Contextual Math Learning Based On Lesson Study Can Increase Study Communication

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International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2013, Vol. 5, No. 4

Contextual Math Learning Based on Lesson Study Can

Increase Study Communication
Sutama, Haryoto1 & Sabar Narimo1,*

Magister Manajemen Pendidikan PPs UMSurakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]

Received: July 17, 2013

Accepted: September 19, 2013

Published: October 22, 2013



The aim of the research is to examine the conceptual design of learning contectual math
based on lesson study. The impact of try out is the changing math study communication. The
research used qualitative design. The research location is elementary school after the eruption
of Merapimountain at Selo, Boyolali. Teacher grade IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Seloas a
teacher model. Technique of data gathering: observation, in depth interview, and
documentation. Tech nique of data analisis, comparative and critical analisis. Data validity
used triangulation, method and resource. The research result showed that, contectual math
learning based on lesson study can increase math study communication. Lesson Study that is
done by the teacher in his/her group cyclely, mainly: (1) learning syllabus and content
standard, (2) developing planning of conducting learning, (3) model teacherconducted
learning, and (4) result reflection of learning conducting. Contectual math learning based on
lesson studyis conducted in five stages. 1) Students orientation on problem situation. 2)
Students coordinate for studying. 3) Investigation guiding both individual or group. 4)
Developing and presenting creativity result. 5) to analyse and evaluate problem solving
Keywords: communication; contectual; lesson study


International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2013, Vol. 5, No. 4

1. Introduction
Math study communication is important. Cockroft (1982) stated that students need study
math for some reasons, math as a means of communication that is very strong, accurate, and
unconfusing. But, math learning approach at elementary school (SD) Selo district, Boyolali
mostly still centering on teacher. This what we called as teaching activity not learning
activity. Teacher domination in teaching can make math learning communication not
effective. Sutama (2011: 28) said; Math learning is not effective because of (1) math learning
tend to text book orientedand abstract, also unlink with students daily life, and (2) teacher
lack of doing useful learning by using lovely and interesting strategy.
Based on the above thoughts, it is better for teacher to focus on learning management by
using the lovely strategy, mainly; contectual learning based on lesson study. It can stimulate
children view in responding environment (Johnson, 2009: 15). Lesson studyas a model of
guiding educator through learning recited collaboratively and continously based on
collegiality principals mutual learning for building up study community (Susilo, dkk., 2009:
Result year I (Sutama, Sabar Narimo, and Haryoto, 2012) that is linked with the development
of conceptual design contectual math learning based on lesson study, mainly the development
of planning learning conducting (RPP), study room management, media, lesson material,
interaction management. Research result that is linked with each development was explained
Developing RPP with contectual strategy based on the problem in small group. The activities
step 1:students orientation on problem situation, step 2: to manage students for study, step 3:
to guide individual research or group, step 4: to develop and to present creativity, and step5 :
to analysis and evaluate process that has been done in learning.
The developmentof room management in class, classroom setting changed cyclely, mainly
clasicaly, small groups, and U form. Room management out of class, free as in line with the
learning goal. Room management classical model for delivering general information
(learning goal that should be achieved by students ).In small group students discussed
problem solving.U form isused for presenting discussion result.
The development of media management, using visual media andsilence projection. Mediathat
involved pictures, building form-room building, milk kardus susu, food tin, called as visual
media and used for growing up students concept understanding. Visual media will help
students to think more concrete, because visual media showed students from abstract to real
concept. Silence projection media likepowerpoint, is used for increasing students motivation
in learning and understanding concept.
The development of lesson material give attention to urgent, complexcity, and material depth.
Lesson material is developed from many variant of it. Daily test material consist of three
typesitems, mainly item type that has been discussed completely, item type that has been
discussed uncompletely and item type that has not been given. Homework that relate to
important lessson material, difficult, useful for tomorrow, and gave the clue in order students

