-end shaft type. One end drives the
high-pressure pump, and the other end drives the oil
cooler fan. The motor is equipped with a magnetic
starter, a thermal overload relay for protection, a
reverse phase relay to protect the pump unit from
reverse rotation caused by incorrect electrical power
phasing, and a low-pressure switch to stop the motor
when boost pressure is too low at the high-pressure
pump inlet. It has 50 feet of neoprene-covered,
three-phase electric cable with ground wire, which
operates at either 220 or 440 volts. The control circuit
is further protected by a circuit breaker and fuses.
AHT-63 and A/M27T-5 operate in basically the same
manner. They differ in their starting and stopping
procedures and the electrical outlet used to furnish
power to the electric motor. Before you use the
AHT-63 test stand, you need to know how it works
and the location and function of all switches, controls,
and instruments. See figure 4-14 and table 4-6. For
specific instructions on its use, refer to the Handbook
of Operation, Service, and Overhaul Instruction, NA
17-15BF-65, and the applicable MIM.
operate the portable hydraulic test stand, follow the
specific instructions for its inspection, turnup, aircraft

A/M27T-5 Portable Hydraulic Power Supply

The A/M27T-5 portable hydraulic power supply
(fig. 4-11), made by Janke and Company, Inc., is
replacing the AHT-64 hydraulic test stand made by
Teledyne Sprague Engineering. The A/M27T-5 is a
modified AHT-64 portable, table hydraulic power
supply unit. It is a self-contained, diesel powered,
trailer-mounted unit capable of providing a source of
hydraulic fluid at controlled pressures and flow rates
from 0 gpm at 0 psi to 24 gpm at 3,000 psi, or 13 gpm
at 5,000 psi under ambient temperatures of 25F to
+115F and relative humidity of 95 percent. The
Model 3-53 Detroit diesel engine is used in the
A/M27T-5. Minor changes were made to the physical
location of system components to make maintenance
easier. See figure 4-12 for a view of the A/M27T-5
central panel. Table 4-5 explains the functions of
each control and indicator on the panel.
AHT-63 Portable Hydraulic Test Stand
The Portable Hydraulic Test Stand AHT-63
(fig. 4-13) is powered by an electric motor. The
motor operates at 50 hp, 3,520 rpm, and is dripproof:

Figure 4-12.A/M27T-5 main control panel controls and



Table 4-5.A/M27T-5 Main Control Panel Controls and Indicators

FIG. 7-12



Panel light (DSI)

Provides main control panel lighting. Illuminates if

ignition switch S1 is set to IGNITION ON.


Indicates charging condition of batteries B1 and B2.

When discharging, indicates negative. When
charging, indicates positive (-60 to +60 amp scale).


AID handle

Facilitates cold weather diesel engine starting.

Handle pulling action is transmitted by sheathed
cable to cold weather starting aid 6 cc valve lever.
Ether is injected into diesel engine air inlet housing
when handle is pushed back in.

START switch (S6)

When pressed, initiates diesel engine start sequence,

if ignition switch S1 is set to IGNITION ON.

Diesel engine OIL PRESSURE


Indicates diesel engine oil pressure (0 to 100 psi

scale, 54 to 58 psi nominal from 2000 to 2500 rpm).

Fuse (F2)

Protects electrical circuits.



Illuminates when hydraulic fluid temperature

increases to trip setting (160F) of fluid temperature
thermoswitch S5.


TACHOMETER indicates diesel engine rpm (0 to

3500 rpm). HOURMETER (0.01 to 9999 hours)
counts diesel engine revolutions in terms of time
[indicates 0.1 hour (6 minutes) per 12318


Used for emergency diesel engine shutdown.

Handle pulling action is transmitted by sheathed
cable to diesel engine air inlet housing shutdown
valve lever.




Used for normal diesel engine shutdown. Handle

pulling action is transmitted by sheathed cable to
diesel engine variable speed closed linkage
mechanical governor stop lever.


THROTTLE control handle

Handle pulling action is transmitted by sheathed

cable to diesel engine variable speed closed linkage
mechanical governor throttle lever.


Panel light (DS2)

Provides main control panel lighting. Illuminates if

ignition switch S1 is set to IGNITION ON.


Table 4-5.A/M27T-5 Main Control Panel Controls and IndicatorContinued

FIG. 7-12






Used to open diesel engine air inlet housing

shutdown valve after diesel engine emergency
shutdown. Handle pulling action is transmitted by
sheathed cable to valve lever.



Indicates hydraulic fluid flow to high pressure port

(2 to 30 gpm).



Adjusts pressure at which compensation occurs in

high pressure pump when power supply is being
used as a high pressure system.




Illuminates when pump case drain filter high

differential pressure switch S3 closes. S3 will close
if the pump case drain filter input and output
pressure differ by 35 psi or more.




Illuminates when low pressure filter high

differential pressure switch S4 closes. S4 will close
if low pressure filter and inlet and outlet pressures
differ by 50 psi or more.



Function depends on setting of PRESSURE

SELECTOR VALVE (see 21, below). Calibrated to
indicate 0 to 30 inches Hg vacuum and 0 to 300 psi.


Compound gauge calibration


Used to calibrate COMPOUND GAUGE when




Allows application of hydraulic fluid from external

source for use in testing and calibrating
COMPOUND GAUGE. Used only when



4-position, 5-way valve. Acts as a hydraulic switch

for connecting COMPOUND GAUGE to hydraulic
pump or power supply return line. H.P. PUMP
INLET and BOOST PUMP INLET settings connect
COMPOUND GAUGE to hydraulic pump high
pressure and boost pump inlets, respectively.
COMPOUND GAUGE to power supply return line.
GAUGE from hydraulic system enabling calibration
of gauge.


Table 4-5.A/M27T-5 Main Control Panel Controls and Indicators-Continued

FIG. 7-12




Panel Light (DS3)

Provides main control panel lighting. Illuminates if

ignition switch S1 is set to IGNITION ON.



When open, causes HIGH PRESSURE RELIEF

VALVE to dump flow to return line at no pressure.




Illuminates when high pressure filter high

differential pressure switch S2 closes. S2 will close
if high pressure filter inlet and outlet pressures
differ by 100 psi or more.



Allows application of hydraulic fluid from external

source for use in testing and calibrating HIGH
PRESSURE GAUGE. Used only when H.P.
GAUGE SHUTOFF VALVE (on secondary control
panel) is closed.


High pressure gauge calibrating


Used to calibrate HIGH PRESSURE GAUGE when

H.P. SHUTOFF valve (on secondary control panel)
is closed.



Indicates hydraulic pressure (0 to 6000 psi scale) at

SHUTOFF valve (on secondary control panel)
isolates HIGH PRESSURE GAUGE from hydraulic
system, enabling testing and calibration of gauge.



Indicates hydraulic fluid temperature (20 to 220F

scale) at hydraulic pump high pressure inlet port.


Ignition switch S1

When set to IGNITION ON turns on panel lights

DS1, DS2, and DS3 and IGNITION ON indicator
DS9. Switches battery current to power supply
electrical system, enabling diesel engine start-up.


IGNITION ON indicator (DS9)

When illuminated, indicates ignition switch S1 is




Indicates diesel engine coolant temperature (100 to

250F scale).


Figure 4-13.AHT-63 portable hydraulic test stand, left side.

Figure 4-14.AHT-63 control panel controls and instruments.


Table 4-6.AHT-63 Control Panel Controls and Instruments

Fig. 7-14
Index No.




Panel Lights

Shielded type, 28V, s.c.

bayonet base, clear bulb.

Provides illumination for

control panel.


Indicator Light

Panel mounted, press-to-test

with red lens; Bulb, 28V, s.c.

Indicates when 3-micron

high pressure filter element
requires service.


PRESSURE Indicator Light

Panel mounted, press-to-test

pilot light with red lens;
Bulb, 28V, s.c. bayonet.

Turns on when pump case

filter requires service.


Indicator Light

Panel mounted, press-to-test

pilot light with red lens;
Bulb, 28V, s.c. bayonet.

Turns on when low pressure

filter element requires

WARNING Indicator Light

Panel mounted, press-to-test

pilot light with red lens;
Bulb, 28V, s.c. bayonet.

Turns on when fluid

temperature increases to trip
setting of thermoswitch

STOP Switch

Red mushroom pushbutton


Used to stop electric drive



Knurled knob with knurled

locking nut.

Adjusts the pressure at

which compensation occurs.


Dial indicating; 30 to 220F;

with adjusting screw

Indicates temperature of
hydraulic fluid going to inlet
of high pressure pump.


Four position, 3-way selector

valve lever handle.

Provides selection of boost

pump inlet, high pressure
pump inlet, or return line
readings on compound
gauge; 4th position (OFF) is
for calibration of gauge.



Compound gauge; 0 to 30 in.

Hg vacuum and 0 to 200 psi
with zero adjusting screw

Indicates back pressure or

suction in low pressure
return line, inlet to boost
pump, and inlet to high
pressure pump.



Cap and bulkhead nut.

Used for testing and

calibrating compound and
high pressure gauges.


Table 4-6.AHT-63 Control Panel Controls and InstrumentsContinued

Fig. 7-14
Index No.






Needle valve with 4-prong


When opened, causes high

pressure relief valve to dump
flow to return line at no



Bourdon tube type; 0 to 6000

psi with zero adjusting screw

Indicates fluid pressure at

pressure outlet port.



Direct reading counter type 0

to 9,999.9 hours.

Indicates total elapsed

operating hours of Test Stand.


POWER ON Indicator Light

Panel mounted with green

lens. Bulb, 30V, candelabra

Turns on when control

circuit is energized and
master switch is ON.



Toggle switch, DPST.

Energizes electrical control



START Switch

Black pushbutton switch.

Starts electric drive motor.

warm up to its normal operating temperature.

Recirculation clean and deaerate the hydraulic fluid in
the test stand. Perform both operations at the same

connection, and operation from the applicable

maintenance manuals. You should know some of the
minimum general requirements about the use of all
portable test stands. Locate the test stand so there is
adequate room and ventilation, and where engine heat
can be dissipated. Set parking brakes securely and
open all necessary access doors. Check the hydraulic
fluid level of the test stand reservoir. It should be
three-fourths full, as indicated on the gauge. Add
fluid if required. Check fuel gauge, radiator level,
and engine oil level in engine-driven stands. Make
sure that they are adequate for the anticipated
operating period. Check the power connections in
electric-powered stands for correct phasing and
frequency. Check the pointers of all other gauges;
they should beat or near zero. Clean and connect the
service ends of the external pressure and return line
hoses to the hose storage (recirculation) manifold on
the equipment. If the manifold is equipped with a
shutoff valve, place the valve in open position.

NOTE: When actually cleaning and

deaerating the test stand, you should follow
the procedures contained in the applicable
Set up the test stand to provide fluid flow from the
internal reservoir through the external service hoses
and interconnecting manifold. Place the pump
pressure compensator at its lowest setting, and make
sure that the manifold and service outlet valves (if
present) are in the open position. The high-pressure
gauge should indicate a value less than 600 psi.
Allow the test stand to recirculation clean for 3 to 5
minutes. Monitor the fluid temperature throughout
the cleaning cycle. Make sure that maximum
operating limits are not exceeded. Monitor all filter
differential pressure indicators, particularly those
associated with the 3-micron filter assemblies. If you

Start test stand engine (or motor) according to the

applicable operating instructions. Allow the engine to


see an indication of a loaded filter after the fluid

reaches normal operating temperature (85F
minimum), shut down the test stand and have
replacement filter elements installed. On test stands
that have a fluid sight glass and manual air bleed
valve, periodically operate the valve and monitor the
sight glass throughout the cleaning cycle to eliminate
visible indications of entrapped air.
When recirculation cleaning and deaeration are
complete, analyze the hydraulic fluid for contaminnation Terminate the fluid flow to the external
service hoses in preparation for connecting them to
the aircraft. Disconnect the service hoses from
manifold assembly and reinstall the manifold dust
you connect a test stand to an aircraft system, make
sure that all personnel, workstands, and other
ground-handling equipment are clear of flight control
surfaces, movable doors, and other units. Stay clear
of these areas when either electric power or hydraulic
pressure is applied to the aircraft. Sudden movement
can cause injury or damage.

fluid service unit. Then, set up the test stand for either
aircraft or test stand reservoir operation, as specified
in the applicable MIM. You can set the required mode
of operation by using the reservoir selector valve on
stands that have this equipment, or use the reservoir
fluid supply valve. When the test stand reservoir
supply valve is closed, the aircraft reservoir will
operate. The test stand reservoir is preferred because
the vented reservoir allows aircraft fluid deaeration
during system operation (fig. 4-15). Use this mode
whenever practical.
When a test stand is equipped with return line,
back pressure reducing valves, test stand reservoir
operation can be used even in situations where the
aircraft reservoir is normally used. Adjust the back
pressure reducing valve by presetting the value
equivalent to normal aircraft reservoir pressure.
Make sure that the aircraft controls are in the
specified ground check positions required for
obtaining normal reservoir fluid level. Apply external
hydraulic power and trim the back pressure reducing
valve until a stable, proper fluid level is obtained in
the aircraft reservoir. Periodically check the fluid
level. Ensure back pressure reducing valve is set
properly or the aircraft may be damaged by

NOTE: Refer to the applicable maintenance

manual for the specific procedures to follow
when applying external electric and hydraulic

After you have adjusted the back pressure

reducing valve, you can start the test stand, and allow

Before connecting the hydraulic test stand to the

aircraft, set the test stand controls to the positions and
values required to accomplish the aircraft tests.
Operate the test stand to confirm the settings. Reduce
the volume adjustment to minimum flow and shut
down the stand. Connect the test service hoses to the
aircraft ground power quick-disconnects, making sure
that all connectors are clean before connection. Mate
all the attached dust caps and plugs to protect against
their contamination during test stand operation.
Do not kink or damage test stand hoses when
connecting them to aircraft systems. Keep the hoses
uniformly bent while bending around structures or
equipment. Maintain and follow the recommended
minimum inside bend radii. A 1/2-inch pressure hose
should have a 2.30-inch radius, a 5/8-inch pressure
hose a 5.37-inch radius, and a 1-inch hose a 5.90-inch
Before you can apply hydraulic power, you need
to check the aircraft reservoir level. Fill it to the level
specified in the applicable MIM or MRC. If
necessary, service the reservoir using an approved

Figure 4-15.Test stand operating modes.


it to warm up with the controls set for bypass fluid

flow. Adjust the flow rate and operating pressures to
the required values using the volume and pump
compensator controls. Set the emergency relief valve
(if so equipped) to the operating pressure, plus 10
percent. The bypass control should be fully closed
during aircraft operation. Adjust the operating
pressure using the pump compensator control only.
The test stand is now ready to power the aircraft
hydraulic system.

close the valve instead of reducing the volume and

pressure compensator.
Slowly open the pressure bypass valve. Let the
engine run at 1,000 rpm for about 5 minutes
(engine-driven models only), then push the throttle
down completely. Place the panel light switch in the
OFF position. Remove the external hoses from the
aircraft hose ports. Connect one end to the hose
storage manifold diconnects on the test stand. Do
not drag the hose ends on the deck or expose them to
contamination. Install all dust caps and plugs,
including those at the aircraft quick disconnects.
Close all the access doors to protect instruments and

NOTE: Use the procedures found in the

applicable MIM to actually power the aircraft
hydraulic system.

MULTISYSTEM OPERATION. When performing troubleshooting, rigging, and specific tests

on dual flight control systems that have tandem
actuators, you often need to apply SE hydraulic
pressure to two or three systems in an aircraft at the
same time. Simultaneous, multisystem operation
involves using separate hydraulic test stands for each
system, or by manifolding two or more systems to a
common test stand that has a sufficient flow
capability. Less equipment is needed with the latter
method, but it has several limitations that you should


the test stand, you need to periodically check the
condition of system fluid through the sight glass. If
you see evidence of air, bleed the system at both the
test stand and air bleed points in the aircraft until the
fluid appears clear. Also, you need to monitor the
filter differential pressure indicators, particularly
those associated with the 3-micron filter assemblies.
In some cases, loaded filter indicators may extend due
to cold starting conditions. Reset the indicator and
continue to monitor it until the equipment reaches the
normal operating temperature. If a loaded filter is
indicated, shut down the equipment and return it to
the supporting activity. Another condition that would
require you to return the equipment to the supporting
activity is if the fault indicators light; in this case, shut
down the unit and return it to the supporting activity.
In case of an emergency (for example, a ruptured
hydraulic hose in aircraft), you should open the
bypass valve to relieve pressure and stop the flow of
hydraulic fluid to the aircraft. Pay attention to
warning signs such as a sudden drop in engine oil
pressure or any unusual engine noise. If any engine
part fails, Stop the engine immediately.

If you use a single test stand and manifold,

hydraulic fluid between the connected systems is
exchanged. If the fluid in one system is contaminated
with particulate matter smaller than 3 microns,
cross-contamination of the other system(s) will occur.
Using a single test stand may not satisfy differing
flow and back pressure requirements of the multiple
systems to be powered. Depleting or overfilling
aircraft reservoirs might result. If a single test stand
is used, high transient flow demands in one system
could adversely affect the performance of the other
systems. Total isolation between systems could
possibly degrade critical flight control system
performance tests. The use of jury-rigged manifolds
not specifically engineered for the purpose is a safety
hazard to personnel and a possible source of system
contamination. Properly designed hydraulic
manifolds can be used in limited, specific applications
to power multiple hydraulic systems to form a
common hydraulic test stand. This configuration
must be evaluated by the cognizant engineering
activity to make sure it is acceptable and that its use is
strictly limited to that particular application. All
approved manifold use must be directed in the
applicable aircraft MIM, and complete information on


equipped with pressurized reservoirs, hydraulic
accumulators, or surge dampers, a reverse flow of
fluid through the aircraft filters could damage the
system. You need to use the correct shutdown
procedures. When you have finished the required
aircraft tests, leave the bypass valve in the closed
position. Reduce the volume setting to zero and
adjust the pressure compensator to minimum. Allow
several minutes for stored pressure in the aircraft to
bleed off, via normal internal leakage. On stands
equipped with a pressure and return line shutoff valve,


the source of the required hardware must be provided.

Do not use manifolds that are not authorized.

hydraulic relief valves, hydropneumatic accumulators, and other components.

Model HCT-10 Stationary Hydraulic Test


The test stand consists of a nonportable cabinet

assembly that contains a hydraulic system, a
pneumatic system, and an electrical system. It must
be connected to externally supplied electrical power,
water, and compressed air. The cabinet assembly
consists of a welded steel enclosure on a rigid base.
Hinged doors and removable panels provide access to
the interior. The test component work area is located
below the center instrument and control panel. The
bottom surface of the test component work area and
the test chamber is shaped like a sink with perforated
metal trays. The test chamber is made from a 1/4-inch
steel plate with a hinged door containing a safety-type

Stationary hydraulic test stands, such as the

Model HCT-10, are not part of the equipment
allowance for most squadrons. Normally, they are
issued to air stations and aircraft carriers for use by
the supported squadrons.
NOTE: The following information is for
training purposes only. Do not use it as
operating instructions for testing hydraulic or
pneumatic components. For specific operating instructions, you should refer to the
applicable operational handbook, service, and
overhaul instructions, or MIM.
The Model HCT 10 test stand (fig. 4-16) is used
to bench test aircraft hydraulic and pneumatic
components, such as engine-driver hydraulic pumps,
electrohydraulic flight control assemblies,
double-acting hydraulic cylinders, pneumatic and

Most of the hydraulic and pneumatic system

operating controls are located on a sloping panel
along the front of the cabinet. The indicators are
located on a panel above the work sink and the rear
panel of the test chamber. The electrical system
controls and indicators are located on a panel on the
right-hand side of the cabinet. A partition separates

Figure 4-16.Model HCT-10 hydraulic and pneumatic component test stand.


the major part of the electrical system components

from the hydraulic system.

test stand STOP switch on the top left side on the front
of the test stand.

Hydraulic System


The hydraulic system has two componentsa

reservoir, which supplies fluid through a helical,
screw-type boost pump and a filter to a variable
volume, pressure-compensated, axial piston,
high-pressure pump. Also, the hydraulic system has
three circuits-the dynamic test circuit, the static test
circuit, and the pump test circuit.

Air bleeding is a service operation. In this

operation, entrapped air is allowed to escape from a
closed hydraulic system. For specific air bleed
procedures for each model aircraft, you should refer
to the applicable MIM. Excessive amounts of free or
entrained air in an operating hydraulic system results
in degraded performance, chemical deterioration of
fluid, and premature failure of components.
Therefore, when a component is replaced or a
hydraulic system is opened for repairs, the hydraulic
system must be bled of air to the maximum extent
possible upon repair completion.


test circuit is used to test double-acting hydraulic
cylinders and other components requiring combined
pressure and flow.
STATIC TEST CIRCUIT. The static test
circuit is included in the hydraulic system. It is
essentially a compressed-air operated, low-displacement, high-pressure pump that supplies fluid for static
pressure tests. This circuit may be operated
independently of the other two test circuits. A safety
interlock prevents operation of this circuit when the
door of the test chamber is open.

Hydraulic fluid can hold large amounts of air in

solution. Fluid, as received, may contain dissolved
air or gasses equivalent to 6.5 percent by volume,
which may rise to as high as 10 percent after
pumping. Dissolved air generates no problem in
hydraulic systems so long as it stays dissolved, but
when it comes out of solution (as extremely minute
bubbles), it becomes entrained or free air. Free air
could enter a system during component installation,
filter element installation, or opening the system
during repairs.

PUMP TEST CIRCUIT. The pump test circuit

supplies controlled pressure and flow to a
variable-displacement, reversible-rotation, hydraulic
motor that, in turn, supplies power for driving
hydraulic pumps during tests,

Free air is harmful to hydraulic system

performance. The compressibility of air acts as a soft
spring in series with the stiff spring of the oil column
in actuators or tubing, resulting in degraded response.
Also, because free air can enter fluid at a very high
rate, the rapid collapse of bubbles may generate
extremely high local fluid velocities that can be
converted into impact pressures. This is the
phenomenon known as cavitation. Cavitation causes
pump pistons and slide valve metering lands to wear
rapidly, commonly causing component failure.

Pneumatic System
The pneumatic system is composed of two
circuits. One circuit provides control, indication, and
filtration of externally supplied compressed air for the
operation of the hydraulic fluid temperature control
system, the hydraulic static pressure pump, and the
pneumatic static pressure booster. The second circuit
consists of a portable, compressed nitrogen cylinder
that supplies gas to a supply port through a manually
adjusted pressure regulator for static pneumatic
testing. A safety interlock prevents operation of this
circuit when the door of the test chamber is open.

Any maintenance operation that involves

breaking into the hydraulic system introduces air into
the system. The amount of such air can be minimized
by prebilling replacement components with new,
filtered hydraulic fluid. Because some residual air
may still be introduced, all maintenance of this type is
followed by a thorough air bleed of the system. Most
hydraulic systems in high-performance aircraft are of
the closed, airless type; they are designed to
self-scavenge free air back to the system reservoir.
Air bleed valves are provided at the reservoir to
remove this air. Because free air resulting from

Electrical System
Externally supplied electrical power is controlled
by a system located on the right-hand control panel.
The test stand START switch, pump ON/OFF
switches, and a test stand STOP switch are located
along the lower portion of this panel. There is also a


maintenance actions or other causes may enter the

system at a point remote from the system reservoir,
the system should be extensively cycled with full
power to transfer air to the reservoir, where it can be
bled off.
Air bleed valves are sometimes found at high
points in the aircraft circulatory system, filter
assemblies, and remote system components such as
actuators. These valves make the removal of free air
easier. Refer to the applicable MIMs for the location
and use of additional bleed points. In systems not
equipped with additional bleed points, you may have
to loosen line connections temporarily at strategic
points in the system, which permits removal of
entrapped air from remote or dead-end points. When
you bleed a system in this manner, be careful to avoid
excessive loss of hydraulic fluid, and prevent the
induction of air or contaminants into the system.

SE is maintained and used according to existing

contamination controI requirements.
SE used to service or test aircraft hydraulic
systems or components are equipped with adequate
output filtration having a rating of 3-microns
(absolute). The 3-micron filter assembly is a
nonbypass variety, preferably equipped with a
differential pressure indicator. It is installed
immediately upstream of the major fluid discharge
Portable hydraulic test stands are equipped with
recirculation cleaning manifolds and fluid sample
valves for self-cleaning and fluid analysis before they
are connected to equipment under test.

In many cases, air inspection procedures are

inadequate. SE specifically designed to detect and
measure air is not presently available in the fleet. You
should use indirect methods to determine the amount
of air present in a system. Operating the air bleed
valve on the reservoir reveals whether or not there is
air present in the reservoir. Large amounts of air
might be present somewhere else in the system and go
undetected. An effective means for measuring the air
in your system is known as the reservoir sink check.
In this method, the fluid level in the aircraft reservoir
is checked with the system, both pressurized and
The presence of air or any
compressible gas in the system causes the pressurized
reading to be lower (reservoir sink), indicating the
need for possible maintenance action (fig. 4-17). This
check is particularly effective when performed after a
long aircraft down period, in which case dissolved air
has had lots of time to come out of solution.

Hydraulic SE is maintained in a clean state. All

hydraulic SE is maintained as clean as practicable,
consistent with its construction and use. Always keep
external fluid connections, fittings, and openings
clean and free of contamination. When not in use,
protect fittings or hose ends using metal dust caps or

All air bleed operations must be followed by a

check of the system hydraulic fluid level. Fluid
replenishment may be required, depending upon the
amount of air and fluid purged from the system.
The direct connection between hydraulic SE and
the systems or components being checked or serviced
is necessary to minimize the introduction of external
contaminants. Test units that are not properly
configured, maintained, or used may severely
contaminate hydraulic systems in operational aircraft.
It is your responsibility to make sure that hydraulic

Figure 4-17.Reservoir level changes (reservoir sink)

presence of air in system.


4 years. The date of the required removal and serial

number of the equipment is etched or peened on the
hose collar. Replace external deteriorative hoses used
to transfer fluid between SE and aircraft or
components under test that cannot be positively
identified as having been in use for less than 2 years
as soon as possible, and at regular intervals thereafter,
not to exceed 2 years. The date of required
replacement and the SE serial number is etched or
peened on the hose collars. Hoses should remain
attached to the equipment until replacement is
required. Upon completion of periodic maintenance,
hydraulic SE is certified as having a fluid
contamination level not in excess of Navy Standard
Class 3.

other approved closures. You can use clean,

polyethylene bags if you do not have the approved
metal closures, providing the bags are adequately
secured and are protected from physical damage and
the entrance of water. When equipment is not being
used, store it in clean, dry areas. Minimize exposure
of in-service equipment to precipitation, wind-driven
sand, or other environmental contaminants.
Operational Use
Operate test stands equipped with hydraulic
manifolds for self-recirculation cleaning before they
are connected to equipment or components under test.
Recirculation clean the test stand for a sufficient
period of time to let a minimum of one pass of its total
reservoir contents through the internal filtration.
Closely monitor differential pressure of loaded filter
indicators during all SE operations after the fluid
reaches normal operating temperature (+85F
minimum). Equipment operation is terminated
immediately upon appearance of loaded filter
indications. Replace the loaded element. You should
stop using the SE if the reservoir or outlet fluid is, or
is suspected to be, unacceptably contaminated.
Inform the supporting maintenance activity
immediately so that required remedial action can be


Fluid sampling points and procedures vary with
the SE type and model. For specific procedures
applicable to the particular equipment, you should
refer to NAVAIR 01-1A-17. Run the SE for a
minimum of 5 minutes before you take a sample.
This results in fluid flow through SE reservoirs,
which ensures a uniform distribution of contaminants.
On some SE models, you need to return the pressure
outlet to the reservoir fill opening to achieve such a
flow. Find and gain access to the reservoir drain
valve and other sampling points or adapters. You
need to remove dirt and other visible contaminants
from the exposed part of the drain valve and/or
sampling adapter. When taking a sample for a patch
or particle patch test, wipe the valve or adapter with a
clean, disposable cloth. Then, use the plastic wash
bottle in the Contamination Analysis Kit 571414 to
flush the fittings with clean trichlorotrifluoroethane
solvent (MIL-C-81302), 1,1,1-trichloroethane solvent
(MIL-T-81533), or dry-cleaning solvent (P-D-680).

Periodic Maintenance
Supporting activities for hydraulic SE perform
periodic maintenance at prescribed intervals, unless
otherwise directed. At this time, samples are taken
from all hydraulic SE reservoirs (preferably at a low
point drain) and analyzed for particulate level and
water content. If the fluid is unacceptable, it is
recirculation cleaned, purified, flushed, or purged.
Hydraulic filter elements that can be cleaned are
ultrasonically cleaned or replaced at the prescribed
maintenance interval. Because of their large
dirt-holding capacity, disposable 3-micron pressure
line filters are replaced only upon actuation of their
differential pressure indicators. Disposable filters
that do not have differential pressure indicators are
replaced at the prescribed interval.

When you have finished flushing the fittings,

open the reservoir drain valve and allow
approximately 1 quart of fluid to drain into a waste
receptacle. Without interrupting the flow of fluid,
take the required sample by letting an additional 4
ounces of fluid flow into a known clean sample bottle
(provided with the contamination analysis kit). Close
the drain valve after you remove the sample bottle
from the fluid stream. Label the bottle to indicate
where you took the sample. Repeat the sample-taking
procedure at other specified or available sampling
points, collecting each sample in a separate bottle.
Visually inspect the fluid collected in the waste

Age-controlled, deteriorative hoses used to carry

hydraulic fluid in SE units are not to remain in service
for more than 7 years beyond the manufacturers cure
date. Additionally, hoses of this type that are
internally located in the equipment are replaced at
each prescribed major rework interval, not to exceed


receptacle for free water. If free water is seen,

decontaminate the system according to applicable

Contamination Analysis

Normally, contamination analysis of SE fluid

samples is accomplished by using the contamination
analysis kit. You may use other approved
measurement methods, if available or if required.
Decontamination of unacceptable equipments is
performed by recirculation cleaning, purifying,
flushing, or purging, as required; these actions are
performed by the supporting activity.

Recirculation Cleaning

Recirculation cleaning is used when equipment is

unacceptably contaminated with particulate matter (in
excess of Navy Standard Class 3), but the fluid is
otherwise considered satisfactory. In recirculation
cleaning, the equipment is self-cleaned using its
internal filters, the 3-micron elements in particular.
You begin by operating the contaminated SE so
maximum circulation of fluid through the equipment
reservoir and internal 3-micron filters occurs.
Maintain the flow long enough to allow a total flow
equivalent to at least five times the total fluid capacity
of the equipment reservoir. Monitor all filter
differential-pressure indicators throughout the
operation. If elements appear to be loaded, check and
replace them.

Flushing is used to decontaminate SE heavily
contaminated with particulate matter, or when the
fluid contains a substance not readily removed by the
internal filters. To begin the flushing procedure, you
drain, flush, and reservice the equipment reservoir
using new filtered fluid. If contamination originated
at the pump, drain and flush the hoses and lines
directly associated with the pump output separately.
Operate the equipment so fluid flows through all
circuits. Allow output (or return line) fluid to dump
overboard into a waste receptacle. Continue flushing
until a quantity of fluid equal to the equipment
reservoir capacity has passed through the unit.
Closely monitor the reservoir level during the
operation, adding new filtered fluid, as required. This
prevents the reservoir level from dropping below the
one-third full point,
Take a sample and analyze the output and the
reservoir fluids. If the contamination level shows
improvement but is still unacceptable, repeat the
flushing operation. If extensive flushing fails to
decontaminate the equipment, you should request
assistance from the supporting engineering activity.
Upon successful completion of system flushing,
recirculation clean the equipment for a minimum
period. Then, take a sample from the system to verify
the contamination level as being acceptable. When
you have done this, service the reservoir.

You should resample and analyze the fluid from
the reservoir. If improvement is shown, but the
contamination level is still excessive, repeat the
process. If there is still no improvement, try to find
the internal contamination source, such as a failed
component. Replace any components you determine
to be contaminating the fluid, and continue
decontamination by draining, flushing, and refilling
the equipment with new filtered fluid. Recirculation
clean and resample, as before, to determine
acceptability. When you find the fluid samples from
the reservoir to be within acceptable limits,
recirculation cleaning may be terminated.

Purging of SE hydraulic systems is performed

only upon recommendation from, and under the direct
supervision of, the cognizant engineering activity. It
is the responsibility of the cognizant engineering
activity to select the required cleaning agents, provide
detailed cleaning procedures, and perform tests upon
completion of purging to ensure satisfactory removal
of all cleaning agents. Whenever possible, purging
operations are to be accomplished at a naval aviation
depot facility (NADEP). Intermediate maintenance
activities are not authorized to perform system
purging without direct depot supervision.


Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST

4790.2E, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations,
Washington, D. C., 1 January 1989, Change 2,
1 July 1991, Pages 5-53, 6-22, 6-81, 9-5, and


NOTE: Although the following references were
current when this TRAMAN was published, their
continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore,
you need to be sure that you are studying the latest

Navy Support Equipment Common Basic Handling

and Safety Manual, N A V A I R 0 0 - 8 0 T - 9 6 ,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 April 81, Change, 1 March

Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-17,

Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., 1 April 1978, Change 2,
1 December 1986, RAC 4, 15 August 1989,
Sections II through V.

Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education

and Training Program Management Support
Activity, Pensacola, Florida, July 1990.




Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a working
knowledge of the fabrication and maintenance of aircraft hydraulic and pneumatic
hoses and their associated hardware.
You are responsible for maintaining a portion of
the hundreds of feet of fluid and air lines and various
hardware and seals found in modern-day aircraft. The
maintenance of these lines frequently involves
fabrication and replacement of hose and hose
assemblies. To be able to select the proper type of
hose and hose assemblies and their hardware, you will
need a basic knowledge of the type, size, and material
from which items are to be made.

They are used only when absolutely necessary. Hose

assemblies are made up of hose and hose fittings. A
hose consists of multiple layers of various materials.
An example of the hose most often used in
medium-pressure applications is shown in figure 5-1.


There are two basic types of hose used in military

aircraft and related equipment. They are synthetic
rubber and polytetrafluoroethylene, commonly
known as Teflon@ or PTFE.


Learning Objective: Identify the various

types of hose, hose assemblies, hardware,
tools, and equipment used on naval aircraft.

Bulk hose
materials from
important that
proper hose to
hose markings.

Hose assemblies are used to connect moving parts

with stationary parts and in locations subject to severe
vibration. Hose assemblies are heavier than
aluminum-alloy tubing and deteriorate more rapidly.

identification will vary with the

which the hose is constructed. It is
you are able to clearly identify the
be used by recognizing the various

Figure 5-1.Medium pressure synthetic rubber hose, MIL-H-8794.


are its operating temperature range, its chemical

inertness to all fluids normally used in hydraulic and
engine lubrication systems, and its long life. At this
time, only medium-pressure and high-pressure types
are available. These are complete assemblies with
factory-installed end fittings. The fittings may be
either the detachable type or the swaged type. When
failures occur, replacement must be made on a
complete assembly basis.

Synthetic Rubber Hose

Synthetic rubber hose has a seamless synthetic
rubber inner tube covered with layers of cotton and
wire braid, and an outer layer of rubber impregnated
cotton braid. The hose is provided in low-, medium-,
and high-pressure types.
Synthetic rubber hose (if rubber-covered) is
identified by the indicator stripe and markings that are
stencilled along the length of the hose. The indicator
stripe (also called the lay line because of its use in
determining the straightness or lie of a hose) is a
series of dots or dashes. The markings (letters and
numerals) contain the military specification, the hose
size, the cure date, and the manufacturers federal
supply code number. This information is repeated at
intervals of 9 inches. Refer to figure 5-2.

Teflon hose is identified by metal bands or

pliable plastic bands at the ends and at 3-foot
intervals. These bands contain the hose military
specification number, size indicated by a dash (-) and
a number, operating pressure, and the manufacturers
federal supply code number. Refer to figure 5-2.

Size is indicated by a dash followed by a number

(referred to as a dash number). The dash number does
not denote the inside or outside diameter of the hose.
It refers to the equivalent outside diameter of rigid
tube size in sixteenths (1/16) of an inch. A dash 8 (-8)
mates to a number 8 rigid tube, which has an outside
diameter of one-half inch (8/16). The inside of the
hose will not be one-half inch, but slightly smaller to
allow for tube thickness.


Hose fittings are designed and constructed in

accordance with military specifications and military
standard drawings for particular hose configurations
and operating pressures.
Fittings designated by a military standard
drawing number have a particular dash number to
indicate size. The fitting dash number does not
designate a size in the same manner as a hose dash
number. The fitting dash number corresponds to the
dash number of the hose so that both will match at the
critical dimensions to form a hose assembly.

The cure date is provided for age control. It is

indicated by the quarter of the year and year. The year
is divided into four quarters.
1st quarter January, February, March
2d quarter April, May, June
3d quarter July, August, September

Materials used in the construction of fittings vary

according to the application. Materials include
aluminum, carbon steel, and corrosion-resistant steel.
Fittings that qualify under one military document may
be produced by several manufacturers. Two methods
or styles are used to secure the hose fitting on to the
hose. They are the reusable and swage or crimp style.

4th quarter October, November, December

The cure date is also marked on bulk hose
containers in accordance with Military Standard 129
Synthetic rubber hose (if wire-braid covered) is
identified by bands wrapped around the hose at the
ends and at intervals along the length of the hose.
Each band is marked with the same information

Reusable Style

The preferred reusable style has modified internal

threads in the socket to grip the hose properly. The
fitting can be disassembled from a hose assembly and
reused on another hose, provided it passes an
inspection for defects. Reusable style fittings are
authorized replacement fittings for replacement hose

Teflon Hose
The Teflon hose is made up of a tetrafluoroethylene resin, which is processed and extruded into
tube shape to a desired size. It is covered with
stainless steel wire, which is braided over the tube for
strength and protection. The advantages of this hose


Swage or Crimp Style


Some hose assembly manufacturers use a swage

or crimp style. This style requires the socket to be
permanently deformed by an electric- or hydraulicpowered machine. The deformed socket and related
hardware are to be scrapped.

Hose fittings are assemblies of separate parts.

These parts are the nipple, the socket, the swivel nut
or flange, and the sleeve. The nipple is the part that
fits the inside diameter of the hose. Nipples have
three configurations for the hose-to-tube or component surface-sealing portion. They are the flared,

Figure 5-2.Synthetic rubber hose identification


flareless, and flanged configurations, as shown in

figure 5-3. The socket fits over the outside diameter
of the hose and secures one end of the nipple to the
hose. The swivel nut or flange secures the other end
of the nipple to the mating connection in the fluid
system. For Teflon@ hose, some manufacturers have a
sleeve in addition to the nipple, socket, and nut or
flange. See figure 5-4 for illustrations of Teflon@
hose fittings and sleeves. Individual parts produced

by each manufacturer may have unique characteristics and tolerances that prevent interchangeability
between parts. Do not intermix nipples and sockets
from one manufacturer to another.
Hose fittings are identified by applicable military
specification (MS) and manufacturers name or
trademark on fittings and nuts. Flared or flareless
fittings and nuts are color-coded to show materials or
material finishes. See table 5-1.

Figure 5-3.Synthetic hose fittings.


Figure 5-3.Synthetic hose fittingsContinued.


Figure 5-3.Synthetic hose fittingsContinued.

5 - 6

Figure 5-4.Teflon hose fittings.


Figure 5-4.Teflon hose fittingsContinued.


Table 5-1.Hose Fitting Color and Material Code

Flared Fittings MIL-F-5509

Material Code


Aluminum Alloy 2014 and 2024(1)


D (Optional)

Aluminum 7075(1)





Copper Based Alloys

Natural Cadmium
Plate if Applicable

Corrosion Resistant Steel


Class 304

Class 316

Class 347

Titanium Alloys


Flareless Fittings MIL-F-18280

Material Code


AluminumAlloy 2014 and 2024


Aluminum Alloy 7075



Carbon Steel

Yellow (result of
Chromate treatment)

4130 Steel Forging

Stainless Steel

Natural Finish

Class 304

Class 316

Class 347

Titanium Alloy


(1) Duplex steel may distort color of aluminum anodize.


All hose assemblies are identified by tags, bands,

or tapes. Some identifications are permanently
marked while others are removable. Removable tags,
bands, or tapes should not be installed on hose
assemblies located inside fuel and oil tanks or in areas
of an aircraft where tags, bands, or tapes could be
drawn into the engine intake. Hose assemblies are
either commercially manufactured or locally
Commercially manufactured hose assemblies are
made from synthetic rubber or Teflon. The
assemblies are identified by a band near one end of the
assembly. This band identities the assembly manufacturers code or trademark and military specification (MS)
part number, including dash size, operating pressure (in
pounds per square inch, psi), date of assembly (in quarter
and year), hose manufacturers code number (if different
from assembly manufacturer), and the cure date of the
hose manufacturer (in quarter and year).
The assembly date is indicated by the letter A,
followed by the quarter of the year, the letter Q, and
ends with the last two digits of the year. For example,
hose assemblies fabricated during June 1980 are
marked A2Q80. When a decal or band is used that
states "assembly date," the A may be omitted.
Assembly date information is also indicated on the
unit, intermediate, and shipping containers containing
a single item. Exterior shipping containers that
contain major assemblies made up of two or more

assemblies with rubber items are identified by the

oldest assembly in the container.
Commercially manufactured Teflon hose
assemblies are identified by a permanently marked and
attached band on the assembly. The band contains the
assembly manufacturers name or trademark; hose
manufacturers federal supply code number; hose
assembly part number; operating pressure-in psi,
pressure test symbol (PT), and the date of hose assembly
manufacture (in month and year).
Hose assemblies manufactured by depot and
intermediate maintenance activities are identified
with hose assembly identification tags or labels. The
hose assembly identification tag is a metal tag that
contains the basic hose assembly and part number,
date of fabrication (in quarter and year), operating
pressure (in psi), and organizational code of the
activity fabricating the hose assembly. Figure 5-5
shows where this information is located All marking
of the tag is to be done prior to its attachment to the
hose assembly. Install the hose assembly identification tag by wrapping the band snugly around the
hose, inserting the tab through the slot and pulling it
tight; crimp the tab after bending the tab back; and
finally, cut away the excess tab after crimping. A
length of not less than one-half inch must remain
between the tag and the end fitting after proof
pressure testing has been performed. Proof pressure
testing is discussed later in this chapter.

Figure 5-5.Hose assembly identification tags.


few hand tools. The skills required are the ability to

follow step-by-step instructions and to use the
required hand tools.
EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS. Fabricating hose
assemblies is a function of intermediate- and
depot-level maintenance. The intermediate and depot
shops are equipped with hose fabricating machines
(fig. 5-7) and proof-test equipment. Each machine or
equipment is supplied with operating instructions.

Figure 5-6.Hose assembly labels

The basic hand tools that are required to fabricate

hose assemblies up to 3,000 psi operating pressure are
a bench vise, a hose cutoff machine, open end wrench
sets, a sharp knife, slip joint pliers, an oil can for
lubricating oil, a marking pencil, a small paint brush,
masking or plastic electrical tape, a steel ruler, a
thickness gauge (leaf type), and a protractor.

Use labels (fig. 5-6) to identify hose assemblies

located in areas where a tag may be drawn into an
engine intake or where hose assemblies are covered
with heat-shrinkable tubing. Place the label 1 inch
from the socket and apply a 2 1/2-inch piece of clear,
heat-shrinkable tubing, MIL-R-46846, type V, over
the label and hose. Function and hazard labels can be
applied in the same manner as described above.

Mandrels are special hand tools (fig. 5-8) that are

not required but are recommended for fabricating
hose assemblies. During hose assembly fabrication,
mandrels can be used to protect sealing surfaces,
support inner tubes, and guide fitting nipples into

Fabricating hose assemblies from bulk hose and
reusable end fittings requires some basic skills and a

Figure 5-7.Hose fabricating machines.

Figure 5-8.Mandrel kits.


Figure 5-9.Synthetic rubber medium-pressure hose assembly.

PROCEDURES. When failure occurs in a

flexible hose equipped with swaged end fittings, the
unit is generally replaced without attempting a repair.
The correct length of hose, complete with
factory-installed end fittings, is drawn from supply.

The following assembly procedures are for

instructional purposes only. When fabricating hose
assemblies, refer to the Aviation Hose and Tube
Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-20. Hose assembly part
number MS 28741-80164 (fig. 5-9), per MIL-H-8795,
is used here as an example of fabrication procedures.

When failures occur in hose assemblies equipped

with reusable style end fittings, the fabrication of the
replacement unit is the function of the intermediate
and depot organization levels. Undamaged end
fittings on the old length of hose maybe removed and
reused; otherwise, new fittings must be drawn from
supply along with a sufficient length of hose.

The first step is to determine the necessary hose

length from table 5-2 and figure 5-10. Wrap the
circumference of the hose with masking or plastic
electrical tape at the cutoff to prevent flare-out of
braid if the hose outer cover is wire braid. Hose with
rubber or fabric outer cover does not require wrapping

Table 5-2.Hose Cutoff Factor (In Inches)































































{ .74*









1.34* 1 .54* 1 .70*

Cut-off factor for one fitting.
* Hose fittings manufactured by Stratoflex (98441) have different cut-off factors,



Figure 5-10.Determining hose assembly length.


Figure 5-13.Assembly lubrication.

Figure 5-11.Hose insertion.
insertion tool. Turn the nipple assembly clockwise
until the nut-to-socket gap is between 0.005 and 0.031
inch. The gap allows the nut to turn freely about its
axis (fig. 5-14). Remove the insertion tool from the
assembly. Repeat the procedure for hose assemblies
with straight fittings on both ends.

with tape. Measure the hose to the required length

and cutoff the square, using the cutoff machine
(fig. 5-7). Blow the hose clean with filtered shop air
after cutting. Remove the tape and the clamp socket
in a vise (fig. 5-11). Do not overtighten vise on
thin-walled lightweight fittings. Screw the hose
counterclockwise into the socket using a twisting,
pushing motion until the hose bottoms on the socket
shoulder. Back the hose out 1/4 turn. Assemble the
nipple and nut with a standard adapter of the same
size and thread (fig. 5-12). Lubricate the inside bore
of the hose and the outside surface of the nipple with
hydraulic fluid, MIL-H-5606, MIL-H-83282, or
MIL-H-6083 (fig. 5-13). Clamp the socket with the
hose into a vise. Insert the nipple assembly into the
hose and socket by using a wrench on the hex of the


Medium-pressure Teflon hose assemblies are
sometimes preformed to clear obstructions and to
make connections using the shortest possible hose
length. Since preforming permits tighter bends that
eliminate the need for special elbows, preformed hose
assemblies save space and weight. Preformed hose
assemblies must be procured from a qualified
commercial source (source code P series). When
preformed hose assemblies are unavailable and could

Figure 5-14.Nipple assembly adjustment.

Figure 5-12.Nipple and nut assembly.


CAUTION before reading the steps used in the

cleaning process.
Oxygen hose assemblies must be cleaned
and tested by qualified aviation equipment
personnel in accordance with NAVAIR
13-1-6-4 before installation in weapons
systems. P-D-680, type II solvent is
flammable and its vapors are toxic. Keep
P-D-680 solvents away from open flames,
and use only in a well-ventilated area.
Avoid solvent contact with skin.

Figure 5-15.Firesleeve.

cause a work stoppage, fabrication by depot and

intermediate maintenance is authorized.

Immerse or flush the hose or hose assembly using

P-D-680, type II, solvent or equivalent. Brush the
exterior of the hose or hose assembly with a nylon or
similar synthetic bristle brush that has a corrosionresistant core. Brush the core and at least the first
inch of hose with a brush that has a diameter of at
least 1/16 inch larger than the fitting bore. Flush the
hose or hose assembly with P-D-680, type II, or
equivalent. Drain the cleaning fluid and blow-dry
with dry, filtered, oil-free air or nitrogen. Install the
protective closures if the hose or hose assembly is not
to be cleaned further or proof tested immediately.


assemblies are located in areas where temperatures
exceed the capabilities of the hose material. Protective firesleeves should be installed (fig. 5-15) over
these hose assemblies. Fire sleeves do not increase
the service temperature of hoses, but protect the hose
from direct fire long enough to allow the appropriate
action to be taken. The sleeve is composed of fiberglass. It is impregnated and overlaid with a flameresistant silicone rubber.

Proof Pressure Testing

Fabricated hose assemblies should be cleaned and

visually inspected for foreign material before and
after proof testing. Cleaning should be done with
cleaning fluid or a detergent solution.

Hose assemblies must be proof pressure tested

after fabrication. Ballistic and oxygen hose
assemblies must be cleaned and tested by qualified
aviation equipment personnel in accordance with
NAVAIR 13-1-6-4 before installation in weapons

In cleaning hose or hose assemblies, the cleaning

procedures used depend upon the cleaning material
selected for cleaning. See table 5-3. The preferred
cleaning method is one that also uses the preferred
cleaning material, P-D-680, type II. Note the

Observe all safety rules when you proof pressure

test hose assemblies, and proceed as follows to proof
pressure test hose assemblies. Clean hose assembly.

Table 5-3.Alternate Cleaning Fluids for Teflon Hose or Hose Assemblies


Select test media from table 5-4. Select proof

pressure. See table 5-5, which is a section of the
typical hose assembly proof pressure test data sheet.
Test one hose assembly at a time. Several hose
assemblies that require the same proof pressures may
be tested together, if they are connected in series with
Unless otherwise directed, a manifold hose
assembly that contains different sizes or types of hose
will be tested at the lowest proof pressure required by
any one size or type contained in the manifold.
Arrange hose assemblies as close to the horizontal
position as possible. Allow trapped air to escape
when testing hose assemblies in a liquid test medium.
When testing an air or gas medium, test hose
assemblies underwater so that trapped air can escape
from the hoses braided outer covers. Hose
assemblies with a firesleeve do not require the
underwater test. Tighten the pressure cap. Apply
proof pressure for a minimum of 30 seconds, but no

longer than 5 minutes. Check leakage while

maintaining proof pressure.
After the completion of the proof pressure test,
drain the hose assembly and clean. Install the
protective closures. Install the identification tag.
Prepare the hose assembly for installation or storage.


Learning Objective: Recognize the two
primary aircraft hydraulic hose burst test
stands and related operational procedures.

As previously stated, all flexible hose

manufactured in the shop must be hydraulic or
pneumatic pressure tested prior to installation in the
aircraft. Two types of hose burst test stands, typical
of those used for this purposes, are described in the
following text.

Table 5-4.Proof Pressure Test Media

Test Media1

Hose Type


Water, MIL-H-6083 or MIL-H-46170, type II.

Pneumatic or Gaseous

Water, MIL-H-6083, nitrogen (clean, dry and oil-free), air (clean,

dry and oil-free) or MIL-H-46170, type II.


Water or nitrogen (clean, dry and oil-free).



Fuel (nonself-sealing)

Water, MIL-H-6083 or MIL-H-46170, type II.

Fuel (self-sealing)

Water, air (clean, dry and oil-free) or nitrogen (clean, dry and


Water or air (clean, dry and oil-free).


Water or nitrogen, grade A, type 1 (BB-N-411).

Use Flow Cool or Coolanol for systems using Flow Cool or Coolanol.


Table 5-5.Hose Assembly Proof Pressure Test Data


Installing Hose Lines For Test

With the air pressure reguIator set at zero, lift the
cover to the open position. Select the proper size
adapter (with O-ring) to fit the hose line to be tested,
and install it in the pressure manifold outlet port.
Connect one end of the test hose line to the manifold
adapter. Plug the manifold ports not being used.
Connect the bleed valve to the adapter. Connect a
second adapter on the other end of the test hose.
Close the Plexiglas cover before starting the test.
Test Procedures

Figure 5-16.Aircraft hose burst test stand (Greer).



The hose test stand shown in figure 5-16 is

manufactured by Greer Hydraulics, Incorporated.
This test stand is designed especially for proof
pressure testing aircraft hose assemblies and is
capable of developing static pressures up to 30,000

Hose lines should be tested in accordance with the

applicable military specification; for example,
MIL-H-5593 or MIL-H-8794. Each hose specification gives proof test pressures and other pertinent
data for that particular type hose. Static pressure is
developed by closing the outlet valve and increasing
pressure with the pressure regulator. The pressure in
the test hose is indicated on the fluid pressure gauge.
The red follower pointer will indicate the maximum
pressure applied to the hose. This pressure may be
increased or decreased by adjusting the pressure

The high static pressures required for proof

testing are produced by a booster pump powered by
shop air having a pressure of 80 to 120 psi. The unit
is mounted on four legs, which provide mounting
holes for bolting it to the deck. Figure 5-17 shows the
instruments and controls, and table 5-6 lists the
functions of each. You should be familiar with these
instruments and controls before using the test stand.
To operate the aircraft hydraulic hose test stand
(Greer), follow the procedures described below.
Before you operate the test stand, make the
following checks and adjustments: Make sure that
the reservoir is filled. Connect the shop air supply
line to the stand and open the air shutoff valve. Turn
the pressure regulator to the low-pressure position.
There are no special starting instructions since the
stand starts to operate as soon as air pressure is
admitted into the circuit by opening the air shutoff
valve. The stand may be warmed up by capping all
pressure outlet ports, opening the fluid outlet valve,
and allowing the pump to operate for 1 minute.

Figure 5-17.Instruments and controls.


Table 5-6.Function of Controls and Instruments

Index No.



Air inlet shutoff valve

Connects the shop air to the test stand.

Air pressure gauge

This is a 0-160 psi pressure gauge. It registers the

regulated air pressure being supplied to the booster

Fluid pressure gauge

This is a 0-30,000 psi gauge. It is used to indicate

the fluid pressure under which the hose lines are
tested. This gauge is provided with a red
following pointer and manual reset (for indicating
maximum pressure applied to test hose).

Pressure regulator

This is a relieving type air pressure regulator. It is

used to set the air pressure to the booster pump to
give the desired fluid pressure in the pressure
manifold. Fluid pressure may be regulated by
varying the adjustment on this regulator.

Schematic diagram

Mounted on instrument panel.

Outlet valve

This is a manual shutoff valve which is used to

bleed air from manifold and to relieve fluid
pressure upon completion of test.

Bleed valve (located inside of

test chamber).

There are six of these valves. They are used for

bleeding air from hoses under test.

Pressure relief valve (located

under panel).

This is a diaphragm type air pressure relief valve.

It is adjustable by means of an adjusting screw.
This valve limits the air pressure to the desired
maximum for safe operating condition. An
audible whistling noise is indicated as a warning
signal, preventing overpressure and possible
damage to the stand components.


After the test is complete, the stand is stopped by

slowly opening the outlet valve and decreasing the
pressure with the pressure regulator. When the fluid
pressure gauge reads zero, the Plexiglas cover may be
raised, and the test hose is disconnected and removed.
The hose burst test stand, shown in figure 5-18, is
manufactured by CGS Scientific Corporation. This
test stand provides a means for pressure testing of
aircraft hose assemblies of various lengths and sizes.
Hydraulic pressure up to 15,000 psi and pneumatic
pressure up to 1,500 psi are available for the testing of
the hoses. The test stand is a completely
self-contained unit mounted on legs that permits
bolting to the deck. Access doors and removable
panels provide easy access to all components for
maintenance. Figure 5-19 shows the controls and
instruments, and table 5-7 lists the functions of each.
You should be familiar with these controls and

Figure 5-18.Aircraft hose burst test stand (CGS Scientific).


(0-2,000 psi).
GAUGE (0-160 psi).


(0-20,000 psi).
(0-2,000 psi).
Figure 5-19.Controls and instruments.




Table 5-7.Functions of Controls and Instruments




Air supply shutoff


Used for turning on and shutting off the shop air supply to the
test stand.

High-pressure air
gauge (0-2,000 psi).

Indicates the air pressure being applied to the hose undergoing

pneumatic test. A red follower pointer indicates the maximum
pressure applied to the hose. A manual reset knob is provided
for resetting the follower pointer to zero.

Regulated air pressure

gauge (0-160 psi).

Indicates the regulated air pressure being supplied to the oil

boost pump or the air boost pump.

Selector valve.

Selects regulated air supply for the oil boost pump (hydraulic
testing) or the air boost pump (pneumatic testing).

High-pressure oil
gauge (0-2,000 and
0-20,000 psi).

Indicates the hydraulic pressure being applied to the hoses

undergoing hydraulic test. A red follower pointer on each gauge
indicates the maximum pressure applied to the hoses. A manual
reset knob is provided on each gauge for resetting the follower
pointer to zero.

Gauge shutoff valve.

Provides a means for shutting off pressure to the 0-2,000 psi oil
pressure gauge when using test pressures in excess of 2,000 psi.

Manifold bleed valve.

Used for bleeding air from the test hoses and manifolds before
applying full hydraulic test pressures. Also used to release
hydraulic pressure in the test hoses and manifolds after test.

Manifold bypass valve.

Bypasses the manifolds when turned on. Used to relieve

pressure on the manifolds at the completion of test.


Fluid flow sight


Provides a means for detecting air bubbles in the hydraulic oil

passing from the bleed valve to the oil reservoir.


Air booster inlet valve.

Used to turn on and shut off the unregulated air supply to the air
boost pump.


Air pressure regulator.

Used for setting the input air pressure to the oil boost pump
during hydraulic testing to give the desired hydraulic test
pressure. Also used for setting the input air pressure to the air
boost pump during pneumatic testing to give the desired
pneumatic test pressure.


Air booster shutoff


May be turned off after pressure is built up in the test hose; it

holds the test pressure and permits the air booster to be shut


High-pressure air
bleed valve.

Provides a means for releasing the air pressure in the test hose
after test.


Water shutoff valve.

Used for turning on the water to fill the pneumatic test chamber.



instruments before using the test stand. To operate

the hose burst test stand (CGS Scientific), follow the
procedures listed below.
Before you perform the following preliminary
adjustments, ensure that the air and electrical systems
are energized. Check the reservoir oil level. If the
reservoir is not full, add hydraulic oil. Make sure that
the manifold bypass valve is closed. Open the
manifold bleed valve. Make sure that the air booster
inlet valve is closed. Make sure that the high-pressure
air bleed valve is closed. Set the air pressure regulator for minimum pressure (fully counterclockwise).
Turn on the gauge shutoff valve. Set red follower
needles on the gauges to zero.
Installing Hose Lines For Test
For the hydraulic testing of hoses, take the
following actions. Open the Plexiglas door on the
hydraulic test chamber. Remove the plugs from the
manifold ports. Select the proper size adapters for the
hose lines being tested, and install them in the
manifold ports. Connect the hose lines to be tested
between the two manifolds. Close the hinged door at
the top of the test chamber.

described previously. Turn the selector valve to the

oil boost pump position. Turn on the air supply
shutoff valve. Slowly open the air pressure regulator
until air-free oil passes through the fluid flow sight
gauge; then close the manifold bleed valve. Increase
the pressure on the test hoses to the specified value by
adjusting the air pressure regulator until the desired
pressure is indicated on the high-pressure oil gauges.
If pressure will exceed 2,000 psi, turn off
the gauge shutoff valve. This shuts off the
pressure to the 0-2,000 psi high-pressure oil
gauge. Continue to read the 0-20,000 psi
gauge. The test hoses may be observed
through the Plexiglas window in the test
chamber door while under test pressure.
The pressure may be increased during test
by adjustment of the air pressure regulator.

To perform pneumatic testing, proceed as follows.

Make all the preliminary adjustments and install the
test hoses as described previously. Turn on the air
booster inlet valve. Make sure that the air booster
shutoff valve is turned on. Turn the selector valve to
the air boost pump position. Turn on the air supply
shutoff valve. Increase the pressure on the test hose
by adjusting the air pressure regulator until the
desired pressure is indicated on the high-pressure air

NOTE: The distance between the manifolds

is adjustable for various hose lengths.
Loosen the thumbscrews that secure the rear
manifold and slide it backward or forward on
the tracks to obtain the desired distance.
For the pneumatic testing of hoses, take the
following actions. Unlock the two side bolts that
secure the pneumatic chamber in the retracted
position. Pull out the chamber to the extended
position and secure it with the two slide bolts.
Unlatch and open the two doors at the top of the
pneumatic chamber. Open the hinged screens inside
the chamber. Select a suitable adapter and connect
the hose to be tested to the connection in the chamber.
Use a suitable plug to seal the opposite end of the test
hose. Close the hinged screens. Close and lock the
two doors at the top of the chamber.

Keep the test hose at test pressure for 2
minutes before turning on the water
shutoff valve. A ruptured test hose, with
water in the pneumatic chamber, could
cause injury to personnel.

Turn on the water shutoff valve and fill to the

level inside the test chamber. Observe the test hose
for air leaks through the shatterproof glass windows at
the top of the test chamber. Air bubbles rising in the
water indicate a leaking hose or fitting. When you
complete the hydraulic test, stop the operation of the
test stand. Adjust the air pressure regulator for a zero
reading on the regulated air pressure gauge. Shut the
air supply shutoff valve. Open the manifold bypass
valve. When the high-pressure oil gauge indicates a

Test Procedures
Hose lines should be tested in accordance with the
applicable military specification. Each hose
specification gives proof test pressures and other
pertinent data for that particular type of hose.
Perform hydraulic testing as follows: Make all the
preliminary adjustments and install the test hoses as


zero pressure, open the test chamber door and

disconnect and remove the test hoses.

Checking For Leaks

Hose or hose assemblies should be replaced when
leaks are found to be caused by damage to any part of
a hose or hose assembly; poor seating or damaged
threads of the socket or nipple assembly, which causes
the fitting to leak; or excessive torque. If a leak
appears in the swivel nut area, check that the swivel
nut is properly torqued. If necessary, disconnect
fitting and check for contamination or damage. If the
leak persists after cleaning, and the swivel nut is
properly torqued, replace the hose assembly.

After you complete the pneumatic test, stop the

operation of the test stand. Adjust the air pressure
regulator for a zero reading on the regulated air
pressure gauge. Shut off the air supply shutoff valve.
Open the high-pressure air bleed valve. When the
high-pressure air gauge indicates a zero reading, drain
the water by means of the drain valve at the bottom of
the chamber. Open the test chamber doors and
disconnect the test hose.



Checking For Wear and Deterioration

Check hose and hose assemblies for signs of wear
and deterioration. Replace any hose or hose assembly
when a chafe guard appears worn or shows signs of
cracking; when a firesleeve is worn through, torn, cut,
or oil soaked; when hose or hose assembly has
weather protective coatings or sleevings that are
worn, cracked, or torn, thus exposing the hose or hose
assemblies to corrosion.

Learning Objective: Recognize the maintenance procedures and practices associated

with hose and hose assembly maintenance.

Maintenance of hose and hose assemblies at the

organizational level is limited to contamination
control, preventive maintenance, removal,
installation, or replacement. Proper maintenance
practices can minimize the problems that might occur
with regard to hose and hose assemblies.

Checking Hose or Hose Assembly Installations

Check hose or hose assembly installations
carefully. Proper routing and clamping in accordance
with applicable MIM is mandatory. If retaining wires
on swivel nuts are backed out, replace the hose
assembly. Look for kinks or twists. Observe lay line,
if possible. A kinked hose or hose assembly must be
replaced. A twisted hose or hose assembly may be
relieved by loosening clamps and swivel nuts, and
then straightening the hose by hand. Retorque the
swivel nuts and tighten the clamps. A preformed
hose, or hose assembly, may have a smaller bend
radius. Do not attempt to straighten preformed hose
or hose assemblies. Excessive bends or signs of
chafing may be due to loose, oversize, or worn
clamps. Replace oversized or worn clamps, and
tighten the clamp without squeezing the hose.

Do not use hose or hose assemblies as foot or
hand holds. Do not lay hose or hose assemblies
where they may be stepped on or run over by vehicles.
Do not lay objects on hose or hose assemblies. Turn
the swivel nut when loosening or tightening fittings.
Hold the socket only to prevent the hose assembly
from turning. Perform all necessary turnoff or shutdown procedures as outlined in the applicable
maintenance instruction manuals (MIMs) or technical
directives before removing any hose or hose
assembly. Cover open ends of hose, hose assemblies,
and fittings with protective closures. Make sure hose,
hose assemblies, and connection points are cleaned
before installing.

Checking Clamps


You should check the clamps to make sure they

are the correct type and size, that the position of the
hose is correct within the clamp, and that the cushion
material is positioned correctly. Reposition hose and
clamps as needed. Cushion material should NOT
lodge between end tabs of a closed clamp. Do
NOT use clamps with fuel-resistant cushioning

Preventive maintenance consists of periodic

inspection and correction of hose and hose assembly
faults. In this process, you must check for leaks,
wear, and deterioration. Special attention must be
paid to hose or hose assemblies and clamps.




unnecessarily, as this type of cushioning material

deteriorates rapidly when exposed to air.
Hose or hose assembly removal procedures must
include contamination control procedures as well as
actual removal procedures to prevent contamination
to the opened system.

When you install hose or hose assemblies, it is

important that you follow certain practices or
procedures to prevent premature failure of hose or
hose assembly or possible injury. Before you begin
actual installation procedures, there are guidelines
you should remember about installing hose or hose
assemblies. The replacement hose or hose assembly
must be a duplicate of the one removed in length,
outside diameter, material, type, contour, and
associated markings.

Contamination Control Procedures

Only fluid conforming to MIL-H-5606,
MIL-H-83282, or MIL-H-81019 is to be used on
hydraulic or pneumatic hose installations. Do not use
oil of any type on self-sealing hose as an aid to
installation. Compatible oil, approved for the
purpose, may be used on all other types of fuel, oil,
and coolant hose installations.

Perform contamination control procedures before

removing any hose or hose assemblies. You should
use approved solvents and clean, lint-free cloths to
clean the affected area and wipe down fittings to
remove excessive contaminants. Use a suitable
container to catch spilled fluid. Have replacement
hose, hose assemblies, or protective closures on hand
for installation when you disconnect hose or hose
assemblies. If hose replacement is not practical, cap
or plug hose or hose assembly ends immediately after

When you install or handle hose or hose

assemblies, you can sustain injuries to your hands or
damage to the hose if it is kinked. You should take
care to prevent situations where injuries or kinking
can occur. A hose that is bent to a smaller radius than
specified might cause kinking. See table 5-8.
A preformed hose assembly, or one that has
become set-to-shape of its operating position, is
straightened or handled without a protective restraint.
A hose or hose assembly that is twisted during
handling, removal, or installation can easily cause

Removal Procedures
Once contamination control has been accomplished, you can begin removal of hose and hose
assemblies. Remove all supporting clamps from hose
or hose assembly. Remove lockwire (if present) from
swivel nuts. Turn swivel nuts only to disconnect hose
assembly. Loosen nuts carefully to avoid damage.
Disconnect the hose assembly by using two open-end
wrenches. One is to grip and prevent turning of the
fitting to which the hose assembly is connected, and
the other is to loosen the swivel nut.

Preinstallation Procedures
Check hose or hose assembly before installing it
to make sure that identification bands and protective
closures are present as required after proof pressure
testing. Inspect hose for proper type and size, and for
aging (signs of deterioration such as cracks, discoloration, hardening, weather checking, or fungus).
Check the braid for two or more broken wires per
plait, or more than six broken wires per linear foot.
Inspect for broken wires where kinking is suspected.
Evidence of internal restriction of tube due to
collapse, kinking, wire-braid puncture, or other
damage can be found by using one of the following
methods of inspection: For straight hose assembly,
insert a light at one end and visually inspect from the
opposite end. For elbow fitting on both ends
(practical for larger sizes only), insert flexible

Hose and hose assemblies (particularly Teflon)

have a tendency to become set to shape in service.
Some Teflon hose assemblies are deliberately
preformed during the fabrication process. Do not
attempt to straighten a preformed hose. Protect the
preformed areas from distortion by a restrainer. The
restrainer may be of wire, metal, plastic forms, or any
other suitable device to retain the preformed
configuration. Install the protective closures to seal
open parts of hydraulic lines and ends of removed
hose or hose assemblies.


Table 5-8.Hose Minimum Bend Data


































































































ZDesignated two stainless steel

wire braids.
NOTE: Bend Radius for
MIL-H-600 and
MIL-H-7938 hose shall
not be less than 12 times
the inside diameter of



Figure 5-20.Hose twist.

Figure 5-22.Hose clamp mounting.
inspection light into one end and visually inspect from
the opposite end using a small, angled, dental-type
mirror. Inspect for any separation of covers or braids
from inner tube, or from adjacent covers or braids.
Look for flaring or fraying of braid. Look for blisters,
bubbles, or bulging. Inspect for corrosion. A hose
that has carbon steel wire braid is subject to corrosion,
which may be detected as brownish rust coloration
penetrating the outer braid.
Inspect end fittings for proper type and size,
corrosion and cleanliness, nicks, scratches, or other
damage to the finish that affects corrosion resistance.
Look for damage to threaded areas, damage to
cone-seat sealing surfaces damage to flange fittings,
warping of flange, and for nicks or scratches on the
sealing surface or gasket.
Installation Procedures
Remove the protective closures from hydraulic
lines, hose, or hose assemblies. When possible,
install hose or hose assemblies so that identification
markings are visible. Install hose or hose assemblies
without twisting, chafing, or overbending (fig. 5-20).
Observe bend radius in table 5-8. Greater
bend-radius is preferred where possible. Install hose
or hose assemblies with a slight bow or slack to
compensate for contraction pressure on the line
(fig. 5-21).

When connecting hose or hose assemblies to an

engine or an engine-mounted accessory, provide 1 1/2
inches of slack or a suitable bend between the last
point of support and the engine or accessory
attachment. Fingertighten swivel connector nuts to
avoid stripping threaded areas of fittings. Before
applying final torque to end fittings, make sure hose

Table 5-9.Swivel Nut Installation Torque (Inch-Pound) for

Flared and Flareless Fittings






























































Torque values based on lubrication
with fluid MIL-H-5606 or
MIL-H-83282 prior to installation.
Figure 5-21.Hose slack.


assemblies are properly aligned and free of twists and

kinks. Complete tightening by using torque values
specified in applicable MIM. Table 5-9 is a guide for
installation torque of flared and flareless fittings.
Hold fitting stationary with one wrench, and use
torque wrench to tightens wivel nut. When applying
final torque, hold hose manually to prevent rotation
and scoring of the fittings sealing surface. Lockwire
the swivel nut (if applicable). Support flexible hose
or hose assemblies by routing and clamping hose or
hose assembly securely to avoid abrasion and kinking
where flexing occurs (fig. 5-22).
Overtightening clamps will squeeze or deform
hose. Cushion-type clamps should be used to prevent
hose chafing. See figure 5-23.
Make sure support clamps do not restrict hose
travel or subject hose or hose assembly to tension,
torsion, compression, or sheer-stress during flexing
cycles. Where flexing is required in an installation,
bend the hose in the same plane of movement to avoid
twisting. Ensure that the minimum bend radius is
greater by a factor of N than the minimum bend
radius for a nonflexing hose for hose assemblies
required to flex at a bend (fig. 5-24).

Figure 5-23.Clamp installation.

Figure 5-24.N factor for flexing bends.


Service Life for Synthetic Rubber Hose



Hose or hose assemblies fabricated from
age-sensitive materials are subject to age control. The
following definitions are provided to clarify age
control, acceptance life, shelf life, and service life:

Service life is 7 years (28 quarters) for synthetic

rubber hoses in critical applications; that is, mediumand high-pressure synthetic rubber hoses exposed to
heat, weather, or fuel.

Age controlThe efforts made during

manufacture, purchase, and the storage of agesensitive items and parts made from natural or
synthetic rubber materials to assure conformance to
the applicable material and performance specifications. Age control is further defined in terms of
acceptance life and shelf life.

NOTE: Service life for Teflon (PTFE) hose

assemblies is determined by CFA and may be
on-conditional replacement or hard-time
Rejection Standards

Acceptance lifeThe period of time from cure

date to the procuring activitys (organizational-,
intermediate-, or depot-level activity) date of

Rejection and replacement of hose or hose

assemblies after inspections are based on the
standards normally specified in the applicable
maintenance instruction manual, maintenance
requirement cards, and depot-level specifications.
Where rejection standards are not specifically
outlined or if doubt exists as to the acceptability of a
hose or hose assembly, replace the hose or hose

Shelf lifeThe period of time from the date of

acceptance or delivery by the organizational-,
intermediate-, or depot-level activity to the date of
Service lifeThe period of time from the date
of installation to the date of removal. Installation date
of the hose or hose assemblies must be identified by a
tag. See figure 5-5.

NOTE: Teflon (PTFE) hose assemblies are

replaced only on a conditional basis.

Acceptance Life and Shelf Life for Synthetic

Rubber Hose and Hose Assemblies

Hose and hose assemblies fabricated from

age-sensitive materials are subject to deterioration by
oxygen, ozone, sunlight, heat, moisture, or other
environmental factors. These types of hoses and hose
assemblies should be stored in a dark, cool, dry place
protected from circulating air, sunlight, fuel, oil,
water, dust, and ozone (ozone may be generated in an
atmosphere where electricity is discharged through
oxygen or ambient air). Store hose or hose
assemblies by sealing both ends of bulk hose. Cap or
plug each hose or hose assembly. Store hose or hose
assemblies on racks that support and protect them.
Store hose or hose assemblies so that the oldest items
are issued first.

The acceptance life (MIL-STD-1523) and shelf

life (DOD 4140.27M) for synthetic rubber hose and
hose assemblies are established as follows:
Synthetic rubber hose, bulk or assembly, must
not exceed 8 years (32 quarters) from the cure date,
which must be stenciled on the rubber covering of the
bulk hose or provided on an identification band on the
metal braid hose or on the hose assemblies.
Synthetic rubber hose and hose assemblies
must not exceed 5 years (20 quarters) from the date of
delivery to the organizational-, intermediate-, or
depot-level activity. The repair activity maintains a
record of delivery dates for bulk hose and hose
assemblies to monitor shelf life expiration dates.

Do not store hose or hose assemblies in
piles. Improper storage will cause
accelerated deterioration due to both heat
and moisture factors.

NOTE: Teflon (PTFE) rubber hose and

hose assemblies do not have shelf life



Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-17,

Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 February 1992.

NOTE: Although the following references were

current when this TRAMAN was published, their
continued currency cannot be assured, Therefore,
you need to be sure that you are studying the latest

Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education

and Training Program Management Support
Activity, PensacoIa, Florida, July 1990.

Aviation Hose and Tube Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-20,

Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C.,
June 1989.




Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a working
knowledge of aircraft hydraulic and pneumatic tubing and their associated
Tubing assemblies are used to transport liquids or
gas (usually under pressure) between various
components of the aircraft system. Tube assemblies
are used in aircraft for fuel, oil, oxidizer, coolant,
breathing oxygen, instruments, hydraulic, and vent
lines. You must be familiar with the procedures for
testing and fabricating tubing assemblies, and you
must recognize the various tools and equipment and
how to identify the different uses of tubing in naval
aircraft. Tube assemblies are fabricated from rigid
tubing and associated fittings.

designations by which the corrosion steel tubing is

known. Application notes are intended as guidelines.
Corrosion-resistant steel tube assemblies
fabricated with corrosion-resistant steel tubing
MIL-T-6845 are authorized for repair or replacement
for any line provided no attempt is made to weld or
braze the tubing. MIL-T-6845 tubing is not to be
substituted for British DTD-5016 annealed stainless
steel tubing.


Aluminum alloy tubing is used for both

high-pressure and general-purpose lines. Table 6-2
lists the most commonly used aluminum alloy tubing
and its applications. Use of aluminum alloy tubing is
limited in certain areas of airborne hydraulic systems
by MIL-H-5440. Refer to the applicable drawing and
the illustrated parts breakdown to determine the
correct tubing for a particular system. Aluminum
alloy tube assemblies fabricated with aluminum alloy
tubing 6061-T6 are authorized for repair or
replacement for any aluminum line. MIL-T-6845
Cres tubing (304-1/8H) is a suitable substitute for all
aluminum alloy tubing when 6061-T6 is unavailable.

Aluminum Alloy Tubing

Learning Objective: Recognize the various

materials, tools, equipment, and testing
procedures used in the fabrication of
hydraulic and pneumatic tubing assemblies.

The tubing used in the manufacture of rigid
tubing assemblies is sized by outside diameter (OD)
and wall thickness. Outside diameter sizes are in
sixteenth-inch increments; the number of the tube
indicates its size in sixteenths of an inch. Thus, No. 6
tubing is 6/16 or 3/8 inch; No. 8 tubing is 8/16 or 1/2
inch, etc. Wall thickness is specified in thousandths
of an inch. The most common types of tubing are the
corrosion-resistant steel tubing for high pressure and
the aluminum alloy tubing for high pressure and

Special Tubing
Corrosion-resistant steel 21-6-9 and titanium
alloy 3AL-2.5V are presently being incorporated into
new model aircraft. Repair and fabrication of
assemblies using these materials may require special
procedures. Refer to the applicable maintenance
directives for specific details.

Corrosion-Resistant Steel Tubbing

Corrosion-resistant steel tubing (CRES) is used in
high-pressure hydraulic systems (3,000 psi and
above) such as landing gear, wing flaps, and brakes.
The tubing does not have to be annealed for flaring or
forming. The flared section is strengthened by cold
working and consequent strain hardening. Table 6-1
lists the most commonly used corrosion-resistant steel
tubing in naval aircraft and includes some of the

Fittings for tube connections are made of

aluminum alloy, titanium steel, corrosion-resistant
steel, brass, and bronze. Fittings are made in many
configurations and styles. The usual classifications
are flared-tube fittings, flareless-tube fittings, brazed,
welded, and swaged fittings (figs. 6-1 through 6-4).
Refer to table 6-3, for identification of fittings.


Table 6-1.Corrosion-Resistant Steel Tubing

Tubing Material



6061 A1




Low-pressure applications such as fuel lines.

Unsatisfactory for high-pressure hydraulic lines.
Has high degree of resistance to corrosion.




Unsatisfactory for welding, brazing or exposure

to temperatures higher than 800F. Used in
high-pressure hydraulic/pneumatic systems.


(low carbon)


Hydraulic/mechanical applications. Has high

resistance to corrosion and high temperatures up
to 1500F. Suitable for applications requiring
welding/brazing. Type II intended for
high-pressure hydraulic applications, using
brazed sleeve joints.




Used in high-pressure hydraulic/pneumatic

systems. Unsuitable for welding/brazing
applications or exposure to temperatures above


(low carbon)
(low carbon)


Used in high-pressure hydraulic/pneumatic

systems assembled with brazed sleeve joints.
Suitable for use in moderately corrosive or
oxidizing environments, temperatures to 1200F.




Used for aircraft structural parts or similar

applications not requiring sharp bends or flaring.
Unsatisfactory for welding other than resistance




Aircraft hydraulic quality, used in high-pressure

hydraulic/pneumatic systems. Most often used in
these systems requiring brazing/welding.


General Usage and Applications

Specification covers annealed and three heat

treated tempers used mostly in 0-annealed and
T-6. Has good workability. The 6061-T6 is used
in hydraulic/pneumatic 3000 psi systems.


Table 6-2.Aluminum Alloy Tubing Applications






- 0

General Usage and Applications

Tubing conforming to Federal Specification WW-T-700/1

shall not be used in hydraulic systems.
Specification covers tempers from annealed to full-hard.
Used mostly in O-annealed condition. Good formability.
Used where high strength is not necessary, as in low- or
negative-pressure (nonhydraulic) lines.





- 0
- 0
- T4
- T61

Specification covers tempers from annealed to full-hard.

Used mostly in O-annealed condition. Has good
workability. Used in medium-pressure systems
(1500 psi max.)

Specification covers annealed and three heat-treated

tempers. Used mostly in O-annealed and T-6. Has good
workability. Tubing conforming to Federal Specification
WW-T-700/6 shall not be used in hydraulic systems.

0nly 6061-T6 is of sufficient strength to use in the repair of aluminum tubing systems. In an emergency,
the other alloys of aluminum maybe used with AN fittings to make temporary repairs only.

Table 6-3.AN/MS Tube Fitting Color Codes



Aluminum Alloy


Carbon Steel


Corrosion Resistant Steel



Cadmium Plate


Natural to Grey,
Depending on Type and Intended Use.


Figure 6-1.Typical styles of MS fittings.


Figure 6-2.Typical styles of AN fittings.


Figure 6-3.Typical style of Permaswage fittings.


Figure 6-4.Typical style of Dynatube fittings.


Figure 6-5.Standard tube cutter.


Check to ensure the cutter ratchet is operating freely

and the cutter wheel is clear of the cutter head opening
(fig. 6-6).

Fabrication of tube assemblies consists of tube

cuttings, deburring, bending, and tube joint
preparation. The procedures found in this chapter are
for instructional purposes only. When fabricating
tube assemblies, refer to the Aviation Hose and Tube
Manual, NA01-1A-20.

Center the tubing on two rollers and cutting blade.

Use the hex key provided with the kit to turn the drive
screw in until the cutter wheel touches the tube.
Tighten the drive screw one-eighth to one-fourth turn.
Do not overtighten the drive screw. Overtightening
can damage soft tubing or cause excessive wear or
breakage of the cutter wheel in hard tubing. Swing
ratchet handle back and forth through the available
clearance until there is a noticeable ease of rotation.
Avoid side force on cutter handle. Side force will
cause the cutter wheel to break. Tighten the drive
screw an additional one-eighth to one-fourth turn, and
swing ratchet handle back and forth, retightening
drive screw as needed until cut is completed.

When you cut tubing, the objective is to produce a
square end free from burrs. Tubing should be cut with
a standard tube cutter, or the Permaswage chipless
Standard Tube Cutter
Place the tube in cutter with cutting wheel at the
point where the cut is to be made. Apply light
pressure on tube by tightening adjusting knob. Too
much pressure applied to the cutting wheel at one time
may deform the tubing or cause excessive burrs.
Rotate the cutter toward its open side (fig. 6-5). As
the cutter is rotated, adjust the tightening knob after
each complete turn to maintain light pressure on the
cutting wheel.
Permaswage Chipless Cutter
Select the chipless cutter according to tubing size.
Rotate cutter head to accept tubing in cutting position.

Figure 6-6.Permaswage chipless cutter.


in tubing. Grasp deburring tool in one hand with two

fingers on collar and thumb on plunger. Depress
plunger with thumb and insert elastic plug into tube
opening until cutter is about 1/8 inch from tube end.
If the plug fit is tight due to a large burr on ID of the
tube, slowly rotate the plunger end of tool while
gently pushing tool into the tube end. Release
plunger to allow elastic plug to expand and seal tube
opening to prevent chips from entering. Hold tube
end and rotate knurled body of deburring tool in a
clockwise direction while applying pressure to cutter.
Continue rotating tool until resistance decreases,
indicating all burrs have been removed from tube ID.

Figure 6-7.Properly deburred tubing.

If neither tube cutter (standard or Permaswage) is

available, a fine-tooth hacksaw should be used to cut
tubing. A convenient method for cutting tubing with a
hacksaw is to place the tube in a flaring block and the
clamp block in a vise. After cutting the tube with a
hacksaw, remove all saw marks by filing the tube.

You should avoid excessive deburring, which can

cause too deep a chamfer on tube ID. The chamfer
should not exceed one-half wall thickness of tubing.
Relax pressure and rotate deburring tool several times
to produce a smooth surface. Without depressing
plunger, ease deburring tool from tube until the first
bulge of elastic plug is exposed. Wipe off the tube
end and plug. Check the tube end to see if it is
completely deburred. If tube end appears saticfactory,
without depressing plunger, remove deburring tool
from tube. If tube end is not completely deburred,
without depressing plunger, push deburring tool back
into the tube and repeat all the steps.

Tube Deburring
After you cut the tubing, remove all burrs and
sharp edges from inside and outside of tube (fig. 6-7)
with deburring tools. Clean out tubing. Make sure
that no foreign particles remain. A Permaswage
deburring tool may be used to remove burrs from
inside of tubing. Select deburring tool and stem
subassembly (fig. 6-8) required for the size of tubing
to be deburred. Lubricate the sliding collar on the end
of elastic plug with light oil if necessary to get free
movement. Engage threads and insert stem
subassembly into cutter end of deburring tool by
depressing the plunger, and screw stem subassembly
into plunger until it bottoms and fingertightens.
Check assembly deburring tool. Depress plunger and
the plug. Outside diameter should be reduced to the
same diameter as metal support collar on either end of
elastic plug. Release plunger. Two distinct circumferential bumps will appear on elastic plug beyond
outside diameter of metal support collars. Check the
tube end for squareness. Check the elastic plug for
wear and cleanliness. Replace worn or damaged
elastic plug. Clean and lightly lubricate elastic plug
with lubricant compatible to hydraulic fluid to be used

The objective in tube bending is to obtain a
smooth bend without flattening the tube. Acceptable
and unacceptable bends are shown in figure 6-9.
Tube bending is usually done by using a mechanical
or hand-operated tube bender. In an emergency, soft,
nonheat-treated aluminum tubing smaller than
1/4 inch in diameter may be bent by hand to form the
desired radius.

Figure 6-9.Tubing bends.

Figure 6-8.Permaswage deburring foot (typical).


Figure 6-10.Bending tubing with hand-operated tube bender.

Hand Tube Bender

bending tubing from 1/4 inch to 3/4 inch in diameter.

This tube bender is designed for use with aircraft
grade, high-strength, stainless-steel tubing, as well as
all other metal tubing. It is designed to be fastened to
a bench or tripod, and the base is formed to provide a
secure grip in a vise.

The hand-operated tube bender, shown in

figure 6-10, consists of a handle, radius block, clip,
and a slide bar. The handle and slide bar are used as
levers to provide the mechanical advantage necessary
to bend tubing. The radius block is marked on
degrees of bend ranging from 0 to 180 degrees. The
slide bar has a mark that is lined up with the zero mark
on the radius block. The tube is inserted in the tube
bender, and after lining up the marks, the slide bar is
moved around until the mark on the slide bar reaches
the desired degree of bend on the radius block. See
figure 6-10 for the six procedural steps in tube
bending with the hand-operated tube bender.
Mechanical Operated Tube Bender
The tube bender, shown in figure 6-11, is issued
as a kit. The kit contains the equipment necessary for

Figure 6-11.Mechanical operated tube bender.


The simple hand bender shown in figure 6-10

uses two handles as levers to provide the mechanical
advantage necessary to bend the tubing, while the
mechanical operated tube bender employs a hand
crank and gears. The forming die is keyed to the drive
gear and secured by a screw (fig. 6-11).
The forming die on the mechanical tube bender is
calibrated in degrees similar to the radius block of the
hand-type bender. A length of replacement tubing
may be bent to a specified number of degrees or it
may be bent to duplicate the bend in the damaged tube
or pattern. Duplicating the bend of a damaged tube or
pattern is accomplished by laying the pattern on top of
the tube being bent and slowly bending the new tube
to the required bend.
Figure 6-12.Tube flaring toot (single-flare).
NOTE: Certain types of tubing are more
elastic than others. It may be necessary to
bend the tube past the required bend to allow
for springback.

tighten the yoke setscrew to secure the tube in the grip

die and hold the yoke in place. Strike the top of the
plunger several light blows with a hammer or mallet,
turning the plunger a half turn after each blow.
Loosen the setscrew and remove the tube from the
grip die. Check to make sure that no cracks are
evident and that the flared end of the tube is no larger
than the largest diameter of the sleeve being used.
The double-flare tube joint is used on all 5052
aluminum alloy tubes with less than 1/2-inch outside
diameter, except when used with NAS 590 series tube
fittings and NAS 591 connectors or NAS 593 connectors. Aluminum alloy tubing used in low-pressure
oxygen systems or corrosion-resistant steel used in
brake systems must be double flared. Double flare
reduces the chance of cutting the flare by
overtightening. When fabricating oxygen lines, make
sure that all tube material and tools are kept free of oil
and grease. Use the tube flaring tool (fig. 6-13) to
prepare tube ends. Check tube end for roundness,
square cut, cleanliness, and make sure there are no
draw marks or scratches. Draw marks can split the
tubing when it is flared.

Before bending aluminum alloy tubing, it should

be packed with fusible alloy Federal Specification
QQ-F-838. In an emergency, when aluminum alloy
QQ-F-838 is not available, aluminum alloy tubing
may be packed with shot or sand and both ends closed
with protective closures before bending. Where sand
or fusible alloy is used, wash or blow out all particles
after the tubing has been bent. Particles of aluminum
alloy or sand can cause serious damage to component
The two major tube joints are the flared fittings
and flareless fittings. Preparation for these tube joints
Flared Fitting
There are two types of flared tubing jointsthe
single-flared joint and the double-flared joint. The
single-flared tube joint is used on all sizes of steel
tubing and 5052 aluminum alloy tubing that conforms
to Federal Specification WW-T-700/6 with 1/2 inch or
larger outside diameter, Use the tube flaring tool
(fig. 6-12) to prepare tube ends for flaring. Check
tube ends for roundness, square cut, cleanliness, and
no draw marks or scratches. Draw marks can spread
and split the tube when it is flared. Use a deburring
tool to remove burrs from the inside and outside of the
tubing. Remove filings, chips, and grit from inside
the tube. Clean the tube. Slip the fitting nut and
sleeve onto the tube. Place the tube into the proper
size hole in the grip die. Make sure the end of the
tube extends 1/64 inch above the surface of the grip
die. Center the plunger over the end of the tube and

Figure 6-13.Tube flaring tool (double-flare).


NOTE: A flareless-tube connector may be

used as a presetting tool in case of an
emergency. However, when connectors are
used as presetting tools, aluminum connectors
should be used only once, and steel
connectors should not be used more than five

Use a deburring tool to remove burrs from the

inside and outside of tube. Remove filings, chips, and
grit from inside the tube. Clean the tube. Select the
proper size die blocks, and place one-half of the die
block into the flaring tool body with the countersunk
end towards the ram guide. Install the nut and sleeve,
and lay the tube in the die block with 1/2 inch
protruding beyond countersunk end. Place the other
half of the die block into the tool body, close latch
plate, and tighten the clamp nuts fingertight. Insert
the upset flare punch in the tool body with the gauge
end toward the die blocks. The upset flare punch has
one end counterbored or recessed to gauge the amount
of tubing needed to form a double lap flare. Insert the
ram and tap lightly with a hammer or mallet until the
upset flare punch contacts the die blocks, and the die
blocks are set against the stop plate on the bottom.
Use a wrench to tighten the latch plate nuts
alternately, beginning with the closed side, to prevent
distortion of the tool. Reverse the upset flare punch;
insert the upset flare punch and ram into the tool body.
Tap lightly with a hammer or mallet until the upset
flare punch contacts the die blocks. Remove the upset
flare punch and ram. Insert the finishing flare punch
and ram. Tap the ram lightly until a good seat is
formed (fig. 6-14). Check the seat at intervals during
the finishing operation to avoid overseating.

Special procedures are used in the presetting

operation. Select the correct size presetting tool or a
flareless fitting body. Clamp the presetting tool or
flareless fitting body in a vise. Slide a nut and then a
sleeve onto the tube, and make sure the pilot and
cutting edge of the sleeve points toward the end of
tube. Select the lubricant from table 6-4, and
lubricate fitting threads, tool seat, and shoulder
sleeve. Place the tube end firmly against the bottom
of the presetting tool seat, while slowly screwing the
nut onto the tool threads with a wrench until the tube

Flareless Fitting
Preparing tube ends for flareless fitting requires a
presetting operation whereby the sleeve is set onto the
tubing. Presetting is necessary to form the seal
between the sleeve and the tube without damaging the
connector. Presetting should always be accomplished
with a presetting tool, such as the one shown in
figure 6-15. These tools are machined from tool steel
and hardened so that they may be used with a
minimum of distortion and wear.

Figure 6-15.Presetting flareless-tube assembly.

Figure 6-14.Tube position and resulting flare.


Table 6-4.-Thread Lubricants



Specification MIL-H-5606


Specification MIL-H-5606


Specification MIL-O-6032 or MIL-L-23699


Specification MIL-L-6085A


Specification MIL-G-4343


Specification MIL-T-27730A

Table 6-5.Tube Projection From Sleeve Pilot


Figure 6-16.Preset sleeve.

cannot be rotated with thumb and fingers. At this

point the cutting edge of the sleeve is gripping the
tube and preventing tube rotation; the fitting is ready
for the final tightening force needed to set the sleeve
on the tube. Tighten the nut to the number of turns
specified in Aviation Hose and Tube Manual,
NAVAIR 01-1A-20.
After presetting, unscrew the nut from the
presetting tool or flareless fitting body; check the
sleeve and tube (fig. 6-16). Sleeve cutting lip should
be imbedded into the tubes outside diameter between
0.003 inch and 0.008 inch, depending on size and
tubing material. A lip of tube material will be raised
under the sleeve pilot. The sleeve pilot should contact
or be quite close to the outside diameter of tube. The
tube projection from the sleeve pilot to the tube end
should be as listed in table 6-5. The sleeve should be
bowed slightly. The sleeve may rotate on tube and
have a maximum lengthwise movement of 1/64 inch.
The sealing surface of the sleeve, which contacts the




















*The figures vary upon change of wall

thickness for a given size. Do not use these
dimensions as an inspection standard but
rather as an approximation of proper tube


Table 6-6.Minimum Inside Diameter of Tubing









































































All measurements are in inches.

24-degree angle of fitting body seat, should be

smooth, free from scores, and should not show
lengthwise or circular cracks. Crazing cracks in
finish are not harmful to safety or function of fitting.
Minimum internal tube diameter should not be less
than values shown in table 6-6.


Tube assemblies that are fabricated according to
the instructions in Aviation Hose and Tube Manual,
NAVAIR 01-1A-20, should be proof pressure tested to
twice the operating pressure of the system in which
they are to be installed, provided the operating
pressure is greater than 50 psi. Tubing, installed in
systems having an operating pressure of less than 50
psi must be proof pressure tested to a minimum of 100
psi. Vent tubes or drain tubes do not require proof
pressure testing.
The fluid medium for proof pressure testing of all
tube assemblies except oxygen systems should be a
liquid medium such as hydraulic fluid, water, or oil.
Oxygen tubing should be tested using dry nitrogen
and inspected for leaks while the tubing is submerged
in water.

Table 6-7.Alternate Cleaning Solvents for Tubing and Tube


Cleaning Solvents


Dry Cleaning Solvent


Trichloroethane, 1.1.1





All tubing and tube assemblies must be cleaned
after fabrication to prevent contamination of the system
in which they will be installed. Dry-cleaning solvent
P-D-680, Type II, is the preferred cleaner, but the
alternate cleaning solvents in table 6-7 maybe used.

Only MIL-C-81302 is approved for cleaning

oxygen systems.


Table 6-8.Prime and Paint for Tube Assemblies





Single tube with separate

connectors at each end.

Prime after forming, but

before fabrication.


Tube assemblies consisting of

individual tubes permanently
joined by nonseparable
fittings such as those
assembled by brazing,
welding, and swaging and
having separable connectors
at each free end.

Prime after forming,

follow by coating joints
with MIL-S-8802 before


Single or multiple tube

assemblies as in I and II,
having one or more free ends
which must be subsequently
joined permanently to another
tube assembly by brazing,
welding and swaging during

Prime after forming,

follow by coating joints
with MIL-S-8802 before

Other tube assemblies not

described in I, II or III.

The cognizant rework facility shall specify the required

protective finishes.


If primer is not compatible

to permanent joining
process, prime tubing a
suitable distance away
from affected end.

Tube assemblies in
categories I, II and III
shall be painted after
fabrication and before
installation, except for
assemblies in category III
which have been partially

Partially primed tube

assemblies in category III
shall have additional
primer applied as required
followed by coating of all
joints with MIL-S-8802
before application of paint.

*Tubing assemblies in categories I, II, and III in which sleeves or ferrules are used in the separable
connections and sleeves or ferrules are fixed in position by deforming one or more numbers, prime
up to but not beyond initial point of contact. Tubing for use with flared systems shall be primed to
the end of the tube.

Oxygen system tube assemblies require special

precautions for cleaning. After fabrication, and
testing, clean oxygen tube assemblies in accordance
with MIL-STD-1359, using trichlorotrifluoroethane
(MIL-C-81302) in a spray gun or vapor degreaser. If
a vapor degreaser is not used, tube assemblies must
remain in the vapor degreaser until the temperature
specified in the manufacturing instructions is reached.
Tube assemblies must be blown clean and dried with
a stream of clean, dry, water-pumped air.

to be deposited in the tube assemblies.

Oxygen reacts violently with oil and may
cause equipment damage and injury to
personnel. Oxygen (BB-0-925) or clean,
dry, water-pumped nitrogen (BB-N-411)
must be used in place of water-pumped air.
Only MIL-C-81302 is approved for
cleaning oxygen system tubing.



Tube assemblies that require paint as a protective

finish are described in table 6-8. Titanium or stainless
steel tubing does not require primer or paint except in
areas of dissimilar metals. Primer or paint on

Oil-pumped air is not a suitable substitute

for water-pumped air because it causes oil


and all others where tapes should not be used, painted

identification is applied to the lines.
Identification tape codes indicate the function,
contents, hazards, direction of flow, and pressure in
the fluid line. These tapes are applied in accordance
with MIL-STD-1247C. This military standard was
issued to standardize fluid line identification
throughout the Department of Defense. Figure 6-17
shows the method of applying these tapes as specified
by this standard.

Figure 6-17.Fluid line identification application.

stainless steel tubing currently installed on naval

aircraft need not be removed. The basic reason for
this is that cracked or damaged paint systems
establish a differential oxygen concentration cell,
which may result in tubing corrosion damage.

The function of a line is identified by use of a

tape, approximately 1 inch wide, upon which word(s),
color(s), and geometric symbols are printed.
Functional identification markings, as provided in
MIL-STD-1247C, are the subject of international
standardization agreements. Three-fourths of the
total width on the left side of the tape has a code color
or colors that indicate one function only per color or
colors. The function of the line is printed in English
across the colored portion of the tape. Even a
non-English-speaking person can troubleshoot or
maintain the aircraft if he/she knows the code but
cannot read English. The right-hand one-fourth of the
functional identification tape contains a geometric
design rather than the color(s) or word(s).
Figure 6-18 is a listing, in tabular form, of functions
and their associated identification media as used on

Do not paint interior surfaces of airspeed

indicator tubing, oxygen, or other plumbing lines.
Tube assemblies located inside of an aircraft are
interior tube assemblies. Tube assemblies located
outside of an aircraft are exterior tube assemblies.
Interior tube assemblies require a protective finish of
two coats of zinc chromate, using application
techniques as specified in Aircraft Weapons System
Cleaning and Corrosion Control, NA 01-1A-509.
Protective finishes for exterior tube assemblies should
be the same as for exterior aircraft surfaces specified
in NA01-1A-509.
Fabricated tube assemblies should be identified
before installation or storage. All information from
the identification tag of the removed tube assembly
should be transferred to the tag on replacement tube
assembly. Identify the tube assemblies by ink
stamping or stenciling the part number, manufacturers code, and other required data on tube
assemblies. Apply a protective coat of clear varnish
over the markings. To aid in the rapid identification
of the various tubing systems and operating pressure,
each fluid line in the aircraft is identified by bands of
paint or strips of tape around the line near each fitting.
These identifying media are applied at least once in
each compartment. Various other information is also
applied to the lines.
Identification tapes are applied to all lines less
than 4 inches in diameter except cold lines, hot lines,
lines in oily environment, and lines in engine
compartments where there is a possibility of the tape
being drawn into the engine intake. In these cases,

Figure 6-18.Functional identification type data.


Figure 6-19.Color-coded functional identification tapes.

the tapes
Figure 6-19 shows the different tapes used
in identifying tubing.
The identification-of-hazards tape shows the
hazard associated with the contents of the line. Tapes
used to show hazards are approximately 1/2 inch
wide, with the abbreviation of the hazard contained in


the line printed across the tape. There are four

general classes of hazards found in connection with
fluid lines. These hazards are outlined in the
following text:
Flammable material (FLAM). The hazard
marking FLAM is used to identify all materials

Figure 6-19.Color-coded functional identification tapesContinued.


Table 6-9.Hazards Associated with Various Fluids

known ordinarily as flammables or combustibles.


Toxic and poisonous materials (TOXIC). A

line identified by the word TOXIC contains
materials that are extremely hazardous to life
or health.
Anesthetics and harmful materials (AAHM).
All materials productive of anesthetic vapors
and all liquid chemicals and compounds
hazardous to life and property, but not
normally productive of dangerous quantities of
fumes, or vapors, are in this category.
Physically dangerous materials (PHDAN). A
line that carries material that is not dangerous
within itself, but that is asphyxiating in
confined areas or is generally handled in a
dangerous physical state of pressure or
temperature, is identified by the marking
Table 6-9 lists some of the fluids with which you
may be required to work and the hazards associated
with each one.
For convenience in distinguishing one hydraulic
line from another, each line is designated as to its
function within the system. In general, the various
hydraulic lines are designated as follows:


Air (under pressure)




Carbon dioxide




Gaseous oxygen


Liquid nitrogen


Liquid oxygen


LPG (liquid petroleum gas)


Nitrogen gas


Oils and greases






Fabricated tubing and tube assemblies requiring
storage for any length of time should be provided with
protective closures at each end.
Do not use pressure-sensitive tape as a substitute
for protective closures. Oxygen tube assemblies
require protection of the entire assembly in addition to
protective closures at end fittings. The complete
assembly should be stored and packaged in sealed
plastic bags in accordance with Aviation Crew
Systems Manual Oxygen Equipment, NA 13-1-6.4.

Supply lines. Lines that carry fluid from the

reservoir to the pumps are called supply (or suction)
Pressure lines. Lines that carry only pressure are
called pressure lines. Pressure lines lead from the
pumps to a pressure manifold, and from the pressure
manifold to the various selector valves, or they may
run directly from the pump to the selector valve.
Operating lines. Lines that alternately carry
pressure to an actuating unit and return fluid from the
actuating unit are called operating lines, or working
lines. Each operating line is identified in the aircraft
according to its specific function; for example,
FLAPS UP, FLAPS DOWN, etc., as the case may be.


Learning Objective: Recognize the maintenance practices and procedures used in the
repair and fabrication of tubing and tube

Return lines. Lines that are used to return fluid

from any portion of the system to the reservoir are
called return lines.

Maintenance of tube assemblies at the

organizational level is limited to inspection, removal,
installation, repair and replacement. Inspections are
performed during fabrication, installation, and on
in-service equipment. During fabrication, inspect

Vent lines. Lines that carry excess fluid overboard or into another receptacle are called vent lines.


bulk tubing and fittings before and during fabrication

of a tube assembly. Before replacing a defective tube
assembly, find the cause of failure, and inspect the
tube assembly before and after its installation.
Inspect in-service tube assemblies at regular intervals
in accordance with applicable maintenance directives.
When you inspect the tube and tube assemblies for
damage, look for chafing, galling, or fretting, which
may reduce the ability of tubing to withstand internal
pressure and vibration. Replace tubing that shows
visible penetration of the tube wall surface caused by
chafing, galling, or fretting. Tubes that have damage
(nicks, scratches, or dents) caused by careless
handling of tools are acceptable if they meet the

following requirements: Any dent that has a depth

less than 20 percent of the tubing diameter is
acceptable unless the dent is on the heel of a short
bend radius. A nick or scratch that has a depth of less
than 15 percent of the wall thickness of aluminum,
aluminum alloy, or steel tubing should be reworked
by burnishing with hand tools before it is acceptable.
Any aluminum, aluminum alloy, or steel tubing
carrying pressures greater than 100 psi with nicks or
scratches greater than 15 percent of wall thickness
should be replaced.
Inspect each fitting (fig. 6-20) before it is
installed. Visually or flow check to make sure that
fitting passage or passages are free from obstructions.

Figure 6-20.Damaged fittings.



Leakage of a flared tube assembly is usually

caused by the following:
Flare distorted into the nut threads.

Installation of tube assemblies involves a

preinstallation check before tube assemblies can be
installed. Before you install tube assemblies, check to
make sure there are no dents, nicks, and scratches;
that the assembly contains the correct nuts and
sleeves; that there is a proper fit, where fitting is
flared; that a proof pressure test is performed on each
assembly; and that the assemblies are clean.

Sleeve cracked.
Flare out of round.
Flare cracked or split.
Inside of flare rough or scratched.
Connector mating surface rough or scratched.

To install tube assemblies, hand screw the nuts

onto mating connectors. Align the tube assembly in
place so that it will not be necessary to pull it into
place with the nut. Tubing that runs through cutouts
should be installed to avoid scarring when the tubing
is worked through a hole. If the tube assembly is
long, tape the edge of cutouts before installing the
assembly. Torque the nuts. Apply a protective
coating to the remaining nonsealed joints after tubing
is installed. For disconnected nonsealed joints, apply
MIL-S-8802, followed by appropriate paint system, if
required. For connected nonsealed joints, apply the
first coat of MIL-C-16173, grade 4; 1 hour after
applying the first coat, apply the second coat of
MIL-C-16173, grade 4. Correct and incorrect
methods of installing flared tube assemblies are
shown in figure 6-21.

Connector threads or nuts are dirty, damaged,

or broken.
If an aluminum alloy flared tube assembly leaks
after it has been tightened to the required torque,
disassemble it for repair or replacement. If a steel
flared tube assembly leaks, it may be tightened
one-sixteenth turn beyond the noted torque. If the
assembly continues to leak, it should be disassembled
for repair or replacement. Do not tighten a nut when
there is pressure in the line. Do not overtighten a
leaking aluminum alloy assembly. Overtightening
may severely damage or cut off tubing flare, or
damage sleeve or nut.
When you install flareless tube assemblies,
proceed as follows: Make sure no nicks or scratches
are evident and the sleeve is preset. Tighten the nut

Figure 6-21.Correct and incorrect methods of installing flared fittings.


turning. A one-sixth turn equals the travel of one flat

on a hex nut. Tighten nut an additional one-sixth turn
if the connector leaks. Do not tighten fitting nut more
than one-third of a turn (two flats on nuts). Loosen
and completely disconnect the nut if the leak
continues. Inspect fitting components for scores,
cracks, foreign material, or damage from previous
overtightening. Reassemble fitting. Fingertighten
nut and repeat wrench tightening. It is important to
tighten tube fitting nuts properly. A fitting wrench or
an open-end wrench should be used when tightening
Figure 6-22.Cushioned steel clamp MIL-C-85052.

by hand until resistance to turning develops. If it is

impossible to use fingers to run nut down, use a
wrench. Look out for the first signs of bottoming. Do
not use pliers to tighten tube connectors.

All hydraulic tubing should be supported from

rigid structures by cushioned steel clamps
MIL-C-85052 or multiple tube block clamps. See
figure 6-22. Hydraulic tubing support clamps should
be installed and maintained in the positions described
in the MIM or applicable technical directives.

Final tightening should begin at the point where

the nut begins to bottom. Use a torque wrench if
fitting is accessible and torque fitting. If a connection
is not accessible for torque wrench, use a wrench to
turn nut one-sixth turn while holding the connector
with another wrench to prevent the connector from

Unless otherwise specified, where tubing is

supported to structure or other rigid members, a
minimum clearance of 1/16 inch or where related
motion of adjoining components exists, a minimum
clearance of 1/4 inch is to be maintained. Table 6-10
shows the maximum allowable distance between

Table 6-10.Maximum Distance Between Supports for Aluminum Tubing


































29- 1/2



supports. Flexible grommets or hose should be used

at points where the tubing passes through bulkheads.

the damaged section. Install the new section of tubing

and tighten the AN818 nuts. Permanent repairs
include removal of minor damage on tubing and
fittings and the replacement of line sections or fittings
by Permaswage or Dynatube swaging equipment, or
by induction brazing.

Tube repair is divided into two categories
temporary and permanent. Temporary repairs are
made with splice sections fabricated with flared ends
or preset MS sleeves. The splice sections are to be
replaced by a permanent repair or new tubing
assembly at the next rework cycle. Temporary or
emergency repairs should be limited to cases that are
due to unavailability of equipment, material, or
unusual circumstances.

NOTE: Induction brazing is limited to

depot-level repair. Tube assemblies used for
engine-related hydraulic, fuel, oil, vent or
drain lines usually have brazed or welded end
These engine-related tube
assemblies are normally fabricated from
corrosion-resistant steel.

Cut and remove the damaged section of tubing.

Remove the rough edges of the remaining tube ends.
Clean the tubing ends with a lint-free wiping cloth.
Position the AN818 nuts and AN819 sleeves on the
tubing ends (fig. 6-23). Flare the tubing. Install
AN815 unions. Position the AN818 nuts and AN819
sleeves on the new section. A new section is not
required when the length of the union is longer than

Some minor surface damages to tubing are

acceptable, as described in inspection of tubing
damage. A nick that is not deeper than 15 percent
of the wall thickness of aluminum, aluminum
alloy, or corrosion-resistant steel is acceptable
after being reworked by burnishing with hand
tools. Minor damage to fittings is defined as

Figure 6-23.Temporary tubing repair.


Figure 6-24.Reworking damaged fittings.

rough edges or burrs, as shown in view A of figure
6-24. To repair damaged or ridged seats, resurface
circumferential ridges with annular tool, as shown in
view B of figure 6-24. Tool marks other than those of
annular tools (one ten-thousandth of an inch RMS)
are permitted on sealing surface. Damaged wrench
pads are repaired by removing minor scratches with a

damage not to exceed repairable limits, as shown in

figure 6-24.
Fittings that exceed repairable limits should be
replaced. To repair damaged fittings, proceed as
follows: To repair damaged orifices, remove any
restriction in the orifice and handstone it to blend


Table 6-11.Tube Assembly Failures and Recommended Repair Methods

Permaswage Fitting Repair

fine file, leaving no file marks, as shown in view C

of figure 6-24. Resurface the 37-degree sealing
surface. A minimum distance of 1/16 inch (.063)
should be maintained between the 37-degree
sealing surface and the start of the first thread (view
E of fig. 6-24).

The basic element of the Permaswage repair technique is the Permaswage fitting, which is mechanically
swaged onto the tube by a hydraulically operated tool.
Permaswage fittings are designed for use by all levels
of maintenance, and are available in various configurations. Tube assembly repair using Permaswage fittings
and techniques is considered permanent repair.
Four basic types of tube assembly failures lend
themselves to permanent repair using Permaswage
fittings and techniques. Each type of tube assembly
failure and its recommended repair is described in
table 6-11.

All reworked fittings should be inspected and

treated against corrosion. Reworked aluminum alloy
fittings should be anodized; however, uniform color
of reworked fittings after anodizing is not necessary.


three separate tool kits and a hydraulic power supply.

Installation of fittings by use of either series depends
upon the size of fittings, pressure rating, and access to
damaged area.
Figure 6-25.Marking tube.

Before you cut a tube, use a marking pen and a

ruler to draw a line parallel to the tube run across the
section to be cut (fig. 6-25). Cut the tubing. If a tube
end is to be replaced, make sure the line is placed in
the same location on the new tube as on the tube
section that has been removed. Draw a line across the
fitting. Install the tube run and locate the fitting.
Fingertighten any end fittings. One end of the fitting
may be swaged on the bench if possible. Place the
swaging tool on the first end being swaged, and line
up the line on the tube end being swaged with the line
on fitting. Repeat the procedure with the other ends
to be swaged. Torque the fittings.
In addition to the four types of repairs described
in table 6-11, flared, flareless, and lipseal end fittings
may often be repaired by replacing defective end
fittings with Permaswage fittings.
Permaswage tube repair equipment consists of
two series, D10000 and D12200. Each series has

The series D12200 and series D10000 tool kits

differ only in the range of tube sizes that each kit can
swage. Figure 6-26 illustrates a typical series
D10000 tool kit. Series D10000 swaging tools make
permanent tubing joints by swaging Permaswage
fittings onto compatible tubing. The fittings may be
unions, tees, crosses, separable fittings, reducer
fittings, and other special fittings.
Hydraulic pressure supplied by a portable
hydraulic power supply (fig. 6-27) causes die
segments contained within the swaging tool
(fig. 6-28) to swage. The basic swage tool assembly
contains the actuating piston and a locking latch,
which ensures upper die block retention during the
swage cycle. The swaging tool is designed to operate
over a range of tubing sizes and types of fittings by
changing die block assemblies and/or fitting locators.
The die block assemblies are supplied in sets,
consisting of upper and lower die blocks, dies, and
locators. The lower die block is retained on the basic
swage tool assembly to make sure of automatic
retraction and consistent repeatability. The upper die
block assembly is removable for easy loading.

Figure 6-26.Permaswage Tool Kit D10031-812S.


Figure 6-27.D10004 Permaswage hydraulic power supply.

Figure 6-28Basic swage tool assembly.


Figure 6-29.Series D12200 kit swage tool operation.

As a supplement to the series D10000 tool kits,

the series D12200 tool kits (fig. 6-29) may be used.
The newer type of tooling is smaller in size and is
designed to repair tubing on board aircraft.
The portable hydraulic power supply D10004
(fig. 6-27) generates 5,500 psi to operate the swaging
tool. Hydraulic fluid is fed to the tool through a
1/4-inch quick-disconnect, high-pressure hose. As a
precaution against premature tool fatigue, the
swaging pressure is kept from exceeding 5,500 psi by
the pressure relief valve. The D 10004 hydraulic
power supply can be operated either manually by
Figure 6-31.Male and female repair fitting installation.

using a hand pump or automatically by

air-to-hydraulic fluid intensification from a 80 20 psi
pressure shop air source.
Dynatube Fitting Repair

Dynatube fittings consist of a threaded male

connector, a female shoulder with a machined beam,
and a nut (fig. 6-30). Compared to the five
components in a standard MS fitting, the three
components in a Dynatube fitting are smaller, lighter,
and have fewer potential leak paths. Dynatube
fittings can be connected to rigid tubing by welding,
but internal mechanical swaging with Resistoflex

Figure 6-30.Dynatube fitting.


Figure 6-32.Dynatube fitting resurfacing tool.

hand tools is the authorized method for Navy


Figure 6-34.Field installation and repair tool kit.

The repair methods using Dynatube fittings are

discussed in this section and illustrated in figures 6-31
through 6-33.
One method of repairing damaged Dynatube
fittings is to use longer length Dynatube fittings.
These can be installed in place of damaged fittings on
the same tube assembly, as shown in figure 6-31.
Dynatube male fittings with minor surface damage
such as scratches can be repaired using the Dynatube
fitting resurfacing tool, shown in figure 6-32.
Do not attempt to repair a damaged female
Dynatube fitting. Damaged straight tubing can be
repaired by cutting out the damaged section and
installing a splice assembly in its place, as shown in
figure 6-33.
Figure 6-35.Dynatube swaging process.

Resistoflex hand tools are housed in a single

carrying case (fig. 6-34). These tools are designed for
in-place repairs. Figure 6-35 shows tools assembled

Figure 6-33.Splice assembly repair.


Figure 6-36.Field installation and repair tool kit.

for swaging process. Some of the tools used to swage

fitting are shown in figure 6-36.
Tube expanders are precision swaging tools for
expanding hydraulic tubing into serrations of
Dynatube fitting sockets. Tube expanders are set to
expand tubing to a specific diameter, and must be
used only with the tube and wall thickness stated on
the tool identification band.
Holding fixture dies support and position
Dynatube fittings during swaging. Holding fixture
dies have a nest that conforms to the shape and size of
the fitting to be used. A male and female set of dies is
provided for each basic tube diameter size that
corresponds with male or female Dynatube fittings.
Holding fixture collars are used to clamp holding
fixture dies shut during swaging. The resurfacing tool
assembly uses replaceable energy discs in
progressively finer grades to remove scratches from
the sealing surface of male fittings.


NOTE: Although the following references were
current when this TRAMAN was published, their
continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore,
you need to be sure that you are studying the latest
Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education
and Training Program Management Support
Activity, Pensacola, Florida, July 1990.
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST
4790.2 (series), Office of the Chief of Naval
Operations, Washington, D.C.
Aviation Hose and Tube Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-20,
Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D. C.,
June 1989.
Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-17,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., 1 February 1992.




Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a working
knowledge of the normal and emergency hydraulic and pneumatic power systems.
You should also be able to identify and maintain the various components in these
The Navy uses hydraulic and pneumatic power
systems extensively in naval aircraft. These systems have
a number of favorable characteristics; they eliminate the
need for complicated systems of gears, cams, and levers.
Also, they transmit motion without the slack or delay
inherent in the use of solid machine parts. The fluids used
are not subject to breakage as are mechanical parts, and
the mechanisms are not subjected to great wear.
The different parts of a fluid power system can be
conveniently located at widely separated points, since the
forces generated are rapidly transmitted over considerable
distances with small loss. These forces can be conveyed up
and down or around corners with small loss in efficiency
and without complicated mechanisms. Very large forces
can be controlled by much smaller ones, and can be
transmitted through comparatively small lines and orifices.
If the system is well adapted to the work it is required
to perform, and if it is not misused, it can provide smooth,
flexible, uniform action without vibration, and it is
unaffected by variation of load. In case of an overload, an
automatic release of pressure can be guaranteed, so that
the system is protected against breakdown or strain. Fluid
power systems can provide widely variable motions in
both rotary and straight-line transmission of power. he
need for control by hand can be minimized. In addition,
fluid power systems are economical to operate.
The question may arise as to why hydraulics is used
in one application, pneumatics in another, or a
combination of hydraulics and pneumatics, also known
as hydropneumatics, in still another application. Many
factors are considered by the user and/or the manufacturer
when determining which type of system to use in a
specified application. There are no hard and fast rules to
follow; however, past experience has provided some
sound ideas that are usually considered when such
decisions are made. If the application requires speed, a
medium amount of pressure, and only a fair amount of
control, a pneumatic system may be used. If the
application requires only a medium amount of pressure
and a more accurate control, a combination of hydraulics
and pneumatics may be used. If the application requires a
great amount of pressure and/or extremel y accurate
control, a hydraulic system should be used.


Learning Objective: Identify the two types of
power systems used on naval aircraft.
Hydraulic and pneumatic systems in aircraft contain
power systems and several subsystems, the number
depending upon the design of the aircraft The power
systems are sometimes called the heart of the system,
and the subsystems are known as the muscle. The
power systems include all the components normally
installed in the system, from the reservoir to, but not
including, the selector valve. In pressurized reservoir
systems, this also includes all components used to
control and direct the pressurizing agent to the reservoir.
The utility hydraulic system includes systems used for
landing gear, arresting gear, nosewheel steering, and
many other systems that will be discussed in chapter 12
of this TRAMAN. In accordance with military specifications, which set up the requirements for aircraft
hydraulic systems, all hydraulically operated systems
considered essential to flight safety or landing must
have provisions for emergency actuation. The
hydraulic/pneumatic and emergency power systems
are discussed in this chapter.
System design must prevent the failure of a single
part, such as a pump, pressure line, or filter, from
disabling the aircraft. Special consideration is given
to the hydraulic flight control system. System design
specifications require two separate systems for
operating the primary flight controls. All aircraft that
use hydraulically operated flight controls have at least
two hydraulic power systems. The systems supply
pressure to the utility or normal system in addition to
the flight controls. The flight control portion is given
pressure priority by an isolation valve. This design
feature isolates nonessential flight functions and


prevents loss of hydraulic fluid in the event of utility

or normal system rupture.
As a minimum requirement, filters are provided in
each system pressure line, return line, and pump bypass or
case drain line. Where hydraulic sequencing is critical,
each sequence valve is protected from contamination in
each direction of flow by a screen-type filter. The filter is
usually included as a part of the sequence valve. The
pressure line falters clean all fluids before they enter any
major equipment. If there are only two hydraulic systems,
the primary system is known as the No. 1 power control
system (PC-1). The system supplying the other half of the
flight control tandem actuating mechanisms and the utility
hydraulic system is known as PC-2. The PC-2 system is
also known as the combined hydraulic system. If there are
three hydraulic power systems, they are generally identified
as PC-1, PC-2, and utility system. Some manufacturers
label the utility system PC-3. Each system has its own
reservoir, hydraulic pump(s), and plumbing.
Military specifications, MIL-H-5440 (series),
provide complete design, installation, and data
requirements for aircraft hydraulic systems. These
specifications provide reference to all other specifications
concerning aircraft hydraulic systems. Items such as hose
assemblies, hose support requirements, minimum bend
radii, types of pumps, and types and classes of systems are
found in the specifications.
Many maintenance instruction manuals (MIMs)
refer to aircraft hydraulic systems as being open
center or closed center systems. The following
paragraphs provide a discussion of these systems.

valve and flows back to the reservoir. Operation of

the system following actuation of the component
depends on the type of selector valve being used.
Several types of selector valves are used in conjunction
with the open center system. One type is both manually
engaged and manually disengaged. First the valve is
manually moved to an operating position. Then, the
actuating mechanism reaches the end of its operating cycle,
and the pump output continues until the system relief valve
relieves the pressure. The relief valve unseats and allows
the fluid to flow back to the reservoir. The system pressure
remains at the relief valve set pressure until the selector
valve is manually returned to the neutral position. This
action reopens the open center flow and allows the system
pressure to drop to line resistance pressure.
The manually engaged and pressure disengaged
type of selector valve is similar to the valve previously discussed. When the actuating mechanism
reaches the end of its cycle, the pressure continues to
rise to a predetermined pressure. The valve automatically returns to the neutral position and to open
center flow.
Closed Center
In the closed center system, the fluid is under
pressure whenever the power pump is operating.
Figure 7-2 shows a complex closed center system.

Open Center
An open center system is one having fluid flow, but
no pressure in the system when the actuating mechanisms
are idle. The pump circulates the fluid from the reservoir,
through the selector valves, and back to the reservoir.
Figure 7-1 shows a basic open center system. The open
center system may employ any number of subsystems,
with a selector valve for each subsystem. Unlike the
closed center system, the selector valves of the open
center system are always connected in series with each
other. In this arrangement, the system pressure line goes
through each selector valve, Fluid is always allowed free
passage through each selector valve and back to the
reservoir until one of the selector valves is positioned to
operate a mechanism.
When one of the selector valves is positioned to
operate an actuating device, fluid is directed from the
pump through one of the working lines to the actuator.
See view B of figure 7-1. With the selector valve in
this position, the flow of fluid through the valve to the
reservoir is blocked. The pressure builds up in the
system to overcome the resistance and moves the
piston of the actuating cylinder, The fluid from the
opposite end of the actuator returns to the selector

Figure 7-1.Basic open center hydraulic system.


Figure 7-2


combined system supplies hydraulic pressure to

utility hydraulic circuits and the flight controls.

The power pump may be one used with a separate

pressure regulator control. The power pump may be
used with an integral pressure control valve that
eliminates the need for a pressure regulator. This
system differs from the open center system in that the
selector or directional control valves are arranged in
parallel and not in series. The means of controlling
pump pressure will vary in the closed center system.
If a constant delivery pump is used, the system
pressure will be regulated by a pressure regulator. A
relief valve acts as a backup safety device in case the
regulator fails. If a variable displacement pump is
used, system pressure is controlled by the pumps
integral pressure mechanism compensator. The
compensator automatically varies the volume output.
When pressure approaches normal system pressure,
the compensator begins to reduce the flow output of
the pump. The pump is fully compensated (near zero
flow) when normal system pressure is attained. When
the pump is in this fully compensated condition, its
internal bypass mechanism provides fluid circulation
through the pump for cooling and lubrication. A relief
valve is installed in the system as a safety backup.

