Factor of Safety and Stress Analysis of Fuselage Bulkhead Using Composite
Factor of Safety and Stress Analysis of Fuselage Bulkhead Using Composite
Factor of Safety and Stress Analysis of Fuselage Bulkhead Using Composite
Abstract: The fuselage is an aircraft's main body section that serves to position control and stabilization surfaces in specific
relationships to lifting surfaces, required for aircraft stability and maneuverability. It holds crew and passengers and cargo. In
single-engine aircraft it will also contain an engine, although in some amphibious aircraft the single engine is mounted on a pylon
attached to the fuselage. Along with different types of loads, pressure loads are to be considered as very important which can be
overcome by the skin and structural loads overcome by the help of bulkhead and other structural members like stringers, formers
etc. the main theme is to provide safety with high reliability which is measured by the factor of safety. Now a day the structural
strength has been improving using different composite materials. The composite material mainly reduces the weight of structure
and increases ability to with stand at high load operating conditions. An analysis involves with the finding of deformations and
finding stresses at general load conditions with different combination of aluminum alloys (AL 2024 T4, AL 6061 T6) and
composite materials (Rein forced carbon fiber with 90 0& 450 orientation) for skin and fuselage structural members respectively,
and involves with modification of design according to the analysis of results to improve the factor safety and reduce the stresses.
Keywords: Safety and Stress Analysis, Composite Materials.
A. Fuselage Configuration
Ground Rules:
Analyze the difference in various structural
arrangements in terms of:
Structural efficiency
Provisions for ducting and control cables
Effect on fuselage outside diameter
Noise attenuation (for commercial airplanes)
B. General Requirements
General requirements namely, to transport a payload,
people, at subsonic speeds in a comfortable environment.
This dictates that the fuselage must be pressurized to provide
a comfortable environment for the passengers. The figure
below shows the most efficient pressure-carrying structure
that has a cylindrical cross-section with spherical end caps.
The efficient pressure structure is compromised (fig.1 As
shown in 2) to satisfy the aerodynamicist. The
aerodynamicist is compromised by operational requirements
NOTE: that there has been very little change in the basic
structural concept, since the earliest metal stressed skin
airplanes, These skin or stiffeners combinations have proved
over the years to be light weight, strong structure that is
relatively easy to produce and maintain.
The most efficient structure is the one with the least
number of joints or splices, therefore skin panels are as large
as possible, limited only by available mill sizes. Stringers,
being rolled from strip stocks are limited in length by
manufacturing techniques. Single lap splices are typically
used for the longitudinal skin joints. This is the lightest
design and does not impose a severe aerodynamic penalty on
a subsonic airplane. The transverse splices, those normal to
the air stream, are flush-butt splices because a lap step here
would have an appreciable effect on boundary layer
turbulence and drag. Stringers splice locations are established
by another set of rules, since the skin and stringers are
working together; they should both be spliced at the same
location. This maintains the relative stiffness of the stringer
Factor of Safety and Stress Analysis of Fuselage Bulkhead using Composite Materials
carry the load that the skin has given up. Tear straps are
plane product is the elimination of the stringer joggle where
located between each frame station Fig.4. It has been proved
the stringers have to step over individual fail-safe straps (or
by the test that a 20 to 40 inch crack can be sustained without
tear straps) as shown in Fig.5. Examination of the various
a catastrophic failure. In the areas where the skin thickness is
typical fuselage configurations of commercial airplanes
determined by bending loads, the stress level from hoop
reveal that they are basically similar combinations of the
tension is low enough that fatigue is not critical. The
skin-stringer-ring(frame) structures, with the interior trim line
discussion of skin, stringer, and fail-safe pressure design has
(one inch greater than the frame depth)providing an overall
been somewhat short compared to its importance. Most
cabin wall thickness. Ring or frame spacing is in the order of
thought, study, and testing has gone into this phase of the
20 inches and stringers spacing varies between 6 to 10
structure than any other because poor design details in this
inches. Commonly, the passenger transport fuselage sidewall
area are uniform giving. Utilization of the airplane power
(window and door area) design replaces stringers with
over shorter route segments means that fatigue is a primary
heavier thickness skins so that a quieter cabin can be
design consideration. The lower operating pressure
obtained and the skin fatigue stress can be reduced because
differential means the minimum gage skins could be used in
of cabin pressurization cycles. In the sidewall region, frame
the hoop tension areas if a satisfactory design for fail safe
depth can be kept to a minimum (provided that adequate
crack length control could be developed.
working space is not a problem) because no significant
concentrated loads are involved. Above and below the side
wall region, ample space is available to profile for increased
frame depth as required. Another advantage is to reduce
fuselage diameter to save structural weight and less fuselage
frontal area to reduce aerodynamic drag with the same
internal width across.
Frames and Floor Beam: Fuselage frames perform many
diverse functions such as:
Support shell compression/ shear
Distribute concentrated loads
Fail-safe (crack stoppers).
They hold the fuselage cross section to control shape and
limit the column length of longerons of stringers as shown in
Fig.6. Frames also act as circumferential tear strips to ensure
fail-safe design
Aft Body Loads: Aft body vertical flight loads are a critical
combination of inertia loads and horizontal tail balancing
loads. The horizontal tail loads are determined for the various
conditions on the V-n diagram and center of gravity
locations. Since the distribution of weight in the fuselage as
well as the tail loads are a function of c.g. location, the
problem is one of determining the critical combinations.
Lateral loadings result from application of air loads acting on
the vertical tail in combination with side inertia loads. Air
loads on the fuselage aft body is generally neglected both in
the vertical and side directions. In this case the air loads are
not necessarily relieving; therefore it is not conservative to
neglect them. However, they are generally quite small, and
their distribution in the unpredictable flow behind the wing is
impossible to determine.
Factor of Safety and Stress Analysis of Fuselage Bulkhead using Composite Materials
P2 P1
P2 is the internal pressure of 0.1bar
P1 is the external pressure to be calculated
R - is the radius of the skin = 3.95m ( from table )
=allowable stress of standard value =100MN/m2
External pressure at 10,000 altitude is 0.2 bar (from
appendix) or 2.6550 104N/m2.
tp = 1.5 mm (approximately)
TABLE II: General Characteristics
Factor of Safety and Stress Analysis of Fuselage Bulkhead using Composite Materials