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2013, Vol. 5, No. 4

can do by themselves. Both, daily test or homework is used for directing and increasing
students study. Feedback from daily test and homework will help students to achieve their
study goal and make them not always depend on the other person.
Development of interaction management that is begun since pre-learning untill closing and
teacher as facilitator. He has very important role in learning for growing up good interaction
inter students or students with teachers. The ability to ask, to response students opinion, and
to manage problem is something important for increasing teachers and students interaction.
The development of math learning evaluation, mainly authentically based on cognitive,
affective, psychomotor and social aspects. That evaluationis the form of students attitude
scoring comprehensively, so that the result can be used for accurate prediction.
Research year II directed for examining the conceptual design of contextual math learning
development that basedon lesson study.This try out is applied for contextual math learning
development basedon lesson study as in line with the design that is developedon research year
I by observing elementary school for math study communication changing.

2. Research Method
The kind of research overall used research and development. This research(year II)used
qualitative approach (Sutama, 2010). Research location is SD after eruption
MerapiSeloBoyolalicentral java. Data sources included informant, document, and place or
event. Informants mainly; principal, class teachers IV andstudents of elementary school/SD
Negeri: 1 Selo, 2 Samiran, 1 Tlogolele, 1 Tarubatang, 2 Suroteleng, dan 3 Jrakah Selo Boyolali.
Class teacher IV SD Negeri 1 Selois a model teacher. Techniques of data collection,
observation, in depth interview, and documentation. Techniques data analisis used
comparative analisis and flow method critical. Data validity used triangulation method and

3. Research Result and Discussion

At the beginning, teacher tends to use speech method and more dominated learning as a
resultthe decreasing the students oppurtunity in expressing idea. Research activity is begun
by lesson study and teacher adapted his self with contextual learning strategy. Teacher should
be able to choose and use innovative learning study, like contextual. Khandaghi and Maryam
Farasat (2011) said, learning strategi usage as something important that should be given
attention by teachers in order that got maximum learning output.
Lesson Study is done by teachers in their group based on stages secara siklik, those are: (1) to
study content standard and syllabus, (2) To develop RPP, (3) model teachercarried out
learning, and (4) result reflection of learning conducting. At cycle I, teacher is able to play as
facilitator to link the lesson material with students experiences. Teacher still tend to
dominate in ask and answer. The research of Deen and Smith (2006) concluded that

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2013, Vol. 5, No. 4

contextual learning strategy can be applied with teacher always link the lesson material with
the students daily experiences. It means, teacher action at cycle I has shown contextual
Math learning direction that is done by SD/elementary teacher after Merapi eruption towards
contextual, so that students enthusiastic to study. According to Johnson (2011: 57) contextual
learning has four strength 1) PembelajaraIt gives oppurtunity to students for finding the
meaning and themselves in academic lesson by seriously linked to school job with
dailydengan activity and students interest. 2) It can be used by all students, both the most
talented students or students who has difficulty in study. 3) It is as very interesting strategy. 4)
It gives oppurtunity to all of students for developing their ideal.
At cycle II, teacher begin usual with contextual learning strategy, class situation is more
lovely. Students in small group can convey their own opinion. Teacher role as facilitator to
be bridge for students in developing math idea. Teachers felt the real succeed towards their
learning. It appears self confidence of teachers for implementing contextual strategy in their
teaching learning process.The research result is in line with conclusion from Kocak, Bozan
and Isik (2009), that students study math in a group is better in understanding the problem.
Students more appearing the new ideas by aplicating their understanding than memorizing the
Implementation of contextual math learning based on lesson studyfor this research, class
situation condusive and lovely. Research result that is done by Vikis (2008) to support the
need of implemented strategy that create students happy in learning. Futhermore Vikis stated
that teacher should have instructional planning and giving facility and supporting for students
in order the learning process go on lovely. Another opinion that strengten the result of this
research is u Puteh dan Mahani Ibrahim (2010) said that teacher should be able to increase
students recognition how important the learning strategy so that students can follow the
teaching learning process happily and conviniently.
Learning proses that is done by model teacher at research place, situation conducive, uniqe,
and interesting. Research result is in line with Deen opinion (2006) stated that contextual
learning strategy as relative new concept and followed by professional teachers, strategy
application go on regularly so that learning process to be uniqe and interesting. Learning
process example that is done by model teacher at elementary competence (KD) 3.2.
Determined the relationship between inter time, length, and weight unit, (time 2x35 minutes)
explained below.
The first activity, stage 1: Students orientation at problem situation. Aperception, through
ask and answerto remind about length unit and gradually used length unit ladder. Every step
down one ladder(Figure 1)multiply ten. Every step up one ladder divide ten .

