Interdisciplinary Versus Multidisciplinary Care Teams - Do We Understand The Difference

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Interdisciplinary versus multidisciplinary care teams: do

we understand the difference?
Rebecca L Jessup
AS A MANAGER OF allied health staff in a major
metropolitan health care service, I am responsible
for recruitment to a variety of different disciplines. One of the questions I regularly ask at
s underHealth
Rev the
standing August
of interdisciplinary
2007 31 3 330-331
care environment.
I would estimate
Aust Health
Rev 2007 www.aushealthrethat
around one in ten individuals can
provide an
accurate definition of the role of an
interdisciplinary team. The remainder default to a
description of multidisciplinary teams, and some
even utilise the terms interchangeably.
Demands on the Australian health system continue to grow, with an increasingly ageing population juxtaposing underutilisation of current
workforce skills. We care for an increasingly
educated population of patients, who may be
better described nowadays as clients or even
consumers (but that is a language debate for
another day). We are continuously challenged to
find better, evidence-based ways of doing things
that will not only improve patient care (our
number one priority), but will reduce costs and
increase staff satisfaction and retention rates. The
move away from multidisciplinary teams toward
interdisciplinary teams is a change that may help
us to meet these challenges. Therefore it is essential that we have a common understanding of the
differences between the terms, and thus the operational differences between the teams.
Multidisciplinary team approaches utilise the
skills and experience of individuals from different
Rebecca L Jessup, MPH, BPod, Manager of Allied Health &
Chronic Disease Services
Allied Health, Craigieburn Health Service, Northern Health,
Melbourne, VIC.
Correspondence: Ms Rebecca L Jessup, Allied Health,
Craigieburn Health Service, Northern Health, c/- The
Northern Hospital 185 Cooper Street, Epping, Melbourne,
VIC 3076. [email protected]


disciplines, with each discipline approaching the

patient from their own perspective. Most often,
this approach involves separate individual consultations. These may occur in a one-stop-shop
fashion with all consultations occurring as part of
a single appointment on a single day. It is common for multidisciplinary teams to meet regularly, in the absence of the patient, to case
conference findings and discuss future directions
for the patients care. Multidisciplinary teams
provide more knowledge and experience than
disciplines operating in isolation.
Interdisciplinary team approaches, as the word
itself suggests, integrate separate discipline
approaches into a single consultation. That is, the
patient-history taking, assessment, diagnosis,
intervention and short- and long-term management goals are conducted by the team, together
with the patient, at the one time. The patient is
intimately involved in any discussions regarding
their condition or prognosis and the plans about
their care. A common understanding and holistic
view of all aspects of the patients care ensues, with
the patient empowered to form part of the decision-making process, including the setting of longand short-term goals. Individuals from different
disciplines, as well as the patient themself, are
encouraged to question each other and explore
alternate avenues, stepping out of discipline silos
to work toward the best outcome for the patient.
One of the risks of interdisciplinary teams is
that traditional hierarchies, or dominant personality types (or both), may interfere with the
process. For example, quieter or less experienced
team members may feel intimidated or less worthy, and thus not speak up about their opinions
around a patients care. These individuals would
be protected in a multidisciplinary environment,
where assessments and interventions are carried
out with the patient individually. However, this

Australian Health Review August 2007 Vol 31 No 3


being said, these risks can be managed through

well defined and respectful communication protocols within the team.
Interdisciplinary teams have some obvious
advantages over multidisciplinary, the most obvious being the patient-centred approach. Furthermore, it provides a stimulating work environment
within which staff can learn about, and even
conduct, some of the assessments and interventions traditionally carried out by other disciplines
(where it is safe and appropriate for them to do
so). When done well, it is an extremely efficient
method of operating, with both time and cost
savings from the lack of duplication and need for
follow-up case conferencing. One of the unexpected advantages of the interdisciplinary teams
may be the evolution of new workforce roles,
developed through identification of service system gaps not always visible in multidisciplinary
teams. An example of this may be an advanced

Australian Health Review August 2007 Vol 31 No 3

allied health assistant role, where the assistant

takes on some of the tasks traditionally held by
medical, nursing and/or allied health staff.
I am not suggesting that we do away with
multidisciplinary and single discipline interventions, as these are still valuable and valid methods
of providing patient care. However, what I am
suggesting is that we need to develop a common
language and understanding of what these two
terms mean, and what this translates to in practice. Upon reviewing the literature around interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams, and
through discussions with colleagues, it is clear
that we are still debating the definitions
presented here is my interpretation. We clearly
need more debate about the terms, and a great
deal more clinical research evaluating the different methods in the health care environment. We
are only at the beginning.
(Received 13/11/06, accepted 12/03/07)


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