Chalcedon Report 2002 Nov
Chalcedon Report 2002 Nov
Chalcedon Report 2002 Nov
A Monthly Report Dealing with the Relationship of Christian Faith to the World
Thriving in Babylon
Founder’s Foreword
Faith and the Family ······················································································································ 2
By R. J. Rushdoony
From the President’s Desk
Prepared for Death, Ready for Life ·································································································4
By Mark R. Rushdoony
Education for the Kingdom of God
Toward Learning Any Subject Biblically ··························································································6
By Ronald Kirk
Great are the Works of the Lord — Part 2 of 2 ························································································ 9
By James Nickel
A Christian Philosophy of History: Theocentric Principles ·······································································12
By Roger Schultz
The Law, the Gospel, and Social Justice ································································································ 14
By John B. King, Jr.
FOCus on Dominion — Interview With Rev. Norman Milbank ································································ 16
By Ford and Andrea Schwartz
Thriving in Babylon Quit Whining and Start Enjoying ············································································· 18
By Craig R. Dumont, Sr.
Family Wealth — Part 2 ·······················································································································21
By Timothy D. Terrell
Christianity and The Culture of Death ··································································································· 24
By John E. Stoos
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Chalcedon Staff:
Rev. R. J. Rushdoony (1916-2001) was the founder of Chalcedon Rev. Mark R. Rushdoony is president of Chalcedon and Ross
and a leading theologian, church/state expert, and author of nu- House Books. He is also editor in chief of the Chalcedon Report
merous works on the application of Biblical Law to society. and Chalcedon’s other publications.
Susan Burns is Chalcedon’s executive assistant and managing edi- Ronald Kirk is engaged in research and development promoting
tor of the Chalcedon Report and Chalcedon’s other publications. Chalcedon’s work to Christian schools and home educators.
Toward Learning
Any Subject Biblically
By Ronald Kirk
Binding Theory and Practice the next. God created man in His image. However,
I f God’s Word accurately reflects reality, then while man thus possesses certain potential and
for the Christian there ought to exist little gap responsibility, sin corrupts the faculties needed to
between theory and practice. The Reformation receive God’s bounty toward him. The Lord com-
launched a movement toward directly applying the mands dominion over the earth. Yet from birth, sin
Faith of Jesus Christ to every area of life. Such a so confounds man’s faculties that men from infancy
universal view of Christianity found a high expres- acquire the necessary rational skills only with consid-
sion in the American Pilgrims. In his memorial, erable effort. God provided this educational
Daniel Webster declared that they sought to “diffuse imperative. The Christ-centered man desires to
its influence through all their institutions, civil, know God’s view of life, accepting His revealed will
political, or literary.”1 Many of America’s great by faith. We thus accept the difficulty of learning
institutions can trace their lineage to the Pilgrims’ and make every effort to learn of God on His terms
applied faith. Today, Christians in our country and put that learning into practice. God rewards
universally bear a responsibility to build upon this such acceptance of His ways, just as He rewards the
legacy. Without such an integral view of faith and farmer who plants his crop by faith. The end of
life, only a tiny portion of the power of the gospel is scholarship is application such that Christ is glori-
available to our evangelism — the mere vocal part. fied. The end of all education is to love God and love
Furthermore, to deny through our practice God’s one’s neighbor in particular ways.
power over all aspects of our lives in practice is to Note that we do not seek perfection of knowledge
hold Him in contempt. God saved us to an abun- or ability in this life. We will always remain finite
dant life! Eternity for us begins now. The dominion and, in this life, sin-compromised to some degree.
mandate remains. God rewards faithful responsibility Apart from enduring trials with faith, we would tend
with blessings and more responsibility (Mt. 25). One to trade our dependence upon Christ for pride and,
knows a tree by its fruit. Theory and practice ought thus, break fellowship, leading to our own destruc-
to be inseparable. tion. In a word, we need trials and faith. We ought
After two hundred years of increasingly pietistic then routinely to repent and accept God’s way in all
Christianity, the evangelical church largely denies the things. He will bring the fruit of accomplishment
importance of “ordinary life” except as a holding cell and blessing according to His good pleasure. Educa-
while we await heaven. Meanwhile, Christians increas- tion and growth in Christ is the norm. Hence,
ingly labor under the influence of godless, mainstream, applied Biblical scholarship ought to be universal.
statist education, culture and civil government. We
have all but lost the vision and ability for applied Objects of Biblical Scholarship
Biblical learning. To bring every thought captive to the One may expect important general results from an
obedience of Christ, Christians must regain the schol- applied Biblical scholarship. The ordinarily gentle
arly tools to learn and practice the art of life on God’s trials of learning prove character and faith, and
terms. My experience avows that virtually any serious strengthen the skills needed for serving the Lord.
Christian can master applied Biblical scholarship with a Wisdom emerges from faithful effort to view life as
modest investment. God requires it. Accomplishment with an integrated
gospel view of life in a given discipline creates
A Brief Apologetic opportunities to influence others. A systematic
Such scholarship begins with the understanding approach to Biblical scholarship in all areas of
that Christ is indeed Lord of all life — this one and endeavor will tend toward a general repentance,