Executive Summary:: International Maritime Organization

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84th session
Agenda item 23

MSC 84/INF.6
14 February 2008


Nautical Institute Operational Guidance for Mooring
Executive summary:

The sponsors advise the Committee of the publication of the Nautical

Institute The Mariners Guide to Mooring

Strategic direction:


High-level action:


Planned output:

Action to be taken:

Paragraph 4

Related documents:


The need for industry guidance on mooring equipment has been a subject of debate in
several IMO committees, notably at MSC 79, NAV 49 and DE 48. In response to this debate the
co-sponsors of this paper undertook to progress the matter and supported the Nautical Institute in
the preparation of a new book entitled The Mariners Guide to Mooring. In addition to the
requirement identified in IMO debate the Nautical Institute was also responding to a growing
demand for practical guidance.
Ports had been concerned about an increasing number of accidents, and surveys had
demonstrated inconsistency and hazardous practices in mooring operations (NAV 49/6).
Similarly a number of major accidents involving damage, pollution, injury and death had been
investigated by Maritime Authorities with the same conclusions as above. Evidence from the
Nautical Institutes Confidential Marine Accident Reporting Scheme MARS also contains cases,
which underscore the difficulties which can arise on board when a mooring operation gets out of
The safety and preservation of ships crews is clearly one area, which needs to be
addressed, but mooring is a co-operative effort between the ships crew, the pilot, tugs and shore
gangs. It is the integrity of the whole mooring operation, which needs to be considered and this
has been reflected in the comprehensive new publication The Mariners Guide to Mooring
which is now drawn to the attention of the Committee.

For reasons of economy, this document is printed in a limited number. Delegates are
kindly asked to bring their copies to meetings and not to request additional copies.


MSC 84/INF.6


Action requested of the Committee


The Committee is invited to note the summary information given at annex.



MSC 84/INF.6



Chapter 1 The forces acting on a ship

This chapter describes the static and dynamic forces that can act on a ship when it is berthing,
unberthing or tied up alongside. The text outlines some simple methods for approximating the
forces but these do not indicate the possible yawing moments that the forces of the wind and
current can produce. Consequently, the chapter also includes graphs of the results of model tests
conducted for the oil industry to provide a means for estimating the environmental forces and
yawing moments acting on the moorings of a tanker in any strength of wind or current from any
The graphs are the basis for the oil industrys methods for calculating the steady force acting on a
moored tanker, though they also show how a ship would react to these forces if it were
unrestrained by the moorings and free to drift and yaw. Pilots and masters handling ships in
confined waters need to understand an unfettered ships response to the environmental forces
acting on it and how its behaviour is subsequently altered as a result of its initial reactions.
Although the graphs specifically relate to tankers, they give a good indication of the general
behavioural characteristics that can be applied to any ship.
OCIMF is currently the only organisation to provide a set of environmental criteria to be used
when determining the minimum strength of a ships moorings suitable for worldwide trading.
Operators of ships other than tankers berthing on oil terminals may decide on a different set of
criteria that are more appropriate for their own ships and trading patterns.


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Chapter 2 Ships mooring line patterns

This chapter starts with a brief look at the various ways that ships are moored, especially with
regard to how mooring considerations for ships that are tied up with long breast and spring lines
differs from those for ships held alongside by head and stern lines.
A tanker moored alongside an oil terminal
Mooring piles or dolphins are set
at either end of a short finger pier

The tanker is held alongside by long breast lines running out from the bow and the stern to bollards
on the dolphins whilst springs hold the ship in the correct fore and aft position.

A dry cargo ship moored alongside a cargo wharf

Bollards placed at equal distance along the edge of the wharf

The head and stern lines must hold the ship alongside the wharf, as the short horizontal distance
between the ship's side and the bollards puts limits on the scope for effective breast lines.


MSC 84/INF.6
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The three dimensional geometry of a ships mooring pattern must be taken into account when
determining the line tensions produced by the conditions at the absolute mooring limits. This is
relatively easy for the forces acting on spring lines, which can be led close to fore and aft in either
mooring pattern shown on the previous page. It is also quite easy to estimate the tension in the
tankers breast lines as these all are of very similar lengths and lead within about 10 of
athwartships. However, it is more difficult to determine the tensions in head and stern lines due to
an offshore force, particularly as the lead angles differ so much between lines run from the
offshore sides of the ship to those leading from the inshore side.
The horizontal components of the tension 'T' in an offshore side stern line
The horizontal component of tension 'T'

The athwartships pull of tension 'T'

cos H

sin HT

sin H




cos HT

TH =

cos H

actual length of the mooring line from the ship's side fairlead to the quayside bollard
height of the ship's side fairlead above (or below) the level of the quayside
horizontal fore and aft distance from the ship's side fairlead to the quayside bollard
horizontal athwartships distance from the ship's side fairlead to the quayside bollard
= offshore stern line,
= inshore stern line

