Andrew Bonar
2 Timothy 1: 16-18 and 4: 19
Paul had a heart that felt everything keenly. It is from his pen that
'Rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep'
comes. It is he who wrote in Phil.4: 8: 'the bowels of Christ Jesus.'
Many times he speaks in this way, 'desiring greatly to see thee.' No
wonder, then, that he so felt the kindness of Onesiphorus, and has
recorded it all. This name means 'one who brings profit,' not unlike
'Onesimus,' perhaps given by his parents with the hope, 'may he prove
a helper to many!' He lived at Ephesus, but business took him away at
times from his family to Rome. Perhaps he was converted during the
revival at Ephesus, (Acts 19: 1-20). He was :
III. Paul's prayer for him and his.—Paul does not narrate the story in
his usual style, but in a curiously abrupt way bursts into a fervent
prayer for Onesiphorus. 'The Lord have mercy on his household, may
he himself find mercy in that day.' Does this contain much? Yes,
everything. If once the barrier to the outflow of mercy be removed,
everything good and heavenly may come in. 'Have mercy on me' has a
very wide meaning in the Psalms. But specially observe it is 'in that
day' —the day of Christ, the day of recompenses, just as in Jude 21
'mercy unto eternal life' is at Christ's appearing to bring the full store
of blessing.
This is a case like Ebedmelech's in Jer. 38. Remember how the Lord
took notice of that Ethiopian having shown himself not ashamed of
God's servant (chap. 39: 16, 17, 18).
In the fact that Paul specifies the 'household' we may read that they
were very dear to Onesiphorus, and were possibly left at home
without him at the time Timothy was to carry the message (4:19), and
tell of this prayer. Parents, see how the Lord feels for your children!
1. See how one saint may help another.—Even one who has no gift of
utterance may help a great Apostle. Brotherly love expressed in any
form has wonderful effects—a look, a word, a prayer, a taking part by
sympathy and acknowledgment.
2. Learn not to wait till others come forward.—Work yourself and let
others follow. On this occasion 'no man stood by' Paul, but all the
more was the noble conduct of Onesiphorus felt. So in common work
for Christ. 'I go a fishing' (John 21: 3). This is your part ; and let
others seeing you, follow. 'We also go with you.'
3. Do much for saints.— Refresh them, 'minister to' them, 'do good
unto all men (Gal. 6: 10), especially unto them who are of the
household of faith. Remember the Master's words (Matt.10: 40, 42).