Figure 1: Ladder

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2013, Vol. 5, No. 4

Students learned the goal of learning from power point, about the relationship of inter length
unit. To motivate students by problem learning that is linked with daily life at silence
projection below:
At Nadia home will be conducted family gathering. Nadia with her family were
cleaning and managing house neatly. Nadia is asked to help her mother for managing
food table. In order to be more beautiful, Nadia wants to give colorful at sides of food
table by using ribbon. Food table length 270 cm, and width 240 cm. How long the
ribbon that should be bought by Nadia in order match with the size of the food table?
To motivate students through linked lesson material with students experience in daily life
can bring it to concrete experience. It can push students to be enthusiastic in math learning
happily. Research result Rawana, (2011) stated that one of the goals of character
education was to bring in real character, so that easier for internalitation with keep maintance
focus positively. It can be meant that the way to motivate through problem discussing that is
linked with students life, preparing study experience framework that support students hope
and motive strength.
The core activity: Eksploration. Stages 2: to organize students to study. Students make small
group consist of 3 or 4 students heterogently ( 9 groups). Each group determined one of
members to be the leader, he/she took worksheet/LK or one of problems (three problems).
Students worked together to discuss the problem through problem solving discussion. The
problem example on worksheet/ LK.

Problem 1


International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2013, Vol. 5, No. 4

Problem 2

Mrs. Tatik is in birthday. Tatik wants to give present/gift to her mother. That present/g will be
wrapped by using caping box. The caping box in the form of rectangle, with the size length 52
cm and width 78 mm. In order the wrapping present/gift more beautiful, Tatik wants to colorful
side of the caping box by using ribbon. How many mili meter ribbon that is used by Tatik?

Problem 3

Exploration activity in math learning, directed to dig up students potential.

Fina has beloved blanket. Fina always take care of her blanket in good way. At the edge of blanket
will be given mh colorful renda that different color with her blanket. Fina blanket in rectangle for
with the size of length 18 dm and width 90 cm. So how many cm renda that is needed by Fina?


International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2013, Vol. 5, No. 4

Through group discussion for problem solving, students potential that is link with to know,
understand, do, togetherness in living, and self actualitation can appear.The research result is
in line with Haling opinion ,; (2012) stated that, learning with problem solving planning
in a good way has incredible output. It means that exsploration activity in math learning in
daily by preparingthe story in daily life is in line with students experience can dig up
students potential maximumly.
Elaboration, stages 3: to guide individual or group research. Students is given wide
oppurtunity for thinking and acting according to their own way. To motivate and to facilitate
students in study, by guiding question and observation roundly.
Elaboration activity in math learning is directed to develop students potential. Through
research guiding that is conducted interactively, lovely, challenge, to motivate, and giving
enough space for pioneer, creativity, and for students, students potential can be developed
optimally. It is proved by students question, such as: Sir how if two different measurement
unit and asked for another measurement unit? (12 km + 1100m = ... cm). Pak Sunarno gives
oppurtunity for others students for answering the question. Some students raised their hands,
then one of them came forwards to answer, just changed your unit to another unit that is
asking (km changed to cm and m changed to cm), then just added.
Confirmation, stages 4: to develop and to present result. Each group presented group result in
front of the class, by delivering the way to finish problem and reason for the answered.
Others groups give response for group presenting result. Strengten is given to students
answer, towards students answer and through ask and answer question to discuss problem
solving that is presented. Through ask and answer question for improving the mistake
understanding, make establishing to count length measurement from each group.
Confirmation activity in math learning, directed to know students potential (competence
mastering that is hoped) after doing students experience. Confirmation activity is to develop
students creativity. It can be seen from students group in facing divergen item solving (Jati
has a sheet paper in rectangle form with the size 30 cm x 20 cm, cut it to be four triangles
then measured the round of each triangle that is got). Through divergen item, students is
faced to many true answer, so that, there are a lot of communication happened in live
discussion. In order that discussion consistent in sub problem, teacher as facilitator always
direct students with the guiding question.
Closing activity. Stages 5: To analysis and to evaluate problem solving process. Through ask
and answer question to reflect activities that are done, such as: material that is mastered by
students, material that has not been understood, why has not been mastered in good way?
And the next alternative action. Through ask and answered, make conclusion of way
measuring length by connecting inter length unity. Post-test. To give homework and
information of material that will be discussed at the next meeting, mainly weight
measurement material.
Closing activity in math learning, keep directed learning for students centered. Through the
guiding question students reflected and made conclusion lesson material that is learned. At a

