120mm M829 Screening in Op Desert Storm
120mm M829 Screening in Op Desert Storm
120mm M829 Screening in Op Desert Storm
AD-A278 075
Acceiioii For
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By ..................
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AD-P009 089
TITLE: An Analysis of the 120mm M829 Screening In Operation Desert
Robert E. Dillon, Jr., LieutenanL Colonel, USA
Dept. of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
US Military Academy, We: Point, New York
The screening results for the 120mm M829 APFSDS round fired from one tank
battalion deployed to Southwest Asia from Germany are presented and analyzed
in an effort to explain the deviation from expected accuracy. A background
history of the ammunition prior to the screening is presented as well as a
detailed description of the screening process, measurements of hits on the
screening panels, a statistical analysis of the target impacts, and an exterior
ballistic analysis to determine the loss of muzzle velocity needed to account for
the low hits observed. It was found that a loss of about 170m/s muzzle velocity
was necessary to cause the low hits. A mean point of impact was computed for
the battalion and compared to the Computer Correction Factor for the M829.
BIOGRAPHY: Robert E. Dillon, Jr.
PRESENT ASSIGNMENT: Associate Professor and D-rector of Mechanical
Engineering Design
PAST EXPERIENCE: Armor officer in company, battalion, and brigade level
positions; R&D Coordinator, Benet Weapons Lab, 1981-1984; Associate
Professor, Dept. of Mechanics, US Military Academy, 1984-1987.
DEGREES HELD: BS., US Military Academy, West Point, NY, 1974; M. Erng.
(Aero), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, 1981; Ph.D., (Aero)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, 1983.
During Operation Desert Storm it became necessary to Screen the MI1A
tanks prior to entering combat. This paper describes the screening process
followed by one battalion and the efforts taken to correct for the unacceptable
accuracy obtained from the fleet Computer Correction Factor (CCF) for the M829
round for this occasion.
During the screening in Saudi Arabia about 20 tanks in the battalion
failed to hit the screening panel. There were 10 other tanks who hit the
screening panel but failed to satisfy the screening criterion [1:A-20]. This was a
drastic change from past gunnery experiences where this battalion had to proof
fire four out of 58 tanks at worst. Now there were 30 out of 58 tanks that failed
to screen. The screening failures were analyzed by the battalion master gunner,
the brigade master gunner, the company commander, the brigade operations
officer, and the battalion commander. Most of the shots were observed to be low.
The mean point of impact of the battalion across the board was likewise
observed to be low.
Wel Ammunition
There is some history of poor performance of 120mm training ammunition
used in Germany. This same battalion, while at annual tank gunnery
qualification in Grafenwoehr in March 1988 was issued training ammunition
that had beer, exposed to the weather for a prolonged period. The soldiers in the
battalion had to chip ice off the casing of their M831 and M865 training rounds
with screwdA-Ivers in order to get them to fit inside the ammuni ition ready racks.
This all occurred despite published guidance on how to store the 120ram
ammunition. During this gunnery rotation the battalion consistently fired low
on targets beyond 1700 meters range. At the time it was theorized by the
battalion master gunner the water content of the ammunition was to blame for
the low shots at long range. The battalion also drew water damagei
ammunition in 1989 and some rounds could not be chambered due to excessive
swelling of the cartridge case. The rotation in March 1990 saw mostly new
ammunition issued arid no problems were encountered with water soaked
The battalion had finished off cycle gunnery two months prior to
notification of deployment to SWA and had not encountered any mechanical
difficulties with the their fire control systems nor wer- any problems reported
with the M865 and M831 ammunition. The battalion had just received its MIA1
(Heavy) tanks in July 1990 and all were in excellent mechanical condition. The
battalion had been uploaded since February of 1987 until the fall of 1988 when
the ammunition was placed in subterranean bunkers. During the time the
battalion was up-loaded, the ammunition was subjected to the constant rain and
high humidity of the north German weather. To exacerbate this problem, the
environmental cover at the rear of the turret bustle allowed water to leak into
the ammunition compartment. This, along with any scratches or gouges on the
cartridge case, created a condition allowing the ammunition to absorb water.
This was known by PM, TMAS and the ammunition units in Gerrmany[7,8]. In
November 1989, one ammunition surveillance team from PM, TMAS found
ammunition that had been submerged in water, had soft ca:;ings, rusty primers
and rusty stub cases. Some turret bustle ammunition compartments had
standing water along with condensation droplets forming on the inside walls [7].