The hydraulic control valves and actuators that

operate the primary flight controls are of the tandem
construction type. This design permits operation
from either or both of the two power systems. With
this arrangement, either engine can fail or be shut
down without complete loss of hydraulic power to
either system. The flight system reservoir supplies
fluid to the two engine-driven flight system pumps.
The combined system reservoir supplies fluid to the
two engine-driven combined system pumps and to the
auxiliary hydraulic power system. Both reservoirs
are of the pressurized piston type. They are
pressurized by engine bleed air during engine
operations and by an external air (nitrogen) source
during maintenance operations.
Hydraulic system pressure is indicated on the
integrated hydraulic pressure indicator. This
indicator displays the output pressure of the flight and
combined hydraulic power systems. The flight
hydraulic power system provides power for the
operation of the rudder, stabilizer, and flaperons. It
also provides power for operation of the automatic
flight control system actuators, which are an integral
part of the rudder and stabilizer control surface
actuators. The flight hydraulic system also controls
the automatic operation of the isolation valve. This
valve is a part of the combined hydraulic system.

An advantage of the open center system over the

closed center system is that the continuous
pressurization of the system is eliminated. Since the
pressure is built up gradually after the selector valve
is moved to an operating position, there is very little
shock from pressure surges. This action provides a
smoother operation of the actuating mechanisms. The
operation is slower than the closed center system, in
which the pressure is available the moment the
selector valve is positioned. Since most aircraft
applications require instantaneous operation, closed
center systems are the most widely used.

The combined hydraulic power system consists of

two parallel circuitsone to power the primary
systems and the other to power the secondary
systems. The primary system consists of spin
recovery, rudder, stabilizer flaperon, speed brakes,
and electric ram air turbine systems. The secondary
system consists of wing slats, wing flaps, wing fold,
landing gear, arresting gear, wheel brakes, nosewheel
steering, and the nose strut locking systems.

Power systems are designed to produce and

maintain a given pressure. The pressure output of
most of the Navys high-performance aircraft is 3,000
psi. The hydraulic system, shown in figure 7-2, is an
example of a representative 3,000 psi hydraulic power
system. The aircraft has three independent hydraulic
power systems. The two primary systems are the
flight hydraulic power system and the combined
hydraulic power system. These systems are
pressurized by two independent engine-driven
hydraulic pumps on each engine. The auxiliary
power system also operates on 3,000 psi pressure. It
is pressurized by the hydraulic hand pump and/or the
electric motor-driven hydraulic pump. The auxiliary
power system is similar to the combined hydraulic
power system. The primary difference is that the

The isolation valve shuts off flow to the

secondary systems during flight and limits the
combined systems pressure requirements to
operation of the primary circuit. Operation of the
isolation valve is both automatic and manual.
The reservoir pressurization system provides the
reservoir with a differential pressure of 40 psi to
prevent engine-driven pump cavitation. The pressure
is maintained at 40 psi by the air regulator. In the
event of regulator failure, the relief valve installed
between the regulator and the reservoir prevents
overpressurization. The relief valve opens at 50 psi.


part of the emergency power systems. The hand

pump is used for ground operation of the canopy,
extensible electronics platform, nose radome opening,
and to recharge the brake accumulator. These
systems may be operated by aircraft system pressure
or, if the aircraft is shutdown, they may be powered
by the auxiliary electric motor-driven hydraulic pump
or the hand pump.

The chemical air drier removes excessive moisture

from the bleed air. Dry, clean air is sent to the
reservoir through the check valve, air regulator, and
relief valve.
TWO bleeder valves are installed in the flight and
combined system reservoirs. One is found on the air
side of the reservoir and the other on the fluid side.
The air side valve permits the bleeding of air pressure
during system maintenance. It allows the bleeding of
any hydraulic fluid seepage past seals to the air side.
The fluid side bleeder reduces excessive fluid level
and bleeds air from the fluid side.

Learning Objective: Identify the various
hydraulic system components and recognize
the procedures required for their

Quick-disconnect fittings in the hydraulic power

systems permit easy pump or engine removal without
loss of fluid to the system. The fittings connect
ground hydraulic test stands for maintenance
purposes. The pump disconnects should not be forced
together against the back pressure of a pressurized
reservoir or system. Forcing disconnects together
may result in damaged seals in the male ends of the
disconnects. When the disconnects do not slide in
smoothly, they should be removed and checked for
proper seating of the O-rings. Replace seals if they
are damaged. The seal goes on top of the O-ring.
When the disconnects are uncoupled, the ends not
being used should be properly protected from dirt and
other contamination. Use only approved metal

Various types of hydraulic components makeup a

power system. The components discussed in this
chapter are representative of those with which you
will most likely be working. Values such as pressure,
temperature, and instructional tolerances have been
given to provide detail in the coverage.
When actually performing the maintenance
procedures discussed, the exact location and make up
of the various hydraulic and pneumatic components
will vary with the design of the hydraulic system.
You should consult the current applicable technical
publication for the latest information on items such as
location, pressure, temperature, and tolerances.


According to the military specifications, which
establish the requirements for aircraft hydraulic
systems, all hydraulically operated systems
considered essential to flight safety or landing must
have provisions for emergency actuation. The
specifications further state that these emergency
systems may use hydraulic fluid, compressed gas,
directed mechanical linkage, or gravity for their

The reservoir is a tank in which an adequate
supply of fluid for the system is stored. Fluid flows
from the reservoir to the pump, where it is forced
through the system and eventually returned to the
The reservoir not only supplies the operating
needs of the system, but it also replenishes fluid lost
through leakage. Furthermore, the reservoir serves as
an overflow basin for excess fluid forced out of the
system by thermal expansion (the increase of fluid
volume caused by temperature changes), the
accumulators, and by piston and rod displacement.
The reservoir also furnishes a place for the fluid to
purge itself of air bubbles that may enter the system.
Foreign matter picked up in the system may also be
separated from the fluid in the reservoir, or as it flows
through line filters.

Some aircraft use mechanical linkage or gravity

in conjunction with pneumatic pressure for
emergency actuation of landing gear and other
actuating systems where limited actuation is required.
Most other essential hydraulically operated systems
have emergency power systems that are powered by a
hand pump, electric motor-driven pump, ram-air
turbine-driven pump, or a pneumatic compressor.
On some aircraft the hand pump is a part of the
auxiliary hydraulic system and is not considered as


Figure 7-3.Hydraulic reservoir instruction plate.


Most nonpressurized reservoirs contain filters to

maintain the hydraulic fluid in a clean state, free from
foreign matter. They are usually located in filler
necks and internally within the reservoir. The
mesh-type filter (finger strainer), usually installed in
the filler neck, removes foreign particles from fluid
that is added to the reservoir. Internally installed
filters clean the fluid as it returns to the reservoir from
the system. This type of installation may have a
bypass valve incorporated to allow fluid to bypass the
filter if it becomes clogged. Some modern aircraft
hydraulic reservoirs do not incorporate this feature.
All reservoirs containing filters are designed to permit
easy removal of the filter element for cleaning or

Nonpressurized reservoirs are vented to the

atmosphere so the reservoir can breathe. This is
done to prevent a vacuum from being formed as the
fluid level in the reservoir is lowered. The vent also
makes it possible for air that has entered the system to
find a means of escape.
The reservoir on aircraft designed for highaltitude flying is usually pressurized. Pressurizing
assures a positive flow of fluid to the pump at high
altitudes when low atmospheric pressures are
On some aircraft, the reservoir is pressurized by
bleed air taken from the compressor section of the
engine. On others, the reservoir may be pressurized
by hydraulic system pressure.

A reservoir instruction plate is usually attached to

the reservoir, or it may be attached to the aircraft
structure adjacent to the filler opening. Navy
specifications designate the minimum information
that must be contained on this plate. Figure 7-3
shows the reservoir instruction plate. Information on
an instruction plate must include the following:

Nonpressurized Reservoirs
Nonpressurized reservoirs are used in several
transport, patrol, and utility aircraft. These aircraft
are not designed for violent maneuvers; in some
cases, they do not fly at high altitudes. Those
aircraft that incorporate nonpressurized reservoirs
and fly at high altitudes have the reservoirs installed
within a pressurized area. High altitude in this
situation means an altitude where atmospheric
pressure is inadequate to maintain sufficient flow of
fluid to the hydraulic pumps. Most nonpressurized
reservoirs are constructed in a cylindrical shape.
The outer housing is manufactured from a strong
corrosion-resistant metal.

1. Simple and complete instructions for tilling

2. Reservoir fluid capacity at full level
3. Full level indication
4. Refill level indication
5. Specification number and color of fluid
6. Position of operating cylinders during filling
7. System pressure (accumulator charged or

Filter elements are normally installed internality

within the reservoir to clean returning system
hydraulic fluid. In some of the older aircraft, a
filter bypass valve is incorporated to allow fluid to
bypass the filter in the event the filter becomes
clogged. Reservoirs serviced by pouring fluid
directly into the reservoir have a filler strainer
(finger strainer) assembly incorporated within the
filler well to strain out impurities as the fluid enters
the reservoir.

8. Instructions regarding air bleeding

Additional information may be added, when
required, such as the following:
1. Additional full and refill levels under various
conditions of system pressure
2. Safety precautions
3. Filter element servicing information
4. Total fluid capacity of the system

Generally, reservoirs described in the above

paragraph use a visual gauge to indicate the fluid
quantity. Gauges incorporated on or in the reservoir
may be either a glass tube, a direct reading gauge, or a
float-type rod, which is visible through a transparent
dome. In some cases, the fluid quantity may also be
read in the cockpit through the use of quantity

There are two classes of hydraulic reservoirs

class I and class II. Class I reservoirs are constructed
in such a manner that the air and hydraulic fluid are
not separated. Class II reservoirs are constructed in
such a manner that the pressurizing agent and fluid
chambers are separated. This is accomplished by
installing a piston between the chambers.


A typical nonpressurized reservoir is shown in

figure 7-4, This reservoir consists of a welded body
and cover assembly clamped together. Gaskets are
incorporated to seal against leakage between
reservoir fluid quantity is indicated through a
mechanically operated float and arm (liquidometer)
type of unit. The quantity gauge is mounted directly
on the side of the reservoir. As shown in figure 7-4,
the float and arm unit extends into the reservoir. The
shell of the liquidometer provides a glass window
over a pointer and dial, with the pointer mechanically
linked to the float arm. As the float arm moves to
correspond to the fluid level, the pointer, through
mechanical linkage, moves to indicate the quantity
available. This provides a direct reading sight gauge
at the reservoir.

fluid quantity may be seen in the cockpit on a remote


This same float movement actuates the

potentiometer wiper arm of an integral transmitter
potentiometer. The remote indicating circuit is
energized, and a duplicate indication of the reservoir


RELIEF VALVE. Although the reservoir shown in
figure 7-4 is classified as a nonpressurized type, it has
a sufficient amount of pressurization to ensure a

Figure 7-5.Pressure and vacuum relief valve.

Figure 7-4.Nonpressurized reservoir.


Most reservoirs of this type are vented directly to

the atmosphere or cabin with only a check valve and
filter to control the outside air source. The reservoir
system includes a pressure and vacuum relief valve.
The valve, as shown in figure 7-5, has two reservoir
ports, and it is connected between and serves both
main system reservoirs. The purpose of the valve is
to maintain a differential pressure range between the
reservoir and cabin.
VALVE. A vent valve is provided to vent the
reservoir. This valve is connected to the reservoir
vent line to allow depressurization of the reservoir.
The valve is actuated prior to servicing the
reservoir to prevent fluid from being blown out of the
filler as the cap is being removed. Figure 7-6 shows a
full sectional view of a manual air bleed valve.
Pressing the slide valve opens a passage to vent the

Figure 7-6.Manual air bleed valve.

positive flow of fluid to the pump suction ports. The

pressurization is derived from thermal expansion of
fluid and the return of fluid to the reservoir from the
main system.

Air-Pressurized Reservoirs
Air-pressurized reservoirs are currently used in
many high-performance naval aircraft. Figure 7-7

Figure 7-7.Air-pressurized reservoir and components.


Figure 7-8.Chemical air drier.

shows a hydraulic power system with an

air-pressurized reservoir incorporated. This system is
similar to the one found on many aircraft; however,
for clarification in the discussion of the operation of
the system, we have deleted some components
between the reservoir and the pump.

Preventive maintenance of this component

consists of replacing the cartridge when it becomes
saturated. Maintenance should be accomplished in
accordance with instructions provided in the
applicable maintenance instruction manual (MIM).

The reservoir is cylindrical in shape and has a

piston installed internally to separate the air and fluid
chambers. The piston rod end protrudes through the
reservoir end cap and indicates the fluid quantity. The
quantity indication may be seen by inspecting the
distance the piston rod protrudes from the reservoir
end cap. The reservoir has threaded openings for the
connection of fittings and components. The
schematic shown in figure 7-7 shows several
components installed in lines leading to and from the
reservoir; however, this may not be the case in the
actual installation. The air relief valve, bleeder valve,
etc., may be installed directly on the reservoir.


pressure used in pressurizing hydraulic reservoirs
must be controlled within safe limits. Specific
pressure requirements vary between aircraft. In some
aircraft, the air pressure is controlled by an air
pressure regulator (fig. 7-9). This regulator normally
maintains 40 psi pressure in the reservoir. It also
incorporates a relief valve to relieve excessive
pressure and a differential valve to allow equalization

Because the reservoir is pressurized, it can

normally be installed at any attitude and still maintain
a positive flow of fluid to the pump.
CHEMICAL AIR DRIER. Chemical air driers
are installed in air systems to absorb moisture that
may collect from air entering the system. The main
parts of the air drier, shown in figure 7-8, are the
housing, desiccant cartridge, filter (porous bronze),
and the spring. To ensure proper filtering, the air
must pass through the air drier in the proper direction.
The correct direction of flow is indicated by an arrow
and the wordflow printed on the side of the cartridge.

Figure 7-9.Air pressure regulator.


AIR BLEEDER VALVE. During hydraulic

system maintenance, it is necessary to relieve
reservoir air pressure to assist in the installation and
removal of components, lines, etc. An air bleeder
valve is incorporated within the reservoir air system
to avoid disassembly of lines or units. A similar valve
may be incorporated in reservoir return lines to
provide a means for bleeding air from returning fluid.

of pressures between ambient (outside) air and

reservoir air pressures.
AIR RELIEF VALVE. An air relief valve is
normally incorporated in the air portion of the
hydraulic power system to relieve excessive air
pressure entering the reservoir due to a malfunctioning air pressure regulator. The relief valve
shown in figure 7-10 is cylindrical in shape and
consists of a housing, poppet, spring, and adjusting
screw. This valve may be mounted directly to the
reservoir or in a line leading from the reservoir,
depending on the aircraft system design.

This type of valve is small in size and has a push

button installed in the outer case. Figure 7-11 shows
a full view schematic drawing of a bleeder valve. The
valve is made up of a body, spring, poppet, and push
button. When the bleeder valve push button is
depressed, pressurized air from the reservoir flows
through the valve to an overboard vent, until the air
pressure is depleted or the button is released. When
the button is released, the internal spring causes the
poppet to return to its seat. In case of malfunction,
this type of valve is replaced with a new valve.

During operation, air pressure enters the inlet port

and contacts the poppet surface. When system air
pressure increases to 50 psi, the poppet is forced off
its seat, which allows excessive air pressure to be
exhausted to the atmosphere. When system pressure
is lowered to 49 psi, the poppet spring tension
overcomes system pressure and reseats the poppet,
thus closing the valve.


operation, the pressurizing air source comes from
engine bleed air. See figure 7-7. This bleed air is
routed through a poppet-type, one-way check valve to
the chemical drier. The chemical drier conditions the
air by absorbing its moisture. Conditioned air is then
routed through a poppet check valve to the system air
pressure regulator. The regulator decreases engine
bleed air pressure to a desired working pressure.

Maintenance of the valve usually includes the

replacement of all seals and the adjustment of its
controlling pressures. This valve is designed to
relieve at a cracking (just open) pressure of 50 psi; the
reseating pressure is 49 psi. The valve will operate at
full flow when the pressure reaches 60 psi.
All pressure adjustments of relief valves must be
performed on a test bench. You can control valve
pressures by adjusting the adjusting screw on the
valve until the proper settings are obtained.

As air pressure leaves the regulator, it enters the

reservoir and acts on its piston, which, in turn,
transmits force to the fluid. If malfunction of the
regulator causes excessive reservoir air pressure, an
air relief valve will open at a preset pressure and
exhaust excessive air overboard. Fluid under
pressure in the reservoir provides a positive flow of
fluid through a one-way check valve to the suction
port of the hydraulic pump, thus preventing pump
cavitation or starvation.

Figure 7-11.Air bleeder valve.

Figure 7-10.Air relief valve.


Fluid-Pressurized Reservoirs
Some aircraft hydraulic systems use fluid
pressure for pressurizing the reservoir. The reservoir
shown in figure 7-12 is a fluid-pressurized reservoir.
This reservoir is divided into two chambers by a
floating piston. The floating piston is forced downward in the reservoir by a compression spring within
the pressurizing cylinder and by system pressure
entering the pressurizing port of the cylinder.
The pressurizing port is connected directly to the
pressure line. When the system is pressurized,
pressure enters the pressure port, thus pressurizing the
reservoir. This pressurizes the pump suction line and
the reservoir return line to the same pressure.
Positive pressure prevents pump starvation.
The reservoir shown in figure 7-12 has five
ports-pump suction, return, pressurizing, overboard
drain, and bleed port. Fluid is supplied to the pump
through the pump suction port. Fluid returns to the
reservoir from the system through the return port.
Pressure from the pump enters the pressurizing
cylinder in the top of the reservoir through the

pressurizing port. The overboard drain port is for the

purpose of draining the reservoir, when necessary,
while performing maintenance. The bleed port is
used as an aid in servicing the reservoir.
When you service a system equipped with this
type of reservoir, place a container under the bleed
drain port. The fluid should then be pumped into the
reservoir until air-free fluid flows through the bleed
drain port.
The reservoir fluid level is indicated by the
markings on the part of the pressurizing cylinder that
moves through the reservoir dust cover assembly. See
figure 7-12. There are three fluid level markings
indicated on the cover: full at zero system pressure
(FULL ZERO PRESS), full when system is
pressurized (FULL SYS PRESS), and REFILL.
When the system is unpressurized and the pointer on
the reservoir lies between the two FULL marks, a
marginal reservoir fluid level is indicated. When the
system is pressurized and the pointer lies between
REFILL and FULL SYS PRESS, a marginal reservoir
fluid level is also indicated.

Figure 7-12.Typical fluid-pressurized reservoir.


Double-action type of hand pumps are used in

hydraulic systems. Double action means that a flow
of fluid is created on each stroke of the pump handle
instead of every other stroke, as in the single-action
type. There are several versions of the double-action
hand pump, but all use the reciprocating piston
principle, and operation is similar to the one shown in
figure 7-13.

All aircraft hydraulic systems have one or more
power-driven pumps and may have a hand pump as an
additional source of power. Power-driven pumps are
the primary source of energy, and may be either
engine-driven or electric-motor driven. As a general
rule, motor-driven pumps are installed for use in
emergencies; that is, for operation of actuating units
when the engine-driven pump is inoperative. Hand
pumps are generally installed for testing purposes as
well as for use in emergencies.

This pump consists of a cylinder, a piston

containing a built-in check valve (A), a piston rod, an
operating handle, and a check valve (B) at the inlet
port. When the piston is moved to the left in the
illustration, check valve (A) closes and check valve
(B) opens.

In this section, the various types of pumps used in

naval aircraft, both hand- and power-driven, are
described and illustrated.

Fluid from the reservoir then flows into the

cylinder through inlet port (C). When the piston is
moved to the right, check valve (B) closes. The
pressure created in the fluid then opens check valve
(A), and fluid is admitted behind the piston. Because
of the space occupied by the piston rod, there is room
for only part of the fluid; therefore, the remainder is
forced out port (D) into the pressure line. If the piston
is again moved to the left, check valve (A) again
closes. The fluid behind the piston is then forced
through outlet port (D). At the same time, fluid from
the reservoir flows into the cylinder through check

Hand Pumps
Hand pumps are used in hydraulic systems to
supply fluid under pressure to subsystems, such as the
landing gear, flaps, canopy, and bomb-bay doors, and
to charge brake accumulators. Systems using hand
pumps are classified as emergency systems. Most of
these systems may be used effectively during
preventive maintenance.

Figure 7-13.Double-action hydraulic hand pump.


system by diverting excess pump flow back to the

reservoir. The unloading valve will divert all pump
flow back to the reservoir when the preset system
pressure is reached. This condition remains in effect
until further demand is placed on the system.
A variable displacement pump has a fluid output
that varies to meet the demand of the system. For
example, a pump might be designed to maintain
system pressure at 3,000 psi by varying its fluid
output from 0 to 7 gallons per minute. When this type
of pump is used, no external pressure regulator or
unloading valve is needed. This function is
incorporated in the pump and controls the pumping
action by maintaining a variable volume, at near
constant pressure, to meet the hydraulic system

valve (B). Thus, a pressure stroke is produced with

each stroke of the pump handle.
Hand pumps are examined frequently for leakage,
general condition, and efficiency in operation. To
check the operation of a hand pump, the following
procedure is recommended:
1. Connect a direct-reading hydraulic pressure
gauge into the emergency hand pump pressure line.
2. Insert and lock the hand pump handle in the
pump actuating socket.
3. Select an appropriate subsystem to operate, and
place its selector valve in an operating position.

GEAR-TYPE PUMP. A gear-type pump consists

of two meshed gears that revolve in a housing (fig. 714). The drive gear in the installation is turned by a
drive shaft that engages an electric motor. The
clearance between the gear teeth as they mesh and
between the teeth and pump housing is very small.
The inlet port is connected to the reservoir line,
and the outlet port is connected to the pressure line.
In the illustration, the drive gear is turning in a
counterclockwise direction, and the driven (idle) gear
is turning in a clockwise direction. As the teeth pass
the inlet port, fluid is trapped between the teeth and
the housing. This fluid is carried around the housing
to the outlet port. As the teeth mesh again, the fluid

4. Actuate the hand pump handle until the unit

being operated has completed its movement. Check
the pressure gauge for a drop in system pressure.
NOTE: Air in emergency systems will cause
the pump handle to spring rapidly to the
other end of the stroke.
5. If a pressure drop is indicated, check the system
for leakage before removing the pump for repair or
6. Observe the hand pump handle for piston creep,
which indicates that the pump should be removed for
repair or replacement.
Removal, replacement, and operational check of
hand pumps should correspond to the procedures
recommended in the specific MIM.
Power-Driven Pumps
As previously mentioned, power pumps are
generally driven by the aircraft engine, but may also
be electric-motor driven. Power pumps are classified
according to the type of pumping action used, and
may be either the gear type or piston type. Power
pumps may be further classified as constant
displacement or variable displacement.
A constant displacement pump is one that
displaces or delivers a constant fluid output for any
rotational speed. For example, a pump might be
designed to deliver 3 gallons of fluid per minute at a
speed of 2,800 revolutions per minute. As long as it
runs at that speed, it will continue to deliver at that
rate, regardless of the pressure in the system. For
this reason, when the constant displacement pump is
used in a system, a pressure regulator or unloading
valve must also be incorporated. The pressure
regulator valve will maintain a set pressure in the

Figure 7-14.Gear-type power pump.


between the teeth is displaced into the outlet port.

This action produces a positive flow of fluid under
pressure into the pressure line. A shear pin or shear
section that will break under excessive loads is
incorporated in the drive shaft. This is to protect the
engine accessory drive if pump failure is caused by
excessive load or jamming of parts.
All gear-type pumps are constant displacement
pumps. These pumps are usually driven by a dc
wound electric motor. For those aircraft using
batteries, the pump may be used to build up hydraulic
pressure for the brake system during towing
Maintenance of a pump at the organizational level
consists of replacement of the complete assembly.
The motor and pump may be ordered separately;
however, this is normally done by intermediate- and
depot-level maintenance only.
Removal and installation procedures are found in
the applicable MIM. The following removal
procedures are typical examples.

7. Remove the mounting screws/bolts that secure

the pump assembly to the aircraft structure.
8. Disconnect completely the pressure and
reservoir suction lines at the pump.
9. Cap all open lines, and lift the pump assembly
out of the aircraft.
The following installation procedures are typical
1. Place the pump on the aircraft structure
mounting pad. Connect the pressure and
suction lines to the pump ports and tighten the
B nuts fingertight.
2. Align and install the mounting screws/bolts.
3. Tighten the B nuts to the correct torque
4. Attach the electrical connection to the motor.
5. Service the reservoir to the proper level.
6. Perform operational check according to the
applicable MIM.

1. Relieve reservoir pressure.

2. Pull the pump circuit breaker and place a
warning card, DO NOT OPERATE, on the
pump switch.

NOTE: Prior to the installation of hydraulic

units, the preservation fluid must be drained
and the unit flushed with clean hydraulic

3. Disconnect the pump motor electrical

connection at the motor.

PISTON-TYPE PUMP (CONSTANT DISPLACEMENT). Piston-type constant displacement pumps consist of a circular cylinder block with
either seven or nine equally spaced pistons. Figure
7-15 is a partial cutaway view of a seven-piston pump
manufactured by Vickers, Incorporated.

4. Drain the pump reservoir or cap the reservoir

suction line.
5. Disconnect the drain line at the pump.
6. Loosen the pressure and suction lines B

Figure 7-15.Partial cutaway view of piston-type pump.


The main parts of the pump are the drive shaft,

pistons, cylinder block, and valve plate. There are
two ports in the valve plate. These ports connect
directly to openings in the face of the cylinder block.
Hydraulic fluid is sucked in one port and forced out
the other port by the reciprocating (back-and-forth)
motion of the pistons.
There is a fill port in the top of the cylinder
housing. This opening is normally kept plugged, but
it can be opened for testing the pressure in the housing
or case. When you install a new pump or newly
repaired one, this plug must be removed and the
housing filled with fluid before the pump is operated.
There is a drain port in the mounting flange to drain
away any leakage from the drive shaft oil seal.
When the drive shaft is rotated, it rotates the
pistons and cylinder block with it. The offset position
of the cylinder block causes the pistons to move back
and forth in the cylinder block while the shaft,
pistons, and cylinder block rotate together. As the
pistons move back and forth in the cylinder block,
they draw the fluid in one port and force it out the
other. This action creates a steady, nonpulsating flow
of fluid. Certain models of this pump are capable of
developing up to 3,000 psi working pressure.
Constant displacement pumps of this series are
designed so they can be driven in either direction.
The direction of rotation of the pump must coincide
with the engine accessory section. The pump rotation
can be determined by referring to an arrow on the
pump housing adjacent to the valve plate. The only
change necessary when changing the direction of
rotation of the pump is to rotate the valve plate 180

two-thirds full with hydraulic fluid; the drive shaft

couplings should be suitably protected by a wood
block; and the ports securely plugged to prevent the
entrance of foreign matter.
several models of the Stratopower variable
displacement pump currently used on naval aircraft;
however, all are similar in principle of operation, The
pump described here is a Model 65 WB06006, rated at
3,000 psi and capable of delivering 13 gallons of fluid
per minute at 3,800 rpm.
Pressure regulation and flow control are
accomplished internally, automatically adjusting
pump delivery to meet the system demands.
Flow cutoff begins at approximately 2,850 psi,
and it reaches zero (unloads) at 3,000 psi. When the
pump is operating in the unloaded condition, the
bypass system provides circulation of fluid internally
for cooling and lubrication of the pump.
The pump has three portsthe suction port, the
discharge port, and the drain or bypass port. The
latter port is connected to the reservoir return line.
The pump is driven from the engine accessory drive
by a splined drive coupling. A shear section is
provided in the pump drive shaft to prevent damage
from overload. Figure 7-16 shows the internal
features of the pump.
Four major functions are performed by the
internal parts of the pump. These functions are
mechanical drive, fluid displacement, pressure
control, and bypass.
Mechanical Drive Mechanism. The mechanical drive mechanism is shown in figure 7-17. Piston
motion is caused by the drive cam displacing each
piston the full height of the drive cam each revolution
of the drive shaft. By coupling the ring of pistons
with a nutating (wobble) plate supported by a fixed
center pivot, the pistons are held in constant contact
with the cam face. As the drive cam depresses one
side of the nutating plate (as pistons are advanced),
the other side of the nutating plate is withdrawn an
equal amount, moving the pistons with it. The two
creep plates are provided to decrease wear on the
revolving cam.

Before installation, the pump mounting flange

and shim, if used, must be wiped clean. The pump
must be primed by filling the housing with hydraulic
fluid through the fill port. The exposed drive shaft
spline should be lubricated. To ensure internal
cleanliness, the shipping plugs should not be removed
until the lines are ready for attachment.
Normally, for repair, the pump should be shipped
to an intermediate-level activity; however,
replacement of packings and gaskets can be
accomplished in the field. To prevent damage in the
event of the pump binding, a shear section is
incorporated in the drive shaft coupling. The
coupling may be replaced if the cause of the shearing
is known and has been remedied. Immediately after
removal, the pump housing should be filled

Fluid Displacement. A schematic diagram of

the displacement of fluid is shown in figure 7-18.
Fluid is displaced by axial motion of the pistons. As
each piston advances in its respective cylinder block


Figure 7-16.Internal features of the Stratopower pump.

bore, pressure opens the check spring and a quantity

of fluid is forced past. Combined back pressure and
check spring pressure closes the check spring when
piston bypass ports align with the cylinder block
bypass passage. The partial vacuum occurring in the
cylinder during the piston return causes reservoir
fluid to flow from the intake loading groove into the
Pressure Control. A schematic diagram of the
pressure control mechanism is shown in figure 7-19.
Pressure is bled through the control orifice into the

Figure 7-17.Mechanical drive.

Figure 7-18.Fluid displacement.

Figure 7-19.Pressure control mechanism.


Figure 7-20.Fluid flow.


pressure compensator cylinder, where it moves the

compensator piston against the force of the calibrated
control (compensator) spring. This motion,
transmitted by a direct mechanical linkage, moves
sleeves axially on the piston, thereby varying the time
during which relief holes are covered during each

In removing a pump, always maintain its

alignment until the drive shaft is fully withdrawn
from the driving element. Never pick up or carry a
pump by the drive shaft extension.
Before installing a pump, the pump and its
attached hose assemblies must be primed (filled with
fluid). During installation, the pump must be
continuously supported with its shaft parallel to the
mounting studs, and the splines must mesh with the
driving element.

Fluid flows through the hollow pistons during the

forward stroke and escapes out the relief holes until
they are covered by the piston sleeves. The effective
piston stroke (delivery) is controlled by the piston
sleeve position. During nonflow requirements, only
enough fluid is pumped to maintain system pressure
against leakage.

If the pump drive shaft does not engage the

driving element, preventing the pump from sliding
into place, the drive shaft should be manually rotated
until the two splined drive shafts mate.

During normal pump operation, three conditions

may existfull flow, partial flow, and zero or
nonflow. During full flow operation (fig. 7-20), fluid
enters the intake port and is discharged to the
high-pressure side past the pump checks by the
reciprocating action of the pistons. Piston sleeves
cover the relief holes for the entire pressure stroke.

of the Navys most modern aircraft. Motor-driven
variable displacement pumps have several advantages
over the engine-driven models. Some of these
advantages are as follows:

During partial flow, system pressure is sufficient

(as bled through the orifice) to move the compensator
stem against the compensator spring force.

1. Ease of installation and removal due to the

accessibility of the component.

If system pressure continues to build up, as

under nonflow conditions, the stem will be moved
further until the relief holes are uncovered for
practically the entire piston stroke. Relief holes
will be covered only for the stroke necessary to
maintain pressure against system leakage and to
produce adequate bypass flow.

2. Constant speed of the drive shaft.

3. Eliminates the need of using a test stand to
drop check the landing gear and perform operational
checks of other actuating systems.

Bypass. The bypass system is provided to

supply self-lubrication, particularly when the pump is
in nonflow operation. The ring of bypass holes in the
pistons are aligned with the bypass passage each time
a piston reaches the very end of its forward travel.
This pumps a small quantity of fluid out the bypass
passage, back to the supply reservoir, and provides a
constant changing of the fluid in the pump. The
bypass is designed to pump against a considerable
back pressure for use with pressurized reservoirs.

NOTE: Hydraulic test stands are seldom

used on aircraft that incorporate this type of
pump because foreign particles could be
transferred from the test stand to the aircraft,
thus contaminating the hydraulic system.

4. The pump assembly contains an internal

centrifugal boost pump, which provides a positive
fluid pressure at the suction port of the variable
displacement pump.

Maintenance. Line maintenance of the

Stratopower pump is limited to operational checks,
and checking for leaks and loose fittings.
Malfunctioning pumps should be removed and

The only disadvantages of the pump are the size

of the complete assembly and its weight. For this
reason, this type of pump is used in patrol and
transport aircraft.


There are other features incorporated in the

motor-driven variable displacement pump that you
should know about. A thermal protector manual reset
button is installed on the end of the motor, which is
concealed by a cover plate. See figure 7-21. This
thermal protector is a safety device that protects the
motor from overheating. The reset button will open
and stop the motor when the temperature exceeds
380 10F. If the motor does not restart after
cooling, the cover plate over the reset button should
be removed and the reset button reset manually. If the
motor still fails to start, the motor pump assembly
should be replaced.

suction port of the pump assembly, where fluid is

ported into the center of a centrifugal pump scroll.
The scroll is located between the main pump case and
the motor reduction gearbox of the pump assembly.
See figure 7-21. The scroll houses a centrifugal
booster pump, which is mounted directly on the main
pump shaft. The constant-speed motor turns the
pump shaft through reduction gears at 3,200 rpm,
which is sufficient to boost the fluid pressure about 15
to 20 psi above the existing reservoir pressure. The
output of this integral pump is directed to two points
on opposite sides of the scroll housing. See
figure 7-22.

The motor-driven variable displacement pump

suction line is connected from the reservoir to the

One delivery point provides a constant flow of

hydraulic fluid for motor cooling through an internal

Figure 7-21.Motor-driven variable displacement piston pump.


an offset attachment for a compensator piston rod that

controls the yokes attitude. If the yoke is not
deflected, the cylinder block containing the pistons
will rotate in a plane parallel to the baseplate, thus
producing no stroke. The yoke can be tilted to
displace the pistons, reaching maximum stroke when
the yoke is tilted 30 degrees from the plane of rotation
of the baseplate.

passage. Finned baffle-like passages direct this flow

around the motor through the hollow-walled motor
case, after which it is directed by an external line into
the case of the piston pump. This constant flow
through the low-pressure chamber of the main pump
cools and lubricates all of its moving parts. It also
picks up blow-by oil that escapes past the
high-pressure pump pistons, and is discharged
through a coarse-screen filter cartridge installed in the
case drain port. The pumps coolant flow is routed
through the aircrafts heat exchanger and back to the

The pump compensating mechanism receives a

feedback signal of system pressure, and adjusts the
pump output by tilting the yoke a prescribed amount
to provide more or less flow. Whereas engine-driven
pumps are generally rated to produce a given pressure
and flow at a nominal drive speed, the electric
motor-driven pump has a fixed rotational speed and a
special compensating mechanism that enables the
pump to provide 6 gpm (gallons per minute) at 2,950
to 3,000 psi. It will provide more flow as system
pressure drops, reaching a maximum flow of 8 gpm at
2,200 psi. The accelerated flow enables the system to
maintain normal speed of many actuators in use

The second delivery point from the integral

centrifugal pump is directed from the centrifugal
pump scroll at positive pressure to the intake port of
the high-pressure pump. As you can see in figure
7-22, the Vickers motor-driven variable displacement
design is similar to other engine-driven designs. The
rotating assembly consists of a baseplate, to which
nine piston rods are joined. The assembly turns in a
fixed plane. Also turning with it is a cylindrical
nine-piston block fitted inside a nonrotating yoke.
The yoke is pivot-mounted to the pump case, and has

Figure 7-22.Motor-driven variable displacement piston pump schematic.


Figure 7-23 shows the three phases of pump

compensation in a pressure buildup order, starting at
low pressure and increasing to full system pressure.
As shown in view (A), the yoke control piston is
spring loaded to hold the displacement yoke at its
maximum displacement angle of 30 degrees. This
spring is opposed by the existing system pressure,
which acts at all times on the constant horsepower
piston area; however, the hydraulic force will not be
sufficient to move the yoke control piston until the
actuating pressure (system pressure) builds up to
2,200 psi. Thus, the cylinder block will be canted to
its maximum angle, and the pump will deliver its
maximum flow, 8 gpm, when system pressure is less
than 2,200 psi.

3. Remove the filler plug, and flush the gearbox

with hydraulic fluid.
4. Clean the magnetic plug, install with a new
gasket, and lockwire after replacing.
5. Refill gearbox with hydraulic fluid.
6. Install filler plug and dipstick, using new
Also, the pump pressure line, fitting, and filter
screen are removed. The filter screen is cleaned,
using Dry-Cleaning Solvent P-D-680, and reinstalled
using a new gasket. The pump pressure line is
reinstalled and an operational check performed.
NOTE: Hydraulic pumps that are not
functioning properly can represent a serious
source of contamination in an operating
hydraulic system. Hydraulic contamination
is discussed in chapter 4 of this TRAMAN.

View (B) of figure 7-23 shows how the yoke control piston responds to system pressure fluctuations in
the 2,200 to 2,950 psi range. Assuming that system
pressure is steadily increasing, the displacement yoke
angle will decrease from the 30-degree full
displacement angle to approximately 22 degrees,
which will produce 6 gp at 2,950 psi.


View (C) of figure 7-23 shows how the spring

load on the compensator spool is overcome by system
pressure in excess of 2,950 psi, and the displaced
spool meters pressure to the "cutoff" area of the yoke
control piston. This pressure will act with the
constant hp force on the piston, and with increasing
pressure, the piston will move rapidly from the
22-degree displacement angle at 2,950 psi to
approximatey 0 degrees at 3,000 (plus 150, minus 0)

Relief valves are not new to most people;

different types of relief valves are used in our homes
and automobiles, as well as many other places. Relief
valves are pressure limiting or safety devices
commonly used to prevent pressure from building up
to a point where it might blow seals or burst or
damage the container in which it is installed, etc.
In aircraft, relief valves are installed within
hydraulic systems to relieve excessive pressurized
fluid caused from thermal expansion, pressure surges,
and the failure of a hydraulic pumps compensator or
other regulating devices.

When full pressure exists, the hydraulic power

output will be the minimum required to replace fluid
that leaks internally. The gearbox installed between
the motor and pump contains lubricating fluid for
internal lubrication, a dipstick for checking its fluid
level, fill port to replace fluid, drain port to drain fluid
during maintenance, and a relief valve to allow excess
fluid to be relieved overboard. The pump gearbox is
drained and reserviced with clean hydraulic fluid as

Main System Relief Valves

Main system relief valves are designed to operate
within certain specific pressure limits and to relieve
complete pump output when in the open position.
Relief valves are set to open and close at
pressures determined by the system in which they are
installed. In systems designed to operate at 3,000 psi
normal pressure, the relief valve might be set to be
completely open at 3,650 psi and reseat at 3,190 psi.
These pressure ranges may vary from one aircraft to
another. When the relief valve is in the open position,
it directs excessive pressurized fluid to the reservoir
return line.

1. Remove the magnetic drain plug and catch the

fluid in a suitable container.
2. Inspect the magnetic plug for foreign particles
that may have accumulated during periods of
operation. Particles that look and feel like fuzz are
considered acceptable; however, particles containing
metal slivers require pump overhaul.


Figure 7-23.Pump compensation. (A) full flow position; (B)reduced flow; (C) minimum flow.


Thermal Relief Valves

Figure 7-24 shows atypical main system relief

valve and its component parts breakdown. The relief
valve consists of a cylindrical housing that contains a
poppet valve and piston assembly. Each end of the
housing is fabricated to include a wrench-holding
surface and a threaded port for installation of a
hydraulic fitting, and the housing is stamped to
identify the ports as PRESS (pressure) and RET

Thermal relief valves are usually smaller as

compared to system relief valves. They are used in
systems where a check valve or selector valve
prevents pressure from being relieved through the
main system relief valve.
Figure 7-25 shows a typical thermal relief valve.
As pressurized fluid in the line in which it is installed
builds up to an excessive amount, the valve poppet is
forced off its seat; this allows excessive pressurized
fluid to flow through the relief valve to the reservoir
return line, as shown in view B of figure 7-25. When
system pressure decreases to a predetermined
pressure, spring tension overcomes system pressure
and forces the valve poppet to the closed position, as
shown in view A.

A coil spring at one end of the piston retains it

against a stop on the valve housing; and the poppet
valve, which is located just inside the pressure port, is
spring seated over a passage through the valve. When
fluid pressure at the pressure port reaches 3,650 psi,
the pressure forces the piston to depress the coil
spring and move clear of the poppet valve. Thus, the
passage through the piston is opened, and fluid flows
through the valve into the return line. When pressure
at the pressure port is reduced to 3,190 psi, the coil
spring reseats the piston against the poppet valve, and
fluid flow through the relief valve ceases. Should the
pressure at the outlet port exceed the pressure at the
inlet port, the poppet valve will unseat, and fluid from
the return line will flow through the valve into the
pressure line.

Relief valve maintenance is limited to adjusting

the valve for proper relieving pressure and checking
the valve for leakage. If you think a relief valve is
leaking internally, a flexible hose maybe connected to
the return port of the valve and the drippings, if any,
caught in a container. The opening and closing
pressure of the valve may also be checked in this
manner provided an external source of rower is used.

Figure 7-24.System relief valve.


Figure 7-25.Typical thermal relief valve.


To adjust the opening pressure of a relief valve,

turn the adjusting screw clockwise to increase
opening pressure and counterclockwise to decrease
opening pressure.

All hydraulic systems do not have shutoff valves

incorporated; however, in some systems a shutoff valve
is installed in the fluid supply line between the reservoir
and the engine-driven pumps, and other places where
shutting off the fluid is desirable. These valves, like
other valves, may be electrically or manually controlled,
depending upon the design of the valve.


The purpose of shutoff valves differ according to

their installation. All shutoff valves control the flow
of fluid; however, they may isolate troubles by
shutting off a complete system or subsystem, or they
may control the speed a component moves by
partially closing the valve (manual type).

Do not attempt to adjust a relief valve while

it is installed on an aircraft. This action
will result in an incorrect pressure setting.
The valve must be removed and adjusted
on a test stand to ensure proper pressure


Motor Operated Shutoff Valves

The purpose of the shutoff valve, shown in
figure 7-26, is to shut off the flow of hydraulic fluid to
the engine in case of an engine fire. The valve may
also be used to great advantage during replacement of
line quick-disconnects and other maintenance
functions. There are usually other shutoff valves,
identical in appearance, installed within the same area
that prevent oil and fuel from reaching the engine in
case of an engine fire.
When the shutoff valve is energized, an electrical
impulse is applied to the electrical connector on the
motor, which converts the electrical energy into rotary
motion of the actuator output shaft by the means of a
gear train. his rotary motion is then transmitted to
the shaft, which couples the actuator output shaft to
the crank assembly. The crank assembly then
transmits the rotary motion of the shaft to the linear
motion of the slide. The amount of rotation of the
valve output shaft is controlled by means of limit
switches in the motor and gear assembly, which

interrupt current to the motor. When the valve is in

the open position, the slide is retracted into the valve
body, thus permitting the flow of hydraulic fluid
through the valve. When the valve is in the closed
position, the slide is positioned between the inlet and
outlet ports, thus shutting off the fluid flow.
The valve incorporates a visual position indicator
(on the valve itself). The indicator is mechanically connected to the operating parts of the valve and provides a
positive indication of the position of the valve.
Operating an engine with the fire wall
shutoff valve closed could cause severe
damage to the engine-driven pump.
Electric Solenoid Shutoff Valve
The shutoff valve, shown in figure 7-27, is used to
shut off the fluid flow to selected subsystems of a

Figure 7-26.Motor operated shutoff valvue.


Figure 7-27.Electric solenoid shutoff valve.


utility hydraulic system. It can also limit the use of all

available utility system pressure for the operation of the
primary flight controls or prevent fluid loss during flight
when damage to the utility system has occurred. This
valve is sometimes referred to as a priority valve and
normally has three modes or conditions of operation.
control system pressure normal, switch in the landing
position, solenoid deenergized, and the pilot ball on
its lower seat, blocking the return port of the flight
control system. See Figure 7-27, View A. In this
condition, the pressure of the flight control system is
allowed to act upon the lower working area of the
poppet, moving it upward off its seat and compressing
the poppet spring. This action will allow the fluid of
the utility system to flow downstream from the
location of the valves to the landing gear, flaps, speed
brakes, etc.
CONDITION TWO (FLIGHT). Flight control
system pressure normal, switch in the flight position,
solenoid energized, and the pilot ball on its upper seat,
preventing the pressure of the flight control system from
working on the lower working area to the poppet. See
Figure 7-27, View B. In this condition the return port of the
flight system is open. The poppet spring will move the
poppet onto its seat, preventing the fluid fron the utility
system from flowing downstream from the location of the
valve. This allows all available fluid to be directed to the
components of the utility section, such as the ailerions,
rudder, stabilizer, spoilers, of the flight control subsystem.
Failure of the flight control hydraulic system. The
flight control system pressureis 0 psi, and the utility
system pressure is normal. During this condition, the
poppet will remain on its seat, because the pressure of
the flight control system is not available to work on
the lower working area of the poppet to move it up to
open the valve. See Figure 7-27 View C.
Failure of the electrical system to the electrohydraulic shutoff valve. The pressures of the flight control
and utility systems are normal, and there is no electrical
power to the solenoid In this conditon, the solenoid cannot
be energized, the polit ball will remain on its lower seat, and
the pressure of the flight control system will work on the
lower working area. This holds the poppet of its seat and
allows the pressure of the utility systems to flow
downstream from the location of the valves.

needle-type valve consists of a handle, stem and

valve, and body. Turning the handle in a clockwise
direction places the valve on its seat within the body,
stopping the flow of fluid.
These shutoff valves are used during maintenance
to shut off hydraulic fluid to the subsystems, thus
allowing maintenance personnel to work safely in the
wheelwell and bomb bay areas. Also, by closing the
particular valve a desired amount, the speed of the
operating unit can be controlled to aid in observing
the sequence and full operation of the components
being operated.
Hydraulic fluid coolers are used in some
hydraulic systems for the purpose of lowering the
temperature of the fluid within the system lines, thus
preventing inadvertent overboard dumping of fluid
from the reservoir due to thermal expansion. Fluid
coolers are installed in systems in which the
temperature of the fluid is likely to exceed the
maximum allowable limit.
According to the military specifications for
aircraft hydraulic systems, 400F is the maximum
allowable temperature for any type of hydraulic
system. In some systems, this temperature might be
exceeded without some means of cooling the fluid.
Several types of fluid coolers are used on naval
aircraft. The most common is the radiator type, in
which both the hydraulic fluid and engine fuel flow
separately through the cooling unit. Another radiator
type uses ram air in flight and an electric blower while
on the ground to produce an air source as a cooling
Radiator Types
Radiator-type fluid coders are also called heat
exchangers and fluid coolers, as well as radiators.
Their principles of operation are the same; however,
the manner in which they obtain their objective may
On some aircraft, the radiator is a welded
aluminum assembly with two semicylindrical and
baffled hydraulic fluid chambers with multiple pencil
diameter size tubes, which direct and contain fuel
flow through the individual hydraulic chambers. The
radiator is so constructed to prevent mixing of engine
fuel with hydraulic fluid and one hydraulic system
fluid with the other. As fuel flows through the
radiator tubes, heat energy is transferred from the
hydraulic fluid to the engine fuel prior to hydraulic
fluid entry into the hydraulic reservoir.
Figure 7-28 shows the cooling radiator used to
cool two hydraulic systems; moreover, it has a fuel
filter incorporated that filters the fuel supplied to the

Manual Shutoff Valves

Manual shutoff valves may be used as tire wall
shutoff valves as well as subsystem shutoff valves.
Some aircraft have a manual fire wall shutoff valve
operated by cable linkage.
Some aircraft use the needle-type shutoff valve in
their landing gear and bomb bay systems. This


Figure 7-28.Hydraulic fluid cooler.


internally in the wing inboard fuel tanks. As shown in

figure 7-29, each cooler is an assembly of fin-walled
tubing, two unions, and mounting supports. Fluid
enters the inlet coupling and is passed through the
fin-walled tubing, which acts as a heat exchanger, and
is directed to the outlet coupling for return to the
system reservoir. The heat of the fluid passing
through the coolers is absorbed by both the fin-walled
tubing and the fuel.

engine. The radiator unit consists of a cylindrical

case containing two cooling coils of 1/4-inch
aluminum alloy tubing and a replaceable fuel filter
element. The utility system cooling coil is installed in
the right-hand end of the case; the flight control
system cooling coil and the filter element are installed
in the left-hand end, as shown in figure 7-28. The
case ends contain fittings for connecting fuel hoses.
Two threaded bosses, which are welded to the cooling
coil ends, serve to connect the hydraulic lines for each
system. During normal operation, hydraulic fluid
returning to each reservoir is directed through its
applicable system cooling coil, where sufficient heat
is transferred to the engine fuel to maintain the
hydraulic fluid at less than 200F.

NOTE: The fuel level in the inboard tanks

must be maintained at a specific level to
ensure adequate cooling of the fluid.


Should the cooling coils become clogged, each

system is equipped with a bypass relief valve, which
opens and bypasses fluid around the coil and directly
to the reservoir.

A manifold is a hydraulic component used to

conserve space and permit ease of unit removal and
replacement. It also provides a means where common
fluid lines may come together and be distributed to
other subsystems. Manifolds are used in various
types of installations, depending upon the needs of the

Fin Tubing Types

Some aircraft use fin tubing for cooling hydraulic
system fluid. Hydraulic fluid coolers are mounted

Figure 7-29.Fin tubing assembly Installation.


Figure 7-30 shows two views of a manifold. This

manifold joins both the pressure and suction lines
from the No. 1 system pumps and the suction line
from the emergency system pump. The assembly
includes integral check valves to direct the flow of
fluid through the manifold, filters to clean the fluid
prior to its entry into the main system, and
quick-disconnect fittings for the connection of ground
test hydraulic equipment.

Hydraulic fluid will hold in suspension tiny
particles generated during normal wear of selector
valves, pumps, and other system components. These
minute particles may damage or impair the function
of the units and parts through which they pass if they
are not removed by a filter. Because close tolerances
exist within a hydraulic system, the performance and

Figure 7-30.Hydraulic manifold assembly.


reliability of the entire system depend upon adequate

Continuous filtration of hydraulic fluid during
system operation is necessary to maintain system
cleanliness. You should use filters that have fine
pores or openings to allow hydraulic fluid to pass but
that are small enough to trap contaminant particles.
Hydraulic filter elements are rated in several ways.
The absolute filtration rating is the diameter in
microns of the largest spherical particle that will pass
through the filter under a certain test condition. This
rating is an indication of the largest opening in the
filter element. The mean filtration rating is the
measurement of the average size of the openings in
the filter element. The nominal filtration rating is
usually interpreted to mean the size of the smallest

particles of which 90 percent will be trapped in the

filter at each pass through the filter. Figure 7-31
shows a typical filter arrangement in a hydraulic
Filters may be located within the reservoir, the
pressure line, the return line, or any other location
where they are needed to safeguard the hydraulic
system against contaminants. Their location in the
system and other design criteria determine their shape
and size.
Basic Units
The filter assembly is composed of three basic
units. The units are a head assembly, a bowl, and a
filter element. See figure 7-32.

Figure 7-31.Typical filter arrangement in hydraulic system.


maintaining a hydraulic system at much cleaner levels

than could previously be achieved. The use of
5-micron (absolute) filters is presently specified for
all new design aircraft, and they are being retrofitted
to existing fleet aircraft where practicable.
The most common 5-micron filter medium is
composed of organic and inorganic fibers integrally
bonded by epoxy resin and faced with a metallic mesh
upstream and downstream for protection and added
mechanical strength. Filters of this type are not to be
cleaned under any circumstances, and will be marked
bottom end cap.
Five-micron, noncleanable, hydraulic filter
elements should be replaced with new elements
during specified maintenance inspection intervals in
accordance with the applicable procedures. Refer to
the applicable MIM or maintenance requirement
cards (MRC) for replacement intervals and
Figure 7-32.Hydraulic filter assembly.

HEAD ASSEMBLY. The head assembly is

secured to the aircraft structure and connecting lines.
The head assembly of some filters have a pressureoperated bypass valve, which will route the hydraulic
fluid directly from the inlet to the outlet port if the
filter element becomes loaded with foreign matter.
BOWL. The bowl is the housing that holds the
element to the filter head, and it is removed when
element replacement is required.
FILTER ELEMENT. The filter element may
be of the 5-micron noncleanable, woven mesh,
micronic, porous metal, or magnetic type. The
micronic and 5-micron noncleanable elements have
nonmetallic filter media, and are discarded when
removed. Porous metal, woven mesh, and magnetic
filter elements are usually designed to be cleaned and
reused. However, some metallic filters are
considered noncleanable and are normally discarded.
Noncleanable filter elements rated at 5-microns
(absolute) represent the current state of the art in
hydraulic filtration. Elements of this type afford
significantly improved filtration and have greater
dirt-holding capacities than other types of elements of
the same physical size. They are particularly
effective in controlling particles in the 1- to
10-micron size range, which are normally passed by
other types of elements, and they are capable of

Another 5-micron filter medium of recent design

employs layers of very fine stainless steel fibers
drawn into a random but controlled matrix. The
matrix is then processed by an exclusive procedure,
which in successive steps compresses and sinters
(bonds all wires at their crossing points) the material
into a thin layer with controlled filtration characteristics. Filter elements of this material may be
cleanable or noncleanable, depending upon their
construction, and are marked accordingly.
Support Equipment (SE) Filters
To ensure delivery of contaminant-free hydraulic
fluid, all SE must be provided with 3-micron
(absolute) non-bypass filtration in their fluid
discharge or output pressure lines. With many test
stands, the filter used for this application, in addition
to having a low micron rating, must be capable of
withstanding high-collapse pressures and holding
large amounts of dirt.
Unlike most filter elements, 3-micron, high-pressure SE filters are not normally replaced on a
prescribed periodic basis. Because of their large
dirt-holding capacity and nature of service, it is more
effective to replace such elements only when
indicated as being loaded by their associated
differential pressure indicators. Element replacement
procedures vary with the particular type, and
applicable maintenance instructions should be
consulted for specific procedures.


Differential Pressure Indicators

The extent to which a filter element is loaded can
be determined by measuring the drop in hydraulic
pressure across the element under rated flow
conditions. This drop or differential pressure
provides a convenient means of monitoring the
condition of installed filter elements, and is the
operating principle used in the differential-pressure or
loaded-filter indicators found on many filter

assemblies. Differential pressure indicating devices

have many configurations, including electrical
switches, continuous-reading visual indicators
(gauges), and visual indicators with memory. Visual
indicators with memory usually take the form of
magnetic or mechanically latched buttons or pins that
extend when the differential pressure exceeds that
allowed for a serviceable element. See figure 7-33.
When this increased pressure reaches a specific value,
inlet pressure forces the spring-loaded magnetic

Figure 7-33.Hydraulic filter assembly incorporating differential pressure indicator.


piston downward, breaking the magnetic attachment

between the indicator button and the magnetic piston.
This allows the red indicator to pop out, signifying
that the element must be cleaned. The button or pin,
once extended, remains in that position until manually
reset and provides a permanent (until reset) warning
of a loaded element. This feature is particularly
useful where it is impossible for an operator to
continuously monitor the visual indicator, such as in
an aircraft. Some button indicators have a thermal
lockout device incorporated in their design that
prevents operation of the indicator below a certain
temperature. The lockout prevents the higher
differential pressure generated at cold temperatures
by high fluid viscosity from causing a false indication
of a loaded filter element.

assemblies in some aircraft and SE are equipped with

indicating devices (buttons or pins) that will extend
when the differential pressure across the filter
exceeds a predetermined value, indicating a loaded
element. Upon appearance of this indicator, it
becomes necessary to verify the condition of the filter
element, and replace it if required. When checking or
changing filter elements, also check the functioning
of any pop-up mechanism.
Indications of a loaded filter must be verified to
confirm that release of the button or pin is due to a
loaded filter and not a result of system mechanical
shock or cold start. Verification is accomplished by
resetting the indicator (manually depressing it) and
operating the system at full power. If the differential
pressure indicator extends again during this test, the
filter element should be replaced.

Differential pressure indicators are a component

part of the filter assembly in which they are installed,
and, as such, are normally tested and overhauled as
part of the complete assembly. With some model
filter assemblies, however, it is possible to replace the
indicator itself, without removal of the filter
assembly, if it is suspected of being inoperative or out
of calibration. It is important that the external
surfaces of button-type indicators be kept free of dirt
or paint to ensure free movement of the button.

It is important that the applicable MIM be

consulted for specific filter element replacement
procedures. The following basic principles apply to
most replacement operations:
1. Removal of the filter bowl is the first step in
replacing the filter element. With most filter
assemblies, this operation usually consists of
removing a lockwire and unscrewing the bowl from
the filter head. In most filter assemblies, an automatic
shutoff valve in the head will prevent fluid loss from
the system when the bowl is removed.

Indications of excessive differential pressure,

regardless of the type of indicator employed, should
never be disregarded. All such indications must be
verified and action taken, as required, to replace the
loaded filter element. Failure to replace a loaded
element can result in system starvation, filter element
collapse, or the loss of filtration where bypass
assemblies are used. Verification of loaded filter
indications is particularly important with button-type
indicators, as they may have been falsely triggered by
mechanical shock, vibration, or cold start of the
system. Verification is usually obtained by manually
resetting the indicator and operating the system to
create a maximum flow demand, ensuring that the
fluid is at near normal operating temperatures.

2. Once the bowl is removed, the fluid in it is

discarded, and the bowl is cleaned of sediment by
flushing with clean, unused hydraulic fluid or dry
cleaning solvent, P-D-680. It is important that
chlorinated solvents such as MIL-C-81302 or
1,1,1-trichloroethane are not used, as their residues
may have harmful effect on the system.
3. The filter element is, in most instances,
removed from the head by a gentle twisting and
pulling motion. Once removed, the surface of the
element should be visually inspected. An excessive
amount of particulate on its surface, as determined
from experience, may be indicative of upstream
component failure and the need for investigation.
Check the solid end of filter element for Disposable
markings. If the filter element is disposable, it should
be discarded. If the filter element is not disposable, it
should be cleaned and handled carefully.

Hydraulic filter maintenance consists of filter
element replacement only. You must be familiar with
both replacement and general inspection procedures.
Replacement of hydraulic filter elements is
normally a maintenance operation performed on a
periodic basis, but need for prior replacement may be
indicated during routine inspection. Hydraulic filter

4. The replacement filter element should not be

removed from its protective packing until just prior to
installation. Once removed from packing, the


element must be carefully handled to protect it from

contamination and mechanical damage.
5. The replacement element is installed in
reverse order of its removal. In most instances the
element is inserted up into the head, employing a
gentle twisting motion. O-ring seals located in the
head, or sometimes in the element itself, prevent fluid
from flowing around the element. It is important that
these seals be inspected and replaced, if required, in
accordance with the applicable MIM.
6. Prior to installation of the cleaned filter bowl,
the bowl is first filled with new filtered hydraulic
fluid to minimize the introduction of air into the
hydraulic system. It is important that the fluid used
for this operation be obtained only from an authorized
hydraulic fill service unit.

2. Remove the O-ring from the filter element and

visually inspect the O-ring groove, including
chamfers, for nicks, dents, visible roughness,
out-of-roundness, and pitting. Blend out nicks and/or
scratches that are deeper than 0.002 inch with crocus
cloth P-C-458.
3. Visually inspect mating surfaces, including
chamfers, or other parts that mate with the O-ring
grooves. Make sure that all surfaces (grooves and
mating surfaces) are smooth and capable of sealing
with the O-ring installed.
4. Dispose of unacceptable filter elements
according to existing instructions.

7. Once filled, the filter bowl is carefully and

slowly slid up over the installed element and screwed
into the head. A quantity of fluid from the bowl will
normally be displaced by the element and spilled.
Provisions must be made to collect or absorb it.

The purpose of the accumulator in a hydraulic

system is to store a volume of fluid under pressure.
There are several reasons why it is advantageous to
store a volume of fluid under pressure. Some of these
are listed below:

8. The installed filter bowl should be torqued to

the value specified in the applicable MIM. The bowl
is then lockwired, using standard tools and the
lockwire provisions in the filter assembly.

1. An accumulator acts as a cushion against

pressure surges that may be caused by the pulsating
fluid delivery from the pump or from system

9. All filter element installations should be

followed by test and inspection of the system to
ensure proper operation. This is generally
accomplished by operating the system at its normal
pressure and flow rates and inspecting for external
leakage at the filter assembly and for indications of
excessive differential pressure. Any external leakage
is unacceptable, and requires that the system be shut
down and the problem corrected.

2. The accumulator supplements the pumps

output when the pump is under a peak load by storing
energy in the form of fluid under pressure.
3. The energy stored in the accumulator may be
used to actuate a unit in the event of normal hydraulic
system failure. For example, sufficient energy can be
stored in the accumulator for several applications of
the wheel brakes.
There are two general types of accumulators in
use on naval aircraft. They are the spherical type and
the cylindrical type. Until a few years ago, the
spherical type was the more commonly used
accumulator; however, the cylindrical type has proved
more satisfactory for high-pressure hydraulic
systems, and is now more commonly used than the
spherical type. Examples of both types are shown in
figure 7-34.

10. Should the filter assembly differential

pressure indicator continue to extend after a new
element has been installed, the indicator itself is
probably defective. Consult the maintenance
instructions to determine what corrective action is to
be taken.
Inspect the filter element as follows:
1. Visually inspect the element for dents, broken
wires, holes, creases, and sharp corners of pleats.
Permissible damage is to be confined to small dents
that will not impede the required flow, or increase the
filter pressure drop beyond tolerance, or fail to pass
the required bubble test point. Deeper dents, broken
wires, holes, creases, and sharp corners of pleats are
cause for rejection of elements.

Spherical Type
The spherical type accumulator is constructed in
two halves that are screwed together. A synthetic
rubber diaphragm is installed between both halves,
making two chambers. Two threaded openings exist


in the assembled component. The opening at the top,

as shown in figure 7-34, contains a screen disc that
prevents the diaphragm from extruding through the
threaded opening when system pressure is depleted,
thus rupturing the diaphragm. On some designs the
screen is replaced by a button protector fastened to the
center of the diaphragm. The top threaded opening
provides a means for connection of the fluid chamber
of the accumulator to the hydraulic system.

Cylindrical Type
Cylindrical accumulators consist of a cylinder
and piston assembly. End caps are attached to both
ends of the cylinder. The internal piston separates the
fluid and air/nitrogen chambers. Both the end caps
and piston are sealed with gaskets and packings to
prevent external leakage around the end caps and
internal leakage between the chambers. In one end
cap, a hydraulic fitting is used to attach the fluid
chamber to the hydraulic system. In the other end
cap, an air filler valve is installed to perform the same
function as the filler valve installed in the spherical

The bottom threaded opening provides a means

for installation of an air filler valve. This valve (when
open) allows an air/nitrogen source to be connected to
and enter the accumulator; moreover, when the valve
is closed, it traps the air/nitrogen within the

In operation, the compressed-air chamber is
charged to a predetermined pressure, which is
somewhat lower than the system operating pressure.
This initial charge is referred to as the accumulator
As an example of accumulator operation, let us
assume that the cylindrical accumulator in figure 7-34
is designed for a preload of 1,300 psi in a 3,000 psi
system. When the initial charge of 1,300 psi is
introduced into the unit, hydraulic system pressure is
zero. As air pressure is applied through the air
pressure port, it moves the piston toward the opposite
end until it bottoms. If the air behind the piston has a
pressure of 1,300 psi, the hydraulic system pump will
have to create a pressure within the system greater
than 1,300 psi before the hydraulic fluid can actuate
the piston. Thus, at 1,301 psi the piston will start to
move within the cylinder, compressing the air as it
moves. At 2,000 psi it will have backed up several
inches. At 3,000 psi the piston will have backed up to
its normal operating position, compressing the air
until it occupies a space less than one-half the length
of the cylinder.
When actuation of hydraulic units lowers the
system pressure, the compressed air will expand
against the piston, forcing fluid from the accumulator.
This supplies an instantaneous supply of fluid to the
hydraulic system.
Many aircraft have several accumulators in the
hydraulic system. There may be a main system
accumulator and an emergency system accumulator.
There may also be auxiliary accumulators located in
various unit systems. Regardless of the number and
their location within the system, all accumulators

Figure 7-34.Pressure accumulator, spherical and cylindrical



perform the same function-that of storing an extra

volume of hydraulic fluid under pressure.
Accumulators should be visually examined for
indications of external hydraulic fluid leaks. They
should then be examined for external air leaks by
brushing the exterior with soapy water, which will
form bubbles where the air leaks occur.
The air valve assembly should be loosened to
examine the accumulator for internal leaks. If
hydraulic fluid comes out of the air valve, the
accumulator should be removed and replaced. The
overhaul or repair of the accumulator is not a line
maintenance function, but it is the responsibility of an
intermediate-level activity.
The air preload pressure should be checked after
relieving the hydraulic system pressure by operating
the wing flaps or other hydraulically actuated unit.
The majority of the accumulators installed in naval
aircraft are equipped with air pressure gauges for this
purpose. When the accumulator is not equipped with
a high-pressure air gauge, you may install one at the
air preload fitting for this purpose. The required
pressure can be found in the MIM for each aircraft.

operating value, relieve system pressure by operating

the wing flaps or another unit slowly. The pressure
gauge reading must be watched carefully. The last
reading before the indicator needle drops suddenly to
zero is accepted as the accumulator preload air
Before disassembly of any accumulator, ensure
that the air preload has been completely exhausted.
This may be accomplished by loosening the swivel
nut on the air filler valve until all air is out; then
remove the valve.
The purpose of the hydraulic system accumulator
is to store an extra volume of fluid under pressure.
The energy stored in an accumulator is used for
various purposes, such as the actuation of a unit in the
event of normal hydraulic system failure. For
example, sufficient energy can be stored in an
accumulator for several applications of the wheel
Most accumulators are installed with an air gauge
and a high-pressure air valve mounted on a panel of
the structure near the accumulator. Figure 7-35
shows the brake system accumulator installation used
on one type of aircraft. The air valve used in the
accumulator installations is usually the same type as
that used on shock struts.

The preload pressure may be checked by another

method in case the accumulator is not equipped with
an air pressure gauge. With the system pressure (as
indicated by the cockpit gauge) at the normal

Figure 7-35.Accumulator air charge valve and gauge installation.


One end of the Bourdon tube is closed, while the

other end has a fitting for connecting it to a pressure
source. The fitting end is fastened to the gauge frame,
while the other end is free to move so it can operate
the mechanical linkage.

To service an accumulator, the hydraulic

pressure that is trapped in the accumulator must be
relieved. This is accomplished by actuating the units
involved. For example, the hydraulic pressure in a
brake accumulator may be relieved by applying the
emergency brake several times. When the hydraulic
pressure is relieved, the accumulator gauge should
indicate the air or nitrogen pressure specified for the
particular accumulator installation. If the pressure
indicated is below the specified pressure, the
accumulator must be recharged with dry compressed
air or nitrogen.

Assume that fluid pressure enters the Bourdon

tube. Since fluid pressure will be transmitted equally
in all directions and the area on the outside radius of
the tube is greater than that of its inside, the force
will also be greater on the outside radius, which
tends to straighten the tube. As the movable end of
the tube tries to turn outward, it turns the pivot
segment gear. This gear meshes with a smaller rotary
gear to which a pointer is attached, and its movement
causes a reading on the pressure gauge. The gauge
dial is calibrated so that the needle points to a
number that corresponds to the exact pressure that is
applied. When the pressure is removed, the Bourdon
tube acts as a spring, and returns to its normal

Pressure gauges installed in hydraulic and
pneumatic systems are used to indicate existing
hydraulic and pneumatic pressures, and are
calibrated in pounds per square inch. Naval aircraft
use both the direct reading gauges and the synchro
(electric) type.

Synchro Type
Direct Reading Type
On most newer aircraft, an electrically operated
(synchro) pressure indicator is used. Figure 7-37
shows the pressure indicator of a typical naval
aircraft. This aircraft is equipped with three
hydraulic systemsNo. 1 flight control system, No. 2
flight control system, and utility system. One
indicator provides pressure indication for all three
systems. This type of arrangement is desirable
because it saves instrument panel space.

Direct reading gauges are used in installations

such as accumulators, emergency air bottles,
arresting gear snubbers, and brake systems. The
gauge is connected directly into units or lines leading
from units and become part of the container or
system. At these points the gauge is able to sample
existing pressure.
The main part of the direct reading gauge is the
Bourdon tube. The Bourdon tube is a curved metal
tube that is oval in cross-sectional shape (fig. 7-36).

The indicator system consists of three pressure

transmitters, one located in each of the system lines,

Figure 7-37.Typical hydraulic pressure


Figure 7-36.Bourdon tube.


and a hydraulic pressure selector switch and dual

pointer indicator, both located on the pilots
instrument panel.

nearest 100 psi. On these gauges, the numeral

reading must be multiplied by 1,000 to obtain the
actual pressure in psi.

The transmitters operate on the Bourdon tube

principle. Expansion and contraction of the Bourdon
tube is transmitted by mechanical linkage to the rotor
of a transmitter synchro. The synchro transmits an
electrical signal through wiring to the pressure
indicator. The indicator contains two synchros
mechanically attached to the two separate pointers.

On gauges designed for a range of 0 to 2,000 psi,

the dial is calibrated with two major markings, the
numerals 1,000 and 2,000, and four intermediate
graduations for reading to the nearest 200 psi. A
gauge of this type is shown in figure 7-38.

When the HYD PRESS SELECTOR switch (fig.

7-37) is in the No. 1 and No. 2 FLT CONT position,
the pointers (marked "1" and "2") indicate the
pressure in their respective systems, independent of
each other. When the HYD PRESS SELECTOR
switch is in the UTILITY position, the synchros are
connected in electrical parallel, and the pointers align
with each other and act as one.
Although the Aviation Electricians Mate is
responsible for inspecting and maintaining all the
aircraft gauges and other instruments, you must know
how to read the hydraulic pressure gauge to inspect
and maintain the hydraulic system.
Pressure gauges on some naval aircraft are
calibrated to register from 0 to 2,000 psi; on others
they register from 0 to 4,000 psi. The gauge in
figure 7-37 is an example of the latter type.


A gauge and pressure transmitter snubber is a
hydraulic component located upstream of pressure
gauges and pressure transmitters. Its purpose is to
damper out system pressure surges that could cause
possible damage to gauges and pressure transmitters.
Snubbers also prevent cockpit hydraulic indicators
from oscillating and fluctuating, which makes
accurate reading of the gauge not only difficult but
often impossible. Without the use of a snubber,
pressure oscillations and other sudden pressure
changes existing in hydraulic systems could affect the
delicate internal mechanism of both gauges and
transmitters. This may cause either complete
destruction of the gauge or transmitter or, often
worse, partial damage, resulting in false readings.

As shown in figure 7-37, on gauges designed for

a range of 0 to 4,000 psi, the dial is calibrated with
four major markings with the numerals 1,2,3, and 4.
One major intermediate graduation between each
numeral and four minor intermediate markings
between the major markings are for reading to the

The basic components of a snubber are the

housing, fitting assembly with a fixed orifice
diameter, and the pin and plunger assembly, as shown
in figure 7-39. The snubbing action is obtained by
metering fluid through the snubber. The fitting
assembly orifice restricts the amount of fluid that
flows to the gauge or pressure transmitter, thereby
snubbing the force of a pressure surge. The pin is
pushed and pulled through the orifice of the fitting
assembly by the plunger, keeping it clear and at a
uniform size.

Figure 7-38.Hydraulic pressure gauge.

Figure 7-39.Gauge and pressure transmitter snubber.



pressure line. The pressure switch is actuated

automatically by hydraulic pressure.

According to the military specifications discussed

earlier in this chapter, an aircraft may have a standby
hydraulic system for emergency operation of the
flight controls, a compressed air (pneumatic) system
for operating the brakes, and a mechanically operated
system for lowering the landing gear. Inspection and
maintenance of these systems are also your

For example, when emergency system pressure

drops below a predetermined point, the pressure
switch turns the pump motor on. When the pressure
builds up to the designed operating psi, the pressure
switch turns the pump motor off.
The system is protected from excessive pressures
by a relief valve, which is set to open at a pressure
slightly above system operating pressure. Emergency
power systems of this type are generally equipped
with an accumulator for storing a reservoir supply of
fluid under pressure. This prevents the pump motor
from having to cut in repeatedly to maintain operating
pressure in the system.

On aircraft using a standby hydraulic system, the

emergency power system components will usually
include a reservoir, a pump, and an emergency control
in the cockpit for switching from NORMAL to
EMERGENCY. Additional components will vary
from aircraft to aircraft, depending on the method
used for driving the emergency pump.

Ram Air Turbine-Driven System

The emergency system pump may be

electric-motor driven, ram-air turbine driven, or it
may be hand operated. All three methods are
currently used on naval aircraft.

In this type of emergency hydraulic system, ram

air is used to turn the blades of a turbine that, in turn,
operates a hydraulic pump. The turbine and pump
assembly is generally installed on the inner surface of
a door installed in the fuselage. The door is hinged,
allowing the assembly to be extended into the
slipstream by pulling a manual release in the cockpit.

Regardless of the method used in driving the

pump, the emergency power system must be
completely independent of the normal power system.
The normal and emergency lines are usually separated
as far apart from each other as practicable. This is
done to reduce to a minimum the possibility of both
lines being ruptured by a single projectile.
The emergency reservoir is usually located as
remotely as practicable from the normal reservoir, but
it is generally possible to fill both reservoirs through a
common filler port. Usually, the filler port is located
on the normal system reservoir.
Operation of Typical Motor-Driven System
A schematic diagram of a typical electric
motor-driven emergency power system is shown in
figure 7-40. Individual components included in the
system are a reservoir, a motor-driven pump, an
accumulator, a relief valve, a pressure switch, a
snubber, and a control switch in the cockpit.
The main difference in a system of this type and a
normal (engine-driven) system is that instead of
operating continuously, the pump operates only when
pressure is needed in the system. For example, if the
normal power system is inoperative, the pilot turns on
the emergency system switch in the cockpit. Turning
this switch on energizes a pressure switch that is
connected into the emergency hydraulic system

Figure 7-40.Schematic diagram of typical emergency power

system (electric-motor driven).


Figure 7-41 shows a typical ram air unit. This type of

emergency system is intended for use only when
normal hydraulic pumps are completely inoperative.
Because of differences in system designs, aircraft
emergency system operating pressures will differ
from one aircraft to another. The ram air turbine
system shown in figure 7-41 provides a means for

emergency hydraulic and electrical power when the

normal aircraft hydraulic system has failed. The
turbine-driven hydraulic pump supplies fluid under
pressure to the primary flight controls as well as to an
emergency hydraulically driven alternator.
The turbine system shown in figure 7-42 consists
of a dropout governor-controlled turbine, a hydraulic

Figure 7-41.Ram air turbine hydraulic pump assembly.


pump connected in parallel to the normal hydraulic

system, a ram air turbine actuator, and a turbineretract control valve. You can pull the release handle,
located in the cockpit within easy reach of the pilot, to
operate the system. A mechanical latch releases the
turbine assembly into the airstream.
spring-loaded turbine actuator initiates extension of
the turbine assembly, and the airstream force
completes the extension. During starting and
acceleration of the turbine, the turbine blades remain
at a constant setting until near maximum rpm. At this
point, the governor senses the shaft rpm and begins to
vary the blade angle to prevent excessive turbine
speed. At this speed, the pump is delivering its
maximum amount of fluid. As the turbine slows
down, usually due to a decrease in airspeed, the fluid
delivery from the pump will also decrease. This type
of system allows the aircraft to be controlled in flight
by supplying the necessary hydraulic and electrical

switch is depressed, electrical power is supplied to the

solenoid-operated turbine retract control valve.
Hydraulic pressure from the hydraulic power system
is ported to the retract side of the turbine actuator
(fig. 7-42) through a restrictor, which controls the
retract speed. As the turbine door reaches the closed
position, the spring-loaded hook-type lock is caromed
up until it drops over the roller, locking the door
closed. When the button switch is released, electrical
power is removed from the control valve and the
retract side of the actuator is repressurized, thus
completing the retract cycle.

Pneumatic System

Two types of pneumatically operated emergency

systems are currently used in naval aircraft. One type
consists merely of one or more storage cylinders, a
control in the cockpit for releasing the contents of the
cylinders, a ground charge valve, and the connecting
lines and fittings. This type of system must be
serviced with compressed air or nitrogen.

The turbine is maintained in the fully extended

position by a hydraulic lock in the turbine actuator.

Figure 7-42.Ram air turbine-control system schematic.


The other type of system in current use has its

own compressor and other equipment necessary for
maintaining an adequate supply of compressed air
during flight. Provision for ground charging this type
of system is also provided. In addition to a
compressor, the components in this type of system
usually include a filter, a pressure regulator, a
moisture separator, a relief valve, a chemical drier,
and storage cylinder(s).

Like hydraulic filters, air filters have a removable

element and a built-in relief valve. The relief valve is
designed to open and bypass the air supply around the
filter element should the element become clogged.
Some air filters are equipped with the micronic-type
element, which must be replaced periodically. Others
have the screen mesh type, which requires periodic
cleaning. The latter type may be reinstalled after
cleaning and drying.

AIR COMPRESSORS. A typical air compressor is shown in figure 7-43. An installation of this
type receives its supply of air from the compressor
section of the aircraft engine. This air is then
compressed further to the required pressure for
operating the system. Compressors of this type are
capable of maintaining up to and above 3,000 psi
pressure during flight.


regulator is generally located in the line between the
engine compressor and the pneumatic system
compressor; however, it may be incorporated within
the system moisture separator. Its purpose is to
regulate the pressure of the supply air before it enters
the system compressor. The pressure regulator
maintains a stable outlet pressure regardless of the
inlet pressure.

On some aircraft, the compressor is operated by

an electric motor. On others, a hydraulic motor is
used to drive the compressor. Compressors must be
serviced with oil periodically, as outlined in the
aircraft MIM. An oil level sight gauge is provided on
the compressor (fig. 7-43).
AIR FILTERS. An air filter is usually located
in the line leading into the system compressor.
Additional filters may be located at various points in
the system lines to remove any foreign matter that
may enter the system.


separator in a pneumatic system is always located
downstream of the compressor. Its purpose is to
remove any moisture caused by the compressor. A
complete moisture separator consists of a reservoir, a
pressure switch, a dump valve, and a check valve, and
it may also include a regulator and a relief valve. The
dump valve is energized and de-energized by the
pressure switch. When de-energized, it completely
purges the separator reservoir and lines up to the
compressor. The check valve protects the system
against pressure loss during the dumping cycle and
prevents reverse flow through the separator.
A relief valve is
incorporated in a pneumatic system to protect the
system from overpressurization. Overpressurization
is generally caused by thermal expansion (heat).
Relief valves are generally adjusted to open and close
at pressures slightly above normal system operating
pressure. For example, in a system designed to
operate at 3,000 psi, the relief valve might be set to
open at 3,750 psi and reseat at 3,250 psi.
CHEMICAL DRIERS. Chemical driers are
incorporated at various locations in a pneumatic
system. Their purpose is to absorb any moisture that
may collect in the lines and other parts of the system.
Each drier contains a cartridge, which should be
blue in color. If otherwise noted, the cartridge is to be
considered contaminated with moisture and should be
STORAGE CYLINDERS. Pneumatic storage
cylinders (bottles) are made of steel and maybe either

Figure 7-43.Air compressor.


Figure 7-44.Air cylinder.

generally require higher servicing pressure than


cylindrical or spherical in shape. Both types of

cylinders are made up of two main partsthe
container itself and a manifold assembly. The
container serves as a trap for moisture, as well as an
air storage space. The manifold assembly is made up
of the in and outlet ports and a moisture drain
fitting. See figure 7-44.

Since gases expand with heat and contract when

cooled, air storage bottles are usually filled to a given
pressure at ambient temperature. A graph similar to
that shown in figure 7-45 is usually mounted on a

Cooling of the high-pressure air in the storage

cylinders will cause some condensation to collect in
them. To ensure positive operation of systems,
storage cylinders must be purged of moisture
periodically. This is accomplished by slightly
cracking the moisture drain fitting, located on the
cylinder manifold.
Some aircraft have a pneumatic system that will
maintain the required pressure in these bottles in
flight. However, most of these pneumatic systems
require servicing on the ground with an external
source of high-pressure air or nitrogen prior to each
Air storage bottles are serviced in the same
manner as accumulators. Most air bottles have an air
filler valve and a pressure gauge. These systems

Figure 7-45.Pneumatic storage cylinder inflation chart.


plate or decal on or near the bottle or air filler valve.

If the instruction plate is missing or not readable, the
information may be found in the General Information
and Servicing section of the applicable MIM.
Pressure should be added to air storage bottles
slowly in order not to build up heat from rapid
transfer. You should take care to ensure that air
storage bottles are not overinflated.
NOTE: Although the following references were
current when this TRAMAN was published, their


continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore,

you need to be sure that you are studying the latest
Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-17,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 April 1978, Change 2, 1
December 1986, RAC 4, 15 August 1989,
Sections I, VII, VIII, and XI.
Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education
and Training Program Management Support
Activity, Pensacola, Fla., JuIy 1990, Chapters 1,
4, 9, and 11.



Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a working
knowledge of the components of the basic actuating systems and their related
maintenance procedures.
The actuating systems consist of the hydraulic
components used to direct and control the flow of
pressurized fluid as well as the components used to
perform the actual work. This chapter begins with a
discussion of actuating units, and covers most of the
various actuating system components that are used in
modern-day hydraulic systems.

both sides of the piston head to move it in the selected

The most common type of actuating cylinder used
on naval aircraft is the unbalanced type, which maybe
either single or double acting. Unlike the balanced
actuator, it has a single piston shaft extending from
the piston head, resulting in unequal working areas.
Each actuator used may differ considerably in size
and construction.

Learning Objective: I d e n t i f y v a r i o u s
hydraulic actuating units.

Single-Acting Actuating Cylinder

The single-acting, piston-type cylinder uses fluid
pressure to apply force in only one direction. In some
designs of this type, the force of gravity moves the
piston in the opposite direction. However, most
cylinders of this type apply force in both directions.
Fluid pressure provides the force in one direction, and
spring tension provides the force in the opposite
direction, In some single-acting cylinders, compressed air or nitrogen is used instead of a spring for
movement in the direction opposite that achieved with
fluid pressure.

An actuating unit may be defined as a unit that

transforms hydraulic fluid pressure into mechanical
force, which performs work (moving some
mechanism). Two types of actuating units are used in
naval aircraftactuating cylinders and hydraulic
motors. Both types are discussed in this chapter.
Actuating cylinders are the most commonly used
actuating units in aircraft hydraulic systems. The
purpose of an actuating cylinder is to convert fluid
under pressure into linear or mechanical motion.
Actuating cylinders are generally installed in such a
manner that the piston shaft (rod) end of the cylinder
is attached to the mechanism to be actuated, with the
other end attached to the aircraft structure.

Figure 8-1 shows a single-acting, spring-loaded,

piston-type actuating cylinder. In this cylinder the
spring is located on the rod side of the piston. In some
spring-loaded cylinders, the spring is located on the
blank side, and the fluid port is located on the rod side
of the cylinder.

There are two types of actuating cylinders

balanced or unbalanced. Balanced actuators have
equal working areas, with a piston shaft extending
from both sides of the piston head. This type of
cylinder may be a single-acting actuator, which
receives hydraulic pressure on only one side of the
piston head for movement in one direction, and some
other means of force for movement in the opposite
direction. However, it may also be a double-acting
type, which uses hydraulic pressure alternately on

Figure 8-1.Single-acting, spring-loaded, piston-type

actuating cylinder.


A three-way directional control valve is normally

used to control the operation of this type of cylinder.
To extend the piston rod, fluid under pressure is
directed through the port and into the cylinder. See
figure 8-1. This pressure acts on the surface area of
the blank side of the piston, and forces the piston to
the right. This action, of course, extends the rod to the
right, through the end of the cylinder. The actuated
unit is moved in one direction. During this action, the
spring is compressed between the rod side of the
piston and the end of the cylinder. Within limits of the
cylinder, the length of the stroke depends upon the
desired movement of the actuated unit.

view A of figure 8-2. Assume that the cross-sectional

area of the piston is 3 square inches and the
cross-sectional area of the rod is 1 square inch. In a
2,000 psi system, pressure acting against the blank
side of the piston creates a force of 6,000 pounds
(2,000 x 3). When the pressure is applied to the rod
side of the piston, the 2,000 psi pressure acts on
2 square inches (the cross-sectional area of the piston
less the cross-sectional area of the rod) and creates a
force of 4,000 pounds (2,000 x 2). For this reason,
this type of cylinder is normally installed in such a
manner that the blank side of the piston carries the
greater load; that is, the cylinder carries the greater
load during the piston rod extension stroke.

To retract the piston rod, the directional control

valve is moved to the opposite working position,
which releases the pressure in the cylinder. The
spring tension forces the piston to the left, retracting
the piston rod and moving the actuated unit in the
opposite direction. The fluid is free to flow from the
cylinder through the port, and back through the
control valve to return.

A four-way directional control valve is normally

used to control the operation of this type of cylinder.
The valve can be positioned to direct fluid under
pressure to either end of the cylinder, and to allow the
displaced fluid to flow from the opposite end of the
cylinder through the control valve to return/exhaust.
The piston of the cylinder shown in view A of
figure 8-2 is equipped with an O-ring seal and backup
rings to prevent internal leakage of fluid from one
side of the piston to the other. Suitable seals and
backup rings are also used between the hole in the end
cap and the piston rod to prevent external leakage. In
addition, some cylinders of this type have a felt wiper
ring attached to the inside of the end cap and fitted
around the piston rod to guard against the entrance of
dirt and other foreign matter into the cylinder.

The end of the cylinder opposite the fluid port is

vented to the atmosphere. This prevents air from
being trapped in this area. Any trapped air would
compress during the extension stroke, creating excess
pressure on the rod side of the piston. This would
cause sluggish movement of the piston, and could
eventually cause a complete lock, preventing the fluid
pressure from moving the piston. Leakage between
the cylinder wall and the piston is prevented by seals.
Hydraulic components use seals or gaskets to prevent
leakage between static parts (nonmoving), such as a
valve body and a hydraulic line fitting. Seals also
prevent leakage between dynamic (moving) parts,
such as the piston and cylinder wall. The most
common seal is an O-ring. Some static seals and all
dynamic seals require a backup ring or rings.

The actuating cylinder shown in view B of figure

8-2 is a double-acting balanced type. The piston rod

Double-Acting Actuating Cylinder

Most piston-type actuating cylinders are
double-acting, which means that fluid under pressure
can be applied to either side of the piston to provide
movement and apply force in the corresponding
direction. One design of the double-acting,
piston-type actuating cylinder is shown in view A of
figure 8-2. This cylinder contains one piston and
piston rod assembly. The stroke of the piston and
piston rod assembly in either direction is produced by
fluid pressure. The two fluid ports, one near each end
of the cylinder, alternate as inlet and outlet, depending
upon the direction of flow from the directional control



This is referred to as an unbalanced actuating

cylinder; that is, there is a difference in the effective
working areas on the two sides of the piston. Refer to

Figure 8-2.Double-acting, piston-type actuating cylinders.


extends through the piston and out through both ends

of the cylinder. One or both ends of the piston rod
may be attached to a mechanism to be actuated. In
either case, the cylinder provides equal areas on each
side of the piston so that the amount of fluid and force
required to move the piston a certain distance in one
direction is exactly the same as the amount required to
move it an equal distance in the opposite direction.

Mechanical-Lock Actuating Cylinder

In many installations it is necessary to lock an
actuating cylinder in a specified position. This may
be for safety or operational requirements of the unit.
The different designs of lock cylinders vary between
manufacturers, but they are usually of the ball-lock or
finger-lock type. At times, indicating devices are also
incorporated along with the lock feature of the

Actuators are designed for a particular type of

installation. For example, internal locking cylinders
are used on some bomb bay door installations, while
cushioned types are used where it is necessary to slow
the extension or retraction of landing gears.


shown in figure 8-3 is a single-action, ball-lock

Figure 8-3.Cutaway of a single-action, ball-lock actuating cylinder.


actuating cylinder. Its purpose is to lock the

down-lock mechanism of the landing gear. The
ball-lock feature is in the lock position when the
landing gear is extended.

added feature that is common on landing gear

actuators is an integral shuttle valve. The shuttle
valve allows connection of both the normal extension
hydraulic fluid line and the emergency pneumatic
extension pressure line. The operation of the
finger-lock actuator is described in the following

The main parts of this cylinder are the body, end

caps, piston shaft and head, ball-lock plunger, locking
ball bearings, ball bearing race, spring guide,
compression spring, and down-lock switch. The
operation of the ball-lock actuator is described in the
following paragraphs.

When the pilot positions the selector valve in the

landing gear retracted position, view A of figure 8-4,
hydraulic pressure is directed to the cylinders retract
port. Hydraulic pressure entering the cylinder
overcomes piston spring force, which permits the
locking fingers to open as the piston shaft assembly is
retracted into the cylinder.

When the landing gear is down and locked, the

ball-lock actuator will be in the position shown in
view A of figure 8-3. Notice the locking ball bearings
are being held in the ball bearing race detents by the
inner lip of the ball-lock plunger. Since no hydraulic
pressure exists while in this position, the springloaded, ball-lock plunger is held in its retracted
position, allowing the down-lock switch to be
actuated by the groove portion of the piston shaft.

During normal extension of the landing gear

(view B of figure 8-4), hydraulic pressure is directed
from the selector valve to the normal extension port of
the integral shuttle valve. This pressurized fluid
forces the piston towards the extended position. As
the piston comes in contact with the locking fingers,
hydraulic pressure and spring tension are required to
force the piston over the fingers while fully extending
the piston shaft assembly. At the same time the piston
is being forced over the locking fingers, it contacts the
cam-shaped lower end of a toggle shaft, which
extends radially into the cylinder area, thereby
rotating the shaft. Movement of the toggle shaft is
transmitted to the main landing gear down-limit
switch, which is attached to the outer surface of the
cylinder. This indicates the cylinder is in the locked

When the landing gear selector valve is

positioned to its retracted (UP) position, pressurized
fluid is allowed to enter the actuator through its only
port. This pressurized fluid forces the ball-lock
plunger to the right, which simultaneously allows the
ball bearings to drop free from their detents in the
bearing race and actuate the down-lock switch, as
shown in view B of figure 8-3. As soon as the locking
ball bearings are released, the piston shaft assembly
retracts, as shown in view C of figure 8-3, and
unlocks the landing gear. When the landing gear
completes its UP cycle, the selector valve returns to
neutral, trapping hydraulic fluid within the actuator
until the next cycle begins.

Control Surface Actuating Cylinder


cylinder shown in figure 8-4 is a double-action,
two-port, finger-lock, balanced actuator. This type of
actuator is currently installed as a main landing gear
component on some aircraft. It incorporates an inner
cylinder to equalize the displacement of fluid on
either side of the piston.

Actuators are used in conjunction with poweroperated flight control systems. Their function is to
assist the pilot in handling the aircraft, in the same
way as power steering aids in handling an automobile.
In a power-operated flight control system, all the
force necessary for deflecting the control surface is
supplied by hydraulic pressure. Each movable
surface is operated by a hydraulic actuator
incorporated in the control linkage. Some aircraft
manufacturers refer to these units as power control
cylinders; however, all flight control system actuators
and power control cylinders perform the same
function, and are similar in principle of operation.

As shown in view A of figure 8-4, an integral,

finger-type, spring-loaded, mechanical lock is also
incorporated within the actuator to lock the piston
shaft assembly in the extended position. The
finger-lock actuator has a down-limit switch mounted
on and through the cylinder area, which indicates
when the landing gear is down and locked; also, an


Figure 8-4.Typical finger-lock actuating cylinder.


the exposed portion of the piston shaft with a

dry-cleaning solvent, and then wipe it with a clean
cloth moistened with hydraulic fluid. All mounting
fittings are lubricated with specified grease only.

A typical flight control surface actuator is shown

in figure 8-5. This is a tandem-type hydraulic unit,
which means, in this case, that two control valves are
incorporated within a common housing. One of the
control valves is connected to the aircrafts primary
flight control hydraulic system, while the other is
connected to a separate hydraulic system.

NOTE: All lubrication fittings and lubrication areas must be cleaned prior to
lubrication, and all excess lubricants must be
removed at its completion.

This is a typical arrangement since Navy specifications require two independent hydraulic systems for
operation of the primary flight control systems on all
high-performance aircraft.

External leakage is the most common trouble

encountered with actuating cylinders. This can be
caused by static or dynamic seals. Static seal leakage
around end caps or fittings may be stopped by
tightening the affected components or replacing the
leaking seal. Dynamic seal leakage around an
actuator shaft will require seal replacement. Refer to
the appropriate MIM or 03 manual for specific
maintenance instructions.

Although the two control valves in the actuator

are interconnected mechanically by a synchronizing
rod, they are not interconnected hydraulically. The
purpose of the synchronizing rod is to equalize the
flow of fluid into the actuator piston chambers.
Because the two control valves operate
independently of each other as far as hydraulic
pressure is concerned, failure of either hydraulic
system does not render the actuator inoperative.
Failure of one system does reduce the output force by
one-half; however, this force is sufficient to permit
handling of the aircraft at certain airspeeds (always
well above that required for a safe landing).

Applying too much torque while tightening
fittings or other components under
pressure may cause catastrophic failure.
Such failures can result in injury to
personnel or damage to the aircraft.

This complete actuator consists of the two

isolated piston chambers, a shaft assembly with two
pistons, two end cap assemblies, the two control
valves, and the previously mentioned synchronizing

Internal leakage is harder to detect. This leakage

is usually caused by failure of piston seals, and will
require repair. Internal leakage is usually indicated
by weak, sluggish, or slow movement of the actuator.
Refer to the appropriate MIM or 03 manual for repair
instructions. This problem is usually resolved by
replacement of the actuator. After the repairs are
made, you must test the actuator to verify its

In this particular installation, the piston shaft end

is attached to the aircraft structure and remains
stationary. The cylinder body is attached to the
control surface, and provides control surface
deflection by its movement. Two adjustable stops are
provided as a means of adjusting actuator movement,
thereby limiting the travel of the control surface.
When these steps are used in an aileron or elevator
control system, one stop limits the UP travel, and the
other limits the DOWN travel. In a rudder system,
one stop limits the travel to the right, and the other to
the left.

Hydraulic motors are used to convert hydraulic
pressure into rotary mechanical motion. The type of
hydraulic motor used in naval aircraft is similar in
general design and construction to the piston-type
pumps. The difference in the operation of a hydraulic
motor and a hydraulic pump is as follows: In the
operation of a pump, when the drive shaft is rotated,
fluid is drawn into one port and forced out the other
under pressure. This procedure is reversed in a
hydraulic motor. By directing fluid already under
pressure into one of the ports, pressure will force the
shaft to rotate. Fluid will then pass out the other port,

During preventive maintenance inspections, you
inspect actuating cylinders in accordance with the
applicable maintenance requirements cards (MRCs)
for the specific aircraft. Actuating cylinders are
inspected for leakage and binding. You should clean


Figure 8-5


and back to return. The rotary mechanical force

provided by the motor can be used to drive a gearbox,
torque tube, or jackscrew.

motor is equipped with a stub tooth spline, suitable for

engagement into the mechanical linkage of the unit to
be actuated on the aircraft.

Hydraulic motors are commonly used cooperate

the wing flaps and radar equipment. Hydraulic
motors may be operated in either direction of rotation,
with the rotation being controlled by the direction of
flow to the valve plate ports. The direction of rotation
may be instantly reversed without damaging the
motor. The direction of flow is controlled by a
selector valve.

Any shop maintenance that must be performed on

a hydraulic motor should be done in accordance with
instructions contained in the applicable Overhaul
Instruction Manual (03 series).
Learning Objective: Identify typical valves in
a basic actuating system.

A typical hydraulic motor is shown in figure 8-6.

This is a nine-cylinder, fixed-stroke motor. It is
self-lubricating and requires no line maintenance
other than periodic visual inspection for leakage. The

A valve is defined as a device that provides

control of the flow or pressure in a hydraulic system.

Figure 8-6.Typical hydraulic motor.


Poppet-Type Selector Valve

There are many types of valves, such as selector,

pressure reducing, sequence, check, restrictor, and
relief. While the basic function for each type of valve
is similar, the design and construction may be very
different. Examples of these valves are discussed in
the following text.

Poppet-type selector valves are manufactured in

both the balanced and unbalanced design. An
unbalanced poppet selector valve offers unequal
working areas on the poppets. The larger area of the
poppet is in contact with the working lines of the
system; consequently, when excessive pressure exists
within the working lines due to thermal expansion, the
poppet will open. This action allows the excessive
pressurized fluid to flow into the pressure line, where
it is relieved by the main system relief valve.

Selector valves are used in a hydraulic system to
direct the flow of fluid. A selector valve directs fluid
under system pressure to the desired working port of
an actuating unit (double-acting), and, at the same
time, directs return fluid from the opposite working
port of the actuating unit to the reservoir.

The balanced poppet selector valve has equal

poppet areas. The poppets will remain in the selected
position during thermal expansion of working line
fluid. For this reason, thermal relief valves are
installed in working lines that incorporate balanced
poppet selector valves.

Some aircraft maintenance instruction manuals

(MIMs) refer to selector valves as control valves. It is
true that selector valves may be placed in this
classification, but you should understand that all
control valves are not selector valves. In the strict
sense of the term, a selector valve is one that is
engaged at the will of the pilot or copilot for the
purpose of directing fluid to the desired actuating
unit. This is not true of all control valves.

Figure 8-7 shows a typical four-port poppet

selector valve. This is a manually operated valve, and
consists of a group of conventional spring-loaded
poppets. The poppets are enclosed in a common
housing and interconnected by passageways to direct
the flow of fluid in the desired direction.

Selector valves may be located in the pilots

compartment and be directly engaged manually
through mechanical linkage, or they maybe located in
some part of the aircraft and be engaged by remote
control. Remote-controlled selector valves are
generally solenoid operated.
The typical four-way selector valve has four
portsa pressure port, a return port, and two
cylinder (or working) ports. The pressure port is
connected to the main pressure line from the
power pump, the return port is connected to the
reservoir return line, and the two cylinder ports
are connected to opposite working ports of the
actuating unit.
Three general types of selector valves are
discussed in this chapter. They are the poppet, slide,
and solenoid-operated valves. Practically all selector
valves currently in use come under one of these three
general types.

Figure 8-7.Poppet-type selector valve.


The poppets are actuated by cams on a camshaft,

as shown in figure 8-8. They are arranged so that
rotation of the shaft by its controlling lever will open
the proper combination of poppets to direct the flow
of hydraulic fluid to the desired port of the actuating
unit. At the same time, fluid will be directed from the
opposite port of the actuating unit, through the
selector valve, and back to the reservoir.

lobe operates the two return poppets. To stop the

rotation of the camshaft at an exact position, a stop
pin is secured to the body, and extends through a
cutout section of the camshaft flange. This stop pin
prevents overtravel by ensuring that the cam lobes
stop rotating when the poppets have been unseated as
high as they can go, where any further rotation would
allow them to return to their seats.

All poppet-type selector valves are provided with

a stop for the camshaft. The stop is an integral part of
the shaft, and strikes against a stop pin in the body to
prevent overrunning. A poppet selector valve housing
usually contains poppets, poppet seats, poppet
springs, and a camshaft.

The poppet-type selector valve has three

positions-neutral and two working positions. In the
neutral position, the camshaft lobes are not contacting
any of the poppets. This position assures that the
poppet springs will hold all four poppets firmly
seated. With all poppets seated, there is no fluid flow
through the valve. This action also blocks the two
cylinder ports, so when this valve is in neutral, the
fluid in the unit system is trapped. To allow for
thermal expansion buildup, thermal relief valves must
be installed in both working lines.

When the camshaft is rotated, either clockwise or

counterclockwise from neutral, the cam lobes unseat
the desired poppets and allow a fluid flow. One cam
lobe operates the two pressure poppets, and the other

Figure 8-8.Cutaway view of selector valve body.


You can rotate the camshaft by moving the

Selector valves should be checked periodically

for leakage and security of mounting. The operating
linkage should be inspected for ease of operation.

control handle in either direction from neutral. This

action rotates the lobes, which unseat one pressure
poppet and one return poppet. See figure 8-9. The
valve is now in a working position. Pressure fluid,
entering the pressure port, travels through the vertical
fluid passages in both pressure poppet seats. Since

Malfunctioning selector valves are usually the

result of foreign particles or damaged parts. A
malfunctioning valve should be removed and checked
for free movement of the camshaft. The valve maybe
disassembled and all parts cleaned with clean
hydraulic fluid. O-rings should be replaced while the
valve is disassembled.

only one pressure poppet is unseated by the cam lobe,

the pressure fluid flows past this open poppet to the
inside of the poppet seat. From there it flows out the
diagonal fluid passages, and then out one cylinder
port and to the actuator.

Both external and internal leakage may be caused

by damaged or worn O-rings. External leakage could
be caused by a damaged gasket under the sealing plug
or the end packing on the camshaft. Internal leakage
could be caused by a damaged center packing on the
camshaft, a damaged bottom gasket on the poppet
seat, or a damaged O-ring packing on the poppet.

Return fluid coming from the actuator is coming

in the other cylinder port, through the diagonal fluid
passages, past the unseated return poppet, through the
vertical fluid passages, and out the return port to the
system reservoir. By rotating the camshaft in the

NOTE: All selector valves that require repair

or adjustment must be done in accordance
with the applicable MIM or 03 manual. After
repair or adjustment, all valves must be tested
for proper operation and leakage.

opposite direction until the stop pin hits, the opposite

pressure and return poppets are unseated, and the
fluid flow is reversed. This causes the actuator to
move in the opposite direction.

Figure 8-9.Working view of a poppet-type selector valve.


Slide-Type Selector Valve

The slide-type selector valve is probably the most
durable and trouble-free valve currently in use. Some
manufacturers refer to this type valve as a piston or
spool type. Figure 8-10 shows a cutaway view of a
typical four-port slide-type selector valve. The main
parts of the valve consist of a body, sleeve, slide, detent
springs, and the necessary packings and gaskets.
The valve body is cast aluminum alloy. It has
four fluid portspressure, return, and two cylinder
ports. A large bore has been drilled lengthwise
through the body, and all four fluid ports connect into
this main bore at intervals along its length. There is
also a drilled passageway in the body that runs
alongside the main bore. This passageway is used to
connect one of the cylinder ports to the return port.
A hollow steel sleeve (3) tits into the main bore of
the body. Around the outside diameter of the sleeve are
six O-ring gaskets. As the sleeve is inserted into the
main bore, these O-rings form a seal between the sleeve
and the body. This creates five chambers around the
sleeve, and each chamber is formed by two of the O-ring
gaskets. Each one of these chambers is lined up with
one of the fluid ports in the body. The drilled
passageway in the body accounts for the fifth chamber,
which results in having the two outboard chambers
connected to the return port. The sleeve has a pattern of
holes drilled through it to allow fluid to flow from one
port to another. A series of holes are drilled into the
hollow center of the sleeve between each O-ring gasket.
A steel slide (5) or spool is machined so the
largest diameter portions have a close tolerance fit in
the sleeve. Typically, the slide has three raised,
machined portions known as land areas. These areas
usually have several grooves machined into them
around the circumference, breaking each area into
several lands. The lands (and grooves), in concert
with the close machined tolerances, provide for easy,
smooth operation, long service, and no leakage.

The detent spring (6) is a clothespin-type spring,

secured to the end of the body by a spring retaining bolt
(7). The two legs of the spring extend down through
slots in the sleeve and fit into the detents. The slide is
gripped between the two legs of the spring. To move the
slide, enough force must be applied to spread the two
spring legs and allow them to snap back into the next
detent, which is another position.
Because of the very close fit between the slide
and sleeve, the most common cause of failure or
malfunction is the presence of dirt or foreign matter.
Foreign matter could result in binding of the slide,
scratching the machined surface, and damage to
O-rings. Originally, these valves were provided with
protective boots on both ends of the slide to prevent
dirt or corrosion from getting on the exposed
machined surface, where it would be carried into the
valve when the slide was moved. These protective
boots usually are missing on valves currently issued,
leaving the machined surface exposed. As a
preventive measure, in place of the boots, a light film
of hydraulic fluid should be applied to the exposed
areas of the slide. Primarily, this oil film is to prevent
corrosion, but it helps to prevent any entry of foreign
matter into the valve. Proper linkage adjustment is
necessary because linkage that is too long or too short
will prevent the detent spring from locking the slide in
the correct position.
If it becomes necessary to test this valve under
pressure to determine the cause of malfunction, it is
important to first check the MIM for the particular
installation. A slight amount of internal leakage is
permitted in the working positions, and this should
not be mistaken for faulty operation.
Solenoid-Operated Selector Valve
A solenoid-operated selector valve is an
electrically controlled valve. Solenoid-operated
selector valves may be either the slide type or the
poppet type. They differ from the manually
controlled valves previously described in that they are
electrically controlled by one or more solenoids
contained within the valve.

One end of the slide is connected to the control

handle in the cockpit through mechanical linkage.
When the control handle is moved, it will then
position the slide within the sleeve. The slide lands
then line up different combinations of fluid ports,
thereby directing a flow of fluid through the valve.

A solenoid may be defined as a hollow or

tubular-shaped electric coil, made up of many turns of
fine insulated wire, that possesses the same properties
as an electromagnet. The hollow core imparts linear
motion to a movable iron core (or plunger) placed
within the hollow core of the solenoid.

On the end of the slide, next to the eye, are three

grooves called detents. These detents are used to
leek the slide in the exact position needed to properly
direct the fluid flow.


Figure 8-10.Slide-type selector valve.


Solenoid-operated selector valves are fast

becoming the most commonly used vaIves on naval
aircraft. Figure 8-11 is a cutaway view of the valve,
showing all the principal components. The body is
made of cast aluminum alloy and contains four fluid
ports. These are the pressure port, return port, and the
two cylinder ports.
The body is bored through lengthwise to receive a
slide and sleeve assembly similar to the slide-type
valve previously described. All four fluid ports lead
into this body bore. The ends are closed off by caps
or plugs.
A hollow steel sleeve is pressed into the body
bore. There are no flanges or grooves machined on
the sleeve, but a pattern of holes has been drilled all
around it. These holes are arranged in five rings,
along the length of the sleeve, drilled through to the
hollow center. When the sleeve is installed in the
body, each ring of holes will line up with a fluid port.
The return port connects to the two outboard rings of
holes. To separate each ring of holes around the
outside of the sleeve, six O-ring gaskets are installed
in the body bore at intervals along its length. The
sleeve is then inserted through the centers of the
A steel slide is fitted inside the hollow sleeve.
The slide has three lands, which form a lapped fit to
the inside of the sleeve. Fluid will not flow past them.
By properly positioning the slide inside the sleeve, the
slide lands will connect different fluid ports by
opening or closing the rings of holes in the sleeve.
The flow of fluid to and from the actuator is directed
by the slide. When the valve is in neutral, the slide is
held in the exact center of the sleeve by two coil
springs. These springs, working through spring
guides, apply equal pressure to each end of the slide.
Variation in slide design will determine the valve
To position the slide, apply hydraulic pressure to
the working surfaces at each end of it. This pressure
is obtained from the pressure port, and is called bleed
pressure. Body passageways direct this pressure to
the ends of the slide. Two solenoid assemblies are
used to control the flow of bleed pressure.

screw into the body. The function of these solenoids

is to control bleed pressure.
A metal core, called a plunger, is placed in the
hollow center of the solenoids. This plunger reacts to
the magnetic field created when the solenoid coil is
energized. The plunger sits above the level of the coil
wires, so that when the solenoid is energized, the
plunger is pulled down into the magnetic field. When
the plunger is pulled down by the magnetic field, it
drives the plunger pin ahead of it. When this happens,
the pin opens a passage and relieves bleed pressure
from one end of the slide.
During all periodic inspections, selector valves
are inspected for security of installation and external
leakage. If a malfunction occurs, it must be
determined whether the cause is electrical, hydraulic,
or material failure. If the aircrafts hydraulic pressure
and electrical current are both normal, remove the
selector valve and send it to the supporting AIMD.
Use the proper 03 series maintenance publication as a
guide to clean, inspect, repair, and test the selector
Testing procedures are thoroughly outlined in the
MIMs and 03 series manuals. In general, these
procedures will consist of checking for internal and
external leakage, and on electrically controlled
valves, testing the operation of the solenoids. Before
applying pressure, make sure all air is bled out of the
valve; otherwise, a leak may exist but go undetected.
As the testing procedure begins and after the air has
been bled, the selector valve shouId be subjected to a
low pressure for a short period of time to allow all
parts to be lubricated and all O-rings to seat. If the
valve is to be stored prior to use, it must be filled with
preservative hydraulic fluid, then drip drained before
The purpose of a check valve is to allow the fluid
to flow in only one direction. In some installations,
such as brake systems, the check valve confines fluid
under pressure within the desired section of the
hydraulic system. The valve prevents the fluid from
reversing its normal direction of flow. The valve
prevents pressure from escaping into adjacent
sections of the system.

A solenoid is installed in each side of the valve,

pointing toward the center of the body. The solenoids
are tubular in shape, with coil wires wound around a
hollow center. Hydraulic fluid can enter the center
portion, but cannot reach the coil wires. The
solenoids are held in place by threaded caps that


Figure 8-11.Solenoid-operated selector valve.


bypass check valve in this line would allow hand

pump pressure to be directed to either the accumulator
or the selector valve.

Automatic Check Valves

Automatic check valves contain a seat on which a
movable body (ball, cone, or poppet) seats by means
of spring tension. See figure 8-12. The valve opens
when pressure in the direction of flow (indicated by
an arrow on the body of the valve) is strong enough to
unseat the movable body. Flow in the reverse
direction, along with spring tension, tends to seal the
movable body against the valve seat.

Maintenance of Check Valves

Check valves require little attention over long
periods of time. Leakage may be caused by the
presence of a tiny particle of foreign matter between
the checking device (ball, cone, or poppet) and its
seat. To remove the foreign matter, it is necessary to
remove the valve from the aircraft and completely
disassemble the valve. If no scratches are found on
the valve seat or the checking device, wash all parts in
clean hydraulic fluid of the same type as that used in
the system.

When the pressure on the downstream side of the

valve exceeds that on the upstream side, the resultant
unbalanced force seals the valve closed, as shown in
view A of figure 8-12. When the pressure is reversed,
the valve is forced open against the tension of the
spring, and the fluid flows freely through the valve, as
shown in view B of figure 8-12. The tension of the
spring is relatively weak, and is intended to be barely
sufficient to support the ball in its proper position.

While the valve is disassembled, inspect the

housing and the checking device for evidence of
corrosion. Replace the valve if there is corrosion or
excessive roughness. A slightly rough surface can be
smoothed by buffing. A cone-type check valve may
have a tendency to lean to one side, in which case the
movable part may dig into the soft aluminum body of
the housing and stick there.

Bypass Check Valves

Bypass check valves serve the same purpose as
automatic check valves, but are so constructed that
they may be opened manually to allow the flow of
fluid in both directions. An example of the possible
use of a bypass check valve is in the line between the
hand pump and the accumulator. Installation of a

When installing a check valve, remember that the

arrow marked on the housing must point in the
direction of the flow of the fluid through the valve.
Before removing a check valve from a line, it is good
practice to mark the adjacent structure, indicating the
direction in which the arrow points. Also, observe the
following precaution during installation of check
valves: Grip the wrench flats of the check valve at the
end to which the connecting tubing is being installed.
Do not grip the opposite end. This will prevent the
possibility of distorting the valve body, causing the
valve to leak.
Sequence valves are used to control a sequence of
operations; they ensure that actuating units operate at
the proper time and in the proper sequence. Sequence
valves may be mechanically operated or
pressure-operated valves. An example of the use of a
sequence valve is in a landing gear actuating system.
In a landing gear actuating system, the landing
gear doors must open before the landing gear starts to
extend. Conversely, the landing gear must be
retracted before the doors close. A sequence valve
installed in each landing gear actuating line performs
this function.

Figure 8-12.Typical check valve.


Sequence valves may be installed in one or both

cylinder lines of an actuating system, depending upon
the type of action desired. A direct line will go to the
first unit to be operated, and a branch line goes from
the sequence valve to the second unit.
Mechanically-Operated Sequence Valve
The body of the mechanically-operated (fig. 8-13)
sequence valve is usually aluminum, and contains all
the working parts. As for the number and location of
the fluid ports, there are many variations, depending
upon how the valve is to be used. At least two ports
are needed. Some models have four ports, and those
not needed are plugged. The valve shown in figure
8-13 has two ports.
A contact plunger extends from the body. The
plunger is held in the extended position by a plunger
spring. The valve is mounted so that the plunger will
be depressed by the first unit operated.

The unbalanced valve can be unseated by fluid

pressure below it without having the plunger
depressed. This movement allows thermal expansion
to be relieved. Thermal relief valves are NOT needed
in this system.

Pressure from the selector valve goes directly to

the first unit. To operate the second unit, fluid must
pass through the sequence valve, which it can do only
when the check valve is unseated. On completing its
operation, the first unit depresses the plunger on the
sequence valve, which unseats the check valve and
allows fluid to flow through the valve to second unit.
Thus, the second unit cannot operate until the first
unit operation is complete. In reverse, when contact
force is removed from the plunger, the spring extends
it and the check valve reseats.

Improper adjustment of plungers on the

mechanical-type sequence valve is the most common
cause of trouble. If the adjustment is off, it could
cause the second unit to operate too soon or not at all.
The adjustment is made either on the plunger of the
sequence valve or the striker that depresses the

A check valve, either a poppet or ball, is installed

between the fluid ports of the body, and is held against
a seat by the check valve spring. The seated check
valve spring prevents fluid flow through the valve.
The plunger, driven into the valve by the first unit,
unseats the check.

Adjustment should be checked at every periodic

inspection. If a valve leaks internally, disassemble,
clean, and inspect the check valve and its sealing
surface. Replace faulty O-rings. Internal leakage
could cause the second unit to operate before it

The balanced sequence valve will not permit fluid

flow in either direction unless the plunger is
depressed. This check valve, with equal working
areas (balanced), cannot be unseated by fluid pressure
in either direction. Thermal relief valves are needed
in this system.

Figure 8-13.-Typical sequence valve.


Pressure-Operated (Priority) Sequence Valve

The pressure-operated sequence valve, also called
a priority valve, looks like a check valve externally.
Like a check valve, the installation position is
indicated by an arrow. Figure 8-14 shows this valve
installed in a wing fold system.
During the wing folding cycle, pressure-operated
(priority) valves sequence the movement of the
lockpins and fold actuators. These valves ensure
lockpin actuation before fold actuator operation. This
completely automatic valve consists of a body
containing a spool, seat, poppet, related springs, seals,
and an end cap.
When the wing fold selector valve is in the fold
position, it directs fluid both to the wing lockpin and
to the pressure-operated sequence (priority) valve.
System pressure drops in the wing fold system
because of the amount of pressurized fluid needed to
actuate the lockpins. This lowers pressure below that
needed to open the pressure-operated (priority) valve.
View A of figure 8-14 shows insufficient pressure
to unseat the spool. When lockpins have completed
their travel, system pressure builds until it overcomes
spring tension and causes the poppet to unseat the
spool (view B of fig. 8-14). Fluid then flows freely
through the valve to the wing fold actuators.
View C of figure 8-14 shows the free-flow
position of the valve. When spreading the wings,
return fluid moves the seat from the spool
compressing the poppet spring, which causes the
poppet to bottom and allows free flow of fluid
through the valve.

Figure 8-14.View of priority valve.

is to isolate the normal system from the emergency



Shuttle valves are located close to the actuating

unit concerned. This location reduces to a minimum
the units to be bled and isolates as much of the normal
system from the emergency system as possible. In
some installations, the shuttle valve is an integral part
of the actuating unit.

All aircraft incorporate emergency systems that

provide alternate methods of operating essential
systems required to land the aircraft safely. These
emergency systems usually provide pneumatic or
hydraulic operation of the essential systems; however,
in some cases due to the design, they maybe operated
satisfactorily through mechanical linkage. When
using the pneumatic or hydraulic emergency system,
that pressure must be directed to the unit concerned;
emergency pressure must not enter the normal
system, especially if the pneumatic type system is
used. To allow operating pressure to reach the
actuating unit and still not enter the other system, a
shuttle valve is installed in the working line to the
actuating unit. The main purpose of the shuttle valve

A typical shuttle valve is shown in figure 8-15.

The body contains three ports-the normal system
inlet port, the emergency system inlet port, and the
unit outlet port. A shuttle valve used to operate more
than one actuating cylinder may contain additional
unit outlet ports.
Enclosed in the body is a sliding part called the
shuttle. It is used to seal one of the two inlet ports. A


shuttle seat is installed at each inlet port. During

operation, the shuttle is held against one of these
seats, sealing off that port. These parts are held in the
body by end caps. External leakage is prevented by
an O-ring gasket at each end cap.

repaired by tightening the end caps. If this does not

stop excessive leakage, the end cap O-rings should be
Internal leakage can usually be repaired by
removing and flushing the unit with clean hydraulic
fluid. Excessive heating is a good indication of
internal leakage through a shuttle valve. Excessive
cycling of the emergency system pump is also an
indication of a leaky shuttle valve.

Operation of Shuttle Valves

When a shuttle valve is in the normal operating
position, fluid has a free flow from the normal system
inlet port to the unit outlet port. The shuttle is seated
against the emergency inlet port, and held there by the
shuttle spring or by normal system pressure. The
shuttle remains in this position until the emergency
fluid, gas, or air is released under pressure by the
emergency control valve. The application of
emergency pressure at the emergency inlet port forces
the shuttle from the emergency inlet port seat to the
normal system inlet port seat. The emergency
pressure then has a free flow to the unit outlet port,
but is prevented from entering the normal system by
the shuttle.

After an emergency system has been operated, all

emergency system pressure should be bled off as soon
as possible, and the normal system restored to


Restrictors are used in hydraulic systems to limit

the flow of hydraulic fluid to or from actuators where
speed control of the cylinders is necessary to provide
specific actions. If control in one direction only is
desired, a one-way restrictor is used. If restricted
fluid flow both to and from an actuating cylinder is
necessary, a two-way restrictor is installed.

Maintenance of Shuttle Valves

Shuttle valve maintenance is generally limited to
repairing leakage. External leakage may generally be

Figure 8-15.Shuttle valve.


Figure 8-16.Restrictors.


action of a hydraulic cylinder in both directions.

Figure 8-16 shows two types of two-way restrictors,
one of which has a machined orifice with two integral
stainless steel filters. The other type shown contains
an orifice plate between two stainless steel filters.
The filters contained within the restrictors are
identical in construction and provide protection in
both directions of flow. The filter size specification
for the two-way restrictor is identical to those found
within one-way restrictors.

One-Way Restrictor
One-way restrictors provide reduced hydraulic
flow in one direction only, to limit actuating speed of
hydraulic cylinders for the purpose of proper timing
or sequence of operation. Also, they provide free
flow of fluid in the opposite direction to permit the
actuating cylinder to actuate at a faster rate of speed
during the reverse action of the cylinder.
One-way restrictors are used in some landing gear
systems to regulate the speed and sequence of landing
gear retraction or extension. If sequenced action (that
is, one cylinder to be actuated before other cylinders
on the same line) is desired, one-way restrictors are
placed in the line upstream of all cylinders except one.
Figure 8-16 shows both the one-way and two-way
restrictors. The main parts of a one- way restrictor are
the cylindrical body and cap, which contain a
spring-loaded poppet, a cage, and a stainless steel
filter element.
The one-way restrictor allows free flow in one
direction and restricted flow in the opposite direction.
Both directions of flow are indicated by arrows found
on the body of the valve.
In a restricted direction, pressurized fluid entering
port R (fig. 8-16) flows through the filter assembly
and enters the cage through drilled passages. Fluid
from the interior of the cage is forced through the
poppets orifice, thus causing the required metering
In the free flow direction, pressurized fluid
entering port F overcomes poppet spring tension and
allows fluid to flow past the poppets seat, through
drilled passages within the larger flange of the cage,
and out through port R.

Two-way restrictors, regardless of whether they

are of the machined orifice type or of the plate orifice
type, operate identically. Fluid entering either port is
filtered prior to flowing through the orifice, thus
protecting the orifice from possible stoppage. As the
fluid is metered through the orifice, the prescribed
rate flow is directed out the opposite port of the
restrictor and to the actuating unit.
Maintenance of Restrictors
Maintenance of restrictors is usually limited to
checking for external leakage and the required fluid
flow. The specific MIM lists the required fluid flow
in gallons per minute (gpm) for each size of orifice
being checked. It also specifies the correct pressures
to use as well as the required procedures during each
Pressure-reducing valves are used in hydraulic
systems where it is necessary to lower the normal
system operating pressure a specified amount.

Two-Way Restrictor

Figure 8-17 shows the operation of a

pressure-reducing valve. View A of figure 8-17
shows system pressure being ported to a subsystem

Two-way restrictors are used to limit the flow of

hydraulic fluid where it is desirable to retard the

Figure 8-17.Pressure-reducing valve operational schematic.


through the shuttle and sleeve assembly. Subsystem

pressurized fluid works on the large flange area of the
shuttle, which causes the shuttle to move to the left
after reaching a specified pressure, thus closing off
the normal system. The valve will stay in this
position until the subsystem pressure is lowered, at
which time the shuttle will move to its prior position
and allow the required amount of pressurized fluid to
enter the subsystem. During normal operation of the
subsystem, the pressure-reducing valve continuously
meters fluid to the subsystem.

of fluid per minute to pass through it. If the volume

passing through the fuse becomes excessive, the fuse
will close and shut off the flow. When the pressure is
removed from the pressure supply side of the fuse, it
will automatically reset itself to the open position.
Fuses are usually cylindrical in shape, with an
inlet and outlet port at opposite ends, as shown in
figure 8-18. A stationary sleeve assembly is contained within the body. Other parts contained within
the body, starting at the inlet port, are a control head,
piston and piston subassembly stop rod, a lock spring,
and a lock piston and return spring.

A hydraulic fuse is a safety device. Fuses may be

installed at strategic locations throughout a hydraulic
system. They are designed to detect line or gauge
rupture, fitting failure, or other leak-producing failure
or damage.

Fluid entering the fuse is divided into two flow

paths by the control head. The main flow is between
the sleeve and body, and a secondary flow is to the
piston. Fluid flowing through the main path exerts a
force on the lock piston, causing it to move away from
the direction of flow, This movement uncovers ports,
allowing fluid to flow through the fuse.

One type of fuse, referred to as the automatic

resetting type, is designed to allow a certain volume

The movement of the locking piston also causes a

lock spring to release the piston subassembly stop

Figure 8-18.Fuse, operational view.



rod, thus allowing the piston to be displaced by fluid

from the secondary flow. If the flow through the fuse
exceeds a specified amount, the piston, moving in the
direction of flow, will block the ports originally
covered by the locking piston, thus blocking the flow
of fluid.

NOTE: Although the following reference was

current when this TRAMAN was published,
continued currency cannot be assured. You therefore
need to ensure that you are studying the latest

Any interruption of the flow of fluid through the

fuse removes the operating force from the lock piston.
This allows the lock piston spring to return the piston
to the original position, which resets the fuse.

Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education

and Training Program Management Support
Activity, Pensacola, Florida, July 1990,
Chapter 10.




Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a working
knowledge of the functions of fixed-wing flight controls (primary and secondary)
and the associated maintenance requirements to include major assembly
removal/installation and alignment procedures.

A flight control system is either a primary or

secondary system. Primary flight controls provide
longitudinal (pitch), directional (yaw), and lateral
(roll) control of the aircraft. Secondary flight controls
provide additional lift during takeoff and landing, and
decrease aircraft speed during flight, as well as
assisting primary flight controls in the movement of
the aircraft about its axis. Some manufacturers call
secondary flight controls auxiliary flight controls. All
systems consist of the flight control surfaces, the
respective cockpit controls, connecting linkage, and
necessary operating mechanisms.

A typical, simple, mechanical (unboosted) flight

control system is the one used in flight training
aircraft. The flight control surfaces (ailerons,
elevators, and rudder) are moved manually through a
series of push-pull rods, cables, bell cranks, sectors,
and idlers. Figure 9-1 schematically illustrates the
elevator portion of a mechanical (unboosted) flight
control system. The control stick is mounted in such
a way that it can pivot backwards and forwards on its
mounting pin. The control stick is connected to a
push-pull rod attached to its lower end. As the stick is
moved fore and aft, it causes the elevators to be
deflected proportionately.

The systems discussed in this chapter are

representative systems. Values such as tolerances,
pressures, and temperatures provide better understanding of the text material. You should bear in mind
that these values are for representative units and are
not accurate for all systems. When actually
performing the maintenance procedures discussed,
you should consult the current maintenance
instruction manual (MIM).

The push-pull tube (rod) that connects to the

lowest point of the control stick extends aft to the
pulley. Notice that the function of the pulley is to
change the direction of the push-pull action from fore
and aft to up and down. The second push-pull tube
(rod) connects the forward cable sector and the pulley,
and causes the sector to rotate according to the stick


Learning Objective: Identify the two basic
types of flight control systems.

A flight control system includes all the components required to control the aircraft about each of
the three flight axes. A simple flight control system
may be all mechanical; that is, operated entirely
through mechanical linkage and cable from the
control stick to the control surface. Other more
sophisticated flight control systems may use electrical
or hydraulic power to provide some or all of the
muscle in the system. Still others combine all three

Figure 9-1.Mechanical (unboosted) flight control system.




From the forward sector, the cables extend back

through the aircraft to the aft cable sector. They have
been reduced in length so that the remaining essential
components of the elevator control system may all be
shown in one drawing.

Power-boosted flight control systems are used on

high-speed jet aircraft. Aircraft traveling at or near
supersonic speeds have such high airloads imposed
upon the primary control surfaces that it is impossible
for a pilot to control the aircraft without
power-operated or power-boosted flight control
systems. In the power-boosted system, a hydraulic
actuating cylinder is built into the control linkage to
assist the pilot in moving the control surface. The
power-boost cylinder is still used in the rudder control
system of some high-performance aircraft; however,
the other primary control surfaces use the full
power-operated system. In the full power-operated
system, the force necessary to operate the control
surface is supplied by hydraulic pressure. Each
movable surface is operated by a hydraulic actuator

The aft sector is essentially the same as the

forward sector, and it acts as a slave to the forward
sector. Cables from the forward sector attach to the
aft edges of the aft sector. A push-pull tube from the
aft sector conncts to the elevator fitting assembly.
The elevator fitting assembly, commonly called
the elevator horn, is built onto the elevators and
extends outward (and usually downward) from the
elevator surface at right angles to the plane of rotation
and the chord line of the elevator surfaces. As the
fitting assembly is moved fore or aft, the elevators are
moved up or down.

Figure 9-2.Hydraulically powered elevator control system.


(or power control cylinder) built into the control


Elevator Control System

The elevator control system, shown in figure 9-2,
is typical of many conventional elevator systems. It
operates by the control stick in the cockpit and is
hydraulically powered.



The operation of the elevator control system

starts when the control stick is moved fore or aft.
The movement of the stick transfers through the
control cables to move the elevator control bell
crank. The bell crank transmits the movement to
the hydraulic actuating cylinder through the control
linkage. The hydraulic actuating cylinder operates
a push-pull tube, which deflects the elevators up or

Learning Objective: Recognize the functions

of the three primary flight control systems
(longitudinal, lateral, and directional) and
the maintenance associated with each

Different aircraft manufacturers call units of the

primary flight control system by a variety of names.
The types and complexity of control mechanisms
used depend on the size, speed, and mission of the
aircraft. A small or low-speed aircraft may have
cockpit controls connected directly to the control
surface by cables or pushrods. Some aircraft have
both cable and a pushrod system. See figure 9-1. The
force exerted by the pilot is transferred through them
to the control surfaces. On large or high-performance
aircraft, the control surfaces have high pressure
exerted on them by the airflow. It is difficult for the
pilot to move the controls manually. As a result,
hydraulic actuators are used within the linkage to aid
the pilot in moving the control surface. Figure 9-2
shows a mechanically controlled, hydraulically
assisted system. Because these systems reduce pilot
fatigue and improve system performance, they are
now commonly used. Such systems include
automatic pilot, automatic landing systems, and
stability augmentation systems.

The elevator system uses forward and aft

bobweights. The bobweights induce a load on the
control stick during pitching and vertical acceleration
and prevent pilot-induced oscillations through the
elevator controls. If the gravity force is increased on
the bobweights, the induced load tends to return the
control stick to the neutral position. Viscous dampers
on the bobweight assemblies retard control stick
movement to prevent overcontrol. Overcontrol could
cause airframe overstress.
The elevator forward bobweight serves to help
recenter the control stick when a heavy gravity load
pulls against the airframe. The forward bobweight
and damper assembly is in a housing forward of the
control stick in the cockpit. See figure 9-3. The

Navy specifications require two separate

hydraulic systems for operating the primary flight
control surfaces. Current specifications call for an
independent hydraulic power source for emergency
operation of the primary flight control surfaces.
Some manufacturers provide an emergency system
powered by a motor-driven hydraulic pump. Others
use a ram-air-driven turbine for operating the
emergency system pump.
Longitudinal control systems control pitch about
the lateral axis of the aircraft. Many aircraft use a
conventional elevator system for this purpose.
Aircraft that operate in the higher speed ranges
usually have a movable horizontal stabilizer.

Figure 9-3.Elevator forward bobweight and damper



The elevator power mechanism changes the

mechanical movement of the control stick to the
hydraulic operation of the elevator. See figure 9-5.
The mechanism is in the aft section of the aircraft
directly below the horizontal stabilizer. As in the
aileron power system, the mechanism consists of a
hydraulic power cylinder, control valves, linkage, and
hydraulic piping.

assembly consists of a bobweight, a viscous damper,

and a push-pull tube. The push-pull tube is the
interconnect between the control stick and the
bobweight. The damper is located at the pivot point
of the bobweight and restricts fast movement of the
The aft bobweight and damper assembly works
with the forward assembly to overcome the heavy pull
of gravity and retard the chance of overcontrol. See
figure 9-4. This assembly is installed in the fuselage,
forward and below the horizontal stabilizer. It
connects to the elevator control cables.

When the elevator controls are operated, the

control valves port hydraulic pressure to the power
cylinder. The hydraulic pressure extends or retracts
the cylinder piston to move the push-pull tubes. The
push-pull tubes deflect the elevators. The control
valves are two separate valves connected in tandem
by linkage. One valve is supplied hydraulic pressure
by the utility hydraulic system. The other valve is
supplied hydraulic pressure by the flight control
hydraulic system. The power cylinder has dual
hydraulic chambers to work from each control valve.
Each hydraulic system simultaneously supplies

The aft assembly consists of a bobweight, a

viscous damper, and a load spring. The bobweight
connects to the elevator control bell crank and the
damper. The load spring is between the elevator
control bell crank and the fin structure to balance the
forward and aft bobweights when the elevator is in a
neutral position.

Figure 9-4.Elevator aft bobweight and damper assembly.


3,000-psi hydraulic pressure to the power mechanism.

If one hydraulic systems fails, the other system
supplies enough pressure to operate the mechanism.
If both hydraulic systems fail, the cylinder
disconnects by pulling the MAN FLT CONT (manual
flight control) handle in the cockpit. The controls
work manually through the linkage of the mechanism
to operate the elevators.

nose up condition, the bungee action adds nose up

elevator. With the stabilizer trimmed nose down, the
bungee action adds nose down attitude on the

Horizontal Stabilizer Control System (Single


The load-feel bungee, shown in figure 9-5,

provides an artificial feel to the control stick. The
bungee acts as a centering device for the elevator
system. Control stick movement compresses the
spring in the bungee. Releasing the control stick
causes the compressed spring to return the stick to
neutral. The bungee also adds a gearing effect
between the horizontal stabilizer and the elevators.
When the stabilizer is trimmed to give an aircraft

Various aircraft manufacturers identify the

horizontal stabilizer control system by different
names. On one aircraft, it is called a unit horizontal
tail (UHT) control system. On another aircraft, it is
called the stabilizer control system. Regardless of
the variation in nomenclature, these systems
function to control the aircraft pitch about its lateral

Figure 9-5.Elevator power mechanism.


Figure 9-6.Stabilizer control system.

extended, stabilizer travel is increased to 24 degrees

of leading edge down to provide greater control at
slower airspeeds.

The horizontal stabilizer control system shown in

figure 9-6 is representative of the systems used in
many present-day aircraft. The slab-type stabilizer
responds to fore-and-aft manual input at the control
stick. It responds to automatic flight control system
electrical signals introduced at the stabilizer actuator.

Pilot signals are conveyed through bell cranks and

pushrods and a trim mechanism to the input linkage of
the stabilizer actuator. A trim switch on the control
stick grip provides a means of setting stabilizer trim.
Stabilizer trim is displayed by the stabilizer trim
indicator located on the pilots lower instrument
panel. See figure 9-7.

In the clean configuration, with flaps and slats

retracted, stabilizer travel is from 1 1/2 degrees of
leading edge up to 10 degrees of leading edge down.
In the dirty configuration, with flaps and slats


Figure 9-7


mechanical input lever rotation about the manual

input point and moves the power shuttle valve,
causing a valve error.

The position of the stabilizer is shown on the

integrated position indicator located on the left side of
the pilots instrument panel. When the stabilizer is in
the clean configuration, the STAB window of the
indicator shows the word CLEAN. When the
stabilizer is in the dirty configuration, the window
shows a picture of a stabilizer.

A linear transduce, mounted on the servo ram

center line, provides electrical feedback signals to the
AFCS. Mechanical feedback is provided by the
differentiating lever, as in the manual mode. When
operating in the series mode, control surface
displacement is not reflected at the control stick.

The stabilizer actuator (fig. 9-7) is a tandem-type

actuator powered by both flight and combined system
pressures. It contains a power valve shuttle, two
tandem-mounted power pistons, a servo ram, an
electrohydraulic servo valve, a lockout actuator, and
parallel and series mode solenoid valves. The
actuator can operate in any of three modes-manual,
series, or parallel. Refer to figure 9-7 to help you
understand the three modes of operation, as described
in the following paragraphs.

PARALLEL MODE. In this mode, stabilizer

movement is controlled by input signals from the
AFCS alone. Both series and parallel mode solenoid
valves are energized. Flight system pressure is ported
to the electrohydraulic servo valve and the
mechanical input lockout piston. Fluid pressure
stabilizes the lockout piston and holds the mechanical
input lever.

MANUAL MODE. In this mode, the pilot input

alone controls the power valve. Inputs are
transmitted through linkage to the mechanical input
lever. The auxiliary lever is linked in neutral by the
servo ram centering springs, causing the mechanical
input lever to rotate about its pivot point, moving the
power shuttle valve. As the valve shuttle is displaced
from neutral, a valve error is established, and pressure
is ported to the actuating pistons. The pressure moves
the pistons and the attached stabilizer in proportion to
the input.

The transducer mounted on the servo ram

provides an electrical signal feedback to the AFCS.
There is no mechanical feedback, since the
mechanical input is locked. Additional electrical
signal feedback is provided by a transducer, which is
mechanically linked to the stabilizer actuating arm.
In the parallel mode, the control stick follows the
motion of the stabilizer. Should the pilot desire to
override the AFCS, he/she can overpower the lockout
actuator with a stick force of 24 pounds.
Stop bolts are attached to the control stick pedal
to limit fore-and-aft stick movement. The eddy
current damper dampens out any rapid fore-and-aft
stick movement.

A mechanical feedback is transmitted through the

differentiating lever, the load-relief bungee, and the
mechanical input lever back to the power valve
shuttle, causing it to return to the neutral position.

All joints between the pushrods and bell cranks or

idlers contain self-aligning bearings to compensate
for any misalignment during operation and airframe
deflections in flight that might cause binding.

For a constant velocity pilot input, a small

constant valve error is established, and the stabilizer
moves at a constant speed. When the pilot input
stops, the power shuttle valve is returned to neutral,
and the stabilizer stops until a new input is introduced.

Artificial feel is provided by the artificial-feel

bungee. The bungee consists of two springs, which
have different spring constants. The stick force
caused by the bungee is proportional to stick
displacement. At near neutral, the bungee provides a
high stick force that decreases a short distance from
neutral and gradually increases with the amount of
stick displacement.

SERIES MODE. In this mode, input signals

from the automatic flight control system (AFCS) may
be used independently or combined with manual input
to control stabilizer movement. The series mode
solenoid valve is energized, porting flight system
hydraulic pressure to the electrohydraulic servo
valve. Input signals from the AFCS amplifier are
applied to the coils of a torque motor in the servo
valve, regulating flow from the valve to the servo

The electric trim actuator is mechanically

linked to the artificial-feel bungee, and varies the
neutral position of the bungee to provide
longitudinal trim of the aircraft. The actuator
consists of one high-speed and one low-speed
motor, a gearbox, a brake, a ball detent clutch, and a

The servo ram is connected to the auxiliary lever.

Movement of the lever moves the mechanical input
lever floating-pivot point. This movement causes


approach and landing. An APC potentiometer is

mechanically linked to the power package, and
provides electrical inputs to the APC system to
compensate for changes in pitch attitude required
during landing approaches. The APC system
regulates the throttle position to provide the
engine thrust required to establish and maintain
the desired angle of attack. The potentiometer
provides inputs relative to the position of the
horizontal stabilizer.

threaded power screw. The actuator is manually

controlled through inputs from the trim switch on the
control stick grip. When the stabilizer is in automatic
trim, the actuator receives inputs from the AFCS.
High speed is used during manual trim, and low speed
during automatic trim.
The stabilizer shifting mechanism, shown in
figure 9-7, consists of a shift sector and its linkage,
plus cable that runs from the flap drive gearbox and
the rudder cam shift mechanism. A spin recovery
cylinder is also attached to the shifting mechanism,
and provides an alternate method of shifting the
stabilizer and rudder from the clean configuration to the dirty, or increased throw configuration.

Horizontal Stabilizer Control System

(Double Axis)

Because of the complexity and interrelationships

of the flight control systems of newer model aircraft,
only a brief description of a representative stabilizer
control (pitch/roll. axis) follows. This system allows
pitch about the aircrafts lateral axis and roll about the
aircrafts longitudinal axis.

In normal operation, when flaps are extended, a

cable running from a drum on top of the flap drive
gearbox to the sector assembly of the shifting
mechanism rotates the sector. Linkage connecting the
sector assembly and the control stick linkage is
shifted. Linkage shifting increases control stick
travel. Stabilizer down travel is increased to a
24-degree maximum. A cable is also connected from
the sector assembly to the rudder cam stop shifting
mechanism, which increases rudder travel from 4 to
35 degrees each side of neutral.

Stabilizer control, which affects both the pitch

and roll axis, is provided by forward or aft and/or
left or right movement of the control stick grip.
Forward or aft movement provides pitch-axis
control; left or right movement, roll-axis control.
The control, stick grip movement is mechanically
transferred to the left and right stabilizer servo
cylinders through the pitch and roll command
summing network, the feel assemblies, and the
summing network. These servo cylinders, which
are normally powered by the flight and combined
hydraulic power systems, move the stabilizers. If
both hydraulic systems fail, the stabilizer servo
cylinders automatically receive hydraulic power
from the backup system. The trim switch on the
control stick grip enables trimming of the aircraft in
pitch and roll.

The pilot, at his/her option, may obtain increased

stabilizer and rudder throw by actuation of the spin
recovery assist switch, eliminating the necessity of
lowering the flaps. This action ports hydraulic
pressure through the spin recovery selector valve and
its flow regulators and check valve to the spin
recovery cylinder, causing it to extend and shift the
mechanism in the same manner as provided by the
cable action.
The two nonbypass-type filters in the system
protect the intricate valving mechanisms of the
actuator from contamination, and are vitally
important to proper stabilizer operation. They are
checked with the requirements listed in the
maintenance requirements card deck, and should not
be overlooked when troubleshooting stabilizer system


Lateral control systems control roll about the

longitudinal axis of the aircraft. In this section,
several of the different system arrangements used by
aircraft manufacturers are described, and general
maintenance requirements for primary flight control
systems are discussed.

The stabilizer power package, used on various

Navy aircraft, is linked to the approach power
compensator system (APC). This system aids the
pilot in maintaining optimum angle of attack for


Figure 9-8.Hydraulically powered aileron control system.

crank in the control stick housing are moved to

operate the sector on the power mechanism. With the
actuation of the sector, the power mechanism
operates, transferring the movement to the
mechanical linkage that operates the ailerons.

Aileron Control System

The aileron control system, shown in figure 9-8,

is equipped with a power mechanism that provides
hydraulic power to operate the ailerons. If hydraulic
power fails, the mechanism can be disconnected,
placing the system in complete manual operation.
Movement of the aileron control system begins when
the control stick in the cockpit moves left or right.
When the stick is moved, cables connected to the bell

The aileron power mechanism consists of two

control valves, a dual-chambered hydraulic power
cylinder, cable sectors, and a system of latches and
related cranks. Linkage connects the control valves in
tandem. The flight control hydraulic system powers


disconnect the latch mechanisms from the cylinder.

When the handle is pulled, it places this particular
aileron system in complete manual operation. In
manual operation, the power cylinder is disconnected
from the cable sector, causing the control stick to
manually move the ailerons at a reduced rate.

one valve, and the other is powered by the utility

hydraulic system.
The power cylinder is a single tandem cylinder,
composed of four chambers with pistons connected to
a common shaft. Each of the two control valves
operates on that portion of the power cylinder to
which it is associated. Both hydraulic systems
operate simultaneously, and each delivers 3,000-psi
pressure to the mechanism. If one hydraulic system
should fail, the other system will supply enough
power to operate the ailerons at reduced hinge

The lateral control system incorporates a

load-feel bungee, which serves a dual purpose. See
figure 9-9. The bungee provides an artificial feel and
centering device for the aileron system. It is
interconnected between the aileron system and the
aileron trim system. Energizing the aileron trim
actuator moves the bungee operating the power
mechanism, which repositions the aileron control
system to a new neutral position.

When the control stick moves, the control cables

move the power mechanism sector. Through linkage,
the sector operates the control valves, which direct
hydraulic fluid to the power cylinder. The cylinder
actuating shaft, which is connected to the power crank
through a latch mechanism, operates the power crank.
The crank moves the push-pull tubes, which actuate
the ailerons. In the event of complete hydraulic
power failure, a handle in the cockpit maybe pulled to

In normal operation of the control system, when

the control stick is actuated left or right, the power
mechanism compresses the bungee. The compressed
bungee returns the stick to the neutral position upon
release of the stick.

Figure 9-9.Aileron power mechanism.


remain flush with the wing. Full throw of the control

stick by the pilot causes the inboard flaperon to rise
49 1/2 degrees and the outboard flaperon to rise
53 degrees. In flight, the flaperon can also be
positioned by the AFCS. Control stick movements
are transferred through the pushrod and bell crank
system to the flaperon autopilot actuator. Mechanical
outputs from this actuator are conveyed to a gearing
mechanism, at which point linkage to the left and
right wing flaperon power actuators separates. The
gearing mechanism transmits movement to the left or
right flaperon, while the opposite flaperon is

Flaperon Control System

The flaperon control system, shown in
figure 9-10, is an example of lateral control provided
by an electrohydraulic-mechanical flaperon system.
The system includes an inboard and outboard flaperon
for each wing and three actuators (a single flaperon
autopilot actuator and a flaperon power actuator in
each wing).
Control stick movement, left or right, raises the
respective two flaperons, while the opposite two

Figure 9-10.Flaperon control system.


maintained flush with the wing. When the flaperon

pop-up cylinder is actuated, the gearing mechanism
transmits pop-up motion to each wing flaperon power

combined hydraulic system or electrical system

should fail.
The eddy current damper links mechanically to a
bell crank in the flaperon control linkage. See
figure 9-11. It dampens any rapid left or right control
stick movement by producing an opposing force
proportional to the speed at which the stick is moved.
The damper contains permanent magnets, a rotating
copper disc, a gear train, and a clutch assembly.
Control stick motion rotates the clutch and gear train,
which, in turn, rotates the copper disc. The copper
disc is sandwiched in the air gap between the six
permanent magnets and a flux plate. As the copper
disc revolves, the magnetic field between the magnets
and the flux plate is disturbed, causing an opposing
force (eddy currents) that tries to stop the disc. The
opposing force is proportional to the speed of the
rotating disc and to the speed of stick movement. The
clutch will slip at a force of 275 to 325 inch-pounds to
prevent control stick binding if the damper jams.

The semiautomatic flaperon pop-up device aids in

reducing ground roll during landing. The pop-up
system is activated by the pilot placing the flaperon
pop-up switch in the ARM position. All flaperons
(four) will then automatically pop up approximately
41 degrees when the aircraft weight is on the landing
gear and the throttles are retarded.
A mechanical interlock device prevents damage
to the flaperons during folding of the wings. When
the wings are folding, the flaperons cannot be
extended. In addition, the folding operation cannot
start unless the flaperons are flush with the wings.
A wing-fold interlock prevents flaperon pop-up
after the wings are folded. A fail-safe spring returns
the flaperons to the flush position in case the

Figure 9-11.Eddy current damper.


Figure 9-12 illustrates a representative flaperon

control system. The flaperon autopilot actuator is
powered by the flight hydraulic system and transmits
mechanical movement to the flaperon power
actuators. The flaperon power actuators are tandem
type and powered by the combined and flight
hydraulic systems. They are capable of operating on
only one system if one system should fail.
The artificial-feel bungee provides an initial
control stick preload and increased force feel over the
full range of stick displacement. The electromechanical actuator provides lateral trim, which
varies the neutral position of the artificial-feel
bungee. Trim is set by the switch on the control stick
grip. The pilot may read the mechanical flaperon trim
indicator on the control stick. See figure 9-10.
autopilot actuator (figs. 9-12 and 9-13) contains an

electrohydraulic servo valve, actuator pistons,

solenoid valve, transducer, series link, and series-link
rod. It indirectly controls flaperon movement in
response to mechanical movements from the pilot. It
receives electrical inputs from the automatic flight
control system. The actuator can operate in two
modesmanual or series.
In manual mode, the solenoid valve is de-energized
and no fluid is ported to any part of the actuator. The
actuator piston rod is free to idle. The series-link
cylinder acts as a rigid link that transfers input lever
motion to the output lever.
In series mode, the solenoid valve energizes and
ports pressure to the servo valve. Pressure from the
servo valve drives the actuator pistons together. This
pressure causes the pistons and the rod to act as one
piece. When the servo valve is at null, pressures in
the piston end chambers are equal. Electrical signals

Figure 9-12.Flaperon control system.


SYSTEM ACTUATORS The flaperon system

actuators directly control the flalperon movement in
response to mechanical movement from the autopilot
actuator. The actuator (fig. 9-1 2) consists of two
tandem-mounted power pistons and a power valve
shuttle. Mechanical inputs are introduced through the
load-relief (safety) bungee and the valve input lever to
the power valve shuttle portion of the actuator. The
inputs cause a valve error and the porting of hydraulic
pressure to the power pistons. As the flaperon moves,
mechanical linkage attached to the actuator tends to
null this valve error, The power valve shuttle returns
to neutral. The flaperons remain in the selected
position until new mechanical inputs are received
from the pilot or the AFCS.

from the automatic flight control system cause the

electrohydraulic servo valve to differ the pressures in
the end chambers. The signal provides the working
force for the actuator. The actuator piston rod drives
the output lever. Pressure at the series link
compresses a lock spring, unlocking the series link.
The actuator can stroke the pilot-commanded piston.
When the pilot moves the input link, relative motion
between input and output causes the transducer to
send a signal to the AFCS amplifier. The signal
combines with other flight stability signals, and the
resultant signal operates the servo valve. The AFCS
can be overridden by the pilot applying a stick force
of 25 pounds.

Figure 9-13.Flaperon autopilot actuator.


Combination Aileron/Spoiler Deflector System

aileron trim and mixing linkage. The mixing linkage

directs inputs to both the aileron and spoiler/deflector
linkage. Dead-band stops within the mixing linkage
allow the ailerons to reach a trailing edge up position
of 2 degrees 30 minutes, 15 minutes, before any
spoiler/deflector motion is initiated.

Navy aircraft employ more than one system for

lateral control of the aircraft. Figure 9-14 shows an
aileron and spoiler/deflector arrangement to achieve
an increased roll rate about the longitudinal axis.
In this system, left and right control stick
movements transfer mechanically to the aileron and
spoiler/deflector control linkage. The viscous damper
cylinder is connected in the linkage. It resists rapid
control stick movement, presenting overcontrol of the
aileron system when the control augmentation mode
of the AFCS is engaged. The control augmentation
mode of the AFCS improves lateral and longitudinal
stability of the aircraft.

The power control cylinders for the ailerons and

the spoiler/deflectors are tandem type. Power control
No. 1 and power control No. 2 hydraulic systems
supply hydraulic pressure. Half of the servo valve on
each cylinder directs PC No. 1 hydraulic pressure to
the corresponding half of the PC cylinder. The
second half of the servo valve directs PC No. 2
hydraulic pressure to the other half of the cylinder. If
one system fails, the other system operates the
ailerons and spoiler/deflectors.

The load-limiting links located throughout the

system protect control linkage and components from
excessive loads These links have a breakout force, so
they normally act as a fixed link. Loads that exceed
the breakout force cause the links to extend or retract
and absorb the overload.

Input control linkage connected to the servo valve

control arm of the PC cylinders positions the valve
slider to direct pressure to the actuating pistons. The
actuating piston extends or retracts the cylinder
housing. As the cylinder housing moves, the servo
valve control arm repositions the servo valve slider.
When the ailerons and spoiler/deflectors position is
equal to the demand input, the servo valve slider is
again at neutral. Fluid flow is blocked to and from
the cylinder until a new control system input is

Artificial feel is provided by the mechanical feel

spring assemb]y. The assembly simulates air load
resistance at the control stick. When released, the
control stick returns to neutral by the feel spring
The roll-feel isolation actuator prevents excessive
forces from reaching the control stick. When the
control stick is deflected, linkage to the feel isolation
actuator servo valve repositions the servo valve slider
and directs hydraulic pressure to the actuating pistons.
The cylinder housing is connected to the control
linkage and moves in the direction corresponding to
stick movement. As the cylinder housing moves, the
servo valve slider repositions to neutral, blocking
fluid flow to and from the actuator until new inputs
are initiated.

The spoiler/deflector on each wing operates with

the upward throw of the aileron on that wing. They
are located in the left- and right-hand wing center
sections, forward of the flaps. The spoiler extends
upward into the airstream, disrupting the airflow and
causing decreased lift on that wing. The deflector
extends down into the airstream and scoops airflow
over the wing surface aft of the spoiler, preventing
airflow separation in that area.

The AFCS roll actuator connects to the control

linkage by a scissor link. Normally, this scissor link
acts as a simple idler. When the actuator receives
signals from the AFCS, it causes, the linkage to act
as a variable link. This action produces control
system inputs completely independent of the
control stick.

A stop bolt on the spoiler/deflector bell crank

limits movement of the spoiler to 60 degrees of
deflection. The deflector is mechanically slaved to
the spoiler. It can be deflected to a maximum of 30
degrees when the spoiler is at 60 degrees. The spoiler
deflectors open only with the upward movement of
the ailerons. They are normally closed. The linkage
motion lost when the aileron is down is absorbed by
the spoiler deflector load-limiting link.

Output motion from the AFCS linkage is

transmitted through control system linkage to the


Figure 9-14


Spoiler Control System

On one model aircraft, spoiler action is provided
through the control stick grip, roll command
transducer, roll computer, pitch computer, and eight
spoiler actuators (one per spoiler). When used to
increase the effect of roll-axis control, the spoilers can
only be controlled when the wings are swept forward
at 57 degrees.
Right or left movement of the control stick grip
mechanically transfers to the roll command
transducer. The transducer converts the movement to
inboard and outboard spoiler roll commands.
Because the spoilers are vital for landing, the left- and
right-wing inboard and No. 1 mid-spoilers are
controlled by the roll computer. The spoilers are
powered by the combined hydraulic power systems.
The left and right outboard and No. 2 mid-spoilers are
controlled by the pitch computer. These spoilers are
powered by the mid-outboard spoiler/high lift backup
module. This combination provides positive spoiler
control if either computer or hydraulic power source
Directional control systems provide a means of
controlling and/or stabilizing the aircraft about its
vertical axis. Most Navy aircraft use conventionaltype rudder control systems for this purpose.
The rudder control system, shown in figure 9-15,
is operated by the rudder pedals in the cockpit. The
system is powered hydraulically through the rudder
actuator. In the event of hydraulic power failure, the
hydraulic portion of the power system is bypassed.
The system is then powered mechanically through
control cables and linkage. An aerodynamic
irreversible hydraulic system is employed in the
rudder system. To accomplish trim, the complete
rudder surface is repositioned.

allows movement of the control valve linkage to port

hydraulic fluid from the actuating cylinder. Then the
cylinder can be mechanically driven by pilot input
during manual operation. In manual operation,
surface travels are reduced by the lost-motion effect
of the slip link.
The load-feel bungee is also the connecting link
from the rudder trim actuator to the power
mechanism. When the trim actuator is operated, the
bungee repositions the power mechanism. The power
mechanisms deflect the rudder for nose-left and
nose-right trim. Figure 9-15 is a functional schematic
of the operation of the rudder control system.
The rudder power mechanism is actuated when
movement from the cable sector assembly is
transmitted through the push-pull tube to the primary
control crank. The crank is connected to the load-feel
bungee, a slip link to the secondary crank, a link and
spring to the pedal position transmitter, and a link to
the control valve of the actuator assembly. The
actuator assembly consists of an electromechanical
dual input control valve, a rudder surface position
transmitter, and a power cylinder. When the
mechanism linkage is actuated, the control valve
directs hydraulic pressure from both the utility
hydraulic system and the surface control hydraulic
system to the power cylinder. The valve directs the
hydraulic pressure to two separate chambers in the
cylinder. Each chamber has a separate piston that is
mounted on as common shaft. The shaft is connected
to a push-pull tube that moves the rudder. The
actuator assembly normally operates from both
hydraulic systems. If one system should fail, the
other supplies sufficient pressure to operate the
rudder with some lost hinge movement. In the event
both hydraulic systems fail, the slip link will allow
movement of the control valve linkage to port
hydraulic fluid from the actuating cylinder.
When the automatic flight control system is
engaged, the actuator initiates the movement of the
rudder system through the electrical impulse received
by the control valve from the surface control
amplifier. The pedal position transmitter and the
rudder surface transmitter function only when the
automatic flight control system is engaged.

The actuation of the rudder pedals causes the

control cables to move a cable sector assembly. The
cable sector, through a push-pull tube and linkage,
actuates the power mechanism. The rudder actuator
deflects the rudder to the left or to the right.

Rudder pedal movement transfers mechanically

to the left and right rudder servo cylinders through the
rudder feel assembly, the yaw summing network, and
the reversing network. These servo cylinders,
normally powered by the flight and combined
hydraulic power systems, move the rudders. If both

A load-feel bungee is connected to the push-pull

tube, and is compressed when the push-pull tube is
actuated. When the pedals are released, the
compressed bungee returns the system to the neutral
position. In the event of hydraulic failure, a slip link


hydraulic systems fail, the rudder servo cylinders

automatically receive hydraulic power from the
backup hydraulic system (flight control backup
module). The rudder trim switch on the EXT
ENVIRONMENT/THROTTLE control panel enables
trimming of the aircraft in yaw. Setting the switch to
L or R provides a trim-left or trim-right input,
respectively, to the rudder trim actuator. The actuator
provides rudder movement through the rudder-feel
assembly, the yaw summing network, the reversing
network, and the rudder servo cylinders.


All electronic flight control servo cylinders are
controlled by electrical impulses from computers.
The computers compare all data received from the
pilots control stick, airspeed indicator, altimeter,
angle of attack, and other sensors. They configure all
flight controls for best flight characteristics and
performance of the aircraft. An example of the
electrical portion that replaces the mechanical

Figure 9-15.Rudder control system.



Figure 9-16

linkages system is shown in figure 9-16. Each

electric component is duplicated two to four times
throughout the system. Provisions are made to detect
a failed component or sensor and remove its influence
from the system. These multiple redundant paths
ensure that a single failure has no effect, and multiple
failures have minimum effect on controls.

failure is possible. System failure could be a result of

component or plumbing failure or as a result of
enemy-inflicted damage. The backup flight control
system, shown in figure 9-17, provides for an
additional measure of flight control safety. The
system activates whenever a partial or complete
hydraulic system failure occurs.


The complete backup flight control system is

mounted on a protective armor plating that measures
only 8 by 16 inches and is located close to the rudder
and stabilizer power packages. Flight and combined

Despite the dual system design requirement for

flight control systems, a complete hydraulic system

Figure 9-17.Backup flight control hydraulic system.


stabilizer in-and-out stroke volume or thermal

expansion of the fluid. The shutoff valve also opens
when the flow rate exceeds the flow capacity of the
backup pump. The latter condition could occur when
the flight system is operating normally and high rate
inputs are applied to the actuators.

hydraulic system pressure line switches control the

operation of this system.
The two switches in the pressure lines to the
backup flight system are wired normally closed at
zero pressure. The backup pump outlet pressure
switch is wired to normally open at zero pressure.
The switches actuate at 900-1,100 psi on rising
pressure and 700-900 psi on decreasing pressure.
Closing of the combined or flight system pressure
switches energizes the backup system motor pump.
Closing the outlet pressure switch lights the backup
hydraulic system indicator light on the annunciator
panel in the cockpit.

Pressure line isolation is accomplished by the use

of check valves. To prevent backup system leakage to
a failed combined system, a soft-seat check valve is
installed upstream of the standard metal-seat check
valve. These valves are found in the combined
system pressure line.
A three-position backup system hydraulic test
switch is located in the cockpit. The central
spring-loaded OFF position provides automatic
function in flight. The momentary hold positions,
COMBINED and FLIGHT, are for a ground test of the
system when the aircraft is on external electrical
power. Selection of either position will energize the
motor pump when aircraft pressure is less than
700-900 psi.

When pressure in the flight and/or combined

hydraulic system decreases to 700-900 psi, the system
is automatically activated. The system isolates a
portion of the combined system in the tail of the
aircraft by check valves in the pressure lines and a
shutoff valve in the return line. When the shutoff
valve closes, it stores a full charge of fluid in the
backup system reservoir,
The reservoir mounts on top of the motor-pump
assembly. It has a capacity of 0.84 quarts. The return
system shutoff valve is an integral part of the
reservoir end flange inside the reservoir pressurizing
spring. The soft-seated, poppet-type shutoff valve is
held open when the reservoir is at the full position.
When pressure drops and the reservoir piston moves
about three-sixteenths of an inch away from the full
position, the spring-loaded valve closes and prevents
flow from the reservoir. The shutoff valve also acts
independently as a relief valve to relieve reservoir
pressure above 95 psi.

A cartridge-type filter element housed within the

reservoir head and a pressure line filter protects the
system from contamination. Since the backup motor
pump is energized when either or both primary
systems fail, the following three operational
conditions can exist:
1. With the backup and flight systems operating,
normal flight control is available. The backup system
performs as an isolated system with the return shutoff
valve closed. The variable displacement backup
motor pump has a maximum rated output of 3 gpm at
1,000-psi output pressure to zero gpm at cutoff
pressure (3,000-3,200 psi). The pump cannot match
the high rate capacity of the flight system. Backup
motor pump pressure will drop to zero when demand
exceeds 3 gpm. Zero pressure causes the cockpit
indicator light to go out. When pressure increases to
900-1,000 psi, the light will come on again, indicating
backup system operation.

Return fluid flow from the rudder and stabilizer

actuators fills the backup system reservoir. When the
reservoir approaches the full position, it mechanically
opens a shutoff valve, allowing return flow to go to
the combined system reservoir. In normal flight, the
40-psi return system pressure is enough to maintain
the backup reservoir piston at the full position. The
shutoff valve fully opens against its spring pressure.

2. With the backup system and combined system

operating, normal flight control is available. The
backup system is not isolated, as normal combined
system pressure exists within pressure and return
lines. The return shutoff valve remains open.
Combined system pumps maintain high pressure at
the rudder and stabilizer actuators. Flow demand on
the backup pump is not excessive at high rates. The
cockpit indicator light should remain on, indicating
backup system operation.

If return system pressure drops below the

reservoir pressurizing spring pressure of 15 psi, the
reservoir piston moves and displaces fluid through the
shutoff valve. As the piston moves, the shutoff valve
closes fully in three-sixteenths of an inch of piston
The shutoff valve may open momentarily during
backup system operation to discharge excess fluid
volume. This action may be a result of unequal


Inadequate lubrication and external contamination in

the form of preservative compounds, such as grease
combined with dirt and dust, may have caused the
problem. An increasing number of flight control
system malfunctions are related to system contamination, and this ever-important aspect of hydraulic
system maintenance should be given the attention it
deserves. Checking of system filters and contamination inspection of suspected systems are within
the capability of organizational activities. If a system
is found to be contaminated, the source of
contamination must be eliminated and the system
cleaned by recycling or flushing in accordance with
instructions provided in the appropriate MIM.
Contaminated components must be replaced as
necessary to restore proper system operation.

3. When the flight and combined systems fail,

the backup flight control system performs as an
isolated system. Surface rates available at the rudder
and stabilizers are reduced by the limited output of the
backup pump. There is no flaperon actuator control.
The cockpit indicator will flicker out if the pilot
applies inputs to the controls that exceed the capacity
of the pump. The cockpit RUDDER THROW light
will also be illuminated, indicating that approximately
33 percent of normal rudder throw is available.
Maintenance of primary flight control surface
power actuators is generally beyond the capability of
organizational maintenance-level activities. Removal
of hydraulic components and associated linkages on
the power actuators will destroy critical adjustments.
Readjustment requires special tooling, jigs, and other
equipment available only at intermediate- or
depot-level maintenance facilities. When a power
mechanism has been isolated as the cause for flight
system malfunction, it is removed. It is forwarded
with the accompanying paperwork to the supply
activity for disposition.

Disposition instructions for removed hydraulic

components vary with the production status of the
aircraft model. Diligent care must be taken to retain
the component in the as-is condition, with no change
in adjustment, disassembly, or cleaning. If the
component has slides or pistons that are jammed, no
attempt to free them should be made.
The aircraft must not be released for further flight
until the cause has been determined and corrected. If
it is not readily apparent why the component
malfunctioned, you should submit a Hazardous
Material Report/Engineering Investigation request. If
the discrepancy cannot be duplicated or cause
determined, an appropriate entry must be made in the
Miscellaneous History section of the aircraft logbook.


There have been many cases reported in which,
after flight, pilots have found flight controls jammed
while the aircraft was on the ground. Because the
controls were freed by excessive pressure before an
inspection could be made, the causes for the jammed
condition could not be found. No positive corrective
action was taken before the aircraft were released for
flight. In some cases, accidents occurred on such
aircraft shortly thereafter.

Trouble analysis of the flight control systems
requires the same systematic approach as any other
hydraulic system. In many instances, malfunctions
are written off with incorrect corrective actions on the
maintenance action form (MAF). The corrective
action, Could Not Duplicate, or Replaced Suspected
Component, often results in a repeat discrepancy or
loss of the aircraft. Thoroughness in determining the
cause of a malfunction cannot be overemphasized.

When an aircraft experiences a control

discrepancy during flight, a thorough investigation
should be conducted immediately. In cases where
aircraft have safely returned from a flight during
which a control discrepancy was experienced, a
thorough investigation is necessary. This investigation must be made before further flight. All parts of
the affected control system should be inspected for
proper rigging, clearances, and potential causes for
interferences. All sealed units that are suspect must
be replaced. Primary cause factors that should not be
overlooked include maneuvers that have exceeded the
operational design of the control systems. Hydraulic
system contamination, corrosion and/or distorted or
disconnected linkage may have caused the problem.

Trouble analysis of the flight controls will require

complete cooperation with other work centers that are
involved in the operational checkouts. Most flight
control systems have electrical input, as well as
mechanical input from autopilot, automatic flight
control systems, or stabilizing augmentation systems.
Inputs occasionally cause erratic and/or misleading
aircraft flight characteristics. Flight characteristics


can be misinterpreted, and the resultant write-up in

the aircraft discrepancy portion of the aircraft flight
record book may be vague or misleading. To gain
further insight regarding the vague discrepancy, the
maintenance crew should question the pilot who
experienced the malfunction.
Isolating the mechanical and hydraulic portion of
the flight control system from systems that provide
automatic input will serve to pinpoint the actual
problem area. The MIM provides troubleshooting/
trouble analysis aids and appropriate schematics. The
MIM allows for the systematic checking out of the
system and associated components. In some MIMs
these aids are general in nature and limited to the
more common causes of failure. Several MIMs
combine the operational checkout procedures with
trouble analysis aids. Steps of the checkout
procedures are performed in rigid sequence, and any
discrepancy must be corrected before proceeding to
the next step.
A thorough knowledge of the system involved
and consistent use of the mechanical and hydraulic
schematics will expedite the trouble analysis process.
Excessive time required for troubleshooting should be
documented on a separate VIDS/MAF. This will
separate the actual repair time from troubleshooting
time. Separate VIDS/MAFs provide more accurate
input information to the Maintenance Data Reporting
When the malfunction has been determined and
corrected, the complete system should be operationally tested. Testing should occur in all modes of
operation to verify system integrity. Quality
assurance inspection during repair progression,
testing, and of the end product is a must. When
prescribed in the applicable periodic maintenance
information cards, test flight requirements are
mandatory. The test flight pilot is briefed by a
qualified quality assurance representative regarding
the nature of the discrepancy and corrective action

On some aircraft, the system rigging divides into

a series of sections, such as the control stick, control
mechanism, power control actuator, and cables. If
only that section of the system has been affected, it
may not be necessary to rig the complete system.
Pushrods, bell cranks, and idlers are installed so
that end play is eliminated. They should be free to
rotate without binding. Cables should be inspected
for corrosion, broken strands, and proper tension.
Correct cable tension is necessary to obtain proper
response of the control surface. Low cable tension
may cause sluggishness, free play, and flutter of the
control surface. Excessively high cable tension will
cause increased system friction and may result in
damage to pulleys, bell cranks, or the cable itself.
A variety of fixtures, pins, and blocks are
available for performing alignment and rigging
checks on flight control systems. Neutralizing
(locking the controls and linkage in a predetermined
position), as described in the aircraft MIM, is required
during the alignment and adjustment of the flight
NOTE: Installation and removal of the
fixtures, pins, and blocks should not require
excessive force. Slight pressure is permissible because of the system tolerance and
temperature effects on the aircraft. Always
refer to the MIM for tolerance information.
Figure 9-18 shows the throw board used to check
the travel of a horizontal stabilizer. The throwboard is
held in place by two wingnut attachment screws.
Before tightening these screws, the throwboard is
positioned so that the alignment hole at the
zero-degree mark is in line with the alignment screw
in the aircraft fuselage.
Control surface throws may be measured in
degrees and minutes or inches and fractions.
Figure 9-19 provides an example of an aileron throw
indication in degrees ( 0) and minutes (). The
protractor scale is calibrated in 30-minute increments.
The indicator reads 3 degrees 40 minutes obtained as
1. Read 3 degrees 30 minutes, as shown on the
protractor scale.

Procedures for rigging flight control systems vary

with each type of aircraft. Applicable MIMs provide
a list of tools, special equipment, preparatory considerations, and step-by-step instructions for rigging

2. Since the indication mark does not fall directly

on the calibrated mark of the protractor scale, look for
the closest alignment of indicator and protractor
calibrated marks in the direction of indicator travel.


Read the value from the 0-minute mark on the

indicator to the closest alignment, which, in this
example, is 10 minutes.

Cable Control Systems

Cables have many advantages. They will not

sever readily under sudden strains. Cables are
stronger than steel rods or tubing of the same size.
They flex without setting (permanent deformation)
and can be led easily around obstacles by using
pulleys. Cables can be installed over long distances
(such as in large aircraft) without a great degree of
sagging or bending. Vibration will not cause them to
harden, crystallize, or break, as may be the case with
push-pull control rods. Because of the great number
of wires used in cables, cable failure is never abrupt,
but is progressive over periods of extended use.
When used for the manipulation of a unit in a control
system, they are usually worked in pairs-one cable
to move the unit in one direction, the other to move it
in the opposite direction. Weight is saved in spite of a
second cable because the push-pull rod needed to
cause a similar movement in a unit would have to be
quite thick and heavy (comparatively speaking).
Since cables are used in pairs and are stretched taut,
very little play is present in system controls, and no
lost motion exists between the actuating device and
the unit. Consequently, cable-controlled units
respond quickly and accurately to cockpit control
movement. In some simple cable systems, only one
cable is used, and a spring provides the return action.

3. Add 3 degrees 30 minutes and 10 minutes to

get the true indication of 3 degrees 40 minutes up
Each mode of operation that was affected by
alignment or malfunction and subsequent repair
action must be operationally checked, and the success
of the checkouts verified by a qualified quality
assurance representative. All maintenance, including
alignment, adjustment, operational testing, and
component replacement, must be in accordance with
the instructions provided in the applicable MIM.
Cable and rigid control systems maintenance
includes inspection to discover actual and potential
defects, servicing with lubricants, and correction of
reported malfunctions and defects. Malfunctions that
occur in control systems include frayed and loosened
bearings, unnatural tightness (binding), and broken or
damaged components.

Figure 9-18.Stabilizer throwboard installation.

Figure 9-19.Aileron throw protractor indications.



systems require more maintenance than rigid linkage
systems; therefore, they must be inspected more
thoroughly. Cables must be kept clean and inspected
periodically for broken wires, corrosion, kinking, and
excessive wear.
Broken wires are most apt to occur in lengths of
cable that pass over pulleys or through fairleads. On
certain periodic inspections, cables are checked for
broken wires by passing a cloth along the length of the
cable. Where the cloth snags the cable is an
indication of one or more broken wires.
Your bare hands should NEVER be used to
check for broken wires. Using your bare
hands to check for broken wires could
result in personal injury.

be replaced, even though the number of broken wires

is less than that specified for replacement. If the
surface of the cable is corroded, relieve the tension on
the cable and carefully untwist it to visually inspect
the interior. Any corrosion on the interior strands of
the cable constitutes failure, and the cable must be
replaced. If no internal corrosion is detected, remove
loose, external corrosion with a clean, dry rag or fiber
brush and apply the specified preservative compound.
NOTE: Do not use metal wool or solvents to
clean installed cable. Metal wool will embed
tiny dissimilar metal particles and create
further corrosion problems. The use of
solvents will remove the internal cable
lubricant and allow the cable strands to
abrade and further corrode.

When a cable is found to be unserviceable and a

spare cable is not available, an exact duplicate of the
damaged cable may be prepared. This will involve
cutting a length of cable to the proper length,
attaching the necessary end fittings, and testing the

Tests have proven that control cables may have

broken wires and still be capable of carrying their
designated load. However, any 7 x 19 cable that
shows more than six broken wires in any 1-inch
length, or any 7 x 7 cable that shows more than three
broken wires in any 1-inch length, must be replaced.
A maximum of three broken wires per inch is
allowable in the length of cables passing over pulleys,
drums, or through fairleads. Figure 9-20 shows how
to determine if a cable is serviceable.

To determine the proper length to which the new

cable will be cut, you should first determine the
overall length of the finished cable assembly. This
may be accomplished by measuring the old cable
assembly or by reading the measurements provided in
the MIM for the aircraft concerned.

Corrosion, kinking, and excessive wear should be

given particular attention during cable inspection. If
a cable is found to be kinked or badly worn, it should

Replacing cables in the aircraft, especially those

routed through inaccessible spaces, can be difficult.
One method is to secure a snaking line to the cable to
be replaced, remove the pulleys from the brackets,
and pull out the old cable while pulling the snaking
line into the cable system run at the same time. Attach
the new cable assembly to the snaking line, and pull
the snaking line out to pull the new assembly into
place. Replace the pulleys and attach the new cable in
the system.
QUICK DISCONNECTS. Quick disconnects
are used in cable systems that may require frequent
disconnecting. One type of quick disconnect is made
with steel balls swaged to the ends of the cable,
slipped into a slotted bar, and secured with
spring-loaded sleeves on each end of the bar.
Figure 9-21 shows the procedures for disconnecting
and connecting this type of quick-disconnect fitting.

Figure 9-20.Determining serviceable cable.


Rigid Control Systems

simplest rigid control system may consist of push-pull

rods and bell cranks only.

Rigid control systems transfer useful movement

through a system of push-pull rods, bell cranks,
walking beams, idler arms, and bungees. The

PUSH-PULL RODS. Push-pull rods are rigid

tubes equipped with eye fittings at each end or with a
clevis fitting at one end and an eye fitting at the other

Figure 9-21.Quick-disconnect procedures.


The eyes contain a pressed-in bearing. The rods are

generally hollow and neck down to a smaller diameter
at each end where the fittings are attached. One or
both of the fittings are screwed into the necked
portion of the rod, and are held in place by locknuts.
When only one stem is adjustable, the stem of the
other eye fitting is riveted into the neck at its end of
the rod. A hole is drilled into the threaded neck of a
push-pull rod for inspection to ensure that the stem
has engaged a safe number of threads. The stem must
be visible through the hole. Push-pull rods are
generally made in short lengths to prevent bending
under compression loads and vibration.
Push-pull rod linkage must be inspected closely
for dents, cracks, and bent tubing. Damaged tubes
may have to be replaced. End fittings are checked for
damage, wear, and security of attachment. Worn or
loose fittings must be replaced.

push-pull tube systems to decrease the length of the

individual tubes, and thus add rigidity to the system.
A bell crank has two arms that form an angle of
less than 180 degrees, with a pivot point where the
two arms meet. The walking beam is a straight beam
with a pivot point in the center. Bell cranks and
walking beams are mounted in the structure in much
the same way as pulley assemblies. Brackets or the
structure itself may be used as the point of attachment
for the shaft or bolt on which the unit is mounted.
Examples of a bell crank and a walking beam are
shown in figure 9-22. The two are similar in construction and use. The names bell crank and walking
beam are often used interchangeably.

IDLER ARMS. Idler arms are levers with one

end attached to the aircraft structure so it will pivot
and the other end attached to push-pull tubes. Idler
arms are used to support push-pull tubes and guide
them through holes in structural members.

When you are replacing a damaged push-pull

tube, the correct length of the new tube may be
obtained by loosening the check nut and turning the
end fitting in or out, as necessary. When the push-pull
tube has been adjusted to its correct length, the check
nut must be tightened against the shoulder of the end
fitting. Normally, only one end of a push-pull rod is
adjustable. The adjustable end has a hole (witness
hole) drilled in the rod. The hole is located at the
maximum distance the base of the end fitting is
allowed to be extended. If the threads of the end
fitting can be seen through this hole, the end fitting is
within safe limits.

BUNGEE. Bungees are tension devices used in

some rigid systems that are subject to a degree of
shock or overloading. They are similar to push-pull
rods, and perform essentially the same function
except that one of the fittings is spring-loaded in one
or both directions. That is, a load may press so hard
(compression) against the fittings that the bungee
spring will yield and take up the load. This protects
the rest of the rigid system against damage. The
internal spring may also be mounted to resist tension
rather than compression. An internal double-spring
arrangement will result in a bungee that protects
against both overtension and overcompression.

When you are attaching push-pull rods with ball

bearing end fittings, the attaching bolt and nut must
tightly clamp the inner race of the bearing to the bell
crank, idler arm, or other supporting structure. Nuts
should be tightened to the torque values listed in the
aircraft MIM.
After installing a new push-pull rod in a flight
control system, the control surface must be checked
for correct travel. Procedures for accomplishing this
are described later in this chapter. If the travel is
incorrect, the length of the push-pull fod must be
Bell cranks and walking beams are levers used in
rigid control systems to gain mechanical advantage.
They are also used to change the direction of motion
in the system when parts of the airframe structure do
not permit a straight run. They are often used in

Figure 9-22.Bell crank and walking beam.


a cable linkage system is controlled by turnbuckles in

the system.
A tensiometer is a precision cable tension measuring
device, but it has limitations and can be awkward to use.
It is inaccurate for cable tension under 30 pounds. When
you take tension measurements, the instrument must not
be pressed against any part of the aircraft, it cant be
pushed or pulled against the cable, and the cable must not
be pressed against fairleads or any part of the aircraft.
Any one of these actions may lead to inaccurate
measurements. A major advantage of cable linkage is its
minimal space requirement and the ease in which it can be
routed around, through, and behind aircraft structures and
components. This can make access difficult and the
tensiometer awkward or difficult to use. Adequate
clearance for the tensiometer is necessary. All
tensiometers must be certified by a calibration laboratory
for accuracy at least once a month.


When the cause and remedy for a reported
malfunction in a control system are not immediately
obvious to you, it maybe necessary to troubleshoot the
system. Most aircraft MIMs provide troubleshooting
charts that list some of the more common malfunctions
in a system. Each discrepancy is accompanied by one
or more probable causes, and a remedy is prescribed for
each cause. The troubleshooting charts are organized in
a definite sequence under each possible trouble,
according to the probability of failure and ease of
investigation. To obtain maximum value from these
charts, they should be used systematically according to
the aircraft manufacturers recommendations.
Examples of typical troubleshooting charts and
instructions on their proper use was discussed in chapter
3 of this TRAMAN.
Since most aircraft use some form of electrical
control or hydraulic boost in their flight control systems,
maintenance of these systems must include the related
electrical circuits and hydrauIic systems. Although an
AE or AM is generally called upon to locate the correct
electrical or hydraulic troubles respectively, you should
be able to check circuits for loose connection, perform
continuity checks, and perform minor troubleshooting
of the hydraulic system.

One type of tensiometer is shown in figure 9-23.

This instrument works on the principle of measuring

Basically there are seven distinct steps to follow

during troubleshooting. These steps were discussed
in chapter 3 of this TRAMAN.
The purpose of rigging and adjusting a primary
flight control system is to ensure neutral alignment of
all connecting components and to regulate and limit
the surface deflection in both directions. Each
aircraft has a set of special tools for flight control
maintenance that may include rigging fixtures, pins,
blocks, throwboards and protractors. Other common
equipment, such as micrometers, pressure gauges,
push-pull gauges, feeler gauges, tensiometer and
calipers may also be required. These arc usually
maintained in the toolroom and checked out when
The tensiometer is an instrument used in checking
cable tension. Tension is the amount of pulling force
applied to the cable. The amount of tension applied in

Figure 9-23.Cable tensiometer and chart.


the amount of force required to deflect a cable a

certain distance at right angles to its axis. The cable
to be tested is placed under the two blocks on the
instrument, and the lever assembly on the side of the
instrument is pulled down. Movement of this lever
pushes up on the center block, called a riser. The
riser pushes the cable at right angles to the two
clamping points. The force required to do this is
indicated by a pointer on the dial. Different risers are
used with different size cables. Each riser carries an
identifying number, and is easily inserted in the
Each tensiometer is supplied with a calibration
table to convert the dial readings into pounds. One of
these calibration tables is shown in figure 9-23. For
example, if the pointer on the dial indicates 48 with a
No. 2 riser and a 3/16-inch diameter cable, the actual
tension on the cable is 100 pounds. With this
particular instrument, the No. 1 riser is used with
1/16-, 3/32-, and 1/8-inch diameter cables.

used with any other. For this reason, the

calibration table is secured inside the cover
of the box in which the instrument is kept.
The chart is serialized with the same serial
number as the instrument. Using the calibration table from another instrument will
result in inaccurate reading.
During the adjustment of turnbuckles, the
calibration table must be used to obtain the desired
tension in a cable. For example, to obtain a tension of
110 pounds in a 3/16-inch diameter cable, the No. 2
riser is inserted in the instrument and the number
opposite 110 pounds is read from the calibration table.
In this case, the number is 52. The turnbuckle is
then adjusted until the pointer indicates 52 on the
NOTE: Tensiometer readings should not be
taken within 6 inches of any turnbuckle, end
fitting, or quick disconnect.
In some cases, the position of the tensiometer on
the cable may be such that the face of the dial cannot
be seen by the operator. In such cases, after the lever
has been set and the pointer moved on the dial, the

The calibration table applies to the
particular instrument only, and cannot be

Figure 9-24.Rigging pin set.


brake-lever rod on the top of the instrument is moved

to the closed position. This locks the pointer in place.
Then, the lever assembly is released and the
instrument removed from the cable with the pointer
locked in position. After the reading has been noted,
the brake-lever rod is moved to the open position, and
the pointer will return to zero.
The tensiometer, like any other measuring instrument, is a delicate piece of equipment and should be
handled carefully. Tensiometers should never be
stored in a toolbox.
Temperature changes must be considered in
cable-type systems since this will affect cable
tensions. When a temperature is encountered that is
lower than that at which the aircraft was rigged, the
cables become slack because the aircraft structure
contracts more than the cables. When temperatures
higher than that at which the aircraft was rigged are
encountered, the aircraft structure expands more than
the cables and tension is increased.
The cables in any cable linkage system are rigged
according to a temperature chart that is contained in
the applicable maintenance instructions manual. This
chart will give the proper tensions for the various
temperature changes above and below the
temperature at which the system was rigged.

Rig Pins
Rig pins are used in rigging control systems.
Figure 9-24 shows a rigging pin kit used on one of the
Navys aircraft. As you can see, rig pins may come in
various sizes and shapes and may be designed for one
or many installations. You should refer to the specific
maintenance instructions manual for use and selection
of rig pins.
Throwboards are special equipment used on
specific aircraft for accurate measurement of control
surface travel. See figure 9-25. Each throwboard has
a protractor scale that indicates a range of travel in
degrees. Zero degrees normally indicates the neutral
position of the control surface. When the throwboard
is mounted and the control column or stick is in
neutral, the trailing edge of the control surface should
be aligned to zero. As the control column or stick is
moved to its extreme limits, you can read the
corresponding degree indication on the throwboard.
If the travel of the control surface is out of limits, you
should adjust cables, push-pull rods, and control limit
stops to obtain the correct control surface travel.
When you are inspecting and rigging control surfaces,
the specific maintenance instructions manual should
be consulted.

Figure 9-25.Typical throwboard used for rigging rudder and rudder tab controls.


Figure 9-26.Typical elevator flight control system.

The rigging fixture is fastened securely to the

aircraft at the indicated points of attachment. When
properly mounted, the index marks (graduations) on the
curved section align with the elevators and indicate the
position, in degrees, of the elevators. If, with the aft
sector rig pin in place, the elevators are not in neutral
(for example, 5 degrees above the neutral mark),
lengthening the push-pull rod end will push the elevator
fitting assembly forward, and thereby lower the
elevators. If the elevators are too low, then shortening
the rod will bring them up as required.



In the elevator system shown in figure 9-26,

rigging begins at the aft sector. The aircraft
manufacturer has determined the position of the aft
sector when it is in the neutral position. A rig pinhole
has been furnished in the sector and a mating hole in
the adjoining structure. See the three rig pins in
figure 9-26. With the rig pin inserted in the aft sector
and in the aircraft structure, the sector is held firmly in
the neutral position. With the sector in this position,
the push-pull tube connecting the sector with the
elevator fitting assembly is adjusted to position the
elevators to the neutral position. The neutral position
is determined by using the elevator rigging fixture
shown in figure 9-27. The curved section of the
rigging fixture is graduated in degrees on either side
of the neutral (zero degree) position that is about
midway on the curved part of the fixture.

The next step is the adjusting and tightening of the

pair of cables in the system. This is accomplished by
tightening the turnbuckles on each cable evenly until
the required tension is obtained. During cable
tightening, the rig pin is retained in the aft sector,
leaving the forward sector free to turn. Therefore,
when the necessary tension is recorded on one cable,
that is also the tension on the other cable. To ensure


travel of the control sticks, and rig and adjust the

bungee that holds the system in the neutral position.
The stop bolts (2) (fig. 9-26) are located in front
and behind the aft control stick. They are installed so
that the stick hits the stop bolts at the extreme limits of
its travel. The maximum travel of the elevators in
each direction is determined by the manufacturer and
is controlled by the stop bolts. With the rigging
fixture still in place, move the control stick all the way
forward, and adjust the stop until the elevator DOWN
throw conforms to the MIM. Pull the stick all the way
aft, and adjust the aft stop bolt to obtain the correct
elevator UP throw. The stop bolts are safety wired in
place after this adjustment.
The last item to be adjusted in this control system
is the centering bungee. Connect the bungee and
adjust its rod end so that with the stick against the stop
bolt in the full down elevator position, the bungee is a
minimum of 1/32 of an inch from bottoming. After
this adjustment, the elevators should be held in
neutral (plus or minus the prescribed number of
degrees) by bungee action. If the elevators are too
high, shorten the bungee rod end. If they are too low,
lengthen the bungee. With the bungee properly
adjusted, tighten the bungee rod end locknut and
safety wire it.

that the cables were tightened evenly, check the

forward sector rig pin hole to see if the rig pin can be
inserted through the sector and into the structure. If
this is not possible, then the cables must be adjusted
by loosening one and tightening the other. This will
maintain the correct tension on the cables, and, at the
same time, rotate the forward sector to the neutral
position. The cable section is properly rigged when it
is possible to insert and remove the forward sector rig
pin easily with the aft sector pin installed and the
cables tightened to the prescribed tension.
The push-pull rod connecting the forward sector
and the bell crank is adjusted to the correct length by
installing a rig pin in the bell crank. Then, the rod
adjustable eye is turned in or out until the rod can be
installed between the sector and bell crank without
binding. At this point three rig pins are in place, and
should remain in place until the control sticks are
rigged to neutral.
When you are positioning the control sticks to
neutral, the rear stick must be adjusted first.
Remember, we are working forward from the elevator
surface. The push-pull rod connecting the bottom of
the rear stick with the bell crank must be adjusted
until the stick center line is the prescribed number of
degrees forward of a vertical reference line. See the
vertical reference line (14) and the center line (15) in
figure 9-26. The vertical reference line is a position
that the center line of the control stick would attain at
a 90-degree angle (19) to the cockpit floor (20).
Adjust the length of the push-pull tube between the
control sticks to position the front control stick to an
angle identical to that of the aft control stick. Then,
remove all three rig pins. This completes the rigging
and adjusting of the control system to neutral. All that
remains is to adjust the stops that limit the fore and aft

Control cables are fabricated mostly of extra
flexible, preformed, corrosion-resistant steel. Control
cables vary from 1/16 to 3/8 inch in diameter. Cables
of 1/8 inch and larger are composed of 7 strands of 19
wires each. Cables 1/16 and 3/32 inch in diameter are
composed of 7 strands of 7 wires each.
Cable-Cutting Equipment
Cutting cables may be accomplished by any
convenient method except an oxyacetylene cutting
torch. The method of cutting usually depends upon
the tools and machines available. If a cable tends to
unravel, the ends may be sweat soldered or wrapped
with a strip of tape prior to cutting.
Small diameter cable may be cut satisfactorily
with a pair of heavy-duty diagonal cutters, side
cutters, or a pair of wire nippers. Best results are
obtained if the cutting jaws are held perpendicular to
the cable during the cutting operation. Cables up to
3/32 of an inch in diameter may be cut in one
operation by this method. Larger cables may require
two or more cuts. When you cut large diameter

Figure 9-27.Elevator rigging fixture.


cables, use the end of the cutting blade, and cut only a
few strands at a time.
The most satisfactory method of cutting cables is
with a cable-cutting machine that has special jaws to
accommodate various sizes of cable. See figure 9-28.
To use this machine, position the cable in the proper
diameter groove and hold the cable firmly within
2 inches of the cutting blades. Hold the cable at right
angles to the cutting blades and pull the operating
handle down sharply.
A cold chisel and a soft metal block may also be
used for cutting cables. This method should be used
only as a last resort because of the way the cable ends
will be frayed.
Terminal Swaging
After the cable is cut, the next step in making up an
aircraft cable is attachment of the terminals. Most
terminal fittings are SWAGED onto the ends of control
system cables. Swaging is essentially a squeezing
process in which the cable is inserted into the barrel of
the terminal. Then pressure is applied by dies in a
swaging machine to compress the barrel of the terminal
tightly around the cable. The metal of the inside walls
of the barrel is molded and cold flowed by force into the
crevices of the cable. Figure 9-29 shows two types of
hand-swaging tools. The one in the upper part of the

illustration is mechanically operated, while the lower

one is pneumatically operated.
When you prepare to swage a terminal, cut the
cable to the required length. Be sure to allow for the
elongation (increase in length due to stretching) of the
fitting that will occur during the swaging process.
The amount of elongation will vary with the type and
size of fitting used. Therefore, the elongation must be
taken into account whenever you make up any cable.
The Structural Hardware Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-8,
provides elongation data for all types and sizes of
Make sure that the cable end is cut square and
clean and that all strands remain in a compact group,
as shown in figure 9-30. Place a drop or two of light
lubricating oil on the cable end. Then, insert the end
into the terminal to a depth of about 1 inch. Bend the
cable toward the terminal, straighten it back to the
normal position, and then push the cable all the way
into the terminal barrel. This bending process puts a
kink in the cable end to hold the terminal in place until
the swaging operation is completed. It also tends to
separate and spread the strands inside the terminal
barrel and reduces the strain caused by swaging.
Both of the hand-swaging tools shown in
figure 9-29 are widely used by naval aircraft
maintenance activities. The procedure for using both
types is described in the following paragraphs.

Figure 9-28.Cable-cutting machine.


Figure 9-30.Inserting cable in swage terminal.

Figure 9-29.Hand-swaging tools-mechanical and


When operating the mechanical swaging tool, you

should place the proper size pair of dies on the
swaging tool. The terminal is then located in the jaws
of the tool, as shown in figure 9-31, and the swaging
operation is performed. As the dies rotate, they pull

Figure 9-31.Locating the terminal in the swaging tool.


the terminal from right to left. The dies compress the

terminal barrel onto the cable, and swaging occurs.
Rotation of the dies is accomplished by opening and
closing the handles.
After completion of swaging and removal of the
fitting from the swaging tool, measure the outside
diameter of the shank with a micrometer or with the
gauge furnished with the swaging outfit to determine
whether or not the terminal has been swaged
sufficiently. This may be determined by checking the
measurement with the applicable cable terminal table
in NAVAIR 01-1A-8.
The pneumatic swaging tool shown in figure 9-29
is a lightweight portable unit designed to precision
swage the metal of a terminal into the interstices
(crevices) of the cable strands. The swager may be
mounted on a baseplate and used on a bench, or it can
be taken to the job. When the swaging tool is taken to
the location of the job, it may be held in your hand or
cradled in your arm.
The pneumatic swaging kit has several different
sizes and types of dies used for swaging ball-andsleeve terminals and for cutting and trimming cable.
Like the mechanical swaging tool, the dies come in
matched sets and must be used together. The dies are
installed by inserting either die through the yoke
opening into the die cavity. The keyway should be
down and the shank facing the rear of the swager.
Slide the first die back in order to clear the opening
for the insertion of the mating die. The second die is
inserted with the shank facing forward.
The following step-by-step procedures are
recommended for setting up the pneumatic swaging
tool :
1. Connect the air supply to the foot valve. For
efficient operation, use an inlet air line with at least
3/8-inch inside diameter and a minimum of 90 pounds
of line pressure.

With the pneumatic tool set up for use, perform

the following steps while swaging terminals to cables:
1. Position the terminal on the cable, using the
old cable as a pattern, or follow the instructions given
in the applicable technical directives. When you are
using a ball terminal, a minimum of 1 1/2 inches of
cable must extend beyond the ball to allow room for
holding and turning the terminal during swaging. The
excess is trimmed, if necessary, after the swaging
operation. When you use MS 20667 terminals,
1/4 inch of cable must extend through the terminal.
On all other terminals, the cable is bottomed (inserted
all of the way into the terminal).
2. Each terminal is cleaned with a suitable
solvent, and then coated with a light oil.
3. With the terminals positioned in the cavity of
the forward die, slide the rear die to its forward
position using the slot provided in the yoke for the
index finger.
NOTE: To prevent damage to terminal or
cable during the swaging cycle, maintain light
pressure on the cable towards the front of the
swager. This holds the terminal and cable
firmly in the forward die cavity.
4. Depress the foot valve firmly and rotate the
cable back and forth in 180-degree arcs or complete
revolutions. The length of time the foot valve is held
depends upon the type and size of fitting being
swaged. The proper time can be found by referring to
the chart supplied with the pneumatic swaging tool.
If the terminal will not rotate, stop swaging
immediately; rotate the terminal 90 degrees, and start
swaging again.
5. Release the foot pedal to stop swaging, and
remove the terminal from the swaging tool for
inspection. If the diameter is oversize or the terminal
surface is too rough, repeat the operation.

2. Connect the swager air line to the foot valve.

3. Clean the dies, remove any steel particles that
may have adhered to the die cavity, and apply a light
film of oil to the entire die.

If swaged terminals are to be used on both ends of

the cable, recheck the overall length of the cable and
trim it, if necessary, prior to installing the second
terminal. Make certain that all additional fittings and
accessories, such as cable stops and fairleads, are
slipped onto the cable in the proper sequence. The
other terminal may then be swaged, using the same
procedures as used for the first one.

4. Insert the dies in the swaging tool as

previously described.


Proof-Testing Cables
Do not insert or remove dies until the air
supply that is connected to the swager is
shut off. Failure to secure the air supply
connected to the swager could result in
personal injury to the operator.

All newly fabricated cables should be tested for

proper strength before they are installed in aircraft
The test consists of applying a specified tension load
on the cable for a specified number of minutes. The


proof loads for testing various size cables are given in

tables contained in NAVAIR 01-1A-8. Proof loading
will result in a certain amount of permanent stretch
being imparted to the cable. This stretch must be
taken into account when You fabricate cable
assemblies. Cables that are made up slightly long
may be entirely too long after proof loading.

side of the aileron. Wing flaps are connected to the

main wing by various kinds of hinges and slides.
The flap system discussed in this section is a
representative system. The number of flaps will vary
according to the size of the aircraft. The components
may have different names, depending on the
manufacturer, but the operational theory remains the
same. This system consists of a series of six flaps, three
on the trailing edge of each wing. They raise and lower
in the conventional manner by a hydraulically actuated
linkage of bell cranks, pushrods, and idlers. The flap
control lever in the cockpit controls the system
mechanically. The lever connects by conventional and
teleflex cables to the hydraulic actuating mechanism.
An emergency system is provided for lowering the flaps
by operating a hand pump if the primary system
malfunctions. The flap system has a position indicator
and several safety devices to prevent lowering of the
flaps while the wings are folded, or folding of the wings
while the flaps are lowered.


Learning Objective: Recognize the varied
functions of secondary flight control systems
and the maintenance associated with each

Secondary flight controls, such as wing flaps and

speed brakes, are usually hydraulically operated and
either mechanically or electrically controlled. The
design of these flight controls slows the aircraft in
flight and provides additional lift and stability. These
design features greatly increase the versatility and
performance of the aircraft.

The movement of the flap selector lever in the

cockpit sets the flaps in motion. Movement of the
selector lever operates a cable quadrant to which a set
of conventional control cables attach. These cables
connect to another sector just forward of the main
wing beam. A teleflex cable, also attached to this aft
sector, and a spring-loaded pushrod on the main flap
actuating bell crank connect to the two ends of a short
floating arm installed on the hydraulic selector valve
lever. Figure 9-32 is a drawing of the cylinder,
linkage, and selector valve installation. Reference to
the index numbers on this drawing is made in the
following description of the operation of the flap
control system.


A flap is a hinged or pivoted section that forms the
rear portion of an airfoil used to vary the effective
chamber. Wing flaps in their most commonly used
form are hinged sections of the trailing edges of a
wing. Flaps extend from the fuselage to the inboard

1. Wing flap cylinder

2. Wing flaps selector valve
3. Flap actuating bell crank

4. Left flap control pushrod

5. Right flap control pushrod
6. Flap control push-pull cable assembly

7. Follow-up pushrod
8. Flap position transmitter
9. Selector valve floating arm assembly

Figure 9-32.Flap cylinder, linkage, and selector valve installation.


When the flap handle in the cockpit moves down,

the upper end of the floating arm (9) pulls to the left,
pivoting at its lower end and moving the selector
valve lever to the left. This action directs pressure
from the hydraulic system to the flap actuating
cylinder (1). The cylinder piston rod extends and
lowers the flaps by rotating the flap drive bell crank
(3) in a clockwise direction. As the bell crank moves,
the lower end of the floating arm moves to the right by
the spring-loaded pushrod (7). This action pivots the
arm at its upper connection to the sector pushrod and
returns the selector valve to neutral, stopping the
action of the system.
Moving the flap handle upward reverses the
foregoing procedure by pushing the selector
valve lever to the right, directing hydraulic
pressure to the retract side of the cylinder piston
and raising the flaps. The follow-up rod then
moves the lower end of the floating arm to the
left and returns the selector valve to neutral, The
valve will not return completely to neutral,
maintaining pressure in the flap cylinder and
ensuring positive locking of the flaps in the up
The spring mechanism in the follow-up rod
normally does not function The spring mechanism is
provided only as a safety feature, permitting actuation
of the flap drive crank by emergency hydraulic power
if the selector valve becomes jammed.

lock mechanism with the piston when the cylinder

becomes fully retracted.
A relief valve installed in the normal flap down
line provides a blowup feature that prevents
overloading of the flaps and flap linkage. This valve
is adjustable to a narrow range between full flow and
reseat, providing a controlled blowup feature. As the
flaps blow up, the flap air load decreases, gradually
reseating the relief valve and preventing further flap
In the landing configuration, the flaps are
partially or fully down. Safety microswitches
prevent folding of the wings until the flaps are in
the full up position. To reduce the recovery
interval aboard ship, the aircraft wings must be
folded and the aircraft taxied forward as quickly
as possible. A wing flap retraction shutoff valve
installed in the flap down line expedites flap
retraction. This normally closed, solenoidoperated, hydraulic shutoff valve energizes only
when the weight of the aircraft is on the wheels.
When energized, the valve permits return fluid to
bypass the restrictor in the down pressure line,
permitting fast retraction of the flaps and quicker
wing-fold operation.
A relief valve is located in the pressure line
ahead of the flap normal system selector valve. The
valve relieves pressure from thermal expansion,
which may build up on the inlet side of the selector

The flap hydraulic system consists primarily of

the selector valve and the actuating cylinder. See
figure 9-33. The selector valve is a four-way,
poppet-type valve. The poppets operate in pairs to
direct pressure to one side of the cylinder while
opening the other side to reservoir return.

An emergency system for flap down operation

includes a selector valve and an emergency dump
valve. The emergency flap down selector valve is
usually in the NORMAL position. In this position,
the cylinder emergency line to return is vented. When
you move the emergency selector valve handle to the
FLAPS DOWN position, you can lower the flaps by
operating the hand pump. This action directs hand
pump pressure through the integral shuttle valve to
the actuating cylinder. At the same time, the
emergency dump valve is actuated. The emergency
dump valve opens the up side of the cylinder directly
to return and closes off its normal return line through
the selector valve.

The cylinder is double acting and internally

locked in the retracted (flaps up) position. The
cylinder also has an integral shuttle valve (built into
the mounting end cap). This provides for the
separation between the normal and emergency
hydraulic pressure lines. An adjustable terminal on
the piston rod provides for length variation.
When the cylinder extends, the internal lock is
hydraulically released, allowing the piston to move.
When the flaps raise, the hydraulic pressure on the
lock is relieved, and a compression spring engages the


Figure 9-33.Wing flap system.

the system is operative. There are no provisions for

emergency retraction of the flaps.

Once actuated, the dump valve must be reset

manual] y to restore the system to normal operation.
The emergency selector valve handle must first be
returned to the NORMAL position, relieving the
pressure in the emergency line. The dump valve is
then reset by pushing the button on the dump valve.
The button is marked PUSH TO RESET. With
pressure in the normal system, the normal selector
handle must be placed in the down position to reset
the integral shuttle valve. The flaps will then raise
using normal control, provided the flap up portion of



Several types of naval aircraft are equipped with

flap systems that feature both leading edge and
trailing edge flap panels. On some aircraft these
leading edge panels are referred to as slats.


Figure 9-34 shows a leading edge and trailing

edge flap arrangement. The figure shows flap
operation with aileron drooping and boundary layer
control. These features create even greater lift and
stability than with flaps alone.
This flap system consists of three leading edge
and one trailing edge flap panels for each wing, with
each panel having its own actuator. A three-position
flap control switch in the cockpit is labeled UP, 1/2,
and DN.
The leading edge flaps operate by a
manifold-mounted selector valve and dual actuating
cylinders. Trailing edge flaps use this same selector
valve plus a wing-mounted selector valve and dual
tandem actuating cylinders.
When the flap control switch is placed in the 1/2
position, the manifold-mounted selector valve directs
utility system pressure through the shuttle valves.
Pressure is sent into the down lines of the leading
edge flap actuators. The leading edge flaps are
lowered to the full down position. The inboard
leading edge flap deflection is 30 +0, 2 degrees. The
center flap deflection is 60 +0, 2 degrees. The
outboard flap deflection is 55 1/2 degrees 1/2
At the same time, hydraulic fluid flows through
the fuselage-mounted flow divider and into the extend
side of the dual tandem trailing edge flap actuating
cylinder. This action moves the trailing edge flaps to
the 1/2 position with a deflection of 30, 2 degrees.
The cockpit flap position indicator indicates barber
poles while the flaps are in transit and flap position at
the completion of selected movement. The limit
switches are connected into the control circuit in
series to provide an indication of flap position and to
continuously energize the electrical circuits to
maintain hydraulic pressure when the flaps are down.

UP. The electrical control circuits and solenoids of

both selector valves are de-energized.
The leading edge flaps are locked in the UP
position by the overcenter locking mechanism. The
trailing edge flaps are locked up by internal locks
within the trailing edge actuating cylinders.
When the flap switch is placed in 1/2 or DN
position, with PC 1, PC 2, and utility hydraulic power
applied, the ailerons will extend 16 1/2 degrees down.
The control stick will remain centered. The droop
aileron actuating cylinder (fig. 9-34), one in each
wing, extends by flap down utility hydraulic pressure.
The droop aileron is retracted by springs in the
cylinder when extend pressure is removed. The droop
cylinder connects between the aircraft structure and
an idler bell crank in the aileron power package
linkage. With flaps up, the droop cylinder acts as a
solid link. When the flap control switch is placed in
the 1/2 or DN position, the droop aileron extend relay
energizes. This relay completes the extend electrical
circuit to the droop aileron actuators. As the actuators
extend, the aileron power cylinder input levers
reposition, and both ailerons droop as before. The
actuators are de-energized by the integral extend limit
switch. The ailerons are free to operate normally.
When the flap control switch is placed to UP, the
droop aileron extend relay is de-energized. The droop
actuator reposition the aileron power cylinder input
levers. Both ailerons move back to their normal
position. The droop actuators are de-energized at the
completion of the retract cycle by the integral limit
If electrical and hydraulic power fails, the flaps
can be lowered by the emergency system. An
emergency flap extension bottle with a
300-cubic-inch capacity and charged to 3,000 psi
provides a power source. Emergency extension is
controlled by the emergency flap control handle,
which is mechanically linked to the emergency flap
air selector valve. Pulling the handle aft, the piston
inside the air selector valve shifts, alIowing
high-pressure air to flow through a separate set of
lines to shuttle valves in the flap system. The shuttle
valves reposition, and air pressure extends the flap
actuators. Air pressure also repositions the flap
system dump valve, dumping return side hydraulic

Moving the flap control switch to the full down

position actuates the wing-mounted selector valve,
porting pressure through a second flow divider.
Pressure is sent into the down side of the retracted
half of the trailing edge flap cylinder, moving the
flaps from the 1/2 to the full down position. Full
down position is 60 +1, 2 degrees. Both flap
position indicators will indicate DN when the cycle is
Placing the flap control switch to the UP position
allows hydraulic pressure to be directed to the retract
side of all flap actuators. Position indicators indicate


Figure 9-34


fluid overboard. The leading edge flaps extend to the

full down position and trailing edge flaps to the 1/2
down position. The aileron drooping feature does not
operate when the flaps are lowered by the emergency
flap system.
This system consists of semi-independent flap
and slat systems, which raise and lower using
hydraulic motors drive units, torque tubes, and screw
jack-type actuators.
Flap System
The flaps divide into two panels per wing at the
wing-fold joint. Each panel is supported by two sets
of tracks and rollers that are driven by two ball screw
actuators. Pressure from the combined hydraulic
system powers the flap drive motor and gearbox
assembly, shown in figure 9-35.

Placing the flap control handle to the TAKEOFF

position completes the electrical circuit through the
30-degree switch and cam-operated flap drive
gearbox limit switch to the selector valve. Pressure
ports to the down side of the high-speed hydraulic
motor, which drives the gearbox. The flap drive
gearbox, through a series of torque tubes and offset
gearboxes, drives all eight flap actuators.
The flap actuators, shown in figure 9-34, drive the
carriage and attaching flaps out and down to the
30-degree position. The limit switch in the flap drive
gearbox opens, de-energizing the selector valve
circuit, allowing the valve shuttle to return to neutral,
blocking flow to the motor, and preventing further
flap extension.
Placing the flap control handle to LAND
mechanically closes the 40-degree down flap handle
switch. The electrical circuit to the selector valve
completes, this time through the now closed
40-degree down limit switch in the flap drive gearbox.
The flaps will extend to 40 degrees, and the electrical
circuit will be broken by the action of the limit switch.

If the combined hydraulic system fails, a

hydraulic brake locks the hydraulic motor, and an
emergency electric motor provides continued
operation. Emergency flap extension and retraction is
controlled by placing the EMERG FLAP switch on
the throttle quadrant at either UP or DN.
Cam-operated switches within the flap drive gearbox
provide input signals to show the flap position on the
cockpit-integrated position indicator.

Moving the flap control handle to the TAKEOFF

or UP position will energize the opposite solenoid of
the flap selector valve and port pressure to the retract
side of the flap hydraulic motor. If the TAKEOFF
position is selected, a limit switch will again halt flap
movement at the 30-degree position. If UP is
selected, retraction will be halted when the flaps reach
the full up position. Stopping the flaps is a function
of the flaps up limit switch. At the same time, linkage
from the up limit switch actuates a second switch to
complete the electrical circuit to the flap hydraulic
motor brake valve. The energized valve blocks
combined hydraulic system pressure that is holding
the hydraulic brake in the unlocked position. The
brake locks the hydraulic motor, which, in turn, locks
the flaps in the up position.

Operation of the flap control handle energizes the

solenoid-operated flap selector valve, directing
hydraulic pressure to the extend or retract lines of the
flap drive motor. The wings must be spread and
locked to provide a complete electrical circuit through
the wing unlock relay to the selector valve.

If combined hydraulic system pressure fails and

the emergency flap switch is used, the flap action is
powered by the electric motor. See figure 9-35. The
flap hydraulic brake valve is energized, and the
pressure holding the spring-loaded hydraulic motor
brake unlocked will port to return. The brake is then
free to lock the motor and input shaft.
The electric motor now drives the flap gearbox
and associated linkage, bypassing the locked
hydraulic motor. This action occurs until the flaps
reach a 40-degree trailing edge down position. Limit

Figure 9-35.Flap drive gearbox.


end of the ball screw (screw jack shaft) and

mechanical stops on the actuator body protect the
actuator against possible overtravel during flap
extension and retraction.
OFFSET GEARBOXES. The eight offset
gearboxes in the flap system transmit power produced
by the flap drive gearbox around wing structure
obstacles and compensate for wing angularity. They
also reduce the flap drive gearbox speed of 1,080 rpm
to about 550 rpm at the outboard actuators.
shaft consists of two interlocking splined sections and
two universal joints connected to quill shafts. It
provides a telescoping fold joint in the flap drive
system linkage between the inboard and outboard
wing panels.

Figure 9-36.Flap actuator.

switches shut the electric motor off when the flaps

reach the 40-degree down and full up positions.
FLAP ACTUATOR. The flap actuator shifts
rotary motion of the input shaft to linear flap motion,
using bevel gears and the ball screw jack mechanism.
See figure 9-36. A load-sensing device in each flap
actuator operates a clutch assembly to stall out the
flap system if it is overloaded. An impact plate at the

Slat System
The slat system, shown in figure 9-37, provides
additional lift and stability to the aircraft at lower
speeds in the same manner as the leading edge flap

Figure 9-37.Slat drive system.


Two ball screw actuators drive each outboard

slat, and one drives each inboard slat of each
wing. Each actuator connects to its downstream
actuator by torque tubes and gearboxes. The slats
move as one unit. Limit switches in the center
drive gearbox de-energize the slat selector valve,
blocking flow to the drive motor when the slats
fully extend (27.5 degrees) or retract. Placing the
flap control handle to the UP position energizes
the opposite solenoid of the selector valve and
reverses slat motor direction, retracting the slats.

system previously discussed. The flap control

handle controls the movement of the slats. Moving
the flap control handle to the TAKEOFF or LAND
position causes the slats to extend to a 27.5-degree
leading edge down position.
The slat panels, one inboard and one outboard,
interlock by a pin when the wings are spread.
When fully retracted, the slats align with the top
and bottom wing contours to form the wing
leading edge. Shim spacers between the slats and
the slat tracks provide adjustment for proper
aerodynamic fairing.


gearbox disconnects slat drive linkage at the wing
fold joint when the wings fold. The gearbox
consists of two identical halves interconnected by
a spring-loaded disconnect coupling when the
wings are spread. As the disconnect coupling
halves move away from each other during the
wing folding operation, a spring-operated brake
engages, preventing relative motion between the
inboard and outboard sections.

Components of the slat system arc similar to

those in the flap system. The slats extend and
retract by using six series-linked ball screw
actuators. The actuators are powered by the
hydraulic motor through gearboxes and torque
If combined hydraulic system pressure fails,
the hydraulic motor is locked in the same manner
as the flap hydraulic motor, permitting the
emergency electric motor to move the slats.
Emergency slat operation is accomplished
simultaneously with emergency flap operation,
using the emergency flap switch. Slat position is
also displayed on the cockpit integrated position


angle gearboxes are provided in the slat system for
changing direction of the slat torque tube linkage
from the center gearbox to the wing actuators.
Direct lift control controls the spoilers and
horizontal stabilizers to increase aircraft vertical
descent rate during landings. This may be done
without changing engine power. Actuating the
DLC engage-chaff dispense push-button switch on
the control stick grip modifies the pitch and roll

Placing of the flap control handle to either the

TAKEOFF or LAND position mechanically closes
switches to provide electrical current to the slat
selector valve. The selector valve ports hydraulic
pressure to the extend side of the high-speed
hydraulic motor. This action drives the center
gearbox and extends the slats.

Figure 9-38.Wing sweep control system.


inputs. This modification causes the eight spoiler

actuators to position their spoilers 3 degrees up from
the 0-degree position. The pitch computer also
generates the DLC servo actuator command drive at
the time of DLC engagement. This command drive,
which is applied to the DLC servo actuator, drives the
stabilizers to the 6-degree trailing edge down position
from the 0-degree position. In DLC, the pitch
computer and the roll computer permit additional
spoiler and stabilizer control through the
DLC-maneuver, flap-glove vane thumb wheel control
on the control stick grip.
Rotating the thumb wheel fully forward, through
modified spoiler and DLC command drives, extends
the spoilers to the 12-degree position. The stabilizer
is driven to the 8-degree trailing edge down position.
Rotating the thumb wheel control fully aft retracts the
spoilers to the 4.5-degree position and drives the
stabilizers to 0 degrees. This maintains aircraft
attitude while changing the vertical descent rate.
Direct lift control can be disengaged by momentarily
pressing the DLC engage-chaff dispense push-button
switch or by setting either throttle lever to military

control box, causes the wing sweep hydraulic control

valve to operate hydraulic motors that are driven by
the flight and combined hydraulic power systems to
sweep the wings. The flight hydraulic power system
positions the right wing, and the combined hydraulic
power system positions the left wing. A
synchronizing shaft (fig. 9-38) interconnects the
wings to ensure symmetrical operation. If a hydraulic
system fails, it provides the driving force for
sweeping the wing affected by the failed system.
Wing sweep commands generated by the air data
computer are limited by the configuration of the
auxiliary flaps, maneuver flaps, and slats. With the
auxiliary flaps extended, wing sweep is limited to
21.25 degrees. The maneuver flaps, with or without
slats extension, limit wing sweep to 50 degrees. To
prevent structural damage to the wings during
negative-g conditions, wing sweep is interrupted to
prevent wing sweep changes until the negative-g
condition no longer exists. In the automatic mode, the
wings are positioned at a rate of 7 degrees per second.


The wing surface control system controls the
variable geometry wings to increase aircraft
performance at all speeds and altitudes. The system
also provides high lift and drag forces for takeoff and
landing. It provides increased lift for maneuvering,
and at supersonic speeds, aerodynamic lift to reduce
trim drag.
The wing sweep control initiated at the throttle
quadrant provides electronic or mechanical control of
a hydromechanical system that sweeps the wings.
See figure 9-38. The wings sweeps from 20 degrees
through 68 degrees in flight. On the ground, a wing
sweep position of 75 degrees is available (through
mechanical control) for spotting the aircraft or
enabling a wing sweep control self-test. See
figure 9-39.
Electronic Control
A wing sweep under electronic control is initiated
Four modes are
at the throttle quadrant.
availableautomatic, aft manual, forward manual, or
bomb manual. Selection of these modes causes the
air data computer to generate wing sweep commands
consistent with the aircraft speed, altitude, and
configuration of the flaps and slats. The commands
are applied through the wing-flap glove-vane
controller to the wing sweep control drive servo.
They are converted to mechanical rotary force. This
force, transferred to the wing sweep/flap and slat

Figure 9-39.Wing oversweep Positionmanual control.


the aircraft by increasing the profile drag. These

surfaces are also called dive brakes or dive flaps.
On some aircraft, they are hinged to and faired with
the side or bottom of the fuselage. On others, they are
attached to the wings. Regardless of their location,
their purpose is the same.

Mechanical Control
When wing sweep is under mechanical control,
the wing sweep handle positions the wings through
the wing sweep/flap and slat control box. Because the
minimum wing sweep limiting is not available under
mechanical control, the wings can be swept to an
adverse position that could cause damage to the
wings. Mechanical control is used for emergency
wing sweep and wing oversweep.
During emergency wing sweep, the wing sweep
handle, mechanically coupled to the wing sweep/flap
and slat control box through a cable assembly,
positions the wings. The wing sweep can be returned
to electronic control by repositioning the wing sweep
handle to the stowed position.
Wing oversweep can only be obtained with the
aircraft weight on the wheels. Wing oversweep,
shown in figure 9-39, reduces the amount of space
required for spotting the aircraft. A wing sweep
self-test can only be performed while the wings are

Fuselage Type
The fuselage speed brake system is normally
electrically controlled and hydraulically operated.
See figure 9-40. In an emergency, it can be controlled
The brake surfaces are installed on the sides of the
aft portion of the fuselage below and forward of the
horizontal stabilizer. They hinge at their forward end.
When in the closed position, they fit flush with
fuselage skin. An elevator speed brake interconnect
provides a connection between the left-hand speed
brake and the aircraft nose down elevator control
cable. When the speed brakes open, the cable pulls
and provides a nose down action to counteract the
tendency of the aircraft to assume a nose up condition.
The speed brakes may be actuated by the
two-position, spring-loaded-to-neutral control switch
on the throttle lever or by the manual override control
handle. When operating the switch to open the speed


Speed brakes are hinged, movable secondary
control surfaces used for slowing down the speed of

Figure 9-40.Speed brake control system.


brakes, the control circuit energizes to operate the

opening solenoid of the control valve. Pressure is
sent to the actuating cylinders, extending the speed
brakes. To close, the opposite solenoid energizes,
repositioning the control valve and directing pressure
to the retract side of the actuating cylinders, closing
the speed brakes.

If the hydraulic system fails, the check valve in

the pressure line traps pressure between the control
valve and the actuating cylinders. If the speed brakes
are open, this pressure will hold them open. If the
speed brakes are actuated to the closed position, the
pressure in the system will shift the primary slide in
the control valve. This movement will relieve the
trapped pressure and allow the speed brakes to close
from the air load against them.

When you depress or pull the manual override

handle to operate the speed brakes, a plunger
manually positions the control valve to direct pressure
to the actuating cylinders. The spring bungee
connected to the manual control lever returns the
manual override handle assembly to the neutral
position when the handle is released. If electrical
power is applied while the manual override handle is
actuated, the system will remain in the position
selected by the handle. If the handle is released, the
system actuates to the position selected by the control
switch on the throttle lever. The speed brakes cannot
be stopped at intermediate positions between fully
closed and fully open. The restrictor in the open line
restricts return fluid flow from the actuating cylinders
when the speed brakes are being closed.

A blowback relief valve, installed in the hydraulic

return line, allows for automatic retraction of the
speed brakes under high air loads. When the speed
brakes are open, the force of the airstream against the
surfaces tends to force them closed. The force builds
up the hydraulic pressure in the speed brake system.
When the pressure reaches a maximum of 3,650 psi, it
relieves through the blowback relief valve.
Wingtip Type
The wingtip speed brake system is an electrically
controlled and hydraulically operated system. It
operates either alone or with the fuselage speed
brakes. See figure 9-41.

Figure 9-41.Wingtip speed brake control system.


The wingtip brake consists of a set of trailing

edge surfaces for each wing. The lower half attaches
to the wing structure with two external fixed hinges.
The upper half is attached to the wing at the same
wing station with two adjustable tension lengths. An
interconnecting hinge between the upper and lower
halves provides a common connection point for the
actuating cylinders. The hinge provides symmetrical
deflection of upper and lower panels. Each panel can
open up to 60 degrees for a total angle of 120 degrees
for each wingtip brake. When retracted, they lie flush
with the wing surface. They can extend and hold at
any angle between 0 and 60 degrees, depending upon
the amount of aerodynamic braking desired.
A mode selector switch permits simultaneous or
independent operation of the wingtip and fuselage
speed brakes, with the speed brake control switch
located on the right throttle quadrant power lever.
Moving the SPD BRK switch to the forward position
closes the brakes. Moving it to center position holds
the brakes at any desired angle. Moving it aft opens
the brakes. The switch is spring-loaded to neutral
from the aft position only.
Selecting the open position energizes the selector
valve, porting hydraulic pressure from the combined
hydraulic system to the extended side of the actuating
cylinder. When the switch is positioned to closed, the
opposite solenoid energizes. Pressure is ported to the
retract side of the actuating cylinders. With the
switch in neutral, hydraulic fluid is blocked from both
the extend and retract sides of the speed brake
cylinders. This action hydraulically locks the speed
brakes. If the electrical circuit fails, the selector valve
is de-energized as a fail-safe feature and the speed
brakes retracts.

brake surfaces. Movement of either speed brake

transmits through the torsional bungee assembly and
the cables to the synchronizing mechanism. Any
unequal movement upsets the synchronizing
mechanisms neutral position, displacing the
synchronizing valve shuttle. When the speed brakes
are opening or closing, the valve is normally in
neutral as long as the travel of both sides is equal.
When unequal travel moves the valve shuttle out of
neutral, the valve will relieve hydraulic pressure from
the speed brake actuating cylinder, producing the
hugest opening angle. This decelerates the opening
of the speed brake or bleeds down the speed brake
with the largest angle until the disparity is within
limits and the shuttle returns to neutral. On later
models this mechanical synchronization system has
been deleted.
If the mechanical synchronization system fails to
maintain synchronization within 8 degrees, the
electrical fail-safe system operates and de-energizes
the selector valve to close the speed brakes. If the
synchronizing linkage becomes jammed, the torsional
bungee assembly can be forced out of detent, isolating
the linkage from the speed brake and preventing
damage to the linkage because of overloads.
The bungee in the synchronizing mechanism
linkage acts as a rigid length to the synchronizing
valve during normal operation of the wingtip speed
brake. If the valve becomes jammed, abnormal loads
on the bungee will cause it to give and relieve the
excessive loads before damage to the valve, linkage,
or bungee occurs.
A trim system is provided in the flight controls to
lessen the need for constant effort on the part of the
pilot to maintain the desired heading and altitude.
The trim system stabilizes the aircraft during flight.

The wingtip speed brake control system normally

depends upon the hydraulic flow regulators to
maintain symmetrical extension of the left and right
brakes. If a malfunction causes asymmetry of
extension, an electrical disparity signal is sensed by
the speed brake null detector. When the disparity
between the extension of the left and right brake
reaches 8 degrees, the null detector de-energizes the
selector valves and causes the speed brakes to close.

Lateral Trim
The aileron trim control system is shown in
figure 9-42. The illustration represents a trim tab
arrangement similar to that found on aircraft equipped
with conventional aileron systems.

On some aircraft, the synchronization mechanism

(fig. 9-41) consists basically of synchronizing
linkage, two torsional bungee assemblies, and a cable
run interconnecting the three mechanisms to a
mechanical synchronizing control valve. The
synchronizing mechanism is a comparative linkage
type that senses unequal motion between the two

Operation of the lateral and longitudinal trim

systems is usually controlled by a five-position,
four-throw, momentary ON contact switch with a
center OFF position. The switch is found on the
control stick grip. This switch electrically energizes
the trim control motor, which operates the trim


Extending the actuator supplies a left wing down

input. The trim actuator changes the neutral position
of the aileron mechanism, allowing the control
surfaces to deflect and trim the aircraft without
moving the control stick.

control actuator to reposition the load-feel bungee and

achieve hydraulic-powered actuation of the ailerons.
At the same time, the actuator operates the cable drum
mechanism. The cable drum mechanism operates the
jack screw mechanism to reposition the follow-up
trim tab to aerodynamically maintain the aileron
surface in a position corresponding to that achieved
by the hydraulic actuation.

Longitudinal Trim
Longitudinal or pitch trim can be accomplished in
several ways. On aircraft with a nonmoveable
horizontal stabilizer, trim could be provided by a trim
tab arrangement or deflection of the elevators in much
the same manner as described for the lateral trim

The tab movement does not control the lateral

trim of the aircraft while normal powered flight is
maintained. This is accomplished by the hydraulicpowered displacement of the ailerons. When the
manual flight control system is used, the follow-up
trim tab position introduced during powered
operation becomes effective and maintains the same
trim as that provided by the powered operation.
With the power system disconnected, further
hydraulic trim control ends, and all future trim inputs
are achieved through aerodynamic effect. This
function depends upon selective follow-up tab
position. Engaging the AFCS controls the trim
actuator by electrical inputs.

Aircraft with a movable horizontal stabilizer and

elevators are longitudinally trimmed by changing the
angle of incidence of the stabilizer. Moving the
four-way trim control switch on the stick grip fore or
aft will raise or lower the leading edge of the
stabilizer to provide the angle of incidence necessary
for balanced flight. An electric trim motor and
actuator arrangement provides movement of the

Aircraft without trim tabs achieve lateral trim by

repositioning the lateral control surfaces as necessary
to achieve a balanced lateral flight condition. The
trim actuator, located in the aileron trim and mixing
linkage, normally acts as a series-connected,
fixed-length rod in the aileron control system. The
trim control switch on the stick grip controls the
actuator length. Shortening or retracting the trim
actuator (trim button to the right) supplies a left wing
up input into the aileron control system linkage.

Aircraft that use a movable horizontal stabilizer

for longitudinal control trim do so by varying the
neutral position of the control linkage, which, in turn,
moves the surface. For example, longitudinal trim is
provided by varying the position of the artificial-feel
bungee, repositioning the linkage, and setting up a
new neutral position for the stabilizer linkage.
Anytime a new neutral is introduced by the trim
actuator, the power valve shuttle is displaced. The
stabilizer assumes a new neutral location, changing

Figure 9-42.Aileron trim control system.


maintenance, such as cure date seal and

miscellaneous parts replacement.

the attitude of the aircraft. The trim inputs may be

provided by the pilot or the automatic flight control
system. The actuator has two operating speeds-high
speed for manual trim and low speed for AFCS trim.

NOTE: Before disassembly of any component, reference should be made to the

Intermediate Maintenance section of the
applicable MIM or accessories manual to
determine repair procedures and test
equipment requirements. If the component is
beyond the repair capability of a given
activity, it should be forwarded through
channels to an authorized higher level repair

Directional Trim
Directional trim is necessary to compensate for
yaw of the aircraft. Rudder trim is basically similar to
the aileron trim. When the momentary throw rudder
trim switch moves left or right, the trim actuator
energizes to move the load-feel bungee, repositioning
the rudder power mechanism input crank. The rudder
linkage and the rudder are repositioned accordingly to
a new neutral position.

The repair process for many of the flap hydraulic

components will generally include the following

Most aircraft with power-controlled actuators

work in a similar manner, using an electric trim
actuator to change the neutral position of linkage,
deflecting the rudder to maintain the desired
directional stability. Like the lateral and longitudinal
trim systems, rudder trim action can be accomplished
manually or automatically. Trim position indicators
provide a cockpit indication of the amount of trim or
surface deflection required by each trim system.

1. Clean the disassembled part, using a suitable

solvent followed by air drying with low-pressure air.
2. Inspect all parts, using a strong light and some
means of magnification, or one of the nondestructive
methods of metal inspection. Threaded parts are
inspected for crossed, stripped, worn, or otherwise
damaged threads. Springs are checked for distortion,
permanent set, and alignment. Spring alignment may
be verified by rolling them on a smooth, flat surface.
The free length, compressed length, and reflected load
of the springs should be verified in accordance with
the values provided in the applicable MIM.


Organizational maintenance of the secondary
flight control system includes checking system
operation, rigging, periodic inspection, lubrication,
isolation of malfunctions, and replacement of faulty

3. Inspect mated surfaces for excessive wear,

separation of plating, and evidence of nicks or
scratches. All parts that show signs of excessive
scoring, pitting, or other surface irregularities should
be replaced. Minor imperfections can sometimes be
removed with fine crocus cloth or lapping compound,
depending on the design and tolerance specifications
of the part.

Proper operation of the gearboxes, interconnecting splined shafts, and screw jack actuators are
dependent on proper lubrication. Lack of proper
lubrication will generally result in binding and
excessive loading of torque tube assemblies. Lack of
proper lubrication promotes corrosion. Space and
time limitations during shipboard operations often
detract from the timely access to some of the slat and
flap actuators. In many cases a wing spread and
extension of the surfaces are necessary. Attention to
these corrosion-prone areas will materially contribute
to trouble-free operation of the screw jack

4. Be sure that all passages and chambers of the

part under repair are clean and free from obstructions.
NOTE: During the complete repair process,
cleanliness of the work area, as well as the
external and internal parts, is a prime
consideration. The close tolerance mated
surfaces within most hydraulic components
are extremely susceptible to damage by
contamination regardless of the manner of

Repair of most of the gearboxes and screw jack

actuators at the intermediate level of maintenance is
limited to replacement of nuts, bolts, washers,
gaskets, bearings, and shims. At the intermediate
level of maintenance, components of a secondary
flight control system may be disassembled for routine


Following reassembly, the component must be

bench tested to verify its proper performance.
Usually, testing will include proof testing, leakage
testing to verify proper internal seal operation, and
operational testing.

by failure to disconnect or connect units in the

proper sequence.
Listed below are some general precautions that
you should observe when removing and installing a
wing or wing section.

Quality assurance verification is required

throughout the repair process and at the completion of
repair. All repairs must be accomplished as specified
in the Intermediate Maintenance section of the
applicable MIM or 03 accessories manuals. Steps
that require quality assurance verification are so
indicated by appearing in italics, being underlined, or
some other obvious manner. Following repair,
partially fill the component with preservative
hydraulic fluid and cap and/or plug to prevent

1. The aircraft should be placed in a hangar or

other area protected from the wind.
2. Make certain all the necessary equipment is
available and at hand. A list of the necessary special
tools and equipment can be found in the applicable
3. Ensure that you have sufficient manpower for
proper handling.
4. Ensure that all screws, bolts, and other
removed fasteners are placed in containers and
properly marked to prevent loss.


5. Ensure that all removed fairings are marked

and stowed in a safe place.
6. In disconnecting tubing, electrical connectors, control cables, and bonding wires, see that
the instructions given in the aircraft MIM are carried

Learning Objective:
Recognize the
procedures for the removal and installation
of wings, stabilizers, and flight control
surfaces, and the subsequent alignment

7. Make certain that all disconnected tubing is

The primary flight control surfaces and some of
the secondary control surfaces are attached to the
wings and stabilizers of the aircraft. In many
instances, the wings and stabilizers are damaged
beyond repair. When this occurs, the wings and
stabilizers must be removed and sent to a depot-level
maintenance facility for repair, and a replacement

8. If hoisting equipment is to be used, be sure it

is in good condition and a qualified operator is
available. Also, ensure the hoist fittings are properly
installed. Some wings will not balance at their hoist
fittings, which makes it necessary to attach guide
ropes to keep the wing steady after it is disconnected
from the aircraft.
9. Before attempting to remove any structural
bolts, make certain that the wing is properly
supported with all loads removed from the fittings. A
mallet and brass drift pin may be used in removing
these bolts.

Removal and installation of a wing are major
operations that require experienced personnel and
close supervision by a senior petty officer.

10. After the wing is removed from the aircraft,

all fittings, connections, and unremoved structural
members should be inspected for secondary damage
before installing the new wing or wing section.
(Secondary damage is damage to adjacent structures,
which may have resulted from the transmission of the
shock or load that caused the primary damage.)

You should read the airframes section of the

applicable MIM carefully before attempting to
remove a wing. This manual will give
step-by-step instructions for wing removal and
installation. It is necessary to follow these
instructions to prevent possible damage caused


11. Before installing the new wing, you should

take advantage of improved accessibility to inspect
and repair corrosion damage, and renew
preservative coatings in previously inaccessible
The petty officer in charge should ensure that the
following general precautions are taken in installing a
wing or wing section.
1. Check the identification tag of the new
assembly to make sure it is the correct replacement
2. See that extreme care is taken in removing the
wing from the container, preventing any possible


The removal and installation of stabilizers

are similar, in most cases, to that of wings and
wing panels. On many aircraft the horizontal
stabilizer is a movable airfoil, controllable from
the cockpit. On some of these aircraft, it is used
in conjunction with the elevators to maintain
longitudinal control at sonic speeds where the
elevators have a tendency to lose their
On other aircraft the movable
horizontal stabilizer serves the dual purpose of
elevators and stabilizers and, in many instances,
is referred to as a stabilator.
Some aircraft have an empennage or tail group
that consists of all-movable horizontal stabilizers and
a single all-movable vertical stabilizer. These aircraft
do not have elevators or a rudder.

3. Inspect the new wing or wing section for

possible damage incurred during shipment or removal
from the container. The container should be used for
shipping the damaged wing to the depot maintenance

The removal and installation of stabilizers, like

that of the wing, are major jobs and must be
accomplished with care and close supervision.
Step-by-step instructions of the removal and
installation of stabilizers are also included in the
Airframes section of the applicable MIM. Many of
the general precautions listed under Removal and
Installation of Wings also apply to stabilizer removal
and installation.

4. With the wing in position for installation and

properly supported, ensure that all structural bolts are
installed and the nuts properly torqued.

The attaching bolts should never be forced;
if they bind, check alignment of the wing.
Forcing the attaching bolts will result in
damage to the wing structure.

It is sometimes necessary to remove control

surfaces from aircraft to repair or replace them.
The instructions presented in the following
paragraphs are general instructions, applicable to
several types of aircraft. For specific instructions
and precautions, you should always consult the
MIM before removing a control surface from any

5. Make certain that all tubing, electrical connectors, control cables, and any other disconnected
mechanisms are properly connected.

Removal of a control surface should not be

attempted until the aircraft is placed in a hangar or
an area protected from the wind. Before any
control surface is removed from the aircraft, it
should be tagged with the bureau number of the
aircraft and the location of the control surface on
the aircraft.

6. Check the operation of all mechanisms that

were disconnected during removal. Make the
necessary rigging adjustments in accordance with the
applicable MIM before installing access doors and
7. Make a final inspection of the completed job.


The first step is to remove the access covers and

fairings. To prevent the loss of these parts, they
should be left attached to the aircraft by one screw
or by a piece of safety wire. The other screws
should be put in a container to prevent them from
being lost.

Some flight control surfaces are balanced at the

time of manufacture by adding counterweights to the
inside of the leading edge of the control surface. This
balance must be maintained (within certain
tolerances) throughout the service life of the control
surface because flutter or dynamic oscillation of these
surfaces in flight is not desirable. Balance tolerances
are always specified in the aircraft structural repair

Disconnect bonding wires, electrical connectors, and control linkage. Before disconnecting
cable linkage, you should relieve the tension at the
most convenient turnbuckle. Next, support the
entire control surface, either manually or with
mechanical supports, in such a manner as to remove
all the load from the hinges. Remove the hinge
bolts by using a mallet and brass pin. The control
surface should be supported and all the hinges kept
in alignment until the last hinge bolt has been
removed. On long controI surfaces, it may be
necessary to replace the hinge bolts with drift pins
to keep the hinges aligned while removing the
remaining hinge bolts.

Alignment of the airframe structure means

checking the position relationship of each major
componentthe wing group, tail group, and
fuselage group-to the other. The alignment of the
airframe is important since it is directly related to
the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft.
Misalignment may affect the flight characteristics of
the aircraft, and consequently, the efficiency of the
pilot-aircraft combination.
For this reason and for purposes of determining if
any hidden structural failures exist, an alignment
check should be performed when an aircraft has
encountered excessive gs in flight, when a hard
landing has been experienced, or when the aircraft has
been subjected to extensive damage.

Control surfaces are sometimes attached with

piano wire hinges. Removal of the piano wire can be
accomplished by removing the ends, securing one end
of the wire in the chuck of a hand drill, and rotating
the wire with the drill while withdrawing it.
Excessive spinning will have a wearing effect on the
hinge material and should be avoided. The reuse of
piano hinge wire is not safe; therefore, any wire
removed should be discarded.

The need for an alignment check after extensive

damage is rather apparent; however, this is not
necessarily so in situations where the aircraft exceeds
the g design limit or where a hard landing has been
experienced. The alignment check under these
conditions may expose damage that might otherwise
go unnoticed.

After all the hinges are disconnected, remove

the control surface from the aircraft and support it
carefully to prevent damage to the hinge brackets
and adjoining surfaces. Replace the hinge bolts in
the hinges to prevent them from being lost or


Prior to making an alignment check, it is
necessary to level the aircraft both laterally and
longitudinally. This may be accomplished by using
the transit, spirit level, or plumb bob and datum plate
method. You should always use the method of
leveling specified by the manufacturer.

Before installing a control surface, check the

identification tag to determine its proper location on
the aircraft. Place the surface in position carefully.
You should ensure that all the hinge holes are properly
aligned. Drift pins may be used to align the holes.
With the control surface correctly supported, install
the hinge bolts. For a surface attached by piano hinge
wire, a new wire should be used. After a control
surface is installed, connect the control linkage and
check the rigging of the system.

When you are leveling an aircraft for an

alignment check, the aircraft should be inside a
hangar where air currents will not interfere with the
accuracy of the alignment readings. Jacks should be
used to control the attitude of the aircraft during the


Figure 9-43.Transit leveling.



leveling lugs are usually in the nosewheel well. Spirit

leveling lugs are shown in figure 9-44.

The transit method is the most accurate. Transit

leveling is accomplished by sighting specified points
on the aircraft. Two longitudinal and two lateral
points are used for this method. The reference points
are sighted through a surveyors transit. Figure 9-43
illustrates longitudinal and lateral leveling of an
aircraft using the transit method.

N O T E : The leveling lugs should be

inspected for possible damage or misalignment prior to leveling the aircraft. In the
event of damage to the leveling lugs, the
repaired lugs must be calibrated by
cross-reference with the transit leveling

Spirit Level
Plumb Bob and Datum Plate
Aircraft that use the spirit level method have
leveling lugs either built into the structure or
provisions for mounting them on the structure. The

This method uses a datum plate or scale mounted

on the deck of a compartment. Provisions for hanging

Figure 9-44.Spirit leveling.


the plumb bob are located directly above the datum

plate. The aircraft is level when the plumb bob
pointer is at 0 degrees on the datum plate. Figure 9-45
shows the plumb bob and datum plate method of
aircraft leveling.

you are using this method, the elevation check

dimensions are measured from the drop points to the
reference plane; in this case, the floor. The horizontal
check dimensions are measured from one point
(described by the plumb bob), along the reference
plane (floor), to another point.


If the alignment check measurements exceed the

tolerances listed in the aircraft structural repair
manual, the aircraft must be considered nonairworthy until a special disposition can be made by
higher authority.

The alignment or symmetry check is made after

the aircraft has been leveled. This check is made by
measuring the distance between certain points on the
aircraft. These points are selected because they are
relatively static and because their location will best
reflect any misalignment. Most manufacturers
recommend that the measurements be taken directly
from one specified point to another. Figures 9-46 and
9-47 show alignment checks.
On other types of aircraft, drop points are
provided at various locations for use in checking the
alignment. Plumb bobs are dropped from each of
these points to the reference plane (floor) so that the
pattern for measurement may be described. When


With the aircraft leveled and the wings folded, it
is possible to check the wings for twist. One
checkpoint is provided on each wing. Clinometer
readings taken at these points, when compared to the
fuselage longitudinal clinometer readings, will enable
you to determine the condition of each wing. This is
possible because there is a definite relationship
between the fuselage longitudinal and wing reference

Figure 9-45.Plumb bob and datum plate leveling.


Figure 9-46.Aircraft alignment data.


Figure 9-47.-Aircraft alignment data and measurement chart.

lines. You should follow the following steps to

perform a wing twist check:

4. Set the clinometer on the flat and record the

reading when the dial has stopped rotating.

1. Fold the wings and level the aircraft laterally.

The right- and left-hand wing readings must be

within 0 degrees, 12 minutes of each other for
acceptable aerodynamic tolerances with respect to
twist. They must also fall within the following upper
and lower limits. The lower limit is established
by subtracting 0 degrees, 20 minutes from the

2. Install the leveling bar in the forward lockpin

holes of the outboard panel fold rib.
3. Turn the rod until the milled flat at the forward
end is straight up.


Figure 9-48.Alignment datawing twist check.

be taken to a depot-level maintenance facility for a

complete inspection and final disposition.

longitudinal reading, and the upper limit is

established by adding 0 degrees, 40 minutes to the
longitudinal reading taken in the auxiliary wheel well.
For example, if the longitudinal reading was 1 degree,
35 minutes, the lower limit would be 1 degree,
15 minutes, and the upper limit would be 2 degrees,
15 minutes. Figure 9-48 shows a wing twist check on
an aircraft. The wing clinometer readings must fall
within this range as well as within 0 degree,
12 minutes of each other (right- to left-hand wing
readings). This check, together with the steel tape
measurements taken when the wings are spread, is a
satisfactory check of wing bending and twisting. If
the clinometer readings and tape measurements arc
not within the tolerances specified, the aircraft must


NOTE: Although the following references were
current when this TRAMAN was published, their
continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore,
you need to be sure that you are studying the latest
General Manual for Structural Repair, NAVAIR
01-1A-1, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 15 July 1969,
Change 11, 15 August 1989, Section II.




Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a working
knowledge of the theory of operation and the maintenance requirements for
rotary-wing (helicopter) aircraft.
The helicopter has become a vital part of naval
aviation. The helicopter, known also as a rotary-wing
aircraft, has many military applications. It has
antisubmarine warfare (ASW) and search and rescue
functions, as well as minesweeping and amphibious
warfare functions. The advantages of the helicopter
over conventional aircraft are that lift and control are
relatively independent of forward speed. A helicopter
can fly forward, backward, sideways, or remain in
stationary flight above the ground (hover).
Helicopters do not require runways for takeoffs or
landings. The decks of small ships or open fields
provide an adequate landing area.

On the fixed-wing airfoil, the center of pressure

moves fore and aft, along the chord line. The center
of pressure changes with changes in the angle of
attack. If this type of airfoil was on a rotary-wing
aircraft, it would cause the rotor blades to jump
around uncontrollably. With the symmetrical airfoil,
this undesirable effect does not exist. The airfoil,
when rotated, travels smoothly through the air.
Rotor lift can be explained by either of two
theories. The first theory uses Newtons law of
momentum. Lift results from accelerating a mass of
air downward. This action is similar to jet thrust,
which develops by accelerating a mass of air out the
exhaust. The second theory is the blade element
theory. The airflow over an airfoil section (blade
element) of the rotor blade acts the same as it does on
a fixed-wing aircraft. The simple momentum theory
determines only the lift characteristic, while the blade
element theory gives both lift and drag characteristics.
This theory gives us a more complete picture of all the
forces acting on a rotor blade.


Learning Objective: Recognize the principles of aerodynamics peculiar to the flight of
rotary-wing aircraft.
The same basic aerodynamic principles apply to
rotary-wing aircraft as fixed-wing aircraft. The main
difference between the two types of aircraft is in the
way lift occurs. The fixed-wing aircraft gets its lift
from a fixed airfoil surface. The helicopter gets lift
from rotating airfoils called rotor blades. The word
helicopter comes from Greek words meaning helical
wing or rotating wing. A helicopter uses one or more
engine-driven rotors, from which it gets lift and

Lift changes by increasing the angle of attack or

pitch of the rotor blades. This action produces
enough lift to raise the helicopter off the ground and
keep it in the air. On a helicopter, when the rotor is
turning and the blades are at zero angle of attack, no

The main rotor of a helicopter consists of two or

more rotor blades. The airfoils of a helicopter are
perfectly symmetrical. This means that the upper and
lower surfaces are alike. This fact is one of the major
differences between a fixed-wing aircrafts airfoil and
the helicopters airfoil. The airfoil on a fixed-wing
aircraft has a greater camber on the upper surface than
on the lower surface. The helicopters airfoil camber
is the same on both surfaces. See figure 10-1.
Helicopters have symmetrical airfoils because the
center of pressure across its surface should not move.

Figure 10-1.Center of pressure.



lift is developed. This feature provides the pilot with

complete control of the lift developed by the rotor

Although torque is not unique to helicopters, it

does present some special problems. As the rotor
turns in one direction, the fuselage rotates in the
opposite direction. Newtons third law of motion
(every action has an equal and opposite reaction)
applies. This tendency for the fuselage to rotate is
known as the torque effect. Since the torque effect on
the fuselage is a direct result of engine power, any
change in power changes the torque. The greater the
engine power, the greater the torque. There is no
torque when the rotary-wing head is not engaged or
when the engine is not operating.

One assumption made is that the lift depends
upon the entire area of the rotor disc. The rotor disc
area is the area of the circle, the radius of which is
equal to the length of the rotor blade. Engineers
determined that the lift of a rotor is in proportion to
the square of the length of the rotor blades. The
desirability of large rotor disc areas is readily
apparent. However, the greater the rotor disc area, the
greater (he drag, which results in the need for greater
power requirements.

The usual method of counteracting torque in a

single main rotor is by a tail (antitorque) rotor. This
auxiliary rotor mounts vertically, or near vertical, on
the outer portion of the tail boom. The tail rotor and
its controls serve as a means to counteract torque, and
it provides a means to control directional heading.
See figure 10-2.


If the rotor is operated at zero pitch (flat pitch), no
lift will develop. When the pitch increases, the lifting
force increases until the angle of attack reaches the
stalling angle. To even out the lift distribution along
the length of the rotor blade, it is common practice to
twist the blade. With the twist, a smaller angle of
attack results at the tip than at the hub.

Dissymmetry of lift is the difference in lift
existing between the advancing blade half of the disc
and the retreating blade half. The disc area is the area
swept by the rotating blades. Dissymmetry is created


Tests have shown that the lift of a helicopter
increases by polishing the rotor blades to a mirrorlike
surface. By making the rotor blades as smooth as
possible, the parasite drag reduces. Dirt, grease, or
abrasions on the rotor blades cause increased drag,
which decreases the lifting power of the helicopter.
In formulas for lift and drag, the density of the air
is an important factor. The mass or density of the air
reacting in a downward direction causes the lift that
supports the helicopter.
Density is dependent on two factors. One factor
is altitude, since density varies from a maximum at
sea level to a minimum at high altitude. The other
factor is atmospheric changes. Because of the
atmospheric changes in temperature, pressure, or
humidity, density of the air may be different, even at
the same altitude.

Figure 10-2.Torque reaction.


by horizontal flight or by the wind when the

helicopter is hovering. When hovering in a no-wind
condition, the speed of the relative wind in relation to
the rotor is the same. However, the speed reduces at
points closer to the rotor hub, as shown in figure 10-3.
When the helicopter moves into forward flight, the
relative wind moving over each blade becomes a
combination of the rotor speed and the forward
movement. The advancing blade is then the
combined speed of the blade speed and helicopter
speed. While on the opposite side, the retreating
blade speed is the blade speed minus the speed of the
helicopter. For example, figure 10-4 shows a
helicopter moving forward at 100 mph. The
advancing blade has a tip speed of 350 mph plus the
helicopter speed of 100 mph, or 450 mph. The
retreating blade has a tip speed of 350 mph minus the
helicopters speed of 100 mph, or 250 mph. Hovering
over one spot in a 20 mph headwind is the same as
flying forward at a speed of 20 mph.
Figure 10-3.Symmetry of lift.

During forward flight or hovering in a wind, the

lift over the advancing blade half of the rotor disc is
greater than the retreating half. This greater lift
would cause the helicopter to roll unless something
equalized the lift. One method of equalizing the lift is
through blade flapping.

rotor hub. During a vertical liftoff, the blades assume

a conical path as a result of centrifugal force acting
outward and lift acting upward. Coning causes rotor
blades to bend up in a semirigid rotor. In an
articulated rotor, the blades move to an upward angle
through movement about the flapping hinges.

Blades attached to the rotor hub by horizontal
hinges permit the blade to move vertically. The
blades actually flap up and down as they rotate. The
hinge permits an advancing blade to rise, thus
reducing its effective lift area. It also allows a
retreating blade to settle, which increases its effective
lift area. Decreasing lift on the advancing blade and
increasing lift on the retreating blade equalizes the lift
over the rotor disc halves.
Blade flapping creates an unbalanced condition
resulting in vibration. To prevent this vibration, a
drag hinge allows the blades to move back and forth
in a horizontal plane. A main rotor that permits
individual movement of the blades in both a vertical
and horizontal plane is known as an articulated
Coning is the upward bending of the blades
caused by the combined forces of lift and centrifugal
force. Before takeoff, centrifugal force causes the
blades to rotate in a plane nearly perpendicular to the

Figure 10-4.Dissymmentry of lift.


