The Romance of An Eastern Capital by Francis Bradley Bradley-Birt (1906)
The Romance of An Eastern Capital by Francis Bradley Bradley-Birt (1906)
The Romance of An Eastern Capital by Francis Bradley Bradley-Birt (1906)
EASTERN BENGAL, lying outside the beaten track of the tourist and making
no insistent claim to notice, has long failed to attract the attention it
deserves. The much-discussed question of the Partition of Bengal,
however, has recently brought it prominently before the general public,
both in India and at home, and it is hoped that the story of its Capital,
which the following pages attempt to relate in popular form, will be of
special interest at the present time. The task of setting forth something of
its history in a manner calculated to appeal to the general reader has not
been without difficulty. Of the record of its earlier years, during Buddhist
and Hindu supremacy, little that is authoritative has survived; while so fast
did events move, and so rapid were the changes that occurred in later
days, that Mussulman annals are apt to degenerate into a confusing
medley of unfamiliar names, or a bare recital of the doings of Kings and
Governors. Such authorities as these, moreover, are often hard to
reconcile with one another, adding to the difficulty of the writer who strives
for accuracy. It would have been out of place in a work of this kind to enter
at length into controversial points, but, while much has been necessarily
omitted, the aim throughout has been to give a connected readable
account of the old Mussulman city in the heart of Eastern Bengal, which
now, after the lapse of two hundred years, has once more attained the
dignity of a Capital.
To Moulvi Sayid Aulad Hasan, who has done much to revive interest in
old Dacca, my thanks are due for kindly reading the proofs and for many
valuable suggestions. To him I owe the portraits of the Viceroy Shaista
Khan, of Guru Nanak, and of the Emperor Farrukh Siyar and his consort. A
list of some of the more important authorities consulted is given at the end
of the book.