Infomercial Report
Infomercial Report
Infomercial Report
The Side Socket is a product that helps consumers solve everyday power solutions by creating an
innovative alternative to a power bar. Utilizing swivel technology the Side Socket performs the
unique task of helping consumers save space while simultaneously increasing outlet capacity and
reducing clutter. It is easy to use, safe, and meets the needs of our target segment.
The target segment of the product was primarily determined by outlining the major benefits the
product provides its consumers with: saving space, reducing clutter from power cables, and
increasing socket capacity. These benefits make the Side Socket unique, as it is one of the only
products existing in the market that supplies its consumers with this specific cluster of benefits.
The segment we will target is a group of individuals struggling to make space in their
environment due to inconveniently placed sockets. Another problem they have is a lack of outlets
for all their appliances and electronics. Other products that compete in this market are power bars
that provide the benefit of increased socket capacity. However, consumers are tired of dealing
with the clutter that power bars create. Thus, the Side Socket will prove to solve this segments
problems by providing an electrical outlet product that will help the individuals save space,
decrease the clutter from power cables, while simultaneously increasing socket capacity.
With the target segment established, we decided to further specify sub-segments by determining
three distinct categories of consumers who would all value the benefits offered by the product.
Utilizing psychographic, geographic and behavioral segmentation, we identified the first group
as working parents of families living in sub-urban households. The second sub-segment we
outlined were university students living in student housing. Although these two groups have the
need to save space, decrease clutter, and increase socket capacity, we felt that they were not the
ideal target market. Parents of families living in sub-urban households would likely have lower
perceptions of value because they have more space in their houses University students generally
have lower purchasing power, and do not value the clutter reducing benefits of the product as
much as other segments. Thus, the sub-segment that the Side Socket will target is young working
professionals living in apartments that are located in metropolitan areas, with the ideal age range
of 22-35 years old. The Side Socket is able to deliver the greatest value to this sub-segment,
making it the ideal segment to target. The sub-segment of young working professionals living in
metropolitan areas have needs that align most closely with our value proposition, and therefore
will be more receptive to the communication of the product benefits compared to other sub
segments. To further explain the rationale of our chosen sub-segment, we will break it down into
geographic, behavioural, and psychographic factors.
From a geographic standpoint, people living in metropolitan areas, specifically in condominiums
will greatly value the Side Socket due to the limited amount of living area they have. Research
has shown that the average apartment size across the GTA in 2015 is only 756 square feet (CBC
News), which is less than three times the size of the average single-detached house in the GTA
(Toronto Star). As a result, the sub segment places a high value on the benefits of space saving,
which the infomercial attempts to highlight. By emphasizing the ability to save space, we are
able to create and deliver the most value to this specific sub-segment that is living in the
metropolitan area.
From a behavioural standpoint, our product benefits people who use numerous amounts of
technological devices, hence requiring a lot of plugs and outlets. Research has shown that the
greatest technology users are mainly young adults, specifically millennials. In fact, 78% of
American citizens aged 18-29 years old own a computer or a laptop, and 98% own a mobile
device in 2015 (Pew Research Center). Since this generation uses more technology, they have
a stronger need for increased outlet capacity. With this specific need addressed by the Side
Socket this group will have increased perception of value for the product and will thus be enticed
to purchase.
The rationale in targeting young working professionals is driven by several psychographic
factors. Compared to other generations, young working millennials are always looking for
different ways to make their life easier by purchasing new products, and the Side Socket delivers
many benefits that align with their lifestyle needs. One of these benefits is efficiency as the Side
Socket is engineered in way that gives more convenience and greater efficiency in their daily
lives. The amount of technology that young working professionals use result in excessive
amounts of cluttering from wires in wall outlets. The Side Socket prevents this issue of clutter,
highlights the main benefit of efficiency as decluttering saves time and creates an organized
working environment for young working professionals. The Side Socket also increases socket
capacity, which prevents consumers from wasting time rearranging plugs to power a specific
electronic device.
Infomercial Techniques
In order to create perceptions of value, we decided to focus primarily on increasing the
perception of benefits instead of decreasing perceptions of cost. At $14.99, the price represents a
very small portion of the target sub-segments disposable income. As a result, the marginal value
of improving perceptions of benefits outweigh the marginal value of reducing perceptions of
cost. In essence, given the time constraints, perceptions of value are maximized by focusing on
the product benefits. A number of techniques were used to accomplish this all of which were
aimed at increasing consumers perception of value. For example, the infomercial focused
heavily on demonstrations, giving viewers a clear picture of the benefits and uses of the product.
The infomercial relied on this technique because the target market likely has little prior
experience with the product and may not understand the features. As a result, without explicitly
showing the product being used, consumers may not understand the benefits that the product
provides. Specifically, we wanted to highlight and reinforce the space saving features as the subsegment that we targeted live in cramped dwellings and will value this benefit greatly. In
addition, a side by side comparison motif was used to show how the product improves the lives
of the target segment, and is a very effective way to show off the benefits of the product. This
technique highlights the benefits of the Side Socket by contrasting the lives of the two characters.
Thirdly, the infomercial features characters facing problems that our target market can easily
relate to. Due to the fact that the product itself is not one that generates excitement, it is
necessary to engage the consumer with a character that they can easily identify with. By showing
how people with similar lifestyles and goals benefit from the product, the perceived benefits are
enhanced as well as the products value in the eyes of consumers in the target market. Although
other infomercials featuring this product did not take this approach and used nondescript
characters, we did not use this technique as we felt that this would cause the consumer to
question the value of the product benefits. With the use of unrelatable characters, the consumers
we are targeting may consciously or sub-consciously disengage with the infomercial; preventing
them from paying attention and fully understanding the benefits offered. They may feel that these
problems are not relevant to them and refrain from purchasing. Lastly our infomercial utilized a
money back guarantee to create consumer confidence and establish credibility; both of which are
aimed at increasing perceptions of benefits. The guarantee signals to the consumer that they can
trust the quality of the product which helps to reduce purchase anxiety. This technique was used
due to the fact that the product is relatively unknown and our target sub-segment may be hesitant
to purchase a product they have little prior knowledge about. Thus, the 30-day trial period creates
value in the consumers minds with the assurance of a good quality product, and makes
customers more willing to make the purchase decision when they know they can return it if they
are not satisfied.
In conclusion, our infomercial aimed to create perceptions of value by focusing on product
benefits of space saving, decluttering and increased outlet capacity. The infomercial relied on a
number of techniques to accomplish this and we feel that consumers will be enticed to purchase
the product.
Works Cited:
Anderson, M. (2015, October 29). Technology Device Ownership: 2015. Retrieved January 29,
2016, from
L. (2014, October 22). Revealing the Truth about Canadas Housing Market. Retrieved January
29, 2016, from
Toronto condo market getting better for renters. (2015, April 15). CBC News - Toronto. Retrieved
January 29, 2016, from