The spinning main rotor of a helicopter acts like a
gyroscope. It has the properties of gyroscopic action,
one of which is precession. Gyroscopic precession is
the resulting action occurring 90 degrees from the
applied force. A downward force to the right of the
disc area will cause the rotor to tilt down in front.
This action is true for a right-to-left (counterclockwise)
turning rotor. The cyclic control applies force to the
main rotor through the swashplate.
To simplify directional control, helicopters use a
mechanical linkage that places cyclic pitch change
90 degrees ahead of the applied force. Moving the
cyclic control forward will cause high pitch on the
blades to the pilots left. At the same time, low pitch
occurs on the blades to his/her right. This combination of forces results in the rotor tilting down in front.
If not for this offset linkage, the pilot would have
to move the cyclic stick 90 degrees out of phase. In
other words, the pilot would have to move the stick to
the right when attempting to tilt the disc forward.
He/she would move the cyclic stick forward when
attempting to tilt the disc area to the left, and so on.

This is due to the loss of the ground cushion caused by

the changing direction or vector of the rotors thrust.
As the helicopter continues to accelerate, the rotor
will be introduced to larger masses of air. The rotor
will become more efficient and the thrust vector of the
rotor will become more stable. Without increasing
power (thrust), the helicopter will begin to climb and
continue to accelerate. This changing relationship of
power (thrust) available and power required is called
translational lift. The speed that a helicopter passes
out of translational lift into forward flight can vary,
but generally it is equal to approximately one-half the
rotor diameter in knots, or approximately 25 knots for
a 50-foot diameter rotor.
Autorotation occurs when the main rotor rotates by
air passing up through the rotor system instead of by the
engine. The rotor disengages automatically from the
engine during engine failure or shutdown. During
autorotation, the rotor blades turn in the same direction
as when engine driven. The air passes up through the
rotor system instead of down. This action causes a
slightly greater upward flex or coning of the blades.

Ground effect can be achieved when a helicopter is
in a hover or forward flight while in close proximity to
the ground or some other hard flat surface. When a
helicopter is in a hover or moving slowly, the main rotor
is developing thrust that is being vectored, or directed
down toward the surface. The surface resists this
airflow (thrust) by building up air pressure between the
rotor and the surface, thus providing ground cushion.
When the helicopter is in forward flight, the cushion is
not as great as the thrust that is being vectored down and
aft of the helicopter. This ground cushion will provide
additional lift without additional power, and will be
apparent when the helicopter is hovering or flying at an
altitude of approximately one-half the main rotor
diameter or below. The closer the helicopter is to the
ground, the greater the cushion effect. This will be
indicated by the reduced power required to maintain
flight or hover. The maximum cushion effect is
achieved at zero airspeed.

Stalling, as applied to fixed-wing aircraft, will not

occur in helicopters. However, power settling may
occur in low-speed flight. Power settling is the uncontrollable loss of altitude. This condition may occur due
to combinations of heavy gross weights, poor density
conditions, and low forward speed. During low
forward speed and high rates of descents, the
downwash from the rotor begins to recirculate. The
downwash moves up, around, and back down though
the effective outer disc area. The velocit y of this recirculating air mass may become so high that full collective pitch cannot retard or control the rate of descent.
Learning Objective: Identify the two basic
types of helicopters and recognize the
advantages of each.

Two basic types of helicopters are the single-rotor
and multirotor types. The single main rotor with a
vertical or near vertical tail rotor is the most common
type of helicopter. The SH-60 and SH-2, shown in
figure 10-5, are examples of single-rotor helicopters.

As a helicopter begins the transition from a hover

to forward flight, at approximately 10-15 knots, it will
experience a loss of lift and settle slightly and seem to
loose power, without an actual reduction in power.


Figure 10-5


Multirotor helicopters fall into different groups

according to their rotor configuration. The CH-46,
shown in figure 10-5, is a multirotor helicopter of the
tandem rotor design.

flight. During automatic flight, trim movements are

controlled manually by the cyclic stick grip switch.
The switch is overridden for major control changes by
stick movement.

The single-rotor configuration requires the use of

a vertical tail rotor to counteract torque and provide
directional control. The advantages of this configuration are simplicity in design and effective
directional control. In the tandem rotor design, one
rotor is forward of the other. Sometimes the rotor
blades are in the same plane. They may or may not
intermesh. The design offers good longitudinal
stability since lift occurs at two points, fore and aft.
The tandem rotor has little torque to overcome
because these rotors rotate in opposite directions.

Moving the cyclic stick forward extends the aft

primary servo cylinder and retracts the forward
primary servo cylinder. Aft movement of the cyclic
stick extends the forward primary servo cylinder and
retracts the aft primary servo cylinder. In both cases,
the helicopter will advance in the direction of stick
movement. Movement of the stick laterally will
move the helicopter right or left, corresponding with
stick movement. This movement occurs by retracting
and extending the left and right lateral primary servo


The collective pitch control system provides

vertical control of the helicopter. Movement of the
collective pitch control stick is sent through control
rods and bell cranks to the appropriate auxiliary servo
cylinder. Movement is sent from the servo cylinder to
the mixing unit. At the mixing unit, all vertical
movements of the collective sticks are sent to the
primary servo cylinders and the rotary-wing
swashplate. At this point, the pitch of all blades
increases or decreases equally and simultaneously. A
balancing spring attaches to the control rods to help
balance the weight of the collective stick. A friction
lock on the pilots collective stick applies the desired
amount of friction to the tube of the collective stick.
The lock prevents creeping during flight. It also
provides feel for the pilot when operating the
controls. The friction is applied by rotating the
serrated handgrip on the collective stick to its stop.

Learning Objective: Identify the three

primary flight controls and the basic control
systems components.
Helicopter flight controls differ drastically from
those found in fixed-wing aircraft. Helicopter flight
controls consist of both cyclic and collective pitch
control systems and the rotary rudder flight control
The hydraulically powered flight control
mechanism, shown in figure 10-6, provides you with
an example of systems common to most helicopters.
These are the systems on which you will most likely
be working. Fairly exact values, such as tolerances,
pressures, and temperatures, are given to provide
instructive coverage. When actually performing the
maintenance procedures, consult the current technical
publications for the latest information and exact

The grip of each collective stick contains several

switches that are labeled for the function they control.
In the automatic stabilization equipment (ASE) mode
operation, the collective pitch operation controls
through the auxiliary servo cylinder.


The cyclic pitch control system provides the
means of controlling the forward, aft, and lateral
movements of the helicopter. Movement of the pilots
or copilots c yclic stick transmits through control rods
and bell cranks. This movement is sent to the
auxiliary servo cylinders, the mixing unit, and three
primary servo cylinders. These primary servo
cylinders control movement of the rotary-wing


The rotary rudder control system controls the
pitch of the rotary rudder blades. The blades control
the heading of the helicopter. The pedals control the
system through a series of control rods and bell
cranks. These units connect to the directional bank of
the auxiliary servo cylinder and the mixing unit. See
figure 10-6. At the mixing unit, a control rod operates
the forward quadrant. This quadrant connects by

The cyclic system has a stick trim system that

hydraulically operates the controls for automatic


Figure 10-6.Flight control systems.

cable to the aft quadrant. A control rod from the rear

quadrant connects to the control rods, bell crank, and
pitch control shaft. These parts are found in the rotary
rudder tail gearbox. A hydraulic pedal damper is
located in the auxiliary servo cylinder bank
(directional). Its purpose is to prevent sudden

movements of the control pedals. The damper

prevents rapid changes in blade pitch, which might
cause damage to the helicopter. As on conventional
aircraft, the rudder pedals are adjustable for different
leg lengths. The rotary rudder system operates by
manual input or automatically by input from the ASE.


The negative force gradient spring cancels

feedback loads exerted by the rotary rudder during
flight. It also cancels feedback loads when the
auxiliary hydraulic system is off. When the rotary
rudder is stationary, an initial force is required to
move either pedal from its extreme position. With the
auxiliary hydraulic system on, the effect of the
negative force gradient spring is zero.

Auxiliary Servo Cylinder

This cylinder consists of four separate banks of

servomechanisms constructed as a unit. Figure 10-7
shows the fore-and-aft bank of the servo cylinder.
The other banks are similar in design and operation,
except as noted in the following paragraphs.
The hydraulic power pistons of each bank help
flight control movements before the movement is sent
to the mixing unit. The cylinder operates on
mechanical input during manual operation of the
flight controls. The cylinder operates on electrical
input from the ASE, and on electrical input from the
stick trim system.


The negative force gradient spring is

preloaded to 600 pounds. To prevent
injury to personnel or damage to flight
controls, carefully follow the maintenance
instructions provided in the MIM.

Each of the four banks operates in a single area of

control functioning, providing fore-and-aft, lateral,
collective, and directional hydraulic aid. Each bank
has a mechanical and electrical input hydraulic servo
valve capable of displacing the pilot valve shuttle for
ASE operation. Additionally, the fore-and-aft and the
lateral banks have a pair of solenoid-operated stick
trim valves. These valves control fore, aft, and lateral
movements through the stick trim system.


The basic components of the helicopter flight
control systems are the auxiliary servo cylinder, the
mixing unit, the primary servo cylinders, and the

Figure 10-7.Auxiliary servo cylinder.


The directional bank uses a pedal damping piston

that restricts sudden heading changes. The auxiliary
servo cylinder operates at 1,500-psi hydraulic
pressure supplied by the auxiliary hydraulic system.

Mixing Unit
The mixing unit consists of a system of bell
cranks and linkage. The unit coordinates and
transfers independent movements of the lateral,
forward, aft, and directional controls. Movement is
sent to the primary servo cylinders and the rotary
rudder. The mixing unit also integrates collective
pitch control movements with those of the lateral,
fore-and-aft, and directional systems. It causes the
controls to move the three primary servo cylinders
simultaneously in the same direction. It changes the
pitch on the rotary rudder blades to compensate for
the change in pitch of the rotary-wing blades.

Primary Servo Cylinders

These three servo cylinders send flight control
movements to the stationary swashplate of the
rotary-wing head. If the primary hydraulic system is
operating, the servo cylinders hydraulically aid flight
control movement. If the power fails, they function
only as control rods. See figure 10-8. This is
accomplished by the spring-loaded bypass valve,
which prevents hydraulic lock and a sloppy link pilot
valve connection. The pilot valve and the lower
clevis of the power piston connect to the flight control
linkage by the same bolt. There is a very close
tolerance in the pilot valve connection. This tolerance
causes the pilot valve to operate before the power
piston clevis. The power piston is then mechanically
Fluid under pressure entering the servo cylinder
upper port closes the bypass valve and enters the
upper chamber. With the pilot valve in neutral, fluid
cannot escape from the lower chamber, and the piston
remains motionless. If the pilot valve moves upward,
fluid flows into the lower chamber. The piston will
rise because of a pressure area differential. If the pilot
valve moves down, the fluid in the lower chamber
flows to return. The piston will be forced downward
by upper chamber pressure.

Figure 10-8.Primary servo cylinder.

When flight control movements stop, the piston

will continue to move until the ports of the pilot valve
close. The pilot valve clevis will be in the center of
the sloppy link. When pressure is off, the bypass
valve will open, preventing hydraulic lock.


Swashplate Assembly

The swashplate assembly, shown in figure 10-9,

sends movement of the flight controls to the
rotary-wing blades. A ball ring and socket allows the
swashplate to tilt off of its horizontal plane and move
on its vertical axis.

The assembly consists of a rotating swashplate,

connected to the rotary-wing hub by the rotating
scissors and adjustable pitch control rods. The
assembly also has a stationary swashplate, which
connects to the main gearbox by the stationary
scissors and the primary servo cylinders. Each
swashplate assembly is bolted together in a way that
permits the rotating swashplate to rotate within the

Figure 10-9.Swashplatecross-sectional and installed view.



stationary swashplate. When the primary servo

cylinders are actuated by the flight controls, the
stationary swashplate moves, with this movement
being transmitted to the rotating swashplate. The
rotating swashplate sends movement, through the
adjustable pitch control rods, to the sleeve spindle of
the rotary blades. This action changes the angle of
incidence of the blades.

Both the rotary-wing and rudder blades

have areas that connect by bonding
adhesives or are manufactured out of fiber
glass or advanced composite materials.
Never use solvents or cleaners not
specifically authorized in the MIM. Do not
use lacquer thinner, naphtha, carbon
tetrachloride, or other organic compounds
for cleaning in these bonded areas. Use of
these solvents or cleaners may result in
blade failure.


Learning Objective: Recognize general

rotary-wing maintenance procedures to
include system rigging and rotor blade

Organizational maintenance of the helicopter

flight control system includes periodic inspection,
lubrication, rigging, and blade tracking. It also
includes the cleaning of the rotary-wing and rudder
blades and the removal and replacement of
malfunctioning components.

Rigging checks and adjustments involve the
cyclic pitch control stick, collective pitch control
stick, and pedal positions. These controls must
coordinate with the correct rotary-wing and
rotary-rudder blade angles. You must be sure that the
flight controls are operating under normal friction
The use of rigging pins and other rigging aids
provide proper rigging and proper system operation.
Each step outlined in the MIM should be carefully

Organizational maintenance of the auxiliary and

primary servo cylinders is limited to minor adjustment and replacement of miscellaneous seals.
Organizational maintenance includes the removal and
installation of the complete component. Major
adjustments made on servo cylinders during overhaul
are critical. These adjustments are not made at the
lower levels of maintenance.

Several quick rigging, cable adjustment, and

operational checks with related maintenance
precautions are found in the MIM. No attempt to
duplicate this information is provided in this chapter.
The MIM should be consulted before any maintenance begins.
At the completion of rigging, a flight test must be
performed by a qualified pilot. A flight check chart is
provided by the MIM. The MIM lists the conditions
of the check, the required performance, and information to aid in the correction of malfunctions.

Vibrations and cyclic actions inherent to

helicopters can cause component or structural fatigue.
Nondestructive testing (NDI) is used on many parts of
the airframe and many dynamic components to detect
flaws (cracks) that could lead to failure. Additionally,
most of the dynamic components, such as rotor heads,
blades, servo cylinders, and swashplates, have forced
(high-time) removal intervals. These time intervals
are listed by component in the Periodic Maintenance
Information Cards (PMIC) for the aircraft.


You must perform blade tracking when rerigging
the helicopter. Tracking is necessary when the blades,
the main gearbox, or the main rotor head assembly
have been replaced. Unless the blades arc in proper
track, vibrations will occur in the helicopter with
every revolution of the main rotor. At high rpm
settings, these vibrations could cause serious structural damage.

You should clean the rotary wing and rotary

rudder as necessary, using only approved cleaners.
The concentration of mixture will vary, depending on
the surface condition and type of cleaner used.


Figure 10-10.Blade trackingStrobex.


Tracking the blades is necessary to be sure that

the blades rotate in the same horizontal plane (track).
This is accomplished by pretrack rigging of the
rotary-wing head and by the use of pretracked blades.
Pretrack rigging involves adjusting the pitch
control rods until an exact sleeve angle (within
1 minute) is found on all sleeve spindles. A
micrometer type of decal is affixed to the adjustable
pitch control rods as a permanent reference at the
overhaul activity. A pretrack number is stenciled on
each blade at the time of manufacture or overhaul.
This number is based on the effective angle of the
blade. Install prctracked blades on the helicopter by
setting the adjustable pitch control rod to the pretrack
number stenciled on the blade.
If the pretrack number is MINUS and the pitch
control rod decal shows the setting is zero, loosen the
locknut. Shorten the rod by rotating the tang
clockwise. Keep rotating until it aligns (closest
notch) with the appropriate blade pretrack number on
the lower scale of the lower decal. Engage the tang by
tightening the locknut. If the pretrack number of the
blade is PLUS and the pitch control rod decal shows
the setting is zero, loosen the locknut. Lengthen the
rod by rotating the tang counterclockwise. Keep
rotating the tang until it aligns (closest notch) with the
appropriate blade pretrack number on the upper scale
of the lower decal. After adjusting the remainder of
the pitch control rods, tighten the locknuts to the
torque specified in the MIMs. Safety wire the
locknuts to the tang.
You should perform a ground operational check.
With the rotary-wing head engaged, operate the
engines at 100 percent. Check for vibrations in the
rotary-wing head. If vibrations occur and the
adjustable pitch control rods were properly adjusted,
use an alternate method of blade tracking. In this
case, use a strobe blade tracker to check the blades
under actual operating conditions. You must be sure
that all blades are rotating in the same horizontal
plane. See figure 10-10. Pitch adjustment of each
blade may be made to compensate for blade

swashplate, causing a once-per-revolution pulse,

which synchronizes the lamp flash rate with the
Each blade has a
rotation of the blades.
retroreflective target number attached to the
underside of the blade in a uniform location.
Tracking of each blade is then determined by the
relative vertical position of the fixed target numbers.
See figure 10-10. Consult the applicable aircraft
MIMs for the proper operating procedures for the
Strobex blade tracker. For maintenance information on the Strobex tracker, refer to NAVAIR
NOTE: Do not adjust blades by the Strobex
method of blade tracking unless problems
result from normal tracking procedures.
As a part of the blade folding operation, the rotor
brake applies manually or automatically. The system
is shown in figure 10-11. It consists of a rotor brake
assembly, panel package, accumulator, master
cylinder, pressure gauge, check valves, and pressure
Rotor Brake Assembly
The rotor brake assembly is comparable to the
single disc wheel brake in its design and operation.
Hydraulic actuation of the brake may be made
manually by using the rotor brake master cylinder
located in the cockpit. The brake applies
automatically during the blade folding operation by
the blade positioner control valve. In manual
operation, the brake is capable of stopping the
rotary-wing head in 14 seconds from 157 rpm.
Replace the brake linings when any of the adjusting
pins recede into the adjusting nut 1/8 inch. Replace
lock screws and worn parts each time linings are
Rotor Brake Panel Package
This package consists of an accumulator, relief
valve, pressure reducer, and a shuttle valve. The
package receives hydraulic pressure from the master
brake cylinder during manual operation. It receives
pressure from the automatic blade folding system
during automatic operation. When the master brake
cylinder handle is in the OFF or DETENT position,
the master cylinder vents to the utility fluid tank.
Movement of the master brake cylinder handle blocks

The Strobex blade tracker permits tracking from

inside the helicopter in flight or on the ground. The
system uses a highly concentrated stroboscopic light
beam flashing in sequence with rotation of the
rotary-wing blades, so that a fixed target at the blade
tips will appear to be stopped. A soft iron sweep
attached to the rotating swashplate passes close to a
magnetic pickup attached to the stationary


Figure 10-11.Rotor brake and system schematic.


the vent and builds up brake pressure. When the

pressure increases beyond 200 psi, the shuttle valve in
the panel package shifts. Pressure is sent to the rotor
brake and blocks pressure from the automatic blade
folding system. The panel package accumulator
reduces minor pressure surges during manual and
automatic operation. The accumulator maintains a
steady pressure to the brake. The relief valve relieves
pressure surges in excess of 600 psi.

Blade Folding Operations

Rotor Brake Accumulator

The spring-loaded rotor brake accumulator
permits manual operation of the master cylinder
handle during automatic blade folding operations.
Applying the automatic brake unseats the
accumulator sequence valve. The open valve permits
actuation of the master cylinder handle. The
hydraulic fluid flows through the sequence valve and
compresses the accumulator spring. Releasing the
automatic brake causes pressure to flow from the
accumulator to the panel package shuttle valve, and
repositions it. Simultaneously, the panel package
accumulator maintains hydraulic pressure that was
trapped from the automatic application in the rotor
brake. The rotor brake accumulator additionally
compensates for thermal expansion and contraction of
the fluid, and aids in dampening pressure surges.
Rotor Brake Master Cylinder

The No. 1 blade does not fold, but it automatically

positions over the tail pylon. The only hydraulic
actuation of the No. 1 blade is damper positioning.
The hydraulic portion of the system positions the
blades and folds the No. 2 blade. The electrical
portion of the system provides the sequencing of
operation of the various hydraulic components. It
acts to prevent accidental operation of the system.
Warning and indicating lights show the status of the
system at all times. Safe operation is maintained by a
series of electrical interlocks.
You should perform blade folding operations with
the pylon locked in the flight position and the engine
operating at 104 percent. The rotary-wing head must
not be operating. The accessory drive switch is
placed in ACCESS DRIVE. The safety valve switch
is placed OPEN, and the master switch is placed ON.
The blade switch is placed in the FOLD position.
Hydraulic pressure from the utility hydraulic
system is 3,000 psi. The pressure flows through the
motor-operated safety valve. This pressure flows to
the blade positioner control valve, and is sent to the
blade positioner drive unit for engagement with the
rotor brake disc. This action turns the rotary-wing
Pressure is sent through the blade rotation control
valve to the blade positioner hydraulic motor. The
motor revolves the blade positioner, causing the
rotation of the rotary-wing head. When the No. 1
blade is properly positioned aft, the blade positioner
control valve is energized in the opposite direction.
The action stops positioning and disengaging of the
blade positioner drive unit. Fluid is also sent to
engage the rotor brake at this time.

The master cylinder is gravity fed by hydraulic

fluid from the utility fluid tank. Move the brake
handle down and forward to apply pressure to the
system. A spring latch on the cylinder linkage
automatically locks the handle in the ON or PARK
position. To release the brake, pull the latch and place
the handle in the DETENT position. The pressure
gauge indicates the amount of pressure produced by
the master brake cylinder. The check valve provides a
means to pressure bleed the system. A minimum
pressure of 320 psi is required to effectively operate
the rotor brake.

On later models, the rotor brake applies manually.

The blade fold control valve is energized, sending
hydraulic pressure through the rotor coupling to each
damper-positioner. The blades move against their
autorotative stops. The mechanical action of
positioning the blades operates the damper-positioner
sequence valves. These valves cause hydraulic fluid
to operate the control lock cylinder, locking the
controls. With the rotor head controls locked,
pressure is sent to the blade fold lock cylinder. The
lockpin is retracted, and fluid is sent to the blade fold


An automatic blade folding system of a
representative helicopter is shown in figure 10-12.
This system is capable of automatic blade folding of
one of the two rotary blades from cockpit controls.


Figure 10-12.Automatic blade folding system schematic.


Figure 10-12.Automatic blade folding system schematicContinued.


The blade fold cylinder is found inside the sleeve

spindle of the No. 2 blade. See figure 10-13. It
connects to sector gears, which cause the folding
actions. When the No. 2 blade reaches a certain
angle, a microswitch turns on the blade folded light in
the cockpit. The lock valve traps hydraulic fluid in
the rotary-wing head to keep the damper-positioners
in the autorotative position. It also keeps the No. 2
blade in the folded position.
With the fold sequence completed, the SAFETY
VALVE OPEN, the FOLD PWR ON, the No. 1
BLADES FOLDED warning and indicating lights are
NOTE: You may have to move the cyclic
control stick around the neutral position to
engage the control lockpin. If excessive
movement of the cyclic stick is necessary,
troubleshoot the system for possible maladjustment.

Figure 10-13.Blade fold cylinder.

Blade Folding System Components

Blade Spreading Operations

The spreading operation requires the same
conditions as the fold operation. The primary
exception is that the blade fold switch is in the
SPREAD position. Pressure is sent through the
motor-operated safety valve and through the
positioning unit pressure reducers. Pressure is sent to
the blade positioner drive unit for rotor brake disc
disengagement and the engagement of the rotor brake.
With the rotor brake on and the blade fold valve
energized, 3,000 psi hydraulic fluid is sent through
the rotor coupling. From the coupling, pressure is
sent to the damper-positioners. The damper-positioners
drive the blades against their autorotative stops.
Pressure is then sent to the blade fold cylinder. The
blade fold cylinder operates the gear sector and
spreads the blade. As the blade starts to spread, the
lock valve solenoid is de-energized, releasing fluid in
the rotary-wing head.
When the blade is completely spread, hydraulic
fluid is sent to the blade lock cylinder, engaging the
blade lockpin. Engagement and locking of the blade
lockpin causes the internal sequencing mechanisms to
direct pressure to the control lock cylinder. The
control lock cylinder, in turn, locks the controls. The
spread sequence is completed. The FOLD PWR,
warning and indicating lights should be lit.


Hydraulic components of the blade folding

system are conventional type, solenoid-operated
selector valves, check valves, pressure reducers and
snubber, sequence valves, and actuating cylinders. Of
special interest are the safety valve, the blade
positioner drive unit, the rotor coupling, the control
lock cylinder, and the blade fold accumulator.
SAFETY VALVE. The safety valve is a
two-position, motor-operated selector valve. The
purpose of the unit is to prevent hydraulic pressure
from entering the blade fold system during flight.
The motor provides a camming action to move the
poppet valve within the selector valve. With the rotor
stopped, electrical interlocks allow the safety valve to
send fluid to the blade folding system. This action
occurs when the safety valve switch is placed in the
OPEN position. In the CLOSED position, pressure is
blocked at the pressure port. The system vents
through the lock valve. The venting eliminates the
possibility of damage to the system by thermal
expansion of the hydraulic fluid. The safety valve
will not close if the blade spread interlock relay
malfunctions. The safety valve will not close if the
blades are folded. The safety valve motor opens a
limit switch. The switch cuts electrical power to the
motor when the safety valve reaches the fully open
drive unit is found on the upper surface of the main
gearbox input cover. It consists of a gear train, a
sequence valve, a tiller plug, a sight gauge, and a
hydraulic motor. The gear train rotates because of the
hydraulic motor. The gear train turns the rotary-wing

head by running the rotor brake disc. The hydraulic

disc motor operates only after the gear train engages
the teeth of the rotor brake disc. Pressure is cut off to
the blade rotation control valve and the motor by the
sequence valve. This action occurs when the gear
train has been operated to disengage the rotor brake
ROTOR COUPLING. The rotor coupling is
found at the bottom of the rotary-wing shaft. It serves
to transfer hydraulic fluid to the rotary-wing head for
blade folding. Figure 10-14 shows a cross-sectional
view of the coupling. The coupling consists of a
spindle that revolves with the rotary-wing shaft. A
stationary housing connects to hydraulic lines of
blade folding components. Hydraulic fluid is sent
through the rotor coupling, and then through the lock
valve. Pressure is then sent to the manifold, to the
damper-positioner shuttle valve, and to the
damper-positioner sequence valves.
lock cylinder is on the No. 2 blade horn assembly
rotary-wing head. During the fold cycle, the control
lock cylinder locks the flight controls. This occurs
only after the blade has been positioned. During the
spread cycle, it unlocks the controls. A microswitch
within the housing of the cylinder causes the CONT
LOCKPIN ADV advisory light in the cockpit to light.
In event of hydraulic malfunction, the control lockpin
may be operated manually. This is done by turning a
sector gear bolt on the aft end of the cylinder. The
sector bolt rotates gear teeth on the end of the
actuating piston shaft.
fold accumulator is found inside of the rotary-wing
sleeve of the No. 1 blade. It has a preload of 1,500-psi
nitrogen pressure to maintain hydraulic pressure in
the rotary-wing head. The pressure is necessary to
keep the damper-positioners extended and the blade
locked in the folded position. It serves to compensate
for expansion and contraction of the hydraulic fluid
because of temperature changes. It also dampens out
pressure surges during fold and spread cycles.
Maintenance of the blade fold system consists of
periodic inspection, lubrication, operational testing,
and troubleshooting. Allowable maintenance at the
organizational level includes alignment, adjustment,
and the removal and installation of components. Parts

Figure 10-14.Rotor coupling.

replacement and cure date kits are available for

intermediate-level repair of defective parts. Before
removal of any component, secure the blades to
prevent damage. Whenever any part of the system is
repaired or replaced, the electrical portion of the
system should be tested, as required by the MIM.
Operationally check the entire hydraulic portion of
the system to ensure proper sequence of operation.
The hydraulic testing procedures discussed in the
following paragraphs are used as an example. Always
consult your MIM for correct procedures.
Charge the air accumulator with 1,500 psi of
nitrogen, with the blades in the spread position.
Connect a source of external hydraulic power to the
utility, primary, and auxiliary hydraulic systems. Set
pressure to 3,000 psi at approximately 3 gallons per
minutes for the utility system. Set pressure to 1,500
psi for the primary and auxiliary servo hydraulic
systems. Position the ACCESSORY DRIVE switch
to ACCESS DR. The accessory drive light will light.
At the start of the testing, make sure that PRI SERVO
FOLD lights will light. The ACCESSORY DRIVE,
should be lit. Visually check to see that the lockpins
are disengaged. Manually rotate the rotary head until
the leading edge of the No. 1 blade is in the aft
position. Engage the rotor brake. The rotor brake
pressure gauge should read a minimum of 320 psi.
Check that the rotor brake light comes on. Place the
collective pitch stick in the full low position and the


cyclic pitch stick in neutral. Visually examine the

control lock cylinder to make sure that the pin is
aligned with its hole. When the controls are
positioned, trip the FOLD manual override on the
blade fold control valve and hold it in this position.
No action should result. Release the override.
Position the SAFETY VALVE switch to OPEN.
Check that the SAFETY VALVE OPEN light comes
on. Trip the manual override again. The dampers
will position, the control lockpin will engage, and the
blade lockpin will disengage. The blade will fold, and
the PRI SERVO PRESS light will go off.
Ensure that the path of the blade is clear
before tripping the manual override.
Failure to do so could result in personal
injury or damaged to the aircraft. The
cyclic control stick may have to be moved
slightly around neutral to engage the
control lockpin.

VALVE OPEN and FOLD PWR ON lights come on.

Check to see that the ACCESSORY DR ON light is
on. The rotor brake should disengage automatically.
Hydraulic pressure should disengage the blade
positioner drive unit from the rotor brake disc.
The final movements of blade positioning may
result in a position hunting motion or chatter. If this
chatter is sustained for more than 3 seconds, investigate the cause. Position the blade fold switch to
FOLD. The No. 1 BLADE POSITION light will
come on. Apply the rotor brake manually. Damperpositioners will position, the control lockpin will
engage, and the CONT LOCKPIN ADV light will
illuminate. The blade lockpin will retract, and the
BLADE SPREAD light will go off. The BLADE
come on.
N O T E : Automatic fold cycle time is
approximatey 30 seconds for the rotary-wing
positioning. The normal time for damper
positioning is 5 seconds, and normal time for
blade folding is 27 to 41 seconds.

Check the lights on the blade fold panel. CONT

ACCESS DR ON lights should be lighted. The
BLADE SPREAD light should be off. Trip the
manual override button to SPREAD. The blade will
spread and the lockpin will engage. The control
lockpin will disengage. The BLADE SPREAD and
CHECK BLADE FOLD lights will come on. Position
the SAFETY VALVE switch to CLOSED. Check to
see that the SAFETY VALVE OPEN and CHECK
BLADE FOLD lights go off within 1 1/2 seconds and
that the FLIGHT POS light comes on. Release the
rotor brake to make sure that the ROTOR BRAKE
ON light goes off. Manually reposition the No. 1
blade to the right of the helicopter centerline.
Position the safety valve switch to OPEN and the
master switch to ON. Make sure that SAFETY


Make sure that the accumulator gauge on the No.

1 blade sleeve spindle maintains 3,000 psi. The
damper-positioners should remain in full extended or
autorotative position. The blades should remain
folded. Position the blade fold switch to SPREAD,
and check the reversing of operation. When the
BLADE SPREAD light comes on, position the safety
and FOLD PWR ON lights should then go out).
Position MASTER and BLADE FOLD switches to
OFF. CHECK BLADE FOLD light will go off, and
FLIGHT POS light will come on. Visually check
control lockpin for disengagement. Move the No. 1
blade to the left of the helicopter centerline. Repeat
the automatic folding sequence. Following the
hydraulic testing, inspect all components for external



Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a working
knowledge of maintenance procedures and the precautions necessary to properly
maintain aircraft wheels, tires, and tubes.

Modern aircraft wheels are among the most

highly stressed parts of an aircraft. High tire
pressures, cyclic loadings, corrosion, and physical
damage contribute to failure of aircraft wheels.
Complete failure of an aircraft wheel can be
catastrophic. When wheel failure occurs, the
fragments are often propelled several hundred feet.
You must have the ability to identify potential safety
hazards that you will encounter while working on
aircraft tires and wheel assemblies. You must practice
all the safety precautions related to wheel and tire
maintenance procedures. At the organizational
maintenance level, aircraft wheels are removed
frequently for tire changes, inspections, and
lubrication. Familiarity with various types of wheels
and tires, and related safety precautions, will increase
your ability to perform your duties.

Figure 11-1 shows a typical divided (split) wheel.

This type of wheel is divided into two halves. The
two halves are sealed by an O-ring and held together
with nuts and bolts. Each wheel half is statically
balanced. This procedure allows any two opposite
halves of the same size and type to be joined together
to form one wheel assembly. If the outboard half of a
wheel is beyond repair, a new outboard half may be
drawn from supply. The new outboard half is then
matched to the old inboard half. This type of wheel is
used on nose, main, and tail landing gears.
The remountable flange wheel is made so one
flange of the wheel can be removed to change the tire.
The flange is held in place by a lockring.

The wheel is balanced with the flange mounted on
the wheel. Then, both the wheel and flange are
marked. To ensure proper balance of the wheel
during assembly, the two marks should be lined up.
Figure 11-2 shows a typical remountable flange
wheel. This type of wheel is commonly used on the
main landing gear.

Learning Objective: Recognize the components of the different types of wheels and
the maintenance responsibilities of both the
O-level and I-level maintenance activities.

The similarity of one wheel to another in size and

shape is not proof that the wheels can be interchanged. One wheel may be designed for heavy duty
while the other may be designed to carry a lighter
load. Also, the wheels may be designed for use with
different types of brake assemblies.

Aircraft wheels are made from either aluminum

or magnesium alloys. These materials provide a
strong, lightweight wheel that requires very little
maintenance. The wheels used on naval aircraft are
of two general typesdivided and remountable
flange. Both of these designs make wheel buildup a
fairly simple operation.


A complete wheel assembly is shown in
figure 11-3. The wheel casting is the basic unit of the
wheel assembly. It is to this part that all other components are assembled and upon which the tire is

The wheels used with tires and tubes have knurled

flanges to prevent the tire from slipping on the wheel.
Wheels used with tubeless tires have the wheel
sections sealed by an O-ring, and they use special
valves that are a part of the wheel.


1. Bead ledge
2. Bead seat radius
3. PilotPtlot
4. Tubewell seal
5. Brake key
6. Valve stem
7. Web
8. Spoke or face


Hub seal
Retaining ring
Grease retainer
Bearing retaining shoulder
Hub cap
Hub cavity
Bearing cone & rollers

17. Bearing cup

18. Tie-bolt & nut
19. Tubewell I.D. surface
20. Rim flange
21. Tubewell O.D. surface
22. Fusible plug
23. Rim

Figure 11-1.Typical divided (split) wheel assembly.

A three-piece grease retainer keeps the grease in

the inboard bearing and keeps out dirt and moisture.
It is composed of a felt seal and inner and outer
closure rings. A lockring secures the assembly inside
the wheel hub.

The demountable flange is attached to the wheel

to simplify tire removal and installation. The
remountable flange lockring secures the flange to the
wheel. The flange is fitted into a groove in the wheel

The hubcap seals the outboard side of the hub. It

is secured with a lockring. On some aircraft, the
hubcap is secured with screws.

The bearing cups are shrink-fitted into the hub of

the wheel casting, and are the parts on which the
bearings ride. The bearings are tapered roller
bearings. Each bearing is made of a cone and rollers.
This type of bearing absorbs side thrust as well as
radial loads and landing shocks. These bearings must
be cleaned and lubricated in accordance with the
NAVAIR 04-10-1 manual.

All wheels designed to be used on the main

landing gear are equipped with braking components.
These components are attached to the wheel casting.
They may consist of either a brake drum or brake
drive keys. The wheel shown in figure 11-3 is


Figure 11-2Demountable flange wheel.

Figure 11-3.Typical wheel assembly.


equipped with drive keys. This wheel is designed for

disc brakes.
The trend in the military is toward smaller, faster,
more powerful aircraft with increased load carrying
capabilities. This means heavier loads and higher
landing speeds. The friction of long landing rollouts
and taxiing causes heat to be absorbed by the wheel.
Because of the heat, possible wheel failure may occur.
This may damage equipment and injure personnel. To
prevent this situation, aircraft manufacturers have
developed a safety device called a fusible plug. The
fusible plug contains an alloy that will melt and
permit the tire to deflate. This action occurs in the
event the wheel is exposed to excessive heat. Wheels
that contain fusible plugs should have a metal tag
affixed that reads Fusible Plugs Installed.
Corrosion and loss of bearing lubrication are two
of the major causes of failure or rejection of aircraft
wheels. It is extremely important that all organizational maintenance activities take precautions to
protect aircraft wheels/bearings from water,
particularly salt water. Wheel bearing lubrication
gets contaminated and/or breaks down, from
excessive heat and water, more often than it is lost.
When wheels are exposed to a stream of water (such
as a hose), it will usually penetrate the hub area,
contaminating the bearing lubricant. This contributes
to corrosion in the bearing area. All wheel bearings
should be lubricated at every tire change, and as
required by the applicable maintenance requirement
cards (MRCs). All wheel and bearing assemblies
should be removed according to the applicable
maintenance instruction manual (MIMs) for that
specific aircraft.

axle nut is removed. A tire deflated (valve

core removed) metal tag should be installed
on the valve stem prior to removing the
wheel from the axle. See figure 11-5.
Several people have been killed because
they failed to remove the air from the tire
before removing the axle nut.


You should clean bearings, bearing cups, wheel

bores, and grease retainers with P-D-680, type II,
solvent, in accordance with NA 04-10-1, to remove all
traces of the grease, preservative compounds, and
contamination. Treat bearings with fingerprint neutralism (MIL-C-15074) by immersing and agitating
for 2 to 3 minutes. Dry the bearings and the hub area
with compressed air. Be careful not to spin the
unlubricated bearings. You should perform a visual
inspection of the bearings, bearing retainers, and
bearing cups with a 10X magnifier. Replace all
excessively worn, dented, scored, or pitted bearing
cups. Most bearing cups will display some wear.
This is not cause for replacement as long as no step
can be felt and there are no dents, scores, or definite
corrosion pits. Some cups will have a light gum or
surface corrosion deposit that can be removed by
lightly polishing w i t h a b r a s i v e w e b b i n g
(MIL-A-9962). Do not use a coarse abrasive and do
not remove the base material. After polishing the
bearing cup, you should thoroughly clean the bearing
cup and wheel bore to remove all deposits. Reinspect
the polished bearing cups for defects, and replace
them if necessary. Any obvious defects on bearing
cone and roller assemblies, including cracks in the
bearing retainer, are cause for replacement.

When a wheel is to be removed from an
aircraft the nitrogen or dry air must be
removed from the tire prior to removing
the wheel. This should be done with the
Palmer Safe-Core valve tool (P/N 968RB),
which traps the valve core in the body of
the Palmer Safe-Core valve tool. See figure
11-4. This precaution must be taken
because of the possibility that the bolts in
split wheels might have been sheared and
cause the wheel halves to separate when the

Figure 11-4.Safe-core valve tool.


Figure 11-5.(A) Deflated tire flag, (B) Storage of valve core and cap using alternate deflated tire flag.

When properly installed and adjusted, the wheel will

turn freely, but will not move sidewise.

You should repack the bearings with
MIL-G-81322 grease. Spread a thin layer of grease
on bearing cups. Inspect the rubber grease retainers
for evidence of deterioration. Inspect the felt grease
retainers for deterioration, contamination, or water
saturation. Replace them if necessary. Freshwatersaturated felt retainers may be dried and reused if they
are otherwise serviceable. Saltwater contaminated
felt seals must be replaced. You should presoak felt
retainers with VV-L-800 oil prior to their installation.
Reinstall the wheel on the aircraft according to the
applicable maintenance instructions manual (MIM).

NOTE: This procedure may vary from one

aircraft to another. Some aircraft require a
specific torque to be applied to the axle nut.
In these cases, you should refer to the
applicable MIM.

3. Install the appropriate axle nut safety device.

4. Install and lock the hubcap in place.
There are some inboard bearings that do not need
to be removed except to be replaced. These bearings
are listed in table 3-2, Aircraft Wheels, NAVAIR

When you reinstall the wheel on the aircraft, the
proper adjustment of the bearings is extremely
important. The following general rules apply to
wheel installation:

Safety Training
When you perform tire and wheel maintenance,
you should handle inflated and partially inflated
wheel assemblies with the same respect and care as
live ordnance because of the destructive potential of a
gas under pressure.

1. Tighten the axle nut while you spin the wheel

with your hand.
2. When the wheel no longer spins freely, back
off the axle nut one castellation (one-sixth turn).


If tire and wheel maintenance is performed within

your command, the command should conduct
appropriate training. The minimum requirements for
the training program should include the following:

The following steps describe the wheel cleaning

procedures. Further information regarding the
cleaning of aircraft wheels can be found in Aircraft
Wheels, NAVAIR 04-10-1.

QAR supervised tire and wheel assembly

removal and replacement.

QAR supervised wheel bearing cleaning and


QAR administered examinations.

NAVAIR publications familiarization training.

Display of tire and wheel safety posters in the

work centers. (See figure 11-6.)

Clean the wheels as follows:

1. Prepare one tank (solution A) of cleaning
solution consisting of 4 to 9 parts cleaning solvent
(P-D-680) and 1 part solvent emulsion cleaner
2. Prepare another tank (solution B) of cleaning
solution consisting of 4 to 9 parts of clean water and 1
part emulsion cleaner (MIL-C-43616).
You should use P-D-680 solvent only in
well-ventilated areas. You should also
avoid skin contact by wearing protective
equipment for your eyes and hands.

Documentation of completed training.


3. Place the wheel portion to be cleaned on a grill

over solution A, and spray it thoroughly with solution
A to remove all loose grease and soil.

One of the responsibilities of an intermediate

maintenance activity (IMA) is to determine wheel
overhaul requirements. Other IMA responsibilities
include painting, cleaning, inspection (lubrication),
corrosion and physical damage blendout, and wheel
half mismatching.

4. Immerse the wheel portion in solution A, and

allow it to soak for 20 minutes.
5. Repeat step 3, and then scrub the tire bead
areas with bristle brushes to remove the rubber
deposits. Do not use wire brushes.

When the wheel paint has deteriorated to the
extent that touch-up is not feasible, wheels may be
stripped and repainted. Stripping and repainting are
allowed only if the IMA is authorized to paint with
aliphatic polyurethane.

6. Thoroughly dry the wheel with compressed

7. Immerse the wheel portion in solution B, and
allow it to soak for 20 minutes.
8. Place the wheel portion on a grill over solution
B, and spray it thoroughly with solution B. Remove
any remaining soil or grease deposits with liberal
amounts of solution B and bristle brushes.

To inspect aircraft wheels for cracks, physical
damage, and corrosion, they must be clean. All dirt,
rubber, and grease deposits must be completely
removed. Cleaning for appearance sake is not a
requirement. Removing stains is not a necessity.
Many wheels will be discolored after the rubber
deposits have been removed from the tire bead areas.
This discoloration is acceptable, and further cleaning
is not necessary. Often there are discolored areas
around brake keys that are difficult to remove without
damaging the paint.

9. Thoroughly wash the wheel portion with a

high-pressure stream of clean water to remove all
solvents. Compressed air may be used to dry the
You should perform a visual inspection of the
wheel for cracks, loose bearing cups, corrosion,


Figure 11-6.Aircraft tires-tubes-wheels safety poster.


Figure 11-7.Fuse plugs.

physical damage, and melted fusible plugs. See

figure 11-7. Forward all wheels with cracks or loose
bearing cups to supply for overhaul. Partially melted
fuse plugs should not cause a wheel to be rejected.
The plug may not need to be replaced. If the eutectic
core material does not extend more than one-sixteenth
of an inch above the top surface of the hex head, the
plug may be kept in service as is with no
restrictions. If the eutectic core material at the
threaded end is not depressed more than one-sixteenth
of an inch and there is no evidence of pinholes, the
plug may be kept in service with no restrictions. Do
not file, sand, or remove the eutectic material. If the
eutectic material appears to be filed, sanded, or
broken, you should assume the serviceable limits
have been exceeded and reject the plug.
You should perform the eddy current and dye
penetrant inspections for wheels listed in NAVAIR
04-10-1. Inspect all tie bolts for corrosion,
elongation, bending, stripped threads, or deformed
shanks. You should also perform a magnetic particle
inspection for cracks according to NAVAIR
01-1A-16. Any of the listed defects is cause for
rejection of the tic bolt. Self-locking tie bolt nuts may

be reused provided the nut cannot be turned onto the

tie bolt by hand with the fingertight method
prescribed in Structural Hardware, N A V A I R
01-1A-8. On disc wheels, you should inspect brake
keys or gears for wear and looseness in accordance

Figure 11-8.Pressure repacking of wheel bearings.


Figure 11-9.Hand repacking of wheel bearings.

with NA 04-10-1. Replace worn brake keys and gears

or reattach loose brake keys and gears in accordance
with NA 04-10-1. Corrosion or rust on brake keys
and gears is common, and is not cause for rejection.

NOTE: The organizational-level and

intermediate-level procedures for cleaning
and inspecting wheeI bearings, retainers,
cups, and cone and roller assemblies are the

Bearing Maintenance
You should repack bearings with MIL-G-81322
grease. Bearings may be repacked either with
pressure equipment or by hand. See figures 11-8 and
11-9. The pressure method is recommended because
it is easier, faster, and reduces the possibility of contamination. The pressure method assures a more even
distribution of grease within the bearing.

You should remove and inspect the bearing cone

and roller assemblies according to the applicable
MIM. Thoroughly clean the bearings, bearing cups,
wheel bores, and grease retainers with P-D-680, type
II, solvent to remove the grease, preservative
compounds, and contamination.



NOTE: You should ensure bearings are

completely dry before packing (them with

Learning Objective: Recognize the procedures for dismounting, mounting, and

inflating aircraft tires. You should be able to
identify various tire markings and determine
preventive maintenance requirements
indicated by tire tread wear.

You should also spread a thin layer of grease on

the bearing cups. Inspect the grease retainers for
evidence of deterioration, contamination, or water
saturation. You should replace them if necessary.
Presoak the retainers with VV-L-800 oil prior to
installing them.

Proper care and maintenance of tires have always

been important items in aircraft maintenance.
Because of the modern fast-landing aircraft, careful
tire maintenance has become increasingly important.
Aircraft tires are built to withstand a great deal of
punishment, but only by proper care and maintenance
can they give safe and dependable service.

Refer to the NA 01-1A-503 manual for more

detailed information on wheel bearing maintenance.
Corrosion and Physical Damage Blendout
Limited and isolated corrosion and physical
damage should be blended. Wheel rims, outside ends
of bearing hubs, nicks, gouges, and pock marks are
not considered significant unless the defect is deeper
than 0.020 of an inch. The defect should not be
blended out unless there is active corrosion in the
defect. However, all burrs must be removed.
Corrosion or other defects should be blended out not
to exceed a maximum of one-sixteenth of an inch. All
damage must be removed within this allowance. The
maximum depth of blendout for all other wheel areas
is 0.010 of an inch.

These designations refer to construction features

and the types of tire casings with which they are used.
The dimensions used to identify wheels are not
necessarily the dimensions of the wheels themselves.
Instead, they refer to dimensions of the tire. Tire size
designations are discussed later.
Figure 11-10 shows the construction details of a
tube-type aircraft tire. Tubeless tires are similar to
tube tires except they have a rubber inner liner that is
mated to the inside surface of the tire. The rubber
liner helps retain air in the tire. The beaded area of a
tubeless tire is designed to form a seal with the wheel
flange. Wear indicators have been built into some
tires as an aid in measuring tread wear. These
indicators are holes in the tread area or lands in the
bottom of the tread grooves.

The rims, bearing hub ends, and tire bead area can
be blended out with a medium or fine cut, half-round
or round tile. You should lightly file the damaged
area to remove the defects. After the defects have
been removed, you should hand polish the areas with
320 or finer grit aluminum oxide (P-C-451). All file
marks should be removed. The areas should be
painted according to NAVAIR 04-10-1 and NAVAIR

The cord body consists of multiple layers of nylon

with individual cords arranged parallel to each other
and completely encased in rubber. The cord fabric
has its strength in only one direction. Each layer of
coated fabric constitutes one ply of the cord body.
Adjacent cord plies in the body are assembled with
the cords crossing at nearly right angles to each other.
This arrangement provides a strong and flexible tire
that distributes impact shocks over a wide area. The
functions of the cord body are to give the tire tensile
strength, to resist internal pressures, and to maintain
tire shape.

Matching Wheel Halves

Split rim wheels are manufactured and assembled
as a matched assembly. Each half will have the same
serial number. If a wheel half is rejected at the IMA,
the remaining half may be matched to a serviceable
replacement to make a complete assembly. When you
combine unmatched wheel halves, each half must
have the same part number. Every effort should be
made to keep the manufacture dates of each half as
close as possible. Each half of this wheel assembly
will now have different serial numbers, which is

The tread is a layer of rubber on the outer surface

of the tire. It protects the cord body from abrasion,
cuts, bruises, and moisture. It is the surface that
contacts the ground.


Figure 11-10.Sectional view of aircraft tire showing construction details.

The sidewall is an outer layer of rubber adjoining

the tread and extending to the beads. Like the tread, it
protects the cord body from abrasion, cuts, bruises,
and moisture.

extra reinforcement to prevent bruise damage to the

tire. Breakers are not part of the cord body.
Tread Patterns

The beads are multiple strands of high-tensile

strength steel wire imbedded in robber and wrapped
in strips of open weave fabric. The beads hold the tire
firmly on the rims and serve as an anchor for the
fabric plies that are turned up around the bead wires.

There are three tread patterns or tread designs

used on naval aircraft. They are plain, ribbed, and
nonskid. A plain tread has a smooth, uninterrupted
surface. A ribbed tread has three or more continuous
circumferential ribs separated by grooves. A nonskid
tread is any grooved or ribbed tread. Other tread
designs may be provided under specific circumstances or as required by applicable MS standards or
drawing. The most common design used on naval
aircraft is the ribbed pattern.

The chafing strips are one or more plies of

rubber-impregnated woven fabric wrapped around the
outside of the beads. They provide additional rigidity
to the bead and prevent the metal wheel rim from
chafing the tire. Tubeless tires have an additional ply
of rubber over the chafing strips to function as an air

Tread Construction

The breakers are one or more plies of cord or

woven fabric impregnated with rubber. They are used
between the tread rubber and the cord body to provide

The tread construction will usually be one of four

types. Other tread types may be necessary for


specific circumstances or as required by military

standards, such as ice and snow treads.
NOTE: Additional safety precautions are
required in handling ice and snow treads.
Rubber tread. A rubber tread is constructed
from 100-percent new (no reclaim) rubber. It maybe
new natural rubber, new synthetic material, or a blend
of new material and new synthetic materials.
Cut-resistant tread. A cut-resistant tread has
improved cut-resistant properties that are imparted to
the tire by incorporating a barrier into the undertread
that resists penetration of cutting objects.
Reinforced tread. A reinforced tread is
constructed with fabric cord or other reinforcing
materials as an integral part of the tread. See figure

Reinforced cut-resistant tread. A reinforced

cut-resistant tread combines the features of both the
cut-resistant and reinforced-tread designs.
Ply Rating
Reference to the number of cord fabric plies in a
tire has been superseded by the term ply rating. This
term is used to identify a tires maximum recommended load for specific types of service. It does not
necessarily represent the number of cord fabric plies
in a tire. Most nylon cord tires have ply ratings
greater than the actual number of fabric plies in the
cord body.
Tire Rebuilding/Retreading
The rebuilding of aircraft tires has been practiced
for many years. A rebuilt tire is one that has a new

Figure 11-11.Sectional view of two aircraft tires showing different construction details.


tread section attached to a carcass or worn tire. Each

rebuilt tire saves aircraft operators approximately 75
percent of the cost of a new tire. Data shows that a
rebuilt tire gives service comparable to a new tire.
The General Accounting Office (GAO) and the
Department of Defense (DOD) policy mandates
aircraft tires will be rebuilt in all cases where
economics can be realized without affecting safety of
personnel and/or equipment. The Navy has
established rebuilding criteria consistent with tire
technology and service experience. By using this
approach, functionally sound tire carcasses are
returned to qualified contractors for rebuilding. In
conjunction with these procedures, Navy laboratories
monitor rebuilt tires to ensure the fleet receives a
satisfactory product. The military rebuilt tire is as
safe as, or safer than, a new tire because it is built on
a service-tested tire carcass, whereas a new tire has
had no service use to establish its construction
reliability and performance suitability. Rebuilt tires
are subjected to quality control procedures that are far
more stringent than those imposed on a new tire.
Unlike a new tire, each rebuilt tire receives a final
nondestructive inspection with laser beam optical

holographic methods. This procedure detects separations, voids, and multiple cord fractures within the
carcass, which are cause for tire rejection.
Size Designation
Figure 11-12 shows the points of measurement
used to designate the size of a tire. For example, a tire
with a size designation of 26 X 6.6 would have an
outside diameter (measurement A) of 26 inches and a
cross-sectional width (measurement B) of 6.6 inches.
The letter X merely separates the two measurements.
If the tires size designation were 26 X 6.6-10, then
the tire would have a rim diameter (measurement C)
of 10 inches. If only one numerical designation is
used for a tire, you should assume that it is the outside
diameter (measurement A).
Standard Identification Markings
You should be familiar with the markings on the
sidewall of a tire. You will need this information to
complete a VIDS/MAF for a tire change. The

Figure 11-12.Size designation of tires.


markings engraved or embossed on a sidewall are

shown in figure 11-13.
Most of the markings are self-explanatory, Item
10 has a maximum of 10 characters. The first four
positions show the date of manufacture in the form of

a Julian date (last digit of the year followed by the day

of the year, or 17 Oct 1985 = 5290). The next
positions are completed by the manufacturer and are
either numbers or letters. They are used to create a
unique serial number for a particular tire. The cut
limit (11 ) is expressed in thirty-seconds of an inch and

Figure 11-13.New tire identification markings.


is used to evaluate the depth of cuts in the thread area.

Tires are marked with a red dot (14) on the sidewall to
indicate the lightweight (balance) point of the tire.

Finally, the name of the rebuilder and plant location is

Vent Markings

Rebuilt Tires Identification Markings

In the tire rebuilding process, additional markings
are engraved or embossed on the sidewall. See figure
11-14. First, R or TR followed by a number identifies
the number of times the tire has been rebuilt. Next,
the Julian date of the tires rebuilding is added.

Tube tires with inflation pressures greater than

100 psi and all tubeless tires must be suitably vented
to relieve trapped air. Tube tires are vented in one of
two ways. The first method uses air bleed ridges on
the inside tire surface and grooves on the bead faces.
The ridges and grooves channel the air trapped
between the inner tube and the tire to the outside. The

Figure 11-14.Rebuilt tire identification markings.


Figure 11-15.Tire storage rack (varied size tires).

second method uses four or more vent holes that
extend completely through each tire sidewall. They
relieve both pocketed air and air that accumulates in
the cord body by normal diffusion through the inner
tube and tire. Tube tire vent holes are marked with an
aluminum- or white-colored dot.
Tubeless tires have vent holes that penetrate from
the outside of the tire sidewall to the outer plies of the
cord body. They relieve air that accumulates in the
cord body by normal diffusion through the tubeless
tire liner and the tire carcass. Vent holes in tubeless
tires are marked with a bright green dot.

Tires should be stored vertically in racks and

according to size. See figure 11-15. The edges of the
racks must be smooth so the tire tread does not rest on
a sharp edge. Tires must never be stacked in
horizontal piles. The issue of tires from the storeroom
should be based on age from the date of manufacture
so the older tires will be used first. This procedure
helps to prevent the chance of deterioration of the
older tires in stock.
There are two types of inspections conducted on
tires. One is conducted with the tire mounted on the
wheel. The other inspection is conducted with the tire

NOTE: Rebuilt tires may not have the vent

holes clearly marked.

Mounted Inspection
The life of a tire, whether mounted or unmounted,
is directly affected by storage conditions. Tires
should always be stored indoors in a dark, cool, dry
room. It is necessary to protect them from light,
especially sunlight. Light causes ultraviolet (UV)
damage by breaking down the rubber compounds.
The elements, such as wind, rain, and temperature
changes, also break down the rubber compounds.
Damage from the elements is visible in the form of
surface cracking or weather checking. UV damage
may not be visible. Tires can be protected from light
by painting the storeroom windows. Tires must not
be allowed to come in contact with oils, greases,
solvents, or other petroleum products that cause
rubber to soften or deteriorate. The storeroom should
not contain fluorescent lights or sparking electrical
equipment that could produce ozone.

During each daily or special inspection, tires must

be inspected for correct pressure, tire slippage on the
wheel (tube tires), cuts, wear, and general condition.
Tires must also be inspected before each flight for
obvious damage that may have been caused during or
after the previous flight.
Maintaining the correct inflation pressure in an
aircraft tire is essential to safety and to obtain its
maximum service life. Military aircraft inner tubes
and tubeless tire liners are made of natural rubber to
satisfy extreme low-temperature performance
requirements. Natural rubber is a relatively poor air
retainer. This accounts for the daily inflation pressure
loss and the need for frequent pressure checks. If this
check discloses more than a normal loss of pressure,
you should check the valve core for leakage by


Figure 11-16.Tire slippage mark.

After making a pressure check, you should always

replace the valve cap. Be sure that it is screwed on
fingertight. The cap prevents moisture, salt, oil, and
dirt from entering the valve stem and damaging the
valve core. It also acts as a secondary seal if a leak
develops in the valve core.
Tires that are equipped with inner tubes, and
operate with less than 150 psi, and all helicopter tube
tires must use tire slippage marks. The slippage
mark is a red paint strip 1 inch wide and 2 inches
long. It extends equally across the tire sidewall and
the wheel rim, as shown in figure 11-16. Tires should
be inspected for slippage on the rim after each flight.
If the markings do not align within one-fourth of an
inch, the wheel assembly should be replaced and the
defective assembly forwarded to the AIMD or IMA for
repair. Failure to correct tire slippage may cause the
valve stem to be ripped from the tube.

putting a small amount of suitable leak detection

solution (Leaktec) or soapy water on the end of the
valve and watch for bubbles. Replace the valve core if
it is leaking. If no bubbles appear, it is an indication
that the inner tube (or tire) has a leak. When the tire
and wheel assembly shows repeated pressure loss
exceeding 5 percent of the correct operating inflation
pressure, it should be removed from the aircraft and
sent to the AIMD or IMA.

Overinflation or underinflation can
cause catastrophic failure of aircraft tire
and wheel assemblies. This could result
in injury, death, and/or damage to
aircraft or other equipment.


Tire treads should be inspected to determine the

extent of wear. The maximum allowable thread wear
for tires without wear depth indicators is when the
tread pattern is worn to the bottom of the tread groove
at any spot on the tire. The maximum allowable tread
wear for tires with tread wear indicators is when the
tread pattern is worn either to the bottom of the wear
depth indicator or the bottom of the tread groove.
These limits apply regardless of whether the wear is
the result of skidding or normal use.
The tread and sidewall should be examined for
cuts and embedded foreign objects. Figure 11-17
shows the method for measuring the depth of cuts,
cracks, and holes. Glass, stones, metal, and other
materials embedded in the tread should be removed to
prevent cut growth and eventual carcass damage. A
blunt awl or screwdriver maybe used for this purpose.
You should be careful to avoid enlarging the hole or
damaging the cord body fabric.
When you are probing for foreign objects,
be sure you keep the probe from
penetrating deeper into the tire. Objects
being pried from the tire frequently are
ejected suddenly and with considerable
force. To avoid eye injury, safety glasses or
a face shield should be worn. A gloved
hand over the object may be used to deflect

Aircraft should not be parked in areas where the

tires may stand in spilled hydraulic fluids, lubricating
oils, fuel, or organic solvents. If any of these
materials is accidentally spilled on a tire, it should be
immediately wiped with a clean, absorbent cloth. The
tires should then be washed with soap and thoroughly
rinsed with water.
Extra care should be taken when you inspect
mounted helicopter tires. Because of the long
intervals between tire changes, helicopter tires are
subject to weather and UV damage.
Dismounted Inspection
Whenever a tire has been subjected to a hard
landing or has hit an obstacle, it should be removed in
accordance with the applicable MIMs and dismounted
for a complete inspection to determine if any internal
damage has occurred. The tire beads should be
spread, and the inside of the tire inspected with the aid
of a light. If the lining has been damaged or there are
other internal injuries, the tire should be removed
from service. You should check the entire bead area
and the area just above the bead for evidence of rim
chafing and damage. Check the wheel for damage
that may damage the tire after it is mounted.
Aircraft tire inspection and maintenance have
become more critical through the years because of
increased aircraft weight and higher landing and

Figure 11-17.Method of measuring depth of cuts, cracks, and holes.


Figure 11-18.Aircraft wheel holder and tire bead-breaking machine.


takeoff speeds. Carrier operations place extra demands

on the tire maintenance. In many cases tire failures are
attributed to material failures and/or manufacturing
defects when actually improper maintenance was the
underlying cause. Poor inspection, improper buildup,
operation of tires in an underinflated or overinflated
condition are common causes for tire failure. Strict
adherence to proper inspection procedures and
maintenance instructions is mandatory. This will ensure
that sound tires with minor discrepancies will not be
removed prematurely, unsafe tires will be replaced
before flight, and worn tires will be removed at the
proper time to permit rebuilding.

In the tire shop, you should recheck tires for complete

deflation before disassembling the wheel and breaking
the bead of the tire. Breaking the bead means separating
the bead of the tire from the wheel flange. When a tire
has been completely deflated and set aside to await the
bead-breaking operation, the valve core should be
removed and a deflated tire tag installed on the valve
stem. The tire tags should be so constructed as not to be
installable unless the valve core has been removed.
Refer to figure 11-5.
BREAKING THE BEAD. The use of proper
equipment for breaking the bead of the tire away from
the wheel flange will save materials and man-hours.
Aircraft tires, inner tubes, and wheels can be damaged
beyond repair by improper mounting and dismounting
equipment and procedures. Always refer to the
applicable manufacturers operating manual prior to
using this equipment. The equipment shown in figure
11-18 is recommended in NAVAIR 04-10-506. Other
commercially available or locally fabricated equipment
that uses either a hydraulically actuated cylinder or a
mechanically actuated device may also be used, provided
the equipment will not damage the

During the mounting, dismounting, and inflating of

tires, safety is paramount. Compressed air and nitrogen
present a safety hazard if the operator is not aware of
the proper operation of the inflation equipment and the
characteristics of the inflation medium. It is also very
important to know the wheel type and be familiar with
the manufacturers recommended procedure before you
attempt to dismount a tire. For specific precautions
concerning a particular installation, you should always
consult the applicable MIM.


tires or wheels. The bead-breaking equipment shown

in figure 11-18 is available in two models. The Lee-I
model is designed for use at shore-based facilities.
The Lee-IX model is an explosionproof version of the
Lee-I, and is intended for shipboard use.

6. Use the UP push button to raise the center of

the wheel to line up with the center of the beadbreaking disc.
7. Rotate the tire by pushing the tire rotating
toggle to the right. Position the front bead-breaking
disc against the outside bead of the wheel flange. You
should adjust the position of the hydraulic pump
assembly by loosening the position lockpin and
sliding the pump to the proper position. After turning
the pump release valve clockwise as far as it will go,
apply hydraulic pressure against the bead by
pumping the handle, as shown in figure 11-19. Use
the guide handle to properly position the disc. Push
the bead back far enough to allow the removal of the
lockring or loose flange.

An example of the steps used for bead breaking

using the Lee-I equipment follows:
1. Ensure the tire is completely deflated.
2. Determine the type and size of the wheel to be
dismounted, and assemble the proper parts on the
drive shaft.
3. Push the outer centering rollers toward the
front of the machine, and roll the wheel (positioned
with the lockring side facing outward for
remountable flange wheels) on the outer centering
rollers. You should use the up and down push buttons
to raise or lower the drive shaft to the proper height
for the wheel being dismounted. Push the wheel onto
the drive shaft. If an open-rimmed tire assembly is
being dismounted, omit step 4 and proceed to step 5.

8. Remove the lockring and loose flange. You

should use the bead shoes to hold the bead back while
you are removing the lockring. See figure 11-20.
Release and retract the front bead-breaking disc by
turning the release valve counterclockwise.
9. Repeat the bead-breaking operation against the
rear surface of the tire with the rear bead-breaking

4. Insert the locking bar and turn it about 90

degrees counterclockwise. Mount the wheel cone on
the locking bar and insert the locking pin.
5. Push the air valve switch to the right. This will
clamp the wheel on the drive shaft.


Figure 11-20.Shaft arranged to hold tire bead
while removing lockring.

Figure 11-19.Using bead-breaking pump.


10. After the beads are broken on divided (split)

wheels, remove the nuts and bolts while the wheel
assembly is mounted on the machine.
WHEELS. The tire bead should be broken away
from the wheel and the nuts and bolts removed
according to the bead-breaking procedure. If the tire
has a tube, remove the hex nut and push the valve
away from the seated position. This will prevent
damage to the inner tube valve attachment when you
break the tire bead loose. Then, remove the wheel
assembly from the tire. If the tire is tubeless, remove
the wheel seal carefully from the wheel half and place
it on a clean surface. Wheel seals in good condition
may be reused if replacement seals are not available.
If the tire has a tube, remove it. Inner tubes can be
reused if they are in good condition and less than 5
years old.
WHEELS. The tire bead should be broken away
from the wheel according to the bead-breaking
procedure. If the tire has a tube, you should remove
the hex nut and push the valve away from the seated
position. This will prevent damage to the inner tube
valve attachment when you break the bead.

together as a unit to avoid mismatch during

Prior to mounting a tire on a wheel, you should
inspect the tire and ensure the inside of the tire is free
of foreign materials. The inner tube must be
inspected for bead chafing, thinning, folding, surface
checking, heat damage, fabric liner separation, valve
pad separation, damaged valves, leaks, and other
signs of deterioration.
All wheel halves should be matched by year and
month of manufacture as closely as possible. Wheel
assemblies received from overhaul that have
matching overhaul dates on both rims should be
maintained as matched assemblies. In the event a
wheel assembly is received or made up of wheel
halves having different overhaul dates, the wheel
overhaul should be based upon the earlier date. All
wheels shouId fit together easily.
When you mount a tube tire, dust the tube with
talcum powder and insert it in the tire. The tire should
be positioned so the balance marker on the tube is
located next to the balance marker on the tire.

If you have trouble removing the flange while the

wheel is mounted on the bead-breaking machine,
remove the tire from the machine. Lay the tire and
wheel assembly flat with the demountable flange side
up. Drive the remountable flange down by tapping it
with a rubber, plastic, or rawhide-faced mallet. This
should enable you to remove the locking ring.

NOTE: The balance marker on an inner tube

is a stripe of contrasting colors approximately
1/2 inch wide and 2 inches long. It is located
on the valve side of the tube. The balance
mark on a tire is a red dot approximately
one-half inch in diameter. It is located on the
sidewall near the bead.


You should inflate the tube until it is round, and

then place the valve-hole half of the wheel into
position in the tire. Push the valve stem through the
hole. Finally, insert the other half of the wheel and
align the bolt holes.

Extreme care must be taken when you

break the beads loose and remove the
lockring on some remountable flange
wheels. The toe of the remountable flange
may extend very close to the tube valve
stem. Excessive travel of the remountable
flange or of the tire bead may damage the
rubber base of the inner tube valve.

NOTE: All bolts must be magnetic particle

inspected to ensure they are not defective.
Install four bolts, nuts, and washers 90 degrees
apart. Start the bolts by hand, and tighten them
evenly until the wheel halves seat. Install the
remaining bolts, nuts, and washers. Tighten the bolts
in a crisscross order to prevent distorting the wheel or
damaging the inserts. A pneumatic-powered impact
wrench may be used, provided the torque obtained
does not exceed 25 percent of the specified final

If the tire is tubeless, remove the wheel seal

carefully and place it on a clean surface. Wheel seals
in satisfactory condition maybe reused if replacement
seals are not available. Turn the tire and wheel
assembly over and lift the wheel out of the tire.
Remember to keep the wheel flange and locking ring


torque required for the wheel. Use a calibrated torque

wrench, and tighten each bolt in increments of 25
percent of the specified torque value in a crisscross
order until the total torque value required for each bolt
in the wheel has been reached.

wheels, you should use MIL-G-21164

lubricant. All excessive lubricant should be

Before mounting tubeless tires, check the tire

side wall for the word tubless. Tires without this
marking should be treated as tube tires. When you
mount tubeless tires, install the valve stem (valve core
removed) in the wheel assembly. Removing the valve
core prevents unseating of the wheel seal by the
pressure built up when the tire is installed. Insert one

NOTE: When lubtork is specified on the

wheel half, coat all the treads and bearing
surfaces of the bolt heads with MIL-T-5544
antiseize compound. Lubtork must not be
used on magnesium wheels. For magnesium

Figure 11-21.Nitrogen servicing units.


wheel half in the tire, and position the tire so the

balance marker on the tire is located at the valve stem.
Install the wheel seal. Be sure the outer wheel half
has been lubricated with a light coat of MIL-G-4343
lubricant. Install the other wheel half and align the
bolt holes. Install the bolts, washers, and nuts in the
same manner used for the wheel assembly containing
inner tubes.
WHEELS. When you mount a tube tire on a
remountable flange wheel, the inner tube should be
prepared and inserted in the tire in the same manner
used on a split or divided wheel. The wheel is then
positioned on a flat surface with the fixed flange
down. Push the tire on the wheel assembly as far as it
will go, and guide the valve stem into the valve slot
with the fingers. Install the remountable flange on
the wheel. Secure the locking ring according to the
assembly instructions required by the applicable
wheel manual.
When you mount a tubeless tire on a demountable
flange wheel, install the valve stem (valve core
removed) in the wheel assembly. Removing the valve
core prevents unseating the wheel seal by the pressure
built up when the tire is installed. The wheel seal
should be lubricated with the same lubricant and in

the same manner as previously mentioned for split or

divided wheel assemblies using tubeless tires. Install
the wheel seal on the flange. Secure the locking ring
according to the assembly instructions required by the
applicable wheel manual.
Tire Inflating
According to Federal Specification BB-N-411,
water-pumped nitrogen should be used to inflate tires.
When nitrogen is not available, dry, oil-free air may
be used. Nitrogen is provided in a number of mobile
carts. The NAN-2 and NAN-3 carts are shown in
figure 11-21. Tire shops are generally equipped with
a bulkhead nitrogen outlet.
All high-pressure inflation sources should be
equipped with a regulator that limits the line pressure
to the remote inflator assembly. The regulator should
be set to provide a controlled inlet pressure to the
inflator. It should not exceed the required tire
inflation pressure by more than 50 percent or 600 psi,
whichever is less.
The tire inflator assembly kit is an excellent
maintenance device if it is used and cared for
according to the NAVAIR 17-1-123 manual. See
figure 11-22. This manual includes the operation

Figure 11-22.Tire inflator assembly kit.


Figure 11-23.Operator position while servicing tire.

instructions, maintenance instructions, and illustrated

parts breakdown for the remote inflator assembly and
dual chucks stem gauge.
The tire inflator assembly kit consists of a remote
controller, a low- and high-pressure gauging element,
and a 10-foot service hose. The remote inflator
assembly should be calibrated upon initial receipt,
before being placed in service, and every 6 months
thereafter. The unit is equipped with a built-in relief
valve to prevent overpressurization of a tire during
inflation. The relief valve should to be set at 20 psi
above the maximum pressure required. It should also
be sealed with a calibration void if seal broken
decal. The needs of each activity will be different,
depending on the type of aircraft supported. For
example, an organizational activity with a single type
of aircraft will only need a single inflator assembly.
An activity with multiple types of aircraft will need an
inflator assembly preset for each type of aircraft,
based on the required pressure. Intermediate
activities (tire shops) should use two gauge elements.
One element for use on tires in the range of 10 to 150
psi. Another for a second inflator with relief pressure


set at 500 psi for tires ranging from 136 to 480 psi.
The inflator assembly controller relief pressure
should be clearly labeled or marked. The carrying
case should be labeled with the type of aircraft for
which the relief valve is set. Figure 11-23 shows the
operators position while servicing tires installed on a
After the buildup of a new tire at an AIMD or
IMA, it should be placed in a safety cage for inflation.
A typical safety cage is shown in figure 11-24. The
method of inflation used depends on whether a tube or
tubeless tire is being inflated.
To inflate tube tires, you should remove the valve
core and place the wheel assembly in the safety cage.
Attach a remote tire inflation gauge assembly to the
valve stem. Be sure the inner tube is not being
pinched between the tire bead and the wheel flange.
On remountable flange wheels, be sure the
remountable flange and locking ring are seated
properly. Secure the safety cage door and inflate the
tire to its maximum operating pressure. This will seat
the tire beads against the rim flanges. Deflate the tire

and install the valve core. Then, reinflate the tire to

its maximum operation pressure. You should allow
the tire to remain at this pressure for a minimum of 10
minutes. At the end of this 10-minute period, there
should be no detectable pressure loss.
NOTE: Install only aircraft tire valve cores,
P/N TRC24 or C4, identified by a slot in the
head of the pin. See figure 11-25.
If no pressure loss is detected, the tire pressure is
reduced to 50 percent of the maximum operating
pressure or 100 psi, whichever is less. The tire and
wheel assembly is then removed from the safety cage,
a valve cap installed, and the assembly stored in a
rack, ready for issue.

Figure 11-24.Inflation safety cage with aircraft tire

Inflator/monitor attached.

If there is a significant pressure loss, the tire

pressure is reduced to 50 percent of the maximum
operating pressure or 100 psi, whichever is less.
Then, the assembly is removed from the safety cage
and the cause of the leak determined. If a slow leak is
detected, the air retention test should be extended to

Figure 11-25.Valve core identification.


24 hours. If the leakage exceeds 5 percent, the tire

should not be issued until remedial action is taken.
A loss of pressure less than 5 percent may be
experienced during the first 24 hours after initial
inflation of a new tire. This is attributed to normal
tire stretch. The tire pressure should be adjusted
accordingly. Tubeless tires are inflated in the same
manner as tube tires except the valve core is not
The Navy considers all aircraft tires to be
potentially retreadable. Used aircraft tires should not
be discarded or scrapped until they have been
determined unfit for further use. All tires removed
from aircraft should have the injuries marked with a
wax crayon. Then, the tire should be turned in to the
AIMD or IMA for screening. The AIMD or IMA will
determine if the tire is serviceable or nonserviceable
and take the necessary action.
Serviceable Tires
Serviceable tires are those judged suitable for
continued service use by the tire shop personnel.
They should be retained in service until the
remaining tread at any spot is one thirty-second of an
inch thick or to the limits of the tread wear
indicators. Defects permitted are cut limits contained
on the tire sidewall or as listed in Aircraft Tires and
Tubes, NAVAIR 04-10-506. Cuts are permitted in the
sidewall provided they do not penetrate to the cord
body fabric.

Figure 11-26.Rapid tread wear caused by

Nonserviceable Tires
Nonserviceable tires may be nonretreadable or
retreadable. Nonretreadable tires should be coded H
(BCM-9) for condemnation and forwarded to the local
supply department. The following inspection criteria
must be used by the tire shop personnel to determine
those tires that are nonretreadable:


Kinked, broken, or exposed wire beads

Tread separation and bulges exceeding 1 inch

Tires saturated with rubber deteriorating liquids

Tires exposed to excessive heat

All tires removed from service, which are not

condemned, are potentially rebuildable and should be
condition coded "F" (BCM-1) and returned to the
supply department for retreading. The number of
retreads a carcass may receive will be based solely on
carcass integrity as determined by the inspection

Punctures extending through the entire carcass

measuring more than one-fourth inch in diameter or
length on the outside and more than one-eighth inch
in diameter or length on the inside
Loose, frayed, or broken cords evident on the
inner tire surface


Cord body fabric damage, visible to the naked eye

without the use of mechanical devices

Debris on runways and in parking areas causes

tire failures, and results in many tires being removed
long before they reach full service life. It is important
that those areas be kept clean at all times. When you
ground handle an aircraft, do not pivot with one
wheel locked or turn sharply at slow speeds.

NOTE: Exposure of cords on fabricreinforced tread tires (which is imprinted on

the tire sidewall) is permissible.


Figure 11-27.Rapid tread wear caused by
Figure 11-28.Rapid tread wear caused by

This not only scuffs off the thread, but also causes
internal separation of the cords. Always be sure the
aircraft is moving before you attempt a turn. This
allows the tire to roll instead of scrape.

underinflation, overinflation,
incorrect balance.

You should make every effort to prevent oil,

grease, hydraulic fluid, or other harmful materials
from coming in contact with the tires. When there is
a chance that harmful materials may come in contact
with the tires during maintenance, they should be
protected by covers. To clean tires that have come in
contact with oil, grease, or other harmful material,
you should use a brush or cloth saturated in a soap
and water solution. Rinse well with tap water.



UNDERINFLATION. Underinflation causes the

tire to wear rapidly and unevenly at the outer edges
of the tread, as shown in figure 11-26. An
underinflated tire develops higher temperatures
during use than a properly inflated tire. This can
result in tread separation or blowout failure.
OVERINFLATION. Overinflation reduces the
tread contact area, causing the tire to wear faster in
the center, as shown in figure 11-27. Overinflation
increases the possibility of damage to the cord on
impact with foreign objects and arresting cables on
the runway or flight deck.

Uneven Tread Wear

If a tire shows signs of uneven or excessive tread
wear, the cause should be investigated and the
condition remedied before the tire is ruined. Some of
the common causes of uneven tread wear are

MISALIGNMENT. Figure 11-28 shows rapid

and uneven tire wear caused by incorrect camber or


toe-in. The wheel alignment should be corrected to

avoid further wear and mechanical problems.
BALANCE. Correct balance of the tire, tube,
and wheel assembly is important. A heavy spot on an
aircraft tire causes that spot to always hit the ground
first upon landing. This results in excessive wear at
the one spot and an early failure at that part of the tire.
A severe case of imbalance may cause excessive
vibration during takeoff and landing. This makes
handling of the aircraft difficult.

Table 11-1.Tolerances for Diameters of Paired Tires in Dual


Tire outside
Less then 18 inches

1/8 inch

18 to 24 inches

1/4 inch

25 to 32 inches

5/16 inch

33 to 40 inches

3/8 inch

41 to 48 inches

7/16 inch

49 to 55 inches

1/2 inch

56 to 65 inches

9/16 inch

Nylon Flat Spotting

If the aircraft stands in one place under a heavy
static load for several days, local stretching may cause
an out-of-round condition with a resultant thumping
during takeoff and landing.
Dual Installations

More than 65 inches

On dual-wheel installations, tires should be

matched according to the dimensions indicated in
table 11-1. Tires vary somewhat in size between
manufacturers and can vary a great deal after being
used. When two tires are not matched, the larger one
supports most or all of the load. Since one tire is not
designed to carry this increase in load, a failure may
Learning Objective: Identify the procedures
for the selection, storage, and inspection of
aircraft tire tubes.

difference in outside

5/8 inch

Type III and type VII inner tubes have radial vent
ridges molded on the surface, as shown in figure
11-29. These vent ridges relieve air trapped between
the casings and the inner tube during inflation.
Inner tube valves are designed to fit specific
wheel rims. However, special valve-bending
configurations or extensions to provide access to the
valve stem when you are servicing the tire may be

The purpose of the inner tube is to hold the air in

the tire. Tubes are identified by the type and size of
the tire in which they are to be used.
Tubes are designated for the tires in which they
are to be used. For example, a type I tube is designed
for use in a type I tire. The size of the tube is the size
of the tire in which it is designed to fit.

Tubes should be stored under the same conditions

as new tires. New tubes should be stored in their
original containers. Used tubes should be partially
inflated (to avoid creasing), dusted with talc (to
prevent sticking), and stored in the same manner as
tires. Each tube should be plainly marked to identify
contents, size, type, cure date, and stock number.
Under no circumstances should inner tubes be hung
over nails or hooks.

Inner tubes required to operate at 100 psi or

higher inflation pressures are usually reinforced with
a ply of nylon cord fabric around the inside
circumference. The reinforcement extends a
minimum of one-half inch beyond that portion of the
tube that contacts the rim.

Inner tubes should be inspected and classified as

serviceable or nonserviceable. Usually, leaks due to
punctures, breaks in the tire, and cuts can be detected
by the eye. Small leaks may require a soapy water
check. Complete submersion in water is the best way


Figure 11-29.Inner tube vent ridges.

to locate small leaks. If the tube is too large to be

submerged, spread soapy water over the entire surface
and examine carefully for air bubbles. The valve
stem and valve base should be swished around to
break any temporary seals. The tube should be
checked for bent or broken valve stems and stems
with damaged threads.

Fabric-reinforced tubes with blisters greater

than one-half inch in diameter in the reinforced

Chafed or pinched areas caused by beads or tire


Valve stems pulled out of fabric-base tubes

Serviceable Tubes

Deterioration or thinning due to brake heat

Folds or creases

Severe surface cracking

No balance marker

Inner tubes should be classified as serviceable if

they are found to be free of leaks and other defects
when they are inflated with the minimum amount of
nitrogen required to round out the tube and water


Nonserviceable Tubes
Nonserviceable tubes may be repairable or
nonrepairable. Nonserviceable tubes with the
following defects should be classified as repairable:
Bent, chafed, or damaged metal valve threads
Replaceable leaking valve cores
Nonserviceable tubes with the following defects
should be classified as nonrepairable:
Any tear, cut, or puncture that completely
penetrates the tube

NOTE: Although the following references were

current when this TRAMAN was published, their
continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore,
you need to be sure that you are studying the latest
Aircraft Wheels, NAVAIR 04-10-1, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C.,
1 January 1989, Rapid Action Change 18, 16 Jun
1992. Sections I, II, and III.
Aircraft Tires and Tubes, NAVAIR 04-10-506,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., 1 December 1989, Change 2,
1 February 1992.




Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a working
knowledge of the maintenance required for the aircraft landing gear and brakes.
You will have a working knowledge of the hydraulic utility systems, such as nose
gear steering, catapult, arresting gear, skid control systems, and other related

Maintenance on the landing gear and brakes, at

times, requires maintenance of related systems. In this
chapter, we will discuss the general landing gear
systems and brake systems first, and then we will
discuss various hydraulic utility systems. We will also
examine drop checking procedures, troubleshooting,
and the alignment and adjustment of the landing gear.
The systems discussed in the following paragraphs
are representative. For training purposes, we will use
many values for tolerances and pressures to illustrate
normal operating conditions. When actually performing
the maintenance procedures discussed, you must consult
the current applicable technical publications for the
exact values to be used.

contains components that are necessary for taking off

and landing the aircraft safely. Some of these components are landing gear struts that absorb landing and
taxiing shocks; brakes that are used to stop and, in some
cases, steer the aircraft; nosewheel steering for steering
the aircraft; and in some cases, nose catapult components that provide the aircraft with carrier deck
takeoff capabilities.
Landing gear systems in fixed-wing aircraft are
similar in design. Most aircraft are equipped with the
tricycle-type retractable landing gear. Some types of
landing gear are actuated in different sequences and
directions, but practically all are hydraulically operated
and electrically controlled. With a knowledge of basic
hydraulics and familiarity with the operation of
actuating system components, you should be able to
understand the operational and troubleshooting
procedures for landing gear systems.


Learning Objective: Identify the various types
of landing gear systems used on fixed-wing and
rotary-wing aircraft.
Every aircraft maintained in todays Navy is
equipped with a landing gear system. Most Navy aircraft
also use arresting and catapult gear. The landing gear is
that portion of the aircraft that supports the weight of the
aircraft while it is on the ground. The landing gear

Main Landing Gear

The typical aircraft landing gear assembly consists
of two main landing gears and one steerable nose
landing gear. As you can see in figure 12-1, a main gear

Figure 12-1.Tricycle landing gear.


of the H-60 helicopter. This helicopter uses a

nonretractable main and tail landing gear.

is installed under each wing. Because aircraft are

different in size, shape, and construction, every landing
gear is specially designed. Although main landing gears
are designed differently, all main gear struts are attached
to strong members of the wings or fuselage so that the
landing shock is distributed throughout the main body
of the structure. The main gears are also equipped with
brakes that are used to shorten the landing roll of the
aircraft and to guide the aircraft during taxiing.

Main Landing Gear

The main landing gear system of the H-60
helicopter consists of nonretractable left and right single
wheel landing gear assemblies and the weighton-wheels system. Each main landing gear assembly is
composed of a shock strut, drag beam, axle, wheel, tire,
and wheel brake. The left main landing gear assembly
also includes a weight-on-wheels sensing switch,

Nose Landing Gear

The main landing gear supports the helicopter when

it is on the ground, and cushions the helicopter from
shock during landing. The weight-on-wheels switch
provides helicopter ground or flight status indications
for various helicopter systems.

On aircraft with tricycle landing gear, the nose gear

is retracted either rearward or forward into the aircraft
fuselage. Generally, the nose gear consists of a single
shock strut with one or two wheels attached. On most
aircraft the nose gear has a steering mechanism for
taxiing the aircraft. The mechanism also acts as a
shimmy damper to prevent oscillation or shimmy of the
nosewheel. Since the nosewheel must be centered
before it can be retracted into the wheel well, a centering
device aligns the strut and wheel when the weight of the
aircraft is off the gear. Damping, steering, and centering
devices are discussed later in this chapter.

Tail Landing Gear

The H-60 tail landing gear system consists of a dualwheel landing gear, tail wheel lock system, and tail
The tail landing gear is a cantilever type with an
integral shock strut. The gear is capable of swiveling 360
degrees. It can be locked in the trail position by the tail
wheel lock system. A tail recovery assist, secure, and
traverse (RAST) probe is mounted on the tail gear.

The landing gear systems on rotary-wing aircraft
come in several different designs. A helicopter may
have a nonretractable landing gear, such as that found
on the H-46 and H-60 helicopters, or it may have a
retractable type landing gear like that incorporated on
the H-3 and H-53 helicopters. Some helicopters have a
nose landing gear while others have a tail landing gear.
The H-53 has a retractable nose landing gear, but the
H-46 has the nonretractable type of nose landing gear.


Learning Objective: Identify the operational
and troubleshooting procedures for landing
gear systems.

The H-3 and H-60 helicopters use tail landing gears.

The tail landing gear on both these helicopters is
nonretractable. While both these helicopters have tail
landing gear, the H-3 can retract its main landing gear
while the H-60 has a nonretractable main landing gear.

Landing gear systems on naval aircraft, as stated

earlier, are similar in design. Most aircraft equipped
with the tricycle-type, retractable landing gear have two
systems of operation, normal and emergency.

As you can see, helicopter landing gear systems

come in several different configurations. The landing
gear systems on most of the helicopters used in the Navy
use wheel and brake assemblies. The components used
in the landing gear system of a helicopter are very
similar to those used in a fixed-wing aircraft landing
gear system. In helicopters that use retractable landing
gear systems, the components and means of actuation
are also similar in design to fixed-wing aircraft. For
discussion purposes, we will use the landing also system

The normal system of a typical landing gear
system is described because many components used in
different landing gear systems are similar. Figure 12-2
is a schematic that shows the fluid flow in the nose gear
up cycle. This system contains a selector valve, flow
regulators, priority valves, check valve, actuating
cylinders, and the necessary hydraulic tubing that routes
hydraulic fluid to and from the required components.


Figure 12-2.Nose gear up cycle schematic.

When the landing gear handle is in the UP position,

a circuit is completed from the landing gear handle
circuit breaker, through the landing gear up switch, to
the selector valve. The selector valve is electrically
positioned to direct pressure into the landing gear up
lines and to vent the down lines to return. Fluid flows
from the selector valve, through a flow reguIator to the
up side of the nose gear cylinder. Fluid also flows
through another flow regulator to the down lock
cylinder. The down lock cylinder disengages the down
lock, and the nose gear cylinder starts to raise the nose

gear. As the gear is raised, the nose gear doors are closed
by mechanical linkage. When the gear is fully retracted,
the up lock mechanism engages the nose gear to lock it
in the up position. The up lock mechanism is
mechanically actuated through linkage connected to the
nose gear.
As soon as the down lock mechanism is disengaged
and the gear starts to retract, the pilots position indicator
displays change from a wheel to a barber pole, and the
transition light on the landing gear control panel comes
on. As soon as the gear is up and locked, the transition


Figure 12-3.Landing gear warning and position indicator.

light goes out and the position indicator changes from a

barber pole to UP, as shown in figure 12-3. When the
landing gear is down and locked, wheels appear on the

valve in each of the other three nitrogen bottles and

permits nitrogen pressure to flow to the extend side of
the cylinders. When the up lock hooks are released, the
main gear drops by gravity, and the nose gear extends
by a combination of gravity and nitrogen pressure. Each
gear extends until the down lock secures it in the down
position. At this time, the cockpit position indicator
shows the down wheel, and the transition light on the
control panel goes out. During the emergency extension,
cockpit indications on the indicator and the lighting of
the transition light are the same as during normal landing
gear extension.

If the landing gear fails to extend to the down and
locked position, each naval aircraft has an emergency
method to extend the landing gear. Emergency
extension systems may vary from one aircraft to
another. The methods used may be the auxiliary/
emergency hydraulic system, the air or nitrogen system,
or the mechanical free-fall system. An aircraft may
contain a combination of these systems. For example,
the main landing gear emergency extension may be
operated by the free-fall method and the nose gear by
the auxiliary/hydraulic system method.

When the landing gear control handle is actuated in

the emergency landing gear position, a cable between
the control and the manually operated nitrogen bottle
opens the emergency gear down release valve on the
bottle, as shown in the schematic in figure 12-4.
Nitrogen from this bottle actuates the release valves on
the other three bottle so that they will discharge.
Nitrogen flow from the manually operated bottle
actuates the dump valves. This action cause the shuttles
within the shuttle valve on the aft door cylinders, and on
the nose gear cylinder, to closed off the normal port and
operate tie cylinders. The nose gear cylinder extends
and unlocks the up lock and extends the nose gear. The
nitrogen flowing into the aft door cylinders opens the aft
doors. Fluid on the closed side of the door cylinders and
the up side of the nose gear cylinder is vented to return

The nitrogen storage bottle system is a one-shot

system powered by nitrogen pressure stored in four
compressed nitrogen bottles. See schematic in figure
12-4. Pushing in, rotating clockwise, and pulling out the
landing gear control handle actuates the emergency gear
linkage connected to the manually operated release
valve on the nitrogen bottle. The release valve connects
pressure from the bottle to each release valve of the
remaining three bottles. The compressed nitrogen from
the manually operated bottle repositions the shuttle


Figure 12-4


Figure 12-5.Main gear door latch mechanisms.

through the actuated dump valves. Nitrogen from

another bottle actuates the shuttle valves on the up lock
cylinders. Nitrogen flows into the up lock cylinders and
causes them to disengage the up locks. As soon as the
up locks are disengaged, the main gear extends by the
force of gravity. Fluid on the up side of the main gear
cylinders is vented to return through the actuated dump
valves, preventing a fluid lock. When the gear fully
extends, the down lock cylinders spring extends its
piston and engages the down lock.

maintenance. This system is inspected for internal and

external leakage as well as proper operation during
inspections. While performing operational checks, you
must inspect the complete landing gear installation for
adjustments, clearances, and sequence of operation.
The adjustment of latches is one of your prime
concerns. A latch is used in hydraulic systems as a
device designed to hold a unit in a certain designated
position after the unit has traveled through a part of its
cycle. For example, when the landing gear is retracted
in some landing gear systems, each gear is held in the
up position by a latch. The same holds true when the
landing gear is extended. Latches are also used to hold
the landing gear doors in the open or closed positions.


Learning Objective: Identify components of a
landing gear system.

There are many variations in designs of latches. All

latches are designed to accomplish the same thing, They
must operate automatically, at the proper time, and hold
the unit in the desired position.

Various mechanical and hydraulic components

make up a landing gear system. The components
discussed in this chapter are representative of those
found on most naval aircraft.

The main landing gear forward door is held closed

by two door latches. As shown in figure 12-5, one latch
is installed near the front of the door and the other near
the rear of the door. To lock the door securely, both locks
must grip and hold the door tightly against the aircraft
structure. The principal components of each latch


Landing gear hydraulic system maintenance is
similar to the other types of hydraulic system


Figure 12-6.Landing gear door latch installation.

mechanism, shown in figure 12-5, are a hydraulic latch

cylinder, a latch hook, a spring-loaded linkage, and a
sector. The latch cylinder is connected hydraulically
with the landing gear control system and mechanically,
through linkage, with the latch hook. When hydraulic
pressure is applied, the cylinder operates the linkage to
engage or disengage the hook with or from the latch
roller on the door. In the gear down sequence, the hook
is disengaged by the spring load on the linkage. In the
gear up sequence, spring action is reversed when the
closing door is in contact with the latch hook, and the
cylinder operates the linkage to engage the hook with
the latch roller. Cables on the landing gear emergency
extension system are connected to the sector to permit
emergency release of the latch rollers. An up lock switch
is installed on, and actuated by, each latch to provide
main-gear-up indication in the cockpit.

When installing new landing gear doors, you have

to trim each door for a specific installation to obtain the
required clearances. The amount of material to be
trimmed is determined by retracting the landing gear
(with the door linkage disconnected), and then releasing
the hydraulic pressure. The up lock rollers on the doors
are then removed to allow the doors to be closed, and
yet not become locked in the closed position. With the
landing gear doors held in the closed position, each
doors edge is marked where trimming is needed to
maintain the specified clearances. The doors are then
opened and the excess amount of material trimmed off.
After you have completed the trimming and checked the
doors for proper clearances, the landing gear is lowered
and the door linkage and up lock rollers are installed.

With the gear up and the door latched, inspect the

latch roller for proper clearance. See view B of figure
12-6. On this installation, the required clearance is
1/8 inch 3/32 inch. If the roller is not within tolerance,
it may be adjusted by loosening its mounting bolts and
raising or lowering the latch roller support. This can be
done because of the elongated holes and serrated locking
surfaces of the latch roller support and serrated plate.
See view A of figure 12-6.

The distance the landing gear doors open or close

depends upon the length of door linkage and adjustment
of doorstops. Maintenance instruction manuals (MIMs)
specify the length of door linkages and adjustment of
stops or other procedures whereby correct adjustments
may be made. On some models of aircraft that
incorporate forward and aft landing gear doors, the
doors are adjusted separately, and in some cases, they
are pulled or warped into a desired shape.



Figure 12-7.Adjustable door hinge installation.

Landing gear doors have specific allowable

clearances that must be maintained between doors and
the aircraft structure or other landing gear doors. These
required clearances can be maintained by adjusting the
door hinges and connecting links and trimming excess
material from the door if necessary.
On some installations, door hinges are adjusted by
placing the serrated hinge and serrated washers in the
proper position and torquing the mounting bolts, which
allows linear adjustments. Figure 12-7 shows this type
of mounting. The amount of linear adjustment is
controlled by the length of the elongated bolt hole in the
door hinge.
Figure 12-8.Landing gear shock strut (metering pin type).

Shock struts are self-contained hydraulic units.

They carry the burden of supporting the aircraft on the
ground and protecting the aircraft structure by absorbing
and dissipating the tremendous shock of landing. Shock
struts must be inspected and serviced regularly for them
to function efficiently. This is one of your important

referred to as the air-oil type strut. This particular strut

is designed for use on the main landing gear.
As shown in the illustration, the shock strut is
essentially two telescoping cylinders or tubes, with
externally closed ends. When assembled, the two
cylinders, known as cylinder and piston, form an upper
and lower chamber for movement of the fluid. The lower
chamber is always filled with fluid, while the upper
chamber contains compressed air or nitrogen. An orifice
(small opening) is placed between the two chambers.
The fluid passes through this orifice into the upper
chamber during compression, and returns during
extension of the strut.

Each landing gear is equipped with a shock strut. In

addition to the landing gear shock struts, carrier aircraft
are equipped with a shock strut on the arresting gear.
The shock struts primary purpose is to reduce arresting
hook bounce during carrier landings.
Because of the many different designs of shock
struts, only information of a general nature will be
included in this chapter. For specific information on a
particular installation, you should refer to the applicable
aircraft MIM or accessories manual.

Most shock struts employ a metering pin similar to

that shown in figure 12-8 to control the rate of fluid flow
from the lower chamber into the upper chamber. During
the compression stroke, the rate of fluid flow is not
constant, but is controlled automatically by the variable
shape of the metering pin as it passes through the orifice.

A typical pneumatic/hydraulic shock strut

(metering pin type) is shown in figure 12-8. It uses
compressed air or nitrogen combined with hydraulic
fluid to absorb and dissipate shock, and it is often


Figure 12-10.Nose gear shock strut.

Figure 12-9.Landing gear shock strut (metering tube type).

each shock strut to provide a means of filling the strut

with hydraulic fluid and inflating it with air or

On some types of shock struts now in service, a

metering tube replaces the metering pin, but shock strut
operation is the same. An example of this type of shock
strut is shown in figure 12-9.

A packing gland designed to seal the sliding joint

between the upper and lower telescoping cylinders is
installed in the open end of the outer cylinder. A packing
gland wiper ring is also installed in a groove in the lower
bearing or gland nut on most shock struts to keep the
sliding surface of the piston or inner cylinder free from
dirt, mud, ice, and snow. Entry of foreign matter into the
packing gland will result in leaks. The majority of shock
struts are equipped with torque arms attached to the
upper and lower cylinders to maintain correct alignment
of the wheel.

Some shock struts are equipped with a dampening

or snubbing device, which consists of a recoil valve on
the piston or recoil tube. The purpose of the snubbing
device is to reduce the rebound during the extension
stroke and to prevent a too rapid extension of the shock
strut, which would result in a sharp impact at the end of
the stroke.
The majority of shock struts are equipped with an
axle that is attached to the lower cylinder to provide for
tire and wheel installation. Shock struts not equipped
with axles have provisions on the end of the lower
cylinder for ready installation of the axle assembly.
Suitable connections are also provided on all shock
struts to permit attachment to the aircraft.

Nose gear shock struts are provided with an upper

centering cam that is attached to the upper cylinder and
a mating lower centering cam that is attached to the
lower cylinder. See figure 12-10. These cams serve to
line up the wheel and axle assembly in the straight-ahead
position when the shock strut is fully extended. This
prevents the nosewheel from being cocked to one side
when the nose gear is retracted, preventing possible
structural damage to the aircraft. These mating cams

A fitting, which consists of a fluid filler inlet and a

high-pressure air valve, is located near the upper end of


Nose and main gear shock struts are usually

provided with jacking points and towing lugs. Jacks
should always be placed under the prescribed points.
When towing lugs are provided, the towing bar should
be attached only to these lugs.
All shock struts are provided with an instruction
plate that gives, in a condensed form, instructions
relative to the filling of the strut with fluid and inflation
of the strut. The instruction plate also specifies the
correct type of hydraulic fluid to use in the strut. The
plate is attached near the high-pressure air valve. It is of
the utmost importance that you always consult the
applicable aircraft MIMs and familiarize yourself with
the instructions on the plate prior to servicing a shock
strut with hydraulic fluid and nitrogen or air.
Figure 12-11 shows the inner construction of a
shock strut and the movement of the fluid during
compression and extension of the strut. The compression stroke of the shock strut begins as the aircraft
hits the ground. The center of mass of the aircraft continues to move downward, compressing the strut and
sliding the inner cylinder into the outer cylinder. The
metering pin is forced through the orifice, and by its
variable shape, controls the rate of fluid flow at all points
of the compression stoke. In this manner, the greatest
possible amount of heat is dissipated through the walls
of the shock strut. At the end of the downward stroke,
the compressed air or nitrogen is further compressed,
limiting the compression stroke of the strut. If there is
an insufficient amount of fluid and/or air or nitrogen in
the strut, the compression stroke will not be limited, and
the strut will bottom out, resulting in severe shock and
possible damage to the aircraft.

Figure 12-11.Shock strut operation.

also keep the nosewheel in a straight-ahead position

prior to landing when the strut is fully extended. Some
nose gear shock struts have the attachments for
installation of an external shimmy damper, which is
discussed later in this chapter.

The extension stroke occurs at the end of the

compression stroke, as the energy stored in the
compressed air or nitrogen causes the aircraft to start
moving upward in relation to the ground and wheels. At
this instant, the compressed air or nitrogen acts as a
spring to return the strut to normal. At this point, a
snubbing or dampening effect is produced by forcing the
fluid to return through the restrictions of the snubbing
device (recoil valve). If this extension were not snubbed,
the aircraft would rebound rapidly and tend to oscillate
up and down because of the action of the compressed
air. A sleeve, spacer, or bumper ring incorporated in the
strut limits the extension stroke.
The landing gear drag brace (fig. 12-12) consists of
an upper and lower brace that is hinged at the center to


Figure 12-12.Landing gear drag brace adjustment.

permit the brace to jackknife during retraction of the

gear. The upper brace pivots on a trunnion attached to
the wheel well overhead. The lower brace is connected
to the lower portion of the shock strut outer cylinder.

equipment or sluggish operation. The bushings maybe

rotated in either direction until the end of the leek arm
shaft, shown as point A in figure 12-12, is a distance
of 0.003 inch to 0.015 inch from the striker. This
clearance is checked with a feeler gauge.

On the drag brace shown in figure 12-12, a locking

mechanism is used where the lower and upper drag
braces meet. Usually in this type of installation, the
locking mechanism is adjusted so that it is allowed to be
positioned slightly overcentered. You must be able to
inspect and adjust landing gear braces and lccking
mechanisms as specified in the applicable MIM.

Other portions of the drag brace are nonadjustable,

except for the length of its down leek cylinder. Figure
12-12 indicates the cylinder should be adjusted to a
length of 12 3/8 inches.
In the design of drag braces, the tendency has been
directed toward lessening the adjustment requirements.
In some installations, drag braces are manufactured to
exact dimensions and do not require adjustments.

To adjust the drag brace shown in figure 12-12, you

would first remove the cotter pin and nut (not shown)
from the lock arm shaft. With the drag brace in the full
extended position, rotate the eccentric bushings that are
located on each end of the lock arm shaft.


Both bushings must be rotated together to ensure

that the high point of the eccentricity is the same on both
bushings. Failure to do this may result in damage to the

Learning Objective: Recognize the types of

nosewheel steering systems, their components,
and the applicable main tenance requirements.


Nose steering systems are hydraulically actuated

and can be either electrically or mechanically
controlled. The steering actuator serves the dual
function of providing steering and dampening (when
steering is not engaged).
This type of nose steering system is an electrically
controlled, hydraulically actuated system which
provides power steering. When not engaged the system
provides automatic nose gear shimmy dampening.
The nose gear is steered by an electrically
controlled, hydraulic powered steering cylinder which
is mounted on the nose gear recoil strut. The cylinder is
connected through mechanical linkage to an
eccentrically mounted drive stud on the recoil strut inner
This nose steering system is mechanically controlled and hydraulically actuated in much the same
manner as an electrically controlled nose steering
system. The steering actuator is of a different design but
serves the same dual function of providing steering and
dampening, when steering is not engaged.
The nosewheel steering system provides directional
control of the aircraft during ground operation in two
modes of operation. These modes are nosewheel
steering and shimmy dampening.
Steering on the typical aircraft is accomplished by
swiveling the lower portion of the nosewheel shock
strut. A rotary-vane type of hydraulic steering unit is
mounted on the fixed portion of the shock strut, and is
linked to the swiveling portion to which the nosewheel,
or wheels, arc attached. The nosewheel steering power
unit, shown in figure 12-13, uses gears. The steering
range varies with each aircraft. For specific degrees of
steering range for a particular model of aircraft, you
must consult the applicable MIM. For turns requiring a
greater steering angle, the pilot can usually use
differential braking, in which case the steering unit is

Figure 12-13.-Nosewheel steering power unit.

automatically disengaged and the nosewheel, or wheels,

swivel freely.
A typical hydraulic steering unit (fig. 12-14) has
built-in valves and a follow-up system, and automatically reverts to the shimmy damper mode when not
being used as a steering actuator. The valve varies with
the type of aircraft. One method is by means of
mechanical linkage tied directly to the rudder pedals.
Gearing, through a caroming arrangement, gives the
necessary sensitivity range, permitting satisfactory
maneuvering of the aircraft through all speed ranges and
turn rates.
Methods of arming or activating the steering
systems of the various aircraft used in naval aviation are
numerous, and for convenience, a typical aircraft that
has capabilities for both land- and carrier-based
operations is discussed.
During land-based operation, steering is armed or
activated by the pilot. During shipboard operations, the


Figure 12-14


geared to the vane motor shaft. See figure 12-14. During

the steering mode of operation, vane motor rotation
drives the feedback potentiometer. When driven, the
position transmitter provides a feedback signal to the
steering amplifier that is proportional to the amount of
vane motor rotation.

steering system is armed or activated automatically by

a switch actuated by the arresting hook when it is
extended. Both switches work in conjunction with a
weight-on-gear proximity switch (scissor switch)
located on one of the main landing gears. When the strut
is compressed a certain amount, the scissor switch
completes the electrical circuit to activate the nosewheel
steering. Nosewheel steering is desired for carrier
landing operations to prevent the nosewheel, or wheels,
from swiveling during rollback after arrestment.

COMMAND POTENTIOMETER. The command potentiometer is attached to the rudder pedal

linkage. When the rudder pedals are moved, the
command potentiometer generates an electrical signal
proportional to the amount of rudder pedal deflection.

Hydraulic Components

STEERING AMPLIFIER. The steering amplifier sums the signals received from the feedback
potentiometer and the command potentiometer. This
summation is converted to a modulating signal that is
directed to the nosewheel steering power units servo
valve for nosewheel steering response. With the signals
from the command and feedback potentiometer
balanced, the servo is returned to a neutral condition,
and the nosewheel steering power unit stops at the
selected position.

The main hydraulic components of the nosewheel

steering system are the nosewheel steering power unit
and selector valve. See figure 12-14.
The nose wheel steering power unit incorporates a
rotary, vane-type motor that is powered hydraulically
and is electrically controlled through various system
components to provide the nosewheel steering function.
When not in the steering mode of operation, the
nosewheel steering power unit serves as a nosewheel
shimmy damper.



The nosewheel steering power unit is mounted to

the nose landing gear cylinder, and the output drive gear
is meshed with the ring gear of the nose landing gear
torque collar. The torque collar deflects the nosewheel
as selected by rudder pedal positioning. Hydraulic fluid
displaced by the rotating vane during the steering mode
is directed back to the hydraulic return system.

Maintenance of an electrically controlled nose gear

steering system consists of operational checks, troubleshooting, system bleeding, and parts adjustment. These
maintenance functions normally require a joint effort on
the part of the AM and the AE personnel. See figure

When in the damping mode, fluid displaced by a

rotating vane is directed through an orifice restrictor
inside the nosewheel steering power unit to the opposite
side of the vane to provide the dampening feature.

Operational Check


SELECTOR VALVE. The nosewheel steering
solenoid selector valve is an electrically controlled and
hydraulically operated valve. The valve provides
pressure and return fluid porting during the steering
mode of operation.

Perform an operational check to make sure the

quality of corrective or preventive maintenance is as
expected. Use the following procedures:
1. Jack the aircraft.
2. Connect electrical power and external hydraulic power to the hydraulic system.

Electrical Components

3. Manually turn the nose gear to about 30 degrees

to the right of center.

Nosewheel steering electrical components vary

greatly. The system uses three basic components. These
components are the feedback potentiometer, the
command potentiometer, and the steering amplifier.

4. Operate the nose gear steering switch, and

check to see that nose gear steering does not engage.

FEEDBACK POTENTIOMETER. The feedback potentiometer is mounted to the nosewheel

steering power unit, and is mechanically linked or

5. Be sure that personnel and equipment are clear

of the arresting hook. Extend the arresting gear and
check to see that the nose gear returns to center.


Figure 12-15.-Nose gear steering system diagram.

6. Simulate "weight on wheels by depressing the

switch in the left wheel well. Engage the nose gear
steering and partially depress the right rudder pedal.
Check to see that the nose gear makes a partial right turn
and stops.

8. Release the steering switch, and check to see

that the nose gear stays in the center position.
9. Retract the arresting gear, and repeat steps 6
and 7. Move the rudder pedal partially left.
10. Operate the steering switch, and slowly press

7. Return the rudder pedals to neutral, and check

to see that the nose gear returns to within 0.15 inch of
the center.

the right rudder pedal for a full right turn. The triangular
mark on the top front of the housing must be within 0.2


amplifier. Jack the nose gear clear of the deck. Adjust

the steering cylinder in the following sequence:

inch of the right 61-degree mark on the steering cap.

Repeat this process with the left rudder pedal.

1. Center nose gear.

11. Manually turn the nose gear left, and then right
to 0.3 inch beyond the 61-degree index mark on the
steering cap. With the steering switch actuated, the
system must be inoperative (beyond steering limits).

2. Disconnect cylinder rod end from the steering

linkage bell crank.
3. Manually extend piston and position gauge set
on rod with gauge flush with rod end. Secure gauge to
rod end and push flush with cylinder housing.

12. With the rudder pedals in the clean configuration, move the nose gear left. Then move the nose
gear right to within 0.4 inch of the 61-degree limit, and
operate the steering switch. The gear should return to

4. Check to see that the piston rod end will connect

to the steering linkage bell crank with gear centered.
Adjust the rod end as required.

13. Release the weight-on-wheels switch and

check to see that the nose gear steering disengages.

5. Remove gauge set and attach piston rod end to

steering linkage bell crank.

14. Release the steering switch, and disconnect

external electrical and hydraulic power.

To adjust the steering amplifier, proceed as follows:

1. Insert rigging pin No. 1 in rudder pedal linkage,
and check to see that rudder is in neutral.

15. Lower the aircraft and remove jacks.

16. Close access doors and check cockpit and nose
gear well for cleanliness and loose gear.

2. Operate the steering switch and check to see that

gear centers within 2 degrees of center index mark.


3. If gear does not center within limits, adjust the

steering amplifier potentiometer R7 so that the circuit

You can accomplish troubleshooting by studying

system diagrams and related troubleshooting analysis
charts. Malfunctions shown in the troubleshooting
tables are in numerical order. The numbers relate to
corresponding number(s) following the steps of the
operational check. If trouble symptoms are known, you
can accomplish troubleshooting without reference to the
operational check. However, following system repair,
perform an operational check to verify proper system

4. Remove rigging pin and check the area for

foreign objects.
5. Remove the jack and external power.
NOTE: AE personnel normally accomplish the
electrical adjustments.

Bleeding the System

Maintenance of mechanically controlled nose
steering systems closely parallels the maintenance of
electrically controlled nose steering systems. Mechanically controlled nose steering system maintenance
consists of the rigging and steering assembly maintenance. See figure 12-16.

Bleed the system every time you replace a part or

disconnect a line. Clear the nose gear from the deck with
the hydraulic and electrical power connected. Depress
the nose gear steering switch and operate the rudder
pedals. As the nose gear steering cylinder moves, open
and close the extend and retract bleed ports. Do the same
with the relief valve bleed port at the steering cylinder
until the hydraulic fluid is free of air. Cycle the steering
system five complete cycles. Secure the bleed ports and
lockwire. Disconnect electrical and hydraulic power and
remove the jack.

Rigging of the control linkages consists of several
steps. You must jack the nose of the aircraft and operate
the rudder pedals to deplete hydraulic pressure. Center
the recoil strut manually so that the link arm is in line
with the centers of the strut and the steering assembly.
Adjust all lower links to move freely overcenter, to make
sure that parts are free from binding, and then lock in
place with the stops. Install rigging pins in the rudder

Adjustment of Components
Connect external hydraulic and electrical power to
the aircraft before adjusting the steering cylinder or


Figure 12-16 .-Nosewheel steering system.

pedal to nose steering assembly linkages. Adjust the
rods to accommodate the installation of the pins.
Following adjustment of the linkage, remove the rigging
pins and check the system for proper operation.
Steering Assembly Maintenance
O-rings, packings, and miscellaneous parts within
the steering assembly can be replaced at the intermediate

level of maintenance. Trouble analysis charts are in

many of the MIM and 03 manuals. The charts
accommodate the systematic checkout of individual
components. Like the aircraft troubleshooting charts,
they are based on manufacturers experience, past part
discrepancies, and part design. They list many of the
possible troubles, probable causes, and recommend a
commonsense remedy.


Accomplish the disassembly of the steering

dampener assembly in the order of the key index
numbers assigned to the exploded view illustration in
the Intermediate Repair Section of the MIM. Before
reassembly, clean all parts with a suitable solvent. Air
dry with warm, dry, low-pressure (10 psi) air. Nylon,


Learning Objective: Recognize procedures for
drop checks, troubleshooting, alignment and
adjustment, and the maintenance removal and
replacement of landing gear components.

rubber, and Teflon parts are replaced and not cleaned.

You should use the inspection standards in the MIM or
applicable 03 manual to inspect all parts of the steering
Reassembly is essentially a reversal of the disassembly order with appropriate quality assurance
checks at specific steps. Following complete reassembly, the steering assembly must undergo the

Mandatory drop checks are required for all landing

gear maintenance procedures that involve the removal
and replacement of components, breaking of hydraulic
lines or fittings, and any adjustments to gear or door
linkages. Conditional maintenance requirements cards
call for a drop check whenever the aircraft experiences
a hard landing. In addition, regular drop checks are
required as part of the aircraft periodic inspection, even
if there has been no reported discrepancy.

following bench tests:

1. Proof pressure test


2. Input torque test

All drop check operations should be performed as

specified in the applicable maintenance instructions
manual (MIM). These procedures should be thorough
enough to ensure that the system is free of leaks and the
operational integrity of the system has been restored
following maintenance. Operational checks cover three
distinct areas. They are the operation of the landing gear
and doors, the operation of the landing gear position
indicator and warning system, and the operation of the
landing gear emergency system.

3. Steering resolution test (input motion versus

output motion)
4. Stall leakage test (output shaft in neutral and
input shaft fully engaged, and then measure
5. No steer test (steering assembly in neutral, and
then measure leakage at return)
6. External leakage test
7. Static friction torque test (clockwise and
counterclockwise torque required to start
movement of the output shaft in the power ON
and power OFF conditions)
8. Output torque test
9. Steady dampening rate test
The numerous steps involved in bench testing
components, such as the steering assembly and the
variations between it and other steering actuators, make
it impractical to cover the individual steps in detail. Shop
and quality assurance personnel must ensure that each
component repaired at the intermediate maintenance
level is actually in a ready-for-issue condition. This
requires vigilance on the part of all personnel. A

The first step in the drop check procedures is to

place the aircraft on jacks. Refer to chapter 3 of this
training manual.
Further preparation includes connection of a
hydraulic test stand and external electrical power,
removal of landing gear maintenance safety locks, and
the proper placement of the landing gear control handle.
As the operational procedure begins, check to make
sure that the landing gear doors do not close in the path
of the retracting main struts. This condition will be
obvious (with hydraulic and electrical power on the
aircraft) if the landing gear doors do not remain in the
full open position when the landing gear control handle
is placed in the UP position. Placing the landing gear
control handle momentarily to the UP and DOWN
positions several times will correct this condition by
removing air from the wheel door cylinders.
Regulate the hydraulic test stand to operate at a flow
of 4 gpm, and slowly increase hydraulic pressure. The
landing gear down lockpins should start to retract. They
should be fully retracted when the pressure reaches

complete bench test must be made according to the test

arrangements provided in the MIM or the applicable 03


1,800 psi, and then all gear assemblies should start to

When the nose gear nears the up position, be sure
the fairing doors are cammed to the closed position, and
then check all gear doors to be sure they are closed and
locked when the position indicator indicates the
up-and-locked condition. Move the landing gear handle
down and check to see that the wheel fairing doors open
and gear assemblies extend. Visually check all gear
assemblies to ensure they are down and locked. With the
test stand regulated to 3 gpm at 3,000 psi, the gear should
make a complete cycle (up and down) in 12 to 14
seconds. The maximum pressure required to retract and
lock the gear is 1,800 psi at 4 gpm.
When you check the emergency extension of the
gear, first retract the gear normally, secure external
hydraulic pressure, place the landing gear handle in the
down position, and then pull and hold the emergency
extension handle fully aft. Visually check that all gear
assemblies are down and locked by observing the
landing gear position indicator in the cockpit, and then
release the emergency extension handle. It may be
neccssary to manually push the gear assemblies to the
down-and-locked position. The force required to push
the main gear to the locked position should not exceed
20 pounds applied to the axle hub. The force required to
push the nose gear to the locked position should not
exceed 10 pounds applied at the center line of the axle
hub. Make at least one complete normal cycle of the
landing gear, and then remove external power and
aircraft from jacks.
NOTE: Some aircraft require resetting of the
landing gear dump valves before recycling the
landing gear. Refer to the applicable MIMs.

procedures for isolating and remedying the problem.

Refer to the system schematic for the particular system
and accompanying maintenance instructions, in
addition to sound reasoning, to pinpoint the cause for a
malfunction in an efficient manner.
Some landing gear malfunctions are related to
improper maintenance practices, with the lack of proper
lubrication being the predominant malpractice. A
review of past discrepancies and previous corrective
actions may also aid in analyzing malfunctions.
Occasionally, discrepancies that are reported as a
result of flight are difficult or even impossible to
duplicate on the deck. However, too many discrepancies
signed off with Could not duplicatesystem checks
4.0, or similar corrective actions, show up as repeat
malfunctions or as the cause of accidents. Every effort
should be made to locate a sound logical cause for a
reported malfunction by thoroughly checking the
system, each component, linkages, clearance, and
associated indicating systems. All phases of the
operational checkouts must be verified by a quality
assurance inspector.
Detecting internal leakage of components may
require the use of special equipment, such as the
ultrasonic leak detection translator or simple isolation
of components by disconnecting lines, applying
pressure, and measuring for allowable leakage limits.
If troubleshooting time is considered significant,
use a separate VIDS/MAF showing a common job
control number and Action Taken code Y. This form
provides input data that accounts for the troubleshooting
time separately from the actual repair time.

Troubleshooting of the landing gear system, like all

hydraulic systems, requires that you understand the
theory of operation of the particular system and the
function and sequence of operation for each component.

Improper rigging or adjustment of landing gear

linkages results in a significant number of unsafe or
hung landing gear discrepancies. Most landing gear,
when in an overcenter and locked position (up or down),
requires very little interference or binding to prevent its
initial movement.

Troubleshooting steps provided in the MIM are

normally aligned with the sequence of events or steps in
the operational checkouts. They provide an efficient
means of isolating the malfunction. The MIM requires
that each step in the operational checkouts be performed
in sequence. If trouble occurs during the procedure, it
must be corrected before proceeding with the next step.
These troubleshooting aids provide a logical cause for
many anticipated landing gear malfunctions, including

Alignment of newly installed landing gear

assemblies or individual components should be in strict
accordance with the procedures outlined in the
applicable MIM. Complete assemblies are aligned in a
specified sequence, with designated steps throughout
the sequence that require quality assurance verification
before proceeding to the next step. Landing gear doors
may have to be deactivated or disconnected to check for
proper up lock actuation and gear up clearances.


Complete alignment includes down-and-locked

adjustment, up-and-locked adjustment, and proper door
operation. Verification of the emergency landing gear
system operation is normally required in verifying the
landing gear system. Some MIMs cover the emergency
system as a separate procedure, but a complete
operational checkout should include the emergency
backup system.
Ensure that all personnel involved in landing
gear maintenance are clear of the landing
gear and doors and that signals between the
person in the cockpit and the crew leader are
clearly understood before raising or lowering
the landing gear. Failure to do so could result
in personnel injury.
According to current maintenance directives,
maintenance of recoil struts (including minor repair and
miscellaneous parts replacement) should be confined to
work that can be performed with only partial
disassembly of the equipment. Instructions for major or
complete overhaul are covered in overhaul instructions
manuals for recoil struts, and such work is performed by
specialized shops.
On most aircraft the piston O-rings and delta rings
can be replaced at the organizational level of
maintenance while the strut is installed on the aircraft.
Procedures for replacing the seals in a main gear recoil
strut at the organizational level of maintenance consist
of jacking the aircraft in accordance with the applicable
MIM. Remove the wheel and brake assemblies so that
handling of the lower strut is easier. Remove the cap
from the strut filler valve and release the nitrogen
pressure from the strut by opening the valve swivel nut
counterclockwise. Remove the necessary wire bundles,
hydraulic lines, etc., that form a connection between the
upper cylinder and lower piston of the strut. Remove the
up and down lines from the gear actuating cylinder.
Connect a hand pump or check and fill stand lines so
that the strut may be retracted to an angle that will allow
the piston to be withdrawn from the cylinder. Cap any
loose lines or fittings to prevent contamination. On some
aircraft, you will have to use a spring compressor or
some other means to release tension on the gear down

lock mechanism so that the gear can be partially

With the strut cylinder secured in the partially
retracted position and all pressure released from the
strut, the upper and lower torque arms can be
disconnected. Cut the lockwire and remove the lock
screws from the gland nut. Figure 12-17 shows a main
gear recoil strut piston. Refer to figure 12-17 while you
read the following seal replacement material.
With the piston supported, the collar or gland nut is
unscrewed and the piston withdrawn from the cylinder.
Pour the hydraulic fluid into a suitable container, and
place the piston/axle assembly in a clean work area.
Inspect the hydraulic fluid for evidence of rubber or
metal particles that might indicate wear conditions
within the strut.
Remove the pin retainer and three pins from the
piston head; then remove the piston head and the recoil
valve. On some aircraft the retaining pins are press fitted
while on others they are screwed in. Remove the
metering pin assembly, follower, thrust bearing
assembly, adapter, delta ring, and other removable parts
in the order in which they are installed on the piston
assembly, as shown in figure 12-17.
The cylinder walls, piston head, adapter, follower,
and bearings should be inspected for excessive wear and
sharp edges. Minor nicks, scratches, or sharp edges can
be polished out with a crocus cloth (steel parts) or
aluminum oxide abrasive cloth (aluminum parts).
Coat all seals and backup rings with hydraulic fluid
and install in the reverse order of the disassembly
sequence. Ensure that the adapter, follower, and recoil
valve are facing in the right direction on the piston
assembly. Once the piston assembly is reassembled,
quality assurance should check for proper reassembly
before inserting it into the cylinder.
The inner surface of the cylinder and the outer
surface of the piston are coated with hydraulic fluid, and
the piston is immediately installed in the cylinder. The
gland nut is tightened and the lock screws installed and
safety wired. The torque arms arc reconnected and the
strut lowered to its normal extended position. All
linkage, hydraulic lines, wire bundles, and the brake and
wheel assemblies arc installed in the reverse order of
their removal. The strut is serviced as required by the
applicable MIM or maintenance requirements card.
Proper servicing is very important. Not all struts are
serviced in the standard manner. Consult the appropriate
MIM to prevent improper servicing and subsequent
landing gear or structural failure. All linkage on the
lower strut that was disturbed must be lubricated, the
brakes bled, and the brakes and the landing gear systems
operationally tested.


Figure 12-17.-Main gear recoil strut piston.

Remove all attached fairings and door connecting

rods. Disconnect and cap the hydraulic brake lines and
fittings. Disconnect electrical connections at the cannon
plugs, and remove wiring from clamps as necessary.
Retain all removed hardware in a cloth bag.
Disconnect the drag brace by partially pulling the
upper torque arm pin. After disconnecting the drag
brace, reinstall the pin and nut to retain the torque arm.
The side brace is generally removed with the strut
assembly. It should be disconnected at its upper end by
removing the nut and pin. After the side brace is
disconnected, reinstall the pin.
If equipped with a shrink rod, disconnect the shrink
rod from the strut, not from the aircraft. This is
accomplished by removing the rod fitting bolt at the
bottom of the rod. When the shrink rod is disconnected,
the nut and bolt should be reinstalled in the fitting for


To remove a strut assembly, first jack the aircraft
according to instructions furnished in the applicable
MIM. To reduce the weight and allow for easier
handling, remove the wheel (with tire and brake


Before removing a wheel assembly from an

aircraft deflate the tire completely. To ensure
positive removal of all pressure from the tire
you should remove the valve core and attach
a deflated tire tag to the valve stem after
deflating the tire.


