Psychological Aspects of Living With HIV Disease: Practice
Psychological Aspects of Living With HIV Disease: Practice
Psychological Aspects of Living With HIV Disease: Practice
Best Practice
[email protected]
Competing interests:
None declared
West J Med
Best Practice
Kevin Nicholson/BMJ
Physicians can help patients adjust to the news of a positive test result
Substance use
Apart from being a public health issue with respect to
infection of needle-sharing or sexual partners, continued
substance use puts an HIV-positive person at risk of
exposure to new infections, such as hepatitis C. Hepatitis
C is becoming more widespread, and it may interfere with
antiretroviral drug use because of liver damage. Furthermore, heavy drug or alcohol use is likely to interfere with
medication adherence and medical care in general.
In the absence of consistent or clear evidence that mild
to moderate substance use is significantly detrimental to
Volume 175 November 2001 wjm 333
Best Practice
Best Practice
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