ET Modue 1
ET Modue 1
ET Modue 1
Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can only be
converted from one form to other says the law of conservation of energy. Any
electric machine does the same. A generator converts mechanical energy to
electrical energy, where as a motor converts electrical energy to mechanical
energy. These machines generally make use of the principle of electromagnetic
induction. In case of a dc generator, the source of mechanical energy may be a
reciprocating or turbine steam engine, water falling through a turbine or
waterwheel, an internal combustion engine, a wind turbine, a hand crank, or any
other source of mechanical energy.
The basic principle behind the working of a generator is the production
of dynamically (or motionally) induced e.m.f (Electromotive Force). According to
Faraday's first Law of Electromagnetic Induction whenever a conductor cuts
magnetic flux, dynamically induced e.m.f. is produced in it . This e.m.f. causes a
current to flow if the conductor circuit is closed.
Hence, the basic essential parts of an electric generator are :
A magnetic field and
A conductor or conductors which can so move as to cut the flux.
A single-turn rectangular copper coil ABCD as shown in figure 1.1 moving
about its own axis in a magnetic field provided by either permanent magnets or
electromagnets. The coil is rotated in anticlockwise direction by some source of
mechanical energy. The instantaneous value of the emf induced ,according to
Faradays second law of electromagnetic induction , can be written as
e = Em sin where is the angle that the plane of the coil makes with the magnetic
field. Thus the induced emf is alternating in nature.To make it unidirectional, the
two ends of the coil are joined to two split-rings which are insulated from each
other and from the central shaft. Two collecting brushes (of carbon or copper) press
against the slip rings. This split ring - brush arrangement make the emf
unidirectional at the load terminals.
We have seen the working principle of a dc generator by considering a single
loop generator. Now coming to the practical construction of DC Generator, refer to
the cross sectional view of a dc generator as shown in figure 1.2.
A practical DC Generator has the following parts:1) Yoke
2) Pole
3) Field winding
4) Armature of dc generator
5) Brushes of generator
6) Bearing
The functions of the various parts are explained below.
Fig. 1.2
1.3.7 Brushes
The brushes are made of carbon. These are rectangular block
shaped. The only function of these carbon brushes of dc generator is to
collect current from commutator segments. The brushes are housed in the
rectangular box shaped brush holder. As shown in figure1.7, the brush face is
placed on the commutator segment with attached to the brush holder.
= PN
Eg =
winding is wired parallel to armature winding so that the voltage across both
are same. The field winding has high resistance and more number of turns so
that only a part of armature current passes through field winding and the rest
passes through load.
Shunt field current Ish = V/ Rsh
Armature current Ia = IL+ Ish
Terminal voltage V= Eg-Ia Ra
Power developed in armature = Eg.Ia
A compound generator is shown in figure 1.11 below. It has two field findings
namely Rsh and Rse. They are basically shunt winding (Rsh) and series winding
(Rse). Compound generator is of two types 1) Short shunt and 2) Long shunt
Short shunt:- Here the shunt field winding is wired parallel to armature and
series field winding is connected in series to the load. It is shown in
V +I se Rse
Fig, 1.11 (a) short shunt generator and (b) Long shunt
Long shunt:- Here the shunt field winding is parallel to both
armature and series field winding (Rse is wired in series to the armature). It is
shown in figure 1.11 (b).
In Long shunt machines
Series field current Ise = Ia = IL+ Ish
Shunt field current Ish = V/ R sh
Terminal voltage V = Eg- Ia (Ra+ Rse)
Power developed in armature = Eg Ia
Power delivered to load = V.IL
The O.C.C. for a d.c. generator is determined as follows. The field winding of
the d.c. generator (series or shunt) is disconnected from the machine and is
separately excited from an external d.c. source as shown in Fig. 1.12 . The
generator is run at fixed speed (i.e., normal speed). The field current (If) is
increased from zero in steps and the corresponding values of generated e.m.f.
(E0) read off on a voltmeter connected across the armature terminals. On plotting
the relation between E0 and If, we get the open circuit characteristic as shown in
Over a fairly wide range of field current (upto point B in the curve),
the curve is linear. It is because in this range, reluctance of iron is
negligible as compared with that of air gap. The air gap reluctance is
constant and hence linear relationship. After point B on the curve,
the reluctance of iron also comes into picture and reluctance of
iron is no longer negligible. Consequently, the curve deviates from
linear relationship.
After point C on the curve, the magnetic saturation of poles begins
and E0 tends to level off.
