!court: L/.epublic of Tbe Flbilippines
!court: L/.epublic of Tbe Flbilippines
!court: L/.epublic of Tbe Flbilippines
'JUL 0 1 2015
This instant administrative case arose from a verified Complaint 1 for
disbarment dated April 16, 2012 filed by complainant Maximino Noble III
(Maximino) against respondent Atty. Orlando 0. Ailes (Orlando) before the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP).
The Facts
Maximino alleged that on August 18, 2010, Orlando, a lawyer, filed a
complaint for damages against his own brother, Marcelo 0. Ailes, Jr.
(Marcelo), whom Maximino represented, together with other defendants,
therein. In the said complaint, Orlando stated the following data: "IBP774058-12/07/09-QC xx x MCLE Compliance No. II-0008689 3/Issued on
March 10, 2008." 4 Maximino claimed that at the time of the filing of the said
Id. at 16-22.
Id. at 17-21.
Id. at 25-26.
Id. at 27-28.
Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Adopting the Rules on Mandatory Continuing Legal
Education for Members of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (August 22, 2000).
Re: Recommendation of the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Board to Indicate in All
Pleadings Filed with the Courts the Counsels MCLE Certificate of Compliance or Certificate of
Exemption (June 3, 2008).
See Answer; rollo, pp. 49-52.
Id. at 51.
Meanwhile, the criminal case for grave threats and estafa filed by
Marcelo against Orlando was downgraded to unjust vexation13 and, on June
19, 2012, after voluntarily entering a plea of guilty, Orlando was convicted
of the crime of unjust vexation, consisting in his act of vexing or annoying
Marcelo by texting insulting, threatening and persuading words to drop his
lawyer over a case x x x.14
IBP Report and Recommendation
In a Report and Recommendation 15 dated April 30, 2013, the IBP
Commissioner recommended the dismissal of the case against Orlando,
finding that a transgression of the MCLE compliance requirement is not a
ground for disbarment as in fact, failure to disclose the required information
would merely cause the dismissal of the case and the expunction of the
pleadings from the records. Neither did the IBP Commissioner find any
violation of the CPR so gross or grave as to warrant any administrative
liability on the part of Orlando, considering that the communication between
Orlando and Marcelo, who are brothers, was done privately and not directly
addressed to Maximino nor intended to be published and known by third
In a Resolution16 dated May 11, 2013, the IBP Board of Governors
adopted and approved the IBP Commissioners Report and
Recommendation and dismissed the case against Orlando, warning him to be
more circumspect in his dealings. Maximino moved for reconsideration 17
which was however denied in a Resolution 18 dated May 3, 2014 with
modification deleting the warning.
Aggrieved, Maximino filed the present petition for review on
The Issue Before the Court
The issue for the Courts resolution is whether or not the IBP correctly
dismissed the complaint against Orlando.
The Courts Ruling
The petition is partly meritorious.
See Maximinos Position Paper dated November 14, 2012; id. at 84.
Id. at 93. Penned by Judge Mario V. Manayon.
Id. at 192-195. Penned by Commissioner Oliver A. Cachapero.
Id. at 191. Penned by National Secretary Nasser A. Marohomsalic.
Id. at 276-280.
Id. at 287.
Id. at 220-230.
cannot be treated lightly. The text messages were clearly intended to malign
and annoy Maximino, as evident from the use of the word polpol (stupid).
Likewise, Orlandos insistence that Marcelo immediately terminate the
services of Maximino indicates Orlandos offensive conduct against his
colleague, in violation of the above-quoted rules. Moreover, Orlandos
voluntary plea of guilty to the crime of unjust vexation in the criminal case
filed against him by Marcelo was, for all intents and purposes, an admission
that he spoke ill, insulted, and disrespected Maximino a departure from the
judicial decorum which exposes the lawyer to administrative liability.
On this score, it must be emphasized that membership in the bar is a
privilege burdened with conditions such that a lawyers words and actions
directly affect the publics opinion of the legal profession. Lawyers are
expected to observe such conduct of nobility and uprightness which should
remain with them, whether in their public or private lives, and may be
disciplined in the event their conduct falls short of the standards imposed
upon them.26 Thus, in this case, it is inconsequential that the statements were
merely relayed to Orlandos brother in private. As a member of the bar,
Orlando should have been more circumspect in his words, being fully aware
that they pertain to another lawyer to whom fairness as well as candor is
owed. It was highly improper for Orlando to interfere and insult Maximino
to his client.
Indulging in offensive personalities in the course of judicial
proceedings, as in this case, constitutes unprofessional conduct which
subjects a lawyer to disciplinary action. 27 While a lawyer is entitled to
present his case with vigor and courage, such enthusiasm does not justify the
use of offensive and abusive language. 28 The Court has consistently
reminded the members of the bar to abstain from all offensive personality
and to advance no fact prejudicial to the honor and reputation of a party.
Considering the circumstances, it is glaringly clear how Orlando
transgressed the CPR when he maligned Maximino to his client.29
With regard to Orlandos alleged violation of BM No. 1922, the Court
agrees with the IBP that his failure to disclose the required information for
MCLE compliance in the complaint for damages he had filed against his
brother Marcelo is not a ground for disbarment. At most, his violation shall
only be cause for the dismissal of the complaint as well as the expunction
thereof from the records.30
Associate Justice
Chief Justice
Associate Justice
ssociate Justice
compliance period. Failure to disclose the required information would cause the dismissal of the case
and the expunction of the pleadings from the records.