Figure 12-18.-High-prcssure air valve, type MS 28889.

Before you check the fluid level, you should consult the
aircraft MIM. Deflating a strut can be a dangerous
operation unless the servicing personnel are thoroughly
familiar with high-pressure air valves and observe all
the necessary safety precautions.

Support the recoil strut and partially pull the

crossbolt at the top of the strut to disengage it from the
support structure. Lower the strut and reinstall the bolt
and nut.
Installation essentially reverses the removal
procedures. With the aircraft still on jacks, carefully
move the top of the recoil strut into place to engage the
support structure fitting. Install the crossbolt, washer,
nut, and cotter pin. Connect the shrink rod to the shrink
rod fitting. Connect the side brace to the support
structure fitting. Partially pull the upper torque arm pin
and connect the drag brace. Reinstall the pin, tongued
washer, nut, and cotter pin.
Assemble the brake and wheel to the strut axle,
bleed the brake, and service the strut as specified in the
aircraft MIM. Ensure that the air valve is safety wired
before charging the strut with nitrogen. After the strut
has been serviced with hydraulic fluid and nitrogen,
tighten the air valve to the specified torque value
required by the MIM. Replace all removed fairings,
doors, hydraulic lines, and electrical connections.
Lubricate all reinstalled linkages, and check the landing
gear for proper operation.

The high-pressure air valve shown in figure 12-18
is used on most naval aircraft. This air valve is used on
struts, accumulators, and various other components that
must be serviced with high-pressure air or nitrogen.
The following procedures for deflating a typical
shock strut, servicing with hydraulic fluid, and
reinflating is for instructional purposes only. See figure
12-19. For specific aircraft consult the appropriate
aircraft MIM.
1. Position the aircraft so that the shock struts are
in the normal ground operating position. Ensure that
personnel workstands, and other obstacles are clear of
the aircraft.
NOTE: Some aircraft must be placed on jacks
with their struts completely extended for



2. Remove the cap from the air valve, as shown

in view A of figure 12-19.

For efficient operation of shock struts, the proper

fluid level and pneumatic pressure must be maintained.


Figure 12-19.-Servicing a landing gear strut.


Figure 12-20.-Landing gear strut servicing instruction plate.

6. Use the type of hydraulic fluid specified on the

shock strut inspection plate to fill the strut to the
level of the air valve opening. Figure 12-20 shows the
instruction plate found on one type of aircraft main
landing gear strut.

3. Release the air pressure in the strut by slowly

turning the air valve swivel nut counterclockwise
approximately 2 turns. This action can normally be
accomplished with the use of a combination wrench.

NOTE: The instruction plate may be found on

the strut or on the wheel door near the strut.

When loosening the swivel nut ensure
that the 3/4-inch hex body nut is either
lockwired in place or held tightly with a
wrench. If the swivel nut is loosened
before the air pressure has been released,
serious injury may result to personnel.

Improper oil level in the strut chamber will decrease

the shock absorbing capabilities of the strut and could
cause the strut to bottom out during landing. This
would damage the strut and/or wing structure.
7. Reinstall the air valve assembly, using a new Oring packing. Torque the air valve body hex nut from
100 inch-pounds to 110 inch-pounds, as shown in
view B of figure 12-19.

4. Ensure that the shock strut compresses as the

air or nitrogen pressure is released. In some cases, it
may be necessary to rock the aircraft after deflating
to ensure complete compressing of the strut.

8. Lockwire the air valve assembly to the strut,

using the holes provided in the body nut.
9. Inflate the strut, using a regulated highpressure source of nitrogen or dry air. Under no
circumstances should any type of bottle gas other
than nitrogen or compressed air be used to inflate

5. When the strut is fully compressed, the air

valve assembly may be removed by breaking the
safety wire and turning the 3/4-inch body nut


struts. The amount a strut is inflated depends upon the

specific aircraft strut being serviced. One manufacturer
may use a strut inflation chart, such as the one shown in
view D of figure 12-19. The strut is measured as
indicated at dimension A. This measurement, in
inches, is then located on the bottom of the inflation
chart. For example, locate the measurement of 1.75
inches on the chart. From this point, vertically trace an
imaginary line until it intersects the curved line. At this
point of intersection, horizontally trace a second
imaginary line to the left edge of the chart. The figure
indicated at this point (550 psi) is the required pressure
for that particular extension of the strut.
All aircraft struts are not measured from the same
points. View E of figure 12-19 shows another location
where strut extension is measured. The proper
procedure to use will always be found on the instruction
plate attached to the shock strut. If these instructions are
not legible, consult the applicable MIM.
If the struts chamber is underpressurized, the strut
may not overcome normal O-ring friction during
extension on takeoff. This condition could prevent the
strut from fully extending, thus the torque scissors limit
switch would not actuate to close the electrical circuit to
retract the gear. It would also cause the strut to bottom
during taxiing and landing operations.
If the struts chamber is overpressurized, the
additional pressure will tend to keep the strut
pressurized after takeoff. On those aircraft that use
shrink mechanisms, the shrink mechanisms may be
overloaded or stall the strut actuator as the gear retracts.
If the gear retracts in the wing without shrinking, due to
the failure of the shrink mechanism, damage to both the
wing and landing gear may result.
10. Tighten the air valve swivel hex nut to a
recommended torque of 50-70 inch-pounds.

performed with the aircraft placed on jacks. In this

position, the shock struts can be extended and
compressed during the filling operation, expelling all of
the entrapped air. As mentioned earlier, certain aircraft
must be placed on jacks for routine servicing of the
shock struts. The following is a typical bleeding
1. Construct a bleed hose that contains a fitting
suitable for making an airtight connection to the shock
strut filler opening. The hose should be long enough to
reach from the shock strut tiller opening to the deck
when the aircraft is on jacks.
2. Jack the entire aircraft until all shock struts are
fully extended.
3. Release the air or nitrogen pressure in the strut
to be bled, as previously described in this chapter.
4. Remove the air tiller valve assembly.
5. Fill the strut to the level of the filler port with
hydraulic fluid.
6. Attach the bleed hose to the filler port, and
insert the opposite end of the hose into a quantity of
clean hydraulic fluid.
7. Place an exerciser jack or other suitable
single-base jack under the shock strut jacking point. See
view C of figure 12-19. Compress and extend the strut
fully (by raising and lowering the jack) until the flow of
air bubbles from the strut has completely stopped.
NOTE: Compress the strut slowly and allow it
to extend by its own weight.
8. Remove the exerciser jack, and then lower and
remove all other jacks.
9. Remove (he bleed hose from the shock strut.

11. Remove the high-pressure air-line chuck and

install the valve cap fingertight

10. Install the air tiller valve and inflate the strut,
as previously described.

Because some aircraft struts require special

servicing procedures, the General Information and
Servicing section of the applicable MIM should always
be checked before servicing the shock struts of any

Shock struts should be inspected regularly for
leakage of fluid and for proper extension. Exposed
portions of the strut pistons should be cleaned in the
same manner as actuating cylinder pistons during
preflight and postflight inspections. Exposed pistons
should be inspected closely for scoring and corrosion.
Excessive leakage of fluid can usually be stopped by
deflating the strut and tightening the packing gland nut.
If leakage still persists after tightening the packing gland

If the fluid level of a shock strut has become
extremely low or, if for any other reason, air is trapped
in the strut cylinder, it may be necessary to bleed the
strut during the servicing operation. Bleeding is


Figure 12-21.-Landing gear shock strut tools.

nut and reinflating the strut, the strut must be disassembled and the packings replaced.
The tools shown in figure 12-21 are typical of the
tools used during disassembly and assembly of landing
gear shock struts. Normally, each tool is designed for,
and should be used only on, one type of installation.
When using wrenches, you must take care to maintain
the lugs of the wrenches in their respective positions.
Slippage of the wrench, when under torquing
conditions, may cause damage to aircraft parts, the tool,
or even injury to personnel. NEVER place extension
handles of any type on these tools to increase the applied
These tools, like other special tools, should be kept
where they will not be subjected to rough handling,
which could cause mushroomed or deformed surfaces,
making them useless for aircraft repair. Shock strut
disassembly and replacement of packings is a
requirement for advancement to first class; therefore, it
is not covered in this training manual.

appropriate 03 manual. The following paragraphs

provide information on the disassembly, cleaning,
inspection, parts replacement, reassembly, and bench
testing of a strut at the intermediate level.

Disassemble the strut assembly in the order of the
key index numbers assigned to the exploded view
illustration provided in the appropriate 03 series
accessories manual or the Intermediate Maintenance
Section of the applicable MIM.

Before beginning disassembly, make sure
that all pressure has been exhausted from the
strut. Do not disassemble the inner and outer
cylinder until all the pressure has been
released from the strut. Disassembly of the
strut before releasing all pressure could lead
to serious personnel injury or loss of life.



Remove the complete air valve assembly by

breaking the lockwire and unscrewing the 3/4-inch hex
nut. Turn the strut over and drain the hydraulic fluid.
Disconnect the torque arms (scissors). Break the
lockwire and unscrew the packing nut at the bottom of

Repair of recoil struts at the intermediate level of

maintenance is restricted to seal replacement and
replacement of parts listed in the Intermediate
Maintenance Section of the aircraft MIM or the


the outer cylinder. Carefully withdraw the inner cylinder

from the outer cylinder. Pull the metering pin and
bulkhead from the inner cylinder with a smooth
controlled force. Tag or keep parts together to expedite

Thoroughly clean all parts of the recoil strut
assembly, using P-D-680 dry-cleaning solvent (spray or
dip) or a similar cleaning solvent. Dry thoroughly with
clean, dry, compressed air, paying particular attention
to all recesses and internal passages. Use the cleaning
solvent in a well-ventilated area. Avoid prolonged
inhalation of fumes. Keep solvent away from open
Cleaned parts that normally come in contact with
fluid during operation of the strut should be coated with
hydraulic fluid. Depending on local conditions, it may
be desirable to also coat external highly machined
Wipe the lower bearing clean with a clean, lint-free
cloth dampened with hydraulic fluid. Do not touch
machined surfaces with your bare hands. Do not use
compressed air to dry bearings. Clean the bearings with
new cleaning solvent and dry with a lint-free cloth.
Perform a thorough visual inspection of the
disassembled parts for serviceability. Packing grooves
and surrounding areas should be inspected for scratches,
burrs, nicks, or other roughness that might cut packings
on installation or cause seal failure during strut
operation. Inspect machined surfaces for mars,
abrasions, gouges, grooves, scores, scratches, and
corrosion. If any parts are suspected of having cracks,
the part should be inspected using one of the
nondestructive methods of testing.

Bearings should be inspected for obvious damage,

Brinelling (shallow indentations in the raceway), or
corrosion. Rotate bearing races and check for
roughness, binding, or looseness. Bearing retainers must
be checked for cracks, warpage, and corrosion. Refer to
the tables furnished in the applicable accessories manual
or the Intermediate Maintenance Section of the
appropriate MIM for service limits established for
critical areas.

Repair or Replacement
Repair or replace all parts that show evidence of
excessive wear, scoring, or corrosion. Replace all parts
that show wear beyond the dimensions specified in the
inspection standards tables found in most 03 manuals or
Each time the strut is disassembled, all preformed
and special packings should be replaced, although they
may appear to be serviceable.
NOTE: Never work on machined services with
metallic tools. Always use brass O-ring tools for
checking scratches and removing or replacing
seals and gaskets.
Blend out minor scratches, nicks, and burrs from
machined surfaces of steel parts with a crocus cloth. Use
aluminum oxide abrasive cloth to polish aluminum
parts. The smoothness of the repaired area must be equal
to or smoother than the finish of the surrounding area.
Do not attempt to remove normal wear marks from the
sliding surface of the piston.
NOTE: Partial removal of plating from the
inner cylinder will condemn the part from
further service, pending replating of the
cylinder. Portable brush-type plating equipment
is available in some intermediate maintenance
activities for touch-up plating of minor areas.

Check all threaded parts for distorted or mutilated

threads. Inspect plated surfaces for blistering, flaking,
wear, or other defects.
Within the limits of practicability, check all holes
for concentricity and taper, using an internal
micrometer, hole gauges, plug gauges, or similar
equipment. Check the angle between the piston and the
axle. Check to ensure that the brake flange is
perpendicular to the axle. Inspect all ports, bores, and
passages for cleanliness. Place bearings next to a
sensitive compass to check for residual magnetism.

Areas with damaged paint or other protective

finishes must be restored to a serviceable condition.
If any bushings require replacement, the mating
bushing must also be replaced.

Reassemble the strut assembly in essentially the
reverse order of disassembly. Exercise adequate
precautions to ensure that dirt, dust, grit, or other foreign


matter does not enter the strut during assembly.

Contamination of parts can cause a definite failure.
Guarding against contamination cannot be overemphasized.
Observe the torque values specified in the 03
manual or MIM. Where a specific torque value is not
specified for a threaded part, tighten the part according
to the standard torque values provided in the Structural
Hardware Manual, NAVAIR 011A8. Some structural
repair manuals and maintenance instructions manuals
also contain this information. On some parts, such as the
strut gland nut, tightening should conform to acceptable
shop practices and common sense, unless otherwise
Lightly coat all preformed packings with hydraulic
fluid. After all seals and parts are properly installed, the
piston head is tightened and the retaining pins installed
and staked into place. The piston assembly is inserted
into the outer cylinder, and the gland nut is tightened to
a snug fit, backed off two key slots, and locked in place.
If the gland nut is too tight, it will result in binding of
the thrust bearing. Two lock plates, positioned 180
degrees apart on the collar and gland nut, are secured
with screws and lockwired to hold the gland nut in place.
Use the double twist method of applying the lockwire
so that tension of the wire tends to tighten the nut.

(BCM). If a Quality Deficiency Report (QDR) form was

attached to the strut by the removing organizational
maintenance activity, complete the QDR and submit it
according to the instructions provided in OPNAV
Instruction 4790.2 (series).
Any unusual failure or strut malfunction should be
reported by the submission of a QDR so that failure
trend patterns or isolated instances maybe reviewed for
possible higher echelon action. Forward the No. 4 copy
of the MAF and the hard copy of the QDR with the strut
to the next higher level of maintenance.

Learning Objective: Identify the three major
brake systems and recognize the operation of
the emergency brake systems.
Three types of brake systems are currently in use on
naval aircraft. They are the independent-type brake
system, the power boost brake system, and the power
brake control valve system. In addition, there are several
different types of brake assemblies currently in use.

Bench Testing
With the strut fully compressed and in the vertical
position, service the strut with hydraulic fluid. Install the
air valve on the strut and torque to 100-110 inch-pounds.
Place the strut fully extended in a horizontal or vertical
position and inflate with dry nitrogen to the normally
extended pressure specified in the MIM or 03 manual.
Ensure that the strut shows no leakage after a 1-hour
If the strut fails the bench test, it is tagged to show
the portion of the test that failed. Then it is deflated,
flushed with preservative hydraulic fluid, and forwarded
to the next higher level of maintenance.
If the strut passes the bench test and is not to be
installed on an aircraft immediately, flush with
preservative hydraulic fluid before sending it to supply.
If any parts other than those listed as replaceable at
the intermediate level of maintenance are faulty, tag the
strut and forward it to the next higher level of
maintenance. The VIDS/MAF is closed out to account
for man-hours expended in attempting repairs before the
strut is declared beyond the capability of maintenance


In general, the independent-type brake system is

used on small aircraft. This type of brake system is
termed independent because it has its own reservoir and
is entirely independent of the aircrafts main hydraulic
The independent-type brake system is powered by
master cylinders similar to those used in the conventional automobile brake system. However, there is
one major differencethe aircraft brake system has two
master cylinders while the automobile system has only
An installation diagram of a typical independenttype broke system is shown in figure 12-22. The system
is composed of a reservoir, two master cylinders, and
mechanical linkage, which connects each master
cylinder with its corresponding brake pedal, connecting
fluid lines, and a brake assembly in each main landing
gear wheel.
Each master cylinder is actuated by toe pressure on
its related pedal The master cylinder builds up pressure
by the movement of a piston inside a sealed fluid-filled
cylinder. The resulting hydraulic pressure is transmitted

Figure 12-22.-Typical independent-type brake system.

to the fluid line, which is connected to the brake

assembly in the wheel. This action results in the friction
necessary to stop the wheel.
When the brake pedal is released, the master
cylinder piston is returned to the OFF position by a
return spring. Fluid that was moved into the brake
assembly is then pushed back to the master cylinder by
a piston in the brake assembly. The brake assembly
piston is returned to the OFF position by a return spring
in the brake.

The typical master cylinder has a compensating port

or valve that permits fluid to flow from the brake
chamber back to the reservoir when excessive pressure
is developed in the brake line due to temperature
changes. This feature ensures against dragging or locked
Various manufacturers have designed master
cylinders for use on aircraft. All are similar in operation,
differing only in minor details and construction. Two
types of master cylinders, the Goodyear and the
Gladden, are described and illustrated in this section.


Figure 12-23.-Goodyear master brake cylinder.

connecting line, and brake assembly fully supplied with
fluid as long as there is fluid in the reservoir.

Goodyear Master Cylinder

A cutaway view of the Goodyear master cylinder is
shown in figure 12-23. Fluid is fed by gravity to the
master cylinder from an external reservoir. The fluid
enters through the cylinder inlet port and compensating
port and fills the master cylinder casting ahead of the
piston and the fluid line leading to the brake actuating

The rear piston seal seals the rear end of the cylinder
at all times to prevent leakage of fluid. The flexible
rubber boot serves only to keep out dust.
Provision is made for locking the brakes for parking
by a ratchet-type lock built into the mechanical linkage
between the master cylinder and the brake pedal. Any
change in the volume of fluid, due to expansion while
the parking brake is on, is taken care of by a spring
incorporated in the linkage. The brakes are unlocked by
application of sufficient pressure on the brake pedals to
unload the ratchet.

Application of the brake pedal, which is linked to

the master cylinder piston rod causes the piston rod to
push the piston forward inside the master cylinder
casting. A slight forward movement blocks the
compensating port, and the buildup of pressure begins.
This pressure is transmitted to the broke assembly.

Brake systems employing the Goodyear master

cylinder must be bled from the top down. In no case
should bleeding be attempted from the bottom up,
because it is impossible to remove the air in back of the
piston seal. Bleeding operations are covered later in this

When the brake pedal is released and returns to the

OFF position, the piston return spring pushes the front
piston seal and the piston back to full OFF position
against the piston return stop. This action again clears
the compensating port. Fluid that was moved into the
brake assembly and brake connecting line is then pushed
back to the master cylinder by the brake piston as the
piston is returned to the OFF position by the pressure of
the brake piston return springs.

Gladden Master Cylinder

The Gladden master brake cylinder consists of a
cylinder body, valve, piston, piston rod, return springs,
and a stop assembly, as shown in figure 12-24. The
piston rod extends through the valve, the piston, the stop
assembly, and the return springs, and is connected by an
eyebolt to the broke arm on the rudder pedal.

Any pressure or excess volume of fluid is relieved

through the compensating port and passes back to the
fluid reservoir. The compensating port assures against
dragging or locked brakes.
If any fluid is lost back of the front piston seal due
to leakage, it is automatically replaced with fluid from
the reservoir by gravity. Any fluid lost in front of the
piston from leaks in the line or at the brake is
automatically replaced through the piston head ports,
and around the lip of the front piston seal when the piston
makes the return stroke to the full OFF position. The
front piston seal functions as a seal only during the
forward stroke. These automatic fluid replacement
arrangements always keep the master cylinder, brake

When the cylinder is in neutral, the valve is not

seated. Fluid from an independent brake reservoir enters
the cylinders reservoir port. Fluid entering this port is
allowed to flow through the piston and fill the lower
When the rudder pedal is depressed by toe pressure,
the piston rod is pulled downward, causing the valve to
seat and close the piston orifice, This movement also
forces fluid into the brakes pressure line to the wheel
brake assembly, thus applying the brakes.


Figure 12-25.--Power boost brake system.


As a general rule, the power boost brake system is
used on aircraft that land too fast to use the
independent-type system, but are too light in weight to
require the power brake control system. In this type of
system, a line is tapped off from the main hydraulic
system pressure line, but main hydraulic system
pressure does not enter the brakes. Main system pressure
is used only to assist pedal movement. This is
accomplished through the use of power boost master
A schematic diagram of a typical power boost brake
system is shown in figure 12-25. The normal system
consists of a reservoir, two power boost master
cylinders, two shuttle valves, and the brake assembly in
each main landing wheel. A compressed air bottle with
a gauge and release valve is installed for emergency
operation of the brakes.

Figure 12-24.-Gladden master brake cylinder.

In this system (fig. 12-25), main hydraulic system

pressure is routed from the pressure manifold to the
power boost master cylinders. When the brake pedals
are depressed, fluid for actuating the brakes is routed
from the power boost master cylinders through shuttle
valves to the brakes.

When the pedal pressure is released, the springs

return the valve and the piston to their neutral position.
The retracting brake assembly piston forces the return
fluid back through the piston orifice to the brake


Figure 12-27.-Power brake control valve (pressure ball check

Figure 12-26.-Typical power brake control valve system.

When the brake pedals are released, the main

system pressure port in the master cylinder is closed off,
and fluid is forced out the return port, through the return
line to the brake reservoir. The brake reservoir is
connected to the main hydraulic system reservoir to
assure an adequate supply of fluid to operate the brakes.
When the emergency air system is used, air
pressure, directed through a separate set of lines, acts on
the shuttle valves, blocking off the hydraulic lines and
actuating the brakes.
A power brake control valve system is used on
aircraft requiring a large volume of fluid to operate the
brakes. As a general rule, this applies to all patrol (VP)
and reconnaissance (VR) aircraft, and certain attack
(VA) aircraft. Because of the weight and size of the
aircraft, large wheels and brakes are required. Larger
brakes mean greater fluid displacement and higher
pressures. For this reason, independent master cylinder
type of systems are not practical on heavy aircraft. A
typical power brake control valve system is shown in
figure 12-26.
In this system, a line is tapped off from the main
hydraulic system pressure line. The first unit in this line

is a check valve, which prevents loss of brake system

pressure in case of main system failure.
The next unit is the accumulator, the main purpose
of which is to store a reserve supply of fluid under
pressure. When the brakes are applied and pressure
drops in the accumulator, more fluid enters from the
main system and is trapped by the check valve. The
accumulator also acts as a surge chamber for excessive
loads imposed upon the brake hydraulic system.
Following the accumulator are the pilots and
copilots brake valves. The purpose of a brake valve is
to regulate and control the volume and pressure of the
fluid that actuates the brake.
Four check valves and two one-way restrictors,
sometimes referred to as orifice check valves, are
installed in the pilots and copilots brake actuating lines.
The check valves allow the flow of fluid in one direction
only. The orifice check valves allow unrestricted flow
of fluid in one direction, from the pilots brake valve;
flow in the opposite direction is restricted by an orifice
in the poppet. The purpose of the orifice check valves is
to help prevent chatter.
The next unit in the brake actuating lines is the
pressure relief valve. In this particular system, the
pressure relief valve is preset to open at 825 psi to
discharge fluid into the return line. The valve closes at
760 psi minimum.
Each brake actuating line incorporates a shuttle
valve for the purpose of isolating the emergency brake


Figure12-28.-Power brake control valve (sliding spool type).

system from the normal brake system. When brake

actuating pressure enters the shuttle valve, the shuttle is
automatically moved to the opposite end of the valve.
This action closes off the inoperative brake system
actuating line. Fluid returning from the brakes travels
back into the system to which the shuttle was last open.

the brakes are applied. The seal is held in place by a

retainer and piston return spring. The piston head has a
hole drilled through its center for the flow of fluid to the
return port. This hole is opened and closed by the pilot
pin. The pilot pin also opens the pressure port. The
flange of the pilot pin and the hole in the piston head are
lapped together. The piston shaft connects the piston
head with the tuning fork. The shaft is slotted, and the
cross pin prevents it from turning.
The tuning fork connects the brake pedal linkage
with the control valve. It swivels on the housing and
limits the maximum pressure directed to the brake. The
upper arm of the tuning fork is a bar spring that bends
from the point of the fulcrum when hydraulic pressure
overcomes toe force.

Power Brake Control Valve

(Pressure Ball Check Type)
A power brake control valve of the pressure ball
check type is shown in figure 12-27. The valve is
designed to release and regulate main system pressure
to the brakes and to relieve thermal expansion when the
brakes are not being used. The main parts of the valve
are the housing, piston assembly, and tuning fork.
The housing contains three chambers and three
ports. They are the pressure inlet, brake, and return
The piston assembly is made up of a piston head,
piston shaft, pilot pin, and cross pin. The piston head
separates the brake and return chambers. A cup seal
prevents fluid from escaping to the return chamber when

Power Brake Control Valve

(Sliding Spool Type)
A sliding spool-type power brake control valve is
shown in figure 12-28. This valve consists basically of
a sleeve and a spool installed in a housing. The spool
moves inside the sleeve, opening or closing either the


pressure or return port of the brake line. Two springs are

provided. The large spring, referred to in the illustration
as the plunger spring, provides feel to the brake pedal.
The small spring returns the spool to the OFF position.
When the plunger is depressed, the large spring
moves the spool, which closes off the return port and
opens the pressure port to the brake line. When the
pressure enters the valve, fluid flows to the opposite end
of the spool through a hole. The pressure pushes the
spool back far enough toward the large spring to close
the pressure port, but not open the return port. The valve
is then in the static condition. This movement partially
compresses the large spring, giving feel to the brake
pedal. When the brake pedal is released, the small spring
moves the spool back, opening the return port. This
action allows fluid pressure in the brake line to flow out
through the return port.
Maintenance of the sliding spool brake control
valve is limited to checking the action of the plunger.
This is done by manually depressing the plunger until it
bottoms, and then releasing it suddenly. If the plunger
remains depressed (does not snap out), the valve is
binding at the spool and sleeve. If binding occurs, the
valve should be replaced. Disassembly of the valve is
not permitted at the organizational level of maintenance,
but may be performed by an intermediate or higher level

1. Emergency system
pressure line
2. Main brake pressure line
3. Upper support clamp
4. Packing
5. Packing
6. Debooster cylinder
7. Piston
8. Piston return spring
9. Packing
10. Lower support clamp
11. Riser tube
12. Packing
13. Tee fitting
14. Brake line (to pressure
relief valve)

Brake Debooster Cylinder

In some power brake control valve systems,
debooster cylinders are used in conjunction with the
power brake control valves. These units are generally
used on aircraft equipped with a high-pressure hydraulic
system and low-pressure brakes. The purpose of the
brake debooster cylinder is to reduce the pressure to the
brake and increase the volume of fluid flow. Figure
12-29 shows a typical debooster cylinder installation.
The unit is being mounted on the landing gear shock
strut in the line between the control valve and the brake.
The schematic diagram in the illustration shows the
internal parts of the cylinder.

15. Brake pressure-relief

16. Overflow line
17. Brake tine (debooster to
shuttle valve)
18. Shock strut
19. Torque link
20. Brake shuttle valve
21. Inlet port
22. Snapring
23. Spring retainer
24. Valve spring
25. Ball
26. Ball pedestal
27. Barrel
28. Lower cud cap
29. Outlet port

Figure 12-29.-Brake debooster cylinder.

large piston head, pressure at the outlet poet is reduced.

At the same time, a greater volume of fluid is displaced
by the large piston head than that used to move the small
piston head.

When the brake is applied, fluid under pressure

enters the inlet port to act on the small end of the piston.
The ball check prevents the fluid from passing through
the shaft. Force is transmitted through the small end of
the piston to the large end of the piston. As the piston
moves downward in the housing, a new flow of fluid is
created from the large end of the housing through the
outlet port to the brake. Because the force from the small
piston head is distributed over the greater area of the

Normally, the brake will be fully applied before the

piston has reached the lower end of its travel. However,
if the piston fails to meet sufficient resistance to stop it
(due to a loss of fluid from the brake unit or connecting
lines), the piston will continue to move downward until
the riser unseats the ball check valve in the hollow shaft.
With the ball check valve unseated, fluid from the power
control valve will pass through the piston shaft to


Figure 12-30.-Typical single disc brake installation.

replace the lost fluid. Since the fluid passing through the
piston shaft acts on the large piston head, the piston will
move up, allowing the ball check valve to seat when
pressure in the brake assembly becomes normal.
When the brake pedal is released, pressure is
removed from the inlet port, and the piston return spring
moves the piston rapidly back to the top of the debooster.
This rapid movement causes a suction in the line to the
brake assembly, resulting in faster release of the brake.

valve. Brake systems must be bled after using the

emergency pneumatic systems, and the air storage bottle
must be serviced with the specified amount of dry
compressed air or nitrogen. A pressure gauge indicates
the amount of air in the bottle, in pounds per square inch
Learning Objective: ldentify the various types
of brake assemblies.


On all aircraft except those equipped with
independent-type brake systems, an emergency brake
system is provided. On some aircraft a pneumatically
operated emergency system is provided. Others have a
reserve hydraulic system; an emergency hydraulic
reservoir retains a sufficient supply of hydraulic fluid
for manual operation of the brakes in case no hydraulic
power is available.

Brake assemblies commonly used on naval aircraft

are the single disc, dual disc, multiple or trimetallic disc,
and segmented rotor. The single and dual disc types are
more commonly used on small aircraft; the multiple or
trimetallic disc types are normally used on medium
sized aircraft; and the segmented rotor types are
commonly found on heavier types of aircraft.

The power boost brake system, described earlier, is

equipped with a pneumatically operated emergency
system. The emergency system consists of a T-handle,
compressed air bottle, air release valve, and pressure

The single disc brake is very effective for use on

smaller types of aircraft. Braking is accomplished by
applying friction to both sides of a rotating disc-the disc
being keyed to the landing gear wheel. There are several
variations of the single disc brake; however, all operate
on the same principle and differ mainly in the number
of cylinders and the types of brake housing. Brake
housings may be either the one piece or divided type.
Figure 12-30 shows a single disc brake installed on an
aircraft, with the wheel removed. The brake housing is
attached to the landing gear axle flange with mounting

The system is operated by pulling the T-handle. This

releases the compressed air stored in the air bottle. Air
pressure unseats the shuttle valves at the air inlet ports
and seats the hydraulic pressure ports. Air pressure is
then applied directly to the brakes.
Once air pressure has been applied, the brake can
be released only by depressing a button on the air release


1. Brake disc
2. Lining puck
3. Adjusting pin nut
4. Cylinder head
5. O-ring gasket
6. O-ring packing


Adjusting pin grip

O-ring packing
Internal retainer ring
Spring guide

13. Brake return spring

14. Adjusting pin
15. Bleeder screw
16. Washer
17. Bleeder valve
18. Bleeder adapter

19. Gasket
20. Fluid inlet bushing
21. Gasket
22. screw
23. Washer
24. Brake housing

Figure 12-31.-Exploded view of single disc brake assembly.

Figure 12-31 shows an exploded view of a typical

single disc brake assembly. This brake assembly has a
three-cylinder, one-piece housing. Each cylinder in the
housing contains a piston, a return spring, and an
automatic adjusting pin.
There are six brake linings (pucks), three on the
inboard side of the rotating disc and three on the
outboard side of the rotating disc. These brake linings
are often referred to as pucks. The outboard lining
pucks are attached to the three pistons, and they move
in and out of the three cylinders when the brakes are
operated. The inboard lining pucks are mounted in
recesses in the brake housing and are stationary.

The rotating disc is keyed to the landing gear wheel

so that it is free to move laterally within the brake cavity
of the wheel. Thus, the rotating disc is forced into
contact with the inboard pucks mounted in the housing.
This lateral movement of the rotating disc ensures equal
braking action on both sides of the disc.
When pressure is relieved, the force of the return
spring is sufficient to move the piston away from the
brake disc, but it is not enough to move the adjusting
pin, which is held by the friction of the pin grip. The
piston moves away from the disc until it stops against
the head of the adjusting pin, which provides a preset
clearance between the pucks and the disc. The
self-adjusting feature of the brake will maintain the
desired puck-to-disc clearance, regardless of lining
wear. Thus, regardless of the amount of wear, the same
travel of the piston will be required to apply the brake.

Hydraulic pressure from the brake control unit

enters the brake cylinders and forces the pistons and
their pucks against the rotating disc. At the same time,
the piston pushes against the adjusting pin (through the
spring guide) and moves the pin inboard against the
friction of the adjusting pin grip.

Maintenance of the single disc brake may include

bleeding, performing operational checks, checking


Figure 12-32.-Dual disc brake.

lining wear, checking disc wear, and replacing worn

linings and discs.

always refer to the applicable MIM and use the method

recommended by the aircraft manufacturer.

A bleeder valve is provided on the brake housing

(fig. 12-31) for bleeding the single disc brake. Bleeding
should be performed according to the instructions
contained in the aircraft MIM.


Operational checks are made during taxiing.

Braking action for each main landing gear wheel should
be equal, with equal application of pedal pressure and
without any evidence of soft or spongy action. When
pedal pressure is released, the brakes shouId release
without any evidence of drag. All disc-type brakes must
be checked periodically for lining wear. Excessively
worn linings must be replaced.
Lining wear may be checked by two methods. The
method used depends upon the model of the brake
assembly. Both methods are described later in this
chapter. Before checking the brakes on any aircraft,

Dual disc brakes tire used on aircraft where more

braking friction is desired with lower pressures.
The dual disc brake is very similar to the single disc
type, except that two rotating discs, instead of one, are
used. One model of this brake is shown in figure 12-32.
The unit consists of a housing assembly, a center
carrier assembIy, and two rotating discs. The housing
assembly contains four cylinders, each of which
contains a piston, a return spring, and a self-adjusting
pin. Brake linings (pucks) are attached to each piston, to
both sides of the center carrier, and to the housing
assembly, which makes a total of 16 pucks.


Figure 12-33.-Crosssectional view of multiple disc brake.

When hydraulic pressure is applied to the pistons,

the pucks are forced against the first disc, which contacts
the pucks in the center carrier. This force moves the
center carrier and its pucks against the second disc,
forcing it in contact with the pucks in the housing. In
this manner, each disc receives equal braking action on
both sides as the pressure is increased. When brake

pressure is released, the return springs force the pistons

back to the preset clearance between the pucks and the
disc. The self-adjusting feature is identical to that
described for the single disc brakes. Maintenance of the
dual disc brake is the same as that previously given for
the single disc type.



Multiple disc brakes are heavy-duty brakes
designed for use with power brake control valves or
power boost master cylinders. The brake assembly
consists of a bearing carrier bearings and retaining nut;
the annular actuating piston; and the heat stack, which
is composed of a pressure plate, rotating discs (rotors),
stationary discs (stators) and backup plate, an automatic
adjuster, retracting springs, and various other
Regulated hydraulic pressure is applied through the
automatic adjuster to a chamber in the bearing carrier.
The bearing carrier is bolted to the shock strut axle
flange and serves as a housing for the annular actuating
piston. Hydraulic pressure forces the annular piston to
move outward, compressing the rotating discs, which
are keyed to the landing wheel, and the stationary discs,
which are keyed to the bearing carrier. The resulting
friction causes a braking action on the wheel and tire
When the hydraulic pressure is relieved, the
retracting springs force the actuating piston to retract
into the housing chamber in the bearing carrier. The
hydraulic fluid in the chamber is forced out by the return
of the annular actuating piston, and is bled through the
automatic adjuster to the return line. The automatic
adjuster traps a predetermined amount of fluid in the
brakean amount just sufficient to give correct
clearances between the rotating discs and stationary
discs. See figure 12-33.


The trimetallic disc type brakes are used on most

naval aircraft. They operate on the same basic principle
as the multiple disc brakes and will be discussed in detail
later in this chapter.

Carrier assembly
Piston cup (outer)
Piston cup (inner)
Piston (outer)
Piston (inner)
Piston end (outer)
Piston end (inner)
Pressure plate
Stator drive sleeve
Auxiliary stator and
lining assembly
Rotor segment
Rotor link
Stator plate
Backing plate


Torque pin
Adjuster pin
Adjuster clamp
Adjuster screw
Adjuster washer
Adjuster return spring
Adjuster sleeve
Adjuster nut
Clamp holddown
Bleeder screw
Drive sleeve bolt
Dust cover (inner)
Dust cover (outer)

Figure 12-34.-Segmented rotor brakecutaway view.


Segmented rotor brakes are heavy-duty brakes,
especially adapted for use with high-pressure hydraulic
systems. These brakes may be used with either power
brake control valves or power boost master cylinders.
Braking is accomplished by means of several sets of
stationary, high-friction type of brake linings making
contact with rotating (rotor) segments. A cutaway view
of the brake is shown in figure 12-34. As you can see,
the segmented rotor brake is very similar to the multiple
disc type, described in the previous section.
The brake assembly consists of a carrier, two
pistons and piston cup seals, a pressure plate, an
auxiliary stator plate, rotor segments, stator plates, a

compensating shim, automatic adjusters, and a backing



Learning Objective: Identify the two primary
brake systems and the checks required to make
sure these systems operate properly.
Brake systems are designed to retard or to stop
aircraft motion on the ground. They also aid in
controlling the direction of the aircraft while it is taxiing.
Provisions exist for applying either one or both brakes


Figure 12-35.-Power/manual brake systems-schematic.

and for varying the braking action by the amount of

A large portion of the maintenance effort expended

movement or force exerted on the brake pedal.

Several types of naval aircraft have an antiskid

by an AM in an operating activity is directed toward

system integrated with the wheel brake system to allow

systems. A brake system is generally one of two major

maximum braking. This results in a short landing roll

types-independent or power. Independent systems

and skid-free control as the aircraft comes to a stop.

operate independently of a pressure source other than

troubleshooting and repairing of brakes and brake


the master cylinder. Power brake systems use utility or

main hydraulic system pressure from the aircraft. The
power brake systems allow for higher brake line
pressures than can be obtained with the independent
The depth of independent brake system maintenance allowable at the intermediate and organizational
levels of maintenance varies with the complexity of the
components. System maintenance at the organizational
level generally consists of servicing, troubleshooting,
parts replacement, and on aircraft repairs. Bleeding of
the brake system is discussed later in this chapter.
Reservoir maintenance is limited to servicing,
removal, repair, parts replacement, testing, and
installation. Servicing of the reservoir requires that
filtered hydraulic fluid be gravity fed into the reservoir
through the filler opening until the sight gauge indicates
it is full. The reservoir should not be overfilled. The area
around the filler neck should be cleaned before you
remove the filler plug to prevent any form of
contamination from being introduced into the reservoir
and the brake system. Maintenance of the reservoir, the
master brake cylinder, and the brake assembly is
discussed later in this chapter.
As with other systems, a troubleshooting chart is fur
nished in the MIM for use in troubleshooting/ analyzing
main landing gear wheel and independent brake system
malfunctions. Chapter 3 of this training manual contains
examples of troubleshooting tables and charts.
Organizational maintenance of the power/manual
brake system consists of checking system operation,
system adjustment, isolating malfunctions, and
replacement and adjustment of system components. See
figure 12-35. The checkout procedures in most MIMs
are provided for use during established inspections or
for use in performing trouble analysis.
Proper functioning of the brake system is of the
utmost importance. Inspections must be performed at
frequent intervals, and maintenance work must be
performed promptly and carefully.
Operational Checks
Prepare the aircraft for an operational checkout by
installing the landing gear down locks, jacking the
aircraft to provide proper ground clearance for the

landing gear, and applying external electrical power.

Placing the antiskid switch in the OFF position should
illuminate the antiskid warning light. When the landing
gear handle is moved to the UP position, the antiskid
light should go out. At this point, external hydraulic
power is slowly applied to the utility system. The wheels
should not rotate. By placing the landing gear handle to
the DOWN position, it should illuminate the antiskid
light and free the wheels to rotate. The brake pedals
should be fully depressed to apply the brakes a minimum
of three times.
With external hydraulic and electrical power
removed from the aircraft, operationally check the
emergency system by pulling the emergency brake
handle. The wheels should not rotate when the handle is
pulled. Releasing the handle should immediately release
the brakes. If any portion of the operational or functional
test does not meet the results specified in the MIMs,
refer to the trouble analysis sheets for the brake system.
Functional Tests
Prepare the aircraft for a complete functional
checkout by installing the landing gear down locks,
jacking the aircraft to provide ground clearance for the
landing gear, installing pressure gauges in the wheel
brake assembl ys bleed ports, and applying external
electrical and hydraulic power.
When the antiskid switch is in the OFF position, the
antiskid warning light will illuminate. Move the landing
gear handle to the UP position, which will cause the
antiskid warning light to go out. The gauges on the brake
assemblies should indicate 650 to 1,000 psi. Place the
landing gear handle to the DOWN position to illuminate
the antiskid warning light. The brake gauges should
indicate a maximum of 75 psi, and the wheels should be
free to rotate.
Remove electrical power from the aircraft. Depress
the brake pedals several times to check braking action.
Place a bubble protractor on the brake pedals and adjust
to zero when the brakes are in the OFF position. When
the brakes are fully depressed, the protractor should
indicate 30 degrees 1 degree, and the hydraulic gauges
on the brake assemblies should indicate the same
pressure as the external hydraulic power source.
The external hydraulic power is shut down and
system pressure is relieved by operating the rudder
pedals. Check brake accumulator action by fully
depressing the brake pedals several times and checking
the brake assembly action. Check the emergency brake
system in the same manner as described for the
operational checkout.


1. Primary disc assembly

2. Rotors
3. Stators
4. Power plate assembly


Bleed valve
Primary disc lining face
Secondary disc insulation
Secondary disc assembly

9. Pneumatic pressure line

10. Hydraulic pressure line
11. Screw thread insert (5 each)

Figure 1236.-Wheel brake.

The next steps of the fictional checkout require

that the wheel and tire assemblies be removed and
hydraulic power reapplied. Depress the brake pedals for
approximately 1 minute, and check each power plate for
hydraulic leakage.
Check lining wear by depressing the brake pedals.
Measure the gap between the face of the primary disc
assembly (1) and the screw thread insert (11). See figure
12-36. Lining wear should not exceed 0.816 inch. Check
running clearance by first applying the brake pedals
until 1,200 psi is indicated on the gauges installed in the
brake bleed ports. Measure the distance between the
primary disc and the face of the screw thread insert.
Release the brakes and measure the distance again.
Subtract this dimension from that obtained with the
brakes applied to obtain the running clearance.
Clearance should be 0.070 to 0.119 inch.
Brake Wear Check
Lining wear may be checked by two methods.
Before checking the brakes on any aircraft, always refer
to the applicable MIM and use the method
recommended by the aircraft manufacturer.



person in the cockpit apply the brake, and with the brake
applied, measure the distance between the face of the
brake disc and the brake housing, as shown in figure
12-37. If this distance has progressed to the maximum
specified measurement given in the MIM, the brake
should be removed and disassembled, and the lining
pucks inspected for wear.
NOTE: Linings can be measured only by
removing and disassembling the brake. If any
puck has worn to a thickness of less than
one-sixteenth inch, the entire set must be
WEAR CHECK METHOD (NO. 2). -In using this
method, have a person in the cockpit apply the brake.
With the brake applied, check the position of the
automatic adjusting pins (fig. 12-38). If any adjusting
pin recedes inside the adjusting pin nut (one-sixteenth
to three-eighth inch, the exact amount depending on the
brake model), the brake must be removed and
disassembled, and the lining thickness checked. If any

Figure 12-37.-Checking lining wear (method No. 1).

lining is worn to a thickness of one-sixteenth inch or
less, the entire set of linings must be replaced. Figure
12-38 illustrates the normal position of the automatic
adjusting pin (protruding out of the adjusting pin nut).


Emergency System Contamination Check

Check the emergency system for contamination.
Remove the plug from the unused pneumatic pressure
port on the brake assembly. Position a clean, white cloth
adjacent to the opening, and slowly pull the emergency
brake control handle. Allow airflow through the system
for approximately 5 seconds. There should be no
evidence of combustible contaminants on the cloth. If
the system is contaminated, the emergency brake
pneumatic lines from the brake control valve to the
brake assembly must be flushed with a suitable solvent.
Purge for a minimum of 15 minutes with heated

Brake fluid port

Cylinder head
Adjusting pin nut
Automatic adjusting


Adjusting pin grip

Piston return spring
O-ring packing
Brake lining
Brake disc
Brake lining

Figure 12-38.-Normal position of automatic adjusting pin.

Bleeding Procedures
There are two general methods of bleeding brake
systemsbleeding from top downward (top-down
method) and bleeding from the bottom upward
(bottom-up method). The method used generally
depends on the type and design of the brake system to
be bled. In some instances it may depend on the bleeding
equipment available. A general description of each
method is presented in the following paragraphs.
TOP-DOWN METHOD. In using the top-down
method, the air is expelled from the system through one
of the bleeder valves provided on the brake assembly.
See figure 12-39. A bleeder hose is attached to the

Figure 12-39.-Bleeding brake system (top-down method).


This method of bleeding should be performed

strictly in accordance with specific instructions for the
aircraft concerned. Although the bleeding of individual
systems presents individual problems, the following
precautions should be observed in all bleeding
1. Ensure that the bleeding equipment is absolutely
clean and filled with the proper type of hydraulic fluid.
2. Maintain an adequate supply of fluid during the
entire operation. A low fluid supply will allow more air
to be drawn into the system.
3. Continue bleeding until no more air bubbles are
expelled from the system and a firm brake pedal is
4. Check the reservoir fluid level after the bleeding
operation is completed. With brake pressure on, check
the entire system for leaks.

Figure 1240.-Bleeder bomb.

bleeder valve, and the free end of the hose is placed in

a container that has enough hydraulic fluid to cover the
end of the hose. The air-laden fluid is then forced from
the system by applying the brakes. If the brake system
is a part of the main hydraulic system, a portable
hydraulic test stand may be used to supply the pressure.
If the system is an independent master cylinder system,
the master cylinder will supply the necessary pressure.
In either case, each time the brake pedal is released, the
bleeder valve must be closed or the bleeder hose pinched
off; otherwise, more air will be drawn back into the
system. Bleeding should continue until no more air
bubbles come through the bleeder hose into the bleeder
BOTTOM-UP METHOD. In the bottom-up
method, the air is expelled through the brake system
reservoir or other specially provided location. Some
aircraft have a bleeder valve located in the upper brake
line. In this method of bleeding, pressure is supplied by
a bleeder bomb. A bleeder bomb (fig. 12-40) is a
portable tank in which hydraulic fluid is placed, and then
put under pressure with compressed air. The bleeder
bomb is equipped with an air valve, air gauge, and a
connector hose. The connector hose, which attaches to
the bleeder valve on the brake assembly, is provided
with a shutoff valve. Normally, the hose is connected to
the lowest bleed fitting on the brake assembly. With the
brake bleed fitting opened, opening the bleeder bomb
shutoff valve allows pressurized fluid to flow from the
bleeder bomb through the brake system until all the
trapped air is expelled. The brake bleeder valve is then
secured, and the bleeder bomb hose is disconnected.

Overheated Wheel Brakes

In the event an aircraft has been subjected to
excessive braking, the wheels may be heated to the point
where there is danger of a blowout or fire.
NOTE: Excessive brake heating weakens tire
and wheel structures, increases tire pressure,
and creates the possibility of fire in the
magnesium wheels. When the brakes on an
aircraft have been used excessively, the fire
department should be notified immediately, and
all unnecessary personnel should be advised to
leave the immediate area.
If blowout screens, such as the one shown in figure
12-41, are available, they should be placed around both
main wheels. These screens help to eliminate the
possibility of damage or injury in the event of a blowout.
Sudden cooling may cause an overheated wheel to
fracture or fly apart, which could hurl bolts or fragments
through the air with sufficient speed to injure personnel.
Required personnel should approach overheated wheels
with extreme caution in the fore or aft directions-never
in line with the axle.
NOTE: The area on both sides of the tire and
wheel, in line with the axle, is where the
fragments would be hurled if the tire were to
explode; therefore, it is called the danger area.
See figure 12-41.


Figure 1241.-Use of blowout screen on overheated brakes.

Heat transfer to the wheel will continue for some

period of time until the brake is cooled. The danger of
explosive failure may exist after the aircraft is secured
if action is not taken to cool the overheated brake.

Once the brake has been properly cooled, permit the

wheel to cool in ambient air. A crosswind or forced air
from a blower or fan will assist in cooling the wheel.
The aircraft should not be moved for at least 15 minutes
after cooling operations.

The recommended procedure for cooling

overheated wheel, brake, and tire assemblies is to park
the aircraft in an isolated location. Allow the assembly
to cool in ambient air for a period of 45 to 60 minutes.
The use of cooling agents to accelerate cooling is not
recommended unless operational necessity dictates their
use. The application of the agents exposes personnel to
danger by requiring their presence near the overheated
assembly. However, if it is necessary to accelerate
coding, use an intermittent stream of water or fog.


Learning Objective: Recognize the various
componen ts of a representative brake system,
such as valves, reservoirs, and swivels. Identify
the operation of a brake master cylinder.
Components of brake systems are not peculiar to
any one system. A given component will vary in shape,
size, capacity, and manner of operation (depending
upon the manufacturer), but the function remains the
same. In this section, we will discuss some of the more
common brake system component maintenance

When using water, direct a stream to the brake. The

water should be applied in 10- to 15-second periodic
bursts, not in a continuous discharge. Each application
should be separated by a waiting period of at least 30 to
60 seconds. A minimum of three to five applications is
usually necessary.
When fog is used, the fog is deflected to the brake
side of the wheel for a period of 5 to 10 seconds. Each
application should be separated by a waiting period of
at least 20 seconds. This method is applied as long as it
is necessary to control the temperature of the affected


Repair of this brake reservoir is limited to
disassembly, cleaning, and replacement of high usage
parts from a cure-date repair kit. These high usage parts
consist of a new sight glass with its O-ring seal, washer,


and retainer; a new filter, packing, and plug; and a new

nameplate for the reservoir housing.
Clean the reservoir inside and out with P-D-680
cleaning solvent. Use a fiber brush on threads. Dry the
interior with clean, dry compressed air from a regulated
low-pressure source.
After the reservoir is cleaned and the cure-date
repair kit parts have been installed, conduct a leakage
test. This is accomplished by connecting a source of
25-psi air to the filler port and applying pressure. The
reservoir should then be submerged in a tank of water
for a minimum of 2 minutes. No leakage should be seen.
Maintenance of these valves at organizational-level
activities is limited to removal and replacement. After
installation, rig the valves. Make an operational check
of the brake system in accordance with the MIMs.
Repair of the brake control valve consists of
disassembly, cleaning, inspection, reassembly, and
Perform the disassembly in a clean working area.
As you remove parts, place them in a clean container for
protection against dirt and damage. If the valve is to be
disassembled for a considerable length of time, the parts
should be protected from moisture. Note the method of
lockwiring for reference during the reassembly process.
Remove the end cap and the plunger assembly as a unit.
Disassemble the end cap and plunger assembly for
inspection, cleaning, and replacement of sealing
devices. Remove the opposite end cap and remove the
slide and sleeve assembly as a unit for disassembly.
Use P-D-680 cleaning solvent to clean parts. Except
for the slide and sleeve, remove stubborn accumulations
of dirt with a stiff bristle nonmetallic brush moistened
in cleaning solvent. Dry all parts with low-pressure, dry,
filtered air.
NOTE: The slide and the sleeve assembly are
precision lapped parts; they must be kept
together as a matched set. You should take extra
care to prevent damage during maintenance.

Using a strong light and preferably some
magnification, inspect all parts for scoring, nicks,
cracks, burrs, excessive wear, corrosion, or damage.
Carefully examine all packing grooves and lands for
burrs and damage. The chrome plating of the plunger
should be inspected for blisters, pinholes, flaking, or
damage, and plating should be continuous. The sliding
surfaces of the slide and sleeve should be free from
scratches, burrs, or nicks. Inspect the seating edges of
the slide for sharpness and freedom from nicks and
burrs. Any damage to the slide and sleeve will
necessitate replacement of both parts of the matched
assembly. The holes in the valve-actuating lever are
checked for elongation, and the roller that makes contact
with the plunger is checked for smoothness and freedom
from nicks and flat spots. Test springs for free length
and test length versus test load in accordance with the
spring data table provided in the 03 manual.


Before reassembly, immerse all internal parts in

filtered, clean hydraulic fluid. Parts are reassembled
while they are still wet. Reassembly is accomplished in
the reverse order of disassembly. Upon completion of
reassembly, adjust the lever backstop adjustment screw
to the dimensions indicated in figure 12-42.


Figure 12-42 shows the operational test setup used

to accomplish the variety of tests required to verify that
the valve is ready for issue. A test stand capable of
supplying hydraulic pressure from 0 to 4,500 psig
pressure is required. Air is bled from the valve, and
testing is conducted in accordance with the test
procedures table provided in the MIMs and/or 03
manual. Tests include proof test, static pressure test,
pressure drop test for internal leakage, and a complete
operational test to verify power operation and
adjustment. A test troubleshooting table can be found in
the "Intermediate Repair section of most MIMs and 03
manuals. Tables may be used to assist in isolating causes
for malfunctions that result from repair action.
After testing, fill the valve with preservative
hydraulic fluid and plug all ports. Lockwire the lever
backstop adjustment screw, the plunger end cap, and the
end plug in the manner recorded before disassembly.


Figure 12-42.-Operational test setup-power brake valve.


There is no daily or routine maintenance required
on the power/manual brake valve other than a wipe
down of the exposed portion of the rod. There are,
however, certain repairs that can be effected in case of
valve malfunction. These include replacement of seals,
as required, tube, shaft, springs, or even the body in
more serious cases.
Tests are not required on the individual valve parts.
After disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair or
replacement, lubrication, and complete reassembly have
been accomplished, perform a bench test. This test will
determine whether the unit satisfies the required
minimum specifications.
Test the power/manual brake valves on a test bench
before installation in the aircraft. The test bench must be
capable of supplying hydraulic fluid filtered through a
3-micron filter at a maximum pressure of 2,250 psi.
During the test the room temperature should be 70 to
90F, and the fluid temperature 70 to 110F.
The bench test is divided into the manual section
and the power section. No particular sequence of
performance of bench test is required, except that the
proof pressure test of a section must precede the leakage
test of that section. Bleed all air from the unit before it
is tested.

external leakage, permanent distortion, failure, or

malfunction of any part of the valve.
PUMPING TEST. -To perform the pumping test,
you should connect a reservoir to the RETURN port by
means of a 3/8-inch ID hose that is at least 24 inches
long. Position the reservoir in such a way that the fluid
is above (but not more than 6 inches) the RETURN port.
Move the shaft to the fully actuated (2-inch plunger
stroke) position, and then cap the BRAKE port.
To perform the pumping test, cycle the valve
rapidly. A rapid decrease in the length of successive
pressure strokes should be noted. On each cycle the
return stroke should be self-motivated.
LEAKAGE TEST. Reposition the unit on the
bench and harness the valve shaft in the midposition.
With the RETURN and PRESSURE ports open,
hydraulic pressure of 25 psi should be applied to the
BRAKE port. There should be no evidence of external
leakage, failure, or malfunction of any part of the valve.
After the first minute, leakage at the RETURN port
should not exceed 1 cubic centimeter per minute for 2
minutes. If satisfactory at this stage, repeat the
procedure by using 500 psi at the BRAKE port.
With the valve in the relaxed position, apply static
hydraulic pressure of 5 psi to the BRAKE and RETURN
ports. There should be no external leakage, failure, or
malfunction of any part of the valve. Repeat the
procedure with 200 psi of static hydraulic pressure.

Proof Pressure Test-Manual Section

Proof Pressure Test-Power Section
For this test the valve shaft must be harnessed in the
midposition (1-inch plunger stroke), and the RETURN
port must be plugged. Apply hydraulic pressure of 2,250
psi to the BRAKE port. There should be no evidence of

A pressure of 2,250 psi should be applied to the

PRESSURE port with the BRAKE and RETURN ports
open. Maintain the pressure for 2 minutes, and then look


for evidence of external leakage, failure, or permanent

set. Perform this step twice.



performed in three stages. Apply hydraulic pressure of
1,500 psi to the PRESSURE port, and apply successive
plunger loads of 47 pounds, 124 pounds, and 190
pounds. As a result of these applications, the pressure
output readings at the BRAKE port should be 100 to 160
pounds on the first load, 660 to 750 pounds on the
second load, and 1,135 to 1,255 pounds on the third load.

Before any removal, install an AN350-4 nut

on the threaded end of the piston rod to
bottom against the shaft bearing. This will
eliminate the possibility of injury to
personnel during disassembly because of
spring preload.

LEAKAGE TEST. -The leakage test for the power

section requires 1,500 psi of hydraulic pressure at the
PRESSURE port with the BRAKE and RETURN ports
open. With the valve shaft in the relaxed position, the
combined leakage from the open ports should not
exceed 25 cubic centimeters per minute for the last 4
minutes of a 5-minute period. If the unit checks out,
proceed to the next step.
With 1,500 psi still applied to the PRESSURE port,
plug the BRAKE port, and then extend the valve shaft
to midposition. Leakage from the RETURN port should
not exceed 25 cubic centimeters per minute for the last
4 minutes of a 5-minute period.
FLOW TEST. TO perform the flow test, you
should apply hydraulic pressure of 1,500 psi to the
PRESSURE port. Move the plunger between 3/8 and
5/8 of an inch. Minimum flow at the BRAKE port should
be 2 gpm, and there should be no evidence of chatter or
After testing is completed, remove the valve from
the test bench, flush it with hydraulic preservative oil,
drip-drain the unit, and plug all ports. The body should
be rubber-stamped with the cure date of the oldest
O-ring or packing and tagged with the date of the test
and the results.

Disassemble the cylinder according to the procedures provided in the Intermediate Repair section of
the MIM and/or 03 manual. Place spring-loaded
subassemblies in an arbor press or other device designed
to restrain parts while relieving the tension.
Wash all reusable parts of the Gladden master brake
cylinder with P-D-680 cleaning solvent. Use a bristle
brush to remove caked dirt from exterior surfaces. Use
a piece of soft, copper wire to remove obstructions from
ports and passages. Thoroughly dry all parts with a
clean, lint-free cloth or 20-psi compressed air.
Conduct the inspection of parts under a strong light
and preferably with a means of magnification. Make the
following checks:
1. Check all parts for nicks, cracks, scratches, and
2. Check threaded parts for crossed or damaged
3. Check all packing grooves for surface defects
that might cut packings during installation or cause
failure during operation.
4. Check the bearing on the suspension rod at the
reservoir port end of the cylinder for freedom of rotation
and evidence of nut spots.


Maintenance at the organizational level consists of
removal and replacement of the master brake cylinder.
Maintenance at the intermediate level consists of
disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair and
replacement of seals and parts, lubrication, reassembly,
and testing.

5. Check all springs for specified load at given

length. There should be no permanent set from test
loading, and springs should not wobble when they are
rolled across a hat surface.
Repair and Replacement
Polish minor nicks and scratches on metal parts with
crocus cloth (Federal Specification P-C-458C for steel
parts and P-C-451B for aluminum parts). During
polishing, make sure that all dimensions are maintained
within the specified limits and that seating and sealing
surfaces are not damaged.

Before disassembly, the Intermediate Repair"
section of the MIM or 03 manual should be used to make
sure that all parts, material, equipment, and facilities
required during repair are available.


Repair damage to anodized finishes on aluminum

parts by applying a protective chemical film per
Specification MIL-C-81706, class 1A, Form III.

Chemical film materials are strongly
oxidizing and are a fire hazard when in
contact with organic materials such as
paint thinners. Do not store or mix surface
previously containing flammable products.
Rags contaminated with chemical film
material should be thoroughly rinsed and
disposed of as soon as practical.

Figure 1243.-Piston, valve, and brake chamber

proof test setup diagram.

When you replace a suspension bearing, stake the

new bearing at the original stake points on both sides
of the body by using a 3/16-inch-diameter ball in the
staking tool. Verify the security of the bearing, and
inspect the area around the staking indentations for
possible fractures.
Many parts for the repair of the Gladden master
brake cylinder are provided in cure-date and
overhaul kits. Replace all other worn or damaged
parts that cannot be reworked to meet inspection
requirements. Detail parts not provided in the kit
maybe available from bulk stock.
Apply a light coat of hydraulic fluid to all sealing
devices to aid in reassembly. The recommended
lubricant for the suspension rod end bearing is
grease, Specification MIL-G-23827.

Figure 12-44.-Rod packing, cylinder

leakage, and pumping function test.
should be no external leakage for 1 minute from
either port.
To perform the piston, valve, and brake chamber
proof test, install the unit in the jig (fig. 12-43), and
harness it at the midstroke position with 25-psi
hydraulic pressure applied at the brake port. There
should be no external leakage. Leakage at the
reservoir port should not exceed 1 drop per minute
for 2 minutes after a 1-minute waiting period. If the
unit tests satisfactorily at this stage, the pressure
should be increased to 2,000 psi. There should be no
external leakage, and leakage at the reservoir port
should not exceed 1 drop per minute for 2 minutes
after a 1-minute waiting period.
When the foregoing test is completed, the unit is
ready to receive a rod packing, cycling leakage, and
pumping function test. With the unit extended and
installed in the actuating fixture, a reservoir should
be connected to the reservoir port and a 200- to 400psi

Reassemble all interred parts in reverse order of
disassembly by using an arbor press, or equivalent,
and an AN350-4 nut to aid in assembly and to
eliminate the possibility of personnel injury because
of preload of springs.
The test equipment required includes a
conventional hydraulic test bench capable of
delivering fluid to 4,500-psi pressure at room
temperature, plus the equipment illustrated in
figures 12-43 and 12-44. The nominal extended
length of the unit from the center of the end bearing
to the end of the actuating rod is 15.31 inches.
To proof test the inlet chamber and perform a
leakage test, first apply 5 psi, and then 200 psi at the
reservoir port with the brake port plugged. There


relief valve should be connected to the brake port. See

figure 12-44. Operation of the manual lever through five
full strokes should pump hydraulic fluid through the
relief valve. Leakage at the piston rod gland should not
exceed 1 drop at this time. Not less than 0.75 cubic inch
of fluid should flow from the relief valve during anyone
complete stroke cycle of the manual lever. There should
be no evidence of binding at any time during these tests.

Perform inspections under a strong light and with

magnification. Inspect all threads for crossed, filled, or
stripped conditions. Inspect all parts for nicks, scratches,
scoring, corrosion, or other damage. Check all drilled
passages for obstructions.
Repair or Parts Replacement
Replace any part that is damaged or does not
function properly. During replacement and before actual
reassembly, lightly coat all parts with hydraulic
preservative fluid; assemble parts while they are wet.


Shuttle valve maintenance is generally limited to
repairing leakage. External leakage may usually be
repaired by tightening the end caps. If this does not stop
the leakage, the end cap O-ring should be replaced.
Internal leakage can usually be repaired by
removing and flushing the unit with clean, hydraulic
fluid. Excessive heating is a good indication of internal
leakage through a shuttle valve. Excessive cycling of the
emergency system pump is also an indication of a leaky
shuttle valve.
After an emergency system has been operated, all
emergency system pressure should be bled off as soon
as possible and the normal system restored to operation.
Tests are not required on the individual adjuster
valve parts. After disassembly, cleaning, inspection,
repair or parts replacement, and complete reassembly
have been accomplished, perform a bench test to
determine whether the brake adjuster valve satisfies the
required minimum specifications.
The brake adjuster valve should be disassembled in
accordance with instructions contained in the MIM
and/or 03 manual. Check the safety wiring before
disassembly to expedite rewiring after reassembly.
Clean all parts except the nylon insert and O-rings
with P-D-680 cleaning solvent. The insert and O-rings
will normally be replaced upon each disassembly of the
valve. Dry parts with dry, clean, filtered, compressed air.

Reassembly is essentially the reverse of disassembly. Directions for reassembly are provided in the
MIM and/or 03 manual.
Bench Test
The bench test consists of a series of testsproof
pressure, thermal crack, shuttle valve opening
operation, shuttle valve closing operation, and leakage.
Perform these tests in the order listed on a test bench,
and not while they are installed in the aircraft. The test
bench used must be capable of supplying hydraulic fluid
filtered through a 3-micron filter at a maximum pressure
of 2,250 psi. Conduct the tests at a room temperature of
70 to 90F and a fluid temperature of 70 to 110F.
Before you start the test, bleed all air from the unit. After
completing the test, remove the valve from the bench.
Flush with hydraulic preservative fluid, drip-drain, and
plug the ports. The cure date of the oldest scaling device
should be rubber-stumped on the body of the valve, and
the unit togged with the date and results of the test.
To perform the proof pressure test, apply a hydrostatic proof pressure of 2,250 psi to the RET (return) port
with the BRAKE and PMV (power/manual valve) ports
interconnected. Apply this pressure twice and hold for a
2-minute period each time. There should be no evidence
of external leakage, failure, distortion, or permanent set.
Perform the thermal crack test by applying pressure
gradually to the BRAKE port with the RET and PMV
ports open until the valve cracks. The residual pressure
should not be less than 27 psi. Again, gradually increase
pressure at the BRAKE port until the valve cracks. The
cracking pressure should be between 30 and 37 psi.
There should be no leakage from the PMV port.


NOTE: During piston travel a volume of fluid

will be displaced through the PMV port. Only
the portion of displaced fluid that exceeds 10
cubic centimeters should be considered as
leakage. No RET port fluid displacement
should be considered leakage.

Do not inhale solvent vapors or direct

compressed air against the skin. Failure to
observe proper safety precautions could
result in injury to personnel.


1. Decal
2. Nameplate
3. Drive screw
4. Retainer plate
5. Machine screw 10.

Shear plate assembly
Ball retainer
Bearing plate

11. Thread lock

12. Lock screw
13. Stop plate
14. Ball
15. Detent spring

16. Actuating shaft

17. O-ring
18. Backup ring
19. Sure seal
20. O-ring

21. Backup ring

22. Seal spring
23. Body assembly

Figure 1245.-Brake selector valve-exploded view.

This procedure completes the thermal crack test. In

preparation for the shuttle valve opening operation test
that follows, block residual pressure in the BRAKE port
using a pressure gauge as the plug.
With the RET port open and BRAKE port capped,
apply hand-pumped hydraulic pressure gradually to the
PMV port. There should be a simultaneous increase of
BRAKE port pressure with PMV port pressure. At a
pressure of 60 to 80 psi in the PMV port, pressure in the
PMV port and BRAKE port should become equal. A
gradual increase in PMV port pressure to 1,500 psi should
result in a proportionate increase in the BRAKE port
pressure. Any displacement at the RET port should not
be considered leakage during this phase of the bench test.
The shuttle valve closing operation test begins with
1,500 psi from the previous phase still applied to the
PMV port. Reduce the pressure at the PMV port to 150
psi, and then rapidly to 0 psi. The closing operation is
evidenced by the venting of hydraulic fluid from the
RET port as PMV pressure decreases from 20 psi to 0 psi.
The final phase of the bench test is the test for
leakage. This phase is started with 27-psi hydraulic
pressure trapped in the BRAKE port. There should be
no evidence of pressure decrease when it is measured

over a period of 3 minutes. Continue the test with the

BRAKE port capped and the RET port of the valve in
an upright position. Fill the RET port cavity and a
leakage measuring device with hydraulic fluid. Apply
hand-pumped hydraulic pressure of 30 to 37 psi to the
PMV port. Leakage at the RET port must not exceed 0.5
cubic centimeter per minute. Immediately after
application of pressure, measure the leakage for a
3-minute period. Disregard volume displacement
because of shuttle valve transition if leakage is not in
excess of 0.5 cubic centimeter per minute. Increase the
pressure to 125 psi and maintain for a 3-minute period.
There should be no evidence of leakage. Further
increase the pressure to 1,500 psi and maintain for
another 3-minute period. There should be no leakage.
Repair of the brake selector valve at the
intermediate level of maintenance is limited to the
replacement of cure-date items and parts listed under
Spares and Replacement Parts Data in the "Intermediate
Maintenance section of the MIM.
Figure 12-45 shows an exploded view of the
selector valve. Observe the arrangement in which the


1. Screw
2. Washer

5. O-ring
6. Backup ring

3. Retainer
4. Outer body

7. Inner body

Figure 1246.-Brake swivel.

machine screws are lockwired to aid in reassembly.

Disassemble the valve and clean all parts with P-D-680
cleaning solvent. Dry all parts thoroughly, using
low-pressure, moisture-free, compressed air or a
lint-free, clean cloth. Inspect all parts for scratches,
cracks, scoring, burrs, nicks, excessive wear, and
distortion. If any part other than those listed in the Spare
and Repair Parts Data is faulty, the component must be
tagged to show the fault and forwarded to the next higher
level of maintenance.
Replace all sealing devices and worn or damaged
parts. Apply a light coating of hydrauIic fluid on all
O-rings, backup rings, seals, and wear surfaces before
reassembly. Note the proper assembly of the seal, O-ring
and backup ring, and the proper assembly of the stop
plate, as shown in figure 12-45. Reassembly is
essentially the reverse order of disassembly. Steps that
require quality assurance verification in the MIMs are
identified by the letters QA after the applicable steps.
When QA is assigned to a step or a heading that is
immediately followed by substeps, the inspection is
applicable to all substeps. The four machine screws that
hold the selector valve assembly together must be
tightened and properly lockwired.
NOTE: In some MIMs, the steps in a procedure
that require a QA inspection are underlined or

Bench test the repaired valve to verify its readyfor-issue (RFI) condition. The hydraulic fluid used to
test the valve must be continuously filtered by a
3-micron absolute, nonbypass filter upstream of the
valve. Allow the test stand fluid to reach an operating
temperature of 70 to 110F before the testing begins.
The valve must pass a proof test, static pressure test,
actuation (operational) test, and leakage tests. During
the actuation test, the amount of torque required to
operate the valve to any position should not exceed 40
inch-pounds with 3,000 psi applied to the pressure port.
The requirements for each test are specified in the
Intermediate Repair section of the MIM.


Organizational maintenance of the swivel, shown in

figure 12-46, consists of removal and replacement.
Intermediate maintenance is limited to replacement of
materials provided in the cure-date seal kit and the
retainer. When you assemble swivels of this type, gently
push the outer body over the inner body with a slight
oscillating motion to prevent damage to the O-rings and
backup rings. A light coating of hydraulic fluid is
applied to all O-rings, backup rings, and mating surfaces
before it is reassembled. Following reassembly, the
swivel is bench tested.


Figure 1247.-Brake self-adjustment feature-single disc brake.

Proof testing is accomplished by applying 4,500 psi

individualy to each port with the opposing port plugged.
Maintain the pressure for 2 minutes, and there should be
no leakage. Conduct this check a minimum of three
times, and during the last proof test, rotate the swivel
through a complete swiveling circle. Conduct the static
leak test in the same manner as the proof test using 5 to
10 psi. Next, apply 3,000 psi to both the normal and
emergency ports with the opposing ports plugged.
Gradually, apply and check the torque required to rotate
the swivel. Maximum torque required should not exceed
30 inch-pounds.

The description and operation of the single disc,

dual disc, multiple disc, and segmented rotor brake
assemblies were covered earlier in this chapter.
Additional maintenance information on the single and
dual disc brake assemblies and a description and
operation of the trimetallic disc brake assemblies are
covered in this section.
Automatically adjusted single and dual disc brakes
are designed to provide a satisfactory running clearance
between the brake disc and the brake linings. The
self-adjusting feature of the brake maintains the desired
lining and puck-to-disc clearance, regardless of lining
or puck wear. See figure 12-47. When you apply the
brakes, hydraulic pressure moves each piston and its
pucks or linings against the disc or discs as applicable.
As the linings wear, the piston pushes against the
adjusting pin (through the spring guide) and moves the
pin against the friction of the adjusting pin grip. When
you release the brake pressure, the force of the return
spring moves the piston away from the brake disc, but
it does not move the adjusting pin, which is held by the
friction of the pin grip. The piston moves away from the
disc until it stops against the head of the adjusting pin.
Thus, regardless of the amount of wear, the same travel
of the piston will be required to apply the brake, and the
running clearance will be maintained.

In the final step of testing, apply low pressure to

each port with the opposing port unplugged, and check
to ensure that fluid flows freely through the swivel. If
the swivel is RFI and is to be returned to supply for stock,
flush it with preservative hydraulic fluid and plug all
ports. If the part fails the testing, tag it to show the part
of the test failed. Flush with preservative hydraulic fluid
and plug the ports. Forward the part to supply to be
forwarded to the next higher level of maintenance.


Learning Objective: Identify the maintenance

procedures for the single disc, the dual disc,
and the bimetallic disc brake assemblies.


1. Locknut
2. Threaded bushing
3. Spacer

4. Grips, split collar

5. Washer

Figure 12-49.-Captured nontorquing-type automatic adjuster.

clearance is worn from the face of the linings. With the

adjusting nuts properly torqued, the friction between the
grip and the adjusting pin is great enough to overcome
the compression of the return spring, and the adjusting
pin will be pulled through the grip only to compensate
for lining wear.
After torquing the automatic adjusting nuts to the
specified value, back them off and retorque several
times. This procedure will ensure proper mating of all
parts and the correct torque on the final assembly.
Figure 1248.-Cross-sectional view of a single disc brake assembly
with captured torquing-type automatic adjuster.

Figure 12-49 shows the captured nontorquing-type

automatic adjuster used on some single and dual disc
brake assemblies.
Brakes that contain nontorquing adjusters can be
identified by the locknut and threaded bushing over each
adjusting pin. The only difference between the torquingand nontorquing-type automatic adjustment is the
method used to restrict the movement of the adjusting
pin. The torquing-type adjustment uses a tapered grip,
and the nontorquing uses one or more l/4-inch-wide
grips composed of brass liners.

The automatic adjusting feature may be referred to

as a captured torquing type or captured nontorquing
type. Figure 12-48 shows a typical captured
torquing-type automatic adjuster. It is mandatory that
clearance be established between the linings and the
discs before torquing the automatic adjusting nut to the
amount specified for the brake involved. Otherwise, the
brake will drag until an amount equal to the built-in


Figure 1250-Single disc brake-repair and parts replacement diagram.

Spare grips are shipped with pilot pins installed to

open the grip to the approximate diameter of the
adjusting pin, thus preventing damage to the grjp during
installation. The pilot pin is expelled as the grip is forced
over the adjusting pin. If grips are to be reused when a
brake is disassembled, they should have the pilot pins
reinstalled before assembly in the brake.

Lining replacement and cure-date kit installation

consist of the following steps:
1. Remove the lockwire and unscrew the cylinder
heads (brake release units); remove the release units
from the housing.
2. Remove the disc from the brake housing.

Brake repairs on the single disc brake consist of

replacing linings, worn or damaged sealing devices,
brake release units, or brake discs. See figure 12-50.

3. Remove the inlet plug and bushing, the bleeder

adapter, and O-ring packings.


Figure 12-51.-Dual disc brake-repair and parts replacement.


4. Remove the brake linings from the pistons, the

brake housing, and the disc guide.
5. Clean the brake assembly components with
low-pressure compressed air. Wash all metal parts in
P-D-680 cleaning solvent. Dry with compressed air.
6. Check the release units for damage, nicks, and
gouges. If damaged, replace the complete release unit.

the brake hose could result. Remove the brake linings

from the pistons, center carrier, backplate, and disc
guide. Riveted linings must be drilled. Snap-on or
friction-fit linings can be easily pried off with a common
screwdriver. Remove dirt and other foreign particles
from the brake assembly components by the use of
low-pressure compressed air. Wear safety eye
protection during this operation.

7. Check the brake housing for cracks and

cylinder walls for nicks or other visible damage.
Damage will necessitate turning in the complete brake
assembly to supply for disposition.

Clean the external surfaces of the brake parts with

a cloth dampened with P-D-680 cleaning solvent.
Replace any brake lining attaching buttons that are
damaged. The housing, backplate, center carrier, and all
bolts should be inspected for damage, cracks, or
leakage, as applicable. lf the brake has hydraulic leakage
or if the housing, backplate, or center carrier is damaged
or cracked, the complete brake assembly should be
replaced and turned in to supply for repair at the next
higher level of maintenance.

8. Install new linings in the housing cavities and

rivet on the disc guide lining. Friction fit will hold the
linings in the housing cavities. Do NOT use cement.
9. Install new linings in the piston cavities using
brake lining adhesive specified for such use (for
example, Pliogrip No. 3).
10. Install the brake disc into the brake housing.

Inspect the disc for minimum thickness, maximum

width of the keyways, and warping. Check the disc for
warpage by using a straightedge across the face of the
disc. Instructions for straightening a warped disc can be
found in the applicable 03 manual. Replace a brake disc
that is worn excessively.

11. Dip brake release unit packings from the

cure-date kit into the hydraulic fluid and install on the
brake release units.
12. Coat the piston of the release unit with a light
coating of hydraulic fluid and install in the housing.
Tighten the cylinder heads against the housing as
specified in the MIM or the 03 manual.

When a brake disc keyway is worn excessively or

elongated, inspect the brake disc drive keys within the
wheel assembly for damage and security. Replace the
drive keys or the wheel if the damage exceeds the
limitations specified in the applicable MIM.

13. Reinstall the inlet plug, bushing, and bleeder

adapter into the housing. Use new packings that have
been dipped in hydraulic fluid.
14. Lockwire the cylinder heads, bleed the brake,
and test the brake for leakage and proper operation. Test
pressure for this brake assembly is 1,100 psi. Hold the
pressure for 2 minutes and check the assembly for leaks.
Release and reapply the pressure 10 times, and check
for proper brake operation and release of the discs.
Allow the brake to stand 2 minutes with pressure
relieved to check for static fluid leakage.

The new linings are installed in the brake pistons,

the center carrier, and the backplate. The disc guide
lining is riveted to the disc guide. The pistons are pushed
back into the piston housing until a maximum of 1/8 inch
of lining is protruding beyond the housing. Assemble
the brake on the axle flange, and torque all attaching
bolts as well as the four internal wrenching bolts to the
specifications provided in the MIM. The fore and aft
axle attaching nuts on the brake housing must have their
flat surface toward the setscrew on the final torque. The
setscrews are tightened against the flat surfaces to safety
the nuts. Secure the four internal wrenching bolts with
lockwire. The wheel is installed and the shock strut
lowered. Perform an operational check to verify proper
operation. Specified steps throughout the lining and disc
replacement procedures and the final security of all
attachments require quality assurance verification as
indicated in the MIM.

On dual disc brakes, as well as some single disc

brakes, the linings may be replaced without disturbing
the brake hydraulic system. See figure 12-51. In this
example, the shock strut is raised with a wheel jack until
the wheel is clear of the ground. The wheel is removed,
and the four internal wrenching bolts that attach the
brake housing to the backplate are removed. The two
setscrews located at each side of the brake housing are
unscrewed enough to allow removal of the seven axle
flange attaching bolts. Make certain the brake assembly
is supported before you remove the bolts, or damage to


Figure 1252.-Seal replacement and piston return adjustment.

Figure 12-52 shows the various steps involved in

drive pin to force the adjusting pins through their grips

and remove the pistons from the housing. Make sure that
the drive pin is centered on the adjusting pinto prevent
damaging the adjusting pin packings and grips.

replacing the piston seals and adjusting the return

mechanism. The internal wrenching bolts holding the
cylinder housing to the carrier and backplate are
removed (view A). The cylinder housing is placed under

Next, cut the lockwire on the locknut. Use the

threaded bushing wrench, illustrated in view C, to

a press, as illustrated in view B. Use the press and the


Figure 12-52.-Seal replacement and piston return adjustmentContinued.

remove the locknuts, bushings, spacers, and grips from

the housing. Remove the spring retaining ring from
within the piston, as shown in view D.

adjusting pins, as shown in view E. Hold the guides in

the bottomed position and turn the threaded retaining
rings clockwise until the rings are snug against the

With the linings still attached to the pistons, support

the pistons in a press. Use a 3-inch length of 7/8-inch
steel tubing to force the guides to the bottom on the


bottom guides. Back off the threaded retaining rings 3/4

of a turn counterclockwise from the bottomed positions
and, if necessary, continue turning counterclockwise to

1. Bleeder valve
2. Rotating disc
3. Stationary disc
4. Housing backplate
5. Keyed torque tube
6. Torque tube spacer

7. Pressure plate subassembly

8. Brake inlet port
9. Self-adjusting mechanism
10. Brake housing subassembly
11. Brake assembling bolt

Figure 12-53.-Trimetallic brake assembly.

the next locking position, as shown in view F. Secure

the threaded retainer with the wire retaining ring.
Replace the piston packings with new packings that
have been dipped in hydraulic fluid, and ensure that the
packings and adjusting pin stems are lubricated with
hydraulic fluid.
The piston assemblies are then installed in the
cylinder housing and forced to the complete brake-off
positionsbottomed in the housing cavities. The pistons
are supported against their linings to the brake-off
position. Use the press and the grip driver, as illustrated
in view G, to force the grips, one at a time, over the
adjusting pins until they are bottomed. The pistons must
remain in the complete brake-off position when the grips
are installed. Place the spacers over the adjusting pins
and install the bushings fingertight. Hold the bushings
in fingertight positions and install and tighten the
locknuts. Safety wire the locknuts, as shown in view H.
NOTE: On some brake assemblies, the adjusting pin bushing (adjusting pin nut) is
torqued to a specified value.

1. Housing backplate
2. Stationary discs
3. Rotating discs
4. Pressure plate subassembly
5. Pressure plate
6. Wear plate insulator
7. Wear plate
8. Bleeder valve
9. O-ring and backup ring
10. Piston
11. Piston insulator
12. Brake housing subassembly
13 Self-locking nut
14. Brake assembling bolt

15. Torque tube spacer

16. Keyed torque tube
17. Inlet bushing
18. Self-adjusting
19. Self-adjusting pin
20. Return-spring guide
21. Return spring
22. Self-adjusting pin tube
23. Self-locking nut
24. Split collar grips
25. Retalning ring
26. Spring housing
27. Spring housing bushing

Figure 12-54.-Trimetallic brake assembly-cross section.

Before applying pressure, make sure that the
brake is assembled properly with all bolts
torqued and brake discs in position. Failure
to do so could result in injury to personnel.
Hold the test pressure for 2 minutes while you are
checking the brake assembly for leaks. Release and
apply the pressure 10 times to be sure that the brake
functions properly. The brake discs should be free when
hydraulic pressure is released. Allow the brake to stand
for 2 minutes with pressure released and check for static
fluid leakage.

The brake assembly must be tested following

reassembly. Connect the brake assembly to a hydraulic
supply source. Bleed the brake assembly and apply 600


If the brake assembly is not to be installed

immediately, install any attaching hardware that is part
of the assembly, fill with preservative hydraulic fluid,
and cap or plug all openings to prevent contamination.
Figures 12-53 and 12-54 show a typical trimetallic
brake assembly. The trimetallic brake assembly consists
of a brake housing subassembly, a keyed torque tube and
torque tube spacer, a housing backplate, stationary and
rotating discs, and a pressure plate subassembly.
The brake housing subassembly, keyed torque tube
and spacer, and the housing backplate are bolted
together to form the basic brake assembly. The
remaining components of the brake assembly are
mounted over the keyed torque tube and between the
brake housing and the housing backplate. The
metallic-faced rotating discs have keyways that engage
drive keys in the wheel so that they rotate with the wheel.

individual insulators installed in the ends of each piston

where it contacts the pressure plate.
Self-adjusting mechanisms are located around the
brake housing. They accomplish normal release of the
brake and provide a continuing adjustment action to
compensate for broke wear. Each mechanism consists
of a self-adjusting pin, a spring housing and bushing, a
return spring guide, a retaining ring, a grip and tube
subassembly, and a self-locking nut. The grip and tube
subassembly mounts over the self-locking pin, with the
grips being installed firmly on the tube. As disc wear
occurs automatic adjustment is provided by movement
of the adjusting pins through the split collar grips. The
retaining ring inside the spring housing serves as a stop
and retainer for the spring guide, which, in turn, holds
the return spring in position. The head of the selfadjusting pin engages the pressure plate subassembly to
allow brake release when pressure is removed.
When the landing gear wheel is rotating, the
metallicfaced rotating discs of the brake assembly
rotate freely between the stationary steel discs. When
pressure is applied to the brake assembly pistons, the
rotating and stationary discs are forced together,
creating friction between their surfaces. The amount of
hydraulic pressure applied to the brake pistons is
controlled by the aircrafts brake metering system in
response to the operating of the brake pedals. Braking
action applied to the wheel brake is proportional to the
pressure exerted on the brake pedal.

The rotating discs are separated by the stationary

discs, which are keyed to the torque tube. The mating
surfaces of these rotating and stationary discs constitute
the major friction-braking surfaces of the brake.
Additional friction surfaces exist between the outer face
of one rotating disc and the housing backplate, and
between the outer face of the rotating disc at the opposite
end and the pressure plate subassembly.
The pressure plate subassembly consists of the
pressure plate, replaceable wear plate, and wear plate
insulator. These three parts are riveted together. The
pressure plate serves as a seat for the self-adjusting pins
of the self-adjusting mechanism, and rests against the
insulators installed in the outer ends of the brake pistons.
It is the component through which force is directly
transmitted during application and release of the brakes.
The wear plate is keyed to the torque tube to prevent
rotation of the complete subassembly, and serves as the
friction surface for the outer face of the adjacent rotating
disc. The wear plate insulator prevents brake heat from
being transferred to the pressure plate and the brake

Pressure applied to the brake actuates all of the

pistons within the brake housing. These pistons, in turn,
force the pressure plate subassembly laterally against
the discs and against the housing backplate. As the
pressure is applied and the brake starts to actuate, the
lateral movement of the pressure plate subassembly
pulls the self-adjusting pins, the split collar grip and tube
subassemblies, and the return spring guides against the
return springs, compressing them until the spring guides
bottom in the housings. When the hydraulic pressure is
relieved, the return spring mechanisms, acting through
the heads of the self-adjusting pins, pull the pressure
plate subassembly back to the released position. The
pistons also return to their deactuated positions. The
extent of the return motion is limited by engagement of
the spring guides with the retaining ring stops inside the
spring housing.

The brake pistons transmit hydraulic pressure

through the pressure plate subassembly to the brake
discs. Standard O-rings and backup rings around each
piston prevent hydraulic fluid leakage and entry of
contaminants. The pistons are further protected against
heat transfer from the pressure plate subassembly by

As the discs wear, self-adjusting pins and tubes are

pulled through the split collar grips by the force exerted


on the pressure plate by the pistons. This small

movement of the adjusting pins and tubes, relative to the
grips, is equivalent to the combined wear of all the discs.
When pressure is removed from the brake, the return
springs return the pressure plate and the brake pistons
to the designed reset clearance and maintain a constant
Intermediate maintenance of the trimetallic brake
assembly consists of disassembly, cleaning and inspection, wear pad replacement as necessary, reassembly,
and testing. A brief description of each follows.
DISASSEMBLY. Place the brake assembly with
the brake housing down and remove the brake housing
bolts. Remove the backing plate and all discs from the
torque tube, and then remove the torque tube. Turn the
brake over and remove the self-locking nuts to release
the return pins. Remove the tube and grip assemblies,
pressure plate, and the remaining return spring parts.
The tube and grip assemblies should not be
disassembled. If they require replacement, replace the
complete assembly as a unit.
The piston insulator is removed from the pistons,
and the pistons are removed from the brake housing by
threading a return pin into the threaded hole in the piston
and pulling slowly. Exercise care to avoid damage to the
seal groove and cylinder walls. Remove the bleed valve
assembly and the brake inlet plug assembly.
loose grit are removed by using low-pressure air, and
then all parts are cleaned in a P-D-680 cleaning solvent
and dried with a clean, lint-free cloth.
All metal parts are visually inspected for cracks,
wear, or other damage, as specified in the Intermediate
Repair section of the MIM. Some parts may require
inspection by one of the nondestructive methods. The
return spring is inspected for proper resilience. The
amount of force required to move the grips on each tube
and grip assembly is checked with a special tube and
grip tester.

The backplate and pressure plate should be replaced

if they are cracked. If the wear pads are worn to less than
0.088-inch tltickness, they should be replaced.
WEAR PAD REPLACEMENT. Wear pad replacement on the pressure plate and the backing plate is
authorized. Drill out rivets that hold the worn pads.
Discard the worn pads. Check the plates for cracks,
deformation, and rivet hole elongation. Use a standard
squeeze rivet machine to rivet the replacement wear
pads to the plates, using the type of rivet specified in the
applicable MIM. The rivet bucktail must be below the
surface of the wear pad, Rivets with more than one crack
visible in the bucktail or with less than 50 percent of the
circumference of the formed head flush with the sides
of the countersunk area are not acceptable. The new
wear pads must be surface ground to 0. 100-inch
thickness, and should be flat within 0.010 inch after
grinding. The reworked plates should be vapor
degreased to remove all oil and grinding material. The
dried plates should be wrapped in clean, heavy paper for
protection until they are replaced in the brake assembly.
REASSEMBLY. Reassembly of the trimetallic
brake is essentially in the reverse order of disassembly.
Lubricate the packings, retainers, cylinder walls, and
other contacting surfaces within the brake housing with
a light coating of MIL-G-8 1322, general-purpose
aircraft grease before reassembly. Apply MIL-G-6032B
grease to the piston side of the piston insulators.
Lubricate the brake housing bolts and the contacting
surfaces of the bolt heads with antiseize compound. The
coating of these bolts and the contacting surface of the
bolt heads, followed by torquing, are referred to in some
MIMs as Lubtork.
TESTING. The reassembled trimetallic brake
must be tested to ensure the quality of maintenance.
Connect the brake assembly to a hydraulic test stand and
apply 25 psi to the inlet port. Open the bleeder valve
until air-free fluid flows from the valve. Increase the
pressure to 1,000 psi for 2 minutes and check for leaks.
Relieve and reapply 1,000 psi several times, and then
release the pressure slowly to 90 psi. Holding the 90-psi
pressure, measure the clearance between the pressure
plate and the first rotating disc. Minimum clearance
must be 0.065 inch. If used discs were reinstalled, check
for proper rotation. Secure the test stand, disconnect the
brake, and plug the inlet port to prevent contamination.

The rotating disc is inspected for cracks, distortion,

and thickness. The disc must be replaced if it is worn
below 0.2-inch thickness, if it is cracked, or if the
friction mix is worn unevenly. The friction mix maybe
pitted up to 0.5 square inch in any segment.
The stationary disc is inspected for cracks and
thickness. If the minimum thickness is less than 0.3 inch
or the disc is cracked, it should be replaced.



Control orifice No. 2 (release)

Control spring
Second step solenoid pilot valve

6. Pressure
7. Brake
8. Poppet
9. Ball check
10. First step solenoid pilot valve

11. Return seat

12. Release piston
13. Control piston
14. Control orifice No. 1

Figure 12-55.-Antiskid control valve schematic.


Learning Objective: Recognize the organizational- and intermediate-level maintenance
requirements for the proper operation of the
skid control system.
An antiskid test set is available for personnel in the
AE rating to use on the antiskid system. The operational
test normally requires a joint effort on the part of both
AM and AE personnel.

Following repair, the valve must be tested to verify

proper operation both hydraulically and electrically.
Trouble analysis/troubleshooting of the antiskid
system is generally accomplished by personnel of the
AE rating. The steps provided for using the antiskid test
set will pinpoint the causes for most malfunctions.
Those steps that do not meet the specified results are
investigated, parts are replaced as necessary, and the
complete operational check is repeated to verify that the
malfunction has been corrected.



Organizational maintenance on the antiskid control

valve, shown in figure 12-55, is limited to removal and
replacement. Intermediate level repair of the valve
consists of cure-date seal and parts replacement in
accordance with the procedures provided in the
Intermediate Maintenance section of the MIM.

Learning Objective: Recognize the different

hydraulic utility systems and their maintenance


These systems may be powered by the aircraft

power or aircraft utility hydraulic systems. Some units
receive power throughout the flight, while others are
isolated from system pressure to prevent unnecessary
loss of hydraulic fluid caused by damage or system

specified number of arrested landings. The inspection

and replacement interval is dependent on the type of
There are currently three types of arresting hooks.
Type I integral type arresting hook is highly heat-treated
with an uncoated hook point. Type II integral type has
a Metco-coated hook point. Type III detachable hook
point is heat-treated, stainless steel or alloy, and coated
with Colmony or Metco. As an example, the conditional
maintenance requirements cards for a representative
aircraft with a type II hook assembly requires inspection
of the arresting hook stinger and centering block after
10 recorded arrestments. The inspection consists of the

The systems discussed here are representative of

those with which you will most likely be working. In
parts of the discussion, values such as tolerances,
pressures, and temperatures are given to provide detail
in the coverage. You should bear in mind that changes
in these values are sometimes necessary because of
experience and data gathered from fleet use. When
actually performing the maintenance procedures
discussed, you should consult the current applicable
technical publications for the latest information and
exact values to be used.

1. Checking the hook shank, centering block and

truss members for cracks, misalignment, and obvious
2. Checking the stinger (I-beam and hook point)
for transverse cracks in the Metco coating, extending to
the base metal


The arresting gear system controls operation of the
arresting hook and the supplementary equipment
required to lower and raise the hook for carrier
operation. At organizational maintenance levels,
maintenance of the arresting gear system consists of
servicing the snubber-actuator and bumper assemblies,
operational checks, troubleshooting, rigging and
adjusting the system, and removal and installation of
components within the system.

3. Chipping or gouging in the cable contact groove

4. Cracks or defective bonding of the Metco
Any of these conditions are cause for rejection and
replacement of the assembly.
Following inspection or installation of a new
arresting gear assembly, apply grease conforming to that
recommended by the applicable MRC and/or the MIM
to the cable groove area.


Whenever the arresting hook experiences a double

wire engagement, strikes the ramp or a deck protrusion,
or approaches but does not exceed 100 arrestments,
replace designated parts of the complete arresting gear
mechanism. The removed parts are forwarded to the
designated depot-level maintenance activity for test and
overhaul. Include the total number of arrestments on the
screening and ready-for-issue tags. This number is
necessary so that an accurate account of the total number
of arrestments of each assembly can be maintained.

Before operating the arresting gear, make

sure all personnel and equipment are clear of
the area through which the gear moves.
When checking arresting gear operation,
always provide suitable protection for the
arresting hook point. Place a sandbag or
padding on the deck. Failure to observe
proper maintenance procedures could result
in damage to aircraft and injury to

Arresting Hook Assembly Inspection

The periodic maintenance information cards for
each aircraft and MIM provide detailed information on
the inspection, replacement, and disposition of arresting
hook assemblies. This information is based on a

Detachable hook points that are removed for

inspection after 10 arrestments are reinstalled or
replaced with new attaching hardware (nut, bolt,
washer, etc.). Install the bolt with the head down and the
nut on top. In all cases, periodic maintenance of the
arresting hook assemblies should be in accordance with
the applicable MIM and/or maintenance requirements


Figure 12-56.Arresting gear mechanism.

Single Shank Centering Devices

Single shank-type arresting hook assemblies are
held in the centerline position for retraction into their
fuselage recesses. The centering devices prevent side
movement of the assembly during carrier-arrested
LIQUID SPRING. The representative arresting
gear mechanism, shown in figure 12-56, uses a liquid
spring for this purpose. The spring is located within a
recess of the hook shank, and the keyed end presses
against the centering cam. On installation, shim the

spring until the thickness of the spacer and shims is

approximately 0.125 inch. Install the spring in the shank,
and then secure the shank to the drag link. Check the
hook point for excessive side play. If side play exceeds
0.24 inch, add more shims to the spring. The total
thickness of shims must not exceed 0.185 inch. Anytime
shim thickness exceeds 0.150 inch, move the hook
laterally several times in each direction to make sure that
the hook can move 40 degrees left and right without
bottoming out the liquid spring.
While liquids are normally thought of as
incompressible, the action of the liquid spring is based


1. Cap
9. Piston
2. Roller boss cap
10. Seal, piston
3. Roller, the cap
11. Pin, dowel, valve
4. seal cap
12. Valve stop
5. seal cap
13. Valve slide
6. Stud
14. Seal, cylinder
7. Seal, stud and piston
15. Cylinder
8. Seal, stud
Figure 12-57.Liquid spring shock assembly.

on the slight compressibility of liquids. Figure 12-57

illustrates the disassembled spring assembly. Most of
the internal parts are classified as nonrepairable, and
damage will require replacement of the parts at the depot
level of maintenance.
The spring assembly contains 19 cubic centimeters
of oil, MIL-S-21568. The oil is confined within the
piston cylinder assembly, and any side movement of the
arresting hook shank must be against the compressibility
of the oil. The maximum travel or compressibility of the
overall liquid spring assembly is 0.68 inch. The
operating pressure within the assembly, when bottomed
out, will be as high as 20,000 psi. In the static condition,
the oil trapped within the spring assembly is under a
return preload pressure of 350 pounds, which is created
by the reassembly of the close tolerance parts that
confine the liquid.


The tolerances of parts within the liquid spring and

the necessity to subject certain parts to approximately
110F for varying lengths of time during the
disassembly and assembly process make it impractical
for it to be overhauled at the lower levels of maintenance.
DAMPER CYLINDER. The representative
arresting gear assembly employs a vertical damper
cylinder and two horizontal dampers to dampen hook
motion caused by deck impact forces. See figure 12-58.
Two centering spring assemblies maintain the hook in
the center position.
With the arresting hook lowered, the centering
springs are adjusted in the following manner:
1. Center the hook assembly.



Arresting hook assembly

Retract cylinder
Mechanical linkage and lever
Bell crank assembly
Bumper actuator
Aft shock absorber
Rubber bumper
Uplatch spring

Uplock roller bearing

Uplock switch
Wire rope
Drag link
Down switch
Shock absorber
Charging valve
Pressure gauge
Liquid centering spring

Figure 12-58.Arresting gear assembly.


Figure 12-59.Centering spring.

2. Adjust the rod ends of both centering springs to

reach the attaching pivot holes. Threads must be visible
through the rod end inspection hole. See figure 12-59.
3. Tighten the nuts on the attaching bolts finger
tight. Safety with cotter pins.
4. Torque the rod end jam nuts to 270-300 inchpounds and safety with Iockwire, as shown in figure
5. Check lateral movement of the hook in
accordance with the procedures prescribed in the MIM.
Intermediate-level maintenance of the centering
springs consists of checking the disassembled parts for
scoring, corrosion, nicks, structural deformation, or
failure. Nonferrous parts are subjected to fluorescent
penetrant inspection and ferrous parts to magnetic
particle inspection. The diameter of all parts and the free
length dimensions of the two springs, shown in figure
12-59, are checked against the values given in the parts
tolerance tables provided in the MIM.


Disassembly and assembly require extreme
caution. The spring force is in excess of 500
pounds. Failure to observe the proper safety
precautions could result in personnel injury.
Post repair testing includes checking the breakout
force required to extend and compress the springs. Force
required is 560 60 pounds. The spring should extend
1.60 inches 0.03 inch and compress 1.40 inches 0.03
inch from neutral.
The purpose of the nose landing gear catapult
launch system is to provide a means of directing the
aircraft into position for catapult launching, as well as
being connected automatically to the ships catapult
equipment. Such a device eliminates the necessity for
flight deck personnel to manually connect catapult

Figure 12-61.Catapult system hydraulic schematic.

harnesses. The system consists of a catapult launch bar,

The launch bar is not up and locked with weight

off the landing gear.

a launch bar actuating cylinder and gimbal, selector

valve, leaf retracting springs, and a catapult tension bar

The launch bar control switch is in RETRACT

and the launch bar actuator is not up and locked.

socket. See figure 12-60.

The launch bar is swivel mounted on the forward
side of the nose gear outer cylinder and maybe extended
and retracted during taxiing. The launch bar is
automatically retracted after catapulting. A launch bar
warning light on the main instrument panel comes on
any time the following conditions exist:
The launch bar control switch is in EXTEND.
The selector valve is in bar extended position.

Accessories for the catapulting system include a

tension bar and a catapult holdback bar. The catapult
tension bar socket is mounted on the nose gear axle
beam and provides for attachment of the tension bar for
tensioning of the airplane prior to catapulting.
The catapult system, shown in figure 12-61, is
selected to extend by placing the launch bar control
switch in the cockpit to the EXTEND position. With
weight on the gear, this action completes an electrical


Figure 12-62.Air refueling probe hydraulic system.

circuit to energize solenoid A of the launch bar selector

valve. The energized selector valve directs hydraulic
system pressure to the launch bar actuating cylinder
extend port. Hydraulic pressure unlocks locking fingers
in the launch bar actuating cylinder and extends the
actuator rod end. The actuator rod end is attached to the
launch bar, and as the actuator extends, it lowers the
launch bar. As the launch bar moves down, it encloses
two horns on the nose gear axle beam, enabling the
launch bar to steer the nose gear.
Before the airplane reaches the catapult, the tension
and holdback bars are attached to the tension bar socket.
As the airplane approaches the catapult, the launch bar
enters a track that permits the bar to steer the nose gear
for alignment with the catapult.
The top of the launch bar actuating cylinder is
gimbal-mounted to permit rotation in all directions as
the launch bar turns and is raised and lowered. As the
airplane moves forward, aligned with the catapult, the
launch bar automatically engages the catapult shuttle.
The shuttle is advanced to tension the airplane on the
The launch bar switch is placed in OFF, deenergizing the selector valve. When catapult pressure
reaches a predetermined value the tension bar breaks
and the airplane is catapulted off the deck.
In the de-energized position, the selector valve
connects the launch bar actuator extend and retract ports
to the hydraulic return circuit. The launch bar is held in
the down position by the catapult shuttle until reaching


the end of the launch run, where the bar is released from
the shuttle and the weight-on-gear switch is actuated to
the weight-off-gear position. When the switch is
activated to the weight-off-gear position, a power circuit
is completed to energize the retract solenoid of the
launch bar selector valve. The energized valve directs
hydraulic pressure to retract the launch bar actuating
cylinder, automatically retracting and locking the
launch bar. Two leaf springs on each side of the launch
bar shank raise the launch bar to the retracted position
if automatic hydraulic retraction fails. When the piston
is fully retracted locking fingers on the piston lock the
actuator and launch bar in the retracted position.
Hydraulic retraction of the launch bar is obtained by
holding the launch bar control switch in RETRACT.
This action completes an electrical circuit to energize
the launch bar selector valve retract solenoid (solenoid
B). The energized selector valve directs hydraulic
pressure to retract the launch bar actuator. The actuator
retracts, pulling the launch bar up and locking the
actuator and launch bar in the retracted position.
Air refueling systems permit complete in-flight or
on the ground refueling of the aircraft fuel system. The
refueling probe extension and retraction system shown
in figure 12-62 consists of the refueling probe, refueling
nozzle, a self-locking, two-position probe actuating
cylinder, a lock swivel joint, two restrictor valves, a
selector valve, and associated electrical switches and

With the engines operating or external electrical and

hydraulic power applied, the probe is extended by
placing the refueling probe switch in the EXTEND
position. This electrically actuates the solenoid selector
valve to supply restricted hydraulic flow to the extend
port of the probe-actuating cylinder. The restrictor
valves control the rate of cylinder extension and
retraction. The check valve prevents pressure surges in
the hydraulic return system from unlocking the
probe-actuating cylinder during flight.
After disengaging the probe nozzle from the tanker
drogue, hold the air refueling switch in RETRACT to
actuate the solenoid selector valve to supply pressure to
the retract port of the probe actuating cylinder, causing
it to retract and lock the probe into place. A cockpit
advisory panel transit light goes out whenever the probe
is locked in the extended or retracted position. A probe
floodlight, which illuminates the probe tip for visual
contact with the refueling drogue at night, is on
whenever the refueling probe switch is in EXTEND and
exterior lights are on. The floodlight goes out when the
refueling probe switch is placed in RETRACT or OFF.
Organizational maintenance of the air refueling probe
system normally consists of operational checks,
troubleshooting, rigging and adjusting, and removal and
installation of components.
To perform an operational check of the air refueling
probe system, the hydraulic system must be pressurized
to 3,000 psi, external electrical power applied, and the
in-flight refueling circuit breaker engaged. Before
actuating the system, ensure that all personnel and
equipment are clear of the area of probe travel. The
extension cycle rotates the probe from its stored locked
position to an extend locked position.

Intermediate maintenance of faulty components

consists of cure-date kit installation and testing in
accordance with the Intermediate Maintenance
section of the MIM or the applicable (03) overhaul
There are miscellaneous differences in the design
and operating characteristics of the various
hydraulically operated systems, and the wing fold
systems are no exception. Basically similar components
perform similar functions with only minor variation in
part nomenclature and physical design.
The wing fold system described in the following
paragraphs will point out some of these differences.
Refer to the wing fold system schematic shown in figure
12-63 as you read the following paragraphs.
The wings arc unlocked by lifting the wing fold
handle up and forward until it reaches the first stop. This
action operates the cable and pushrod mechanisms that
control mechanical locking of the wing lock cylinders.
This same action, through the pushrod connected to the
mechanical locks, causes the warning flags to appear on
top of the wings. Further movement of the wing fold
handle at this point is prevented by a spring-loaded
mechanical latch that blocks the crank at the wing lock

Position the fuel probe switch to EXTEND. Check

for proper probe extension and probe locking. If
operation of the probe is not smooth, check for air in the
system. Position the fuel probe switch to RETRACT and
check for proper probe retraction. The complete
extension cycle should be from 5 to 7 seconds, with the
retraction cycle taking from 9 to 11 seconds.

With flight controls in the proper position and

weight on the wheels, the wing fold lockpin switch is
placed at UNLOCK. Power is supplied to the unlock
side of the wing lock selector valve, allowing combined
system utility hydraulic pressure to the four wing lock
cylinders in each wing. Pressure in the wing lock
cylinders moves the lock shaft to retract the wing
lockpins. After completion of this action, the wing fold
control handle can be moved to the full forward position,
operating the wing fold selector valve in each wing and
porting hydraulic pressure through flow regulators to
the wing fold actuating cylinders, which extend and
cause the wing to fold.

Troubleshooting of the system should include a

thorough knowledge of the malfunction compared to
proper system operation and referral to system
schematics and troubleshooting tables provided in the
MIM. System rigging, component removal and
installation, and all other maintenance should be in
accordance with the procedures and safety precautions
outlined in the MIM.

The wings are spread by moving the wing fold

control handle aft to the first stop, mechanically
positioning the wing fold selector valve in each wing to
port hydraulic pressure through flow regulators to the
wing fold cylinders, causing them to retract and spread
the wings. The wing fold control handle is held at the
first stop by the retracted lockpins, which prevent
rotation of the lock shafts and cranks.


Figure 12-63


After spreading action, the wing fold lockpin switch

is placed at LOCK and power is supplied to the lock
side of the wing lock selector valve. The selector valve
then ports hydraulic pressure to the closed timer valve
in each wing fold joint. As spreading is completed, a
spring-loaded lockpin detent in each inboard wing lock
fitting is depressed by the outboard lock fitting. When
the lock fittings are aligned, the lockpins can extend and
enter the wing lock fittings. With lockpins extended, the
lock shaft is free to rotate, and the wing fold control
handle can be moved flush with the top surface of the
center console. This action rotates the lock shafts to
prevent retraction of the lockpins and retracts the
warning flags. When any lockpin fails to extend, the
wing fold handle cannot be secured, and the warning
flags will remain exposed.

discrepancy and presents an extremely hazardous flight

Good maintenance practices, strict quality assurance by qualified inspectors, and good supervision will
ensure safe, timely, and quality corrective maintenance
Intermediate maintenance of wing fold hydraulic
components generally consists of installing cure-date
repair kits (sealing devices, etc.) and/or replacement of
miscellaneous parts available as fleet-type repair kits.
Parts in the repair kit are normally easy-to-replace items,
which do not require the depth of disassembly and
inspection necessary at complete overhaul, and are
replaced whenever high time removal of a component
is necessary. Information on repair kits for various
components is provided in the applicable Illustrated
Parts Breakdown and, in some cases, the Intermediate
Maintenance section of the MIM and appropriate (03)
overhaul manuals.

A thermal relief valve is installed in the pressure line

of the wing fold and wing lock selector valves. It vents
excessive pressure buildup because of the thermal
expansion of trapped fluid into the combined system
return lines. When pressure increases above 3,730 to
3,830 psi, the spring-loaded ball check unseats, and the
valve relieves excessive pressure. The spring-loaded
ball check reseats when pressure falls to 3,360 psi.

Step-by-step procedures for the repair of components are provided in the Intermediate Maintenance
section of some MIMs and/or 03 manuals. In general,
repairs will consist of cleaning, disassembly, inspection,
replacement of failed parts, reassembly, and testing.

Maintenance of the wing fold system at the organizational level consists mainly of scheduled inspections,
lubrication, rigging of mechanical linkages, removal
and installation of components, and analysis of system

Inspection of disassembled components includes

checking for visible damage to internal parts, thread
damage, condition of plating, wear limitations, spring
distortion, specified free length of spring, and corrosion.
In some cases, nondestructive inspection of critical parts
to detect discontinuities and fatigue cracks is required.

The MIM provides system schematics and trouble

analysis sheets to assist in pinpointing causes of malfunctions. A thorough knowledge of the system before
troubleshooting is necessary. Logical reasoning plus a
systematic operational checkout of the system will
produce better results than trial and error troubleshooting methods.

Reassembly will normally be in the reverse order of

disassembly and will include proper installation of parts,
seals, packings, retainers, torquing, safety wiring, and
cotter keying, as applicable. Test of the component
following repair will further verify its ability to perform
its intended function and will generally consist of proof
testing, static leak testing, and operational testing.

Lack of lubrication or other required maintenance

at prescribed intervals will generally be reflected by
stiff, hard-to-operate wing fold control mechanisms or
related wing fold discrepancies. Strict compliance with
maintenance requirements, in all cases, will eliminate or
minimize this possibility. All corrective maintenance
should be in accordance with the instructions provided
in the appropriate MIM.

Throughout the complete intermediate level repair

operation, the components undergoing repair must be
subjected to quality assurance verification of specified
repair steps as indicated in the applicable MIM or (03)
overhaul manual. It is NOT sufficient to eliminate the
progressive quality assurance and verify the operation
of the end product.

Wing lock warning flags rarely get out of adjustment, and whenever they fail to retract, it should be
considered an indication of failure of all locks to
properly enter lock fittings. Realignment to provide a
wing lock indication without ensuring that the wings are
positively locked certainly does not correct the

Stationary test benches used for testing hydraulic

components are filled with preservative hydraulic fluid.
Repaired components that are not to be installed
immediately must be tilled with MIL-H-46170 unless
otherwise specified. All openings are capped or plugged


Figure 12-64.AC generator drive system.

with approved metal closures. Repaired components
that are to be installed immediately subsequent to bench
testing should be drip-drained, capped, and plugged as
neccessary. Plastic plugs are prohibited because of the
possibility of plastic chips entering the component and
damaging seals or blocking critical passages.
The man-hours expended in correcting malfunctions are documented on a VIDS/MAF. When apart
is removed and is to be processed through the IMA for
repairs, an additional VIDS/MAF is initiated with the
appropriate information tilled in and attached to the
component for turn-in. Consult the appropriate manuals
for proper documentation of the VIDS/MAF. The job is
not considered complete until the necessary paperwork
has been completed screened, and turned in.
The ac generator drive system shown in figure
12-64 is hydraulically operated by pressure from the
hydraulic power system. The AC GEN switch on the
copilots sub-instrument panel operates the shutoff
valve that controls the generator drive system. The
system consists of a shutoff valve, a hydraulically driven
motor a heat exchanger, a control switch, and a relay.

During normal aircraft operation and with the AC

GEN switch at OFF, the solenoid-operated shutoff valve
is energized (closed). The hydraulic motor lockout relay
is also energized. Under this condition, the generator
does not operate, since hydraulic pressure is stopped at
the shutoff valve. When the AC GEN switch is moved
to ON, the hydraulic motor lockout relay and the shutoff
valve is de-energized and the valve opens. Hydraulic
fluid at 3,000 psi is directed to operate the constant speed
variable displacement motor at 8,000 RPM. When the
fluid exits from the motor into the return lines, it is
routed through a heat exchanger and ram air cooled
before returning to the power system reservoir. When
ram air is not available on the deck, an electrically driven
blower is engaged automatically to provide airflow.
Maintenance of the generator drive system
normally consists of servicing, testing and checking for
proper operation, adjusting, troubleshooting, and
removal and installation of system components, flexible
line couplings, and other plumbing. Servicing and
maintenance procedures and precautions are listed in the
MIM and respective (03) overhaul manuals and must be
observed at all times to complete the procedures
efficiently and safely. Particular attention should be


Figure 12-65.-Ramp servo and actuator.

given to cautions and warnings and specified quality

assurance considerations.

Movement of the aft ramp positions the perforated

ramp through mechanical linkage. The position of
ramps is automatically selected through the ramp
system by a temperature signal from the air data
computer set. The ramp actuator is a double-acting
cylinder attached to the ramp linkage in such a way as
to be free floating. This arrangement causes equal action
on the linkages attached to each end of the cylinder.
Figure 12-65 shows the complete hydraulic portion
of the variable ramp system, showing the actuator
extending. Actuating the torque motor armature
positions the flapper valve in the servo valve, initiating
the proper servo action to extend, retract, or hold the
actuator in position. As the actuator moves, it positions
the ramp through its mechanical linkage.
Electrical components in the circuit translate an
electrical signal, proportional to the ramp movement, to
balance the amplifier circuits and hold the servo and
ramp at this designated position until a new temperature
signal initiates a change. If electrical or hydraulic power
failure occurs, air loads on the ramps will tend to cause
the ramps to move toward the retract position.
The variable bypass bellmouth system monitors the
inlet duct operation and indicates any corrective action,


The airflow velocities encountered in the higher
speed ranges of aircraft are much higher than the engine
can efficiently use. Therefore, the air velocity must be
controlled for acceptable engine performance.
The variable inlet ramp system positions the inlet
ramp (located in the air inlet) so that it will position the
shock wave to decrease the inlet air velocity to a
subsonic flow with a maximum pressure energy. The
system also provides for the reflection and bypass of
surplus air not required by the engine with a minimum
of drag. The inlet system in combination with the bypass
bellmouth system allows the inlet duct to take aboard
the maximum free airstream. The air not required by the
engine is bypassed by the action of the bellmouth ring.
Figure 12-65 shows the ramp sections and
associated hydraulic mechanism and linkage. The aft
ramp is positioned by the hydraulic actuator. The
actuator is controlled by the electrically operated torque
motor in the hydraulic servo valve.


Figure 12-66


Figure 12-67.Bomb bay door hydraulic schematic.

required to prevent excessive air pressure differential
between the engine compartment and outside ambient.
The auxiliary doors are held closed by hydraulic
actuators, which are sized to develop a force equivalent
to the door area times the designated differential
pressure. When the pressure limit is exceeded, the door
is pushed open (varying amounts) to keep the engine
compartment pressure from becoming excessive. As the
engine compartment pressure is lowered, the hydraulic
actuators will pull the doors closed.
The variable ramp, bellmouth bypass, and auxiliary
air door systems are powered by the utility hydraulic
system. Malfunctions in these systems will normally
require personnel of the AE, AD, and AM ratings
working together to operationally test the system and
provide proper corrective maintenance.

bypassing more or less of the airflow at the engine face,

as shown in figure 12-66.
The system adjusts the bypass bellmouth ring
position to maintain a preselected inlet airspeed and
stable mass airflow through the inlet duct throughout
the flight range of the aircraft. Movement of the
bellmouth ring also controls the amount of secondary
air bypassed around the engine for cooling. The valves
in the bellmouth controller (fig. 12-66) are positioned
by the inlet duct pressure differential and, in turn,
direct hydraulic pressure to the bellmouth ring
actuator, increasing or decreasing the bypass opening.
The holes drilled in the bypass ring assure cooling air
to the engine compartment when the ring is in the
closed position.
Auxiliary air doors (not shown in fig. 12-66) open to
supplement the bellmouth bypass system at low
airspeeds and during ground operation to prevent
overtemperature and/or reverse airflow in the engine
compartment. These doors are located on the underside
of the fuselage and open in flight, at high speeds, as


The bomb bay system is shown in figure 12-67. The
doors are actuated by mechanical linkage at each end.


Figure 12-68.Windshield wiper schematic.

Each door mechanism is powered by two hydraulicactuating cylinders.

The cylinders for the left door are powered by the
No. 1 hydraulic system, and the cylinders for the right
door are powered by the No. 2 hydraulic system. The
main actuating levers are linked together so that in the
event one system fails, the other will be capable of
operating both doors. An unlock mechanism is
incorporated in the forward linkage to secure the
doors when hydraulic power is removed. A hand
pump system provides for emergency opening and
closing of the doors in the event both hydraulic and
electrical systems fail. Shutoff valves are provided
within each normal system and the emergency hand
pump system to isolate the system. Two flow
regulators are located upstream of the selector valve
(dual system door control valve).
The control valve has three positions-DOORS


DOORS OPEN position, fluid is ported to the dual

controllable check valve, which bypasses pressure to the
opening side of the uplock mechanism cylinder. As the
cylinder retracts it unlocks the mechanical uplocks, and
then unseats the dud controllable check valve to port
pressure to the open side of the door actuators.
The control valve is normally operated by a
two-position switch located on the pilots armament
control panel. The switch energizes either pair of the
four solenoids on the control valve to position the main
spool to open or close the doors.
The uplock mechanism incorporates an overcenter
feature which prevents the assembly from locking until
bearings on the doors trip the overcenter mechanism.
Limit switches on the uplock mechanism break the
electrical circuit to the control valve, and the
spring-loaded valve returns to NEUTRAL. In this
position, all fluid is ported to the return lines, and the
doors are held closed by the mechanical locks. The

one-way restrictors installed in the open and close lines

ensure smooth door operation and prevent cavitation of
the door-actuating cylinders.

The operational check should be performed

according to the following procedures:


2. Check for a wiper arm force of 7 to 10 pounds

on the windshield (at the blade attachment).

The windshield wiper system shown in figure

12-68 consists of a pressure reducer, speed control
needle valve and drive mechanism, hydraulic
actuator, two window actuator units and wiper blade
assemblies, and a return line check valve. System
pressure is directed to the pressure reducer, where it
is reduced to 2,000 psi, and then the fluid passes to
the speed control valve, which starts, stops, and
controls the wiper blade speed.
Hydraulic fluid is directed from the speed control
unit to the hydraulic actuator, which, in turn, controls
and directs fluid to the window units. The actuator
alternately allows fluid flow to opposite sides of the
window unit double piston. Constant speed of the
wiper blades is provided by fluid from the speed
control valve and is directed to the balance pistons in
the hydraulic actuator. Fluid is also directed to the
window units through the hydraulic actuator normal
inlet port. The window units, by action of a rack and
piston arrangement, convert the linear motion of the
double piston to the reciprocating action of the drive
When the system has completed one wiper stroke
and the hydraulic pressure at the window unit pistons
reaches a value equal to system pressure minus 200
psi, the actuator will then reverse the flow to the
opposite side of the window unit piston and repeat the
wiper stroke action in reverse.
Any obstruction on one windshield will stop that
blade, but allow the other to continue until it
completes its stroke (or meets an obstruction), at
which time the pressure in the window units buildup
and the actuator reverses the action of both blades.
The mechanical locking device is provided to hold the
blades in the parked position when the needle valve is

1. Provide a supply of water on the outside surface

of the panels when the wiper blades are in motion.

3. Connect external electrical power supply.

4. Energize hydraulic power system No. 1 ac
5. Slowly open the windshield wiper speed
control needle valve.
6. Blades must move from parked position and
begin to cycle between 100 to 300 strokes per minute.
7. Open instrument panel to gain access to
window units. Bleed air from units as they cycle by
cracking the B-nuts on the tubing at each end of the
window units. Allow fluid to bleed into existing drip
pans until it is evident that all air has been removed.
8. Check that no hydraulic fluid leak is visible on
the system tubing, connections, or at any component.
9. Check that system components perform
smoothly with no erratic operation and blade reversing
is synchronized. Blade rotation must be 75 degrees. The
wiper blades must not touch the center post, travel into
the parking area, or short cycle during high-speed
10. Reduce speed of blade operation, and manually
stall each wiper separately. While the blade is stalled,
the opposite blade should operate smoothly.
11. Park the blades by slowing down the cycling
speed to permit blades to move into the park position
before they reverse.

NOTE: Parking area is the area between the

bottom edge of the glass and the break in the
contour of the fuselage. To adjust the blades,
loosen the blade attaching screw and rotate
blade. One serration is approximately 5 degrees
of rotation. If it is not possible to install within
the parking area, install the arm outboard with
the blades as close to the parking area as
possible, then remove the arm and adapter.
Looking down on the arm, carefully remove
the adapter and rotate it one serration

NOTE: Do not operate the windshield wiper

blades on a dry windshield.
Maintenance of the windshield wiper system
consists mainly of operational checks, removal and
installation of components, and troubleshooting.


Figure 12-69.Windshicld wiper unit.

counterclockwise with respect to the arm. and

then reinstall the adapter in the arm. This will
permit the arm to be installed approximately
1.25 inches closer to the parking area. If the
blade is still parked on the glass, repeat the
above procedure Final adjustment must leave
slots in the adapter and arm approximately in
line to permit proper clamping action of the arm

and adapter to the shaft of the window unit.

Figure 12-69 illustrates a windshield wiper unit.
12. When the blades are in the park position,
quickly close the needle valve.
13. De-energize hydraulic power system No. 1 ac
pumps, and remove external electrical power.




Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a working
knowledge of the tools and special equipment needed for aircraft metallic repair
You will be able to recognize the terms and the basic procedures in the fabrication
of sheet metal parts and aircraft metallic repairs.
There are many different types of hand tools used
for aircraft metallic repair and sheet metal fabrication.
In the following text, we will discuss a few of the more
common types used for sheet metal fabrication. For a
more detailed explanation of all of the various hand
tools associated with aircraft metallic repair and sheet
metal fabrication, refer to Use and Care of Hand Tools
and Measuring Devices, NAVEDTRA 12085.

Before performing aircraft metallic repair, you

must be familiar with the tools, special equipment,
terms, and techniques used to accomplish this type of
maintenance. In the following text, we will discuss
these subjects and basic sheet metal fabrication
procedures as well as several different types of
aircraft structural metallic repair procedures. Before
you perform any type of structural repair to an
aircraft, always consult the applicable aircraft MIMs.


Hammers are used to apply a striking force where

the force of the hand alone is insufficient. Each of the
hammers discussed in this section is composed of a
head and a handle, even though these parts differ
greatly from hammer to hammer.

Learning Objective: Identify the various

structural tools used for sheet metal
fabrication and aircraft structural repair.

BALL PEEN HAMMER. The ball peen

hammer is sometimes referred to as a machinists
hammer. It is a hard-faced hammer made of forged
tool steel. See figure 13-1.

As an AM you must have a thorough knowledge

of the tools of your trade. This will enable you to
increase the quality of maintenance on your
squadrons aircraft. One of the most important skills
that you can have is the ability to use the tools that are
required to complete any given task in a timely and
professional manner.
Before discussing the tools individually, a few
comments on the care and handling of hand tools are
appropriate. The condition in which you maintain
your tools determines your efficiency as well as how
your superiors view your day-to-day work.
Each mechanic should keep all assigned tools in
the toolbox when they are not being used. Every tool
should have a place, and every tool should be kept in
its place. All tools should be cleaned after every use
and before being placed in the toolbox. If they are not
to be used again the same day, they should be oiled
with a light preservative oil to prevent rusting. Tools
that are being used at a workbench or at a machine
should be kept within easy reach of the mechanic, but
should be kept where they will not fall or be knocked
to the deck. Tools should not be placed on finished
parts or machines.