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2013, Vol. 5, No. 4

lovely condition students independencely, responsible, and honest to do post-test items that is
prepared(easy items: the problen that has been given and discussed completely, average items:
A given problem but has not been completely discussed and difficult items: (problem that
never been given). Students noted homework and material that will be discussed at the next
meeting. Learning meeting is ended with praying together and closing regards for celebrating
the successful at that time.
At contextual math learning process based on lesson studyas mentioned above, teacher give
problem that is link with real life. (problem 1, 2, dan 3). In a group, students faced with
different others students that different in ability at the beginning. Students can perform math
idea, so that, give impact to the leveling of math study communication. It is in line with
research result of Komalasari (2012) stated that contextual learning has influence
significantly towards students ability. Research result of Coker, Catlioglu and Birgin (2010)
stated that in contextual learning strategy students has oppurtunity for combining material
with their daily life. Students that has studied with contextual learning strategy can
understand material concepts in a good way.
Contextual learning at this research is conducted with discussion method. Group discussion
can form students character for thinking critically in developing ideas for problem solving.
Perin (2011) stated that contextual strategy as the linked of math concepts that can develop
the ability nand motivation of the students study.Begitu pula Bronack, dkk (2008) stated that
menyatakan bahwa contextual learning strategy can develop students ability and skill in
math contextual learning strategy in this research can increase communication and students
study result in math.
During discussion, students can state many ideas and explain many math concepts both orally
or written form Suryawati, Osman and Meerah (2010) stated that contextual strategy
FRAME/RANGKA (formulate, observe, state, join, communication, practice) succeed to
increase the ability of problem solving, but did not give impact significantly towards students
character. RANGKA contexctual can increase students critically thinking ability and train
students for more being evaluative.
At this research, students were faced with the real problem with intended in order the learning
more meaningful. Math learning that is meaningful to link with many problems in daily life.
Students is given oppurtunity to develop communication ability in presenting math idea. It is
in line with research result Debreli (2012) concluded that the implemented of contextual
learning strategy is conducted by developing teoritis application recognition that has been
known by students
Students grade IV SD selo I, 34 children.At the beginning, cycle I, and cycle II, math study
communication data illustrated at table 1 and picture 1.


International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2013, Vol. 5, No. 4