Lead angle to horizontal 'H' = sin-1


Horizontal component 'TH' = T cos H

Horizontal athwartships lead angle 'Ht' = tan-1


Pull against an offshore force = T cos H cos HT

If a stern line of a ship alongside a general purpose quay typically leads 30 to the horizontal and
55 to the athwartships axis, then the contributing force that the line makes in opposing movement
off the berth is given as:The line's pull against an offshore force = T cos 30 cos 55 = 0.50 T
I.e. The effective athwartships pull is equal to 50% of the line tension created by the offshore force.
(The inshore stern line will be even less effective at opposing athwartships movement.) This can
be compared with the effectiveness of a breast line of a tanker alongside an oil jetty that 25 to the
horizontal and 10 to the athwartships axis,
The line's pull against an offshore force = T cos 25 cos 10 = 0.89 T
I.e., The effective athwartships pull is equal to 89% of the line tension created by the offshore

The chapter then considers the factors to take into account when deciding on the strength and
number of lines to use when the ships moorings are subjected to the designed maximum static
force. No line should be put under more than 50% of its minimum breaking load, when new, to
allow for snatch loads and wear in the lines. The text explains why it is usually better to use
fewer stronger lines rather than a greater number of weaker ones, whilst considering the limits to
how far this approach can be taken.

MSC 84/INF.6
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Chapter 2 continues by considering in more detail the following different aspects of a ships
mooring arrangement:

The height of the quay, relative to the height of the ships mooring deck, and the
problems that can arise when the ships deck is below the level of the quay.

The spacing of mooring bollards along the quay, the implications in the mooring
patterns of adjacent ships sharing bollards and the various types of bollards in
common use.

The design of quayside fendering for different purposes and, in particular, how
lines held tight against the fenders by mooring winches interact with the
compression of the fenders.

The properties of the different types of fibre and wire mooring lines, such as:

The strength and stretch characteristics of different materials for a given

line diameter.
The durability versus cost of the different types of fibre rope.
The ease of handling of different types of rope for a given strength.
The ease at which the crew can repair damaged lines onboard.

Sharing the load between the lines as equitably as possible for different mooring
patterns and the problems in achieving this when the lines are made fast on sets of

The advantages and disadvantages of using bights as opposed to single mooring


The chapter finishes with an outline of mooring patterns used when ships are double berthed.
Chapter 3 Mooring equipment and fittings for a ship securing lines on bitts
This chapter considers the number, strength and siting of mooring fittings for a ship on which
lines are heaved tight on capstans or winch drum ends and then stoppered off whilst they are
made fast on sets of bitts. The lines cannot be secured tight by this method, as tension is lost
when lines are transferred to the bitts, so there is scope for some ship movement on the berth.
However, many smaller ships are tied up in this way so the chapter considers the following:

The distribution of overside fairleads (or chocks) and bitts and how it affects the
range of mooring options available to the crew.

How the force on a fairlead or set of bitts depends on its height above deck and
the way a mooring line is led around the fitting.


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The need for adequate reinforcement of the deck structure under a fitting.

The different ways of turning up a line on a set of bitts and how these affect its

The different ways of applying stoppers to fibre and wire lines.

Towing fittings, including emergency towing arrangements for tankers, and how
the crew should handle a towline from a tug.

Mooring and towing fittings should be at least 25% stronger than the maximum force that they
can be subjected to by the lines they serve, so that a line will part before pulling the fitting off the
deck. The IMO gives guidelines for minimum fitting strengths in MSC/Circ.1175 that are derived
from a table of nominal breaking loads of mooring lines based on a ships equipment number.
Chapter 3 illustrates with examples why these guidelines need to be revised to take account of the

The equipment number was devised as a measure of the forces acting on a ship at
anchor, so it only accounts for fore and aft forces, as ships at anchor head into the
wind or current.

Even if the equipment number were a fair guide to athwartships forces acting on a
ship, it fails to account for the effectiveness of the lines lead angles in different
mooring patterns.

The chapter concludes by comparing drum ends with capstans and outlining the characteristics of
their motor and drive arrangements.
Chapter 4 Mooring equipment for a ship with dedicated mooring winches
Chapter 4 starts with an illustrated description of a mooring winch and its components, then
considers the various aspects concerned with handling mooring lines on dedicated winches with
particular regard to the following:

The hauling ability of a winch, how this is determined by the motor torque, the
diameter of the winch drum and the number of layers of line on the drum.

The width of the winch drum with regard to the length and diameter of line to be
stored on it and how these impose limits on how close to the fairlead that the
winch can be sited in for the line to fleet satisfactorily onto the drum.

The problems that can arise when fleeting a long pick up onto the drum,
particularly if the line is under tension.

The advantages and disadvantages of a split drum winch as compared with an

undivided barrel.

