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Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Document

1. Introduction
Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) document is discussed in this section, where
detailed explanation to entire software, hardware, interfaces and other requirements is given.
As the main goal of the current project is to develop a typical student scholarship link
website, there are multiple specifications identified against functional and non-functional
requirements. As the proposed system includes few relevant aspects of finance, personal and
student details, entire system development will be done based on a clear requirements
specifications in terms of software, interactions, interfaces, hardware and other modelling
aspects. High level features and functionalities of the system are identified in the proposal
and a clear discussion on system requirements and the corresponding specifications is as
given below

1.1 Purpose
Purpose of the current System Requirements Specification (SRS) document is to identify the
high level and detailed requirements of the proposed Scholarship link web application, which
is intended to support the scholarship engagements and issues of the University of HoustonClearlake (UHCL) students. Target audience of the current SRS document include the
administrator of the system, clients, students and other relevant university staff. Interface
requirements like hardware, software, communication and system interfaces are identified
and documented against the key system specifications in this document. All these
specifications and high level interface design components are discussed in detail as below

1.2 Scope
Main scope of the proposed system is to design and develop Scholarship link web application
and it has software components with variant features and functionalities, their scope is as
provided below

Web application which support the key feature of Scholarship functionalities

Student login module, which allows students of UHCL to login to access the features
of Scholarship link website

Admin login module, which allows the system administrator to login and access the

features of Scholarship link website application

Registration module, which allows the new students to register with the system to

further access and use the proposed web scholarship application

Student update module, which allows the students to update their details in the

proposed system
Students can also apply for the jobs like technical assistances over the university and

the corresponding approval process will be done by administrators

Admin will check the educational qualifications and grades allocated previously to

approve or reject the technical assistance posts as applied by the students

Admin update module, which allows the administrator to update the student,
scholarship and other details in the proposed system

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Scholarship: Scholarship is the facility as provided to the university students, where they can
use the same to pay their tuition or course fee against their merit profiles
UHCL: University of Houston-Clearlake students are considered while developing the
proposed Scholarship web link and it is assumed that most of them they register with the
system can avail the respective facility
Interface components: Interface components define the user level interactions with the
system and include the web pages and forms via they can submit or access the Scholarship
URL: Uniform Resource Locator is the web link from which the user can access the proposed
Scholarship application or system
Technical Assistants: Students of UHCL can also apply for the post of teaching or technical
assistants, where the further approval process is done by the administrator
Responsive web pages: They are the typical HTML pages or forms rendered with CSS for
style and font settings and they accept or process the HTTP requests or response objects
against the proposed application access

1.4 References
2. Srinivas, N. (2013). Knowledge transfer challenges and mitigation strategies in global







336. Retrieved 5





Management, 33(1), 334-


2015, from

3. Saini, M. (2014). A Review of Open Source Software Development Life Cycle
Models. International




Applications, 8(3), 421-423.Retrieved 5





2015, from

4. Khalid, M. (2013). Review of Requirements Management Issues in Software
Development. IJModern
25. Retrieved 7October,

2015, from



Science, 1(1), 23-


5. Lai, R. (2013). A Requirements Management Method for Global Software
Development . Advances in Information Sciences (AIS) , 1(1), 39-42. Retrieved 7
October, 2015,from http://www.humanpub.org/ais/ppl/ais3ppl.pdf
6. Maria, G. (2013). User Interface Transition Diagrams for Customer-Developer
Communication Improvement in Software Development Projects. JOURNAL OF


SOFTWARE, 2(1), 12-15. Retrieved 7


2015, from

6.1 Overview

Objective of the current SRS document is to discuss the software and hardware requirements
and specifications of the proposed Student Scholarship link web application. User level,
business logic level and database level functionalities both at the component and module
level are discussed in detail and the key artefacts or deliverable of the current SRS document
will include detailed product description, interface components like software and hardware,
database and SQL requirements, product functionalities, user and their roles and
responsibilities, performance requirements, logical and physical constraints and dependencies

and assumptions. Detailed description of these deliverables as applicable to the proposed

student scholarship web application is as given below

7. Overall Description
Proposed Student Scholarship web application aims the students of UHCL and incorporates
various features at the functional and non-functional level. Primary users of the proposed
application will be students and administrator and their roles and responsibilities over the
application are defined further. Students can register with the system prior to login and apply
for the scholarship facility and thus two sets of students exists with the system like new
students and registered students. Admin will approve or reject the student registrations
against their profiles, University details, Scores, Qualifications and financial status against
the review of corresponding documents as attached by the students.
Once the Admin approve the student registrations, they can avail the features of the
application with an authenticated login using their respective credentials. Initial student login
will hold their personal, educational, scholarship and financial details, where they can also
update them. Whenever they raise request to update their details with respective to education
and scholarship, typical notification status is raised with a unique number and they can track
the status of any request using the same. Admin login will hold the primary functionalities of
the proposed system, where the further actions will impact the student access and scholarship
facilities further. Secondary role in the proposed system is acted by university finance team
and they hold the main responsibility to release the funds and update the admin. Respective
updates are reflected over the student login, where they can check the status using the status
unique number or flag as generated by the system. This process will continue for every
student who registers or login with the system and further approval or reject rights holds with
the admin.