Figure 13-1 .Hammers.


The flat end of the head is called the face. This

end is used for most hammering jobs. The domed end
of the hammer is called the peen. The peen end is
smaller in diameter than the face, and is useful for
striking in areas that are too small for the face to enter.

shims inserted under the head). When you are using

the larger cutter holes, place one of the tool handles in
a vise, insert the rivet in the hole, and shear it by
pulling the free handle. If this tool is not available,
diagonal-cutting pliers can be used as an emergency
cutter, although the sheared edges will not be as
smooth and even as when they are cut with the rotary
rivet cutter.

Ball peen hammers are made in different weights,

usually 4, 6, 8, and 12 ounces and 1, 1 1/2, and
2 pounds. For most work, a 1 1/2-pound and a
12-ounce hammer will suffice.

Rivet Set
MALLETS. A mallet is a soft-faced hammer.
Mallets are constructed with heads made of brass,
lead, tightly rolled strips of rawhide, plastic, or plastic
with a lead core for added weight.

A rivet set is a tool equipped with a die for driving

a particular type of rivet. Rivet sets are used in both
hand and pneumatic hammer riveting methods. Rivet
sets are available to fit every size and shape of rivet
head. The ordinary hand set is made of 1/2-inch
diameter carbon steel about 6 inches long. It is
knurled to prevent slipping in the hand. Only the face
of the set is hardened and polished. Sets for the
oval-head rivets (universal, round, and brazier) are
recessed (or cupped) to fit the rivet head. When you
select a rivet set, be sure that it will provide the proper
clearance between the set and the sides of the rivet
head and between the surfaces of the metal and the
set. Flush or flat sets are used for countersunk and
flat-head rivets. To set flush rivets properly, the flush
sets should be at least 1 inch in diameter.

A plastic mallet, similar to the one shown in

figure 13-1, is the type normally found in the AMs
toolbox. The weight of the plastic head may range
from a few ounces to a few pounds; however, the size
of the plastic mallet is measured across the diameter
of the face. The plastic mallet may be used for
straightening thin sheet ducting or for installing
Rotary Rivet Cutters
In case you cannot obtain rivets of the required
length, rotary rivet cutters may be used to cut longer
rivets to the desired length. See figure 13-2. When
you use the rotary rivet cutter, insert the rivet part way
into the correct diameter hole. Place the required
number of shims (shown as staggered, notched strips
in the illustration) under the head and squeeze the
handles. The compound action from the handles
rotates the two discs in opposite directions. The
rotation of the discs shears the rivet smoothly to give
the correct length (as determined by the number of

Special sets, called draw sets, are used to draw

up" the sheets being riveted in order to eliminate any
opening between them before the rivet is bucked.
Each draw set has a hole 1/32 of an inch larger than
the diameter of the rivet shank for which it was made.
Sometimes, especially in hand-working tools, the
draw set and the rivet header are incorporated into one
tool. The header consists of a hole sufficiently
shallow for the set to expand the driven rivet
bucktail and form a head on it when the set is
struck by a hammer. Figure 13-3 shows a
rectangular-shaped hand set that combines the draw
and header sets and a flush set used with a pneumatic
Sets used with pneumatic hammers (rivet guns)
are provided in many sizes and shapes to fit the type
and location of the rivet. These sets are the same as
the hand rivet sets except that the shank is shaped to
fit into the rivet gun. The sets are made of high-grade
carbon tool steel and are heat-treated to provide the
necessary strength and wear resistance. The tip or
head of the rivet set should be kept smooth and highly
polished to prevent marring of rivet heads.

Figure 13-2.-Rotary rivet cutter.


and weight of the bar depend on the size and alloy of

the rivet to be driven. Under certain circumstances,
and for specific rivet installations, specially designed
bucking bars are manufactured locally. These bars
are normally made from tool steel. The portion of the
bar designed to come in contact with the rivet has a
polished finish. This helps to prevent marring of
formed bucktails. Bucking-bar faces must be kept
smooth and perfectly flat and the edges and corners
NOTE: Never hold a bucking bar in a vise
unless the vise jaws are equipped with
protective covers to prevent marring of the
bucking bar.

Figure 13-3.-Rivet sets.

Bucking Bars
A satisfactory rivet installation depends largely
on the condition of the bucking bar and your ability to
use it. If possible, hold the bucking bar in such a
manner that will allow the longest portion of the bar to
be in line with the rivet. You should hold the bucking
bar lightly but firmly against the end of the rivet shank
so as not to unseat the rivet head. The inertia of this
tool provides the force that bucks (upsets) the rivet
and forms a flat, headlike bucktail.

Bucking bars are tools used to form bucktails (the

head formed during riveting operations) on rivets.
They come in many different shapes and sizes, as
shown in figure 13-4. Bucking bars are normally
made from an alloy steel similar to tool steel. The
particular shape to be used depends upon the location
and accessibility of the rivet to be driven. The size

Hole Finder
A hole finder is a tool used to transfer existing
holes in aircraft structures or skin to replacement skin
or patches. See figure 13-5. The tool has two leaves
parallel to each other and fastened together at one end.
The bottom leaf of the hole finder has a teat installed
near the end of the leaf that is aligned with a bushing
on the top leaf. The desired hole to be transferred is
located by fitting the teat on the bottom leaf of the
hole finder into the existing rivet hole. The hole in the
new part is made by drilling through the bushing on
the top leaf. If the hole finder is properly made, holes
drilled in this manner will be perfectly aligned. A
separate duplicator must be provided for each
diameter of rivet to be used.

Figure 13-5.-Hole finder.

Figure 13-4.-Bucking bars.


Skin Fasteners
There are several types of skin fasteners used to
temporarily secure parts in position for drilling and
riveting and to prevent slipping and creeping of the
parts. C-clamps, machine screws, and Cleco
fasteners are frequently used for this purpose. See
figure 13-6. Cleco fasteners come in sizes ranging
from 1/1 6 to 3/8 of an inch. The size is normally
stamped on the fastener, but may also be recognized
by the following color code:
1/16 inchblack
3/32 inch-cadmium
1/8 inch-copper
5/32 inchblack
3/16 inchbrass
1/4 inchgreen
3/8 inchred
The Cleco fastener is installed by compressing the
spring with Cleco pliers (forceps). With the spring
compressed, the pin of the Cleco is inserted in the
drilled hole. The compressed spring is then released,
allowing spring tension on the pin of the Cleco to
draw the materials together. Clecos should be stored
on a U-channel plate to protect the pins of the Cleco.
Storing Clecos at random among heavy tools will
result in bent pins.
Machine Countersink
Machine countersinking is used to flush rivet
sheets 0.064 of an inch and greater in thickness. A
countersink has a cutting face beveled to the angle of
the rivet head, and is kept centered by a pilot shaft
inserted in the rivet hole. When a conventional
countersink is used, you should try each hole with a
rivet or screw to ensure the hole has not been
countersunk too deeply. The adjustable countersink is
the best tool to use because the depth of the hole can
be controlled. A stopping device automatically acts as
a depth gauge so that the hole will not be countersunk
too deep. Figure 13-7 shows an adjustable stop

Figure 13-6.Skin fasteners.

The countersink should always be equipped with

a fiber collar to prevent marring of the metal surface.
A drill motor or hand drill (electric or air) maybe used
to operate the countersink. However, it should not be
operated above 2,500 rpm. The countersink must be
sharp to avoid vibration and chatter.

Figure 13-7.-Adjustable stop countersink.


cutting. An example is the aviation snips that are

available in a left-hand and right-hand cutting design.

Snips and Shears

Snips and shears are used for cutting sheet metal
and steel of various thickness and shapes. Normally,
the heavier or thicker materials are cut by shears.

To cut large holes in the lighter gauges of sheet

metal, start the cut by punching or otherwise making a
hole in the center of the area to be cut out. With
aviation snips, make a spiral cut from the starting hole
out toward the scribed circle, and continue cutting
until the scrap falls away.

One of the handiest tools for cutting light (up to

0.064 inch thick) sheet metal is the hand snip (tin
snips). The straight snips, shown in figure 13-8, have
blades that are straight and cutting edges that are
sharpened to an 85-degree angle. Snips like this can
be obtained in different sizes ranging from the small
6-inch to the large 14-inch snip. Tin snips will also
work on slightly heavier gauges of soft metals, such
as aluminum alloys.

This part of the chapter is devoted to the common
types of air-driven power tools that you will use on a
routine basis. You should pay attention to the safety
procedures, general operating procedures, and care of
these tools.

It is hard to cut circles or small arcs with straight

snips. There are snips especially designed for circular

Figure 13-8-Types of cutting toots.


Rivet Head Shaver

The rivet-head shaver, shown in figure 13-9, is
used to smooth countersunk rivet heads that protrude.
The rivet head shaver is also called a micro miller.
The depth of cut is adjustable in increments of 0.0005
of an inch on the model shown. On some models the
depth of cut is adjustable in increments of 0.0008 of
an inch. You can change cutters and adjust their depth
without using special tools. Once the depth is set, the
positive action of the serrated adjustment locking
collar prevents the loss of the setting.
You should position the cutters directly over the
rivet head and hold the tool at an angle of 90 degrees
to the surface being smoothed. With the tool turning
at maximum rpm, you then press it in towards the
surface, maintaining the 90-degree angle. The
pressure feet will then be compressed until they
bottom out. At this time, assuming the rivet-head

Figure 13-9.-Rivet-head shaver.

Figure 13-10.-Rivet gun internal airflow


Regulated air entering the gun passes through the

handle and throttle valve, which is controlled by the
trigger, and into the cylinder in which the piston
moves. Air pressure forces the piston down against
the rivet set and exhausts itself through side ports.
The rivet set recoils, forcing the piston back. Then
the cycle is repeated. Each time the piston strikes the
rivet set, the force is transmitted to the rivet. Rivet
sets come in various sizes to fit the various shaped
rivet heads. Rivet set retainer springs must be used on
all pneumatic rivet sets to prevent the set from being
discharged from the gun when the trigger is pulled.
Several types of pneumatic riveters are in general
use. They are the one-shot gun, slow-hitting gun,
fast-hitting gun, corner riveter, and the squeeze
riveter. See figure 13-11. The type of gun used
depends on the particular job at hand, with each type
having its advantages for certain types of work.
Small parts can be riveted by one person if the part is
accessible for both bucking and driving. The greater
part of riveted work, however, requires two people.

Rivet Guns
The size and the type of gun used for a particular
job depend upon the size and alloy rivets being driven
and the accessibility of the rivet. For driving
medium-sized, heat-treated rivets that are in
accessible places, the slow-hitting gun is preferred.
For small, soft alloy rivets, the fast-hitting gun is
preferable. There will be places where a conventional
gun cannot be used. For this type of work, a corner
gun is employed.
Larger rivets require greater air pressure. The
approximate air pressures for four of the most
common rivet sizes are given in table 13-1.

Figure 13-11.-Various types of rivet guns.

shaver is adjusted correctly, the rivet head will be

shaved aerodynamically smooth.

Table 13-1.-Approximate Air Pressure for Rivet Guns

Pneumatic Riveters
Rivet guns vary in size and shape and have a
variety of handles and grips. Nearly all riveting is
done with pneumatic riveters. The pneumatic riveting
guns operate on compressed air supplied from a
compressor or storage tank. Normally, rivet guns are
equipped with an air regulator on the handle to control
the amount of air entering the gun. See figure 13-10.


Portable Drills

ONE-SHOT GUN. The one-shot gun is

designed to drive the rivet with just one blow. It is
larger and heavier than other types and is generally
used for heavy riveting. Each time the trigger is
depressed, the gun strikes one blow. This gun is
rather difficult to control on light-gauge metals.
Under suitable conditions, it is the fastest method of

Before using a drill turn on the power and check

it for trueness and vibration. Do not use a drill bit that
wobbles or is slightly bent. Trueness may be visibly
checked by running the motor.
The most common error made by the inexperienced person is to hold a portable drill at an
incorrect angle to the work. Make sure the drill is
held at right angles to the work. When you are
drilling in a horizontal position, you can see if the drill
is too far to the right or left, but it is difficult to tell if
the rear of the drill is too high or too low. Until you

SLOW-HITTING GUN. The slow-hitting gun

has a speed of 2,500 bpm (blows per minute). As long
as the trigger is held down, the rivet set continues to
strike the rivet. This gun is widely used for driving
medium-sized rivets. It is easier to control than the
one-shot gun.
FAST-HITTING GUN. The fast-hitting gun
strikes the rivet with a number of relatively
lightweight blows. It strikes between 2,500 and 5,000
bpm and is generally used with the softer rivets. Like
the slow-hitting gun, it continues to strike the rivet
head as long as the trigger is depressed.
CORNER RIVETER. The corner riveter is so
named because it can be used in corners and in close
quarters where space is restricted. The main
difference between this riveter and the other types is
that the set is very short and can be used in confined
spaces. See figure 13-11.
SQUEEZE RIVETER. The squeeze riveter
differs from the other riveters in that it forms the rivet
head by means of squeezing or compressing instead
of by distinct blows. Once it is adjusted for a
particular type of work, it will form rivet heads of
greater uniformity than the riveting guns. It is made
both as a portable unit and as a stationary riveting
machine. As a portable unit, it is larger than the
riveting guns and can be used only for certain types of
work that will fit between the jaws. The stationary, or
fixed jaw, contains the set and is placed against the
rivet head in driving. The rivet squeezer shown in
figure 13-11 is the pneumatic type.


As is commonly known, drills are used to bore

holes. In the following paragraphs, the correct use
and some common errors in the usage of drills are
presented. Additionally, a brief description of
pneumatic and angle-drive drills is included.

Figure 13-12.-Pneumatic drills.


into the air supply. The two most used types are the
straight and the pistol grip. See figure 13-12.

learn how to hold a drill at the correct angle, another

person should sight the angle before starting the drill.
Another common mistake is to put too much
pressure on the drill. Pushing or crowding a drill may
break the drill point. It could cause the drill to plunge
through the opposite side of the sheet and leave rough
edges around the hole. It could also cause the drill to
side slip on the metal, causing hole elongation.

Angle-Drive Drills

The angle-drive drills are attached to the drill

motor by an adapter assembly or clamped into the
existing drill chuck. They are available with a ridged
or flexible drive shaft and come in several different
head angles. See figure 13-13. These units are
designed to be used as an extension of the drill motor
in hard to reach areas. The drill motor should never
be started unless you have positive control of the
angle-drive unit. The flexible shaft is commonly
referred to as a snake drill. The drill chuck normally
requires a wrench to tighten the jaws or it may require
a special threaded drill bit.

The drill should not be stopped immediately upon

breaking through. It should continue to be inserted
for approximately half its length while still running,
and then withdrawn. This operation requires
judgment and skill because it is very easy to ream the
hole. If this is done properly, cleaner holes will result.
Pneumatic Drills
Pneumatic drills are available in various sizes and
shapes. The drills are designed to provide a rotary
shaft that is equipped with a chuck capable of holding
a drill bit. Most are powered by a vane air motor, and
the speed is adjustable by using the variable restrictor
built into the motor body. Normal maintenance of the
unit requires only a clean, dry air supply and periodic
lubrication of the vane assembly. Lubrication can be
accomplished by inducing a small amount of light oil


Special tools are not normally part of an

individuals toolbox. These tools are normally
maintained in a central toolroom and signed out when

Figure 13-13.-Angle-drive drills.


Dimple Countersinking Tools

Dimple countersinking is accomplished by using
male and female dies. The female die, shown in
figure 13-14, contains a spring-loaded ram that
flattens the bottom of the dimple as it is formed. This
prevents cracks from forming around the dimple. The
forming of a dimple is a combined bending and
stretching operation. A circular bend is formed
around the hole. As in any bending operation, the
tension force at the upper side of the bend (break)
creates the radius at the junction of the two
surfaces-the top side of the sheet and the downward
bent inner wall of the dimple depression. The stretch
occurs around the hole as it is displaced from its
original position and relocated at the bottom of the
dimple. The female die must have a slightly larger
cone diameter than the corresponding dimension of
the male die. This allows for material thickness and
relieves the bending load at the break in order to avoid
circumferential cracks around the boundaries of the
dimple. As a further safeguard, a slight radius is made
on the female die at the junction of the top face with
the dimple depression.
Dimpling dies are made to correspond to any size
and degree of countersunk rivet head available. The
dies are numbered, and the correct combination of
dies to use is indicated in charts specified by the
manufacturer. Both male and female dies are

machined accurately and have highly polished

surfaces. When you dimple a hole, place the material
on the female die and insert the male die in the hole to
be dimpled. The dies are generally brought together,
forming the dimple by a mechanical or pneumatic
As newer aluminum alloys were developed to
increase shear and tensile strength, they became more
difficult to form, since these alloys are harder and
more brittle. These aluminum alloys are subject to
cracking when formed or dimpled cold. For this
reason, it is necessary to use a hot dimpling process.
The application of hot dimpling to the more brittle
materials helps reduce cracking. The heat is applied
to the material by the dies, which are maintained at a
specific temperature by electrical heaters. The heat is
transferred to the material to be dimpled only
momentarily, a n d n o n e o f t h e h e a t - t r e a t
characteristics of the material are lost.
There are several models of dimpling machines
used in the Navy, from the bulky floor models to
portable equipment. One of the most popular portable
types is shown in figure 13-15. Basically, it has three
units: the dimpling control unit, the dimpling
squeezer, and the thermo dimple gun.
The dimpling control unit is a small compact unit
designed to regulate dimple die temperatures,
prepressure, dwell time, and final forming pressure.

Figure 13-14.-Dimple countersinking.


Figure 13-15.-Hot dimpling kit.

This same unit is used with both the hot dimpling

squeezer and the thermo dimple gun.

1. Sharpness of definition. It is possible to get a

dimple with a sharp break from the surface into the
dimple. The sharpness of the break is controlled by
two things: the amount of pressure and the material

The hot dimpling squeezer is designed for use

where stationary squeezer operation is impractical or
impossible. It is capable of working all material
gauges up to and including 0.091 of an inch. The
squeezer is designed to dimple in areas that are
inaccessible to other types of equipment. Male and
female dies are independently warmed by electrical
heaters. The heaters produce a short heat-up and
recovery time. The male die is adjustable to provide
the maximum squeeze on all gauges of material. The
unit also has a cooling feature.

2. Condition of dimple. The dimple must be

checked for cracks or flaws that might be caused by
damaged or dirty dies, or by improper heating.
3. Warpage of material. The amount of warpage
may be held to a minimum if the correct pressure
setting is held. When dimpling a strip with too much
pressure, the strip tends to form a convex shape, as
shown in figure 13-16. When insufficient pressure is
used, it tends to form a concave shape. This can be
checked by using a straight edge.

The thermo dimple gun is used to dimple in the

center of panels and in those areas otherwise
inaccessible to stationary dimpling equipment. When
it is being used on the aircraft, the thermo dimple gun
drives the dimple from the exterior while the female
die and dolly bar are used on the inside. The thermo
dimple gun is air cooled. This eliminates the need for
cumbersome heat-resistant gloves. This tool is small,
compact, well balanced, and easy to handle.
Before adjusting the control unit for dimpling,
you should refer to the equipment manufacturers
dwell time chart. When you set up any dimpling
equipment, follow the step-by-step procedure
outlined in the operating and maintenance manual
supplied with the equipment. Since equipment types
vary, it is impractical to specify a standard procedure;
however, there are four general requirements of a
dimple, and by examining each, it is possible to
denote improper setting up of equipment.

Figure 13-16.-Checking dimple equipment air pressure.


4. General appearance. The dimple should be

checked with the fastener that is to be used, making
sure it meets the flushness requirement. This is
important because the wrong type or size of dies are
sometimes used by mistake.

Squaring Shears

Squaring shears are used for cutting and squaring

sheet metal. See figure 13-17. They may be foot
operated or power operated. Squaring shears consist
of a stationary blade attached to a bed and a movable
blade attached to a crosshead. To make a cut, place
the work in the desired position on the bed of the
machine. Then use a downward stroke to move the
blade. Foot-powered squaring shears are equipped
with a spring that raises the blade when foot pressure
is removed from the treadle. A scale graduated in
fractions of an inch is scribed on the bed. Two side
guides, consisting of thick steel bars, are fixed to the
bed, one on the left and one on the right. Each is
placed so that its inboard edge creates a right angle
with the cutting edge of the bed. These bars are used
to align the metal when square corners are desired.
When cuts other than right angles are to be made
across the width of a piece of metal, the beginning and
ending points of the cut must be determined and
marked in advance. Then the work is carefully placed
into position on the bed with the beginning and ending
marks on the cutting edge of the bed.

A hold-down mechanism is built into the front of

the movable cutting edge in the crosshead. Its
purpose is to clamp the work firmly in place while the
cut is being made. This action is quickly and easily
accomplished. The handle is rotated toward the
operator and the hold-down lowers into place. A firm
downward pressure on the handle at this time should
rotate the mechanism overcenter on its eccentric cam
and lock the hold-down in place. You should reverse
the action to release the work.
Three distinctly different operationscutting to a
line, squaring, and multiple cutting to a specific
sizemay be accomplished on the squaring shears.
When you are cutting to a line, place the beginning
and ending marks on the cutting edge and make the
cut. Squaring requires a sequence of several steps.
First, square one end of the sheet with one side. Then
square the remaining edges, holding one squared end
of the sheet against the side guide and making the cut,
one edge at a time, until all edges have been squared.
When several pieces are to be cut to the same
dimensions, you should use the adjustable stop gauge.
This stop is located behind the bed cutting edges of
the blade and bed. The supporting rods for the stop
gauge are graduated in inches and fractions of an inch.
The gauge bar is rigged so that it may be set at any
point on the rods. With the gauge set at the desired
distance from the cutting blade, push each piece to be
cut against the stop. This procedure will allow you to
cut all pieces to the same dimensions without
measuring and marking each one separately.
NOTE: After you cut the first piece in a
series, measure it to make sure that the stop is
accurately set.

Throatless Shears
Throatless shears are constructed so sheets of any
length may be cut and the metal turned in any
direction during the cutting operation. See
figure 13-18. Irregular lines can be followed or
notches made without distorting the metal. Throatless
shears are an adaptation of heavy handshears or snips
in which the handles are removed, one blade secured
to a base, and a long lever attached to the tip of the
movable blade. The heavy duty throatless shears are
capable of cutting stainless steel up to 0.083 of an
inch thick.

Figure 13-17.-Squaring shears.


To cut stock that is narrower in width than the

length of the blades, the lever of the shears can be
pulled all the way down. When you are cutting larger
pieces, a series of short bites should be made.
NOTE: Complete closing of the blade tends
to tear the sheet at the end of each cut.
Unishear is a trade name for a type of portable
power shears. It is used for cutting curves and notches
as well as straight-line cutting.
Figure 13-18.-Throatless shears.

Hand Bench Shears

The hand bench shears operate similar to a paper
cutter. They have one fixed blade and a movable
blade, hinged at the back. They are similar to the
throatless shears except the blades are straight and
used only for straight cutting. Some bench shears
have a punching attachment on the end of the frame
opposite the shearing blades. This attachment is used
to punch holes in metal sheets.

This tool might be called power-operated,

combination snips. It has two short blades. The
lower blade is held in a fixed position. The upper
blade moves up and down in short strokes at a high
rate of speed. Its chewing motion is the basis for the
widely used nickname of this power tool"nibbles."
Figure 13-19 shows an 18-gauge Unishear.
The cutting blades are easily removed for
sharpening and replacement. The machine will cut as
fast as it can be fed, up to 15 feet per minute. This is
a ruggedly constructed machine; but for satisfactory
performance, you must give it the best of care. It
should be kept cleaned and oiled at all times.

Figure 13-19.-18-guage Unishear.


When you are punching stainless steel or other alloys,

you must remember that these capacities are for mild
The operation of the turret punch is simple. First,
release the locking handle on the side of the punch
frame, rotate the turret until the desired punch set is
lined up with the actuating mechanism (ram), and
then lock the turret into position. Then punch the hole
by pulling the operating lever toward you. This
actuates the ram and punch.
Sheet Metal Bending Equipment

Figure 13-20.-Hand-operated turret punch.

Hand-Operated Turret Punch

A hand-operated turret punch is shown in
figure 13-20. Twelve mated punches and dies are
mounted in a rotating turret. Stamped on the front of
each die block is the size of hole it will punch, as well
as the thickness of the material it will accommodate.

There are a several types of sheet metal bending

equipment that are used to form or bend sheet metal.
In the following text, we will discuss the function of
this equipment.
VISE. Vises are used for holding sheet metal
when it is being shaped or riveted. Figure 13-21
shows the most common bench vises that are used
throughout the Navy. The machinists bench vise is
the one most generally used for forming sheet metal.
The machinists bench vise is a large steel vise with
rough jaws that prevent the work from slipping. It has
a swivel base, allowing the user to position the vise in

Figure 13-21.-Common types of bench vises.


Figure 13-22.-Cornice brake and operation.

a better working position. Machinists vises are

usually bolted to a work bench or table.
CORNICE BRAKE. The cornice brake is
designed to bend large sheets of metal. See figure
13-22. It can be adjusted to handle a variety of metal
thicknesses and to bend metal to a variety of radii.
The brake is equipped with a stop gauge, which
consists of a rod, a yoke, and a setscrew. The stop
gauge limits the travel of the bending leaf. This
feature is used to make a number of pieces with the
same angle of bend.
The standard cornice brake is extremely useful
for making single hems, double hems, lock seams,
and various other shapes, some of which require the
use of molds. The molds are fastened to the bending
leaf of the brake by friction clamps. Figure 13-23
shows sheet metal that is ready to be formed over a
mold attached to a cornice brake.

Figure 13-23.-Cornice brake with mold and stock.


BOX AND PAN BRAKE. The box and pan

brake (fig. 13-25) is often called the finger brake
because it does not have a solid upper jaw as does the
cornice brake. Instead, it is equipped with a series of
steel fingers of varying widths. The finger brake can
be used to do everything that the cornice brake can do
and several things that the cornice brake cannot do.
The finger brake is used to form boxes, pans, and
other similarly shaped objects. If these shapes were
formed on a cornice brake, you would have to
straighten part of the bend on one side of the box in
order to make the last bend. With a finger brake, you
simply remove the fingers that are in the way and use
only the fingers required to make the bend.

Figure 13-24.-Bar folder.

The fingers are secured to the upper leaf by

thumbscrews, as shown in figure 13-26. All the
fingers that are not removed for an operation must be
securely seated and firmly tightened before the brake
is used.

BAR FOLDER. The bar folder, shown in

figure 13-24, is designed for use in making bends or
folds along edges of sheets of metal. This machine is
best suited for folding small hems, flanges, seams,
and edges to be wired. Most bar folders have a
capacity for metal up to 22 gauge in thickness and
42 inches in length. Before using the bar folder, you
must make several adjustments, including
adjustments for thickness of material, width of fold,
sharpness of fold, and angle of fold.

To keep brakes in good condition, you should

keep the working parts well oiled and be sure the jaws
are free of rust and dirt. When you operate brakes, be
careful to avoid doing anything that would spring the
parts, force them out of alignment, or otherwise
damage them. Never use brakes for bending metal
that is beyond the machines capacity with respect to
thickness, shape, or type. Never try to bend rod, wire,
strap iron, or spring steel sheets in a brake. If it is
necessary to hammer the work, take it out of the brake

Figure 13-25.-Box and pan brake being used to form box.


the distance between the front rolls. By varying the

adjustments, the machine can be used to form
cylinders, cones, and other curved shapes. The front
rolls grip the metal and pull it into the machine;
therefore, the adjustment of distance between the two
front rolls is made on the basis of the thickness of the
sheet being worked.

Figure 13-26.-Finger secured in box and pan brake.

Forming Machines

ROTARY MACHINE. The rotary machine,

shown in figure 13-28, is used on cylindrical and flat
sheet metal to shape the edge or to form a bead along
the edge. Various shaped rolls can be installed on the
rotary machine to perform these operations, which are
described later in the text.

A sheet metal object made on a brake will have

corners (bends) and sides (flanges). On a forming
machine, it is possible to make an object without
sides. For example, you can make a circular object
such as a funnel. The forming machines used in the
Navy are usually located at aircraft intermediate
maintenance departments (AIMDs). The two most
common machines are the slip roll and the rotary.


Learning Objective: Recognize the terms and
procedures for the fabrication of sheet metal


metal can be formed into curved shapes over a pipe or
a mandrel, but the slip-roll forming machine is easier
to use and produces more accurate bends. Rolling
machines are available in various sizes and capacities.
Some are hand operated, like the one shown in
figure 13-27, and others are power operated.

To effectively construct and repair parts of an

airframe, you must be able to lay out, cut, and form
metal. The layout of bend lines must include the
allowance for the amount of material used to make the
bend in the proper location. The proper fit of the
finished part can be ensured if the layout, cuts, and
bends are carefully considered before the actual
fabrication is started. The procedures and equipment
discussed in this chapter are designed to provide
accurate and dependable results.

The machine shown in the illustration has two

rolls in the front and one roll at the rear. You can
adjust screws on each end of the machine to control

The development of a layout on sheet metal is

basically the same as the development of blueprints
and drawings. For a better understanding of these
procedures, you should refer to Blueprint Reading
and Sketching, NAVEDTRA 1OO77-F1.

Figure 13-28.-Rotary machine.

Figure 13-27.-Slip-roll forming machine.


When you are laying out metal, there are certain
precautions that should be observed. In the following
paragraphs, some of the more important precautions
are discussed. For information on the use of layout
tools, you should refer to Use and Care of Hand Tools
and Measuring Tools, NAVEDTRA 12085.
You should take every precaution to avoid
marring aluminum-alloy and steel sheets. To protect
the under surface of the material from any possible
damage, you should place apiece of heavy paper, felt,
or plywood between the material and the working
surface. When you are working with a large sheet of
material, it is important to avoid bending it. It is a
good idea to have someone help you place it on the
work surface.
A layout fluid should be applied to the surface of
the metal so that the pattern will stand out clearly.
Any one of several approved fluids may be used.
Bluing fluid, a blue dye dissolved in alcohol, is the
most commonly used layout fluid. Since it does not
protect metal against corrosion or serve as a paint
binder, bluing fluid should be removed after use.
Either ordinary paint thinner or alcohol may be used
to remove it.
To begin the layout, you should ensure that one
edge of the metal is straight. All measurements can
then be based on the straight edge of the sheet. Lines
at a known angle or parallel to the straightedge can be
made by marking points from a combination square
held firmly against the straight edge.

If it is impossible to obtain a straight edge on a

sheet to start a layout or if the distance from the edge
is too great, a reference line may be used. The
reference line may be made by connecting any two
points with a straight line. Perpendiculars may be
erected to the reference line by using a compass or
dividers. Once the perpendicular is accurately
established, it may be used as a basis for almost any
A scriber must never be used for drawing lines on
aluminum or magnesium except to indicate where the
metal is to be cut or drilled. All other lines should be
drawn with a soft-lead pencil. The pencil mark
should be removed from aluminum and magnesium to
prevent an electrolytic action that will eventually
cause corrosion. It can be removed with isopropyl
alcohol or MEK. If you fold a piece of metal along a
sharp line made with a scriber, the scribed line will
weaken the metal and possibly cause it to crack along
the bend. If it does not crack at the time of bending, it
is very susceptible to cracking at a later time when
failure of the part could be dangerous.
When you are bending metal to exact dimensions,
the amount of material needed to form the bend must
be known. The term for the amount of material that is
actually used in making the bend is bend allowance.
Bending compresses the metal on the inside of the
bend and stretches the metal on the outside of the
bend. Approximately halfway between these two
extremes lies a space that neither shrinks nor
stretches. This space is known as the neutral line or
neutral axis. Figure 13-29 shows the neutral axis of a
bend. It is along this neutral axis that bend allowance
is computed.
You should be familiar with the following terms
related to a bending job. Figure 13-30 shows the
meaning of some of these terms.
Bend allowance. The amount of material
consumed in making a bend.
Closed angle. An angle that is less than 90
degrees when measured between legs. When the
closed angle is 45 degrees, the amount of bend is 180
minus 45 or 135 degrees. See figure 13-31.

Figure 13-29.-Neutral axis.


end of the material can be most conveniently inserted

in the brake. The bend line is then measured and
marked with a soft-lead pencil from the bend tangent
line closest to the end that is to be placed under the
brake. This measurement should be equal to the
radius of the bend. The metal is then inserted in the
brake so that the nose of the brake will fall directly
over the bend line. See figure 13-32.
Bend tangent line. The line at which the metal
starts to bend and the line at which the metal stops
curving. All the space between the bend tangent lines
is the bend allowance.
Figure 13-30.-Bend allowance terms.

Open angle. An angle that is more than

90 degrees when measured between legs or less than
90 degrees when the amount of bend is measured.
Flange. The shorter part of a formed
anglethe opposite of leg. If each side of the angle is
the same length, then each is known as a leg.

Mold line. The line formed by extending the

outside surfaces of the leg and the flange. (An
imaginary point from which real base measurements
are provided on drawings.)
Base measurement. The base measurement is
the outside dimension of a formed part. Base
measurement will be given on the drawing or
blueprint, or it may be obtained from the original part.

Flat. The flat portion, or flat, of a part is that

portion not included in the bend. It is equal to the
base measurement minus the setback.
K number. A K number is one of 179 numbers
on the K chart that corresponds to one of the angles
between 0 and 180 degrees to which metal can be
bent. When metal is to be bent to any angle other than
90 degrees (K number of 1.0), the corresponding
K number is selected from the chart and multiplied by
the sum of the radius and the thickness of the metal.
The product is the amount of setback for the bend.
Leg. The longer part of a formed angle.
Bend line. The bend line (also called the brake
or sight line) is the layout line on the metal being
formed that is set even with the nose of the brake, and
it serves as a guide in bending the work. Before
forming a bend, the metalsmith must decide which

Figure 13-31.-Open and closed angles.

Figure 13-32.-Locating bend lines in a brake.



Radius. The radius (R) of the bend is always to

the inside of the metal being formed unless otherwise
stated. The minimum allowable radius for bending a
given type and thickness of material should always be
determined before you proceed with any bend
allowance calculations.

Straight-line bends and folds in sheet metal are

ordinarily made on the cornice brake and bar folder;
however, a considerable amount of bending is also
completed by hand-forming methods. Hand forming
may be accomplished by using stakes, blocks of
wood, angle iron, a vise, or the edge of a bench.

Setback The setback (SB) is the distance from

the bend tangent line to the mold point. In a
90-degree bend, SB = R + T (radius of the bend plus
thickness of the metal). The setback dimension must
be determined prior to making the bend because
setback is used in determining the location of the
beginning bend tangent line.

Bending Over Stakes

Stakes are used to back up sheet metal to form
many different curves, angles, and seams. Stakes are
available in a wide variety of shapes, some of which
are shown in figure 13-33. The stakes are held
securely in a stake holder or stake plate, which is
anchored in a workbench. The stake holder contains a
variety of holes to fit a number of different types of


By experimentation with actual bends in metals,
aircraft engineers have found that accurate bending
results could be obtained by using the following
formula for any degree of bend from 1 to 180:

Although stakes are by no means delicate, they

must be handled with reasonable care. They should
not be used as backing when you are chiseling holes
or notches in sheet metal.

(0.0173 x R + 0.0078 x T) x N = B A

Bending in a Vise

R = the desired bend radius,

Straight-line bends of comparatively short

sections can be made by hand with the aid of wooden
or metal bending blocks. After the part has been laid
out and cut to size, you should clamp it along the bend
line between two form blocks, which are held in a
vise. The form blocks usually have one edge rounded
to give the desired bend radius. See figure 13-34. By
tapping lightly with a rubber, plastic, or rawhide
mallet, bend the metal protruding beyond the bending
block to the desired angle.

T = the thickness of the material, and

N = the number of degrees of bend.
Refer to the NA 01-1A-1 for the appropriate bend
allowance tables.
Once a project has been laid out on the metal, the
next step is to cut it to shape. The type of cutting
equipment to be used depends primarily upon the type
and thickness of the material. Another consideration
is the size and number of pieces to be cut. A few
relatively thin pieces of comparatively soft metal may
be cut faster with hand-trimming methods. But for
harder metals, faster output, and more professional
results, machines designed for metal-cutting purposes
are used.
Machines used to cut sheet metal may be divided
into two groupsmanually operated and power
operated. Each cutting machine has a definite cutting
capacity that should never be exceeded. A few of the
more common types that may be available to you have
been described in the previous sections.

You should gradually make the bend even. Start

tapping at one end and work back and forth along the
edge. Continue this process until the protruding metal
is bent to the desired angle. If a large amount of metal
extends beyond the bending blocks, you should
maintain enough hand pressure against the protruding
sheet to prevent the metal from bouncing. Remove
any irregularity in the flange by holding a straight
block of hardwood edgewise against the bend and
striking it with heavy blows of a hammer or mallet. If
the amount of metal protruding beyond the bending
blocks is small, make the entire bend by using the
hardwood block and a hammer.
Curved flanged parts have mold lines that are
either concave or convex. The concave flange is
formed by stretching, while the convex flange is


Figure 13-33.-Stakes and stake plate.

formed by shrinking. Such parts are shaped with the

aid of hardwood or metal form blocks. These blocks
are made in pairs and specifically for the shape of the
part being formed. Each pair conforms to the actual
dimension and contour of the finished article.
You should cut the material to be formed to size,
allowing about one-quarter inch of excess material for
trim. File and smooth the edges of the material to
remove all nicks caused by the cutting tools. This
reduces the possibility of the material cracking at the
edges during the forming operation. Place the
material between the form blocks and clamp it in a
vise so that the material will not move or shift. Clamp
the work as closely as possible to the particular area
being formed to prevent strain on the form block and
to keep the material from slipping.

Figure 13-34.-Preparation for straight bend by hand.


Concave surfaces are formed by stretching the

material over a form block. See figure 13-35. You
should use a plastic or rawhide mallet with a smooth,
slightly rounded face to start hammering at the
extreme ends of the part, and then continue toward the
center of the bend. This procedure permits some of
the material at the ends of the part to be worked into
the center of the curve where it will be needed.
Continue hammering until the metal is gradually
worked down over the entire flange and flush with the
form block. After the flange is formed, trim off the
excess material and check the part for accuracy.
Convex surfaces are formed by shrinking the
material over a form block. See figure 13-36. You
should use a wooden or plastic shrinking mallet and a
backup or wedge block to start hammering at the
center of the curve, and then work toward both ends.
Hammer the flange down over the form by striking
the metal with glancing blows at an angle of
approximately 45 degrees. You should use a motion
that will tend to pull the part away from the radius of
the form block. The wedge block is used to keep the
edge of the flange as nearly perpendicular to the form
block as possible. The wedge block also lessens the
possibility of buckling, splitting, or cracking the
Another method of hand forming convex flanges
is to use a lead bar or strap. The material, which is
secured in the form block, is struck by the lead strap.
The strap takes the shape of the part being formed and

forces it down against the form block. One advantage

of this method is the metal is formed without marring
or wrinkling and is not thinned as much as it would be
by other methods of hand forming. This method is
also illustrated in figure 13-36. After the flange is
formed by either method, trim off the excess material
and check the part for accuracy.
Bending on a Brake
The easiest and most accurate method of making
straight-line bends in a piece of sheet metal is to use a
box and pan brake or a cornice brake. The use of
these brakes is relatively simple. However, if they are
not used correctly, the time and the work involved in
computing the bend allowance and laying out the job,
as well as the metal, are wasted. Before you bend any
work that must have an accurate bend radius and
definite leg length, the brake settings should be
checked with a piece of scrap metal. To make an
ordinary bend on a brake, you should place the sheet
to be bent on the bed so that the bend line is directly
under the upper jaw or clamping bar. Then, pull down
the clamping bar handle. This brings the clamping
bar down to hold the sheet firmly in place. Next, set
the stop for the proper angle or amount of bend.
Finally, make the bend by raising the bending leaf
until it strikes the stop. If more than one bend is to
be made, bring the next bend line under the
clamping bar and repeat the procedure. See figures
13-22 and 13-25.

Figure 13-35.-Forming concave hand bend.


Figure 13-36.-Forming convex hand bends.

Bending on a Bar Folder

folder, adjust the thumbscrew to the specified width

of the fold. Then turn the adjusting knob on the back
of the machine for the desired sharpness of the bend.
Insert the metal under the folding blade until it rests
against the stops. Hold the metal firmly in place with
one hand, grasp the handle with the other, and pull
forward until the desired fold is made.

The bar folder may be used to bend and fold metal

in a number of different shapes, as illustrated in
figure 13-37. This machine has two adjustments: one
for regulating the width of the fold and the other to
provide sharp or rounded bends. To operate the bar

Figure 13-37.-Types of bends made on a bar folder.



To form a cylinder in the machine, you should use

the following procedures and refer to figure 13-38:

A sheet metal object made on a brake will

have corners (bends) and sides (flanges). On a
forming machine, it is possible to make an object
without sides. For example, you can make a
circular object such as a funnel. The forming
machines used in the Navy are usually located at
aircraft intermediate maintenance departments
(AIMDs). The two most common machines are
the slip roll and the rotary.

1. Adjust the front rolls so they will grip the

sheet properly.
2. Adjust the rear roll to a height that is less than
enough to form the desired radius of the cylinder.
3. Ensure that all three rolls are parallel. (The
same space exists between any two rollers at each end
of the rollers.)
4. Start the sheet into the space between the two
front rolls. As soon as the front rolls have gripped the
sheet, raise the free end of the sheet slightly.

Slip-Roll Forming

Sheet metal can be formed into cylindrical or

conical shapes through the use of the slip-roll
forming machine. Prior to using this machine, you
should consult the manufacturers manual of

5. Pass the entire sheet through the rolls. This

forms part of the curve required for the cylinder.
6. Set the rear roll higher to form a shorter

Figure 13-38.-Forming a cylinder.


7. Turn the partially formed sheet end over end,

and again pass it through the rolls.
8. Continue turning the sheet end over end and
passing it through the rolls, each time adjusting the
rear roll for a new radius, until a cylindrical shape has
been formed.
9. Remove the cylinder from the machine. The
top front roll has a quick-releasing device on one end.
This allows the released end of the roll to be raised
and the newly formed cylinder slipped off just as you
would slip a ring from your finger.

Figure 13-39-Rolling a conical shape.

Conical shapes can be formed by setting the back

roll at an angle before running the sheet through it, or
they can be made with the rolls parallel. See
figure 13-39. To make a cone with the rolls parallel,
the sheet must be fed through the rolls in such a
manner that the element lines (A-A, B-B, etc., in the
illustration) pass over the rear roll in a line parallel to
the roll. This involves slipping the large end of the
cone through the rolls at a slightly faster rate than the
rate at which the small end is being rolled through.
The grooves at the ends of the rolls can be used to
form circles of wire or rod. They can also be used to
roll wired edges, as shown in figure 13-40.
Rotary Forming
The roll dies, shown in figure 13-41, are installed
on the rotary machine to perform a specific forming
operation. In the following paragraphs we will
discuss their functions.

Figure 13-40.Rolling a wired edge.

Figure 13-41.-Roll dies used on a rotary machine.


BEADING ROLLS. Beading rolls are used for

turning beads (grooves) on tubing, cans, and buckets.
Beads may also be placed on sheet stock that is to be
welded. There are several different types of beading
rolls. Those shown in figure 13-41 are single bead
rolls. When you are beading, the groove should not
be made too deeply in a single rotation as this tends to
weaken the metal.
TURNING ROLLS. Turning rolls are used for
turning an edge to receive a stiffening wire. When
you are turning an edge, rest the cylinder to be wired
on the lower wheel and press against the gauge. The
gauge is adjusted according to the size of wire to be
used. With the work set in place, bring the upper roll
down until it grips the metal. Turn the crank slowly
while you are holding the metal so that the metal will
feed into the rolls. Continue to press against the
guide. After the first revolution, gradually raise the
metal until it touches the outer face of the top roll.
Remove the stock by raising the top roll.
WIRING ROLLS.- Wiring rolls are used to
finish the wired edges prepared in the turning rolls.
To use the wiring rolls, you should adjust the top roll
so that it is directly above the point on the lower roll
where the beveled and flat surfaces meet, as shown in
view A of figure 13-42. Adjust the guide to the
position shown in view B, then bring the top roll down
so that it will turn the edge of the metal as shown in
view C. Remove the stock from the machine by
raising the top roll.
CRIMPING ROLLS. Crimping rolls are used
to make one end of a pipe smaller than the other so
that two sections may be slipped together, one end
into the other. A bead is placed on a pipe first, and
then it is crimped. The bead forms a shoulder to keep
the pipe from slipping too far into the adjoining
BURRING ROLLS. Burring is perhaps the
most difficult operation to perform on a rotary
machine. Before you place the work in the machine,

make sure the cylinder or circular disc to be burred is

cut or formed as perfectly round as possible. Then
adjust the gauge on the machine so the space between
the inside of the upper roll and the gauge is set to the
width of the burr. Next, place the object between the
rolls and against the gauge. Then you should lower
the upper roll until it scores the material slightly.
Turn the crank slowly to allow the metal to slide
between thumb and fingers. Apply a slight upward
pressure as the metal passes between the rolls. After
the first revolution, lower the top roll and again pass
the metal between the rolls. Repeat this process,
raising the edge slightly with each complete
revolution of the material, until the edge has been
burred to the proper angle.
You must use your knowledge, ability, and
experience to plan an aircraft structural repair that
involves riveting. Each rivet must be selected and
driven in a precise manner to meet the riveting
specification. Some of the specifications are rivet
spacing and edge distance, diameter of the rivet hole,
aerodynamic smoothness, and size of the rivet
bucktail. These can be accomplished only through
determination, practice, and accurate manipulation of
all layout and riveting equipment.
Rivet Selection
The following rules should govern your selection
and use of rivets:
1. Replacements must not be made with rivets of
lower strength material unless they are larger than
those removed. For example, a rivet of 2024
aluminum alloy should not be replaced by one made
of 2017 aluminum alloy unless the 2017 rivet is a size
larger. Similarly, when 2117 rivets are used to replace
2017 rivets, the next larger size should be used.
2. When rivet holes become enlarged, deformed,
or otherwise damaged, you should use the next larger
size as replacement.
3. Countersunk-head rivets should be replaced
by rivets of the same type and degree of countersink,
either AN426 or MS20426.
4. All protruding-head rivets should be replaced
with universal-head rivets, either AN470 or
5. Rivets less than three thirty-seconds of an inch
in diameter should not be used for any structural parts,

Figure 13-42.-Wiring operation.


There are no specific rules that apply to every

case or type of riveting. There are, however, certain
general rules that should be followed.

control parts, wing covering, or similar parts of the

6. Minimum rivet diameter is equal to the
thickness of the thickest sheet to be riveted.

RIVET SPACING. Rivet spacing (pitch)

depends upon several factors, principally the
thickness of the sheet, the diameter of the rivets, and
the manner in which the sheet will be stressed. Rivet
spacing should never be less than three times the rivet
diameter. Spacing is seldom less than four times the
diameter nor more than eight times the diameter.

7. Maximum rivet diameter is three times the

thickness of the thickest sheet to be riveted.
8. The proper length of rivet is an important part
of the repair. If the rivet is too long, the formed head
will be too large, or the rivet may bend or be forced
between the sheets being riveted. If the rivet is too
short, the formed head will be too small or the riveted
material will be damaged. The length of the rivet
should equal the sum of the thickness of the metal
plus 1 1/2 times the diameter of the rivet, as shown in
figure 13-43. The formula for determining rivet
length is as follows:


TRANSVERSE PITCH. When two or more

rows of rivets are used in a repair job, the rivets
should be staggered to obtain maximum strength.
The distance between the rows of rivets is called
transverse pitch. Transverse pitch is normally
75 percent of existing rivet pitch, but should never be
less than 2 1/2 times the diameter.
EDGE DISTANCE. The edge distance for all
rivets, except those with a flush head, should not be
less than twice the diameter of the rivet shank nor
more than four times the diameter of the rivet shank.
Flush-head rivets require an edge distance of at least
2 1/2 times the diameter. If rivets are placed to close
to the edge of the sheet, the sheet is apt to crack or pull
away from the rivets. If they are placed too far away
from the edge, the sheet is apt to turn up at the edge.


D = the rivet diameter,
G = the grip (total thickness of material, and
L = the total length of the rivet.
Spacing and Edge Distance
Rivet spacing, also referred as rivet pitch, is the
distance between the rivets in the same row, and is
measured from the rivet center to the rivet center.
Transverse pitch is the distance between the rows of
rivets, and is measured from the rivet center to rivet
center. Edge distance is the distance from the center
of the rivet to the edge of the material being riveted.

Figure 13-43.-Rivet length.

NOTE: On most repairs, the general practice

is to use the same rivet spacing and edge
distance that the manufacturer used in the
surrounding area, or the structural repair
manual for the particular aircraft may be
consulted, Figure 13-44 shows rivet spacing
and edge distance.

Figure 13-44.-Rivet spacing and edge distance.


Table 13-2.-Drill Sizes for Various Size Rivets

Drilling Rivet Holes

Standard twist drills are used to drill rivet holes.
Table 13-2 specifies the size drill to be used with the
various size rivets. Note that there is a slight
clearance in each case. This prevents binding of the
rivet in the hole.
Locations for the rivet holes should be center
punched and the drilling done with a power drill,
either electric or pneumatic. Electric drills constitute
a fire hazard when you are drilling on or near an
aircraft. The hazard is caused by the arcing of the
brushes. Therefore, the pneumatic drill should be
used. The center punch mark should be large enough
to prevent the drill from slipping out of position, but
must not be made with enough force to dent the
surrounding material. All burrs must be removed by
using a larger size drill or by using a deburring tool.
Flush Riveting
In aircraft construction, manufacturers are
eliminating protruding-head rivets on the exterior
surfaces. In fabricating stressed metal skin, all
exposed rivet heads must be countersunk to lie flush
with the outer surface of the skin. It is essential to
provide an aerodynamically smooth surface. See
figure 13-45.
Flush rivets are more difficult to install because
the parts being riveted must be countersunk. Another
hazard is the closeness of the rivet set to the metal
during riveting. If considerable skill is not used, the
metal will be damaged by the rivet set. Flush rivets
are made with heads of several different angles, but
the 100-degree rivet is standard for all Navy aircraft.

To adjust the speed of the gun, place it against a

block of wood. Never operate a rivet gun without
resistance against the set. The vibrating action may
cause the retaining spring to break, allowing the set to
fly out.

A rivet set can be a deadly weapon. If a
rivet set is placed in a rivet gun without a
set retainer and the throttle of the gun is
opened, the rivet set may be projected like
a bullet. This may cause severe injury to a
person or destruction of equipment.

The two methods used to countersink flush rivets

are dimple and machine countersinking. In some
instances, a combination of the two may be used; in
other words, the top sheet of an assembly may be
dimpled while the under sheet is machine
Rivet Driving
Before driving any rivets, make sure all the holes
line up perfectly, all the shavings and burrs have been
removed, and the parts to be riveted are fastened
securely together. It is important that the sheets be
held firmly together near the area of the rivet being

Figure 13-45.-Incorrect countersinking.


The gun should be adjusted so the rivet can be

driven in the shortest possible time, but you must take
care not to drive the rivet so hard or in such a manner
as to dimple the metal. Practice will enable you to
properly adjust a gun for any type of work.
The rivet should be pushed into proper position
and held there firmly, with the set of the rivet gun
resting squarely against the rivet head. The bucking
bar is held firmly and squarely against the protruding
rivet shank. (In most instances, the bucking bar must
be manipulated by another person, called the
bucker.) The gunner then exerts pressure on the
trigger and starts driving. The gun must be held
tightly against the rivet head, and it must not be
removed until the trigger has been released.
The bucker removes the bucking bar and checks
the upset head after the gunner has stopped driving. A
signal system is usually employed to develop the
necessary teamwork, and consists of tapping lightly
against the work. One tap may mean not fully
driven, hit it again; two taps may mean good rivet;
three taps may mean bad rivet, remove and drive
The upset head, often referred to as the bucktail,
should be 1 1/2 times the original diameter of the
shank in width and 1/2 times the original diameter in
height, as shown in figure 13-46. If the head formed
is narrower and higher than the dimensions given,
more driving is necessary. If it is wider and
shallower, it must be removed and replaced.

follows: rivet marred by bucking bar or rivet set;

rivet driven at slant or shank bent over; rivet too short,
causing the head to be shallow; rivet pancaked too flat
from overdriving; sheets spread apart and rivet
flashed between the sheets; two rivet heads not in
alignment; and head of countersunk rivet not flush
with outside surface or driven below surface.
Examples of these incorrectly driven rivets are shown
in figure 13-47.
When you are removing rivets, be careful not to
enlarge the rivet hole. This will require you to use a
larger size rivet for replacement. To remove a rivet,
file a flat surface on the manufactured head. It is
always preferable to work on the manufactured head
rather than on the one that is bucked, since the former
will always be more symmetrical about the shank.
Indent the center of the filed surface with a center
punch, and use a drill of slightly less than shank
diameter to drill through the rivet head. Remove the
drill and, with the other rivet end supported, pry or
lightly tap off the head with a drift punch. If the
shank is too tight after the removal of the head, the
shank should be drilled out. However, if the sheet
is firmly supported from the opposite side, the

Rivet Removal
Rivets must be removed and replaced if they
show even the slightest deformity or lack of
alignment. Reasons for replacing rivets are as

Figure 13-47.-Incorrectly driven rivets.

Figure 13-46.-Rivet dimensions before and after bucking.


shank may be punched out with a drift punch. See

figure 13-48.
The removal of flush rivets requires slightly more
skill. If the formed head on the interior is accessible
and has been formed over heavy material, such as an
extruded member, the formed head can be drilled
through and sheared off. If the material is thin, it may
be necessary to drill completely through the shank of
the rivet, and then cut the formed head with
diagonal-cutting pliers. The remainder of the rivet
may then be drifted out from the inside.
The description and use of blind rivets are
covered in chapter 2 of this manual. The special tools
and installation and removal methods are covered in
the following sections. Selection of the proper
equipment depends on a number of variables: space
available for equipment, type of rivets to be driven,
and the availability of air pressure.
Installation Tools
One of the tools used for driving buck rivets is the
CP350 blind rivet pull tool. See figure 13-49. The

nose of the tool includes a set of chuck jaws that fit

the pull grooves in the rivet pinto pull it through the
rivet shank to drive the rivet. The nose also has an
outer anvil that bears against the outer part of the
manufactured head during the driving operation. The
third nose component is an inner anvil that advances
automatically to drive the locking collar home after
the blind head is formed. A short nose assembly,
interchangeable with the standard assembly, is
available for use in areas of restricted clearance.
A change in rivet diameter requires a change in
chuck jaws, outer anvil, inner anvil, and inner anvil
thrust bearing, and an adjustment of the shift valve
operating pressure. A change in the rivet head type
from universal head to countersunk head without a
change in rivet diameter, or vice versa, requires only a
change of the outer anvil.
A special chuck jaw assembly tool is furnished
with the tool. To insert the chuck jaws into the chuck
sleeve, you should mount the three jaws on this
assembly tool to form a cone. Then lower the
inverted chuck sleeve over the jaws. You should
always be sure that the pull tool is equipped with the
correct size chuck jaws, the outer and inner anvils fit
the rivets being driven, and the relief valve operating

Figure 13-48.-Removal of rivets.


Table 13-3.-Adjustments for CP350 Blind Rivet Pull Tool

2. Press the trigger and release it the instant a

puff of exhaust indicates the shift valve controlling
the inner anvil has shifted. The gauge will then
indicate the shift pressure. See table 13-3 for the
approximate pressures.
NOTE: The trigger must be released
immediately as the valve shifts. Otherwise
the gauge will record the higher pressure that
builds up after the valve has shifted.

pressure is properly adjusted for the size rivets being

driven. Also make sure that the rivets are of proper
length. The tool has only one operating adjustment.
This adjustment is used to control the pull on the pin.
The desired amount of the pull depends on the
diameter of the rivets to be installed. The pull is
varied by changing the pressure at which the
adjustable shift valve operates. To adjust the
pressure, proceed as follows:

3. To adjust the pressure, loosen the valveadjusting screw locknut and turn the valve-adjusting
screw clockwise to increase pressure, or counterclockwise to decrease pressure, until the desired
pressure is obtained. Check the pressure after
tightening the valve-adjusting screw locknut. When
you drive rivets of extremely long grip length, you
should make an adjustment to the high-pressure limit.
For efficient operation of the tool, the minimum
desired line pressure should be not less than 90 psi
and the maximum not more than 110 psi.
When you are using a CP350A or B rivet pull
tool, it may be necessary to increase the inside
diameter of the air inlet bushing, part number
81479, from 0.055 to 0.065 of an inch when you are
driving 3/16-inch-diameter rivets, if the line pressure

1. Remove the pipe plug from the tool cylinder

and connect a pressure gauge to the tool.

Figure 13-49.-Self-plugging rivet (mechanical lock) pull tool.


Figure 13-50. -Cherrylock guns.

Figure 13-51.-Hydo-shift series gun.


is below 90 psi. When you are driving 1/8-inchdiameter rivets, it maybe necessary to use an air inlet
bushing, part number 82642, that has a 0.040-inch
inside diameter. If the tool flutters, reduce the line
pressure to 60 psi with an air regulator, part number
900-102, attached to the air inlet bushing.

head piston rod. Then align the holes in the pulling

head with those on the gun adapter, and tighten one
To install the nose assembly used on the hydro-shift
head equipped gun (fig. 13-5 1), you should proceed
as follows:

When you are using a CP350C rivet pull tool to

drive 1/16- and 5/32-inch-diameter rivets, use the air
inlet bushing, part number 81479, and the shift valve
stop, part number 83731. When you are driving
1/8-inch-diameter rivets with the CP350C, use the air
inlet bushing, part number 83642, and reduce the line
pressure to 60 psi with an air regulator, part number
900-102, attached to the air inlet bushing.

1. Remove the retainer nut from the hydro-shift


The equipment used for the installation of

cherrylock rivets is similar to the buck rivet. See
figure 13-50. The operation and adjustment of the
pulling heads are preset during manufacture. If
further adjustment should become necessary, the
procedures provided with the head or in the
maintenance manual should be followed. To install a
pulling head of the H615A series, engage the threaded
portion of the pulling head sleeve cap and drawbolt to
the gun head and drawbolt. Then tighten the screws
and the jam nut. The pulling head of an H640A series
is installed by engaging the internal threads of the

2. Place the jaw assembly in the collet (with the

spring protruding).
3. Screw the internal threads of the collet onto
the drawbolt of the hydro-shift head.
4. Slip the sleeve assembly over the collet.
5. Place the retainer nut over the sleeve assembly
and tighten it onto the gun.
Cherrylock rivets require a separate pulling head
for each diameter and head style. Each series of gun
also uses a different set of pulling heads. Refer to the
appropriate operating manual for the proper head for
each rivet and gun.
There are also special use cherrylock pulling
heads (fig. 13-52) for use in areas where access is

Figure 13-52.-Specia1 use heads.


Since huck and cherrylock rivets are similar, the

installation, inspection, and removal procedures are
basicaIly the same.
Installation Procedures
Proper driving procedures are vital to obtain a
firm joint. The recommended procedures are as
1. Hold the head of the gun steady and at right
angles to the work.
2. Press on the head of the gun hard enough to
hold the rivet firmly against the work. Do not use a
great amount of pressure unless it is necessary to
bring the part being riveted into contact.
3. Squeeze the gun trigger and hold it until the
rivet pin breaks, and then release the trigger. The next

rivet should not be driven until the return action has

caused the gun to latch. A distinct click will be heard.
The click indicates the gun is ready for the next
installation cycle.
Figure 13-53 shows the complete installation of a
self-plugging (mechanical lock) rivet.
The rivet is actually cold squeezed by the action
of the pin head drawing against the hollow shank end.
Shank expansion through the action of the extruding
angle, blind head formation, and setting of the
mechanical lock in the rivet head all follow in
sequence and require but a fraction of a second.
In some places, such as near the trailing edge of a
control surface, there may not be sufficient space
between the two surfaces to insert the rivet. In such
cases, the pin may be forced into the hollow shank
until the head of the pin touches the end of the shank.

Figure 13-53.-Self-plugging rivet (mechanical lock).



Figure 13-54.-Inserting self-plugging rivet (mechanical lock).

Since no further shank expansion will result, the drill

hole should not be enlarged to provide a free fit of the
already expanded rivet. To insert the rivet, you
should use a hollow drift pin that will accommodate
the rivet pin and the locking collar. See figure 13-54.
This allows a driving force to be exerted on the head
of the rivet. Drive the head into firm contact with the
sheet, and then apply the rivet pull tool in the usual
manner to upset the rivet.
Because of the mechanical lock feature of the pin
and sleeve, the driven rivet is substantially the
mechanical equivalent of a one-piece solid rivet.

Visual inspection of the seating of the pin in the

manufactured head is the most reliable means of
inspection. If the proper grip length has been used
and the locking collar and broken end of the pin are
approximately flush with the manufactured head, the
rivet has been properly upset and the lock formed.
Insufficient grip length is indicated by the pin
breaking below the surface of the manufactured head.
Excessive grip length is indicated by the pin breaking
off well above the manufactured head. In either case,
the locking collar might not be properly seated and an
unsatisfactory lock would be formed.
Removal of this rivet can be accomplished easily
and without damage to the work if you use the
following procedures. See figure 13-55.
1. Shear the lock by driving out the pin with a
tapered steel drift pin not over 3/32-inch diameter at
the small end. If you are working on thin material,

Figure 13-55.Removing self-plugging rivets (mechanical lock).


back up the material while driving out the pin. If

inaccessibility prohibits this, partially remove the
rivet head by filing or with a rivet shaver. An
alternative would be to file the pin flat, center punch
the flat, and carefully drill out the tapered part of the
pin forming the lock.
2. Pry the remainder of the locking collar out
with a drift pin.
3. Use the proper size drill to drill almost
completely through the rivet head.
For a
1/8-inch-diameter rivet, use a number 31 drill; for a
5/32, use a number 24; and for a 3/16, use a
number 15.
4. Break off the drilled head with a drift pin.
5. Drive out the remainder of the rivet with a pin
that has a diameter equal to or slightly less than the
rivet diameter.


Learning Objective: Recognize the causes of
damage to metallic structures and the
procedures for their repair.

One of the most important jobs you will

encounter is the repair of damaged skin and material.
All repairs must be of the highest quality and must
conform to certain requirements and specifications.
You must be familiar with the principle of
streamlining, the behavior of various metals in
high-velocity air currents, and the torsioned stress
encountered during high-speed flying and
When any part of the airframe has been damaged,
the first step is to clean all grease, dirt, and paint in the
vicinity of the damage so the extent of the damage
may be determined. The adjacent structure must be
inspected to determine what secondary damage may
have resulted from the transmission of the load or
loads that caused the initial damage. You should
thoroughly inspect the adjacent structures for dents,
scratches, abrasions, punctures, cracks, loose seams,
and distortions. Check all bolted fittings that may
have been damaged or loosened by the load that
caused the damage to the structure.


Causes of Damage
Damages to the airframe are many and may vary
from those that are classified as negligible to those
that are so extensive that an entire member of the
airframe must be replaced. The slightest damage
could affect the flight characteristics of the aircraft.
The most common causes of damage to the airframe
are collision, stress, heat, corrosion, foreign objects,
fatigue, and combat damage.
COLLISION. This type of damage is often the
result of carelessness by maintenance personnel. It
varies from minor damage, such as dented or broken
areas of skin, to extensive damage, such as torn or
crushed structural members and misalignment of the
aircraft. You should exercise extreme care in all
ground-handling operations.
CORROSION. Damage to airframe components
and the structure caused by corrosion will develop
into permanent damage or failure if not properly
treated. The corrosion control section of the
maintenance instructions manual describes the
maximum damage limits. These limits should be
checked carefully, and if they are exceeded, the
component or structure must be repaired or replaced.
FATIGUE. This type of damage is more noticeable as the operating time of the aircraft accumulates.
The damage will begin as small cracks, caused by
vibration and other loads imposed on skin fittings and
load-bearing members, where the fittings are
FOREIGN OBJECT. This damage is caused
by hand tools, bolts, rivets, and nuts left adrift during
ground operations of the aircraft. Because of jet
aircraft design, large volumes of air are required for
its efficient operation. During ground operations, the
inlet ducts induce a strong suction that picks up
objects that are left adrift. Therefore, it is of utmost
importance that the area around the aircraft be clean
and free of foreign material before ground operations
COMBAT. Damage from enemy gunfire is
usually quite extensive and often not repairable.
When a projectile strikes sheet metal, it heats the
metal in the vicinity of the damage. The metal

becomes brittle around the damaged area as a result of

the heat, and minute cracks are created by the impact
of the projectile. These cracks open up under
vibration. If the projectile passes through the
component or structure, it will leave a larger hole on
the opposite side from where it entered. The repair
procedures for combat damage should be followed
with extreme care only after a rigid inspection of the
damage has been completed in accordance with the
General Manual for Aircraft Battle Damage Repair,
NAVAIR 01-1A-39.
HEAT. Certain areas of high-performance aircraft are exposed to high temperatures. These areas
usually include the engine bleed lines, fuselage
sections around the engine, the aft fuselage and
horizontal stabilizer, and the wing sections around the
boundary layer control system. Some aircraft
structural repair manuals include diagrams that
illustrate the heat danger areas.
STRESS. This type of damage is usually identified by loosened, sheared, or popped rivets; wrinkled
skin or webs; and cracked or deformed structural
members. This damage is usually caused by violent
maneuvers or hard landings. When the pilot reports
these discrepancies on the yellow sheet, a thorough
inspection of the entire aircraft must be performed.
Investigation of Damage
There are three methods that can be used to
ensure a thorough investigation has been made. The
three methods are visual inspection, hardness testing,
and nondestructive inspection for cracks.
VISUAL INSPECTION. A thorough inspection of the structure should be made for dents,
scratches, abrasions, punctures, cracks, distortion,
loose joints, breaks, and buckled or wrinkled skin.
All riveted and bolted joints in the vicinity of the
damaged area should be checked for elongated holes
and loose, sheared, or damaged rivets or bolts. If any
doubt exists about the failure of a rivet or bolt, the
fastener should be removed for a more thorough
inspection. All access panels, hatches, and doors
should be opened to inspect the internal structure.
A borescope (precision optical instrument) can be
used for the inspection of the internal structure. By

using this instrument, areas may be examined without

being disassembled. You can view the area through
the eyepiece.
The adjacent structure should be inspected to
determine if secondary damage has resulted from the
transmission of shock or the load that caused the
primary damage. A shock at one end of a structural
member may be transmitted to the opposite end of the
member and cause rivets to shear or other damage.
When you estimate the extent of damage, be sure that
no secondary damage remains unnoticed.
Every precaution must be taken during the
inspection to ensure that all corrosion is detected,
especially in places where it will not be visible after
repair. Past experience has proven that corrosion
occurs more often in parts of the structure that are
poorly ventilated and in inaccessible corners of
internal joints that prevent proper water drainage.
damaged the airframe, the paint will be blistered or
scorched and the metal will be discolored. When
these conditions exist, the affected area should first be
cleaned and the paint removed. Following this, a
hardness test should be conducted to determine if the
metal has lost any of its strength characteristics. This
test can be performed with the Barcol or Riehle
portable hardness tester (described in chapter 1 of this
manual). If the material to be tested is removed from
the airframe, then a more reliable test can be made by
using a standard bench tester (also described in
chapter 1). If the alloy to be tested is either clad or
anodized, the surface coating must be removed to the
bare metal at the point of penetrator contact. This is
necessary because clad surfaces are softer and
anodized surfaces are harder than the base alloy.
of suspected cracks or the full extent of apparent
cracks in structural members cannot be accurately
determined by visual inspection. In cases where it is
necessary for cracks to be accurately defined, a
nondestructive inspection is usually performed.
Fittings should receive a special investigation if
they are cracked, since this could cause an entire
component to fail. Fittings are used to attach sections
of wings together and wings to fuselage, as well as
attachment of stabilizers, control surfaces, landing
gear, and engine mounts. The penetrant method of


inspection can be used to detect surface cracks in

fittings and the magnetic particle method used to
detect subsurface cracks in ferrous fittings.
Nondestructive inspection of metals is described in
chapter 15.
CLEANUP OF DAMAGE. Along with the
investigation of damage, you should clean all jagged
holes, tears, or damaged material. The cleaned
sections must include all the area in which minute
cracks are present. The affected area must be cut and
rounded to form a smooth regular outline. If a
rectangular- or square-shaped cutout is made, the
radii for the corners should be a minimum of
one-fourth inch, unless otherwise specified. All burrs
should be removed from the edges of the cutout.
All dented plates should be restored to their
original shape if possible. Shallow abrasions or
scratches should be burnished with a burnishing tool
that will compress the projecting metal along the
edges down into the scratch. Burnishing has no
cutting action and removes no metal. When surface
irregularities are smoothed by burnishing, the stress
concentration will be lessened.
NOTE: Deep scratches and abrasions must
be treated as complete breaks.
Classification of Damage


Damage that can be repaired by installing a
reinforcement or patch to bridge the damaged portion
of a part may be classified as a damage repairable by
patching. Reinforcement members are attached to the
undamaged portions of the part to restore full
load-carrying characteristics and airworthiness of the
aircraft. Damage repairable by patching is specified
for each member of the airframe.
Damage that is extensive enough to involve a major
portion of a member, but which is not so extensive as
to require replacement, is classified as damage
repairable by insertion. The repair is made by
inserting a new section and splicing it to the affected
Damage that cannot be repaired by any practical
means is classified as damage requiring replacement.
Short structural members usually must be replaced
because repair of such members is generally


After the extent of damage has been determined,

it should be classified in one of the following
categories: negligible damage, damage repairable by
patching, damage repairable by insertion, or damage
requiring replacement of parts. See figure 13-56.
Before proceeding with the repair of the airframe,
it is necessary that the applicable structural repair
manual be consulted for the procedures and materials
to be used. If the applicable manual is not available,
the General Manual for Structural Repair, N A
01-1A-1, may be used. If any conflict should exist
between the two manuals, the specific manual takes
NEGLIGIBLE DAMAGE. Negligible damage
is that damage or distortion that may be allowed to
exist as is or corrected by some simple procedure,
such as removing dents, stop-drilling cracks,
burnishing scratches or abrasions, without placing a
restriction on the flight status of the aircraft. Before
classifying damage as negligible, make sure the
damage complies with the manufacturers specified
limits of negligible damage.

Damage repair procedures vary greatly from

aircraft to aircraft and the type of repair that is going
to be performed. Also consult the applicable aircraft
MIMs and the applicable aircraft structural repair
manual before performing any structural repairs.

Selection of Repair Material

The major requirement in making a repair is the
duplication of strength of the original structure. You
should consult the structural repair manual for the
aircraft concerned for the alloy thickness and temper
designation of the repair material to be used. This
manual will also designate the type and spacing of
rivets or fasteners to be used in the repair.
In some instances, substitutions of materials are
allowed. When you are making a substitution of
materials and conflicting information between
manuals exists, the structural repair manual for the
aircraft being repaired should be used.


Figure 13-56.Classification of damages.


You have several steps to take to find the correct

repair materials and procedures in a structural repair
manual. Figure 13-57 shows each of the steps.

The aircraft structural repair manual will indicate

the type of material to be used in each repair. If the
correct material is not available, the General Manual
for Structural Repair should be checked for an
acceptable substitute.

NOTE: The aircraft structural repair manual,

shown in figure 13-57, was selected as a
typical manual. The procedures that follow
are typical but are not standard. Various
manufacturers use different methods to
indicate the types of materials used and
special instructions for using their particular

The fabrication of sheet metal parts for internal

structural repair requires careful adherence to the
accepted standards of aircraft sheet metal work. This
includes accurate calculation of bend allowance and
careful layout of all dimensions. Layout is the
interpreting and transcribing of information from
blueprints, drawings, or written instructions to the
metal that will be made into a part for an aircraft.

1. The extent of the damage to the aircraft is

determined by the inspection of the damaged area, as
previously explained.

If several parts are to be fabricated, the

dimensions may be transferred to a template.
Working from a template ensures a higher degree of
uniformity and speeds production.

2. Using a master index diagram, identify the

damaged group of the aircraft. From the table shown
on the diagram, determine the section of the manual
where the component is found.

The procedure for making a layout either for a

template or for the actual part is essentially the same.
Layout of a part or a template consists principally of
marking the flat sheet so that all drilling, cutting,
bending, and forming operations are indicated on the
sheet. It is a comparable level 3 drawing that has been
marked up in sufficient detail to clearly indicate the
fabrication requirements for each piece/part.

3. After locating the correct group master index

diagram, obtain the correct item number for the
damaged component from the illustration.
4. Find the index number for the damaged unit
from the component diagram.
5. The index number is (hen matched with the
item number on the repair material chart. This chart
will normally give the parts description, drawing
number, gauge, type of material, and location of
repair diagram.

The sheet metal layout may be made from printed

instructions, but it is more often made directly from
the blueprint. Accuracy in all details is essential. You
should not transfer dimensions directly from the
blueprint to the layout because the print material may
have stretched or shrunk, which causes minor distortion of the dimensions. Measurements indicated on
the blueprint are made on the layout.

6. You can find the repair diagram by locating

the required section of the manual and turning to the
correct figure in that section. Access provisions and
negligible damage information are given on the repair
diagrams. After the damage has been cleaned,
determine whether or not the damage is negligible
according to the repair diagram. If the damage is
within the limits of negligible damage, it may be
disregarded unless it is necessary to close the hole for
aerodynamic smoothness. If the damage exceeds the
limits of negligible damage, it must be repaired
according to the repair diagram or replaced.

Details are often left out and must be developed in

the shop. You may, for example, find that you must
add several dimensions, and then figure the bend
allowance for the material consumed in each bend
before you are able to lay out the overall length or
width of a part.
On very accurate layouts, a magnifying glass is
frequently used as an aid to precision work. A
magnifying glass enlarges the graduations on a scale
and makes them easier to read. It helps locate center
punch marks, and it allows a close inspection of the
accuracy of the completed layout.

Layout for Repair

Information needed to fabricate replacement parts
is usually found on blueprints, while information
concerning repairs may be found in the aircraft
structural repair manual. The manual contains
information on extrusions and the necessary data for
the fabrication of various sheet metal equivalents.

Earlier in this chapter, we discussed the layout

procedures for sheet metal fabrication. These same
procedures are used to lay out the material that is
going to be used to make the repair.


Figure 13-57.How to use a structural repair manual.


which is a thicker portion of the skin where bulkheads

and frames are attached.

In the layout of a part, you should plan the

bending and forming operations so that each step is
made in the proper sequence. If the steps are not
made in the proper sequence, the part may become so
bulky that it will be impossible to insert in the brake to
make the final bend.

One of the factors that determines the exact

procedure to be used in making skin repairs is the
accessibility of the damaged area. Much of the skin
on an aircraft is inaccessible from the inside. The
skin in such areas is referred to as closed skin. Skin
that is accessible from both sides is called open

Since layout of replacement parts involves the

interpretation of blueprints, you should review
Blueprint Reading and Sketching, NAVEDTRA

Repairs to open skin may usually be made in the

conventional manner using specified types of
standard rivets. To repair closed skin, some types of
special blind fasteners must be used. The exact type
of fastener used will depend upon the type of repair
made and the recommendations of the aircraft

The type of repair to be made will depend on the
materials, tools, amount of time available, accessibility to the damaged area, and maintenance level.
The types of repair are permanent, temporary, and
one-time flight (ferry). Repairs are also classified as
either internal or external.

Another of the important factors to be considered

when you are making a skin repair is the stress
intensity of the damaged panel. For example, certain
skin areas are classified as highly critical, other areas
as semicritical, while still other areas may be classified as noncritical. Repairs to damages in highly
critical areas must provide 100-percent strength
replacement; semicritical areas require 80-percent
strength replacement; and noncritical areas require
60-percent strength replacement. When a repair
specifies it must provide 60-percent strength
replacement, this indicates the amount of repair
strength necessary to maintain a margin of safety on
skin areas. The 60-percent stress intensity repair is
specified when production methods and stiffening
requirements have resulted in an overstrength skin
with a high margin of safety. This repair provides
strength and stiffness equivalent to specific design
requirements rather than the original structure of the
material. The 100-percent stress intensity repair
makes the strength of the repaired skin equal to or
greater than the original undamaged skin. This type
of skin usually has a low margin of safety.

A permanent repair is one that restores the

strength of the repaired structure equal to or greater
than its original strength and satisfies aerodynamic,
thermal, and interchangeability requirements, This
ensures the designed capabilities of the aircraft.
The temporary repair restores the load-carrying
ability of the structure but is not aerodynamically
smooth or able to satisfy interchangeability requirements. This repair should be replaced by a permanent
type as soon as possible in order for the aircraft to be
restored to its normal condition.
The one-time flight repair restores a limited
load-carrying ability to the damaged structure in order
to fly the aircraft to a depot maintenance activity for a
permanent repair. When this type of repair is made,
the aircraft cockpit should be placarded to limit the
performance of the aircraft.
After the damage has been inspected and
classified on external surfaces, the structural repair
manual for the specific aircraft should be consulted
for the critical areas where aerodynamic smoothness
must be maintained. An aerodynamic filler is
available for negligible damage, steps, and gaps. In
many sections the skin is Chem-Milled or machined.
Chem-Mill is a process whereby the proper shape and
size are obtained by a chemical acting on the metal.
The proper shape and thickness of machined skin are
obtained with the use of a shaper or milling machine.
Some skin is manufactured with lands on the metal,

Lap Patches
A lap patch is an external patch that has the edges
of the patch and the skin overlapping each other. The
overlapping portion of the patch is riveted to the skin.
On some aircraft, lap patches are permitted in certain
areas, but only where aerodynamic smoothness is not
important. In areas where it is permitted, the lap
patch may be used in repairing cracks as well as small


riveting. Riveting procedures were covered earlier in

this chapter.

Figure 13-58.-Lap patch for repairing a crack in stressed


To repair cracks, you should always drill a small

hole (normally called stop drilling) in each end of the
crack before applying the patch. This is normal] y
done by using a No. 30 or No. 40 drill bit. This
prevents the concentration of stresses at the apex of
the crack and distributes the stresses around the
circumference of the hole. The patch must be large
enough to install the required number of rivets as
determined from the rivet schedule indicated for the
gauge material in the area that is damaged. See
figure 13-58. The recommended patch may be cut in
a circular, square, rectangular, or diamond shape. The
edges are normally chamfered (beveled) to an angle
of 45 degrees for approximately one-half its

Holes may be repaired in either stressed or

nonstressed skin that is less than three-sixteenths of
an inch in diameter by filling with a rivet. Drill the
hole and install the proper size rivet to fill the hole.
For holes three-sixteenths of an inch and larger, you
should consult the applicable structural repair manual
for the necessary repair information. The damaged
area is removed by cutting and trimming the hole to a
circular, square, rectangular, or diamond shape. The
corners of the hole should be rounded to a minimum
of one-fourth of an inch in radius. The lap patch is
fabricated and installed in the same manner as
previously explained for repairing cracks.
Flush Patches
A flush patch consists of a filler patch that is
flush with the skin after it is inserted. It is backed
up and riveted to a reinforcement plate that, in turn,
is riveted to the inside of the skin. This reinforcement plate is usually referred to on some repair
diagrams as the doubler or the backup plate. On some
high-performance aircraft, only the flush patch is
permitted in making skin repairs.
Flush patches should be used where aerodynamic
smoothness is required. The type of flush patch used
depends on the location of the damaged area. One
type is clear of internal structures, and the other is not.
Like all types of repairs, you must consult the
applicable structural repair manual for the necessary

The rivet pattern is laid out on the patch by using

the proper edge distance and spacing. The installation
position of each rivet is marked with a center punch.
The impression in the material made with the center
punch helps to keep the drill from slipping away from
the hole being drilled. See figure 13-59. Drill only a
minimum number of rivet holes in the patch; normally
four will suffice at an angle of 90 degrees to each
other. Position the patch over the surface being
repaired, and ensure that the correct edge distances
are being maintained. Drill four holes in the surface
being repaired, using the predrilled holes in the patch
as a pattern for alignment. As each hole is drilled,
using the proper temporary fasteners, secure the patch
in place. When the patch is temporarily secured, drill
the remaining rivet holes through the patch and the
surface being repaired. Remove the patch and deburr
all rivets holes with a deburring tool or a large drill
bit. Prime the repair materials with the proper
corrosion-preventive material before the riveting
operation. Secure the patch in position with
temporary fasteners to maintain alignment during

Figure 13-59.Drilling holes for rivets.


One method, shown in figure 13-60, has a doubler

that has been split. To insert the doubler, slip the split
edge under the skin and twist the doubler until it slides
in place under the skin. The screw in the center of the
doubler is temporarily installed to serve as a handle
for inserting the doubler through the hole. This type
of patch is normally recommended for holes up to
1 1/2 inches in diameter. In holes larger than
1 1/2 inches, trim a hole to a rectangular or elliptical
shape and round the corners to a generous radius. See
figure 13-61.

Figure 13-60.-Repair of small holes in skin with a flush patch.

repair information. The repairs discussed next are

typical of most repairs.
STRUCTURES. In areas that are clear of internal
structure, the repair is relatively simple to make. This
is especially true where there is an access door or
plate through which the rivets can be bucked. In
inaccessible areas, the flush patch may be made by
substituting blind rivets for standard rivets, where
permissible, and devising a means of inserting the
doubler through the opening.

Figure 13-61.-Flush rectangular patch.


instances, it may be done simply with a split doubler

and a filler, as shown in figure 13-62. Frequently a
split doubler, filler strips, and filler are used in the
repair. The filler strip is used as a spacer if a
structural component under the skin has been
damaged. In all cases, the existing structures rivet
holes should be used when the rivet pattern is laid out.
The flush patch over internal structure is installed
with the same methods as described for a flush patch

On larger repair areas, it is usually possible to

buck the doubler rivets by inserting and holding the
bucking bar through the center of the doubler. The
filler is then riveted in place with blind fasteners.
When blind rivets are used as substitutes for solid
rivets, the structural repair manual normally specifies
the next larger size. The proper edge distances for the
substitute fasteners must be maintained.
NOTE: Edge distance was discussed earlier.
In all flushpatches, the filler should be of the
same gauge and material as the original skin.
The doubler, generally, should be of the same
material and one gauge heavier than the skin.
Structural repair manuals will specify the
allowable substitution of materials. This can
be in the form of a note on the repair diagram.
When you are laying out the size of the doubler,
the length should exceed the width. This enables the
doubler to be slipped in through the skin and
positioned for installation. This eliminates the
splitting and manipulation of the patch required in
installing doublers of square and round flush patch
The filler is fabricated slightly less than the
dimensions of the hole being repaired. Generally, the
maximum clearance between the skin and the filler is
one thirty-second of an inch. This will allow a
1/64-inch clearance on each end of the filler and
eliminate any possibility of stress developing from
contact between the two parts. The doubler is
fabricated larger than the hole being repaired to allow
for the specified number of rivets required to attach
the doubler to the skin being repaired. The doubler,
filler, and attaching skin rivet pattern may be laid out,
drilled, and deburred in the identical manner as
described for a lap patch. After the required
corrosion-preventive materials have been applied, the
doubler is positioned in the structures interior and
secured with temporary fasteners. Inspect the rivet
holes for proper alignment, and rivet the doubler in
place with solid rivets. The filler can then be riveted
in place with blind fasteners.
NOTE: If the flush repair is in an open skin
area, the filler may be riveted to the doubler
prior to installing the doubler.
STRUCTURES. Fabricating a flush patch over
internal structures may become difficult. In some

Figure 13-62.Flush patch over internal structure.


clear of internal structure, except for modification of

the doubler.

parts should be bonded together with an adhesive to

ensure pressurization is maintained.


aircraft the fuselage skin is Chem-Milled or machine
tapered and highly stressed. Figure 13-63 shows a
Chem-Milled skin repair in a pressurized fuselage
section. The skin consists of a shim, a doubler, and a
filler. The damage area is trimmed and the inside
corners are filed to one-fourth of an inch in radius.
The replaced metal and rivets or other fasteners must
be equal to or stronger than the original. The
structural repair manual should be consulted for
fastener spacing, edge distance, and repair procedure.
During final assembly of the repair, the fabricated

FLUSH ACCESS DOOR. A flush access door

installation, as shown in figure 13-64, is sometimes
permitted. It is installed to make repair to the internal
structure easier and to permit repair of damage to the
skin in certain areas. The flush access door consists
of a doubler and a stressed cover plate. The cover
plate is normally fabricated from material identical to
the skin. A single row of nut plates is riveted to the
doubler. The doubler is then riveted to the interior
side of the skin with two rows of rivets, staggered as
shown in figure 13-64. The cover plate is attached to
the doubler with machine screws. When an access

Figure 13-63.-Chem-Milled skin repair (fuselage pressurized).


door is permitted and installed over the internal

structure, screws should be installed through the
cover plate into the internal structural member
wherever possible.
SKIN REPLACEMENT. Sometimes damage
to the metal skin is so extensive that an entire panel
must be replaced. Also, an excessive number of
patches or minor repairs to a section may require the
replacement of the entire panel.
As in all other forms of repairs, the first step is to
inspect the damaged area thoroughly to determine the
extent of the damage. Inspect the internal structure
for damage or signs of strain. Members that are bent,
fractured, or wrinkled must be replaced or repaired.
They may be sheared considerably without visible
evidence of such a condition. You should drill out
rivets at various points in the damaged area and
examine them for signs of shear failure.
During the inspection, note carefully all unusual
riveting problems or conditions that render riveting
difficult or make rivet replacement impossible. Any

fixtures that will hinder riveting and prevent the use

of straight bucking bars will be apparent in a thorough
inspection. There will also be places where flanges or
reinforcing members, intersection of stringers,
longerons, formers, frames, or rings make the bucking
of rivets very difficult. This problem can be solved by
designing and making bucking bars to suit these
particular situations.
You must take care to avoid mutilating the
damaged skin in the removal process. In some cases,
it can be used as a template for the layout and the
drilling of holes in the new piece of skin.
The rivet holes in stringers, longerons, bulkheads,
formers, frames, rings, and other internal members
must be kept in the best condition possible. If any of
these members are loosened by the removal of rivets,
their location should be marked so they can be
returned to their original position.
You should refer to the applicable repair material
chart in the aircraft structural repair manual for the
gauge and alloy of material to be used for the
replacement panel. The size and shape of the panel

Figure 13-64.-Flush access door installation.


Figure 13-65.-Transferring rivet holes.

may be determined in either of two ways. The

dimensions can be measured during the inspection, or
the old skin can be used as a template for the layout of
the sheet and the location of the holes. The second
method is preferable and more accurate. Regardless
of the method used, the new sheet must be large
enough to replace the damaged area, and it may be cut
with an allowance of 1 to 2 inches of material outside
the rivet holes.
If the old sheet is not too badly damaged, it should
be flattened and used as a template. The new sheet,
having been cut approximately 1 inch larger than the
old, should then be drilled near the center of the sheet
by using the holes in the old sheet as a guide. The two
sheets are then fastened together with sheet metal
fasteners. The use of sheet metal screws is not
recommended since they injure the edge of the rivet
holes. The drilling should proceed from the center to
the outside of the sheet. You should insert sheet metal
fasteners at frequent intervals.

If it is impossible to use the old sheet as a

template, the holes in the new sheet should be drilled
from the inside of the structure. Use the holes in the
reinforcing members as guides, and insert fasteners at
frequent intervals. This process is called backdrilling. Before you place the new sheet on the
framework to drill the holes, make certain that the
reinforcing members are aligned and flush at the
points at which they intersect; otherwise, the holes in
the new sheets will not be accurately aligned. For the
same reason, the new sheet should have the same
contour as the old before drilling the rivet holes.

To duplicate holes from reinforcing members to

the skin, you must exercise extreme care or both
frame and skin will be ruined. Since most bulkheads,
ribs, and stringers depend on the skin for some of their
rigidity, they can easily be forced out of alignment in
the drilling process. The skin must be held firmly
against the framework, or the pressure from the
drilling will force it away from the frame and cause
the holes to be out of alignment. This may be
overcome by placing a block of wood against the skin
and holding it firmly while the drilling progresses.
Also, make sure that the drill is held at a 90-degree
angle to the skin at all times, or the holes will be
elongated and out of alignment. When you drill
through anchor nuts, a smaller pilot drill should be
used first. You must use care so as not to damage the
anchor nut threads. The pilot holes are then enlarged
to the proper size.
It maybe necessary to use an angle attachment or
flexible shaft drill in places where it is impossible to
insert a straight drill. In case neither type can be
inserted, the new section should be marked carefully
with a soft pencil through the holes in the old section.
Another method of marking the location of the new
holes is to use a transfer or prick punch, as shown in
figure 13-65. Center the punch in the old hole, and
then tap the punch lightly with a hammer. The result
should be a mark that will serve to locate the hole in
the new sheet.
Still another way to locate the rivet holes without
a template is to use a hole finder similar to the one
shown in figure 13-66.

Figure 13-66.-Using a hole finder.


After all the holes have been drilled, the

temporary fasteners are taken out and the sheet is
removed from the framework. The burrs left by
drilling must be removed from both sides of all holes
in the skin, the stringers, and the rib flanges. Burring
may be accomplished with a few light turns of a
deburring tool or drill bit. In this way, particles of
metal left around the edges of the drilled holes are
eliminated. If they were not removed, the joint would
not be tight and rivets might expand, or flash, between
the parts being riveted.

make both ends of the cutout midway between two

rivets so that the existing rivet pattern can be
maintained in the repair. Cut the filler splice one
thirty-second of an inch shorter in length than the
cutout section. This will allow a 1/64-inch clearance
stringer between each end of the filler splice and the
stub ends of the stringer. This eliminates the
possibility of stress developing from contact between
the two parts.

The repair of internal structures concerns the
repair or replacement of extruded parts used as
stringers, webs used as bulkheads, and formed parts,
such as ribs and formers.
After the damage has been inspected and
classified, the next consideration is to plan the repair
so that it may be assembled in the proper sequence,
Before the removal, repair, or replacement of a
structural member is undertaken, the adjacent
structural members of the aircraft must be supported
so that proper alignment is maintained throughout the
STRINGERS. A stringer is a spanwise structural member designed to stiffen the skin and aid in
maintaining the contour of the structure. Stringers
also transfer stresses from the skin to the bulkheads
and ribs to which they are attached. Stringers are not
continuous throughout the structure as are longerons
and are not subject to as much stress. Stringers are
made from both extruded and rolled sections, and are
usually in the form of C-channels, angles, or hat
Figure 13-67 shows one method used in repairing
a damaged stringer by patching. The repair consists
of a reinforcement splice and a filler splice. The
reinforcement splice should be long enough to extend
a minimum of four times the width of the leg of the
stringer on each side of the damaged area. The
cross-sectional area of the reinforcement splice must
be equal to or greater than the stringer itself. The
damage is cleaned to a smooth contour with corner
radii, and a filler of the proper thickness is prepared to
fit in the cleaned area. If possible, you should always

Figure 13-67.-Stringer repair by patching.


NOTE: The above repair is permissible

when the damage does not exceed two-thirds
of the width of one leg of the stringer and is
not over 12 inches in length. When the
damage is of such length that a single
reinforcement splice would involve an
excessive amount of material and work, a
repair by insertion should be made. See
figure 13-68.
SPARS. Spars (also called beams) are the main
spanwise members of the wing, stabilizers, and other

airfoils. They may run the entire length of the airfoil.

Spars are designed primarily to take bending loads
imposed on the wing or other airfoil.
The most common type of spar construction
consists of extruded capstrips, a sheet metal web or
plate, and a vertical angle stiffener. Since spars are
very highly stressed members, their repair may not be
permitted; and if permitted, must be made in strict
accordance with instructions given in the structural
repair manual, using the best possible workmanship.
Figure 13-69 shows a spar web repair by insertion.

Figure 13-68.-Stringer repair by insertion.


RIBS. Ribs are the principal chordwise structural members in the wings, stabilizers, and other
airfoils. Ribs serve as formers for the airfoil. They
give it shape and rigidity and also serve to transmit
stresses from the skin to the spars. They are designed
to resist both compression and shear loads.

There are three general types of rib construction,

as shown in figure 13-70. The reinforced rib and the
truss rib are both relatively heavy as compared to the
former rib. They are located only at points where the
greatest stresses are imposed. Former ribs are located
at frequent intervals throughout the airfoil.
The reinforced rib is similar in construction to
that of spars. It consists of upper and lower capstrips
joined by a web plate. The web is reinforced between
the capstrips by vertical and diagonal angles. The
reinforced rib is more widely used than the truss rib.
The truss rib consists of capstrips reinforced
solely by vertical and diagonal crossmembers. It is
used in the wings of some of the Navys larger
Former ribs are made of formed sheet metal and
are very light in weight. The bent-up portion of a
former rib is correctly referred to as the flange. The
vertical portion is called the web. The web is
generally constructed with lightening holes, with
beads formed between the holes. The lightening
holes lessen the weight of the rib without decreasing
the strength. Rigidity of lightening hole areas is
accomplished by flanging the edges of the lightening

Figure 13-70.-Types of ribs.

Figure 13-69.-Spar repair by insertion.


holes. The beads stiffen the web portion of the rib.

Rib repair by patching is shown in figure 13-71.

where they are located. They also give rigidity and

strength to the structure.

BULKHEADS. Any major vertical structural

member of a semimonocoque fuselage, hull, or float
may be considered a bulkhead. Bulkheads serve to
maintain the required external contour at the station

Bulkhead construction is similar to that used for

wing ribs. It consists of a web reinforced by angle
stiffeners. The web is attached to the skin by formed
flanges or extruded angles, which serve as capstrips.
Non-watertight bulkheads may have lightening holes,
and most bulkheads are cut out to give clearance for
stringers. The stringers are usually attached to the
bulkhead by angle clips.
The repair of the web and formed flange of a
bulkhead is similar to that used for the rib web and
flange repair shown in figure 13-71; however, the
structural repair manual must be consulted for
specific information on the repair of a particular
When damage to the web is a crack, dent, or small
hole, it may be repaired in the same manner as fully
stressed skin. Buckled webs may be repaired by
riveting an angle reinforcement over the buckled area,
provided the bulkhead is not otherwise distorted.
Sheet metal used for repairs near a flanged lightening
hole should be formed with a 90-degree flange to
provide additional stiffening.
LONGERONS. Most aircraft fuselages are
constructed in sections and are of the semimonocoque
design. A longeron is a fore-and-aft member of the
fuselage or nacelle and is usually continuous across a
number of points of support, such as frames and
bulkheads. The longerons, along with the stringers,
are the major load-carrying members and stiffeners.
Figure 13-72 shows the location of the major
members of a semimonocoque design forward
fuselage. In case it becomes necessary to repair a
longeron, review the section on stringer repair and
follow the same procedure.


NOTE: Although the following references were
current when this TRAMAN was published, their
continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore,
you need to be sure that you are studying the latest
Use and Care of Hand Tools and Measuring Tools,
NAVEDTRA 12085, Naval Education and
Training Program Management Support Activity,
Pensacola, Florida, 1992.

Figure 13-71.-Rib repair by patching.


Figure 13-72.Forward fuselage (semimonocoque).

Blueprint Reading and Sketching, NAVEDTRA

10077-F1, Naval Education and Training
Program Management Support Activity,
Pensacola Florida, July 1988, Chapters 1, 8, and 9.

General Manual for Structural Repair, NAVAIR

01-1A-1, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 15 July 1969,
Change 11, 15 August 1989.

Aerospace MetalsGeneral Data and Usage

Factors, NAVAIR 01-1A-9, Naval Air Systems
Command Headquarters, Washington, D.C.,
November 1967, Change 19, September 1989.

Structural Hardware, NAVAIR 01-1A-8, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,

Washington, D.C., 1 January 1991.




Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a working
knowledge of the basic repair techniques associated with aircraft nonmetallic
structures. You will also have a working knowledge of advanced composite
materials, their unique characteristics, and special techniques and safety
procedures associated with composite repair materials.
amount of care exercised in the handling, fabrication,
maintenance, and repair of the material.

This chapter deals with the materials and

procedures to be used in the repair of nonmetallic and
advanced composite materials used in aircraft
construction. The procedures discussed are general in
nature. When actually repairing nonmetallic or
advanced composite materials, you should refer to the
applicable maintenance instruction manual (MIM)
and structural repair manual (SRM).

Plastics have many advantages over glass for

aircraft application, particularly the lightness in
weight and ease of fabrication and repairs. They lack
the surface hardness of glass and are very easily
scratched, with resulting impairment of vision. You
must exercise care while servicing all aircraft to avoid
scratching or otherwise damaging the plastic surface.



Specific procedures are described later in this

section for minor maintenance; however, the
following general rules are emphasized:
1. Transparent plastic materials should be
handled only with clean cotton gloves.

Learning Objective: Recognize the procedures for cleaning and repairing or

replacement of aircraft nonmetallic
structures and surfaces.

2. The use of harmful liquids, such as cleaning

agents, should be avoided.
3. Fabrication, repair, installation, and maintenance instructions must be closely followed.

In the following text, we will discuss some of the

procedures used in the repair or replacement of
aircraft nonmetallic structures. Because no one set of
rules applies to all aircraft, you should refer to the
maintenance instruction manual (MIM) and structural
repair manual (SRM) for the materials and procedures
for a particular aircraft.

4. Operations that might tend to scratch or distort

the plastic surface must be avoided. You must take
care to avoid scratching plastic surfaces with finger
rings or other sharp objects.
Just as woods split and metals crack in areas of
high, localized stress, plastic materials develop, under
similar conditions, small surface fissures called
crazing. These tiny cracks are approximately
perpendicular to the surface, very narrow in width,
and usually not over 0.01 inch in depth. These tiny
fissures are not only an optical defect, but also a
mechanical defect, as there is a separation or parting
of material.


Because of the many uses of plastic materials in
aircraft, optical quality is of great importance. These
plastic materials are similar to plate glass in many of
their optical characteristics. Ability to locate and
identify other aircraft in flight, to land safely at high
speeds, to maintain position in formation, and in some
cases, to sight guns accurately through plastic
enclosures all depend upon the surface cleanliness,
clarity, and freedom from distortion of the plastic
material. These factors depend entirely upon the

If the crazing is in a random pattern, it is usually

caused by the action of solvent or solvent vapors. If
the crazing is approximately parallel, it is usually
caused by directional stress, set up by cold forming,
excessive loading, improper installation, improper


circular motion until clean, and polish with another

soft cloth.

machining, or a combination of these with the action

of solvents or solvent vapors.
Crazing can be caused by improper cleaning,
improper installation, improper machining, or cold
forming. Once a part has been crazed, neither the
optical nor the mechanical defect can be removed
permanently; therefore, prevention of crazing is very

Removing Scratches From Plastic Surfaces

You may be required to remove and install
canopies, escape hatches, and other aircraft structures
that contain plastic sections. The finish of the plastic
must be protected. Plastic is very soft as compared to
other aircraft structural materials. The surface is
easily scratched or damaged, and should be protected
by the use of proper protective covers and storage
racks, which are provided by the aircraft
manufacturer or manufactured locally. It is easier to
avoid scratches than to remove them. It is possible,
however, to restore even a badly scratched surface to
a good finish by buffing and sometimes sanding.

Cleaning Plastic Surfaces

Masking paper should be left on the plastic as
long as possible. When it is necessary to remove the
masking paper from the plastic during fabrication or
installation, the surface should be remasked as soon
as possible. Either replace the original paper or apply
masking tape. If the masking paper adhesive
deteriorates, making removal of paper difficult,
moisten the paper with aliphatic naphtha, Federal
Specification TT-N-95, type II. Plastic so treated
should be washed immediately with clear water.

Aircraft MIMs and SRMs specify limits on the

length, width, and depth of cracks, and in what areas
they are allowed. These measurements are normally
made by the use of an optical micrometer. If a scratch
exceeds the specified limitations, the surface must be

For exterior surfaces, flush with plenty of water,

and use your bare hand to gently feel and dislodge any
dirt, sand, or mud. Then, wash the plastic with a
wetting agent, Specification MIL-D-16791, and clean

Before you sand or buff, be sure the plastic

surface is clean. The buffing wheels and compounds
should also be free of dirt and grit to avoid seriously
scratching the surface during the polishing operation.
If the buffing wheels have been used before, remove
any hardened tallow by running the wheels against a
metal edge.

NOTE: Water containing dirt and abrasive

materials may scratch the plastic surface.
A clean, soft cloth, sponge, or chamois may be
used to apply the soap and water to the plastic. The
cloth, sponge, or chamois should not be used for
scrubbing; use the hand method as described for
removing dirt or other foreign particles.

It is important to remember that most plastic

enclosures are thermoplastic and soften when heated.
The friction of sanding or buffing too long or too
vigorously in one spot can generate enough heat to
soften or burn the surface. Also, plastic that has been
deep-drawn, or formed to compound curvatures, has a
tendency to return to its original thickness when
excessive heat is applied. The best procedure is to
keep either the wheel or plastic constantly in motion
relative to one another. Keep the pressure against the
wheel to a minimum, and change the direction of
buffing often.

Dry with a clean, damp chamois, a soft, clean

cloth, or a soft tissue by blotting the surface until dry.
Rubbing the surface of the plastic will induce (build
up) an electrostatic charge that attracts dust particles
to the surface. If the surface does become charged,
patting or gently blotting with a damp, clean cloth will
remove this charge as well as the dust.

The procedures for removing scratches are as

follows: A single deep scratch or imperfection is
reduced by sanding to a number of small, shallow
scratches. These scratches, in turn, are reduced to a
larger number of still smaller scratches on a buffing
wheel to which a fine abrasive is applied. These
finest scratches are further reduced or filled in with
tallow or wax. A final buffing or polishing brings the
surface to a high gloss. The depth of the scratch will

To clean interior plastic surfaces, dust the surface

lightly with a soft cloth. Do not wipe the surface with
a dry cloth. Next, wipe carefully with a soft, damp
cloth or sponge. Keep the cloth or sponge free from
grit by rinsing it frequently in clean water.
Cleaning and polishing compound, Specification
P-P-560, may be used to remove grease and oil.
Apply the compound with a soft cloth, rub in a


determine how many of these operations are

necessary. Each step in the process must be
performed thoroughly, or subsequent polishing will
not remove scratches left by previous operations.

when surface scratches, which may impair vision, are

too deep for buffing. When sanding is necessary, the
finest, smallest grit abrasive paper that will remove
the scratch or other defect should be used first.
Normally, you will never need abrasive paper coarser
than No. 320A; however, abrasive paper as coarse as
No. 240A may be used if the situation warrants. The
abrasive paper is wrapped around a felt-covered,
wooden or rubber block, and the defective area is
rubbed lightly, using plain water or water with a
2-percent soap content as a lubricant. Use circular
strokes, as shown in figure 14-1. Never use a straight
back-and-forth motion. Sand an area about two or
three times the length of the defect in order to
minimize optical distortion and excessive thinning of
the plastic. The initial sanding should then be
followed by similar treatments, using successively
finer grades of sandpaper in the following sequence:

Sanding and buffing cause thickness variations in

the plastic around the scratch. If skillfully done, these
operations will cause only minor optical distortions,
which will not be serious in most applications.
Distortion may be reduced by gently polishing and
feathering a fairly large area around the scratch. In
critical optical sections, however, even minor
distortions may cause serious deviations in sighting.
Such sections, even though scratched, should not be
sanded or buffed. If necessary, these sections are
SANDING. Transparent plastics should never
be sanded unless absolutely necessary, and then only



Figure 14-1.Proper method of sanding plastic.


Figure 14-2.Buffing wheels.

combination with wax, tallow, or grease binders.

They are available in the form of bars or tubes for
convenience in applying to the buffing wheel.

Nos. 400A, 500A, and 600A. Wash the plastic after

each operation. During each step, the deeper
scratches left by the preceding grade of abrasive
should be removed.
BUFFING. To remove the fine, hairline
scratches caused by sanding, transparent plastic may
be buffed. It is often possible to remove scratches by
buffing alone, provided the scratches are not too deep.

Plain tallow is often applied to the buffing wheel.

It may be used in addition to buffing compound, or it
may be used alone. In the latter case, tallow functions
similar to wax as it fills in hairline scratches and
gives a high gloss to the surface.

There are a number of standard commercial

buffing compounds satisfactory for use on
transparent plastic enclosures. They are usually
composed very fine alumina or similar abrasive in

Buffing wheels are made of cotton cloth or felt. For

removing scratches caused by sanding, an of
abrasive wheel and a finish wheel are needed (fig.
14-2). The abrasive wheel, which is relatively

Figure 14-3.Buffing wheel mounted in portable drill.


spacers (washers) mounted between every fourth or

fifth cloth disc. Power for turning the buffing wheel
may be supplied by mounting it in a portable drill, as
shown in figure 14-3. At the start of each buffing
operation, the plastic must be clean and dry. Some of
the buffing compounds now available will leave the
surface clean so that washing is not necessary. Where
necessary, however, washing should follow each step
in buffing. If a panel has been sanded previously or is
deeply scratched, the abrasive wheel should be used
first. Apply fresh compound to the wheel and buff
lightly along and across all scratches. Keep the
plastic or wheel in motion to prevent generating too
much heat, thus damaging the plastic. Complete the
buffing operation by using the finish wheel, bringing
the plastic surface to a high gloss. After all scratches
have been removed with the finish wheel, a coat of
wax should be applied by hand.
Figure 14-4.Approved edge attachment for solid plastic.

Hand polishing is recommended in critical

vision areas. Overheating transparent
plastic, by buffing, induces internal stresses
and optical distortions.

hard and to which buffing compound is applied, is

used for removing the deeper scratches. The finish
wheel, which is soft, is then used to bring the plastic
to a high polish. Both wheels are made up of
numerous layers of cloth discs, but the abrasive wheel
is made hard by several rows of stitches, as shown in
the illustration. The finish wheel is unstitched with

Installing Plastic Panels

There are a number of methods for installing
transparent plastic panels in aircraft, some of which
are shown in figures 14-4 through 14-7. Which

Figure 14-5.Approved edge attachment for laminated


Figure 14-6.Typical sighting dome attachment.


enable it to carry its portion of the load. If a plastic

panel is installed in a binding or twisted position and
screws are not torqued correctly, the plastic panel may
fail while the aircraft is undergoing normal taxiing
and flight operations.
When you remove a plastic panel, there may be
several different lengths of screws to be removed.
You will save a lot of time by acquiring the habit of
keeping screws separated. An easy way to do this is
to draw a diagram of the panel on cardboard.
Puncture each screw hole, with an awl, through the
cardboard. As each screw is removed from the panel,
it is installed in its respective position on the
cardboard. This is done with each screw as it is
During installation of the panel, remove each
screw from the cardboard and reinstall it in the same
hole from which it was removed until all of the screws
are reinstalled. If any screws or other fasteners are
damaged during removal or reinstallation, the part
replaced must be the same part number as the
damaged part. Some fasteners are required to be of
nonmagnetic material because of their location near
compasses and other instruments. The specific part
number for each fastener can be found in the IPB for
the aircraft.

Figure 14-7.Typical loop edge attachment.

method the aircraft manufacturer uses depends upon

the position of the panel in the aircraft, the stresses to
which it will be subjected, and a number of other
factors. In installing a replacement panel, always
follow the same mounting method used by the
manufacturer of the aircraft.
The following general rules apply to all types of
mountings. Fitting and handling should be done with
masking paper in place, although the edges of the
paper may be peeled back slightly and trimmed off for


This section deals with the materials and
procedures to be used in repairing reinforced plastic
and sandwich construction components. The
procedures discussed are general in nature. When
actually repairing reinforced plastic and/or sandwich
construction components, refer to the applicable
maintenance instruction manual or structural repair

Since transparent plastic is brittle at low temperatures, installation of panels should be done at normal
temperatures. Plastic panels should be mounted
between some type of gasket material to make the
installation waterproof, to reduce vibration, and to
help distribute compressive stresses on the plastic.
Minimum packing thickness is one-sixteenth of an
inch. Rubber, fiber glass impregnate, and nylon are
the most commonly used gasket materials.

The repair of any damaged component made of

reinforced plastic requires the use of identical
materials, whenever they are available, or of
approved substitutes for rebuilding the damaged
portion. Abrupt changes in cross-sectional areas must
be avoided by tapering joints, by making small
patches round or oval instead of rectangular, and by
rounding the corners of all large repairs. Uniformity
of thickness of core and facings is exceedingly
important in the repair of radomes. Repairs of
punctured facings and fractured cores necessitate
removal of all the damaged material, followed by
replacement with the same type of material and in the
same thickness as the original. All repairs to

Since plastic expands and contracts three times as

much as metal, suitable allowances for dimensional
changes with temperature must be made. Minimum
clearances between the frame and plastic are listed in
Fabrication, Maintenance and Repair of Transparent
Plastics, NAVAIR 01-1A-12, or the applicable MIM.
Clearances should be equally divided on all sides.
Screw torquing procedures should be in
accordance with the applicable MIM. Plastic panels
should not be installed under unnatural stresses. Each
screw must be torqued, as specified in the MIM, to


view B. The area should be sanded to a circular or

oval shape, and then the area should be tapered
uniformly down to the deepest penetration of the

components housing radar or radio gear must be made

in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. This information may be found in the
aircraft structural repair manual or in drawings and

The diameter of the scarfed (tapered) area should

be at least 100 times the depth of the penetration. You
should exercise care when using a mechanical sander.
Excess pressure on the sander can cause the
sandpaper to grab, resulting in the delamination of
undamaged plies.

Before a thorough inspection of the damage can

be made, the area should be cleaned with a cloth
saturated with methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). After
drying, the paint should be removed by sanding
lightly with No. 280 grit sandpaper, and then clean the
sanded area with MEK. The extent of damage can
then be determined by tapping the suspected areas
with a blunt instrument. You could use a coin as a
blunt instrument, such as a quarter, to perform the tap
test. This is referred to as the coin tap method. You
should never use a hammer as a blunt instrument. The
damaged areas will have a dull or dead sound, while
the undamaged areas will have a clear metallic sound.

The sanding of glass cloth reinforced
laminates produces a fine dust that may
cause skin irritation. In addition, if you
breathe an excessive amount of this dust, it
may be injurious; precautions as to skin,
eyes, and respiration protection must be

Damages are divided into four general classes:

surface damage, facing and core damage, puncture
damage (both facings and core), and damage
requiring replacement.

Clean the area thoroughly, brush coat the sanded

area with one coat of room-temperature catalized

Repairing Surface Damage

The most common types of damage to the surface
are abrasions, scratches, scars, dents, cuts, and pits.
Minor surface damages may be repaired by applying
one or more coats of room-temperature catalyzed
resin to the damaged area. More severe damages may
be repaired by filling with a paste made from
room-temperature resin and short glass fibers. Over
this coated surface, apply a sheet of cellophane,
extending 2 or 3 inches beyond the repaired area.
After the cellophane is taped in place, start in the
center of the repair and lightly brush out all the air
bubbles and excessive resin with your hand or a
rubber squeegee towards the outer ridge of the repair.
Allow the resin to cure at room temperature, or if
necessary, the cure can be hastened by the use of
infrared lamps or hot sandbags. After the resin has
been cured, remove the cellophane and sand off the
excess resin; then, lightly sand the entire repaired area
to prepare it for refinishing.
PLY DAMAGE (SANDWICH LAMINATES). When the damage has penetrated more
than one ply of the cloth in sandwich-type laminates,
the repair may be made by using the scarfed method,
shown in figure 14-8. This repair is made in the
following manner: Clean the area thoroughly, and
then sand out the damaged laminate plies, as shown in

Figure 14-8.Ply repair (scarfed method).


resin, and apply the contoured pieces of

resin-impregnated cloth, as shown in view C of
figure 14-8. Tape a sheet of cellophane over the
built-up repair and work out the excess resin and air
bubbles. Cure the repair in accordance with the resin
manufacturers instructions, and then sand the surface

down (if necessary) to the original susrface of the

damage to solid laminates may be repaired by using
the scarfed method described for sandwich-type

Figure 14-9.Repair of solid laminates (stepped method).


laminates, shown in figure 14-8, or the stepped

method, shown in figure 14-9, view A, may be used.

When the entire wall has been penetrated, as

shown in figure 14-9, view B, one-half of the
damaged plies should be removed from one side and
the replacement buildup completed; then, repeat
removal and buildup procedure on the opposite side.
If the damage occurs over a relatively large or curved
area, make up a plaster mold that conforms to the
contour and extends 1 inch past the damage, and
insert it in the damaged area when repairing the first
half of the plies. When the stepped method of repair
is used, the dimensions should be maintained as

When the wall is being prepared for the stepped

repair, a cutting tool with a controlled depth will
facilitate the cutout and should be used to avoid
possible damage to the layers underneath. If the layer
of glass cloth underneath is scratched or cut, the
strength of the repair will be lessened. You should
exercise care not to peel back or rupture the adhesion
of the laminate layers beyond the cutout perimeter.
You can accomplish removal of the cutouts by peeling
from the center and working carefully to the desired
perimeter of the cutout. Scrape each step, wipe clean
with cloths moistened with MEK, and allow to dry
thoroughly. Cut the replacement glass fabric pieces to
an exact fit, with the weave directions of the
replacement plies running in the same direction as the
existing plies. Failure to maintain the existing weave
direction will result in a repair that is greatly under
strength. Replace each piece of fabric, being careful
to butt the existing layers of fabric plies together, but
do not overlap them. The laminate layers should be
kept to the proper matching thickness.

In areas that have become delaminated, or that

contain voids or bubbles, clean with MEK and
determine the extent of the delamination; and then
drill holes at each end or on the opposite sides of the
void by using a No. 55 drill bit, extending through the
delaminated plies. Figure 14-10 shows the procedure
for repair of delaminated plies.
Additional holes may be needed if air entrapment
occurs when you inject the resin. Use a hypodermic
needle or syringe and slowly inject the appropriate
amount of resin until the void is filled and the resin

Figure 14-10.Delaminated ply repair.


flows freely from the drilled holes. After the voids

are completely tilled, bring the area down to proper
thickness by working the excess resin out through the
holes, and then cure and refinish.
Repairing Facing and Core Damage
The repair of facings and cores requires more than
one method of repair. Special attention must be given
to the type of core used.
HONEYCOMB CORE. The repair of facings
and cores requires more than one method of repair.
Special attention must be given to the type of core
used. Damages extending completely through one
facing of the material and into the core require
removal of the damaged core and replacement of the
damaged facings in such a manner that normal
stresses can be carried over the area. The scarfed
method, illustrated in figure 14-11, is the preferred
method for accomplishing small repairs of this type.
Repairs of this type maybe accomplished as follows:
Carefully trim out the damaged portion to a
circular or oval shape and remove the core completely
to the opposite facing. Be careful not to damage the
opposite facing. The damaged facing around the
trimmed hole is then scarfed back carefully by
sanding. The length of the scarf should be at least 100
times the facing thickness, as shown in view B of
figure 14-11. This scarfing operation must be done
very accurately to a uniform taper.
Cut a piece of replacement core material (or a
suitable substitute) to fit snugly in the trimmed hole.

It should be equal in thickness to the original core

material. Brush coat the repair area and the
replacement honeycomb, exercising care to prevent
an excessive amount of resin from entering the
honeycomb cells.
Insert the honeycomb repair section and place the
resin-impregnated cloth over the repair area, as shown
in view C of figure 14-11. Cover the repair area with
cellophane sheeting, and cure the repair in accordance
with the resin manufacturers instructions.
After the repair has been cured, sand the surface
to its original contour. The entire area should be
lightly sanded before refinishing.
FOAM CORE. The damaged core should be
removed by cutting perpendicular to the surface of the
face laminate opposite the damaged face. Scrape the
inner facing surface clean, making sure there is no oil
or grease film in the area, to ensure good bondage of
the foam to the laminate. Fill the area where the core
has been removed with the tiller material specified in
the aircraft structural repair manual. Figure 14-12
shows the replacement of a foam core.
NOTE: Do not use MEK to clean the damage
as it may soften and weaken the foam.
Repairing Puncture Damage
The repair of punctures differs as to the method
used. Repair of honeycomb cores is different than the
repair of foam cores.

Figure 14-11.Honeycomb-type core repair.


HONEYCOMB CORE. Repairs to damages

completely through the sandwich structure may be
accomplished either by the scarfed method (similar to
the repair described for damage extending into the
core) or the stepped method.

The scarfed method is normally used on small

punctures up to 3 or 4 inches in maximum dimension
and in facings made of thin cloths (which are difficult
to peel). The stepped method is usually employed on
larger repairs to facings composed of thick cloths.
The scarfed method of repair for punctures is the
same as that used for damage extending into the core,
with the exception that the opposite side of the
sandwich is provided with a temporary mold or block
to hold the core in place during the first step. See
view C in figure 14-13.
After the first facing repair is cured completely,
the mold and the shim (temporarily replacing the
facing on the opposite side) are removed. The repair
is then completed by repeating the procedure used in
the first step. When this facing is cured, the surface
should be sanded down to the original contour and the
repair area lightly sanded in preparation for
When you use the stepped method of repair, the
damaged area is first trimmed out to a round or oval
shape or to a rectangular or square shape (preferably
having rounded corners).

Figure 14-13.Scarfed repair method.

Figure 14-12.Foam-type core repair.


The individual plies are then cut out as shown in

figure 14-14. Each ply is stepped back 1 1/2 inches
and trimmed out by using a sharp knife. The sides of
the repair should be parallel with the weave of the
cloth, if possible.

laminates to one-fourth inch past the perimeter of the

hole on the inner face. Make a plaster support to
replace the removed core, conforming to the
curvature of the inside layer of the inner face.
Figure 14-15 shows a punctured repair with a plaster

NOTE: Do not cut through more than one

layer of cloth. If the layer of cloth underneath
is scratched, the strength of the repair will

After repair to the inner face has been completed,

remove the plaster support and continue the repair on
the opposite side.
Finishing Repaired Areas

The opposite facing is shimmed and backed up

with a mold, and the core material is inserted as
previously described. The outer repair plies are
soaked in the resin and laid over the damaged area.
An extra layer of thin cloth is laid over the repair area
to extend one-half inch over the undamaged facing.
The repair area is then covered with a sheet of
cellophane to apply pressure, and then it is allowed to
cure. The inner facing is then replaced in the same
manner as the outer facing. After the inner repair has
been cured, the entire repair area should be sanded to
the original contour and prepared for refinishing.

In the repair of reinforced plastic parts, the final

step is to refinish the part with a finish identical to the
original, or an acceptable substitute. In refinishing
radomes and other surfaces that enclose electronic
equipment, consult NAVAIR 01-1A-22. Do not use
metallic pigmented paints or other electronic
reflective-type materials because of undesirable
shielding and interference effects. Always use the
materials recommended in the applicable structural
repair manual for refinishing both the interior and
exterior surfaces of reinforced plastic components.
Reinforced plastic components whose frontal
areas are exposed to high speeds are frequently coated
with a rain erosion coating. Rain erosion coatings
protect the component against pits that are caused by
raindrops hitting the component at high aircraft
speeds. These pits or eroded areas can cause
delamination of the component glass cloths if allowed
to progress unchecked.

FOAM CORE. When the puncture penetrates

the entire wall, remove the damaged core and face

Rain erosion-resistant coatings for reinforced

plastic components conform to Specification
MIL-C-7439. Coatings that conform to this specification are classified as Class I and Class II.
Class I is a rain erosion-resistant coating that is
furnished in kit form. This kit consists of a primer,
accelerator, diluting solvent, and neoprene.
Class II is a rain erosion-resistant coating with an
additional surface treatment to minimize radio noise
resulting from precipitation static on the coated
surface. This coating is also supplied in kit form and
consists of a primer, accelerator, diluting solvent,
neoprene, and antistatic coating.

Figure 14-14.Stepped repair method.

These kits (MIL-C-7439, Classes I and II) are

packaged unaccelerated to provide longer shelf life.
The neoprene is ready to use only after the catalyst
(accelerator) has been added. The material in these
kits should be mixed and applied in accordance with
the instruction sheet supplied by the kit manufacturer.


Observing Safety Precautions

The following general safety precautions should
be observed when you make repairs to reinforced
plastic components. You should review these safety
precautions before attempting any repairs to
reinforced plastics.
1. Local station safety regulations as to fire and
health hazards must be complied with.
2. All solvents are flammable; therefore, observe
proper handling procedures.
3. Personnel involved in the mixing or handling
of catalyzed resin prior to the curing operations
should wear rubber gloves. After using rubber
gloves, personnel should clean their hands with soap
and water and rinse with vinegar to neutralize any
catalyst particles.
4. Never mix the catalyst and promoter together,
as they are explosively reactive as a mixture. Always
mix the promoter with the resin first, and then add the
catalyst to the mixture.
5. The toxicity of polyester formulation has not
been definitely established. Some of the components
are known to cause nasal or skin irritation to certain
individuals. Adequate ventilation should be provided.
6. The sanding operation on glass cloth
reinforced laminates gives off a fine dust that may
cause skin, eyes, or respiratory irritations. Inhalation
of excessive amounts of this dust should be avoided.
Protection should be provided for respiration, eyes,
and skin.
7. Do not store catalyzed resin in an airtight
container or an unvented refrigerator.
The repairs discussed in this section are
applicable to structural-type sandwich construction
consisting of aluminum alloy facings bonded to
aluminum honeycomb and balsa wood cores.
Repairing Minor Surface Damage

Figure 14-15.Foam-type puncture repair.

The most common types of damage to the surface

are abrasions, scratches, scars, and minor dents.
These minor surface damages require no repair other
than the replacement of the original protective coating


to prevent corrosion if no breaks, holes, or cracks

exist. The procedures and materials used in replacing
the original protective coating are outlined later in this
Repairing Delaminations
Facing-to-core voids of less than 2.5 inches in
diameter can usually be repaired by drilling a series of
holes 0.06 to 0.10 inch in diameter in the upper facing
over the void area. An expandable forming resin,
such as Thermofoam 607 or equivalent, is then
injected through the holes with a pressure-type
caulking gun. When the void is on the lower surface
of the panel, only sufficient resin must be injected so
as to completely fill the void. With voids on the upper
surface, the core area should be filled until the resin
comes out of the injection holes. These holes should
be sealed with a thermosetting epoxy resin adhesive,
and the entire assembly cured with lamps, as required
for the adhesive system.
When the void areas are large, it is necessary to
remove the facing over the damaged area and
follow the repair procedures for a puncture. See
figure 14-16.
Repairing Punctures
A puncture is defined as a crack, break, or hole
through one or both skin facings with resulting
damage to the honeycomb and/or balsa wood core.
The size of the puncture, amount of damage to the
core, assembly to be repaired (rudder, elevator, etc.),
and previous repairs to the damaged assembly are
factors to be considered in determining the type of
repair to be made. Damage to a honeycomb and/or
balsa wood core assembly that exceeds a specified
length or diameter in inches or the total number of
repairs exceeds a specified percentage of the total
bonded area necessitates replacement of the assembly.
N O T E : These figures are found in the
applicable structural repair manual.

core material. To repair this type of damage, proceed

as follows:
Cover the component with a suitable protective
covering (polyvinyl sheet or kraft paper). Cut out a
section of the protective covering that will extend
approximately 2 inches beyond the damaged area.
Use masking tape to hold the cutout in place.
Stop-drill as necessary through the skin facing
Strip the paint and protective coating 1 1/2 inches
beyond the stop drilled holes. Then, clean the
stripped area with a special cleaning paste. Fill the
void with the specified filler material to within
approximately 0.063 inch of the skin facing, and cure
as directed.
Prepare a round or oval patch large enough to
overlap the damaged area at least 1 inch. Apply
sealant to the undersurface of the patch and to the
filler and skin surface. Install the repair patch,
maintaining correct overlap, and clamp to the
assembly to assure contact with the skin facing. Cure
as directed. Remove the excess adhesive, and refinish
as necessary.
The repair shown in figure 14-16, view B, is used
when a puncture through one skin facing has caused
extensive damage to the honeycomb core. When the
core has been damaged extensively, the damaged
material must be replaced.
Prepare the assembly as previous] y described.
Cut out the damaged skin facing with a hole saw or
aviation snips. File the edges of the hole smoothly.
Using a pocket knife, carefully cut out the damaged

Do not damage the opposite facing. Install
a new core filler and complete the repair as
previously described for view A of figure

The repair shown in figure 14-16, view C, is used

when both skin facings and the core have been
damaged. Use the same procedures as described
above for views A and B to make this repair.