One quality control inspection by an ammunition unit to the battalion studied in
this report showed such findings as: soft cartiidge cases, 63% of the ammunition
inspe-o-d had corrosion on the base and primer, and 100% with scrapes and
scratches on the combustible cartridge case [8].
Screenine Doctrinne
The current doctrine, as put forth by the Armor School, states that tanks
will not be zeroed but rather calibrated by boresight, then screened using a fleet
CCF 'or each type of main gun ammunition [1;A-17]. There has been debate in
the armor community for several years on the necessity of zeroing. The Armor
School maintains that zeroing is good for only a specific occasion and despite the
increase in accuracy for this occasion, the costs [of the ammunition] for zeroing
make this practice "irresponsible" [6]. This argument unfortunately does not
quantify the costs of destroyed tanks and incinerated solders as a result of not
zeroing. The tank manufacturer, however, states that to get the maximumT
accuracy from the tank it must be zeroed [2:2-276]. The nianuf'cturer also
states that zeroing will only need to be done once and unless the gun tube,
mount, or recoil spring are removed there is no need to re-zcro the tank [2:-2-76].
To further complicate the issue, FM 17-12-1 does not give any instruction-; for
screening prior to combat. The only references to screening arc made when
referring to a training situation and not combat.
As the last of the old M60 tankers leave the army so does the institutional
memory on zeroing. Since the MI and MIA1 tankers have only screened during
gunnery and few have proof fired their tanks, there is little experience save for
the master gunner in zeroing. When a tank does not pass screen and has to be
proofed, the master gunner usually supervises the crew.
those tanks missing the panel or hitting low. Based on the distribution of hits
the modified CCF was LO.13, UO.30. This is in comparison to the published CCF
for the M829 of LO.13, UO.65. Figure 2 shows the MPI of those shots fired from
tanks using the modified CCF. As a result of this correction, the MPI was
brought closer to the aim point.
After a closer look at the strike of all the rounds a more precise
computation of the MPI was computed. From these data a corrected CCF was
found to be [1_3.01, UO.34. This would be the CCF for these rounds fired for this
screening occasion. Compared to our field estimate CCF of 1-.113, UO.30 we
came close to the true mean point of impact for the vertical jump be since we
ignored horizontal jump we were off roughly one tenth of a mil. Table 1
compares the fleet CCF with th~e modified CCF computed at the range and the
corrected CCF computed in this report. The MPI based on the corrected CCF is
also shown un figure two arid the proximity of the MPI with the aim point is
evident. As an added coininant, the crews whose shot hit close to the center
were very comfortable with the screening r-rocess. Howevcr, those crews whose
shot hit 80 cm from their aim point had considerably less confidence in their
ability to hit a hostile target ev.'en though referunce 1 said they were "properly
Table I Comparison of Fleet with Modified CCFs
Modified at Range
Modified in Report
Horizontal (mils)
Left 0.13
Left 0.13
Vertical (mils)
Up 0.65
Up 0.30
Left 0.01
Up 0.34
Discus sion
At the firing range, figure 3, our immediate concern was to find the cause
of the poor accuracy of some of the M1829 rounds. One source of error we
considered was optical path bending. The high temperatures in the desert and
the convex curvature of the range from the firing line to the target area caused
considerable hept striations distorting the image of the targets. If the gunners
were aiming at the apparent center of the target, this could explain the poor
accuracy. We tested this hypothesis by firing some availabie M865 rounds from
tanks that failed the M829 screening. All these tanks hit vcry close to t0,e aim
point with M86 3. This narrowed our alternatives to two possible causes: " ,be
M829 CCF was not correct, 2) the M829 ammunition was faulty. To nary
ialterna1.vP:, diwn wp rpncnnood thant the CC.1Fvwa fur the M02459Q 1
our history cfvwet rounds gave us some insight into the cause of the low hits.
Based on this experience aod after some lengthy discussion at the range we
assumed one or two things were happening. One was some of the M829
ammunition had absorbed enough water to slow the round down to the point
that the lost muzzle velocity would cause the round to hit lo,. The other wa,
the lower muzzle velocity would cause the slower round to arrive at the muzzle
late which would cause the projectile to exit the f ube with different horizontal
and vertical velocities and displacements due to gun dynamics. We thought this
could have a very large and random effect on dispersion. We were not in a
position to do anything about narrowing down the source of error(s) but we did
have to come up with a solution and fast. The time and ammunition constraints
we faced prohibited us from zeroing 30 tanks. Our modified CCF was our
interim solution. Our modified CCF allowed all tanks in the battalion to pass
screen except two which had to be zeroed.