The O.C.C. of even self-excited generator is obtained by running it as a separately
excited generator.
1.6.5 Characteristics of a Separately Excited D.C.Generator
The obvious disadvantage of a separately excited d.c. generator is that we require
an external d.c. source for excitation. But since the output voltage may be
controlled more easily and over a wide range (from zero to a maximum), this type
of excitation finds many applications.
(i) Open circuit characteristic.
The O.C.C. of a separately excited generator is determined in a manner described
in Sec. 1.6.4. Fig.1.14 shows the variation of generated e.m f. on noload with field
current for various fixed speeds. Note that if the value of constant speed is
increased, the steepness of the curve also increases. When the field current is zero,
the residual magnetism in the poles will give rise to the small initial e.m.f. as
As the load current increases, the terminal voltage falls due to two reasons:
(a) The armature reaction weakens the main flux so that actual e.m.f.
generated E on load is less than that generated (E0) on no load.
Fig. 1.16 ]. Note that in the absence of armature reaction and armature drop,
the generated e.m.f. would have been E0 (curve 1).The internal characteristic can
be determined from external characteristic by adding IL Ra drop to the external
characteristic. It is because armature reaction drop is included in the external
characteristic. Curve 2 is the internal characteristic of the generator and should
obviously lie above the external characteristic.
Fig. 1.17
Since the field circuit is inductive, there is a delay in the increase in current upon
closing the field circuit switch. The rate at which the current increases depends
upon the voltage available for increasing it. Suppose at any instant, the field
current is i (= OA) and is increasing at the rate di/dt. Then,
E0=i Rf +
At the considered instant, the total e.m.f. available is AC [See Fig. 1.17 (iii)]. An
amount AB of the c.m.f. AC is absorbed by the voltage drop iRf and the
remainder part BC is available to overcome L di/dt. Since this surplus voltage is
available, it is possible for the field current to increase above the value OA.
However, at point D, the available voltage is OM and is all absorbed by i Rf
rop. Consequently, the field current cannot increase further and the generator
build up stops. Hence we arrive at a very important conclusion that the voltage
build up of the generator is given by the point of intersection of O.C.C. and field
resistance line. Thus in Fig. 1.17 (iii), D is point of intersection of the two curves.
Hence the generator will build up a voltage OM.
(ii) Series generator
resistance (for a given speed) with which the shunt generator would just excite
is known as its critical field resistance. It should be noted that shunt generator
will build up voltage only if field circuit resistance is less than critical field
(i) In Fig. 1.18, R1, R2 etc. represent the total field circuit resistance.
However, R1, R2 etc. in Fig. 1.19 represent the total circuit resistance
(load resistance and series field winding resistance etc.)
(ii) In Fig 1.18, field current alone is represented along X-axis. However, in
Fig. 1.19, load current IL is represented along Y-axis. Note that in a
series generator, field current = load current IL.
shown in Fig. 1.20 (ii). The internal and external characteristics ofa d.c. series
generator can be plotted from one another as shown in Fig. 1.21. Suppose
we are given the internal characteristic of the generator. Let the line OC represent
the resistance of the whole machine i.e. Ra +Rse. If the load current is OB, drop in
the machine is AB
i.e.AB = Ohmic drop in the machine = OB(Ra + Rse)
Fig 1.22 (i) show the connections of a shunt wound generator. The
armature current Ia splits up into two parts; a small fraction Ish flowing through
shunt field winding while the major part IL goes to the external load.
(i) O.C.C.
The O.C.C. of a shunt generator is similar in shape to that of a series
generator as shown in Fig. 1.22 (ii). The line OA represents the shunt field circuit
resistance. When the generator is run at normal speed, it will build up a voltage
OM. At no-load, the terminal voltage of the generator will be constant (= OM)
represented by the horizontal dotted line MC.
Note. It may be seen from the external characteristic that change in terminal
voltage from no-load to full load is small. The terminal voltage can always be
maintained constant by adjusting the field rheostat R automatically.
1.22 Critical External Resistance for Shunt Generator
If the load resistance across the terminals of a shunt generator is
decreased, then load current increase. However, there is a limit to the increase in
load current with the decrease of load resistance. Any decrease of load resistance
beyond this point, instead of increasing the current, ultimately results in reduced
current. Consequently, the external characteristic turns back (dotted curve) as
shown in Fig. 1.23. The tangent OA to the curve represents the minimum external
resistance required to excite the shunt generator on load and is called critical
external resistance. If the resistance of the external circuit is less than the critical
external resistance (represented by tangent OA in Fig. 3.10), the machine will
refuse to excite or will de-excite if already running This means that external
resistance is so low as virtually to short circuit the machine and so doing away with
its excitation.