7.1 Product Perspective

Proposed Student Scholarship web link application is intended provide the students an
automated process of applying scholarship and track the respective status with the advent of

other important roles like administrator and university finance team. High level application
flow with the respective business logic is discussed in the previous sections and from the
evaluation it is clear that, a typical sample or independent system is developed for the current
purpose. Major components of the proposed Web scholarship application are identified and
represented in the below diagram

2.1.1 System Interface

Following are the key system level interface designed for the proposed web scholarship
application and the high level description is also given

Home page: Home page is the starting point to access the application and holds the interface
components like About us, Contact us, Student portal, University details and Admin login. All
the components hold the respective details and the few of them will be dynamic in nature as
Admin login: Admin login is done based on the status user id and password like admin and
admin, where the further features of the application are made accessible on successful
Student: Students are provided with two options like new users and existing users, where
new users can register with the system and existing users will directly login with the system
against their predefined login credentials
Student Registration: New students will register with the student registration interface,
where a typical web form with the inputs is loaded in this context. These details will include
student first name, middle name, last name, contact number, email address, mailing address,
qualification, grades, courses, previous merits, Gender and DOB (Date of Birth)
Student login: Existing students can directly login to the system with their login credentials
as generated against successful registration with the system. Their login details are escalated
by the admin and it is assumed that the respective details are mailed to them.
Student Profile: This interface will hold the basic student profile and details as submitted
during the registration process and further link to update the profile is also provided
Update Profile: Students can update their profile, where their personal and educational
details can be updated here
Scholarship: Students can view their scholarship eligibility at this level and can apply by
providing the required documents, where the request is forwarded to admin further
View Status: Students can check the status of their scholarship and other requests as pending
or approved by the university admin at this level
View Registration Requests: Admin can view all the new student registration requests here
and can validate the information and documents provided to either approve or reject the

View Scholarship Requests: Admin can view all the scholarship requests as raised by the
students against their details and documents provided, validate them and forward to
university finance team further
Approve/Reject Scholarships: Admin will either approve or reject the scholarship requests as
raised by the students based on the status input of finance team and updates the status of the
student as well.
2.1.2 Software interfaces
Following are the software interfaces considered in developing the proposed scholarship web

HTML with responsive web page design


Java Script

Java Server Pages

Apache Tomcat

Reports by Jasper Soft


Java Server Faces







Net Beans

MySQL Workbench

Operating System

Windows 7 or later

2.1.3 Hardware interfaces

Following hardware interfaces are considered for the proposed web scholarship application

Intel Core i3 processor or later

1GM RAM to support the installation of the software components as specified
20GB Hard disk to support the database and other components

8. Specific Requirements
Specific requirements of the proposed Web Scholarship link application can be categorized at
two levels like Functional and Non-functional requirements and they are as discussed below

8.1 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements of the proposed Web Scholarship application link are given in the
below table


Requirement Description
System will allow the students and administrators to login
New students will register with the system
Existing students will login to the system with their user id and


Students will insert data related to their finance, education and

personal details
System will save the data and updates the registration request

with a status as send to Admin login

System will allow the admin to retrieve the data of new


registrations and validate further


System will generate user id and password and saves to the


login table once the registration gets approved with admin

System will allow the registered students to login and

view/update their profile data

System will update the database against all the updates as done


by students or admin
System will allow the students to raise the requests for


Scholarships by inserting the respective data into the tables

System will generate a status code for every request made by


the students
System will students to request for technical assistants post

and updates the request data

System will allow the admin to fetch all the requests made by

students and update them with either approve or reject status

System will allow the students to check their status, where the



data will be fetched from respective columns of the tables

8.2 Non Functional Requirements

Non functional requirements of the proposed system are as listed in the below table



Requirement Description
System need every week maintenance and updates with


respective new rules or policies

System will be configured against any changes in the


requirements while developing the code

System updates will be reflected against changes in the



database logical and physical requirements

System will be recovered in case of any data loss
System is flexible and reliable in terms of updating the


personal and financial details of students

System will support all the university policies and constraints

8.3 Performance Requirements

Following are some of the high level system performance requirements

Students will be able to view their status of registration, scholarship and technical
assistance requests, where the admin will immediately responds to the status and

updates the same

Approval process is done in no time since the students has raised the request and thus

wait time is reduced

System will incorporate a secured architecture with complex authentication process

and thus the personal and financial details of students are protected
MYSQL database access is done using 3NF tables and respective relationships with
the level of logical database schema used and thus the overall data updates and
fetching will be done quickly

9. Change Management Process

Change Management is done is implemented using a standard Agile Project Management
Methodology and a standard templates is used in this context. All the expected and unseen
changes to the proposed system design and development are estimated and evaluated prior to
the actual development stage and the following template is followed here

10. Document Approval

Following template is followed to update the revisions done and approvals achieved for the
current SRS


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<Your Name>

Lead Software Eng.


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