HONEYCOMB CORE. The repair shown in

figure 14-16, view A, is used when a puncture through
one skin facing has caused only minor damage to the


Figure 14-16.-Sandwich construction puncture repair (honeycomb core).


BALSA WOOD CORE. The repair shown in

figure 14-17 is used when no gain in structural
strength is desired, and it is only to be used for sealing
holes of 1 square inch or less in external surfaces.
The damaged area (1) should be cut out to a smooth
circular or rectangular shape. A 3/8-inch minimum
radius (2) must be provided at the corners of
rectangular cutouts.
NOTE: This information applies to all
repairs made to balsa wood core panels. In
cutting out the damaged area, you must take
care not to separate the metal faces from the
core. You can accomplish this by using a very
fine-toothed coping or hacksaw blade for
straight cuts, and cylindrical saws (hole saws)
for cutting holes or rounding corners.
After the damaged section has been cut out, file
the edges smooth by using a fine cut file only. Then,
inspect the area (3) for separation of the skin facing
from the balsa wood core. If the facing has separated
from the core, rebond the two surfaces, using the
procedures outlined in the previous section on skin
separation. Then, complete the repair by using the
approved filler material and two fabric patches, as
shown in (4) and (5) of figure 14-17.
Figure 14-18 shows one flush-type balsa wood
core repair that is used on puncture damages larger
than 1 inch. To make this type of repair, cut out the
damaged area (1) as previously described. After the
damaged area has been cut out (2), cut back the inner
metal face 1 inch and remove the core material. See
(3) of figure 14-18.
Inspect for adhesion of the face to the core, and
seal the exposed filler material to prevent the entry of
moisture. Lay out the required rivet pattern and drill
pilot holes in the panel. See (4) of figure 14-18.

Figure 14-17.Balsa wood repair with filler plug and fabric


Locate the patch plates and wood filler. Using the

pilot holes in the panel as a guide, drill pilot holes
through the patch plates and wood filler. The patch
plates and wood filler are then bonded to the panel
using the specified adhesive. Next, locate the metal
filler, and drill pilot holes through both patch plates
and the wood filler.

NOTE: The rivet size, rivet spacing, and

number of rows of rivets are given in the
appropriate repair section of the applicable
structural repair manual.
Next, prepare two patch plates; a wood, plywood,
or phenolic tiller; and a metal filler. See (5), (6), and
(7) of figure 14-18. The outer patch plate should fill
the hole in the core, and the inner patch plate should
overlap the hole in the core approximately 1 inch for
each row of rivets.

All pilot holes are then size drilled and machine

or press countersunk, as applicable. Complete the
repair by installing the specified rivets. See (8) of
figure 14-18.


or machined metal strip or possibly a metal-covered

honeycomb or balsa wood core material that forms
the shape of the edge by tying the ends of a rib section
together and joining the upper and lower skins. These
trailing edges are very easily damaged. The majority
of this type of damage can be avoided if care is taken
when moving aircraft in confined spaces, and/or
when positioning ground support equipment around
parked aircraft. The trailing edges on some
high-performance aircraft are almost knife edge in
construction. You must take extreme care when
working around these surfaces to avoid injury.

Figure 14-18.Balsa wood repair with flush patch.

When aerodynamic smoothness is not desired, a
nonflush patch such as the one shown in figure 14-19
can be used. Notice that this type of repair uses two
patch plates, a wood filler, and nonflush rivets. Otherwise, the procedures described for the repair shown in
figure 14-18 are applicable to this type of repair.
Repairing The Trailing Edge of an Airfoil
Figure 14-19.Balsa wood repair with nonflush patch.

A trailing edge is the rearmost edge of an airfoil

(wing, flap, rudder, elevator, etc.). It maybe a formed


Trailing edge repairs to all-metal construction

assemblies and/or control surfaces are performed by
using basically the same procedures outlined in the
chapter titled Aircraft Metallic Repair. A typical
trailing edge repair to a sandwich construction
assembly is shown in figure 14-20.
You may use the lap or flush patch, depending on
the size of the damage, the type of aircraft, and the
assembly or control surface to be repaired. Normally,
the flush patch is used on control surfaces to ensure
aerodynamic smoothness.
The reduced availability of natural resources, the
increasing costs of production, and the apparent limit
to our ability to fabricate high strength-to-weight
metallic components necessitated the development of
new materials to meet the demands of aerospace

technology. In the following text, you will be introduced to the materials that provide high-performance
capability now, with great expectations for the future.
These materials are called advanced composite
materials and will be used to replace some of the
metals currently used in aircraft construction.
Advanced composites are materials consisting of
a combination of high-strength stiff fibers embedded
in a common matrix (binder) material, generally
laminated with plies arranged in various directions to
give the structure strength and stiffness.
The much stiffer fibers of boron, graphite, and
Kevlar have given composite materials structural
properties superior in strength to the metal alloys that
they have replaced. Specific applications of advanced
composite materials and approximate percentages of
total aircraft structures for some of our modern-day
aircraft are shown in table 14-1.

Figure 14-20.Trailing edge repair (sandwich construction).


Table 14-1.Aircraft Advanced Composite Application Usage

Composites are attractive structural materials

because they provide a high strength-to-weight ratio
and offer design flexibility. The function of a
composite is to replace heavy/dense metals with
stronger, lighter weight structural components,
allowing lightweight aircraft to carry payloads farther
distances using less fuel. In contrast to traditional
materials of construction, these materials can be
adjusted to more efficiently match the requirements of
specific applications.
These materials are highly susceptible to impact
damage, with the extent of damage being visually
difficult to determine. A nondestructive inspection
(NDI) is required to analyze the extent of damage and
effectiveness of repairs.
Composites are classed by the type of reinforcing
elements. These elements may be fibers, particle,
flake, or laminar materials. They are further

classified by the composition of the reinforcing

materials and by the type of matrix materials.
The primary factors taken into consideration
when designing composites are the costs (research
and development, production, fuel economy), type of
application (load requirements of the structure,
adjoining materials, service-life requirements),
mission and maintenance requirements, and
operational environment (hot/cold weather, relative
humidity, altitude, land/carrier based).
The comparative properties of composites and
metals are that metals have almost the same physical
and mechanical strengths equal in all directions.
Stresses and strains are equally transmitted in all
directions. Composites can have different physical
and mechanical strengths in different directions, and
are considered to be anisotropic or quasi-isotropic.
These strengths are determined by the fiber
orientation patterns. The patterns are unidirectional,


properties relate to the shear strength between

adjacent plies of laminate. The resulting fibers are
black in color and only a few microns in diameter.
They are strong, stiff, and brittle; through control of
the process, graphite of higher tensile strength can be
produced at the cost of lower stiffness. Aircraft parts
are generally produced with fibers of intermediate
strength and stiffness.

bidirectional or quasi-isotropic. Maximum strength is

parallel to the fibers, and loads at right angles to the
fibers tend to break only the matrix. See figure 14-21.
Metals and composites respond differently when
subjected to loads. See figure 14-22.
The advantages of composites over metals are
higher specific strengths, flexibility in design, ease of
manufacturing, lighter weight materials, ease of
repair (compared to metals), and excellent fatigue and
corrosion resistance. The disadvantages are limited
previous repair information, high start-up costs,
difficulty of inspection, expense of materials, limited
in-work times, poor impact resistance, sensitivity to
chemicals and solvents, environmental attacks, and
the low conductivity of the materials. Advanced
composites are made up of fibers and the matrix.

Kevlar Fibers
Kevlar fibers are a registered trademark of
E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Company Inc, which
maintains exclusive production rights for the fibers.
The structural grade Kevlar fiber, known as
Kevlar, is characterized by excellent tensile strength
and toughness but inferior compressive strength
compared to graphite. The stiffness, density, and
cost of Kevlar are all lower than graphite; hence,
Kevlar may be found in many secondary structures
replacing fiber glass or as a hybrid with fiber glass.
The fibers are golden yellow in color and measure
.00047 inch in diameter.

Fibers are a single homogeneous strand of

material, rolled or formed in one direction, and used
as the principal constituent in composites. They carry
the physical loads and provide most of the strength of
composites. Composite materials are made up of
many thousands of fibers arranged geometrically,
woven or collimated (in columns). The various types
of fibrous materials used today are discussed in the
following paragraphs.

Although the fibers are the principal loadcarrying material, no structure could be made without
the matrix. The matrix is a homogeneous resin that,
when cured, forms the binder that holds the fibers
together and transfers the load to the fibers.

Boron Fibers
Boron was developed in 1959. Boron fibers are
made by using a 0.0005-inch tungsten filament heated
to about 2200F and drawn through a gaseous mixture
of hydrogen and boron trichloride. A coating of black
boron is deposited over the tungsten filament. The
resulting fiber is about 0.004 inch in diameter, has
excellent compressive strength and stiffness, and is
extremely hard.

The most common matrix material in current use

is epoxy. Epoxies provide high mechanical and
fatigue strength; excellent dimensional stability,
corrosion resistance, and interlaminar (between two
or more plies) bond; good electrical properties; and
very low water absorption. The changing of the
matrix properties (hardening) by a chemical reaction
is called the cure. Curing is the changing of the
matrix properties (hardening) by a chemical reaction.
Curing is usually accomplished with heat and vacuum
pressure. The finished product may be a single-ply
(lamina) or a multiply product called a laminate.

Graphite Fibers
High-strength graphite fibers were not developed
until the early 1970s. Fibers of graphite are produced
by graphitizing filaments of rayon or other
polymers in a high-temperature furnace. The fibers
are stretched to a high tension while slowly being
heated through a stabilization process at 475F in
ambient air. The fibers are carbonized at 2,700F in
an inert oxygen rich atmosphere, and the
graphitization process takes place at 5,400F in an
inert atmosphere. Then the graphite fibers are
subjected to a treatment process that involves cooling
and cleaning of the carbon dust particles to improve
the interlaminar shear properties. These shear

A lamina is a single-ply arrangement of unidirectional or woven fibers in a matrix. A lamina is
usually referred to as a ply. A laminate is a stack of
lamina, or plies, with various in-plane angular
orientations bonded together to form a structure.


Figure 14-21.Design properties comparison.

Figure 14-22.-Response to applied loads.


See figure 14-23. Drawings specify ply stacking

angles and the sequence of the lay-up. A standard
laminate orientation code is used to ensure
standardization in the industry. The orientation code
denotes the angle, in degrees, between the fibers and
the X axis of the part. The X axis is usually
spanwise of the part, or in the direction of applied
loads. See figure 14-24. The laminate ply orientation
or stacking sequence is denoted in brackets, with the
angle of each ply separated by a slash (/); for example,
[+45/45/+45/-45]. Laminae are listed in sequence
from the first lamina to the last. The brackets or
parenthesis indicate the beginning and the end of a
code. The plus (+) and minus () angles are relative
to the X axis. Plus (+) signs are to the left of 0, and
minus () signs are to the right of 0. Adjacent laminae
of equal angles but opposite signs are identified as ,
(45 = +45, 45). The directional strengths and
stiffness of the laminate can be altered by changing
the ply orientation.
Figure 14-23.Laminae stacking.

Advanced composite materials continue to be

increasingly popular with designers of new aircraft.
It is estimated that new airframes will be 75 percent to

Figure 14-24.-Standard ply orientation clock.


procurement costs. Some of the inspection methods

to be discussed are visual inspection, tap test, X-ray,
and ultrasonic inspection methods.

80 percent composites. As a structural mechanic, you

will be required to maintain these new types of
aircraft. To be proficient, you must be able to
recognize the types of damage, understand the
processes involved in damage assessment, inspection,
and repair of composite materials. As new materials
are introduced, new repair procedures will be
required. It will be your responsibility to keep abreast
of these developments.

Visual Inspections
Visual inspections are a methodical search for
defects, checking for obvious damages. Be
suspicious of any nick, dent, or paint chip because
there may be underlying damage. Many types of
defects, such as impact damage, corrosion, and
delamination, cannot be detected by visual
inspections alone.

Composite materials damage may be categorized

as either environmental or physical. Environmental
damage includes crazing and cracking caused by solar
and ultraviolet radiation, water absorbed through
humidity and rain, and lightning strike damage.
Lightning strikes can cause holes to be burned in the
structure, puncturing and splintering, and it has been
known to weld bearings and hinges. Physical damage
is caused by an applied force or deficiency in
fabrication, such as dents, scratches, cracks, cuts and
abrasions, pits, voids, disbonds, delamination, core
crush on sandwich structures, and impact damage.

Tap Testing

The task of repair begins when you determined
that the structure has been damaged and that the
damage is sufficient to require the structure to be
repaired. The existence of damage may be obvious,
such as a skin penetration, a gouge, or a dent. Conversely, the proper identification and classification of
the damage may be difficult. Because of the brittle,
elastic nature of composite laminate materials, for
example, the fibers may break upon impact, but then
spring back, leaving little visible indication of
There are three distinct steps involved in damage
assessment. The first step is to locate the damage.
The second step is to evaluate the defect to determine
such information as the defect type, depth, and size.
This information is important because the method of
repair will vary, depending on this information. The
third step is to re-evaluate, after defect removal (as
applicable), the area being repaired.
There are many methods available for locating
and evaluating the damage. Ideally, the fastest
method that will reliably find the appropriate type and
size of defect should be employed since recurring
costs will probably outweigh nonrecurring equipment

A tap test is used in conjunction with a visual

inspection, and is an elementary approach to locating
delaminations, disbonds, core damage, water, or
corrosion. Tapping should be done with a small
hammer about the weight of a US 50-cent coin. A dull
or dead sound indicates that some delamination or
disbond exists. A clear, sharp sound indicates a solid
structure. Tap testing is limited to finding defects
close to the surface, and is ineffective in areas of
sharp contours and changes in shape.
X-ray Inspections
X-ray inspections use the same basic process as a
dentist uses to X-ray teeth. The penetrating power of
the radiation is used to reveal the interior of objects
and to record it on film. Defects in material
essentially change the thickness of the material, thus
changing the degree of absorption of radiation. More
radiation passes through the thinner area of a part, and
shows up as a darkened area on the developed film.
Ultrasonic Inspections
Ultrasonic inspections use sound wave frequencies higher than the human hearing level, above
20,000 Hz, to penetrate the part. It measures the time
the transmitted sound waves take to pass through the
object and return to the receiver. The signals are
changed into a display on a cathode-ray tube that
provides a means of interpreting defects. Accurate
results are dependent on an experienced operator,
clean surface, known standards of part construction,
and repeatability of indications.


All damage must be classified to determine what
repair action should be taken. Ultimately, all
discrepancies will be placed into one of three
categoriesnegligible damage, nonrepairable
damage, or repairable damage. The decision
concerning disposition must be made considering the
requirements of the aircraft, the particular parts
involved, the limitations that can be placed on the
repaired aircraft, the degree of urgency, and any other
circumstances impacting the situation.

flight operations. This damage may also include

some delamination, disbonds, and voids. See
figure 14-25.
Nonrepairable Damage
Nonrepairable damage exceeds published criteria
or limits. Nonrepairable damage may be reclassified
as repairable, if cognizant engineering authority
prescribes a repair on an individual basis. Normally,
nonrepairable damage requires the changing of
Repairable Damage

Negligible Damage
Negligible damage is damage that can be
permitted to exist as is, or corrected by a single
cosmetic refinishing procedure with no restrictions on

Repairable damage is any damage to the skin,

bond, or core that cannot be allowed to exist as is
without placing performance restrictions on the

Figure 14-25.-Example of negligible damage on composite material.


aircraft. All permanent repairs must be structural,

restore load-carrying capabilities, meet aerodynamic
smoothness requirements, and meet the environmental durability requirements of the aircraft. See
figure 14-26. Repairable damage is divided into
several classifications. The aircrafts structural repair
manual (SRM) provides the approved repair

procedures for all levels of maintenance. Information

contained in the SRM includes damage
classifications, inspection procedures, typical repair
procedures, and tool and material lists. Damage
exceeding any of these classifications require
engineering disposition. The examples listed below
may vary somewhat, depending upon the type of

Figure 14-26.-Example of repairable damage on composite material.


reducing the ability of the resins to support the fibers.

Dirt and dust can seriously affect bonded repairs.
Oils, vapors, and solvents prevent good adhesion in
bonded surfaces and can lead to voids or
delamination. To perform quality repairs, personnel
must have a knowledge of the composite system to be
repaired, type of damage, damage limitations/
classifications, repair publications, materials, tools
and equipment, and repair procedures.

aircraft and the specific location of the damage on the

Class I

Cuts, scratches, pits, erosion or

abrasions not exceeding 0.005 inch
in depth and 5 inches in length.

Class II

Damage with dents in the skin up to

3 inches in diameter and 0.01 inch in
depth, with no delamination
between skin plies, no cracks or
graphite fiber breakage, or skin to
honeycomb core separation.

Class III

Delamination between plies,

including the skin land area, opened
up to external edge and up to 1 1/2
inches in diameter.

Class IV

Skin damage including delamination, cracks, cuts, scratches or

skin erosion exceeding 0.015 inch
in depth, but less than full
penetration, with no damage to
honeycomb core.

Class V

Damage is single skin damage,

including full penetration, accompanied with honeycomb core

Class VI

Damage to both skins, including full

penetration, accompanied with
honeycomb core damage.

Class VII

Damage is water trapped in honeycomb area.

The repair facilities where the work is to be

performed will be clean and climate controlled if
possible. The relative humidity should be 25 percent
to 60 percent and temperatures stable at 65 to 75F.
If repairs are to be made in an uncontrolled
environment (hangar/flight deck), patches and
adhesives will be prepared in a controlled
environment and sealed in an airtight bag before
being brought to the repair site.
Strength Restoration
Full strength repairs are desirable and should be
made unless the cost is prohibitive or the facilities are
inadequate. Less than full strength repairs are
sometimes allowed on secondary structures that are
lightly loaded, stiffness-critical structures designed
for limited deflections rather than for carrying large
loads (doors), or structures designed to a minimum
thickness requirement for general resistance to
handling damage (fuselage skins). Repair manuals
for specific aircraft frequently zone the structure to
show the amount of strength restoration needed or the
kinds of standard repairs that are acceptable. Repair
zones help to identify and classfy damage by limiting
repairs to the load-carrying requirements. Repair
zone borders indicate changes in load-carrying
requirements due to changes in the structure, skin
thickness, ply drop-offs, location of supporting
members (ribs and spars), ply orientation, core
density, size and type of materials. Damage in one
zone may be repairable, where as the same type of
damage in an adjacent zone may not be repairable.
See figure 14-27.

Repair criteria differ in the same way that initial
design requirements for aircraft differ. Criteria for a
repair can be less demanding if the repair is
considered to be temporary. Temporary repairs are
performed for such requirements as a onetime flight
to a repair facility or one more mission under combat
conditions. However, most repairs are intended to be
permanent, and, except for special conditions, criteria
are applied so that the repair will remain acceptable
for the life of the aircraft.
One of the major factors that influences the repair
quality is the environment where the repairs are to
made. For example, the presence of moisture is
critical to bonded repairs. Epoxy resins can absorb
1.5 to 2 times their weight in moisture, thereby

Aerodynamic Smoothness
High-performance aircraft depend on smooth
external surfaces to minimize drag. During initial
fabrication, smoothness requirements are specified,
usually by defining zones where different levels of
aerodynamic smoothness are required. These most


Figure 14-27.Repair zones.

critical zones include leading edges of wings and

tails, forward nacelles and inlet areas, forward
fuselages, and overwing areas of the fuselage. The
least critical zones include trailing edges and aft
fuselage areas.

prior to exiting the material backside, thus reducing

backside breakout caused by the follow through.
Firm pressure is required to overcome this spring
tension for the drill to penetrate the laminates

Repair Tools

Routers are high-speed, hand-held, portable

cutters used for removing damaged skin or core
materials. They are designed to operate on shop air at

Drill motors should be capable of speeds of 2,000

to 5,000 rpm. These drills should be equipped with
feed rate limiting surge controls to prevent backside
breakout caused by feeding the drill too fast and
excessive heat buildup from feeding the drill too slow.
Feed rates should not exceed 30 seconds per inch,
with 10 to 15 seconds per inch producing the best
results on graphite-epoxy composites. The drill
should be turning full speed prior to surface contact
and during withdrawal from completed holes. These
holes should be drilled slightly undersize and reamed
to the required size. The various types of drill bits
used for drilling composites are either twist, flat
fluted/spade/dagger, single flute, or piloted
countersink, and they are made out of carbide or
carbon steel.
A drill stop (fig. 14-28) is an adjustable spring
damper that is attached to the drill bit shank. This
mechanically stops the drill at a predetermined depth

Figure 14-28.-Drill stop.


speeds of 25,000 to 40,000 rpm. Routers are

normally used with a template to define a smooth
regular cut with the depth of the cut set and locked.
Hole saws are good for removing small areas of
damage on laminates, although they have a tendency
to damage honeycomb rather than cut it. Hole saws
also easily clean up damages, providing a good
surface for repairs. Backup plates should be taped to
the backside of the material being sawed to prevent
backside breakout. Fine tooth metal or diamond saws
work the best for sawing laminates.


Learning Objective: Recognize the different
safety precautions peculiar to working with
advanced composites materials.
The issue of personal health and safety is
paramount when working with composite materials.
With the rapid development of the new material
systems, the full effect of hazards to personnel has not
been determined; however, sensible shop practices
and procedures have to be employed to prevent
problems now and those that may appear later.
Following these safety precautions may prevent
future health problems, such as those encountered in
the case of asbestos fibers.
Airborne dust and fibrous particles are the
principal source of hazards. These particles are
generated by drilling, sanding, routing, or sawing the
composite structures. Fine, lightweight fiber particles
are easily circulated into the atmosphere, causing skin
irritation and inflammation, eye irritation, respiratory
system inflammation, pulmonary diseases (black
lung), cancer of the lung, and abdominal disorders.
Respiratory protection is required in those operations
where dust exists or is generated. Eye protection,
consisting of safety goggles or a face shield, is also
recommended for use in work involving any
operation where the likelihood of airborne fibers
exist. Broken fibers can penetrate the skin. The
fibers may become lodged beneath the skin. These
fibers are so brittle and difficult to remove that they
generally have to be cut out and the wound disinfected
to prevent infections.


Personal hygiene includes washing your hands

before and after working with composites, and your
hair should be washed at the end of each day. Wash
dust-contaminated clothing separate from other
clothing. Do not eat, drink, or smoke in the composite
repair area.
Graphite dust and particles are conductors and
can cause shorts in electrical motors and avionics
circuity. Also, these dust particles can affect the
aircrafts fluid systems. In the hydraulic system
where contamination is critical, actuating cylinder
rods can draw the dust particles into the system,
causing premature seal failures. The abrasiveness of
these dust particles can also cause failures to valves,
pumps, and other close tolerance parts. In the fuel
system, these particles can be introduced during wet
wing repairs, causing clogged filters and erroneous
readings in capacitance fuel quantity probes. The
abrasiveness of these dust particles can cause failures
to fuel controls and other close tolerance fuel valves.
Because of the necessity to use solvents while
accomplishing bonded repairs, potential health and
fire dangers must be given special consideration.
Solvents dissolve natural skin oils and result in
drying and cracking of the skin, rendering it
susceptible to infection. Additionally, these solvents
may cause irritation and allergic reactions to
individuals. If the vapors are inhaled during
prolonged and repeated exposure to moderate
concentrations, solvents can cause headache, fatigue,
nausea, or visual and mental disturbances. Extreme
exposure may result in unconsciousness and even
death. Solvent vapors may also act as an anesthetic or
cause irritation of the eyes or respiratory system. In
addition, they can result in blood, liver, and kidney
damage. Therefore, adequate ventilation should be
provided during mixing and use of adhesives,
solvents, and cleaning solvents.
To minimize or eliminate the danger of tire and
subsequent destruction of life and property,
flammable solvents should be used only in approved
areas and with methods recommended by local fire
safety authorities. Composite material fire hazards
are usually limited to solvents and resins. Flashpoints
of solvents and resins vary, but are usually around

200F or above. High-temperature resins have higher

flashpoints. Burning composite surface temperatures
can exceed 1,000 to 1,400F and generate high
internal combustion temperatures (830F and above).
Burning composites liberate dense smoke-drawing
particles into the air, presenting hazards to personnel.
Besides being hazardous to personnel, dust affects the
quality of repairs. Bonding repairs will not be
performed in the same area as machining operations.
Vacuuming is used during all machining operations.
Some of the fire prevention and suppression
requirements are as follows:
1. Eliminate all flames, smoking, sparks, and
other sources of ignition from areas where solvents
are used.
2. Use nonspark-producing tools.
3. Eliminate clothing that creates static electricity.
4. Solvents should be used in approved ways and
stored in approved containers.
5. Ensure adequate ventilation where vapors are
6. Ensure aircraft and equipment are static
7. Composite materials produce hot fires.
Combat fires with chemical foam, dry chemicals,
CO2, or low-velocity water fog.
8. Fight fires from the upwind position.
9. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus when
fighting fires.

Learning Objective: ldentify the procedures
and equipment used in preparing and
painting aircraft structures, surfaces, or
The primary objective of any paint finish is to
protect exposed surfaces against corrosion and other
forms of deterioration; however, there are other
reasons for paint schemes. The reduction of glare, the
reduction of heat absorption, camouflage, high
visibility requirements, and identification markings
are also objectives of a paint finish.
You will do some touchup painting because paint
schemes are continuously used during the
maintenance process. The publications related to
aircraft painting are Finishes, Organic, Weapons
Systems, MIL-F-18264D(AS), and Paint Schemes
and Exterior Markings for U.S. Navy and Marine
Corps Aircraft, MIL-STD-2161(AS).
You should not repaint aircraft for the sake of
cosmetic appearance only. A faded or stained but
well-bonded paint finish is better than a fresh touchup
treatment applied over dirt, corrosion products, salt
spray, or other contaminants. Refinishing should be
restricted to areas where the existing paint finishes are
damaged or deteriorated. Because of age or exposure,
some finishes fail to perform their protective function.
The maintenance and repair of paint finishes is
important. It begins when the aircraft is received and
continues, with constant surveillance, throughout the
service life of the aircraft.

Carbon or graphite fibers cannot be disposed of

by incineration. All composite material particles and
dust must be packaged, tagged, and buried in an
approved landfill. Do not allow fibers to contaminate
water supplies.

Touchup painting is the repairing of small areas

where the paint has been worn or removed because of
corrosion, weathering, or erosion. The paint system
may consist of a primer, a compatible topcoat, or a
combination of primer and compatible topcoat. A
paint scheme is the arrangement and description of
the paint system. A topcoat is the finish coating
material used over the primer. A primer is a base coat
that improves adhesion and inhibits corrosion.

Coolants used in machining composites also

contain fibers and particles. When disposing of these
particles, allow them to remain still so they will settle
to the bottom, drain off the liquid without disturbing
the particles, and then bag and dispose of them

Paint systems are identified by a decal or stencil

located on the right side of the aft fuselage. All
touchup and paint system maintenance procedures
should be performed according to the local
maintenance instructions and Aircraft Weapons
Systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control, N A




01-1A-509. To touch up avionic equipment, you

should refer to Avionic Cleaning and Corrosion
Prevention/Control, NA 16-1-540. The touchup of
ground support equipment is covered in Ground
Support Equipment Cleaning and Corrosion Control,
NA 17-1-125.

All paint removers are toxic and caustic;

therefore, both personnel and material safety
precautions must be observed in their use. You should
wear eye protection, gloves, and a rubber apron.
MIL-R-81294 paint remover is an epoxy. This
remover will strip acrylic and epoxy finishes
satisfactorily. Acrylic windows, plastic surfaces, and
rubber products are adversely affected by this
material. This material should not be stocked in large
quantities because it ages rapidly and degrades the
results of stripping action.

Aircraft radomes, walkways, and leading edges

require special coatings to satisfy service exposure
requirements. Radomes and parts with similar
elastomeric coatings should be repaired according to
Aircraft Radomes and Antenna Covers, N A
01-1A-22. If the damage is beyond the limits
specified, you should replace the component and send
the damaged part to the next higher maintenance level
for repair.

Additional paint removers are discussed in NA

07-1-503. Each remover has a specific intended use.
For example, MIL-R-81294 is used for removing
epoxy finishes, but it may be damaging to synthetic
rubber, while another nonflammable water soluble
paint remover conforming to MIL-R-18553 is usable
in contact with synthetic rubber. In all cases, you
should use the remover that meets the requirements of
the job.

Containers used to hold paints, lacquers,

removers, thinners, cleaners, or any volatile solvents
should be kept tightly closed when not in use. They
should be stored in a separate building or
fire-resistant room that is well ventilated. The paint
material should not be exposed to excessive heat,
smoke, sparks, flame, or direct rays of the sun.
Wiping rags and other flammable waste material
should always be placed in tightly closed metal
containers. Waste containers should be emptied at the
end of each days work.

General Procedures and Precautions for

General stripping procedures are described in this
section. When you are stripping an aircraft surface,
you should consult the applicable MIM for the
specific procedures to be used.

The effectiveness and adherence of a paint finish
depend upon careful surface preparation. Before you
begin to paint, you should remove all soils, lubricants,
and preservatives from the surface. You should treat
corroded areas and replace defective seam sealants.
Corrosion control is covered in the A v i a t i o n
Maintenance Ratings Fundamentals, NAVEDTRA

Prior to cleaning and stripping, you should
ensure the aircraft is properly grounded to
dissipate any static electricity produced by
the cleaning and stripping operations.
Stripping should be accomplished outside
whenever possible. If stripping must be done in a
hangar or other enclosure, you must have adequate

Paint Removal
Paint removal should be accomplished by the
mildest mechanical or chemical means. Paint
removal operations at the organizational and
intermediate maintenance levels are usually confined
to small areas. Whenever you use paint remover, the
procedures outlined in the applicable MIM should be
observed. General stripping procedures are contained
in Aircraft Weapons Systems Cleaning and Corrosion
Control, NA 01-1A-509.

Paint remover may contact adhesives at seals,

joints, skin laps, and bonded joints. In these areas you
should mask with approved tapes and papers.
Stripper should be applied liberally with a fiber
brush. You should completely cover the surface to a
depth of one thirty-second to one-sixteenth of an inch.
The stripper should not be spread in a thin coat. A
thin coat will not sufficiently loosen the paint. If the


coat is too thin, the remover may dry on the surface of

the metal.

with a clean, cotton cheese cloth dampened with

MIL-T-81772 thinner.

You should allow the stripper to wrinkle and

lift the paint. This may take from 10 minutes to
40 minutes, depending upon the temperature, the
humidity, and the condition of the paint.

PAINT FEATHERING. You should feather

the paint along the edge of an area that has been
chemically stripped to ensure a smooth, overlapping
transition between the old and new paint surfaces.
The smooth overlapping paint film will prevent soil
from accumulating in the junction between the old
and new paint films. Feathering should be
accomplished with 280 or 320 grit aluminum oxide
cloth or a flap brush. The major portion of thick paint
films may be removed with an oscillating sander with
240 or finer grit aluminum oxide cloth. Do not allow
the oscillating sander to touch bare metal. The
contact between an operating sander and bare metal
will damage the metal, which, in turn, may cause
future corrosion. The oscillating sander should not be
used after first indications of primer exposure. You
should use a flap brush or hand-held 240 grit or finer
aluminum oxide cloth for final feathering operations.

You should remove loosened paint and residual

paint remover by washing and scrubbing the surface
with fresh water, nonmetallic scrapers, fiber brushes,
or abrasive pads. If water spray is available, use a
low- to medium-pressure stream of water directly on
the surface while it is being scrubbed.
After you thoroughly clean the surface, you
should remove the masking materials and remove any
residual paint.
Rinse the surface with a freshwater and alkaline
solution (1 part MIL-C-25769 to 9 parts water) to
neutralize the paint remover.
FLAP BRUSH. Paint can be mechanically
removed with a flap brush. The brush consists of
many nonwoven, nonmetallic nylon flaps bonded to a
fiber core. The brush assembly (fig. 14-29) is made
up of a flap brush, flanges, and a mandrel. It should
be operated by a NO LOAD, 3200 rpm, pneumatic
drill motor. The direction of rotation is indicated by
an arrow imprinted on the side of the core. When a
flap brush has been worn down to within 2 inches
from the center of the hub, you should replace it.
Continued use beyond this limit may cause gouging
due to loss of flexibility of the fiber. When you use a
flap brush, apply minimum pressure to remove the
maximum amount of paint and the minimum amount
of metal. Excessive pressure will cause some paints
to melt, gum up, and streak. Eye protection should be
worn when you are operating a flap brush.

TREAT AND SEAL. Chemical conversion

treatment is an extremely important part of the
corrosion control process. Properly applied chemical
treatments impart corrosion resistance to metal. It
also improves the adhesion of the paint system. You
should use chemical conversion coating materials
according to the procedures outlined in the NA

SCUFF SANDING. Aged paint surfaces

should be scuff sanded to ensure the adhesion of the
overcoating paint. Scuff sanding is the roughening of
a paint surface as evidenced by a significant reduction
of the gloss. To scuff sand, you should use aluminum
oxide cloth, abrasive mats, or an oscillating sander
with aluminum oxide cloth. Scuff sanding to a depth
greater than necessary may result in complete
removal of the paint. This situation will expose the
underlying metal, and corrosion may develop.
Unevenly matched faying surface joints or fasteners
and sharply protruding objects or corners should be
scuff sanded by hand to avoid sanding through the
paint. After sanding, you should remove the residue

Figure 14-29.-Flap brush with mandrel.


First, you should remove all loose seam sealants

in the area to be touched up. Replace them as
necessary. You should also secure loose rubber seals
with the type of adhesive specified in the applicable
The area to be painted should be outlined with
tape and masking paper, as shown in figure 14-30.
This protects the adjoining surfaces from overspray
and paint buildup.
A standardized paint system for organizational
and intermediate level painting and paint touchup has
been developed by the Naval Air Systems Command.
Standardized exterior paint touchup consists of an
epoxy primer (MIL-P-23377, type I or type II)
aliphatic polyurethane
(MIL-C-81773 or MIL-C-83286) or alternate paint
system. Paint systems are identified by a decal or
stencil located on the right side of the aft fuselage.

Figure 14-30.-Masking prior to paint touchup.

The mixed epoxy-polyamide primer can be

thinned to obtain the proper viscosity for spraying.
However, you should check the local air pollution
regulations for restrictions and regulations regarding
the use of certain solvents and thinners.

Standardized interior paint touchup systems

consist of TT-P-1757 zinc chromate primer. Paint
materials that are within their original shelf life or
within an extended shelf life are preferred. However,
if materials are beyond shelf life date, you should test
them on a small sample of scrap aluminum.

To spray epoxy-polyamide primer, you should

thin it with MIL-T-81772, type II (preferred) or type I.
The thinned primer should be stirred thoroughly,
strained, and allowed to stand for a minimum of
15 minutes prior to spraying it. The thinning ratio
may vary to obtain the proper spraying viscosity,
which is 17 to 18 seconds in a No. 2 Zahn cup. The
15-minute standing time permits the components to
enter into chemical reaction, reduce cratering,
preclude the clear resin component from sweating
out or separating, and to allow any bubbles (formed
while stirring) to escape.

Epoxy-Polyamide Primer MIL-P-23377

The epoxy-polyamide primer is supplied as a
two-part kit. Each part must be stirred or shaken
thoroughly before mixing. One component contains
the pigment in an epoxy vehicle, while the other
component consists of a clear polyamide used as a
hardener for the epoxy resin. These components are
packaged separately and have excellent storage
stability. However, when the two parts are mixed, the
pot life is limited to 8 hours. Only the amount that
you can use in 8 hours should be mixed. The
established mixing ratios must be followed closely,
otherwise poor adhesion, poor chemical resistance, or
inadequate drying may result. The clear polyamide
hardener should always be added to the pigmented

Do not mix components from different

You should wear goggles when mixing or
using thinners and solvents. You should
also wear goggles or a face shield,
respirator, rubber gloves, and coveralls
during all paint touchup and paint
spraying. Eating, drinking, or smoking
should NOT be allowed in areas where
paint or solvent is being used or stored.
Before you apply the primer, ensure that the
surface has been cleaned, chemically treated, and
prepared for spraying. Then, apply a cross coat of
epoxy-polyamide primer and allow the coat to air dry


for 1 hour. The total dry film thickness of primer

should be 0.6 to 0.9 mil. If the temperature is below
70F, you should allow 2 to 3 hours for drying. Do
not spray if the temperature is below 50F.
Polyurethane Paint Systems
All personnel assigned duties involving the
mixing and application of polyurethane coatings
should receive a preplacement and periodic medical
evaluation. The date and results of each medical
evaluation should be entered on the Administrative
Remarks page of the individuals service record and
in the individuals training jacket.
The polyurethane systems used on naval aircraft
consist of two types. The aliphatic type is used in
MIL-C-83286 polyurethane paints. The aromatic
type is used in MIL-C-85322 rain erosion-resistant
coatings. These materials generally present no
special hazard to health when they are cured (dried).
They do require special precautions during their
preparation, application, and curing because
isocyanate vapors are produced. The untreated
isocyanates released can produce significant irritation
to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract even in very
small concentrations. They may also induce allergic

clear resin component. When you mix aliphatic

polyurethane paint, the clear resin component should
always be added to the pigmented component. Only
material from the same kit should be mixed together.
However, two or more kits of the same color and
manufacturer may be mixed in the same vessel. You
should not mix clear resin components and pigmented
components from different manufacturers. You
should also follow the prescribed mixing ratios to
prevent long drying times, poor chemical resistance,
or loss of flexibility. You should use a mechanical
shaker to agitate the pigmented component for at least
20 minutes. Then add the clear resin slowly to the
pigmented component while you are stirring the
pigmented component. Ensure the pigmented
component and clear resin are thoroughly mixed. You
should mix only the amount of paint that you can use
in the 4-hour pot life of the mixed paint. When
painting with polyurethane paints, you should clean
the paint gun at the end of each use or every 4 hours,
whichever comes first.
To spray aliphatic polyurethane paint, you should
thin it with MIL-T-81772 to the desired spray
viscosity. Then stir the mixture, strain it through
cheesecloth, and allow it to stand for a minimum of 15
minutes. If the viscosity of the mixed paint is too
thick for spraying within 3 hours after mixing, it may
be thinned again by adding MIL-T-81772 thinner.
You should not attempt to rethin paint after 3 hours
because it tends to produce orange peel or dry spots.

MIL-C-83286 aliphatic polyurethane is the

standard general-purpose exterior protective coating
for aircraft surfaces. Its unique combination of
flexibility, gloss retention, and resistance to fuels and
lubricating oils make the coating extremely suitable
for aircraft exterior surfaces. It is supplied as a
two-component kit of base and catalyst. You should
use aliphatic polyurethane over epoxy-polyamide
primer and for touchup and insignia marking over
polyurethane paint systems.

Aliphatic polyurethane paint should be applied

over a clean epoxy-polyamide primer within 8 hours
of primer application. For the best results, you should
apply the topcoat as soon as the primer is dry. You
should apply the minimum thickness required to hide
the primer. Apply two thin, wet coats about 30
minutes apart. Do not apply a mist coat because it
may cause a low gloss. A primer or topcoat that has
aged longer than 24 hours should be scuff sanded and
cleaned before it is painted. You should allow
approximately 8 hours for painted surfaces to dry.
Additional time, usually 1 or 2 hours, will be required
if the temperature is below 70F.

All personnel using polyurethane touchup

operations should wear protective clothing as
described in NA 01- 1A-509. Unprotected personnel
should not be permitted closer than 15 feet to the
spray zone during paint application with a brush,
roller, or spray equipment. They should be permitted
no closer than 40 feet during applications with
compressed-air spray. Unprotected personnel should
not be permitted closer than 15 feet to newly painted
surfaces for 30 minutes after the painting operation is
completed unless forced air exhaust ventilation is
being used.

During the application of an aliphatic

polyurethane topcoat, certain discrepancies may
appear on the finish because of faulty application
methods. The most common defects, probable
causes, and preventions are listed in NA 01-1A-509.
If any of these defects are found, they should be
corrected before you continue to paint.

Aliphatic polyurethane paint is available in kits

consisting of 1 part pigmented material and 1 part


Du Pent Teflon Filled Polyurethane Paint

Epoxy-Polyamide MIL-C-22750

This paint is a two-component, filled poly urethane paint system. When properly applied, it
provides superior abrasion resistance, chafe and
erosion resistance, toughness, flexibility, gloss, and
color retention. It is applied primarily to the leading
edges of aircraft.
The Du Pont Teflon filled polyurethane paint is
prepared by thoroughly mixing each of the
components separately. The base component
(pigmented) should be mixed with a mechanical paint
shaker for 30 minutes. Before you add the hardener,
the pigmented base should be strained through a wire
screen (No. 18 testing sieve). Be sure you crush the
lumps with a mixing stick. One part 10-C-170
hardener (clear) is then slowly added to 1 part 4X203
base component. Stir constantly. Immediately after
you add the hardener, add MIL-T-81772 thinner as
necessary to achieve a viscosity of 20 to 25 seconds
with a No. 2 Zahn cup. The pot life of the mixed
material is 2 hours at a room temperature of 70F to
75F (21.1C to 23.9C). Do not use the mixed
material over 2 hours after catalyst addition.
Just prior to priming, you should wipe the area
with a lint-free cloth and MIL-T-8 1772 thinner. Use
the two-rag technique. Wipe with a solvent-laden
rag and immediately follow it with a dry rag. The use
of a dry tack rag for removing lint is permissible.
This solvent wipe should not be considered as part of
the primer application for the purpose of
time-after-chemical treatment.
After the surfaces have been prepared, you should
apply the epoxy primer. Do not attempt to apply a
heavy or full-hiding coat. The proper thickness (dry
film of 0.6 to 0.9 mil) is obtained at the point where
the film is wet but retains a translucent appearance.
You should allow the epoxy primer to air dry for a
minimum of 2 hours.
After the primer has cured, apply the first coat of
Du Pont Teflon filled polyurethane paint as a thin
wet coat approximately 0.6 of an inch thick (tack
coat). Do not dry mist or flood the first coat.
Allow a minimum of 30 minutes for the solvent to
flash off the first coat, and then apply a full wet coat
(1.5 to 2.0 mils). Allow an additional 30 minutes to
cure. Repeat the application process until a topcoat
dry film thickness of 5 to 6 mils is obtained. Allow
the complete system to cure overnight. The full cure
takes 7 to 10 days at 70F to 75F (21.1C to 23.9C).


Epoxy-polyamide is an alternate material for

aliphatic polyurethane. The epoxy-polyamide
topcoat is a two-component kit. One part of the kit
contains a pigmented component; the other part of the
kit contains clear resin. The pigmented component
and clear resin are mixed in a one-to-one ratio prior to
use. The local air pollution regulations, mixing,
thinning and application instructions for
MIL-C-22750 epoxy-polyamide topcoat are identical
to those for aliphatic polyurethane with the following
The stand time after mixing is
30 minutes, and it should be thinned with
MIL-T-81772 (preferred) or MIL-T-19544 (alternate).
You should allow the thinned paint to stand for a
minimum of 30 minutes before it is used. The total
mixing, thinning, and stand time should not exceed
1 1/2 hours. The time between coats should be about
30 minutes, and the temperature during application
should not be less than 50F. The application of
epoxy-polyamide is not limited by relative humidity
or high temperatures.

Acrylic Nitrocellulose Lacquer

MIL-L-19537 (gloss) and MIL-L-19538

(camouflage) acrylic nitrocellulose lacquers are the
preferred topcoat materials for aircraft markings and
propeller safety stripes. MIL-L-19538 is also used
for paint touchup of avionic components and
You may thin MIL-L-19537 or MIL-L-19538 to a
spraying viscosity by thoroughly mixing 1 part of
lacquer with approximately 1 part of MIL-T-19544
thinner (preferred) or MIL-T-81772 thinner
(alternate). The exact thinning ratio should be
determined by the user and adjusted to the
temperature, relative humidity, and spraying
equipment. Acrylic nitrocellulose lacquer that has
been thinned to spraying viscosity should be applied
to a thickness of 1 to 2 mils. Acrylic nitrocellulose
lacquer with an aerosol container may require three to
four coats to cover the primer. A 5- to 10-minute
air-drying interval should be allowed between coats.
Apply only the minimum thickness required to cover
the primer coat and allow 1 hour to dry.

Zinc Chromate Primer TT-P-1757

No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed in

areas where paint or solvent is being used.

Zinc chromate primer is intended for use as a

general-purpose interior protective coating for metal
surfaces. Depending on the location, zinc chromate
primer may or may not require a topcoat. Primer is
relatively easy to apply and remove. Zinc chromate
primer is a single component. You should thin primer
with TT-T-548 toluene or TT-M-261 methyl ethyl
ketone. Do not use zinc chromate primer on exterior
aircraft surfaces, wheel wells, wing butts, or in areas that
are exposed to temperatures exceeding 175F (79.4C).

Prolonged breathing of vapors from organic

solvent or materials containing organic solvent is
dangerous. Prolonged skin contact with organic
solvents or materials containing organic solvents can
have a toxic effect on affected skin areas.
Specifications for the location, colors, and layout
for letters and numbers can be found in P a i n t
Schemes and Exterior Markings for U.S. Navy and
Marine Corps Aircraft, MIL-STD-2161(AS). Other
painting specifications that you may need to perform
your duties are Finishes, Organic, Weapons System,
MIL-F-18264D(AS); and Marking and Exterior
Finish Colors for Airplanes, MIL-M-25047C(ASG).

Enamel Finishes
Most enamel finishes used on aircraft surfaces are
baked finishes that cannot be touched up by
organizational or intermediate levels of maintenance.
Minor damage to conventional enamel finishes
ordinarily used on engine housings is repaired with
epoxy topcoat material or air-drying enamel.

Numbers and Letters

Elastomeric Rain Erosion-Resistant Coating


The layout for standard military letters and

numbers is shown in figure 14-31. The specifications
of the form for letters follows:

Elastomeric coatings are used as a coating system

to protect the exterior laminated plastic parts of
high-speed aircraft, missiles, and helicopter rotor
blades from rain erosion. They offer good resistance
to the effects of weather and aromatic fuels.
Excellent adhesion is obtained after a 7-day drying
Repairs to these coatings in the field are
impracticable because of the long curing time. Kits
are available to repair coatings where limited touchup
is required. These kits contain a primer, neoprene
topcoat, and antistatic coating. If the radome or
leading edge coatings are in bad condition, they
should be stripped completely and recoated with
epoxy primer and acrylic topcoat as a temporary
measure. If schedules and conditions permit adequate
curing of elastomeric coatings, these original coatings
may be replaced.
The repair kits are normally bought open
purchase to ensure that fresh materials are available.
They should be stored in a cool place or refrigerated.
Heat accelerates their aging. Stripping fiber glass
surfaces should be done according to the current
maintenance instructions. Elastomeric coatings are
toxic and flammable and must be used with care.
General Safety Precautions for Painting
General safety precautions for all painting as well
as those for special types of paints must be observed.
These precautions include the following:

Figure 14-31 .-Forms of letters and numerals.


Tactical Paint Schemes

The width of all letters and numbers is measured

across the greatest distance from the outermost points
of the letters or numbers. The width of the letters and
numbers is calculated according to a percentage of the
height by the number of blocks the figure represents.
In other words, to obtain the percentage of the height,
divide the width of the figure by the height.

Tactical paint schemes are used for deception, for

reduction of detection range, or to confuse and
mislead observers. Tactical paint scheme patterns are
applied to an aircraft to lessen the probability of
visual or photographic detection. This applies to an
aircraft that is in flight or on the ground. The patterns
are based on optical principles and use nonreflective
colors, color configurations, and color proportions.
Arbitrary applications of markings and color schemes
will reduce the effect of tactical paint schemes and
should not be used. All tactical paint schemes should
comply with Paint Schemes and Exterior Markings
for U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Aircraft,
MIL- STD-2161(AS), and Finishes, Organic,
Weapons Systems, MIL-F-18264D(AS).
paint schemes are usually comprised of either two or
three shades of gray or blue.

1. The letter N is 6 blocks high, as are all the
figures, and 4.5 blocks wide; therefore, the width of
the letter should be 75 percent of the height
(4.5/6 = 75%).
2. The letter A is 5.5 blocks wide, therefore, the
width should be 92 percent of the height
(5.5/6 = 92%).
3. The letter W is 6.5 wide; therefore, the width
should be 108 percent of the height (6.5/6 = 108%).

The standard material for the tactical paint

scheme coating system and common insignia and
marking application is lusterless MIL-C-83286
aliphatic polyurethane. Decals may be used instead
of paint for insignia and markings provided they are
made of a nonreflective material and meet the gloss
requirements of the coating system. Decals should
not be used to apply large markings, such as the
national insignia. The use of MIL-C-83286 is not
required to apply aircraft unit markings.

The sides of some letters and numerals should be

made to include an angle of 30 degrees with the tops
or bottoms, as shown in figure 14-31. The space
between the letters and numerals is constant. It is
always one-sixth of the height of the letter or numeral.
This distance is always measured from the point on
each of the letters or numerals that is nearest the other.

National Insignia
The national insignia consists of a white,
five-pointed star inside a blue circumscribed circle. A
white rectangle, one radius of the blue circle in length
and one-half the radius of the blue circle in width, is
located on each side of the star. The top edges of the
rectangle form a straight line with the top edges of the
horizontal two-star points beneath the top start point.
A red horizontal stripe one-sixth of the radius of the
star is centered in the white rectangles at each end of
the insignia. A blue border, one-eighth the radius of
the blue circle in width, outlines the entire design.
When the insignia is applied on a sea blue, dark blue,
or black background, the blue circle and border may
be omitted. The inside edge of each interior rectangle
is concave and has the same arc as the inside blue
circle. The inside edge of each outer rectangle should
not be depicted. See figure 14-32. You may refer to
MIL-STD-216 1(AS) for more information on the
national insignia.

The equipment and techniques used to paint

aircraft are covered in this section. You will
frequently use and maintain spray guns, air
compressors, and regulators. Therefore, the material
in this section should be important to you.

Spray Guns
The spray gun atomizes the material to be
sprayed. You direct and control the spray pattern by
manipulating and adjusting the spray gun. Spray guns
are usually classed as either suction feed or pressure
feed. The types are divided by two methods-the
type of container used to hold the paint material and
the method in which the paint is drawn through the air
cap assembly.


Figure 14-32.-National star insignia.


Figure 14-33.-Suction-feed spray gun.

SUCTION FEED. -The suction-feed spray gun

is designed for small jobs. The container for the paint
is connected to the spray gun by a quick-disconnect
fitting, as shown in figure 14-33. The capacity of this
container is approximately 1 quart. The fluid tip of
this type of spray gun protrudes through the air cap, as
shown in figure 14-34. The air pressure rushing past
the fluid tip causes a low-pressure area in front of the
tip. This causes paint to be drawn up through the fluid
tip, where it is atomized outside the cap by the air
PRESSURE FEED. -The pressure-feed spray
gun is designed for use on large jobs where a large
amount of spray material is to be used. The spray
material is supplied to the gun through a hose from a
pressurized tank. This spray gun is designed to
operate on high-volume, low-pressure air. This type
of equipment eliminates the evaporation of the
volatile substances of the mixture before striking the
surface because the paint and air are mixed in the
tanks. In other words, a wetter coating is applied.

Spray Gun Maintenance

Fluid leakage at the front of the gun is an

indication that the fluid needle is not seating properly.
This may be caused by a fleck of dried material in the
nozzle, or the fluid needle packing may be too tight.
It may also be caused by a bent fluid needle, a broken
fluid needle spring, or the wrong size fluid needle for
the fluid tip.
Air leakage results from an improperly set air
valve. This may be caused by a bent valve stem,
broken spring, or damaged valve or valve seat.
Jerky or fluttering spray is caused by an obstructed
fluid passage, loose tip, damaged seat, or air in the fluid
line. Air can be inducted into the line from several
sources: a loose packing nut, dried packing, loose or
damaged coupling nut, loose or damaged fluid tube, or
the cup tipped too far. See figure 14-35. Faulty spray


Figure 14-35.-Causes of jerky or fluttering spray.


patterns, their causes, and how to correct them are

shown in figure 14-36.
Spray guns should be cleaned immediately after
each use. To clean a suction gun, you should empty
. .
the container. Then, pour a small quantity of thinner

or suitable solvent into the container. Draw the

thinner or solvent through the gun by inserting the
tube into the container of cleaning fluid. Move the
trigger constantly to thoroughly flush the
passageways and the tip of the fluid needle. Remove
the air cap and soak it in solvent. If this action does

Figure 14-36.-Faulty spray patterns and how to correct them.


Figure 14-37.-Cleaning pressure-feed spray gun.

not clean the small holes in the air cap, remove the
paint material and use a toothpick or broomstraw to
clean the holes. Do not use wire or other metal
objects. They may cause permanent damage to the air

To clean a pressure-feed gun, you should back off

the fluid needle adjusting screw. Then, release the
pressure from the pressure tank with the relief or
safety valve. Hold a cloth over the air cap and operate
the gun trigger. The cloth forces the spray material
back into the pressure tank (fig. 14-37). Remove the
fluid hose from the gun and the pressure tank. Attach
a hose cleaner to the hose and run thinner or suitable
solvent through it. Clean the air cap by using the
same method as the suction gun air cap.

NOTE: Do not immerse an entire spray gun

in cleaning materials, such as cleaning
solvents and thinners. These materials
dissolve the oil from leather packings and
cause the gun to have an unsteady spray.

The gun, fluid needle packing, air valve stem, and

trigger bearing screw require frequent lubrication.
You should remove the fluid needle packing before
using the gun and soften it with oil. The fluid needle
spring should be coated with grease according to the
manufacturers instructions. See figure 14-38.

Figure 14-38-Spray gun lubrication points.


Figure 14-39.-Air compressors.

Air Compressors
To use a spray gun, you need a source of
compressed air. Figure 14-39 shows two types of air
compressorsa portable unit and a stationary unit.
Both types are commonly used. The portable unit
consists of an electric or gasoline engine, compressor,
storage tank, automatic unloader mechanism, wheels,
and a handle. The stationary unit consists of an
electric motor, compressor, storage tank, centrifugal
pressure release, pressure switch, and mounting feet.

bottle (container). The essential features include the

power unit with a push-button spray cap on the top
and on the bottom, and a screw lid that attaches to the
container. A dip tube extends from the bottom of the
power unit into the sealant. The power unit contains
the propellant.

Air Regulators

The air regulator (transformer) is used to regulate

the amount of pressure to the spray gun and to clean
the air. The air delivered to the regulator always
contains some oil from the compressor, some water
caused by condensation, and many particles of dirt
and dust.

In addition to the standard spray equipment,

special types have been developed for the occasional
or small touchup job. There are many types available. Figure 14-40 shows one that consists of a
self-contained power unit with an attached spray


inches for epoxy-polyamide and polyurethane, 10

inches for lacquer, and 8 inches for enamels).
A distance of less than 6 inches is undesirable
because the paint will not atomize properly, and an
orange peel will result. A distance of more than 10
inches is equally undesirable. Dried particles of paint
will strike the surface and cause dusting of the finish.
Examples of correct and incorrect spray gun
techniques are shown in figure 14-41.
The distance the spray gun is held from the work
is important; however, there are other factors to
consider. The manner in which the gun is held and
operated is also important. See figure 14-41. You
should move your arm and body with the gun to keep
the spray perpendicular to the surface. Avoid pivoting
and circular movements of the wrist or forearm.
These may bring the gun closer to the surface.

Figure 14-40. -Spray kit self-pressurized.

Air regulators are equipped with a pressure valve
and pressure regulating screw to regulate the
pressure delivered to the spray gun. They also
prevent pressure fluctuations. The air must pass
through a sack or cleaner before it leaves the
regulator. This cleaner is contained in the long
cylindrical part of the regulator and should be
drained daily. Air regulators are also equipped with
two gauges. One shows the pressure on the main line
while the other shows the pressure to the spray gun.


Proper spray gun technique reflects knowledge of

the equipment and experience. The spray gun should
be held so the spray is perpendicular to the area to
which the finish is being applied. You should ensure
that the prescribed gun-to-work distance is
A distance of 6 to 10 inches from the gun to the
work should be maintained when you are spraying
epoxy-polyamide and polyurethane finishes. The gun
should be held 8 to 10 inches from the work for
lacquer and 6 to 8 inches for enamels. For a narrow
pattern, the gun is held at the farther distances (10

Figure 14-41.-Correct and incorrect methods of



It is important to trigger the gun in order to avoid

an uneven coat at the beginning and end of a stroke.
Triggering is the technique of starting the gun moving
toward the area to be sprayed before the trigger is
pulled and continuing the motion of the gun after the
trigger has been released.
You should avoid too much overlapping on each
pass of the gun because an uneven coat will result.
The rate of the stroke should produce a full, wet, even
coat. Once the job is started, it must be completed
without stopping.
Spray Gun Adjustments
Figure 14-42 shows the principal parts of a typical
spray gun. The spreader adjustment dial is used to
adjust the width of the spray pattern. When you turn
the dial to the right, a round pattern is obtained. When
you turn to the left, a fan-shaped pattern results.
As the width of the spray is increased, more
material must be allowed to pass through the gun to
get the same coverage on the increased area. To apply
more material to the area, you should turn the fluid
needle adjustment to the left. If too much material is
applied to the surface, turn the fluid needle
adjustment to the right. In normal operation, the
wings on the air cap are adjusted to the horizontal
position, as shown in figure 14-43. This provides a
vertical fan-shaped pattern.
Spraying Pressures
Normally, you will be concerned about spray
painting lacquer, enamel, and epoxy materials. The
correct air and fluid pressures used with these
materials vary. There are several pitfalls of incorrect
pressures, some of which are as follows:
Excessive air pressure may cause dusting and
rippling of the finish.


Learning Objective: Recognize the types of
sealants and the procedures used for
applying them.

Sealants are used to prevent the movement of

liquid or gas from one point to another. They are used
in an aircraft to maintain pressurization in cabin areas,
to retain fuel in storage areas, to achieve exterior
surface aerodynamic smoothness, and to weatherproof the airframe. Sealants are used in general repair
work to maintain and restore seam integrity in critical
areas where structural damage or paint remover has
loosened existing sealants.
The physical conditions surrounding the seal
govern the type of sealant to be used. Some sealants
are exposed to extremely high or low temperatures.
Other sealants contact fuels and lubricants. Therefore, it is necessary to use a sealant that has been
compounded for the particular condition. Sealants
are supplied in different consistencies and cure rates.
Basic sealants are classified in three general
categoriespliable, drying, and curing.
Pliable Sealants
Pliable sealants are referred to as one-part
sealants and are supplied ready for use as packaged.
They are solids and change very little during or after
application. Solvent is not used with pliable sealants.
Therefore, drying is not necessary. Except for normal
aging, they remain virtually the same as when they
were packaged. They easily adhere to metal, glass,
and plastic surfaces. Pliable sealants are used around
access panels and doors and in areas where
pressurization cavities must be maintained.
Drying Sealants
Drying sealants set and cure by evaporation of the
solvent. Solvents are used in these sealants to provide
the desired application consistency. Consistency or
hardness may change when this type of sealant dries,
depending on the amount of solvent it contains.
Shrinkage during the drying process is an important
consideration. The degree of shrinkage also depends
upon the amount of solvent it contains.

Too little air pressure, coupled with excessive

fluid pressure, causes orange peel.
Excessive fluid pressure causes orange peel
and sags.
Too little fluid pressure causes dusting.


Figure 14-42.-Sectional view of typical spray gun.

Curing Sealants
Catalyst-cured sealants have an advantage over
drying sealants because they are transformed from a
fluid or semifluid state into a solid by chemical
reaction rather than by evaporation of a solvent. A
chemical catalyst or accelerator is added and mixed
just prior to sealant applications. Heat may be
employed to speed up the curing process. When you
use a catalyst, you should accurately measure and
thoroughly mix the two components to ensure a
complete and even cure.

Figure 14-43.-Spray gun nozzle.

The application of sealants varies according to

time, tools required, and the application method.


application. If type III sealant cannot be procured,

MIL-S-8802 sealant, class A, may be used by thinning
it to a sprayable consistency by the addition of an
appropriate solvent.

However, the following restrictions apply to all

sealant applications:
Sealant should be used within the application
time limits specified by the sealant manufacturer.

Figure 14-44 shows sealant applied to an aircraft

to protect some of the most corrosion-prone areas.
The sealant was applied using spray, spatula, and
brush methods.

Sealant should not be applied to metal that is

colder than 70F. Better adhesion is obtained and the
applied sealant will have less tendency to flow while
curing if the metal is warmed to a temperature
between 90F and 100F before the sealant is applied.

When you are pressure sealing an aircraft, the

sealing materials should be applied to produce a
continuous bead, film, or fillet over the sealed area.
Air bubbles, voids, metal chips, or oily contamination
will prevent an effective seal. Therefore, the success
of the sealing operation depends upon the cleanliness
of the area and the careful application of the sealant

Sealant should be discarded immediately when

it becomes too stiff to apply or work. Stiff or partially
cured sealant will not wet the surface to which it is to
be applied as well as fresh material and,
consequently, will not have satisfactory adhesion.
Sealant should not be used for faying surface
applications unless it has just been removed from
refrigerated storage or freshly mixed.

There are various methods of pressure sealing the

joints and seams in aircraft. The applicable structural
repair manual will specify the method to be used in
each application.

While the use of sealants on aircraft surfaces has

greatly increased over the past few years, application
methods have been mostly through the use of
brushes, dipping, injection guns, and spatulas. The
spraying of sealants is a recent development. MIL-S81733 sealant, type III, is extensively used for spray

The sealing of a faying surface is accomplished by

brush coating the contacting surfaces with the
specified sealant. The sealant should be applied
immediately before fastening the parts together.

Figure 14-44.-Sealant applied to aircraft exterior surfaces.


Careful planning is necessary to close faying

surface seals on large assemblies within the
application time limit of the sealant. Once the sealant
has been applied, the parts must be joined, the
required number of bolts must be torqued, and all the
rivets driven within this time limit.
When insulating tape has been installed between
the faying surfaces to prevent dissimilar metals
contacts, pressure sealing should be accomplished by
fillet sealing. Fillet sealing is the spreading of sealant
along the seam with a sealant injection gun. The
sealant should be spread in approximately 3-foot
increments. Before you proceed to the next
increment, the applied portion of the fillet should
be worked with a sealant spatula or tool. See
figure 14-45. This working of the sealant fills the
voids in the seam and eliminates air bubbles. The
leak-free service life of the sealant is determined by
the thoroughness and care you use in working out the
air bubbles.

NOTE: A joggle is a joint between two

pieces of material formed by a notch and a
fitted projection.
Rivets, rivnuts, screws, and small bolts should
have a brush coat of sealant over the protruding
portion on the pressure side. Washers should have a
brush coat of sealant on both sides. Split grommets
should have sealant brushed into the split prior to
installation. After installation, fillets should be
applied to both the base of the grommet and the
protruding tube in the pressure side.
Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802
This temperature-resistant, two-component,
synthetic rubber compound is used for sealing and
repairing fuel tanks and fuel cell cavities. This
compound is designed for an operating environment
that may vary between -65F and +250F. It is
produced in the following classifications:

After the sealant has cured to a tack-free

condition, the fillet should be inspected for any
remaining air bubbles. Such air bubbles should be
opened and filled with sealant.
When a heavy fillet is required, it should be
applied in layers. The top layer should fair with the
Injection sealing is the pressure filling of
openings or voids with a sealant injection gun.
Joggles should be tilled by forcing sealant into the
opening until it emerges from the opposite side.
Voids and cavities are filled by starting with the
nozzle of the sealant injection gun at the bottom of the
space and filling as the nozzle is withdrawn.


A Sealing material suitable for brush



BSealing material suitable for

application by extrusion gun and

Class C Sealing material suitable for faying

surface sealing
Dash numbers after the classification code
indicate the allowed application time in hours before
the curing cycle will have progressed to the point
where it is no longer feasible to apply that particular
batch of sealant. Class A dash numbers are 1/2 and
2. Class B dash numbers are 1/2, 2, and 4.
Class C dash numbers are 20 and 80 (8 hours of
application time with the remaining time allowed for
working the material).
Example: Class A-2 designates a brushable
material having an application time of 2 hours. Class
B-1/2 designates an extrusion gun material having an
application time of 1/2 hour. Class C-20 designates a
faying surface sealant with an application time of
8 hours and a working life of 20 hours.
Sealing Compound MIL-S-81733

Figure 14-45.-Applylng sealant.

This accelerated, room temperature, curing

synthetic rubber compound is used in sealing metal
components on weapons and aircraft systems for
protection against corrosion. This sealant contains


magnesium chromate as a corrosion inhibitor. The

classification of this sealant compound is of the
following types:
Type I For brush or dip application
Type II For extrusion application, gun or
Type III For spray gun application
Dash numbers after the type code are used to
designate the maximum application time in hours.
Type I dash numbers are 1/2 and 2. Type II dash
numbers are 1/2, 2, and 4. The Type III dash
number is 1.

Many of the sealants previously discussed maybe
flammable or may produce toxic vapors. When you
are using any material designated as flammable, all
sources of ignition must be at least 50 feet away from
the location of the work. Toxic vapors are produced
by the evaporation of solvents or the chemical
reaction taking place in the curing sealants. When
you are using sealants in confined spaces, such as fuel
cells, fuselage, or wing sections, adequate local
exhaust ventilation must be used to reduce the vapors
below the maximum allowable concentration. The
vapors must be kept at that level until repairs have
been completed. Do not eat or smoke when you are
working with sealants.



NOTE: Although the following references were
current when this TRAMAN was published, their
continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore,
you need to be sure that you are studying the latest
Aviation Maintenance Ratings Fundamentals,
NAVEDTRA 12010, Naval Education and
Training Program Management Support Activity,
Pensacola, Florida, July 1990, Chapter 4.
General Advanced Composite Repair Manual, Tech
Order 1-1-690, Secretary of the Air Force,
Washington, D.C., 1 August 1990, Sections 1
through 6.
Fabrication, Maintenance and Repair of Transparent
Plastics, NAVAIR 01-1A-12, Naval Air Systems
Command Headquarters, Washington, D. C., July
General Use of Cements, Sealants, and Coatings,
NAVAIR 01-lA-507, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D. C., February 1987.
Aircraft Weapons Systems Cleaning and Corrosion
Control, NAVAIR 01-lA-509, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C.,
1 January 1992, Chapters 5 through 7.
Structural Sandwich Composites, MIL-HDBK-23A,
Department of Defense, Washington D. C., June
1974, Chapters 15 and 16.



Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will have a basic
knowledge of nondestructive inspection (NDI) methods, welding procedures and
equipment, and the different forms of heat treatment.

In this chapter, we will discuss the basic principles

and procedures of nondestructive inspections, welding,
and the heat treatment of metals. These three areas
require special training, and in the case of nondestructive inspections and welding, they require
special certification prior to performing these two
functions. While not all AMs are required to become
NDI operators, aeronautical equipment welders, or have
the need to perform heat treatment of metal, there is the
need to be familiar with these procedures and how they
apply to the AM rate. The information in these areas is
being presented in a broad nature. For a more detailed
discussion of these procedures, refer to the applicable
technical manuals.

and in many instances, dramatically reduce maintenance

man-hour expenditures.
NDI is the practice of evaluating a part or sample of
material without impairing its future usefulness. The
methods used in naval aviation include, but are not
limited to, visual or optical, liquid penetrant, magnetic
particle, eddy current, ultrasonic, and radiographic. The
success in their use depends heavily upon intelligent
application and discriminating interpretation of results.
NDi is performed only by qualified and currently
certified NDI personnel, and in accordance with NA
01-1A-16, Nondestructive Inspection Methods manual.
This is a general manual covering the theory and general
applications of the various methods of NDI.


The Aircraft Nondestructive Inspection School,

located at NATTC Memphis, Tennessee, provides NDI
technician training for both military and civil service
personnel. Career designated (grade E-4 and above)
Navy aviation structural mechanics (AMSs), Marine
Corps structural mechanics, and equivalent civil service
personnel are eligible for the course. In addition, NDI
operator training in liquid penetrant, magnetic particle,
and eddy current methods; refresher training; and
recertification of NDI technicians are provided by the
Naval Aviation Depot (NADEP) and ACC/TYCOM
designated NDI specialists. Information pertaining to
curriculum, quota requests, obligated service requirements, and, where applicable, convening dates is
published in the NAVEDTRA 10500, Catalog of Navy
Training Courses (CANTRAC). Requests for NADEP
training and authorization for recertification of NDI
technicians who have been inactive in NDI for more
than 1 year must be made, via the chain of command, to
the cognizant ACC/TYCOM. If the request is approved,
the ACC/TYCOM will advise which NADEP is to be

Learning Objective: Evaluate the background

and personnel training required for the NDI
program and the various NDI personnel
In the hands of a trained and experienced technician,
nondestructive inspection (NDI) methods allow
detection of flaws or defects in materials with a high
degree of accuracy and reliability. It is important that
you become fully knowledgeable of the capabilities of
each NDI method, but it is equally important that you
recognize the limitations of these methods. The nondestructive inspection methods covered in this chapter
serve as tools of prevention, which allow defects to be
detected before they develop into serious failures.
During the inspection of aircraft, it is essential that
faults are found and corrected before they reach
catastrophic proportions. In applicable areas, NDI can
provide 100-percent sampling with no affect upon the
use of the part or system being inspected. The effective
use of NDI will result in increased operational safety,


designated and qualified NAESU Navy federal civilian

or military technical specialists.

Before candidates arc selected for NDI technician
or operator training, and annually thereafter, they are
required to have an eye examination. Military and
civilian NDI personnel are identified as NDI specialists,
technicians, or as operators.

NDI Operators
NDI operators are military personnel E-4 and
above, or civilian equivalent, who have successfully
completed training and are certified to perform specific
NDI tasks using one or more of the following methods:
liquid penetrant, eddy current, or magnetic particle. NDI
operators may be assigned and used in IMAs to perform
specific publication-directed NDI tasks only when the
NDI workload exceeds the capacity of assigned NDI
technicians. Each case of NDI operator use at I-level
maintenance must be authorized by the cognizant ACC.
Requests for such authorizations are made to the ACC
via the appropriate wing.

NDI Specialists
NDI specialists are authorized by the ACC to
provide training and certification/recertification of NDI
technicians/operators. They also provide technical NDI
NDI Technicians
NDI technicians are personnel who have
successfully completed the NDI course (C-603-3191) at
Aircraft Nondestructive Inspection School at NATTC
Memphis, Tennessee. NDI technicians are assigned
NEC 7225/MOS 6044, and they are qualified and
certified to perform liquid penetrant, magnetic particle,
eddy current, ultrasonic, and radiographic methods of
NDI. These personnel are normally assigned to IMAs.
NDI technicians with 3 or more years of experience and
who are currently certified and engaged in NDI on a
regular basis may be authorized by ACCs to train and
certify NDI operators for specific NDI applications. The
ACC may also waive the 3-year experience requirement
provided requests for this authorization are addressed to
the ACC/TYCOM via the appropriate wing.

Basic NDI operator training is provided by

NADEPs and NDI specialists. When training is not
available, ACCs may authorize the training of NDI
operators by NDI technicians in specific liquid penetrant
kit applications. NDI operator certification/
recertification is provided by NDI specialists and NDI
technicians. Rccertification of NDI operators is required
annually. NDI operators at I-level activities must be
closely monitored by qualified NDI technicians and by
cognizant QARs/CDQARs. NDI operators are not
authorized to operate radiographic or ultrasonic
equipment. They may, however, be used to assist NDI
technicians operating that equipment.
NDI technicians and operators must use the NDI
method or methods for which they are certified at least
two times each month, as evidenced by entries on their
work record (OPNAV 4790/140). This can be done
either through normal workload or practice applications.
In those cases where the prescribed proficiency is not
maintained for 1 or more months, technicians or
operators can regain proficiency by making practice
applications under the supervision of a certified NDI
technician, who will provide recertification upon
determination of proficiency. Failure to maintain
proficiency for 6 months for NDI operators and 12
months for NDI technicians will require updated
training for recertification. NDI technicians who fail to
maintain proficiency for 3 years or more will require
complete retraining. In all cases exceeding 6 months for
operators and 12 months for technicians, authorization
for updated training or complete retraining is requested
from the cognizant ACC.

This request must include the technicians current

qualification, experience history, and the specific
technical directive/technical publication-directed NDI
applications for which operator certification is to be
provided. If approved, a copy of the ACC authorization
will be attached to the technicians NDI certification
record and maintained with his/her individual NDI
record. Such authorizations remain in effect only as long
as the currency of certification and NDI experience is
maintained. Currently active NDI technicians require
reccertification every 3 years.
Early recertification is authorized and encouraged
to prevent expiration of certification during tours of
deployed duty. Current certification of NDI technicians
who are regularly engaged in all methods of NDI may
be extended by ACCs for up to 1 year if circumstances
warrant. NEC 7225 personnel who have been inactive
in NDI for 1 year or more require recertification before
resuming active NDI technician status. Recertification
is provided by designated NADEPs or by ACC

Activities that are authorized to certify/recertify

NDI technicians and operators must administer an


Figure 15-1.-NDI Certification Record (OPNAV 4790/139).

submitted to the appropriate CFA for approvaI and

distribution to other fleet activities. An information
copy is submitted to the ACC NDI specialist.

appropriate written test on the NDI methods involved.

The NA 01-1A-16 manual is the source for test
questions. Personnel being certified or recertified will
also be required to demonstrate the ability to perform
NDI inspections as appropriate. The objective is to
provide sufficient testing of the candidate to ensure the
person is competent to conduct NDIs.


This form (fig.15-1) provides a record of
certification. The original copy goes to the individual,
with one copy each to quality assurance/analysis
(QA/A) and the division officer. All certified NDI
personnel must initiate and maintain individual records
of NDI performed.

The effectiveness of the NDI program can be

enhanced through development of new NDI
techniques/applications by efficient and inventive NDI
personnel. Useful new techniques, so developed, will be


Figure 15-2.-NDI Technician/Operator Work Record (OPNAV 4790/140).



NDI is of vital concern at all levels of maintenance, and all operational and support commanders
should direct their efforts toward its proper use. NDI
is used in the maintenance of Navy aircraft and
aircraft systems wherever contributions to safety,
reliability, QA, performance, or economy can be
realized. The following text discusses the various
commands and their responsibilities pertaining to the
NDI program.

This form (fig. 15-2) is used to record and verify

NDI performed. Entries will be verified by the
individuals work center supervisor, or, if the work
center supervisor performs the NDI, by QA/A.
Personnel doing repetitive NDI, such as eddy current on
aircraft wheels, may record weekly entries, as indicated
on the sample entry in figure 15-2. Upon transfer, NDI
work records are carried by the individual to his/her next


Naval Air Systems Command

Intermediate Maintenance Activities

The Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) has

cognizance over the NDI program. They are responsible
for managing a program of research, development,
training, and application of NDI techniques and
equipment. NAVAIRINST 13070.1A assigns the
responsibility for nondestructive testing and inspection
within NAVAIR. NAVAIR is responsible for the

Intermediate maintenance activities (IMAs) are

responsible for the following:
1. Ensuring compliance with qualification
requirements and safety precautions
2. Ensuring industrial radiation safety requirements are strictly enforced in accordance with the
Radiological Affairs Support Program (RASP) manual,
NAVSEA S0420-AA-RAD-010.

1. Coordinate and issue information on NDI within

naval aviation, other services, and industry, as

3. Using available NDI equipment fully, and

developing new procedures and applications, as far as
practical, to provide labor, material, and cost savings.

2. Ensure appropriate application of NDI at all

levels of maintenance

4. Maintaining an adequate number of certified

and proficient NDI technician at all times to provide
NDI services to supported organizations and transient

3. Procure NDI equipment to support an effective


5. Ensuring the material condition of NDI

equipment and the laboratory is continuously ready for
use (RFU). This includes availability of consumable

4. Procure NDI technical publications, and ensure

the updating of such publications as newer techniques
and applications are developed
5. Establish the necessary standards and specifications for NDI

6. Establishing and maintaining a continuing

training program within the NDI work center to allow
NDI technicians to remain up to date with newly
developed NDI techniques and applications.

6. Monitor, evaluate, and standardize the NADEPs

NDI program
7. Provide NDI training for the NADEPs, as

7. Establishing and maintaining liaison with the

cognizant ACC NDI specialist, and requesting
assistance via the chain of command on all NDI

8. Assign an NDI program coordinator to be

responsible for managing implementation of the
application and training elements

8. Providing and maintaining industrial X-ray

film processing facilities, both ashore and afloat.

Aircraft Controlling Custodians

9. Providing scheduled and unscheduled NDI

support to O-level activities, as required.

Aircraft controlling custodians (ACCs) are

responsible for the following:

10. Maintaining liaison with ship/station radiation


1. Monitoring the NDI program in activities under

their cognizance

Quality Assurance/Analysis

2. Advising on availability and location of NDI


Quality assurance/analysis (QA/A) is responsible

for the following:

3. Maintaining liaison with NAVAIR, NADOC,

Naval Aviation Maintenance Office (NAMO),
NADEPs, and fleet activities on NDI matters

1. Monitoring compliance with NDI personnel

qualifications, certification/recertification requirements, safety precautions, and instructions.

4. Ensuring that NDI laboratories, equipment, and

personnel are audited as required

2. Monitoring the organizations NDI training

program to ensure it is current and comprehensive.
Special emphasis should be placed on those areas of
NDI that are accomplished by personnel other than those

5. Designating NDI specialists as required

6. Designating an NDI program manager


assigned Navy enlisted classification (NEC)

7225/military occupational specialty (MOS) 6044.
Organizational Maintenance Activities
O-levels responsibilities areas follows:
1. Request NDI I-level support as required.
2. Obtain IMA NDI services in all situations where
NDI results are suspicious.
3. Have an NDI technician verify defects
discovered by an NDI operator, whenever possible.
4. Inform the IMA, in advance, of scheduled NDI
requirements. Include these requirements in the monthly
maintenance plan.
5. O-level NDI technicians maybe assigned to the
supporting IMA, as necessary, to maintain their
proficiency and to augment IMAs NDI capabilities.
The various NDI methods serve as tools of
prevention that allow defects to be detected before they
develop into serious or hazardous failures. With the NDI
methods, a trained and experienced technician can
detect flaws or defects with a high degree of accuracy
and reliability. It is important that you become fully
knowledgeable of the capabilities of each method. It is
equally important that you recognize the limitations of
the methods. Some of the defects found by NDI include
corrosion, leaks, pitting, heat/stress cracks, and
discontinuity of metals. The following paragraphs will
give a brief synopsis of the various NDI inspections. For
further information on NDI procedures, you should
consult the Nondestructive Inspections Manual,
NA-01-1A-16, or the appropriate inspection manual
pertaining to the type of aircraft or part that is to be
inspected by an NDI method.

special equipment is used, the more deeply seated

The inspection process consists of inducing a
magnetic field into a part and applying magnetic
particles, in liquid suspension or dry powder, to the
surface being inspected. When the magnetic field is
interrupted by a discontinuity, some of the field is forced
out into the air above the discontinuity, forming a
leakage field. The leakage field will be stronger and
more concentrated the closer the discontinuity is to the
surface. The presence of a discontinuity is detected by
the ferromagnetic particles applied over the surface.
Some of these particles will be gathered and held by the
leakage field. This magnetically held collection of
particles forms an outline of the discontinuity and
indicates its location, size, and shape.
Electric current is used to create or induce magnetic
fields in magnetic materials. The magnetic lines of force
are always aligned at right angles (90) to the direction
of the current flow. The direction of the magnetic field
can be altered, and it is controlled by the direction of the
magnetizing current. The arrangement of the current
paths is used to induce the magnetic lines of force so that
they intercept and are as near as possible at right angles
to the discontinuity.
The magnetic field must be in a favorable direction
to produce indications. When the flux lines are oriented
in a direction parallel to a discontinuity, the indication
will be weak or lacking. The best results are obtained
when the flux lines are in a direction at right angles to
the discontinuity. If a discontinuity is to produce a
leakage field and a readable magnetic particle
indication, the discontinuity must intercept the flux lines
of force at some angle. When an electrical magnetizing
current is used, the best indications are produced when
the path of the magnetizing current is flowing parallel
to the discontinuity, because the magnetic flux lines are
always at an angle of 90 to the flow of the magnetizing
current. The two types of magnetizing methods used are
circular and longitudinal.

Magnetic Particle Inspection

magnetization is used for the detection of radial
discontinuities around edges of holes or openings in
parts. It is also used for the detection of longitudinal
discontinuities, which lie in the same direction as the
current flow either in a part or in a part that a central
conductor passes through.
Circular magnetization derives its name from the
fact that a circular magnetic field always surrounds a
conductor, such as a wire or a bar carrying an electric
current (fig. 15-3). The direction of the magnetic lines
of force (magnetic field) is always at right angles to the

Magnetic particle inspection is a rapid, nondestructive means of detecting discontinuities in parts

made of magnetic materials. If the part is made from an
alloy that contains a high percentage of iron and can be
magnetized, it is in a class of metals called ferromagnetic, and it can be inspected by this method. If the
part is made of material that is nonmagnetic, it cannot
be inspected by this method. The magnetic particle
inspection method will detect surface discontinuities,
including those that are too fine to be seen with the naked
eye, those that lie slightly below the surface, and, when


Figure 15-3.-Magnetic field surrounding an electrical conductor.

Figure 15-6.-Using a central conductor to circularly magnetize a


Figure 15-4.-Magnetic field in part used as a conductor.

Figure l5-7.-Using a central conductor to circularly magnetize

ringlike parts.

Figure 15-5.-Creating a circular magnetic field in a part.

direction of the magnetizing current. An easy way to
remember the direction of magnetic lines of force
around a conductor is to imagine that you are grasping
the conductor with your hand so that the extended thumb
points parallel to the electric current flow. The fingers
then point in the direction of the magnetic lines of force.
Conversely, if the fingers point in the direction of current
flow, the extended thumb points in the direction of the
magnetic lines of force.
Since a magnetic part is in effect a large conductor,
electric current passing through this part creates a
magnetic field in the same manner as with a small
conductor (fig. 15-4). The magnetic lines of force are at
right angles to the direction of the current as before. This
type of magnetization is called circular magnetization
because the lines of force, which represent the direction
of the magnetic field, are circular within the part.
To create or induce a circular field in a part with
stationary magnetic particle inspection equipment, the
part is clamped between the contact plates and current
is passed through the part, as indicated in figure 15-5.
This sets up a circular magnetic field in the part that
creates poles on either side of any crack or discontinuity
that runs parallel to the length of the part. The poles will
attract magnetic particles, forming an indication of the

Figure 15-8.-Magnetic field in a part placed in a coil.

On parts that are hollow or tubelike, the inside

surfaces are as important to inspect as the outside. When
such parts are circularly magnetized by passing the
magnetizing current through the part, the magnetic field
on the inside surface is negligible. Since there is a
magnetic field surrounding the conductor of an electric
current, it is possible to induce a satisfactory magnetic
field by placing the part on a copper bar or other
conductor. This situation is illustrated in figures 15-6
and 15-7. Passing current through the bar induces a
magnetic field on both the inside and outside surfaces.
LONGITUDINAL MAGNETIZATION. -Longitudinal magnetization is used for the detection of
circumferential discontinuities, which lie in a direction
transverse to or at approximately right angles to a parts
axis. Electric current is used to create a longitudinal
magnetic field in a piece of magnetic material. When a
part of magnetic material is placed inside a coil, as
shown in figure 15-8, the magnetic lines of force created
by the magnetizing current concentrate themselves in


PARTICLES AND METHODS OF APPLICATION. -The particles used in magnetic particle

testing are made of magnetic materials, usually
combinations of iron and iron oxides, that have a high
permeability and low retentivity. Particles that have
high permeability are easily magnetized by and attracted
to the low-level leakage fields at discontinuities. Low
retentivity is required to prevent the particles from being
permanently magnetized. Strongly retentive particles
tend to cling together and to any magnetic surface,
resulting in reduced particle mobility and increased
background accumulation.

Figure 15-9.-Coil creates a longitudinal field to show crack in

a part.

Particles are very small and are various sizes. Each

magnetic particle formulation always contains a range
of sizes and shapes to produce optimum results for the
intended use. The smallest particles are more easily
attracted to and held by the low-level leakage fields at
very fine discontinuitics; larger particles can more easily
bridge across coarse discontinuities, where the leakage
fields are usually stronger. Elongated particles are
included, particularly in the case of dry powders,
because these rod-shaped particles easily align
themselves with leakage fields not sharply defined, such
as those that occur over subsurface discontinuities.
Global-shaped particles are included to aid in the
mobility and uniform dispersion of particles on a

the part and induce a longitudinal magnetic field.

Inspection of a cylindrical part with longitudinal
magnetism is shown in figure 15-9. If there is a
transverse discontinuity in the part, such as that in the
illustration, small magnetic poles are formed on either
side of the crack. These poles will attract magnetic
particles, forming an indication of the discontinuity.
Compare figure 15-9 with figure 15-5, and note that in
both cases a magnetic field has been induced in the part
that is at right angles to the defect. This is the most
desirable condition for a reliable inspection.
ALTERNATING CURRENT. -The use of alternating current (ac) in magnetic particle inspection is
recommended only for the detection of surface
discontinuities, which comprise the majority of
service-induced defects. Fatigue and stress corrosion
cracks are examples of cracks usually open to the
surface. Alternating current, which must be single phase
when used directly for magnetizing purposes, is taken
from commercial power lines or portable power sources,
and is usually 50 or 60 hertz.

Magnetic particles may be applied as a dry powder,

or wet, by using either water or a high flash point
petroleum distillate as a liquid vehicle carrier. Dry
powder is available in various colors, so the user can
select the color that contrasts best with the color of the
surface upon which it is used. Colors for use with
ordinary visible light are red, grey, black, or yellow.
Red- and black-colored particles are available for use in
wet baths with ordinary light, and yellow-green
fluorescent particles for use with a black light.
Fluorescent particles are widely used in wet baths, since
the bright fluorescent indications produced at
discontinuities are readily seen against the dark
backgrounds that exist in black light inspection areas.

DIRECT CURRENT. -Direct current (dc) magnetizes the entire cross section more or less uniformly
in the case of longitudinal magnetization. Magnetic
fields produced by direct current penetrate deeper into
apart than fields produced by alternating current, which
makes it possible to detect subsurface discontinuities.
Generally, direct current is used with wet magnetic
particle methods. In the presence of dc fields, dry
powder particles behave as though they were immobile,
tending to remain wherever they happen to land on the
surface of a part. This is in contrast to what happens with
dry powder particles in the presence of ac fields. In these
fields, the particles have mobility on a surface due to the
pulsating character of the fields. Particle mobility aids
considerably the formation of particle accumulations
(indications) at discontinuities.

Radiographic Inspection
Radiographic is a nondestructive inspection method
that uses a source of X-rays to detect discontinuities in
materials and assembly components. Radiation is
projected through the item to be tested, and the results
are captured on film. Radiography may be used on
metallic, nonmetallic, and combination metallic/
nonmetallic materials and assemblies without access to
the interior. However, defects must be correctly aligned


interpreted by comparing it with the known nature of the

usefulness of the information obtained from the
radiographic process depends upon the intelligent
interpretation of the derived image. To successfully
interpret the radiograph, the radiographic interpreter
must have a working knowledge of the component or
material and be able to relate the images to the
conditions likely to occur. Specifications are used to
spell out the discontinuities that maybe considered
detrimental to the function of the part and the acceptable
magnitudes of the discontinuities. It is the duty of the
film interpreter to recognize the various discontinuities,
their magnitudes, and be capable of relating them to the
particular specification required. The responsibility and
capability of the radiographic interpreter cannot be
overemphasized. Often, many human lives and
investments of millions of dollars are depending on the
judgement of the radiographic interpreter.
RADIATION HAZARD. -Radiation from X-ray
units is destructive to living tissue. It is universally
recognized that in the use of such equipment, adequate
protection must be provided to personnel. Personnel
must keep outside the primary X-ray beam at all times.

Figure 15-10.-Diagram of radiographic exposure.

and oriented with respect to penetrating rays to be

reliably detected. Radiography is one of the most
expensive and least sensitive methods for crack
detection. It should only be used to detect flaws that are
not accessible or favorabl y oriented for use by other test

Radiation produces changes in all matter that it

passes through. This is also true of living tissue. When
the radiation strikes the molecules of the body, the effect
may be no more than to dislodge a few electrons; but an
excess of these changes could cause irreparable harm.
When a complex organism is exposed to radiation, the
degree of damage, if any, depends on which of its body
cells have been changed. The more vital parts are in the
center of the body; therefore, the more penetrating
radiation is likely to be the more harmful in these areas.
The skin usually absorbs most of the radiation;
therefore, it reacts earliest to radiation.

The extent of recorded information is dependent

upon the following three prime factors:
1. The composition of the material.
2. The product of the density and the thickness of
the material.
3. The energy of the X-rays, which is incident upon
the material. Material discontinuities cause an apparent
change in these characteristics, and thus make
themselves detectable.

If the whole body is exposed to a very large dose of

radiation, it could result in death. In general, the type
and severity of the pathological effects of radiation
depend on the amount of radiation received at one time
and the percentage of the total body exposed. The
smaller doses of radiation may cause blood and
intestinal disorders in a short period of time. The more

Figure 15-10 is a diagram of radiographic exposure

showing the elements of the system. Radiation passes
through the object and produces an invisible or latent
image in the film. When processed, the film becomes a
radiograph or shadow picture of the object. Since more
radiation passes through the object where the section is

delayed effects are leukemia and cancer. Skin damage

and loss of hair are also possible results of exposure to

thin or where there is a space or void, the corresponding

area on the film is darker. The radiograph is read or


Figure 15-11.-Coupting of search unit to test part for transmission

of ultrasonic energy.

Ultrasonic Inspection
The term ultrasonic means vibrations or sound
waves whose frequencies are greater than those that
affect the human ear (greater than about 20,000 cycles
per second).
Ultrasonic inspection is a method of inspection that
uses these sound waves. The ultrasonic vibrations are
generated by applying high-frequency electrical pulses
to a transducer element contained within a search unit.
The transducer element transforms the electrical energy
into ultrasonic energy. The transducer element can also
receive ultrasonic energy and transform it into electrical
energy. Ultrasonic energy is transmitted between the
search unit and the test part through a coupling medium,
such as oil, as shown in figure 15-11, for the purpose of
excluding the air interface between the transducer and
the test part. The ultrasonic vibrations are transmitted
into and through the part. When the beam strikes the far
surface of the part or strikes the boundary of a defect,
the beam reflects back towards the transducer, travels
through the couplant, and enters the transducer, where
it is converted back into electrical energy. Then the
information is displayed on a cathode-ray tube (CRT,)
Ultrasonic inspections can be separated into two
basic categories-contact inspection and immersion
inspection. In the contact method, the search unit is
placed directly on the test part surface by using a thin
film of couplant, such as oil, to transmit sound into the
test part. In the immersion method, the test part is
immersed in a fluid, usually water, and the sound is
transmitted through the water to the test part
(fig. 15- 12). The immersion-type method is used to
inspect materials while they are immersed in a suitable
liquid, such as water or oil. This method proves more
satisfactory than contact testing for irregular-shaped
surfaces. Immersion inspection also permits use of a
wider range of testing frequencies. The three general

Figure 15-12.-Immersion method.

methods of contact inspections are straight-beam,

angle-beam, and the surface-wave method.
STRAIGHT BEAM. -The straight-beam method is
used to detect discontinuities parallel to the test surface,
and is generally used on material 1/2 inch thick or
greater. Most straight-beam methods are applied by
using the pulse-echo technique (transmitting and
receiving search unit or units placed on the same
surface). Certain applications use the throughtransmission method (transmitting search unit placed on
one surface, and receiving search unit placed on the
opposite surface). In the through-transmission method,
discontinuities block the passage of sound. This results
in a reduction of the received signal (fig. 15-13). With
this method, echoes from the discontinuities are not
shown on the CRT. Therefore, depth information on the
discontinuities is not determined. Typical discontinuity
examples are laminations, corrosion, and cracks.
ANGLE BEAM. -Angle-beam methods are used
extensively for field NDI, and can provide for inspection
of areas with complex geometry or limited access. This
is because angle beams can travel through a material by
bouncing from surface to surface. Useful inspection
information can be obtained at great distances from the
search unit. Angle-beam inspections are particularly
applicable to inspections around fastener holes,


Figure 15-13.-Through-transmission inspection.

Figure 15-14.-Angle-beam inspection.

Figure 15-16.-Generation of eddy currents in various part configurations.

involving surface cracks or slightly subsurface
discontinuities. On smooth surfaces, sound energy can
travel long distances with little energy loss. Surface
waves travel around curved corners, and they reflect at
sharp edges. Rough surfaces or liquid on the surface
attenuate surface waves so the area in front of the search
unit must be kept clear of couplant. Figure 15-15 shows
a typical surface-wave inspection.

Figure 15-15.-Surface-wave inspection.

Eddy Current Inspection

inspection of cylindrical components, examination of
skins for cracks, and inspection of welds. Figure 15-14
shows typical angle-beam inspections.

Eddy currents are electrical currents induced in a

conductor of electricity by reaction with a magnetic
field. The eddy currents are circular in nature, and their
paths are oriented perpendicular to the direction of the
applied magnetic field. In general, during eddy current
testing, the varying magnetic field(s) is/are generated by
an alternating electrical current (ac) flowing through a
coil of wire positioned immediately adjacent to the
conductor, around the conductor, or within the
conductor. Figure 15-16 shows eddy currents flowing in
various configurations.

SURFACE WAVE. -The surface-wave method

projects a beam of vibrations that travel along the
surface and just below the surface of the material. When
surface waves are used to inspect painted surfaces, you
should exercise caution during set up and interpretation
due to the possibility of surface reflection from scratches
and breaks in the painted surface. Surface-wave
inspections can be used in many field NDI applications


COILS AND PROBES. -Eddy current coils and

probes consist of one or more coils of wire designed to
introduce a varying magnetic field into a part to
determine the effects of test variables on this magnetic
field. Generation of the magnetic field results from an
alternating current flowing through the coil. A
fundamental consideration in selecting an eddy current
probe or test coil is its intended use. A small diameter
probe or narrow encircling coil will provide increased
resolution of small defects. A larger probe or wider
encircling coil will provide better averaging of bulk
current probes and coils can be classified into three
types: surface probes, encircling coils, and inside
(bobbin-type) coils. Figure 15-17 shows sketches of the
general configuration of each type of coil or probe.
Figure 15-18 shows photographs of typical surface
probes used for eddy current testing. Most eddy current
testing in the field is concerned with surface coils
(probes). The surface probe is used on plates, sheets, and
irregular-shaped parts. An inside coil may be used on
tubes, pipes, or other parts that are accessible to the
inside. The inside coil should nearly fill the part opening
in order to provide good test sensitivity. The use of
inside coils is restricted by bends or nonuniform
diameters. Encircling coils- are used primarily for

Figure 15-17.-Basic coil configurations.

Figure 15-18.-Typical eddy current test probes.


material. Figure 15-19 shows the basic principles of the

penetrant inspection process. A penetrating liquid,
which contains dyes, is applied to the surface of a clean
part to be inspected. The penetrant is allowed to remain
on the surface of the part for a period of time to permit
it to enter and fill any openings or discontinuities. After
a suitable dwell period, the penetrant is removed from
the parts surface. You must exercise care to prevent
removal of the penetrant that is contained in the
discontinuities. A material called developer is then
applied. The developer aids in drawing any trapped
penetrant from the discontinuities and improves the
visibility of any indications. For more information
concerning the dye penetrant inspection, consult the
Nondestructive Inspection Methods Manual, NAVAIR

Learning Objective: Recognize the qualifications and recertification process to become
a certified welder.

Figure 15-19.-Basic penetrant process.

inspecting rods, tubes, cylinders, or wire. With the

encircling or inside coils, the entire circumference of the
specimen is evaluated at one time. Consequently, the
exact location of defects cannot be defined. The surface
coil has the ability to better define the exact location of
Dye Penetrant Inspection
The dye penetrant inspection is a simple,
inexpensive, and reliable nondestructive inspection
method for detecting discontinuities that are open to the
surface of the item to be inspected. It can be used on
metals and other nonporous materials that are not
attacked by penetrant materials. With the proper
technique, it will detect a wide variety of discontinuities,
ranging in size from those readily visible down to
microscopic level, as long as the discontinuities are open
to the surface and are sufficiently free of foreign

Welding is the most practical of the many metal

joining processes available to aircraft manufacturers.
The welded joint offers rigidity, simplicity, low weight,
high strength, and low-cost production equipment.
Consequently, welding has been universally adopted in
the building of all types of aircraft. Many structural
parts, as well as nonstructural parts, are joined by some
form of welding, and the repair of these many parts is
an indispensable part of aircraft maintenance.
For advancement, you should be familiar with the
operation of welding equipment and materials. You
should also be able to perform simple welding, brazing,
soldering, and cutting operations on ferrous and
nonferrous metals.
To weld on aircraft structural parts, you must be a
certified welder. To be certified as an aircraft welder,
you must pass a qualification test conducted in the
presence of a Navy inspector. Passing this test entitles
you to a certificate signed by the inspector attesting that
you are capable of welding the class of material and type
of weld indicated on the certificate.
Naval aviation depots have training programs for
the benefit of those desiring to qualify as aircraft
welders, and they have facilities for testing.


Only currently certified aeronautical welders may
weld on aeronautical equipment. Initial certification is
attained by satisfactory completion of Navy training
course(s) N-701-0007 and/or N-701-0009, as
applicable. Certification can also be obtained by
documented satisfactory completion of equivalent
training in accordance with Aeronautical and Support
Equipment Welding Manual, NA 01-1A-34, and
satisfactory completion of recertification testing. If
proficiency is maintained, the recertification interval for
IMA-level aeronautical equipment welders is 3 years.
Maintaining proficiency requires documented
frequency of use, as specified in NA 01-1A-34. Failure
to maintain proficiency in any group(s) of metals will
terminate current certification in that/those group(s).
Recertification is normally accomplished by locally
producing acceptable test welds and submitting those
welds to the nearest authorized welding examination
and evaluation facility. Examination and evaluation
facilities must complete required testing of test weld
specimens and provide test results and recertification
documentation, as appropriate, to the affected welders
command within 30 days of the test weld(s) receipt.
Detailed procedures for obtaining test plates,
production and submission of test welds, and
documentation are contained in NA 01-1A-34.
TYCOMs/ACCs may extend current certification of
welders for a maximum of 90 days in cases where test
welds have been submitted but results and
recertification documentation have not been received
from the cognizant examination and evaluation facility.
Welders whose test specimens fail to meet minimum
requirements are allowed one retest. This retest will
require submission of a double set of test welds of the
failed group(s) of metal(s) to the same examination and
evaluation facility that failed the test welds first
submitted. Welding examination and evaluation
facilities will forward double sets of test plates to the
failed welders command concurrently with the
notification of failure. Retest test welds must be
completed and submitted within 30 days of receipt of
notification of failure of first test weld(s). Failure of any
retest test welds to meet minimum requirements will
require the welder to satisfactorily complete the Navy
training courses N-701-0008/N-701-0010, as applicable, to recertify.
Aeronautical equipment welders may weld only on
equipment, components, and items manufactured from
the group of metals for which they are currently certified
and for which weld repairs are authorized by applicable
technical publications or directives. Groups of metals


Figure 15-20.-Welding Certification NAVAIR 13100/1).

for which separate and distinct certification is required
are specified in NA 01-1A-34. Separate certification is
also required for oxyfuel brazing process.
NA 01-1A-34 contains additional information and
guidance relative to qualification, certification/recertification, and employment of aeronautical equipment
welders. It is, however, a general series technical manual
intended to be used in conjunction with the OPNAV
4790.2E and with specific maintenance/repair/overhaul
manuals/engineering documents. In cases of conflict
between NA 01-1A-34 and the OPNAV 4790.2E
regarding certification/ recertification policy, the
OPNAV 4790.2E takes precedence.
QA/A is responsible for monitoring aeronautical
equipment welder certification/recertification. Refer to
the OPNAV 4790.2E for specifics.
A Welding Certificate (Operators Card), NAVAIR
13100/1, will be issued for each material category in
which the welder is qualified. The welding certificate
will be filled out, dated, and signed by an authorized
representative of an examination facility. Figure 15-20
provides a sample of the welding certificate. Figures
15-21 and 15-22 show a sample Welding Examination
Record (NAVAIR 13100/2) and instructions.

Figure 15-21.-Welding Examination Record (NAVAIR 13100/2) (front).


Figure15-22.-Welding Examination Record (NAVAIR 13100/2) (back).


Figure 15-23.-Portable oxyacetylene welding and cutting equipment.

Oxyacetylene welding is a gas welding process. A
coalescence or bond is produced by heating with a gas
flame or flames obtained from the combustion of
acetylene with oxygen, with or without the application
of pressure, and with or without the use of filler metal.
A welding torch is used to mix the gases in the proper
proportions and to direct the flame against the parts to
be welded. The molten edges of the parts then literally
flow together and, after cooling, form one solid piece.
Usually, it is necessary to add extra material to the joint.
The correct material in rod form is dipped in and fuses
with the puddle of molten metal from the parent metal
Acetylene is widely used as the combustible gas
because of its high flame temperature when mixed with
oxygen. The temperature, which ranges from
approximately 5,700 to 6,300F, is so far above the
melting point of all commercial metals that it provides
a means for the rapid, localized melting essential in
welding. The oxyacetylene flame is also used in cutting
ferrous metals. The oxyacetylene welding and cutting
methods are widely used by all types of maintenance
activities because the flame is easy to regulate, the gases

may be produced inexpensively, and the equipment can

be transported easily and safely.
Oxyacetylene Welding Equipment
The equipment used for oxyacetylene welding
consists of a source of oxygen and a source of acetylene
from a portable or stationary outfit. The portable outfit
consists of an oxygen cylinder and an acetylene cylinder
with attached valves, regulators, gauges, and hoses
(fig. 15-23). This equipment may be temporarily
secured on the floor or mounted on a two-wheel, welded,
steel truck equipped with a platform that will support
two large size cylinders. The cylinders are secured by
chains attached to the truck frame. A metal toolbox,
welded to the frame, provides storage for torches, tips,
gloves, fluxes, goggles, and necessary wrenches.
Stationary equipment is installed where welding
operations are conducted in a fixed location. The
acetylene and oxygen are piped to several welding
stations from a central supply. Master regulators are
used to control the flow of gas and maintain a constant
pressure at each station.
OXYGEN. -Oxygen is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas that is slightly heavier than air. Oxygen is


nonflammable, but it will support combustion when

combined with other gases. This means that it aids in
burning, and this burning gives off considerable heat and
light. In its free state, oxygen is one of the most common
elements. The atmosphere is made up of approximately
21 parts of oxygen and 78 parts of nitrogen, with the
remainder being rare gases. It is the presence of oxygen
in the air that causes rusting of ferrous metals, the
discoloration of copper, and corrosion of aluminum.
This action is known as oxidation.
Oxygen is obtained commercially either by the
liquid air process or by the electrolytic process. In the
liquid air process, air is compressed and cooled to a point
where the gases become a liquid. As the temperature of
the liquid air is raised, nitrogen in a gaseous form is
given off first, since its boiling point is lower than that
of liquid oxygen. These gases, having been separated,
are further purified and compressed into cylinders for
In the electrolytic process, water is broken down
into hydrogen and oxygen by the passage of an electric
current through it. The oxygen collects at the positive
terminal and the hydrogen at the negative terminal. Each
of the gases is then collected and compressed into
cylinders for use.
OXYGEN CYLINDERS. -A typical oxygen
cylinder (fig. 15-24) is made of steel and has a capacity
of 220 cubic feet at a pressure of 2,000 psi and a
temperature of 70F. Each oxygen cylinder has a
high-pressure outlet valve located at the top of the
cylinder, a removable metal cap for the protection of the
outlet valve during shipment or storage, and a low
melting point safety fuse plug and disk. All oxygen
cylinders are painted green for identification. Technical
oxygen cylinders are solid green, while breathing
oxygen cylinders are green with a white band around the
Oxygen should never be brought in contact
with oil or grease. In the presence of pure
oxygen, these substances become highly
combustible. Oxygen hose and valve fittings
should never be oiled or greased or handled
with oily or greasy hands. Even grease spots
on clothing may flare up or explode if struck
by a stream of oxygen.
compressed in oxygen and acetylene cylinders are at
pressures too high for oxyacetylene welding. Regulators


Figure 15-24.-Typical oxygen cylinder.

are necessary to reduce pressure and control the flow of
gases from the cylinders. Most regulators in use are
either the single-stage or the two-stage type. Singlestage regulators reduce the pressure of the gas in one
step; two-stage regulators do the same job in two steps
or stages. Generally, less adjustment is necessary when
two-stage regulators are used.
Figure 15-25 shows a typical single-stage regulator.
The regulator mechanism consists of a nozzle through
which the high-pressure gases pass, a valve seat to close
off the nozzle, and balancing springs. These are all
enclosed in a suitable housing. Pressure gauges are
provided to indicate the pressure in the cylinder or
pipeline (inlet), as well as the working pressure (outlet).
The inlet pressure gauge, used to record cylinder
pressures, is a high-pressure gauge and is graduated
from 0 to 3,000 psi. The outlet pressure gauge, used to
record working pressures, is a low-pressure gauge and
is graduated from 0 to 500 psi.
In the oxygen regulator, the oxygen enters through
the high-pressure inlet connection and passes through a
glass wool filter that removes dust and dirt. Turn the
adjusting screw in, to the right, to allow the oxygen to
pass from the high-pressure chamber to the lowpressure chamber of the regulator, through the regulator
outlet, and through the hose to the torch at the pressure
shown on the working pressure gauge. Changes in this
pressure may be made at will, simply by adjusting the

Figure 15-25.-Single-stage oxygen regulator.

handle until the desired pressure is registered. Turning
the adjusting screw to the right INCREASES the
working pressure; turning it to the left DECREASES the
working pressure.
The operation of the two-stage regulator is similar
in principle to the single-stage regulator. The difference

is that the total pressure decrease takes place in two steps

instead of one. On the high-pressure side, the pressure
is reduced from cylinder pressure to intermediate
pressure. On the low-pressure side, the pressure is
reduced from intermediate pressure to working
pressure. Because of the two-stage pressure control, the


Figure 15-26.-Two-stage regulator.

working pressure is held constant, and pressure
adjustment during welding operations is not required. A
two-stage regulator is shown in figure 15-26.
The acetylene regulator controls and reduces the
acetylene pressure from any standard cylinder that
contains pressures up to 500 psi. It is of the same general
design as the oxygen regulator, but it will not withstand
such high pressures. The high-pressure gauge, on the
inlet side of the regulator, is graduated from 0 to 500 psi.
The low-pressure gauge, on the outlet side of the
regulator, is graduated from 0 to 30 psi. Acetylene
should not be used at pressures exceeding 15 psi.
ACETYLENE. -Acetylene is a fuel gas made up of
carbon and hydrogen. It is manufactured by the chemical reaction between calcium carbide, a gray stonelike
substance, and water in a generating unit. Acetylene is
colorless, but it has a distinctive odor that can be easily
Mixtures of acetylene and air that contain from 2 to
80 percent of acetylene by volume will explode when
ignited. However, with suitable welding equipment and
proper precautions, acetylene can be safely burned with
oxygen for welding and cutting purposes. When burned
with oxygen, acetylene produces a very hot flame that
has a temperature between 5,700F and 6,300F.
ACETYLENE CYLINDERS. -Acetylene stored
in a free state under pressure greater than 15 psi can be
made to break down by heat or shock and possibly
explode. Under pressure of 29.4 psi, acetylene becomes
self-explosive, and a slight shock will cause it to explode
spontaneously. However, when dissolved in acetone, it

Figure 15-27.-Acetylene cylinder.

can be compressed into cylinders at pressures up to 250
The acetylene cylinder (fig. 15-27) is filled with
porous materials, such as balsa wood, charcoal, and
shredded asbestos, to decrease the size of the open
spaces in the cylinder. Acetone, a colorless, flammable
liquid, is added until about 40 percent of the porous
material is filled. The filler acts as a large sponge to
absorb the acetone, which, in turn, absorbs the
acetylene. In this process, the volume of the acetone
increases as it absorbs the acetylene, while acetylene,
being a gas, decreases in volume. The acetylene
cylinders are equipped with safety plugs, which have a
small hole through the center. This hole is filled with a
metal alloy, which melts at approximately 212F or
releases at 500 psi. When a cylinder is overheated, the
plug will melt and permit the acetylene to escape before
a dangerous pressure can build up. The plug hole is too
small to permit a flame to burn back into the cylinder if
the escaping acetylene should become ignited.
WELDING TORCHES. -The oxyacetylene
welding torch is used to mix oxygen and acetylene gas
in the proper proportions, and to control the volume of
these gases burned at the welding tip. The torch has two
needle valves, one for adjusting the flow of acetylene
and the other for adjusting the flow of oxygen. In
addition, there are two tubes, one for oxygen and the
other for acetylene; a mixing head; inlet nipples for the
attachment of hoses; a tip; and a handle. The tubes and


Figure 15-28.-Mixing head for injector-type welding torch.

Figure 15-29.-Equal pressure welding torch.

handle are made of seamless hard brass, copper-nickel
alloy, stainless steel, or other noncorrosive metals of
adequate strength.
There are two types of welding torchesthe
low-pressure or injector type and the equal-pressure
type. In the low-pressure or injector type (fig. 15-28),
the acetylene pressure is less than 1 psi. A jet of
high-pressure oxygen is used to produce a suction effect

to draw in the required amount of acetylene. This is

accomplished by the design of the mixer in the torch,
which operates on the injector principle. The welding
tips may or may not have separate injectors designed
integrally with each tip.
The equal pressure torch (fig. 15-29) is designed to
operate with equal pressures for the oxygen and
acetylene. The pressure ranges from 1 to 15 psi. This


torch has certain advantages over the low-pressure type

because the flame can be more readily adjusted, and
since equal pressures are used for each gas, the torch is
less susceptible to flashbacks.
The welding tips are made of hard, drawn,
electrolytic copper or 95-percent copper and 5-percent
tellurium. They are made in various styles and types,
some having a one-piece tip either with a single orifice
or a number of orifices, and others with two or more tips
attached to one mixing head. The diameters of the tip
orifices differ to control the quantit y of heat and the type
of flame. These tip sizes are designated by numbers that
are arranged according to the individual manufacturers
system. In general, the smaller the number, the smaller
the tip orifice.
No matter what type or size tip you select, the tip
must be kept clean. Quite often the orifice becomes
clogged with slag. When this happens, the flame will not
burn properly. Inspect the tip before you use it. If the
passage is obstructed, you can clear it with wire tip
cleaners of the proper diameter, or with soft copper wire.
Tips should not be cleaned with machinists drills or
other sharp instruments. These devices may enlarge or
scratch the tip opening and greatly reduce the efficiency
of the torch tip.
HOSE. The hose used to make the connection
between the torch and the regulators is strong,
nonporous, light, and flexible to make the torch
movements easy. It is made to withstand high internal
pressures, and the rubber used in its manufacture is
chemically treated to remove sulfur to avoid the danger
of spontaneous combustion.
The oxygen hose is GREEN, and the acetylene hose
is RED. The hose is a rubber tube with braided or
wrapped cotton or rayon reinforcements and a rubber
covering. The hoses have connections at each end so
they can be connected to their respective regulator outlet
and torch inlet connections. To prevent a dangerous
interchange of acetylene and oxygen hoses, all threaded
fittings used for the acetylene hookup are left-handed
threads, and all threaded fittings for oxygen hookup are
right-handed threads. The hoses are obtainable as a
single hose for each gas or with the hoses bonded
together along their length under a common outer rubber
jacket. This type prevents the hose from kinking or
becoming entangled during the welding operation.
LIGHTERS. -A flint lighter is provided for igniting
the torch. The lighter consist of a file-shaped piece of
steel, usually recessed in a cuplike device, and a piece
of flint that can be drawn across the steel, which
produces the sparks required to light the torch.


Matches should never be used to ignite a

torch; their length requires bringing the
hand too close to the tip to ignite the gas.
Accumulated gas may envelope the hand
and, when ignited, cause a severe burn.

GOGGLES. -Welding goggles are fitted with

colored lenses to keep out heat and light rays and to
protect the eyes from sparks and molten metal.
Regardless of the shade of lens used, goggles should be
protected by a clear cover glass. The welding operator
should select the shade or density of color that is best
suited for his/her particular work. The desired lens is the
darkest shade that will show a clear definition of the
work without eyestrain. Goggles should fit closely
around the eyes, and should be worn at all times during
welding and cutting operations. Special goggles, using
standard lenses, are available for use with spectacles.
WELDING (FILLER) RODS. -The use of the
proper type of filler rod is very important in
oxyacetylene welding operations. This material not only
adds reinforcement to the weld area, but also adds
desired properties to the finished weld. By selecting the
proper type of rod, either tensile strength or ductility can
be secured in a weld. Similarly, rods can be selected that
will help retain the desired amount of corrosion
resistance. In some cases, a suitable rod with a lower
melting point will eliminate possible cracks from
expansion and contraction.
Welding rods are classified as ferrous and
nonferrous. The ferrous rods include carbon and alloy
steel rods as well as cast iron rods. Nonferrous rods
include brazing and bronze rods, aluminum and
aluminum alloy rods, magnesium and magnesium alloy
rods, copper rods, and silver rods. The diameter of the
rod used is governed by the thickness of the metals being
joined. If the rod is to small, it will not conduct heat away
from the puddle rapidly enough, and a burned weld will
result. A rod that is to large will chill the puddle. As in
selecting the proper size welding torch tip, experience
will enable the welder to select the proper diameter
welding rod.
Welding Flames
The welding flame is classified as neutral,
carburizing, or oxidizing. Each type of flame has its own
special function The operator can adjust the torch to
produce the type of flame best suited for the job at hand.


The neutral flame, in which a balanced mixture of

oxygen and acetylene is burned, is used for most
welding operations. The oxidizing flame, in which an
excess of oxygen is burned, is used for welding bronze
or fusing brass and bronze. The carburizing flame, in
which an excess of acetylene is burned, is used when
welding nickel alloys.
NEUTRAL FLAME. -The neutral flame does not
alter the composition of the base metal to any great
extent; therefore, it is the flame best suited for most
metals. The neutral flame burns at approximately
5,850F. A balanced mixture of one volume of oxygen
and one volume of acetylene is supplied from the torch
when the flame is adjusted to neutral.
The neutral flame is divided into two distinct zones.
The inner zone consists of a white, clearly defined,
round, smooth cone, 1/1 6 to 3/4 inch in length. The outer
zone, made up of completely burned oxygen and
acetylene, is blue with a purple tinge at the point and
A neutral flame melts metal without changing its
properties, and it leaves the metal clear and clean. If the
mixture of oxygen and acetylene is correct, the neutral
flame allows the molten metal to flow smoothly, and few
sparks are produced when welding most metals.
CARBURIZING FLAME. -The carburizing
flame, produced by burning an excess of acetylene, may
be recognized by its three distinct colors. There is a
bluish-white inner core, a white intermediate cone, and
a light-blue outer flame. It may be recognized also by
the feather at the tip of the inner cone. The degree of
carburization can be judged by the length of the feather.
OXIDIZING FLAME. -The oxidizing flame is
produced by burning an excess of oxygen. It has the
general appearance of the neutral flame, but the inner
cone is shorter, slightly pointed, and has a purplish tinge.
This flame burns with a hissing sound. When welding
ferrous metals, you can recognize an oxidizing flame by
the numerous sparks that are thrown off as the metal
melts and by the foam that forms on the surface.
FLAME ADJUSTMENT. -To adjust the flame,
light the torch by opening the torch acetylene valve
one-fourth to one-half turn. With only the acetylene
valve open, the flame will be yellow in color and give
off smoke and soot.
Now open the torch oxygen valve slowly. The flame
will gradually change in color from yellow to blue, and
it will show the characteristics of the excess acetylene
flame described earlier.

With most torches, there will be a slight excess of

acetylene when the oxygen and acetylene valves are
wide open and the recommended pressures are being
used. Now close the acetylene valve on the torch slowly.
You will notice that the secondary cone gets smaller
until it finally disappears completely. Just at this point
of complete disappearance, the neutral flame is formed.
To see the effect of an excess of oxygen, close the
acet ylene valve still further. A change will be noted,
although it is by no means as sharply defined as that
between the neutral and excess acetylene flames. The
entire flame will decrease in size, and the inner cone will
become much less sharply defined.
Because of the difficulty in making a distinction
between the excess oxygen and neutral flames, an
adjustment of the flame to neutral should always be
made from the excess acetylene side. Always adjust the
flame first so that it shows the secondary cone
characteristic of excess acetylene; then, increase the
flow of oxygen until this secondary cone just disappears.
During actual welding operations, where a neutral
flame is essential, the flame should be checked
occasionally to make certain it is neutral. This is
accomplished by momentarily withdrawing the torch
from the work and increasing the amount of acetylene
until a distinctive feathery edge appears on the inner
cone. Then, slowly decrease the amount of acetylene
until a well-defined cone, characteristic of the neutral
flame, is formed.
With each size of tip, a neutral, oxidizing, or
carburizing flame can be obtained. It is also possible to
obtain a harsh or soft flame by increasing or
decreasing the pressure of both gases.
For most regulator settings, the gases are expelled
from the torch tip at a relatively high velocity, and the
flame is called harsh. For some work it is desirable
to have a soft or low-velocity flame without a reduction in thermal output. This maybe achieved by using a
larger tip and closing the needle valves until the neutral
flame is quiet and steady. It is especially desirable to use
a soft flame when welding aluminum, to avoid blowing
holes in the metal when the puddle is formed.
handling of the torch may cause the flame to backfire
or, in very rare cases, to flashback. A backfire is a
momentary backward flow of the gases at the torch tip,
causing the flame to go out. Sometimes the flame may
immediately come on again, but a backfire is always
accompanied by a snapping or popping noise. A backfire
may be caused by touching the tip against the work, by
overheating the tip, by operating the torch at other than
recommended pressures, by a loose tip or head, or by


Figure 15-30.-Welding light gauge metals.

Figure 15-31.-Welding heavy plate.
dirt or slag in the end of the tip. A backfire is rarely
dangerous, but the molten metal may be splattered when
the flame pops.
A flashback is the burning of the gases within the
torch, and it is dangerous. It is usually caused by loose
connections, improper pressures, or overheating of the
torch. A shrill hissing or squealing noise accompanies a
flashback; and unless the gases are turned off
immediately, the flame may burn back through the hose
and regulators and cause great damage. The cause of a
flashback should always be determined, and the trouble
remedied before relighting the torch.

Hold the torch so that the tip is in line with the joint
to be welded, and inclined between 30 and 60 from
the perpendicular. The exact angle depends upon the
type of weld to be made, the amount of preheating
necessary, and the thickness and type of metal. The
thicker the metal, the more vertical the torch must be for
proper heat penetration. The white cone of the flame
should be held about 1/8 inch from the surface of the
base metal.
If the torch is held in the correct position, a small
puddle of molten metal will form. The puddle should be
composed of equal parts of the two pieces being welded.
After the puddle appears, begin the movement of the tip
in a semicircular or circular motion. This movement
assures an even distribution of heat on both pieces of
metal. The speed and motion of the torch are learned
only by practice and experience.

Fundamental Welding Techniques

The composition, thickness, shape, and position of
the metal to be welded govern the techniques to be used.
The fundamental techniques that apply to different
thicknesses, shapes, and positions of the metal to be
welded are discussed in the following paragraphs.
HOLDING THE TORCH. -The proper method to
use in holding the torch depends upon the thickness of
the metal being welded. For light gauge metal, hold the
torch as shown in figure 15-30, with the hose draped
over the wrist. For heavier work, hold the torch as shown
in figure 15-31.

FOREHAND WELDING. -Forehand (also called

puddle welding or ripple welding) is the oldest
method of welding. The rod is kept ahead of the tip in
the direction in which the weld is being made. Point the
flame in the direction of the weld, and hold the tip at an
angle of about 45 to 60 to the plates (fig. 15-32). This
position of the flame preheats the edges you are welding
just ahead of the molten puddle. By moving the tip and


Figure 15-32.-Forehand welding.

Figure 15-34.-Four basic welding positions.

Figure 15-33.-Backhand welding.

welding rod back and forth in opposite semicircular
paths, you balance the heat to melt the end of the rod and
the side walls of the joint into a uniformly distributed
molten puddle. As the flame passes the rod, it melts off
a short length of the rod and adds it to the puddle. The
motion of the torch distributes the molten metal evenly
to both edges of the joint and to the molten puddle. This
method is used in welding most of the lighter tubing and
sheet metals up to 1/8 inch thick because it permits better
control of a small puddle and results in a smoother weld.
The forehand technique is not the best method for
welding heavy metals.
BACKHAND WELDING. -In this method the
torch tip precedes the rod in the direction of welding,
and the flame is pointed back at the molten puddle and
the completed weld. The end of the rod is placed
between the torch tip and the molten puddle. The
welding tip should make an angle of about 45 to 60
with the plates or joint being welded (fig. 15-33).
Less motion is required in the backhand method
than in the forehand method. If you use a straight

welding rod, it should be rotated so that the end will roll

from side to side and melt off evenly. You may also bend
the rod and, when welding, move the rod and torch back
and forth at a rapid rate. If you are making a large weld,
you should move the rod so as to make complete circles
in the molten puddle. The torch is moved back and forth
across the weld while it is advanced slowly and
uniformly in the direction of the weld. Youll find the
backhand method best for welding material more than
1/8 inch thick. You can use a narrower V at the joint
than is possible in forehand welding. An included angle
of 60 is a sufficient angle of bevel to get a good joint.
It doesnt take as much welding rod or puddling for the
backhand method as it does for the forehand method.
By using the backhand technique on heavier
material, it is possible to obtain increased welding
speeds, better control of the larger puddle, and more
complete fusion at the root of the weld. Further, by using
a reducing flame with the backhand technique, a smaller
amount of base metal is melted while welding a joint.
Backhand welding is seldom used on sheet metal
because the increased heat generated in this method is
likely to cause overheating and burning. When welding
steel with a backhand technique and a reducing flame,
the absorption of carbon by a thin surface layer of metal
reduces the melting point of the steel. This speeds up the
welding operation.
WELDING POSITIONS. -The four basic welding
positions are shown in figure 15-34. Also shown are four


Figure 15-35.-Types of welded joints.

commonly used joints. Notice that the corner joint and

butt joint are classified as groove welds, while the tee
and lap joints are classified as fillet welds.

from sagging to the lower edge of the bead. If the puddle

is to have the greatest possible cohesion, it should not
be allowed to get too hot.