Note. There are two critical resistances for a shunt generator viz., (i) critical
field resistance (ii) critical external resistance. For the shunt generator to build
up voltage, the former should not be exceeded and the latter must not be gone
E2 = N 2
As shown in Fig. (3.11), for If = OH, E1 = HC. Therefore, the new value of e.m.f.
(E2) for the same If but at N2
= HC
N 2 = HD
This locates the point D on the new O.C.C. at N2. Similarly, other points can be
located taking different values of If. The locus of these points will be the O.C.C.
at N2.
1.24 Critical Speed (NC)
The critical speed of a shunt generator is the minimum speed below which it
fails to excite. Clearly, it is the speed for which the given shunt field resistance
represents the critical resistance. In Fig. 1.24 , curve 2 corresponds to critical
speed because the shunt field resistance (Rsh) line is tangential to it. If the
generator runs at full speed N, the new O.C.C. moves upward and the R'sh line
represents critical resistance for this speed.
In order to find critical speed, take any convenient point C on excitation axis and
erect a perpendicular so as to cut Rsh and R'sh lines at points B and A respectively.
If series winding turns are so adjusted that with the increase in load
current the terminal voltage increases, it is called over-compounded
generator. In such a case, as the load current increases, the series field
m.m.f. increases and tends to increase the flux and hence the generated
voltage. The increase in generated voltage is greater than the IaRa drop
so that instead of decreasing, the terminal voltage increases as shown by
curve A in Fig. 1.24.
If series winding turns are so adjusted that with the increase in load
current, the terminal voltage substantially remains constant, it is called
Flat-compounded generator. The series winding of such a machine has
lesser number of turns than the one in over-compounded machine and,
therefore, does not increase the flux as much for a given load current.
Consequently, the full-load voltage is nearly equal to the no-load voltage
as indicated by curve B in Fig 1.24.
If series field winding has lesser number of turns than for a flat
Fig. 1.23 compound generator
These losses occur due to currents in the various windings of the machine.
When an electric current of I amps flows in a resistance of R ohms, the heat
energy is lost at the rate of I2R joules/ sec. ,and the power loss is I2R watts.
Generators and motors have one or more field circuits and an armature circuit
in which such losses occur, All resistance losses of this kind are called copper
losses. The different copper losses occurring in a dc machine are
Armature copper loss will be around 30% to 40 % of full load losses where
as total field copper losses will constitute around 30% of full load losses.
Note. There is also brush contact loss due to brush contact resistance (i.e.,
resistance between the surface of brush and surface of commutator). This loss
is generally included in armature copper loss. The brush contact drop is
almost independent of Ia .For carbon brushes this drop is around 1 V per
brush .The power loss due to brush contact resistance is 2ebIa where eb is the
voltage drop at one brush.
These losses occur in the armature of a d.c. machine and are due to the
rotation of armature in the magnetic field of the poles. They are of two types viz.,
(i) hysteresis loss (ii) eddy current loss.
(i) Hysteresis loss
Hysteresis loss occurs in the armature of the d.c. machine since any given
part of the armature is subjected to magnetic field reversals as it passes under
successive poles. Fig. 1.24 shows an armature rotating in two-pole machine.
Consider a small piece ab of the armature. When the piece ab is under N-pole, the
magnetic lines pass from a to b. Half a revolution later, the same piece of iron is
under S-pole and magnetic lines pass from b to a so that magnetism in the iron is
reversed. In order to reverse continuously the molecular magnets in the armature
core, some amount of power has to be spent which is called hysteresis loss. It is
given by Steinmetz formula. This formula is
Hysteresis Loss Wh = Bmax 1.6f V Watts
Bmax - Maximum flux density in the core
f - Frequency of magnetic reversals
V - Volume of armature in m3
- Steinmetz hysteresis coefficient
In order to reduce this loss in a d.c. machine, armature core is made of
such materials which have a low value of Steinmetz hysteresis co-efficient e.g.,
silicon steel.
appears as heat which raises the temperature of the machine and lowers its
efficiency. Core resistance can be greatly increased by constructing the core of
thin, round. If a continuous solid iron core is used, the resistance to eddy current
path will be small due to large cross-sectional area of the core. Consequently, the
magnitude of eddy current and hence eddy current loss will be large. The
magnitude of eddy current can be reduced by making core resistance as high as
practical. The iron sheets called laminations [See Fig. 1.26]. The laminations are
insulated from each other with a coating of varnish. The insulating coating has a
high resistance, so very little current flows from one lamination to the other. Also,
because each lamination is very thin, the resistance to current flowing through the
width of a lamination is also quite large. Thus laminating a core increases the core
resistance which decreases the eddy current and hence the eddy current loss.