In order to present a possible cause of the low hits by some of the M829
rounds an exterior ballistic analysis was conducted to determine how much
muzzle velocity would have to be lost to cause an M829 round fired from the
fleet CCF to miss a screening panel 1500 meters away. Following the exterior
ballistic analysis an initial interior ballistic analysis was conducted to attempt
to quantify how much muzzle velocity could be lost from a wet casing.
Exterior Ballistic Analysis
An exterior ballistic -analysis was conducted on the M829 ammunition in
an effort to determine how much muzzle velocity would have to be losc to miss a
scrconing panel 1500 meters away. From the size of our panel, the round would
have to pass 0.67 mils below the aim point to miss the panel.
A solution to this can be calculated by modeling the trajectory of the M829
round in two dimensions. The differential equations of motion in the x and y
directions are:
y"=-(1/rn)Kd d2y'-g
Change in Vmuz
This analysis was done assuming the low hits were a resalt of low muzzle
velocity only. In actuality, it is presumed the gun dynamics would be different
with a loss of 170 mi's of muzzle velocity. With this lower velocity and time of
arrival at the muzzle, we theorize the projectile would experience a different
jump due to the lateral and ve "tical displacement and velocity of the muzzle at
the time of shot ejection. So, in addition to the greater fall from low muzzle
velocity, the projectile would have a different jump due to different gun
dynamics during launch.
Interior Ballistic Analysis
In order to study the possibility of wet ammo causing a loss of muzzle
velocity sufficient to cause a round to miss the panel, a simple interior ballistic
parametric study was done using IBCODE [4:--]. To establish a baseline from
which to compare, the interior ballistic solution for the M829 was calculated.
Since there was no way of determining how much water permeation
existed in the rounds already fired we decided to remove the combustible
caftridge case from the initial conditions of the calculation. Although very crude
LIA, lolvU, us tv-See ItOW unucu the cartridge case contributed to the interior
ballistic solution [5:--]. By removing the cartridge case from the input deck an
8.3% loss of muzzle velocity resulted. This corresponds to 137 rn/s in the M829.
If the cartridge case was water soaked, the water would act as an energy sink
and presumably reduce the muzzle velocity even further. As a resalt of the
interior ballistic analysis,.wet ammo t'hf~ai- could cause the low shots seen in the
The M829 fleet CCF was not acceptable for all tanks during Operation
Desert Storm.
The field modified CCF provided an interim solution for the M829 rounds
during the ground campaign in Operation Desert Storm.
Wet ammunition is suspected as the major cause of poor accuracy with the
fleet CCF.
A more precise analysis of the interior ballistics of the M829 ammunition
be conducted to determine the effect of moisture in the propellant on the
performance of this ammunition.
A full scale firing test be conducted using water soaked ammunition to
provide an insight on the _ppaicnibilitv of the fleet. (C'P for wa7ter soaked
A study is recommended to investigate the effect of gun dynamics on the
accuracy of the M829 i ound with lower than nominal muzzle velocities.
The author is indebted to MSG Nell Ciotola for gathering all the
screening data and for providing invaluable as.,istance at the range. Cadet
Mark Membrino for reducing the data and LCDR Cal Langford for his insights
and observations.
1. US., Department of the Army, Field Manual 17-12-1, "Tank Combat
Tables," w/c3, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC: 1989.
2. US., Departmcnt of the Army, Technical Manual 9-2350-264-10-2,
"Tank Combat, Full Tracked, 120mm Gun, M1Al," w/cl0, Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC: 1990.
3. Compton, Louis D., "Final Report Follow-On Production Test of the
M1A1 Abrahms Tank, sn L10193U," Combat Vehicle Division, Automotive and
Support Equipment Directorate, US. Army Combat Systems Test Activity,
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD: 1990.
4. O'Hara, Peter, G., Benet Weapons Laboratory, Private Communication
on IBCODE, an MS-DOS interior ballistic code developed by Mr. Fred Robin of
Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen MD, 1991.
5. Vottis, P., Benet Weapons Laboratory, Private Communication, 1991.
6. Letter; Weapons Depnqt.rmnt ITT
Boresight, 12 Sep 90.
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