The holding capacity of winch brakes, how this is also affected by the number of
layers of line on the drum and how the brakes should be set so that they will
render before tension in the line exceeds 60% of its breaking load.


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Multiple barrel winches and how these can be used to provide suitable mooring
patterns with the minimum number of winch units.

The chapter ends by considering auto (or self) tensioning control, why it should not be used on
lines working against each other (i.e., the spring lines) and how its performance depends on:

The difference between the payout and pickup tensions that programmed into the
control system (i.e., the deadband).

The stretch characteristics of the mooring lines.

The compression characteristics of the quayside fenders, as shown in the diagram


The effect of the fender force on a ship with auto-tensioning mooring winches






Ship stopped

Ship moving
The ship is off
the fenders

= Offshore wind force,

Fender force
0 Ff3 Ff2 Ff1





= Offshore fender force, Fm

Ship stopped
= Mooring line tensions

1 - Ship held alongside by the set line tensions, so:Fm = Fw1 + Ff1
2 - Wind force increases, mooring lines pay out, the
ship moves out and the fenders start to extend.
Fm < Fw2 + Ff2

3 - Decrease in fender force equals increase in wind

force, lines are held and the ship stops moving.
Fm = Fw2 + Ff3
Fender compression reducing
An increase in the offshore wind force is matched by a decrease in the fenders' compressive force.


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Chapter 5 Routine mooring operations from berthing to unberthing
This chapter starts by outlining how a ships manoeuvrability and size influence which of the
methods shown below is better suited for berthing the ship.
1 Driving a relatively small ship onto the berth
The forward spring is the first line ashore
A tug may be required to
assist stopping the ship
If the offshore anchor is to be
used to assist berthing then it
should be dropped about here.
Ships up to about 10,000 t displacement can be driven against the forward spring so
that the helm can be used to swing the stern into the quayside.

2 Pushing a large ship sideways onto the berth

Springs are the first lines sent ashore

Ship on an adjacent berth

Two tugs push the ship alongside and keep it parallel to the berth. The tugs must push
against strengthened places on the hull, which are marked with the letter 'T'. The third
tug at stern is used to check the ship's ahead speed.
Current The ship is stemming
the tide or current

The text describes the various steps to be taken by the ships crew from preparing the mooring
stations to securing the ship alongside, explaining how and when lines should be run ashore,
hauled in, held and then finally made fast. Particular attention is paid to the hazards that arise
during the operation, including the risk from the snap back of a line parting under load.
The areas of deck exposed to snap back depend on how the line leads from the winch or capstan
to the fairlead at the ships side and are illustrated by diagrams such as the one shown below.
Standing clear of the snap back zones whilst holding a fibre line on a capstan
(The snap back distance is assumed to be 200% with a spread angle of 10)
At least three turns of line
are needed on the capstan
when holding on
Slack line can
be paid out if
A spring line coming tight as the Crewmen are clear of
the danger zone
bow swings off the berth


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Chapter 5 continues by outlining the duties of the deck watch in port with regard to:

Adjusting the moorings as the height of the ship relative to the quay changes with
the tide or the ships draft and, in particular, how to slack off tight lines made fast
on bitts.

Running extra lines if an increasing offshore force is overloading the moorings.

The action to take if lines start to part.

The problems that can arise with the moorings and gangway if the ship is below
the quay.

The chapter then describes how to: shift a ship along the quay by its mooring lines, turn a ship
around on the berth with the moorings and, finally, the procedures for letting go on departure.
Chapter 6 Anchoring and anchoring equipment
The first part of this chapter covers a ships anchoring equipment requirements, as determined by
the ships equipment number and the IACS rules stated in the following two documents:
The unified rule UR-A- Requirements concerning Mooring, Anchoring and Towing and
Recommendation No.10 of IACS Rec. 84/Corr. 2004/Rev.2 2005.
In particular, the text describes in detail:

The different anchor types, how they perform and the anchor weight requirements.

The anchor cable, how it is marked and the strength and length requirements.

Windlasses, vertical axis cable lifters, chain stoppers and the performance

Chain lockers including the requirements for the bitter end.

Stowing the cable securely for putting out to sea.

The chapter then describes the conventional method of anchoring to a single anchor, including an
explanation as why shortcomings in this method can arise when it is used on large ships. An
alternative method of letting go the anchor on a turn is described as a way of overcoming this
problem. The chapter continues by describing the different ways of mooring with two anchors
and ends with suggestions for how to use the anchor in an emergency to prevent the ship from
running aground and how an anchor may be recovered when the windlass is stalled.


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The following topics are dealt with by the appendices at the end of the book:

Personal safety, including suitable protective clothing.

An outline of the procedure for berthing a tanker on a single point mooring.

Brief descriptions of quay based mooring winches and the vacuum system.

A brief guide to accommodation ladders and gangways.

An outline of care and maintenance of mooring lines and equipment.

The book includes a considerable number of diagrams illustrating the points made by the
adjacent text.



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