V = volume of core in m3
It may be noted that eddy current loss depends upon the square of lamination
thickness. For this reason, lamination thickness should be kept as small as
These losses are due to friction and windage.
Note. Iron losses and mechanical losses together are called stray losses.
2 NT
Efficiency of a machine is the ratio of its output power to the input
power .
Efficiency =
= Input powerLosses
Input power
Output power
Input power
Output power
Output power+Losses
B =
2. Electrical Efficiency(e)
Electrical poweroutput
Electrical power developedthe armature
C =
= m
Generator input
Now efficiency
= VIL+ IL2Ra + Wc
VIL+Ia2 Ra+Wc
VIL+Ia2 Ra+Wc
) =0
Shunt generators:
These types of generators are used in battery charging and ordinary lighting
Series generators:
This type of generators is used commonly as boosters on DC feeders, as
current generators for welding and arc lamp.
Cumulatively compounded generators:
This type of generators is used for domestic lighting purposes and to
transmit energy over long distances.
Differential compound generators:
This type of generators is rarely used. They are used for special applications
such as electric arc welding.
1. The emf induced in the armature of a 450 kW, 250 volt shunt generator is
258.8volt, when the field current is 20.0 amp and the generator is supplying
power to a load at rated terminal voltage. The armature circuit resistance is
0.005 ohm. Determine (i) load current, (ii) power generated, (iii) power
output, and (iv) electrical efficiency. Neglect brush contact drop.
Ish = 20 A
1740 amp
= 435 kW
100 = 95.5%
Load current I
Field Current I
R sh
= 204.55 amp
= 4.4 amp
So N =
Eg60 A
= 1110.45 rpm
3. The following data refer to the O.C.C of a D.C separately excited generator
at 1000 rpm.
Field current in A:
0.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Armature voltage in V: 5 40 75 100 124 145 162 178 188 195 200 205
First of all the OCC of the generator is plotted in a graph paper as shown in
figure .
(i) The total field circuit resistance is given to be Rf = 200 . The Rf line is
now drawn on the same graph paper passing through the origin. The point of
intersection of the Rf line and the OCC decides the final no load voltage and
can be read from the graph as 192 V and the corresponding field current is
0.96 A.
(ii) Since the terminal voltage V is 150 V (= BM), field current If
is OM = 0.77 A. Generated voltage E is given by AM. But we know E =
IaRa + V. Hence IaRa= E V = AM BM = AB. Now from the graph AB =
25 V. Ia = 25/0.8 = 31.25 A. So load
current IL= Ia If= 31.25 0.77 = 30.48 A.
1. A 4 pole, lap wound, 11.5 kW, 230 volts, dc shunt generator has armature
resistance of 0.2 ohm and field resistance of 100 ohms. Calculate (i) emf
generated if the brush contact drop is one volt per brush, and (ii) flux per
pole if the machine is driven at 1000 rpm and 1200 conductors are in the
armature slots with generator supply rated load at rated voltage.
3. (a) The O.C.C of a d.c generator having Ra = 0.8 and driven at 500 rpm is
given below:
Field current (A):
Armature voltage (V): 110 155 186 212 230 246 260
The voltage induced due to residual field may be neglected. The machine is
now connected as shunt generator and driven at 500 rpm. (i) What should be
the field circuit resistance in order to have no load terminal voltage to be
230V? Also calculate the critical field resistance. (ii) What maximum
current can be supplied to the load and at what terminal voltage? Assume
the speed to remain constant at 500 rpm. (iii) What should be the range of
variation of field circuit resistance in order to have a terminal voltage of
230V from no load to the full load condition, the full load armature
current being 20A? The speed drops to 450 rpm at full load condition.
Find the open circuit induced emfs for field resistances of 22 and
33. (ii) What should be the field resistance so that the open circuit
induced emf at 850 rpm is 100 V. (iii) Find the critical speed for the
field resistance found in (ii) and (iv) find the critical field resistance
at 850 rpm.