Tabel 1: Math Communication Data

Indicatorstudents math
Stating math idea by speaking


After Acting
Cycle I
Cycle II
13students 26students

Describing idea into math model

3 students



Writing math idea in visual form




Explaining math concept






Menyatakan ide
matematika dengan


Menggambarkan ide ke
dalam model


Menuliskan ide
matematika dalam
bentuk visual


Menjelaskan konsep

Kondisi Awal

Siklus I

Siklus II

Picture 1: The increasing of math communication

Before research is done, students are afraid when stated the idea, students are worried if the
idea not in line with the hope. At cycle I, contextual learning strategy can push students to
convey their ideas by using usual language. Implemented discussion is able to explore the
students thought so that give positively impact to students orally communication ability. At
cycle II, students no more felt afraid when conveyed ideas. Students who gave oppurtunity to
work in group showed good progressing, when they shared ideas.
At the beginning, students ability in describing ideas to math model not in line with the hope.
Students can not differentiate variables that were used to solve the problems. At cycle I,
students are able to state idea into model math correctly. It is pushed by students curiousity
highly in discussion. At cycle II, students begin to understand the way to describe ideas from
one daily problem into math model. In completing the problem, students should be able to do
items gradually. For that, needed accurately in stating many problem to math form. Before
teaching action, the ability of students to write math idea visually is variant. To communicate
math idea in written in order can be understood by others people is not an easy job. Cycle I
showed that students can write math idea visually is increasing. The skill of writing has

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2013, Vol. 5, No. 4

closed relation with the language usage. At cycle II, students could present content, idea, or
math concept in writing form. By understanding ability, thought, and linked.
At the beginning, students ability in explaining math concept is not line with hope. That
ability is needed when discussion goes on. But the reality that students cannot be able to draw
all ideas that they have. Students lack of self confidence when they explained math concept.
At cycle I, students are brave enough to explain the concepts that they understood to their
group.The group forming randomly as in line with their willing to stimulate students
communication. At cycle II, teachers make improvement by group forming heterogenly. This
is in line with resarch resultsof Viseu dan Oliveira (2012) stated that communication in math
learning through more effectively if done it with the closed friends.
Many problems that has been discussed always linked with students real life, so that stimulate
discussion resarch resultsto be live and meaningful. Students stated math idea by speaking,
writing, and drawing, and explaining math concept in a good way. Kosko and Wilkins
(2010)stated that students used manipulation for math study more tend actively in
communication. This condition showed that students more using thinking ability critically in
discussion to appear communicative attitude in completing the problem. This research
indicates the same things that manipulate in completing the problem should be done when
students worked with their group. Discussion and ask answer method can motivate students
for more communicatively.
Mahmudi (2009) stated that communication process that used opening problem and designed
in a good way can push students to understand math material maximumly. Math learning in a
good way will stimulate students in developing students ideas and math abilities. In this
research, mistake is contextual with linked to students real life. It can able to push students
communicative manner in presenting their creaitivity result. Lipeikiene (2009) stated that
math communication concept is used in variant aspects and leveling. Curriculum is the main
aspect in math communication that guarantee education more inovative. In this research, the
main aspect for increasing communication, mainly; is the application of contextual innovative
strategy. That innovative strategy can stimulate students in developing math communication

4. Conclusion
Contextual math learning based on lesson study can increase math study communication.
Lesson Study is conducted by teacher with their group secara siklik, mainly; (1) to recite
content and syllabus standard, (2) developing RPP, (3) model teacher carried out learning
process, and (4) reflection the result of conducting learning. Contextual math learning based
on lesson study Contextual math learning based on lesson studyis conducted in 5 stages.
Stages 1) Students orientation is on problem situation. Stages 2) To manage students for
study. Stages 3) To guide individual or group research.Stages 4) To develop and present
creativity result. Stages 5) To analyse and evaluate problem solving process. Increasing
communication is observed from four indicatorr, mainl; 1)To state math ideas through

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2013, Vol. 5, No. 4

speaking, 2)To describe ideainto math model, 3)To write math idea into visual form, and
4)To explain math concept.Increasing communication has impact towards increasing on
math study result.
Based on the research result is suggested: both for headmaster or teachers. Headmaster,
Lesson study should be enlarged and conducted continuously. Teachers, Managing lesson
material effectively is linked to students daily life and used variant lesson material, then give
challenging and supporting in order students can learn it in a good way. Interaction in math
learning always developed through healthy communication; begin from pre-learning until the
last scoring. Scoring should support math learning and give useful information for teachers
and students.
Thanks to KOPERTIS Wilayah VI that has helped in research funding multi years through
research hibah graduate team. Thanks to graduate diraector and the chief of UMS research
institution including staffs, who has given the facility and motivation so that we can conduct
the research. Thanks to UPTD chief, headmasters, and elementary teachers at SeloBoyolali,
who has helped research process so that can go on run well as the planning.

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