Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors Treatment
Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors Treatment
Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors Treatment
Treatment (PDQ)
Tests that examine the ovaries, pelvic area, blood, and ovarian
tissue are used to detect (find) and diagnose ovarian germ cell tumor.
Germ cell tumors begin in the reproductive cells (egg or sperm) of the
body. Ovarian germ cell tumors usually occur in teenage girls or young
women and most often affect just one ovary.
The ovaries are a pair of organs in the female reproductive system. They
are in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus (the hollow, pear-shaped
organ where a fetus grows). Each ovary is about the size and shape of an
almond. The ovaries make eggs and female hormones.
Anatomy of the female reproductive system. The organs in the female reproductive system
include the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and vagina. The uterus has a muscular
outer layer called the myometrium and an inner lining called the endometrium.
Bleeding from the vagina after menopause (when you are no longer
having menstrualperiods).
Pelvic exam. A doctor or nurse inserts one or two lubricated, gloved fingers of one hand
into the vagina and presses on the lower abdomen with the other hand. This is done to
feel the size, shape, and position of the uterus and ovaries. The vagina, cervix, fallopian
Ovarian germ cell tumors are usually cured if found and treated early.
Next section >
Stages of Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors
Updated: September 10, 2015
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