Welding is always done in the flat position

whenever possible. The puddle is much easier to control,
and the welder can work longer periods without tiring.
Quite often it is necessary to weld in the overhead,
vertical, or horizontal position in equipment repair.

In a vertical weld, the pressure exerted by the torch

flame must be relied upon to a great extent to support
the puddle. It is important to keep the puddle from
becoming too hot, and to prevent the hot metal from
running out of the puddle onto the finished weld. It may
be necessary to remove the flame from the puddle for
an instant to prevent overheating, and then return it to
the puddle. Vertical welds are begun at the bottom, and
the puddle is carried upward with a forehand motion.
The tip should be inclined from 45 to 60, the exact
angle depending upon the desired balance between
correct penetration and control of the puddle. The rod is
added from the top and in front of the flame with a
normal forehand technique.

The flat position is used when the material is to be

laid flat or almost flat and welded on the topside. The
welding torch is pointed downward toward the work.
This weld may be made by either the forehand or
backhand technique.
The overhead position is used when the material is
to be welded on the underside, with the torch pointed
upward toward the work. In welding overhead, you can
keep the puddle from sagging if you do not permit it to
get too large or assume the form of a large drop. The rod
is used to control the molten puddle. You should not
permit the volume of flame to exceed that required to
obtain a good fusion of the base metal with the filler rod.
Less heat is required in an overhead weld because the
heat naturally rises.
The horizontal position is used when the line of the
weld runs horizontal across a piece of work, and the
torch is directed at the material in a horizontal or near
horizontal position. The weld is made from right to left
across the plate (for the right-hand welder). The flame
is inclined upward at an angle of 45 to 65, and the weld
is made with a normal forehand technique. Adding the
rod to the top of the puddle will prevent the molten metal


Welded Joints
The properties of a welded joint depend partly on
the correct preparation of the edges being welded. All
mill scale, rust oxides, and other impurities must be
removed from the joint edges or surfaces to prevent their
inclusion in the weld metal. You should prepare the
edges to permit fusion without excessive melting, and
you should take care to keep to a minimum the heat loss
due to radiation into the base metal from the weld. A
properly prepared joint will give a minimum of
expansion on heating and a minimum of contraction on

Figure 15-36.-Butt joints in light sections.

Figure 15-37.-Butt joints in heavy sections.

The preparation of the metal for welding is

governed by the form, thickness, kind of metal, the load
that the weld will be required to support, and the
available means for preparing the edges to be joined.

by using the single-V or single-U joints, as shown in

The five basic types of welded joints arc the butt,

tee joints, lap, edge, and corner. (See figure 15-35.)

of figure 15-37. The single-U groove is more

BUTT JOINTS. -A butt joint is made by placing

two pieces of material edge to edge so there is no
overlapping, and then welding them together. Plain,
square butt joints used for butt welding thin sheet metal
are shown in figure 15-36. Butt joints for thicker metals,
with several types of edge preparation, are shown in
figure 15-37. These edges can be prepared by flame
cutting, shearing, flame grooving, machining, or

single-V groove when welding heavy sections and when

Plate thicknesses of 3/8 to 1/2 inch can be welded

views A and C of figure 15-37. The edges of heavier
sections should be prepared as shown in views B and D
satisfactory and requires less filler metal than the
welding in deep sections. The double-V groove joint
requires approximately one-half the amount of filler
metal used to produce the single-V groove joint for the
same plate thickness. In general, butt joints prepared
from both sides permit easier welding, produce less
distortion, and ensure better weld qualities in heavy
sections than joints prepared from one side only.


preparation other than cleaning the end of the vertical

plate, and the surface of the horizontal plate is shown in
view A of figure 15-39. The single-beveled joint (view
B of fig. 15-39) is used in plates and sections up to 1/2
inch thick. The double-bevel joint (view C of fig. 15-39)
is used on heavy plates that can be welded from both
sides. The single-J joint (view D of fig. 15-39) is used
for welding plates that are 1 inch thick or heavier where
welding is done from one side. The double-J joint (view
E of fig. 15-39) is used for welding very heavy plates
from both sides.
Figure 15-38.-Tee joint-single pass fillet weld.

TEE JOINTS. -Tee joints are used to weld two

plates or sections whose surfaces are located
approximately 90 to each other at the joint. A plain tee
joint welded from both sides is shown in figure 15-38.
The included angle of bevel in the preparation of tee
joints is approximately half that required for butt joints.
Other edge preparations used in tee joints are shown
in figure 15-39. A plain tee joint, which requires no

You must take care to ensure penetration into the

root of the weld. This penetration is promoted by root
openings between the ends of the vertical members and
the horizontal surfaces.
LAP JOINTS. -Lap joints are used to join two
overlapping members. A single lap joint, where welding
must be done from one side, is shown in view A of figure
15-40. The double lap joint is welded on both sides and
develops the full strength of the welded members (view
B of fig. 15-40). An offset lap joint (view C of fig. 15-40)
is used where two overlapping plates must be joined and

Figure 15-39.-Edge preparations for tee joint.


Figure 15-40.-Lap joints.

Figure 15-42.-Corner joints for sheets and plates.

the edges and tack weld them in position. The edges are
fused together so no filler metal is required. The heavy
plate joint, as shown in view C of figure 15-41, requires
that the edges be beveled to secure good penetration and
fusion of the side walls. Filler metal is used in this joint.

Figure 15-41.-Edge joints for light sheets and plates.

welded in the same plane. his type of joint is stronger

than the single lap type, but is more difficult to prepare.
EDGE JOINTS. -Edge joints are used to join two
or more parallel or nearly parallel members. Edge joints
are not very strong, and are used to join edges of sheet
metal, reinforcing plates in flanges of I-beams, and for
edges of angles. Two parallel plates are joined together,
as shown in view A of figure 15-41. On heavy plates,
sufficient filler metal is added to fuse or melt each plate
edge completely and to reinforce the joint.

CORNER JOINTS . -Corner joints are used to join

two members located approximately at right angles to
each other in the form of an L. The fillet weld corner
joint (view A of fig. 15-42) is used in the construction
of boxes, box frames, and similar fabrications.
The closed corner joint (view B of fig. 15-42) is used
on lighter sheets when high strength is not required at
the joint. In making the joint by oxyacetylene welding,
the overlapping edge is melted down, and little or no
filler metal is added. When the closed joint is used for
heavy sections, the lapped plate is V-beveled or
U-grooved to permit penetration to the root of the joint.
The open corner joint (view C of fig. 15-42) is used
on heavier sheets and plates. The two edges are melted
down, and filler metal is added to fill up the corner.

Light sheets are welded as shown in view B of figure

15-41. No preparation is necessary other than to clean

Corner joints on heavy plates are welded from both

sides, as shown in view D of figure 15-42. The joint is


first welded from the outside, and then reinforced from

the back side with a seal bead.

12. Should an acetylene cylinder catch fire, use a

wet blanket to extinguish the fire. If this fails, spray a
stream of water on the cylinder to keep it cool.

Acetylene Safety Precautions

13. Crack each cylinder valve for an instant to blow

dirt out of the nozzles before attaching the pressure
regulator. Do not stand in front of the valve when
opening it.

Acetylene safety precautions should be rigidly

observed and enforced. Some of the more important
precautions to remember are as follows:
1. Store acetylene cylinders in an upright
position. They must be securely fastened to prevent
shifting or falling. Do not lay on sides, drop, or handle
roughly. If horizontal stowage is necessary, or an
acetylene cylinder is inadvertently left lying in a
horizontal position, it must be placed in an upright
position for a minimum of 2 hours before it can be used.
(Otherwise, acetone in which the acetylene is dissolved
will be drawn out with the gas. ) Avoid damaging the
valves or fuse plugs to prevent leakage.
2. Store acetylene cylinders in a well-protected,
well-ventilated, dry place, away from heating devices or
combustible materials.
3. Use acetylene from cylinders only through
pressure-reducing regulators. Do not use acetylene at
pressures greater than 15 psi.
4. Open the acetylene valve slowly, 1/4 to 1/2
turn. This will permit an adequate flow of gas. Never
open the valve more than 1 1/2 turns of the spindle.
5. Keep sparks, flames, and heat away from
acetylene cylinders.
6. Turn the acetylene cylinder so that the valve
outlet will point away from the oxygen cylinder.
7. Do not interchange hose, regulators, or other
apparatus intended for oxygen with those intended for

14. Learn to identify standard Navy cylinders by

color and decals.
Gas tungsten-arc (GTA) welding is an arc welding
process that produces coalescence of metals by heating
them with an electric arc between a nonconsumable
tungsten electrode and the base metal. The weld pod,
arc, electrode, and the heated section of the work pieces
are protected from atmospheric contamination by a
gaseous shield; otherwise, atmospheric oxygen and
nitrogen will combine with the molten weld metal and
result in a weak, porous weld. The shielding gas is
usually an inert gas, such as helium, argon, or a mixture
of gases.
The electrode used in GTA welding is generally
tungsten or a tungsten alloy because other refractory
metals would erode too rapidly at the high arc
temperatures involved.
GTA welds are stronger, more ductile, and more
corrosion-resistant than other types of arc welds. The
weld zone has 100-percent protection from the
atmosphere; therefore, no flux is required. Since no flux
is required, it eliminates flux or slag inclusions in the
weld, and there are no sparks, fumes, or spatter. With
GTA welding, the welding heat, amount of penetration,
and bead shape can be very accurately controlled, and
the bead surface is smooth and uniform.
Welding Machines

8. Use only approved hoses and fittings with

acetylene equipment. Pure copper, or copper alloys
containing 67 to 99 percent copper, must not be used in
piping or fittings for handling acetylene (except
blowpipe or torch tips).

Any standard dc or ac welding machine can be used

to supply the current for gas tungsten-arc welding.
However, it is important that the generator or
transformer have good current control in the low range.
This is necessary to maintain a stable arc, especially
when welding thin gauge materials. Specially designed
machines with all of the necessary controls are available
for gas tungsten-arc welding. Many of the power supply
units are made to produce both ac and dc current.

9. Test for leaks with soapy waternot with an

open flame.
10. Make no attempt to transfer acetylene from one
cylinder to another, refill an acetylene cylinder, or mix
any other gas or gases with acetylene.

The choice of an ac or dc machine depends on what

weld characteristics may be required. Some metals are

11. Keep valves closed on empty cylinders.


Figure 15-43.-Straight and reverse polarity in electric welding.

polarity with its larger diameter electrode and lower

joined more easily with ac current, while others get

better results when dc current is used.

current forms a wide and shallow weld. Therefore, dc

straight polarity is used for welding most metals because

Welding Currents

better welds are achieved. With the heat concentrated at

the plate, the welding process is more rapid, and there

With direct current the welding circuit may be either

dc straight polarity (DCSP) or dc reverse polarity
(DCRP). When the machine is set for straight polarity,
the flow of electrons is from the electrode to the plate,
which creates considerable heat in the plate. In reverse
polarity, the flow of electrons is from the plate to the
electrode, thus causing a greater concentration of heat
at the electrode. See figure 15-43. The intense heat at
the electrode tends to melt off the end of, the electrode
and may contaminate the weld. Hence, for any given
current, dc reverse polarity requires a larger diameter
electrode than dc straight polarity. For example, a
1/16-inch diameter tungsten electrode normally can
handle about 125 amperes in a straight polarity circuit.
However, if reverse polarity is used with this amount of
current, the tip of the electrode will melt off.
Consequently, a 1/4-inch diameter electrode will be
required to handle 125 amperes of welding current.

is less distortion of the base metal.

Alternating current, high-frequency (ACHF)
welding is a combination of dc straight polarity and dc
reverse polarity. One half of the complete ac cycle is
DCSP and the other half is DCRP. Unfortunately,
oxides, scale, and moisture on the work piece often tend
to prevent the full flow of current in the reverse polarity
direction. If no current whatsoever flowed in the reverse
polarity direction during a welding operation, the partial
or complete stoppage of current flow would cause the
arc to be unstable and sometimes go out. To prevent this,
ac welding machines incorporate a high-frequency
current flow unit. The high-frequency current is able to
jump the gap between the electrode and the work piece,
piercing the oxide film and forming a path for the

Polarity also affects the shape of the weld. Straight

polarity produces a narrow, deep weld, whereas reverse

welding current to flow.


Figure 15-44.-Typical water-cooled GTA welding torch.

Pressing a control switch on the torch starts the flow

of both the current and gas. On some equipment, the
flow of current and gas is energized by a foot control.
The advantage of the foot control is that the variable
current flow can be used as the end of the weld is
reached. By gradually decreasing the current, it is less
likely for a cavity to remain in the end of the weld puddle
and less danger of cutting short the shielding gas.

Welding Equipment
Gas tungsten-arc welding equipment is produced by
many manufacturers. For this reason, it is very important
to remember that the equipment being discussed in this
chapter is only one of the many types that can be found
throughout the Navy. However, the functions of similar
component parts of different makes of machines are
identical, although they may not appear to be so.

ELECTRODES. -Pure tungsten, or tungsten

alloyed with thorium or zirconium, is the best electrode
for gas tungsten-arc welding. The addition of thorium
increases the current capacity and electron emission,
keeps the tip cooler at a given level of current, minimizes
movement of the are around the electrode tip, permits
easier arc starting, and the electrode is not as easily
contaminated by accidental contact with the work piece.

TORCHES. -Manually operated torches are

constructed to conduct both the welding current and the
inert gas to the weld zone. These torches are either air
or water cooled. Air-cooled torches are designed for
welding light gauge materials where low current values
are used. Water-cooled torches (fig. 15-44) are
recommended when the welding requires amperages
over 200 amps. A circulating stream of water flows
around the torch to keep it from overheating. The
tungsten electrode, which supplies the welding current,
is held rigidly in the torch by means of a collet that
screws into the body of the torch. A variety of collet
sizes are available so different diameter electrodes can
be used. Gas is fed to the weld zone through a nozzle,
which consists of a ceramic cup. Gas cups are threaded
into the torch head to provide directional and
distributional control of the shielding gas. The cups are
interchangeable to accommodate a variety of gas flow
rates. Gas cups vary in size. The size you should use
depends upon the type and size of torch and the diameter
of the electrode.

The diameter of the electrode selected for a welding

operation is governed by the welding current to be used.
Larger diameter tungsten electrodes are required with
reversed polarity than with straight polarity.
To produce good welds, the tungsten electrode must
be shaped correctly. The general practice is to use a
pointed electrode with dc welding, and a spherical end
with ac welding. It is also important that the electrode
be straight, otherwise the gas flow will be off-center
from the arc.
SHIELDING GASES. -Shielding gas for gas
tungsten-arc welding can be argon, helium, or a mixture
of argon and helium. Argon is the most popular
shielding gas used in the gas tungsten-arc process.


Figure 15-45.-Starting the arc.

Figure 15-46.-Breaking the arc.
Helium is rarely used because of its higher cost as
compared to argon. In addition, since argon is heavier
than air, it provides a better blanket over the weld. A
mixture of argon and helium is sometimes used in
welding metals that require a higher heat input.
Welding Procedures
Before you begin the welding process, be sure to
observe the following preliminary steps:

the plate. Figure 15-45 shows the procedure for starting

the arc. The high-frequency current will jump the gap
between the electrode and the plate, establishing the arc.
Be sure the downward motion is made rapidly to provide
the maximum amount of gas protection to the weld zone.
If a dc machine is used, hold the torch in the same
position; but in this case, the electrode can touch the
plate to start the arc. When the arc is struck, withdraw
the electrode so it is about 1/8 inch above the work piece.

2. Check for proper diameter electrode and cup

STOPPING THE ARC. To stop an arc on the ac

or dc machine, swing the electrode back to the horizontal
position, as shown in figure 15-46. Make this movement
rapidly to avoid marring or damaging the weld surface.

3. Adjust the electrode so that it extends the

appropriate distance beyond the edge of the gas cup for
the particular joint being welded.

Some machines are equipped with a foot pedal to

permit a gradual decrease of current. With such control,
it is easier to fill the crater completely and prevent crater

1. Check all electrical circuit connections to make

sure they are tight.

4. Check the electrode to be certain that it is firmly

held in the collet. If the electrode moves in the nozzle,
tighten the collet holder or gas cup. Be careful not to
overtighten the gas cup because this will strip the

If you are using a water-cooled cup, do not
allow the cup to come in contact with the
work when the current is on. The hot gases
may cause the arc to jump the electrode to the
cup instead of the plate, thereby damaging
the cup. Be sure that the water flow is set
according to the manufacture's recommendations.

5. Set the machine for the correct welding

6. If a water-cooled torch is to be used, turn on the
7. Turn on the inert gas and set it to the correct flow.
STARTING THE ARC. If you are using an ac
machine, the electrode should not touch the met alto start
the arc. To strike the arc, first turn on the welding current
and hold the torch in a horizontal position about 2 inches
above the work. Angle the end of the torch toward the
work piece so the end of the electrode is 1/8 inch above


Gas metal-arc (GMA) welding is a process that
produces fusion by heating with an electric arc between
a consumable wire electrode and the work. The arc and


Figure 15-47.-GMA welding equipment.

for better melting, deeper penetration, and excellent

cleaning action.

weld puddle are shielded from the atmosphere by a gas,

or a gas and a flux. The shielding gas protects the molten
weld metal from oxidation or contamination by the
surrounding atmosphere.

Two types of direct-current power sources are used

for gas metal-arc weldingthe constant-current type and
the constant-voltage type. The constant-current power
source is used if the controls and wire-driven
mechanism control the arc length by varying the wiredrive speed. In this case, a change in the arc length
causes a change in the arc voltage. The control circuit
senses this change and varies the wire-feed speed to
bring the arc length back to the desired value.

The consumable-wire electrode for GMA welding

is fed through the torch to the welding arc at the same
rate as the heat of the arc melts off the end of the
electrode. The shielding gas flows through the torch to
the arc area. The melting rate of the tiller wire depends
on the level of the welding current, but must be the same
as the feeding rate to maintain a constant arc length. This
means that a constant balance must be maintained
between the welding current and wire feeding rate.

When arc length is controlled through changes in

welding current, constant-voltage power supplies are
used. The wire-feed speed is constant. Any changes in
arc length cause automatic changes in welding current,
which compensate for the arc-length change. If the arc
length becomes shorter, the welding current automatically increases. This causes the wire to melt faster
and the arc length to increase. The reverse happens if
the arc is lengthened during welding.

GMA Welding Equipment

There arc numerous types and models of GMA
welding equipment used in the Navy. Each must have a
source of direct current reverse polarity (DCRP)
welding current, a wire feed unit for feeding the wire
tiller metal, a welding gun for directing the wire filler
and shielding gas to the weld area, and a gas supply.
Figure 15-47 shows GMA welding equipment.


feeding mechanism automatically drives the electrode
wire from the wire spool to the welding gun and arc at
a uniform rate. The speed of the wire feeding
mechanism is adjustable, so that the wire-feed speed can
be set to equal the melting rate. If the drive unit is
designed to be used with a constant-voltage power
source, the speed is set before welding starts, and

POWER SUPPLY. The recommended machine

for gas metal-arc welding is a rectifier or motor
generator that supplies direct current with normal limits
of 200 to 250 amperes. Direct current reverse polarity is
most generally used because it provides maximum heat


Figure 15-48.-Gas metal-arc welding. (A) striking the arc; (B) gun angle.

remains constant during welding. If the unit is to be used

with a constant-current voltage power source, the drive
unit speed is varied automatically by an electronic
control device.

to achieve good arc action and metal transfer with these

Helium is preferable for welding thick materials,
especially those with high heat conductivity, such as
copper, aluminum, and some copper-base alloys.
Helium has a higher ionization potential, which results
in a greater weld heat at a given amperage. Argon is
more suitable for use with lighter-gauge materials and
materials of lower heat conductivity because it produces
lower weld heat.

WELDING GUN. The function of the welding

gun is to deliver the wire, shielding gas, and welding
current to the arc area. Guns are either the push or pull
type. The pull gun has drive rolls that pull the welding
wire from the wire feeder, and the push gun has the wire
pushed to it by drive rolls in the wire feeder itself.
Both guns have a trigger switch that controls the
wire feed and arc as well as the shielding gas. When the
trigger is released, the wire feed, arc, and shielding gas
stop immediately. With some equipment, a timer is
included to permit the shielding gas to flow for a
predetermined time to protect the weld until it solidifies.

GMA Welding Techniques

Before you start to weld with GMA welding
equipment, be sure that all controls are properly
adjusted, all connections are correctly made, and that all
safety precautions are being observed. Wear protective
clothing, including a helmet with a suitable filter lens.
Hold the welding torch at an angle of between 5 and
20 to the work, as shown in view B of figure 15-48.
Support the weight of the welding cable and gas hose
across your shoulder to ensure free movement of the
welding torch. Hold the torch close to, but not touching,
the work piece. Lower your helmet and squeeze the
trigger on the torch. Squeezing the trigger starts the flow
of shielding gas and energizes the welding circuit. The
wire-feed motor is not energized until the wire electrode
comes in contact with the work piece. Move the torch
toward the work, touching the wire electrode to the work
with a sideways scratching motion, as shown in view A
of figure 15-48. To prevent sticking, it is necessary to
pull the gun back quickly, about 1/2 inch, the instant
contact is made between the wire electrode and the work
piece. The arc will strike as soon as contact is made, and
the wire-feed motor will feed the wire automatically as
long as the trigger is held.

Guns are available with a straight or curved nozzle.

The curved nozzle provides easy access to intricate
joints and difficult to weld patterns.
SHIELDING GAS. Shielding gases in the gas
metal-arc process are used primarily to protect the
molten metal from oxidation and contamination. Other
factors must be considered, however, in selecting the
right gas for a particular application. Shielding gas can
influence arc and metal transfer characteristics, weld
penetration, width of fusion zone, surface-shape
patterns, welding speed, and undercut tendency. Inert
gases, such as argon and helium, provide the necessary
shielding because they do not form compounds with any
other substance and are insoluble in molten metal. When
used for welding ferrous metals, arc action may be
erratic and the metal transfer globular. Therefore, it is
necessary to add controlled quantities of reactive gases


To break the arc, just release the trigger. This breaks

the welding circuit and also de-energizes the wire-feed
motor. If the wire electrode sticks to the work when it
strikes the arc, or at any time during welding, release the
trigger and clip the wire with a pair of pliers or side


Accidents frequently occur in welding operations,
and in many instances, they result in serious injury to
the welder or other personnel working in the immediate
area. What many welders fail to realize is that accidents
often occur NOT because of a lack of protective
equipment, but because of carelessness, lack of
knowledge, and the misuse of available equipment.

A properly established arc has a soft, sizzling sound.

The arc itself is about 1/4 inch long, or about one-half
the distance between the gun nozzle and the work. When
the arc does not sound right, you may need to adjust the
wire-feed control dial or the welding machine itself. For
example, a loud, crackling sound indicates that the arc
is too short and the wire-feed speed is too fast. Correct
this by moving the wire-feed speed dial slightly counterclockwise. This decreases wire-feed speed and
increases arc length. A clockwise movement of the dial
has the opposite effect. With experience, you will soon
be able to recognize the sound of the proper length of
arc to use.

You, the welder, should have a thorough KNOWLEDGE of safety precautions relating to the job. But that
is not all. You should also consider it a responsibility to
carefully OBSERVE the applicable safety precautions.
In welding, being careless can cause serious injury not
only to yourself, but to others as well.
Bear in mind that safety precautions for the
operation of welding equipment vary considerably
because of the different types of equipment involved.
Therefore, only general precautions on operating metal
arc-welding equipment are given here. For specific
instructions on the operation, maintenance, and care of
individual equipment, use the equipment manufacturers instruction manual as a guide.

The proper position of the welding torch and

material is important. The flat position of the material is
preferred for most joints because this position improves
the molten metal flow, bead contour, and gives better
gas protection.

In regard to general precautions, know your

equipment and how to operate it. Use only approved
welding equipment, and see that it is kept in good, clean
condition. Before you start to work, make sure that the
welding machine frame is grounded, that neither
terminal of the welding generator is bonded to the frame,
and that all electrical connections are securely made.
The ground connection must be attached firmly to the
work, not merely laid loosely upon it.

The alignment of the welding wire in relation to the

joint is very important. The welding wire should be on
the center line of the joint if the pieces to be joined are
of equal thickness. If the pieces are unequal in thickness,
the wire may be moved toward the thicker piece.
Correct work and travel angles are necessary for
correct bead formations. The travel angle may be a push
angle or a drag angle, depending upon the position of
the gun. If the gun is angled back toward the beginning
of the weld, the travel angle is called a drag angle. If
the gun is pointed ahead toward the end of the weld, the
travel angle is called a push angle.

Keep welding cables dry and free of oil or grease

Keep cables in good condition, and, at all times, take
appropriate steps to protect them from damage. If it is
necessary to carry cables some distance from the
machines, run the cables overhead, if possible, and use
adequate supporting devices.

When the gun is ahead of the weld, it is referred to

as pulling the weld metal. If the gun is behind the weld,
it is referred to as pushing the metal. The pulling
technique is usually best for light gauge metals and the
pushing technique for heavy materials.
Generally, the penetration of beads deposited with
the pulling technique is greater than with the pushing
technique. Furthermore, since the welder can see the
weld crater easier in a pulling action, he/she can produce
high quality welds more consistently. On the other hand,
pushing permits the use of higher welding speeds and
produces less penetrating and wider welds.

When you use a portable machine, take care to see

that the primary supply cable is laid separately so that it
does not become entangled with the welding supply
cable. Any portable equipment mounted on wheels
should be securely blocked to prevent accidental
movement during the welding operations.
When you stop work for any appreciable length of
time, be SURE to de-energize the equipment. When not
in use, the equipment should be completely
disconnected from the source of power.


Keep the work area neat and clean. Among other

things, make it a practice to dispose of hot electrode
stubs in a metal container.
Proper eye protection is of the utmost importance,
not only to the welding operator, but for other personnel
in the vicinity of the welding operation. Eye protection
is necessary because of the hazards posed by stray
flashes, reflected glare, flying sparks, and globules of
molten metal.
Learning Objective: Recognize the principles
of heat treatment and identify the most common
This following text covers the forms and principles
of heat treatment in general. Both ferrous and
nonferrous heat treatment of metals is covered. Information given is for training purposes only. When actually
performing heat treatment tasks, you must refer to the
applicable technical publications.
Heat treatment is a series of operations involving
the heating and cooling of a metal or alloy in the solid
state for the purpose of obtaining certain desirable
characteristics. The rate of heating and cooling
determines the crystalline structure of the material. In
general, both ferrous metals (metals with iron bases) and
nonferrous metals, as well as their alloys, respond to
some form of heat treatment. Almost all metals have a
critical temperature at which the grain structure
changes. Successful heat treatment, therefore, depends
largely on a knowledge of these temperatures as well as
the time required to produce the desired change.
The results that may be obtained by heat treatment
depend, to a great extent, on the structure of the metal
and the manner in which the structure changes when the
metal is heated and coded. A pure metal cannot be
hardened by heat treatment because there is little change
in its structure when heated. On the other hand, most
alloys respond to heat treatment because their structures
change with heating and cooling.
An alloy may be in the form of a solid solution,
mechanical mixture, or a combination of a solid solution
and a mechanical mixture. When an alloy is in the form
of a solid solution, the elements and compounds that
form the alloy are absorbed, one into the other, in much
the same way that salt is dissolved in a glass of water.

The constituents cannot be identified even under a

When two or more elements or compounds are
mixed, but can be identified by microscopic
examination, a mechanical mixture is formed. A
mechanical mixture might be compared to the mixture
of sand and gravel in concrete. The sand and gravel are
both visible. Just as the sand and gravel are held together
and kept in place by the mixture of cement, the other
constituents of an alloy are embedded in the mixture
formed by the base metal.
An alloy that is in the form of a mechanical mixture
at ordinary temperatures may change to a solid solution
when heated. When cooled back to normal temperature,
the alloy may return to its original structure. On the other
hand, it may remain a solid solution or form a
combination of a solid solution and mechanical mixture.
An alloy that consists of a combination of a solid
solution and mechanical mixture at normal temperatures
may change to a solid solution when heated. When
cooled, the alloy may remain a solid solution, return to
its original structure, or form a complex solution.
Heat treatment involves a cycle of events. These
events are heating, generally done slowly to ensure
uniformity; soaking, or holding the metal at a given
temperature for a specified length of time; and cooling,
or returning the metal to room temperature, sometimes
rapidly, sometimes slowly. These events are discussed
in the following paragraphs.
Uniform temperature is of primary importance in
the heating cycle. If one section of a part is heated more
rapidly than another, the resulting uneven expansion
often causes distortion or cracking of the part. Uniform
heating is most nearly obtained by slow heating.
The rate at which a part maybe heated depends on
several factors. One important factor is the heat
conductivity of the metal. A metal that conducts heat
readily may be heated at a faster rate than one in which
heat is not absorbed throughout the part as rapidly. The
condition of the metal also affects the rate at which it
may be heated. For example, the heating rate for
hardened tools and parts should be slower than for
metals that are not in a stressed condition. Finally, size
and cross section have an important influence on the rate
of heating. Parts large in cross section require a slower
heating rate than thin sections. This slower heating rate
is necessary so that the interior will be heated to the same
temperature as the surface. It is difficult to uniformly


heat parts that are uneven in cross section, even though

the heating rate is slow. However, such parts are less apt
to be cracked or excessively warped when the heating
rate is slow.
The object of heat treating is to bring about changes
in the properties of metal. To accomplish this, the metal
must be heated to the temperature at which structural
changes take place within the metal. These changes
occur when the constituents of the metal go into the
solution. Once the metal is heated to the proper
temperature, it must be held at that temperature until the
metal is heated throughout and the changes have time to
take place. This holding of the metal at the proper
temperature is called SOAKING. The length of time at
that temperature is called the SOAKING PERIOD. The
soaking period depends on the chemical analysis of the
metal and the mass of the part. When steel parts are
uneven in cross section, the soaking period is
determined by the heaviest section.
In heating steels, the metal is seldom raised from
room temperature to the final temperature in one
operation. Instead, the steel is slowly heated to a
temperature below the point at which the solid solution
begins, and it is then held at that temperature until heat
is absorbed throughout the metal. This process is called
PREHEATING. Following the preheating, the steel is
quickly heated to the final temperature. Preheating aids
in obtaining uniform temperature throughout the part
being heated, and, in this way, reduces distortion and
cracking. When apart is of intricate design, it may have
to be preheated at more than one temperature to prevent
cracking and excessive warping. As an example, assume
that an intricate part is to be heated to 1,500F (815C)
for hardening. This part might be slowly heated to 600F
(315C), be soaked at this temperature, then be heated
slowly to 1,200F (649C), and then be soaked at that
temperature. Following the second preheat, the part
would be heated quickly to the hardening temperature.
Nonferrous metals are seldom preheated because they
usually do not require it. Furthermore, preheating tends
to increase the grain size in these metals.

cool the metal is called a cooling medium. The rate at

which the metal should be cooled depends on both the
metal and the properties desired. The rate of cooling also
depends on the medium; therefore, the choice of a
cooling medium has an important influence on the
properties obtained.
Cooling metals rapidly is called quenching, and
the oil, water, brine, or other mediums used for rapid
cooling is called a quenching medium. Since most
metals must be cooled rapidly during the hardening
process, quenching is generally associated with
hardening. However, quenching does not always result
in an increase in hardness. For example, copper is
usually quenched in water during annealing. Other
metals, air-hardened steels for example, may be cooled
at a relatively slow rate for hardening.
Some metals are easily cracked or warped during
quenching. Other metals may be cooled at a rapid rate
with no ill effects. Therefore, the quenching medium
must be chosen to fit the metal. Brine and water cool
metals quickly, and should be used only for metals that
require a rapid rate of cooling. Oil cools at a slower rate
and is more suitable for metals that are easily damaged
by rapid cooling. Generally, carbon steels are
considered water hardened and alloy steels oil hardened.
Nonferrous metals are usually quenched in water.
The various heat-treating processes are similar in
that they involve the heating and cooling of metals. They
differ, however, in the temperatures to which the metals
are heated, the rates at which they are cooled, and, of
course, in the final result. The most common forms of
heat treatment for ferrous metals are annealing,
normalizing, hardening, tempering, and case hardening.
Most nonferrous metals can be annealed but never
tempered, normalized, or case hardened. Successful
heat-treating requires close control over all factors
affecting the heating and cooling of metals. Such control
is possible only when the proper equipment is available,
and the equipment is selected to fit the particular job.

Annealing is used to reduce residual stresses, induce
softness, alter ductility, or refine the grain structure.
Maximum softness in metal is accomplished by heating
it to a point above the critical temperature, holding at
this temperature until the grain structure has been
refined, followed by slow cooling.

After being heated to the proper temperature, the

metal must be returned to room temperature to complete
the heat-treating process. The metal is cooled by placing
it in direct contact with a gas, liquid, or solid, or some
combination of these. The solid, liquid, or gas used to


Normalizing is a process whereby iron base alloys
are heated to approximately 100F (56C) above the
upper critical temperature, followed by cooling to room
temperature in still air. Normalizing is used to establish
materials of the same nature with respect to grain size,
composition, structure, and stress.
Hardening is accomplished by heating the metal
slightly in excess of the critical temperature, and then
rapidly cooling by quenching in oil, water, or brine. This
treatment produces a fine grain structure, extreme
hardness, maximum tensile strength, and minimum
ductility. Generally, material in this condition is too
brittle for most practical uses, although this treatment is
the first step in the production of high-strength steel.
Tempering (drawing) is a process generally applied
to steel to relieve the strains induced during the
hardening process. It consists of heating the hardened
steel to a temperature below the critical range, holding
this temperature for a sufficient period, and then cooling
in water, oil, or air. In this process, the degrees of
strength hardness and ductility obtained depend directly
upon the temperature to which the steel is heated. High
tempering temperatures improve ductility at the
sacrifice of tensile, yield strength, and hardness.

for the surface metal to absorb enough carbon to become

high-carbon steel. The material is then quenched and
tempered to the desired hardness.
NITRIDING. Nitriding consists of holding special
alloy steel, at temperatures below the critical point, in
anhydrous ammonia. Absorption of nitrogen as iron
nitride into the surface of the steel produces a greater
hardness than carburizing, but the hardened area extends
to a lesser depth.
CYANIDING. Cyaniding is a rapid method of
producing surface hardness on an iron base alloy of
low-carbon content. It may be accomplished by
immersion of the steel in a molten bath of cyanide salt,
or by applying powdered cyanide to the surface of the
heated steel. The temperature of the steel during this
process should range from 760 to 899C (1,400 to
1,650F), depending upon the type of steel, depth of case
desired, type of cyanide compound, and time exposed
to the cyanide. The material is dumped directly from the
cyanide pot into the quenching bath.
The first important consideration in the heat
treatment of a steel part is to know its chemical
composition. This, in turn, determines its upper critical
point. When the upper critical point is known, the next
consideration is the rate of heating and cooling to be
used. Uniform-heating furnaces, proper temperature
controls, and suit able quenching mediums are used in
carrying out these operations.

Case Hardening
Principles of Heat Treatment of Steel
The objective in casehardening is to produce a hard
case over a tough core. Casehardening is ideal for parts
that require a wear-resistant surface and, at the same
time, must be tough enough internally to withstand the
applied loads. The steels best suited to case hardening
are the low-carbon and low-alloy steels. If high-carbon
steel is case-hardened, the hardness penetrates the core
and causes brittleness. In case hardening, the surface of
the metal is changed chemically by inducing a high
carbide or nitride content. The core is unaffected
chemically. When heat treated, the surface responds to
hardening while the core toughens. The common
methods of case hardening are carburizing, nitriding,
and cyaniding.
CARBURIZING. Carburizing consists of holding
the metal at an elevated temperature while it is in contact
with a solid or gaseous material rich in carbon. The
process requires several hours, as time must be allowed

Changing the internal structure of a ferrous metal is

accomplished by heating it to a temperature above its
upper critical point, holding it at that temperature for a
time sufficient to permit certain internal changes to
occur, and then cooling to atmospheric temperature
under predetermined, controlled conditions.
At ordinary temperatures, the carbon in steel exists
in the form of particles of iron carbide scattered
throughout the iron mixture known as ferrite. The
number, size, and distribution of these particles
determine the hardness of the steel. At elevated
temperatures, the carbon is dissolved in the mixture in
the form of a solid solution called austenite, and the
carbide particles appear only after the steel has been
cooled. If the cooling is slow, the carbide particles are
relatively coarse and few. In this condition the steel is
soft. If cooling is rapid, as by quenching in oil or water,
the carbon precipitates as a cloud of very fine carbide


2. Thorough and uniform heating through sections

to correct hardening temperatures

particles, and the steel is hardened. The fact that the

carbide particles can be dissolved in austenite is the
basis of the heat treatment of steel. The temperatures at
which this transformation takes place are called the
critical points, and vary with the composition of the
steel. The clement normally having the greatest
influence is carbon. The various heat-treating
procedures for commonly used aircraft steels are
outlined in Aerospace MetalsGeneral Data and Usage
Factors, NAVAIR 01-1A-9.

3. Control of furnace atmosphere, in the case of

certain steel parts, to prevent scaling and decarburization
4. Correct heat capacity, viscosity, and temperature
of quenching media, to harden adequately and to avoid
When heating steel, you should use accurate instruments to determine the temperature. At times, however,
such instruments arc not available, and in such cases,
the temperature of the steel may be judged approximately by its color. The temperatures corresponding to
various colors are given in table 15-1; however, the
accuracy with which temperatures may be judged by
colors depends on the experience of the worker and on
the light in which the work is being done.

Forms of Heat Treatment of Steel

There are different forms of heating ferrous
materials such as steel. The methods covered in this
chapter are hardening, quenching, tempering, annealing
and normalizing, and case hardening. Terms such as
carburizing, cyaniding, and nitriding are also
HARDENING. Heat treatment considerably
transforms the grain structure of steel, and it is while
passing through a critical temperature range that steel
acquires hardening power. When a piece of steel is
heated slowly and uniformly beyond a red heat, its
appearance will increase in brightness until a certain
temperature is reached. The color will change slightly,
becoming somewhat darker, which may be taken as an
indication that a transformation is taking place within
the metal (pearlite being converted into austenite).
When this change of state is complete, the steel will
continue to increase in brightness, and if cooled quickly
to prevent the change from reversing, hardness will be
produced. If, instead of being rapidly quenched, the steel
is allowed to cool slowly, the metal will again pass
through a change of state, and the cooling rate will be
momentarily arrested.
To obtain a condition of maximum hardness, it is
necessary to raise the temperature of the steel
sufficiently high to cause the change of state to fully
complete itself. This temperature is known as the upper
critical point. Steel that has been heated to its upper
critical point will harden completely if rapidly
quenched; however, in practice, it is necessary to exceed
this temperature by approximately 28 to 56C (50 to
100F) to ensure thorough heating of the inside of the
piece. If the upper critical temperature is exceeded too
much, an unsatisfactory coarse grain size will be
developed in the hardened steel.
Successful hardening of steel will largely depend
upon the following factors:
1. Control over the rate of heating, specifically to
prevent cracking of thick and irregular sections


liquids may be used for quenching steel. Both the media
and the form of the bath depend largely on the nature of
the work to be cooled. It is important that a sufficient
quantity of the media be provided to allow the metal to
be quenched without causing an appreciable change in
the temperature of the bath. This is particularly
important where many articles are to be quenched in
The tendency of steel to warp and crack during the
quenching process is difficult to overcome because
certain parts of the article cool more rapidly than others.
Whenever the transformation of temperature is not
uniform, internal strains arc set up in the metal that result
in warping or cracking, depending on the severity of the
strains. Irregularly shaped parts are particularly
susceptible to these conditions, although parts of an even
section are often affected in a similar manner.
Operations such as forging and machining may set up
internal strains in steel parts; therefore, it is advisable to
normalize articles before attempting the hardening
process. The following recommendations will greatly
reduce the warping tendency and should be carefully
1. An article should never be thrown into the bath,
By permitting it to lie on the bottom of the bath, it is apt
to cool faster on the top side than on the bottom side,
thus causing it to warp or crack.
2. The article should be slightly agitated in the bath
to destroy the coating of vapor, which might prevent it
from cooling rapidly.


Table 15-1.-Color Chart for Steel at Various Temperatures

3. An article should be quenched in such a manner

that all parts will be cooled uniformly and with the least
possible distortion.
4. Irregularly shaped sections should be immersed
in such a manner that the area with the biggest section
enters the bath first.
Quenching Media. In certain cases water is used
in the quenching of steel during the hardening process.
The water bath temperature is normally held at 18C
(65F). For specific applications, other bath temperatures may be used; however, cold water may warp or
crack the part, and hot water may not produce the
required hardness.
A 10-percent salt brine solution is used when higher
cooling rates are desired. A 10-percent salt brine solution
is made by dissolving .89 pounds of salt per gallon of
Oil is much slower in action than water, and the
tendency of heated steel to warp or crack when
quenched may be greatly reduced by its use.
Unfortunately, parts made from high-carbon steel will
not develop maximum hardness when quenched in oil
unless they are quite thin in cross section. In aircraft
parts, however, it is generally used, and is recommended
in all cases where it will produce the desired degree of

For many articles, a bath of water covered by a film

of oil is occasionally used. When the steel is plunged
through this oil film, a thin coating will adhere to it. This
action retards the cooling of the water slightly, thus
reducing the tendency to crack due to contraction.
Straightening of Parts Warped in Quenching.
Warped parts must be straightened by first heating to
below the tempering temperature of the article, and then
applying pressure. This pressure should be continued
until the piece is cooled. It is desirable to retemper the
part after straightening at the straightening temperature.
No attempt should be made to straighten hardened steel
without heating, regardless of the number of times it has
been previously heated. Steel in its hardened condition
cannot be bent or sprung cold with any degree of safety.
TEMPERING. Steel that has been hardened by
rapid cooling from a point slightly above its critical
range is often harder than necessary, and generally too
brittle for most purposes. In addition, it is under severe
internal strain. To relieve the strains and reduce brittleness, the metal is usually tempered. This is accomplished in the same types of furnaces that are used for
hardening and annealing.
As in the case of hardening, tempering temperatures
may be approximately determined by color. These
colors appear only on the surface and are due to a thin


Table 15-2.-Color Chart for Various Tempering Temperatures of Carbon Steel

film of oxide, which forms on the metal after the

temperature reaches 220C (428F). To see the
tempering colors, you must brighten the surface. When
tempering by the color method, an open flame or heated
iron plate is ordinarily used as the heating medium.
Although the color method is convenient, it should not
be used unless adequate facilities for determining
temperatures are not obtainable. The temperatures and
corresponding oxide colors are given in table 15-2.
steel is heated to a point above its critical range, a
condition referred to as austenite is produced. If
slowly cooled from above its critical temperature, the
austenite is broken down and a succession of other
conditions are produced, each being normal for a
particular range of temperatures. Starting with austenite,
these successive conditions are martensite, troostite,
sorbite, and finally pearlite.
The most important step in annealing is to raise the
temperature of the metal to the critical point, as any
hardness that may have existed will then be completely
removed. Strains that may have been set up through heat
treatment will be eliminated when the steel is heated to
the critical point, and then restored to its lowest hardness
by slow cooling. In annealing, the steel must never be
heated more than approximately 28 to 40C (50 to
75F) above the critical point. When large articles are
annealed, sufficient time must be allowed for the heat to
penetrate the metal.


Steel is usually subjected to the annealing process

for the following purposes:
1. To increase its ductility by reducing hardness
and brittleness.
2. To refine the crystalline structure and remove
residual stresses. Steel that has been cold worked is
usually annealed to increase its ductility.
Assuming that the part to be annealed is heated to
the proper temperature, the required slow cooling may
be accomplished in several ways, depending on the
metal and the degree of softness required.
Normalizing, although involving a slightly
different heat treatment, may be classed as a form of
annealing. This process removes all strains due to
machining, forging, bending, and welding. Normalizing
can only be accomplished with a good furnace, where
the temperatures and the atmosphere may be closely
regulated and held constant throughout the entire
operation. A reducing atmosphere will normalize the
metal with a minimum amount of oxide scale, while an
oxidizing atmosphere will leave the metal heavily
coated with scale, thus preventing proper development
of hardness in any subsequent hardening operation. The
articles are put in the furnace and heated to a point above
the critical temperature of the steel. After the parts have
been held at this temperature for a sufficient time to
allow the heat to penetrate to the center of the section,
they must be removed from the furnace and cooled in

carburizing compound and quenched in oil or water. The

air coding, although slow, reduces warpage, and is
advisable in many cases.

still air. Drafts will result in uneven cooling, which will

again set up strains in the metal.
Prolonged soaking of the metal at high temperatures
must be avoided, as this practice will cause the grain
structure to enlarge. The length of time required for the
soaking temperature will depend upon the mass of metal
being treated.

In another method of carburizing, called gaseous

carburizing, a carbonaceous material is introduced into
the furnace atmosphere. When the steel parts are heated
in this carburizing atmosphere, carbon monoxide
combines with the iron to produce results that are
practically the same as those described under the pack
carburizing process.

CASE HARDENING. In many instances, it is

desirable to produce a hard, wear-resistant surface or
case over a strong, tough core. Treatment of this kind
is known as case hardening. This treatment may be
accomplished in several ways; the principal ways being
carburizing, cyaniding, and nitriding.

Cyaniding. Steel parts maybe surface hardened by

heating while in contact with a cyanide salt, followed by
quenching. Only a thin case is obtained by this method;
therefore, it is seldom used in connection with aircraft
construction or repair. However, cyaniding is a rapid
and economical method of case hardening, and maybe
used in some instances for relatively unimportant parts.
The work to be hardened is immersed in a bath of molten
sodium or potassium cyanide from 30 to 60 minutes. The
cyanide bath should be maintained at a temperature of
760 to 899C ( 1,400 to 1,650F). Immediately after
removal from the bath, the parts are quenched in water.
The case obtained in this manner is due principally to
the formation of carbides on the surface of the steel. The
use of a closed pot is required for cyaniding, as cyanide
vapors are extremely poisonous.

Carburizing. When steel is heated, the pores of the

metal expand, allowing it to absorb any gases to which
it is exposed. By heating steel while it is in contact with
a carbonaceous substance, carbonic gases given off by
this material will penetrate the steel to an amount
proportional to the time and temperature.
The carburizing process may be applied to plain
carbon steels provided they are within the low-carbon
range. Specifically, the carburizing steels are those that
contain no more than 0.20 percent carbon. The lower the
carbon content in the steel, the more readily it will
absorb carbon during the carburizing process.
The amount of carbon absorbed and the thickness
of the case obtained increase with time; however, the
carburization progresses more slowly as the carbon
content increases during the process. The length of time
required to produce the desired degree of carburization
and depth of the case depend upon the composition of
the metal, the kind of carburization material used, and
the temperature to which the metal is subjected. It is
apparent that in carburizing, carbon travels slowly from
the outside toward the center; therefore, the proportion
of carbon absorbed must decrease from the outside to
the center.

Nitriding. This method of case hardening is

advantageous because a harder case is obtained than by
carburizing. Nitriding can only be applied to certain
special steel alloys, one of the essential constituents of
which is aluminum. The process involves the soaking of
the parts in the presence of anhydrous ammonia at a
temperature below the critical point of the steel. During
the soaking period, the aluminum and iron combine with
the nitrogen of the ammonia to produce iron nitrides in
the surface of the metal. Warpage of work during
nitriding can be reduced by stress-relief annealing, and
by exposure to nitrogen at temperatures no higher than
538C (1,000F). Growth of the work is similarly
prevented, but cannot be entirely eliminated, and some
parts may require special allowance in some dimensions
to take care of growth.

A common method of carburizing is called pack

carburizing. When carburizing is to be done by this
method, the steel parts are packed with the carburizing
material in a sealed steel container to prevent the solid
carburizing compound from burning and retaining the
carbon monoxide and dioxide gases. The container
should be placed in a position to allow the heat to
circulate entirely around it. The furnace must be brought
to the carburizing temperature as quickly as possible,
and held at this heat from 1 to 16 hours, depending upon
the depth of the case desired and the size of the work.
After carburizing, the container should be removed and
allowed to cool in the air, or the parts removed from the

The temperature required for nitriding is 510C

(950F), and the soaking period from 48 to 72 hours. An
airtight container must be used, and it should be
provided with a fan to produce good circulation and
even temperature throughout. No quenching is required,
and the parts may be allowed to cool in air.


reference to temperature control and quenching. The

temperature for heat-treating is usually chosen as high
as possible without danger of exceeding the melting
point of any element of the alloy. This is necessary to
obtain the maximum improvement in mechanical
properties. If the maximum specified temperature is
exceeded, eutectic melting will occur. The consequence
will be inferior physical properties, and usually a
severely blistered surface. If the temperature of the heat
treatment is low, maximum strength will not be


Aluminum is a white, lustrous metal, light in weight
and corrosion resistant in its pure state. It is ductile,
malleable, and nonmagnetic. Aluminum combined with
various percentages of other metals, generally copper,
manganese, and magnesium, form the aluminum alloys
that are used in aircraft construction. Aluminum alloys
are lightweight and strong, but do not possess the
corrosion resistance of pure aluminum and are generally
treated to prevent deterioration. Alclad is an
aluminum alloy with a protective coating of aluminum
to make it almost equal to the pure metal in corrosion


precipitation treatment consists of aging material
previously subjected to solution heat treatments by
natural (occurs at room temperature) or artificial aging.
Artificial aging consists of heating aluminum alloy to a
specific temperature and holding for a specified length
of time. During this hardening and strengthening
operation, the alloying constituents in solid solution
precipitate out. As precipitation progresses, the strength
of the material increases until the maximum is reached.
Further aging (overaging) causes the strength to decline
until a stable condition is obtained. The strengthening
of the material is due to the uniform alignment of the
molecule structure of the aluminum and alloying

Several of the aluminum alloys respond readily to

heat treatment. In general, this treatment consists of
heating the alloy to a known temperature, holding this
temperature for a definite time, then quenching the part
to room temperature or below. During the heating
process, a greater number of the constituents of the metal
are put into solid solution. Rapid quenching retains this
condition, which results in a considerable improvement
in the strength characteristics.
The heating of aluminum alloy should be done in an
electric furnace or molten salt bath. The salt bath
generally used is a mixture of equal parts of potassium
nitrate and sodium nitrate. Parts heated by this method
must be thoroughly washed in water after treatment. The
salt bath method of heating should never be used for
complicated parts and assemblies that cannot be easily
washed free of the salt.

Artificially aged alloys are usually slightly

overaged to increase their resistance to corrosion,
especially the high copper content alloys. This is done
to reduce their susceptibility to intergranular corrosion
caused by underaging.
Natural aging alloys can be artificially aged;
however, it increases the susceptibility of the material
to intergranular corrosion. If used, it should be limited
to clad sheet and similar items.

Heat Treating Procedures

There are two types of heat treatment applicable to
aluminum alloys. They are known as solution and
precipitation heat treatment. Certain alloys develop their
full strength from the solution treatment, while others
require both treatments for maximum strength.
The NA 01-1A-9 lists the different temper designations assigned to aluminum alloys and gives an example
of the alloys using these temper designations.
solution treatment consists of heating the metal to the
temperature required to cause the constituents to go into
a solid solution. To complete the solution, often the
metal is held at a high temperature for a sufficient time,
and then quenched rapidly in cold water to retain this
condition. It is necessary that solution heat treatment of
aluminum alloys be accomplished within close limits in

The basic purpose for quenching is to prevent the
immediate re-precipitation of the soluble constituents
after heating to solid solution. To obtain optimum
physical properties of aluminum alloys, rapid quenching
is required. The recommended time interval between
removal from the heat and immersion is 10 seconds or
less. Allowing the metal to cool before quenching
promotes intergranular corrosion and slightly affects the
hardness. There are three methods employed for
quenching. The one used depends upon the item, alloy,
and properties desired.
made from sheet, extrusions, tubing, and small fairings


are normally quenched in cold water. The temperature

before quenching should be 85F or less. Sufficient cold
water should be circulated within the quenching tanks
to keep the temperature rise under 20F. This type of
quench will ensure good resistance to corrosion, and is
particular y important when heat-treating 2017 and
2024 alloys.
and heavy sections can be quenched in hot or boiling
water. This type of quench is used to minimize distortion
and cracking, which are produced by the unequal
temperatures obtained during the quenching operation.
The hot water quench will also reduce residual stresses,
which improves resistance to stress corrosion cracking.
SPRAY QUENCHING. Water sprays are used to
quench parts formed from alclad sheets and large
sections of most alloys. Principal reasons for using this
method are to minimize distortion and to alleviate
quench cracking. This system is not usually used to
quench bare 2017 and 2024 due to the effect on their
corrosion resistance.

desirable in case any part of the load may have been

heated above the recommended temperature range.
The heat-treatable alloys are annealed to remove the
effects of strain hardening or to remove the effects of
solution heat treatment.
To remove strain hardening due to cold work, a
1-hour soak at 640 to 660F, followed by air coding,
is generally satisfactory. This practice is also
satisfactory to remove the effects of heat treatment if the
maximum of softness is not required.
To remove the effects of partial or full heat
treatment, a 2-hour soak at 750 to 800F, followed by
a maximum cooling rate of 50 per hour to 500F, is
required to obtain maximum softness.
To remove the effects of solution heat treatment or
hardening due to cold work, the high zinc-bearing alloy
7075 should be soaked 2 hours at 775F, air cooled to
450, and soaked 6 hours at 450. The stabilizing
temperature at 450 is necessary to precipitate the
soluble constituents from solid solution.


The annealing of solution heat-treated material

should be avoided whenever possible if subsequent
forming and drawing operations are to be formed. If
such operations are not severe, it is generally
advantageous to repeat the solution heat treatment and
form the material in the freshly quenched condition.

Annealing serves to remove the strain hardening

that results from cold working and, in the case of the
heat-treated alloys, to remove the effect of the heat
treatment. Annealing is usually carried out in air
furnaces, but salt baths may be used if the melting point
of the bath is low enough. A bath made up of equal parts
by weight of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate is
MATERIAL. Annealing of material that was initially
in the soft or annealed condition but which has been
strain-hardened by cold working, such as 1100, 3003,
5052, etc., is accomplished by heating the metal to a
temperature of 349 5C (660 10F). It is only
necessary to hold the metal at this temperature for a
sufficient length of time to make certain that the
temperature in all parts of the load has been brought
within the specified range. If the metal is heated
appreciably above 354C (670F), there is a partial
solution of the hardening constituents, and the alloy will
age harden while standing at room temperature unless it
has been cooled very slowly. If the temperature is not
raised to 343C (650F), the softening may not be
complete. The rate of cooling from the annealing
temperature is not important. However, a slow cool is


NOTE: Although the following references were
current when this TRAMAN was published, their
continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore, you
need to be sure that you arc studying the latest revision.
Nondestructive Inspection Methods, N A V A I R
01-1A-16, Naval Air Systems Command
Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1 March 1990,
Change 1, 1 April 1991.
Aerospace MetalsGeneral Data and Usage Factors,
NAVAIR 01-1A-9, Naval Air Systems Command
Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 22 November
1967, Change 19, 1 September 1989.
Aeronautical and Support Equipment Welding,
NAVAIR 01-1A-34, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 October
1987, Change 1, 1 May 1991.



ANODIZE To subject a metal to electrolytic action, as
the anode of a cell, in order to coat it with a
protective film.

ABRADE To scrape or rub off.

ACCUMULATOR An apparatus that collects and
stores energy.

ANTIOXIDANTS A substance that opposes oxidation

or inhibits reactions promoted by oxygen or

ACRYLIC Designation of an acrylic resin product.

ACRYLIC RESIN Group of transparent, thermoplastic, polymeric resins used in making molded
plastics, paints, textile fibers, etc.

APEX The uppermost point.

ASW Antisubmarine warfare.

ACTUATOR A mechanism for moving or controlling

something indirectly.

ASYMMETRY Lack of symmetry.

ADDITIVES Substances added, in relatively small

amounts, to improve another substances physical
properties or performance.

AUTOROTATION The turning of the rotor of a

helicopter, with the resulting lift caused solely by
the aerodynamic forces induced by the motion of
the rotor along its flight path.

ADHESION An action that causes one substance to

adhere to another.

AXIAL Situated around, in the direction of, on or along

an axis.

AFCS Automatic Flight Control System.

AIMD Aircraft intermediate maintenance department.

BALLISTIC Relating to ballistics or to a body in

motion according to the laws of ballistics.

AIRFOIL. A structure or body, such as an aircraft wing

or propeller blade, designed to provide lift/thrust
when in motion relative to the surrounding air.

CANNIBALIZATION To take salvageable parts

from one machine for the use in repairing or
building another machine.

ALCAD Trade name of an aluminum laminate

originated by the Aluminum Company of America.

CARBONACEOUS Consisting of or containing


ALIPHATIC Major group of organic compounds,

structured in open chains, including paraffins,
olefins, and acetylenes.

CATALYSTS A substance that initiates a chemical

reaction and enables it to proceed under different
conditions than otherwise possible.
CAVITATE To form cavities or bubbles.

ALLOY A mixture with metallic properties composed

of two or more elements, of which at least one is a

CFA Cognizant field activity.

CHLORIDES A compound of chlorine with another
element or group.

AMBIENT Surrounding; adjacent to, next to. For

example, ambient conditions are physical
conditions of the immediate area, such as ambient
temperature, ambient humidity, ambient pressure,

CHROMATE A salt or ester of chromic acid.

CIRCUMFERENTIAL Perimeter of a circle.
CNO Chief of Naval Operations.
COGNIZANT Official observation of or authority
over something.

ANHYDROUS Without water.

ANNEAL To heat and then cool.

COMPENSATOR Any of various devices or circuits

used to correct or offset some disturbing action,
such as speed deviations in a moving system or
excessive current in a circuit.

ANNULAR Relating to or forming a ring.

ANNUNCIATOR Electrically controlled signal board
or indicator.


constituent in composite material because of its high

axial strength and modulus.

CONCAVE Hollowed or rounded inward like the

inside of a bowl.

FUSIBLE Liquified by heat, easily melted.

CONTAMINANTS Substances that contaminant

other substances.

GALLING Chafing.

CONVEX Curving outward like the surface of a


GPM Gallons per minute.

COUNTERSINK To set the head of a screw at or

below the surface.

HALOGEN Any of the five nonmetallic chemical

elements fluorine, chlorine, bromine, astatine, and

CRES Comosion-resistant steel.

HELICAL Something spiral in shape.

CRYSTALLINE Composed of crystals.

HONEYCOMB A strong, lightweight, cellular structural material.

CYLINDRICAL Relating to or having the form or

properties of a cylinder.

HP Horsepower.

DEAERATE To remove air or gas from.

HYDRAULICALLY Operated by the resistance

offered or by the pressure transmitted when a
quantity of liquid, such water or oil, is forced
through a small orifice or tube.

DECONTAMINATE To rid of contamination.

DESICCANT A drying agent.
DETERIORATION The act or process of becoming
impaired in quality, functioning, or conditioning.

HYDROCARBON An organic compound containing

only carbon and hydrogen and often occurring in
petroleum, natural gas, coal and bitumens.

DYNAMIC SEAL Seal between two parts with

relative motion.

HYDROCHLORIC ACID A strong, highly corrosive

acid that is a water solution of the gas hydrogen
chloride, and is widely used in the processing of ore
and for cleaning metals.

ELECTROHYDRAULIC A combination of electric

and hydraulic mechanisms.
ELONGATED Stretched out.
EMULSION A suspension of small globules of one
liquid in a second liquid with which the first will not
mix, such as milk fats in milk.

HYDROLYZE To decompose a compound by splitting it into other compounds by taking up water.

IMBEDDED To make something an integral part of.

EPOXY A compound in which an oxygen atom is

joined to each of two attached atoms, usually
carbon. Designation of various thermosetting
resins, containing epoxy groups, that are blended
with other chemicals to form strong, hard,
chemically resistant substances, such as adhesives,
paints, etc.

IMPREGNATED To furnish one substance with

some actuating or modifying substance that is
infused or introduced. An example is the nonwoven,
non- metallic, abrasive mats that are used for the
removal of corrosion products and paint scuffing
prior to painting. These abrasive mats are, in effect,
nylon webbing, impregnated with aluminum oxide.

ERRATIC Deviating from the normal, conventional,

or customary course.

INERT Lacking a usual or anticipated chemical or

biological action.

EUTECTIC Mixture or alloy with a melting point

lower than that of any other combination of the same

INHIBITOR An agent that slows or interferes with a

chemical reaction.

EXTRUDED To push or force out, expel. To force

(metal, plastic, etc.) through a die or very small
holes to give it a certain shape.

INTEGRAL FUEL CELL A structural configuration

in which a component of the aircraft serves as a fuel

FERROUS Substances containing iron.

KEVLAR tough, light, aramid synthetic fiber used in

making bulletproof vests, boat hulls, airplane parts,

FIBER A single strand of material that is rolled or

formed in one direction, and used as a principal


KNURLED A series of small ridges or beads placed

along the edge of a metal object, such as a
thumbscrew, as an aid in gripping.

OXIDATION The process by which oxygen unites

with some other substance, causing rust or

LAMINA A single ply of composite material, made up

of a reinforcing element and matrix (laminaeplural
of lamina).

P/N Part number.

LAMINATE A combination of two or more single

piles of laminae bonded together to form a structure.

PMIC Periodic maintenance inspection card.


sets the standard of identifying laminate
orientations within the composite industry.

POTENTIOMETER An instrument for controlling,

comparing, or measuring electrical potentials.

MATRIX The essentially homogeneous material in

which the fibers of a composite are embedded and
MICROMETER CALIPER A caliper having a
spindle moved by a finely threaded screw for
making precise measurements.

PERIMETER A line or strip protecting or bonding an


PNEUMATIC Moved or worked by air pressure.

PPM Parts per million.

PSI Pounds per square inch.
RADIUS A line segment extending from the center of
a circle or sphere to the circumference or bounding
RPM Revolutions per minute.

MICRON A millionth of a meter or about 0.000039


SAE Society of Automotive Engineers.

SATURATION A state of maximum impregnation.

MIM Maintenance Instruction Manual.

SERRATION A formation resembling the toothed

edge of a saw.

ML Milliliter.
MM Millimeter.

SILICA A hard, glassy, mineral found in a variety of

forms, as in quartz, sand, opals, etc.

MRC Maintenance requirements card.

SPHERICAL Having the form of a sphere or of one of

its segments.

NADEP Naval aviation depot.

NAMP Naval Aviation Maintenance Program.

SPLINE A key that is fixed to one of two connected

mechanical parts and fits into a keyway in the other.

NAPI Naval Aeronautical Publication Index.

NAVAIR Naval Air Systems Command. Also known

TEFLON A tough, insoluble polymer, used in

making nonsticking coatings and used on gaskets,
bearing electrical insulators, etc.

NAVOSH Navy Occupational Safety and Health

NDI Nondestructive inspection.

THERMOPLASTIC Capable of softening or fusing

when heated and of hardening again when cooled.

NEOPRENE A synthetic rubber.

TOXIC Harmful, destructive, poisonous materials.

NONFERROUS Metals other then iron.

ULTRASONIC Having a frequency above the human

ears audibility limit.

OPTIMUM The greatest degree attained or attainable

under implied or specified conditions.

VISCOSITY The internal resistance of a liquid that

tends to prevent it from flowing.

OSCILLATION A flow of electricity changing

periodically from a maximum to a minimum. A
single swing from one extreme limit to the other.

WARPAGE A distortion, such as a twist or bend, in

metal or an object made of metal.





NOTE: Although the following references were current when this TRAMAN
was published, their continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore, you need to
be sure that you are studying the latest revision.
Chapter 1
Adhesive Bonded Aerospace Structure Repair, MIL-HDBK-337, Department of
Defense, Washington D.C., 1982.
Aerospace MetalsGeneral Data and Usage Factors, NAVAIR 01-1A-9, Naval Air
Systems Command Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 22 November 1967,
Change 19, 1 September 1989.
Aircraft Radomes and Antenna Covers, NAVAIR 01-1A-22, Naval Air Systems
Command Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1990.
Airman, NAVEDTRA 12000, Naval Education and Training Program Management
Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla., 1990.
Composite Repair, A1-F18AA-SRM-400, Naval Air Systems Command
Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1982.
Fabrication, Maintenance and Repair of Transparent Plastics, NAVAIR 01-1A-12,
Naval Air Systems Command Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1 July 1982.
General Aircraft Information Navy Model F-14A Aircraft, N A V A I R
01-F14AAA-2-1, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington,
D.C., 1981.
General Information F-18 Aircraft, A1-F18AC-SRM-200, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 November 1992.
General Manual for Structural Repair, NAVAIR 01-1A-1, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 September 1991.
Landing Gear Systems F-14, NAVAIR 01-F-14AAA-2-2-1, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1975.
Navy Training Plan Advanced Composite Material Repair Program,
NTP-A-50-8084/A, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington D.C., January
Plastics for Aerospace Vehicles, Parts I and II, MIL-HDBK-17A, Department of
Defense, Washington D.C., June 1977.
Structural Sandwich Composites, MIL-HDBK-23A, Department of Defense,
Washington D.C., June 1974,
Typical Repair, A1-F18AA-SRM-250, Naval Air Systems Command Headquarters,
Washington, D.C., 1 August 1992.


Chapter 2
Airman, NAVEDTRA 12000, Naval Education and Training Program Management
Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla., June 1990.
Aviation Hose and Tube Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-20, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., June 1989.
Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-17, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 February 1992.
Structural Hardware, NAVAIR 01-1A-8, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1991.
Chapter 3
Aircraft Fuel Cells and Tanks, NAVAIR 01-1A-35, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington D.C., 1 July 1986, RAC 5,8 May 1991.
Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-17, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 February 1992.
Blueprint Reading and Sketching, NAVEDTRA 10077-F1, Naval Education and
Training Program Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla., July 1988.
Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla., July 1990.
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2E, Office of the Chief
of Naval Operations, Washington, D. C., 1 January 1989, Change 3, 1 July 1992.
Naval Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual, OPNAVINST
5100.23B, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 31
August 1983, Change 3, 28 July 1987.
Organizational, Intermediate, and Depot Maintenance Inspection and Proofload
Testing of Lifting Slings and Restraining Devices for Aircraft and Related
Components, NAVAIR 17-1-114, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 January 1980, RAC 4, 15 December 1988.
Organizational Maintenance Testing and Troubleshooting Landing Gear and
Related Systems, Navy Model FIA-18A/B/C/D Aircraft, A1-F18AA-130-200,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 June 1987,
Change 5, 1 August 1990.
Structural Hardware, NAVAIR 01-1A-8, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1991.
Technical Manual Index and Application Tables for Aircraft Jacks, NAVAIR
19-70-46, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1
November 1989.
Technical Manual USN Aircraft Weight and Balance Control, NAVAIR 01-1B-50,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 October 1990.
Technical Manual Weight and Balance Data, NAVAIR 01-1B-40, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 October 1990.
Testing and Troubleshooting Flight Control Systems, Navy Model A-6E Tram and
KA-6D Aircraft, NAVAIR 01-85ADF-2-29.1, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 July 1986, RAC 1, 1 July 1987.


Testing and Troubleshooting Landing Systems, Navy Model S-3A Aircraft, NAVAIR
01-S3AAA-2-3.3, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington,
D.C., 7 May 1976, Change 8, 15 July 1986.
Use and Care of Hand Tools and Measuring Tools, NAVEDTRA 12085, Naval
Education and Training Program Management Support Activity, Pensacola,
Fla., 1 June 1992.
Chapter 4
Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-17, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 February 1992.
Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla., July 1990.
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2E, Office of the Chief
of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1989, Change 3, 1 July 1992.
Navy Support Equipment Common Basic Handling and Safety Manual, NAVAIR
00-80T-96, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1
April 81, Change, 1 March 1986.
Operation and Maintenance Instruction Portable Hydraulic Power Supply, Model
A/M27T-5, NAVAIR 17-15BF-89, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 15 July 1981.
Operation and Maintenance Instruction Portable Hydraulic Test Stand Electric
Motor Driven, Model AHT-63, NAVAIR 17- 15BF-65, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 15 January 1976, Change 3, 1 October
Chapter 5
Aviation Hose and Tube Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-20, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 June 1989.
Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-17, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 February 1992.
Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla., July 1990.
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2E, Office of the Chief
of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1989, Change 3, 1 July 1992.
Chapter 6
Aviation Hose and Tube Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-20, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 June 1989.
Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-17, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 February 1992.
Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla., July 1990.
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST $790.2E, Office of the Chief
of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1989, Change 3, 1 July 1992.


Chapter 7
Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-17, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 February 1992.
Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla., July 1990.
Principles of Operation, Hydraulic Power System, Navy Models F-14A(P1us),
NAVAIR 01-F14AAA-2-2-5, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 15 February 1989.
Principles of Operation, Hydraulic System, Navy Model S-3A, NAVAIR
01-S3AAA-2-2.4, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington,
D.C., 15 July 1986.
Chapter 8
Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A- 17, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 February 1992.
Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla., July 1990.
General Aircraft Information Navy Model F-14A Aircraft, N A V A I R
01-F14AAA-2-1, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington,
D.C., 1981.
Chapter 9
Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators, NAVAIR 09-80T-80, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., January 1965.
Description and Principles of Operation Flight Control Systems, Navy Model A-6E
Tram and KA-6D Aircraft, NAVAIR 01-85ADF-2-29, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 July 1986.
Flight Control Systems, Navy Model EA-6A Aircraft, NAVAIR 01-85ADB-2-24,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 15 February
1984, Change 6, 15 May 1990.
General Manual for Structural Repair, NAVAIR 01-1A-1, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 September 1991.
Maintenance Flight Control Systems, Navy Model A-6E Tram and KA-6D Aircraft,
NAVAIR 01-85ADF-2-29.2, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 July 1986, RAC 1, 10 August 1990.
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2E, Office of the Chief
of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1989, Change 3, 1 July 1992.
Principles of Operation Flight Control Systems, Navy Model F-14A Aircraft,
NAVAIR 01-F14AAA-2-2-4, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 April 1985, Change 3, 1 February 1989.
Principles of Operation Flight Control Systems, Navy Model S-3A Aircraft,
NAVAIR 01-S3AAA-2-2.9, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 October 1989, Change 2, 15 April 1989.


Principles of Operation Integrated Flight Controls, Navy Model F/A-18A/B/C/D

Aircraft, A1-F18AC-570-100, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 May 1989, Change 2, 15 February 1990.
Testing and Troubleshooting Flight Control Systems, Navy Model A-6E Tram and
KA-6D Aircraft, NAVAIR 01-85ADF-2-29.1, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 July 1986, RAC 1, 1 July 1987.
Testing and Troubleshooting Flight Control Systems, Navy Model S-3A Aircraft,
NAVAIR 01-S3AAA-2-3.9, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 July 1989, Change 10, 15 April 1989.
Weapon System Maintenance Flight Control System, Navy Model S-3A Aircraft,
NAVAIR 01-S3AAA-2-4.9, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 May 1987, Change 2, 15 April 1989, RAC 20, 15 May
Chapter 10
General Information and Principles of Operation, Volume 1Airframes, Navy
Model SH-3H Aircraft, NAVAIR 01-230HLH-2-2.1, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 November 1989, Change 3, 15 July
Helicopter History and Aerodynamics Manual, NAVAIR 00-80T-88, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 4 January 1961.
NATOPS Flight Manual, Navy Model SH-60B Aircraft, A1-H60BB-NFM00A,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D. C., 15 March 1987,
Change 1, February 1990.
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2E, Office of the Chief
of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1989, Change 3, 1 July 1992.
Principles of Operation Rotor Systems, Navy Model SH-60B Aircraft,
A1-H60BB-150-100, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington,
D.C., 31 March 1987, Change 2, 15 March 1988, RAC 1, 1 July 1988.
Chapter 11
Aircraft Tires and Tubes, NAVAIR 04-10-506, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 December 1989, Change 3, 1 July 1992.
Aircraft Weapons Systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control, NAVAIR 01-1A-509,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1992.
Aircraft Wheels, NAVAIR 04-10-1, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 January 1989, Rapid Action Change 19, 16 January 1993.
Maintenance of Aeronautical Antifriction Bearings, NAVAIR 01-1A-503,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 31 December
1988, Change 2, 15 October 1992.
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2E, Office of the Chief
of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1989, Change 3, 1 July 1992.
Tire Inflator Assembly Kit, NAVAIR 17-1-123, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 August 1991.


Chapter 12
Aviation Hydraulics Manual, NAVAIR 01-1 A- 17, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 February 1992.
Gear and Arresting Gear Systems, Navy Model EA-6B Aircraft, NAVAIR
01 85ADC-2-3, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C.,
1 August 1983, Change 7, 15 May 1989.
Illustrated Parts Breakdown EA-6A Landing Gear and Arresting Gear Systems,
NAVAIR 01-85ADB-4-23, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 November 1982.
Illustrated Parts Breakdown Instructions Main Wheel Brake Assembly, NAVAIR
03-25GAC-6, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C.,
1 April 1965.
Landing Gear and Arresting Gear Systems, Navy Model EA-6A Aircraft, NAVAIR
01-85ADB-2-23, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington,
D.C., 30 June 1983, Change 3, 15 November 1989.
Maintenance of Aeronautical Antifriction Bearings, NAVAIR 01-1A-503,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 30 August 1976,
Change 6, 1 March 1985.
Manual Operation and Service Instruction Disc Brakes, NAVAIR 03-2SGAC-502,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 November
1968, Change 15, 15 January 1970.
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2E, Office of the Chief
of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1989, Change 3, 1 July 1992.
Organizational Maintenance Principles of Operational Landing Systems, Navy
Model S-3A Aircraft, NAVAIR 01-S3AAA-2-2.3, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 15 January 1976, Change 6, 15 August
Organizational Maintenance Testing and Troubleshooting Landing Gear and
Related Systems, Navy Model F/A-18A/B/C/D Aircraft, A1-F18AA-130-200,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 June 1987,
Change 5, 1 August 1990.
Technical Manual Index and Application Tables for Aircraft Jacks, NAVAIR
19-70-46, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1
November 1989.
Technical Manual of Overhaul Instructions Main Wheel Brake Assembly, NAVAIR
03-25GAC-5, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C.,
1 April 1966, RAC 1, 20 July 1973.
Technical Manual of Overhaul With Illustrated Parts Breakdown Hydraulic Brake,
NAVAIR 03-25GAC-7, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 19 January 1970.
Testing and Troubleshooting Wing and Fin Fold Systems, Navy Model S-3A Aircraft,
NAVAIR 01-S3AAA-2-3.10, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., 15 March 1976, Change 8, 15 April 1989.


Testing and Troubleshooting Landing Systems, Navy Model S-3A Aircraft, NAVAIR
01-S3AAA-2-3.3, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington,
D.C., 7 May 1976, Change 8, 15 July 1986.
Chapter 13
Airspace MetalsGeneral Data and Usage Factors, NAVAIR 01-1A-9,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command Headquarters, Washington, D.C.,
22 November 1967, Change 19, 1 September 1989.
Blueprint Reading and Sketching, NAVEDTRA 10077-F1, Naval Education and
Training Program Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla., July 1988.
General Manual for Structural Repair, NAVAIR 01-1A-1, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 September 1991.
P-3 Structural Repair Manual, NAVAIR 01-75PAC-3-1, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1963, Rapid Action Change 5, 1985.
Structural Hardware, NAVAIR 01-1A-8, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1991.
Chapter 14
Adhesive Bonded Aerospace Structure Repair, MIL-HDBK-337, Department of
Defense, Washington D.C., 1982.
Aircraft Radomes and Antenna Covers, NAVAIR 01-1A-22, Naval Air Systems
Command Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1990.
Composite Repair, A1-F18AA-SRM-400, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1982.
Fabrication, Maintenance and Repair of Transparent Plastics, NAVAIR 01-1A-12,
Naval Air Systems Command Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1 July 1982.
Finishes, Organic, Weapons Systems, MIL-F-18264D(AS), Department of Defense,
Washington D.C., 1975.
General Advanced Composite Repair Manual, Tech Order 1-1-690, Secretary of
the Air Force, Washington, D.C., 1 August 1990.
General Use of Cements, Sealants, and Coatings, NAVAIR 01-1A-507, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., June 1989.
Marking and Exterior Finish Colors for Airplanes, MIL-M-25047C(ASG), Naval
Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1968.
Paint Schemes and Exterior Markings for U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Aircraft,
MIL-STD-2161(AS), Department of Defense, Washington, D.C., 1985.
Plastics for Aerospace Vehicles, Parts I and II, MIL-HDBK-17A, Department of
Defense, Washington D.C., June 1977.
Structural Sandwich Composites, MIL-HDBK-23A, Department of Defense,
Washington D.C., June 1974.
Typical Repair, A1-F18AA-SRM-250, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command
Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1 August 1992.


Chapter 15
Aerospace MetalsGeneral Data and Usage Factors, NAVAIR 01-1A-9, Naval Air
Systems Command Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 22 November 1967,
Change 19, 1 September 1989.
Arc Welding, H-56, Department of Defense, Washington D.C., 1968.
General Manual for Structural Repair, NAVAIR 01-1A-1, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D.C., 1 September 1991.
Hull Maintenance Technician 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10571-1, Naval Education and
Training Program Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla., 1987.
Materials Joining, MIL-HDBK-730, Department of Defense, Washington D.C.,
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2E, Office of the Chief
of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C., 1 January 1989, Change 2, 1 July 1992.
Nondestructive Inspection Methods, NAVAIR 01-1A-16, Naval Air Systems
Command Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1984.
Nondestructive Inspections, A1-F18AC-SRM-300, Naval Air Systems Command
Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1985.
Steelworker 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10653-G, Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla., 1988.
Thermal Joining of Metals Processes Other Than Arc Welding, MIL-HDBK-58,
Department of Defense, Washington D.C., 1971.
Welding Theory and Application, TM 9-237, Headquarters, Department of the
Army, Washington D.C., 1971.



Aircraft hoisting, 3-33

A/M27T-3 portable hydraulic power unit, 4-26

Aircraft hose burst test stands, 5-16

aircraft hydraulic hose burst test stand (CGS
Scientific Corp), 5-20

A/M427T-5 portable hydraulic power supply, 4-27

Accumulators, 7-36

aircraft hydraulic hose burst test stand (Greer),


cylindrical type, 7-37

spherical type, 7-36

Aircraft hydraulic hardware and seals, 2-28

quick-disconnect couplings, 2-28

Acetylene, 15-20
Acetylene cylinders, 15-20
Acrylic nitrocellulose lacquer, 14-34
Actuating cylinders, 8-1
ball-lock actuator, 8-3
double-acting actuating cylinder, 8-2
finger-lock actuator, 8-4
mechanical-lock actuating cylinder, 8-3

Aircraft hydraulic hose burst test stand (CGS

Scientific Corp), 5-20
Aircraft hydraulic hose burst test stand (Greer), 5-18
Aircraft jacking, 3-37
Aircraft materials, 1-1
Aircraft metallic repair, 13-1, 13-36
Aircraft painting, 14-29
Aircraft safetying methods, 2-45

single-acting actuating cylinder, 8-1

cotter pins, 2-45

Actuating systems, 8-1

safety wire, 2-45

Actuating units, 8-1

turnbuckle safetying, 2-46

Adjustable connector links, 2-25

Aircraft tire maintenance, 11-18

Adjustment of components, 12-16

dismounting, 11-19

Aerodynamic smoothness, 14-26

mounting, 11-21

AHT-63 portable hydraulic test stand, 4-27

tire inflating, 11-23

Aileron control system, 9-10

Aircraft tires, 11-10

dismounted inspection, 11-18

Aileron droop, 1-11

mounted inspection, 11-16

Air compressors, 14-42

ply rating, 11-12

Air contamination, 4-6

rebuilt tires identification markings, 11-15

Air-pressurized reservoirs, 7-9

size designation, 11-13

Air regulators, 14-42

standard identification markings, 11-13

Aircraft construction, 1-1

tire construction, 11-10

Aircraft controlling custodians, 15-5

tire inspection, 11-16

tire rebuilding/retreading, 11-12

Aircraft drawings, 3-6

tire storage, 11-16

diagrams, 3-11

tread construction, 11-11

installation diagrams, 3-13

tread patterns, 11-11

schematic diagrams, 3-13

vent markings, 11-15


Aircraft tubes, 11-28

identification, 11-28

Arresting gear, 1-14

Arresting gear system, 12-64

inspection, 11-28

arresting hook assembly inspection, 12-64

nonserviceable tubes, 11-29

damper cylinder, 12-66

serviceable tubes, 11-29

liquid spring, 12-65

single shank centering devices, 12-65

tube storage, 11-28

Aircraft wheels, 11-1
remountable flange wheel, 11-1

Arresting hook assembly inspection, 12-64

Assessment of composite material damage, 14-23
Automatic blade folding system, 10-15

divided (split) wheel, 11-1

automatic blade folding system maintenance,

typical wheel assembly, 11-1

Aircraft wheels, tires, and tubes, 11-1

blade folding operations, 10-15

Airframe fuel system, 3-44

blade folding system components, 10-18

Airframe (tripod) jacks, 3-39

blade spreading operations, 10-18

Airloc fasteners, 2-8

Automatic brake adjuster valve, 12-50

Alignment check, 9-56

Automatic check valves, 8-16

Alignment and adjustment, 12-19

Alignment and operational checks, 9-24
Alignment leveling methods, 9-53

Autorotation, 10-4
Auxiliary servo cylinder, 10-8
Axle jacks, 3-37

plumb bob and datum plate, 9-55

spirit level, 9-55

Backup rings, 2-35

transit, 9-55

Backup system, 9-21

Alloy steels, 1-22

Balance, 3-33

Alloying of metals, 1-27

Ball-lock actuator, 8-3

Alternating current, 15-8

Bar folder, 13-16

Aluminum, 1-21
Aluminum alloy tubing, 6-1
Aluminum and aluminum alloys, 1-30

Barcol tester, 1-39

Bearing maintenance, 11-9
Bench testing, 12-28
Bend allowance, 13-18

Analysis methods, 4-8

Angle beam, 15-10
Annealing, 15-38, 15-45

Bend allowance formula, 13-20

Bend allowance terms, 13-18
Bending sheet metal, 13-20

Annealing and normalizing, 15-42

bending in a vise, 13-20

Application of sealants, 14-45

bending on a bar folder, 13-23

sealing compound MIL-S-81733, 14-47

bending on a brake, 13-22

sealing compound MIL-S-8802, 14-47

bending over stakes, 13-20


Beryllium copper, 1-33

Brake system maintenance, 12-39

Bladder-type fuel cells, 3-46

independent-type brake system, 12-41

Blade flapping, 10-3

power-type brake system, 12-41

Blade folding operations, 10-15

Brake systems, 12-28

Blade folding system components, 10-18

Brake wear check, 12-42

Blade spreading operations, 10-18

Brass, 1-33

Blind rivet installation, 13-30

Brinell tester, 1-36

inspection, 13-35

Brittleness, 1-23

installation procedures, 13-34

Bronzes, 1-33

installation tools, 13-30

Brush, 3-24

removal, 13-35

Bucking bars, 13-3

Blind rivets, 2-3

Bypass check valves, 8-16

Bolts, 2-15
Bomb bay system, 12-77
Bonding, 2-43

Cable and rigid control systems maintenance, 9-25
cable and rigid control systems troubleshooting,

Boron fibers, 14-20

Box and pan brake, 13-16

cable control systems, 9-25

Brake assemblies, 12-35

cable maintenance, 9-26

dual disc brakes, 12-37

rigid control systems, 9-27

multiple/trimetallic disc brakes, 12-39

segmented rotor brakes, 12-39
single disc brakes, 12-35

Cable and rigid control systems rigging, 9-32

Cable fabrication, 9-33
cable-cutting equipment, 9-33

Brake assembly maintenance, 12-53

proof-testing cables, 9-36

single and dual disc brakes, 12-53

terminal swaging, 9-34

trimetallic disc brakes, 12-61

Brake debooster cylinder, 12-34

Cables, 2-23
adjustable connector links, 2-25

Brake selector valve, 12-51

fairleads, 2-26

Brake shuttle valve, 12-50

fittings, 2-24

Brake system component maintenance, 12-45

grommets, 2-26

automatic brake adjuster valve, 12-50

guides, 2-25

brake selector valve, 12-51

brake shuttle valve, 12-50

pressure seals, 2-26

independent system reservoir, 12-45

pulleys, 2-26

master brake cylinder, 12-48

sectors and quadrants, 2-27

power brake valve, 12-46

turnbuckles, 2-24

power/manual brake valve, 12-47

Camloc fasteners, 2-5

swivel maintenance, 12-52

Carbon steels, 1-29


Case hardening, 15-39, 15-43

Contamination control sequence, 4-18

Casting alloys, 1-32

Contraction and expansion, 1-24

Catapult equipment, 1-15

Control system maintenance, 9-50

Catapult launch system

Control systems malfunctions, 9-23

Categories of composite material damage, 14-22

Conventional wing flap system, 9-37

Causes of damage, 13-36

Cooling, 15-38

Chains, 3-34

Copper and copper alloys, 1-33

Chalk line, 3-31

Cornice brake, 13-15

Check valves, 8-14

Corrosion, 13-36

automatic check valves, 8-16

Corrosion and physical damage blendout, 11-10

bypass check valves, 8-16

Corrosion-resistant steel tubing, 6-1

maintenance of check valves, 8-16

Corrosive properties, 1-24

Chrome-molybdenum steels, 1-29

Cotter pins, 2-45

Chrome-vanadium steels, 1-29

Curing sealants, 14-45

Chromium steels, 1-29

Cutting sheet metal, 13-20

Circular magnetization, 15-6

Cyclic pitch control system, 10-6

Classification of damage, 13-38

Cylindrical type, 7-37

damage repairable by insertion, 13-38

damage repairable by patching, 13-38

Damage classifications, 14-24

damage requiring replacement, 13-38

negligible damage, 14-24

negligible damage, 13-38

nonrepairable damage, 14-24

Cleaning, 6-14, 11-4, 11-6, 12-27

cleaning plastic surfaces, 14-2

repairable damage, 14-24

Damage inspection methods, 14-23

Coils and probes, 15-12

tap testing, 14-23

Cold-drawing, 1-27

ultrasonic inspections, 14-23

Cold-rolling, 1-27

visual inspections, 14-23

Cold-working, 1-26

X-ray inspections, 14-23

Cold water quenching, 15-44

Damage repair procedures, 13-38

Collective pitch control system, 10-6

layout for repair, 13-40

Collision, 13-36

selection of repair material, 13-38

Combat, 13-36

Damage repairs, 13-36

Combination aileron/spoiler deflector system, 9-16

causes of damage, 13-36

Compression, 1-20

cleanup of damage, 13-38

Conductivity, 1-24

collision, 13-36

Coning, 10-3

combat, 13-36

Connectors, 2-43

corrosion, 13-36


Damage repairsContinued

Du Pont Teflon filled polyurethane paint, 14-34

fatigue, 13-36

Dual installations, 11-28

foreign object, 13-36

Dual disc brakes, 12-37

hardness testing, 13-37

Ductility, 1-23

heat, 13-37

Dye penetrant inspection, 15-13

inspection for cracks, 13-37

Dynatube fitting repair, 6-28

investigation of damage, 13-37

Dzus fasteners, 2-8

stress, 13-37

visual inspection, 13-37

Damage repairable by insertion, 13-38

Eddy current inspection, 15-11

coils and probes, 15-12

Damage repairable by patching, 13-38

test coil configurations, 15-12

Damage requiring replacement, 13-38

Damper cylinder, 12-66
Decontamination, 4-14
flushing, 4-16
purging, 4-17
purifying, 4-17
recirculation cleaning, 4-15

Elasticity, 1-23
Elastomeric rain erosion-resistant coating
MIL-C-7439, 14-35
Electric solenoid shutoff valve, 7-26
Electrical components, 12-14
Electrical failures, 3-19
Electrical wire and cable, 2-42

Demountable flange wheel, 11-1

bonding, 2-43

Density, 1-23

connectors, 2-43

Density altitude, 10-2

Diagrams, 3-11
Differential pressure indicators, 7-34
Dimple countersinking tools, 13-10

terminals, 2-43
Electrically controlled nose steering system, 12-12
Electrically controlled nose steering system maintenance, 12-14

Direct current, 15-8

adjustment of components, 12-16

Direct lift control (DLC), 9-44

bleeding the system, 12-16

Directional control systems, 1-9,9-18

operational check, 12-14

Directional trim, 9-50

troubleshooting, 12-16

Dismounted inspection, 11-18

Electrodes, 15-32

Dissymmetry of lift, 10-2

Electronic control, 9-45

Divided (split) wheel, 11-1

Electronic control systems, 9-19

Double-acting actuating cylinder, 8-2

Electronic particle count analysis, 4-13

Drilling rivet holes, 13-28

Elevator control system, 9-3

Drills, 13-8

Emergency brake system, 12-35

Drop check procedures, 12-18

Emergency flap system, 9-40

Drying sealants, 14-44

Emergency power systems, 7-5


Emergency system contamination check, 12-43

Ferrous aircraft metals, 1-27

Emergency systems, 7-41, 12-4

carbon steels, 1-29

motor-driven system, 7-41

chrome-molybdenum steels, 1-29

pneumatic system, 7-43

chrome-vanadium steels, 1-29

ram air turbine-driven system, 7-41

chromium-nickel or stainless-steels, 1-29

Enamel finishes, 14-35

chromium steels, 1-29

Engine mounts, 1-2

hardness testing methods, 1-28

Epoxy-polyamide MIL-C-22750, 14-34

identification, 1-28

Epoxy-polyamide primer MIL-P-23377, 14-32

nickel steels, 1-29

Equipment hazards, 14-28

SAE numerical index, 1-28

Ernst tester, 1-41

Filter bowl contents analysis, 4-13

Filters, 7-31
bowl, 7-33

F-14 flight control systems, 1-9

differential pressure indicators, 7-34

Fabric or webbing, 3-33

filter element, 7-33

Fabrication, 5-11, 6-8

head assembly, 7-33

hand tube bender, 6-10

maintenance, 7-35

mechanical operated tube bender, 6-10

support equipment (SE) filters, 7-33

Permaswage chipless cutter, 6-8

standard tube cutter, 6-8
tube bending, 6-9
tube cutting, 6-8
tube deburring, 6-9
Fairleads, 2-26

Fin tubing types, 7-30

Finger-lock actuator, 8-4
Finishing repaired areas, 14-12
Fittings, 2-24
Fixed-wing aircraft, 1-1, 12-1
engine mounts, 1-2

Fasteners (special), 2-4

Airloc fasteners, 2-8

fuselage, 1-1

Camloc fasteners, 2-5

monocoque, 1-1

Dzus fasteners, 2-8

nacelles, 1-4

hi-lok fasteners, 2-4

reinforced shell 1-1

jo-bolt fasteners, 2-5

semimonocoque, 1-1

lock-bolt fasteners, 2-4

stabilizers, 1-5

Turnlock fasteners, 2-5

wings, 1-4

Fasteners (threaded), 2-14

Fixed-wing flight control systems, 9-1

bolts, 2-15

Flap actuator, 9-43

nuts, 2-19

Flap system, 9-42

screws, 2-21

Flap wing-fold shaft, 9-43

Fatigue, 13-36

Flaperon control system, 9-12


Flared fitting, 6-11

Forms of heat treatment of steel, 15-40

Flareless fitting, 6-12

annealing and normalizing, 15-42

Flat-head pins, 2-14

case hardening, 15-43

hardening, 15-40

Flexible connectors and couplings, 2-9

quenching procedure, 15-40

Flight control surfaces, 9-52

tempering, 15-41

Flight control systems components, 10-8

Fuel tank construction, 3-44

auxiliary servo cylinder, 10-8

bladder-type fuel cells, 3-46

mixing unit, 10-9

self-sealing fuel cells, 3-44

primary servo cylinders, 10-9

Functional tests, 12-41

swashplate assembly, 10-10

Fundamental welding techniques, 15-24

Fluid contamination, 4-6

Fuselage, 1-1, 1-16

air contamination, 4-6

Fuselage type, 9-46

foreign fluids contamination, 4-7

Fusibility, 1-23

solvent contamination, 4-7

water contamination, 4-6

Gas metal-arc welding, 15-33

Fluid-pressurized reservoirs, 7-12

GMA welding equipment, 15-34

Fluid sampling, 4-1

GMA welding techniques, 15-35

Fluid servicing and support equipment, 4-20

Gas tungsten-arc welding, 15-30

Flush patches, 13-43

Gauge and pressure transmitter snubbers, 7-40

Flush riveting, 13-28

Foreign fluids contamination, 4-7

Gear-type pump, 7-14

General brake system maintenance, 12-41
bleeding procedures, 12-43

Foreign object, 13-36

brake wear check, 12-42
Forging, 1-25

emergency system contamination check, 12-43

Forming machines, 13-17

functional tests, 12-41

Forming sheet metal, 13-24

operational checks, 12-41

rotary forming, 13-25

slip-roll forming, 13-24

overheated wheel brakes, 12-44

General landing gear systems maintenance, 12-18
alignment and adjustment, 12-19

Forms of heat treatment, 15-38

drop check procedures, 12-18

annealing, 15-38

lower strut and gland seal replacement, 12-20

case hardening, 15-39

strut removal and replacement, 12-21

hardening, 15-39

troubleshooting, 12-19
normalizing, 15-39
tempering, 15-39

General procedures and precautions for stripping,



Generator drive system (hydraulically operated),


Hardness testing methods, 1-28

Hazards and safety precautions, 14-28

Gladden master cylinder, 12-30

equipment hazards, 14-28
GMA welding equipment, 15-34
personnel hazards, 14-28

GMA welding techniques, 15-35

solvents, 14-28

Goggles, 15-22

waste disposal, 14-29

Goodyear master cylinder, 12-30

Graphite fibers, 14-20
Grease guns, 3-22

Head assembly, 7-33

Heat-treating procedures, 15-44
precipitation (age) hardening, 15-44

Grommets, 2-26

solution heat treatment, 15-44

Ground effect, 10-4

Guides, 2-25

Heat treatment of ferrous metals (steel), 15-39

principles of heat treatment of steel, 15-39

GyroscopiC precession, 10-4

Heat treatment of metals, 15-37

Halogen testing, 4-14

Heat treatment of nonferrous metals (aluminum

alloys), 15-44

Hammers, 13-1

Heating, 15-37

Hand bench shears, 13-13

Heavy-duty portable scales, 3-30

Hand-operated turret punch, 13-14

Heli-coil inserts, 2-14

Hand pumps, 7-13

Helicopter flight controls, 10-6

Hand tools, 13-1

collective pitch control system, 10-6

bucking bars, 13-3

cyclic pitch control system, 10-6

hammers, 13-1

rotary rudder control system, 10-6

hole finder, 13-3

machine countersink, 13-4

Hi-lok fasteners, 2-4

rivet set, 13-2

Hi-shear rivets, 2-3

rotary rivet cutters, 13-2

Hole finder, 13-3

skin fasteners, 13-4

Horizontal stabilizer control system (double axis), 9-9

snips and shears, 13-5

Hand tube bender, 6-10
Hardening, 15-39, 15-40

Horizontal stabilizer control system (single axis), 9-5

Horseshoe, 3-39
Hoses, 15-22

Hardness, 1-23

hose assembly hardware, 5-2

Hardness testing, 1-35, 13-37

hose fittings, 5-3

Baarcol tester, 1-39

hose maintenance, 5-23

Brinell tester, 1-36

Ernst tester, 1-41

Hot-rolling, 1-25

Riehle tester, 1-38

Hot water quenching, 15-45

Rockwell tester, 1-37

Hot-working, 1-25


Hydraulic components, 7-5, 12-14

Intermediate-level wheel maintenance, 11-6

electrical components, 12-14

bearing maintenance, 11-9

nosewheel steering power unit, 12-14

cleaning, 11-6

nosewheel steering solenoid selector valve, 12-14

corrosion and physical damage blendout, 11-10

Hydraulic contamination control program, 4-1

inspection, 11-6

Hydraulic droop aileron system, 9-40

matching wheel halves, 11-10

Hydraulic fluid coolers, 7-28

painting, 11-6

fin tubing types, 7-30

Intermediate maintenance activities, 15-5

radiator types, 7-28

Intermediate maintenance repair and seal replacement, 12-26

Hydraulic fluid dispensing equipment, 4-21

bench testing, 12-28

Hydraulic fluids, 4-20

cleaning, 12-27

Hydraulic fuses, 8-22

disassembly, 12-26

Hydraulic motors, 8-6

inspection, 12-27

Hydraulic/pneumatic power systems, 7-1

reassembly, 12-27

closed center, 7-2

open center, 7-2

repair or replacement, 12-27

Investigation of damage, 13-37

Hydraulic seals, 2-30

backup rings, 2-35
Hydraulic utility systems maintenance, 12-63

Jack identification, 3-37

airframe (tripod) jacks, 3-39

Hydraulically operated flight control system, 9-2

axle jacks, 3-37

Hydrometers, 3-31

hand carried jacks, 3-38

horseshoe jacks, 3-39

outrigger jacks, 3-39

Independent system reservoir, 12-45

T-bar jacks, 3-39

Independent-type brake system, 12-28, 12-41

Jacking procedures, 3-42

leveling aircraft, 3-43

Gladden master cylinder, 12-30

lowering aircraft, 3-44

Goodyear master cylinder, 12-30

raising aircraft, 3-42

In-flight refueling systems, 12-70

Inorganic solid contamination, 4-6
Inspections, 11-6, 11-28, 12-25, 12-27, 13-35
Inspection for cracks, 13-37

Jacking restrictions, 3-42

Jo-bolt fasteners, 2-5
Joining properties, 1-25

Installation diagrams, 3-13

Installing plastic panels, 14-5

K-Monel, 1-34

Integral fuel cells repair, 3-47

Kevlar fibers, 14-20


Lighters, 15-22
Liquid spring, 12-65

Laminate, 14-20

Lock-bolt fasteners, 2-4

Landing gear, 1-11, 1-17

Longitudinal control systems, 1-7, 9-3

main landing gear, 1-12

elevator control system, 9-3

nose gear, 1-14

horizontal stabilizer control system (double axis),


Landing gear components, 12-6

landing gear door latches, 12-6

horizontal stabilizer control system (single axis),


landing gear doors, 12-7

mechanical linkage, 12-10

Longitudinal magnetization, 15-7

shock struts, 12-8

Longitudinal trim, 9-49

Landing gear systems, 12-1

Lower strut and gland seal replacement, 12-20

fixed-wing aircraft, 12-1

Lowering aircraft, 3-44

rotary-wing aircraft, 12-2

Lubricants, 3-22

Landing gear systems operation, 12-2

Lubrication, 3-22, 11-5

emergency systems, 12-4

brush, 3-24

normal system, 12-2

Lap patches, 13-42

grease guns, 3-22

Lateral control systems, 1-6,9-9

hand, 3-24

aileron control system, 9-10

lubricants, 3-22

combination aileron/spoiler deflector system,


oil/squirt can, 3-24

flaperon control system, 9-12

spoiler control system, 9-18
Lateral trim, 9-48
Layout for repair, 13-40
Layout procedures, 13-18
bend allowance, 13-18

Lubrication charts, 3-25

Lubrication fittings, 3-24
Lubrication selection, 3-25
Machine countersink, 13-4
Magnesium, 1-21

bend allowance formula, 13-20

bend allowance terms, 13-18
Leading/trailing edge wing flap systems, 9-39

Magnesium and magnesium alloys, 1-34

Magnetic particle inspection, 15-6
alternating current, 15-8

Leveling aircraft, 3-43

circular magnetization, 15-6

Leveling bars, 3-30

direct current, 15-8

Lifting sling maintenance, 3-34

longitudinal magnetization, 15-7

Lifting slings identification, 3-33

particles and methods of application, 15-8

chains, 3-34
fabric or webbing, 3-33

Main landing gear, 1-12, 1-17

structural steel or aluminum, 3-33

Main rotor assembly, 1-17

wire rope, 3-33

Main system relief valves, 7-22


Maintaining and repairing aircraft nonmetallic

materials, 14-1

Metallic materials, 1-21

alloy steels, 1-22

Maintaining transparent plastic materials, 14-1

aluminum, 1-21

cleaning plastic surfaces, 14-2

magnesium, 1-21

installing plastic panels, 14-5

titanium, 1-21
removing scratches from plastic surfaces, 14-2
Metallic solid contamination, 4-6
Maintenance of actuating cylinders, 8-6
Miscellaneous fasteners, 2-9

Maintenance of check valves, 8-16

flat-head pins, 2-14

Maintenance of restrictors, 8-21

flexible connectors and couplings, 2-9

Maintenance of shuttle valves, 8-19

heli-coil inserts, 2-14

Major assembly removal/installation and aircraft

alignment, 9-51

rigid couplings, 2-13

Malleability, 1-23

snap rings, 2-14

Manifolds, 7-30

studs, 2-14

Manual shutoff valves, 7-28

taper pins, 2-13

Master brake cylinder, 12-48

Mixing unit, 10-9

Matching wheel halves, 11-10

Mobile electronic weighing system (MEWS), 3-29

Matrix, 14-20

Model 310 fluid service cart, 4-25

Mechanical control, 9-46

Model H-250-1 hydraulic servicing unit, 4-23

Mechanical linkage, 12-10

Model HCT-10 stationary hydraulic test stand, 4-36

Mechanical-lock actuating cylinder, 8-3

Model HSU-1 fluid service unit, 4-25

Mechanical operated tube bender, 6-10

Monel, 1-34

Mechanical (unboosted) flight control system, 9-1

Monocoque, 1-1

Mechanically controlled nose steering system, 12-12

Mechanically controlled nose steering system
maintenance, 12-16
rigging, 12-16
steering assembly maintenance, 12-17

Motor-driven system, 7-41

Motor-operated shutoff valves, 7-26
Mounted inspection, 11-16
Multiple/trimetallic disc brakes, 12-39

Mechanically-operated sequence valve, 8-17

Metal working processes, 1-25

cold-drawing, 1-27
cold-rolling, 1-27

Nacelles, 1-4

cold-working, 1-26

National insignia, 14-36

extruding, 1-27

Naval Air Systems Command, 15-5

forging, 1-25

NDI certification record, 15-3

hot-rolling, 1-25

NDI inspection methods, 15-6

hot-working, 1-25

NDI operators, 15-2


NDI personnel, 15-2

Nonserviceable tires, 11-26

NDI operators, 15-2

Nonserviceable tubes, 11-29

NDI specialists, 15-2

Normal system, 12-2

NDI technicians, 15-2

Nose gear, 1-14

NDI program responsibilities, 15-4

aircraft controlling custodians, 15-5
intermediate maintenance activities, 15-5

Nosewheel steering power unit, 12-14

Nosewheel steering solenoid selector valve, 12-14
Nosewheel steering system components, 12-12

Naval Air Systems Command, 15-5

operation, 12-12
organizational maintenance activities, 15-6
quality assurance/analysis, 15-5

Nosewheel steering systems, 12-11

electrically controlled nose steering system,

NDI specialists, 15-2

NDI technician/operator work record, 15-4

mechanically controlled nose steering system,


NDI technicians, 15-2

Negligible damage, 13-38, 14-24

Numbers and letters, 14-35

Nickel steels, 1-29

Nuts, 2-19

Nondestructive inspection program, 15-1

Nylon flat spotting, 11-28

Nonferrous aircraft metals, 1-30

aluminum and aluminum alloys, 1-30
beryllium copper, 1-33

brass, 1-33
Observing safety precautions, 14-13
bronzes, 1-33
casting alloys, 1-32
copper and copper alloys, 1-33
K-Monel, 1-34

Occupational awareness, 3-3

Offset gearboxes, 9-43
Oil/squirt can, 3-24

magnesium and magnesium alloys, 1-34

One-way restrictor, 8-21

Monel, 1-34

Operation of shuttle valves, 8-19

titanium and titanium alloys, 1-32

Organic contamination, 4-5

wrought alloys, 1-30

Organizational-level tire and wheel maintenance,


Nonmetallic materials, 1-22, 1-41

cleaning, 11-4

composite materials, 1-22, 1-44

reinforced plastics, 1-22, 1-43

installation, 11-5

sandwich construction, 1-44

lubrication, 11-5

sandwich-type material, 1-22

safety training, 11-5

transparent plastics, 1-22, 1-41

Organizational maintenance activities, 15-6

Nonpressurized reservoirs, 7-7

Outrigger, 3-39

Nonrepairable damage, 14-24

Overheated wheel brakes, 12-44


Oxyacetylene welding, 15-17

Patch testing, 4-8

acetylene, 15-20

filter bowl contents analysis, 4-13

acetylene cylinders, 15-20

preparation, 4-10

fundamental welding techniques, 15-24

sample processing, 4-12

goggles, 15-22

sample taking, 4-10

hose, 15-22

Permaswage chipless cutter, 6-8

lighters, 15-22

Permaswage fitting repair, 6-25

oxyacetylene welding equipment, 15-17

Personnel hazards, 14-28

oxygen, 15-17
Piston-type pump (constant displacement), 7-15
oxygen cylinders, 15-18
Piston-type pump (Vickers electric motor-driven variable displacement), 7-19

pressure regulators, 15-18

welded joints, 15-26
welding (filler) rods, 15-22

Piston-type pumps (Stratopower variable displacement), 7-16

welding flames, 15-22

Pitch of rotor blades, 10-2

welding torches, 15-20

Pliable sealants, 14-44

Oxyacetylene welding equipment, 15-17

Plumb bob and datum plate, 9-55

Oxygen, 15-17

Plumb bobs, 3-30

Oxygen cylinders, 15-18

Ply damage (sandwich Laminates), 14-7

Ply damage (solid laminates), 14-8
Ply rating, 11-12

Pneumatic drills, 13-9

Paint removal, 14-30

Pneumatic riveters, 13-7

Painting, 11-6
Pneumatic system, 7-43
Painting equipment and maintenance procedures,

Polyurethane paint systems, 14-33

air compressors, 14-42

Poppet-type selector valve, 8-9

air regulators, 14-42

Portable hydraulic test stands, 4-21,4-26

spray gun maintenance, 14-38

A/M27T-3 portable hydraulic power unit, 4-26

spray guns, 14-36

A/M27T-5 portable hydraulic power supply, 4-27

Painting specifications, 14-35

national insignia, 14-36
numbers and letters, 14-35
tactical paint schemes, 14-36

AHT-63 portable hydraulic test stand, 4-27

Power actuator maintenance, 9-23
Power boost brake system, 12-31

Particles and methods of application, 15-8

Power brake control valve (pressure ball check type),


Particulate contamination, 4-4

Power brake control valve (sliding spool type), 12-33


Power brake control valve system, 12-32

Principles of heat treatment, 15-37

brake deboostercylinder, 12-34

cooling, 15-38

power brake control valve (pressure ball check

type), 12-33

heating, 15-37

power brake control valve (sliding spool type),


soaking, 15-38
Principles of heat treatment of steel, 15-39
Proof pressure testing, 6-14

Power brake valve, 12-46

Proof-testing cables, 9-36

Power-driven pumps, 7-14

Properties of metals, 1-23

gear-type pump, 7-14

brittleness, 1-23

piston-type pump (constant displacement), 7-15

conductivity, 1-24
piston-type pump (Vickers electric motor-driven
variable displacement), 7-19

contraction and expansion, 1-24

density, 1-23

piston-type pumps (Stratopower variable

displacement), 7-16

ductility, 1-23

Power/manual brake valve, 12-47

elasticity, 1-23

Power settling, 10-4

fusibility, 1-23

Power tools, 13-5

hardness, 1-23

drills, 13-8

malleability, 1-23

pneumatic drills, 13-9

toughness, 1-23

pneumatic riveters, 13-7

Protective closures, 2-41

rivet guns, 13-7

Protective paint finish, 6-15

rivet head shaver, 13-6

Pulleys, 2-26

Power-type brake system, 12-41

Pumps, 7-13

Precipitation (age) hardening, 15-44

Purging, 4-17

Pressure indicators, 7-39

Purifying, 4-17

direct reading type, 7-39

Pylon, 1-18

synchro type, 7-39

Pressure-operated (priority) sequence valve, 8-18

Qualifications of welders, 15-13

Pressure-reducing valves, 8-21

Pressure regulators, 15-18

recertification of welders, 15-14

Qualities of metals, 1-24

Pressure seals, 2-26

corrosive properties, 1-24

Primary flight control systems, 1-5,9-3

joining properties, 1-25

directional control systems, 1-9

shock and fatigue properties, 1-25

F-14 flight control systems, 1-9

strength, 1-24

lateral control systems, 1-6

weight, 1-24

longitudinal control systems, 1-7

working properties, 1-24

Primary servo cylinders, 10-9

Quality assurance/analysis, 15-5


Quality assurance/analysis (QA/A) responsibilities,

Quenching, 15-44
cold-water quenching, 15-44

Repairing minor surface damage, 14-13

Repairing puncture damage, 14-10
Repairing punctures, 14-14
Repairing reinforced plastic, 14-6

hot-water quenching, 15-45

finishing repaired areas, 14-12

spray quenching, 15-45

observing safety precautions, 14-13

Quenching procedure, 15-40

ply damage (sandwich laminates), 14-7

Quick-disconnect couplings, 2-28

ply damage (solid laminates), 14-8

repairing facing and core damage, 14-10

Radiation hazard, 15-9

repairing puncture damage, 14-10

Radiator types, 7-28

repairing surface damage, 14-7

Radiographic inspection, 15-8

Repairing sandwich construction materials, 14-13

radiation hazard, 15-9

repairing delamination, 14-14

radiographic interpretation, 15-9

repairing minor surface damage, 14-13

Raising aircraft, 3-42

repairing punctures, 14-14

Ram air turbine-driven system, 7-41

repairing the trailing edge of an airfoil, 14-17

Rebuilt tire identification markings, 11-15

Repairing surface damage, 14-7

Recertification of welders, 15-14

Repairing the trailing edge of an airfoil, 14-17

Recirculation cleaning, 4-15

Reservoirs, 7-5

Reinforced plastics, 1-22, 1-43

air-pressurized reservoirs, 7-9

Reinforced shell, 1-1

fluid-pressurized reservoirs, 7-12

Relief valves, 7-22

nonpressurized reservoirs, 7-7

main system relief valves, 7-22

Restrictors, 8-19
maintenance of restrictors, 8-21

thermal relief valves, 7-24

Removing scratches from plastic surfaces, 14-2

one-way restrictor, 8-21

Repair, 6-23

two-way restrictor, 8-21

dynatube fitting repair, 6-28

Riehle tester, 1-38

permaswage fitting repair, 6-25

Rig pins, 9-31

Repair criteria, 14-26

aerodynamic smoothness, 14-26

Rigging, 12-16
Rigging and adjusting tools, 9-29

repair tools, 14-27

rig pins, 9-31

strength restoration, 14-26

tenisometer, 9-29
throwboards, 9-31

Repair tools, 14-27

Repairable damage, 14-24

Rigid control systems, 9-27

Repairing delamination, 14-14

Rigid couplings, 2-13

Repairing facing and core damage, 14-10

Rivet driving, 13-28


Rivet guns, 13-7

Rotary-wing flight control systems, 10-1

Rivet head shaver, 13-6

Rotary-wing maintenance, 10-11

Rivet removal, 13-29

rotor blade tracking, 10-11

Rivet selection, 13-26

system rigging, 10-11

Rivet set, 13-2

Rotary-wing theory of flight, 10-1

Riveting procedures, 13-26

autorotation, 10-4

drilling rivet holes, 13-28

blade flapping, 10-3

flush riveting, 13-28

coning, 10-3

rivet driving, 13-28

density altitude, 10-2

rivet removal, 13-29

dissymmetry of lift, 10-2

rivet selection, 13-26

ground effect, 10-4

spacing and edge distance, 13-27

gyroscopic precession, 10-4

Rivets, 2-1

pitch of rotor blades, 10-2

blind rivets, 2-3

power settling, 10-4

hi-shear rivets, 2-3

rotor area, 10-2

rivnuts, 2-4

smoothness of rotor blades, 10-2

solid rivets, 2-1

torque, 10-2
translational lift, 10-4

Rockwell tester, 1-37

Rotary forming, 13-25

Rotor area, 10-2

Rotary machine, 13-17

Rotor blude tracking, 10-11

Rotary rivet cutters, 13-2

Rotor brake accumulator, 10-15

Rotary rudder blades, 1-19

Rotor brake assembly, 10-13

Rotary rudder control system, 10-6

Rotor brake master cylinder, 10-15

Rotary rudder head, 1-18

Rotor brake panel package, 10-13

Rotary wing, 1-17

Rotor brake system, 10-13

rotor brake accumulator, 10-15

Rotary-wing aircraft, 1-16, 12-2

fuselage, 1-16

rotor brake assembly, 10-13

landing gear, 1-17

rotor brake master cylinder, 10-15

main landing gear, 1-17

rotor brake panel package, 10-13

main rotor assembly, 1-17

pylon, 1-18
rotary rudder blades, 1-19

Rotor head, 1-18


rotary rudder head, 1-18

SAE numerical index, 1-28

rotary wing, 1-17

Safety training, 11-5

rotor head, 1-18

Safety wire, 2-45

tail landing gear, 1-17

Sample processing, 4-12

tail rotor, 1-18

Sample taking, 4-10


Sampling points, 4-7

Servicing, bleeding, and inspecting shock struts,


Sandwich construction, 1-44

bleeding, 12-25

Sandwich-type material, 1-22

Schematic diagrams, 3-13

inspection, 12-25

Screws, 2-21

servicing, 12-22
Sheet metal bending equipment, 13-14

Sealants and sealing practices, 14-44

Sealing compound MIL-S-81733, 14-47

bar folder, 13-16

Sealing compound MIL-S-8802, 14-47

box and pan brake, 13-16

Secondary flight control systems, 9-37

cornice brake, 13-15

Secondary flight controls, 1-10

forming machines, 13-17

aileron droop, 1-11

rotary machine, 13-17

slats, 1-11

vise, 13-14

speed brakes, 1-11

Sheet metal fabrication, 13-17

spoilers, 1-10

Shielding gases, 15-32

trim tabs, 1-10

Shock and fatigue properties, 1-25

wing flaps, 1-10

Shock struts, 12-8

Shutoff valves, 7-25

Sectors and quadrants, 2-27

Segmented rotor brakes, 12-39

electric solenoid shutoff valve, 7-26

Selection of method, 4-17

manual shutoff valves, 7-28

Selection of repair material, 13-38

motor-operated shutoff valves, 7-26

Shuttle valves, 8-18

Selector valves, 8-9

poppet-type selector valve, 8-9

maintenance of shuttle valves, 8-19

slide-type selector valve, 8-12

operation of shuttle valves, 8-19

solenoid-operated selector valve, 8-12

Single-acting actuating cylinder, 8-1

Self-sealing fuel cells, 3-44

Single and dual disc brakes, 12-53

Semi-independent flap and slat system, 9-42

Single disc brakes, 12-35

flap actuator, 9-43

Single shank centering devices, 12-65

flap system, 9-42

Size designation, 11-13

flap wing-fold shaft, 9-43

Skid control system maintenance, 12-63

offset gearboxes, 9-43

Skin fasteners, 13-4

Semimonocoque, 1-1

Slat system, 9-43

Sequence valves, 8-16

Slats, 1-11

mechanically operated sequence valve, 8-17

Slide-type selector valve, 8-12

pressure-operated (priority) sequence valve, 8-18

Slip-roll forming, 13-24

Serviceable tires, 11-26

Smoothness of rotor blades, 10-2

Serviceable tubes, 11-29

Snap rings, 2-14


Snips and shears, 13-5

Stationary hydraulic test stands, 4-21

Solenoid-operated selector valve, 8-12

Stationary pit-type scales, 3-30

Solid rivets, 2-1

Steel tapes, 3-30

Solution heat treatment, 15-44

Steering assembly maintenance, 12-17

Solvent contamination, 4-7

Stopping the arc, 15-33

Solvents, 14-28

Straight beam, 15-10

Spacing and edge distance, 13-27

Strength restoration, 14-26

Special tools, 13-9

Structural steel or aluminum, 3-33

dimple countersinking tools, 13-10

Structural stress, 1-19

hand bench shears, 13-13

bending, 1-20

hand-operated turret punch, 13-14

compression, 1-20

squaring shears, 13-12

shear, 1-20

throatless shears, 13-12

tension, 1-20

unishear, 13-13

torsion, 1-20

Special tubing, 6-1

Speed brake system, 9-46

varying stress, 1-20

Structural tools, 13-1

fuselage type, 9-46

Strut removal and replacement, 12-21

wingtip type, 9-47

Studs, 2-14

Speed brakes, 1-11

Spherical type, 7-36

Substitution and interchangeability of aircraft metals,


Spirit level, 3-30,9-55

Support equipment (SE) filters, 7-33

Spoiler control system, 9-18

Surface preparation, 14-30

general procedures and precautions for stripping,

Spoilers, 1-10
Spray guns, 14-36

materials, 14-30

spray gun adjustments, 14-44

paint removal, 14-30
spray gun maintenance, 14-38
Surface wave, 15-11
spray gun techniques, 14-43
Swashplate assembly, 10-10
spraying pressures, 14-44
Swivel maintenance, 12-52
Spray quenching, 15-45
Synchro type, 7-39
Spraying pressures, 14-44
Synthetic rubber hose, 5-2
Squaring shears, 13-12
System rigging, 10-11
Stabilizers, 1-5, 9-52
Standard identification markings, 11-13

Standard tube cutter, 6-8

T-bar, 3-39

Starting the arc, 15-33

Tactical paint schemes, 14-36

Static dischargers, 2-44

Tail landing gear, 1-17


Tail rotor, 1-18

Torquing computation, 3-22

Tap testing, 14-23

Torquing of fasteners, 3-19

Taper pins, 2-13

torquing computation, 3-22

Teflon hose, 5-2

torquing procedures, 3-19

Tempering, 15-39, 15-41

Torquing procedures, 3-19

Tenisometer, 9-29

Torsion, 1-20

Tension, 1-20

Touchup painting, 14-29

Terminal swaging, 9-34

Touchup procedures, 14-32

Terminals, 2-43

acrylic nitrocellulose lacquer, 14-34

Test coil configurations, 15-12

Du Pont Teflon filled polyurethane paint, 14-34

Testing and operational checks, 3-18

elastomeric rain erosion-resistant coating

MIL-C-7439, 14-35

Thermal relief valves, 7-24

enamel finishes, 14-35

Throatless shears, 13-12

epoxy-polyamide MIL-C-22750, 14-34

Throwboards, 9-31

epoxy-polyamide primer MIL-P-23377, 14-32

Tire construction, 11-10

polyurethane paint systems, 14-33

Tire inflating, 11-23

zinc chromate primer TT-P-1757, 14-35

Tire inspection, 11-16

Translational lift, 10-4

Tire preventive maintenance, 11-26

Tread construction, 11-11

dual installations, 11-28

Tread patterns, 11-11

nylon flat spotting, 11-28

Trim tabs, 1-10

uneven tread wear, 11-27

Trim system, 9-48

The rebuilding/retreading, 11-12

directional trim, 9-50

Tire retreading and repair, 11-26

lateral trim, 9-48

longitudinal trim, 9-49

nonserviceable tires, 11-26

Trimetallic disc brakes, 12-61

serviceable tires, 11-26

Tire storage, 11-16

Trouble analysis, 9-23

Titanium, 1-21

Troubleshooting aircraft systems, 3-15

Titanium and titanium alloys, 1-32

Troubleshooting procedures, 3-17

Tool containers, 3-1

Tube assemblies, 6-14

identification, 6-16

Tool control program, 3-1

quality assurance/analysis (QA/A) responsibilities, 3-1

Tube bending, 6-9

tool containers, 3-1

Tube deburring, 6-9

work center responsibilities, 3-2

Tube joint preparation, 6-11

Tube cutting, 6-8

Torches, 15-32

flared fitting, 6-11

Torque, 10-2

flareless fitting, 6-12


Tube storage, 11-28

Types of tubing, 6-1

Tubing and tube assemblies maintenance, 6-19

aluminum alloy tubing, 6-1

Tubing fabrication, 6-1

corrosion-resistant steel tubing, 6-1

Turnbuckle safetying, 2-46

special tubing, 6-1

Turnbuckles, 2-24

Typical wheel assembly, 11-1

Turnlock fasteners, 2-5

Two-way restrictor, 8-21

Ultrasonic inspection, 14-23, 15-10
Types of advanced composite materials, 14-18

angle beam, 15-10

boron fibers, 14-20

straight beam, 15-10

graphite fibers, 14-20

surface wave, 15-11

Kevlar fibers, 14-20

Uneven tread wear, 11-27

laminate, 14-20

Unishear, 13-13

matrix, 14-20

Types of contamination, 4-4

inorganic solid contamination, 4-6

Variable ramp and bell mouth systems, 12-75

metallic solid contamination, 4-6

Varying stress, 1-20

organic contamination, 4-5

Vent markings, 11-15

particulate contamination, 4-4

Vise, 13-14

Types of flight control systems, 9-1

Visual inspection, 13-37, 14-23

hydraulically operated flight control system, 9-2

mechanical (unboosted) flight control system, 9-1

Types of helicopters, 10-4

Washers, 2-22

Types of repairs, 13-42

Waste disposal, 14-29

external, 13-42
flush patches, 13-43

Water contamination, 4-6

Weighing accessory kit, 3-30

internal, 13-49

chalk line, 3-31

lap patches, 13-42

hydrometers, 3-31

Types of sealants, 14-44

leveling bars, 3-30

curing sealants, 14-45

plumb bobs, 3-30

drying sealants, 14-44

spirit level, 3-30

pliable sealants, 14-44

steel tapes, 3-30

Types of support equipment, 4-21

hydraulic fluid dispensing equipment, 4-21
Model 310 fluid service cart, 4-25

Weighing and balancing aircraft, 3-28

Weighing procedures, 3-31
Weighing scales, 3-29

Model H-250-1 hydraulic servicing unit, 4-23

heavy-duty portable scales, 3-30

Model HSU-1 fluid service unit, 4-25

portable hydraulic test stands, 4-21

mobile electronic weighing system (MEWS),


stationary hydraulic test stands, 4-21

stationary pit-type scales, 3-30


Weight, 1-24, 3-29

Wing flaps, 1-10

Welded joints, 15-26

Wing fold systems, 12-71

Welding, 15-13

Wing surface control system, 9-45

Welding currents, 15-31

Wing twist check, 9-56

Welding equipment, 15-32

Wings, 1-4,9-51

electrodes, 15-32
shielding gases, 15-32
torches, 15-32
Welding (filler) rods, 15-22
Welding flames, 15-22

Wingtip type, 9-47

Wipers, 2-40
Wire rope, 3-33
Work center responsibilities, 3-2
Working properties, 1-24

Welding machines, 15-30

Wrought alloys, 1-30
Welding procedures, 15-33
starting the arc, 15-33

stopping the arc, 15-33

X-ray inspections, 14-23

Welding safety precautions, 15-36

Welding torches, 15-20
Windshield wiper system, 12-79

Zinc chromate primer TT-P-1757, 14-35


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